silascody · 5 months
silas 📲 tabitha.
Silas: Yo Silas: Its Si Silas: Might b weird text Silas: U clean the Boyds right? Im their contractor, we met for 2 secs at theirs. Got hand and neck tats cant miss me. Im suposed to be finished wit the attic conversin before there back from hamptins but lost the fuckin keys Silas: Any way can u run me a drop off of urs at the flower fest Ill owe u big time
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bazhowletts · 5 months
closed for: @tabithaxking
"All I said is I would get her a crochet flower." Baz explains as he strolls alongside his cousin, gesturing to his niece-of-sorts who was happily playing with the yellow crochet flower he had acquired, just as he said.
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"Never said anything about the how."
Good thing too, because Theo was an unwitting accomplice of sorts, which was the most fun part of being related to someone who had a kid. He had a built in partner-in-crime that was too cute for anyone to say anything.
"You having the time of your life yet?"
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cassidyxcooke · 4 months
closed starter for @tabithaxking location: tabitha's place
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"So--" Cass cleared their throat in lieu of a traditional pause. "What did you think?" In all honesty they were a bit nervous. Wasn't everyday they read a story to a five year old, let alone something of their own. This particular one Cass had started years ago when Theo was what? Three? Chances were she was no where near interested in the same things. But Cass had did their best to alter it, lace in some universal kid humor and yeah-- they were still nervous as fuck as they shut the mock up book, their hand done illustrations now hidden.
They straighten up, arms leaving their knees as they glanced from Theo to Tabs from their spot criss cross apple sauce on the floor of their place. It was a really odd feeling, considering they were typically so confident when it came to writing. The only thing-- or rather person, really giving them pause being Eden, but that was another story.
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greengideon · 5 months
starter for: @tabithaxking location: all nighter diner
"Hey kid, I got a question," Gideon calls as he steps out of his managers office, a tablet in hand and glasses resting on his nose as he steps into the kitchen.
"I got an opening for a double next week, you want first dibs on it or should I start asking around?"
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luckylewis · 3 months
👄 + tabitha
"Tabitha is the most capable person I've ever known. From the minute we met, we became more than just best friends, we were a refuge for each other. Neither of us had the easiest home life but we had each other and that meant having someone who got it without ever having to explain it. I'm not so sure I'd have come out the other side of my childhood the way I did if she hadn't have been such a huge part of it.
It's why I was never mad when the truth came out about Theo. I know she was just doing what she thought was best for everyone and that's no easy thing to do in a situation like that. I'd love to say if I knew sooner I'd have come home sooner but that's just words, isn't it? Tab was doing the hard stuff while I wasn't here, all that heavy lifting by herself and our daughter is who she is because she's who she is. She's ten times the mother hers ever was in a quarter of the time and I'm grateful she's the mother of my child.
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I never pictured myself being a father let alone being one this young but now I can't picture my life any other way or without her and Theo being at the centre of it. There's no one else I'd rather be figuring life and parenthood out with." @tabithaxking
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character.
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heyits-asher · 4 months
CLOSED STARTER for @tabithaxking
Unfortunately, Ash isn’t joining in on the first week of tourist season at the bars, as he is working. He’d been standing outside the front door of Surf's Up, listening to the waves crashing on the opposite side of the dunes, and the sunset is painting the sky a pretty orange for him to watch from where he's shackled.
Shackled being an exaggeration, Asher has never hated his job, he's just struggling with a heavy feeling of F.O.M.O. this day in particular.
And just in that moment, he sees the beacon of hope that is to kill his boredom in the form of Tabitha King wielding a take-out bag... as per his request.
"Ay, you came through! I was wondering if you were on your way. My phone's dead and charging in the cashier stand, so I couldn't text you."
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pytndyer · 2 months
📸 + tabitha
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fletcher-bailey · 2 months
send 📸 for an instagram post about your muse + cynthia
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@tabithaxking @reggiellewellyn @tabithaxking
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phoebekeller · 2 months
📸 + uly!
send 📸 for an instagram post about your muse
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@ulyflynn @aiden-stevens @tabithaxking
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aurorabayrpg · 22 days
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the following have ended their hiatus and have 48 hours to make 3 ic posts or contact the main or will be unfollowed:
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trcvis · 1 month
👤 + tabitha
"I think she's great. Tab has such a resilence and this fire within her that is just admirable and I've only ever been envious of. I remember what she was like at school, for the brief time I saw her, and she was just this firecracker who took shit from no-one... but I don't know, I still had this urge to protect her. Maybe it's because I could relate to this obvious anger she felt, like some sort of twin flame bullshit. I just wasn't as expressive as she was. She's smart too, I could imagine her as the next leader of the country someday. I wish I hadn't been in Vegas when she got pregnant, because if I'd have known, I keep thinking I would have come back instantly - I don't know why, I don't even know what I could do... I'm probably shit with kids, as I've only ever really been around Gwen and Dallas', but I would have wanted to help in some way. But from what I've seen since I've returned, she's an exceptional mother, and I don't think she gives herself enough credit. She's been through hell and back, and I think it's about time life cuts her break. I just hope she knows how lucky Theo is to have her as a mother, and knows that she has people supporting her. Even a shaggy haired broke ass guy like me. But I swear, if I win the lottery, getting her and the kid out of these shitty apartments will be on my list. Oh, and she's beautiful. But I mean, you don't need me to tell you that."
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keolalagaaia · 2 months
✨ + tabitha
send ✨ for a random text from my muse // @tabithaxking
KEOLA: Almost wiped out and died on the biggest wave I've ever seen in my life!!!! KEOLA: I didn't btw, that's how I'm texting you 🙂
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bazhowletts · 4 months
shooting star: who is someone you trust to help you make the right decisions?
"Tabitha's pretty quick to tell me I'm an idiot. I'm pretty sure she would at the very least send me on the scenic route to the right path if I asked her. And if not, Theo's always got my back. That's bestie, she taught me that." @tabithaxking
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late night self reflective asks 🌙
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colexwalters · 3 months
👄 + tabitha
"I actually think she thinks I'm funny. She likes me really. She pretends that I'm a loser but she keeps talking to me and making fun of my shitty pickup lines so, like, she must be somewhat entertained by me? Right?"
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atlasnolan · 3 months
closed for: @tabithaxking
where: scottie and atlas' house, fisher's cove
With a drink in hand formed of an indecipherable mix of spirits -- foul tasting, but buzz inducing -- and music loud enough reverberating off the walls that he didn't have to think too much on all the strange faces milling about his new home of sorts, Atlas found what he always did in similar situations.
( Peace among the chaos. )
The night air calls to him and he follows it, hoping to bum a smoke from a beach bum who had decided to wander out to the back garden, finding only one concious person there besides a pair who seemed to be napping in the dewy grass. His question intended for anyone is given the backseat as his question for the bottle blonde takes precedence, asking as he makes his way over to her.
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"Well heya, you in the right place?"
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luckylewis · 2 months
😁 + tabitha
send 😁 for a happy text from my muse // @tabithaxking
LUCKY: Guess who has not one, not two but THREE interviews next week 😁 LUCKY: I feel good about them, there's one I really want but I'd take any LUCKY: It's actual big boy jobs, way better money than the vet's too LUCKY: If I do get any of the, I want to help out more with that side of things
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