wasabi-gumdrop · 5 months
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Kabru has a secret admirer in the castle!
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cdrama-action · 6 months
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We are a fundraiser event dedicated to creating fanworks in exchange for donations to the people of Palestine. Creator signup is now open for fanfic authors, fanartists, vid makers, and graphics/gif creators.
Once creator signups close, for small donations of at least 5.00-8.00 USD to Palestinian direct aid organizations, you will be able to receive a fanwork from one of these talented creators
CREATOR SIGNUPS OPEN: March 30th, 2024 to April 14, 2024
All creators welcome! Whether you can create for three or one hundred fandoms, we'd love to see you on board. Fanartists, fic writers, fanvid creators, and gif/graphic creators can sign up.
Please visit our CARRD HERE for more information on both how to create and how to donate.
Then, if you are a creator, go sign up here.
You can also follow our twitter here.
Inspiration is @SVSSSAction, @TGCFAction , and @MDZSaction on twitter.
We greatly appreciate you promoting our project, even if you can't participate yourself. As this is a multi-fandom event, we need all the plugging we can get. Thank you!!
-Cdrama Action Team
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freyjas-musings · 5 months
My favourite girls from ACOTAR .... Gwyn , Em and Nesta with lil Nyx..... Aunty Nesta gave Nyx his very own ribbon and called him the honorary Valkyrie because Nyx like every Valkyrie there was born a survivor.... Gwyn and Em are busy entertaining the lil guest while Aunty Nesta sits him...
@jae.sketch .... Rachel is such an amazing artist and has made this incredible piece of art I am always in awe with her talent 💜
Repost Not Allowed
Characters belong to @sarahjmaas
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skittishlikefromthewar · 10 months
I think about these two moments a lot
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of people hanging in each other's arms, being held up when they're overwhelmed (be it in a time of heartbreak or even in a time of joy and relief). And about how so much of Jamie's journey was about him growing strong enough and supported and stable enough to be able to pay that grace forward and hand it out to others.
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"A look into Ambassador Vessar's family and where they are now, by the Tal'Dorei Tourism Board"
Here's my piece for @artists-guild-of-exandria’s #TGTT (South) project! Got to draw Syldor, Devana and Velora (now all grown up!)
✨do not repost my art | Reblogs are love✨
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copia · 3 months
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favourite song from Opus Eponymous — Con Clavi Con Dio
[MESSAGE FROM THE CLERGY] You are uncordially invited to attend the Ministry's conjuration for a night of infernal psalms. Be guided in praise of Sathanas by Papa Emeritus il Quarto; be led in worship of His Unholy Majesty; He shall rise, from precipice through birth. Tonight, siamo con il nostro Dio Scuro!
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fooltomery · 3 months
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nevvn · 3 months
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A late birthday and thank you gift for @starry-miki!! I seriously can't thank you enough for everything that you did 🥺💙
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ageless-aislynn · 3 months
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mcuchallenge · 2 months
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Hello, everyone!
That's right, MCUchallenge turned 3 years! 🥳
As usual on this day we would like to send a word of thanks to everyone who participates in this blog's life 😀 We really appreciate everyone who brings fills to our prompts, who supports the blog by reblogging our prompts announcements, all the followers we see in activity who help us support creators - we are grateful to all of you, thank you! 🤗💕
We invite everyone to come check out all the fills we had here (or on the special page on desktop, where you can see the fills sorted by months/prompts) 😊 Meanwhile, the shoutout is under the cut ;)
A round of applause to every blog that made fills for our prompts this past year and participated in other activities we had too 😉 - @elennemigo @marv-el-spot @marvels-universe @sylkithecat @cutterpillow92 @chillonlamentis @lokihiddleston @mistressvera @im-sebastian-stan @rosemaryharris @beheworthy @forevertrueblue @a-victorian-girl @4marvels-universe @bcth-uk @tomatette @wintersvldierr @jesperfahxey @olemisekunst @flow-of-forces @ladywynne @riderj123 @lavathein @miss-lauryn-hill @mobius-m-mobius @i-dagger-you @katieskrsgard @cerxei
We are really grateful for all the works you brought to us and always happy to inspire people to create 😘
In addition a special thanks goes to people who support us by helping spread the word about our prompts (and their source blogs, and the source blogs we'd like to especially thank too) - @sersi @eternalssource @marvelladiesdaily @giftober @lokitvsource @tomshiddles @nikossasaki @sourceblogcentral @fyeahspiderman @avasillva @womenofmcu @simonghostrileys @dailyloki @dailymarvelstudios @mcupoc @dailymarvelgifs @djarin @trashcora @ewans-mitchell - much appreciated, guys! 🫶
Also, a very special thanks to @elennemigo, once again, for all the help and support you provide! ❤️
Alright, hugs to all, and let's celebrate! 😁🍾🍾🍾
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elisartstuff · 18 days
You'd never believe who spent almost 2 hours redrawing a frame instead of doing something like schoolwork. except I legit did not know how to make bh interesting. eli stick to a DESIGN.
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Anyways yeah I just wanted to redraw my tumblr banner so I could have smth of my own instead of like. a screenshot. explodes epicly I need to hyperfixate on smth that ISNT them
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hopepaigeturner · 6 months
How would you like the writer of Bridgerton to write Bath scene in AOFAG if s4 is going to be Benedicts season
For the most patient nonny who must have waited atleast a year for me to answer this. I present...
An Offer From An Avid Reader: The Bath Scene.
That's right, it's finally here. All 4000 words of it.
NOTE: I do not write smut, however this has some heavy implications of sexy shenanigans so I am rating this a 15+
Right, let's get to it.
✨The Context✨
This is not necessarily a scene, but more the 'bath sequence' as I shall call it for there are some humorous asides that add to the bathroom scene itself.
Also, as in the books, this scene takes place after the jail scene, but there are a couple tweaks:
The bath scene takes place at Bridgerton House not at Benedict’s bachelor lodgings. It takes place in a bathroom that is connected to two rooms that used to be Eloise’s and Francesca’s shared bathroom.
My jail-break scene is split into two so it’s not an info dump. So what’s happened is all the elements of the jail scene: Benophie reunites, the impromptu proposal, Posy swooping in and saving everyone while the magistrate slowly loses the will to live…But no Violet vs. Araminta showdown. Araminta hasn’t been blackmailed—sorry persuaded—to keep Sophie’s heritage a secret or announce her as legitimate.
Therefore, Benophie are still headed towards their original destination—living a modest life after being cast out by polite society, due to the indecency of Sophie’s heritage.
Finally, pre-jail scene, the last scene Benophie would have been in together was the sofa scene (read part 1 here, and part 2 here). They literally haven’t talked since then other than Benedict sending Sophie a letter she never read.
Hence this scene is still romantic, and will get steamy, but also a lot of unresolved conflict will be sorted out. And starting out both Ben and Sophie haven’t really been able to calm down over the last two days…
✨The Scene✨
Kate is the one who finally shoos everyone out of the bathroom after noticing how Sophie is utterly overwhelmed.
Sophie finally shuts the doors and rests her head on them. The viewer sees unshed tears in her eyes as the emotions of the last couple hours—and even the last few days—threaten to burst out of her.
Then she hears a knock from the other side of the bathroom.
Sophie almost seems to collapse in relief, instantly drawn to the other side of the bathroom.
“I am here.” The camera switches to the other side of the door, where Benedict stands. Benedict puts a hand on the wood. “I do not need to come in, but I just…” he puts his head on the door.
The camera shows both sides of the door, Benophie pressed up against each side in mirror positions--a slab of wood preventing them from resting their foreheads on each other. Just as they were at the end of the sofa scene.
“I just wanted to make sure you were safe…that you were…” Benedict’s voice catches on the thousand scenarios still reeling in his head, “that you were here.”
“I am here.”
“I know. I know.” Ben’s smile is small but fleeting. He takes a shuddering breath. “I shall leave you and give you some peace—”
“Please do not leave me,” Sophie says her voice small, but sure. “Please come in.” And with that she unlocks the door.
Benedict stares at the door. A door that Sophie has chosen to unlock—for him.
With reverence, he walks in to find Sophie some paces away, her dressing gown clutched around her.
For a moment they stare, then they soften. And then there is a blur and they are in each other’s arms, tears streaming down both their faces. With Benedict buried in the crook of her shoulder crying.
“I am so sorry, I am so sorry.”
They separate slightly, foreheads pressed together, eyes still closed.
“No, I should be the one apologising…”
“No, no I must apologise.” Benedict says, his voice clogged with unshed tears, “I told you that I would protect you, I promised to keep you safe and I could not, she…she could have…” he shudders, “I am so sorry.”
“Benedict, Benedict, no.” Sophie cradles his head in her hands, forcing him to look at her. “You came back for me, you rescued me.”
Benedict shakes his head,
“Posy was far more significant in that matter.”
“That is not what I meant.” Sophie takes his hand and places it on her heart. “You saved me here. Your love…your words…your deeds helped me.”
Sophie herself shudders as she recounts,
“Before you arrived, Araminta found me, and she taunted me with all her usual tricks and barbs that she has inflicted upon me since I was a child. And in the past, they have worked…you see, for my entire life, all those who were supposed to love me, would always step away: my father, Araminta and my stepsisters. And I would try so, so hard, but all I seemed to do was make people miserable and I think…” Sophie’s voice becomes clogged, but she continues, “I think I started to believe a long, long time ago that I could not be worthy of love, that I did not…that such things could not be for someone like me.”
“That is not true—”
Sophie puts her fingers on his lips and Benedict stills.
“I am coming to understand that. I am starting to believe so…and part of that is because of you.”
Benedict shakes his head emphatically, Sophie smiles.
“I said part, not the whole. What you did, as you do for so many others, is help me unveil the truth within myself. And the truth within myself is that…” Sophie smiles brilliantly, “I am more than a bastard. I am a woman with convictions. I am a woman who is kind regardless of the consequences or my past. I am a dear friend and confidante. And I am loved. I am loved by Ginny and your sisters and Kate and your mother and the servants like Mrs Gibbons and you…I am loved by you.
You, who has never stepped away from me but always embraced me. You, who loved me in a silver dress and then again in a maid’s uniform. You, who still rushed into a prison even after my cowardice spurned you so deeply. So, when Araminta lashed me with those old insults and barbs, I saw them clearly for the first time—as lies—just as I saw myself as clearly as well. I am Sophia Maria Beckett, the woman who loves and the woman who is loved. And your words helped me come to that conclusion, even if they were only one piece of the puzzle. So, there is no need to apologise, only for you to receive my gratitude and my love.”
She continues to smile, while Benedict gapes.
“You are a marvel,” Benedict breathes, eyes filled with wonder. “And there are so many reasons why I love you. But one of the things I love best, is that you know yourself. You have principles, you have spirit and a strength that is ever so rare.” He touches her delicately, not because she is so brittle that she will break, but because she is the most precious of jewels, “I am sorry for asking you to be my mistress.”
“You have already apologised.”
“Not truly, nor sincerely.”
“And what else was a man of your position to do?”
“While that may be true it was not fair, especially when I was so pig headed at hearing your refusal.  You were correct, I was ignorant of our positions. I would die before sharing you, so why should I have expected you to share me when I was forced to marry?”
“In a perfect world we could have married, we could have just been Sophie and Benedict. But in this world men like you do not marry—”
“None of what I said weeks ago, in my lodgings, have changed. I do not care that we cannot live in London, I do not care what Lady Penwood might spread or what doors are barred to us. Over these past days, these past weeks, the conviction that first whispered on my heart has been carved deeper and deeper; that when I think about what I need in my life—not want but need—all I think of is you. Only you, it always has and will always be, you.”
It is Sophie’s turn to stare, her eyes widening to drink in a new expanse of emotion, just as her heart tries to hold the enormity of his words. But his words are like monsoon rain on parched land, and so, her eyes water.
Benedict softly wipes the tears away and Sophie can smile. 
“Such sentiment explains your little announcement.”
“I know I was presumptuous in the jail, and you deserve much more—”
“Benedict—” She holds his face, “I wish to marry you also. I love you, only you.”
Benedict’s breath hitches, before he sweeps her in his arms.
“I love you, I love you, I love you, so, so much,” he cries as Sophie giggles in his arms. “You make me the happiest man alive.”
Benedict surges up and kisses her and with a final spin they return to the ground. Although they stay clasped together, rocking in the momentum of that joy, the surety of their love finally realised. Benedict buries his nose in the crook of her shoulder, inhaling the presence of her. And as he inhales, his nose scrunches…
“Sophie, I love you,”
“But you do smell.” He whispers, kissing her cheek. Sophie pulls away and sniffs her shoulder.
“Oh gosh, I do! Well, that is what sleeping on the floor for two days does for you.”
At his stricken face she says, a little quieter,
“One day we shall laugh about it.”
“But not quite yet,” Benedict replies softly.
“Not quite yet.” She kisses him softly before extracting herself, looking over to the bath. “Oh, there are bubbles!” she turns to him with a childish awe, “I have never had a bath with bubbles before.”
Benedict smiles. They will probably never joke about her past—but he could ensure that the rest of her life would be full of laughter and love.
Sophie goes up to the bath, her hands fiddling with the tie of the dressing gown. Benedict turns away.
“That is very gallant of you.”
“I am a gentleman.”
“I would not mind; you are to be my husband after all.”
Benedict scrunches his eyes shut and almost groans, his resistance waning. Perhaps the audience might see him mouthing:
You are a gentleman. You are a gentleman.
“This is my mother’s house,” he manages to choke out.
“As you desire.”
He hears the thump of the dressing gown, the ripple of her limbs entering the water and he bites his lips to keep himself in check. But, he cannot restrain his eyes from wandering over his shoulder…
“I am glad that all is well,” Kate sighs, resting on Anthony as they stand with the rest of the family in Bridgerton House’s parlour.
“Yes, Sophie is safe,” Anthony replies, fingers idly tracing up and down Kate’s spine. “And they shall be happily married,” he acknowledges Kate’s raised eyebrow. “With the family’s blessing and my own. But we must prepare for the oncoming storm. I doubt Lady Penwood is a woman who enjoys being thwarted nor hesitates from ensuring she has the final word.”
“There must be some way to mitigate the damage…” Kate falls silent for a moment. Then she perks up, her eyes sparkling, “I have an idea—I must go talk to your mother.” She kisses his cheek and rushes over to Violet. Anthony watches on baffled, as his mother and wife start a hushed, but fervent, conversation. In curiosity he walks closer.
Just then a maid, Nadia, enters the room with a gown. Only then does Kate break from the conversation to nod at the dress.
“Very good, Nadia. Take it up to the Lady Francesca’s old room, for Miss Beckett is bathing in the rose bathroom.” The maid curtsies then exits.
“The rose bathroom?” Violet asks, brow furrowed. “Not the jasmine bedroom? Is that not our best spare room?”
“No, Anthony directed the servants to ready a bath in the rose bathroom for some reason…” Kate trails off, then turns to her husband. “Anthony, why did you not send the servants to the jasmine bedroom?”
Anthony gulps.
“I just…it was the first thought in my head,” he rambles.
“And why should Sophie be relegated to the opposite wing of the house?” Eloise pipes up. “She is to be family; it makes perfect sense for her to be in the family wing. I do not mind sharing the bathroom once more, after all, Frannie and I managed for years.”
His mother turns to Anthony with accusatory eyes. A look that was always followed by an admonishing ‘Anthony!’ ever since he could reach his father’s knee. Anthony swallows thickly.
“Come to think of it--where is Benedict?” Colin asks, sharing a conspirators look with his wife.
“I sent him to rest. He has not slept these last two days,” Anthony tries to ignore how pitchy his voice sounds.
“Anthony!” His mother cries.
“Ah a wise decision. I am sure, Benedict is in need of some…relaxation.”
“Colin Bridgerton!” Violet cries.
“All I am saying is that after everything, the poor pair deserve a little…release.” Colin shrugs, getting a muffled scoff from Penelope whose eyes are alit with delight.
“Oh, I cannot believe you all,” Their mother grouses, pulling up her gloves as if going into battle. Indeed, she starts to stalk out of the room.
Thankfully, Kate arrests her before she can exit.
“Violet, you must allow it, just this once.”
“What exactly is happening? Do I need to go and check on Sophie?” Eloise cries, standing to attention.
“There is no use. Knowing Benedict, it would be unwise to appear unannounced,” Colin continues, Penelope barely able to hide her giggles behind her teacup. “Goodness knows what position they shall be in.”
Penelope spits out her tea.
“Colin Bridgerton!”
Sophie blows softly, and the pile of bubbles in her hand disperses into the air.
“Lean forward, please.” She obeys and allows Benedict to rinse the rest of the soap off her back. Then she hums as his hands start massaging her shoulders.
“Hmmm, this feels wonderful.”
“I am glad. Can I wash your hair?”
“Dunk please.”
Sophie obeys, eyes shutting, body loosening. She lifts up and Benedict starts to create a lather of soap in her hair, the movement of his hands hypnotic. All adding to the gentle, warm lull of the atmosphere. Sophie takes a sniff of her hair.
“Better than lake water?” Benedict asks with a grin, recalling that day on the lake all those months ago.
“Absolutely—lavender, pretty.” Sophie grins up at him, before dunking her hair and washing the soap from it.
"Your hair used to be longer," Benedict muses, hands running through the wet strands. Sophie closes her eyes and tips her head back into his touch.
"It was, but I had to sell it to a wigmaker."
Benedict's hands retreat. Sophie lifts her head up--slightly bewildered--until Benedict gently turns her face to him, staring deep into her eyes.
"You will want for nothing," Benedict says, as solemn as a vow, and Sophie's throat burns with emotion. Her hand reaches out to trace the curve of his cheek, her own words just as weighty,
"As long as I have you, I will want for nothing."
“You have me, heart and soul.”
“As you have me, heart and soul.”
The solemnity warms until they are smiling sweetly at one another, Sophie gently leans in and kisses him.
“Are you sure you do not wish to get in?”
“Absolutely not, I am quite enjoying myself here.” Benedict grins then returns to his prior position, “I like pampering you.” At this he starts massaging her again, causing Sophie to moan slightly.
“You must be careful, Mr Bridgerton, otherwise I might want such treatment every night of our marriage.”
“And I would gladly do so. But is there anything else you want Mrs Bridgerton?”
“What else could I want? What else could we want?”
“Well…I want to spend an afternoon by a lake. You would be reading, I would be sketching, and whenever we got too warm we would slip into the water to cool off.” His voice pitches low, “then I would carry you from the water and make love to you on the shore.”
Sophie tries to swallow her flush,
“You have given this a lot of thought.”
“I have had a thousand nights of dreams about my Lady in Silver,” he kisses one shoulder, “and Sophie Beckett,” he kisses the other shoulder.
Sophie’s breath catches, her eyes fixed in the distance—as if looking at a shimmering future that she can finally believe is no longer a mirage.
“Tell me more,” she whispers, hoarsely.
“I want to hold your hand in the street and in church, and in the market, where I buy you pretty ribbons for your hair. I want to bring you breakfast in bed.”
“Misshapen eggs?”
Benedict chuckles,
“Misshapen eggs and all.” He replies, then turns a little more solemn, eyes lost in the future he paints with his words,
“I want to go on rambling walks where the conversation never ends. I want us to come home to our little cottage or flat or whatever home we can afford, and dance together in our kitchen,” he swallows thickly, “I want to hold you as the embers die down in the fireplace, and I want to wake up next to you every morning even when we’re grey or we only have a couple moments before our children jump on the bed. I want to love you more and more every day and take care of you and give you anything you want.” His hands tremble with emotion, like his voice. “That is what I want…So, what is it you want?” he kisses below her ear, looking at her.
Sophie’s eyes shiver in the silence, she plays with some errant bubbles floating in the water.
“You have such a way with words and I…” her voice dies down, “it has been a long time since I have been allowed to want, let alone been asked.”
Benedict’s eyes soften with understanding. Gently he tilts her chin up.
“It does not need to be much or many, just whatever is on your heart.”
Sophie lingers in the sincerity of his eyes, far more powerful orators than his beautiful poetry. So, haltingly, she starts,
“I want to be loved. I want to love…I want to wake up in your arms every morning with the knowledge that I am safe. I want to laugh. I want to be held and comforted no matter how violent the storm. I want our children to be smothered in love and never know what it is to be hungry or cold or unwanted. I want to be by your side as your talent grows and love you through all manner of strife. I want a life with you by my side, whether we live in a palace or a poorhouse. I just want you.”
Benedict swoops down for a plundering kiss that spins the world around them. When they break Benedict whispers,
“I will give you all of it.” His voice rumbles against her lips. “You deserve the world, my goddess, my Queen.”
“I do not want the world; I just want Benedict.”
He moans at that, and they kiss once more, Sophie lifting herself out of the bathtub to gain purchase. Both are gasping when they part, and the words fall out of Sophie’s mouth.
“I want you to join me.”
Benedict's eyes darken, his smirk widening as he stands and turns away to strip.
"I would like to watch".
Benedict looks over his shoulder and raises an eyebrow. Sophie swallows, then stares him down with a burning intensity that is starting to settle in her stomach.
"I want to watch you."
So, he turns, and slowly unbuttons his shirt, basking in Sophie’s lascivious gaze as he moves to snapping off his breeches before unthreading the buttons of his breeches. Before the final button he looks at Sophie for permission, she nods.
Then he is bare, and her breath hitches.
“I assume this is the first one you have seen?”
Sophie nods mutely.
“The first you will touch?”
She nods.
“The first you will take?”
Sophie nods, eyes wide.
“As long as it will fit.”
Benedict kisses her gently, and ensures she looks him in the eye when he says,
“You lead, I follow. Whatever you want, whenever you want, at your pace. But I can promise,” a kiss on her jaw. “that on our wedding night,” a kiss on the corner of her mouth, “I will be gentle, so all you feel is exceptional.” Another kiss that turns molten all too quickly. “Now, what is it you want?”
“For the final time, for you to get in the bloody bath,” she huffs, trying to pull him in. He chuckles then climbs in, sitting behind her, pressing themselves against each other.
Sophie’s breath hitches.
“Better?” he whispers.
He turns her chin, so they look at one another. His eyes are blown wide and so startingly blue that they transfix her. Benedict nods.
Sophie raises a hand to link it with one of his. Then, still staring deeply in his eyes, she traces their hands over her body until it cups her breast.
“I want you here.”
He squeezes and she gasps.
She reaches back once more, for the final hand, lacing their fingers together.
“And I want,” she trails their clasped hands over her stomach until it dips under the water, “you here,” she gasps, eyes drowning in Benedict’s blue ones, as he starts his ministrations.
Yet they do not stop staring, not even when they kiss...
Not as Sophie writhes more and more in his arms, nor as Benedict’s hips start to buck. Even as Sophie turns around to straddle him, they keep their eyes locked together. Even as Sophie braces one hand on his shoulder, the other sinking below to find him in the soapy water. Even when their kisses turn messy and open-mouthed.
“I want you,” Benedict pants as they both start to reach their peak, “I want all of you.”
“I want all of you,” Sophie keens. “And you have me, all of me.”
“And you have me, all of me,” he whispers. “You are mine and I am yours.”
Finally, her eyes close as she shudders from the climax. Benedict surges up and smothers his own releasing moan with her lips.
The water settles, as the couple settle—even though they can barely control their panting breaths or racing heartbeats.
“God, I cannot wait to marry you,” Benedict mumbles.
“How long must we wait?”
“A few weeks—three at the least.”
“So long?” Sophie huffs. Benedict chuckles. “Then I suppose we shall have to make do with moments like this,” Sophie leans forward with a spark in her eye, “I am sure there is much, much more I can learn…”
Benedict leans forward also, a rakish smirk on his face.
“What a wonderful idea Mrs—"
Someone hammers on the door.
Benedict and Sophie snap up, eyes wide.
“S—t.” Sophie swears.
“Eloise, please—”
Eloise rips away from Kate’s arm to wiggle the lock.
“I must ensure that my brother is not befouling Sophie!” she cries. With a final click, and one final kick, Eloise bangs the door open and strides in.
“Eloise, what on earth?” Sophie asks from the bathtub, where she sits—alone. Eloise strides further into the room, scouting around the furniture, even behind the bath.
“Eloise!” Sophie sinks deeper into the bath.
“I am looking for my infuriating brother! In case he has invaded your personal space!”
“As opposed to you who entered my private space uninvited.”
Eloise stops short, her cheeks flushing.
“Well, I…”
“Eloise, you are being rash,” Kate soothes pulling Eloise back to the door. “You must learn to ignore Colin—he was merely winding you and your mother up.”
Eloise pouts, hands on her hips.
“Well, Sophie, if my brother dares to act in any ungentlemanly way towards you, you must tell me then I can give him a stern talking to.”
Sophie smiles.
“That is very sweet Eloise. I shall endeavour to do so in the future.”
“I am sure Sophie will,” Kate says with a smile. Behind Eloise’s back, Sophie notices Kate push Benedict’s errant waistcoat under a footstool with her foot.
Eloise leaves with a final nod. Kate follows behind and gives Sophie a wink. Sophie turns bright red.
Once alone, Sophie deflates and sinks under the water in relief.
The camera turns to an empty bedroom—the same bedroom Benedict had frequented before entering the bathroom. All is still.
Then the window slowly judders up and open. One boot drops to the ground, then another. Finally, Benedict clumsily manoeuvres himself from window into the room—sockless, shirt open and braces swinging around his hips.
Once safely inside he silently closes the window and picks up his belongings. Just as he is to leave, he gives a fond smile towards the bathroom door.
Someone clears their throat.
Benedict looks up, like a rabbit in front of a rifle.
His mother leans against the bedroom door, arms crossed, eyebrows raised. Benedict has the sense to look sheepish.
“You have precisely less than a minute to rush into another room and avoid Eloise’s wrath. I shall talk to both you and your brother later,” is all she says.
“Yes, mother,” Benedict starts walking out, avoiding her eye. Just as he passes her, she puts a hand on her shoulder.
“And Benedict,” He turns to find her hard stare. “While the revelations of the past days might have set our world in a tailspin, it does not alter the matter that Sophie is a lady and should be treated as such. Do you understand me?”
“Yes mother.”
Violet narrows her eyes. Benedict gives a tentative smile. Violet breaks and rolls her eyes. “Off you go—shoo.”
She shoos him away, and Benedict obeys—with a quick kiss on her cheek and a smirk on his face.
Hee hee.
What do you think?
As always, I’d love to hear your ideas/corrections/opinions and always open to chat or requests. So...
Check out the list here, for more of my ideas on S4.
Check out the general arcs of my prospective S4 here.
Or message/reblog/reply to this :)
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lululawrence · 3 months
Okay y’all so my birthday is in 56 days according to google and I have written something stupid like 190 fics, so if I were to celebrate my birthday by reblogging my own fic posts at a rate of something like 3-4 a day (or more… depending on how long it takes my ass to get organized like that lmao), would I just annoy the shit out of you? 😂😂😂 then again, I am turning the big 4-0 so maybe I’ll just do it anyway cause happy birthday to me I’ve gotta celebrate somehow right??
Anyway. If you have strong opinions one way or the other lemme know 😂😂😂 on the post, in DMs, or even via anonymous ask if you are scared of hurting my feelings or something lmao
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gallawitchxx · 11 months
hi gallabitches (fond),
i am feeling very sappy as kinktober is halfway over & i continue to sit it out this year due to health & work-load & brain blips. so i just wanted to name an emotional experience i'm having because maybe you're having it too?
things are changing around here. things have changed. interests, time, desires, energy levels, schedules, lives have changed. the bubble that was 2020-2022? 23? has burst for real. people have moved on. that is ok. this is ok. this is life. (woof!) but it's that last one that's been getting to me lately -- the people.
this fandom is so special & there's something really loving about the people that are drawn to this space. my god, the talented, warm, big-hearted, nurturing, genius, creative, expansive, vulnerable, perfectly made people that find their way here!! & all because we happen to love these two fucked-up, growing, frustrating, devoted, horny, idiot felons and soulmates so deeply we want to fucking scream about it on tumblr dot com. my best friends are here.
so yes, what's happened/is happening is sad. i am Sad about it! & also the people keep coming! there's been this new wave of incredible, talented, lovely people who have showed up to take the unhinged baton & do their own lap around the windy city. that is the cycle! it's delightful! my sweet fresh danny devitos, i love your work!! & the best news is i/you/we don't have to fucking go anywhere at all! we can write & make & scream & lose our goddamn minds over these fools for a lifetime. i'm certainly not done. just switching up the pace.
but if you're someone who's moved on or is moving on, go, go, go & may you let love lead you to your next soft place to land. thank you for being such a huge part of my life for the past few years. what we all created together is nothing short of a miracle. thank you. i love you. thank you. ALSO SHOW BACK UP ON MY DASH AT ANYTIME. STAY IN TOUCH. TELL ME YOU ARE SAFE. I AM WORRIED ABOUT YO--
i love this place. thank you to the pals who are feeding us so good this kinktober. community makes me emotional!!!!!!
bee xx
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silwermoon-sims · 28 days
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Cheese Girl 🧀
Thank You for the tag @sharona-sims
I tag: @tipsy-clouds @pixelshary
@trillyke @pralinesims @justmewomen
@justmyblog05 @kissalopa @applesaucesims
@emzchaos @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants
@papermint-airplane @memoirsofasim
@katverse @miss-may-i @akitasimblr
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The Perfect Evil Smile Doesn't Exi-
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