abigailbozarthart · 2 months
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Gift art for other Anathema arpg players of their characters. Draw the character aboves/scribbleswaps and artfight attacks.
https://toyhou.se/13625310.raban/13625323.anathema who belongs to @friendofbones
https://toyhou.se/12118869.dan/26804562.anathema who belongs to @doxiedreg
https://toyhou.se/19689173.aristedes/19689183.anathema who belongs to @hymyarts
https://toyhou.se/10256639.ioeth/10308724.anathema who belongs to @apeldille
https://toyhou.se/12686224.n-agathias/12686228.anathema who belongs also to @apeldille
https://toyhou.se/23973588.aquilo/24049429.anathema who belongs to @taeti
I don't know any other Tumblr accounts for all y'all so feel free to tell me if you own of these characters listed and I'll tag you.
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wild-god-nick-cave · 24 days
Wong! If we hod morer peeple liek me marc atlmnd we’d be in a betwert happier ploace!
Taety almosng
Shut the hell up Marc
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444names · 2 years
mien forenames
Achiem Achingxanh Achio Achoy Aechin Aechiochie Afoon Aichine Aichoy Aleuychang Asen Asid Asiem Asion Aychien Aychow Aychoypoon Ayyoo Ayyoontzir Bchoy Chae Chaey Chaeyuon Chaimeng Chain Chainsio Chaiva Chaiyoo Chamwang Chane Chaneam Chaneseng Chang Chankeng Chankeunta Chankeuy Chanth Chanwan Chaochang Chaochor Chaomensio Charm Charmfoui Charmh Chen Chernta Chewfio Chewhiew Chian Chiaochio Chieng Chienkhwan Chin Chinchiam Chorn Chow Chun Chung Chungmeng Chunn Echinam Faelow Faeng Fahmmen Fahmsen Fahnchoy Famchang Famchiem Famchiew Famhoy Famwan Farching Farchio Farmfoon Farmfouei Farmnyoon Farn Faruy Fayching Fayhiem Feun Feurn Feuychiow Feuyhio Feyan Feychiew Feyfow Feyoo Foon Foong Fouan Fouey Fouix Founliung Fouta Fuen Fueng Fueychieng Fuialiu Fuliu Fulo Fulon Gaichiam Gaimenh Gaisenor Gaisensang Gein Geng Gengfiem Gengpoong Gengyoo Genlio Ginean Guengfou Guey Gueyfiem Hing Jiem Jien Jiengchio Jiengnor Jienorn Jiomengsio Kaelow Kaepoon Kaety Kaoch Kaochiafoo Kaoching Kaochio Kaocho Kaochor Kaochorn Kaochow Kaochoweuy Kaochoyta Kaofonsio Kaofoonta Kaohae Kaohang Kaohanlin Kaohiam Kaohiew Kaohio Kaohioo Kaokouang Kaokoufey Kaolan Kaomen Kaomou Kaopou Kaorn Kaosen Kaow Kaowu Kaoxin Kaoxinny Khaikwee Khaiseng Kham Khan Khanchieng Khang Khannaiyay Khao Kheosio Khew Koakaunny Koanh Koychoo Koyfeuy Koyfou Koyfoui Koynyuonta Koypoon Koyta Laichiem Laichieng Laichiowen Laikou Laikween Laimaiyor Lain Lainh Lair Laiteayen Laivan Laiwu Laiwuenh Laiyaopoon Layen Layhiewhin Layyoon Leeyyieng Leeyyoon Lein Leinh Leix Leosio Liem Lien Lieng Lilon Liooen Lium Lofoo Lofouanfin Lofouchin Lokou Lokouta Louan Louchiem Maey Maeyaeng Mang Mangsen Manmeng Manwa Marmkuang Marmny Maruychio Maungfing Maye Mayeng Mayepoo Maylaiguey Maysio Maysiow Mayyiem Meurnchoy Meuyao Meuychienh Meuychoy Meuyfeur Meuyfieng Meuyfiew Meuyfio Meuyleuylo Meuyny Meuyoon Meyao Meychieng Meychio Meyfieng Meyfow Meypou Meypouan Meyuonmeuy Meyuonsiow Meyyoo Meyyoon Meyyorn Moakaofow Moneamchoy Moneng Mong Mouanchion Mouay Moueinfoun Mouey Mouta Mouynyoong Muan Muanh Mueing Mueng Muenx Mueyfey Mueyorn Mueyoui Mueysid Mung Munliuz Munnyor Muon Muonmeng Muonta Naichiao Naichiew Naichiow Naifarmh Naifaruy Naifo Naifoon Naihie Naihinh Naikhow Naikou Naikwee Nailinsio Naimeng Nain Nainchio Naing Naio Nair Naisae Naisen Naiseosiem Naitean Naiteang Naitee Naiteey Naivan Naivanh Naiyan Naiye Naiyoo Naiyorn Naychinh Nayepou Naylaifoo Nayyoo Nialialin Niam Nungfin Nunlie Ouchio Ouchoy Ouifou Oulailiuz Oulo Ousen Ouwen Paot Peam Peang Phae Saam Saangsio Saanlouaye Saanmen Saey Saneang Saney Sanh Sanian Sanpoor Santzay Sarm Sarny Saruy Seam Searn Seix Sengyoorn Sern Serniang Sernneseng Shung Siam Siamwa Siao Songyoo Soon Souan Souang Souay Souchanta Soueix Soufeui Soui Soukharuy Souy Sueinsio Sueng Suey Suikwen Suix Sunta Susen Taeng Taety Taey Tafo Tafon Tafoon Tafoui Teinchiem Thoy Tongyoon Tonth Tornth Tsen Tseo Tzew Uriam Uriaow Vengxang Venx Vernchio Vernchoo Vernlium Vernth Vorn Vornchio Vuanfou Vuang Vuaye Vurn Wernchinh Wernchio Wernlou Weuy Weuysiew Xeng Yaichoy Yaifoua Yaikwen Yaivang Yaochiamh Yaochie Yaofo Yaohanh Yaojauz Yaokou Yaolan Yaomeyorn Yaopoo Yaosen Yaoxinh Yauan Yauang Yeng Yengyoon Yenorn Yern Yernian Yernnyou Yiah Yialiam Yiam Yiamwa Yiem Yieng Ying Yinh Yoodchinh Yoone Yoonsang Yoorn Zchin Zcho Zchoy
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old-peter-pan · 6 years
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thereckoniing · 3 years
━━   @wraithsea​ liked for a starter (february, 2020)
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“you’re not a demon though, are you?” there was curiosity in his dark eyes for the boy. he looked ordinary. taewon would’ve thought of him as your average joe. but apparently there was nothing normal about him. the frown tugging at his brow relaxed as he shook his head. “nah, you’re too small, and sorta cute, to be a vicious demon... then again, last month i saw a demon who looked like an adorable corgi. ate human livers straight outta them! like sucking on a straw. it was wild. i even called him a good boy before i knew. most traumatic experience of my life. more than dying.” he clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. he glanced down at him suspiciously again. “you could be a little corgi demon.”  
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phamhann · 5 years
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Bao giờ mới lại thấy 2 cô gái này cùng đứng trên 1 sân khấu đây 😭😭
Miss you, TaeNy 💕
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eunwoosgirlfriend · 7 years
Taehyung's comeback look makes me ship him with you even moooore, I feel like you two would just look swell together -Taety Anon is back
ahhhh thank you so muchh!!! i missed you taety anon!!!! waking up to this at 6am was so nice thankyou!! and this comeback tae is my main bias wrecker because he looks so damn good! to say id look good with him looking this good????? unrealistic but amazing thank you 💗💓💖💘💕💝💞
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crassussativum · 4 years
First Lines of Last 20 Stories Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
(Yeah so not tagged by anyone but I did see @bronzeagelove do this so I wanted to, too. Everything can be found here on my AO3 since linking everything is too much of a pain for me. A few( er most) of these are from as far back as 2013. And after Master’s Pet, they were all written for the MassEffectKinkMeme so... make of that what you will lol.)
Sentinel: Mavic was halfway into a bottle of horosk and a new bed partner when the news came in rapid fire chirps to both their omnitools. 
January Drabbles: “Temple Palaven has stood for centuries,” The tour guide droned.
December Drabbles: It was said the only units closer than pilot’s were familial. 
November Drabbles: The biotics held him completely immobile against the wall and Sept’s weight on his back kept his breath short.
OC-tober: “We never did this on Carthaan,” The little boy whined, stopping along the path to catch his breath, watching his new sort of brother Saren continue forward.
Totem: Mav’s mandibles worked against his jaw in a haphazard dance of regret and misery. 
Enemies and Allies: “Fuckin’ hell,” Mav spat on the ground. “Nobody told me you’d be so damned big.”
All That Comes After: Taetis had always thought he was big for a turian, tall and wide even if he’d been told he hadn’t quite finished growing yet.
Master’s Pet: Taetis met his master down at the dock to give his report, easing into a kneeling position so he was eye-level with the drell. 
Fun in the Councilor’s Office: Saren was obviously nervous about this, standing stiffly in the corner of the elevator even as one side of his neck was playfully licked and nipped in the way he liked. 
I Can’t Get No Satisfaction: Daxen Parril woke up horny.
Duels and Tiebrakers: It began as just a bit of gratitude.
Almost Doesn’t Count: Compared to most apartments on Omega, the one he was currently attempting to leave was fairly nice and spacious. 
The Interlude: It was supposed to be a distraction, a way to soothe frayed nerves and lift the weight of past decisions from his shoulders for a little while. 
Silence Is Not Golden: Two weeks and four days into his Spectre training, Nihlus Kryik was pulled from the depths of an exhausted sleep by the sound of a steady thumping against his wall.
A Change of Perspective: The turian sitting on the foot of Sparatus’ bed was not someone he’d planned to see again. 
Undeniable:  Saren was a turian all about control, everything in its place and a place for everything.
Bittersweet: Halfway through the night-cycle, the Normandy was finally quiet.
Running Hot: “Stop it! What the fuck are you doing?” Spectre-in-training Nihlus Kryik demanded of his mentor as he was shoved into the shower stall aboard their shared ship.
All These Things I’ve Done: Sidonis damn near jumped out of his plates when a large hand clapped down on his shoulder.
So patterns! I can totally see my pattern. My first writng teacher (5th grade and Mrs. Hill) taught us to always start a story with an attention grabbing sentence, one that makes the reader want to keep going. So I tend to start in the middle of an event, some action or confrontation. As far as sentence structure, recently, I’ve used much shorter ones but I can see that they used to be longer, even run-on sentences. I have a real problem with excessive comma use that I have not been able to stop lol)
Tagging: Anyone? Y’all this was fun. 
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imagines-bangtan · 7 years
I'd tell you who I am, but that wouldn't be fun! I'll stay Taety Anon for as long as possible 💗 - Taety Anon
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prettysei-remade · 7 years
@taety replied to your photoset “this is the second time i’ve done a bias selfie tag with sei but we’re...”
cutie!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for tagging me ����
!!!!!! 💖💖💖
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itschims · 7 years
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sorry my header doesn’t look the greatest LOL fdjskl
but hi guys!! 2017′s been such a great year for me and i got back on tumblr after like a year or so hiatus?? and became a kpop blog and i’m so glad i got to be mutuals with all you wonderful people!! stanning bts (and other kpop groups too) is already so great but you guys make the experience so much better and fun for me so thank you for all being lovely people i love you guys!!!! 
i hope you all had a good year as well and that 2018 is even better!!! 
@01callin @01seoul @13egin @1bunkook @1oyalty @1stlove @268sleep @4begin @4hyyh @4surans @9yoong @agustdv @bbyboyjiminies @beaujimin @blease @blondekimseokjin @blumiin @boyfmilk @boyinlub @btspjmn @chokaivlicious @clairelions @coloredwithyourlove @cphyr @cyphrs @dansphil @devilsgf @dn-a @eggcoups @exotic-sapphireblue @fifth-harmony @firebts @floral-hobi @florejin
@gekkoukas @gukessa @hiimcaroline @hobieism @hobiga @hoseok1e @hypetae @ignooytd @ilovhob @im-an-eh-sayer @je0n @jeonnings @jeonpalette @jimbub @jiminchimins @jinsasleep @jinwoostro @jjminies @jooheun @junghaze @jungkook-e @jungkookio @kim-taehyung @kimtaehyung @kingsobi @kohharu @kookminsky @kooksluv @krxmbl @ktaehvi @larryflippedthebird @latte-e @lesbianblossomjimin @lie @ljhsbf @lostmytae @lovhobe 
@mistletata @mlkookie @mlnsuga @mnet-anti @mnynki @moonkth @mssuga @myg @mygz @namkwan @nnmjoons @nochuga @nochutae @nudejeon @parkejimins @parksjeons @rainpjm @rapmom @romanticfall @rosejjk @rrapline 
@shebts @shelovesmyg @shesbisexual @smilejoonie @snowchuu @softseoks @spring-day @suncradle @taelents @taesflower @taety @taexguk @tahyungs @velvethoseok @vividyoongi @vmonn @vmxns @winktaes @wonderlings @wormbebe @xongfromouterspace @yoongi-jin @yoongihoneys @youngforevers
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crassussativum · 5 years
5 Questions for Writers
((Not tagged by anyone but saw this pop up in my feed and thought, hey, maybe this will motivate me to get some shit done. Now, the thing I’m writing now, I’m nowhere near done, I’ve maybe got half a chapter written. All the same, thought this could be fun.))
1. What was the idea that started the story? 
So I did that favored!Au about two years ago now, then I wrote that thing in the kinda same verse with Taetis and Delion, and like elements stick with me. I still wanna know stuff. So I thought, why not take two relatively straight-laced turians and stick ‘em in a situation where they have to deal with Terminus Lords, masters, and pets and just... let it roll. Be undercover, that sorta thing. But then maybe they take to the whole thing more than they’re comfortable admitting to.
2. Did you make an outline? Have you stuck to it?
I did, and so far I have. I’ve got a rough plan for beginning and end, the middle not so much yet. I’m always a little more focused on character development over the flow of the story itself. I’m working on it.
3. What’s your favorite part of your story?
Okay, so I always joke that Mav is an asshole, then he turns out to be this really stand up guy. Or I present Crass as a brute and then he’s actually this sweetheart. So, Crass, still a sweetheart. Mav’s gonna be an asshole and I’m gonna stick to it and you’re gonna want to hit him. Crass might hit him. 
4. Who is your favorite character and why?
Uhhhh Mav? He’s fun to write, always. Showing his accent and his mannerisms. The duality of batshit crazy but Good Man Deep Down. He’s gonna be a little more rough about the edges than I usually write, but I wanna finally show why the Blackwatch calls him Mayhem. 
5. Did anything happen that surprised you as you were writing? A plot point, or character actions, etc.?
Not yet? But there’s time and so much more to write and maybe I’ll come back to this when I’ve finished the thing and actually have an answer.
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imagines-bangtan · 7 years
I still ship you with Taehyung. Lots of love xoxo
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iweedu · 7 years
Could you recommend me some of those HD fan sites YouTube accounts that take those amazing focus videos? Account for each member and accounts that focus on bts all together if you know any.
for the hd fansites on youtube,, theres no specific account that i watch tbh if i wanted to watch a specific member i just search “*member name* focus @ *whatever event*” 
jin blogs: @jinsjade @jinsasleep @gamjin @taejincember @winterprincejin @seokjinteamo @seokjinandtonic @runrnv 
namjoon blogs: @hobjoon @flowerjoonie @bebitojoonie @kimdaily @merryjooniemas @smilejoonie @sleepynamjoon @brightjoon (i fucking guess)
yoongi blogs: @blameblamebts @yoongissz @glitchyoongi @daegucrew @omfgbts @acciosugas @mygskths @bwisan @myg @saintminyoongi@sugagloss @christmasyoong
hoseok blogs: i jus did a hoseok blog rec a week a go or smt here
jimin blogs: @harunyany @ggukbun @mistlemochi @blumiin @pjmksj @pjmms @ladydna @lie @jwimins @clairelions @cloudjimin @jiminsfursuit @lesbianblossomjimin @the95liner 
tae blogs: @ciutae @potaessium @taexkth @taegis @silvertae @taepott @deletaed @lovelytaeh @lovekth @springtaes @lee-the-ghost-to-her-idols @milklattaes @taety @artistictae 
jungkook blogs:@chimchims@bangtanroyalty @tanktoptiger @jungshiii @jungcock @jungkookio @junqkooq @jollykook @nochuu @agustjeon @flowerboyjjk @nochuu @jjeonguk @bfkook @jeonjingles @thicknaruto @jkslesbian @spicekook 
all (im unsure tho): @mygjhs@samwol @yoonseok @je0n@sweaterpawsjimin @illicitpjm @dimples@blackgirlslovebts @taedamn @bambamisaboomyinmypants @43hy @fapmonster @hipseok @pipesound 
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mydays · 7 years
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🌙 buy moonrise on itunes 🌙
i was tagged by @mistlemochi @qabuli and @taety umm thank u for giving me a chance to be annoying n post my face cdhbdclkcn
ill just tag: @yellowpostitman @wonhoclub @howcaniwait @redperfectvelvet @2miel @17pjm @marcoreyus @dn-a @rapgodkth @btsmicdrop @blushign
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eunsangf · 7 years
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In chronological order, these are my 9 selfies of 2017!!! I was tagged by @celestial-jeon @starrberrie @oh-no-its-mo and @taeboos
I’ll tag: @cyphrsgf @nochujr @jiminstoesies @taety @slythirene @jungkookio @pinkjjk @chweshansol @brightsighs @goodfcknbye2017 @brightsighs
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