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monochromeanubis · 17 days ago
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Staring wistfully at Shri'iia like a wet puppy........
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my own Tav would think she's so neat @swordmaid
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saessenach · 10 months ago
🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
hiii so
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I'll cheat and give a tiiiny bit of context - this is Shanks showing off his assthe goods while serenading his bride in chapter 1 of @missmungoe 's amazing Salt Vows. She always writes the best weddings AND WITH SUCH A GROOM IT'S NO SURPRISE kdkdks
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yaminotakemaru · 2 years ago
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I can't anymore. I wanted to wait until my pc is back from the repairs.. but I can't wait anymore. I have to share this amazing piece of art. Look at it, it is fantastic. My dream came true. A commission by @swordmaid is the best gift ever. I still can't believe it.
My ocs grawan and his betrothed Aleyna Dayne have looks that say "I'm madly in love" And the leaves and the tree.. I'm also in love. With the art and swordmaids skills. AMAZING. I CAN'T ANYMORE...
SO worth the wait, it's perfect. To have my ocs in her style. I wanted that for a long time. Thank youu again.
Thank youu 💕
Credit goes to @swordmaid
Ocs by me @tagarianblack
A song of Ice and Fire is own by G. R. R. Martin
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Artist part 3
cosmiart last updated 01/02/2025
gaya-the-k (tagged as gaayak) last updated 14/02/2025 
jroahn last updated 01/12/2024
mylestoyne on hold (due to error)
bidonicart last updated 05/12/2023 (2023)
swordmaid last updated 03/11/2024
fawnilu last updated 28/06/2023 (2023)
shripscapi last updated  01/02/2025
elenyaart last updated 02/08/2024 (2024)
melrosing last update 01/03/2025
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ziphius · 1 year ago
@swordmaidOo love this, thanks for sharing so much! If a paladin isn’t delusional about their god in at least one way, what’s even the point? I love her thinking that killing Minthara will go over so well only to have that be the final straw. And for listening to gale 💀
Have you thought about doing a play though where you recruit Minthara as Shri’iia? Idk where her’s story ends because I haven’t finished a run with her, but it seems like she’s focused on revenge after her abandonment. Could be an interesting path….
I’m definitely obsessed with my oathbreaker paladin durge, Hap. He an oath of devotion paladin who upon waking immediately pledges himself to try to rid himself of his urges and to gain a clear set of rules he can follow to “be good”. 
But that bloodlust do be strong… After killing the harpies early on to save Mirkon, he’s like COOL I get to kill and be good! So that carries him though the grove and into act 2, where he starts to get more sloppy with who he can kill “for the greater good”. 
So he’s made his way into moonstone and basically just starts killing anyone he can get away with. But I guess sneaking up and killing them in cold blood is still technically “bad” for a paladin of devotion… whoops. 
At this point Hap doesn’t feel like he can stand on his own without this set of rules so he desperately prays to get his oath back, and doesn’t even want to talk to the dude he’s like get out of here I need to study up so this never happens again. Then he gets unhealthily obsessed with his oath, yay!
His arc in act thee has to do with him coming to trust himself and realizing that he's able to control himself more and more as he resists his durges, so when he breaks his oath again he’s ready to release it and live on his own. 
Anyway, you didn’t ask about my boy but I took that opportunity to write it out… No worries if you didn't read all that, lol. I’m writing up a fic about the harpy fight and how it affects Hap and having a great time with my first creative writing in so long! Love this game and love reading about your characters :) 
What did Shri'iia do that finally broke her oath? I love hearing about your bg3 character arcs, and my fav play through I was an oathbreaker durge- so I'm interested in hearing more!
so for some background context for Shri’iia - she was a paladin of Lolth who was in service to the matriarch of House Faen Tlabbar for like 100+ years or so. She’s kind of like the matriarch’s hidden weapon, no one knew about her existence except for the matriarch (bc before she was a paladin, she was just another commoner who didn’t belong to any noble house) and she was kept in the dark until her matriarch had some use for her. Like Menzoberranzan is a city that thrives in deceit and secrecy and the best weapon someone could have is a weapon that’s unknown to everyone else but completely loyal to you. Shri’iia agreed to this arrangement since didn’t belong to any noble houses prior - and she’s ambitious as hell lmfao she wanted to be at the top of their hierarchy. To her, she had everything to gain and nothing to lose - not to mention that the matriarchs were the closest beings to Lolth and through them, her will is re-enacted so how could she refuse? so she is like a well trained hound in a way, who’s completely loyal to the spider queen and her matriarch and she does not know anything else but to serve her spider queen bc Lolth is everything….!!!!
that is, until she gets kidnapped, tadpoled, and left in the surface
and the thing is, in all her years she has never once stepped foot in the surface. she hasn’t even explored the entirety of menzoberranzan bc she spent most of her days hidden away. not to mention everything she knows about the surface is from gossip and the horrible shit they tell you about how drows are hated there, and how you’ll be hunted like an animal the moment they see your red eyes, and all that terrible shit. so suffice to say shri’iia is terrified! she hasn’t even seen the sun ever before and she hasn’t touched grass either so now you’re expecting her to be fine when she’s left in a place that could kill her bc she’s a drow? not to mention the tadpole in her head? like early act 1 is just a stressful time for her and the fact that she joins up with these other tadpoled folks who could kill her anytime doesn’t make it less stressful
anyway, bc she’s so paranoid and rn she’s like a professional liar in her nature 🫶 (she’s a charlatan) she makes up this story about how she was born in the surface in some small town that has a population of less than 100, and she obviously does not worship Lolth ew and her oath? she follows a noble cause don’t worry about it (:. so she sticks by that back story to earn the other’s trust! and to save her own skin, more or less but by doing so she’s essentially hiding and being ashamed of her Lolth worship and oh that’s not -
in the ACTUAL game, shri’iia breaks her oath because she tells minthara where the grove is. in her head, what better way to punish a traitor of Lolth than to kill her where everyone is watching! 🤭🤭 like punishments for traitors has to public and humiliating like that is such a good plan (in her head!) except that she didn’t take into account that Lolth was getting tired of her ass for hiding her Lolth worship NOT to mention that she’s not acting like how a paladin of lolth should be acting like why are you listening to some man first of all (since I hc gale is the leader of the party). and by killing minthara in front of the grove she offhandedly saves the tieflings which is another 🫤🫤🫤 as a paladin of Lolth like she‘s gonna have such a bad grade in being an evil aligned paladin
So tl;dr - Shri’iia ends up lying about her entire backstory out of self preservation meaning that she has to lie about her Lolth worship. Lolth is a fickle and proud goddess who doesn’t stand by that shit and drops her ass, now Shri’iia spends the remaining half of act 1 in denial trying to win back Lolth’s favour or else she has to deal with the fact that her identity is essentially gone and she’s been abandoned by the goddess she has fully devoted herself to 🫶🫶
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apollopolls · 1 month ago
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plutonex · 7 months ago
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last minute artfight attack, not safe for artfight (legally) version (aka uncropped/uncensored version) (i forgot that you're not allowed to post canon characters on site)
shri'iia - @swordmaid !!
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redwalltournaments · 2 years ago
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ilynpilled · 25 days ago
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good u mention this bc i found this old screenshot yesterday that does still send me a bit. like i would generally support this sentiment of essentially being like “can beauty even be truly objective? what is ‘ugly’?” by honing in on the norms she specifically is impacted by, but again it is undermined by the fact that u always do see ppl call her “horrifying to look at” and “monstrous” if she is depicted in the way that she is described, which just makes this angle ring p empty to me bc clearly u ppl think that this is “ugly”, and there are ppl who look like this, which is the point and george’s intention anyway with all of this. it is important to what he is trying to say and do with this character
re brienne being ugly i think people in general struggle with liking, empathising or being attracted to ugly people. so they like brienne, because she’s an incredible character obviously, but the fact that she’s ugly makes them uncomfortable and needs to be “fixed” in the way they draw or describe her. she suddenly becomes pretty by today’s standards or whatever other justification, mostly because a lot of people do judge morality based on looks. she’s a good person so she can’t be ugly. but she is and that’s the point.
agree with the first part but im not even sure if its mostly about morality. like i think people are fine with accepting that appearance ≠ morality, even if the halo effect exists. what makes people uncomfortable imo is when they are actually central characters, given storylines and effort and space that is only reserved for the attractive “ideal” protagonists we are so familiar with. brienne for example having a key romance & being very thematically significant & being given her own pov and arc, tyrion being the most prevalent character in the series with immense complexity etc. and they are explicitly unattractive. heroes and protagonists being not “ideal” is that unusual. theres a subconscious need to adjust or fix that.
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oday-akram · 3 months ago
🌟Continuous Hope with Your Support🌟
Dear friends, the last donation we received was Two days, and contributions have been very slow since then. This leaves us feeling disheartened because we know that the change we aspire to requires your strong support. We understand that times can be tough, but every contribution, no matter how small, gives us hope and helps us continue.
The campaign was documented by
@gaza-evacuation-funds here My number on the list is 369
@el-shab-hussein here
@nabulsi here
@catnapdreams here
@wellwaterhysteria here
@a-shade-of-blue here
@ibtisams here
@todobeku here
@dlxxv-vetted-donations here
@victormcdicktor here
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@swordmaid @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
@saharawitch @brownpaperhag @jehadism @voidpumpkin @victormcdicktor
@omegaversereloaded @feluka @rhubarbspring @serial-unaliver-deactivated2024 @prodigy2016
@dlxxv-vetted-donations @annabelle--cane @comrademango @appsa @goldenspirits
@zvaigzdelasas @stemmoodboard @shivroy @frigidwife @leguin
@cuntylouis @prisonhannibal @neptunerings @odinsblog @turtletoria
@yughioferrer-blog @mavigator @lacecap @toiletpotato @log6
@the-eldritch-it-gay @sabertoothwalrus @zamanassad @tadpoledyke
@thatdiabolicalfeminist @rhubarbspring @neptunerings
@redbud @3000s @komsomolka @opencommunion
@halorvic @horreurscopes @marxism-transgenderism @nogender-onlystars @khanger
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abdulqader-2 · 4 months ago
Don't skip please
My name is Abdelqader Abu Ghosh, I’m 18 years old, from Gaza. I live in a city that embodies resilience amidst the sounds of war and the smell of destruction, where life feels like a series of endless challenges. Here, I’ve learned that life isn’t just days passing by, but moments we face and decisions we make, even as we live under a war that never seems to end.
Each day brings a new battle, not only for survival but for hope, a hope we try to keep alive amid all this rubble. I dream of a normal life, waking up one day without the sounds of explosions, seeing my friends and family safe. Despite all the pain, I hold onto a simple dream — to leave a mark, to be part of the change this place deserves.
I long for a future where I can write my story in my own way, where Gaza is safe, and life is simpler than it is now. Through all the hardships, I remain hopeful that tomorrow may bring better things, for myself and my loved ones, because here we dream and rebuild, no matter what.
Every donation will help me achieve my dream.
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@halorvic @horreurscopes @marxism-transgenderism @nogender-onlystars @khanger@thatdiabolicalfeminist @rhubarbspring @schoolhater @neptunerings @autisticmudkip
@redbuddi @3000s @komsomolka @dirhwangdaseul @opencommunion@swordmaid @northgazaupdates @a-shade-of-blue @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @wellwaterhysteria
@saharawitch @brownpaperhag @jehadism @voidpumpkin @victormcdicktor
@omegaversereloaded @feluka @rhubarbspring @serial-unaliver @prodivorce
@dlxx-vetted-donations @annabelle--cane @comrademango @appsa @goldenspirits
@zvaigzdelasas @stemmonade @shivroy @frigidwife @leguin
@cuntylouis @prisonhannibal @neptunerings @odinsblog @turtletoria
@yughioz @mavigator @lacecap @toiletpotato @log6
@the-eldritch-it-gay @sabertoothwalrus @zamanassad @jihaad @tadpoledyke
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ulmo80 · 5 months ago
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I fell into the rabbit hole of amigurumis. After showing my first attemps to some friends who happen to be in the JB fandom, one told me I have to make our two favourite blonds and sent me a tutorial. However, they were show based, but I wanted their book version, in specific this one by lovely @swordmaid
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So I mixed a few tutorials. Brienne's dress is from a Merida, her hair from a Coraline, though longer. Jaime's hair is from the Merida's tutorial, though shorter, and the boots from a Zuko's. And so on. I hope you like it 🤓
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acjrven · 6 months ago
i have been so deep in brain rotting over jaime and brienne i can’t stop thinking what they would be up to in the riverlands for the last 13 years now 😔 (lady stoneheart be kind plz especially to my dearest brienne n podrick)
(i am terrified of winds of winter because i swear to god it GRRM kills one of them off before they can even romantically confess or kisses i am going to scream and start a riot)
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credit to @swordmaid for the beautiful artwork omg
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kyrumption · 1 month ago
“In 1948, my grandfather and grandmother were displaced from their home in the village of Demra and came to Gaza as refugees. They worked and built the house that contained all my uncles and aunts and their grandchildren. They built it stone by stone with their own hard work and suffering. This building became the only shelter for my family after the Palestinian Nakba. It became the home, the shelter, and the safe haven that contained us and brought us together.”
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“Then came the 2023 war and we were displaced from our home for the second time and became refugees and displaced persons. We came from the north of Gaza to the south, searching for shelter to protect us from the Zionist bombing. We lived in tents and bombed houses. We were bombed several times and we were all injured by shrapnel from the war. Every time we miraculously survived the war. But we always had hope that the war would end and we would return to the building and meet together after you separated me and my uncles. On the morning of January 19, the truce was supposed to begin and the war was supposed to end at 8:30, when we received the news that our building had been bombed and completely destroyed.
I have now become a refugee, displaced and homeless 💔 How difficult it is to see all the people celebrating the end of the war while a new war has begun for me with the destruction of my only home and refuge. I hope you can help me, even a little, to make up for the things that are gone. All my belongings are gone, as are all my memories. My future is completely destroyed. I am now homeless, searching for a shelter that will protect me from the evil of this mortal world. My beautiful home that was destroyed by the occupation on the last day of the war and made us homeless. This house contained more than 150 people.😭💔
All I wish for is to extract something from under the rubble of my house to keep with me as a souvenir 💔”
- Eslam (16) @eslammsaidd
You can follow her on instagram and twitter and donate using the links below.
Listen to her story in her own words here 🎥
Eslam’s family urgently needs $800 for the transportation back to Jabalia, to see the ruins of their home and they need our ongoing support as they begin to pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives
@palhelp @paper-mario-wiki @paparoach @potato-bake-sidedish @gaza-relief-fund @gazagfmboost @gaza-evacuation-funds @noble-kale @nabulsi @autisticmudkip @comrademango @riotbard @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @rhubarbspring @thatsonehellofabird @saturngalore @acehimbo @karlmarxmaybe @lesbianmaxevans @butchmagicalboi @ashwantsafreepalestine @hehemechief @variantsofblue @good-old-gossip @random-autie-fangirl @longlivepalestina @huckleberrycomics @nerdytextileartist @catautism @heliopixels @kinderes @wellwaterhysteria @wis-art @vampiricvenus @littlestpersimmon @mangocheesecakes @teethburied @jewfrogs @greed-the-dorkalicious @t4tails @fat-rolls-frictions @lugosis @ilynpilled @a-shade-of-blue @swordmaid @taiturner @sketiana @90-ghost
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theotherpacman · 5 months ago
"Beauty, they called her... mocking. The hair beneath the visor was a squirrel's nest of dirty straw, and her face... Brienne's eyes were large and very blue, a young girl's eyes, trusting and guileless, but the rest... her features were broad and coarse, her teeth prominent and crooked, her mouth too wide, her lips so plump they seemed swollen. A thousand freckles speckled her cheeks and brow, and her nose had been broken more than once. Pity filled Catelyn's heart. Is there any creature on earth as unfortunate as an ugly woman?
And yet, when Renly cut away her torn cloak and fastened a rainbow in its place, Brienne of Tarth did not look unfortunate. Her smile lit up her face, and her voice was strong and proud as she said, 'My life for yours, Your Grace. From this day on, I am your shield, I swear it by the old gods and the new.'"
-- A Clash of Kings, George R. R. Martin
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Brienne the Blue of King Renly Baratheon's Rainbow Guard, daughter of Lord Selwyn Tarth, the Evenstar
I finally drew my girl Brienne!!!! in the book her armor is all scratched up and shit but I wanted to draw some nice beautiful armor for my girl. hopefully I succeeded in that. character design is heavily informed by that of @swordmaid who does my favorite Brienne <3 (if ur reading this I also love ur Jaime)
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midnight1404 · 4 months ago
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Wonderful commision of my Knight!oc from the talented @swordmaid 💙
His name is Cedric, he is an ""orphan"" that was Tyrion's steward and squire in training for years pre-agot but thanks to a lot of misfortune or luck, he ends taking place as one of Robb stark's squires :3
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