#sylvie’s queued post
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Mod + sylvie + Giovanni in Wakfu, in alibert's Inn
Have fun having a fun adventure.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 8 months ago
Hello! I am currently on holiday, so I am online very sparingly. My blog operates on queue on a permanent basis anyway, but most of the posts you’ll be seeing from me over the coming days are ones that I queued a week ago. I will still respond to asks as and when I can, but to save everyone time, I will not be answering asks that:
- Are hateful about other Tumblr users
- Are hateful towards me
- Speculate on Ewan’s possible nudity in future HotD episodes
- Talk about Ewan’s body in huge amounts of detail, whether good or bad
- Attempt to engage in discourse about Sylvi, the brothel madame (I’ve said all I have to say on this already)
Thank you for understanding! Here is a picture of seal that I took this morning.
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I Can't Stop Writing Post-Season Ficlets
I have another one queued for tomorrow (though if you follow my AO3 account, you may have already seen it). Here's another one. Spoilers for episode 5 and a still from maybe episode 6 that I don't know the source of.
So basically I saw this photo and because I'm a fool and in utter denial about the implications of Sylvie's expression oh my god, I wrote this fic. (The fact that it looks like she's crying is really upsetting me, so I said "You know what? No, she's not.")
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Going Home
He watches Loki, a past Loki or a future Loki or maybe just a different Loki, speak to himself in these memories he doesn’t remember, in this time he hasn’t been part of for who knows how long. He hears Loki quote his own words back to him, watches the god help him through a temperamental, experimental Time Door, sees even from this distance the way Loki looks at him, like he holds all the answers when he can’t even remember Loki’s name. 
“Are you ready?” Sylvie asks.
No. Not even close. “What am I doing?” He whispers, voice raw as it scrapes against his throat, speaking more to himself than her. Loki couldn’t even bring himself to come with them, bidding Mobius goodbye at the TVA instead, muttering some lie about having too much to do there.
But it’s clear now, as Mobius watches their past or alternate selves stumble through a meeting there isn’t time for, but that Loki is clearly taking great care at trying to get right. He had been so angry with Loki earlier, when the god had declined taking him back to the timeline, instead asking Sylvie to escort him. He had felt like nothing, like some odious chore being pawned off onto someone else to take care of. But he sees now it was nothing like that.
Loki asked Sylvie to take him back, refused to accompany him, because he couldn’t, because he would not be able to say goodbye again. Loki respects Mobius’s choice to return to his time, but doesn’t trust himself to let Mobius go if he comes with. Because… because…
Mobius’s past self turns to look at OB’s past self, and Loki continues to watch him. Mobius thinks of Loki time-slipping into the War Room, yelling his name like just the sight of him will make everything better. He thinks of crash-landing into the TVA after Loki flew out of the time stream at the last possible second, the relief blossoming in his chest as Loki’s arms tightened around him. He thinks of Loki’s surprised smile in the automat when he suggested tricking Brad into giving up Sylvie’s location. He thinks of Loki turning to look at him as Timely descended the stairs, searching for him immediately in what must have been (he realized later) the moment Loki returned from the past. 
“This is where you belong,” Sylvie says gently, in answer to the question he scarcely remembers uttering. 
“He loves me, doesn’t he?” Mobius whispers, finally tearing his gaze away from the scene before them to look at Sylvie. 
She looks at him, eyes sympathetic. She nods, and says softly, “But this is your place.”
He shakes his head. “No,” he says, just as quietly. “It’s not. And it shouldn’t have taken me this long to figure it out.”
“Mobius–” She starts, but he pulls out his TemPad and programs in the TVA.
“Are you coming?” He asks her. She shakes her head, holding up her own TemPad.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I’ll see you around.”
She watches him for a moment, and then she smiles. “You’re going to make him very happy, you know that?”
“I hope so.” Then he turns away from her and walks through the Time Door.
He walks into Analysis, but of course, Loki isn’t where he left him. B-15 looks up from a monitor and smiles with surprise.
“You’re back,” she says.
“I made a mistake.” He replies.
“I’ll say.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“OB saw him walking toward the automat a while ago.” She doesn’t have to ask him who he means, and he sees her smile widen.
“It’s that obvious, is it?” He asks. He’s been an idiot.
“Kind of, yeah,” she nods. “Go get him.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, taking off in the direction of the automat as fast as his legs can carry him.
He’s there, thank God, head in his hands and long legs splayed where he sits in the small, metal chair. His shoulders shake and it breaks Mobius’s heart, but the sight of him is gorgeous and perfect and he has no idea how he walked away from this man in the first place. His feet carry him forward, not even pausing in the doorway for a moment. 
When he’s a few feet away, Loki looks up, tears tracking their way down his cheeks and eyes awash with sorrow. They widen when he sees Mobius. 
“Mobius, you’re back. What are you–” Mobius doesn’t wait for him to finish his question, taking him into his arms and kissing him firmly. Loki melts against him with a whimper that makes Mobius ache. Mobius pulls him close, threading fingers into his raven hair, wiping away the tears that still fall from his closed eyes. 
At last, they pull away, Mobius gazing down at Loki, hands framing the god’s wet face. 
“I’m sorry,” Mobius says, hoarsely. “I’m sorry I left you. I don’t belong on the timeline. My place is here, with you. I want to be with you. I want to stay,” his voice cracks, then, and he feels the tears begin to fill his own eyes. “If that’s what you want and I haven’t completely misinterpreted everything, but I–”
“I love you.” Mobius says in a rush, before Loki can say anything else. And then, because it wasn’t nearly as difficult to say out loud as he’d expected it to be, he says it again. “I love you.”
Loki lets out a noise that sounds heartbreakingly like a sob and presses his face into Mobius’s chest. Mobius holds him, stroking his hair. “I’m sorry that for a moment there it seemed like I didn’t. I’ve never…. I’m not used to this, Loki. You’ve turned my life upside down, and I’m not talking about helping to cause the multiverse and conspiring to kill my boss.”
Loki snorts a laugh, which seems like a good sign, so Mobius goes on. “I thought I’d figured it out, but everything was happening so quickly. And then when we finally had a minute to breathe, you said I should go back to my past. And I’m not blaming you; I probably would have said the same thing, but I thought, okay, that makes sense. And I thought maybe what I had thought was happening wasn’t really, because I had no experience with anything like this so what would I know about falling in love? It’s not like OB put it in their guidebook or that workplace romance is a TVA-sanctioned training. 
“And then you wouldn’t even take me back to the timeline, and I completely misunderstood your reasons for that.” Loki pulls away then, looking into Mobius’s face. Mobius can’t seem to stop touching him, though, but that isn’t exactly new. He strokes Loki’s face, and Loki leans into his fingertips.
“I’m sorry.” Loki whispers. “I should have realized how that would look to you. I should have been able to go with you. Just the idea of watching you walk away from me was so painful I could think of nothing else.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Mobius murmurs, stroking his thumb across Loki’s cheek. “I understand now. 
“Sylvie took me back to the moment you took my past self with you, and I realized…. You were just so careful. You spoke to me so gently and helped me through the Time Door.”
Loki startles him by letting out a huff of laughter. “I learned that from you,” Loki tells him. “You’ve treated me like that from the moment we met.” He looks down at Mobius’s hands, still framing his face affectionately, then back up into Mobius’s eyes. He smiles, and Mobius returns it.
“You couldn’t stop looking at me.” Mobius says. Loki’s green eyes, still wet with unshed tears, sparkle with mischief. 
“I learned that from you, too.”
Mobius’s smile widens. “Well, maybe that’s why I knew what I was looking at when I saw it.”
Loki kisses him. “I love you, too,” he says. “Did I say that already?”
“I think you were too busy reacting to my saying it, but I appreciate you saying it now.” 
“You’re staying? Really?” Loki keeps his tone casual, but his face pinches slightly with worry, and it makes Mobius ache. Both intentionally and not, he’s caused this fear of loneliness in Loki. He will work the rest of his life to assuage it. Loki is worth it. 
“Yes,” Mobius says. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
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sylvie-writes · 4 years ago
“Funny Seeing You Here.”
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a/n: inspired by this tweet I saw: I’m in Target rn and i just overheard a woman tell her daughter. “Come on baby. Daddy will be home around 8:30 and we have to beat him there to hide all the clothes we are buying.” @saradesdinn on Twitter.
another a/n: also, you all are gonna see a lot more of Aurora. For some more background, read Dumbfounded Drew where the reader tells Andy they are expecting!
Freedom at last, you happily waved goodbye to all of your coworkers who were just as equally as glad to see gone. It was Friday, meaning you’d be able to be free from their irritating and fatuous gossip for the next two days. Half of the time, while you’d be diligently working at your desk, they’d be sitting around, picking their nails and loudly yap about whomever they pleased.
Once in your car, you quickly called your nephew who babysat your daughter, Aurora, for you since you’d gone back to work. Fresh outta high school, your nephew gladly took the opportunity since it meant he’d earn some money.
You arrived home in no time. Unlocking the door, you were greeted with the sight of your nephew playing with Aurora. With a giggle you came over to hug him, the young man smiling at you with a light tint to his cheeks.
“Thanks again for babysitting her, Ethan. It means a lot to me and your uncle.”
Digging in your purse, you fished out your wallet along with a check you had prepared for Ethan. You handed him the piece of paper with a bright smile as his jaw dropped.
“Aunt (y/n), I can’t accept this. We agreed on less than this. I won’t take it.”
Ethan stood in his place, holding out the check for you to take back. Shaking your head, you pushed his outstretched hand.
“Nonsense, you do a lot for us and you deserve this. Now go on! It’s Friday, have some fun!”
The young man laughed and accepted the check. You gave him a quick hug and he then walked himself to the door.
Once Ethan left, you turned to the floor where Aurora sat, chewing on some rubber toy you had gotten her.
“Hi sweetie! What do you say about a girl’s trip with mommy?”
You bounced Aurora on your hip and she grabbed at your hair, a large smile on her chubby little face.
“I’ll take that as a yes, Miss. Ro.”
With that, you grabbed Ro’s baby bag and brought her to your car.
Once you parked at the mall, you unstrapped Aurora from her seat and then adjusted her in the baby carrier that you had bonded across your chest.
With Aurora secure, you placed a soft kiss on her head and then grabbed your purse from the car.
Inside the mall, you went to the first department store in sight which happened to be a Macy’s. Rarely did you ever buy anything when you went on these spontaneous shopping trips. They were more of just window shopping trips to be honest.
After a few minutes of walking around, you caught sight of the most beautiful blouse you think you’ve seen in your life. Picking it up, the temptation to buy the dang thing grew stronger and stronger.
“One little blouse won’t hurt. Right, babe?”
You peered down to see Aurora asleep, as if you had actually expected an answer from the baby.
Oh how wrong you were.
From there, everything went downhill pretty fast and you ended up buying a bunch of clothes for Aurora and then a pair of shoes for yourself. Yes, you bought more things for the baby, but that’s how it worked now. You enjoyed spoiling Aurora, especially with her being your first born and all.
By time you were in line, you hadn’t even realized you’d picked up so many things. Instead of worrying, you just shrugged it off and whispered to Ro who had finally woken up.
“We better hurry up, sweetie. Your daddy should be getting off soon and we need to get home in time to hide all of our shi—-stuff.”
You softly laughed at your slip up and pecked Ro’s kissable baby forehead once more.
Leaning up, you peeked around the woman in front of you to see how many more people were in line. As you did so, a man in a suit turned to leave from his place checking out at the register. The handsome man turned his head in your direction, revealing two cerulean orbs that locked with yours. In shock, your eyes widened and said man started to strut over in your direction, heavily chuckling.
“Andy! What are you doing here?!”
You were caught in the act, your husband couldn’t stop laughing as you attempted to hide the many items and ultimately ended up miserably failing.
Andy held up the small plastic bag in his hand, slowly pulling out a box.
“Well, it was going to be a surprise, but I guess it’s kinda ruined now.”
He frowned for a short second and then immediately contorted his lips back into a beautiful smile. Taking the small box in one hand, Andy removed the lid to reveal a white gold band encrusted with microscopic gems that seemed to be diamonds.
By now, you had stepped out of line and brought your hands to your face in shock.
Andy tugged your left hand from your face and gently held it in his own. As he had done so many times before, Andy slipped on the ring, stopping just above your wedding band.
“I figured I’d get you a little something to remember when our precious Ro was born.”
You smiled at your husband and pulled his tie, bringing him closer to you, all while being mindful of Aurora who was still strapped in the carrier on your chest.
Without second thought, you sweetly kissed his lips for a long moment in time.
Against his plush, pink lips, you spoke up, “What did I do to deserve you, Drew?”
The man sighed, “Oh honey, I ask myself the same thing about you and Ro, every day.”
The two of you were oblivious to the many staring people, but just carried on.
Eventually detaching yourself from Andy’s lips, your husband offered to take Aurora while you went to go checkout. Yes, you were still going to buy those things.
Just as you walked away, you saw Andy strolling around the store, Aurora strapped to his chest as he maneuvered her pudgy little arms to wave at the people who smiled at her. With a small giggle, you turned away from the sight, relishing in a blissful sigh at the thought of your wonderful family.
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sylvie-writes · 4 years ago
please, it would make me sooo happy 🥺
autumnal asks
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
bonfire - describe your dream house.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
cobweb - (if you’ve graduated) do you miss high school?
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
moonlit - are you a neat or messy person? Is your room / house orderly?
flannel - have you ever gone on a bad date? 
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
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kusunokihimea · 5 years ago
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     [ Okay guys, so as stated yesterday...life is in a bit of a uh...upheaval for me. So I’m gonna do a few things for the foreseeable future:
All RP sideblogs ( @hyuuchiha​, @whitefangwanderer​, @thefriendlyflicker​, and @foxesnflowers​ ) are being put on semi-hiatus. At present, only Kakashi has drafts, two of them. What this means is that I’m not going to immediately answer or reply to things. Their queues are slowed, and I’ll only reply to things when I have time / muse. Which isn’t a guarantee. I’m going to do my best to clear out Kakashi’s two drafts. The rest are empty. I’ll keep a one-a-day post at best I can for queues, but right now those are all my lowest priority.
The daily drabble blog ( @365daysofsasuhina​ ) is over two weeks behind because of all this nonsense. That’s going to be my primary focus for what time I have. I really don’t want it dragging any more into next year than it has to. I’m facing major burnout and just want it done.
The main blog, here, will be second priority. I’m going to TRY to maintain a one-reply-a-day queue, but as always, life comes first. I’m very stressed and tired as of late, so if things get behind, they just...get behind.
     Of course I don’t WANT to be behind, or drop things, but given that things are very much in flux right now and very stressful...I need to do what works for me. If you want to drop threads or unfollow, that’s perfectly all right. I understand I’ve been very in and out the last like...four months due to all this life bullhonkey. I’m HOPING that the end of the year will lead to things improving, but...it all depends. 
     I’ve got major money issues right now, major health issues, major home issues, and as much as I love writing and as much as it is an escape for me...I also don’t want my writing to be bogged down by stress and made poor quality as a result. I want this to be my happy place and where I can relax. Which means I need to tend to life first, so I can do that without being lurked on by guilt and anxiety.
     THIS DOES NOT MEAN I am leaving. It just means I’m going to be SLOW. And I ask, as always, for your patience. I love my threads, my partners, this community...but I want to be here as my best self. Life needs tending. I’ll be here as I can. I love you all, and I hope to be around more soon. 
     The best place to find me otherwise is D.iscord (SylveraDrake#6902), as I lurk on there most of the day when I’m near my computer. Beyond that, I’ll just...be around as I can. Right now I have some time and am going to try to stuff this queue a bit, and maybe do a daily. We’ll see~ ]
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sylvie-writes · 4 years ago
The weather has finally somewhat cooled off here! In honor of what I’d LOVE to call autumn, please send me some prompts using the fall themed list!
Short Fall Requests Will Be Open Until Nov. 1st!
I’m a big feen for the cold weather hehe
50 Autumn Writing Prompts
The smell of campfire smoke in the air.
The first frost of the season.
Making your favorite apple-based dessert.
Drowning in oversized sweaters.
Raking up leaves and jumping into them.
The chilly bite in the morning air.
Decorating the front door with autumn wreaths.
Going on a hayride.
Participating in an apple bobbing contest.
The haunting image of spindly, bare trees.
Typing your jacket around your waist as the day heats up from the cold morning.
Working at an apple orchard.
Getting lost in a corn maze.
The smell of nutmeg and cloves around every corner.
Getting excited over fall season sports.
Taking family photos.
Drinking spiced cider.
Wearing long scarves to keep warm.
Starting to wear thick, woolen socks.
Canning fruit and vegetables for the winter.
Snacking on seasoned pumpkin seeds.
The crunching of leaves beneath your shoes.
Bare branches against the harvest moon.
The ever-growing chill as each night goes by.
Shopping for new fall attire.
Drinking cinnamon-spiced tea.
Collecting pretty leaves for later.
Eating a dozen different kinds of pies.
Making fall-themed crafts.
Carving funny faces in pumpkins.
The smell of buttery yams.
Celebrating the end of harvest with a large feast.
Making lots and lots of soup.
Going to a harvest fair.
Picking ripe fruit off a tree.
Walking by a place that is said to be haunted.
Taking hikes in the colorful forest.
Wearing argyle-patterned clothing.
Having a large family dinner involving turkey or ham.
Breaking out the flannel sheets.
Making homemade cider.
Feeling the loss of time as the nights get longer and days get shorter.
Going on mushroom picking trips.
Making caramel-dipped apples.
Planting flower bulbs that will bloom in the spring.
Admiring the different hues of the fallen leaves.
The smell of freshly-baked squash bread.
Lighting fall-scented candles.
Decorating the interior of your living space with pine cones, leaves, and small squash.
Frost collecting on each blade of grass.
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pencap · 6 years ago
I am !!! still writing NaPo poems I promise !!! I’m just terrible at remembering to post them before I go to bed !! so for that I apologize !! and thank you as always for your love, your kindness, your patience
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Our printer has ink, y'all know what that means
Now the fun part! Explaining why I need the printer to my parents.
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sylviewhereheshouldntbe · 3 years ago
where has he ended up this time
[editing various sylvie sprites into different media, or even doing sprite edits per request
warning: low effort sillies ahead!]
Requests: Open!
Submissions: Open!
Inbox: 9!
Queue: N/A!
#drowsy - edits
#dream big - queued posts
#counting sheep - submissions
#chatter - non-edit posts
mod info and all that under the cut
howdy! i'm cinnamon (he/they)
i was on epithet tumblr—around 2020 or so—when some cool editing blogs ( @indus-where-he-shouldnt-be , @mera-where-she-shouldnt-be , etc) were active! got bored and wanted to start up one of my own HSHDFDHFG
i am NOT the original sylvie where he shouldnt be blog or mod (its over at @sylvie-where-he-shouldnt-be but it's deactivated now)
i'll try my best to do as much as i can, but i do have a personal blacklist
(also, to clarify, my favorite character isn't actually sylvie!)
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sylvie-writes · 4 years ago
thank you for the tag! @canadianhufflepuffavenger
answer: you’re making me choose between memes or gifs ahhh 😭 i guess i’d have to say gifs! i love so many i can’t choose one 😂
question: who is your favorite singer?
Tagging: @just-dreaming-marvel @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @buckybarnesthehotshot @storiesbystarlight
A game for mutuals.
Rules: Tag 4 mutuals and ask one question.
Tagged by: didn’t
Mutuals: @catboybatman @baby-blue-bats @nightwings-fingerstripes @quentinthedyke
Question: Which one song always gets stuck in your mind?
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azurefandomfox · 2 years ago
Fuck it- FANFICTION TIMEEEEE! Have some Star Father!Zane Fanfiction! Enjoy! (Please don't let it flop, I worked so hard to write this!!) 🔥🌟🔥🌟
~Zane~ Noël wanted to see me. He wanted to discuss something important with me. So I headed over. "So, you know how I'm a star? Well, I'm a ghost star." Noël told me. I looked at him in confusion. "Ghost star?" I said, putting my hand to my chest, as I felt a bit of pain. "Yes, everyone else became a ghost star." He said. "But, time has come for you to become like me and them. I'll explain why." I hesitated, but then spoke up. "So why am I feeling sudden pain?" I asked Noël. He chuckled. "Zane, you're coming to the end of your planet phase. You're about to crack open from your shell. You'll die and reincarnate as a ghost star." He told me. I felt more pain and spoke again. "Will I look kind of like you when I reincarnate as a ghost star?" I ask. "Well, not really, but you'll get a guidebook to how to be a good star father. Sylvie the universe creator will drop by after the first few weeks and ask you to create Z's. You have special permission to name one after me and name one after Clothilde." He said, taking a breath before continuing. "You'll look beautiful when you reincarnate and become a ghost star like me." He said. "You can go now. I will see you when you're a ghost star." I walked away from him. I'm the only one left to become a ghost star, Colapop and Kasarin and the 47 others had became ghost stars before me. I was the last one. The only one. It felt lonely. But I knew I was gonna join them soon, so Noël can spend more time with Clothilde... I fell asleep, knowing I was gonna reincarnate and join the 49 others. ~The next morning~ I woke up, and I looked different. I look something like this.
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So I went over to Noël and showed him what I looked like. He was surprised. "Ah, yes, you have reincarnated. You will grow your sun rays soon, don't worry. Anyways, here's the guidebook before you leave. I love you, Zane. Make me proud." Noël said as he handed me the guidebook. He smiled at me as I left. I was gonna make him proud for sure. I left through the portal, so I could become a star father. I can't wait to see Pepsi Girl and my polar opposite brother again. I missed them, but I'm gonna see them. I'm starting my new life as a ghost star/star father. This is going to be exciting! ~Fin~
(I'm not gonna be able to reblog this on my main when it posts, I wrote and queued this last night, so yeah. -Mod Mocha ❤️)
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sylvie-writes · 4 years ago
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Christopher, stawp it.
stawp being so loveable.
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mystic-scripture · 2 years ago
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I posted 276 times in 2022
60 posts created (22%)
216 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 250 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things brainrot - 88 posts
#i queued and made a cave - 86 posts
#my friends are so talented - 44 posts
#discord darlings - 38 posts
#steleddie - 26 posts
#fandoms - 26 posts
#oc creator bingo 2022 - 26 posts
#fd: stranger things - 24 posts
#highway to hell inspo - 23 posts
#edits of the mystic - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#but like instead of a party she's at one of his shows and drank to much bc she sees all the girls fawning over him and gets jealous
My Top Posts in 2022:
McLahey Masterlist
Manip below made by the talented @randomestfandoms
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I am rewatching Teen Wolf for an RP I'm participating in, but of course with Teen Wolf comes Steph and Mclahey. So, in prep for new things I'm hoping to work on, I wanted to compile all the stuff I do have for them. Below are questions, and prompts, and drabbles I have of them. Hope you guys missed them as much as I did...if not too bad, they're back.
Drabbles Mistimed Gifts - A Christmas Drabble Prompts Spotify Unwrapped '22- Bubbly by Colbie Caillat Spotify Unwrapped '22- Super Bass by Nikki Minaj Spotify Unwrapped '22- All About Us by He is We Spotify Unwrapped '21 - Whiskey Glasses by Morgan Wallen Spotify Unwrapped '21 - Starship Avalon from Passengers Kiss Prompts - #7 Routine Kisses Text Prompt - You wanna bet on that? (ft. Danny McGrath) Fluffy Dialogue Prompts - "I won't stop hugging you until I get a kiss!" Asks
Which Member of your OTP ask (1, 3, 11, 25, 28) Unknown Number list 5 and 10 Not sure if this is all of it, but I also have tons to add one day because I have soooo much. Hype Squad: @witchofinterest @foxesandmagic @ocfairygodmother @darknightfrombeyond @anotherunreadblog @curiosity-loves-the-kitten @missemmalie @randomestfandoms-ocs @lenonizi @ocappreciationtag @atomicgracy @john-silver @poe-tato-dameron @lostiintheocean @prophecy-grrl @harleyquinnzelz @drbobbimorse @simply-simptastic
McGrath Clan: @ceruleanmusings @randomestfandoms-ocs @chantelroyal @noratilney
10 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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~OC Creator Bingo~
Sylvie Martin for @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
She is so soft and I love it! Def going to be looking into this!
11 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
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See the full post
13 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Alright, Let's have a discussion.
I am fully aware that I am not a big blog, nor is this going to gain much in the way of traction, however, I'm sick and tired of this so it's Soapbox time.
As I'm sure many of my friends and followers have noticed, I've barely been on here the past year and a half. Little to no reblogs from me, no likes, and no new content to speak of. Now, some reasons are not owed to you, but this most recent string of nonsense has broken my silence.
I have spent months, MONTHS watching all my friends get harrassed and chased down by anons for their content, who they chose to be friends with, or even their private issues with other people. I have had several leave altogether, which hurts because I have no other way of reaching them. And if that's not bad enough, you have taken it upon yourselves to FUCKING SPEW YOUR BULLSHIT AND YOUR AGENDA ON THEIR FICS. On a TOTALLY DIFFERENT WEBSITE.
You say we're the ones doing the bullying, the gaslighting, being exclusive of whatever, but the fact is, we don't know who to fucking trust anymore.
YOU...YOU are the ones that are chasing us down wherever you can find us. I have sat here and said NOTHING to anyone, I've kept my had down, barely reblogged or liked anything for fear, and just no desire to have anything to do with any of it. And yet, YOU dragged me into this by coming onto one of my fics, one that hasn't been updated in almost a YEAR, and last reviewed/interacted with in September to clue me in on things that I have no part in. And then you have the AUDACITY to say you're the ones looking out for the oc community. A community doesn't do this. They don't go around spreading other people's business and life choices to strangers. They don't fucking CHASE PEOPLE to harass them, or yell at them, or spew out holier than that BULLSHIT at each other. You deal with things privately. You are just as bad as the anons you CLAIM to be fighting against. So if you are part of this bullshit OFC or whatever letter combination you are a part of, lose my blog, forget my fics, and GROW THE FUCK UP.
14 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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~~ Introducing Highway to Hell: A Stranger Things Story~~
“I’ve been telling you for years, you'd be surprised about the things Nancy Wheeler can and would do...”
The responding statement would haunt Stella Henderson well after it altered her life forever.
“Says the one that went and ditched us the second she got into high school and landed herself some mystery boyfriend.”
The accusation was a false one, but she hasn't been surprised at how Nancy had twisted it when 'sharing' with Barb because it beat the alternative. That the older Henderson was deemed ‘too wild’ by Nancy’s mother, and ‘not good enough’ for her perfect daughter. Playing wild games instead of studying, and partaking in debaucherous substances while she did so. But that wasn't the worst part about the day Karen Wheeler decided that Stella wasn’t allowed in her home anymore, no. wasn't even the fact that Dustin now went over there constantly to partake in a game she’d introduced the younger siblings to. It wasn't even that the very acceptance of it in the boys versus her seemed to cement some antiquated gender roles in play at the Wheelers. No, it was the fact that Nancy seemed to agree and didn't fight for her.
But of course Barb never learned that. Stella had already lost one friend going down that path, so why lose a second, just because Nancy Wheeler "Grew up"? Instead, she caught betwixt two worlds her sophomore year. The world where she’d garnished a truce with Nancy to stay friends with Barb a grade below her, and her secret life of DnD and freakish delight with her boyfriend a year above.
The same boyfriend that snuck into Barb’s funeral to hold her hand, and stayed by her side as she processed the grief. The same boyfriend that she held close and hidden away from everyone who wasn’t in their little club, and would bring her dinner at the game shop- no matter how bad he was at cooking. The very same boyfriend that was unaware of the dangers that continually cursed her brother and his friends the past two years. The boyfriend she’d broken up with in the name of keeping him safe.
But this wasn’t the story of how she lost Barb anyway, or how she’d legitimately rekindled her friendship with Nancy. No, this was the story of how Stella Henderson stopped running from the love of her life, Eddie Munson, and how it took nearly losing him and the rest of her home forever to realize it. 
Hellfire Club Taglist: @drbobbimorse @bubblegum-barbie
@booty-boggins @starcrossedjedis @harleyquinnzelz @susiesamurai @juliaswickcrs (Want to be added? hmu! <3)
18 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hb-writes · 3 years ago
The June Docket
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QUEUED for Sundays:
White Collar Angst: Neal & Alice — (6/5, already posted)
Twilight Angst: Edward & Mia — (6/12)
True Blood Angst: Godric & Elizabeth — (6/19)
Fifty Shades Angst: Christian & Emmeline — (6/26)
MAYBES (extras) for this month: 
Little Lady Blinder: Chapter 30
Alphabetical Outcast Part IV: Sylvie & Daphne
Peaky Blinders: Jack x Reader/ OC - I really need to rewatch S6 before this one becomes an actual possibility.
✍️ The WIP List ✍️
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odins-sonofmischief · 3 years ago
My Reylo/Sylki parallels series is done! For now - if I think of any more I’ll add them but all my queued posts have been published.
You can find them all here:
Reylo/Sylki | Ben/Loki | Rey/Sylvie
Thanks for all the love and support of the series 😊
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