#takeuchi nanami
soimort48 · 2 years
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「週刊SPA!(スパ!) 2023年3/7号」 竹内ななみ
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While I read that the next episode next week will be a special compilation, a recap, of all the things that happened (from episodes 1 to 13) complete with behind the scenes and the audio commentaries of the voice actors of Yukiya (Matsumi Tamura), Asebi (Rina Honnizumi) and Hamayu (Hiroki Nanami), I came across an article from NHK that came out early this month, an interview of Miyu Irino (Wakamiya/Nazukihiko) and Eiji Takeuchi (Sumio).
The recap, some people hate it bc it is a filler, I think, is necessary as it signals that we are probably going to move on to another arc. It means they will also possibly animate the other key points of the other volumes in the novel series.
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These are only excerpts. (Like always, a very rough translation.)
What kind of person was played for each role?
Irino Miyu (hereinafter referred to as Irino): Wakamiya is a mysterious man. I look beautiful and am smart, and I don't have any favourites. But I am also called "utsuke" (a fool) by the people around me. Wakamiya is a man who calculates that much that he's showing that he's a good person, or that, he thinks he can be.
Eiji Takeuchi (hereinafter referred to as Takeuchi): Sumio is a person that takes on the role of a "worker," who safeguards Wakamiya alone.
Irino: He’s the perfect person and a perfect escort for Wakamiya, so at first, it runs flawlessly with only these two people.
Takeuchi: Moreover, there is an underlying reason there is only one escort.
Irino: The only reliable person for Wakamiya is Sumio at the beginning, so when Yukiya comes in as Wakamiya’s new servant, a change in the dynamic is born.
How did Yukiya, who is both noisy and loving, capture the changes caused by his entry between these two?
Irino: I feel that Yukiya is the best partner for Wakamiya. Especially as the story progresses, Yukiya brings out the good in Wakamiya, and Wakamiya brings out the good points and potential parts of Yukiya. In the case of Wakamiya, it is while driving Yukiya into a rough pinch (laughs). I felt that it was interesting to play the way the good points were brought out by the synergistic effect.
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Takeuchi: From Sumio's point of view, I think he was very happy that Yukiya came. I think there was only one escort for Wakamiya, or rather, only one person could be placed. Meanwhile, Wakamiya recognises and trusts Yukiya's ability so much that he wants to install him as his kinju. On the other hand, I think Sumio was just happy, and considering that Yukiya is there too, Wakamiya doesn’t need to be the only one with Sumio, who is fine that Yukiya comes along too. Of course, he should be there as support for Yukiya.
Irino: Wakamiya and Sumio are the types who keep their thoughts to themselves with a reason, but Yukiya is the type who drives by his emotions.
Takeuchi: That's right, his position and personality are different from the two of us.
Irino: I'm excited to see the three of us becoming a team by making up for each other. I want you to look forward to this dynamic because it will also be an element that moves the story.
Irino: As the story progresses, all the characters will change more and more from the first impression. That's one of the charms of this story. Each relationship will change greatly, so I want you to look forward to that change. " This character was actually like this!?" It's full of it.
Takeuchi: From Sumio’s point of view, Wakamiya seems to be quite changing.
Irino: Really? Is that so? (lol)
Takeuchi: Especially when I see you interact with Yukiya. In the beginning, Wakamiya was only saying the facts, so if you say, ‘I won't change….’ Sumio is not the type to put out his thoughts, so I don't think you can feel much change, but please look forward to what will happen there on.
Today there are a couple of events before the 13th episode screening where the VAs of Yukiya, Matsuma Tamura, and Asebi are radio guests and Hamayu’s VA, Nanami, as a guest of Yuki Kaji for a radio play.
And yesterday they unveiled the first batch of merchandise!! Yayyayyyay!
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atwooozi · 3 months
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gojo x original character
Chapter 11: Like Plastic
summary: Ai's restless night left her in a haze, grappling with her story’s direction and her feelings about Gojo. Waking to an unproductive afternoon, she finds herself stuck and frustrated, struggling to write or even think straight. A distracting message from Gojo complicates things further, making her question the boundaries she had set between them.
genre: modern AU, slice of life, comedy, eventual romance, eventual smut, some angst
A/N: When I wrote this chapter I felt really stressed. Nothing was personally going on for me, but I just felt worked up because of the situations I put characters in. Whenever I write I like to imagine how I'd feel in a certain scenario so I can kind of translate it to how I think the characters would feel.
The song for this chapter is Plastic Love by Mariya Takeuchi . I feel like most people know this song even outside people of the future funk/city pop community. It's really beautiful but bittersweet and the beat is really addictive. I ended up listening to this song on repeat when writing the later half of this chapter and the bass line makes me a bit anxious now whenever I hear it.
For hours, Ai tossed and turned in bed playing out the different scenarios in her head. She wanted to know where this story was going to take her. She knew it was pointless to try and force a narrative to come together, especially after talking to Nanami, but she couldn’t help herself. 
Maybe she actually was stupid…
Ai must have drifted off at some point because when she next found herself awake again, it was already the afternoon. It was a beautiful day out, but the sun felt unwelcome as the beams hit her tired face. She sighed and pulled herself out of bed. Padding her way to the kitchen and turning on her coffee machine before making her way to the bathroom to shower. She needed to wake up because no matter how much she didn’t want to, she needed to do some work. 
Dressed in fresh loungewear with her hair still damp, she sipped a steaming cup of coffee. She was still exhausted, even after her coffee and shower. Ai sighed and plopped herself down at her desk, hoping the words would come to her.
They didn’t.
Because of course they didn’t.  
Ai had decided that she hated having a week off. She was in an awkward phase of her story where there was not much that could be done. She had spent a week with Gojo and learned next to nothing. Heck, she learned more about him from an impromptu dinner with him and his high school friends than she did while on the job, and now she had all this information regarding the Fushiguros that hadn’t led anywhere yet. It was frustrating. 
Ai drummed her fingers along her desk as she stared at the screen in front of her. 
Nothing. There was absolutely nothing that she felt she could say. 
She stood up from her desk and decided to clean–not that there was much that needed tidying. Ai’s apartment wasn't even close to being messy. After all, she had been away in Kyoto for a week. All she could do was put some books back on the shelf and file some stray papers on her desk. 
Was she so stuck that she had to find things to clean to avoid writing? 
Unfortunately, yes . 
After hardly an hour of “cleaning,” Ai was again confronted with a blank screen. She placed her head in her hands and groaned. 
When did this become so hard?
Thinking back to her previous assignments, she had never struggled so much. When she wrote her piece on Nobara the words flowed seamlessly and the article practically wrote itself. It was magical, but now… Ai was willing to believe that Gojo cursed her personally. That jerk probably thought it was funny.  
Just before Ai could contemplate whether or not to switch careers, her phone buzzed. She grabbed it instantly and her heart fluttered when she looked at the screen. It was a message from the devil himself.  
Red Flag Gojo: Ai-chaaaaaan I'm bored.
Ai pursed her lips as she stared at her phone screen, both Geto's and Utahime's words swirling in her mind. She could either embrace the chaos that was Gojo Satoru or she could shut it down immediately. It seemed that no matter what advice she got, she couldn’t come to a consensus. 
Red Flag Gojo: ASK ME QUESTIONS >:c  Red Flag Gojo: Is Ai-chan slacking at her job??? D:  
Ai was at a loss for words as she stared down at her phone. She knew that Gojo was probably joking. At least, that’s what she hoped when he called her out for slacking. Her thumbs typed a few characters in response but deleted them almost instantly.
She placed her phone, screen down, on her desk and sighed as she looked at it. No matter what she picked, she’d be at a disadvantage. Indulging him meant blurring the already blurry lines. If she shut him out, then the line would be intact, but she would have absolutely no story to work with. 
 Ai decided to do a trick she would use when she was contemplating a big, but unnecessary purchase. She would leave the item in her cart for a day. If she still truly wanted it, she would then purchase the big, unnecessary thing. Except this time she’d wait one hour, and if she still wanted to text him, she would. Gojo was big and unnecessary, she reasoned, so her logic was flawless. At least that’s what she told herself as she looked over at the walking pad she had set up in her room that acted more like a coat hanger these days. 
The only problem now was finding a way to distract herself for an hour. Ai glanced around her apartment, searching for something to occupy her mind. Her gaze landed on a small potted plant sitting on her windowsill, its leaves slightly drooping from neglect during her time in Kyoto. She should’ve asked Utahime to come water her plant while she was away. 
“I guess I did have to water my plants…” Ai muttered to herself as she ran one of the limp leaves through her fingers. 
She took a watering can from her kitchen and carefully poured water into the soil, watching as it absorbed the moisture. 
With the plant sufficiently watered, and killing about two minutes of her self-imposed one-hour time out, Ai turned her attention to her bookshelf. She ran her fingertips along the spines of the titles looking for something to read. She settled on a recent favorite of hers, All the Lovers in the Night by Mieko Kawakami. She admired Kawakami’s way of setting up a scene, she always felt like she was transported to that place with the characters as if she was walking alongside them. Ai could only dream of capturing that type of realism with her own writing.    
Settling into her armchair Ai immersed herself in the story, the minutes slipping by unnoticed. When she finally glanced at her phone again, a little more than an hour had passed. With a deep breath, she picked up her phone and decided to text Gojo back. 
She was desperate for something to write. She couldn’t take looking at a blank screen any longer. Ai wanted to justify texting him as part of the job. 
Ai: Aren’t you rich? How are you bored? Go buy a boat. As soon as Ai sent the message, she received a response almost instantaneously.  Red Flag Gojo: I don’t even drive what am I supposed to do with a boat?  Ai: You don’t know how to drive?  Red Flag Gojo: I don’t need to Ijichi drives me everywhere Red Flag Gojo: Let’s go to karaoke Ai-chan :o  Ai: Can’t you ask Geto to go with you instead?  Red Flag Gojo: NOPE 
Ai frowned when she read the message. She decided that at that moment ‘Red Flag Gojo’ didn’t truly fit his character. Was it childish of her? Yes , but it was true and that’s what mattered most to Ai. She changed Gojo’s contact name once more. 
Annoying Gojo: He’s a bad singer  Annoying Gojo: I’ll call you a car let’s goooooo
Ai sighed as she read Gojo’s message, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement at his persistence. She glanced around her apartment, debating whether to accept his invitation or not. After a moment of deliberation, she decided to go for it. She knew she would probably regret it later, but right now she needed to have fun and Gojo was fun. Ai figured she could use the hangout as material for the story too. 
Ai: I will take the train. Send me the address.  Annoying Gojo: Afraid I’m gonna stalk you????  Ai: Yes. Annoying Gojo: I AM OFFENDED >:((((
Not even a minute later, Gojo sent her the location to a karaoke box in Shinjuku. Ai rolled her eyes at Gojo’s dramatic response, a small grin playing on her lips. 
She quickly went to the bathroom and assessed her appearance. She didn’t look bad but decided to put on some light makeup and change out of her house clothes. Ai put on a white tee and blue hoodie, denim skirt, and white tennis shoes to complete the look. With one more glance in the mirror, Ai gave herself a satisfied nod before she headed out of her apartment, locking the door behind her. 
As she made her way to the train station, the guilt settled in the back of her mind, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her. As oddly invigorating as it was to hang out with Gojo, she couldn’t help but feel as if she was disappointing Utahime at the same time.   
Ai arrived at the karaoke place and glanced around to find Gojo. It wasn’t that hard to spot him. Between his height and his stark-white hair, he stuck out like a sore thumb. Gojo wore a leather jacket, a white distressed t-shirt, fitted jeans, and sunglasses even though the sun had set hours ago. He was holding onto a plastic bag for whatever reason, but somehow this odd little detail didn’t distract from how expensive he looked. 
“It’s Ai-chan!” Gojo said with a bright smile as he looked down at her, his glasses sliding down his nose slightly. 
Ai rolled her eyes at him. “You invited me here. Why are you acting surprised?” 
Gojo shrugged and held the door open for her. “C’mon–get inside before people notice how handsome I am.” 
Ai huffed and walked ahead of him into the karaoke bar. Gojo led the way to a private room towards the back. 
“Don’t we have to pay?” Ai asked as she followed after him. 
“Already did,” Gojo said as he walked into the room.
The room was fitted with a karaoke machine, a flat-screen TV on the wall, and flashing lights along the lines of the walls. Most of the room was taken up with a rather plush-looking sectional and a large table for drinks and food.  
Gojo sat his plastic bag on the table and sat down while he looked over the songbook. “Help yourself.” 
Ai looked in the bag and saw a variety of different snacks and sugary drinks. “Did you raid a Family Mart?” 
“And if I did?” Gojo asked with a mischievous look in his eyes. 
“You didn’t get any Chocorooms...”  Ai frowned as she dug through the bag. 
Her disappointment was a bit unfair, truthfully. She was sure if Gojo had let her know about his snack run he would have gotten her some. 
“No, I did.” 
“I don’t see them,” Ai said as she looked through the bag some more. 
Gojo smiled. “I ate them on the way here.” 
Ai’s mouth hung open in shock. “You’re so rude! You couldn’t wait until I got here?”
She was wrong to put what little faith she had in Gojo. He was just as much of a villain as Geto was. In her mind, Geto would at least pretend to be sorry Gojo wasn’t even sorry.   
Gojo laughed and patted Ai’s head. “Poor Ai-chan.”
Even when he was sitting down his arm was still long enough to reach the top of Ai’s head without much of a struggle.  
Ai pouted and opened a can of cola. “You sing first, I’m in shock.” 
Gojo stood up with a chuckle and hummed as he took a microphone into his hand. “Hmm, what do you think, Ai-chan? Should I go for a classic ballad or maybe something more upbeat?” He teased, glancing at her with a playful wink. 
Ai rolled her eyes, doing her best to suppress a smile. “Surprise me, Gojo. Just don’t make my ears bleed.” 
With a theatrical flourish, Gojo selected a song and punched into the remote. As the music began to play, he struck a dramatic pose, channeling all the charisma of a seasoned performer.
His voice filled the room, and it was surprisingly not that bad. Despite herself, Ai found her tapping her foot to the beat as Gojo threw himself into the performance with unabashed enthusiasm. 
When he finally finished, Gojo bowed extravagantly, eliciting laughter from Ai. “Are your ears bleeding?” 
Ai shook her head and clapped for him. “Not bad, Gojo.” 
Gojo pouted at Ai. “Call me Satoru.”
“You did the other day,” Gojo said as he sat on the edge of the table. 
Ai looked up at Gojo wordlessly. She couldn’t argue with him about that, it was true. She did call him by his first name. It was the last boundary she felt like she had with him. Breaking down that wall would let it all crumble and despite being here with him right now, acting unprofessionally friendly and joking around, she still wanted to believe that divide still existed. 
Was it stupid? Incredibly. Ai knew it was, but she just couldn’t let it go. It didn’t matter that she had already called him by his first name. She wasn’t going to do it again. She couldn’t for the sake of the story. For the sake of her job, she had to stop. 
Gojo held Ai’s gaze, the playful glint still in his crystalline eyes, but there was something else there too– something that Ai couldn’t quite place. It made her heart flutter. 
She hesitated, torn between maintaining the professional distance or letting herself get close to the untouchable Gojo Satoru. It was true that they had shared a few moments, but Ai couldn’t shake the feeling that letting him go any further would only complicate things more. 
“I…I did,” Ai admitted softly, her gaze flickering away for a moment before returning to meet Gojo’s gaze. “But that was…different.” 
Gojo frowned before returning to a more relaxed expression again. He reached out to gently touch Ai’s arm, but she flinched away. For a moment, Gojo’s hand froze in the air as if he were waiting for her to reach back out to him.  When Ai’s hand didn’t find him he withdrew completely letting his hand fall to his side. Although their eyes never met, he kept his gaze on her, the light slowly fading from them the longer he looked at her.
“Ai-chan, I know I can be a bit much, but I just want us to be…friends.” 
Somehow that hurt more than anything else could. She felt like she had been stabbed in her heart with a bolt of electricity and the currents were now washing over her chest, but instead of an intense pain, it left her feeling cold. 
No–not cold, but numb. 
“I understand, Gojo,” Ai replied, her voice ‌barely above a whisper. “But…I can’t do that.” 
There was a flicker of disappointment in Gojo’s eyes, but he nodded and smiled at her. His smile didn’t reach his eyes, though. “Of course, Ai-chan, I get it.” 
The expression on his face seemed so unnatural. It looked so forced that it made Gojo look almost ugly. It was something that should be near impossible. Gojo was gorgeous objectively, but at this moment he felt fake, ugly…it almost felt eerie. Ai had somehow made one of the most beautiful men look awful in a matter of minutes.  
As Ai watched him, she felt like she wanted to cry. She wasn’t sure if it was for her or him, but she wanted to, however, the tears never reached her eyes. She couldn’t help but wonder if maybe she made a mistake. She was only doing what she thought was best–not just for her, but for Gojo too. 
Under different circumstances maybe they could be friends.
The idea of being Gojo’s friend made Ai’s stomach twist. She didn’t want to be his friend. Even if she wanted to–even if everything aligned perfectly they could never just be friends.   
Gojo looked away from her and a pang of guilt tugged at Ai’s heart. She had pushed him away all while he was trying to bring her in. She wished just for a moment that she could go back in time–just for a few minutes, just to change the exchange between them. She didn’t know what she could do even if she could go back for those few moments. In her mind, she thought it would be better than being here with these awful feelings. But that would never happen. 
“I’m sorry.” Ai stood up and did her best to sound normal. “I didn’t mean to make things so weird.” 
Gojo’s hand twitched as if he wanted to reach out to her again, but he held himself back. “It’s fine, Ai-chan. I get it,” he did his best to make his voice sound light and airy, but it ended up coming out thin and empty. “Gotta remain objective or whatever, right?” 
Ai swallowed hard and nodded, with each word he said she felt her body grow heavier. She had so much that she wanted to say, but ‌fear held her back. She needed to remain objective. It was for the sake of her job. 
A part of her wondered if she was a masochist. Logically, this is what she expected to happen. Every worry that played in her head before coming into this karaoke room came true like some omen. There were no surprises to be had yet emotionally it gutted her. No matter how much she could have mentally prepared for any outcome both good and bad she didn’t feel equipped to emotionally withstand it.  
With a heavy sigh, Ai nodded, her gaze flickering to the floor. She couldn’t look at Gojo. “Thanks, I, uh, appreciate it.” 
The air between them felt thick as there was so much left unsaid between them. As they stood there in the quiet of the karaoke room, the distant sound of music filtered through the walls. While she couldn’t make out the words, Ai was able to place the beat instantly– Plastic Love . The irony of the situation was almost too much to bear. If Ai didn’t feel so emotionally drained she’d probably laugh at the absurdity of it all; it was just too perfect . But she couldn’t even muster the faintest of smiles. Instead, she felt like the world must’ve been playing some cruel joke on her as the bass reverberated against the walls, each thump amplifying the pain she felt in her chest. 
This didn’t feel like a game to her, so why did this song, of all songs, have to play now? Although the singing was faint, the lyrics echoed through her mind The themes of fleeting romance and heartbreak weren’t lost on her in the slightest. If anything, the universe was rubbing salt in her wounds. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to steady her fragile heart, but the weight of her doubts was suffocating.
All she could do was wonder if she had made the right choice. Was the pain she was feeling now worth it? The question gnawed at her, a whisper in the back of her mind. When she glanced over at Gojo, hoping to find some clue in his expression all she could see was an uncanny mask of unreadable calm. The quiet between them stretched on, heavy with the words they were both avoiding.
For now, all she could do was wait to see what would come—the minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity. The tension was unbearable, but she didn’t know how to break it, or if that was something that she even wanted to do. Perhaps it was best to let the silence speak for them, to allow the moment to settle before either of them dared to try and disturb it. 
As the song played on, Ai’s thoughts drifted, the stress of it all made her nauseous. She wanted to believe that things would eventually fall into place like how Nanami told her they would–that this moment, however uncomfortable, would lead to something better, but all she knew now was uncertainty, the thick air, and the distant, almost haunting melody of Plastic Love echoing in the background as the world laughed at her.  
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daikenkki · 2 years
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Additional Japanese voice cast of Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go!
Nanami Yamashita as Sandy
Afumi Haji as Carly
Shunsuke Takeuchi as Gordon
Kent Ito as James
Shinichiro Kamio as Harold
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j-gravure · 3 years
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竹内ななみ (Takeuchi Nanami)
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hoseyuka · 3 years
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⌗ SKE48
like if you save/use
@hoseyuka on twitter
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kyokosdog · 3 years
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Takeuchi Nanami 竹内ななみ, PLATINUM FLASH Vol.15 2021.06.22 
歳/Age: 20
身長/Height: 153cm
B? W? H?
Twitter: @na_yan0224
Instagram: @na_yan0224
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soimort48 · 2 years
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「週刊SPA!(スパ!) 2023年3/7号」 竹内ななみ
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jyurineko · 5 years
Here is yesterday’s Sakae Chinchikochin with Yucchi and Naayan!
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professortomoehater · 2 years
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Magical girl sword blondes
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solarmiracle-makeup · 3 years
Sera Myu actors I would pick to play Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch characters
I made this just for fun :)
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19 notes · View notes
Growing up means re-reading Bokura ga Ita, and acknowledging that Takeuchi was objectively the better choice, even though you still root for Nanami x Yano like no tomorrow because you love fictional angst and fictional sad boys.
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minoriin3 · 4 years
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La scena che amo di più 
Dall’anime Bokura ga ita, Nanami e Takeuchi 
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pildoraamarga · 5 years
"No tienes derecho a quejarte si encuentra a otro chico mientras tu sigues haciendo el tonto. Después de todo, el amor es cuestión de estar en el momento justo. Si no dices las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuado da igual cuánto haya tenido que ver el destino en la relación, todo se arruina. Aunque te arrepientas será demasiado tarde."
- Masafumi Takeuchi
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izonewifi · 6 years
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180726 PRODUCE 48 Position Evaluation Practice Behind
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peachygotit · 6 years
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Hello! Project 💙💚
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