#t: wanda maximoff
a-spes · 3 days
So.. guess who is back with more thoughts about Wanda's really nice hands, and long nails?
I am the one who can't think about anything else but those perfect hands 🙆
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You have many bad habits. You would bite your nails — or your lips, depending on your current mood — and skip meals sometimes. The woman hates that, but there is one bad habit of yours that she doesn't want to fix because she finds it absolutely endearing, and it is the way you are always avoiding her gaze.
She had quickly noticed that you were unable to hold eye contact with her for more than a few seconds, crumbling under a simple glance. She loves to slowly drag her index all the way up your neck until it finds a place under your chin. She loves to apply a slight pressure here, forcing you to tilt your head back until you have no choice but look at her, directly in the eyes. She loves the embarrassment she can read on your face.
Sometimes, you forget to think, and words you regret eventually fall past your pretty lips. Words that you do not mean, but would still get you in trouble with the woman — “Shut it, before you say something I'll make you regret,” she reprimands, and you can feel her nails slowly digging into your cheeks.
She is right. You don't want to suffer the consequences of your own actions, you were just craving for some of her attention. She has been so busy with her job lately that you've been feeling left out. Eventually, her thumb would find its way in your mouth, and you would just accept it.
“Isn't it what you wanted, honey? My whole attention? No, don't get shy now that you have it, and use your words to tell mommy what you want,” she teases, and suddenly you find yourself unable to speak — god, there is nothing she likes more than seeing how fast she can make you shut the fuck up and how quick she can turn you into her perfect, and obedient, little girl. One that would do anything she asks without thinking twice about it.
She does it on purpose, and you know it. The woman keeps pretending that she left these marks by accident, but you can see in her smile that she meant every one of them.
She loves them.
She loves to see those red crescents that decorate your skin. They are the reminder of who you are belonging to. They are the memory of the nights you've shared, and her not so gentle touches. Most of those are left when you try to squirm out of her grasp, when she has to dig her nails into your hips in order to keep you still while she ruins her precious baby.
That is something she loves to do, grabbing you by the hips whenever she is given the chance to. It is not her fault that you are looking so adorable that it gives her the urge to have her hands on your body, and to slowly draw pattern on your skin.
Most of the time, the woman would just sneak up behind you when you are busy, and you would have no idea that she was coming before you could feel her nails slightly digging into your skin and her soft breath brushing your neck.
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wandaverse · 3 months
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playing with fire.
— buff firefighter!wanda x college student!reader
— summary: the 5 times you meet and the 1 time wanda lights a different kind of fire
— tags: pure fluff, major horniness, implied smut
— word count: 1,252 words
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1. the first time you meet is late at night when there’s a fire in your dorm.
someone down the hall sets fire to their microwave trying to heat up a burrito. deeply asleep with fatigue from the week’s intense assessments, you don’t hear the screeching alarms.
without hesitation, a chilvarous wanda arrives at the scene and kicks down your door, carrying you out bridal style. wanda’s not complaining, not with the way you sleepily nuzzle into the safety of her neck.
through your sleepy haze you wonder who the buff woman carrying you out the building is, she smells like smoked cedar with faint hints of sea salt. you decide that you like this scent and the warmth that accompanies it.
2. you next meet at a sorority party gone wrong.
your friends get the stupid idea of trying fire breathing. the only thing you end up breathing though is clouds of smoke when your sorority house almost burns down. wanda arrives in the nick of time in her blaring red truck and douses the flames.
something else ignites within you though when you meet her properly for the first time, awake and certainly alert. you take in the sight of her breathless figure after rushing to fight the flames. so this is who saved you that night in your dorm… oh.
wanda is not particularly amused at you and your friends’ irresponsible antics. you shrink under the weight of her disapproving gaze, but also can’t help but cheekily grin. wanda can’t stay upset, she has to admit you look cute with ash all over your face.
3. your paths cross again when you notice a kitten stuck in a tree while studying on your campus’ lawn.
after many futile rescue attempts, you call emergency services and once again your knight in shining armour (or rather, reflective PPE) arrives. she gallantly climbs her ladder and saves the kitten. you don’t deny enjoying the view of her sunkissed skin when she takes off her jacket to swaddle the kitten.
afterwards, wanting to prolong the encounter, wanda asks if you want to ride with her in her fire truck to drop the kitten off at the nearest vet. you excitedly accept her offer and enjoy the trip around the city. wanda secretly steals fond glances at you, looking adorable with the kitten in your lap.
4. the next time you meet is not in the face of life threatening danger, but rather danger to your self-composure.
on a regular trip to the supermarket, you pass the row of calendars and your eyes land on a familiar face on the annual westview firefighters calendar sold for charity. you can’t ignore the curiosity that compels you to take a sneaky peak at its contents.
your cheeks instantly burn red when you turn to february’s page and find your favourite firefighter scantily clad and leaving little to the imagination. standing in a shallow pool of water with flames raging around her, wanda poses with an axe slung across her shoulders, wearing only a black training bra and her firefighter pants. her buff arms and unsurprisingly toned abs are on show as she stares directly at you the camera. you fight the urge to bite your lip at her flexed muscles, her sunkissed skin, the shine of her sweat mixing with ash. you’ve never felt so taken before, you forget your bearings for a second.
that is, until you hear a familiar voice call out your name.
your ears register her presence before your eyes and you quickly shut the calendar, throwing it back on the shelf as if its touch has burned you. you ready to make an excuse until you finally look up and find the firefighter just as scantily clad as, if not more than, her outfit in the calendar’s photoshoot.
wanda approaches you, seemingly in her post-workout fit and you have to stop yourself from drooling at the sight of her sweaty and taut arms and abs, only this time in real life. god, the photo doesn’t even do her justice. wanda calls out your name again with a husky laugh and your blush profusely, realising you’ve been caught ogling her not once but twice.
5. you meet once again when you move out to an apartment near campus and decide to cook dinner for yourself.
you quickly realise that you actually have no idea how to cook when your entire kitchen ends up in flames. wanda arrives just in time and puts out the grease fire. for a second, you can’t help but question fate. it’s as if there’s only one firefighter in all of westview with the way wanda always finds her way back to you. you’re not complaining though.
she turns to you and scolds you for your carelessness, but not before checking that you’re okay and not hurt by the wild fire. your heart secretly skips a beat at the continued display of care. ever the prince charming, isn’t she?
before she leaves for the next emergency, though, she asks you out for dinner instead. unsurprisingly, you say yes.
+1. the evening of your first date arrives.
you’re lounging on the couch in your apartment watching a sitcom when you hear a knock on your window. wanda has climbed up the fire escape and asks to be let in like a lost kitten. you lift open the window with a laugh and she tells you that she’s set up a picnic under the stars on the rooftop. she escorts you back out the window and up the fire escape. you giggle adoringly at her antics.
the evening goes well as you two happily find that the spark between you wasn’t imagined and isn’t going to fizzle out anytime soon. conversation flows naturally and you enjoy the food wanda has cooked for you. she jokes that at least one of you can cook, which earns her a playful slap. but when you reach over to do so, you accidentally knock over a candle and almost burn the entire picnic blanket. the fire is quickly avoided though thanks to wanda’s quick reflexes. she gives you a humuored tsk, but you secretly revel in her display of protection.
the evening comes to an end as the city around you calms down and the stars settle in for the night. wanda escorts you down the fire escape once again and the butterflies in your stomach continue to take flight. when you reach your window, you turn to wanda and thank her for the evening, for thinking of such a lovely idea and packing such a delightful picnic. when you place a goodbye kiss on her lips though and she takes you in her arms, you quickly realise that that’s not the only thing she’s packed.
wanda pulls back and blushes sheepishly at your realisation, but it’s enough to set you off. all night you’ve been teased with the sight of her shirt lifting and showing the slightest glimpse of her abs, the tight fit of her t-shirt’s sleeve around her arms, the simple yet alluringly attractive way she runs her fingers through her hair. she’s been teasing you all night and you decide that you’ve had enough. you quickly engulf her in kisses and pull her boldly through your window.
your night rages on and as the flaming sun begins to rise, wanda pleasantly learns that there’s one particular fire that she just can’t put out.
the end.
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cieric-of-chaos · 8 months
there's nothing worse than seeing people headcanon your favorite character as a "sw*ftie"
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six-white-venus · 5 months
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on death, on grief
bungou stray dogs- s2// anne carson// bungou stray dogs- s2//tell me something about yourself by @six-white-venus//war of foxes, richard silken//bungou stray dogs//wandavision//madeline miller//house md, s6e9//john green// house md s4ep16
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616scarletvision · 2 months
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AVENGERS volume 9 # 17 (2024): "IMPACT: PART ONE" → drawn by Valerio Schiti
⚠️ MCU fans are required to read or watch x, x, x, x, & x before interacting with this post ⚠️
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marvelstars · 4 months
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Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I wish we could go to those times in which Magneto and Pietro relationship was written like this, complicated but at least nuanced and in character, not whatever Steve Orlando is been working on in the last issue of Scarlet witch and Quicksilver.
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It also offends me the way Orlando wrote this, sure Magneto got his heart taken out, he was barely holding himself together after surviving Uranus first attack, he had to take care of the survivors and then go fight him again, he even could have a heartfel talk with David, Legion, while literally holding his heart back together and you are telling me I have to believe the man´s priority at the time was to write a letter in which he said his Son was a danger to his twin? Sure Jan
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multifandomsimagine · 8 months
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Imagine Wanda confronting S.W.O.R.D. about leaving you, Vision, and her alone in Westview
Did she not deserve to get her happy ending? When the snap was reversed, everyone was so happy to be reunited with their missing loved ones. Families were reunited once more and everyone in the world celebrated. Everyone except Wanda who came back to Vision still being gone and the Avengers fragmented once more. There was no family to return to.
It was why as she stepped outside of the dome, drone in hand, Wanda felt a mixture of grief and anger swirl inside of her as she looked at the agents with narrowed eyes as they began to surround her. The feeling only grew as she took note of how they were all armed, scopes trained on her and their finger ready to pull the trigger and fire as they watched her every movement carefully though that did nothing to deter her. She now had something she was willing to protect. "Is this yours?" She asked rhetorically, throwing the drone harshly at the feet person who looked like they were in charge.
"The missile was just a precaution," He explained, taking slow steps near her.
"I think I can." Staring him down, she narrowed her eyes at him. "This will be your only warning." She spoke to all of them though she maintained eye contact with the man. Channeling her powers, she formed an orb in her hands before brushing it away as its wisps entered the minds of all the armed agents. "Stay out of my home."
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wonderbeast · 7 months
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Avengers West Coast Vol 2 #74
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Avengers Vol 3 #51
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Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 #7
Just something fascinating about the way these two break up always has to do with Wanda saying she thinks of Simon as a friend and potentially even a brother figure first, and always a romantic interest second.
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wmarximoff · 2 years
can we please get some DFTR r and wanda cockwarming hcs 🥺👀
CONTENT 18+ BELOW. MINORS DNI: cockwarming (obviously), mentions of drugging, mentions of toxic relationship, mentions of physical abuse, mentions of torture and murder, mentions of breeding kink.
Most of the time when Wanda ends up drugging R (something R was never really aware of) it usually comes from an insecure and jealous place inside her (as we can see in this little drabble here), and it's to keep R unable to walk away from her. Wanda ends up cockwarming R in those moments to feel her close, to keep her inside so that Wanda remembers that the only possible place for R is with her… or inside her;
But when it's consensual (with R awake, in this case), it ends up being either a way to keep Wanda quiet or to punish her. If Wanda is pissing R off out of jealousy, R usually keeps Wanda on her lap cockwarming her strap just so Wanda stops throwing a tantrum… which could also mean Wanda will be kept on the edge for hours on end and every time she tries to make it better, R will have a rather violent reaction. Which is kind of pointless, as Wanda likes R being violent;
In softer moments, however, Wanda just cockwarms R's strap because it's a way they both like to keep close to each other - whether it's with them watching something on television or with R doing her class stuff, for example. Wanda knows she probably likes this because of her breeding kink;
As said in this other thread here, sometimes they do the do in front of some victim that R keeps in the basement. In some cases, however, R likes to keep Wanda cockwarming her as she slowly watches some girl bleed to death from some deep cut made specifically to make it a prolonged death and as slow as possible. But Wanda doesn't like other girls getting R's attention, so she purposely fidgets just for R to get mad and pay attention to her (it doesn't matter if it's violently if Wanda likes that);
As also mentioned before Wanda has a small oral fixation, so she has no problem getting under R's desk using her mouth as nothing but a cock sleeve until her jaw is swore and she becomes a drooling mess under R while R focuses on her studies purposefully slow. Again, it's a creative way to keep Wanda quiet;
Regarding keeping Wanda as a cock sleeve, R had to train her gag reflex since Wanda had never done this with anyone before but R (which was certainly rewarding for R's ego);
If R goes to bed mad at Wanda and wakes up with Wanda trying to turn her on in some way (usually humping her thigh), R keeps Wanda cockwarming and never lets her finish. That Wanda certainly doesn't like;
R secretly likes when they sleep with her being inside Wanda, however (when she is conscious of course). It makes her think that even while Wanda sleeps she is still hers;
R at some point has probably left Wanda chained to a chair (R is the type who prefers chains over ropes) cockwarming a dildo while she took her time to torture some girl in front of Wanda, just to teach her a lesson;
In cases of a squirting strap R is probably more adept at making Wanda cockwarm her just to keep her seed inside Wanda for a longer time and claim her as hers. R's breeding kink is more about making Wanda hers like no one else will, while Wanda genuinely likes the idea of ​​R ending up knocking her up somehow… even if that's impossible. She just likes the idea of ​​having R's kids;
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cissa-calls · 1 year
Countdown to Coven of Chaos: Day 423
Wanda: “Agatha, are you okay?”
Agatha: “I haven’t slept in thirty hours. I’m not tired, my mind is alive”
Y/N: “Are you sure? Your face is really hot”
Agatha: “Obviously, my face is always hot”
Wanda: “No, they meant the temperature, are you running a fever? Your face looks a touch pink and swollen”
Agatha: “Just give me a sec” *opens the freezer and shoves entire her face inside* “it’s fine!”
Y/N: “You could have just asked us for some ice!”
Wanda: “Y/N, no, that’s entirely too simple. What do we live in, the twenty first century?
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argentarrogance · 3 months
How regular Wanda & Pietro day looks like.
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a-spes · 8 days
It is a random thought but, please, tell me that I am not the only one thinking that Wanda would give the absolute best head scratches in the world?
Imagine, you are coming home after a particularly hard, and exhausting, day at work. When you get home, the first thing you notice is that Wanda came back before you, something that rarely happens.
From then, the only thing you can think about is how bad you want to be close to her, how much you need her. You precipitately get rid of your shoes, not even taking the time to put your bag away, just dropping it in the entrance.
A second later, you are letting yourself plop on the sofa, where she is sitting, your head finding her lap to be the perfect place to rest. Immediately, you can feel one of her hands — the one that is not holding her cup — coming down to your scalp, and her fingers gently scratching it.
She is not paying much attention to you, her gaze is fixated on the sitcom that is playing on the TV, but you are fine with that, finding comfort in the silence.
“my baby had a rough day, uh?” she would eventually ask, but not before the end of the episode she was watching. By the time, you would already be half asleep.
I mean, look. at. those. hands.
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I already know that some of your dirty minds are thinking about sometimes else, but let those thoughts aside for a moment to think about the head scratches, just the head scratches.
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
what do you imagine the maximoff's accent's to sound like? they're usually made to sound romanian which i like but assuming they grew up speaking romany would their english sound any different?
In this context, I'd suggest spelling it "Romani" with an "i".
I tend to read Wanda and Pietro's dialogue with mostly hard consonants, long vowels, and "i"s pronounced like "ee"s. Don't really know where I got that from. I can tell you, based on what research I have done, that I'm pretty sure "Wanda" and "Wundagore" should be pronounced with a "V" sound-- so that's "Von-dah," which has been used a couple times in comics. The Maximoffs don't usually get phonetic accents the way other characters do, which is probably for the best, but it is making hard to answer this question.
Usually, if Wanda's accent is addressed, it is by characters expressing confusion. Nobody can really place it correctly. Jean thinks she sounds Russian. Clint thinks she sounds Lithuanian. Those are two very different things. I can tell you from experience that my grandmother was the same way-- she had a lot of different linguistic influences, so her accent was unique and very hard to place when she spoke English. That's not a specifically Romani thing, it's just something that can happen when you've moved around a lot and learned languages through immersion, rather than formal education.
On the other hand, we know that Wanda and Pietro are both polyglots. I would believe at this point that they are able to speak flat, unaccented American English, but I do not choose to assume that, because it's boring.
Unfortunately, though, all of this is outside my scope of expertise. My family is not from that part of Europe, and the Calo dialect, in my experience, sounds pretty different from the ones you might hear in that region. Generally speaking, I do think most people or communities have regional accents that are influenced by the majority culture. So, yeah, it is a perfectly safe bet to say that Wanda and Pietro have "Transian" accents-- which would be very similar to Romanian or Bulgarian, as those are the real-world countries that Transia is analogous to.
Again, I'm not familiar enough with that area or those languages to distinguish a generic Romanian accent from anything else. Y'all know I'm a huge fan of Mihaela Dragan, and I believe she's from Bucharest, so her speaking voice in English might be a good place to start. I have her interview from Romanistan linked here.
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cieric-of-chaos · 8 months
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I can't stop making these...Help me...I miss her so much :(
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inkblot-inc · 11 months
Thinking about [this HC here], The ironic part about Sketch's poor diet before meeting Wanda is that Skitch knows how to cook.
They aren't top-shelf, but Skitch definitely knows more than the basics and fundamentals of cooking.
Like, yes, you shouldn't over-beat the eggs, and yes, the cream goes last in the sauce so it doesn't curdle, yes, you want *this* specific cut of meat because it's less tough when making blah blah blah..... But can't we just order in though?-
You kinda pick up things when your childhood friend is a chef...
Ordering takeout is just a hell of a lot easier than constantly buying food to prepare and cook later. Being with Wanda, someone who enjoys cooking more than buying ready-made food, definitely makes that feel less tedious when they're, say, making dinner together.
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616scarletvision · 22 days
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Wanda's hallucination of Vision, Billy and Tommy.
AVENGERS WEST COAST V1 #62: "THE WITCHING HOUR!" written by roy and dann thomas and drawn by paul ryan.
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