#symbiotic virus
heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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A preview of Death of the Venomverse #5
Written by: David Michelinie Art by: Justin Mason, Chris Sotomayor Cover by: Marco Checchetto Page Count: 36 Pages Release Date: September 27, 2023
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dragofelid · 1 year
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My Symbiote-Sona Virus!!
Spiderverse made me think of them again and I wanted to draw my beloved!!
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rurukas-arcade · 11 months
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gen x badges (2/2)
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salmonsandwich37 · 1 year
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abimee · 2 years
quite literally made that joke about althaea bringing up sexual cannibalism during sex in priv and thought it a little too ''rylan you will get anons about this'' for public but you know here it is
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rare-apples · 8 months
🚨Gore Warning🚨
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I’m hoping on board the MLP Infection AU trend. Here is mine!
Starswirl the Bearded accidentally created the virus. Parabite.
He heard and learned of more modern and ancient creatures, finding out about the parasprites. He read of their swarms of damage, seeing as they cause distruction no matter where they go. He wanted to create a symbiotic relationship between ponies and parasprits.
He tested on animals first, then, his first pony.
Click picture for better quality 🧟‍♀️
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jimvasta · 2 years
Humans are symbiotes
When we met humans we were naïve enough to assume they were like us. We thought each of them was a single entity until our ships systems completed their routine scans.
Of course we offered to rid them of the parasites they carried, it was politeness or so we thought. It took some careful explaining, we expected they would be horrified by the realisation there were microscopic creatures living within them. Instead they were horrified at the thought of losing them.
Humans are each a chorum. Do not be fooled by their use of the singular, the body you see is a vehicle carrying a population of billions.
All the bacteria and viruses we worked so hard to eradicate, humans instead invited in and made a part of them. The relationship is so profound they will deliberately cultivate and ingest the species they prefer to have inside them, and their digestion of food (another horror with their definition of food including a lengthy list of poisons) relies on of having the right population mix.
They create and alter viruses at whim to do many chores, and easily tolerate micro-organisms deadly to us.
They are each a walking army, deadly in the most terrifying way imaginable.
How do I know this?
We thought our systems isolated everything, we thought we were safe and their protective suits were sterilised. Somehow, we missed it. One of the suits had clinging to it a tiny virus colony.
When the Captain realised what was happening they closed every airlock and isolated each section to halt the spread. I got stuck on the lower storage deck for almost two cycles.
The humans did all they could to reassure me from a distance, sharing their knowledge to cleanse the ship for the rescue party. They knew they could not come in, but they would speak to me, make sure I knew what was happening and that they had called for rescue on my behalf, and how long it would be until I could be released.
They were mortified by the actions of one of the feral viruses they consider little more than an irritating pest.
I think they were sad to realise they can never safely interact with us or fully join our union. They can watch from a distance, but never walk on our worlds or share our ships. For a symbiotic ensemble that isolation must be painful even knowing it is vital for life.
I am one of the only members of the union to have met humans in person.
I alone survived the plague the humans later identified as 'the common cold'.
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banj0possum · 1 year
Zombie Horde x AMAB transfem/gn reader who is working to find a cure for the zombie epidemic?
Like I was imagining reader works in a lab that is then overrun, and reader attempts to flee the horde or secretly continue their experiments when they aren’t looking.
Eventually maybe reader gets used to it and decides to take advantage of the “willing” and (usually) non-violent test subjects.
Love ur work btw <3
i havent given you guys your dose of zombie bitches lately so here ya go <3 this can be also be read as gn maybe
Zombie Horde x MtF!Reader Who's Looking for a Cure
CW: i will make you sob at the end istg, a bit of ewuh body stuff
💀 You've been trying to find a cure ever since the first wave of the epidemic, but the virus spread so quickly that you had to halt your research and flee the city, getting in your car after loading all your equipment and supplies in the trunk and driving off.
💀 Now, after just a few months, you were living in a symbiotic relationship with the very things you swore to destroy. At that point, you've forgotten all about the cure, thinking that there was no more hope on this earth for rehabilitation.
💀 But while lying down in your zombie husband pile at night, the idea sparked in your brain yet again, making you sit up, Ribs' head falling from your shoulder, waking him up.
💀 "S-sorry! So sorry Hun! Uhm..I gotta get something!" You pat Ribs' head before stumbling out of your bed, careful not to trip over the others. Bo blinks a bit before getting up and following you.
💀 You hear a low purr behind you as you were putting on your jacket and backpack and see Bo with a pleading, sleepy face. please come back..it's cold... you could imagine him saying. You chuckle and give him a kiss on the nose. "I'll be back, I promise!" and you run off outside to the parking lot.
💀 You retrieve your supplies from your old car, it's dusty and a bit dirty but the papers you've written were still readable.
💀 You carry the box of stuff back with you, Screw and Soda waiting for you and cocking their heads at the sight of their little mate carrying a box full of tubes and paper.
💀 The horde curiously watches you search through the papers, sometimes writing things down. You mumble soft words they didn't understand whilst looking over two or more papers.
💀 Eventually, you circle a string of letters and numbers and you hold your head in your hands with wide eyes, Screw crawls up to you cooing and you turn to him with the biggest smile on your face.
💀 "I think I got it.."
💀 He cocks his head with a chirp.
💀 "I have the cure..."
💀 You would've never considered it, but with your new discovery of visible consciousness in infected subjects, brain recovery and even bodily recovery can be possible, you just had to find a solution that can increase the body's constructive systems.
💀 You would forge for materials far beyond where you usually searched and would meet up with other survivors to exchange goods in order to conduct your research.
💀 Of course, your husbands were willing to help you, once you told them about your plan, they were so happy! Flesh like yours? Count us in! Ribs especially wants to help; he very much wants his torso back...
💀 The first tests weren't very fruitful but gave interesting results, one experiment with Bo included an injection to his arm, which made his heart beat for a few seconds before slowing and stopping like it was before.
💀 You would also see signs of growth, both Screw and Soda's wounds would appear to be healing themselves.
💀 After a few months of experimentation, you were starting to give up, the boys' wounds and lost body parts being unable to grow back.
💀 It was alright for you though, you never really expected to find the cure so easily, and you weren't sure if it could even work on other zombies.
💀 At least the boys looked a bit better than before though, their hair could grow like a human's and their limps were gone, their joints rejuvenated and no longer rigid, allowing them to move like a normal human and not a living corpse.
💀 You thought that was all that you got from your experiments when..
💀 "(Y-Y/N)?"
💀 That...voice? It sounds familiar somehow...
💀 "Babygirl? Can you hear me?" the voice says again, it was gruff with a bit of a southern accent.
💀 "That's not her name!" Another voice, more higher pitched that the first.
💀 "It's a nickname Ribs!" One quietly says.
💀 Your neck almost snaps at the speed you turned back.
💀 "Uhm..hey there babes.." Bo says awkwardly.
💀 Looks like their vocal chords grew back too...
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cheemscakecat · 2 months
Spy’s Disguise Headcanon Time!
TW: Loss, body horror, angst
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The glitchy disguise kit should have been rejected by BLU Spy’s body the first time he tried to use it. But the fact that he was able to keep transforming with it meant that his body accepted it.
Personally, I think that the disguise kit has its own programming that was at risk of being overwritten when it glitched. Maybe the brain and nerve endings sent new commands to the kit when Spy first tried a building disguise.
Either way, the machine aspects of CyberSpy were under his control for a while, like an extension of his actual human body. It didn’t seem at all difficult to get a certain part that functioned like a real building, and it didn’t even take a verbal command.
While this felt like an excellent new tool in the eyes of Buddy Engineer and CyberSpy, it was actually a massive red flag. His body shouldn’t have accepted foreign metal and unnatural transformations. It should have attacked the machinery like a virus. He should have had pain signals all over his body telling him that the machine was dangerous.
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Instead, the building aspects assimilated in his body. He didn’t even need the kit to transform past the first incident, which was also a massive red flag. They not only began acting as flesh and weapons, they began acting as an immune system.
The problem is, these mechanical parts were never, ever meant to be part of the human body. They were never designed to protect the body from harm like white blood cells, and had no backup programming should something like this happen.
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When Spy took fatal damage, the machine aspects went haywire trying to repair him. The Medic that was always sent to deal with respawn failures had barely interacted with his patient when this became apparent.
I imagine that any attempt to insert an IV or make an incision was met with uncontrolled transformations. The false immune system was trying to protect the body, but was too powerful and unpredictable for the doctor to fix this cyber-mess.
Dr Ludwig was called in after the whole RED team permanently died and most of the local BLU engineers were slaughtered. It’s possible that that particular BLU team was mostly just Engineers, and that might have been why Spy knew how to kill one in the first place.
Maybe they used healing dispensers instead of hiring a local BLU Medic. But that didn’t absolve Buddy Engineer and CyberSpy from their involvement in the deaths. They didn’t report the glitch. They didn’t try to fix it when it first occurred.
They embraced it. Spy kept using these new, unnatural powers without any regard to his health or how unfair the battle would be. Over and over again, the symbiotic relationship between his natural body and this machine was tested and strengthened.
Maybe a Medic could have cut out the invasive metal when the incident first occurred. Maybe there was a way to prevent this from getting so severe. But by the time they called in Dr. Ludwig, it was far too late.
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It didn’t take long for the devastating consequences to rear their head. There was no way to stop whatever mutations the glitch had caused. Before, Spy could switch back and forth between human flesh and machine. He started to lose that control.
In response to his injuries and the threat of more created by hallucinations, the metal became dominant. He couldn’t make the buildings go back to being dormant; they replaced parts of his body. He looked the part of a cyborg, whether anyone liked it or not.
Like an infection, it continued to spread. CyberSpy’s declining mental state only made the metal infection spread rapidly. Paranoia and hallucinations set in, and made the machine wary of any person who Spy didn't recognize.
It only took three months for him to get so bad that his head and neck was the last of his humanity, and Buddy Engineer was the only person who could interact with him without being fired at. By four months his mind was gone. Only the machine remained.
Buddy Engineer kept the machine, which somehow remained docile towards him. He kept fixing it and insisting on keeping the battery and fuel tank from running empty. In his mind, that would mean death.
The new teammates went from supportive to concerned. They could see that Buddy Engineer wouldn’t let Spy go, even though he had long since died. They feared that he’d lose his mind talking to that robot much longer. So they reported him to the Admin.
She had the machine confiscated, to Buddy Engineer’s fury. He tried to break into her storage to make sure “Spy” didn’t power down, but he already had by the time he fought enough underlings and found the right crate. Admin had him dismissed from BLU and barred from joining RED.
Grey Mann wanted an army of robots, and he wanted good engineers to design them. Buddy Engineer agreed to help him, even with the annoying caveat that they had to use money as fuel.
He wasn’t the only disgraced Engineer who agreed to Grey Mann’s offer, so they divided up the workload.
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Buddy Engineer insisted on designing the robo-spy. He based it off of the lifeless machine that his friend became. Of course, he didn’t trust Grey Mann worth spit, so anything that didn’t directly have to do with Spy work was left out of the manufactured bots. No machine guns or jet packs.
Even so, Buddy’s extremely detailed work impressed the boss, and inspired the others to collaborate with him on the most complicated of the robo-mercs.
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snowyvoid · 6 months
im still on my hlvrai is a haunted house bullshit. had time to think about it. now i must propose the idea of the game being alive and vaguely rotten or infected by the science team/the player.
also thinking about the idea of the science team being a virus of sort feeding off of the player's sentience. with all the player slowly becoming less and less aware that he is playing a videogame n whatever, while the science team becomes more "human" and aware.
hey what if black mesa and the game are the same thing and they are collectively a living being (think of a siphonophore) and the science team are its teeth/mouth/stomach. and it needs sentience to keep living. and the science team go and find players to become friends with and feed off of. and in turn the players get to become part of the organism. like a really shitty symbiotic relationship. and this is not to say any of the creatures in this situation are in the wrong, but id like to study that aspect too; i just really like making not very aware things have to deal with being alive.
haunted houses as concepts are weird and wobbly and the best definition i can give is a container with something else that is hostile inside of it. because, if you really think about it, human bodies "house" hostile bacteria that attack the good bacteria, house organs, etc etc just a like generic horror movie haunted house "houses" both ghosts and humans and its own rooms. and the rooms might be the hostile thing, not the ghosts or the humans. the house itself may be hostile to the things inside of it. there is an importance in knowing what each thing thinks of eachother. hey can somebody tell why is my basement breathing and pulsating and if it is a physical manifestation of my houses feelings
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indieyuugure · 11 months
what would Leo do if he had the alien symbiote from Spider-Man?(if we’re going by specific examples, the Spectacular cartoon and the recent Spider-Man 2 game comes to mind lol)
You, know, funny you mention that actually, I’ve this idea for awhile now in my version that the turtles (probably some time in the space arc or something) get stuck in a situation that requires them to use a Kraang ship to make an escape. Leo is the unfortunate elected pilot and ends up getting sick with some kind of infection that makes him go nuts.
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I kinda went back and forth on what type it was (as in like a virus or parasite or something of the sort) but I kinda like that idea. I thought perhaps it’s a side effect of using Kraang technology in my version, like a security measure.
I also thought some about its effect. Like it just shuts of the part of the brain that tells you not to do things while feeding it’s host violent/destructive thoughts, so in a way they’re acting out of their own free will, and there’s no fighting from the inside, any help would have to be from the outside(hence the first pictures of Donnie injecting Leo with something).
I think too, that’d mean that he does in fact remember everything in very clear detail, as unlike being drunk, it stimulates battle instincts and makes you insanely hyperactive to a self destructive extent.
Idk, just some random thoughts.
Good question! :]
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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A preview of Death of the Venomverse #4
CARNAGE UNLEASHED! CARNAGE continues his savage rampage throughout the Multiverse, obliterating as many VENOMS as he can! Do AGENT VENOM and what’s left of her team even stand a chance? Or is Carnage destined to win? Written by: Cullen Bunn Art by: Gerardo Sandoval (Artist), Victor Olazaba (Inker), Jim Campbell (Colorist) Cover Art by: Björn Barends Page Count: 36 pages Release Date: September 20 2023
Please let this Symbiote Madness end....
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dragofelid · 2 years
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I havent drawn Virus in a while
I do miss my symbiote sona
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roguelioness · 8 months
i confess i'm a wee bit judgey when I see fics mention vampires biting into arteries, so please forgive this rambling:
like. arteries are located deep, because they need to be kept safe, because they're under such high pressure the chances of death of a leak springs up in one is very, very high.
there is no way vampire teeth can reach those. and no sane vampire would want to willingly feed from an artery. can you imagine trying to drink out of a garden hose at maximum pressure? extremely unpleasant (and unsexy).
on the other hand it's technically possible to drink from veins but. veins carry waste materials back to the places that are going to filter said waste out. no logical vampire is going to drink the sanguine equivalent of urine (unless it's a kink idk). venous blood would be easier to feed on, less pressure, but as mentioned. rather unpleasant.
which leaves arterioles as the best feeding spot(s). sadly while this would offer the best pressure for feeding there's also the pesky issue of coagulation. eating blood clots would be unpleasant (and unsexy ofc).
which clearly means that vampires would have anticoagulants in their... venom? saliva? magical undead mouth wetness? to help their feeding.
(mosquitoes also have anticoagulants therefore it is possible there are victims who are allergic to vampire bites and end up with a prolonged period of reddened skin and itchiness)
in conclusion:
artery feeding results in dead victims and unsated vampires
venous feeding results in (mostly) alive victims and unsated* vampires (*exclusions for vampires who are into venous blood for, uh. their own reasons)
arteriole feeding is ✅ with anticoagulants in abundance
(side note: do vampires need fiber in their diet. would it not make more sense for them to eat raw flesh if so. do vampires poop. how does digestion work. how does vampire metabolism function. are vampires anaerobic. have they formed a symbiotic relationship with microbes to run their metabolism. is vampirism a magical virus. help i have so many questions)
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ornii · 1 year
If it's not too much to ask... How about a Wednesday x Male!Reader where they cuddle for the first time??
Bonus points if Wednesday takes on a more dominant role in their cuddle session dhdjshdjd
I Like That Idea, and since people also want more of a Venom X Wednesday, i decided to eat two bodies with one venom.
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Living with this, other half was a bothersome sort. A symbiotic virus consuming all who cross Venom. What made it hard was telling Enid, well you hadn’t planned on doing that it sort of just, happened. But you had to tell Wednesday, she’s your best friend! Well you consider her your best friend. She most likely views you as a nuisance. But you had to tell her. Nearing the end of your Mythology class, you made an effort to find Wednesday and tell her the harrowing truth.
It wasn’t particularly hard to find her, lingering in the shadows of her bedroom. You knocked gently at the door and awaited a response.
“I can detect a faint heartbeat! Death lingers in the room!” Venom spoke into your mind.
“Oh, well Wednesday is definitely inside then…” you said, faintly you can hear the words “enter.” Coming from beyond the door, you take a deep breath and grip the knob and enter. Stepping into the girls dormitory was obviously a tense situation, not wanting to seem off at some creep but this was extreme circumstances. Your eyes traced along the room, first to Enids side, which was bright and bubbly as you could be, flashes of Pink, Stuffed animals, Boy Bands, your typical modern gal stuff, but hints of steak lingers in your nose, definitely the werewolf part. Your eyes head right to the dark and dreary side that is Wednesday, the lack of color, the almost sapping aura, it screamed into the voice, “take me sweet death.” You catch the desk in your vision and see the raven haired demon typing at her desk.
What Wednesday lacked, an emotions, moral alignment, sometimes a pulse, was her cold and callous genius. She had a natural beauty that requires no Make up, no flashy clothes, just pure genetic beauty, and as dreadful as she can be at her emotions she was absolutely captivating. You thought she was captivating, breathtaking, beautiful… you never knew how Wednesday felt about you, she always kept a reserved stance on her emotions and displays of affection and intimacy. While you didn’t particularly mind, it was hard to tell if she was angry or just dead on the inside sometimes.
“Wednesday.” You begin, not really sure how to begin this.
“(Y/n), You know how I feel about my writing time.. and hour—“
“Without interruption, I know.. but this is, well I need to tell you something.” You barely utter, “it’s… urgent.” She stops typing hearing this, and turns to face you. Her Crepuscular beauty always took your breath away. You take a deep breath and try to explain.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to show you, to tell you, I just never really knew how to…” you say, the slowly intrigue of Wednesday began to show and she began to buckle under her own dreary curiosity.
“Speak then.” She replies, and you take a seat and sit on the edge of her bed. Her eyes were so, intimidating, sometimes it was hard to even get a glimpse of her.
“I never told you why I was in Nevermore, or what I’m considered different enough to go.. it’s because I… I’m a host for my Symbiotic.” You say, Wednesdays eyes kept on your face, as if she’s scanning for any lies or forms of deception.
“You see annoyingly normal for my standard.” She says, “What is this “Symbiotic?” She asks, you slowly rose up and closed your eyes, Wednesday watches as suddenly your body began to ooze a deep black, sludge like liquid from parts of his body, slowly encapsulating his entire body, Wednesdays face went from unamused to pleasantly stunned. What stood before her now was a hulking mass of darkness, some dreary parasite. The head of the monster opens up, revealing Your veiny, corroded face.
“Is this too much?” You ask, Wednesday didn’t know what to say for a moment.
“What, what are you? Are you even human?” She asks, you slowly transform back.
“Obviously, I just have this, thing.”
“I am not a thing!”
“Who unfortunately has a mind of its own.” You say.
“… who else knows about this?” She asks you, and you awkwardly fiddle around.
“Principal Weems… and. Enid.” You say, which makes Wednesday scowl.
“You told Enid before me?” She says accusingly.
“No! He told her before I could.” You say, suddenly your hand darkens, lifts itself up, as it transforms into the face of Venom.
“I wanted to eat her! I had no intention to revel ourselves!” He yells, Wednesday looks at the hand, a mix of disgust and, amusement.
“So you were not lying, it is alive.”
“Yes I am pretty one! I bet your liver tastes exquisite!”
“Ignore that comment, he says that to everyone.” You shake your hand, letting him lose control and going back to normal. You sigh and clasp your hands together sadly.
“I.. I apologize for not telling you…” you say, “there’s no easy way to ease a woman into telling them that I have a cannibalistic parasite living inside me.” You explain.
“Do not fret, I expected to say you listed to country music, that would have been a real horror.”
“.. have I ever told you how amazing you are.” You say trying not to laugh at that, Wednesday calmly, and somewhat reluctantly sat next to you. Being a bit stuff, she was never this close to another person let alone a man not related to her.
“I have no right to judge what information you disclose… but I do appreciate you telling me. Now if I have a body to dispose of, I’ll know who to bring it to.” She said.
“I like her!” Venom yells.
“Me too..” you say under your breath, Wednesday took the leap, doing something so, daring. You felt a cold clasp on the top of your hand, Wednesday placed her hand on top of yours. You didn’t know what to say, you looked at Wednesday who kept looking forward, you could make out just the slightest hint of red under her cheeks. You didn’t hesitate, letting the symbiote slowly take over her hand, this actually brought Wednesday comfort, the cold slimy feeling of death on her cold unfeeling hand. A perfect combination, she decided to take one last risk, gently placing her head on your shoulder, it was again stiff and cold. A symbiotic arm crept around her body into a soft hug. It was a perfect serene moment, a parasitic, symbiotic, love.
“… I still despise the fact you told Enid first.”
“I doubt she would have said anything…”
“… still.”
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 19: Gallifrey at War Part 3
TW: more gruesome Time War/Civil War shit, lots of death, disturbing stuff
The Last Great Time War had several simultaneous origins for both the Time Lords and Daleks. For example, tensions have been rising from the very beginning for the Daleks since the Time Lords tried to avert their creation.
During the War in Heaven, the Army of One project saw the regen-inf soldier Chris Cwej multiplied into an entire Cwejen army.
The Neverweres are creatures that should never have existed. They were built from pieces of evolution that never actually happened.
The Time Lords allied themselves with the Technomancers during the Last Great Time War. The Technomancers used their magic to resurrect dead Time Lords, providing Gallifrey with soldiers that were eternally renewable and disposable.
In reality, the Time Lords were nothing more than pawns in the eyes of the Technomancers. The Technomancers worship the Horned Ones, and the reanimated Time Lords carried pieces of the Horned Ones in them. Once enough pieces of the Horned Ones were inside Time Lords, the Horned Ones would have been able to rule over all life.
Because of this, the War Doctor used the Annihilator to erase the Technomancers from the timeline. The only thing of them that remained were the memories of people who had met them before, memories of people who now never were.
There have been at least two Gallifreyan Civil Wars. The Time Lady Pandora was involved with both.
After the First Gallifreyan Civil War, Pandora was dispersed so thoroughly she never existed, but a copy of her consciousness remained in the Matrix.
From here, Pandora manipulated Time Lord genetics to produce a host she could use. This is what led to Romana's creation. When the Shadow's torture awoke Pandora's influence in her, Romana I regenerated into Romana II to suppress her.
Once freed by Darkel, Pandora latched on to Castellan Wynter. This made the Castellan consume the Dogma Virus in order to fight back.
The Dogma Virus was created by the Free Time organization under direction of the Daleks. The virus laid dormant in Time Lords until their regeneration. Then, it would hijack the Time Lord’s symbiotic nuclei and basically turn them into zombies (was Time Lord zombie plague on anyone's bingo cards?).
During the War in Heaven, Lady President Romana at one point had an epileptic fit resulting in the release of 300 Shada prisoners, including Grandfather Paradox.
When Darkel tried to remove Romana from presidency during the Second Gallifreyan Civil War, Romana declared herself Imperiatrix, basically the Gallifreyan dictatorial leader.
Pandora used the Dogma Virus and force-regeneration of other Time Lords to increase the size of her army. Romana relied on destroying infrastructure and the Rassilon Imprimaturs to stop this civil war from becoming a time war.
Even after the Second Gallifreyan Civil War, there was still an outbreak of Dogma Virus. A biodata archive was eventually used to restore the Time Lords from a backup (their last save point), but the reset left Gallifrey vulnerable to Dalek attack.
In the early days of the War in Heaven, the "jungle children" experiment was conducted by House Arpexia. The intent was to see how Homeworlder biodata was changed if they were raised by humans. When Kaspar Hauser was placed in 1828 Nuremburg, he remained relatively unchanged, but the timeline around him began to reshape. When the experiment concluded, Hauser was killed.
The anima device was a psychic weapon in the Omega Arsenal that took away its victim's free will and allowed the user to control the victim's mind. During the Last Great Time War, the Doctor used it to try to create a peace where Daleks and Time Lords were farmers.
The War Doctor forced Dorium Maldovar to come with him to Villengard to destroy a bunch of weapons factories before they could be taken by the Dalek Fleet. The Doctor turned the factories into palm trees with a molecular fruit bomb.
During the Battle of Rodan's Wedding in the Last Great Time War, years were used as ammunition. In the one battle, shrapnel aged the Eighth Doctor to be five million years old. The next shrapnel hit de-aged him to a whimpering infant.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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