#tagging them for clarification's sake
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thecraftyninjacat · 1 month ago
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at least you'll sanctify me when i'm dead
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lylas-randoms · 1 year ago
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Some misc doodles of my fankids✨
I had some actual conversation for the one with dialogue but. Tbh I just didn’t wanna write all of it out
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funkyplantguy · 11 months ago
hey, letting you know, pretty sure it wasn't Scar that got the mugs since he was live reacting to the auction when it was happening.
thanks for the info, anon :D my previous post was made based partially on what i saw others saying and partially on the general timing of when he was talking about bidding/when the bids were going up and ended up getting a bit more attention than i bargained for lol. if it turns out not to be him, i'll happily retcon my original post and/or take it down! at the end of the day, they've gone to a good home and helped raise a lot of money for a good cause and that's all that matters :)
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jackienautism · 2 years ago
ohh nooooo..... thinking abt emma and abi's relationship again. anyway if you think its abi w/ the crush on emma youre WRONG its emma w/ the crush on abi send post
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skitscratched · 2 years ago
A day after posting this poll and I have already learnt several valuable things:
Making a poll while running off the manic energy of existential dread from the growing certainty I will not like the answer I receive is not a good idea. This makes the choices more confusing and the question vague
(+1) This also makes one more susceptible to personal bias. Ex: I have never considered pots and pans dishwasher acceptable and thus the thought to consider the option never occurred. I also forget dishwashers exist most of the time despite having one bc my personal default for dishes is hand washing while my family's is a mix. Flip side, I also learned different pots and pans can have different cleaning methods
I shouldn't try to be funny with the voting options - not everyone gets my humor
I probably should have explained the details of the options below the poll, but again, manic energy. Impulse control why did you leave me
(+1) For the sake of not screwing with everyone's previous votes, I shouldn't clarify what I meant by the choices or question. Not even when I REALLY REALLY want to
TL;DR: I need to think before making a poll because otherwise you get a chaotic mess like this one
Tumblr I'm curious and need you to help me out. Please reblog so I can get a larger sample size.
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Ask Masterpost 1/25/2025
I will be answering the BLOG RELATED asks that I have received since opening my inbox. Lucky number three this finally becomes consistent :).
I would like to state here that even though I don't respond to them (I'm persnickety about keeping ask spam low) I very much appreciate everyone's well wishes and compliments and gratefulness for this blog. I screenshot all of them and keep them in a folder. Thank you so much and I hope you keep having fun :).
@forrest-knight asked: Hello! I am here to ask for some clarification regarding the rules: “Songs from multimedia series that are primarily NOT video games (such as the Homestuck minigames, for example) will not be accepted.” I’m a bit confused with this rule, does this mean we’re not allowed to submit songs from licensed video games (aka games made for non video game media), even if the song is originally made for the game (ex. To The Moon from the DuckTales NES game). Or does this rule is intended for something completely different? *please note that I’ve never read homestuck, so this might relate to my confusion Anyways, thank you so much for doing this! And I hope you have a great whatever time you are reading this!
SO Homestuck was the only example I could think of at the time as a series that actually did this. I was specifically thinking about franchises/series/works that 100% did not start off intending to be a video game but, in the nature of being a multimedia series, added video game minigames or mobile games as it developed.
This is referring to things like homestuck (a webcomic that featured small browser/flash games within the comic), many idol gacha games** (hypnosis mic, love live), etc. This does not include series that were 'completed' (loosely used since I know many of these frequently get universe-expanding sequels and threequels and whathaveyou) and then had video game spinoffs, such as Star Wars, Marvel, etc.
** exceptions being tracks that are exclusively used in the video game itself, such as BGM.
I know this rule is probably the most complicated one and I'm still trying to figure out how to word it clearly and precisely LMAO. Fundamentally it comes down to intent, which is why I'm still on the fence some things like tracks used exclusively in promotional materials and things like that.
That being said: if the song is originally from a video game as in literally you can hear it while you are playing the video game you are totally in the clear
And according to your second ask (I won't name the songs in case you want to submit them): The one made for and coming from the NES game is fine (of course), AND the one that is the 8-bit version of the NON-VGM one is ALSO FINE, because it was REMIXED for the NES game :).
The blind listening and polling period is just for fun! If someone really likes a song and wants to know what it is/where it's from, PLEASE feel free to tell them!!! And PLEASE always enter the notes with the expectation that there may be song spoilers!!
I will ask that you keep it in the TAGS rather than the comments or reblogs (you're more than welcome to DM people the title if they ask), just for the sake of people who might want to discuss the song without spoilers. I'll put that in the pinned and the (eventual...) formal rules.
What's up! New here so sorry if this has been asked before but has the exact same song been submitted more than once before? Like it's clearly different people but the same song keeps getting submitted over and over again?
Ever since Mod Rae cleared duplicates I have no idea anymore, BUT I know there have been a lot of different submissions for a few select Disco Elysium songs. That doesn't shock me because I know it's got a cult following here :).
do you get a lot of the same people in ur notes or is it like. a few of the same and then it branches out to fandoms where people know the song? or do u not pay attn to your notes at all (also fair)
I do read the notes (when I remember)! I really like hearing people's opinions, and I always look through the tags on songs I know (I find it really hilarious seeing 'is this dark souls?' 'is this nier?' on any orchestral ever). There are a lot of familiar faces but I'd say the majority for any given poll are new or sparsely in the notes :).
Would you ever consider adding two more "i dont feel strongly/have an opinion" options to the polls? Specifically, "it sounds familiar and i dont have an opinion" and "ive def heard it before and dont feel strongly/have an opinion"? Of course, if theres a specific reason why you dont add those two as options, feel free to ignore this, ty <3
I've considered this -- but honestly, that button has always existed as more of a 'I just want to click a button' option than an actual datapoint I'm looking for (I think I might have answered an ask similar to this before but I don't remember so I'm answering it again LOL). When that option dominates, I always read the notes and tags for discussion and I'd encourage anyone who is genuinely interested to do the same. Actual complex opinions, of course, cannot be captured with the limitations of preset poll options anyways LMFAO.
@mkcannothelpyou asked: I'm beginning to wonder if spacing series severely further apart and prioritising picks further down the queue that aren't as represented would make for a more interesting order - as it is, it feels like you can more or less still track what people submitted and when, with waves of series (and closely related works within those series, at that) coming in conspicuously densely. Hearing the same style only days apart might impact poll results for the negative as time goes on.
This was mostly the fault of me allowing people to submit multiple songs at once, leading to songs with similar qualities (as they are all liked by one person with a particular taste) being grouped together, even if they're from different series. I limit submissions to one per period now so this will not be a problem in the future :').
@the-mayor-of-space asked: how long do submissions typically stay open once they are open?
I originally wanted to have them permanently opened (thinking people wouldn't mind waiting for their submissions) until I got an insane amount of submissions, severely underestimating the popularity of this blog. I then tried to do a 24 hr submission period, and then a 12 hr submission period, but both of these still ended up with a fuck ton of submissions so the current answer is 'They're closed until I can figure out something proper'...
I don't want purging the existing submissions to be on the table, but if I get to the 1 year anniversary of this blog without a better option I might have to go that route -- in which case I'd probably publish all the unposted options so people know if theirs was cut so they know to resubmit it if they're still interested.
are fan/non official/non licensed versions of songs allowed? because i am 100% certain #293 is a fan made remaster and medley arrangement (im not the submitter but i know the song well - i found the youtube video the audio is from and the comments from OP confirm it is a fan remix). if they are, that's totally cool, but i couldn't find anything in the submission rules about it. i dont intend this ask to be rude or hostile at all, and either way im grateful you've created such an active community with this blog!
They're not really allowed unless they're from a mod or fangame. Since it's a fanmade remaster it's kind of towing the line, so I'm not inherently against it, but it might end up just being a highly situational thing.
Note: I'm not familiar with Fire Emblem at ALL but I knew this particular song was from an older game, which is why I wasn't opposed to posting the remastered version. In any future submissions I'd appreciate if this sort of thing were indicated just in case! I will add that to the submission guidelines :). And of course if there's a better way to go about this (i.e if the game is like, 30+ years old fanmade remasters/upscales are permitted or something like that) I will make sure that's made clear as well :).
sorry if you've answered this before but I was just wondering, are people allowed to submit spoiler songs for the polls? like final boss songs and songs from endings and secret endings
Absolutely! But I think for all future submissions (this doesn't apply now since there's a huge backlog) I might put a hold on the submissions of OSTS from new games for like 1-2 months (i.e No Mario Kart 9 OSTs until two months after the game drops!) so people who are playing/going to play the game have time to play it before hearing the OSTs unprompted.
@its-daisukenojobito asked: Just out of curiosity, do you prefer the more obscure submissions, or more well known? I feel like for the sake of reach, the more well known the better, but as a participant, i love being able to hear something I wasn't expecting, and knowing it!
I have no preference, but it's always fun hearing good stuff from games and series I've literally never heard of!
@venonomnomicon asked: am i allowed to DM to check the status of a submission? it was a couple of months ago though i do respect it's probably just deep in the queue as you get hundreds of submissions a month lol
Absolutely, but you'll have to DM my main blog (@himejoshi) because apparently tumblr doesn't let you have DMs when you have more than one blog admin.
@royvalentine asked: is the form supposed to be only submittable once?
Yes, so people would only submit one song per submission period. I intended to make a new form for every submission period... There just hasn't been one since.
hi question, do pinball tables count as video games?
I don't think I have enough experience to answer this question... What do y'all think????
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zigrethsnotebook · 4 months ago
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Hello @zuekdaria and thank you so much for your kind words!!<3 It means a lot to me that you enjoy my little stories so much🥰
I think your ideas are lovely and I would love to morph them into one story featuring Ford, I hope that's alright with you! I hope you enjoy<3
Still waters run deep
Ford x Reader
words: 2,584
tags: sfw, fluff
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You had moved to Gravity Falls early this year and needed a job quickly to get your footing. Something that would get you enough money to pass the time until you found the job you wanted. The Mystery Shack, owned and run by Stanford Pines, or Stanley Pines as you later learned, was the perfect place for you.
You were a good worker in Stan's eyes: always on time, never stole anything and did the work he asked of you. However, he was a little puzzled by you. You weren't the most outgoing person. The only times you talked to him instead of the other way around was when you needed something from him. Be it a new task, some clarification on a task or something else entirely.
He also noted that he never even saw you smile. Stan tried to tell you that it would look better for the customers when you greeted them with a smile at the cash register, but he never actually saw you do it.
However, being the massive flirt he is, he tried to get a rise out of you one way or another whenever he had the chance to. You always kept your cool. Unfazed by the old man and his weird but charming persona.
At least that's the way it looked to him. To you, he was slowly becoming your friend. You liked working for him and just generally having him around. So much so that you subconsciously started to put off looking for a different job.
Summer rolled around and you found yourself in the midst of the Pines' family drama. You didn’t mind that much, they had quickly all become very dear to you.
Then, Stan finished the portal and got his brother back. You didn’t know about the portal, of course. So, when you came to work the next day and saw a man who looked like Stan eyeing the souvenirs in the gift shop suspiciously, you didn’t even bat an eye.
At least not until Stan entered the room as well and you had to do a double take. "Ah, perfect. I see you've already met my brother, Ford." Stan's hand came down on his brother's shoulder who looked at him and then to you. "Oh, hello. I didn’t even hear you enter."
Stan laughed loudly. "Yeah, she does that. Not very talkative. But she gets things done and that's what counts." Ford raised an eyebrow at you, scanning you from head to toe. You didn’t flinch under his gaze, quite enjoying his eyes on you.
As much as Stan was charming and good looking when he wanted to be, his brother was something else. They shared the same good looks, of course, but Ford carried himself better. It made him appear taller, more put together. You liked him.
Stan and Ford quickly came to an agreement that Ford would stay in the basement and keep all his science and research down there, for the kids' sake. What that really meant was that Ford barely saw daylight at all. It quickly started to worry you.
The gift shop was slow one day, so you asked Stan about his brother. "Has Ford eaten today?" Your question was short, but Stan was surprised you asked it at all. "Not that I know of. Why, you wanna bring him something?"
"Yes." Stan wished he could read your expression. Were you just concerned about Ford's health? Did you see something in him? Either way, there had to be a reason and he decided to keep a closer eye on you.
After you got an 'okay' from Stan you made your way to the kitchen and prepared a simple meal. You took the plate back into the gift shop where Stan opened the Vending Machine Door for you.
You knocked on the door to his lab and the door swung open on its own. Quietly, you stepped inside, looking around the new room until you reached Ford, sitting at his desk with his back turned to you.
He was too focused on his work to notice you. Without a word you moved next to his desk, moved a few pieces of paper out of the way and placed the plate onto the wooden table.
Moving his papers was what made Ford look up at you with a raised eyebrow. He eyed the plate you set on the desk. "Did Stan put you up to this?" You found his eyes. Gorgeous big brown eyes. "No." You turned around and left again, leaving Ford looking at the door and the plate in bewilderment.
This became a daily routine. At the end of your shift you would prepare a simple warm meal for Ford and bring it to him without saying much or anything at all. You understood how important his work was and you didn’t want to bother him. Just wanted to make sure that he stays healthy.
A few days into this, Ford came up the stairs suddenly and started looking around the shop frantically. "Whoa, whoa, Sixer slow down. What's gotten into you?" Stan held his hands up as he stepped closer to his brother, calming him down.
"I lost... a creature got loose. It must be in the shack somewhere. It-It looks like a little orange fairy." Stan calmed him down further and asked if the fairy would be dangerous. Ford explained that it was entirely harmless, which seemed to ease Stan's worries. He was always so worried for Dipper and Mabel, it was very sweet.
After they both looked around the shack for a while and came up empty-handed Ford went back down with a sigh and Stan went back to his office. You sat at the register, reading a book. Stan didn’t mind you reading a book at work as long as you did all the things you needed to do.
After a few minutes something caught your eye. At first you thought it was a bee, zooming around the shop but as you looked more closely, you realized that it looked like a little person. This was the perfect opportunity to help Ford with his research.
You grabbed an empty jar from behind your counter and quietly made your way over to the shirt that the fairy was looking at. In one swift movement you put the jar over the fairy, using the shirt as a lid until you quickly put the actual lid on the jar.
You were careful not to shake the jar too much as you made your way to Ford's lab. Down there, Ford was scribbling away in his journal again. Without a word you carefully placed the jar on his desk. He looked up at you with wide eyes. "Thank you!"
You just nodded and headed back upstairs. God, the look on his face was everything to you. You wanted to see his face light up like that again. The rest of your shift you spent daydreaming about Ford and his big brown eyes. Surely, you would see them in your dreams that night.
When your shift was coming to an end you once again prepared something for Ford to eat and brought it to him. "You know you don't actually have to bring me food every day, right?" You looked at Ford. "I know." He furrowed his brows. "Then why do you do it?"
You thought for a moment, not quite brave enough to tell him just how much you care for him. "It makes me happy." Ford's expression softened and he chuckled lightly. "Well, you could have fooled me. I was worried you saw this as just another chore."
"I don't." Ford smiled at you and you felt like you were about to melt on the spot. "Well, in that case, thank you very much for looking out for me." You nodded and left the lab again.
Ford looked at the door for a moment after you were gone. He could not read you at all. It drove him a little wild. He seriously thought you hated having to come down here every day until mere moments ago.
He continued his work for a little while after he had eaten your food. Then, as he brought the empty plate back upstairs and found Stan in the kitchen as well, he decided to talk to him about you. But Stan was quicker.
"So. How's the food?" He smirked at his brother as he watched Ford clean the plate. "It's really good. But you know that already." Stan raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Ford looked at Stan as he clarified. "I mean, you know her food is great because you ate it, too?" Stan scoffed. "No, smart guy. She only makes it for you." This took Ford by surprise.
To think that you only brought him food? Made it only for him? Why would you do that? Ford looked at his brother for help in organizing his thoughts. Stan chuckled at Ford's confused expression.
"Well, if I didn’t know any better, I'd think she has a crush on you." Ford stilled. Could that be? "But you know better?" Stan laughed, shaking his head. "Can't say I do."
Ford went back to his lab, trying to clear his head with science. But now, all he could think about was you.
Life continued the same as before. You came to work, did it quietly and efficiently. At the end of your shift you prepare some food for Ford and bring it to him. And, over the course of a few days, you watched his expressions change.
He had started out barely acknowledging you and the plate at all but now, every day he smiled a little smile at you. It made your heart flutter while also feeling appreciated for the work you were doing.
Today was another slow day in the shop when Dipper and Mabel stormed into the room. Dipper was holding something and looked to be running away from his sister. It was her glue gun.
Dipper had backed himself into a wall as Mabel tried to reach for the object. "Mabel! Grunkle Ford's Journal doesn't need to look cute! It's serious scientific research!" Mabel stood on her tiptoes, reaching upwards. "Science can be cute, too!"
A gentle smile graced your lips as you watched them. You put your book down and walked over to them. Being taller than both of them, you plucked the glue gun from Dipper's hand, turning both of their attentions to you.
"Mabel, I know you mean well. But maybe ask your Grunkle if he wants a cute journal?" She looked at you with big puppy eyes. "But... what if he says no?" You smiled at her. "Then I will let you turn my journal cute."
Mabel's eyes widened and a big grin appeared on her face before she hugged you. She quickly made her way down to the lab. Dipper looked at you suspiciously. "You write a journal?" You hummed. "Not a big scientific one. But I like to keep track of my life."
Dipper nodded in approval and then walked back to whichever part of the house he came from. You walked back to the register and placed the glue gun in one of the shelves behind it.
You didn’t know it at the time, but Stan watched every bit of this interaction between you and the kids through the security camera. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you smile at them. And you talked so much!
He took the tape and made his way to Ford as inconspicuous as possible to show his brother this new side of you. When Ford saw it, it warmed his heart. The men only knew you as this cold exterior, but to see some of the warmth underneath it? He wanted to see more of it.
Ford asked Stan for some more of the security camera footage of you. Stan raised a brow at him but obliged anyway. Ford had to look through the videos, surely, this hadn't been the first time you had some reaction to something?
On a tape from two days ago he found something. You were reading a book like you so often do when not much needs to be done. And there he saw it, the slighted crease between your eyebrows and the tiniest tilt of your lips downward. You were frowning at your book!
Ford felt like a child at Christmas, giddy from seeing you express any emotion at all. He now had a new mission. A new experiment if you want. He wanted to hear your laugh.
A few more days passed and somehow, Ford felt like you were even more distant. And he hadn't even started on his new mission. But you weren't even meeting his eyes anymore when you brought him food. Said even less.
He made his way upstairs, feeling it necessary to ask you about it. But when he got to the gift shop, you weren't there. Ford looked around the house but didn’t find you. Eventually, he decided to climb to the roof. An elevated position would surely help locate you if you were outside.
But he didn’t need to look anymore, because you were sitting on the little balcony, quietly sobbing. He felt his heart shatter.
Carefully, he moved to sit next to you and as he did you silently jumped, not having noticed him join you. "Hey, it's alright. I didn’t mean to startle you." You sniffled, wiping the tears from your face and trying to keep it together.
"What happened ...if I may ask?" He was careful, he didn’t want to scare you off with being too forward. But he also wanted nothing more than to hug you tightly and tell you that everything would be alright.
"Too much..." You shook your head, sorting your thoughts before continuing. "Job search is not going well." Ford felt something in his chest tighten. You wanted to leave the shack? "My landlord is about to throw me out. And my family wants me to-" Your voice broke off, unable to finish.
Ford looked at you. "Would a hug help?" You looked at him as well, meeting his eyes, your tear stained cheeks reflecting the sunlight in a bittersweet picture. You nodded.
Ford's expression softened as he moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. After a moment you let your arms snake around his waist, pulling him closer, as you took the warmth radiating off of him in. It helped to ground you, remind you that not everything is terrible.
Letting his own affection for you overwhelm him, Ford pressed a gentle kiss into your hair. The moment lingered for a little bit. Then, you took a deep breath, steadying yourself. You pulled away from him, feeling better. "Thank you."
Ford nodded, offering a smile. You two sat next to each other for a while, just enjoying the view and each other.
Even though he hadn't reached his goal of hearing you laugh yet, Ford felt like he was slowly getting through to you. Slowly understanding you. He felt pride in being the one to help you feel better today.
And maybe he could talk to your landlord for you. Or he would just offer you to stay here with him, even though that would be way too direct. Either way, he looked forward to every moment he would be able to spend with you.
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barrenclan · 2 years ago
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“Issue #22: A Favor for a Favor”
Here it finally is! You can sort of think of this issue as the mid-season finale, if the whole of PATFW was a one-season show. I have been waiting to do this one for a very long time, and I wanted to make sure it was exactly how I pictured it. There are a ton of reveals and plot progressions in this issue, so keep it all in mind as we move forward!
Also, with this issue, PATFW is officially halfway over. Can you believe that? It feels like just yesterday that I started this project. 
So much to talk about, but I won’t clog up this description. I’ll at least say that Ranger and Hacksaw are some of my absolute favorite characters from this story, and I love them dearly. For clarification’s sake, Ranger is a coyote and Hacksaw is a peregrine falcon. You can now view their tags for posts I’ve made about them in the past, along with Saturn.
Dustfeather was previously completely buried, as you can see in Issue 17, but winds combined with Saturn’s burrowing exposed her body to the open, where any remaining choice meat was picked off by crows (and Saturn). 
In the last panel, the flowers surrounding Deepdark are wisteria, oleander, and black lilies. All of them are poisonous to animals. 
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scarameownya · 2 months ago
oh wait actually lemme add something if niko is trans cause self indulgent
so when it's their first time and he's taking off his clothes, he realized what his body is like and just refused to take off his bottom half for a few minutes, muttering about how it'll probably turn wanderer off and that he wouldn't like it cause it's not exactly he'd expect from other "naturally born" guys
niko isn't someone who often get insecure about his body, mostly cause he has more important matter to worry about then what the heck his body is up to, so it's literally something that doesn't bothered him frequently.
it was then he got hit on his head (hard but soft enough for him to know that wanderer isn't mad) and get called an idiot for thinking wanderer is that shallow, and how "despite giving me advices, you barely take you own."
and niko was going to bite back with his own insults till he realized that wanderer is reassuring him (in his... unique way) that he doesn't care what he has in his pants, he just wants him.
i honestly just like the fact whatever the other is insecure about, the other knows exactly how it feels in their own way and always make sure they other knows that, it's just... real subtle with them
ok ok theres this idea that ive been in my head for a while i need to get it out UWAH, idk if its nsfw since its mentioned for the sake of clarity but ill tag it as nsfw just in case !
id like to think wanderer really don't like taking off his top, because he doesn't like it when people see his obvious puppet joints, specifically on the abdomen because it's the most obvious looking place to indicate that he's just a puppet, at least with his arm theyre cover and his knees are easy to miss (ofc he absolutely hate it when ppl stare at it too much too), not to mention some people are vile and would not hesitate to say how deformed he is or that he's weird. it's something he's absolutely insecure about and no matter the circumstances, you cannot make him take off his turtleneck (?) and that includes bed activity as well.
and ofc, niko knows this on a personal level.
now, he's not like insecure or feel miserable with his prosthetic leg or anything, it's just something he accepted happened to be a part of him at this point. but that doesn't mean he sometimes doesn't feel insecure about how he can't do some specific activities that he can do much easier before when he still had his other leg, it comes and go but it does happened. and dont even mention the amount of mean comment he get from other people about it, either because people still hate him because of his past actions (which they always used to justified their comments) or they just genuinely think he's weird.
if there are anyone in their circle that knows their pain as well as they do, it's each other. niko always told him he genuinely doesn't mind wanderer being a puppet, he doesnt mind all the visible joints and that if anything he likes it, not cause its unique, not cause it makes him special, but because it's just a part of him he's just born with and it doesn't make him any less of the person he fell for.
when wanderer finally feel comfortable enough to show that part of him, it's a sign of ultimate trust. and ofc niko embrace all of it. all of him. even parts wanderer thinks are his flaws.
because that, that is the person he loves, someone he never regret sharing a part of his life with
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mystxmomo · 2 months ago
OC interview tag
(answer the questions for your OC as if your character were answering them)
I got tagged by @mogruith. I love being included, thank you for including me and letting me write in a character voice.
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Enclave time.
== For the sake of simplicity, the interview is taking place in her preferred Tongue: High Drow. ==
Are you named after anyone?
"No. Not to my knowledge," She's quiet, though after a few seconds, she snorts and says, "Honestly, if my mother had it her way, I probably would not have been named at all. But alas. To the misfortune of everyone involved, I sit before you today all the same."
When was the last time you cried?
She does not look like she has any interest in answering this question, and in fact looks a little baffled that you asked her?
"Mm. No."
Do you have kids?
"Well, I suppose that depends! Are we limiting this to children who are alive, or will dead ones suffice in consideration?" Despite her tone, she does seem a little unsure as to whether people consider their dead children as still being... their children, and so it is clarified to her that yes, she should consider her dead children as part of this. She gives a long exhale, as though that's something rather tedious to be doing, but considers it all the same, "Ah. Well. I have had four, however none of them made it out of the underdark. Put bluntly, only one really survived until adulthood..."
She trails off, looking a little troubled.
Worth mentioning, of course, this is not considering the adopted child she has that she does not consider her child despite the author absolutely considering him her child
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
With the flattest expression imaginable, "No."
This... seems to be a joke? It's a little hard to tell.
She pours more wine into her goblet.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
"How attached they are to their weapons," She doesn't look up as she says this. It's the first question she seems to answer without needing to put much thought into it, "And how visible those weapons are, I suppose. It does not matter how kind you are when your hand sits next to your blade for most of the conversation," Enclave looks off to the side. Her own blade remains unseen, however is undeniably within reach, "I suppose I cannot fault anyone for being suspicious, though. Lest I be a hypocrite within the framework of my own standards."
Scary stories or happy endings?
"I am not really a .... story... person..." She looks a little apprehensive. Unlike the other questions she'd skipped over, she does offer this some amount of consideration, rolling the goblet between her fingers as she does, "If I had to make a choice, I would still say neither. I prefer stories grounded in reality, and reality tends neither be so kind or straightforward in the tone of it's ending."
Then, she mutters to herself, "Besides. There is nothing more irritating than a bard who dramatizes for the sake of performance."
Any special talents?
"I have many. I have none I am willing to share."
Where were you born?
"The Underdark. It does not matter beyond that."
Again, this is something she otherwise has no interest in expounding upon. Even when further pressed on the matter, she just offers a blank stare in return.
Do you have any pets?
"What? No. With the kind of life I lead, why would I?" Her lips thin in disdain and she rubs her eyes.
She does not consider the stray cat she feeds when she's in town as being her pet, even if everyone else around her absolutely would.
What sort of sports do you play?
"... I have never been the sort particularly inclined towards sport, and was fortunate enough to have the luxury to avoid those," Her idea of sports being largely influenced by her time within the outskirts of drow nobility and the bloodsports they indulged in, she seems rather concerned with the question. Even after clarification that the question probably means less "blood" and more "ball", she only offers;
"Ah.." and, "I suppose I prefer to rest when I have the chance. I spend too much time on my feet as it stands."
The pun seems intentional, though her expression does not break when she says it.
How tall are you?
".... 5'0"
What was your favourite academic subject?
"...." She momentarily looks like she's going to need further clarification on this. But she does not ask for that clarification.
"History. Not what was taught, but what was true," She traces the rim of her glass, her gaze far-off, and rather distracted seeming, "... I suppose if you wanted a straightforward answer, I was always inclined towards the arcane. A shame, really. Being so invested in the arcane continues to reflect poorly on my character."
What she means by this, we are unsure.
What is your dream job?
"Anything besides what I'm fucking doing now," She says, switching to common to answer that. Not unlike earlier, though her expression doesn't change, this also seems to be a joke. She grabs her head, rolls her eyes, and with less venom to her tone eventually finishes by saying, "... I did quite like being a teacher. I would love to do so again one day, under kinder circumstances."
Tagging @bluejeanne & @mmigrainee, if you want to talk about your oc's. And anyone else that wants to be included.
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official-l · 5 months ago
Hello. Due to the overwhelming amount of impersonations of me after I have begun work on the Kira case, I have decided to create an official account. I am willing to take questions.
(Main affiliated ask blogs <3: @yagami-raito0 @official-mello @rue-ryuzaki-official @nearriverofficial @matt-jeevas-official @official-misa @sayu-yagami @official-teru-mikami @law-to-your-light @mrs-sachiko-yagami @officer-soichiro-yagami
Hey! Started rewatching death note, and you know how that goes!
Important info:
Always look at the tags, especially in reblog chains. While they aren’t always death note level monologues, a lot of the time there are thoughts in there, or little clarifications from me!
This blog takes place exclusively during the Kira case. If you send asks about things that happen after the Yotsuba arc, I will still answer, it just won’t be a part of the currently timeline. Some blogs are currently in the past timeline wise, as in their interactions with this L blog are before interactions with other blogs would have happened, but they’ll catch up eventually, and it’ll settle at Yotsuba Arc and go from there.
L, as we all know, lies so so much. I’ve toned it down for the sake of interactions being interesting, but when he does lie either I as mod, or him via monologue, will mention it.
As you would expect, there will probably be much canon divergence.
Ship wise, this is a lawlight blog. It being a lawlight blog was one of the main reasons I created it. You can 100 percent send in asks about other ships, it will just be likely they will be said to explicated not be real.
NSFW asks are allowed! If you don’t want to see those, I will tag them as such, don’t worry.
The blog answers to L and Ryuzaki.
L uses he/him, mod uses she/they
I’ve tried to condense my rambling best I could, but it’s still kinda long lol!
This blog is run by a single person, me, mod luci!
Tag post: https://www.tumblr.com/official-l/764112629119729664/mod-luci-here-this-post-contains-all-of-the-blog
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olderthannetfic · 5 months ago
I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this, anon. I'm even sadder that it's not an uncommon story.
As another trans writer (trans woman, in my case) that's stumbled into other people eviscerating her works for "fetishizing" and being "het in f/f's clothing" I really sympathize with you, dude. The way I look at it is that you cannot try alter who you are for these people. They will always find a way to dislike you because you are their ideological enemy. They dislike seeing trans men in what they see as their ship tags, not yours, so they will always find something they view as a flaw and flog you for it until you either conform or leave.
I've had a similar experience to yours, though not a literal thread dedicated to me. Ouch. I write f/f and sometimes that features non-op/pre-op trans characters because I am personally non-op after many years on E, and I'm always astounded by how it obviously upsets people that otherwise claim to be progressive. I also tag things extensively and I even include some terminology clarifications at the beginning of smut fics so that everyone knows what they're getting into. It doesn't matter to them. It'll never matter to them what you or I do, so why bother trying to coddle them?
There are readers that like my works, but after walking into a fandom Discord's NSFW fic channel, I saw how many people assume that my fics are written by a cis person or the fabled Dirty Fetishizer. It's one thing to intellectually know this happens and another to see your own work - something that you as a trans person created to talk about some part of yourself - ripped apart as this nasty tripe that no "real" trans person would write or read.
To make matters worse, I saw all that after I went through a rather nasty spate of transphobic anons when the fandom was very young. It was so tiring. I was exhausted. Seeing virulent hate in the real world and then having it thrown in my face for writing characters in a way that people disagreed with was just too much for me.
My way of dealing with this was disengaging from my own fandom, turning off anons on tumblr, and blocking anyone I even felt slightly annoyed by just in case it boiled over into something else. It sucks, but it's how I continue to have fun with writing for my ships. I basically never go into my ship tags on Tumblr now, I curate whose fics I read carefully, and I only hang out in one Discord server that's very small. I still read and comment on others' works when I have the mental bandwidth for it, but I avoid most other writers, especially those I don't know just in case they're part of that -phobe segment, and keep the most vocally unpleasant authors permanently muted for my own sake.
Frankly, it is what it is, as thought terminating as that phrase can be, and I gave up trying with these people/this fandom. You could keep trying to interact with the greater fandom, but you should block the assholes that disregarded your lived experience for your own mental health.
It's an isolating process for sure, but that's why I supplemented it with seeking out other fandom friends, most of whom are trans. Maybe we disagree with headcanons, and in a lot of cases we're polar opposites, but we all stick together because otherwise we're all thrown into isolation. That, and I always try to focus on the folks that do like what I write.
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suzyandthefox · 8 months ago
Clarification, Apologies,A word for the community, and Blog Updates..
On 31st of July, around a week ago, A situation involving some users, myself included, happened, causing me to go on a temporary hiatus for a week, as it was handled indelicately and caused a lot of harm to users who never asked to be a part of it.
For the sake of privacy and not stirring the pot again, I will not name any of the users.
I should clarify that English is not my first language, so there might be grammatical mistakes in this.
TLDR: I was careless and I reblogged from NSFW blogs not knowing they were NSFW blogs, causing harassment to other members of the community. I have deleted these reblogs and I decided to not reblog anything on this blog for the safety of everyone.
Elaboration under break:
It started when an user, who I will not name, made a callout post about me. They screenshotted reblogs I made, and while I still believe that that user fully intended to cause drama instead of addressing any real issue, they were right in calling my mistakes out.
Throughout several months, I have reblogged from NSFW accs, even though I have a bold NSFW DNI on the top of my blog. I have also reblogged from an MDNI account multiple times despite having minors on my blog, endangering both parties.
I have since blocked these accounts and deleted these reblogs. However,that doesn't undo the damage I already did.
I know I have problems with many social skills, like social cues and etiquette. I do have Autism and ADHD after all. This led to, when I was reblogging things that I found cool, me accidentally missing many of the signs that most would have seen. I didn't realize what was happening until someone told me.
At the moment of the discourse, this blog had 194 followers (202 as I write this). In any other social media platform, this number means you're basically invisible, and so that's the logic I went with. I thought nobody saw this blog so I was lenient with my content, treating this blog as my personal shitposting place.
However, after this discourse,I realized that I am being seen on Tumblr. That unfortunately was at the cost of accidentally hurting innocent users who never asked to be a part of this, along with ruining my mental health for a while.
There have been kind hearted users who defended me, and users who told me that I am being looked up to and that I am a well respected member of the community, which is something I will remember for the rest of my life.
What I am trying to say is, I fucked up. Badly. Yet despite that, the community has given me a second chance, proven by the fact that I wasn't blocked or unfollowed (Quite the opposite actually)
I now understand the responsibility that I have and that I need to be very careful with what I post, especially since I have made the choice to let minors interact with this blog. I now understand I must look after them because of that.
I apologize so much for everyone that has been hurt by this. I won't ask for forgiveness. I only ask that everyone knows that I have acknowledged my mistakes and I promise to better myself in the future.
I am a human and I make mistakes, please don't ever be afraid to tell me when I do something wrong. (Tell me, by messaging or commenting. Please not by making a call out post on me, since this has proven to hurt more than help others.)
I made this blog to be a safe place to enjoy a certain trope without getting hurt, and I want to live up to that. For the safety of everyone, me included, I will make some changes to this blog.
1: No more reblogs
This blog was handled indelicately, and unprofessionally, and I decided that I will change that, I will make this blog into an Art/Writing blog first and foremost, With prompt posts being a second priority.
The only exception to this will be fanworks or fanfics or things that are directly made for me/things I am mentioned in, I will tag them accordingly depending on content.
2: This blog is now +16
Yes, I interacted with users younger than 16 before, Yes,I have followers who are less than 16. I have thought about it deeply and I realized that for the sake of not hurting anyone, and if I wanted to be more comfortable around this blog, then I need to keep people who are slightly closer to my age range, Instead of censoring myself,
that's because I have taken a liking to (Nonsexual) fatal vore and gore, I want to make similar content in the future, as well as other darker topics.
I will not block anyone who is younger than 16, but I will not directly interact with you anymore, even if I'm not responsible for your actions, it's just to be safe.
Now I need to make some things clear:
I am not a minor so I can interact with MDNI blogs and they can interact if they wish to. As long as they're SFW
But, again, I will not reblog from them for the safety of those who are minors following my blog.
Vore is nonsexual for me and I don't want my work to be sexualised, especially because I depict myself in it.
I have absolutely nothing against people who are into it sexually, I just don't want my work in these circles.
I can't control how my work is perceived and where it goes, however my blog is SFW (In the sense that there's nothing graphic or sexual on it), meant for people who are also interested in that content, and so I don't want to see people who think it's “hot” here.
I am not responsible for anyone's actions on this blog, I am not responsible for people who find my content weird or sexual or whatever,I am not responsible for the minors on this blog, I am not responsible for my mutuals, I am only responsible for my own actions.
This community has been extremely supportive of me, and there have been people who comforted me during this whole situation, without them I probably would've deleted my blog from sheer panic.
I owe these people my life, thank you so much for being on my side.
I hope that one day, my blog can be a source of comfort too.
Thank you for reading and I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
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euthymiya · 11 months ago
RULES — please make sure to read these before following me!
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here are some basic guidelines i’d like to set in place so that we can have a smooth, bump free time here! if i add any rules, i’ll reblog this post as needed but please make sure to follow them!
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— this blog is unwelcome to any type of discrimination such as (but not limited to) racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, etc. also do not interact if you are pro israel!!!!
— please keep in mind that this is an 18+ blog. minors may read and interact with my sfw writing only, but my mature content and my blog itself is adults only. only 18+ individuals with ages indicated may follow!
— i firmly believe there are no limits to dark content. i don’t care what the topic or ship is, it’s fictional and is not indicative of a person in real life if they consume or create any sort of dark content. creating boundaries of any kind in fiction is censorship and i am always anti censorship. therefore, if you think dark content has any kind of rules and limits, or if you think fictional ships that depict problematic dynamics should not exist just bc you don’t like them, please don’t interact with me. i am not saying i like all ships and all content, and you don’t have to like things either, but i don’t condone instilling censorship of any kind in fiction. it is fiction. that being said, any dark content i might create or reblog will be tagged with: cw [trigger]
— please don’t repost or translate my works anywhere. i don’t have wattpad or any other blog, so my works should not be cross posted anywhere besides my ao3 that is also euthymiya. if you find my works anywhere else, please let me know! and please do not feed my fics into ai or create bots based around them. i heavily disagree with the usage of ai, and it makes me very uncomfortable
— this blog is also not spoiler free. i will not be tagging my posts for spoilers unless it’s newly released episodes or chapters, as i find the idea tedious. please keep this in mind when following for fandoms you’re not caught up on!
— feel free to send in asks and chat with me! i ask that you don’t get into any heavy or traumatic topics as i’d like to keep all interactions friendly and lighthearted
— i hope i can avoid this as much as possible, but i softblock to break a mutual. if you’re unsure whether you were softblocked or if it was a glitch (i know that happens sometimes) feel free to ask to clarify but please don’t ask for an explanation. just a clarification to double check for the sake of boundaries is okay but nothing more! though i try to avoid hardblocks, i will hardblock if you refollow after a softblock or ask why
— i don’t necessarily take requests, but i’m not opposed to ideas or thirsts in my inbox, so feel free to share any writing or concepts you’d like to see from me!
— as far as thirsts go, i don’t really have any hard no’s that i feel needs to be listed besides daddy/mommy kinks. if i’m not interested in writing your thirst the worst i will do is just ignore it so feel free to send it in! but please do not send the same thirst or idea to me and another writer. that’s a very uncomfortable predicament to put us both in, so please be respectful and pick one writer!
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that’s all! thank you for reading and please make sure to keep my boundaries in mind when interacting and hopefully we can all have a good time together ;)
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no-i-can-not-shut-up · 3 months ago
Intro ig:
Patch (not my irl name, for safety reasons)
Lesbian (I dislike gender stereotypes but for the sake of being understandable I’d be considered masc/butch/gnc/etc)
South Indian born, raised in the US
This is a sideblog for my political opinions, non political opinions, and everything in between. If you disagree with me that’s fine lol, I’m always willing to have respectful conversations in DMs or asks.
Politics under the cut: Note that these aren’t 100% super detailed descriptions of every one of my political beliefs, feel free to ask for clarification
I consider myself a leftist, not a liberal
I disagree with a lot of liberal feminism takes, though I used to be one
It was not a great space for me, so I left
Feminism, Radical Feminism, Liberal Feminism, oh my!
I don’t label myself as anything other than a feminist, do not put labels on me. If I tag something as ‘blank’-feminism, it’s for the algorithm
Women as a sex are an oppressed class. That is an undisputable fact
Patriarchy harms everyone, but women should always be centered in feminist discussions
Single sex spaces are important, but excessive cruelty towards transsexual people is largely unwarranted, and only alienates possible allies within other oppressed communities
Men are not innately bad, but they are socialized to be. Misandry is not an axis of oppression
Radblr has an issue with demeaning heterosexual women, and borderline racist extremism. Insulting the appearance or orientation of *anyone* is not activism. It’s assholery.
Pro-abortion, Pro-divorce, Pro-sex *worker* (Decriminalize, but never legalize. Pimps and Johns should be prosecuted as rapists)
Anti-makeup, Anti-cosmetic surgery, Anti-pornography, Anti-prostitution
Kink-critical, gender-critical, adoption-complex (I’m an adoptee myself, don’t come at me)
I’m a lesbian, so obviously I’m pro-homosexuals.
I don’t believe that gold-star lesbianism is a healthy ideology, and comphet is real but cannot create attraction that didn’t already exist
Bi women and lesbians are each other’s biggest allies, and we need more solidarity.
Lesbian means woman loving woman *exclusively*. Sapphic means non-exclusively loving women as a woman
Butch/Femme are terms that rely on gender stereotypes and need to be re-examined by the community
Gay men should not be allowed to get away with rampant misogyny like they are
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, etc are not definitionless terms. Sexuality is not fluid. Pansexual and its offspring are the same as Bisexual
Stop normalizing slurs and “reclamation”, that goes for “qu—r” too.
Trans people…oh boy
I believe gender dysphoria exists, and that there are transsexual individuals who genuinely believe themselves to be a different sex
However, most people who call themselves trans*gender* and do not have sex dysphoria simply reject gender roles
Therapy should be required before any medical intervention, and absolutely no medical or legal changes for minors, including self ID on driver’s licenses, medical records, etc
I suffer dysphoria myself and am in therapy for it. I do not consider myself transsexual, nor am I pursuing any type of transition, but I understand the struggle. I was at my worst mentally when I was active in the trans community
I can respect trans people as human beings without agreeing with their politics
I’ll add more as I think of them.
Note: I don’t believe in DNIs for my blogs. That is how echochambers are created. I will respect someone else’s DNI. Also, never put a list of your triggers and discomforts on the internet. Anyone can interact, if it’s in bad faith I’ll just block you lol
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muzzleoleum · 9 months ago
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁ִ ࣪𖤐My Enclosure࣪𖤐ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁ִ
Hello :) For the sake of this blog you can call me Bones or Carrion, or honestly anything that's just what i could come up with. This is my Non-Human blog and there will be more info under the cut :)
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As I said this is my non-human blog!! However I will be posting more than just non-human related things. Please don't refer to me as human, and I use he/him pronouns :). I also have a partner!! My DMs are also open if you would like to chat!! (18+ only though for dms thank you :))
My non-human identities are as followed:
࣪𖤐 Lycanthrope
࣪𖤐 Werecreature
࣪𖤐 Wolf
࣪𖤐 Dogkin
࣪𖤐 Irish wolfhound Therian :)
tagging system (in the works)
#rambling inside the enclosure (my personal ramlbling tag)
#bloody fangs (nsfw tag MINORS BLOCK THIS NOW)
#clawing at paper (drawings or other art)
I do not wish to debate any kind of identities whether that is my own or someone else's, my time can be spent worrying on other things and i'd rather not waste my energy on discourse.
I am diagnosed with autism, OCD, c-PTSD, Prolonged psychosis and manic and depressive episodes, and other symptoms like dissociation and derealization that don't fit into a disorder. I am suspected to have schizoaffective by my therapist and psychiatrist, but we have not gone through the diagnostic process. I am also recovered from anorexia, do not interact if you are pro ED or sh, or if you are anti recovery. With all that said, I will talk about my experiences, and I will sometimes need extra clarification or tone tags, I might not always be articulate but I will try my best :)).
I am also physically disabled. I have been disabled my whole life, most of my family is disabled, so any ableism will either be called out or blocked.
Uh more about me, I was doner conceived (egg), and I am very very passionate about doner conceived rights for everyone, and I probably will talk a bit about that. I have a lot of weird genetic and like other shit that i don't really want to get into but that's something about me. I'm very queer, I'm trans, I am taken by my lovely partner <3 I love posting about them and stuff like that. I love to draw, even if i'm not super consistent with it. I love painting as well. I love punk music, and folk music a lot. I go to a lot of local shows in my area, and i love my community. I love cowboys and cowboy culture considering that a whole part of my family are modern day cowboys (ranchers and rodeo cowboys, plus some livestock farming). I'm very into wolf conservation and ecology, as well as studying wolf behavior and social patterns, and pack systems ect. I will probably be going back to the wolf sanctuary I visited last fall but i've been meaning to find one close to where i live where i can volunteer. I also have a lot of strong opinions about a lot of different things.
I will post about my opinion on things, my personal experiences, Mood boards, Cute wolf and other animal photos, and probably other random stuff too.
My DNI is not suuuper strict, Just absolutely no bigotry, No racism, Queerphobia, Islamophobia, Intersexism, anti-semitism, pro israel, ect. I am pro Palestine and I am pro Palestinian resistance and liberation always. Any bigotry or dog whistles will be blocked. I also don't want people coming on here with anything like "humans deserve to die" or "humans are the cause of everything bad so they deserve to cease to exist" Yall that so quickly turns bigoted and I will not stand for that, I will not allow stuff like that that can so quickly become eugenics or other beliefs like that to fester on my page.
Please don't flirt with me even as a joke, or make sexual jokes or comments to me personally, it makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
With that as well, Minors can like and repost things, I do not want any minors messaging me, it makes me uncomfortable, While this blog is not an nsfw blog, I will curse and I will talk about things that are more mature in nature things like my experiences with trauma and mental health, and other things that might not be the most appropriate for a minor to look at in detail, Please keep yourself safe, and don't follow if you are only looking for cute wolf content, because i might post some cute wolf photos but i'm also an individual who talks about my own personal experiences and other shit.
I will block if I feel necessary, it might not be anything personal to you.
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Thank you and I hope you enjoy the blog :)
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