#tagging for metrics
basicallyimgay · 4 days
dan and phil games video idea: taking an autism assessment together
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sameboot · 1 year
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Simon petrikov coping FAIL compilation
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bunnyjesters · 11 months
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dunning kruger effect
the next one
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rkart221 · 5 months
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my first ever tumblr heart emoji
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sunshikilo · 3 months
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bg3-npc · 1 year
Favoritism for Astarion aside, I think no one sees the tragedy in Wyll because he never really strays from "being good". We're never really given a moment where his actions had costs larger than himself. If he'd refused Mizora's pact, he'd obviously have the guilt of any lives lost on his shoulders. He accepted it though. If you're unshakable in your goodness there's no way you can be unhappy, clearly you're content with all your choices. WHICH IS THE POINT OF WYLL! HE DOESN'T REGRET HIS CHOICES BUT HE ISN'T HAPPY EITHER!
Astarion's whole thing is how fucking hard it is to be good, how easy it is to be a bad person. That's where Wyll comes into play! He showcases how often doing the right thing comes at a personal cost! That's the actual struggle with Wyll. In his efforts for justice he's losing himself. People aren't infinite resources, yet Wyll gives and sacrifices and takes the hits like he'll never run dry.
*rattling the bars of my cage* Don't you see it? The parallel themes of identity loss, the balance one most walk between altruism and selfishness, when does doing good at the detriment of yourself become detrimental to others as well, how can someone justify their selfishness, their sacrifices, when does someone need to tell you to stop giving, to stop taking? Hello? Do you hear me?? Is anyone there??? Look at it, LOOK AT ALL OF IT *starts gnawing at the bars*
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lumintsu · 10 days
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dan femboy era when
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daniel howell instagram story - 10/09/24
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simplydnp · 1 month
dnp you know what you gotta do to get to number one cmon boys
my greatest fear is they will hard launch, but tumblr will be informed using the destiel meme and therefore we will lose out on the top spot
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27-royal-teas · 9 months
look i know i made this exact same poll a while ago but i only made the duration one day long so i didnt get as much data as i could have. and i am simply burning with curiosity
EDIT: im sorry i forgot to add an option if ur in between pete and joe’s heights thats totally my bad so uhh just pick whichever is closer ig. sorry!!
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crit20art · 2 years
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[ID: a digital drawing of Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives, depicting them spooned in bed with Martin wrapping his arms tightly- almost desperately- around Jon. The drawing is in greyscale except for a large scar on Jon’s chest, which glows bright red, shedding a small halo of color. Jon is depicted as a short, thin, British-Pakistani man with dark, scarred skin. He appears to be asleep, though he still holds onto Martin’s arms around him. Martin is depicted as a tall, fat, Vietnamese-Polish man with a freckled, medium skin tone. He clutches Jon tight, both with his arms, and with a leg curled over Jon’s hip. His head bows to press part of his face against the back of Jon’s shoulder. Though his eyes are closed, his intense expression- sad, perhaps a little distressed- implies that he is awake. End ID]
sometimes the world doesn’t end, but it still feels like it might at any moment
(more jmart touch prompts. anon suggested big spoon Martin holding Jon as tight as he can and i thought hmm… i bet after you stab the love of your life you’d probably have to assure yourself he’s still breathing when you see him lying there still, huh)
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hustlerose · 3 months
metric fan.... what are your thoughts on art of doubt ? i'm trying to get into metric and that's the one album that's clicking with me big time... it's so good
i have strongly mixed feelings about art of doubt, and broadly about this newer era the band is in
i hated pagans in vegas. that album was a major slump. i thought they were going the way of bloc party or lcd soundsystem or any number of weirdo indie rock bands from the 00's, where they'd keep on truckin but never reach their glorious highs again...
well, it didn't turn out that way. art of doubt is a triumph, a return to form, and proof they can still write a great rock album. emily's voice is in top form. i've always loved how delicate and sincere she sounds on mic, and middle age has only made those qualities stronger. listen to her gliding across that slippery groove in "anticipate," fluttering breathlessly over the chorus of "underline the black," or balancing between warmth and sarcasm on "seven rules." performances like these make a metric album worth it
i think art of doubt contains some of the best metric songs EVER. "now or never now" is genuinely a top 10 indie rock song imo. when it's on, i never want it to end. "dressed to suppress" is a really knockout track, the kind no one else seems to make anymore. and the last 3 songs are gorgeous. they're naked and unpretentious in a way that just melts my heart
and can i just say the production is killer. metric albums are usually super crisp and detailed, but this one blows em all out of the water. every drum hit BANGS. the guitars on this whole album sound phenomenal
all that said, i think the album has problems. emily pushes her voice outside her comfort zone a few times and... sometimes that works, like on those high notes in "no lights on the horizon." sometimes it DOES NOT WORK, like when she tries to scream some lines on the title track. her voice refuses to get loud and she just yelps awkwardly. the production tries to help her out by adding some distortion, but that only makes it worse. moments like this draw attention to how one-dimensional this album is outside of some key moments.
but here's my real beef with art of doubt, as well as formentera 1 and 2. these songs have a terrible case of "bad verse, great chorus" disease. "die happy," "holding out," and "dark saturday" are the worst offenders here. the choruses sound like they're totally disconnected from the verses around them. the transitions are janky and abrupt, and when the chorus ends my only thought is "damn, i have to slog thru 30 more seconds of sludge before i can get back to the song i was enjoying." so many of the deep cuts have this problem, and it makes the whole album feel choppy and stilted
overall, i like the record. i like it a lot. but on repeated listens, i end up skipping more and more songs until i'm left with the handful i truly love. not my fav metric album, but i'll admit it's grown on me since it dropped
if you like art of doubt, do yourself a huge favor and listen to synthetica. the whole album, front to back. it's one of the greatest alt rock albums ever written. when you're done, listen to fantasies. it's their most popular, and it's equally great.
somewhere in there, find some time for this playlist i just made: metric essential deep cuts. emily doesn't get enough credit as a master lyricist and songwriter. together, the haines-shaw songwriting duo are truly special, the kind of thing you're lucky to get once in a generation. i hope this playlist makes a case for that <3
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carlyraejepsans · 11 months
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* BISCIA - ATK 10 DEF 10
* they/them | adult | white + tme
* democratically elected sans guy.
* soriel killcount: 129
@daemo-ut: soriel fankid blog
@sansofficial: UTDRP blog (on hiatus)
@coffinmotif: orv + rgu sideblog
(DM for NSFW)
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 5 months
already captioned AND dan looks like the emo lesbian of my dreams? this one’s for me specifically, guys. sorry.
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butch-chastity · 2 years
i dislike that now that jason has been firmly established as "the robin who likes school" within the fandom some people now assume that other robins must have HATED school, as if dick doesn't do math for fun
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brother-emperors · 7 months
Did you used to like Mark Antony and dislike Cassius? What changed your mind ?
honestly the condensed version of events is that Antony and Brutus became uninteresting, extremely boring as POV characters to me at the same time for the same reasons, that prompted me to look closer at Cassius, and then I decided to spend two years trying to untangle Cassius from Brutus which completed my transformation into a part time Cassius apologist
like, both Antony and Brutus are still compelling figures, it’s honestly the versions of them in media and pop culture that I personally dislike and find boring because it’s not discussing anything I find interesting & frequently I feel like my time has been wasted, while their historical counterparts is more of a ‘wow I hate what you’re doing, keep it up!’
and ofc: the general passage of time. you get older. things that interest you change. being a hater as a recreational activity is fun. variety is the spice of life. people who write about Cassius are delivering poetry and I’m not immune to it. etc etc.
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