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[First new monster of 2025! Which is kind of a shame, because January is almost over. But I have been doing some writing. I'm hoping to get a regular posting schedule going from now on, of twice a week. Key word is hoping]
Swordkeeper CR 10 N Construct This vaguely humanoid construct is made of metal and stone, with four arms and stout legs. Its head is shaped like a helmet and set atop a wide torso. Inside its chest is a blade, chained in place and surrounded with crackling energy.
Swordkeepers are constructs created as both a display case and security system. Each swordkeeper has a component where a weapon can be placed, and the swordkeeper can create force projections of that weapon to use in combat itself. One handed weapons are commonly placed in swordkeepers, the better for the creature to use all four of its arms, but swordkeepers dual-wielding two-handed weapons are not unheard of. Despite the name, a swordkeeper can be used to store axes, hammers, and even polearms. Most swordkeepers store +2 weapons or those of similar levels of enhancement, but even a mundane weapon may be kept in a swordkeeper if it is of particularly significance.
Although they are not sapient, swordkeepers are capable of surprisingly sophisticated tactics, the result of their magical construction. They can respond to changing battlefield conditions by switching from melee to ranged combat, use their raise guard ability to fight defensively if enemies are capable of injuring them, and create a temporary colossal echo to crush massed enemies. Most swordkeepers are given instructions to fight to the death, but some will stand down if badly injured, activate alarms, or even intentionally surrender their central weapons under particular circumstances.
Construction A swordkeeper’s central chamber requires rare crystals for its construction, worth 3000 gp.
Swordkeeper CL 13th; Price 63,000 gp Requirements Craft Construct, geas/quest, mage’s sword, shield, transformation; Skill Craft (metalworking) or Craft (stoneworking) DC 16; Price 38,000 gp
Swordkeeper CR 10 XP 9,600 N Large construct Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +2
Defense AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +9 natural) hp 107 (14d10+30) Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 DR 10/adamantine; Immune construct traits Defensive Abilities raise guard
Offense Speed 20 ft. Melee +1 keen longsword +21/+16/+11 (1d8+8/17-20 plus 1d8 force), 3 +1 keen longswords +21 (1d8+4/17-20 plus 1d8 force) Ranged 4 +1 keen longswords +19 (1d8+8/17-20 plus 1d8 force) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks colossal echo, project echoblade
Statistics Str 25, Dex 20, Con -, Int -, Wis 15, Cha 1 Base Atk +14; CMB +22; CMD 37 Feats Combat Reflexes (B), Improved Vital Strike (B) SQ central weapon,multiweapon mastery, undersized weaponry
Ecology Environment any land and underground Organization solitary, pair or armory (3-6) Treasure double standard (+1 keen longsword)
Special Abilities Central Weapon (Ex/Su) A swordkeeper’s torso houses a single weapon sized for a Medium creature. When the swordkeeper is operational, the chamber can be opened with four Disable Device checks (DC 35), each made as a full round action. A creature that fails this check by 5 or more takes 6d6 points of force damage (Reflex DC 19 halves). If the swordkeeper is grappled, prone or stunned, the DCs of both the Disable Device check and the Reflex save are reduced by 2. If the swordkeeper’s weapon is removed, its echoblades vanish, and it cannot use its colossal echo or project echoblade abilities. The save DC is Wisdom based. Colossal Echo (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a swordkeeper can create a giant force weapon shaped like its central weapon. All creatures in a 30 foot line take 10d8 points of force damage (Reflex DC 19 half). The save DC is Wisdom based. Multiweapon Mastery (Ex) A swordkeeper does not take penalties to attack rolls when fighting with multiple weapons. Project Echoblade (Su) As a swift action, a swordkeeper can create a replica of its central weapon in one of its hands. This weapon acts as its central weapon, including duplicating its magical properties, except that it deals an extra 1d8 force damage and gains the thrown property (range increment 30 ft.). A swordkeeper can have as many as four echoblades at once; echoblades disappear one round after they leave a swordkeeper’s grasp. Raise Guard (Ex) On any round when a swordkeeper makes a full attack action, it can choose not to attack with a echoblade in order to gain a +1 shield bonus to AC (maximum +3). This does not work in conjunction with Vital Strike or similar feats.
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Made a comic based on that one meme
#selftaughtartist#fanart#anime#digitalart#mizu blue eye samurai#blue eye samurai#netflix#bes#mizu and taigen#ringo blue eye samurai#taigen blue eye samurai#drunk text#normalizedrinkingwithyourfatherinlaw#swordkeeper#prettyblueeyes#thesoulofthesamuraiishersword#taigen x mizu#taizu#taimizu
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Floor 12, Room 2
weekly theme: cut
swordkeepers are constructs that serve as both display cases and guardians of magical weapons. its four hands each wield a ghostly copy of the sword locked inside.
monsters: 3x elite swordkeeper
loot: each swordkeeper contains a +1 striking disrupting longsword.
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SwordKeeper by Oleg Bulakh https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GaebZN
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SwordKeeper by Oleg Bulakh (grindeath on artstation)
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by Oleg “grindeath” Bulakh
#tentacles#fhtagn#oleg bulakh#grindeath#creature#monster#horror#concept art#chara design#sword#necromorph#fantasy#tongue#skull#fhtagnnn
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Abaixo estão os nossos aceitos das últimas 24 horas. Sejam todos muito bem-vindos e bem-vindas! Agradecemos pela aplicação e esperamos que consigam desenvolver seus personagem conosco! Por favor, enviem o blog de personagem para a central em até 24 horas a contar desta aceitação. Divirtam-se!
Acaba de passar pelos portões ALISTAIR CHARMING, o herdeiro de PRINCESA DA ERVILHA e PRÍNCIPE ENCANTADO ( A Princesa e a Ervilha ). É verdade que ele é idêntico a GREGG SULKIN, mas é melhor não mencionar. A ajudante Lyra irá cuidar das acomodações antes que a carruagem vire abóbora.
Acaba de passar pelos portões SOREN ERHARD FITZHERBERT OF CORONA, o herdeiro de RAPUNZEL e EUGENE FITZHERBERT ( Rapunzel ). É verdade que ele é idêntico a BRENTON THWAITES, mas é melhor não mencionar. A ajudante Vi irá cuidar das acomodações antes que a carruagem vire abóbora.
Acaba de passar pelos portões JAXON THOMAS HOOK, o herdeiro de CAPITÃO GANCHO ( Peter Pan ). É verdade que ele é idêntico a CASEY DEIDRICK, mas é melhor não mencionar. A ajudante Lu irá cuidar das acomodações antes que a carruagem vire abóbora.
Acaba de passar pelos portões LEVIATHAN EMRYS D’ CAER-FYRDDIN, o herdeiro de MERLIN ( A Lenda do Rei Arthur ). É verdade que ele é idêntico a ARÓN PIPER, mas é melhor não mencionar. A ajudante Hal irá cuidar das acomodações antes que a carruagem vire abóbora.
Acaba de passar pelos portões NINEVE “ELIDE” SWORDKEEPER, a herdeira de NIMUE ( A Lenda do Rei Arthur ). É verdade que ela é idêntica a HANDE ERÇEL, mas é melhor não mencionar. A ajudante Siren irá cuidar das acomodações antes que a carruagem vire abóbora.
Acaba de passar pelos portões GRAEME OF TRACIENS, o herdeiro de REI FADA SIR ORFEO e HEURODIS ( Sir Orfeu ). É verdade que ele é idêntico a BRIGHT VACHIRAWIT, mas é melhor não mencionar. A ajudante Slow irá cuidar das acomodações antes que a carruagem vire abóbora.
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Just Looking
As requested by @little-red-83.
Heimdall + “Just let me explain!” “And what? Listen to you lie?!”
You had always wanted to touch the Bifrost Sword and what did you know? Dreams really did come true. You knew Heimdall was anything but careless but a single finger wouldn’t be noticed. He wouldn’t even care, would he. You weren’t planning on wielding it...just touching it. A little.
“Wow,” You wrapped your hand around the handle, gripping it before releasing it. You let your fingers glide down the sword as your eyes turned to saucers.
“Wow,” The monotone echoed from behind you; the swordkeeper never being known for his humour.
“Heimdall,” You smiled guiltily as you turned back, “It’s not what it looks like, I was only looking.”
“You were very blatantly touching,” He crossed his arms.
“Just let me explain!”
“And what? Listen to you lie?” He always sounded so disappointed; why shouldn’t he be? He could see everything.
“Look, it was curiosity, that’s all,” He neared as you talked in a rapid stutter.
“Well, you’ve had your look,” He reached behind you and took the sword, “But your eyes aren’t so good as mine.”
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O respirar estava em perfeita harmonia com os golpes que desferia contra o saco de pancadas, porque equilíbrio era uma parte importante da vida de Elide. A feérica tinha o hábito irritante de chegar mais cedo ao centro de treinamento, aproveitando a madrugada para que pudesse usar o espaço sem ser importunada. No fundo, tinha a ver com o fato de acreditar que estava a frente dos demais colegas quando se tratava de preparação física, mas não era o tipo de coisa que dizia em voz alta, porque isso só contribuiria para sua fama de arrogante. E por falar em arrogância... A Swordkeeper interrompeu pelo tempo de dois segundos sua série quando percebeu a entrada de @sorenotsore, cruzando seus olhos com o do príncipe muito rapidamente antes de voltar-se para o que interessava, com vigor renovado. “ Será que você pode voltar mais tarde, no horário normal? O centro de treinamento ainda não está oficialmente aberto ”
#◜ . · . ♡ ˙ ˖ i've got a hundred thrown-out speeches i almost said to you ╱ dialogue. ◞#podia ser melhorzinho#:c
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swordkeep, swordboss, swordgas
we give old ledy the sord
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Inktober 2017 06 -- The Swordkeeper -- Pen and copic
Terellion Brightwing, from the novel serie "The Knights of Naren" by M.C. Ewen @prgrmmr @naren-terellion
#inktober#inktober 2017#copic#pen#drawing#elf#elvish#elven#sword#magic sword#long black hair#terellion#terellion brightwing#knights of Naren#lawrichai#zapbook
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Naren - The Mage from Thril Gandir
She had managed to avoid the welcoming party. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go. Terellion was her best friend, and she was glad he had finally returned home after spending the past two years in Rathel training to be an adahi. It was whom he had brought back with him that she was wary of. Deydesli had missed her friend, but she was a little less thrilled that he had returned with a mage. It wasn’t even really the fact that he was a mage, but he was a Thril Gandir trained mage, not a rogue mage like she was. The whole idea of bringing someone well-versed in all the rules seemed like trouble to her.
Her fears not assuaged by her own magic ability. She only had one that she knew of, premonition. She could see things before it happened. However, whenever she tried to see what the mage might do, she came up with nothing. She knew that meant he knew how to ward against her ability, but why would he do that unless his intention was to turn her in. Terellion was an adahi now and had to carry a pair of iron mitts. This mage could grab them, slap them on her, and translocate her all the way to Thril Gandir, where she would most surely wind up imprisoned for the rest of her life, if not for her ability, then for the fact she wasn’t taken there as a child.
So she missed the parties. She avoided his house and the town hall where he was being reinstated as the swordkeeper. There was one place she couldn’t avoid. She was the teacher at the small town’s school. Terellion worked there as well, repairing things and fetching supplies from the town to the south. While others had filled in while he was gone, she was eager for him to come back.
She was hoping he would be alone on his first day back, but he was not so lucky. The students hadn’t arrived yet. Deydesli always made it a point to arrive an hour before they did. When he walked in ten minutes after she got there with the mage trailing behind him, her first instinct was to glance at the side door. She could make a run for it, but instead, she stayed frozen in place.
“Dey!” Terellion smiled as he approached. She tried to smile back as he continued, “I haven’t seen you since I got back. Someone has been waiting to meet you.”
The other elf was tall, thin, and covered in a long flowing robe. His dark skin was a little lighter than his reddish-brown hair and his violet eyes regarded her. He smiled. “Hi. I’m Magister Hethurin Fairsong.” He extended his hand.
Deydesli extended her hand as well. Was this it? Would he be able to tell what she was? Their hands touched. His grip was firm and felt genuine. She still couldn’t tell what he would do. “I’m Deydesli. I’m the teacher here.”
“Terellion’s told me a lot about you. I wanted to thank you for helping him, and me, while we were in the castle in Moressley.”
She glanced at Terellion. How much had he told him?
As if reading her mind, Terellion said, “He knows.”
“Ter! You’re not supposed to tell anyone!”
“He already knew there was someone poking at his wards,” Terellion explained. He sat down on top of one of the desks in the classroom. “I think you should give him a chance.”
“Well, I don’t have much choice now, do I?”
Hethurin sat on the desk next to Terellion, “I won’t turn you in, and I know you’re more than just a mage.”
Deydesli remained silent. That he knew anything at all was a bad idea.
“Your ability— You’ve told everyone it’s premonition and you've treated it like something that any mage can do. No one here has questioned it, but I know better. You’re one of the three seers— the seer of the future. There’s only ever one at any given time, and you’re the only one in Naren right now with the ability to see the future.”
Deydesli lowered her brows and stared at him defiantly, “So you’re going to tell everyone?”
Hethurin shook his head.
“Take me to Thril Gandir?”
Hethurin shook his head again. “I don’t think anyone else should know.”
She blinked. It certainly wasn’t what she expected a Thril Gandir mage to say.
“Terellion knows, and I know, but does anyone else need to? Thril Gandir certainly doesn’t need to know. They already have the seer of the past, and he can’t even leave for visits home despite having a perfect record. I feel very strongly against people being held places against their will. You already have Terellion looking out for you, but I want you to know that you now have me as well.”
Nor was she expecting that. She regarded the mage in a new light now, not as a Thril Gandir mage, but as a possible friend. She let the tension in her brow relax, and gave a hesitant smile. “Thank you.”
#fictober#day9#Deydesli#Terellion#Hethurin#Book 1 follow up!#Short story#writing#a new light#original fiction
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i actually do have a lot of magic swords. about 8 of them are with faushar because he’s the house swordkeeper.
#blade maestro.#steel courtier.#the well armed monsieur.#doubled edge debonair.#the man with a (weapon) plan.#THE CARBON COURIER#txt
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upcoming muses (idk when): rán and sinmara, respectively goddess of the sea and consort of surtr and swordkeeper of the giant ass blade
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