#swordsman rambles
isabeauwolf · 3 months
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That challenging smug smile 🫣🤭🥰❣️😍 Law's not giving up, he's just getting started! Get'em, my snow leopard 🐆 Go kick some ass!
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pooks · 1 month
i just had a very hilarious idea
at the end of the WCI arc, when the Retrieval Squad are safe and heading towards Wano, Nami laments that she had somewhat hoped to get the chance to steal some money from Big Mom
and then Ichiji, the madlad, just untucks his shirt and lifts it up. what happens? sacks with Berry and jewelry falls down on the lawn deck
Ichiji casually reveals that that he, just hours before the Whole Cake Wedding Assasination, decided to sneak and raid so much treasure from his and Sanji's sire.
"child support." he simply says. "with interest, of course."
Nami, of course, get Berry sign in her eyes and just says "Ichiji...you know that you're my best friend, right?" and Ichiji just smiles, a real genuine smile for the first time since Dressrosa, and says "of course, Nami dearest. would you have the honor to keep these safely?"
but it's on one condition; Ichiji wants to keep a specific jewelry box that belonged to his and Sanji's mother Sora.
while Nami is busy counting the money, Sanji and Ichiji sits together and looks in their mother's jewelry box, remembering and admiring the beautiful necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets she used to own. there is also old photographs, hand-written notes and small bottles with perfume from the North Blue.
Sanji wanted Nami to have some, but she declined and said she didn't need it. Nami understood perfectly well that it was Ichiji and Sanji's late mother's things
none of them are sure what to do with the jewelry box and its' contents, but Ichiji simply stole it back because he didn't had the heart to leave it behind
also later
Sanji: *cooking lunch* WAIT you stole all that from the treasury and then fought with sacks of gold and jewels in your clothes?! Ichiji: what, like it's hard? *sips wine like an absolute icon*
also bonus
post-Wano, Zoro absolutely threw himself in the ocean for a swim when he saw Sanji wearing his mother's sapphire and gold earrings. the marimo claimed the weather was hot when they were actually closer to a spring island.
Nami called bullshit on that lol
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littleswordsman-au · 1 year
Is the battle between zoro and mihawk at the baratie any different in this au? Love your blog btw!! :D
Yeah kinda! I've wanted to make a comic for a while now but I don't think I'll ever get to it, so I'll try to summarize it here instead.
First of all, Zeff & Sanji immediately recognize Zoro now when the straw hats show up. Not too much is different on this front, it just opens up more room for Zeff & straw hat interactions. As well as Zoro & Sanji bickering 👍
The actual Mihawk fight goes really similar to canon, but the general feelings and dialogue are different. Mihawk would probably say something like "I didn't realize this day would come so soon" and Zoro would clench his teeth harder around Wado like "You said the next time we saw each other we'd fight."
Sanji probably also stays back for this version, ofc he quietly begs his best friend not to throw his life away, he clutches at his suit's lapels and wonders why he's friends with such an idiot, but deep down he can only picture the All Blue, he can only picture his own little hands playing with a stove for the first time, and he looks at Zoro and can only picture an 8-year-old boy with stars in his eyes.
Mihawk might skip his kogatana this time and immediately unsheath Yoru, since he already knows and respects Zoro's skill. It's still a super one-sided duel, but Zoro does seem to stand a minor chance. (He's had 8 years to observe Mihawk's fighting style to try and prepare for it, of course).
There's also ofc the angst of the aftermath, of Zoro writing home to Koshiro and explaining what happened. Koshiro isn't thrilled that they fought so soon after Zoro first left to hunt bounties, he isn't thrilled it's only been 3 years, he's never been thrilled in the first place about the concept of two people he adores feeling the need to fight to the death.
And then there's his conversation with Mihawk. The disappointment, the tension, the bittersweet understanding. Koshiro just wants what's best for his son, he wants his son to succeed and to follow his goals. He knows Mihawk only wants the same, he knows Mihawk just wants someone to overtake him so he can finally settle down and live that quiet life he only mutters about.
But um yeah the baratie fight is a big highlight in this AU hehe.
Also thankies!! Ik I don't post here much anymore but I do still love this au a lot, I'm glad people haven't lost interest
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anthurak · 4 months
Random little Yugioh idea/headcanon I’ve been mulling over lately:
Post-DM/DSOD, Joey becomes a Pro-Duelist as he alludes to during the movie. However, Joey doesn’t actually play Red Eyes Black Dragon anymore in his pro-career, instead, playing a full warrior-focused deck.
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Specifically, one based around Flame Swordsman and using all those very nifty new cards for it that came out IRL recently.
Really, I think this only makes sense. Despite Red Eyes being his iconic ‘ace’ monster, Joey’s ‘bread and butter’ has always been warriors, and Flame Swordsman is still basically his Spirit Monster. So I think it’s pretty cool to imagine Joey ‘returning to his roots’ with a warrior deck focused around his favorite monster.
So what happens to Red Eyes Black Dragon if Joey isn’t playing them anymore?
Well, while the obvious option might be that Joey ends up passing Red Eyes to a young and starry eyed fan by the name of Atticus Rhodes in setup for GX, I’ve got a more fun idea:
In this hypothetical sequel fic/series idea, it’s at first a bit of a mystery as to what happened to Joey’s Red Eyes, as in we see Joey playing a few duels all conspicuously NOT using his once-iconic dragon.
Only to get a surprise reveal where all of a sudden, Serenity breaks out Red Eyes Black Dragon in a duel. And not just Red Eyes, but also a pure Red Eyes-focused deck with all the requisite support and the advanced fusion versions like Red Eyes Slash Dragon and Archfiend Black Skull Dragon.
It turns out that Serenity wanted to get into dueling around the same time Joey was getting ready to go pro, and after teaching her everything he knows, Joey passed Red Eyes on to her. Both as a gift, and because Joey saw it as giving Serenity his most powerful and trusted monster/companion to watch over her.
Like when magic chicanery starts happening, it turns out that Red Eyes the monster spirit is absolutely watching over Serenity and keeping her safe.
Also, I’d say there’s even something of a precedent for this. The only time in the show that Serenity duels, during the Virtual World arc, she used Goddess with the Third Eye as her deckmaster, which of course had a fusion effect. So Serenity playing a fusion-focused deck would certainly be thematically appropriate.
So yeah, Serenity with Red Eyes Black Dragon. I think it would be pretty awesome :)
Actually come to think of it, this would fit perfectly into the Tea/DMG-focused ‘Successor of Dark Magic’ storyline I’ve been workshopping for years now…
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desultory-novice · 1 year
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...You won't win...
You beat me but... I'm just one battle. Go ahead, make me your monster. You want me that badly? I'm yours. Put me front and center of your army of the damned. I'll be your blade, leading the charge.
As long as you remember, whatever the hell you are... I know a force exists out there that's more powerful than even you. I've seen it once before. And she's only the beginning. There are more like her...
So know, damn you... that while I'm your swordsman, I'm also your destined destruction...! And the moment I fall...You'll be next!!
Noir with the eyemouth inspired by @camachine
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the-owl-tree · 11 months
I'm just saying I think Ashfur being Hollyleaf's mentor would have been more interesting than him being Lionblaze's...
soooooo true, i think with tbc it would have been really interesting if we got to see more of this code revering side of ashfur who hammered in the importance of being faithful to it in hollyleaf. like not only does that add to both their characters, her murdering the mentor who instilled her values into her.....mwah very nice
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dkniade · 1 year
headcanon/scenario (I’ve been thinking about team dynamics again)
In Fontaine, Childe learns about (the play) Cyrano de Bergerac, and learns some Cyrano monologues
Next time he does the weekly spar, he starts throwing in some French Fontainian into the list of things he say in battle
— Oh ! frappé par la seule arme noble qui soit,
Et par un ennemi qu’on sait digne de soi,
Sur un gazon de gloire et loin d’un lit de fièvres,
Tomber la pointe au cœur en même temps qu’aux lèvres !
If I’m not mistaken (though I’m by no means fluent. Do correct me, if there are mistakes), I do believe it means…
-- Oh! struck by the only noble weapon there is,
And by an enemy who you know is worthy of yourself.
On a field of glory and far from a feverish bed,
Falling off the peak of one’s heart at the same time of one’s lips !
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romance-rambles · 6 months
questionable decisions were made
[i am 30 paints poorer now]
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i regret nothing until summer kicks in
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Sometimes I realize that Rusl would be absolutely jacked
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this h.ikari voice line... AHSU3UJSHAJSH
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anoddopal · 8 months
9 and 10 for the s/i ask game! (asking for both the regular timeline and the au timeline! 👀) -gideongrovel
[Link to ask game!!]
Main Timeline
9. Who are your self insert’s closest friends?
Bun’s very closest friends are Ni.co Robin, Tony Tony Cho.pper, and her ✨~flashy~✨ bestie, Bu.ggy the Clown!
The friendship bewteen Silva and Robin has been explained in more depth HERE; but as a whole, they are cut from a very similar cloth. Just your average duo of morbidly curious history buffs who in time- found their respective reasons to live. ❤️‍🩹
Ch.opper is Bun's preferred doctor. He took care of her when she briefly traveled with the St.raw Hats. Bun was rather unwell after the Ala.basta incident, and her pets communicated to the reindeer that she needed help. As a result she adores the little guy [+bonus points in his favor that he's an animal]! They both look up to each other; Bun admires his dedication to his craft, and respects the fact that he is a talented medical professional, despite some of his more childish mannerisms. Ch.opper outright thinks that Silva is cool, if not something of a badass- he always carefully regards the life advice she provides him with. Tony is always happy to translate what Silva's pets say to her! Even a ways off into the future, Bun still goes to him for her significant medical needs; or sometimes Ch.opper makes the trip to her. The little guy may be the only person that Bun earnestly listens to when he scolds her to take better care of herself.
Bu.ggy and Bun were practically instant friends. They initially met when Bu.ggy made a trip to Ala.basta to search for THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE his on-agin-off-again partner, Jinx [@/mothlover69]. Bu.ggy quickly perceived Bun as a secret freak outcast, and Bun couldn't help but think he'd be a fascinating specimen to observe, er, a unique acquaintance to have! In any case, they got along decently well right off of the bat, so much so that Bu.ggy eagerly allowed Bun to live on his ship after she decided she didn't have the heart to keep traveling with the St.raw Hats. Actually, rumor has it that he just shot out his detached hands and scooped her + her pets onto the Big Top sometime before Lu.ffy's crew made it to Jaya!
It would be fair to say that B.uggy is a bad influence on her. It would also be fair to say that she’s as equally of a good influence on him. He’s learned how to be slightly better because of her. For example, the slack he cut for a frightened Transponder Snail at Mar.ineford was due in part to Bun’s impact. Most of the time Bun is the responsible one in their friendship, but in the event she’s not at her best, she has a tendency to feed into Bu.ggy’s nonsense. This was extremely evident when Bun was in a post-breakup[?] depression after Ala.basta, and Bu.ggy chose to enable all of Bun’s bad habits. What, what’s the harm in eating candy and cake for breakfast? Breakfast… three meals a day… HEY, he got her to eat, okay?! Psshh, he was only trying to comfort his friend! That’s what friends do, right? They cheer each other up? [Bless Jinx for rising up as the responsible adult in this specific situation!]
Bun respects Bu.ggy as her friend, but she also tends to call him out on his bullshit. [Nagging is one of her love languages!] Bu.ggy huffs at this tendency of hers, but deep down he knows that she wouldn’t do it if she didn’t really care about him. He very much enjoys the attention she gives him in any context. He furthermore appreciates her authenticity even though he doesn’t always know what to do with her… wholesomeness. Whereas Bun appreciates how she can ease up and laugh around him. In the future, Bun protects him from the wrath of her ill-tempered husbands.
Bu.ggy has been desperate to get his best bun to join his crew for a very long time. After she left with Cro.codile after the battle at Mar.ineford, he had a meltdown due the fact she was gone. [Actually he thought she was dead! They got separated during the battle and never regrouped. When Bun eventually came back a few weeks later to collect some of her belongings that were still on the ship, Bu.ggy legitimately thought he was being haunted by her ghost.] Though the two end up working within close proximity when Cross Gu.ild is formed, Bu.ggy still laments she still didn’t choose to join up with him. Listen, the guy is a better friend to her than most would think- however, that doesn’t mean that he still isn’t just a taaaad selfish. 🙄
Bu.ggy has since added some more pastels to his flashy wardrobe, while Bun can semi-frequently be seen wearing oddly clownish makeup [Bu.ggy uses her face as a canvas when she allows it].
[This answer really only included dynamics with canon characters but I simply must give shoutouts to @/mothlover69’s Jinx and @/jj-exe’s JJ!! They are also Bun’s beloved fwiends.]
10. How do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
Most folks are baffled as to why/how Bun and Cro.codile ended up together. They became even more confused when Mi.hawk also married Bun years down the line. Bun is very small and kind- her husbands seem like too harsh of people for somebody like her. [Little do they realize how ridiculously soft the are for bun-]
But given that the three seem outwardly content with their dynamic, the rest of the world can only assume that Bun is extremely powerful, having wrangled two former Warlords of the Sea and all! And that assumption is not wrong. uwu
Robin is glad for her friend. She saw Bun and Cro.codile together during their early days, and she knows firsthand how inseparable they are. Bu.ggy does NOT care for his business associates/his best bun's husbands. They eat up her TIME and ATTENTION!! >:o( And he also secretly worries that they're mean to her like how they are to him!! However, the flashy fool has nothing to worry about.
Somebody -> 🦩 may be not-so-secretly seething with jealousy about the relationship, but the details on that matter are better kept hush-hush.
Forbidden Fruit AU
9. Who are your self insert’s closest friends?
Why, Bun’s very best friend in this timeline is the good doctor, D.oc Q! Ca.tarina D.evon and Ku.zan are also quite close with her.
D.oc Q is her ride or die. They have that Horse Girl [or uh, Horse Boy in this case?] 🤝 Rabbit Girl connection. They are both chronically ill [ofc Doc's health issues are much more dire] and count on their prey animal pets to get by: he has his horse Stronger🐴 [mobility aid] and Silva has her lapin🐰 Stratus [ESA]. Doc has a way of knowing what's amiss with Bun before she even knows herself- he furthermore was able to pick up on some of her health issues that she didn't initially disclose to him. Bun assists him with his work when needed- D.oc Q has the MD degree and Bun has the bedside manner, lol. Though she mostly helps him take proper care of Stonger, which is something he is eternally grateful for.
It was Doc who first started referring to Silva as "lucky", which is a judgement that has stuck, though Bun denies it. Bun will sing with others, but Doc is the only person she will sing to. He insists that her low-toned warbles are soothing, that the sound helps him feel better when he's sick. The often have deep discussions about death and the fragility of life. If D.oc Q's mantra is "memento mori", then Bun-Bun Silva is soon to follow with a gentle "memento vivere".
When Ca.tarina Devon first joined the crew, Bun was ecstatic! Being surrounded by a bunch of men all the time was… a bit exhausting, so finally having a woman around was a nice change of pace. Of course, Devon is as rotten as the rest of them, but she found that she couldn’t possibly rain on Bun’s parade. Turns out it’s nice to have a platonic “gal pal” to share the AFAB experience with. They’re both LGBT+, they manifest ~queen~ energy together, and Devon continuously tries to teach Bun how to live the: Gaslight. Gatekeep. Girlboss 💅 way of life. However, Bun is a bit too kindhearted to really adapt that approach to herself. So Devon has to settle for engaging Bun in juicy gossip- which Bun is juuuuuust petty enough to indulge in. 💖💜💅✨
Ku.zan and Silva are alike in ways that set them apart from their other crew members. Both have a capacity for compromise and compassion. They are disenchanted with the World Government; they found they could seek their own freedom and fulfill their own needs by aligning themselves with Bla.ckbeard. Out of everyone else they’re the most socially acceptable out of the bunch. Ku.zan had his world turned on his head, which is a feeling of despair that Bun can relate to on a deep level. She’s always interested to hear what his life was like when he was a Marine, and she always chuckles bitterly when she relates to how his perspective was forced to change. Ku.zan enjoys her ability to match his dry humor- but the ice puns get a little repetitive. Overall they have a seemingly casual, yet actually rather close, friendship!
Oh! And Bun tends to give the latter two unwarranted relationship advice. "You know Devon, maybe you'd have a girlfriend if you didn't keep trying to behead every date you've landed since you've been a free woman! 💀 And Ku.zan! Please tell me you didn't try the 'big bazongas' cold opening on another poor woman again-"
10. How do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
The rest of the Bla.ckbeard Pirates wholly support Silva and La.ffitte as a couple! Their union was a product of destiny after all- the two were simply meant to be. None of them would ever deny that fact or attempt to get in the way of their relationship. They’re the crew’s resident lovebirds. [It helps that La.ffitte, in a terrifyingly cheerful manner, makes it clear to any potential newcomers he and his beloved wife are strictly exclusive… and any person who attempts to challenge that will be dealt with accordingly.]
… Though in the beginning, the crew were almost certain Bun would end up with D.oc Q, given how close they are. But it seems fate had other plans in store!
And as for the rest of the world; as for everyone that was close to Bun before she became involved with Te.ach's crew? They're very concerned. The Bun they knew would never associate with a person like that! Something must be wrong. Something must have gone horribly wrong.
... Sir Cr.ocodile is filled with so many regrets...
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eye-of-yelough · 2 months
fun thing about developing my rook while the game isn’t even out yet so i don’t know what kinda Situations he’s gonna be in is the fact it’s making me ‘develop’ him as just like. a run of the mill da/bg3 companion and the kind of things he would say. the greeting lines that depend on approval, the things you’d be able to ask him, etc…
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thebahwrites · 1 year
Okay babygirls (gender neutral). I've surrendered, getting back on my shit because of One Piece. Send writing prompts for oneshots/ficlets! I'll use those as my warmups normally! So if anyone wants <3 inbox is open.
I'll do romantic and platonic and family stuff, though I'm like. Done with OPLA and uhhhh plunging through the anime.
I think I'll do
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ofcowardiceandkings · 6 months
had dumb thought might draw it later
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lynne-monstr · 1 year
I am obsessed with recontextualizing that scene in the tka novel, where huang shaotian is helping ye xiu and they battle the tyranny guild in a private arena. huang shaotian is using flowing tree and zhang xinjie is there fighting too.
everything is exactly the same except huang shaotian and zhang xinjie are best friends.
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mattis-flo · 1 year
How does Dark Matter Swordsman feel about Mettna?
He's thoroughly annoyed by her but has a liking and intrigue for mettna somewhere in him. he's interested in learning who she might be, as she has a familiarity to her that he cannot recognize.
mettna doesn't speak a whole lot to him, and has him believe she's unable to communicate.
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