#syr gwyn
samsnazzypixels · 8 days
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Syr Gwyn vs. General Tazri
Magic: The Girlbossing Round 1, Match 24
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hissperia · 1 year
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This is an oldie but! I made this as my profile picture when I guested on the MtG podcast, The Faerie Conclave! I went on to talk about my commander, Syr Gwyn, and all the tokens I created at the time ❤💥
So I drew myself as Gwyn, sword and all 🗡 You can find my ep (#42) and all the others over here!
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tatyova · 7 months
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My first completed deck for the Fallout expansion is Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy (decklist). She's my favorite Brotherhood member, and I'm thrilled to have her on a card! The deck started as a Syr Gwyn deck when she released, but over time I've been using that deck less and less. The deck still follows a similar theme of knight typal and equipment, but reducing by a color should even out the focus.
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The other Brotherhood cards also seem like they'll be fun, so overall excited to see how the deck plays when PIP releases!
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danco110 · 6 months
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“Syr Ameril!”
The crowd cheered as the Ardenvale paladin on horseback hurled her javelin through the air. It scored a bullseye on a target all the way on the other side of the arena, prompting yet another bout of cheers from the stands.
“Thank you, thank you!” laughed the knight, as she waved with a gauntleted hand. “Now, I would show you my prowess with a blade.”
Ameril reached into the pack hanging from her saddle for a replacement weapon. What she retrieved, however, gave her pause.
“I…don’t remember packing this one.”
The crowd cheered obliviously as Ameril stared down at the sword of legend, Embercleave. The mythical blade crackled with small motes of fire and lightning as she gingerly lifted it high.
“I don’t know how,” Ameril shrugged, “but if it somehow got in there, I’d wager it’d be all right for me to use.”
Ameril gave Embercleave a few experimental swings, and saw that it made an afterimage of sparks as it cut through the air. She gave a giddy smile, and prepared to resume the tournament when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“That’s…er…that’s a nice blade there, Ameril.”
Ameril looked over and saw a second knight, sitting on horseback beside her. The new arrival’s gaze was fixed firmly on Embercleave, prompting Ameril to abruptly move it to her other side, snapping her out of her trance.
“Syr Gwyn,” Ameril greeted coldly. “And thank you. Yes, it is impressive, isn’t it?”
“Y-Yeah…” Gwyn anxiously tapped her index fingers together, earning an eye roll from Ameril. The knight wielding Embercleave grimaced at Gwyn’s expectant expression, but ultimately offered her the blade.
“Fine. You can use it,” Ameril sighed. “But! Just for this round of the tournament. Next round, it goes back to me.”
Gwyn cried with joy as she reverently took Embercleave from Ameril’s hands. “Oh, thank you! And of course, it shall immediately go back to you!”
“I’m…sure it will,” Ameril lied through her teeth.
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[Scene: Contender digs up an Embercleave from a Syr Gwyn commander deck. But you know, and I know, that so long as Syr Gwyn is out, that thing is never going on anyone else!]
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jones-friend · 2 years
Mardu has won the color combo! I’ve selected ten Mardu commanders below to pick from, their images below the cut:
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ratking-usurper · 11 months
Just played commander with total strangers for the first time in a few years. And had a great time!
Lost game one by miles, and just ran the whole board game two. Lasted 40 minutes. Turn four Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale, turn five Kaldra Compleat, turn 6 Quietus Spike and I held up board wipes. I have never come out swinging so hard. Thanks Syr Gwyn my beloved ❤️
The best part, though, was that someone very confidently assumed my gender correctly (which is what made me good at the game).
T-girl dream evening!
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hikorzik · 2 years
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MTG Data Science on twitter posted this app https://mtgds.shinyapps.io/hipster_dragon_highlander/ that lets you calculate “how hipster” your MTG EDH deck is, by adding the % of usage on EDHREC of each card in your deck. It’s quite fun lol. The median deck on EDHREC is like 463% !
I can see with some of my decks that Ashnod, despite being *not that good (but still good)* is a pile of good sac stuff, while Lightpaws is sneakily strong ! (well, sneakily, everybody knows to target her now, but she’s good with underused cards). My fav deck, Syr Gwyn Knights/Equip, is in the middle, quite nice. Love me some knights, can’t wait for Eldraine 2 : Electric Boogaloo!
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niuttuc · 2 years
About my Planeswalker-sona !
I have two actually, who are like twins and were both born on Eldraine (the set where I first began to play!). They were raised as knights at first but then they ignited their spark (idk how yet) and had a lot of experiences that made them change a lot.
One is a mardu-artifact wielding gruff sellsword man. He is trying to form an inter-planar mercenary force that could be hired to diverse ends, even tho it would most likely be violence. He isn't the most morally straight person, and isn't afraid to perform such violence in exchange for whatever currency or favor he can muster, but he can't help be a little white aligned and won't stoop to really evil deeds if he can help it or if he notices it. He won't call it "honor" but more like, preserving his reputation in avoiding to harm defenseless people and the like. He is short tempered, a bit ill mannered, and doesn't care about politeness most of the time but *will* respect a good warrior or other people in his line of work. He would be hard pressed to *truly hate* someone but can hold grudges for a good while. His powers are to store copies of artifacts (mostly equipments) he has seen in a remote access bag-of-holding-like demi-plane and bring them out whenever he wants like a powered down Gate of Babylon thing from Fate. His prefered style of battle is wielding a colossus hammer and a brass knuckle and going wild on his ennemies!
The other is his evil-twin, idk if they were born from the same mother or not but they look a lot like each other. Basically personnality wise he's a little evil gremlin that enjoys being chaotic and fucking with people. He's a bit like Ashiok in that regard, but while seeming a bit less "aloof" I'd say? He's still mostly doing stuff for his own enjoyment tho. He is simic aligned, and his thing is to be able to dominate weak animals and constructs, a bit like Lukka, but without a "two ways" link of the sort, because he can only impose his will upon really weak beings. But then, his greatest joy is to pump them up to great heights with green spells to surprise people and bring chaos to wherever he is, which annoys his brother a lot. People mistake them a lot and since this one is very elusive they tend to find the mardu one and bring their grievances to him even tho he hasn't done anything. For some reason, he seems to be able to dominate weak infected monsters without spreading the oil or getting infected himself (to his knowledge at least), which is his lattest "fun discovery": indeed, killing with poison is way easier than with damage... He's taking advantage of the current situation to keep an infected myr with him at the moment, but how long will that last?...
That's it ! They don't have names yet because I'm very bad at naming and I don't want to feel like, cringe lol. But I love that in the lore we're supposed to *be* planeswalkers when we duel ! So they are both the pilots of my two favorite decks : a Syr Gwyn equip/knights commander deck, and a pauper simic infect deck.
I want to keep evolving them as I keep evolving as a player too. Maybe I will give them names, new adventures, write more... or at some point retire them, if I change a lot? In any case, I like them a lot!
Interesting, not quite as mirrored as the beginning got me to assume, but still two folks that are quite different. You say they were "raised as knights", what's that to mean? Where they already adult knights on Eldraine before sparking or just educated in view of them becoming knights? Was this their parents' expectations or their own? What castle's knighthood did they have/were they aiming after?
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suthecoder · 7 months
Highlight of last night's commander pod
Me, playing Mardu (white-black-red) knights with Syr Gwyn (6 mana); lots of knights, not a lot of removal. (The deck's idea of interaction is stabbing.)
My one removal is Despark (white-black, remove any permanent costing 4 or more mana).
We are trying to deal with the Enemy of the table, who has Propaganda on the battlefield, making it much harder for me to connect because I'm trying to build board state.
I keep surreptitiously checking everyone's cards' mana values.
Enemy finally plays a 4-mv white card!
The damn card has protection from black.
NO ONE had any cards with more than 3 mv!
Except me.
Which the pod points out.
I finally get my commander out.
Pod suggests de-sparking my commander. :D
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socialpoison · 1 year
Now that the Prerlease for M.O.M has come and gone and the story has been fully posted online I can finally ask this question that has been on my mind for so long! Which Legendary creature would your ocs team up with, hypothetically or otherwise, in defense of the multiverse. And if you feel like it what would their card be like?
Klaus, as a believer in nautical nonsense, would team up with Cosima maybe! When he drowned after his sparking, he was saved by a dolphin, and I always intended for that to be Cosima! If not her, then maybe Callaphe! Just a simple landfall into scry and draw probably! Traenor would team up with... Maybe Syr Gwyn! She was his idol when he was a squire, he'd be mildly fanboying it up the whole time. Probably an equipment matters card with indestructible!
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Magic the Girlbossing: Round One
It's finally time! The first Magic: The Gathering Girlboss battle will commence shortly! Bracket below:
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Starting tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST, I'll begin posting one matchup every hour. Each matchup will last 24 hours in total, which means round one will be finished just under a week after it starts! So fun!
Links to matchups once they're up and methodology below the break.
Round 1 matchups:
Alesha vs. Palladia Mors - Alesha Wins!
Tamiyo vs. Exava - Tamiyo wins!
Greasefang vs. Dina - Greasefang wins!
Magda vs. Thantis - Magda wins!
Huatli vs. Elas il-Kor - Huatli wins!
Marit Lage vs. Grandmother Sengir - Marit Lage wins!
Karona vs. Titania - Titania wins!
Radha vs. Atraxa - Atraxa wins!
Elesh Norn vs. Dromoka - Elesh Norn wins!
Reaper King vs. Garna - Garna wins!
Marchesa d'Amati vs. Autumn Willow - Marchesa wins!
Isona Maive vs. Narset - Narset wins!
Gisa Cecani vs. Ria Ivor - Gisa wins!
Thassa vs. Jinnie Fay - Thassa wins!
Nissa Revane vs. Serra - Nissa wins!
Niv Mizzet vs. Jace Beleren - Niv Mizzet wins!
Liliana Vess vs. Lathril - Liliana wins!
Rootha Squallheart vs. Grist - Grist wins!
Savra vod Sado vs. Ashiok - Ashiok wins!
Kari Zev vs. Monoxa - Kari Zev wins!
Thalia vs. Rowan Kenrith - Thalia wins!
Atarka vs. Llawan - Atarka wins!
Olivia Voldaren vs. Zacama - Zacama wins!
Syr Gwyn vs. General Tazri - Tazri wins!
Nahiri vs. Aurelia - Nahiri wins!
The Wanderer vs. Goreclaw - The Wanderer wins!
Kolaghan vs. Liesa - Liesa wins!
Sidisi vs. Jaya Ballard - Jaya Ballard wins!
Kiora vs. Elenda - Kiora wins!
Obeka vs. Rashmi - Obeka wins!
Xantcha vs. Araumi - Xantcha wins!
The Ur-Dragon vs. Samut - The Ur-Dragon wins!
Teysa Karlov vs. Vela - Teysa Karlov wins!
Aminatou vs. Mirri - Aminatou wins!
Fblthp vs. Oona - Oona wins!
Massacre Girl vs. Pharika - massacre girl
Elspeth Tirel vs. Adriana Vallore - Elspeth Tirel wins!
Ziatora vs. Wort - Ziatora wins!
Kaya vs. Iona - Kaya wins!
Dihada vs. Saheeli Rai - Diahada wins!
Braids vs. Lavinia - Braids wins!
Wrenn vs. Jeska / Phage - Wrenn wins!
Linvala vs. Lyzolda - Linvala wins!
Xira Arien vs. Brisela - Xira Arien wins!
Ashnod vs. Anafenza - Ashnod wins!
Klothys vs. Raffine - Raffine wins!
Chandra Nalaar vs. Glissa Sunslayer - Chandra Nalaar wins!
Arlinn Kord vs. Fumiko - Arlinn Kord wins!
Emrakul vs. Atla Palani - Emrakul wins!
Hazoret vs. Saskia - Hazoret wins!
Jhoira vs. Sheoldred - Sheoldred wins!
Zimone Wola vs. Sisay - Sisay wins!
Ayara vs. Akroma - Ayara wins!
Vona vs. Avacyn - Avacyn wins!
Vial-Smasher vs. Yasova Dragonclaw - Vial-Smasher wins!
Linden vs. Sigarda - Sigarda wins!
Vraska vs. Oketra - Vraska wins!
Gallia vs. Masako - Gallia wins!
Beckett Brass vs. Tymna - Beckett Brass wins!
Halana vs. Alena - Halana wins!
Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar vs. Merieke Ri Berit - Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar wins!
Drana vs. Rona - Drana wins!
Ayula vs. Wasitora - Ayula wins!
Sliver Queen vs. Pia Nalaar - Sliver Queen wins!
Below is me talking about seeding
Honestly the seeding was pretty simple but I figure I should lay it out. First off, to be clear, this is a normal 128 slot bracket but just split up into 4 sections. The seeding pattern is based on this chart from printyourbrackets.com, its just kinda, folded and torn apart. So for example, on this bracket, Alesha is the 1 seed and Elesh Norn is the 8 seed. That should give you an idea as to how it was put together.
As for the seeding itself - The top 40-ish characters are ranked based on how many submissions they received. All of them received at least 2 submissions and they're ordered as such. Characters with the same number of votes are randomized. The rest of the bracket either got one submission or no submissions (I needed to fill out some space so I am counting MYSELF as the one submitter, thank you) and these were randomized with two exceptions: Halana vs. Alena and Niv Mizzet vs. Jace Beleren. In the case of the former, let's be honest they kinda represent the exact same thing on a bracket like this. And in the case of the latter: funny.
I hope that my intense bracket rigging isn't scandalous to you. Love you <3
Anyway, remember to girlboss on down to the polls when they open tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST
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8bitsupervillain · 2 years
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If they didn’t want me to keep making Mardu commander decks they wouldn’t have released these two in the same year! Also if they didn’t want me to make more Mardu decks they wouldn’t have released Myrel and Commissar Severina Raine during the year that Mardu was getting phenomenal support.
He said as he was still in the process of making a Syr Gwyn, and Kelsien deck.
What are the odds that both Shanid, and Isshin would have art by the same artist?
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sylvan-highbrary · 5 years
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Realistic picture of Syr Gwyn I found on my Facebook edh group page
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danco110 · 1 year
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“Syr Gwyn! How are you?”
The knight paid the question no heed at first, instead electing to drive her fiery blade into another redcap. Only when the goblin fell to the ground, did Gwyn turn to look at the half-smiling merfolk in the loch behind her.
“…Emry…” greeted the knight, between heavy breaths.
The merfolk leaned forward on the shore, webbed hands propping up her chin. “Need any help?”
Gwyn’s eyes widened as she heard a mad cackling behind her. In one fluid motion she spun, her sword cleaving a leaping redcap in twain. Pulling back from the strike, she inspected her blade, seeing that the fire magic had begun to melt the metal and dull its edge. She threw the damaged weapon away with a scowl, calling over her shoulder to Emry as more goblins approached.
“I could use another sword!”
Emry’s half-smile grew slightly wider. She dipped below the water, resurfacing with a sword emanating wisps of icy vapor. She launched it from the loch with surprising force, where Gwyn caught it and applied extra force to direct its arc, directly into the gut of another foe.
Gwyn fought for some time without incident. But this new blade, too, eventually broke. This time, the icy magic enchanting the sword froze it solid between strikes, so the next goblin received a shattering of icy shards, rather than a sword. Though it was similarly effective, Gwyn deftly discarded the hilt as the foe fell.
Emry threw another blade for Gwyn to catch, this one crackling with lightning.
“That was your last call!” Emry chuckled.
Gwyn arched an eyebrow as she caught the third sword. She turned around, tilting her head at Emry.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Dunno. Heard one of the Kenrith twins say it when their father brought them along requesting another weapon. Sounded cool.”
Gwyn shrugged, before whirling back around to confront the last few redcaps. Meanwhile, Emry again leaned on the shore, talking to Gwyn.
“No more swords from me, Syr Gwyn!”
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silphcon · 5 years
did i make a syr gwyn deck just because she has (basically) the same name as me? maybe
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