#syo repeat
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shiningwonderland · 1 year ago
Syo Kurusu (Repeat)
Translator: Raz (Twitter: agnadance)
Editor: Snail (Twitter: herbert_snail)
True Love Ending — Harmony of Tears
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Syo-kun sang a cute pop song with all his might.
To be honest, I think he wanted to sing a cooler sounding song.
He suggested that I should make a song that takes advantage of his appearance and voice.
The things you want to do and what you are actually good at are different.
He said that if he was going to compete, he should try to meet everyone's expectations.
That's why the song he's singing is very much like him.
It's cute, but at the same time, stylish.
Female Student A: What's this? It's such a cute song, but I'm starting to cry.
Female Student B: Yeah, me too… This is such an amazing song… I feel happy just listening to it. 
Male Student A: That guy's a shorty, but he's amazing… I'm nowhere near as good as him.
Syo-kun is using this performance to proclaim with all his might that this is who he is.
That he's this charming.
He doesn't let on that he has a heart condition. He grabs people's hearts with his energetic singing and doesn't let them go.
Kaoru Kurusu: Syo-chan… This is the first time I've ever seen him like this… He’s… become strong…
It seems that Syo-kun's feelings have reached Kaoru-kun.
Syo Kurusu: Haa, haa, haa… Thank you for watching!
Syo-kun screams out after he finishes singing, out of breath.
At that moment…
Yeeeah! Shouts of joy and applause ring out and continue for some time.
Syo-kun walks over to where the other contestants are in the corner of the stage.
Without hesitation, I run to the stage and stand by his side to hold him up.
He should be in so much pain that he could fall over at any moment… but Syo-kun's smile never fades. He keeps standing where he is.
For the graduation audition, nine judges, including the principal, and the audience vote on who wins.
The nine judges give a score up to ten points each.
The audience votes on which student they think was the best, and the student that gets the most votes from the audience gets another ten points. Second place gets nine points, and it goes down to tenth place.
The person who gets the most points overall gets first place, becomes a new idol in the Shining Agency, then aims to become the top idol.
For the students who don't win first place, anyone that gets more than 85 points can still join the Shining Agency.
Furthermore, there are people from other agencies that come to watch our audition…
Even if we don't get into the Shining Agency, there's a chance that another agency would ask us to join them.
But I'm sure that Syo-kun wouldn't be satisfied unless he's number 1…
Syo-kun shined so brightly just now, so I'm sure it'll be fine. We can win…
Ryuya Hyuga: We’re ready to announce the results… The winner of this year's graduation audition is Syo Kurusu!
When his name is called, Syo makes a wide grin and lets go of my hand.
He takes in a deep breath and slowly walks to the center of the stage.
Ryuya Hyuga: You did great. You really put in your 100% into that song. 
Syo Kurusu: I am honored! Thank you very much!
Syo takes the trophy into his hands with utmost confidence that it's what he’s deserved all along.
Ryuya Hyuga: You've really grown, kid. You're not the kid that needs to be protected by somebody. You're a grown man who can protect someone with that strong back of yours.
When Hyuga-sensei makes a satisfied grin, tears well up in Syo-kun's eyes.
He must be feeling emotional from being praised by his hero he looks up to.
Shining Saotome: Once your body becomes healthy, you'll be perfect! Get properly cured, you hear?
Syo Kurusu: Roger!
After that, we immediately go to the classroom that has been designated as a break room.
Syo Kurusu: … Haa, haa, haa… Damn it, this needs to calm down… Ha, haa, haa, haa…
Syo-kun's heart is at its limit. He didn't stop smiling on stage, but he must've been in extreme pain.
Haruka Nanami: Let's take a break, okay?
I hug Syo-kun tightly.
Syo Kurusu: … Ha, ha… I'm being so uncool… We won so… I wanted to hug you to celebrate…
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun…
Kaoru Kurusu: Syo-chan! So you are having an attack… Here, take this. Also, take this and this.
Kaoru-kun takes out medicine and a bottle of water from his bag and makes Syo-kun drink it.
Kaoru Kurusu: My word, you always push yourself too far, Syo-chan… I felt like I was watching your life shorten. Nonetheless… your song was great.
Haruka Nanami: Kaoru…kun?
Kaoru Kurusu: You've become stronger, Syo-chan. You aren't just putting a front anymore. You really have become strong.
Your song proved that to me.
But… if you go overboard and collapse again, that'll all be for nothing.
You've been an idiot ever since we were kids… Your personality hasn't changed even if you've become stronger.
Syo Kurusu: … Haa… Idiot… It takes one… to know one…
Kaoru Kurusu: You're in that much pain and that's all you got to say? You really are stupid…
I can't keep up with you. Go to the States or wherever.
Haruka Nanami: Kaoru-kun…
Kaoru Kurusu: Then… once your stupidity and heart both get cured, sing me a song again.
I believe with the way you are now, you will definitely be cured.
Syo Kurusu: Yeah… You can count on me… It's a promise.
He grins and passes out in my arms with a sigh of relief.
Haruka Nanami: Are you… absolutely sure?
Kaoru Kurusu: Yes. Even if he were to never undergo surgery, it doesn't seem that he'll give up trying to become an idol.
Even if I were to try to stop him, he'll do whatever it takes to get his way. If he's just going to collapse from pain every time, I would rather want him to get cured right away.
I didn't believe him at first, but now I have no more doubt in my mind that Syo-chan will survive…
Haruka Nanami: Yes, I think so too.
Kaoru Kurusu: I wanted to cure him myself… but as long as Syo-chan becomes healthy, I'm fine with anything. 
As for you, are you fine with being left alone? You care about Syo-chan just about as much as me… no, even more than me…
Haruka Nanami: I'll be fine. I can wait because I believe in him.
Kaoru Kurusu: I see… You're strong. You must be the reason why Syo-chan became strong, too. I'm a little jealous.
I'm going now. Tell Syo-chan congratulations for me after he wakes up.
Haruka Nanami: Yes, I will.
Kaoru-kun has given Syo-kun permission to go to the States.
Thank you.
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Today, Syo-kun flies to the States.
Syo Kurusu: … It's time… I have to go. Don't cry when I'm not around to keep you company, okay?
He pats my head twice.
Haruka Nanami: Yes… I'll do my best.
I feel like I'll burst into tears at any moment…
But I know that would just cause trouble for Syo-kun… I hold back my tears by clenching my hand into a fist.
Syo-kun grins and lets go of my hand.
No. I don't want him to go.
That thought almost leaves my lips but I keep it inside.
Haruka Nanami: U-Um… Here's a charm for you…
My hands trembling, I give Syo a small bag containing a crystal.
Syo Kurusu: A charm? That’s so like you. Here, have this.
Syo-kun takes off his hat and places it on my head. 
Haruka Nanami:  Huh…?
Syo Kurusu: Think of this as me. It's like a charm, I guess.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you…
I shouldn't cry, but… I feel like my tears are going to overflow at any moment. I need to hold them in.
I need to see him off with a smile. Tears, please listen to me, don't fall…
Syo Kurusu: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm only lending this to you, got it? Give it back to me once I return.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
So this is really goodbye…
Syo Kurusu: Don't give me that miserable look. Smile! I'm about to go on a new journey!
Haruka Nanami: … Okay.
I hold in my tears and force a smile.
Syo-kun smiles and embraces me tightly.
Syo Kurusu: Good! You're a great partner! … Or rather, should I call you my girlfriend? I get a little embarrassed at the thought, though…
He grabs my shoulders and looks at me in the eyes.
Syo Kurusu: Now that I think about it, I haven’t acted much like a real boyfriend to you yet…
Syo-kun pauses to think and then kisses me on the forehead.
Haruka Nanami: Syo…kun?
Syo Kurusu: Once I get back, I'll give you a proper kiss on the lips! Pray that my surgery will go well!
Haruka Nanami: Of course!
I nod, then Syo-kun flashes a satisfied smile and runs towards the gate.
Natsuki Shinomiya: He left.
Kaoru Kurusu: … Yeah. Syo-chan never drops his guard, does he? Oh well, that's just him being him.
Haruka Nanami: Shinomiya-san, Kaoru-kun… If you came, why didn't you say anything?
Kaoru Kurusu: We thought it would be bad to interrupt.
Nanami-san, you did your very best. You can cry now.
Haruka Nanami: But Syo-kun told me not to cry…
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes, that's why today, you should part with your tears.
When Shinomiya-san rubs my head, my tears overflow.
I begin to bawl.
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Several months pass with no message from Syo-kun.
I have texted him several times, but he has never replied, and he wouldn't pick up his calls.
I have no idea if he's doing well, or when the surgery is, or if he has been cured…
I know nothing at all. I want to see him and hear his voice. I'm just so, so lonely.
I promised him that I wouldn't cry, but there have been many times when my tears would almost overflow.
It'll be okay, I'm sure of it. Syo-kun will come back better than ever.
It'll be okay…
I've told myself that repeatedly and endured my anxiety. The only thing I can do is believe and wait for him…
Haruka Nanami: A text? … Syo-kun?
This is the first text I got from Syo-kun ever since he went to the States…
"The surgery was a success! I'll be back soon!"
The text is brief, which is very much like him.
Haruka Nanami: He's… coming back…
I'm so happy that tears almost fall from my eyes.
Soon after…
… A phone call?
Haruka Nanami: Yes? Hello? Who is this?
Syo Kurusu: Hey, it's me. Did you see my text? Sorry, I didn't have much battery left, so I couldn't type more than that.
That's why I'm calling you now through a public phone. Um… ahh, I can't word! A-Anyway, I'll be back!
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun!
I haven't heard his voice in such a long time.
Syo Kurusu: … Sorry that I've taken so long to reply. I knew if I heard your voice, I’d want to go home as soon as possible… so I decided to wait until I was fully recovered before contacting you, but it took so long.
I just realized that I could've just sent you a text, too… Sorry. I'm actually at the airport right now. I'm about to get on the plane.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…? You mean you're at the Los Angeles airport?
Syo Kurusu: Yeah, I'll arrive at Narita in twelve hours. … Do you want to see me as soon as possible?
Select The Phrase!
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1) 会いたい。I want to see you.
Syo Kurusu: I see! I'll be back as soon as possible! There's a flight that arrives a little before five o' clock, so wait at Narita for me!
Haruka Nanami: Okay! I'll be there, so come back soon!
I'll get to see Syo-kun in half a day's time. He's finally coming back!
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2) 無理しなくていいよ。Don't push yourself.
Syo Kurusu: Huh? Don't you want to see me as soon as possible?
Haruka Nanami: Of course I do, but if something happens if you rush, I…
Syo Kurusu: What do you mean by that? Anyway, I'll reserve a flight, so go to Narita! I'll arrive just a little before five o' clock. Wait at the airport for me!
Haruka Nanami: Okay! I'll start preparing right now! I'll go as soon as possible!
I can finally see him… He'll be recovered and well!
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I come to the airport two hours before Syo-kun's flight is about to arrive.
I couldn't wait any longer.
I'm so happy that I'll get to see Syo-kun today… I feel like I'm going to cry.
If I end up sobbing when he arrives, he'll surely berate me for crying…
Syo-kun… I want to see you soon.
As I watch the arrival gate, the people around me make an uproar. 
Haruka Nanami: What happened?
I become inexplicably anxious.
My gut instinct turns out to be right.
There is news that the plane that Syo-kun took crashed into the Pacific Ocean.
Haruka Nanami: No… Why? That can't be.
Why? The surgery went well…
We were going to spend so much time together…
And yet… there was a crash? This must be a mistake.
There's no way. Syo-kun, you must be okay, right?
I ask Syo-kun, wherever he is, as I tightly hug the hat he lent me.
No matter how many times I look at the news, the plane that crashed is still the same plane that Syo-kun boarded.
Even the follow-up news did not update that information.
There is no report whether or not there are survivors.
Even so, I kept praying. Please, save Syo-kun.
Please let me see him at least one more time.
He has tried so hard to get a chance at happiness. Don't let his life end here.
Haruka Nanami: It's because I told him that I want to see him as soon as possible…
If I just told him that he could take his time, or that he could board the next day, this wouldn't have happened…
Haruka Nanami: I'm so sorry…
The tears I have been holding back fall one by one, until they all start overflowing.
I promised him that I wouldn't cry.
And yet…
My tears soak his hat that I'm holding in my arms.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun…
Syo Kurusu: Did you call me?
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
I raise my head and see Syo-kun before me.
Haruka Nanami: How…? Syo-kun, is that really you…?
I doubt what I'm seeing and for a moment, and think it's a dream.
Syo Kurusu: Of course it's me. I'm standing right here! Also, why are you crying? I forbade you from doing that.
Haruka Nanami: But your plane… It crashed… Why are you here?
Syo Kurusu: You told me to come as soon as possible! Someone canceled their seat on an earlier flight, so I switched over to that.
Haruka Nanami: … So you really are Syo-kun? You're not a ghost, right?
I reach out and touch his cheek.
He's warm. He really is alive.
He's alive and right in front of me.
Syo Kurusu: Don't kill me off! Also, stop crying! I won't go die and leave you behind!
He embraces me tightly.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
Syo Kurusu: I told you that I'll protect you. You're such a crybaby. Have you started crying more easily when I haven't been around?
Haruka Nanami: Yes, that might be true… I've been very lonely. I wanted to see you as soon as possible.
Syo Kurusu: I wanted to see you too. I wanted to hug you this whole time. I felt like I was going to go crazy when I wasn't with you.
I've come to realize that I want and need you so badly. I'll keep holding onto you. I won't let anyone else touch you.
You're mine for the rest of your life! I'll be with you forever, and I want you to keep smiling beside me.
Haruka Nanami: Yes!
I smile and Syo-kun smiles back.
Syo Kurusu: Thank you, Haruka! I love you!
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Haruka Nanami: Ah…
Syo's lips brush mine for a brief moment.
Syo Kurusu: Ah, hold on– I wasn't thinking! Redo! Give me one more chance! Haruka, I'm in love with you! I will make you happy, so be with me forever…
Haruka Nanami: Yes. I love you too, Syo-kun.
Syo-kun grins and leans in.
Syo Kurusu: Mm…
Haruka Nanami: Mm…
Unlike the kiss from a moment ago, this one is passionate.
Syo Kurusu: I love you. I'll be with you always!
We hug tightly once more.
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After that, I work hard to support Syo-kun to achieve good results.
The principal gives us a pass and allows us to date each other as long as we keep our relationship a secret.
Now with a more physically resilient body, Syo-kun begins to incorporate more dancing while singing.
We still can't tell everyone that we're dating, but…
I'm happy just holding onto his warm, steadfast hand…
I want to be by his side as his partner for the rest of my life, forever and ever… for all of eternity…
Thank you for playing.
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fuckyeahkurusushou · 1 year ago
Uta-Pri Repeat: October {Cecils Route}
Controlled!Kaoru: What, Syo-chan? Are you planning on getting in my way...? Syo: (*gets scared for a moment but then tightens his hand into a fist and nods with conviction*) Syo: So, I'm going to try too. I'm going to try my best! I'm weak and I can't run fast like everybody else. I'm not good at fighting either... {But...} "Kaoru": Why are you always like this...? You've always been like this. You always work too hard for other people! "Kaoru": You're the one who keeps working so hard, and no matter how many times you keep falling down, you get back up... "Kaoru": You're not even strong enough to keep getting up that easily. Even though your body is much weaker than mine... "KAORU": Syo-chan, you should just let ME protect you!!-- SYO: (*quickly crosses arms in front of face and stops Kaorus punch from getting through TO*)-- Syo: I don't want to... just be protected. I'll fight. I want to fight! "KAORU": But {the enemy} promised that if you do as they say, they'll heal your illness! "K A O R U": You don't have to suffer anymore! Why do you resist? I just want you to get better! Syo: (*Withstanding the attacks to prevent "Kaoru" {the enemy} from getting near Haruka & Cecil, never answering "Kaoru" or the enemy*) ...!!
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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
{Syo} ~ [Rai Rai All * R i g h t]
#koushirouizumi utapuri#koushirouizumi syo#koushirouizumi utapuri ref#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi no rb#a: syo kurusu#s: rai rai all right#maji love starish tours spoilers#(In Other News)#(Guess What Ive Been Rewatching Since Yesterday)#(Warning it DOES Get Flashy at minimal points Id recommend turning brightness down if youre prone to episodes!!)#(At least its much easier for me to watch this way than in fullscreen H.D.)#('UUUU' has similar Issues and HIGHLY recommend brightness turned down on that one in comparison to this one b U T)#: im me#(h E L P)#(THEY WERE WATCHING HIM PERFORM FROM THE SIDE AND WAVING AND SYO POINTS IN THE DIRECTION OF)#(WHAT LOOKS LIKE {NATSUKI}S SIDE)#(Ive rewatched UUUU few more times too I Admit bUT THIS WAS VERY FUN ACTUALLY IM SO PROUD OF SYO HHHHEHEHE)#(SYO... YOURE ACTUALLY PERFORMING... ON A STAGE... IN ANI-VERSE... WITH THE HEIGHTS ISSUE BC)#(THEY STILL CANT GET YOU A PROPER ARC BUT KEEP IMPLYING HEART ISSUETM IN SMALL BITS + ANGLES ANYWAY.....)#(LIKE AT THE END Syos . panting. really heavily and they EMPHASIZE It and like yes Effort but also)#(hE HAS A HEART CONDITION IN OG LORE AND THIS IS WHAT THEY GET HIM DO IN THIS CANON BUT IT *WORKS* HHHHH)#(HOW IS THIS SILLY SERIES LIKE THIS)#(WHY CANT WE GET A FULL SEASON WITH THIS KIND OF EFFORT LIKE YES THESE ARE FUN!!! BUT FULL SEASONS TOO!!!!)#(THIS WOULD BE LIKE PERFECT LEAD INS TO A SYO SEASON AND THEY KEEP REFUSING TO TAKE IT L I K E)#(WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED!!!! JUST DO IT ALREADY SMOOTH OUT THE LOOSE ENDS FROM LEAVING OUT ALL OF)#(SYOS REPEAT ROUTE STUFF)#(OK Anyway im LAUGHING at it too but its fUN thE PART WHERE HE CATCHES THE THING + TWIRLS IT ETC G O O D)#flashing lights
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kyaruun · 2 years ago
i'd love to know the reason crystal time (utapri) is stuck in my head ever since i woke up 2 hours ago
like i really opened my eyes and my brain went 覚えていますかPrincess? and i haven't been the same ever since </3
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blueesnow · 2 months ago
damn so many talk of kaoru in his ch 9... てぇてぇやん……
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"Kaoru also used to follow me around while calling me, "Syo-chan, Syo-chan!". Isn't he cute?"
this is cute af ngl www the way he talk as if he's bragging XD
but i remember in the vn (was it ss?) syo mentioned that kaoru actually used to call him "Onii-chan" before lol It was after he went to middle school and on his rebellious mode that he changed it to "Syo-chan" 🤣
but anyway, this part though kinda makes me...??
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"Well, we do fight once in a while. Just like that one time... Eh?" "What was the reason again? I can't exactly remember it..."
...what was that? Syo did brush it off, but are they going to bring back that topic again someday in the future...? I'm curious.... 🫠
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also another mention of kaoru in syo's new priv story(人´∀`*)
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reconstructionlegacy · 8 months ago
Ngani Zho Coerced Custody Of Theron
[Zho] had told the Jedi Council and the leaders of the Republic military that he had sent Satele on a vital mission— something he could not speak of for fear of endangering her life. Given Master Zho’s impeccable reputation, none had questioned him. Now, however, the mission was over. It was time for her to return; the Republic had fought too long without their champion. The Sith Empire’s relentless advance had gone too far. She could no longer ignore the Republic’s need. [...] “You promised you would take him,” Satele said softly, gazing down into the child’s wide, wondering eyes. “I will,” Ngani assured her. “If that’s still what you want.” “What I want has nothing to do with it,” she muttered as she reluctantly handed the child back to her Master. [...] As he took the child from her arms, the moment of greatest joy she would ever know ended.
— Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation
Ngani Zho trained, according to Lost Suns (admittedly according to Zho the manipulator), Satele Shan, Syo Bakarn, Jaric Kaedan, and Bela Kiwiiks. Obviously, that is not possible for full Padawans, and Satele was under Kao Cen Darach's mentorship in the first trailer (and then he died), so my theory here is that Zho stepped in to "foster" mentor at least some of these promising young Jedi (and gain influence with them).
Zho was somehow trusted by the Council (maybe because he partially trained a third of them). Satele became pregnant, went to Zho for advice, and rather than saying "let's talk to the Council, the normal Jedi support structure, which trusts me," he said "I will cover this up. For you." Like a favour.
He said to the Council that she was on a mission, which put a time limit on the 'plan' ("Always with the plan, aren't you?" Zho asks Theron in Lost Suns). By lying to the Council on her behalf, he made it impossible to go to them for support, or at the least heavily implied to Satele that her pregnancy was somehow wrong or shameful.
By isolating Satele from everyone but himself, and putting a time limit on her seclusion, he arranged for her to have no real choice but to give him custody of Theron. (The scion of a powerful bloodline... and possibly even blackmail material against the future Grand Master.)
Then, having secured the custody of Theron, he proceeded to isolate him as he had isolated Satele, and thoroughly abuse him. This is detailed in Lost Suns, and I will not detail it here; suffice to say it began at the earliest when Theron was five, and Theron's life was endangered by Zho, who abandoned Theron upon realizing he was not Force-sensitive.
Years later, when Theron is an SIS officer, under convoluted plot circumstances (that is: the plot of Lost Suns), he reencounters Zho. Zho takes another young person, Teff'ith, under his wing, which Theron is unhappy about. (Teff'ith asks Theron, who has used the term 'childhood trauma' about Zho by this point, and will later elaborate with horrific detail that I, once more, decline to repeat, "Scared of him?". Theron says 'no' - you know, like a liar. Anyway -)
(My theory is that Zho was Star Cabal, Revanite, or both, and wanted complete control of the training of the Blood Of Revan... but fuck knows why he did any of this. Your guess is as good as mine.)
I do think, in the text, Zho's treatment of Theron is framed as abhorrent, especially given the cited and open trauma and abuse. There is also a line in Annihilation about him glaring at Satele in a way that reminds me of Theron's textual panic attack when Satele mentions Zho to him elsewhere in the book. Given this, I think it is an entirely reasonable conclusion, even ignoring the fact that he is baby-stealing Jedi georg, the only Jedi known to have actually stolen a baby, that he mistreated Satele, too.
At any rate - Ngani Zho coerced Satele into giving him custody of Theron. Theron does not know this, and assumes Satele chose freely to gave him up.
We can't know what her decision would have been, because she didn't truly get to make one. She may have chosen to give Theron up. She may not have. But as it was, as it happened, she did not have a genuine choice.
TL;DR: Tie-in material makes it quite clear that Ngani Zho, the "Master Zho" in one of Theron's combat lines, coerced Satele into giving the infant Theron into his custody. This was terrible for everyone involved, except Zho.
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solarisleech · 2 months ago
what's your basic impression of all the utapri characters?
My basic impressions of everybody, hm?
This was tough, trying to distill my thoughts back down to the basics, but I’m glad I got this ask! Even then, I did go a bit further than “basic”, and I apologize if that’s not what you wanted from me.
Thank you for getting me to actually write down my impressions for the HEAVENS boys, lol. Those are first impressions, since I have only seen their anime appearances (haven’t translated a lot of Live Emotion).
I went in the… Official (?) character order, and challenged myself to say as little as I physically could.
So here we go!
Not gonna lie, initially I fell for his appearance as the “sunshine boy”. It was hard not to.
Then The Incident in Season 4 happened. And the camping special.
He really is like a sunflower. I appreciate his brightness more now that I’m starting to see the shadows he hides. Very excited to continue his route in Repeat!
Didn’t think much of him at first, since he’s so quiet in the anime.
Then found out how silly he was in the rest of the canon. I still remember how charmed I was when I found out he learned how to interact with girls exclusively from books, lol.
He is genuinely polite, but has an awkward streak beneath due to his lack of experience. It’s inspiring to see how he persisted despite his father’s demands, before standing up to him. He’s in my top 5 characters!
Initially thought he was a cutie, turns out, he always was a cutie! Another top 5 favorite of mine.
I was bothered by the slight infantilization he gets in the anime, but, it tapered off and was/is virtually non existent in Shining Live and Live Emotion, thankfully.
I was shocked that Satsuki isn’t the… worst DID depiction I’ve ever seen? Still has major problems, though.
Thought he’d be my favorite, was proven wrong. Had a similar opinion towards him as I did with Masato when I first watched the anime.
But that, too, was quickly rectified by other materials! What really stands out to me is his realistically bad relationship with food?
He’s dealt with a lot of loneliness, and his chronic perfectionism doesn’t help. Luckily, he’s loosened up a little in more recent canon. I’m really curious about all of his VN routes, though.
My baby. My love. In my top 3. Though, it took me a while to really fall for him.
I wish the anime kept him a little meaner pre-his development, like the VNs seem to. (Baby asshole Ren is very funny) Though, I don’t know if it would have fit very well…
Once he opens up to everyone else, he’s just so sweet, it melts me. But, of course, he’s still a big fan of teasing. He’s well balanced, I hate that some of his exes have canonically called him boring, lol.
Admittedly, I need to learn more about him. My first impression was that he was hot-headed, but still kind. Probably because he was used for a lot of comic relief in the anime…
I love that the reason he’s motivated to become so strong and active is due to how sick he was his entire childhood.
I do like him, but I don’t know as much about him as I’d like to. Syo-stans, please infodump on me.
My first impression was “WTF”, due to him bringing in magic to the anime. Then, more “wtf” once I learned about the themes of his Repeat route. (Excited to get to that)
Embarrassingly, I still need some Cecil lovers to enlighten me. I want to learn more!
My overall impression as of now is that he’s very affectionate with pretty much everyone and kinda aloof. I do love him a lot despite my lack of knowledge.
Another! Top! Three! Boy!
My love for him is what cemented me into Utapri. I have so many thoughts.
He’s so broken. He’s desperate for somebody to save him, but pushes everybody away when they get too close. He’s still so kind to everyone despite that. He’s the glue that keeps QN together. He—
Another character I didn’t think much about initially. The anime doesn’t do a great job at portraying his softer side.
But he’s such a chill dude, trauma based aversion to women aside. His abandonment trauma fuels a lot of his “unsavory” behavior in the VN, which, I get.
I was worried he’d be more like a jock, but was pleasantly surprised by this rockerboy.
I was not interested in him at all at first, again, blame the anime. That was my first exposure.
But the minute I learned about the baggage he has with Reiji, suddenly everything makes sense. Then, I specifically read through the Soda event story in Shining Live, and started to love him more. His weird collections are relatable!
Overall a curious soul. Standoffish and slightly rude at the start. Though, he always maintains his “rude” streak, unintentionally. He’s charmingly blunt with… well, everything!
My final top three boy! I hated him at the start! Again, the anime doesn’t paint a good picture. He was very much an asshole.
I now think he’s an asshole… but with extreme depth. I am fascinated by him. Mr. Child soldier. He canonically has no romance experience because he studied the blade. I GET why he’s like that.
He’s someone who was taught to bury his feelings since he was a very young child, so opening up is… a struggle. But once he does, he’s a bit of a prankster, picking on people as a way to show affection. Once he’s fully melted down, he’s heavily grateful to everyone who got him to that point. He’s got a core as sweet as the tea he makes.
Initially I thought he was just evil.
I get it now. I think? The “evil” seems to be his way of protecting himself from his father’s… shit. I’m interested in this man.
He is a man… of few… words.
Initially had no opinion past recognizing his seiyuu… But he’s very sweet! It feels weird that his backstory is just… Masato’s if he wasn’t afraid of his dad.
This is a child. I found him kinda annoying.
Natsuki’s duet episode did NOT help, but I can’t exactly blame him for that. He’s a kid.
I’m… tentatively eager to learn more about him. I wanna see what’s past the narcissism.
…I don’t know anything about this man. I barely remember his name half the time.
He’s just a kind dude? Who’s, idk, a musical savant, I guess. I’m sure his ability to blend into the background helps him avoid his terrible dad.
I don’t know how to feel about him. His vibe is strange. It’s reminds me of how jarring Camus’ butler persona was at first.
His episode was not it. Though it was very cool to see Haruka’s growth, with her calmly rejecting him.
Why is he an idol? I genuinely want someone to explain his deal to me, I have no idea what’s up with this guy.
He is what I thought Ranmaru would be.
He is clearly very sensitive. And shy. I wanna know why, though?
Like, Cecil didn’t do anything particularly wrong in their episode.
What happened to Shion? Why did he react like that?
Aaaand we’re done!
(This was my attempt at brevity. God.)
I think you can tell that my favorite group is Quartet Night.
And HEAVENS fans, please tell me about your boys. Season 4 left me wanting when it came to HEAVENS’ entire deal.
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fudan-no-nijiiro · 9 months ago
UtaPri and Neurodivergent Headcanons: Yamato Hyuga
This might become a series at some point, because I think it's really interesting.
That said, I want to start out with a few disclaimers:
I am not an expert in psychology.
No identity category is a monolith. That holds especially true for neurodiverse folks; it is a huge and incredibly varied umbrella.
No UtaPri characters, to my knowledge, have a canonical formal medical diagnosis.
UtaPri is a Japanese franchise, and I am not Japanese. All sorts of intercultural misunderstandings may come into play, here.
It is entirely possible that others will find some or all of UtaPri's representations of neurodivergence and/or mental illness unimpressive, inaccurate, and/or upsetting; these are just my opinions as one fan. I'm truly just here to have a good time, and I'm also fully open to disagreements with my perspective or analysis.
That said, let's move on to Yamato!
Yamato Hyuuga and ADHD (+ possible dyslexia/other learning disabilities)
Yamato shows an impressively wide range of traits common among people with ADHD. In no particular order, there's:
Physical movement as self-regulation: Yamato regularly walks around on his hands, goes out running, and generally finds ways to move his body when given half a chance. He often flips onto his hands in the anime, and mentions fitting in runs whenever he can in Live Emotion.
Special interest in exercise: Yamato regularly tries to share what he knows with his peers, both as a way to bond with them and to help improve their fitness. According to the audio dramas, he goes training with Eiji to help him build his confidence; according to Live Emotion, he keeps up on different brands of protein powder. The first chapters of the "private stories" in Live Emotion involve instructing The Player/Haruka in the finer points of sportsware. In fairness, UtaPri tends to define its boys by their hobbies, but even given that, Yamato jumps more directly into a "teaching" mode than most of the other characters.
Struggles with sudden, intense emotions: Yamato's mood changes rapidly in a way he struggles to control, but he also returns to baseline more quickly than most people would. Anyone who's seen his episodes in the anime will have an idea of what I'm talking about here—his explosions towards Syo, which (deservedly) did little to endear him to the fandom, are the main thing I'm thinking of here. There's already been a reference to this in the early chapters in the main story: Yamato's mood is ruined in a split second by Cecil bringing up his brother, though he manages to hide the depth of the problem and not explode this time. There are a lot of possible alternative explanations for this too, in fairness, such as PTSD; more information about what happened with his brother would help to make things clearer. But emotional volatility is also a trait associated with ADHD in some cases.
Struggles with studying/mental labor: One of the main story chapters in Live Emotion involves Yamato struggling with ideas for lyrics, and the way that he tries to apply himself, rapidly gets frustrated, gives up, leaves, and then gets his idea (by engaging in his special interest!) really stood out to me as a relatable ADHD moment. In the Maji Love Kingdom audio drama, he goes out of his way to attempt to hide these difficulties in this area by insisting on working alone, which shows that this is a struggle he's all too aware of.
This struggle hints at possible comorbid learning disabilities—most likely dyslexia, though there are other potential explanations. A few details in support of this:
Trouble with reading: One of the repeated dialogues in Live Emotion, as well as a detail in at least one of the audio dramas, involves that there are a lot of kanji Yamato has trouble reading. (Bonus fun fact: Japanese dyslexia and English dyslexia are at least partially separate conditions! Some folks have one and not the other, independent of their first language. It's wild, but also given how different the writing systems are, it also makes sense. Yamato is shown sounding out words in English in Live Emotion, which I thought was a great moment, but either way it's unclear whether he experiences different levels of difficulty in Japanese and English.)
Trouble with writing: In the Maji Love Kingdom drama, Yamato is shown struggling with composition (coming up with what to write), and vocabulary (he ends up needing a lot of help from a dictionary and his unit partners to come up with his lyrics. Tokiya and Cecil were such a good team to help him with this!! "Kaleidoscope" was awesome for many reasons).
In addition, the franchise's commitment to the bit regarding Yamato's handwriting is impressive as well. Here's one of his birthday messages, for instance:
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I thought at first that it was just because my Japanese wasn't great that I was struggling to read his writing, but I've also seen Japanese fans on social media scratching their heads over parts of his writing in the past. Not only that, his handwriting has been mentioned in canon (mainly HEAVENS Radio, if I'm remembering right?), with Nagi in particular complaining that his writing is often indecipherable.
There is no way to be sure, but to me, this combination of traits reads as an intentional depiction of ADHD and/or learning disabilities by at least some of the writers or character designers, even if it has not been named as such explicitly by the franchise (which, to my knowledge, it hasn't).
However, more than any particular character details, the overall arcs Yamato is involved in, and in particular the thoughtful way in which they're structured, that I find most meaningful. Yamato often says things that are openly brash, antagonistic, and/or unintentionally harsh to the people around him. However, the stories he's in follow through on this beyond the initial interaction: we find out afterwards why he's behaving this way (in the sense of his motivations, his struggles that were not visible at first, and so on). Then we get to see him reflect, either by himself or with the help of his teammates, and understand what went wrong. And finally, he often has a chance to revisit the situation with people he's clashed with, and find a more constructive resolution together with them.
I myself have been diagnosed with ADHD, although in my case, it's mostly inattentive type, and I mask it pretty effectively in my daily life. Still, I have a few of these traits: I can instruct others endlessly on my special interests, I get sudden flashes of temper, and I get easily frustrated by "simple" things in a way that can be difficult for others to understand or empathize with. These traits are ones I often feel guilt and shame about.
Yamato's strong personality is often on display for all to see, and it would be easy to turn him into a caricature or even just a villain. But instead, we get insights into his perspective, see him grow and overcome difficulties, and are shown time and again that he cares about the people around him and wants to learn to work with them better. Yamato makes me feel more confident in myself: however different I am from the people around me, and whatever mistakes I make, if I can stay brave and open-hearted, I can keep learning to be better than I was before.
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monokumafightclub · 8 months ago
Genocide Jack for ask game
How I feel about this character: instant favorite from the moment she appeared in the first game. obviously could be handled LEAGUES better in consideration to her and toko being DID rep, but i'm not a system so i can't really weigh in on that beyond "even for 2010 the whole "serial killer alter" kinda thing is kinda oof". a fun character in spite of that, and she makes for some interesting interactions between the rest of the cast, both in her debut game and beyond. also crass funny girls are my weakness.
hopefully i'm not repeating shit from the last ask i made about her jhsgsdg there's a lot i could say but i just came home from a long drive
All the people I ship romantically with this character: komaru (of course), makoto, lowkey kyoko (and i fully blame you for this, it's an appealing duo), and. would it be self-wankery to say i do ship my own dangan chara with her. honestly i should draw that.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: non-romantic? okay as much as i don't want her to be in a relationship with byakuya at all (double for toko), i wanna see her bother the shit out of him. beyond that, i think syo and hifumi would make for an interesting duo! please, i wanna know if they'd either argue about yaoi opinions or if syo would absolutely hit him up for lewd commissions.
My unpopular opinion about this character: obviously repeating from the last ask i did about her but the yandere shit is overplayed. i'm not against it ofc, but i'd like more fanworks of syo as the hyperenergetic best friend who just so happens to kill guys sometimes and gets off on it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: honestly i wish she got more story screentime in UDG, coz most of the time she's just used as an instant win button for combat encounters. is it just me or does she stop appearing in the story after chapter 4, i know you and i can't be the only people who noticed this.
also i think she should've smashed haiji's head in with a rock. as a treat.
also sorta tangentally related to both syo and UDG, i like how according to the UDG relationship charts, masaru is absolutely unafraid of the prospect of throwing hands with a serial killer
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monkey-overalls · 9 months ago
My favorite Danganronpa ships for each character
The format goes as follows: I list a character and my favorite ship for them, and said ship cannot be repeated. As such, once I get to the second character in the pairing, I move on to my second/third favorite ship for them. Singular pairings only for this post, but just know I also have a loooot of poly ships I enjoy as well (some of which are pretty obvious here). If you’ve browsed my blog before, you can probably already guess quite a few of these, or at the very least know I am a very passionate multishipper <3
Makoto Naegi: Naegiri (Makoto X Kyoko)
Kyoko Kirigiri: Kirihina (Kyoko X Hina)
Byakuya Togami: Celesgami (Byakuya X Celeste)
Sayaka Maizono: Naezono (Sayaka X Makoto)
Mukuro Ikusaba: Ikuzono (Mukuro X Sayaka)
Leon Kuwata: Bubblegum Rock (Leon X Kazuichi)
Chihiro Fujisaki: Chogami (Chihiro X Sakura)
Mondo Owada: Ishimondo (Mondo X Kiyotaka)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Naeshi (Kiyotaka X Makoto)
Hifumi Yamada: Shiromada (Hifumi X Tsumugi) (queerplatonic)
Celestia Ludenburg: Celeschi (Celeste X Chihiro)
Sakura Ogami: Sakuraoi (Sakura X Hina)
Aoi Asahina: Chihina (Hina X Chihiro)
Toko Fukawa: Tokokuro (Toko X Mukuro)
Genocider Syo: Syomaru (Syo X Komaru)
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Daiyakure (Hiro X Daiya)
Junko Enoshima: Junmugi (Junko X Tsumugi)
+ Komaru Naegi: Tokomaru (Komaru X Toko)
Hajime Hinata: Kuzuhina (Hajime X Fuyuhiko)
Chiaki Nanami: Hinanami (Chiaki X Hajime)
Nagito Komaeda: Komanami (Nagito X Chiaki)
Ultimate Imposter: Twohina (Imposter X Hajime) (queerplatonic)
Teruteru Hanamura: Terunidai (Teruteru X Nekomaru)
Mahiru Koizumi: Mahisato (Mahiru X Sato)
Peko Pekoyama: Fuyupeko (Peko X Fuyuhiko)
Ibuki Mioda: Pekobuki (Ibuki X Peko)
Hiyoko Saionji: Hiyobuki (Hiyoko X Ibuki)
Mikan Tsumiki: Tsumioda (Mikan X Ibuki)
Nekomaru Nidai: Soudanidai (Nekomaru X Kazuichi)
Gundham Tanaka: Soudam (Gundham X Kazuichi)
Kazuichi Souda: Soudabuki (Kazuichi X Ibuki) (queerplatonic)
Sonia Nevermind: Sondam (Sonia X Gundham)
Akane Owari: Akanidai (Akane X Nekomaru)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Kuzusouda (Fuyuhiko X Kazuichi)
+ Ryota Mitari: Mitwori (Ryota X Imposter) (queerplatonic)
Kaede Akamatsu: Saimatsu (Kaede X Shuichi)
Shuichi Saihara: Saimota (Shuichi X Kaito)
Kaito Momota: Momoharu (Kaito X Maki)
Maki Harukawa: Saimaki (Maki X Shuichi)
Kokichi Ouma: Oumami (Kokichi X Rantaro)
Rantaro Amami: Amamatsu (Rantaro X Kaede)
Ryoma Hoshi: Saihoshi (Shuichi X Ryoma)
Kirumi Tojo: Kirukiyo (Kirumi X Korekiyo)
Angie Yonaga: Yonmeno (Angie X Himiko)
Tenko Chabashira: Tenkangie (Tenko X Angie)
Korekiyo Shinguji: Shinnaga (Korekiyo X Angie)
Miu Iruma: Kazumiu (Miu X Kazuichi)
Gonta Gokuhara: Goshi (Gonta X Ryoma)
Kiibo: Saiibo (Kiibo X Shuichi)
Tsumugi Shirogane: Shironaga (Tsumugi X Angie)
Himiko Yumeno: Tenmiko (Himiko X Tenko)
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 8 months ago
The series is not 100% clear on the matter. But a lot of fans have observed that there's a fair bit of evidence to suggest that Nagito wasn't lying about his illnesses, despite surviving his original prognosis. And that him insisting he was lying afterwards was just his attempt to keep Hajime from getting close to him.
There are multiple pieces of evidence in the various mangas showing his inner thoughts, that point to the stuff about his dead dog and the plane crash being truthful. And if he was being truthful about something as insane as a meteor hitting a plane at the exact moment it was being hijacked, the dementia + lymphoma claim isn't quite so unbelievable.
There's also his behavior throughout the series. People have pointed out that a lot of it is fairly consistent with symptoms of someone with fronto-temporal dementia. His tendency to ramble, impaired empathy, inappropriate social behavior, etc. His pale skin and hair, along with his skinny physique also suggests his body is quite sickly.
Sorry for dragging this out a bit. It's just that when it comes to Nagito's illnesses, a number of fans can treat him very hypocritically. To use Nekomaru for example, he frequently does strenuous physical activities that a person with a heart condition shouldn't be doing. Yet no one accuses him of lying about his illness. Nor do people claim that Toko fakes her split personality, even though Syo isn't a very accurate portrayal of dissociative identity disorder.
Oh, thanks for taking the time to message me! First of all, I want to say that I'm not specifically accusing him of lying, just that it can be interpreted as a lie because the math between the life expectancy he said and the actual time he lived after he was declared sick doesn't add up. I'm not sure about the EN fandom, but I think more people interpret it that way, at least in the JP fandom.
I also do not want to criticize anyone who thinks his illness is true. I was more wondering why there is a difference in interpretation between the JP fandom and the English fandom wiki. The Danganronpa Fandom Wiki says "While it is left ambiguous in the game, his illnesses and backstory as well as his school profile in Danganronpa 3". I don't have the official setting materials of the anime, so I'm not sure, but I did a search in Japanese to see if anyone mentioned anything like Nagito's illness was written in them, but I couldn't find any mention of it. So I just said that the source of that line is vague, but that's all. I mentioned that more people in the JP fandom have the interpretation that his illness was a lie, but of course there are various fanfic made under the assumption that the story of his illness is true! I am a fan who played DR2 almost immediately after it was released in Japan, and if I remember correctly, there was a mixture of both interpretations among those who finished the game at the beginning, and gradually fans accepted the one that the illness was probably a lie, because the life expectancy he talked about and the time when the school trip in NWP started did not match. (I guess a lot of fans just wanted Nagito to live).
Sorry for repeating almost the same sentence, but I know there are people in both the JP and EN fandoms who would interpret it as real, and I'm not trying to determine which is canon at all. In the post I commented on, the OP seemed to be considering which way to interpret it, so I thought telling about the interpretation in the JP fandom might be a kind of clue to the story. I don't want to criticize those who interpret his illness as true.
However, as for the information written on the fandom wiki, I want to know the source! If anyone knows where the information is written, please let me know!
I didn't mention some of the things you wrote, but I hope you understand that's because I don't want to be particularly critical or anything like that. (And since we were originally only talking about Nagito, I don't intend to expand the discussion to other characters.)
Again, thanks for taking the time to message me!
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shiningwonderland · 1 year ago
Syo Kurusu (Repeat)
Translator: Raz (Twitter: agnadance)
Editor: Snail (Twitter: herbert_snail)
March — Turbulent Syncopation
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Syo Kurusu: Well, I guess this is it.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun, you've improved so much!
Syo Kurusu: Of course! Human beings are meant to advance every single day!
Select the Phrase!
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身長も?Their height, too? (+5 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Shut up about height!
Haruka Nanami: You're not getting taller?
Syo-kun flinches, his words getting stuck in his throat.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun, you've become so much stronger over the past few months that I thought you've grown taller…
Syo Kurusu: Is that what you think? Huh, yeah! Maybe you're onto something!
Haruka Nanami: Yes…
Syo Kurusu: Th-then, I'll go measure myself!
Haruka Nanami: Ah… He left…
If he's going to measure his height, then maybe he went to the nurse's office? There should be a machine that measures height there.
Syo Kurusu: … I'm back.
Haruka Nanami: How was it…?
Syo Kurusu: One millimeter…
Haruka Nanami: You grew taller?
Syo Kurusu: … No, I shrunk… What the hell was that?! Is it broken?!
Haruka Nanami: There, there…
Syo comes in fuming, but he immediately puts himself together and begins practice again.
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成績も?Their grades, too? (+10 Love +5 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Ugh… Well, I'm not getting failing grades anymore… I think that's thanks to you, actually. Your notes are well organized, after all.
Syo Kurusu: Also, you're also really good at teaching. If you aren't able to become a professional composer, how about becoming a teacher?
Haruka Nanami: A teacher… at school? That sounds nice…
Syo Kurusu: Hey, hey, don't take that comment too seriously. It's a joke. You're gonna be my composer for life!
Haruka Nanami: Hehehe. Understood! I'll do my best! Let's win the graduation audition!
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体重も?Their weight, too? (+0 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Yeah, yeah, hot pot really hits the spot this time of year–HEY!
Syo Kurusu: Don't make fun of me! I'm an idol! I can watch my weight, y'know!
Haruka Nanami: I would expect nothing less of you!
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Syo Kurusu: Lately, I haven't been having any symptoms either! Thanks to that, I think the surgery will go well. Our final problem is the lyrics…
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Didn't you finish writing them a while back?
Syo Kurusu: … Well, those lyrics do match the rhythm of the song so I can sing them if I have to, but I feel like they're not quite right yet.
Syo Kurusu: What I want to say is that they don't feel complete. I want to put my soul into our song.
Syo Kurusu: The power words have is huge. I feel like the lyrics don't hold a candle to your composition. There's something missing.
Select the Phrase!
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テーマを決めてみたら?How about deciding on some themes? (+5 Love +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Hyuga-sensei advised us to decide on some themes.
Syo Kurusu: Themes, huh? Hmm, how about "life", "living", "strength", "dreams", "courage", "persistence"... Oh, and something like  "Follow me!" 
Haruka Nanami: Hahaha, I think that's good, too. I think the best part about you is how strong you are and how you never give up.
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言葉を書き連ねてみたら?How about make a list of words? (+5 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I heard if you get lost, try to write as many words as possible that pop up into your head into a notebook. It may be good to even try allegories.
Haruka Nanami:You might get something interesting if you try different combinations.
Haruka Nanami:Also, Hyuga-sensei said that it's okay to write words and not full sentences. He said to give musical phrases the utmost consideration.
Haruka Nanami:The words will be put into song, so it's fine if the nuance shows even with one word. I think he also said that the chorus should be really catchy…
Syo Kurusu: I see. That's really helpful. Thanks, Haruka!
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情景と心情を・・・Scenes and emotions… (+5 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Hyuga-sensei said not only to include emotions, but scenes too.
Haruka Nanami: He said describing something that instantly puts a scene in your head is easy to understand.
Haruka Nanami: If you put emotions into that, it's easy to immerse yourself into the song.
Haruka Nanami: If I remember correctly, something like beginning with a character's actions, or describing the place they're in, then describing the feelings of that character…
Haruka Nanami: That's just one of the methods that I was taught.
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Syo Kurusu: Yeah! Just you wait. I'll write lyrics so good that it'll rock your heart.
Haruka Nanami: I'm looking forward to it.
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It's the end of school.
Syo-kun and I walk towards the dorms together.
Haruka Nanami: Isn't that…
We see Kaoru-kun peek at us from outside the school gates.
Syo Kurusu: And then Ren said… huh? What's the matter?
Haruka Nanami: … It's nothing. I forgot something back at school, so can we split up here?
Syo Kurusu: That's fine, but why not just go together?
Haruka Nanami: Thanks, but it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
Once I confirm Syo-kun has walked out of sight, I run towards Kaoru-kun.
Haruka Nanami: Kaoru-kun!
Kaoru Kurusu: Ah, Nanami-san… Why…? You've got sharp eyes to notice me…
Haruka Nanami: Did you come to see how Syo-kun's doing?
If that's so, then he must've come see him occasionally this entire time in secret.
Kaoru Kurusu: It's because I'm worried about him… but Syo-chan hates how much I worry about him.
Kaoru-kun purses his lips.
Kaoru Kurusu: I want to be by his side to support him always, but he's the one trying to protect me… He's working too hard…
Kaoru Kurusu: You're Syo-chan's girlfriend, right? Are you supporting him properly? Aren't you the one being protected by him instead of the other way around?
He raises his head and looks me in the eye. Ahh, Kaoru-kun truly cares about Syo-kun.
Kaoru Kurusu: I'm sorry for saying this, but you don't seem to be that reliable. You're not being a burden to him, are you?
Haruka Nanami: I'm… doing my best to not hold him back. Nonetheless, Syo-kun sometimes does work himself too hard.
Haruka Nanami: I want to do even better to support him.
Kaoru Kurusu: Are you really supporting him?
He stares at me with a doubtful look in his eyes. I understand, I need to earn his trust.
Haruka Nanami: I'll do my best.
That's all I can say. Compared to Kaoru, who has been with Syo-kun since birth, I am just a stranger to him.
I need to work even harder so he can trust me.
Haruka Nanami: By the way, you two are twins, right? Is your health okay, Kaoru-kun? Your heart doesn't start hurting or anything?
Kaoru Kurusu: I'm fine. I'm completely healthy…
Kaoru Kurusu: I took all of Syo-chan's energy when we were in the womb together. That's why he's so weak…
Haruka Nanami: That's not true…
Kaoru Kurusu: I know that's a completely irrational way of thinking, but that thought has always been stuck in my mind.
He must've felt so guilty for being healthy when Syo-kun has been suffering so much.
That must be why he began thinking like that.
But no matter how hard Kaoru-kun is on himself, that won't make Syo-kun happy…
Kaoru Kurusu: When my friends and I would play in preschool and kindergarten, Syo-chan would be bedridden in the hospital.
Kaoru Kurusu: Syo-chan is energetic now, but he became ill very often when we were kids, and he was almost always in the hospital.
I wish he spoke up more, like say he wanted to go to preschool too, but he would say…
Kaoru-kun bites down on his lip in an attempt to hold back his tears.
Kaoru Kurusu: He would never complain even once. He would sacrifice himself by telling me that I should go out and have fun.
Kaoru Kurusu: He would laugh and say he was fine, putting up a cheerful act.
Haruka Nanami: Yes… Syo-kun always says that, doesn't he? Even when he's in pain…
Kaoru Kurusu: But the truth is, Syo-chan is actually vulnerable.
Kaoru Kurusu: I saw him cry to himself in his hospital bed when I wasn't with him.
Haruka Nanami: …
Kaoru Kurusu: "I want to live." "I want to get better." "I want to play outside with everyone else." He was crying, his voice shaking. 
Kaoru Kurusu: The moment he noticed I was standing there, he wiped his tears and acted like nothing happened. He laughed and said he's fine.
Syo-kun has been fighting all by himself this entire time, even when he was a child.
Kaoru Kurusu: I want to protect him, but all he does is protect me instead. I get so sad and frustrated…
Kaoru Kurusu: That's when I thought I'll become a doctor and cure Syo-chan's illness…
Haruka Nanami: Is that so…
Kaoru Kurusu: But I couldn't become one immediately… so every time I saw Syo-chan like that, it was so unbearable that I would cry.
Kaoru Kurusu: All I could do was say sorry to him. Syo-chan is in so much pain, but he would never complain to me.
Kaoru Kurusu: He didn't say anything when he quit playing violin… Instead, he began learning karate…
Haruka Nanami: That's because… Syo-kun wanted to become stronger in his own way…
Kaoru Kurusu: I understand, but… At that time, I thought that he became so desperate that he was just hurting himself.
Kaoru Kurusu: In fact, I still think he's doing that. He's trying to hurry through his life.
Kaoru Kurusu: He's panicking because he thinks he has no time left to live, but… if one were to care for him, he can live even longer.
Kaoru Kurusu: I want him to wait for me… until I become a doctor and become able to cure his sickness…
Kaoru Kurusu: I just want him to wait patiently.
Haruka Nanami: The reason why you're aiming to become a doctor is for Syo-kun, right?
Kaoru Kurusu: Yes… That was the reason at first, but now I want to cure not just Syo-chan but anyone who is suffering from illness.
Kaoru Kurusu: I want to make them happy…
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun must feel the same way.
Kaoru Kurusu: Huh…?
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun is aiming to become an idol because he wants everyone to be happy and spread his joy to others.
Kaoru Kurusu: His joy…? Is that why he wants to become an idol?
Haruka Nanami: Yes, Syo-kun and Kaoru-kun's methods are different, but you're both aiming for the same goal.
Kaoru Kurusu: Is that so…? Is that true?
Haruka Nanami: Just like Kaoru-kun wants Syo-kun to be happy and put a smile on his face…
Syo-kun wants Kaoru-kun to be happy, so he's doing his best making his song.
A song that would lift the spirits of anyone who listens to it… that's why I want you to support Syo-kun's goal to be an idol…
Kaoru Kurusu: I…
He whispers to himself then looks down to think.
Kaoru Kurusu: … I'll go back for today. Tell Syo-chan to not overwork himself…
He leaves while clenching his fist.
Haruka Nanami: Yes.
Syo-kun and Kaoru-kun… They care about each other this much, but why are they always at conflict?
Is it because they're too stubborn? I wish they would see eye to eye soon…
Syo Kurusu: So he went back home?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, Syo-kun! Since when…
Syo Kurusu: I came back a while ago because you were acting strange. That guy's a handful.
Haruka Nanami: He's just worried about you, Syo-kun…
Syo Kurusu: I get that, but he needs to think about himself more. He's only ever cared about me even when we were little.
Syo Kurusu: When we were kids, he would cry so much every time I fell ill.
Syo Kurusu: He would say that the reason why I'm not healthy is because he took all my energy when we were in the womb. 
Syo Kurusu: Even though that makes no sense, he always apologized to me and beat himself up for it.
Syo Kurusu: I kept telling him there's no relation at all and he's at no fault, but he would never listen.
Syo Kurusu: I just… don't feel comfortable seeing him cry. I decided I'll become better so I would never make him cry.
Syo Kurusu: I made a vow not to ever show that I'm in pain in front of him.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun…
But Syo-kun's consideration is the entire reason why Kaoru-kun is hurting inside…
It hurts me to see them care about each other this much and yet not truly understand each other.
Syo Kurusu: When we entered elementary school, I was able to go to school normally and Kaoru and I both began to study violin on our parents' suggestion.
Syo Kurusu: At that time, we were aiming to become pro violinists together.
Syo-kun grins with a nostalgic look on his face.
Syo Kurusu: Even so, I still fell ill sometimes and had to take a day off from school. Every time I did, Kaoru would also take a break and stay by my side.
Syo Kurusu: Although it's not possible to be together all the time, he would do his best to never leave me because he thought that I felt inferior to him.
Syo Kurusu: That's when I met Natsuki and quit violin.
Syo Kurusu: Kaoru incessantly asked me why I quit, but I never gave him an answer. He felt guilty because he was convinced that it was his fault that I quit.
Syo Kurusu: After that, I began practicing karate. I lied to Kaoru that I quit violin because karate looked more interesting.
Syo Kurusu: Kaoru was completely against me doing karate, saying that I should stop because it's dangerous for me…
Syo Kurusu: But I never quit. I trained and trained, and when I got better at karate, my body became more and more resilient. 
Syo Kurusu: The doctor was surprised too, saying it was a miracle…
Haruka Nanami: I… always thought that you were powerful even since you were born.
Haruka Nanami: But now I know that's not true. You became strong because you worked hard for it…
Syo Kurusu: Well, the ability to keep trying is a strength on its own. In that sense, you're strong too.
Syo Kurusu: But Kaoru… maybe because he was healthy from the start, or that I was like this, but…
Syo Kurusu: He's fragile… Or maybe sensitive is the better way to word it. Anyway, he would start crying over the smallest things.
Syo Kurusu: I don't want to make him cry… If I told him that I'm planning to undergo surgery, he'll cry for sure…
Select the Phrase!
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内緒にしておく?Will you keep it secret? (+0 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: There's no way I'll do that. I'll tell him soon enough… Will you come with me when that time comes?
Haruka Nanami: … Yes.
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言わないの?You won't tell him? (+20 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: No… I'll tell him with my own words. However…
Syo-kun clasps my hand.
Syo Kurusu: I want you to be by my side when that time comes.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
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言わなきゃダメだよ。You have to tell him. (+10 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: … I know. Will you encourage me to do it?
Haruka Nanami: …?
Syo Kurusu: If you're by my side, I feel like I can tell him properly.
Haruka Nanami: … I'll stay with you. I'll stay with you as long as you're fine with that.
Syo Kurusu: Thanks.
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Next day, Syo-kun calls Kaoru-kun to his room and tells him everything.
The fact that he'll never give up pursuing being an idol, and that he'll undergo surgery to do so.
Kaoru Kurusu: I understand that you're ready for this, but what about me and your girlfriend?
Syo-chan, you're always like this. Even that time when you quit playing violin suddenly… All I can do is worry about you.
Why do you always decide this by yourself? I want you to talk it out with me… Am I really that unreliable?
Syo Kurusu: That's not it…
Kaoru Kurusu: Then don't go. Don't go to a far off place by yourself.
Syo Kurusu: Sorry, but I've already decided.
Kaoru Kurusu: You're going no matter what?
Syo Kurusu: Yeah. When the graduation audition is over, I'm going to the States.
Kaoru Kurusu: What about her? She's your girlfriend. Are you just going to leave her behind?
Syo Kurusu: Yeah, that's how it'll be.
Kaoru Kurusu: That's how it'll be…? That's cruel! Are you serious? You're satisfied with that?
Select the Phrase!
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寂しいけど・・・I'll feel lonely, but…. (+15 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: But… Syo-kun will return no matter what, so…
Syo Kurusu: Haruka… Yeah, I'll come back for sure.
Syo-kun puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in.
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翔くんが決めたことだから。Syo-kun has decided. (+15 Love +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I'll do as he says.
Syo Kurusu: Thanks. I knew that you would say that.
Syo-kun and I look at each other and hold each other's hands.
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信じてるから。I believe in him. (+25 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun will come back better than ever.
Kaoru Kurusu: But… there's only a 50% chance of success. If this surgery fails… Anyway, I think it's best for him to stay put.
Syo Kurusu: I can increase my chances with a fighting spirit! Isn't that right?
Haruka Nanami: Yes!
He's passionate and nothing will change if he runs away. I think that's what he's trying to say. 
Kaoru Kurusu: I can't believe that. No, if Syo-chan's gone, what should I do with myself?
Haruka Nanami: Believe in him. Your emotions will become strength, and even though they're not visible, your wishes will come true if you gather enough of them. 
Syo Kurusu: Yes! That's a great way to put it! It's not impossible!
Syo Kurusu: There's a whole 50% chance! I believe in that 50%! I'll survive for everyone's sake. …No, I want to live for myself…
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Kaoru Kurusu: You really believe in each other. I thought I was the one who understood you the most…
Kaoru Kurusu: I always thought that I was the most important person in your life…
Syo Kurusu: …You're my little brother. You're one of my precious family members. 
Syo Kurusu: We're twins. We've been together ever since we were born and were raised under the same roof, but we have to walk different paths from now on.
Syo Kurusu: She's my partner… and my girlfriend…
Syo Kurusu: We'll be walking the same path together from now on… She's special.
Syo Kurusu: You're not alone. I believe that you can get your own partner…
Haruka Nanami: … Syo-kun…
Kaoru Kurusu: I… might take your girlfriend while you're gone. Are you okay with that?
Haruka Nanami: Huh? U-Uh…
Syo Kurusu: Try if you can.
Kaoru Kurusu: … You don't get it at all!
He storms out of the room.
Select The Phrase!
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行っちゃったね・・・He left… (+0 Love +0 Music)
Syo-kun silently gazes at the door.
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わかってもらえるといいね。I hope he'll understand. (+20 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Yeah…
Syo-kun… He wants Kaoru-kun to understand him more than anyone else.
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あの・・・追いかけた方が・・・Um… will you follow him? (+10 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: No, it's pointless to do that… I wanted him to understand me though.
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I wonder if Kaoru-kun will come to the graduation audition?
I want him to hear Syo-kun's song… I want him to know his resolve.
I have to practice as hard as I can until the very end…
Ryuya Hyuga: Whether you cry or laugh, you only get one audition for graduation. There are no redos. 
The only way to perform the best song on stage is to do steady, constant practice in the shadows. You repeat listening to the same song, perform it, and raise the quality.
Now, try performing your song as if you're on stage. Try to find any faults, crush them, and prepare for the real deal. Got it?!
This is the final lesson. Get your head in the game!
Syo Kurusu: You came this far. Hm? What's wrong, don't cry! It's too soon to get emotional. If you're gonna cry, cry when you listen to my singing.
Haruka Nanami: Emotions started welling up inside of me… I'll do my best to hold in the tears…
When I squeeze my eyes shut, Syo-kun pecks me on the forehead.
Haruka Nanami: Syo…kun.
He sees me stop crying from surprise and then makes a satisfied grin.
It's unfair that he's this cool. He's going to leave the country soon, but now I don't want him to leave…
But now that my tears have stopped, I must not cry again.
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Syo-kun hasn't talked with Kaoru-kun after that. Now he's preparing to go on stage for the graduation audition.
Once this ends, he'll leave the country to undergo surgery.
I don't want to think of a situation where the surgery fails, but…
This may be the last time I see Syo-kun sing.
I know I shouldn't be thinking that, but I couldn't shake my worry.
Syo Kurusu: It's time for my performance.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah…
Syo Kurusu: Why do you look so gloomy, idiot? You aren't thinking of something ominous, are you?
He pokes me on the forehead.
Haruka Nanami: I'm sorry.
Syo Kurusu: Sheesh…
Syo-kun gently embraces me.
Syo Kurusu: … I was told this a long time ago, but… I was like a light bulb that's about to go out.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Syo Kurusu: That I was shining brightly right before burning out… and I thought that was fine.
I thought that I needed to shine as brightly as possible because I didn't know when I was going to go out, but I wasn't satisfied with just that…
After I met you, I began wanting more.
I want to keep shining by your side… That's why I won't give up on myself or my destiny…
This isn't the end. This is the beginning of my heroic saga!
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun…
Syo-kun grabs both of my shoulders and looks into my eyes.
Syo Kurusu: Take a good look at how heroic I am!
He kisses me on the forehead.
With a grin, he runs to the stage.
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Chapter End
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fuckyeahkurusushou · 1 year ago
Syo: (*Syo suddenly clutches chest and curls up on the ground*) Syo: (*looking in pain*) ... Haa, haa, haa... Controlled!Kaoru, having an actual moment of clarity about the situation: S-Syo-chan!!! Are you having a seizure!? HARUKA: Seizure...? Kaoru: Syo-chan has heart disease. When he overexerts himself, he starts to have a seizure--- mE: (THANK YOU FOR FINALLY NAMING SYO'S SYMPTOM.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
Just Syo Kurusu Things
Cecil to Haruka in SYOs game route: It is not significant, but I am sure with this {"aria"} that you will be blessed with protection by {'SIRIUS'} m E, SITTING STRAIGHT UP: COME WHAT NOW ?? ? ? Cecil: When that happens, that will be when you discover yourself M E, LOOKING STRAIGHT AT NATSUKIs "PROMISE TO SIRIUS": CECIL WAT R U IMPLYIN--- CECIL: I hope... your sound reaches {Syo}. m E, LYING DOWN, KNOWING 'SIRIUS' IS USUALLY A DIRECT REFERENCE TO NATSUKI AND INDIRECTLY TO SATSUKI ("SIRIUS E NO CHIKAI", "PROMISE TO SIRIUS" SONG ETC):
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utanonicolechan · 8 months ago
KIR☆MEKI EMOTION (Uta no Prince-Sama Live Emotion) Lyrics TL! + Do Read Notes!!
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|| Hi, so this is my first time writing out lyrics TL with the help of jisho and translator **COUGHS** also my Japanese skills T-T sorry if it is kinda stiff!! I hope it is alright, and might make some edits from time to time!!
If you do have some money around, please do buy the CDs! Look at me, I bought two HE★VENS jacket CD due to me not getting my oshi card T-T
Also sorry if the lyrics are like..far away from the original one(?) I am intending to write the translation like that so it will fit if you sing along the English version! ||
|| Lyrics are from the CD booklet! Also, sorry! I don't know how to color code on Tumblr :( ||
Kira☆meki Emotion
人生はミュージック(Music ! ) Our life is a Music (Music!) 大切なラブソング(Love song !) Such a precious love song (Love song!) 繋ぎ合うシェイクハンド(Shake hand ! ) Let’s connect by shake hand (Shake hand!) ずっと離さない I won’t ever let you go! 君の為に歌うよ愛を込めて I’m singing this song for your sake and it is filled with my love 世界中に☆(ほし)よ輝け Let us shine the stars all over the world KIR☆MEKI (SPARKLING) EMOTION ⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉ (REN) 最高のステージは夢じゃなく現実にある The best stage isn’t a mere dream but it’s the reality we have to face (MASATO) 未体験のDEEP ZONEに飛び込んだあの感覚 That nervous feeling of jumping into the unexperienced DEEP ZONE  (NATSUKI) Waku x2 越えて Surpassing the feeling of excitement (SYO) Doki x2 以上!? More than your heart throbs?! (NATSUKI) ハマっちゃいましょ Let’s get hooked onto it! (SYO) 超絶LIVE A Transcending LIVE (NATSUKI-SYO) 重ねるほど熱くなるから The more you repeat it the passionate it will become (OTOYA) 幸せを見える形へと Getting into the form where you can see happiness (TOKIYA) 自分次第で変わる飛べる Future Depends on you, you can change your Future (TOKIYA) いつだって待っているから I will always wait for you all the time (OTOYA) ときめく煌めく Paradise Throbbing and sparkling Paradise (CECIL) 心から楽しむだけこの時間を This is the time where you can enjoy from the bottom of your heart (OTOYA-MASATO-NATSUKI) さあ行くんだみんなの待つ丘へ So, let’s go to the height where everyone’s waiting (TOKIYA-REN-SYO-CECIL) いっせーの!で声を空へと高く!! Ready, set, go, and raise your voice onto the sky! 叫ぼうよレッツスタート(Let's start) Let us shout let’s start! (Let’s start!) らしくあれマイソング(My song) Just be yourself my song (My song) 伝えようハッピー(Happy) Let’s convey it Happy (Happy) 笑顔をあげるよ Giving you the brightest smile いっちゃえJump ! 頂点を目指す旅は Go for it, Jump! Aim for the journey towards the peak 終わりのない勇気の歌だ The song of courage that is never-ending KIR☆MEKI (SP☆RKLING) EMOTION ⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉ (REN) 初めて出会った時の衝撃を覚えてるかい? Do you still remember the impact that happened when we first met each other? (MASATO) 未経験のRED ZONEに振り切った夢の出会い Having a dream that makes me want to break from the inexperienced RED ZONE (NATSUKI) きゅんとしたでしょ? Do you feel your heart skipping a beat? (SYO) だけど更なる But furthermore (NATSUKI) その1000倍の That 1000 times (SYO) きゅんをGive you Give you your heart skipping a beat (NATSUKI-SYO) 一緒にいるよどんなときでも Let’s be together at any time right now (OTOYA) 照らしたい君との道(ロード)を Showing you the road where I want you to shine (TOKIYA) 闇を裂く光になると I swear As you become the light that separates the darkness I swear (TOKIYA) 立ち止まり涙しても Even if you stop for a while and cry your heart out (OTOYA) いつでも、いつも、いつまでも  I promise always, always, even until the end (Cecil) 側にいて共に今日を歩いてこう I'll always be by your side and walk through this day with you (Otoya-Masato-Natsuki) 分け合おう辛いことも全部 Come on just share all of this painful feelings with me (Tokiya-Ren-Syo-Cecil) 過ぎ行くこの時をLOVEへと変えて And turning this passing time into the feeling of LOVE 打ち鳴らせハートビート(Heart beat) Let us resound Heart beat (Heart beat) 響き舞えトゥルーソング(True song) Echoing and dancing True song (true song) 信じようドリーミング(Dreamin') Just believe it Dreamin’ (Dreamin’) こんなに生きてる Let’s live our life like this 今こそJump ! 一人じゃないって誓うよ Right now Jump! I swear you aren’t walking alone! Forever x2 君が大好き Forever x2 I love you always KIR☆MEKI (SP☆RKLING) EMOTION ⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉ (CECIL) 足りないものだらけで Even if things aren’t enough for me  (SYO) 大丈夫 It will be alright (REN) 自分の色だけ Never ever you even forget (TOKIYA) 忘れずにいよう your personal color (NATSUKI) どんな色だって Whatever the color you are  (MASATO) 虹の一部に It's a part of a rainbow (OTOYA) いつでも俺たちのことを Until whenever I hope you feel the love from 感じられる All of us ⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉⑉ 人生はミュージック(Music ! ) Our life is a Music (Music!) 大切なラブソング(Love song !) Such a precious love song (Love song!) 繋ぎ合うシェイクハンド(Shake hand ! ) Let’s connect by shake hand (Shake hand!) ずっと離さない I won’t ever let you go! やっちゃえJump ! 夢は夢じゃないんだよ Just go for it Jump! Because your dream isn't ordinary! 世界中に☆(ほし)よ輝け Let us shine the stars all over the world KIR☆MEKI (SP☆RKLING) EMOTION
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despair-to-future-arcs · 1 year ago
Why did you serve Junko?
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Tsurugi, don't listen to him; remember what this fucker was going to do - he ate your best friend, was going to likely eat you and was why Junko got away with so much shit!
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Look Tsurugi listen, I know that Hope's Peak did a lot of crap and protected these people but that's why I join Future Foundation; so the same mistake doesn't happen again and there's no deaths!
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What Juu Kinjo is doing is just adding fire to this senseless fighting which isn't the way; I know the only way to put an end to this is to stop the war and violence!
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But how?! How can we possibly stop all this! Don't you work for Future Foundation, the very foundation that wants to rebuild it?
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That might be true but I do want to work on finding another solution to it; find another way, something where history doesn't repeat itself.
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Hope's Peak might be this symbol of hope and we all rely on it but such a place shouldn't exist, we can find other forms of hope.
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So Tsurugi, if we can work together, we can solve this!
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Ugh, enough of your speeches of hope you naive fool! *Juu pulls out his gun and points to Tsurugi*
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Look out! *Hideyoshi rushes over and covers Tsurugi which then-...*
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... *As then Hideyoshi who got shot in the chest suddenly fallen to the floor*
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Hi-Hideyoshi...! *kneels own and starts to shake him*
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Heh, what a fool... he really thinks there could be a more peaceful solution to all this? Fools like him are why they die early...!
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...N-No...Hideyoshi, wh-why...?!
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Don't you see, son? The only way to get rid of evil, is to become evil - if you wish for real justice to be perform; you'll have to do things that you might despise and I'm sure what you saw was proof of that...
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So come son, if you join me then maybe we can rule side by side and make sure all evil is wipe - what do you say, will you join me and-!
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...Wh-What?! How co...could you...!
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... *In an instant, Tsurugi pulled his gun out and shot his father*
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I see... so that's how it is, then... you decide to deny what I've say, hm? Very well...
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*pulls his gun and points at Tsurugi* You'll understand why being a blind fool is mostly foolish.
'After that everything went dark and I don't remember much except I woke up in the hospital, I was told that both Hideyoshi and my father were dead, many of us thought that my father was a deranged man that was going on constant rambles, I...I know that for sure, but then... their killing game, the one that was inspired by ours came along...'
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'Class 78's killing game, where 15 students were force to kill each other and then... I saw her...'
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'Genocider Syo, the serial killer that killed 25 young men - Hope's Peak had hidden her identity from the public but now the whole world knew of her and many of those that were the victim's families wanted her to get justice, I understood what my father was talking about...'
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