#sylus singing
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sayangrafayel · 3 months ago
Sylus singing to MC's belly when MC is pregnant
Sylus, singing: Hush little baby, don't say a word. Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird, and if that mocking bird won't sing, papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring~
[The Interview]
MC: Mama'd buy ten diamond rings to get that mocking bird to shut the hell up.
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starmocha · 4 months ago
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Little Dino [Sylus + Daughter ★ 2555 words ★ Masterlist ★ Series Index ★ AO3] Sylus has a little dinosaur problem. A/N: OK another crow dad and his baby birdie ficlet because they bring me joy 🥹 istg I am working on those wips I promised on my tumblr. But…birb dad and birb baby… 🥺
“Mr. Sylus, we have new intel about that night on the 4th.”
“Mmhmm,” Sylus absently answered the person on speakerphone as he leaned back against the desk in his study. His eyes keenly followed the quick movements of the little green dinosaur who walked in uninvited to his study carrying an armful of plushies and setting them on his couch in a neat order: Smiley Dino and Sunny Dino. He watched as she scurried out the room for a few minutes, her long tail swaying back and forth.
He suppressed a chuckle. It seemed his daughter was really enjoying the dinosaur onesie her mother had gotten for her recently. She had insisted on wearing only this outfit for the last week. Sylus turned his attention back to his phone call.
“Now, you were saying there was a mole at the auction?”
“Yes, sir, we believe it to be…”
Sylus discreetly eyed his study door when he saw it pushed further open and his little dinosaur-daughter walked in with another armful of plushies. She scampered over to the couch and set them neatly next to the ones already sitting. The little girl then tried to climb up the couch before she paused half-way, seemingly remembering something. She slid back down to the floor with a soft “oof” and turned around, running pass Sylus.
Before she passed him completely, Sylus subtly stepped on her tail, making the toddler paused, confused. She turned around, her mouth opening wide in shock at the sight of her tail caught under her father’s foot. The little girl grabbed her tail and started tugging helplessly, but her efforts were in vain as it remained trapped under this sudden obstacle. She looked up at her father, and Sylus pretended he was looking elsewhere, appearing as if he was entirely preoccupied with his call.
“Yes, yes, we can do a meetup later this week,” Sylus answered as he kept an eye on his daughter from his peripheral vision. He casually crossed his arms over his chest and hummed softly. “Now there is this protocore incident I have been meaning to have you look into…”
The little girl pouted from the lack of attention and continued trying to tug her tail free. She looked up helplessly, shocked that her father still didn’t notice her. She gave another quick feeble tug.
Sylus remained feigning obliviousness. He almost lost his composure when he caught sight of his daughter’s angry pout and the little glare directed at him. She really did look like her mother in this moment, Sylus couldn’t help but thought with delight.
“Mr. Sylus, we can arrange a meeting on—”
“Daddy! My tail!”
There was an awkward pause in the room after the sudden outburst.
“Um…Mr. Sylus…”
“Oh, dear,” Sylus said with mock-worry, “I seem to have a little dinosaur problem in my study right now…”
“Uhhh…I’ll call you back later, sir.”
The line immediately went dead. Sylus chuckled and redirected his entire attention to the angry little girl at his feet. He tsked softly.
“Now what do we have here?”
“Tail! My tail, Daddy!” The little girl continued fruitlessly tugging her tail to emphasize her point, but Sylus seemed to press his foot down even harder.
“I see that,” he said, feigning astonishment, “That is quite a problem, isn’t it, baby?”
The little toddler continued to glare at her father.
“My, my, that is such a ferocious look,” Sylus teased, smirking. Just like her mother…
An idea seemed to pop into the little girl’s head. She mustered up her scariest voice and then with her little hands held up to claw, she let out a loud, “Rawr!”
“Oh, dear, I am very frightened,” Sylus said, barely able to hide his amusement, “Whatever will I do…if only I have Miss Hunter here to protect me…but alas, she is currently prioritizing Linkon City over her husband…”
The girl sulked when she realized her scare tactic didn’t work. She stepped closer and started to push her whole weight against Sylus’ leg, grunting and whining as she tried to free her captured tail. Sylus started laughing when his daughter began to beat his leg with her little fists.
“Alright, alright, enough of the love taps. I’ll move my foot, baby,” he said, lifting his leg, but before the little girl could run off, Sylus used his Evol to lift her into the air. He manipulated his Evol to carry her closer to him until the toddler was floating face-to-face with her father. He smiled at her adorable angry glare.
“Do I get a kiss before Miss Dino runs off?”
“No!” she crossed her arms stubbornly.
Sylus laughed, shaking his head in amusement. “Is this little birdie angry at me now?”
“Daddy, I’m not a birdie today!” she said defiantly, “I’m a dinosaur! Rawr!”
He laughed again. “Pardon me,” he said, “Then Miss Dino, may I request a kiss before you run off?”
She continued to pout. Sylus took this opportunity to suddenly take her into his arms, tickling her and kissing her cheek without mercy until she was laughing and gasping for breath.
“Daddy! Daddy! Not fair!”
“Mmhmm,” Sylus agreed, planting another long kiss on his daughter’s cheek, “Daddy never plays fair.”
He shifted her in his arms and motioned to his cheek with his finger. “Now kiss.”
He smiled as his daughter reluctantly kissed him.
“Try again, Little Miss,” he said, tickling her again and chuckling alongside her helpless giggles.
This time his daughter smiled and kissed his cheek more sincerely.
“Good girl,” he said, pecking her cheek again before setting her back down to the floor. He gave her bottom a quick playful swat, sighing in feigned exasperation. “Now, what is this little dino doing to my study?”
“We’re keeping Daddy company!”
“Uh huh.” His daughter smiled cheekily and pointed at the couch with the array of colorful plushies sitting on it. “Me, Smiley Dino, Sunny Dino, Azure Dino, and Grape Dino!”
“What happened to Grumpy Crow and his friends?”
Sylus pretended to look startled by the firm exclamation. “And what crime did they commit to warrant such punishment?”
The little girl huffed angrily. “They were mean to Smiley Dino!”
Without missing a beat, Sylus gasped. “And how were they mean?”
“They said Smiley Dino couldn’t join their group,” the girl answered her father.
“Well, that is truly awful,” Sylus said sincerely, kneeling down to his daughter’s height. He patted her head. “And you put them in time-out, baby?”
She nodded her head furiously. “Smiley Dino was very sad, Daddy…”
“I’m sure he was,” Sylus answered back solemnly, “But you know, baby, perhaps your plushies need to learn to play along together?”
The girl looked down, her hands clasped behind her back as she shuffled her feet reluctantly. “But they don’t want to be friends, Daddy…”
Sylus smiled and gave his daughter’s cheek a playful pinch. She giggled and swatted at his hand until he let go. “Come on, my little dino, let’s go and have a chat with your plushies.”
He picked her up and as he carried her out of his study, Sylus also used his Evol to pick up the dino plushies. Swirls of energy wrapped around each waiting plushie, lifting them into the air to follow after the father-daughter duo. Sylus smiled when he heard his daughter giggling delightfully, catching sight of her waving happily over his shoulder at the line of dino plushies floating behind them.
When they arrived at the little toddler’s bedroom, Sylus was unprepared for the sight of a jail made of pillows incarcerating four crow plushies in the middle of the large bedroom. As he walked closer, he huffed in amusement at seeing the four crow plushies tossed haphazardly inside the jail.
“Well, this jail looks comfier than the one I was in…”
“Huh?” The little girl turned to face her father with a look of utter bewilderment.
Sylus shook his head, chuckling more to himself. “Never mind, baby.”
“Daddy, down, down!” the little girl cried out, wriggling in his arms.
Sylus chuckled again and lowered her down to the floor. “Alright, alright. Impatient little dino today, aren’t you?”
Sylus also motioned with his finger to bring the dino plushies over and they surrounded the pillow jail. He smiled as his daughter looked up, her eyes wide with delight at seeing her plushies floating in the air before they gently descended. She immediately picked up Smiley Dino and hugged him tightly in her little arms.
“Now, is there a reason the crows and dinosaurs don’t get along?” Sylus asked as he knelt down to his daughter’s level. He watched as she furrowed her brows in contemplation.
“Because…because…they said Smiley Dino has a weird face…”
“Well, that is mean,” Sylus quipped. “Do you think he has a weird face?”
She shook her head furiously. “Smiley Dino is very cute!”
Sylus chuckled at her excited exclamation. “Very cute,” he agreed and gave his daughter’s cheek a gentle stroke, “But not as cute as my little dino right here.”
She puffed up her cheeks at him, seemingly annoyed. She hugged her plushie tighter. “Daddy, you’re making Smiley Dino sad, too!”
“I am just speaking the truth,” he answered affably, “Do you think I am like Grumpy Crow?”
Without a single of second of hesitation, she nodded her head.
“Well, maybe I am,” Sylus continued with a smile. He picked up the Grumpy Crow plushie, turning it around to scrutinize. “Perhaps Grumpy Crow and his friends didn’t mean to make Smiley Dino sad.”
The toddler looked at her father confused, and Sylus elaborated further: “Maybe the crows aren’t very good with their words…”
He held the crow plushie close to the dino plushie in his daughter’s arms. “Maybe he meant to say Smiley Dino has a very unique face. He’s special.”
“Daddy, is that…good?” the little girl asked tentatively.
Sylus nodded. “It can be good.” Sylus paused and raised the crow plushie close to his ear, appearing to be listening intently. His expression switched between different emotions, seemingly contemplative one second and then intrigued the next. “Ah, I see. Yes, yes, this is a big misunderstanding…”
“Daddy? What is it?” The girl walked over and tugged at her father’s sleeve. She pouted when he started laughing for seemingly no reason.
“Oh, Grumpy Crow was just telling me they didn’t mean to make Smiley Dino sad,” Sylus explained, continuing, “They also want to be friends with the dinos.”
“They do?” The girl’s eyes widened in astonishment.
“They do, baby,” he answered. He held the crow plushie out to his daughter. “Look, Grumpy Crow wants to apologize and be friends with Smiley Dino.”
The girl slowly smiled and held her dino plushie out. The two plushies ‘hugged’ before the little girl took them both into her arms to snuggle. She looked at her father with bright eyes and a toothy grin. “Daddy, they’re friends now!”
“Splendid,” he answered, “Now you have twice the number of friends to play with, right?”
She nodded happily, and gave each plushie a friendly kiss on the head.
Sylus suddenly noticed something peculiar. In the corner of his daughter’s room, there was a little canopy reading nook. Child-sized bookcases lined the wall filled with different children’s books and underneath the canopy was a soft white fur rug with different sized throw pillows surrounding the area. He noticed a few plushies were also strewn about on the rug.
“Wait, what’s this?” Sylus stood up and walked over to the reading area, picking up one of the peculiar plushies laying on the rug.
“Happy Snowman!” his daughter declared, dropping her two plushies and running over excitedly. “Mommy gave him to me.”
“Did…did she win it for you?”
“I dunno, Daddy,” his daughter answered him with a little innocent shrug. She then excitedly picked up two different plushies and held them up to her father proudly. “Look, Daddy, this is Artsy Birb and Bunbun!”
“They are…cute,” Sylus answered, tone stiff, though thankfully the little three-year-old didn’t seem to notice. Sylus knelt down to his daughter’s height again and smiled forcibly. In as even a tone as he could muster, he spoke, “Baby, why don’t you let Daddy hold onto these plushies for a while?”
His daughter tilted her head, confused, making the hood of her dinosaur onesie drooped to cover her face. Sylus fixed her hood and gave her a reassuring smile as he continued in the same tone as earlier, “Daddy is just borrowing them for a bit. I’ll give them back later…after I speak with Mommy…”
The little girl gave her father a toothy grin and nodded, not particularly caring either way. Sylus answered with another smile and with a wave of his hand, he made the three plushies disappear. He suddenly blinked in confusion when his daughter turned around and ran over to her bookshelf and picked up a seemingly random book, though it seemed to be quite a bit thicker than the other ones on the shelves.
“Daddy, story please!”
Sylus chuckled and nodded. “Yes, Miss Dino,” he answered courteously. He settled down in the reading nook, laying casually on his side with one elbow propped up and his head resting in his hand. Sylus smiled as his daughter scurried over and also settled down, handing him the book.
Sylus blinked in confusion before reading aloud the title of the book he was handed: “Analysis of Firearms Maintenance and Its Practical Applications…” He peered down at his daughter’s smiling face. He huffed in baffled amusement, asking, “Baby, did you take this from my bookshelf?”
She nodded her head eagerly and Sylus laughed. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Mischievous little dino, aren’t you?” He rubbed his nose against her cheek, causing her to giggle harder. “I didn’t realize I was raising a little klepto-dino.”
“Oh! Daddy, Daddy, my plushies…”
Sylus smiled. He motioned with his hand, and swirls of energy wrapped around the crow and dino plushies, lifting them into the air. The plushies all floated over, circling around the reading nook area briefly before one by one, they were gently lowered to surround both father and daughter. Sylus motioned for the Grumpy Crow and Smiley Dino plushies closer and his daughter happily grabbed both to snuggle.
“Happy now?”
The girl nodded, beaming brightly as her hood fell to cover her face again. She giggled and lifted the hood off before she cuddled closer to her father. She pointed excitedly at the book Sylus was holding. “Daddy, the book, the book!”
“Bossy little dino…” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Alright, page one…”
As he calmly read the book, his deep, soothing voice seemed to lull the little girl to sleep. After a few minutes, she turned away from the book, yawning, and clung to Sylus’ shirt, her small fingers absently rubbing the fabric for comfort. Sylus pulled her closer and he rested his head on a pillow as he continued to read aloud several more pages. Soon, though, the book was laid facedown, forgotten, as Sylus also found himself drifting off to sleep.
Soft, even breathing filled the room, and dreams of playful little dinosaurs and crows filled a little girl’s head as she slept peacefully, safe in her father’s protective embrace and surrounded by her cherished plushies.
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1hot-mess-express1 · 15 days ago
Sylus loves music, I think we all know this.
He enjoys sharing his love with others, often curling up with you on the couch while the record player spins in the background, his velvety voice whispering little tid bits of information in your ear. He loves going to karaoke, even bought one for the house (Kieran and Luke are often roped into impromptu concerts when he’s bored), but he especially loves going to karaoke with you, looking into your eyes while he belts some corny love ballad at you, absolutely reveling in the way you flush and get bashful. He takes you to operas and symphonies, ballets even sometimes. However, his guilty pleasure is musicals. They’re so corny and lack the suave presence of a crowded theater, everyone dressed in their best as they wait for the strings to sing. But he loves musicals. He’d splay out on the couch in the middle of the night watching movies or recordings of musicals he’s seen a thousand times over. He manages to keep this from you for quite some time until one night he hears the light pattern of your feet across the hardwood floors reaching quickly to turn the tv off and attend to you, but it’s too late. Still rubbing the sleep from your eyes you ask drearily, “was that…moulin rouge?”. He flushes bright red and doesn’t say anything. The sight immediately wakes you up as you giggle slightly, curling up next to him and turning the tv back on.
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astracora · 2 months ago
Just a lil dragon absolutely feeling himself.
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r100461 · 2 months ago
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Rostya Morozov © Me | C Lacroix © @childrenofcain-if
Art above by @artsynxse | Chibi art by me
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4ddictwithapencil · 12 days ago
Sylus listens to Frank Sinatra and will belt out songs when he thinks he's alone.
Also Luke and Kieran have 100% heard him and recorded it.
You can pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands.
Thank you.
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emotionalsupportboy · 4 months ago
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Like yes he's being a flirt and having us play along during this cute af interaction, but when MC first holds out her ring finger, his expression changes slightly:
from amusement or happiness that she's accepting the ring
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to confusion that she's holding out her actual ring finger on her LEFT HAND,
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to some mix of surprise and something vulnerable here,
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And finally to some mix of contentment and amusement again
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And not only is this detailing amazing from the devs, but it's also showing us how even Sylus is surprised we've let him in and are being so affectionate with him, even if there's an undertone of teasing and I'm just--
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sefynarose · 5 months ago
i need him so bad this isn’t good for me
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marked-by-sylus · 2 months ago
My heart… MY HEART 😩❤️‍🩹
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obsessiveotomelover · 7 months ago
MC got jokes! 🤣🤭
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Speaking of Sylus, I simply do not buy that that man can’t sing. (Maybe from one singer to another you can just hear it in people) It wouldn’t at all surprise me if he was awful on purpose to embarrass MC after she tried shooing him away
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sayangrafayel · 3 months ago
Loft talk Pt. Karaoke 🎤
Sylus' turn to sing; he starts singing.
Rafayel, proudly: Hey, you guys. I gave him the courage to do this!
Zayne: That is not nice, Caleb. But he's right, Rafayel.
Xavier: He sounds good to me.
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starmocha · 5 months ago
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Hide-and-Seek [Sylus + Daughter ★ 1247 words ★ Masterlist ★ Series Index ★ AO3] Sylus shows his daughter a fun trick. A/N: Hi, hi, I’m going to try to work on the LNDS men + their kids series again. (the plushie trend going around is giving me baby fever again :’))
Sylus groaned softly as he woke up, hearing a tiny voice just outside his bedroom calling for him. He blinked his bleary eyes, looking at the clock. It was almost nine in the morning, but for the Onychinus leader who followed a nocturnal schedule, that meant that he had not slept for too long. He could hear the voice outside his bedroom door getting louder, hearing a little girl crying, and he instantly recognized who it was. He immediately bolted up and gotten out of bed, racing to the door in a flash.
He opened the door, his eyes softened as he saw his little girl sitting there holding tightly a Grumpy Crow plushie and wiping her eyes as she cried softly, “…Daddy…Daddy…”
He immediately scooped her into his arms, smiling softly as she buried her face into his neck, crying harder as she clung to him. He rubbed her small back and shushed her gently. “Baby, why are you sitting there crying? What happened?”
The little toddler sniffled. “I can’t find Lukey…and Kier-Kier…”
Sylus raised his brow in confusion. “What do you mean? Are they not watching you?”
Sylus closed his bedroom door and walked over to his bed, sitting down and setting his daughter on his lap. He wiped at her eyes and shushed her softly again. “What do you mean you can’t find Luke and Kieran?”
The girl continued to sniffle, wiping at her runny nose furiously. She hugged her plushie tighter. “We’re playing hide-and-seek…”
Sylus immediately understood.
“I can’t find Lukey and Kier-Kier…and…I got scared…”
“Oh, baby.” Sylus immediately held his daughter closer to him. “Do you want Daddy to help you find them?”
The girl looked at her father confused. She sniffed.
Sylus smirked. “Daddy has a fun trick. Do you want to try it?”
Forgetting her tears, the girl nodded excitedly.
“Alright, hold onto me tightly now, my little birdie.”
Dropping the crow plushie, the girl wrapped her little arms tightly around her father’s neck again, and then within a flash, Sylus used his Evol, disappearing from the room, leaving behind only a faint mist of energy.
In the next instance, he reappeared in the hallway, his daughter’s giggles resounding loudly down the long, empty corridors. He shifted her in his arms and they both looked around. “Not here,” Sylus mumbled thoughtfully, hearing his daughter echoed his words. He smiled and tickled her, hearing her delightful laughter again. It was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. He just wanted to greedily pocket all of her laughter and smiles for himself.
He kissed her forehead. “Alright, where should we try next, baby?”
The girl hummed thoughtfully. “Kitchen?”
Sylus nodded. “Alright, kitchen it is,” he said, and they both vanished in another mist.
A moment later, the father-daughter duo reappeared in the kitchen. Sylus could faintly hear an unfamiliar noise nearby. He motioned for his daughter to be silent and she obediently covered her mouth with her two little hands. Sylus had to refrain from laughing at her adorable behavior. He whispered softly so only she could hear him, “Let’s try the pantry, baby.”
The girl nodded and clung to her father as they teleported from the kitchen to inside the pantry. A moment later, Luke let out a scream.
“That’s not fair, Little Miss!”
The girl giggled. “Lukey!” She held her arms out for the younger man and Sylus let her jumped over to Luke’s arms.
“Jeez, I didn’t think you would join in on the fun, Boss.”
“I didn’t think you two would let my daughter cry alone in the hallway.”
Even though Luke was wearing his mask, his demeanor changed the moment he heard Sylus’ words. He looked down at the little girl in his arms and apologized to her. “I’m sorry, Little Miss, were you scared?”
“A little…”
“Kieran and I will do better next time,” he promised. He smiled when the girl wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled closer.
“Ah—Lukey, cookie!”
The two men watched the girl, confused. They followed her hand motion and looked at the shelf behind Luke to see a jar of white and pink-frosted animal-shaped cookies with little pastel-colored nonpareils sprinkles.
Sylus crossed his arms over his chest and smirked, amused when his daughter turned and gave him her large, pleading puppy dog eyes. “Alright, just a few,” he said as he walked over and grabbed the jar on the shelf. He opened the jar and held it out to his daughter, watching with a smile as she happily and greedily grabbed as many as her little hands could hold. He lowered his voice and kissed her forehead as he spoke, “We won’t tell Mommy.”
He laughed when she held out a tiger-shaped cookie for him. He opened his mouth and let her feed him the cookie. It tasted sweeter than normal, Sylus thought, smiling as his daughter turned and held up a giraffe-shaped cookie for Luke, pushing up his mask enough to feed him.
“Well, thank you, Little Miss,” Luke responded, chewing his cookie.
“This one is for Kier-Kier,” the girl said, holding up an elephant-shaped cookie. She looked at her father with a pout, “Daddy…can we go look for Kier-Kier?”
“Of course, baby,” Sylus said as he took her back from Luke.
“Try the foyer,” Luke suggested, and Sylus nodded before disappearing once more.
In the next instance, Kieran’s scream could also be heard within the base.
“B-Boss?! Little Miss?”
Kieran instantly caught the little girl that jumped over to him. He appeared surprised when he saw her holding something in her hand to him. “What’s this, Little Miss?”
Kieran seemed to smile under his mask as he took the cookie from the little girl. “For me? Little Miss is the sweetest,” he said as he lifted his own mask enough to eat the offered confection. “Yummy.”
“Alright, baby,” Sylus said, walking over and patting his daughter’s head, “It looks like you won this game of hide-and-seek.”
The girl giggled, looking shy. “Daddy helped…”
“Little Miss knows how to use her resources,” Kieran quipped.
“Smart little birdie,” Luke’s voice joined in as he walked into the foyer, clapping in approval.
The girl seemed to blush from embarrassment at hearing all of these proud praises. Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of a motorcycle approaching from outside. Sylus smirked as he reached over for his daughter again.
“Oh? Is that Mommy?”
The girl nodded excitedly, recognizing the sound of her mother’s motorcycle. “Mommy’s home!”
“She’s very early today,” Sylus quipped. He whispered to his daughter mischievously, “We should go greet her.”
The girl clung tightly to her father again, her own mischievous smile identical to his as they disappeared from the foyer.
A moment later, a third scream was heard at Onychinus base that morning.
With a laugh and as dark feathers drifted all around, Sylus gathered the two most precious girls in his life into his arms, mumbling softly into his wife’s ear, “Welcome home, sweetie.”
“Welcome home, Mommy,” the little girl piped up, mimicking her father’s tone. She snuggled in her parents’ embrace before pulling out a cookie to Sylus’ uneasiness.
“Lion for Mommy!”
“Baby, where did you—Sylus, it’s only ten in the morning!”
“Come on, baby, let’s leave. Mommy is baring her fangs at Daddy.”
With that, Sylus disappeared again in another mist, leaving his wife yelling after him in the courtyard as their daughter giggled and snuggled closer to him.
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its-de · 7 months ago
My cheeks hurt from how hard i am smiling rn, This is so frk cutteeee 😭❤️
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astracora · 3 months ago
MC staying at Sylus' base one day, singing to themselves in the kitchen, making a drink maybe, just minding their own business. Little Mephie perched nearby as he is prone too.
Suddenly a warmth at their back as Sylus just stands there, staring down at them, face not BLANK but an emotion they don't really understand. He's not touching them, he's just there, staring, when they falter with their song, stopping out of curiousity, maybe worry.
Small flicker of a frown, a waver in deep red eyes. 'Don't stop'.
So they nudge him over to stand nearby so they feel a little less bug under a microscope, and haltingly continue, humming again before they re-find the rhythm and resume singing away, smiling to themselves and smiling at Sylus when he brokenly hums along trying to pick up the flow. Maybe he joins in properly, maybe he doesn't because this is the first time he's heard them sing in years and years.
A settling in the chest, doesn't matter the song, but as they smile at him and he hums along, he feels soothed like a tranquil lake.
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roxynani9292 · 29 days ago
Sylus bday gift & song 2024 🆚️2025
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