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wheelsgoroundincircles · 8 months ago
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1936 Packard Twelve Gentleman’s Tailback Speedster
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1936 Packard Twelve Gentleman’s Tailback Speedster
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1936 Packard Twelve Gentleman’s Tailback Speedster
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reverieblondie · 3 months ago
What if Raphael teleported himself to Tav and she just so happens to be completely naked? Like they haven't really begun courting yet, and BAM! Now he is in her home and he is seeing the object of his affections interests in all of her glory when he wasn't expecting to.
Bonus points if Tav is super calm about it - minus any initial surprise - and just sighs and casually goes to start covering up, maybe while saying "So what can I do for you, Raphael?" or mumbling something like "And this kind of thing was why I asked Korrilla to tell me when to expect you. So much for 'that would never happen'... "
You can decide what happens from there.
A/N: Thank you for this ask! I actually have made this ask a part one to another ask that will be its part two. ( I hope that makes sense! ) Anyway, sorry for the wait and hope you enjoy! Starts off steamy but the ending is more silly. MDNI! 18+ only!
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He tries to focus on the show in front of him. Raphael crosses his legs. Lounging back in his chair, he intently watches as Harrlep makes the moaning tiefling bend over on all fours. 
These are always his favorites when a client so enamored with him is rewarded with Haarlep. It's the perfect cycle, the client is rewarded for their loyalty, Haarlep is fed, and Raphael gets to feel the ghost of pleasure on his cock as the person is beautifully ravaged. Always so captivated as sharp claws traced down their backs letting beautiful drops of crimson cascade down their skin and decorated his satin sheets. Then there is the musical sound of horse wanton moans with desperate cries of more. 
But today… It's doing nothing. 
Even as Harrlep yanks on the man's tail, making him scream and rut himself back on the incubus's  cock faster. It still stirs nothing; Raphael looks down at his crotch, where he feels everything but nothing in making it swell. He's never had this problem before, and now he's bored of this show.
"Stop, stop," he commands, making Harrlep pause their thrust. 
Haarlep sighs, rolling their eyes while pulling the man's tailback, keeping his ass warming their cock. "Do I need to remind you about critiquing my fucking again?" 
Raphael sneers at the incubus, "No. I'm simply bored." 
Haarlep smirks, leaning down to the man, lifting his head by the horns to face Rapheal. The man's dark eyes are full of tears, his cheeks flushed and panting for breath. "Hear that, darling? You're boring the master…" 
Their words of cruelty taunt as the man's cock throbs, precum drooling out as he lets out a sob. Haarleps's hips started to roll again at the delicious sound and the feel of his quivering. Incubus are always so torturous to their meals. 
Raphael waves a hand before Haarlep can resume their pace, "Go take him somewhere else; leave me alone." 
Haarlep hums, continuing to tease their current meal, til a cruel smirk twists to their lips. "So sorry, pretty boy, but Raphael would have preferred to watch a little mouse instead."
They snap their fingers before Raphael can yell at Haarlep and disappear with the man. They will take all they can from him to get their fill. Raphael has been rather neglectful to his incubus as of late… but to mention you of all people…
Raphael twists his chair to face his desk where contracts sit, waiting in their draft forms. It takes no effort from him to pluck up one of the rolls of parchment and find the contract he had written just for you. You're so clever, having never signed it, much to Raphal's annoyance. Though his mind still lingers back to you. And though your name is not here, it still echoes in his mind. Haarlep, as insufferable as they are, does have a point… Raphael longs to see you, to see you in his bed… though he wouldn't be just watching on the side, Raphael would be the one tracing his long nails down your body, the one to be thrusting you into submission as your body sweats and quivers to take all of him. 
The mere thought of it makes his body grow hotter, and his cock finally twitch. Raphael rolls his eyes at himself; those thoughts get him to stir. 
Not only has Raphael been thinking of your body and how it could be twisted for all of his pleasures, but he also just wonders about you and what you're doing… He could send Korrilla to spy on you, though he doesn't know if he could merely be satiated with retelling your daily happenings. No, he wants to witness it, watch as you wake, follow you as you stroll through the city, and see your wit and quick nature to the worms that dare test you or flirt with you.  
The thought makes him sneer. He needs to get eyes on you; the sooner, the better. Standing, Raphael makes sure his hair is fixed, and his clothes are present. Once he deems himself suitable, he snaps his fingers and lets the blaze transport him. 
Raphaels is already practicing what he will say once he sees you again, but as he's transported to you and finally sees you, all of that rehearsing goes out the window. When the cambion, after all this time, finally gets to see his little mouse, he gets the privilege of seeing her in all her natural glory. From the steam and water running down the curves of your body, it's clear to him that you have just gotten out of the bath. The other thing he observes is that you don't seem all that surprised to see him.
You eye him up and down before rolling your eyes and reaching for a towel. "You have impeccable timing, Raphael..." You wrap yourself up and stroll over to the cambion. "What can I help you with, Raphael?"
Raphael feels his whole body tense as you approach him. You could help him with things... but those desires are forced to wait.
"Mouse, I'm hurt. How do you know this isn't just a friendly visit? "
A scoff leaves your throat as you turn away from him, dropping your towel as you do behind a changing divider. "You don't do friendly visits in my experience..."
 Raphael tsk. "my, you are cynical.."
You come from behind the divider in a simple outfit, and only you can enhance into something beautiful... You fold your arms over and do that slight frown that drives him mad... "What have you come for?"
You... he wants to say, but he bites his tongue.
Raphael is trying to keep his cool facade, does some quick thinking.
"Well, mouse, if you must know... I'm here for your home."
You look at him confused, "My home? Why?"
Raphael steps forward, carefully brushing your hair from your shoulder. "The house of hope has been... busy as of late... the screams, the questions from servants, Haarleps... loud feeding... it's all so distracting... even a devil needs an escape."
"Why my home?"
Rapheal smiles at the simple question, "You have always been my favorite client, mouse."
A smile threatens to curl to your lips, “so you want to use my house as an escape? What if I'm not here?"
"I can find my way around..."
"What if I'm here
"I wouldn't mind, it is your house…"
You think momentarily, "What if I bring a guest over?
Raphael shrugs as his fingers trace your skin, "Tell them I'm your roommate ... or your lover…”
Raphael feels you tremble, "What's the catch?"
"No catch, just sometimes unexpected company." 
You think long before nodding, "Fine, but I have some terms for you to follow." 
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httpiastri · 10 months ago
is it too early to ask for a fic abt imola's sprint race and how upset and angry paul was after the race ...
idk if this is what u wanted but i just felt like writing this. hope u like it <3 (still very much not over what happened)
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four podiums in four rounds.
a consistent result like that should make any f2 driver satisfied.
consistency is key, as you've seen so often in formula racing, but how can you tell that to someone who was just closer than ever to getting his maiden win in formula two?
to say that paul was a wreck after the race is an understatement. he refused to talk to you or any of his staff members – he even refused to talk to ralf, which was more worrisome than everything else. though, it didn't take you long to realize that he just needed to cool off on his own, just get some time to breathe in peace. so when he went back to your shared hotel room, you decided to stay at the track a little to watch the f1 qualifying, just so paul could have his much-needed alone time.
when you finally step into your hotel room hours later, after having gotten stuck in several tailbacks on your way back from the track, paul isn't resting on the bed like you thought he would be. he doesn't answer when you call out his name either, which really gets your heartbeat going.
you find him in the bathroom when you peek into it, his body submerged in the bathtub filled to the brim with foam and seemingly steaming water. you're not sure if he's even heard you come in because he doesn't move a single muscle nor open his eyes. he slowly looks up at you when you say his name again, though, eyes holding so much pain that the knot in your stomach grows even tighter. you have to do something, anything, to break him out of this cycle.
"can i join?"
it takes a second for him to react, but then he nods, and you step into the room. you slip out of the cute summery dress you've worn all day, removing all of your last clothing items aswell as your jewelry before moving towards him. the bathtub is tiny, nowhere near than ones you've shared before in luxury hotel rooms around the world. there's barely any space left for you to slip in, but you make it work.
the second your back meets his chest, his strong arms wrap around you and a content sigh leaves his mouth. neither of you care about the water flowing past the edge as you shuffle into his embrace; a wet floor is a problem for later. the bath soap he's used smells lovely, a mix of vanilla and rose meeting your nose and making you forget about how the water is burning your skin already. paul doesn't say anything, although he rests the side of his head against yours, warm breaths tickling the skin of your neck.
you take the opportunity to speak when you're met with it. you can't just let it go on like this all night. "do you... want to talk about it?" you ask, voice low as if not to scare him. as if the mere thought of the race is enough to scare him.
he lets out a hum. "no."
you pause for a few moments, considering the idea of just letting go of the topic. you decide that you can't. "can i talk about it, then?"
"i can't stop you, can i?"
you lift one of his hands from your waist, letting your pointer finger trace along his own fingers. they're pruney and soft, revealing how long he must've been in the bath already, while the calluses along the upper part of his palm from endless hours of racing and weightlifting stay hardened. you slot your fingers in between his, wrapping your other hand around the back of his hand too.
"no matter if you like to hear it or not," you begin. "you did well. that was an amazing race."
a dismissive sound bubbles from your throat to cut him off. "no buts. it could've just as well gone your way today." you shift in his hold and turn your head so that you can look into his pretty blue eyes, and he already looks much calmer than before. "it's okay to fall apart, but we're building you up stronger for tomorrow. okay?"
his breath rises with his deep breath, and he soon nods. you lean in to press a kiss to his cheek, and then you can't help but to give him another one. and another. and one to the tip of his nose, one to his forehead, one to that spot right by his temple that he loves so much.
finally he smiles, and he looks almost relieved to do it; like it's been ages since he had something to be happy about. he even lets out a small laugh when you keep up with your pecks, and he has to place a hand on your cheek to halt your actions.
he guides you forward, slotting your lips against his, before letting his hand glide to the back of your neck to keep you close.
hopefully you've actually gotten through to him. in the world of f2, every setback feels like tall mountain you have to climb; losing a race lead is like reaching the summit only to slip right back down again. it sounds like an impossible task, and if it were up to you, you would tell him to save himself the heartbreak and get an easier job. but racing is what he loves.
and together, you make it work.
no matter if it's about fitting into a small bath or coming back better the next day.
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overclockedopossum · 11 months ago
Fucked up that these people live in a world where "the speed of traffic" is literally the highest speed any motherfucker on the road is driving.
Let me tell you something about stopping distances. You'd imagine stopping from 60 takes twice as long as stopping from 30, right? WRONG! The rate of deceleration might be constant* (ie 60->30 takes as many seconds as 30->0) but you're MOVING MUCH FASTER when going 60->30, so in the same time you cover much more ground.
*(minor coda to this: strictly speaking the rate of deceleration may be a little higher while you're at higher speeds due to air resistance, but since you're driving a car and not a parachute that's not something that meaningfully changes the calculations)
Based on sources like https://www.random-science-tools.com/physics/stopping-distance.htm the braking distance from 60mph is in fact nearly 4x that from 30mph. Doing 75 rather than 55, far from being marginal, would nearly DOUBLE your braking distance.
Also, let's be realistic - if you get rear-ended at a 20mph closing speed then while it's bad for the car you're not getting so much as scratched. Conversely, approaching a stationary obstacle at 75 is much more dangerous than at 55 for you in the car. On horrible usamerican stroads that might have people crossing, you're far more likely to become a killer by driving into a pedestrian. If there are signalled intersections, you're far more likely to hit someone who's running a light - a much worse accident for you than being rear-ended. At higher speeds you're more likely to lose control if there's an issue with the road surface. You'll also be using more fuel, which costs you more money. To say nothing of it giving the police an excuse to pull you over if they feel like it - a potentially dealy interaction, especially for black people in the USA!
So, I agree that your life is more important than the law, but let's not pretend speeding does your life any favours.
One thing I do want to say on the other side of this - pay attention to your mirrors and do try to make opportunities for people who want to drive faster to pass you. If they're gonna do something reckless that causes an accident, it's better for you to not be involved.
driving is so freaking fun guys dont you just love being in a big metal thing that can completely crush you if someone feels like doing stupid things on the road
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weepingfoxfury · 7 months ago
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The man on the radio persists with his whereabouts being unknown (I suspect he's off in the wilds with the lost postman again) whilst the stand in lady on the radio says the show must go on. Weatherwise the seaweed is feeling dry so fingers crossed this ain't a false reading. The traffic lady rootless in and out with talk of tailbacks ... and autocorrect continues to accept my bad typing.
Today's groaner: I woke up this morning to find all my books and knick knacks scattered all over the floor ... I have only my shelf to blame. ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
Tip trip today! No really, truly ... the seaweed being dry today is the day! No ifs, buts or maybe I'll go next week spluttering ... the big shed has to be emptied before I find cars queueing up with trailers full of recycling cos they heard a new dump had opened its doors. ;-)
I'll leave you with a seemingly large and floating blackberry whilst I throw back a little more coffee before heading out to the car ...
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houseofsnarry · 2 years ago
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���� HoS Mods’ Recs: Garden Edition ❤️
Spring is in the air! Flowers are blooming and the sun is shining! In conjuncture with the server's Spring Garden drabble event, here are some gardens & flowers themed Snarry/Severus/Harry recs. Cozy up with some floral inspired works, a tomato war, and Snape as a plant!?!?!
Art & Comic —
Always - neko_saba_goza (Twitter)
ス - jill_s_alg (Twitter)
じぃ〜っ - yamada007519 (Twitter)
ガーデンバース - kaori_sshp (Twitter)
兔年快乐🥕!- mushenLJT (Twitter)
In My Secret Garden - Soltituss (AO3)
Fallen Marigolds - @luendland / luendland (AO3)
Fics —
Blooming Heart - @serenaew (AO3) Rated T, Word Count 8.7k
In muggles, strong emotional upheaval can cause your heart to fail, rendering it unable to pump the masses of blood that flood back to it every second. The tailback of blood builds up in your lungs, leaves you breathless, drowns you in your own bodily fluids that you try to cough out for dear life - in vain. They call it takotsubo cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, lung oedema. Only, in muggles, it comes and goes quickly. Those who survive the first critical period tend to recuperate from this condition within a few weeks. Wizards suffering from its magical analogon, hanahaki disease, do not have such luxury. Magical heart failure ends in suffocation from flowers instead. From the very first petal, Severus knew he was doomed. The orange lily.
Friendly Neighbourhood Visits - @anti-bright-places (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 10.6k
Harry's life is peaceful. He has his own house at twenty-three and nothing brings him more joy than his garden (but don't tell his cats that). His cats are perfectly well behaved, until a new man moves in next door and they start turning up at his place.
Hawthorn - @givereadersahug (AO3) Rated G, Word Count 1.2k
Harry keeps constant vigil by Severus's bedside after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Orange Blossoms - @danpuff-ao3 (AO3) Podfic recorded by JocundaSykes Rated T, Word Count 3.4k
These are foolish times to have hope, and more foolish still to be in love. 
Potted Dragons - silkendreammaid Rated G, Word Count 8.3k
Harry Potter wants Severus Snape but agreed to wait two years. With six months to go, he’s feeling impatient. Perhaps a pot plant and a small snake will help.
Snapes and Sales and Potion Garden Tales - Alisanne, shadowycat Rated E, Word Count 16.8k
Harry Potter is outed by a vicious ex-lover. Feeling alone and abandoned, Harry is surprised by the shelter and support he gets from Severus Snape.
The Gardeners - suitesamba Rated M, Word Count 15.5k
When Lily Luna Potter is awarded an apprenticeship with Severus Snape, Harry finds himself face to face with a man who isn’t at all the Snape he remembers from his childhood. This Snape is up to something, and Harry is determined to find out what. The secret, Harry learns, is in the tomatoes. Has Snape lost the plot or is he putting on a show? Harry and Severus tiptoe together through awkward interviews, tomato gardens and surprise kisses to find common ground, and a happily ever after.
The Plant - thesewarmstars Rated E, Word Count 8k
Neville turns over a plant to Harry and explains that the plant told him it was Severus Snape. Harry probably should’ve listened.
Discord || Recs Lists
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 months ago
I can hardly imagine your atypical Hanna-Barbera Funtastic types getting caught up in a Wally Byam Caravan of Airstream trailers for a Character Convocation. Or could you?
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capitalnineteen · 1 year ago
Nancy Drew Rewatch
I've decided to rewatch the series now that it's done and why not blog my thoughts this time around, right? (Hi, Bethany!)
"Horseshoe Bay's most infamous sea queen wore her crown for just one night. People say she still haunts our town. But I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in looking for the truth."
I like that these were pretty much the first words of the series. I went into the show the first time expecting that to be the way it would be: like the books I read growing up, it would be pulling the ghost masks off evil real estate developers.
Wait. I'm thinking of Scooby Doo, huh?
Still. In those books, Nancy found the completely normal - albeit nefarious - reason that there were strange noises and secret staircases. And they were never ghosts.
So I admit it took me a little while to warm to the show. I didn't dislike it! I just didn't get what it was going for. I had the wrong idea and it took some time to understand the show wanted me to let that go.
So here we go: Season One - Episode One: Pilot
(More - much more - below... Also! This is a rewatch so there ARE SPOILERS.)
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Books on Nick's shelf: A History of Western Morals by Crane Brinton and The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity by Kwame Anthony Appiah. (We also see Plato on a higher shelf and other titles I can't make out, unfortunately. Excuse the blurry screenshot and understand why that's all I got.)
Having finished the show, those two titles in the screenshot do seem pretty appropriate. Especially 'Rethinking Identity' considering we're getting to know five characters and what we're given about them is maybe not the most relevant facts... or even entirely true.
And since those books are rattling on the shelves because Nancy and Nick are knocking boots, (No, wait. She puts on her sneakers after and his boots are on the floor by the bed.) let me go ahead and admit now: I liked Nancy and Nick together in the first go 'round.
Also? I liked the idea of Nancy Drew as intentionally uncurious. We're given such a quick punch of details here and I think they're presented well: "I never do this." "You say that every time." "Also never thought I'd be wearing this again." (Her Claw uniform.) "I'm not exactly where I thought I'd be, either. And that would be freshman tailback for University of Florida, which is where I'm from, if you're curious."
And of course there's her voice over just before that: "...when I'm with him, I don't think of anything else. And that's a good thing." Bookended at the end of her brief conversation with Nick by answering his "You don't ask a lot of questions, do you?" by saying, "What can I say? Girls love mystery." She says that like it means she doesn't want to solve them but of course it can read both ways. Nancy does love a mystery, she told us in her backstory. She's just sworn off solving them now.
At The Claw we get the rest of the gang introduced: George, Nancy's manager and former classmate with the bad blood between her and Nancy; Bess, the rich girl who's living in a mansion for the summer but inexplicably working as a waitress; and Ace NoLastName who I'll get to in a second.
Of course, having seen the whole show, we know how wrong or won't-be-true-for-long the information is. The 'bad blood' Nancy and George will become people who risk everything again and again for each other. (As they all will.) Bess isn't rich and certainly isn't living in a mansion.
And then there's Ace. The way Nancy presents his lack of last name makes it seem like Ace's choice. He's a one name enigma. But there's also a hint that she's intentionally not noting his last name in the way she goes on to imply that maybe it's not that he doesn't judge her for tanking her grades and bailing on applying to college, but instead just doesn't remember that she told him. And if he doesn't remember (or, as implied, care) that, then she doesn't remember (or, possibly, care) about his last name.
But it's easy to shrug it all off and not make much of it, especially when his 'my bad' on the lack of crackers and the 'sorry, I was thirsty' about the lack of wine as well as the 'it wasn't me' when the lights go out imply that her read on Ace's level of concern and accountability is pretty low as well. Though given that she's outright told us she's in the deficit on those herself, it seems a little hypocritical that she seems to look down on Ace for lacking them. (In minor ways that could just be a teasing coworker/friend sort of thing like with her "like a fungus" response to his declaration that he's "growing on her" about Bess.)
But let’s imagine for a moment, that scene where our newly uncurious and disinterested Nancy confesses that she’s ruined her senior year and her chances for college. Who does she confess all of this too? The implied flake whose last name she doesn’t even know? Hardly. Even then, Ace is far more important to Nancy than she lets on.
Rewatching this knowing the details about George/Ryan and Ryan and Nancy, it's nice to see there were hints there to be caught about George and Ryan at least. There's George's "We could stay open a little longer" when Bess tells him they're closed when he beats on the locked door. There's her strained tone of voice as she greets him: "Mr Hudson! Welcome to The Claw!" and the positively gritted teeth as she continues, "I don't believe that you've been in here before." And of course the "Oh, your wife is here?" and the quick change from retail-worker polite smile to I'm-going-to-stab-someone thousand yard stare as soon as she turns away from the table. And most of all, asking Nancy for help so she doesn't have to take the food out to Ryan's wife.
Yikes. Who could blame her?
And good grief, Ryan. Ask the teen you're sleeping with to bring food out to your wife. There's a long list of not great things you've done and that's hardly the headliner but it IS the first one we see, even if we don't know the significance yet.
To be continued because this is long and I'm only a quarter through the first episode! I'm sure they'll be shorter as this goes on. (If this goes on? Anyone interested in this?) But this is the first episode and I guess I was feeling wordy!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
After the Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon (nationalist) called on farmers to lift their remaining blockades in Flanders on Thursday evening following the agreement reached between their representatives and the Flemish Government, the farmers that had been blocking access to the Port of Ghent returned home on Friday morning.
The North Sea Port, of which Ghent is a part reports that all the farmers’ blockades have been lifted. Zelzate Bridge, where a dozen tractors had been parked, preventing the bridge from being lifted to allow ships to pass has been cleared. Meanwhile, Walloon farmers are continuing their action with blockades in Liège Province.
Flemish farmers started blocking roads in East and West Flanders on Thursday morning. The so-called “filter blockades”, whereby cars and bicycles were allowed to pass, but lorries bound for the Port of Ghent were only allowed through occasionally and often after a long wait were designed to put pressure on the Flemish Government during the talks with farmers’ representatives that took place on Thursday.
The blockades not only caused disruption to shipping, but also resulted in long tailbacks on the Ghent orbital motorway. 
Early on Friday morning, the farmers that had been blocking the roundabouts near the Euro-Silo site and ArcelorMittal plant had already left. Later their colleagues at the port of Ghent also lifted their blockades. 
Farmers' blockades in Wallonia
While an agreement has been reached between the farmers and the regional government in Flanders, this is not the case in Wallonia. On Friday Walloon farmers resumed their protest action at various locations in the Liège Province. Filter blockades were set up on the E40 motorway at Loncin and near Welkenraedt.
At Ciney in Namur Province around 30 members of the Federation of Young Farmers (FJA) took action to raise awareness of their concerns outside the Ciney Cattle Auction. The protesters allowed most of the lorries carrying livestock to enter but slowed down their exit.
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fleuresdumonde · 2 years ago
Also on highways: tailgating lead to phantom tailback. So not only you will not get to your destination any faster but you are actively slowing down all of us behind you
favorite hobby when I'm driving is to catch someone trying to climb up my back bumper while I'm going a completely reasonable speed and just slowly take my foot off the gas. you seem upset, brother. why don't we slow down and enjoy the view awhile
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childofthetruemessiah · 1 year ago
Top to toe in tailbacks
Oh, I got red lights on the run
But soon there'll be a freeway yeah
Get my feet on holy ground~
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coolgirl32 · 2 years ago
TMNT 2012 male mutant characters what are they like as dads this is part one I'll be doing the mighty mutanimals I'll be doing part 2 for the villains so please do enjoy
1. Slash
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I think slash would be the type of dad to be very protective and proud of his daughter for being herself why he would be protective well like any other father fathers have to be protective of their little girls from boys and I also think he would play tea parties with his little girl when his little girl was born he was so happy that he became a father so he would do what most fathers would do he would help his wife out with the baby changing her diapers bottle feeding her getting her to sleep for her nap I think he'd be like the type of dad like bandit from bluey but it also be very scared because he's scared of hurting his own daughter of course his wife reassured him that he's not going to hurt her so it made him feel better he'd also let raph babysit his daughter he would also train his daughter to fight back and to defend herself against evil bad guys and be a proud dad
2. Leatherhead
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I think Leatherhead would be the type of dad that is very shy and very scared that he might hurt his own little girl again like slash he'd be very protective as well because nobody's going to hurt his little girl and get away with it anyway he'd try his best to be gentle while changing his daughter's diapers I think he would also be getting up early in the morning to do those early feedings and try to get his daughter to sleep he would also play tea parties with her he would also allow his daughter to ride on his tail you know like piggyback rides only tailback rides he probably let Mikey babysit his daughter he'd also teaches daughter how to fight and how to do a death roll like slash he'd also be very proud of his daughter
3. Dr Rockwell
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I think he'd be the type of Dad to be very proud of his daughter and also be protective heed probably teach his daughter math and science and other stuff and help her with homework he probably used his telekinesis to change her diapers and to bottle feed her and probably try to make her smile of course he would try his best tell his daughter out with her telekinesis when she gets older he would be her teacher and her father he probably embarrass his daughter in front of her mutant friends when she gets to be a teenager he probably let Donnie babysit his little girl before he of course insults Donnie and get smacked on the arm by his wife he would probably cry tears of joy when he sees his daughter graduating he would allow his daughter to play on the computer but he would also be there to supervise her he doesn't want his little girl getting into trouble or ruining his computer
4. Pigeon Pete
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We know he's very protective like slash Leatherhead Dr Rockwell Pete would be a very fun dad and a very protective dad but he would also let his little girl play with his feathers and he would also teach his little girl how to fly of course him being emotional he would cry after his daughter hatched he also teach her how to search for food like sourdough bread pizza crust bread any type of bread actually or any type of food he would be the type of Dad who would be fun and probably embarrass his daughter sometimes when she gets to the teenage years he probably would let the turtles babysit his little girl but he'd be the one to babysit mostly cuz he wants his wife to be resting for a little bit he also read his daughter bedtime stories and making up goofy sounds and voices that makes his daughter laugh and puts a smile on his face and hers I think he would also let his daughter put stickers on his helmet I think he would also put some water on the bread to mush it up so it would be easy for his daughter to eat because baby birds can't chew solid food
So I hope everybody enjoyed this hc and I want you all to know that I will be doing a part too but only with the villains
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bobdylanslesbianlover · 1 year ago
hate tailback? bring rail back!
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How public transportation can reduce congestion
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badlypackedtraveller · 16 days ago
ooh look, a hare.
The alarm goes off at 0430 and we are collected at 0530 for a full day safari in the Yala National Park. At the gate to the park we queue to pay our entrance fee of 21,657.01rupee (that one cent makes all the difference, I’m sure) to the Department of Wildlife Conservation then join the already long tailback of dozens of other safari Jeeps. The tailback soon splits into two queues: ours and one for online bookers, who mostly comprise impatient camera wielding Chinese. Drivers cut in and out to gain one car-space further up the queue.
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As we arrive a red sun is rising and is reflected perfectly in the wetlands. Unlike safaris we have been on in the Kruger National Park SA Jeeps here are not permitted to veer off the tracks so we must be on the lookout for animals that come to us. Our driver points out elephants, crocodile, peacock, colourful roosters (the National Bird of SL), eagles, toucan, monkeys, kingfishers, mongoose, numerous other brightly coloured birds, jungle cows, water buffalo, large storks, owl, numerous deer. But sad to say the elusive leopard remained exactly that.  Our driver/guide is so keen to ensure that we get value for money that he stops to point out a hare.
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We loved the landscape, the wetlands and being surprised by the animals in their habitats and appearing from the jungle. A huge bull elephant steps silently out of the bush and marches sedately up the road ahead of us. He wraps his trunk around a bush and tears it from the ground, gives it a shake to get rid of the mud from the roots then stamps on the root to hold it down while he shreds the foliage off and eats it. There are huge rock formations, known as Elephant Rock, nearby too. It prompts a debate on our own choices when a leopard is sighted and 20+ Jeeps rush to intrude on its privacy. Are we so desperate to see a beast in its own environment that we forget our place in it too?
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We spend 12 hours in the park. As we leave, racing to be out of the park by 1800, which we make with four minutes to spare, the sun and its reflection in the lagoons has turned to bright white.
This evening we are the only guests at the Wild House and have a YouTube disco of UK and SL music with Hansa. We introduce him to Slade, Tom Waits, Springsteen. He responds with Bimbarak Senaga, cool SL jazz funk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MQw1_9zlDs
and then he ruins it all with Ed Sheeran and Dua Lipa so I go to bed.
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weepingfoxfury · 8 months ago
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The man on the radio has returned from who knows where doing who knows what to do his Thursday thang ... the chariots are on fire for a kick off. Weatherwise it's a case of clutching 'the umbrella' and keeping the water wings close at hand. The traffic lady says its all busy, busy, busy with temporary lights and tailbacks.
Today's groaner: Did you hear about the Swedish runner who couldn't complete the race? ... He stopped just before the Finnish line ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
A trip to the tip is today's task. Time to open up the 'big shed' and shove a load of recycling into the car boot. Can't be doing with the whole wheelie bin rip off scheme ... those multi coloured, filled to the brim 'sentinels' that line the road each week at rates that seem to roar up in cost at quite a pace. Not for me, no Siree! I'd rather drive to dump and see if there's any 'treasures' to pop in the boot once the rubbish has been removed. The magpie in me has a steely eye and one hell of an appetite ... no Swedish death cleaning for me ... not yet.
Thursday, Thursday, Thursday ... coffee, canines and cats ... the rhythm of the road before a weekend's hibernation ...
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carmenberzattosgf · 1 month ago
just had such a shit drive. was giving my dad a lift to work, was in motorway tailback for half an hour — then on my way home the light changed and i couldn’t have cleared so i stopped (in a crossing which ik is bad but i wouldn’t have cleared) then the fucking pilock behind me started beeping and flashing at me, so i moved (stupidly) and was positioned horribly, like what the fuck was i meant to have done??
(long rant mbmb)
- 🧃
Well I’m glad you’re okay! Dont me like me and get sued (unsuccessfully might I add) for 200,000 dollars for causing a wreck due to pressure to move
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