#swing dance December 15
l1vchuu · 1 year
resentment. part one
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a new recruit joins the team. you, thinking nothing of it, don't realize how much her presence impacted your own body image, causing you to relapse into an eating disorder you had recovered from a long time ago. how would your roommate, Simon "Ghost" Riley, who had distanced himself from you, react?
!! Warnings: slow burn, mainly focused on fem!reader, eating disorders, angst, strong language, blood, fainting, vomiting, etc.
Today was a normal day at the base, with sergeants walking around, people working in their offices, filing reports, papers, and such. You had just finished with your own reports from the last mission, stretching your arms as you yawn. You were just about to get up when you get a call from Price:
"Everyone in my office in 15 mins, hope you hadn't forgotten."
Oh, yeah. A new recruit was about to join the force, you heard at least. You got up, quickly cleaning out the mess on your desk as you headed towards Captain's office. Knocking on the door, you opened the door and got in, seeing most of the force already there. You smiled at them, waving at them as you took your place next to Soap.
"Alright, fellas. As you possibly heard, a new recruit is going to join us for the next few months. She is an IT specialist, graduated from a high-tech university, and all that."
Captain Price said as he motions to the girl to step forward. She follows as she steps forward, a slight gentle smile glazing her lips.
"This is Sg. Amelia Sanders, and will be working with us until December. Any questions?"
The room is silent, everybody looking at the new recruit. Price nods as he sits at his desk.
"You are dismissed."
As he says that, everyone got up and exited the office. You looked at Amelia for a little longer, finally glad for another girl on the team, before you stood up to follow the others.
It was lunchtime, and you were sitting at the table in the base's cafeteria. You were having a conversation with Soap and Gas, enjoying your meal. Soap continues to talk about his previous mission.
"Then, he came up behind me and tackled me to the ground! But, with my amazing and fast reflexes, I managed to pin him to the ground, which gave me a chance to stab him with my knife. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call a mission!"
Soap pats himself on the back, proud of himself. Gas only manages to shoot a glare, trying to humble him.
"Damn, you really will be talking about this for the next year, won't you?"
Soap rolled his eyes as he picked up a spoon to his mouth, eating his meal. You chuckled as you looked around, realizing that you haven't seen your roommate in a while.
"Has anyone seen Ghost?"
You asked, fiddling with your food. Both of them shrugged their shoulders.
"I think he was going to give the newbie a tour of the base, but I'm not sure."
You nodded as you continued on with your meal, focusing on the afternoon ahead of you. Later that week as you were training in the gym, lifting the barbell off the floor. As you were doing your set, you saw in the corner of your eye your roommate. You gently placed the weights down, turning your head in his direction. You wanted to come up to him, but then you saw that he was talking to Amelia. She filled the atmosphere with her laugh, a squeaky, melodic laugh. He probably told her one of his dad jokes, you thought to yourself as you turned your head, pushing all the thoughts off your head.
You turned your head slightly, looking at them both, and you shook your head again. You gently placed the barbell and weights in their own places, and you exited the gym.
I might go on a run instead.
And there you were, lapping around the base, your ponytail swinging in the air. It was 7 pm and the light summer breeze blew through your body as you jogged, drying the built sweat on your forehead. The night birds sang their melody as the leaves on the trees danced to it, rustling through your ears as you run through the forest track. The same track you used in your training a long time ago. Sure, being a mercenary at a young age helped with your development, building a character, maintaining discipline, and all. But sometimes you wondered what it would be like if you weren't working here.
I'm overthinking again.
You picked up your pace, maybe that could help. But this time your mind focused on something else. Amelia.
It's been a week since she joined the team. You only talked to her twice, about paperwork and all the office shit. She was nice to you, and her voice was gentle every time she asked you questions, she nodded her head, paying immense attention to your every word. She was quick with everything, understanding the whole job with just a few explanations. You admired her, even though she was younger. Or so you thought you did.
You were sprinting at this point, your feet barely catching up with your thoughts as you run. After realizing this, you immediately slowed down, stopping in order to catch your breath. Your head was spinning, you were running for a while, hence the sunset painted on the sky. You sat down on the grass, your head in your hands. This was not normal behavior for you.
What is happening?
At the base, there were many female soldiers, lieutenants, and such. You never even paid this close attention to them, but this time, it was different. What was it about this girl that got you thinking like this? Was it her silky, perfectly combed, soft hair? Was it her toned, slightly muscular, yet slim figure? Was it her gentle voice? What was it?
As much as you hated to admit it, this exact moment reminded you of something you thought you left a long, long time ago. Something that consumed your mind to the point of barely losing yourself. You shook your head, trying to get rid of the thoughts, but you couldn't. Instead, you felt chills down your face. You felt your body shake slightly as it came up your throat. You immediately bent to the side as you threw up, your hands on the grass, holding up your balance.
After calming down, you were able to stand up. You stood up, your legs shaking slightly as you wobble around. A few steps later your walk became more stable, helping you get as far as your room.
It was 10 pm and you have already gotten out of the shower and were laying on your bed. You were facing the ceiling, your fingers playing with your freshly washed hair. The sun had set a few hours ago, and the window of the room faced the open road, the warm yellow light from the street lights inviting themself into the room, glazing over your face.
Ghost hasn't gotten back.
This past week you weren’t the only one who had changed. There was something in Simon’s behavior that has changed, as well. He is late every night, even though you were the late one, usually. He stopped sitting next to you at lunch, not showing up at all. You began to worry. 
What did I do? 
You thought that every night. Every, single, second of the night where the only way you could fall asleep is if you cried your guts out.
I mean, you couldn’t help it. He was your closest friend, the first person you got introduced to when you joined. Even though your personalities were so different, that was what drew you guys together, even moving into the same room as roommates. You were the first person to hug him, you were the first person who saw his face. You were special. You were his best friend.
You teared up again, it is a routine now. You curled up into a ball and cried, letting your tears puddle around you as if you were swimming in the middle of the ocean, where every sob was a wave, pulling you further into itself. 
You were deep asleep when Ghost returned, but it didn’t even matter, because the moment he entered he plopped himself on his bed, not even thinking about you. 
He doesn’t know what happened, he is so blind.
You had a nightmare that night. Even though you used to have nightmares rarely since you were tired every night. But tonight is different, again. 
You were on the beach on a winter day, it was empty, and you were sitting on the sand, wearing nothing but a long white dress. The cold wind was blowing in your face, your hair dancing in the air. You were facing the ocean, watching the waves as they battle each other. The smell of dried seaweed and salt filling up your nose and flowing through your body. The freezing water hugged your feet every time a wave went by. You were calm, it was peaceful until you saw a tsunami going toward you. Your eyes widened as you stood up immediately and ran away from it. But there was nowhere to run, the beach is endless. You ran as the big wave was approaching you with every step. The only thing in your sight was infinite sand- no buildings, no land, only sand. But you weren’t fast enough, the big wave swallowed you. You couldn’t run or swim, you were already caught. As your lungs filled with water, your body slowly started to freeze from the cold water. It already consumed you, it is over.
You rose instantly, barely choking on your breath as you looked around. The cold sweat, the swollen eyes, the messy hair, everything seemed way too familiar. Your chest heaved with every breath you took, you were just dreaming, and it was only 5 am. You looked around again. 
The tears built up in your eyes again, he wasn’t there. Why wasn’t he there? Where the fuck is he? You stood up and went to the bathroom, maybe washing your eyes might help. 
As you turned on the faucet, you caught a glance of yourself in the mirror. You couldn’t recognize the person looking back at you. You splashed your face a couple of times, bringing yourself back to Earth. You manage to brush your teeth and get ready for another day at base. You didn’t want to work, but you didn't want to call in sick either, you didn’t want people to know that you were not doing okay. You didn’t want to be another burden. 
You put on your uniform, which consisted of your normal tan shirt, cargos, and boots. Placing your hair in a bun, you felt your heartbeat fasten. You obviously didn’t look normal, what are you going to say if someone asks you about your appearance? You thought of an excuse for a  few minutes, and eventually, you have planned to just say that you ‘stayed all night watching movies’ or whatever. That excuse was quite believable since everybody knew how much you love film, especially when you have spent sleepless nights watching movies with Simon.
You sighed as you left your room, giving one last check at the clock, it was 5:45 am. The corridors were empty since it was really early. You thought about giving a knock on Soap’s door, but you immediately pushed that thought away. You continued down the hall leading into your workplace.  
As you sat down in your chair, turned on your computer, and waited for it to load, the sky was getting brighter by every five minutes. At first, it was dark blue, then it became a brighter shade and then the sun began to rise, giving the sky a yellowish-pink color. You looked outside the window, trying to enjoy the moment of peace and silence until a familiar voice rang through the hall. A quiet, melodic voice was heard, followed by gentle and soft footsteps. You felt your heart sink to the floor, fighting the urge to cover your ears with your hands, muting all the sounds. But you couldn’t, you knew you couldn’t do that here. So you just sat there, frozen in your place, hoping her voice would just go away. 
Go away. 
thanks for reading! if you enjoyed it and want part 2, don't hesitate to give this a like or a reblog. if you have any suggestions, you are more than welcome to give them, I'm all ears :) I really wanted to write something more deep and angsty, so please don't wonder why there is no smut, there won't be any.
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storyofthenauseouseye · 10 months
The Duality of Woman: Anais Nin
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Vogue Magazine, Anais Nin talks about being a woman, 15 October 1971
Anais Nin is a woman of duality. It's been a well-known fact for those who know or love her that she is truly a two-sided coin. She said it herself in her book Henry and June,
"I will always be the virgin prostitute, the perverse angel, the two-faced sinister and saintly woman"(bookquoters.com).
From her intense marriages to two different men on opposite sides of the country, to her literary career, to even her personal reflections and essays, Nin was a figure bathed in duality. How does one split the image of Anais Nin ideally in half? You just have to find the seam between diarist and eroticist.
The Diarist
Anais Nin is most well-loved by her adoring fans because of her published diary. As a young girl, Nin wrote her father a letter begging him to return to the family he had abandoned (The Anais Nin Foundation). This was the beginning of Nin's diary, which would be published in seven volumes, with four unexpurgated diaries later appearing after their original publication.
Her diaries were incredibly personal, full of secrets and thoughts she never thought would come to light. The biggest secret within these diaries was that she was married to two different men simultaneously, something she would remove from the diaries upon initial publication. Years later, Nin compiled the removed sections into one volume, the first of her unexpurgated diaries. It was called Henry and June, and detailed the letters and writings the two shared. The duality of Nin stretched throughout every aspect of her life.
These highly intimate journals struck twentieth-century American women directly in their souls. As one journalist famously put it in an article for The Conversation,
Anaïs Nin dreamed, in all senses. She dreamed of lives and possibilities. She dreamed in slumber and allowed her dreams to leak into the day. As I regularly committed the cardinal social sin of recounting my dreams over breakfast, she seemed a soulmate across oceans and generations (Gorman).
These teenage girls and their daydreams were instantly hooked on Nin's likeminded wonder and splendid prose. She became a sensation after the diary publications almost instantly, giving her a decent seat in literary history.
It wouldn't be long until something else gave her another boost of fame.
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Ramon Casas, Decadent Young Woman. After the Dance, 1899
The Eroticist
In the late 1970s, Anais Nine published three volumes of erotic short fiction, each containing approximately ten stories. Despite their popularity, the term erotic is a tad inappropriate. Although she wasn't a follower of the transgressive art movement like Georges Bataille, Anais Nin's erotic stories are more disturbing and controversial than actually arousing.
Nin wrote about such topics as sexual abuse, incest, pedophilia, and other forms of sexual violence within her stories. These works would go on to shock and challenge readers even today (Maza).
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Lost Lenore Antiques, Anais Nin ~ Little Birds and Delta of Venus ~ 1st Edition Books ~ Vintage Erotica, 27 August 2021
Works Cited
The Anais Nin Foundation. “bio — The Anais Nin Foundation.” The Anais Nin Foundation, https://theanaisninfoundation.org/bio. Accessed 11 December 2023.
Gorman, Alice. “The book that changed me: journeying to the self with Anaïs Nin's sensual, transgressive diaries.” The Conversation, 25 April 2022, https://theconversation.com/the-book-that-changed-me-journeying-to-the-self-with-ana-s-nins-sensual-transgressive-diaries-176135. Accessed 11 December 2023.
Maza, Sarah, and Paul Herron. “Swinging: The Double Life of Anaïs Nin.” Public Books, 19 February 2018, https://www.publicbooks.org/swinging-the-double-life-of-anais-nin/. Accessed 11 December 2023.
Nin, Anaïs. “Quotes from Henry and June: From "A Journal of Love"--The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin by Anaïs Nin.” BookQuoters, https://bookquoters.com/book/henry-and-june-from-a-journal-of-love-the-unexpurgated-diary-of-anais-nin. Accessed 11 December 2023.
Further Reading
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gacmediadaily · 1 year
For some, the holidays are all about frankincense and myrrh, while for others, they're all about Hallmark hunks and her. If you fall into the latter camp, you may want to make like Santa and get thee to New Jersey this December.
Christmas Con New Jersey has already revealed plans to reunite the cast of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation — Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo, Randy Quaid and Juliette Lewis will all be there — along with 15 fan-favorite actors from across the Hallmark, Great American Family and Lifetime holiday cinematic universe. But PEOPLE now gets to exclusively reveal 14 more stars set to take the stage.
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon: Move over. We're about to unleash our own list of Santa's helpers.
Melissa Joan Hart, Alicia Witt and Catherine Bell will be joined by fellow festive ladies Nikki DeLoach, Erin Cahill, Melissa Claire Egan, Danica McKellar, Katrina Law and Brooke D'Orsay.
As for the gents, Cameron Mathison, Kristoffer Polaha, Jesse Hutch, Will Kemp and Wes Brown will be decking, er, walking the halls of the Expo Center.
This lineup means a number of this year's holiday movie costars will be at the event together. D'Orsay and Kemp are paired up for A Not So Royal Christmas. The already announced Lacey Chabert will get to see Brown, her Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up costar.
And Cahill and Bell will get to say hello to their Christmas on Cherry Lane costar Jonathan Bennett.
Meanwhile. here's hoping Great American Family actors McKellar and Jen Lilley bring their dancing shoes. McKellar will be cutting a rug next month in Swing into Romance, while Lilley is costarring with Matthew Morrison in the upcoming A Paris Christmas Waltz.
Other stars previously announced include the Three Wise Men and a Baby gents — Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker, and Paul Campbell — as well as Kimberley Sustad, Victor Webster, Cindy Busby, Brennan Elliott, Autumn Reeser, Taylor Cole, Steve Lund, Jesse Metcalfe and Benjamin Ayres (Romance University gear, anyone?).
In addition to the stars Christmas Con is a winter wonderland complete with a tree lighting, a holiday market full of local artists and vendors, photo ops and other activities.
Christmas Con 2023 takes place Dec. 8–10 at the New Jersey Expo Center in Edison, New Jersey. Ticket information can be found here.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
Bear with me a moment while I talk about swing music from the late 1990s as portrayed in comics. Weirdly specific, I know, but I find it an interesting cultural detail.
In Superboy 1994 #59 (cover date February 1999), Serling Roquette tries to connect with Guardian (a clone of a hero from the 1940s, on whom she has a very much one-sided crush) by enthusiastically telling him about "the new Brian Setzer album," which is "almost as good as Louis Prima!"
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She is probably referring to the Brian Setzer Orchestra's "Jump, Jive an' Wail," a 1998 cover of a Louis Prima song from 1956. This song was all over the radio in the late 90s. I remember hearing it in the car when I was a child (and mishearing the lyrics). It's dang catchy. Give it a listen.
But the interesting thing isn't so much Serling's fabulous taste as how adults are portrayed as responding to it. When she's introduced, she talks about how much her mother disapproves of her listening to such music.
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(Superboy 1994 #57, cover date December 1998)
Which seems bizarre. You might expect the average parent in the 1990s to be more concerned about their child listening to...say, the edgier stuff that Kon prefers (rock, metal, gangsta rap), not 1940s crooners.
And this isn't the only time such an attitude comes up! In Young Justice 1998 #15 (cover date December 1999), four of the kids attend a dance at Cissie's school. The music is provided by a swing band called "the Nose Pickin' Daddies," dressed in striped suits and fedoras. (The band's name and the lyric pictured below are likely a parody of the Cherry Poppin' Daddies and their 1997 song "Zoot Suit Riot.")
The teenagers seem to be enjoying the music, but school counselor Marcy Money is not impressed.
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Marcy was apparently a teenager of the 1970s, and she can't understand why music that she would have considered old-fashioned and tame is what is currently appealing to the youth. Kids these days just aren't as musically rebellious as they used to be!
Marcy and Mrs. Roquette are probably around the ages of the writers of these comics, and this disdain for neo-swing is a possible reflection of the writers' perspectives, or at least of a prevalent view among their generation at this time.
This amuses me, because...of all things to be outraged that the kids are into? But on a more serious note, it ties into YJ's recurring themes of generational disconnect. In this case, the current generation hearkening back to a former one (from the days when--in our world--the adult heroes of these comics first made their appearance!).
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magpiemoonchild · 2 years
Selling my entire Kpop collection
Selling from BC, Canada
Will ship for extra
[ ] = Available
[X] = Sold
Albums included:
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[ ] EXO - Power X2 (35 each)
[ ] Super Junior - Replay (40)
[ ] Super Junior - Play (50)
[ ] T-Ara - What's My Name (Qri) (35-40)
[ ] Tiffany - I Just Wanna Dance (60-70)
[ ] EXID - Full Moon (100)
[ ] Chungha - SET (35)
[ ] TTS - Holler (45)
[X] F(x) - Electric Shock (65-70)
[ ] Red Velvet - Bad Boy (40)
[ ] EXO - Sing for You (PCY) (40)
[ ] Super Junior - Opera (cd&dvd) (50)
[ ] Super Junior - Sexy Free & Single (30)
[ ] EXO CBX - Girls (Xiumin) x2 (40 each)
[ ] Monsta X - The Clan pt1 (30)
[ ] EXO - EXORIDIUM in Seoul (230)
[ ] Kara - Day & Night (65-70)
[ ] Sunggyu - Stories collectors edition (60)
[ ] TVXQ - Truth of Love (Pink) (40)
[ ] TVXQ - Truth of Love (White) (40)
[ ] TVXQ - Chance of Love (30)
[ ] Show Luo - Lions Roar Collectors Edition (60)
[ ] IU - Pallete (40)
[ ] Mamamoo - Melting (50)
[ ] BTOB - Beep Beep signed (50)
[ ] Super Junior - Black Suit (40)
[ ] Super Junior - Sexy Free & Single collectors edition (70)
[ ] Kyuhyun - 1st mini album (40)
[ ] MBLAQ - Love Beat (30)
[ ] 2NE1 - To Anyone (40)
[ ] Infinite - Destiny (25)
[ ] Infinite - Reality (30)
[ ] Super Junior - This is Love (Kangin) (65-70)
[ ] SM the Ballad Vol2 (20)
[ ] Super Junior M - Swing (30-40)
[ ] MBLAQ - Just Blaq (25)
[ ] Girls Generation - The Boys (55-60)
[ ] Super Junior D&E - Ride Me (30-40)
[ ] Miyavi - What's My Name (30-35)
[ ] EXO Countdown (Xiumin) collectors edition (300)
[ ] Super Junior - Mr. Simple (30-35)
[ ] Taemin - Ace (150)
[ ] EXO CBX - Blooming Day - Chen (30-35)
[ ] JJCC - 1st Single signed (70)
[ ] BTS - Wings (I version) (40)
[ ] Super Junior - Devil (40)
[ ] B1A4 - 4th mini album (50)
[ ] Super Junior - Play (Pause version) (35)
[ ] Lisa - Lalisa (60)
[ ] EXO - First Box (60-70)
[ ] KARD - You & Me (65)
[ ] EXO K - Mama (30)
[X] EXO M - Mama (30)
[ ] IU - Real (15-20)
[ ] MBLAQ - Mirror (25-30)
[ ] MBLAQ - Broken (50)
[ ] EXO - Don't Mess Up My Tempo (all 3 versions) (130)
[ ] Girls Generators - Hoot (50)
[ ] Chungha - Off (35)
[ ] Chungha - Hands On Me (25-30)
[ ] UKnow - True Colours (30)
[X] F(x) - 4 Walls (15)
[ ] TVXQ - Rise As God (40-45)
[X] Luna - Free Somebody (25)
[ ] Infinite H (Fly High) damaged (20)
[X] ATEEZ - Treasure (25)
[ ] BAP - Blue (30)
[ ] TVXQ - Humanoids (40)
[ ] MBLAQ - Mona Lisa (40)
[ ] Monsta X - Deja Vu (ver3) (30-35)
[ ] CLC - Nu Clear (135)
[ ] CLC - First Love (150)
[ ] CLC - Free (220)
[X] ATEEZ - One to All (25)
[ ] Blackpink - Square Up (Pink) (30)
[X] SPEED - Speed Circus (130)
[ ] Kahi - Who Are You? (30)
[ ] Monsta X - Beautiful (25)
[ ] Taeyeon - My Voice (60-65)
[ ] EXO - Kokobop the War (40)
[ ] KARD - Hola Hola (45)
[ ] Chungha - XII (150-200)
[ ] EXO - XOXO Repackage (45)
[ ] CLC - Crystyle (200)
[ ] Monsta X - Are You There? (Ver1) (25)
[ ] Monsta X - Are You There? (Ver2) (25)
[ ] SHINee - Year of Us (45)
[ ] Sunggyu - 27 (25)
[ ] EXO - Winter Special 2017 (30)
[ ] EXO-K - Overdose (40)
[X] ATEEZ - Wave (25)
[X] ATEEZ - Treasure (red) (25)
[ ] EXO-K - Miracles in December (40)
[ ] Girls Generation - Mr Mr (40)
[ ] TVXQ - Tense (35-40)
[ ] EXO - Love Me Right (40)
[ ] SHINee - Lucifer (125-130)
[ ] Ryeowook - The Little Prince (30)
[ ] EXO CBX - Hey Mama! Chen (30-35)
[ ] Red Velvet - Red Summer (25-30)
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eglectic · 2 years
Breaking my back? No. Back from my break.
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Here’s basically what I’ve been up to:
This past month I’ve allowed myself to indulge in foods not normally on my protocol, and I’m getting back in the swing of it all. I did gain 10-15 lbs in the process, but I learned a lot. Honestly, a lot of the food just doesn’t hit the same anymore. I’ve continued working out although maybe not going as hard as I was in December for some of it. I allowed myself to relax a little in January but now that February is in full swing, I’m coming back better and stronger than ever.
I’m also changing the focus of this blog a little. I’ll post maybe weekly summaries on Sundays about my fitness journey and progress, but since this journey is about learning what is going on with me when I’m not overeating and who I am outside of food, that’s also what I’ll post about here. Just like I don’t define myself as a non-smoker, even though I am not a smoker, I don’t want my eating habits or my weight to be the crux of my identity.
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I moved out of my crazy housemates’ place! Literally today I moved in with a gracious and amazing friend here in Marathon. That’s pretty much the biggest stressor I dealt with over the last month. They told me at the end of December to move out by February 1st. Then after talking we agreed I could stay through February. Then, my friends loaned me a scooter to get around town. Within not even 12 hours of having it there, my housemates’ dog chewed on one of the handles, and when we discussed it they didn’t like my tone. So they gave me two weeks to move out. I guess it IS pretty rude of me to not be happy about that! Silly me! I should have hugged them and thanked them for allowing their dog to damage my/my friends’ property! Maybe I should have tried their definition of politeness — I should have moved someone (a recently jailed person who has been known to be addicted to drugs and steal to pay for them) in without talking to them about it, or eaten their food without asking, or worn their shoes, or damaged their property, and then gotten mad at them for not loving that.
Part of me thinks they let their dog do that on purpose. Anyway, they definitely take the crown for my least favorite people I have ever lived with! And I lived with a literal Nazi last year! But at least that guy, even though I totally disagree with him on so many important issues, minded his own business and wasn’t all up in my shit. And he never tried to dictate how I should feel, as if anyone ever could. I’m not saying he’s a better person than my housemates, just a slightly better roommate. My housemates are probably good employees, maybe good family members, probably good partners to each other, but as roommates/housemates to me they sucked. Ultimately though, I wish them well. At the end of the day, they didn’t hurt me. They’re just a speck in the tapestry of my life. Soon they’ll just be another kind of wild story I get to tell. Living with them I learned a lot about myself and how I can show up even when I initially feel disempowered and disrespected in a situation.
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Finally, and this is the most exciting part to me — I’m moving out of the Florida Keys in April! I love it here so much and it’s already so bittersweet, but I’ve been feeling the pull to leave for a long time now. I’m going to spend a couple weeks in Lithuania, then travel around Europe (not sure where to yet or what modes of transportation) before going to work in Ibiza for the summer. Truthfully, I’d rather not spend all summer in Ibiza. I’d rather move to Madrid or Valencia and live there for a couple years or more, but living and working in Ibiza all summer seems like a fantastic back up plan to me. I’ll get to meet lots of cool people from all over the world and even though I’m not a huge partier and I’m pretty much always sober, I love to go out dancing.
I’ve been doing light research about life in Madrid and Valencia and I’m already thinking maybe I should just make that my permanent home. But then I wouldn’t have Amazon and I wanted to try out Rent the Runway! Haha. Plus the entertainment industry is essentially in America, so I don’t know if I could reach my artist/media creator goals while living in Spain. We’ll see. If nothing changes, my plan is to travel around Spain after Ibiza and look for a job. One thing for sure, though, is that I want my income, my savings, and my investments to continue increasing. And based on how it’s shaping up right now, it WILL be an epic, luxurious, and rewarding year.
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
Today was a dense day!
First off, the Fukuyama performance 🎈 Thank you very much for your support at today's ive~
Thank you~ 🐣❤️
Nah, really, just for a bit, after this 1 performance, I was so sad.........
I'll do my best tomorrow, and also at Budokan......
Today was our,  first time visiting this venue in Fukuyama!
For Morning Musume, its been since the 2008 Single Daizenshuu tour, Waa, amazing,
Thank you for waiting everyone in Fukuyama 😢✨
Todays performance at this venue was, I've experienced MC's many times but, this time the sound of the applause really reverberated!
I ended up being instigated by the momentum of all the fans 😢✨
Really thank you very much, for your support today!
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Today I made my hair straight
Also today,
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes! ~Kakuda no Rocket ver.~
Thank you very much for watching 🚀
With the pet bottle rocket! Yay! It was my first time making one---!
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It super flew away 😏 lol
I'll post a photo later!
Thank you very much, for TV Tokyo Virtual Music Fest 🎈
It was a bit difficult to watch, right?
For us, shooting it was really fun!
With the 360 degree camera being placed, the timing of where to look at the camera was like, here!? While also being conscious that you can see our dancing from the back,
Tomorrow the concert hall will be replayed at 5PM,
around 8PM on the 28th (Mon)~ it seems that the archive will be playing at the Fest Venue's theater,
If you missed it please try to find it 😳🎈
Thank you very much for the opportunity to perform!!!
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December for the time being I'll do my best to fill it out more~
The application deadline〆 is approaching ⚠️
11/27 11:59PM →Nippon Budokan Live Viewing Preorder
11/28 11:59 →Photobook Signed Book
11/30 11:59 → Limsta Sign Meet
"Sanriku, Tokiwa no Umiuma wo Chokugeki! Tannou! "Umiuma Trip""
I go on a location shoot searching delicious things from the sea (=umiuma) from places facing the pacific ocean, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima 🤤🐚
I got to participate as the navigator to this 4 prefectures, The guests were, Garrittochuu-san, Okuyama Kazusa-san, Tanpopo no Shiratori Kumiko-san, Atsushi-san, I welcomed them to each prefecture!
12/3 (Sat) 3:25~4:20PM ⭐ Sendai Broadcast 12/4 (Sun) 2:00~2:55PM ⭐ BS Fuji 12/4 (Sun) 2:00~2:55PM ⭐ Iwate Menkoi TV (12/11 (Sun) 2:00~2:55PM ⭐ Aomori TV 12/18 (Sun) 4:00~4:55 ⭐ Fukushima TV
12/16 (Fri) 5:15~5:45AM TV Tokyo "Chouonpa"
12/23 (Fri) 12:59~1:59AM Nihon TV "Buzz Rhythm"
Tokyo Sports note Series #88 I went to Sayashi-san's 2nd LIVE TOUR 2022 UNISON
🍓   2023.1.7 release 6th photobook "Are you Ready me"
Those that preorder before 11/28, 200 people could win a signed book from a lottery  🍀   →Wani Books Special Edition
You can get an alternate cover here  🍀   → Amazon
Randomly selected 4 other cuts  🍀   → e-LineUP!MallLive
photo benefits differ depending on the site please choose carefully when preordering  🍀
→ Click here for preorder benefits on each site  
The making is here  🍀     Morning Musume '23 Ishida Ayumi Photobook "Are you Ready me"CM
Blu-ray&DVD  💿️  
November 16th (Wed) Release  
Morning Musume '22 CONCERT TOUR ~Never Been Better!~ Morito Chisaki Graduation Special
Chii-chan's Gradcon x JAPAN JAM 2   ⚠️   Discs
December 21st (Wed) Release  
Morning Musume '22 CONCERT TOUR ~Never Been Better! Encore~Summer
Encore Tour x Rockin'    ⚠️  2 discs  
New single  💿️  
December 21st (Wed)  New single release "Swing Swing Paradise/Happy birthday to Me!"      
Notice of purchase benefits
On Kaedy's Birthday, The song MV releases on 11/30
Morning Musume '23's calendar, is being sold by Hagoromo-san  
Pre-orders are on sale on these sites  🎈    
HMV       Tower Records       7net       Rakuten Goods  
live 🎤
December 10th (Sat)   Morning Musume '22 Nippon Budokan Performance  🔥  
→ Holding a live viewing
January 2nd-February 25th   Winter Hello! Project Concert  
2023 winter
We’re touring to 7 cities nationwide   ⚠️   Morning starts on January 3rd    
see you ayumin<3
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sheetmusiclibrarypdf · 4 months
Benny Goodman - Jazz Play-Along Volume 86
Jazz Play-Along Volume 86 Benny Goodman Sheet Music Library, YOUR Library for piano and guitar scores.The Best of Benny GoodmanBenny GoodmanPlease, subscribe to our Library. Thank you!Best Sheet Music download from our Library.
Jazz Play-Along Volume 86 Benny Goodman
Sheet Music Library, YOUR Library for piano and guitar scores.
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The Best of Benny Goodman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqTtM8Bv9vM Track List: 00:00:00 Sing, Sing, Sing 00:08:42 Why Don't You Do It Right? 00:11:55 Tea for Two (feat.Lionel Hampton, Teddy Wilson, Gene Krupa) 00:15:01 All the Cats Join in (feat.Liza Morrow) 00:18:12 Let's Dance 00:20:28 Ain't Misbehavin' 00:23:55 Chicago 00:26:56 Don't Be That Way 00:30:16 Get Happy 00:33:22 Flying Home 00:36:36 King Porter Stomp 00:39:55 Winter Weather 00:42:57 Big John's Special 00:46:06 Whispering 00:48:46 Santa Claus Came in the Spring
Benny Goodman
Dubbed "The King of Swing," Benny Goodman was the first celebrated bandleader of the Swing Era. He was an accomplished clarinetist whose distinctive playing gave an identity both to his big band and to the smaller units he led simultaneously. The most popular figure of the first few years of the Swing Era in the 1930s, he continued to perform until his death 50 years later. Goodman was the son of Russian immigrants David Goodman, a tailor, and Dora Rezinsky Goodman. He first began taking clarinet lessons at ten at a synagogue, after which he joined the band at Hull House, a settlement home. He made his professional debut at 12 and dropped out of high school at 14 to become a musician. At 16, in August 1925, he joined the Ben Pollack band, with which he made his first released band recordings in December 1926. His first recordings under his own name were made in January 1928. At 20, in September 1929, he left Pollack to settle in New York and work as a freelance musician, working at recording sessions, radio dates, and in the pit bands of Broadway musicals. He also made recordings under his own name with pickup bands, first reaching the charts with "He's Not Worth Your Tears" (vocal by Scrappy Lambert) on Melotone Records in January 1931. He signed to Columbia Records in the later half of 1933 and reached the Top Ten in early 1934 with "Ain't Cha Glad?" (vocal by Jack Teagarden), "Riffin' the Scotch" (vocal by Billie Holiday), and "Ol' Pappy" (vocal by Mildred Bailey), and in the spring with "I Ain't Lazy, I'm Just Dreamin'" (vocal by Jack Teagarden). These record successes and an offer to perform at Billy Rose's Music Hall inspired Goodman to organize a permanent performing orchestra, which gave its first performance on June 1, 1934. His instrumental recording of "Moon Glow" hit number one in July, and he scored two more Top Ten hits in the fall with the instrumentals "Take My Word" and "Bugle Call Rag." After a four-and-a-half-month stay at the Music Hall, he was signed for the Saturday night Let's Dance program on NBC radio, playing the last hour of the three-hour show. During the six months he spent on the show, he scored another six Top Ten hits on Columbia, then switched to RCA Victor, for which he recorded five more Top Ten hits by the end of the year. Read the full article
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openingnightposts · 8 months
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nkplanet · 10 months
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PAIRING: idol!ni-ki x non-idol!gn!reader SUMMARY: you and ni-ki go for a convenience store run on the coldest day of the year WARNINGS: none WORD COUNT: 352
NOTE: i wrote this in honour of it being the first of december (and because i fell in the snow on my way home from college and badly damaged my ego) also i whipped this up on my phone in like 15 mins so if it’s formatted weird i can’t fix it until i have access to my pc sorry 😭
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it was negative two degrees outside (28 degrees fahrenheit). the weather had slowly been turning colder for the last couple of weeks, and yet riki had decided that the coldest day of the year so far was the best day to go for a convenience store run.
there wasn’t much snow on the ground, just enough to make the paths a little slippery. some flakes were still falling from the sky and grassy areas lining the street had a small untouched blanket of white. it was the perfect scene to get the two of you in the christmas spirit.  
you swung your hand in riki’s, the warmth of his skin seeping through your respective gloves. he always seemed to run hot no matter what the weather was like. he was the perfect human heater for a freezing winter’s day.
you looked down at your phone, reading the time. “riki,” you called out to him from beneath your mask, “there’s only ten minutes of your break left.”  he tutted in return. it was muffled, and he’d clearly tried to do it quietly, but you heard it, nonetheless. “they can dance without me for a few minutes.”  you squeezed his hand at the show of mutiny. “you know they can’t. you have to be there, i’m not letting you miss practice because of me.”  “it’s fine,” he said, pushing open the door to the store, “we’re here now, we’ll be back in five minutes.” 
you knew you wouldn’t. even though he basically got the same thing on every trip to the store, riki always took his sweet time looking at almost everything they had to offer.  
by the time you had managed to find what you wanted plus a few things for the rest of the guys, riki had picked out one carton of strawberry milk. you raised an eyebrow at him, and he put his hands up in surrender.  
and, of course, he insisted on paying.  
“ever the gentleman,” you told him, smiling up at him and swinging your conjoined fingers as you walked together. riki groaned at the thought of more practice while you laughed alongside him, knowing you were free from having dance ‘lessons’ now that you (or rather, riki) had bought snacks for everyone.
the snow had grown heavier while you had been in the convenience store, now swirling around the two of you and encasing you in a picturesque city landscape. 
NOTE: i told myself over a year ago that i would never write kpop fanfic again wtf happened
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
Gareth Campesinos!' favourite records of the decade
December 31st, 2009
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This was torture, I swear. Only one album per-band (so that it wasn’t just a list of Xiu Xiu/Elverum albums. That rule occasionally stretched a little (hence no TITSJ or cLOUDDEAD etc). I’d written some stuff but Rob blew that out of the water yesterday, so here we go. Expect adjustments to be made in the comments section, as and when I realise I made horrific mistakes. A Top 20:
20. Meanwhile, Back In Communist Russia – Indian Ink “Drunken strangers trying to lock their eyes onto a body that’s slowly disappearing”
19. Electrelane – The Power Out “I loved you in the morning before the sun would come / you were the dawn to me”
18. Des Ark – Loose Lips Sink Ships “You think I don’t know that my lover’s got a sickness that I can’t fuck him out of”
17. Les Mouches – You’re Worth More To Me Than 1,000 Christians “Can’t find a noose, can’t find a razor, too good a swimmer”
16. Ten Grand – This Is The Way To Rule “Don’t let them get to you first”
15. Help She Can’t Swim – Fashionista Super Dance Troupe “Not everyone looks down on you, not half as much as I fucking do”
14. The Notwist – Neon Golden “Leave me paralysed love, leave me hypnotised, love”
13. Mull Historical Society – Loss “I tried to be afraid, I think that’s what you do”
12. Desaparecidos – Read Music/Speak Spanish “Swing low satellite, hot white chariot!”
11. Tim Hecker – Harmony In Ultra Violet “…”
10. Hymie’s Basement – Hymie’s Basement “when you’re gone I nibble at your lip space”
9. The Aislers Set – How I Learned To Write Backwards “If I’d never learned to love I would never have been hit by the train”
8. Gowns – Red State “You’ve gotta look it in the eyes and say that I don’t believe, you gotta hold it under water so you see where it bleeds”
7. Black Eyes – Black Eyes “The second you touched it it started to die inside, when you said “show me your tits” we were wishing you died”
6. Hood – Cold House “We spit in the pond to give the fish something to pray to” 5. the Organ – Grab That Gun “My neck hurts / ’cause I’ve been cutting moons”
4. Former Ghosts – Fleurs “Who is going to love you like I do?”
3. The Microphones – The Glow pt. II “And, like the moon, my chest was full because we both knew we’re just floating in space over molten rock, and we felt safe and we discovered that our skin is soft”
2. Parenthetical Girls – Safe As Houses “Our hands, our glands are both on the rampage”
1. Xiu Xiu –Knife Play “This is the worst vacation ever. I am going to cut open your forehead with a roofing shingle”
0 notes
When is the best time to visit Shimla?
The best time to visit Shimla for Snowfall, a popular hill station in India, depends on your preferences and the kind of experience you seek. Here's a breakdown of the seasons and the best time to visit Shimla based on weather and activities:
Summer (April to June): This is the peak tourist season in Shimla, with pleasant weather and temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). It's an ideal time for outdoor activities like trekking, paragliding, and exploring the scenic beauty of Shimla. However, be prepared for crowded tourist spots during this time.
Monsoon (July to September): Shimla experiences moderate to heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. While the rain adds a lush green touch to the surroundings, landslides are a possibility. If you don't mind occasional showers and want to enjoy the beauty of rain-washed hills, this could be a good time to visit. It's advisable to check the weather conditions and road accessibility before planning your trip.
Best Time to Visit Himachal Pradesh
Winter (October to February): Winter in Shimla is a charming and popular time, especially for snow lovers. The temperature drops significantly, with occasional snowfall from December to February. It's an excellent time for winter sports like skiing and ice skating. Make sure to pack warm clothing as temperatures can reach below freezing point.
Considering these factors, the best time to visit Shimla for most travelers is during the summer months (April to June) when the weather is pleasant and outdoor activities are in full swing. However, if you specifically want to experience snowfall and winter sports, the winter season (December to February) is the ideal time.
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Dance Form of Himachal Pradesh
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okurut · 2 years
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Finally, we are in our final destination on introduction of Lindyhop and Swing Dance in Northern Uganda. We have arrived today in Kitgum safely and ready to start the workshops with dancers here. We moved with some of our dancers from Heart of Dance African Rhymes who have been dancing it for more than two years to inspire, encourage and motivate more dancers here to pick up interest on the dance. To all #Lindyhop and #Swingdance communities, we are calling for your help has we have to finish up 15 days with these dancers here and the funds are not really well. Anybody who is willing to come in and support us to finish up this project that will be our great achievement of 2022 as it's ending now. Kitgum dancers, let's do this together and showcase the dance at #Beyond The Beat event happening on 14th and 15th December. #blacklindyhoppersfund #bluemarble #BLHF #lindyhopperslife #lindyhop #swingdance #swing #swingdancelife #swingdancelessons #swingdance #ugandaswingkids #SwingDanceUganda #instructorokurutgeorge #yoga #acroyoga #okurutgeorge (at Kitgum Municipality) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1GsvDoGNL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seeselfblack · 4 years
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Dancer, Norma Miller BornDay... 
*Norma Miller was born on this date, December 2, in 1919.  She was an African American lindy hop dancer, choreographer, actress, author, and comedian known as the "Queen of Swing".  
Norma Miller was born in Harlem, New York into mother Alma and father Norman, a soldier, both from Bridgetown, Barbados. She was named after her father, who died from pneumonia a month before her birth. She had an older sister, Dot. Young Miller took dance lessons from a young age. During the Great Depression, Miller and her family moved to an apartment near the Savoy Ballroom.  
On Easter Sunday in 1932, when Miller was 12 years old, she was dancing outside the Savoy Ballroom, too young to enter. She was approached by George “Twist Mouth” Ganaway, "the greatest dancer at the Savoy," who was impressed with her dancing. Twist Mouth asked Miller to immediately be his partner in a competition occurring in the ballroom, which they won, before Miller was escorted back outside.  Later that year, Miller entered the Savoy Lindy Hop Contest, held at the Apollo Theater. Miller entered with one of her high school friends, Sonny Ashby, and they won the contest. The performance prompted Herbert "Whitey" White, the dance master at the Savoy, to ask Miller to join his group, Whitey's Lindy Hoppers.
She was hired in 1934 at age 15, the youngest member of the group. In 1935, the troupe won the Harvest Moon Ball contest and then went on a 7-month European tour that began in the U.S. with headliner Ethel Waters. In California, the group appeared in the 1936 movie A Day at the Races. After the tour, Miller was hospitalized for fatigue. Miller rejoined the group in 1938. For a second time, the group performed at the Harvest Moon Ball, hosted by Ed Sullivan. Miller and her partner placed in the top 3, and Sullivan invited them to perform on Toast of the Town (later called The Ed Sullivan Show).  
They appeared in the 1941 movie Hellzapoppin', where Miller played a dancing cook. When they returned from filming, the group went to Rio de Janeiro to perform for 10 months because of the start of World War II.  She left Whitey's Lindy Hoppers in 1942 to produce and attend dance school. She took classes based in the techniques of Martha Graham, Hanya Holm, Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman. She toured Canada and the United States and lived in Los Angeles before returning to New York in 1946.  From 1952 to 1968, Miller directed and toured with the Norma Miller Dancers and Norma Miller and Her Jazzmen, both of which included Frankie Manning's son Chazz Young as well as her long-time partner Billy Ricker. In 1954, her group toured nationally with the Count Basie show. She and Cab Calloway introduced their comedy skit of Romeo and Juliet while performing in Miami Beach, where she lived until 1959.  In 1972, Miller traveled to Vietnam on a solo comedy tour.
She moved to Las Vegas in 1977, where she starred in and produced shows. She returned to New York In 1982, where she lived and worked until 1990 when she returned to Las Vegas.  Miller, who never married and left no immediate survivors, had a long-term relationship with her fellow “Hellzapoppin” performer Roy Glenn, who died in 1971.  She appeared in at least nine other documentaries on dance, black comedy and other subjects, including a PBS series “Jazz” (2000). She was the subject of a children’s book by Alan Govenar, “Stompin’ at the Savoy: The Story of Norma Miller” (2006). Her own books include “Swing Baby Swing” (2010, with Darlene Gist), a chronicle of swing dancing over her century.
In 2018, Miller appeared at the Herrang Dance Camp in Sweden, an annual gathering since the 1980s of Lindy Hop lovers from around the world.  Norma Miller died on May 5, 2019 at her home in Fort Myers, Fla. She was 99.
To Become a Dancer 
See also: 
- Seven Things You Should Know about Hellzapoppin' 
- Harlem’s Norma “Queen Of Swing” Miller, 1919 – (Video) 
- What Is the Lindy Hop 
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midnightsslut · 3 years
Taylor Swift Tours Masterpost
Hey everyone! For absolutely no reason at all, I’ve decided to compile a masterpost of all the regular setlists, surprise songs, covers, and guests on Taylor’s tours with links to YouTube videos when available (I’m only including videos that weren’t featured in official tour movies). I’ve noticed that, although there are posts like this for specific tours, like Red or reputation, some of this information is pretty hard to find, and it might be useful to some to have it all in one place. Also, I’m something of a Taylor Swift live performance ~connoisseur (💀), so I thought I might share. :) Here we go
Note: This is only part one. I don’t know when the posts for Red, 1989, and reputation will be up.
Part One: Fearless & Speak Now
Fearless Tour (April 23, 2009-July 10, 2010)
This tour did not feature a ‘surprise song slot,’ but she did sometimes change the setlist up a bit. She also brought out a couple of surprise guests (most notably John Mayer and Katy Perry), but not nearly as many as she did on her later tours.
Regular setlist: Fearless Tour
1. ‘You Belong with Me’
2. ‘Our Song’
3. ‘Tell Me Why’
4. ‘Teardrops on My Guitar’
5. ‘Fearless’
6. ‘Forever & Always’
7. ‘Hey Stephen’
8. ‘Fifteen’
9. ‘Tim McGraw’
10. ‘White Horse’ (x)
11. ‘Love Story’
12. ‘The Way I Loved You’ (x)
13. ‘You’re Not Sorry’ / ‘What Goes Around… Comes Around’ (x)
14. ‘Picture to Burn’
15. ‘Change’ (x)
16. ‘I’m Only Me When I’m with You’ (2009) (x) OR ‘Today Was a Fairytale’ (2010)
17. ‘Should’ve Said No’ (extended version)
*Starting from the show in Uncasville, Connecticut on August 28, 2009, ‘Change’ was removed from the setlist. It was added back in Greensville, South Carolina on September 4, 2009. Starting from the show in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 1, 2009, it was removed again.
*European shows on the 2009 leg often removed ‘I’m Only Me When I’m with You’ as well as ‘Change.’
*Starting from the show in Brisbane, Australia on February 4, 2010, ‘Today Was a Fairytale’ replaced ‘I’m Only Me When I’m with You’ in the encore.
Surprise songs:
1. ‘The Best Day’ - Evansville, Indiana (April 23, 2009) Note: This was actually the first show of the tour. Unfortunately, I haven’t found a video of this performance.
2. ‘Two Is Better Than One’ - Brisbane, Australia (February 4, 2010) (x)
3. ‘The Best Day’ - Moline, Illinois (May 8, 2010) (x)
4. ‘Jump Then Fall’ - Foxborough, Massachusetts (June 5, 2010) (x)
Surprise guest performances:
1. ‘Your Body is a Wonderland’ and ‘White Horse’ (already part of the regular acoustic set but performed as a duet here) with John Mayer - Los Angeles, CA (May 22, 2009) (x)
2. ‘The Way You Love Me’ with Faith Hill - Nashville, TN (September 12, 2009) (x)
3. ‘Hot N Cold’ with Katy Perry - Los Angeles, CA (April 15, 2010)
Speak Now World Tour (February 9, 2011-March 18, 2012)
Regular setlists:
Eurasia (February 9, 2011-March 30, 2011)
Note: All of the performances linked below are from the Eurasian leg. Therefore, their quality is questionable. I’m only including these because this leg had a slightly different wardrobe than the North American leg which was recorded for the tour movie. I’m not including videos from performances where the costume is the same.
1. ‘Sparks Fly’
2. ‘Mine’
3. ‘The Story of Us’
4. ‘Back to December’ / ‘Apologize’ / ‘You’re Not Sorry’ (x)
5. ‘Better Than Revenge’ (x)
6. ‘Speak Now’
7. ‘Fearless’ / ‘I’m Yours’ / ‘Hey, Soul Sister’
8. ‘Fifteen’ (x)
9. ‘You Belong with Me’
10. ‘Dear John’ (x) - I’m only including this video because she wore her hair loose lol
11. ‘Enchanted’ (x)
12. ‘Long Live’ (x)
13. ‘Love Story’ (x)
North America & Oceania (May 21, 2011-March 18, 2012)
This is based solely on the first North American show
1. ‘Sparks Fly’
2. ‘Mine’
3. ‘The Story of Us’
4. ‘Our Song’
5. ‘Mean’
6. ‘Back to December’ / ‘Apologize’ / ‘You’re Not Sorry’
7. ‘Better Than Revenge’
8. ‘Speak Now’
9. ‘Fearless’ / ‘I’m Yours’ / ‘Hey, Soul Sister’
10. ‘Last Kiss’
11. ‘You Belong with Me’
12. ‘Dear John’
13. ‘Enchanted’
14. ‘Haunted’
15. ‘Long Live’
16. ‘Fifteen’
17. ‘Love Story’
Starting from the show in Toronto, Canada on July 15, 2011, Taylor started playing acoustic covers right after her performance of ‘Last Kiss.’
Starting from the show in Denver, CO, on September 27, 2011, ‘Ours’ was added to the encore, right before the performance of ‘Fifteen’. This marked the live debut of the song. If Taylor had a surprise guest, this was the song she would usually cut from the setlist.
Starting from the show in Perth, Australia on March 2, 2012, ‘Safe & Sound’ (x) was added to the encore. ‘Ours’ (x) was shifted to the acoustic set and was played right before ‘Last Kiss.’ It was only skipped at the show in Auckland on March 17. I’m including a video because, although the performance from the encore was featured in the tour movie, this version takes place on the B-stage and has a different costume (the purple Susan Hilferty dress she wore for half the show lol).
At the shows in Melbourne, Australia on March 12, 2012 and Auckland, New Zealand on March 16, 2012, ‘Fearless’ was skipped.
Surprise covers:
1. ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi - Newark, NJ (July 19, 2011) (x)
2. ‘Dancing in the Dark’ by Bruce Springsteen / ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi - Newark, NJ (July 20 & 24, 2011) (x), (x)
3. ‘Cowboy Take Me Away’ by the Dixie Chicks - Newark, NJ (July 23, 2011) (x)
4. ‘Lose Yourself’ by Eminem and ‘Smile’ by Uncle Kracker’ - Grand Rapids, MI (July 28, 2011) (x)
5. ‘Jack & Diane’ by John Mallencamp and ‘I Want You Back’ by the Jackson 5 - Indianapolis, IN (July 29, 2011) (x), (x)
Note: ‘I Want You Back’ was featured on the Speak Now World Tour Live CD. The second link will direct you to the audio.
6. ‘I Try’ by Macy Gray and ‘My Wish’ by the Rascal Flatts - Cleveland, OH (July 30, 2011) (x)
7. ‘I Heard It Through the Grapevine’ by Gladys Knight & the Pips and ‘Ghetto Superstar’ by Mya - Washington, DC (August 2, 2011) (x)
8. ‘Stay (I Missed You)’ by Lisa Loeb and ‘A Sorta Fairytale’ by Tori Amos - Washington, DC (August 3, 2011) (x)
9. ‘Who Knew’ by P!nk and ‘Unpretty’ by TLC - Philadelphia, PA (August 6, 2011) (x)
10. ‘Sugar, We’re Goin Down’ by Fall Out Boy - Rosemont, IL (August 9-10, 2011) (x)
11. ‘Just a Dream’ by Nelly - St Louis, MO (August 13-14, 2011) (x)
12. ‘God Only Knows’ by The Beach Boys and ‘Sweet Escape’ by Gwen Stefani - Los Angeles, CA (August 23-24, 2011) (x), (x)
Note: ‘Sweet Escape’ was featured as a bonus track on the Target deluxe version of the Speak Now World Tour Live CD. The second link will direct you to the audio.
13. ‘This Love’ by Maroon 5 and Bette Davis Eyes’ by Jackie DeShannon - Los Angeles, CA (August 27, 2011) (x), (x)
Note: ‘Bette Davis Eyes’ was featured on the Speak Now World Tour Live CD. The second link will direct you to the audio.
14. ‘Realize’ by Colbie Caillat’ - Los Angeles, CA (August 28, 2011) (x)
15. ‘Drops of Jupiter’ by Train - San Jose, CA (September 1, 2011) (x)
Note: ‘Drops of Jupiter’ was included in the Speak Now World Tour concert movie. An audio was also featured on the standard CD.
16. ‘Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)’ by Green Day - San Jose, CA (September 2, 2011) (x)
17. ‘Untouchable’ by Luna Halo - Sacramento, CA (September 3, 2011) (x)
18. ‘Closer to Love’ by Matt Kearney - Portland, OR (September 6, 2011) (x)
19. ‘You & Me’ by Dave Matthews Band - Tacoma, WA (September 7, 2011) (x)
20. ‘Nashville’ by David Mead - Nashville, TN (September 16-17, 2011) (x), (x)
Note: ‘Nashville’ was featured as a bonus track on the Target deluxe version of the Speak Now World Tour Live CD. The second link will direct you to the audio. PS: This is one of my favorite covers she’s ever done.
21. ‘Lucky’ by Britney Spears - Bossier City, LA (September 20, 2011) (x)
22. ‘Swing, Swing’ by The All-American Rejects - Tulsa, OK (September 21, 2011) (x)
23. ‘How to Save a Life’ by The Fray - Denver, CO (September 27, 2011) (x)
24. ‘Animal’ by The Neon Trees - Salt Lake City, UT (September 28, 2011) (x)
25. ‘Baby Girl’ by Sugarland - Atlanta, GA (October 1-2, 2011) (x)
26. ‘Ain’t Nothing ‘Bout You’ by Brooks & Dunn - North Little Rock, AR (October 4, 2011) (x)
27. ‘Breathless’ by Better Than Ezra - New Orleans, LA (October 5, 2011) (x)
28. ‘Boys of Summer’ by Don Henley - Dallas, TX (October 8, 2011) (x)
29. ‘The Back of Your Hand’ by Dwight Yoakam - Louisville, KY (October 11, 2011) (x)
30. ‘Wide Open Spaces’ by The Dixie Chicks - Lubbock, TX (October 14, 2011) (x)
31. ‘What Hurts the Most’ by Jeffrey Steele - Oklahoma City, OK (October 15, 2011) (x)
32. ‘Dare You to Move’ by Switchfoot - San Diego, CA (October 20, 2011) (x)
33. ‘No Parade’ by Jordin Sparks - Glendale, AZ (October 21, 2011) (x)
34. ‘You Learn’ by Alanis Morissette, ‘Baby’ by Justin Bieber, and ‘She’s So High by Tal Bachman (all played in succession along with ‘You Belong with Me’) - Toronto, Canada (July 15, 2011) (x)
35. ‘Complicated’ by Avril Lavigne, ‘Baby’ by Justin Bieber, and ‘I’m Like a Bird’ by Nelly Furtado - Toronto, Canada (July 16, 2011) (x), (x), (x)
Note: She only played excerpts from each song. A full video isn’t available.
36. ‘Complicated’ by Carolyn Dawn Johnson - Edmonton, Canada (August 18, 2011) (x)
37. ‘Summer of 69’ by Bryan Adams - Vancouver, Canada (September 10, 2011) (x)
38. ‘Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)’ by Alan Jackson - Vancouver, Canada (September 11, 2011) (x)
39. ‘All You Wanted’ by Michelle Branch - Glendale AZ, (October 22, 2011) & San Antonio, TX (October 25, 2011) (x)
40. ‘Run’ by George Strait - San Antonio, TX (October 26, 2011) (x)
41. ‘Hold On’ by Jack Ingram - Memphis, TN (October 30, 2011) (x) (skip to 21:46; this video includes all the Speak Now Tour covers)
42. ‘Cry Me a River’ by Justin Timberlake - New York, NY (November 21, 2011) (x)
Surprise guests:
1. ‘Baby’ with Justin Bieber - Los Angeles, CA (August 23, 2011) (x)
2. ‘I’m Yours’ with Jason Mraz - Los Angeles, CA (August 24, 2011) (x)
3. ‘Tonight, Tonight’ with Hot Chelle Rae - Los Angeles, CA (August 27, 2011), (x)
4. ‘Super Bass’ with Nicki Minaj - Los Angeles, CA (August 28, 2011) (x)
5. ‘That’s What You Get’ with Hayley Williams - Nashville, TN (September 16, 2011) (x)
6. ‘Bleed Red’ with Ronnie Dunn - Nashville, TN (September 16, 2011) (x)
7. ‘Big Star’ with Kenny Chesney - Nashville, TN (September 17, 2011) (x)
8. ‘Keep Your Head Up’ with Andy Grammer - Nashville, TN (September 17, 2011) (x)
9. ‘Just to See You Smile’ with Tim McGraw - Nashville, TN (September 17, 2011) (x)
10. ‘Yeah!’ with Usher - Atlanta, GA (October 1, 2011) (x)
11. ‘Live Your Life’ with T.I. - Atlanta, GA (October 2, 2011) (x)
12. ‘Meant to Live’ with Jon Foreman - Glendale, AZ (October 21, 2011) (x)
13. ‘She’s So High’ with Tal Bachman - Vancouver, Canada (September 10, 2011) (x)
14. ‘The Middle’ with Jim Adkins - Glendale, AZ (October 22, 2011) (x)
15. ‘Just a Dream’ with Nelly - Houston, TX (November 5, 2011) (x)
16. ‘Right Round’ with Flo Rida - Miami, FL (November 13, 2011) (x)
17. ‘Alright’ with Darius Rucker - Columbia, SC (November 18, 2011) (x)
18. ‘Who Says’ with Selena Gomez - New York, NY (November 22, 2011) (x)
19. ‘Fire and Rain’ and ‘Fifteen’ (part of the regular setlist but performed as a duet here) with James Taylor - New York, NY (November 22, 2011) (x)
Surprise songs.
1. ‘Superman’ - Kansas City, MO (September 24, 2011) (x)
Note: This is the only live performance of ‘Superman’ to date. The video begins with an excerpt of her ‘Last Kiss’ performance, so you’ll have to skip to circa 1:30, but unlike other recordings, it’s complete. This is six minutes of pure joy.
2. ‘Never Grow Up’ - Lexington, KY (October 29, 2011), Houston, TX (November 5, 2011), Raleigh, NC (November 17, 2011) (x)
3. ‘Eyes Open’ - Auckland, New Zealand (March 17, 2012) (x)
Note: This marked the live debut of the song, as it had not even been released at the time of the performance.
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minruko · 2 years
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event desc: It's the rhythm of the night! The party is in full swing and to each song there's a story to be told pick a number and head on to the dance floor where a special someone is waiting for you!
event requests close on april 24th
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event instructions: pick a song below the cut along with one character, if the song is angsty you could choose to have a good or a bad ending. a song could be used three times before it’s “closed” meaning it won’t be used again for the requests.
*links take you to spotify so you could listen to the song
disclaimer: these are not song fics!! they will be fics or scenarios based on the song
1. doubt my love- jaz karis
2. 2 you- mariah the scientist
3. beetlejuice- mariah the scientist
4. unconditional love- sinéad harnett
5. hard to do- k michelle
6. on and on- they.
7. loosing focus- they. ft wale
8. not thinkin’ bout you- ruel
9. kissez- seyvn streeter ft davido
10. play fight- they. ft tinashe
11. fool for you- snoh aalegra
12. smile- wiz kid ft h.e.r.
13. done for me- charlie puth fr kehlani
14. skate- silk sonic
15. greatful- mahalia
16. 3:15- baazi
17. surprise me- mahalia
18. dance alone- tayla parx
19. someone to watch over me- col3trane
20. 17- pink sweat$
21. i wanna be yours- pink sweat$ ft crush
22. this december- ricky montgomery
23. kill the lights- alex newell
24. whoa- rakiyah
25. love's train- silk sonic
26. scooch- k.michelle
27. fly as me- silk sonic
28. 3,2,1- 24kgolden
29. blessed- daniel caesar
30. sad- tayla parx
31. fixerupper- tayla parx
32. for tonight- giveon
33. nothing feels better- pink sweat$
34. come over- the internet
35. sober- mahalia
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