#uta no prince sama live emotion
hanatatami · 4 months
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Based off of this dialogue you get after exiting the Talk mode on the Home Screen:
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jokertrap-ran · 3 months
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[うたプリライエモ] Uta no Prince-sama LIVE EMOTION 2024 Birthday Greetings Translation (Side: HE★VENS)
*T/N: I did this on a whim but I did promise some utapri content, so.
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Eiichi: Happy birthday. I have half the mind to celebrate your birthday with everyone else and go out with a bang, but I hope to spend today alone with you.
Eiichi: Looking back at it now, our meeting must have been an act of fate. If there was one word to describe it, it would be “destiny”.
Eiichi: Thank you, for being born in the same lifetime as me. Let me show you the feelings I have that can’t be conveyed through words alone on our date to come.
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Kira: Happy… birthday. First and foremost… I wanted to tell you that before anything… else.
Kira: Words cannot describe my feelings… for you… even if I had a day. That’s just how… deep… my feelings are.
Kira: Are you… frustrated? In that case… I will put my emotions into song. Please accept it…
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Nagi: Happy birthday~✰ Nagi doesn’t mind singing you a birthday song to celebrate♪
Nagi: But I’d be in quite the pickle if you got too absorbed in be just because I did that as fanservice. Oh, look at yourself!
Nagi: You can’t go making that face in front of others. You can only pull that sorta face in front of Nagi, okay? Promise me?
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Eiji: Happy birthday! It might seem like I’m exaggerating, but I’ve really been looking forward to this day.
Eiji: Even just the thought of it makes me happy… In fact, my life has felt fulfilling ever since I met you.
Eiji: Let me tell you my honest feelings so that I don’t leave any regrets. Thank you, always. Stay by me forever, alright?
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Van: Happy birthday! Your smile’s lookin’ especially cute today.
Van: Is it really alright for me to think of ‘ya that way? I’m glad if it is!
Van: I did think of puttin’ an end to this joke but, nah. I’d like for ‘ya to keep smilin.
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Yamato: It’s your birthday today? Now that’s a cause to celebrate! And celebrations call for cake! And we’re definitely gonna go for a run after the cake!
Yamato: But well… you only get a birthday once per year, so maybe it’s alright to loosen up a little.
Yamato: Is it that surprising? Hey now, that smile on your face is something I’d never get tired of seeing.
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Shion: Today is the day you were blessed with life unto this realm. It is a joy to give you my well-wishes in person…
Shion: The time spent with you is as comfy as napping under a spot of sunlight. It is something that nothing else can compare to.
Shion: It would not be an exaggeration to say that there is no greater happiness than that. If I have to stake my all into doing so, so be it as it may, but allow me to express my gratitude today.
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kingofthenorth · 2 months
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I had a vision
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utanonicolechan · 2 months
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Have you thought about where do you prefer for our date? For me, wherever you choose, as long as you are there, I’m satisfied.
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thejournalmylife · 4 months
一十木音也・聖川真斗・四ノ宮那月・一ノ瀬トキヤ・神宮寺レン・来栖 翔・愛島セシルの7人からなる、シャイニング事務所所属のアイドルグループ。
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寿 嶺二・黒崎蘭丸・美風 藍・カミュの4人からなる、シャイニング事務所所属のアイドルグループ。
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鳳 瑛一・皇 綺羅・帝 ナギ・鳳 瑛二・桐生院ヴァン・日向大和・天草シオンの7人からなる、レイジングエンターテインメント所属のアイドルグループ。
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gemma-tan · 6 months
Hey, why is Yamato’s the only post that hasn’t gotten 10K.
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Go like it?? Tf???? (lh)
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oneesanmarket · 13 days
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Uta no Prince-sama: Syo Kurusu - Mini Cushion Ball Chain
Size: 10 x 10cm
Price: 8€/ 13 USD
(Shipping price Not included)
Units Available: 1
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested)
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ringo010105 · 3 months
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live-emotion · 5 months
Utapri Live Emotion release date
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It has been confirmed that Live Emotion will release on the 12th of June!
Pre-registration is open now on Google Play and the App Store, but is currently only available for Japanese accounts.
There are also new promotional images featured on the official app and play stores that have hints of new information in them. (Information in Image descriptions and below the read more)
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Previously used promotional image featuring all 18 idols and the games logo.
Otoya from a music video without the rhythm game overlay. The Japanese text reads "Idols show off their brilliant performances!"
Images of various alternate rhythm game backgrounds that can be used during gameplay instead of the previously shown cg music video dance backgrounds. Top left shows a similar layout to Shining Live, with a static concert stage background and six rhythm icon lanes. The right shows a backdrop of the full art of the initial Reiji UR Piece with 4 rhythm icon lanes, confirming the amount of lanes will differ between songs, or difficulties. Japanese text reads, "A rhythm game featuring popular songs from Uta no Prince-sama!"
Four images of the chatting screens. One close-up each with Shion, Ranmaru, and Syo, and one with Eiichi central and Nagi, Masato, and Camus in the background. Japanese text reads "Have fun talking with the idols!"
Two images of the story mode. One the left is the main story with Ai, Tokiya, and Eiji, and on the right is likely a private or piece story with Van. The Japanese text reads, "a rich story with 18 idols!"
Two shots of the Piece level up screen, showing Yamato and Cecil URs. The Yamato UR rewards the player with four of a key shaped item with a pink heart crystal and ribbon. Design will likely vary in colour and shape for each character and group. The Japanese text reads, "Let's cultivate fragments of emotions, the Emotional Pieces!"
Image of Minipri, with Ren, Natsuki, and Kira in the same room setup as was initially seen. Japanese text reads, "Decorate your own rooms!"
Image of each group, likely taken from the music video of their group songs from the Live Emotion Theme Song CD.
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zettaireido-emotion · 3 months
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Utapri Live Emotion MVs
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jokertrap-ran · 4 months
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[うたプリライエモ] Uta no Prince-sama LIVE EMOTION 2024 Birthday Greetings Translation (Side: ST☆RISH)
*T/N: I did this on a whim but I did promise some utapri content, so.
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Otoya: It’s finally the day! I’ve been waiting for this day to come!
Otoya: Because it’s your birthday, of course! And that’s why I’m gonna throw you the best celebration ever!
Otoya: But first, let’s start with this. Happy birthday! Love ya!
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Masato: Today’s your birthday, right? I’m glad to be able to celebrate such an important day with you.
Masato: I’m sure everyone has already wished you a happy birthday, so I hope mine will be an unforgettable one.
Masato: Happy birthday. I hope I can help maintain that smile of yours forever.
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Natsuki: Happy birthday! You’re shining remarkably brightly today. Or is it because I’m in a supremely good mood?
Natsuki: I wish to thank you for being born, and for meeting me.
Natsuki: I want to hold on tightly to this joy and continue watching you up close, closer than anyone else out there.
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Tokiya: Today is a brilliant day, isn’t it? I suppose you can call it your one day of welcoming the new year.
Tokiya: Happy birthday. Since it’s such a special day, allow me to fulfill your wishes.
Tokiya: You can ask anything of me. There’s no need to hold back. Of course, if it’s something of the passionate nature…
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Ren: Happy birthday. Even I get excited on such a special day.
Ren: I’m going to ask you out for a special date before this jig is up. Allow me to take you out for the day.
Ren: I’ve made lots of preparations for this day, so it’s safe to say that you can look forward to it. I think you’ll come to enjoy what I have planned.
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Syo: Happy birthday! How about entrusting today’s schedule to me?
Syo: I’ll make it the best day of your life. Yeah, I swear I will! So… let’s spend today together, okay?
Syo: I’ve already made plans for us to do all the stuff you like, so… I’m just waiting for you to give me the green light.
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Cecil: Of course, I have something to tell you when it’s your birthday. Will you hear me out?
Cecil: Kongristore! A word of congratulations filled with utmost love, reserved only for today.
Cecil: Let’s spend time alone together after this. It’s still not enough. I want to convey more of my feelings to you.
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greyxly · 29 days
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cesshi my boy i will give you the world
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utanonicolechan · 3 months
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“Thanks for saying happy birthday to me~! Rei-chan’s very impressed! I’m having a party today, and of course you are invited⭐︎“
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“Of course there will be an after party~⭐︎ The participants are.. just you and me, the end! Tell me, are you happy about it?”
( ͡°👅 ͡°) SENPAI?!?!!
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rimanne · 2 months
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so recently i played utapri live emotion...
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koalaty22 · 4 months
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Love more sweeter than a kiss
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shiningliive · 6 months
Live Emotion Game Introduction 1 - Live Performances
Out first proper look at Utapri's upcoming mobile game, Live Emotion is here!
The game is now confirmed as a rhythm game, and a short preview of the beatmaps has been showcased in a brand new clip.
As described on the official twitter account: In Live Emotion, you can play rhythm games and enjoy concerts. The idols will show off their brilliant performances in songs with live music videos, and in these music videos you will be able to change their outfits to costumes you have obtained during gameplay.
Further analysis below:
This matches up with the original preview image for Live Emotion, in which we can see the memebers of Starish realised in 3D looking out into an audience of fans and getting ready to perform. 3D dance visuals during songs has been a common element used in many rhythm games since Shining Live's release.
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Dance: In the new clip, we can see Starish wearing outfits from the promotional art for the game (likely the initial 'UR cards' or equivalent) and performing their new group song from the Live Emotion Theme Song CD, 'Kirameki Emotion.' As with other similar games, there is possibly an option with less camera movement to negate potential motion sickness from long play sessions. The models used for Starish look the same/similar to those used in the recent 3D concerts (Song Parade, All Star Stage Music Universe, etc).
Beatmap Style: As seen in this clip, there are only 2 rhythm icons, (one on the left and one on the right) compared to Shining Live's 6. It is likely that this is an easy level of the song, and higher difficulties (hard, expert etc) will have more challenge with faster beatmaps, more touch types (swipe, tap, hold etc) and potentially more rhythm icons. The same tap noises from Shining Live are used.
User Interface: The score gauge in the top left (including ranks C, B, A, and S), and energy meter, and pause button in the top right are similar to Shining Live's layout.
Special Time Gauge: At the bottom of the screen is a 'Special Time Gauge' that raises with every rhythm icon hit (possible only perfects). Unknown what exactly this affects.
If you notice anything else, let me know! Otherwise it looks like we can look forward to mroe clips like this soon!
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