#switch fuse unit
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willow-schmillow · 7 months
Traumagenic disorders (like most disorders, I believe) can look very different in remission or during/after successful treatment than they do when someone is at their worst.
In the traumatic situations I was in, my DID presented with frequent amnesia and dissociation (depersonalization and derealization,) flat affect, and uncontrollable mood swings. Out of the situations but before treatment, it looked like frequent flashbacks and possessive switching, more amnesia, and several conflicts between alters.
Now, after a few years in therapy, my DID looks like functioning as one unit, co-consciousness and easy communication, frequent blending, and fusion being possible between even parts who had high conflict with each other.
I still have DID. It just looks different in treatment (especially since I'm working towards final fusion, it's not going to present the same way someone with untreated, unmanaged DID will present.) I've lowered dissociative barriers via work in therapy - I'm still a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
I personally don't see it as "recovering from DID" but "recovering with DID." When I fuse, I will hopefully have the skills to deal with stress in a way that doesn't trigger splitting again, but I don't negate the years I struggled with this disorder. That doesn't stop being a part of my history any more than recovering from my eating disorder did.
This is not even to mention people who pursue functional multiplicity - their DID doesn't stop being DID because they're in a healthier, happier state.
No syscourse interactions.
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staylovesmiley · 1 month
Connected~ Chapter 3
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Bangchan x Fem!Reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; Lumi had been a trainee at JYPE for years. Having entered the company a couple years after Chris the two became good friends, maybe even more. As she watched her best friend finally achieved his dream, the distance between them grew. With her debut date finally set in stone, will the two be able to rekindle their flame or will the connection between them falter?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 Notes; This is an ABO!AU. in this world when someone reaches puberty they will present with one of three sub genders; alpha, beta, or omega. Scent glands are located near the pressure points on the neck and small hormonal patches called scent blockers can be placed over them to reduce or rid an individual of their scent for a period of time depending on the strength of the hormones in the patch.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; abo!au, female!reader, poly!pack dynamics, angst, mild violence, smut, old friends to lovers, she/her pronouns used for reader, jealous Bangchan, Reader is an OC, Mentions of unhealthy dieting(forced by the company), Reader is three years younger than Chan (‘00 liners unite!!)
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The second the door had closed behind them, the air felt heavy with unspoken words and left the omega feeling as if the gravity had been sucked out of the room.
The two made their way over to the couch where Lumi gestured for Chan to have a seat, she herself sitting in a chair opposite from where he stood by the sofa. He did so, looking over to watch her anxiously as if she would disappear at any moment and he would wake up from whatever dream it was that allowed him to see the dancer again.
They sat like that for a while in silence, just watching each other from over the coffee table as neither one were sure how to start the difficult conversation ahead. “You look good, Chris…” came her timid voice, hands gesturing to him and he felt a heat creep up the back of his neck and onto his cheeks. “Oh um, thank you….so do you- I like your hair.”
It was her turn to blush as her gaze fell to her lap and a hand came to run through the pink loose curls as they fell to hide her face from the other. “Thanks-“ Another wave of silence washed over them, the sounds of other idols and staff filling the halls outside and working as a distraction against the situation at hand.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, the alpha spoke up finally. “Why didn’t you tell me…” the hurt in his voice stung as Lumi refused to meet his intense stare as he once again seemed to be trying to read her mind to find the answers for himself.
“I tried, I did…that day in the studio when you told me about the show-“ his heart felt like it stopped at that, he knew there had to have been something more Lumi wanted to discuss but in his excitement and selfishness he brushed it off and just hoped she’d tell him. He wished in that moment he could go back in time and push her to tell him what was really on her mind, even if she resisted for his sake at first he knew he could have gotten her to tell him the truth eventually.
“Why did you leave? If you were still planning to become an idol why switch companies?” She sighed, running a hand through her hair anxiously as he continued to question her. “Because I wasn’t going anywhere at jype, Christopher. They were going to keep me in the basement until I aged out or until I eventually slipped up and was no longer worth keeping around.”
His brows furrowed, arms up defensively. “You don’t know that! You quit before you could find out-“ his accusation only seemed to light a fuse inside of her as she shot up from her seat to tower over the alpha. “I didn’t quit! I found a company that actually valued me enough to debut me!” Chan scoffed, eyes rolling dramatically as he also rose from his seat. “Yeah after seven.fucking.years! Seriously, Lumi? You think that’s any better than what could have happened if you stayed?! You could have been debuted by now and already have a few years of idol life under your belt by now had you just stayed!”
As his voice began to rise so did the omega’s temper and she laughed incredulously, shaking her head at the raven haired alpha. “At least at KQ I wasn’t alone. By the time I finally decided to leave you had already replaced and forgotten about me.”
Now Bangchan felt his anger spike, giving her a glare as he stepped up so their chests were practically touching. “What the fuck do you mean, Lumi? The second I had a moment of peace I went looking for you and you were gone!” Shaking her head, the dancers rage persisted. “Yeah after you didn’t so much as spare a glance my way in the halls for months, Christopher! Seriously- you don’t realize how fucked up that was?!”
Lumi turned away from him, fingers running through her hair as she tried to calm down. She felt like she was back seven years ago watching her best friend, the only home she had come to know in the foreign country, completely ignore her while his laughter with his newfound pack echoed throughout the company no matter where she went she would see glimpses of his dimpled smile directed at the members she couldn’t help feel like had taken the alpha from her.
“You don’t seem to realize that I was busy! There was so much pressure on me, Lumi- I couldn’t even sleep I was trying to hold an entire new pack together while also under the stress of training and preparing to debut while it was all being filmed for millions to watch just waiting for me to fail!” The volume of his voice caused it words to bounce off the walls of the green room, the intensity of his outburst chilling those who happened to be in the vicinity to hear their argument.
The omega scoffed, shaking her head as she whipped around. “Yeah, I get that. I told myself that for so long- that you were just busy. But you don’t think I was under a lot of stress as well?! So much was changing, the company was putting more pressure on me to diet and change my appearance, to improve in areas that looking back now I don’t know how I was supposed to even get any more precise than I already was? It was all too much and on top of it all I lost the only support system I had-“ Tears pooled in her eyes, threatening to spill over as she stepped back over to him with a finger poking at his chest.
“You, Hanji, and Bin were like my family, my-“ Her voice caught in her throat slightly but she persisted, refusing to shed a single tear in front of him. “My pack.” With a shaky breath, Chan stared down at her with wide eyes and a shocked expression as he took in her words. “You all abandoned me, got a nice shiny new pack and all this fame and it didn’t matter if I stayed or if I left….everything was different and you didn’t need me anymore. Or didn’t want me-“
Chan reached out, his chest tightening as he felt the strong urge to comfort the omega, to assure her that it would be okay and that he was there now and that he would make it up to her, but as he lifted his arms to pull her into an embrace she stepped away quickly. “I think you should go, Chan….it’s almost time for the end of the show and our groups are gonna be needed on the stage soon.” Her voice was small, and he swore he saw a single tear slip down her cheek. His throat felt impossibly dry as he nodded, eyes still not leaving her until he heard the door open and close behind them.
“Um- Hi! So sorry to interrupt but we gotta go line up to go on stage.” Mani spoke firmly, trying to sound polite but the alpha could tell there was a slight bite behind their words as they moved to wrap an arm protectively around the younger omega.
Chan nodded, head swimming as he felt like he was lost in a haze from the adrenaline and anger filled state he had been in moments ago. “Right- sorry….I’ll be going.” With that he backed out of the room, feeling like there was a rock sitting in the pit of his stomach as he made his way back to the kids to get ready to go back to the stage as well.
After that day, the rest of promotions for both groups was tense behind the scenes.
Lumi would greet Jisung and Changbin warmly, meeting with them in the cafeteria or in her green room to catch up. They even exchanged phone numbers and promised to keep in touch once it was all over.
Chan didn’t attempt any further contact with the dancer, feeling as if a knife were being twisted in his gut anytime he saw her laughing and smiling with one of his members from afar. The alpha couldn’t bring himself to start their conversation back again, guilt eating away at his conscious as her words bounced around his head like a dodge ball loud and squeaky in a large echoing gymnasium.
“You abandoned me” and “You didn’t need me anymore. Or want me-“ are the words that kept him awake, far worse than his sleep apnea ever had before.
The kids tried several times to get him to come around. Felix practically begging him once to tag along when he and Changbin went out for hotpot with the pink haired omega. He’d politely declined the younger alpha’s invitation, using the excuse that he had something he wanted to work on in the studio.
Chan saw through social media and heard through stories from his pack about how his friend was doing and it felt like daggers to his heart every time but he would never show it. The leader always put on a smile and nodded, telling them that he was glad she was doing well.
Deep down there was a longing to be in their place, but he didn’t think that would ever be possible. Not after the asinine moves he had pulled.
Lumi was no better.
Anytime she met with one of them she found herself subconsciously searching for his scent on them, any lingering of his presence in the air around his pack members.
Once when she hugged Jeongin in greeting when she had met up with the younger for coffee before his vocal lesson one day she caught a large wave of warm vanilla washing over her and it made her feel lightheaded in the best way possible. It turned out that the beta had borrowed one of the alpha’s hoodies since the one he had wanted to wear was in the wash still.
None of them were oblivious to it either.
They saw the look in their leader’s eye whenever she was brought up, the longing and sorrow deeply settled there no matter how hard he tried to bury it.
They noticed the way the dancer clung to them more on days they had borrowed something of Chan’s, her demeanor seeming more at peace with the alpha’s scent close to her.
Jisung was the worst, almost egging it on and watching with amusement as he tried to break down both of their resolves piece by piece.
First, he would allow the omega to scent him heavily whenever they hung out just to go back to the dorm and take a nap in the leader’s bed, leaving Lumi’s scent behind for the alpha to find when he got back home late after working in the studio.
Second was he would always borrow something of the oldest’s before meeting up with the dancer after realizing how she would behave with his scent present. Once he even got lucky and on a particularly chilly day he had met Lumi for dinner, she had forgotten her jacket in the manager’s car so he offered her the zip up hoodie he had on.
He didn’t mention that it wasn’t exactly his, but Chan’s instead.
Once the smell of vanilla and something like brown sugar surrounded her the omega’s cheeks tan warm and her heart began beating rapidly. Lumi didn’t utter a word about it, silently enjoying being able to soak up the alpha’s scent in the most direct way that she had the chance to in seven years.
As they were parting ways after the meal, Jisung cheekily insisted she hold onto the jacket and return it next time they saw each other, feigning worry for her health should she catch a cold without it. Really he was just using it as another means to attempt and bring the two former friends back together again.
As summer turned to fall and the air outside began to chill significantly, Lumi found herself spending more and more time with the members of stray kids.
She even managed to bond with Minho, who she previously had never officially met, due to his close bond with Jisung.
With Halloween approaching the pink haired dancer found herself with a rare night to herself at the dorm as Mani had gone to visit her father for the weekend.
Lumi decided to call Jisung and invite them over for a night of snacks and horror movies in honor of the upcoming holiday. Much to her dismay he didn’t seem to enthused with the idea of scary movies.
“Come on, Hanji it’ll be fun! I know you aren’t the biggest fan of horror but we can all get scared together! The guys are all invited, of course. Just let me know a headcount so I can get the right amount of snacks.”
With a smirk, the beta thought about his current plan involving getting the dancer and his leader to reconnect. “Do you mind if Chan hyung tags along too? It’ll be an excuse we can use to finally pull him out of the studio…you know how he can be.”
Oh she knew very well how he could be, back then at least, she could only imagine how bad it got now that they were actually debut and there being a new level of expectation placed on his shoulders. Hesitantly, she thought it over while Han waited impatiently on the other line. “Lumi? Still there?” The omega startled a bit, having gotten lost in thought of the alpha she couldn’t deny she missed desperately being in her space where his comforting smell of warm sugary vanilla could be left behind and linger for days to come. “Sure- he can come.”
Han tried not to sound too happy at the extended invitation, punching his fist in the air and causing Hyunjin to give him a curious yet judgmental look from across the practice room. “Awesome! Okay, we’ll be over in like an hour? Don’t worry about snacks me and the guys will pick them up on our way! Text me whatever you want, ‘kay?”
Lumi shook her head, hoping this wasn’t a bad idea before agreeing to text him her desired snacks before ending the call. Suddenly she felt the apartment wasn’t tidy enough with the addition of a somewhat special guest and so while waiting for them to finish their work at the company and head over the dancer began cleaning up and making sure everything looked to her standards before anyone arrived.
Just as he has said, roughly an hour later there was a knock at the front door startling the dancer a bit as she had been so busy making sure the place was presentable she seemed to lose track of the time. “I’m coming, just one second!” The omega looked down at her appearance in just a sports bra and a pair of loose fitting sweatpants and made a little groan before rushing to the small laundry room in the back of the apartment to find a shirt.
Another knock sounded after a few minutes as she was struggled to find a decent shirt to put on that was clean. “Just come in! Door is unlocked-“ she called out, figuring by the time they all made it in she would have found something and be able to greet them in the main area of the apartment. Lumi was mistaken, however. With her upper body almost fully inside the dryer as she searched frantically for any clean shirt at that point, a chorus of giggling and whispers drew her attention.
“Baby what are you doing?” Changbin called out, his tone amused and somewhat teasing. At the sound of them standing outside the laundry room door, the omega hit her head on the way out of the dryer. “Ah-“ she held the back her head where it had hit the top inside of the dryer, sitting defeatedly on the floor. “I can’t find a shirt-“ Lumi huffed, looking up to see not only Changbin but the entire rest of the stray kids were standing there staring at her. Some wore wide eyes expressions while others seemed to find it amusing, others smirked.
Felix spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest. “Hey, I’m not complaining if you can’t find one.” He flirted playfully causing the dancer to blush and look away.
Chan, who was standing beside the freckled alpha, felt the familiar sting of jealousy burn inside him at his members obvious staring at the omega’s partially dressed state. “Here, baby- put this on.” Han said as he tossed her a hoodie, the same zip up hoodie of Chan’s he had loaned the dancer a few weeks previously.
She gave the beta a smile, pulling it on and zipping it up most of the way. “Thank Hanji. I was a little distracted earlier and forgot I was doing laundry and wasn’t exactly fully dressed-“
Chan felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest when he saw what Jisung had handed her to wear. That hoodie- one of his favorites that he had been missing and didn’t have a clue where it had gone.
As the group made their way back to the living room, the alpha took hold of the beta producer’s shoulder and held him back to have a word while the others went on ahead. “Where the fuck did you find that? I’ve been looking for that hoodie for weeks now!” He said through grit teeth, staring at Jisung with bewilderment.
The younger smirked and offered his leader a shrug. “I wore it out a few weeks ago to meet Lumi and she forgot her jacket- it was cold out and I didn’t want her to get sick so I said she could borrow it.” The alpha glared, causing Han to hold his hands up in defense. “I was gonna get it back! But everyone was staring and I saw it laying on her bed from the open door to her room so I just- thought fast?” He explained, rambling slightly in true Han Jisung fashion.
Wait, on her bed? Why was his jacket, which she had to have known was his from the scent, on her bed of all places? His mind began working overtime and the once defensive Jisung regained his smug smile before moving to join the others in the living room. “Come on, hyung or we’ll miss the beginning of the first movie!” He called out cheerily, plopped himself down on the floor in between Minho’s open legs where he sat with his back resting against the bottom of the couch.
Chan stood frozen, blinking a few times before shaking his head and making his way after the beta into the living room. He looked over to see Lumi cuddled up into Changbin’s side with a bowl of popcorn on their laps, his stomach doing flips seeing how she had pulled the hood of his jacket up causing the scent that remained embedded in it from countless wears by the alpha to surround her almost completely. It caused something inside him to snap and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her through the entirety of the first movie.
One movie down and they were all getting a bit more hungry than just snacks could fix so they all agreed ordering in would be the best decision.
Lumi stood in the small kitchen of her shared apartment, phone in hand as she placed the order for pizzas to be delivered for all of them.
As she leaned against the counter, making sure the address was put in correctly and hitting confirm she felt another presence enter the room. Looking up she came face to face with Chan as he stood directly in front of her.
Upon the sudden close proximity, the dancer jumped and almost dropped her phone in surprise. “Geez, Chris- warn a girl next time will ya?” She joked, trying not to seem to on edge around the alpha though her mind was spinning knowing he was so close she could reach out and touch him. The last time they were this close it was during a screaming match as they argued about her departure from jype.
“What was my hoodie doing on your bed?” He said accusatorially, looking the omega in the eyes as she seemed to freeze at the question. “I- Ji let me borrow it the other day? It’s just where it landed when I took it off, it’s not a big deal…” She explained it away, not wanting to admit to him that she had slept with it on almost every night since receiving it.
His fingers caught the hem of the hoodie, rubbing the fabric between them slowly as he stepped even closer. “It looks good on you…” he said it so quietly she thought she misheard him, until she looked up into his eyes and saw how softly they admired her. “Chris….” Her voice was hesitant, swallowing hard as the smell of vanilla and rose water engulfed them both.
The alpha quickly caged her in against the counter, head dipping down towards her neck yet he made no further move to scent her. “I’ve been such an idiot.” He said, head falling to rest against her shoulder.
Lumi’s breath caught in her throat at the contact and without thinking on it further she set her phone on the counter behind her and brought her arms around his waist slowly, afraid of scaring him off should she move too suddenly.
Chan sighed, shoulders slumping with relief as she took him into her arms so carefully. “You were…but I wasn’t very fair to you, either-“ he pulled away, looking into her eyes with furrowed brows. “Stop that, Lumi. You were right…I- I abandoned you completely. I can’t believe I did that…I don’t know what was wrong with me.”
She shook her head, one of her hands moving to cup his cheek while she looked into his eyes with an empathetic expression. “You were so young…we both were- you had the weight of the fucking world on your shoulders and I didn’t offer you any grace on that fact.” He continued to frown, leaning into her touch as he let the smell of sweet roses flood his senses. “Missed this…missed you-“
The omega smiled, resting her forehead against his. “I won’t go anywhere if you don’t…” she teased, causing the alpha to wince. “Again, I’m sorry…seeing you reconnecting with Ji and Bin has been torture- I felt like I didn’t deserve your forgiveness…or your friendship.” Lumi frowned now, moving her other hand now to cup the other side of his face and smoosh it slightly. “Christopher you’re too hard on yourself, always have been. Can you just- relax for once? Not be so- self sacrificial?”
Chan blinked rapidly, eyes shifting from hers to her lips as decided to listen to her words and crash his lips against the omegas in what he considered to be a very selfish act on his part.
For a moment she froze, gasping against his lips in shock at his actions. Soon she was melting into the kiss, hands still cupping his face as his came to rest on her hips.
The kiss was hungry, laced with years of longing and desperation for each other and before long Lumi was moving her hands to lock behind his head as she deepened the kiss with a swipe of her tongue across his lower lip.
A low growl erupted from the alpha’s chest, causing goosebumps to raise on the dancer’s skin. Chan mumbled a quick “jump” against her soft lips and as she followed the direction he was lifting her up and placing her on the counter behind them.
Lumi bit back the squeal that threatened to escape at just how strong the alpha was, wrapping her legs around his waist while continuing to kiss him with enough passion she hoped would convey just how much she needed him even after all those years apart. A need that scared her and caused her fear of being abandoned yet again to spark to life suddenly.
Eventually the had to pull away for air, chests heaving as they attempted to catch their breaths stolen in the heat of the moment. From the living room they both heard the sound of Changbin calling out to ask if the food had been ordered yet or not, both of their heads turning to make sure no one had witnessed their blatant act of pda.
“Oh um- yeah Binnie I just finished placing it now!” Lumi answered, trying not to sound so breathless as Chan bit his lip to hold in his laughter. “We should go back to the others…” she said, placing a hand on his chest to push him away so she could hop down from the counter only for his hand to wrap around her wrist and hold it there. “Are we….we need to talk about what just happened-“ he said, looking into her eyes with an unreadable expression.
Shaking her head, the pink haired dancer pulled her hand away before getting down from where he placed her on the counter top and stepped around him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about- nothing happened.“ was all she said before disappearing to reclaim her spot next to the omegan rapper.
Oh he was so absolutely and royally fucked.
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author’s note; oh this is gonna be so fun~ hope you guys enjoyed! This chapter is brought to you by “the perfect pair” by beabadoobee as I had that shit on loop while writing this ᕱᕱ₊˚⊹♡ as always lmk what you think~~
taglist; (pink users means I was unable to tag) @coastinglove @breadedloafs @miraculous-disaster
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tourneys-by-me · 1 month
Multiple Elements Character Tournament - Round 1 (D) 12/12
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Capricorn (Tristan and Byron Vera): Rock and Water
Dan Heng: Wind and Imaginary
Propaganda under the cut
Capricorn (Tristan and Byron Vera): Two brothers that share a body after a traumatic event, but don't share control, only the one that is "out" does. Each brother has a different power. Both of them create energy "motes" that they can manipulate, and Tristan's turn into rock, and Byron's turn into water. They go by the superhero name Capricorn. They are hispanic, and Tristan is gayyyyy. they don't always get along Nyron And Tristan Vera were brothers who were fused together by the incident which gave them super powers. They now alternate control over a single body. One of them can generate water, than the other generates Earth . When they switch, the elements they've summoned switch to the other brother's element too.
Dan Heng: In the game he has two forms, 4 star and 5 star. The 4 star uses wind and the 5 star uses water. To prove that they aren't just categorizing labels for the game, there's a cutscene where Dan Heng is fighting off some enemies in his 4 star form, and his spear glows green and gives off a wind effect before he absolutely launches one of the enemies through the air. Previous attacks without the green glow notably did not knock the enemies as far away. It also glows green whenever he summons it, which is not the case for every wind unit. As for the 5 star form, he canonically has control over water due to being a Vidyadhara. He parts the sea during a cutscene to reveal a sunken city below it, and uses a sphere of water to shield himself during his transformations. I think he should win because he has one of the most interesting stories in the game, and also just because he's been going through it for so many years.
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amybizarre · 3 months
Steve Saga Rainbow Factory AU Lore
Just a quick heads up. If you're a kid reading this, please don't. I know it says Steve Saga and that's a show for a younger audience, but this AU definitely isn't. It contains mature topics such as mental issues, violence, death and the likes. So please, when reading stuff on the internet: Be safe, not brave. You have been warned.
It all started with an incredibly traumatic event for Rainbow Steve. Essentially he had to watch his best friend Sabre die during some gruesome fight.
Yep. Sabre’s dead.
Rainbow snapped after that. This event is also where he got the scars on his face and the blind eye from. (The post with his design is Here.)
Rainbow became so sick and tired of being a useless, weak idiot, that he decided to switch to drastic measures in order to finally become strong. That day he swore to himself, to become the strongest Steve to have ever existed and quench all “evil” and “weakness” under his heel.
But, oh, the price he’d have to pay.
Rainbow founded and built the Rainbow Factory. Initially he started to experiment on power sources like crystals and power stone, but his efforts were quickly proven fruitless. So he switched to Steves relatively soon.
Experiments quickly became ugly and terrifying, he didn’t fully know what he was doing at first.
Eventually he discovered that a colorful substance could be extracted from Steves. Some sort of liquid energy.
Rainbow named this substance “Spectra”. He also discovered that Spectra could be injected back into Steves and had different effects on them, based on the colors used.
Did the Spectra and Steve match colorwise, then the Steve absorbed it no problem and became stronger.
This was a great success and Rainbow started injecting himself, quickly becoming addicted to the initial thrill of Spectra absorption.
Did the Spectra and Steve not match colorwise, then the effects would be negative to varying degrees. The further the two colors were apart from each other, the more different they were, the more horrific the effects and subsequent suffering would be.
But Rainbow didn’t stop there… Doing this all by himself was tiresome after all. He opted to build himself a team. He wanted to make more Steves like himself.
Experiments continued. All of his attempts to fuse different colors failed however. Except for one. It was more of an accident, but somehow Rainbow managed to unite all colors within one Steve, albeit in the wrong order.
Rainbow named his experiment Reverse Steve, who immediately became his favorite experiment. A bit of “improvements” and training later, Reverse was allowed to work alongside Rainbow.
Together they started a campaign to brainwash more people into joining their cause. Plague Steve stepped up, voicing his interest. So he also works for the factory now.
Some experiments got either broken or manipulated so badly by Rainbow, that he can let them work for his factory freely as well.
So, basically, Rainbow became worse than Nightmare. He became the very thing he’d sworn to destroy. But he doesn’t care anymore. He’s done with the world’s bullshit.
He turned from the prey to the hunter, now actively searching for Nightmare and his crew. Rainbow plans on turning Dark and Shadow into experiments as well, eager to find out how exactly their dark powers work and if they had Spectra in them as well.
For Nightmare the plan is a lot worse. Because Nightmare absorbed so many Steves during his lifetime, he is a giant battery for lots - and I mean LOTS - of Spectra of all kinds. Giving him the “Extraction Treatment” once, simply won’t be enough. In Rainbow’s ideal world, Nightmare will have to endure the Pegasus Device multiple times, so he can take that sweet, sweet Spectra all for himself.
You’re wondering what Lucas and Light are doing? As soon as Rainbow went downhill mentally, Lucas grabbed Light and went into hiding with him, hoping to protect the innocent Steve from any harm.
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olympain · 1 year
‘Andor’ Costume Designers Break Down Looks of Mon Mothma, Luthen Rael and Imperial Prisoners
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For Diego Luna’s Cassian, Wilkinson draped him in warm, earthy tones with fabrics that were textural.
When audiences first meet him, he’s in “beautiful oilcloth from old leather jackets with iconic details such as a high neckline and a hood.” By the end, the silhouettes become leaner and streamlined.
“He has a beautiful tailored long-length linen coat that we made for him that moves beautifully for all the action sequences. It’s a grown-up silhouette.”
To outfit Genevieve O’Reilly’s Mon Mothma, he looked at prominent people, including leading senators and United Nations members, keeping power dressing in mind.  “I imagined to what extent the futuristic off-planet version of that would look like,” he says. “I leaned into the pale neutral tones.”
Her blue senate robe with a gold lining is “extremely architectural and quite austere,” Wilkinson says. “With her, there was a lot of adventurous tailoring and an exploration of silhouettes and layering that we did in her costumes, which reflect her switched-on sophisticated sense of aesthetics.”
Clothing for Mon Mothma’s more private moments “where the mask slips” hint at another side of her personality. Wilkinson relaxed her silhouette when Tay Kolma (Ben Miles) visits, for example, giving her outfit a flowing look.
“It almost feels like a dressing gown,” he says. “That private look contrasts quite a lot with her senator robes.”
He was able to explore a duality for Stellan Skarsgård’s Luthen Rael, an antiques dealer and the leader of a start-up rebellion looking to take down the Galactic Empire. “Luthen had this lovely layering of velvety textures and high-end fabrics,” he says.
The jewelry was custom-made, as Wilkinson was “inspired by rings made from brushed titanium and rare metals.”
When Rael is out providing support for a growing Rebel Alliance, he wears a linen poncho.
“He’s a man of action when he’s off, Wilkinson says. “We go from jewel tones to an earthy look with natural fabrics such as linen and cotton.”
The stark white costumes worn on the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex proved to be a design challenge. Stark white, they needed to feel mass-produced and disposable.
“It was one costume worn by hundreds and seen over three episodes. I knew I wanted the outfits to be bright white with a strong graphic,” says Wilkinson. “So, I used a hot press to fuse the orange graphics onto this white paper-like fabric we found that had a high-tech feel.”
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renlyslittlerose · 5 months
Ok, here's a list of my questions re hysterectomy (thank you for being willing to answer them, but don't feel pressured!!! Feel free to skip or ignore any).
How bad is the pain? What hurts the most? Are you pain free by now?
When could you stand up on your own again? Was it hard? Were you scared to move?
What kind of procedure did you get (vaginal, abdominal, laparoscopical)?
Does the wound ooze? Are/Were you bleeding from your vagina? How long? How bad?
Do you still need assistance from family/friends/partners? (Basically I want to know when I can live on my own again.)
What was the worst thing about the hysterectomy?
regarding bowel movements: when are things working normally again? Is it painful? (Can you tell I'm scared of pain...) Anything I should avoid eating or drinking?
How do I explain to my cat that he can't jump on my stomach for cuddles?
You're so very welcome!!! I will endevour to answer the best that I can~ 💖💖💖
Answers beneath the cut!
How bad is the pain? What hurts the most? Are you pain free by now?
You shouldn't be in pain, per-say, but discomfort and the occasional quick spike of pain is definitely a thing. I think the worst part for me, so far, has been gas movement in my guts. Sometimes the bubbles, as they shift along the bowel walls, press against the tender areas inside and can be pretty painful. But it's very brief (like five seconds or so), and then dissipates as the gas moves. I will also get the occasional pinching pain in the suture sites along my belly, but it's more uncomfortable and, as with the gas pain, moves along fairly quickly.
When you go in for surgery they're gonna pump you full of air. They should try and get most of it out before the surgery is done, but sometimes it does get trapped. It actually usually hurts the most in your shoulder and neck area as it travels. Use Gas-X and apply heat to the area if it's starting to hurt.
'Swelly belly' is also a thing. Your gonna be bloated for a while (I've read it's anywhere from 4 weeks to 9 months of distention), and that bloat pressing against the sutures is also unpleasant. My best advice is buy some Gas-X and take it for a few weeks (or as needed), and place a heating pad on your belly at a high setting. It'll relax the muscles and make things much more pleasant!
For painkillers - I was prescribed hydromorphone, but only took it for the first two nights. Otherwise I was taking two extra-strength Tylenol every six hours for the first week (set an alarm to wake me at night to keep up with it). I then switched to two every six waking hours, and now I'm taking one every six waking hours. I can't take any anti-inflammatory painkillers, but talk to your doctor as they might suggest switching between Tylenol and ibuprofen.
I'm 15dpo and I'm still a little uncomfortable at times (like after a walk or something), but I'm not in pain.
When could you stand up on your own again? Was it hard? Were you scared to move?
I was up and walking a couple hours after my surgery. Movement is the best thing you can do when you're recovering. It moves the aforementioned gas around, helps stimulate your bladder and intestines, and prevents muscles from getting stiff. I stayed the night at the hospital, and so what I'd do is every few hours I'd get up and walk around the unit I was being kept in. Every time I did a lap, I felt better.
Don't be afraid to move! Embrace it! Ask someone to walk next to you if you're afraid of falling. And take it easy - little shuffling steps are better than none!
What kind of procedure did you get (vaginal, abdominal, laparoscopical)?
I had a total hysterectomy (uterus, tubes, cervix removal), and kept my ovaries, along with excision surgery (I have endometriosis). They also removed scar tissue from my bowels, as my uterus and bowels had been fused together.
It was all done laparoscopically, with four keyhole sized incisions made along my belly. One in my belly button, one on my left lower area, one on the right lower area, and one on the right upper area.
One major tip I have for when you are released from the hospital - bring a small pillow to place on your belly for the car ride home. It'll create a buffer between your wounds and the seatbelt!
Does the wound ooze? Are/Were you bleeding from your vagina? How long? How bad?
Nope, no oozing. If there is any sign of leaking/oozing, or if the wounds become puffy and hot, I'd seek the advice of medical personnel. You should be closed up using dissolving stitches, so after a few weeks they'll start to flake off along with the scabs. Don't pick at them!
My incisions have medical tape over them, which I was told would fall off in a week or so, but are still on as of typing this. I like having them, though, as they kind of protect the stitches from getting rubbed on.
As for spotting - I had a few spots of blood for the first few days, and then it stopped. I was informed that in the three week period, the stitches inside my vaginal cuff would start to dissolve and appear as blood in my underwear, so I've started wearing pantie-liners again in prep for that.
Having a couple of spots of blood is normal. But if it's like a heavy period flow, talk to a medical professional.
Do you still need assistance from family/friends/partners? (Basically I want to know when I can live on my own again.)
You're not going to be allowed to lift anything weighing more than 10 pounds for six to eight weeks afterwards, so things like large loads of laundry or just basic house cleaning are going to have to be assisted for some time.
I'm also not driving yet, though I know some people start driving a few days after their surgery. I just can't sit comfortably in a car seat for longer than five minutes, before I get distracted, you know?
But I started cooking my own meals around the ten day mark.
What was the worst thing about the hysterectomy?
Couple of things, but you may not be bothered by these things:
Lying on my back in a propped up position to sleep. I'm a side sleeper and it just sucks to sleep on my back. I'd suggest surrounding yourself with pillows (one to hug, one to put between your legs or beneath your knees, a couple under your head as you sleep to keep you propped up). It's not painful, per say, to sleep on your side, but it's... uncomfortable. Gravity pulls on the stitches and it's an uncomfortable dragging sensation.
I do not do well under anaesthesia, and I will vomit at some point no matter what I do to stop it. I was an idiot and didn't keep up with my gravol intake this time, and had a very unpleasant night the first day I was home from the hospital. If you know you don't do well with anaesthesia, tell the doctors and nurses and they'll set you up with a steady drip of something to help curb the nausea
I had trouble voiding my bladder entirely when I was in the hospital, which made for a long and uncomfortable night. But it's all good now!!! Voiding as I should, and didn't have to use an at-home catheter to do so!
regarding bowel movements: when are things working normally again? Is it painful? (Can you tell I'm scared of pain…) Anything I should avoid eating or drinking?
I had regular bowel movements two days after the surgery, and this is what I did to ensure ease of movement:
Two days before the surgery , each day I drank a glass of restorelax (or whatever stool softener you have on hand). It takes a few days for the stuff to start working anyways, so you wanna start a little early. I didn't drink any when I was in hospital, but when I got home I started back up again and drank a glass of it every day for about ten days.
I didn't have to do bowel prep beforehand, but the day before surgery I had a liquid only diet. Drank lots of miso soup broth, ate popsicles, drank a lot of water and tea. I didn't want to have any heavy meals ahead of time, just in case I ran into issues.
And after the surgery, I made sure to drink a lot of water, a lot of Gatorade (to replenish my electrolytes), and walked a lot. You have to keep things moving, so you need to move as well. Short walks through the house, and then move on to walking around the block. I'd also go to Walmart or a grocery store the first few days and walk the aisles with a shopping cart for support.
After the second day I had my first movement, and have been pooping regularly since!
Oh! And buy a squatty-potty. It lets gravity do the work, so you don't strain. Like, no matter what, don't strain!!! Don't strain to pee or poo. Just let the muscles do all the work!!!
How do I explain to my cat that he can't jump on my stomach for cuddles?
Put pillows on your belly when you're lying down lolol. And give them extra treats for being patient with you. If you're lucky, they'll already kind of understand that you're in a delicate state! And if they're like my cat, they'll just be super annoying and pouty for a few weeks lol.
Some other tips, if I may:
Buy some c-section underwear. They're highwaisted and made from medical material that is soft on the belly.
As I said, get some Gatorade. I didn't realize I was actually dehydrated because I was drinking so much water, but I was also peeing a lot. The Gatorade helped to keep me hydrated and full up on good things like salt
Gas-X and Gravol are your friends
Bring everything out that you're gonna need and put it waist level for ease of access. I pulled out all the sweatpants, shirts, underwear, socks, etc. that I knew I'd be wearing ahead of time, and put them on top of my dresser. It's gonna be difficult to lean down to pick things up for a while, as well as stretch to reach things.
Be prepared to get bored. You're gonna start to feel much better even a few days after your surgery, and you'll maybe even convince yourself that you can do things you used to be able to do. DON'T LISTEN. This is an evil gremlin talking. Take it easy, rest, and try and relax. Load up your favourite shows/movies/video games, and try and treat recovery as a vacation.
Finally: it'll all be worth it. The anxiety ahead of time, the first few days of discomfort, all the unknowns and weird little things the body likes to do just to keep us on our toes - it's all worth it.
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callsign-owl · 27 days
...its when you hit the Ground
This is a continuation of It's not the fall that hurts
Trigger Warning: alcohol, drugs, self-harm
Hereford, United Kingdom - April 2019
The walk back to the barracks was tense, the atmosphere filled with an eerie silence. Owl moved ahead of the group, his steps precise and mechanical, as if he were a puppet being guided by invisible strings. His eyes, usually sharp and calculating, were blank, staring straight ahead.
Ghost, Soap, Gaz, and Price kept their distance, exchanging uncertain glances. They were used to Owl being distant, cold even, but this was something different—something darker. It was as if the man walking ahead of them was just a hollow shell, going through the motions without any awareness of what he was doing or where he was going.
Soap, usually quick to break the tension with a joke or a funny comment, found himself at a loss for words. Every time he looked at Owl, a shiver ran down his spine. This wasn’t the same man who had earned the nickname “Owl” for his sharp mind and nocturnal habits. This was someone—or something—else entirely.
Gaz kept glancing over at Owl, concern etched into his features. He had seen Owl distant before, often lost in thought, but this was on a whole new level. There was no spark, no recognition, just a vacant expression that made Gaz feel uneasy in a way he couldn’t quite explain.
Even Ghost, who had an uncanny ability to read people, was unsettled. He had seen soldiers react to fear and stress in countless ways, but Owl’s response was something he hadn’t encountered before. It was as if Owl had flipped a switch and turned off everything that made him who he was, leaving behind only this empty, robotic version of himself.
Price walked behind them, his eyes fixed on Owl’s back, his mind racing. He had seen men break under pressure before, but what worried him most was that Owl didn’t seem broken—he seemed… gone. Price had always respected Owl’s intelligence and ability to handle stress, but now he was faced with the unsettling realization that even the strongest minds could shatter in ways he hadn’t anticipated.
As they neared the barracks, the team slowed their pace, unsure of what to do next. Owl didn’t seem to notice. He simply continued forward, his steps never faltering, until he reached the door to his room. Without a word, without so much as a glance at the others, he opened the door, stepped inside, and closed it behind him with a soft click.
The team stood there for a moment, staring at the closed door, the silence between them growing heavier by the second. Soap finally broke the tension, his voice uncharacteristically quiet. “What the hell just happened?”
Gaz shook his head. “I don’t know.”
Ghost crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowed in thought. “He’s always been a bit of a weirdo, but this… this was different.”
Price took a deep breath, his mind still trying to process what they had just witnessed.
“We’ll give him some time,” Price finally said, his voice firm.
Soap nodded, though the concern never left his face. “You think he’ll be alright, Cap?”
Price didn’t answer right away. He wanted to say yes, but he wasn’t sure. “He’s tougher than he looks,” Price said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. “He just needs time.”
With that, the team slowly dispersed, each of them heading back to their own rooms or the common area, the unease still hanging over them like a dark cloud.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Once inside his room, Owl immediately locked the door and stood there for a moment, leaning his back against it. He knew exactly what was happening to him. It had happened before—more times than he cared to count. Usually, he was alone when it hit, or at at least unnoticed enough to be able to retreat into himself without anyone noticing. But today, he hadn’t been alone. Today, his team had seen it. That thought twisted in his gut, making the already nauseating sensation of failure even worse.
It was like a fuse had blown, a protective mechanism in his brain flipping the switch, shutting down all non-essential functions. He was on autopilot now, disconnected from everything—his thoughts, his emotions, even his sense of self. It was survival mode, pure and simple. In these moments, his mind seemed to separate from his body, leaving him adrift in a void. He couldn’t think, couldn’t feel. The thoughts that usually raced through his mind at a million miles an hour slowed to a crawl, becoming fragmented and disjointed, almost impossible to piece together. It was a defense mechanism, a way for his mind to protect itself from emotions he wasn’t equipped to handle.
Owl slowly walked to his bed and sat down on the edge, his movements mechanical. His hands rested limply in his lap, and he stared down at them. The panic, the shame, the overwhelming sense of failure—it was all still there, lurking just beneath the surface, but it was muted now, as if someone had turned down the volume on his emotions. It was a temporary reprieve, but Owl hated this feeling—this hollow, disconnected state that left him feeling like a stranger in his own body.  His mind was a haze, thoughts slipping through his fingers like sand. He couldn’t grasp anything, couldn’t hold onto a single coherent idea or emotion. He was  supposed to be in control, but here he was, shutting down like a malfunctioning machine.
Time lost meaning in that state. Minutes, hours—they all blurred together into a formless mass. He wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting there, staring at his hands, his mind drifting aimlessly. The muted sensations and the hollow feeling inside him only seemed to grow more unbearable with each passing second. The shutdown, while a protective mechanism, was also torture, suffocating him, making it impossible to feel anything but a dull, throbbing discomfort.  However Owl knew exactly what he needed to do to make it go away.
His mind made up, Owl slowly got up from the bed and walked over to one of his lockers, where he had tucked away his personal, backpack. He knew the risks. He knew the base had a zero-tolerance policy, and he knew that getting caught with what he was about to do would mean the end of everything he had worked for. But right now, he didn’t care. He just needed everything to stop.
His movements still slow, and robotic Owl unzipped the side compartment of the backpack and reached inside, his fingers brushing against a small, tightly wrapped bundle. He pulled it out and carefully unwrapped it, revealing a small plastic bag containing a few pills. It was his emergency stash, something he had kept hidden for moments like these. Owl then pulled out a bottle of Whisky that hadn't been hitten quite as well. While the pills definitely would classify as some sort of contraband, the Whisky would certainly be tolerated.
He hesitated for a brief moment, staring down at the pills in his hand. He hadn’t touched drugs since arriving at the base in January. He cetainly had felt the urge to more than once but somehow he had managed to resist until now. Being afraid of having to go to prison could be a powerful motivater as it seemed. However  as he stood there, the familiar weight of the shutdown pressing down on him, he was out of options, and the need to escape was too strong to resist. Finally Owl popped two pills into his mouth, and washed them down with a few generous gulps whisky. The warmth of the alcohol spread through his chest, and he closed his eyes, waiting for the familiar numbness to wash over him.
As Owl stood there, eyes closed, waiting for the familiar wave of numbness to wash over him, a sense of desperate anticipation hung in the air. He could feel the warmth of the whisky spreading through his chest, usually the first sign that the relief he sought was on its way. But instead of the comforting fog of detachment he craved, something else began to take hold—something far more insidious.
The numbness he expected never arrived. Instead, a cold, creeping sensation began to crawl through his veins. The anxiety he had been trying to escape surged back to the surface, stronger than before, twisting and coiling around his thoughts like a venomous snake. His heart began to race again, but this time it wasn’t the result of adrenaline or fear. It was pure, unfiltered panic.
Owl’s breathing grew shallow, his chest tightening with a pressure that felt unbearable. The pills, instead of dulling his senses, seemed to sharpen them, turning every thought into a jagged edge that cut deep into his psyche. The whisky, instead of warming him, seemed to burn, leaving a trail of fire down his throat that settled in his gut like a smoldering ember.
He almost fell down, clutching at his chest as the emotional pain he had been trying so hard to suppress flooded back with a vengeance. The shame, the failure, the overwhelming sense of worthlessness—it all hit him at once, like a tidal wave crashing over him, dragging him down into its depths.
Owl’s vision blurred, his thoughts spiraling out of control as he sank to his knees. The room around him seemed to spin, the walls closing in as the weight of his own emotions pressed down on him, suffocating him. He tried to push it all away, to force his mind back into that state of detachment, but the harder he fought, the more intense the feelings became.
“Why… why isn’t it working?” Owl gasped, his voice trembling as he fumbled for the bag of pills. He needed more—more to drown out the noise, more to push away the crushing weight of his own failure. His hands shook violently as he poured more pills into his palm, barely able to keep them steady long enough to swallow them down with another gulp of whisky.
But it didn’t help. Instead of numbing him, the drugs only seemed to amplify his misery. The guilt that had been simmering beneath the surface now roared to life, clawing at him with razor-sharp talons. Every failure, every mistake he had ever made flashed before his eyes, each one more vivid and painful than the last.
He was drowning in it, a sea of self-loathing and despair that threatened to pull him under. The room around him blurred into a haze of distorted colors and shapes, but there was no escape—no reprieve from the onslaught of emotions that tore at him from the inside out. His chest ached with a deep, hollow pain, as if his very soul was being torn apart, piece by piece.
The shame and self-hate was unbearable, a heavy, suffocating blanket that wrapped itself around him, squeezing the breath from his lungs. He could hear the voices in his head, mocking him, taunting him, reminding him of every moment of weakness, every time he had fallen short. *You’re a failure. You don’t belong here. You’ll never be good enough.*
Owl’s hands clenched into fists, his nails digging into his palms as he rocked back and forth on the floor, desperate for any kind of release. But there was none to be found—only the relentless, crushing weight of his own inadequacy, pressing down on him until he thought he might shatter under the pressure.
Owl tried to stand, but his legs gave out beneath him, sending him crashing to the floor with a jolt that sent fresh waves of pain through his already battered body. Gritting his teeth, Owl forced himself to try again, his muscles protesting as he slowly pushed himself up from the floor. His limbs trembled violently, but he managed to get to his feet, swaying unsteadily as he made his way toward the small sink in the corner of the room.
When he reached the sink, Owl braced himself against it, gripping the edges so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He didn’t want to look up, didn’t want to face the reflection in the mirror, but some morbid curiosity compelled him to lift his head. What he saw staring back at him was a stranger. The man in the mirror was a grotesque parody of the person he used to be just a few hours ago. His skin was sickly pale, almost gray, as if all the life had been drained from it. His eyes, once sharp and bright, were now bloodshot and sunken, empty of any spark or emotion. There was nothing human left in that gaze—just a hollow, lifeless void. His face, usually so controlled, was twisted with anger and self-loathing.
The sight filled Owl with a surge of disgust, a visceral revulsion that made his stomach churn. This…thing in the mirror, this broken, shattered creature—how could this possibly be him? The anger bubbled up inside him, hot and raw, mingling with the self-hatred that had been festering in his gut for so long. Before he even realized what he was doing, Owl’s hand shot out, his fist slamming into the mirror with all the force he could muster. The glass shattered instantly, splintering into countless jagged shards that rained down into the sink and onto the floor.
The pain in his hand was immediate and sharp, a burning sensation that flared up his arm, but compared to the torment that had been raging inside him it was almost a pleasant experience.  Owl stared down at his injured hand: how the blood stained his skin. How the blood started to pool in his palm and seadily dripped onto the cracked porcelain just below. The sight of it brought a strange kind of clarity—a grounding sensation that cut through the haze of his mind, anchoring him to the present.
Continue reading here
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shcmook · 1 year
The episode structure of season 2 seems to strongly mirror that of season 1.
101 introduce us to all the characters together in a single setting, with a slight emphasis on the rand’s POV. 201 reintroduces us to all the characters and how they’ve grown apart, emphasizing Rand’s absence from the others’ lives.
102 introduces new threats, The Whitecloaks and the darkness of Shadar Logoth, it ends with the heroes divided but the return of Nyneave. 202 introduces new faces that seem to be allies, Elayne and Selene, the villains are more united than before, as we see Ishamael with the Seanchan, and it ends with Nyneave leaving.
103 focuses on the heroes, separated, reeling from this loss, unsure who they can and can’t trust, and forced to make choices without moiraine’s guidance. It ends with each of them gaining new allies. 203 has nyneave and eggy separated, eggy reeling from the loss, nyneave unsure what’s even real. Mat doesn’t know where to go and falls back on Min. Rand seeks guidance from logain. Moiraine doesn’t appear at all. It ends with each of them failing to gain new allies. eggy makes enemies with Liandrin, logain refuses to teach rand, Perrin believes the wolves are of the Dark, and nyneave’s daughter doesn’t come through the final arch with her.
This parallel is the most tenuous but it makes sense to me idk
104 focuses on a powerful new threat (logain) that’s been caged while rand struggles to be a good friend and Perrin struggles to find peace with himself after his failures. It ends with the threat still caged and the reveal of nyneave’s insane power level. 204 highlights a threat that’s just been set free, (Lanfear), while moiraine struggles to be a good sister and lan struggles to find peace with himself after past failures. It ends with the reveal of who lanfear actually is, she’s momentarily beaten but she remains a threat.
Im gonna make predictions on the rest of the season now:
105 focused a lot on a newcomer to the cast who served lan’s arc, while having Rand connect with friends new and old, meanwhile egwene and Perrin are captured by whitecloaks and freed by wolves. 205 will feature Liandrin in the ways and loial under Seanchan control pretty heavily, which will set up for egwene in the next episode. Rand will attempt to burn his bridges with Moiraine, Siuan, Logain and any Cairhienin nobility bc he thinks he should run away some more and that’s the best thing for him. Oh and Selene/Lanfear, who’ll fight back. Perrin and the wolves will help the Aiel only to immediately need help from them back (mirroring Avi’s intro from the books but switching which Emonds fielder she meets first).
106 is a fully moiraine POV episode, culminating in the EF5 back together again, but mat leaves. 206 will be 70% egwene in falme. She helps nyneave and elayne escape, gets captured, becomes damane, it gets DARK AS HELL, which is why I don’t think that’ll be the whole episode… I think they’ll break it up with mat POV of him arriving in Cairhien and discovering mins betrayal and his insane luck stat. Lan’ll arrive with news from the tower that the WONDERGIRLS are missing and Perrin is captured, and mat and min will go with him to find moiraine and Rand.
107 and 108 each have flashbacks to the Aiel war and the age of legends respectively. We basically get the ways, calm in Fal Dara, Mo and Rand go off alone, they find the Eye, then final battles for all. 207 will open with a flashback to Mo and Siuan seeing the vision of when the dragon reborn’s birth. Present day we get rand Flickering the Cairhien group to Falme. It’s not as long of a timeskip as in the books because we’ve already had such big timeskips in the show already. Perrin reunites with Ingtar and drama ensues. avi joins nyn and elayne. Avi and elayne have love at first sight. 208 has another lews therin cold open, maybe the book one prologue maybe not idk. From there we get a big battle sequence that fuses elements of books 2 and 3’s climaxes with some twists along the way that make sense for how the show has changed things idk. But rand is in the sky and Mat blows the horn. by the end Ishy will be super dead, masema will be worshipping rand and avi will have told rand that he comes with the Dawn and needs to come to the Waste. Mo might even be channeling again, but her and her Dragon will not learn their lesson and will try to go to the waste alone. Mat and eggy manage to join but are super pissed at Rand for faking his death for like a year and trying to leave again. Perrin, upon realizing he’s been left, resolve to return to the two rivers. One of Alanna’s warders, idc which one, dies in the big battle and she’s pissed about it. She gotta take elayne back to the tower but she’s met rand by this point and has her eye on him as a replacement. Elayne has eyes on rand too but in a more wholesome “I wanna be part of this EF5 friendgroup and mayyyyyybe have a 3way with the Aiel lady and the dragon reborn” way. Nyneave and lan will get grouped together but idk if they’ll end up with Perrin in the two rivers or if being powerless against the Seanchan will convince nyneave that there’s good she can do in the Tower.
Post credit scene of lanfear still at large. The end.
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favarion · 5 months
Working on Sophias Story again :D
-> A little later, Sophia reached maintenance shaft [xy], where the main security system of the SD of the Abyss Chrusher was located. The light activated by a motion sensor flared up in cold white with a delay of a few seconds. Neon Xilkor tubes of the NX-6 series had this somewhat unpleasant habit, which the manufacturer Asterisk never rectified. Despite this, Hallinger-FTL continued to install them in all maintenance rooms of their ship series to this day. The Davar class in particular suffered from this fact, as it had a higher number of such areas due to its modular design. As a result, Sophia had only been able to recognise the large control cabinets and component racks by the myriad of flashing LEDs when she arrived. This sea of red, orange and green diodes, which greeted her auspiciously from the steel racks, secretly watched over the entire crew and ensured that the safety units of the individual SERAHs were working.
Now that the white light flooded the room, she saw it in its entirety, and with it the technology inside. In contrast to the blinking confusion of the Sevix control racks on the right side of the room, the Servagul control cabinets on her left, unusual for a Davar-class ship, emitted a soft green glow. The reason for this was that Servagul built light panels into the doors of their products, which no self-respecting shipbuilder needed. Such nice lighting did nothing but waste power unnecessarily. Sure, ships like the Abyss Chrusher might not lack power, but that was no reason to be so wasteful.
Shrugging her shoulders, the engineer lifted her tool and the testing device before taking them to the control cabinet labelled SUR-2, where she set them down. She unlocked the door with her CAM and the handle whirred out, allowing her to open the cabinet. Sophia sighed, pulled open the cupboard door and, coloured by the light from the front panel, saw another flood of flashing or glowing diodes emanating from the security register cards. It was a sight that filled the engineer with joy, because she had hardly been able to wait to get back into the bowels of the Abyss Chrusher, but the work that was to follow was rather dull. So she plugged her headphones into her CAM, put them in her ears and switched on an album by a band Liv had shown her a few days ago. A harsh guitar riff accompanied by the vocals of a woman singing in the language of the Marlan system rang out.
She then began checking the security tabs, which initially consisted of informing the SD-SERAH of her work via the control panel in the top frame of the device. In fact, Sophia was only slightly keen on an emergency lockout of the SD, even if she could override it with her system authorisations. Basically, you had to give Servagul and Sevix credit for the cleverness of their products. After all, the automatic security system, which according to Ela - unfortunately there were no plans on this subject - summarised one subsystem of the drive per cabinet in order to pass them on to SERAH in a bundle.
You could imagine the tabs and their subsystems as the nervous system of a body, which transmitted every pain of the machines to the consciousness or to an AI. SERAH then reported the information to the Abyss Chrusher's SAM, the ship's main AI, which ensured that appropriate action was taken. What the SERAH was to the SD, the SAM was to the entire ship.
Sophia pulled a small screwdriver from the side pocket on her left arm. She used it to loosen the two neck screws on the top and bottom of the front panel of each of the seven assemblies. She was then able to pull them out by the handle to insert them into the test device. This established a serial, wired connection with the fuse register in order to then interrogate the main function of the unit on the two circuit boards of the modules. For this purpose, the test device simulated a fault by sending a specific signal sequence via the bus interface. The module processed this within a few femtoseconds and signalled an alarm back to the test device. At least that's how it worked when everything was OK. The process only took a few blinks of the eye until the technical measurement results - such as resistance, time and induction values - appeared on the display of the test device. Confirmation of the success or failure of the analysis could then also be obtained.<-
The story of the empty sky - 1 Dreams of electronic tears Chapter 10, A fairy tale of normality
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akai-anna · 8 months
Hiya! I'm sure you're already aware, but since your DCMK gift giver dropped out, your gift giver has been switched to me :D How are you doing today?
I have to say, all the platonic relationships you listed out on your form really called to my heart (like the sakura trio, detective boys, mouri family unit, etc etc)! All of those characters are super near and dear to me, and I love seeing them interact ^_^ I noticed you seemed to especially like Vermouth as well--- what do you think of her character? I just think she's like, really cool whenever she appears on screen hehe
Also, I just saw your recent post about the new spy x family chapter--- I'm glad that other people were getting major Detective Conan vibes too, it was so cute! I'm not sure if you're interested in detco fanfiction, but it really reminded me of this really good SpyFam x Detco crossover fic on AO3 called 'Forged', by HikariAA. If Anya was a detective, murder cases would get solved much quicker, wouldn't they?
(In addition, forgive me for snooping through your blog, but I just wanted to ask about how your darling dog is doing now--- the one you mentioned in your other DCMK anon ask. You don't have to answer, of course! Regardless, all the best wishes to you and her.)
Hope you have a great day, and I'm looking forward to working on your gift ^_^ !
Yes, I've been notified of the change, and thus welcome thee, with great enthusiasm! Thank you so much for accepting to be my gift giver so late in the event. *bows*
Thank you, I'm doing well today so far. A bit apprehensive, since I have an interview today, but I'll try to make the most of it. And once I get home I hope to get a few things done that I've been meaning to (but got distracted from gkjnfjkbn). And let me throw back the question at you: how are you doing yourself, lovely? Also, I would like to hear more about what you like about DCMK! Pehaps you could tell me something that you cherish a lot yet feel you don't see enough appreciation for?
A PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP ENTHUSIAST!!! And gosh, I agree so much, THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS, and they are the reason I'm stuck in DCMK. (I am digging myself deeper and deeper into this hole, and enjoying it.) I live for their interactions, be it in fanworks or canon. And you are 100% right: I adore Vermouth! (As I gushed about that in this particular ask, gosh.) But in short: I love how she is a morally grey. The way she can kill and deceive without batting an eye, being very competent too, only to have her 2 little treasures whom she would protect with everything she has, meaning her own life too? I love her. I love her SO MUCH. It's such a shame she appears so little, NOW THAT IS THE CRIME!!! I'd love to see more of her (WHERE IS MY VERMOUTH BACKSTORY- *GETS HIT*)
SPY X FAMILY IS ALSO PRECIOUS TO ME (THE MOST ADORABLE FAKE/FOUND FAMILY EVER, MY HEART), and to see the reference to DetCo in the most recent chapter? My heart absolutely MELTED, to witness two of my eternal favourites fused together. AND I'M VERY INTERESTED IN FANFICTION (in general and for DetCo too), YES, YES, YES. In fact, no day passes without reading a bit of fanfiction, since I tend to read between the time I go to bed and fall asleep. AND I HAVEN'T HEARD OF THAT FIC BUT I'M VERY EXCITED TO CHECK IT OUT NOW!!! (I love recs, I ADORE RECS.) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! And yes *laughs* Anya would be a great help for sure!
And snooping is more than welcome, feel free to do so in the future, if you want to! AND THANK YOU, fortunately she is doing SO MUCH BETTER, she is not yet fully healed (liver needs lots of time to regenerate), but she is eating with gusto (very good sign) and is more enthusiastic and active (also very good sign)! We are due for a check up in a few weeks, to see if all the medication worked as it should. I forgot to take pictures of her, but have these fairly recent ones (right after she started feeling better) as a treat, of my lil darling. (You have no idea how happy I am to still have her with me, BABY DARLING.)
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that-irishman-fan · 9 months
dr. strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb as an 80’s dark fantasy movie headcanons!
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This is definitely going to be the most niche thing I’ve written across all my blogs and in my time posting fan content; but I felt the need to do this deep down in my soul. In this new year, I wanted to take one of my favourite films of all time, Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb, and fuse it with one of my favourite genres of film, retro dark fantasy( by that I mean movies like Labyrinth, Legend, The Princess Bride, Neverending Story, Willow, etc. )
Quick note that NONE of Dr. Strangelove belongs to me whatsoever, full rights go to Stanley Kubrick and everyone involved there. I’m only writing based on these brilliant characters and stories, not claiming them as my own in any way. This is merely an alternate universe take, not canon.
These are going to be small headcanons to establish a ground zero idea for what I would love to turn into a full fledged fanfiction, but I wanted to get the general consensus on whether or not it was something worth pursuing. I’m going to tag my favourite human being in the whole world and best friend, @itscrimsonsixx and the absolute goddess that is @jaethebloody in this post!
Thank you everybody for your continued reblogs, likes, comments, and support on my posts, you guys are literally the best and I appreciate each and every single one of you!
FANDOM: Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb, 1964
GENRE: Alternate universe, headcanons, medieval au, and whatever else this could be classified as!
SYNOPSIS: My headcanons of the cast of Dr. Strangelove in an 80’s dark fantasy style world!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of angst, swearing, info-dumps I apologize in advance for, and just general weirdness as a whole that I don’t know if I regret or am proud of…
Let’s start by establishing the general plot and who’s who in this demented chaotic bin on fire of a story.
There are two kingdoms in a magical realm who have been warring against each other for eons, as far back as history goes. The purpose for the battle isn’t really known anymore, but these kingdoms fight to carry on their legacies. In the west is the land of Cybele and in the east is the land of Vanth. There are many planes of existence in this world, but the story takes place on the middle plane where humans, magical creatures, and forces of good and evil spirits reside. The metaphysical beings can cross over, but not mortals.
King of the Cybele in the West is Merkin Muffley, late in life to the throne after the sudden passing of his father. He’s a humanitarian, philanthropist, and a good man who cares for his people and wants the best for his land. It is him who has pushed the concordance between both kingdoms despite protests from his court. The character of Staines becomes his Royal Advisor and they are good friends.
The Archlord of the Vanth Kingdom is Dmitri Kissov, a royal who came from a long line of warlords, generals, and intellectuals. Like Muffley, he’s also a benevolent ruler not wanting to sacrifice his men to a war he deems to be useless bloodshed. But pressures from his court mean he’s got a hell of a time trying to make cordial decisions and relations with his ‘sworn rival.’
To cement this alliance into permanency, Dmitri has pledged his sister to marry Merkin for them to unite both the Cybele and the Vanth houses. While Dmitri’s younger sister is a woman of good character, Merkin does not love her. Rather, he is in love with Dmitri, the forbidden love between the two rulers going way back to their youth. They pine for each other afar, not able to express their love.
In this instance, I would prescribe the classic role of the innocent princess to Muffley whereas his love interest can be the noble prince from a faraway land or the outcast he’s prohibited from marrying. I want to switch up gender roles with this story, giving the characters broader spectrum to express themselves without ideas of stereotypes or patriarchy being a dominant force.
The Royal Guardsmen of Cybele are led by the High General Buck Turgidson, a militaristic and uncouth old soldier who was once apart of the crusades of the Lady of the Moon, the Cybele deity. Since such wars were outlawed, he craves the thrill of battle and thus opposes the union of the Cybele and Vanth kingdoms. ( Quick note, the Moon Goddess is Cybele’s deity whereas the Vanth are atheistic, also similar to how the Americans and Russians were in the original movie. Of course, there are always exceptions, the goddess is universal, but the Vanth tend to be skeptics and the Cybele more spiritual )
He is having an affair with the dark witch, Madame Scott, in the enchanted forests bordering Vanth and Cybele. She promises to keep eyes open for any rebel forces in the woods if he does not turn her coven in for practicing the dark arts. In return, the two have a passionate albeit dysfunctional relationship.
Overseer of the court of Vanth is the Duke Alexei de Sadesky, a diplomat and merchant appointed to the role after many years as a successful broker. He is well-educated, reserved, but with a fiery and passionate side like most people of Vanth. His love interest is also an ‘enemy’ who is in the court of the Cybele, with the exception that they are together show love in correspondences.
This love interest is none other than the famed sorcerer, alchemist, and learned man rumoured to not be from their mortal plane—Jürgen Merkwurdigliebe or Doctor Strangelove. He has tremendous powers, protecting the kingdom of Cybele with his technological skills of infused magical weaponry and machines. It is him who gave flight, weapons of warfare, and many more amazing inventions to both sides of the war by his genius. He is much like High General Turgidson, opposed to unification but having to put on a public face. And he’s very versed in magic and the dark arts, once being a dark wizard of the Supreme Nox before defecting when it was locked away by the heroes of many years before. But with a new generation and the peace talks, it has broken free—and Strangelove may or may not be involved.
Strangelove would be the classic Merlin archetype, sort of the Gandalf-slash-Dumbledore character with his mad genius. de Sadesky is a villain who’s more of a hero than anything else in this story. Him and Strangelove regard themselves as married, their love covert and secret so as not to cause scandal over two rivals being together. A male identifying person being a bachelor isn’t uncommon in this world and neither for a female identifying person, but marriage is considered to be important—almost necessary to royals and aristocrats. And of course, genderqueer, non-binary, fluid, and agender folks are fully accepted too, this is a world where the binary doesn’t have a hold on the minds of the people. War, famine, dark magic, pleasing the gods, and being of good character are far more important than what pronouns a person uses. Its just considered acceptable and normal.
Now, those who oppose the unification who aren’t in the aristocracy have banded together to form the vagrant rebel forces. Looming over the peace talks between these two kingdoms is the Supreme Nox, a being only spoken of in only the darkest of circles. It is a being of pure darkness, pure sin, and pure diabolical evil, the very incarnate of everything frightening, harmful, and broken in the cosmos. The minority of subjects and officials who break away from their kingdoms because they don’t like the idea of the war ending fall into two categories: they either join the Supreme Nox and its growing armies of shadows, or they integrate into a new group of people hidden deep in the woods.
This new backwoods commune is lead by a former wing pilot for the Cybele kingdom named T.J. Kong. While he isn’t hostile nor wanting to be subservient to Supreme Nox, he refuses to go back to the villages and grand city of Cybele. This story revolves around nationalism just as the original source movie does, and I wanted to keep those elements in my little fic here. To get rid of it would strip the characters of this important detail. Kong is devoted to his new found family, knowing all their names, stories, and backgrounds, and he is as kind a leader as Muffley and Kissov.
I would love for Kong to be the quirky sidekick, much like Brown Tom and Screwball in Legend or Vizzini’s crew in Princess Bride. I can imagine him being so off-kilter and just hilarious, but with a heart of gold. Keep him in the back of your mind as we progress, he’s going to show up shortly.
On the opposite spectrum, there’s the turncoat Jack D. Ripper of the Cybele kingdom. Once a middle ranking guardsman, he became aware of the unification talks between Cybele and Vanth. He’s fought in many of the wars between the two powers, staunchly pro-Cybele. Conspiracies, lies, and disgust all boiled over into him going rogue, and joining the Supreme Nox. Because he has national secrets and knows the weaknesses of the kingdom, he is given a bounty and becomes the most wanted man in the lands of the Moon Goddess and in the Vanth lands too.
Now who should chase after Ripper but courageous Lionel Mandrake of Cybele! He’s of middle class blood, the reject of six other brothers and was the rightful governor of his village until it was stolen from him by his younger siblings. As such, Mandrake became a guardsman. This offended his family so much since they dislike the upper eschalons, that he was cut off. When Mandrake learned of Ripper’s desertion, he took it upon himself to go after his former commander. He journeys through the plains, mountains, and woods towards the dreaded Castle of Doomsday of the Supreme Nox in the badlands to retrieve Ripper. He’s become a classic Dungeons and Dragons style ranger mixed with the nomadism of Aragorn from Lord of The Rings. Along the way he meets T.J. Kong, who joins him to stop Ripper and the Supreme Nox.
Mandrake is most definitely the chosen one archetype, the scruffy hero who rises up to the challenge of good versus evil. It’s in a long lost prophecy for him to join forces with Kong, Ms. Scott, and de Sadesky to conquer the forces of darkness that would destroy the universe; so think Legend with Tim Curry, basically, but with the aesthetic of Labyrinth and Willow, and the type of humour of The Princess Bride.
I’m gonna throw in the character of Colonel Bat Guano ( oh my god, his name ) as a folk hero of his village in Cybele, famed for his valour and his nobility. He’s not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but he can fight and he’s respected by his countrymen for it. He comes from Mandrake’s village and joins him at the final battle against the Supreme Nox.
So yeah, the basic premise is that Cybele and Vanth are in the process of making peace and possible unification whilst having to contend with the very real threat of the Supreme Nox. It’s a clusterfuck and amalgamation of everything I love about Dr. Strangelove and about retro dark fantasy, and it’s honestly weird even for me—but I feel as though it could be really good? I don’t know, time will tell.
Thank you so much for reading if you got this far, I am BEYOND grateful and appreciative for you reading my thoughts. Please let me know what you think, if this is something you’d be interested in seeing or something I should just keep to myself. Have a great rest of your week everyone and Happy New Year!
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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"Fuck! I thought for sure you'd blame Pandit for it!" - Gustave Olofsson
Biographical information
Full Name: Gustave Olofsson
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Incarcerated
Age: 60 (season 1)
Birth: 1953
Race: Human
Nationality: Swedish
Origin: Gothenburg, Sweden
Grimsborough, USA
Chhattisgarh, India (formerly)
Gothenburg, Sweden (formerly)
Profession(s): Surgeon
Affiliation(s): Switch Laboratories
Height: 6'0" Age: 60 (season 1) Weight: 213lbs Eyes: green Blood: O-
Gustave is a Swedish man with light skin, slicked-back black hair, a trim goatee and cold green eyes. He wears a wrinkle-free blue dress shirt with a black silk tie and black slacks. His dress shoes are polished to a shine, and he has an orange lab coat with a Switch Laboratories pin on the left side.
As per his suspect appearance in A Shock to the Team, it is known that Gustave eats Singhara ki Barfi and knows biology.
Gustave was the killer of his ex-boss Victoria Holt. He was a surgeon for Switch Laboratories back when it operated in India before U.N.I.T. destroyed it and the team's entire research. He knew about Victoria's plan to secretly develop custom poisons to be sold on the black market, but he didn't know about her allegiance to SOMBRA. But he enjoyed the money he was making by helping Victoria, so he never questioned who their "private investors" were.
After U.N.I.T. destroyed the laboratory, Gustave was arrested and spent several years in jail for his involvement. He hated Victoria for abandoning him and the other scientists to take the fall for her work and vowed revenge. Every day that he spent behind bars, he plotted how best to destroy the woman who destroyed his life.
After being released from prison, he moved to the United States to find new work using a secret laboratory hidden under an abandoned iPear store. But he didn't anticipate Victoria coming out of the shadows to find him and ask for his help in restarting Project Elysium. He couldn't believe that Victoria thought he would just forget about what she did to him, and he wanted to kill her right then and there.
But he decided to wait and see if Project Elysium could be restarted before he eliminated her. If they could resume their work, Gustave would become rich again. But he wouldn't let Victoria leave him under a destroyed building this time. Instead, she would be the one taking the fall. So when he found out that Victoria had located Nathan Pandit, the man who had helped destroy Switch Laboratories and who had the key to recreating their work, he knew victory was within reach.
So, Gustave and Victoria created a plan to kidnap Nathan and take him away from Grimsborough. But Victoria deviated from the plan and tried to take Nathan behind Gustave's back. When the Swed found out, he was furious and was even more enraged when he discovered that Nathan had escaped his kidnapping, leaving Victoria unconscious in Gustave's laboratory.
While he was angry at Victoria for the betrayal, Gustave saw this as the perfect opportunity to kill her and take Nathan himself. He tied Victoria to a chair and connected jumper cables to it and the fuse box for the shop's neon sign. With a flip of a switch, Gustave watched as Victoria was electrocuted to a crisp.
Gustave left her body there, uncaring if anyone found it, too confident in himself to think he would be caught. But he was caught, and he cursed the police for sending him back to prison. He would never regain his lost wealth or get revenge on Nathan for the part he played in ruining his life. Now, he would spend the rest of his life behind bars, a poor, sad excuse for a once-famous surgeon.
Story Information
First appeared: A Shock to the Team
I think I was referencing Gaston from Beauty and the Beast when I designed him, but I'm not positive about that! It's been too long since I created him to remember…;-;
When Jones punched him during the arrest for claiming no one would miss Nathan, he broke Gustave's nose
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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monsterdramahub · 1 year
🌈The Artifacts of Theia🌈
The following are a set of powerful objects whose ownership has been in contention for millennia. It is said that uniting them will cause a great "unification". They're passed around the factions throughout the story, so the faction listed to possess them is more of a "has them the majority of the time". Explained are also the appearances of the artifacts and their special power. All objects are capable of switching from their default color into a spectrum of light, and all objects may cause the corruption of the body and mind on contact: the traits listed are what distinguishes them from each other.
⚪The Echo Crystals
The Echo Crystals are many, scattered throughout Theia and take the form of small, unpigmented, irregular fractals. They're said to be shards of the following seven objects. They grant the ability to view visions of the past, usually relating to the past of the one holding the crystal. Echo Crystals can also be charged by another object to gain its powers, but this is temporary and they will require frequent recharging. They aren't all owned by any single faction and each has a few in their possession.
🔴The Pearl
The feared Pearl takes the form of a large red globular mass, cracked and appearing tentatively held in one piece. Viewing the Pearl causes one to enter a blind state of fury and near invulnerability, making those affected into ideal berserkers and terrors of the battlefield. The Pearl is wielded by the Gourmand of Ore Horde.
🟠The Eye
The coveted Eye is square in shape with inner rings of varying orange hues vaguely resembling an iris and pupil. It may be used in a manner similar to a crystal ball, it's gaze able to be directed anywhere and spy upon many things at once if the proper rituals are completed. The Eye is used by the executives of Topaz Corp to monitor their citizens.
🟡The Rose
The draining Rose appears as a small gilded sphere with spiraling inlays making it resemble the pedals of a flower. It has the ability to sap the magical powers of anything and everything, no matter how powerful, within it's range of influence. It is kept by Queen Ari of Rosegold Kingdom.
🟢The Shroud
The mysterious Shroud is a teardrop-shaped, finely spun cloak with a texture similar to velvet and is a deep green in color. Prolonged exposure causes the body to break down and fuse to anything it comes into contact with, taking on the attributes of whatever is absorbed until all sense of self is lost. The Shroud is being researched in Emerald Commune by Regina, Jelly and (outsider to Emerald) Spines.
🔵The Crown
The renowned Crown takes the appearance of a tiara with a single tall spire of brilliant blue stone. The Crown bolsters the natural and magical abilities of whoever is wearing it, making them significantly stronger than anyone within range. Sapphire Regency's privateer, Joei, uses the Crown for their missions.
🟣The Mask
The despised Mask looks like a royal purple half-mask, diamond in shape, broad at the top and pointed at the cheekbone, with a similarly diamond-shaped eye hole. The Mask is capable of making its wearer mimic any and all powers volleyed against them. It is owned by Trash of Amethyst Empire.
💗The Heart
The beloved Heart is a smooth pale pink stone in the shape of a love-heart, similar in size to a real human heart. It may sway the emotions of all within its influence to whatever the wielder pleases. It is held by the twin dragon of the sky. It is held by Altar of Topaz Corp for everyone's own good.
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thekaijudude · 1 year
So, run this by me and for everyone who also doesn’t understand it: why exactly are Chimera Kaiju so…. psychologically unstable and uncontrollable creatures? And I mean TRUE Chimera Kaiju not fragment ones or anything. Also, how would you rank each Chimera Kaiju throughout the series in terms of power and abilities along with infamy and popularity in the fracnhise?
Oh lol so just for context for everyone else, a few days ago, we were discussing this theory about the characteristics of naturally born fusion kaiju
So I pointed out that we actually rarely see naturally-born fusion kaiju, and its mostly a result of bioengineering by aliens
And when we look at how pure ultra fusion works, we always see that the hosts either work in perfect sync (in Saga/GV for example) or the component ultras remain dormant and allow the hosts or another component ultra to retain control (GV and potentially Reiga). But the hosts/fusion components has to have a level of bond in order to achieve this perfect sync for a fusion to occur (Zero pointed this out in the Ginga S Movie)
So I assume that for kaiju, since they were "forced" to fuse (for pure fusions), its most likely that they were totally out of sync and as a result, most likely psychologically unstable.
Unless they were simply mind controlled either by bioengineering (Belial Fusions Beasts that were not formed by Fusion Rise Giga Chimera, Grand King) or sheer will of a much stronger master (Golba, Izmael etc)
We can clearly see this in 2 instances, Beryudora and Five King
Firstly, back in Ginga S, Exceller pointed out that he needed the Victorium Crystals embedded in Five King to stabilize the fusion, and it as also pointed out that once the Victorium Crystals were destroyed, Five King basically got weaker.
Next, for Beryudora, as a fusion of 200+ kaiju, while being able to even fuse that many kaiju is one of the biggest feats in the franchise, we clearly see that its very unstable, with components just stitched together in a very superficial manner and Beryudora not being able to actually use all of the kaijus' abilities to its full, combined extent (cause believe me, if it could, it was totally impossible for the ultras to win that day). And Rei was able to disrupt the fusion as well, clearly demonstrating how unstable Beryudora was right from the get go
Which is why impure fusions (or Type 2 fusions as i coin the term) aka fusions with only 1 host but uses only fragments of the other components' power to fuse are a more convenient option, albeit its far weaker. Cause it allows higher order fusions with virtually no drawback.
We clearly see this being demonstrated in Z with Cerebro being able to switch between Belial Fusion Beasts, access Tri King then further amping up to Five King. As well as of course forming Destrudos and further empowering it with 11 Kaiju Medals but still remaining in Cerebro's control. Same logic with the Tyrant that showed up in Geed and Ginga as a result of summoning items that only contain a fragment of the components' actual power.
Also Metsuboros where Cerebro just outright just used Horoboros as a host for the 2 other components, the whole episode of which clearly showed it was mentally unstable and had to have DRC put it out of its misery.
This is very similar to Guar Spectre's reformation in UGF3 as well as Gina was unwilling to recombine with her dead siblings (understandably so as she was under intense emotional stress at the time, especially since this is a fusion of 3 minds into a single body under the influence of a Reionyx). Which is also why I still believe that the Guar Spectre that showed up in UGF3 is not at its true power, because the Guar Siblings clearly have the ability to work in sync, but its reformation was heavily and purposefully botched by Tartarus.
And the only naturally born kaiju we saw were formed from supernatural means like Tyrant and Ultra Dark Killer, both of which were formed at the Monster Graveyard that were "united" in their grudge against the kaiju. iirc, Giga Chimera was also partially formed that way as stated in the Superior 8 Movie.
Ranking wise, ill just rank them according to power which is more clearer. And because theres just so many fusion kaiju, Ill be grouping them together that are in similar levels of power.
Beryudora (If he was stable)
Guar Spectre (not sure if he should even be on this list since he split into the siblings rather than existing as a fusion in the first place)
Ultra Dark Killer (canon)
Grand King (Im not sure if I really wanna count Super/Maga Grand King (Spectre) as a fusion at this point but I wont talk about it here cause its a can of worms)
Giga Chimera (I might actually place Dark Lucifer since it required Noa to defeat him but im just not sure if the Nexus novel is canon or nah)
Tyrant (Supernaturally formed kaiju seems to be far stronger than ones that were bioengineered, which explains why the feats of a 7 fused kaiju is better than a 12 fused kaiju)
Destrudos (unempowered), Five King, Zeppandon and Metsuboros (if it was stable)
Tri King and the Belial Fusion Beasts (minus Chimeraberus and Atrocious)
Golba, Zetton Falx (which is bascially a modified Zetton Alien Baltan, which implies the existence of the latter so...), Zetton Alien Baltan
I probably missed some fusion kaiju ngl, but I cant recall anymore at the top of my head lol, do lmk if u dont see anyone thats supposed to be here.
For example fused Carmerra/Megalozoa (1st and 2nd forms) and Greeza (2nd and 3rd forms) can technically be counted as fusion but its also easily arguable that they are simply empowerments, same logic as the Sphere-empowered Hyper Zetton that showed up in Saga as well as the rest of the Sphere Synthetic Beasts and the Sphere-empowered MK2 Galactron
Thanks for the question!
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perfectrepairs · 2 years
perfect repair services - Electrical services
How to protect home appliances from the dangers of electricity
Protecting household appliances is an electrical hazard issue. Learn about home electrician tips and advice for your ideal maintenance to protect your home
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First, the electrician of Sharjah homes explains the definition of the dangers of electricity. As the dangers of electricity to the home appliances are considered to be damaging or causing the failure of one of its electrical components, or the occurrence of a fire, God forbid, on the devices. That is why it is very important to protect your devices in every home as these devices have become a daily necessity and when they stop, life stops.
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A home electrician in Ajman offers his services at the cheapest price. Be sure that you will not find prices comparable to the prices of electricians for your ideal maintenance. As a result, your ideal maintenance technicians provide their service for free if you get a lower price for the same service.
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One of the worst things that can damage home appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, desktop computers, and televisions. Power failure and sudden recycling. In addition, electricity can temporarily raise the temperature of the connections, and God forbid, kill the occupants of the house with fire.
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Therefore, in order to protect your home appliances from electrical hazards, the homeowner must regularly disclose the electricity of the home. Undoubtedly, your ideal maintenance home electrician is a professional in detecting electrical faults. At this time, your ideal maintenance electrician has the necessary devices and equipment to detect electrical faults with ease and professionalism.
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One of the most common causes of electrical problems in the home is improper and inappropriate electrical wiring, and these faults lead to property damage and personal injury. Therefore, an electrician who specializes in residential electrical systems must be used to prevent accidents and damage. Likewise, if an electrical fault or problem is discovered, periodic electrical maintenance and necessary maintenance should not be neglected.
Where to provide electricity services in your ideal maintenance
Home Electrician , Home Electrician Abu Dhabi , Home Electrician Sharjah , Home Electrician Dubai , Home Electrician in Ajman , Perfect Reapairs
Our perfect repair services will do it
In fact, your ideal maintenance company for technical services offers many home maintenance services. It is a comprehensive center for providing maintenance services in the Emirates. See what services your ideal maintenance technicians provide. And don't forget to check out your ideal maintenance offers and discounts.
Electricity services
Wood carpentry services
Plumbing services
Painting and painting services
Gypsum installation services
Floor and wall tiling services
marble services
Glass services
Surveillance cameras services
Automatic door repair services
Air conditioning services
Refrigerator repair services
Washing machine repair services
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