#tabula smaragdina
artblooger19moon · 1 month
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OVERLORD Light Novels
OVERLORD 1 The Undead King
OVERLORD 2 The Dark Warrior
OVERLORD 3 The Bloody Valkyrie
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mercuriicultores · 1 year
Hermes Trismegistus (?) – Tabula Smaragdina
I. Verum sine mendacio, certum et verissimum:
II. Quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius, ad perpetranda miracula rei Unius.
III. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab Uno, mediatione Unius, sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac Una re, adaptatione.
IV. Pater eius est Sol, mater eius Luna.
V. Portavit illud Ventus in ventre suo.
VI. Nutrix eius Terra est, Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic.
VII. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in Terram.
VIII. Separabis Terram ab Igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter, cum magno ingenio.
IX. Ascendit a Terra in Caelum, iterumque descendit in Terram et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum.
X. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi.
XI. Ideo fugiet a te omnis obscuritas.
XII. Haec est totius fortitudinis Fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit.
XIII. Sic mundus creatus est.
XIV. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus est hic, itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiae totius mundi.
XV. Completum est quod dixi de operatione Solis.
I. <Lo que digo es> verdad sin error, digna de crédito y la más cierta. II. Lo que está abajo es como lo que está arriba, y lo que está arriba es como lo que está abajo. para perpretrar los prodigios del Uno. III. Y, como todas las cosas fueron creadas por lo Uno, por mediación de lo Uno, así todas las cosas fueron creadas a imagen de lo Uno. IV. Su padre es el Sol, su madre la Luna. V. El Viento lo portó en su vientre. VI. Su nutridora es la Tierra, su padre es la Perfección del mundo entero. VII. Su poder es pleno, si se transformara en Tierra. VIII. Separarás la Tierra del Fuego, lo sutil de lo burdo, pero sé cuidadoso e inteligente cuando lo hagas. IX. Asciende de la Tierra al Cielo y, de nuevo, desciende a la Tierra y toma los poderes de los que está arriba y de lo que está abajo. X. Así tendrás la gloria del mundo entero. XI. De manera que toda oscuridad saldrá de ti. XII. Ésto es más fuerte que la Fortaleza misma, porque vencerá todas las cosas sutiles y penetrará en todas las cosas sólidas. XIII. Así fue creado el mundo. XIV. De aquí vendrán las transformaciones prodigiosas, mediante las cuales el mundo existe. Esto es por lo que soy llamado Hermes Trismegisto, poseedor de las tres partes de la filosofía cósmica. XV. Lo que tuve que decir sobre el funcionamiento del Sol ha concluido.
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yurious-george · 3 months
Anyway. Goops is absolutely part of whoever tf the founder is and represents the Nigredo of her soul. It's literally just her darker half. the wiw is the Albedo. The founder is represented with the gold symbol because that was the ultimate goal of alchemy, the purification of lead into gold, and gold as such represents alchemy's final state. and undine had to be the main character because fish can pass through the barrier (due to the water) and they'll need her water powers to go outside. sorry for spoiling but i hate you, personally
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Can I send an idea you know there are multiple supreme beings of nazerick. Imagine of them has a wife(Not Ainz's wife). Imagine that wife looks baal zebul from bayonetta. I would love to headcanon that she works as a lounge singer IRL. Maybe she could be married to Albedo or Shaltear's (creator).
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Married to a Supreme Being | Yandere Overlord
That’s an interesting idea. That you are brought into the game without being actively a part of it. Your partner is the one who plays religiously and helps you boost your levels. When you arrive as your character you’re truly taken aback. Thinking it's more like an isekai anime you're pleasantly surprised to recognize the name of Ainz Ooal Gown:
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“I love H-games.”
“I know you do which is why I’ll dismiss the cleavage on my costume.”
When he started the guild he probably wasn’t seeing you seriously
As a friend or coworker
When he does get the ring on his finger though the guildmembers notice
And so do his creations 
When Ainz finally does find you he’s ecstatic but also worried
Shalltear on the other hand is on cloud 9
“Mother/Father! I’m so happy you are here! Did Peronchino-sama come with you?”
She’s hurt for a little while but she’s your sweet little guard dog
Granted you could hold your own she’d rather you never lift another finger again
Draining and devouring any human who so much as offends you
She’s a lot more hostile until she gets pets from you
And she’ll never stop bragging
“See? Ariska Peronchino-sama left his love to me because he trusts my power most.”
She pampers you to no end and with Ainz’s unexpressed permission
She’ll be in charge of your protection
By any means necessary
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Tabula Smaragdina
“Darling you’ll wear the leather harness right?”
“Darling~You’re microphone is on….”
“...Will you?”
He doesn’t speak about you too openly 
But his close friends, the entirety of Nazarick know he’s snagged someone
The lore he writes is so detailed and convoluted that there are a few lines that reference you 
Ainz would never know that when he brings you to Albedo and Nigredo they’d have such a visceral connection
“(Y/n)-sama!? To think I’d have you here is a miracle! (Y/n) if I may, there’s so much I have to ask you! ”
“My…my….my creator’s significant other…your greatness!”
Albedo is quite open about her pride in you 
Bragging with a blush on her face as she returned from a conversation over tea
She adores that you’ll encourage her newfound obsession with Ainz
“And he squeezed me!”
“Oh my so forward! I think you're a shoo-in for the first wife! Even my darling Tabula wasn’t so forward with me.”
“No way!?”
“Yes, I had to take quite a few advances myself.”
“How romantic!”
And Nigredo
Oh Nigredo
She’s honored you came to Frozen Realm just to see her 
Let her rest her head on your lap as you brush through her hair
“Nigredo, you’re as beautiful as the day Tabula made you.”
“Oh, my supreme!”
“You may call my name Nigredo. I’d feel outcasted as an extension of your creator.”
“Do not harken my insolence to your grace. I’m grateful to be gazed upon by you.”
Both will protect you with a veracity that rivals their typical bloodlust
Ainz may be leading them but you are their creator’s prized partner 
You’re the closest thing to their dear Tabula, they both promise to never let you go again
Both Images From Wiki
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lexsssu · 5 months
Attached (Alastor)
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TAGS: Alastor/Dragoness!reader, some plot, fluff(?), drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
You found him bleeding out at the site of a wreckage.
Wherever it is you were transported to, it had certainly seen better days. Aside from the red sky, the debris and ruins that littered the ground were alarming. If there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that you’ve arrived at the scene of a battle.
One that had thankfully seemingly concluded just before your arrival.
Which also explains why the deer-like individual had such terrible gashes upon his body as he rested against the broken audio equipment. 
In spite of the voices at the back of your head that sounded suspiciously like Momonga and Tabula Smaragdina, you forego the logical choice of leaving him there to secure your own safety in this new environment.
Instead, you crouch down on his side and run the sharp tip of a claw on the skin of your wrist until a small gash bloomed open.
You cup the back of his head and press your wrist against his slightly open mouth, taking no notice of the shadows on the floors writhing and spreading like mold.
“I never knew my parents,” you admitted nonchalantly as you petted the demonic-looking cat that bore a striking resemblance to the Radio Demon who loomed over you from behind your seat.
Surrounding you were the Hazbin Hotel’s residents, including the head honcho of hell himself, Lucifer. They’d given you a summary of everything that had happened with the angels, and in turn, you answered their questions about you.
“..You don’t know a single thing about them?” 
Lucifer who had gone quiet the moment you entered the newly made hotel spoke for the first time, staring at you with an odd look in his eyes.
“No, I don’t.” 
Not knowing your own parents was never an issue for you, because you still grew up surrounded by love and friendship from the makeshift family you had at the orphanage. 
“From what the orphanage director told me, my name was stitched on the blanket I was wrapped in. She figured that I probably got my name from either of my parents.”
You were naturally talking about your actual name, and not your beloved in-game avatar’s name. 
Not that any of them knew that.
Had you clarified this tidbit of information from the start, it might have prevented all the misunderstandings that swiftly followed after your admission.
Before you or anyone else could react, Lucifer lunged at you.
Shouts of surprise reverberated across the lounge as the king of hell and the overlord clashed for seemingly no reason. Alastor’s body shielded you, elongated antlers and sharp teeth in full display, whereas Lucifer stood with all three pairs of his wings spread out.
"��͉̟͠͝A̶̛̯ṅ̸͔d̴̹̒͝ ̶͕̙͛͘w̷͎͕͋̕h̷̨̲̐̓a̴͔̪̐ṱ̵̚ ̴͖͚́d̴̝̾̄ŏ̶̢͍ ̷̖̾̎y̷̮̅o̴̫̩͝u̷͍̕ ̴̨͕́̕t̷̪͂̍h̶̲͎̿͝ĩ̴̠n̷̙̙̄k̴̙͊ ̸̧͖́́ý̴͔̮̈o̶̱̹͗̒u̶̞͋'̴̦̔̈́r̷̘͔͐ě̶͉̗ ̸̳̱̋d̶͓͝o̸̱͎͒̚ì̶̦͘n̸̖͇̑g̴̝̠̀?̶̝̔"̶̰̆
“Get out of my way,” the venom that dripped off Lucifer’s voice could only be comparable to the way he spoke to Adam not too long ago, noted Charlie. Even odder, there was a tone of desperation that felt out of place to her.
Unbeknownst to her and everyone else, she would get her answers almost immediately.
“I don’t give a single fuck about your petty contracts, but you will not prevent me from being with my own daughter!”
Charlie’s whole word seemingly exploded as all hell broke loose after Lucifer’s revelation, and all she could do was stare with her mouth agape.
Her dad had a lot of explaining to do, and she had a new sibling to get to know.
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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V.I.T.R.I.O.L. is an acronym which stands for Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem. This translates to "Visit the interior of the Earth and by rectification (purification) you will find the hidden stone." This image is purportedly found on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes (Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis) and is a revered alchemical text of the Rosicrucian order.
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prevazilazenje · 2 years
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As Above So Below: The Meaning of The Esoteric Phrase
The phrase As Above, So Below is one that evokes contemplation when heard, but when pondered upon for a moment can be confusing. It is an ancient phrase, rich in meaning and history.
The phrase As Above, So Below means that our reality, our lived experiences, and our existence, are part of an infinite fractal pattern. It describes the correspondent relationship between the individual and the universe. The phrase comes from Hermeticism, in particular a book called The Emerald Tablets, which dates to thousands of years ago.
In Hermetic philosophy there is the microcosm, the word of the individual, and the macrocosm, which is the universe, or the sum total of all that is.
The word macrocosm comes from Greek makros kosmos, “the great world”; the universe as a whole. Microcosm comes from Greek mikros kosmos, “the small world”; the human being, understood as a miniature universe)
In other words, the phrase can be interpreted to say that “Above” is referring to nature and the cosmos, and the “Below” part refers to what happens inside of us as humans, or our personal subjective experience of being alive. The microcosm – macrocosm relationship is wonderfully described in the following quote:
“To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being, To truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.” ~ Rudolf Steiner
This relational dynamic can be seen anywhere there is duality, where one half is above, and the other below, and there is an established relationship between the two.
Hermeticism is a system of philosophy based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, and was very prominent during the Renaissance and Reformation periods of history. When it was realized that the Egyptian god Thoth and the Greek god Hermes were the same being, he started being referred to as Hermes Trismegistus. The written works of Hermeticism were created over many decades, from 300 B.C to 1200 A.D.
The Specific origin of the phrase As Above, So Below originates from the second verse of a book called the Emerald Tablets, also known as Smaragdine Tablet and Tabula Smaragdina. Purported to have been authored by Hermes Trismegistus, it is one of the most famous and important books in Hermeticism, along with Hermetic Corpus, which is the foundation text for Hermeticism. While Hermes is considered the author, the first known version of it, according to historians, appears in Arabic somewhere around the 6th to 8th century A.D.
The Emerald Tablet are very important in alchemy because it describes the prima materia, which is the starting material for all matter. The concept of prima materia is a crucial concept in alchemical thinking.
Amongst scholars, the phrase is often understood to be referring to the effects of celestial mechanics upon terrestrial events. This can be materialistic in nature, such as the effect of the sun on the plants growing on earth, but it can also be esoteric or non-physical in nature. When studying the phrase, the version most commonly looked at is the medieval Latin translation:
“Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius.”
“That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above.”
This Latin version differs from the original Arabic is a little different, which says “from” rather than “like to”.
One of the most well-known translations was done by Isaac Newton. In the Isaac Newton version, the phrases appear written like: “that which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below”.
Modern science has confirmed the concept of As Above, So Below as it has been able to observe galaxies of space, as well as the world of atomic particles, and found surprising similarities between the two. Both consist of particles kept in orbit by the gravity of an energetic core. In this way modern science has confirmed the wisdom of ancient thought.
The phrase in many ways has been popularized by the occult crowd in recent times, who generally view it as being in reference to the correspondence of different planes of existence. Helena P. Blavatsky and others built upon the classic Greek concepts of the microcosm and macrocosm relationship, eclectically infusing it with the other influences, including Kabbalah, and Buddhism. She made use of the phrase several times in her writings, such as in comparing the reflection of the moon upon a lake to how historical figures of previous eras are present in our current thinking, she said:
“As above, so it is below. That which has been, will return again. As in heaven, so on earth.”
Within the context of saying that the planet, like all living beings, will continue to reincarnate before eventually dissolving into an etherealized astral planet, she said:
“As above, so below; harmony is the great law of nature.”
The expression has implications in astrology as well, supporting the idea that what happens to the stars in planets affects our live experiences, including our thoughts and emotions.
It has also been interpreted to mean that since our human body is a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic universe, we can learn about the human body by studying the universe and outer space, and vice versa. During palm reading this concept is being explored. Similarly, it can be interpreted as the human body is a microcosmic reflection of nature, as evidenced by the dendritic patterns of our veins and nerve cells, which are similar to patterns found in rivers and trees in nature.
The Kybalion, which was written in 1908 by an anonymous author who went by the pseudonym “The Three Initiates, spread the saying to a larger audience. Its interpretation is consistent with other classical or correspondent interpretations, though with a little more emphasis placed on the role of the mind, as being the primary causative force in the world.
The book describes how there is a harmony and correspondence between the different planes of Manifestation, Life and Being. Everything in the universe comes from the same source, and the same laws and principles applies to everything. It uses the phrase in question in the following sentence:
And yet it is merely a matter of degree—the same Principle is in operation—the Principle of Correspondence manifests in each—”As above, so Below; as Below, so above.”
Given the greater context of the book, I interpret this to mean that everything in the universe is one mind, and that similar to how a man creates mentally before creating tangible results in his life, the universe also creates by first producing a mental concept and then after manifesting it into physical reality.
The saying has influenced Christianity, as the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus were adopted by Christians, who considered him a forerunner of Christianity. In Christian mysticism, the saying is sometimes interpreted to mean that life is composed of two aspects, the physical and the spiritual, and both planes are continually influencing one and other.
Another example of As Above, So Below being expressed or represented is in Eliphas Levi’s
1856 magical treatise titled Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie. The book features artwork portraying Baphomet, and is in rich in symbolism showing the As Above, So Below concept.
The hands pointing up and down imply “as above, so below,” that in these two opposites there is still union. Other dualities include the light and dark moons, the male and female aspects of the figure, and the caduceus.
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tvlandofficial · 2 years
y'know, when i'm short on words, i find stealing them from elsewhere to be helpful. so. "As above, so it is below. That which has been, will return again. As in heaven, so on earth." quoth the Tabula Smaragdina.
📺 ...
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primordialchoice · 8 months
I wonder if the name Zemargard has anything to do with the Greek/Latin/Semitic word for Emerald? Because Zemargard sounds familiar to the word smaragdus (Latin)/smaragdos (Greek)/maragdos (a Semitic language)
That could tie her to the Emerald Tablets (Tabula Smaragdina) and implicitly, Hermeticism
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joostjongepier · 1 month
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Wat?   Fastnacht (2010) door Neo Rauch, Tabula Smaragdina (2023) door Michael Triegel, Hinter den sieben Bergen (19173) door Wolfgang Mattheuer en Chilenisches Requiem (1973) door Werner Tübke
Waar?   Tentoonstelling Bilderkosmos #2 Kunst aus Leipzig in Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig
Wanneer?   1 augustus 2024
De Leipziger Schule vindt zijn oorsprong in de Leipziger Kunstakademie, de huidige Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. Onder meer Wolfgang Mattheuer en Werner Thübke waren aanvankelijk student en later docent aan deze opleiding. Deze kunstenaars en hun leerlingen worden gerekend tot de Leipziger Schule. De kunstenaars bogen voor de staatsregels van de DDR, maar waren in hun werk wel degelijk kritisch. De derde generatie wordt gewoonlijk aangeduid als Neue Leipziger Schule. Hiertoe behoren onder meer Neo Rauch en Michael Triegel. In Nederland heeft met name Museum De fundatie in Zwolle veel aandacht geschonken aan kunstenaars van de (Neue) Leipziger Schule.
Het eerste schilderij dat ik in het museum tegenkom, kan ik gelijk thuisbrengen. Het is ontegenzeggelijk een werk van Neo Rauch. Het is moeilijk zijn werk te beschrijven. Hij gaat vaak uit van droombeelden, maar ook de werkelijkheid van de vroegere DDR komt in zijn werk vaak terug. Zijn stijl is heel eigen en daardoor herken je een werk van Rauch direct.
Heel anders van stijl is Michael Triegel. Hij schildert op een uiterst precieze manier die middeleeuws aandoet. Zijn thema’s zijn vaak religieus.  Werk van Triegel is minstens zo raadselachtig als dat van Rauch. Neem zijn recente schilderij Tabula Smaragdina. Het werk heeft volop paassymboliek. We zien een vrouw die een geslacht en gevild lam in haar armen houdt. Een mogelijke, nogal gruwelijke, verwijzing naar het Lam Gods. Wellicht is de afgebeelde persoon de Heilige Agnus, die gewoonlijk wordt geportretteerd met een lam. Twee engelen hangen, als acrobaten, in de lucht. Eén van hen draagt een van het bloed druipend mes. Het bloed druipt langs zijn witte vleugel. Aan de voeten van de hoofdpersoon nestelt een distelvink, beter bekend als een puttertje. Volgens een christelijke legende plukte het vogeltje doornen van de doornenkroon van Christus en verlichte zo diens lijden. De opvallend rode kop heeft de distelvink te danken aan het feit dat een druppel bloed van het hoofd van op zijn kopje terecht kwam. Onderin het werk zien we drie meisjes, waarvan er één foto’s van een man en een vrouw toont. Haar gestorven ouders? Evenmin als bij Neo Rauch biedt de schilder houvast bij de interpretatie van zijn werk.
Van Wolfgang Mattheuer, een schilder van de eerste generatie Leipziger Schule, hangen meerdere werken in het museum. Eén daarvan is Hinter den sieben Bergen. Boven een weg die door de bergen leidt, zweeft een vrouw met ontbloot bovenlijf aan gekleurde ballonnen door de lucht. In een tijd dat voor DDR-burgers reisbeperkingen golden, biedt dit werk een beeld van vrijheid.
Chilenisches Requiem van Werner Tübke gaat niet over de situatie in de DDR, maar richt het oog naar buiten. In 1973 vond in Chili een staatsgreep plaats waarbij legerleider Augusto Pinochet een staatsgreep pleegde en de burgerregering van Salvador Allende omver wierp. Tübkes werk toont een vrouw die gebogen is over het lijk van een naakte man. De afbeelding doet denken aan Maria die zich buigt over het lichaam van haar gekruisigde Zoon.
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33-108 · 6 months
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This picture, plain and insignificant in appearance,
Concealeth a great and important thing
Yea, it containeth a secret of the kind
That is the greatest treasure in the world.
For what on this earth is deemed more excellent
Than to be a Lord who ever reeketh with gold,
And hath also a healthy body,
Fresh and hale all his life long.
Until the predestined time
That cannot be overstepped by any creature.
All this, as I have stated, clearly
Is contained within this figure.
The separate shields are to be seen,
And on them are eagle, lion, and free star.
And painted in their very midst
Arfully stands an imperial globe.
Heaven and Earth in like manner
Are also placed herein intentionally,
And between the hands outstretched towards each other
Are to be seen the symbols of metals
And in the circle surround the picture
Seven words are to be found inscribed.
Therefore I shall now tell
What each meaneth particularly
And then indicate without hesitation
How it is called by name.
Therein is a secret thing of the Wise
In which is to be found great power.
And how to prepare it will also
Be described in the following:
The three shields together indicate
Sal, Sulphur, and Mercium.
The Sal hath been one Corpus that
Is the very last one in the Art.
The Sulphur henceforth is the soul
Without which the body can do nothing
Mercurius is the spirit of power,
Holding together both body and soul,
Therefore it is called a medium
Since whatever is made without it hath no stability.
For soul and body could not die
Should spirit also be with them.
And soul and spirit could not be
Unless they had a body to dwell in,
And no power had body or spirit
If the soul did not accompany them.
This is the meaning of the Art:
The body giveth form and constancy,
The soul doth dye and tinge it,
The spirit maketh it fluid and penetrateth it.
And therefore the Art cannot be
In one of these three things alone
Nor can the greatest secret exist alone:
It must have body, soul, and spirit.
And now what is the fourth,
From which the three originate
The same names teach thee
And the sevenfold star in the lower shield
The Lion likewise by its colour and power
Showeth its nature and its property.
In the Eagle yellow and white are manifest.
Mark my words well, for there is need of care;
The imperial orb doth exhibit
The symbol of this highest good.
Heaven and earth, four elements,
Fire, light, and water, are therein
The two hands do testify with an oath
The right reason and the true knowledge,
And from what roots are derived
All of the metals and many other things.
Now there remain only the seven words,
Hear further what they mean:
If thou dost now understand this well
This knowledge shall nevermore fail
Every word standeth for a city
Each of which hath but one gate.
The first signfieth gold, is intentionally yellow.
The second for fair white silver.
The third, Mercurius, is likewise grey.
The fourth, for tin, is heaven-blue.
The fifth for iron, is blood-red
The sixth for copper, is true green
The seventh for lead, is black as coal.
Mark what I mean, understand me well
In these city gates, indeed,
Standeth the whole ground of the Art.
For no one city alone can effect anything,
The others must also be close at hand.
And as soon as the gates are closed
One cannot enter any city.
And if they had no gates
Not one thing could they accomplish.
But if these gates are close together
A ray of light appeareth from seven colours.
Shining very brightly together
Their might is incomparable.
Thou canst not find such wonders on earth,
Wherefore hearken unto further particulars:
Seven letters, and seven words,
Seven cities, and seven gates,
Seven times, and seven metals,
Seven days, and seven ciphers
Whereby I mean seven herbs
Also seven arts and seven stones.
Therein stands every lasting art.
Well for him who findeth this.
If this be too hard for thee to understand
Hear me again in a few other particulars.
Truly I reveal to thee
Very clearly and plainly, without hatred or envy,
How it is named with one word
VITRIOL, for him who understandeth it.
If thou wouldst oft figure out
This Cabbalistic way with all diligence,
Seven and fifty in the cipher
Thou findest figured everywhere.
Let not the Work discourage thee,
Understand me rightly, so shalt thou enjoy it,
Besides that, note this fully,
There is a water which doth not make wet.
From it the metals are produced,
It is frozen hard as ice.
A moistened dust, a fuller wind doth raise
Wherein are all qualities.
If thou dost not understand this,
Then I may not name it for thee otherwise.
Now I will instruct thee
How it should be prepared.
There are seven ways for this art,
If thou neglectest any of them thou workest in vain.
But thou must, before all things else, know
Thou hast to succeed in purification.
And although this be twofold,
Thou art in need of one alone.
The first work is freely done by it
Without any other addition,
Without distilling something in it
Simply through its putrefication.
From all of its earthliness
Is everything afterwards prepared.
This first way hath two paths,
Happy is he who goeth on the right path.
The first extendeth through the strength of fire,
With and in itself, note this well.
The second extendeth further
Until one cometh to treasure and to gain.
This is done by dissolving,
And again by saturating, I inform you:
This must be undertaken first of all,
So comest thou to the end of the fine art.
After the whole purification hath been completed
It will be prepared and boiled in the sun
Or in the warm dung of its time
Which extendeth itself very far
Until it become constant and perfect,
And the treasure of the Wise is in it.
The other ways are very subtle
And many mighty ones fail therein,
For here is the purpose of the distillation
And the sublimation of the Wise Men.
The separation of the four elements
Is also called by the Wise Men
Air, water, and rectified fire.
The earth on the ground hath misled many,
Having been deemed a worthless thing,
Although all the power lieth in it.
Some know not how to separate it
From their Cortibus, therefore they fail.
It was cast behind the door,
But the Wise Man taketh it up again,
Purifieth it snow-white and clear:
This is the ground, I say in truth.
But if thou dost wish to separate it,
Note that it is of no little importance,
For if they are not prepared
Then you are in error, that I swear.
Therefore thou must also have some vinegar
Which is revealed to the Wise Men,
Wherewith thou wilt effect the separation,
So that nothing earthly remaineth in it any more,
Till body and soul have to be separated
Otherwise called fire and earth
And after that they are thus purified.
And thereupon followeth the mixture, observe!
And so it cometh to a wondrous strength,
The finished figures with the unfinished.
And if the fire be likewise rightly controlled,
It will be entirely perfect
In much less time than a year.
Now thou hast the entire way in its length
On which are not more than two paths.
From these one soon wandereth and goeth astray,
Else it all standeth clear and plain.
The one is the water of the Wise Men,
Which is the Mercurius alone.
The other is called a vinegar,
And it is known only to a very few.
And this vinegar doth circle
Away from the philosophical iron.
It is Lord Aes whom it maketh glad.
Therefore they have combined so closely
Many hundred forms and names are given
After each hath chosen it.
One way springeth from the true source,
A few have worked on it for a whole year.
But many through their art and craft
Have shortened so long a space of time.
And quickly is the preparation set free
As Alchemy doth point out.
The preparation alone
Maketh this stone great and glorious.
Although there is but one matter
It lacketh nothing else.
But when it is clarified
Its name hath misled many.
However, I have revealed enough to thee
In many ways, forms, and fashions.
There are many names; I say
Let not thyself be misled from the true way.
In their scriptures, the Elders write
That it is a draught, a great poison.
Others call it a snake, a monster,
Which is not costly anywhere
It is common to all men
Throughout the world, to rich and also to poor.
It is the property of the metals
Through which they conquer victoriously.
The same is a perfection
And setteth a golden crown upon it.
Now the practice is completed
For him who understandeth and knoweth the matter.
Only two things more are to be chosen
Which thou wilt find by now
If thou dost follow the right way
And attend carefully to thy work,
The composition is the one
Which the Wise Men kept secret.
The nature of the fire also hath hidden craft;
Therefore its order is another,
With that, one should not deal too much
Or else all execution is lost.
One cannot be too subtle with it.
As the hen hatcheth out the chick
So also shall it be in the beginning,
And time itself will prove it.
For just as the fire is regulated
Will this treasure itself be produced.
Be industrious, constant, peaceful and pious,
And also ask God for His help:
If thou dost obtain that, then always remember
The poor and their needs.
— Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th & 17th Centuries
Original book: Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, aus dem 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert
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t2000000000 · 10 months
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toughtzzinmyhed · 1 year
V.I.T.R.I.O.L. is an acronym which stands for Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem. This translates to "Visit the interior of the Earth and by rectification (purification) you will find the hidden stone." This image is purportedly found on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes (Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis) and is a revered alchemical text of the Rosicrucian order.
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wotakugobrazil · 1 year
Overlord é um dos animes mais amados dos últimos tempos, e uma fã resolveu homenagear com um cosplay da Albedo simplesmente impressionante. Albedo é a Supervisora dos Guardiões dos Andares da Grande Tumba de Nazarick. Ela é encarregada da administração e supervisão das atividades dos sete Guardiões, sendo assim, ela está hierarquicamente acima de todos os NPCs de Nazarick. Ela é a irmã mais velha de Nigredo e a irmã mais nova de Rubedo. Juntamente com suas irmãs, ela foi criada por Tabula Smaragdina. Com isso em mente, a fã e cosplayer _nicoolinn decidiu compartilhar em seu instagram um cosplay simplesmente impressionante da Albedo. Onde podemos ver todo o esforço e dedicação que ela teve para fazer o cosplay ser o mais realista possível. Apaixonante cosplay da Albedo de Overlord Reprodução: @_nicoolinn Este cosplay da Albedo ficou realmente muito bom, não é mesmo? Você pode conferir mais sobre o trabalho dela através do instagram bem aqui. Confira também: No post de hoje, vimos um lindo cosplay da Albedo de Overlord. Origem: Criticalhits
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c-etait-ailleurs · 2 years
Thomas Köner - Tabula Smaragdina
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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V.I.T.R.I.O.L. is an acronym which stands for Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem. This translates to "Visit the interior of the Earth and by rectification (purification) you will find the hidden stone." This image is purportedly found on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes (Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis) and is a revered alchemical text of the Rosicrucian order.
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