#take care of maya
yosb · 9 months
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accidental renaissance courtroom sketch of defense counsel from the KOWALSKI v. JOHNS HOPKINS ALL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL trial. defense counsel giving plaintiff's counsel death glares after a sassy retort that i'm shocked the judge didn't reprimand plaintiff's counsel for...
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Last night I watched "Take Care of Maya" on Netflix, which is a story of a young girl who was taken from her parents by the hospital. They didn't know about CRPS and it's treatments, and they assumed she was being abused because she was on ketamine.
Here's the worst part, the mother was accused of Munchausens by proxy, and was told by the doctor that diagnosed Maya, that if Maya wasn't treated correctly she could die. So being the one that was accused of abusing Maya, she killed herself to get her daughter out of the hospital. Maya was imprisoned in a hospital for 3 months and even though her condition worsened she was told by doctors and nurses that she was faking her pain.
It is a difficult documentary to watch and is incredibly heart breaking, but it highlights the abuses doctors and nurses can commit because they don't understand the diagnosis and treatment needed. Maya's mother was a nurse and documented everything. She was direct and insistent, and someone got offended and proceeded to ruin her life to the point she took it. And this has happened before.
I'm thoroughly sickened but I'm glad I listened to Maya and her story.
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pleastrop · 3 months
I just saw Take Care of Maya and it just completely destroyed me, I literally can't stop crying, as someone with a chronic illnes it just hit right at home, the way nurses, doctors and other specialists would treat her, the way they said she (mind you, a TEN year old) was lying, the way she couldn't even walk and they still said it was psychological.
and don't even let me start talking about all the distress they caused to the family, to the point her mother took her own life
it's so devastating god I hate the system so much
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viking-raider · 1 year
I am RAGING! *triggers!!!*
I'm just finishing watching the Netflix documentary "Take Care of Maya".
I am so fucking angry at the system!
You can say, they were trying to do right by her, and there can be a couple of people involved that were! But Dr. Sally Smith, fuck you.
But Maya's mum, Beata, was the true warrior for her daughter's illness, CRPS Syndrome. It took them multiple doctors and treatments to get Maya on the right treatments and her illness bearable. But a hospital visit and one social worker fucked that all up. Causing Beata and Maya's dad to lose custody of Maya.
Beata was a nurse who, not only knew something wasn't right, but documented everything for the 80+ days that kept her daughter out of her care and hospitalized in John Hopkins All Children's Hospital. No doubt pissing off the doctors, social workers, judges and investigators with her countless questions and calls after her daughter's care, well-being, treatment plans. Accusing Beata of Munchausen by proxy and Maya of lying as well.
Sadly, the truth, that Maya does indeed have CRPS Syndrome, confirmed by an out-of-state specialist, didn't come until after Beata, disheartened by being kept away from her daughter and knowing Maya wasn't getting her proper treatment for her illness, for 87 long days, took her own life. The cherry on top, being denied giving her ten-year old daughter a hug at a custody hearing, the day before.
This fills me with such a raging anger. Beata did everything for Maya, the only thing she was guilty of was pushing and demanding to see her sick daughter and ensuring Maya got the correct treatment, so she wasn't in agony. It pisses me off more, knowing that more parents went and are going through the same thing.
Florida has a privatized child and adult protection system. Pinellas county has the highest case of child abuse victims being taken out of the home, mostly through Suncoast Center, who handled Maya's case.
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tumblem · 1 year
So glad Netflix made this movie. I hope the Klosowskis get the justice they deserve and the system corrects itself and the harm it is doing to hundreds of families with its over dependence on the opinions of "experts" that are abusing the vulnerable for personal gain.
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peterstarkss · 1 year
This netflix doc about Maya and her parents being accused of child abuse is horrifying.
I was 22 when I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks. My mom was there everyday. I had to get moved out of state and she came with me and the nurses even set up a bed for her in my icu room. I was in a medical coma for almost 1 whole week but she was my rock. She was there for every doctor visit, every PT, and even technically being an adult, I loved having her there to answer every question.
I can't imagine being just 10 years old, in chronic pain, in the hospital for months, and not being able to see my parents. Not to mention knowing there's a huge legal battle and being told things from doctors, social workers, lawyers and only being allowed supervised visits. AND THEN learning that your mother has committed suicide before you ever get a chance to reunite!!
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seokmattchuus · 1 year
Not kpop related, but I'm finally watching Take Care of Maya and the fact that time and time again social workers take kids from good homes and leave the ones in need in bad homes pisses me off.
Don't work with children if you don't care about them.
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howhow326 · 1 year
So I know I'm "not supposed" to advocate for harassment buuut I kind of hope Sally Smith gets shunned in public.
This awful white women has been medically kidnapping black and latino children for who knows how long AND she helped drive a Polish woman to suicide because she was too direct with her and that made her mad (I know the doc dosen't bring up the fact that Beata was a Polish woman with an accent, but knowing that Sally Smith has racist tendencies leads me to the conclusion that she probably dosen't like people like Beata).
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janersm · 10 months
Nothing changes if you stay quiet.
— Jack Kowalski, Take Care of Maya
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red1culous · 9 months
Take Care of Maya
I watched this last night and cried my eyes out. It's a documentary about the Kowalski's and their struggles not so much with Maya's CRPS affliction but more so with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital for allegedly abusing Maya Kowalski, then 10, and accusing her mother of Munchausen by proxy.
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hafwen · 7 months
I thought since I knew they won the lawsuit my medical trauma wouldn’t be too triggered by “take care of maya” but I was so very wrong
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neopet-euthanization · 4 months
anyone interested in self-advocacy particularly in a medical setting - please check out this youtube channel! he is a genuinely nice dude and he has ran hospitals and he is invested in patient welfare and self-advocacy. he is very available while he streams and answers questions about how to stand up for yourself and get the medical care you know you need! i have been feeling like a lot of people on tumblr could benefit from this guy's channel, so please check it out, subscribe, share the channel and/or this post!
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tumblem · 1 year
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That is absolutely right. The hospital's lawyers are playing the system and the system is completely falling for it by not taking into consideration the effect these delays are having on the family.
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frenchiefried · 9 months
Dude what the fuck is up with John Hopkins Hospital?!?
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milkyautism · 10 months
I ended up watching "Take Care of Maya" on Netflix...
Suffice to say my cynicism has grown 3... hundred sizes. First world society has failed me once again.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
if you haven’t watched take care of maya on netflix… do it rn istg it’s heartbreaking but so interesting
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