#tagging my two top fandoms:
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4nikki21 · 8 months ago
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Hi! I’m Nikki a senior in high school (currently)! I do drawing a bit, and now that I am (somewhat) better and quicker at it, I thought I’d do something with it!!
As someone who’s visited family friends working in areas facing lower healthcare funding, I’ve seen how stressed the healthcare system can be under even standard conditions. With the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine, their healthcare system has been nearly wiped out, leaving many, many civilians without medical care for anything.
Organizations such as Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have doctors in Gaza actively responding to the crisis. They are an impartial humanitarian organization, and are calling for an immediate ceasefire due to the devastation and loss of human life that is currently going on.
The organizations Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) and Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) also have on-the-ground operations in Gaza.
If you donate 10 USD (or more) to one of these organizations and send me a receipt via email, I will make you a drawing of whatever you want (within reason).
⭕Drawing Examples
Doctors Without Borders
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years ago
Sorry to gatekeep but some of you haven't watched the clone wars and it shows.
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Not pictured: the force being exclusive OR Yoda jealously guarding jedi teachings
(that was the first episode btw)
Youngling: How did he break the ice? Yoda: Only water made solid was the door. Easy to break if you have the will. ( chuckles ) Youngling: You-you said we would be trapped. Yoda: Not by the cave you were but by your mind. Lessons, you have learned. Find courage, you did...
Not pictured: Yoda teaching jedi children to accept his "dogma" without question.
(this is one of the pivotal coming of age ceremonies in a young jedi's life and it specifically includes a lesson on not blindly trusting authority)
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somegurl8 · 5 months ago
It feels so weird seeing my Tumblr and Twitter tls going crazy over the Riptide hiatus update and PD being on break still meanwhile I’m here like “the last thing Apotheosis related we’ve gotten has been the Thanny Nation shirt. While back they said they would do an Apotheosis bad ending What If but it has yet to exist. Omg Total Monster Kill soundtrack I still need to listen to that.”
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mapofyourstars · 29 days ago
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authenticcadence18 · 6 months ago
Twice this week I have received comments on Can’t Help Falling in Love critiquing my use of tags and I’m just like?
those “extra” tags have been there for four years? no im not going to delete them?? I think if it truly was a big issue one of my moots/writer friends would’ve brought it up to me by now???
I use tags to express my creative voice and personality. And I DO include lots of real tags.
if someone makes something FOR FREE and it’s not harmful maybe just say what you like about it and move on?
like? do yall like my tags?? have my tags dissuaded you from checking out my stuff??? because I’ve been posting on ao3 since 2019 and this is the first time anyone has ever brought it up :/
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maraschinotopped · 3 months ago
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stumbling into the tumblr blog covered in blood. hey guys i think pendog creative library is pretty cool. you should check it out.
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peri-universals-universe · 10 months ago
The canon: Only one of the main cast is trans The fandom: Every single character is trans what do you mean that's not canon I just know it is
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galacticlamps · 8 months ago
very minor thing I still definitely deserve a medal for:
being raised catholic, and now as an adult repeatedly falling in love with characters that fandoms like to declare catholic, but still managing to reject those headcanons because at heart I'm too much of a stickler for accurate analysis to get behind them when i know the person in question is really meant to be anglican/episcopalian/whatever other flavor of christian
i am being, as the poets say, so brave about it
#i dont wanna list examples bc this is just a lil vent post im not looking to make this pop up in any tags & insult anybody#bc tbh some of the worst offenders are absolutely top-tier favorite characters of mine with woefully small fandoms#& the LAST thing i wanna do is be rude about or discourage anyone who posts about/writes for/discusses them#just because i happen to have trouble getting on board with one part of their analysis.#but it does amaze me that this Keeps happening#talk about resisting temptation#& for the record when i say 'raised catholic' i do not just mean christmas and easter catholic okay#im talking 'college was the first time in my life religion wasnt a required subject' catholic#'virtually everybody i knew as a teen went to different single-sex high schools' catholic#horrible uniforms. strict nuns. classes interrupted for masses for even the minor holidays. joined choir for something to do-catholic#as an adult i still have friends & acquaintances who work in/for churches type-catholic#my mom actively tries to hide rosary beads & scapulars in my bags & car every time i come home catholic#(i dont even think most people know what scapulars ARE for christ's sake! & if they think they do they're probably picturing the wrong one#meanwhile i've got a routine list of hiding spots to check for them before driving away)#my point is.#if it made even a scrap of sense for any of these characters to actually be catholics trust me i'd be the FIRST one saying so#bc i know i could write the SHIT out of all the angsty repressed queer guilt religious trauma stuff everyone's drawn to it for#that's like the very least i could get out of having been up to my eyeballs in it for the first two decades of my life#but 99% of the time it just doesn't track w/ what we know about them at all im sorry.#im sorry your moodboard yearns for stained glass saints#im sorry your fic hinges upon a flashback to a certain sacrament#but im just not buying it
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separatist-apologist · 8 months ago
Thank you for always answering questions, thank you for being kind and most of all; thank you for everything.
I’m still always intimidated by you because you’re so kind and popular. I understand you are human but it’s surreal being your friend.
Anyway: I hope I can be more brave?
Hope you have a happy fourth! ❤️
I wish I could better convey how little anyone should revere me in this space, or be afraid of talking to me. I promise I don't bite, nor am I like, sitting on a mountaintop gazing down at everyone else like I think I'm better than them. I think maybe people would feel like it was easier to talk to me if they knew that.
Anyway I hope you do say hi someday- and remember that we're both just two people who happen to like the same book series/characters at the same time/same place, which I think is kind of cool. Imagine if we'd never read it, you know? We wouldn't even be talking at all
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misty-quigley · 7 months ago
rules: make a poll with your top 10-12 least favorite ships ever and have your followers try to guess which one is your #1 notp, then tag people to do the same.
i was tagged by the lovely @userlaylivia ty for the tag <3
tagging (no pressure ofc): @abramsgracies @annacoleman @narliee @noajennifers @bakerolivia and anyone who sees this and would like to do it
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frostgnawdraws · 27 days ago
ok i finally got off my ass to change my tags, i used the mass post editor thing and changed the links in my pinned post so it should all be good now! ::D
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imaginerium · 2 months ago
My top three posts say it all really 🤣
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forcebookish · 2 years ago
feel like i'm being gaslighted by the ofs fandom like where are all these wild think pieces coming from we can't possibly be watching the same ONE EPISODE of the same drama
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#the amount of baseless fanon is... wild#and by baseless i really do mean like. two sentences and a trailer#i feel like.......... bl fandom has never seen a couple like. actually be in the dating phase#so everyone is interpreting their little dance as two MASTER MANIPULATORS when they're just like... feeling each other out?? lmao#also some of u really think that mew is lying about being a virgin#so either he's been lying to his three closest friends for 4+ years or they're lying for him even during private moments with no one around#on the off chance that some hot guy is going to learn about it and want to date him because of it#that is breathtakingly bad writing#(of note: said hot guy was already interested in him before learning he was a virgin and still would've gone home with him had he not known#and if mew is so much of an unreliable narrator that we can't believe ANYTHING that is on screen that is also unbelievably bad writing lol#some of you are CONVINCED that he is an absolute psycho#?????????#ofs liveblog#i use that gif and then these are my tags#also i don't say all this like i know who mew really is. because it's been one episode lmao but he's definitely guarded and intuitive#i'm open to being wrong about MY interpretation of him but if any of these headcanons are true i probably won't finish it lol#(but i find it really unlikely... especially from how many of these takes are from people who hate top...)#(which tells me that you're not actually interested in understanding him as a character and want to cling to your own ideas of him)#(an attitude that i have a hard time believing you don't apply to all the characters. especially mew)#ANYWAY
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florallychaotic · 1 year ago
A lot of you were here for my The Batman (2022) hyperfixation....this Alan Wake one....oh its worse...it's so much worse.
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blueberryexistence · 1 year ago
queer, immortal, fashion icons charlie and magnus bane should meet
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burinazar · 1 year ago
when i mention that i have the most individual MiA fics out of any author on AO3 i am not bragging. mostly i am sad about this. fic scene is very small, total of ~200 works in all languages
i am also always noting that the characters i'm likely to read/write about aren't the same ones as the characters most of the rest of the already-small fic reader and writer scene for The Hole Show is likely to read/write about. so the following results aren't news to me
but i hadn't thought to actually compare character tags for the whole fandom to character tags for my work, and the sheer disparity between 'tags of the fandom' and 'tags of the author who wrote the most individual fics in that fandom' is...funny lol. (left: MiA tag as a whole's most tagged characters; right: ebilfic's most tagged characters
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