#tag pa
ochiody · 10 days
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timedive concepts so far
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sportsallover · 3 months
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Affiche officielle du Tour de France 2024, par Nicolò Canova 
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mote-of-ash · 2 months
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pa paya
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hi-intrepid-heroes · 1 year
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apparently taking psychic damage can be fun sometimes
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tortilla-of-courage · 2 months
why does every single surface npc in skyward sword use male pronouns
like yes the goron have bested gender and dont care about that so they default to male pronouns for ease. they're born from rocks. bam. they're all brothers. and the gorons we meet in skyward sword care more about investigation or whatnot so they're like yeah yeah just use he/him. wanna hear about the legends of old?
and kikwi just Spawn from a bush or something probably. they dont even know what gender is. link and fi default to using male pronouns for them but like. you ask them what their pronouns are and they're like. pronouns? what's a pronouns? is that like another type of zelda...? kwee...
but what's the deal with the mogma. pretty sure they all use male pronouns too. did they hear the gorons use them and go yoooo i like the sound of that!!! let's use those too!! hey Ledd use he/him for me!! sure thing Kortz! Kortz he/hims treasure!!! yoooo!!! yoooo!!!
the only she/her users in the Surface before Zelda falls down are Impa and the Old Woman....... and i guess Hylia herself. where's my hashtag feminism,
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bocchidaily · 9 months
Ooh, what about Kessoku Band as the Pokemon Falinks?
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Day 11: Gotta catch' em all (feat. Starry staff)
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witchspeka · 1 year
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I love my girl Miwa but as soon as I read that this image immediately popped up in my head:
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kusanagihaku · 1 month
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niche content but tier list of ghouls as clinicians (any patient-facing healthcare role)
sorry yuri but you'd fail viva
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transperceneige · 4 months
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Peak France
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release-the-sheep · 4 days
french has a different word for 'yes' that's used to insist in response to a 'no'. few things more french than that, I think
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iphigeniacomplex · 5 months
[It is abominable, unquenchable by touch] by Diane Seuss
It is abominable, unquenchable by touch, closer to the sublime than sentimental, more animal than hominid, I've seen it in the eyes of birds weaving on a stem of ragweed, voracious, singular, there is no one like me, Dickinson in her narrow bed, her cold clenched hands, her penmanship unreadable, even following a recipe for black cake, her black cake came out strange, lusher than the template, and every freak I ever met had that same look in their eyes, armless, threading a needle with their lips and teeth, legless, rounding a corner on their cerulean cart, monarchic, imperious, wild, sad, and like every virgin queen, the need for love revolting and grand.
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tropicreme · 1 year
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kengan doodle dump/reupload in honor of s3 hitting Netflix
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wildbasil · 5 months
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group therapy (they make each other worse)
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johannesviii · 19 days
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Synesthesia drawings of personal favorite hit songs - 2006: “Pas le temps” by Faf Larage
That one was my fight song at the time
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upsidedownsmore · 8 months
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ENTRIES CLOSED, reblogs turned off, thank you everyone for entering and sharing your wonderful works!!
A compilation of every entry piece can be found here!
The winner is @mugbearerscorner and the information has been confirmed in DMs!!
Roll proof:
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A link to the full spreadsheet of entries can be found here!
I'm so so grateful to all the people who participated in this event!! I'm so happy with how well it turned out and I'm so so thankful to be able to host it!!! Love you all!! :) :) :)
* Provided by Digital Extremes! Info about the prime access here.
To enter, simply reblog with your art of ANY warframe giving a thumbs up!
Giveaway entries will close on FEBRUARY 10TH at 10:00pm CST
The post for the above drawing (with reference screenshot and wips) can be found here.
This is not a contest! The winner will be decided entirely randomly, image quality will have no effect on chances of winning! Make whatever you can in any medium you want! (This can also include 3D mediums! The only thing I'm not including is unedited game screenshots/captura, though edited might be okay). Everyone can draw regardless of how good you think your own skills are!
Please submit your own drawing(s)!! Only one is necessary but you can make more if you want of course! Do not use any AI generation tools for your entry.
When reblogging it might be a good idea to enter some text either in the post or in the tags! It turns out reblogs with just an image and nothing else might not show up under the original post, which means I might miss your submission!
Only one entry per person, you will not get more entries for additional reblogs and/or drawings.
The goal of this is for the community to have a fun little gallery of warframe thumb ups in the reblogs, but again don't stress over how "good" your drawing is! As long as you have fun and submit something vaguely in line with the prompt you're good! (such as a wave instead of a thumbs up or an operator instead of a warframe, etc. Up to you how closely you want to follow the prompt!)
You DO NOT need to engage with me in any other way (likes, follows, etc.) to enter, just a reblog with a drawing loosely following the prompt!
This giveaway will only run here on Tumblr due to issues with bots and impersonation on Twitter. The issue of course is that the only way to submit images under a single post on Tumblr is through reblogs, but please know that I do not intend this to be a means of promotion. If people could submit images in the replies I would gladly take that option! If this post gets taken down I will look into other giveaway options.
As this is my first giveaway as a Warframe creator please let me know if I've made any mistakes!
Here are some example drawings that would all work, but of course whatever you want to make shouldn't be limited to this!
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Inspired by @ritens, I will be assigning one unique number per individual and then throwing them into the random number generator on random.org. After the entries close and I roll the winner, I will update this post with the winner's name and a message saying that the giveaway is closed. Reblogs will also be turned off once the giveaway is closed, as I am only using reblogs as means of congregating drawing submissions under one post during the giveaway period.
Whoever's number get's chosen will be contacted via DMs here on Tumblr, so please make sure your DMs are open! I will be asking for your Warframe IGN and platform so DE can give send over your prize! If you have cross-save linked or merged then please tell me, though I will also be asking in DMs as well. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours or no longer wants the prime access pack, then I will roll a new winner with the same method but with the previous winner(s) number(s) taken out of the pool.
Topmost drawing without giveaway text:
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Anyways good luck and most importantly have fun!!
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lilliancdoodles · 6 months
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They need more love
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