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mvvocaloidgifs · 1 year ago
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Mitchie M - What Kind of Future [Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku]
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So-called "infinite-layer" nickelate materials, characterized by their unique crystal and electronic structures, exhibit significant potential as high-temperature superconductors. Studying these materials remains challenging for researchers; they have only been synthesized as thin films and then "capped" with a protective layer that could alter properties of the nickelate layered system. To address this challenge, a team led by researchers at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) -- a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facility at DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory -- used complementary X-ray techniques at two different beamlines to gain new insights into these materials. Their results were published in Physical Review Letters.
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magmacrunch · 7 months ago
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July 2, 2024 / 1:30 AM / Cornell
magmacrunch media via @noodles6312
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thepastisalreadywritten · 11 months ago
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noosphe-re · 11 months ago
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"In this synchrotron imaging, we can see how the basilar membrane (green), that is set in motion by sound, ends in the base near the round window (red). Nature, ingenious as always, found a way to suspend this membrane basally so that round window motions do not interfere with the super-sensitive basilar membrane that transmit mechanical vibrations to the sensory cells with nanometer precision." Source: Incredible Synchrotron Imaging: New Findings in the Human Cochlea | Prof. Helge Rask-Andersen
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whats-in-a-sentence · 1 year ago
Researchers at Curtin University, in collaboration with scientists at the infra-red (IR) beamline at the Australian Synchrotron, have been using synchrotron IR microscopy to investigate the chemistry of latent fingermarks and how this changes with time. Fingermarks from donors of different age and gender were deposited on gold-plated glass and subjected to IR analysis at regular intervals over a period of 12 months.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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cebozcom · 11 months ago
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Reviving Music: X-ray Technology Preserves Historic Audio Tapes | www.ceboz.com
Rescuing old music recordings using X-rays
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stpauldevarces2026 · 1 year ago
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Le synchrotron fête les 30 ans de sa mise en service : En 2018, ce fut les 30 ans du début de la construction. En 2024, les 30 ans de sa mise en service. Une localisation qui a été une bataille terrible entre Grenoble et Strasbourg. Le contrat de plan Etat-région Alsace fixait cette implantation à Strasbourg. Il a fallu toute la
détermination des élus grenoblois et isérois de l'époque pour changer la donne, ce qui a demandé une très forte mobilisation politique et juridique. Sur le plan juridique, Grenoble a lancé de nombreux recours. Sur le plan politique, la présence d'Alain Carignon au Gouvernement a été décisive. C'est l'honnêteté et la morale les plus élémentaires que de le constater. Il a reçu à de nombreuses reprises Capron, alors directeur du CEA. Il a mobilisé Alain Madelin alors Ministre de l'Industrie et Jacques Valade, Ministre de la Recherche, activant ses relations privilégiées avec Jacques Chaban Delmas dont Valade était très proche. Tout était activé et mobilisé pour gagner. Le Département de l'Isère a mis en place une mission spéciale présidée par Joël de Leiris, scientifique reconnu. C'est la réussite d'une localité qui a eu l'intelligence de combattre pour un équipement international stratégique.
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tenth-sentence · 2 years ago
Recent highlights of the work by many visiting scientists at the Australian Synchrotron include investigations of chemical compounds for the development of anti-cancer drugs, scanning an entire Arthur Streeton painting to identify individual brushstrokes of different colours based on the distribution of different elements on the canvas, and investigation of advanced materials for incorporation into re-chargeable Li-ion batteries.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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mvvocaloidgifs · 1 year ago
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Mitchie M - What Kind of Future [Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku]
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How are nanostructures created? Imaging techniques unveil secrets of electrodeposition
Metallic nanoparticles, consisting of a few to several thousand atoms or simple molecules, are attracting significant interest. Electrodes coated with layers of nanoparticles (nanolayers) are particularly useful in areas such as energy production, serving as catalysts. A convenient method for producing such layers on electrodes is electrodeposition, the subtle complexities of which have just been revealed by an international team of researchers led by scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. Their paper is published in the journal Nano Letters. Research on nanoparticles is yielding promising results for technologies related to energy, medicine, and electronics. One of the key challenges is effectively controlling the synthesis and growth of nanostructures.
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literallymechanical · 11 months ago
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Okay doing a bit of actual scienceposting for a sec:
So to do any of these techniques you need a synchrotron, which are big electron particle accelerators used to generate high-intensity light. They typically have a dozen or so beamlines jutting off like spokes – each beamline has one instrument and experiment at the end, and waiting lists to get time on a beamline are not short.
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This is a fun render of the SOLEIL synchrotron in France, for reference. I'm going to do a longer, proper sciencepost about the history of synchrotrons at some point in the near future, stay tuned.
There are not that many synchrotron light sources worldwide, and of those, the total global inventory of beamlines with a SPELEEM instrument is comfortably in the single digits.
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Anyway, one of the newest and most advanced synchrotrons in the world is the MAX IV facility in Sweden, which has a SPELEEM device on their MAXPEEM beamline.
Today in lecture we talked about spectroscopic photoemission low energy electron microscopy, or SPELEEM, which you can pretty much only do in Sweden. It basically allows you to do PEEM, LEEM, and XPEEM with one instrument.
I think physicists should be in charge of coming up with the names for every single thing forever.
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churchofchuu · 10 months ago
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sklira · 1 year ago
Eight Bits Information of You | Color Filter
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years ago
Each of these beamlines is dedicated to the specific purposes outlined in the table below.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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astriiformes · 3 months ago
#op are you by chance the one who did numerous cyclotron tests and said fuck this (via @tales-from-the-acellus-archives)
No, actually I'm the one who did fieldwork catching squirrels and identifying various aquatic invertebrates in the lab and eventually hit college physics and said fuck this.
Now I'm on track to become a mad historian of science, studying monsters in early natural history texts. You know how it is.
One hill I will die on is that it's always infinitely funnier for mad scientist characters to have an actual area of expertise, and the narrower it is, the funnier it gets. Like, they're mad scientists. They can branch out from it. But it's a very special thing to be able to point to the person who built a death ray/engineered life in their basement/etc and be able to confidently state what they got their PhD in.
"Doc Brown is a mad scientist" Well yeah, obviously.
"Doc Brown is a mad physicist" Now we're getting somewhere!
"Doc Brown is a mad nuclear physicist" Specifically conjures up images of a guy who spent his PhD doing a million repetitive cyclotron tests and eventually said fuck this, I'm building a time machine instead. Comedy gold.
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