#sweet transvestite from transexual transylvania
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suscriptorjusticiero · 4 months ago
IS "CIS" A SLUR? (Betteridge's Law: apply directly to the headline)
Lately you can often see around transphobes getting randomly offended that we call cis people "cis" or "cisgender", for some reason that I'm too intelligent to understand. They claim that it is "a slur".
Obviously, this isn't true.
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The roots cis/trans are roughly as old as the Latin language and mean "on the same/other side". Since time inmemorial both of them, especially 'trans-', have seen widespread use in all manner of fields, from economy ('transaction') to chemistry ('cis' and 'trans' molecules) to geography ('transatlantic', 'cisalpine', 'Transylvania') to genetics ('cis-acting' and 'trans-acting' elements) to nutrition ('trans fats' in margarine).
According to a bit of quick googling, their use for stuff related to gender expression seems to date to around the 1910s and is credited to either Dr. Ernst Burchard or Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld depending on which sources you read; both of them were German sexologist physicians who wrote about crossdressers referring to them as "transvestite".
If I'm interpreting what I read correctly, it seems that Dr. Hirschfeld was the one who started using "transvestite", and then Dr. Burchard came up with "cisvestite" to refer to everyone else.
You know, just like we use ‘atheist’ for people who aren’t theist or ‘neurotypical’ for those who aren’t neurodivergent.
Hirschfeld is also credited with coining "transsexualism" in 1923, and according to Dr. Harry Benjamin the first use of "transsexual" in public was one of his lectures in 1953. The word "transgender" was coined later in 1965 by Dr. John Oliven.
While the use of the terms "cissexual" and "cisgender" has not been recorded until 1991 by Dr. Volkmar Sigusch and 1994 by Usenet user Dana Defosse respectively, it can be easily argued that, due to the way human language works, both words technically exist since their 'trans-' counterparts were coined. Because, as I said above, the prefixes "cis" and "trans" have been linked together since the days of ancient Rome.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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horrorvillaintourney · 7 months ago
HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER QUARTERFINALS: Dr. Frank N. Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) vs. Ellen Ripley (Alien)
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"Obligatory RHPS. This had to be here. My first real adult queer spaces that weren't just me and my gay teen friends was Rocky. It let me be out as trans for the first time publicly. Frank is my idol."
"I feel like it goes without saying."
"They sing a song called “Sweet Transvestite” about how they are a sweet tranvestite from Transexual Transylvania. also she was played by Laverne Cox in rocky horror live!"
"The character of Ripley was originally meant to be played by a man. also pleaseeee if this competition is a bunch of white guys im going to lose it"
"She is so incredibly butch and cool, she has that butch mechanic thing going on"
"The character was originally going to be a man but Sigourney Weaver killed it at the audition so she was hired and not a single line of dialogue was changed. Also, overall, most of the films leave an implication that gender is not very important to the point of being a practically genderless society. Everyone in these movies is too stressed and too busy working under late, late stage capitalism. My point is that Ellen Ripley is definitely (however unintentionally) agender."
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deadlivecat · 2 months ago
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Just a sweet transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania~
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hauntedhorrormaven117 · 2 months ago
If you aren't a sweet Transvestite from Transexual Transylvania, then litteraly what are you doing with your life?
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anaodio · 4 months ago
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Just a sweet transvestite from Transexual Transylvania
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manicpixieyandere · 2 months ago
The Leader of a Queer Generation; The Rocky Horror Picture Show
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(This is another college essay we are posting for funzies lmao, enjoy!). (Also had to censor it, sorry!).
With the fall of the Hays Code, the queer demographic was finally able to have their own cult classics and media culture. Most prominently was The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Richard O’ Brien) in 1975. For a bit of history. The Hays Code was in effect from 1934-1968. The Hays Code was a rigid set of rules for television and film that stated all delinquent behavior must be punished on screen. If a character did something immoral, they must suffer the consequences, the consequence usually being death. The Hays Code itself outlined what it deemed to be immoral behavior. Among that list was anything remotely queer. This is where many tropes and writing tools were developed such as the “Burry Your Gays” trope or queer coding. The Hays Code was lifted in 1968 and replaced with something similar to our rating system today. So, what did that mean for queer audiences? It meant it was time for them to be the stars!
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​For the first time in decades showrunners and movie makers could show queer activity on the small or even big screen! The most notable product of this time period was The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Originally a musical performed onstage in the early 70s that was adapted into a film in 1975. The original musical and movie shared a similar cast, most notably Tim Curry as the main antagonist Frank-N-Furter. Frank was a self described “Sweet Transvestite from Transexual Transylvania” (O’ Brien 1975). The word transvestite was very different than what it means today. In 1975 it was equivalent to Frank telling the characters Brad and Janet (but also the audience) that he was transexual or transgender (as those terms were not in frequent use until much later).
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Speaking of Brad and Janet, they are the audience’s “straight man”. To quote David J Getsy “One cannot be queer alone” (Getsy, 2017, para. 2). This is to use the original meaning of the word “queer” as in weird. You cannot be weird if there is no normal, so Brad and Janet are the stand ins for an average American straight couple. Throughout the movie though we see Brad and Janet start to learn things about themselves at Frank’s castle. After Frank has s*x with each of them separately they start to see things differently. Janet becomes more open and lustful with her sexuality making many advances towards titular character Rocky. Janet is also seen making out with another girl, Columbia. Brad while less confident, still learns some preferences he did not know he had that can be considered “out of the norm”. Another popular reading being he was a closeted gay man as well. Brad and Janet learn with the audience that it is ok to explore one’s sexuality and gender identity. While Frank-N-Furter does in fact die, the Hays Code still has no effect here as Brand and Janet get to live out their lives after their newfound discoveries.
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Brad and Janet aren’t the only ones who have a good time in the castle. In the “Time Warp” the audience along with Brad and Janet are introduced to Riff Raff and Magenta, a quirky sibling duo. Later in the song the character Columbia introduces herself. She tells the story of how she met Frank-N-Furter and how he changed her life. Later in the movie we are also introduced to Eddie and Rocky. Eddie being a former lover of Frank and Columbia’s. Rocky is the man Frank-N-Furter makes, very Frankenstein esq. In the song “Rose Tint My World” each character performs in a floor show expressing how Frank’s lust and freedom has rubbed off on them. Some like Brad and Columbia have their reservations but choose to wear those rose tinted glasses, while Rocky and Janet are completely accepting of this new found life. Eventually the evening is cut short when Riff Raff kills Frank as well as Rocky and Columbia. Riff Raff does this as he proclaims Frank-N-Furter’s lifestyle was just “too extreme (O’ Brien, 1975).
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Just like Brad, Janet, and everyone else in the castle, the real world also has a tradition inspired by Frank-N-Furter (and The Rocky Horror Picture Show). Performance groups acting along side showings of the movie become vastly popular. As did a script of “counterpoint dialogue” the audience would shout during the movie. It was also tradition to throw toilet paper at the screen during certain scenes in the movie (although this one has fallen out of fashion at some theaters, being deemed “rude”). For these events the audience can dress however they want! The idea was to be comfortable and be yourself. This means many people show up in similar fashion to the movie. Gothic, gram rock, corsets, you name it! It is a night of community and fun.
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​In 2016 The Rocky Horror Picture Show was remade as a filmed stage musical titled The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let’s Do The Time Warp Again (Kenny Ortega, 2016). In this production, actress Laverne Cox was casted as Frank-N-Furter. Cox is a transwoman, marking the first official time Frank-N-Furter was played by an actual transwoman. Laverne Cox is also African American and finally sheds some light on black queers in this production, something sorely lacking in the original production. There are stark differences in the interpretations of the character Curry and Cox portrayed. The outfitting of Tim Curry’s Frank-N-Furter implies shock value by using feminine clothing to show off a masculine body, while Laverne Cox’s costuming is more feminine in nature. Cox’s Frank-N-Furter is still compared to the “straight men” of Brad and Janet but not in an oppositional nature.
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​The influence of The Rocky Horror Picture Show still goes on today. There are still many notable screenings of the movie with live actors and scripted audience responses. The 2016 remake was just one production of many put on through the years. Popular media nowadays even references The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Even in places you wouldn’t expect such as kids shows like Phineas and Ferb (Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh, 2007). The Rocky Horror Picture Show introduced an audience to queer culture and continues to be a part of said culture many decades later. The way in which this movie carried itself into queer culture signifies its strong se of rhetorical devices such as; ethos, logos, and pathos. The ethos present in the film is that of Frank (who has experience) showing the characters AND the audience how happy they’d be to give into desire and to simply be themselves. This ties into the logos being that these characters do in fact end up happy in their newfound situation, especially Janet. The pathos plays on the fact that all humans have some sort of desire they push down. The Rocky Horror Picture Show uses these literary devices to tell its queer audience for generations to be themselves and have fun!
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foone · 2 years ago
I just realized that for a while I lived in Transylvania County, North Carolina.
And I wasn't out as trans yet! I could have been a "sweet transvestite, from transexual, Transylvania (county)"
I've failed Rocky Horror. I'm sorry, everyone.
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nevergnat · 5 months ago
Sweet transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania 🦇❤️ /lyr
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Can't believe i used a stock image for his bat form, i don't know how to draw bats for shit 💀
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lystful · 1 year ago
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I'm just a Sweet Transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania.
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scaryorganmusic · 1 year ago
remember when glee did rocky horror but they couldn't say the word "transexual" on tv so they changed it to I'm just a sweet transvestite from sensational Transylvania
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shirtlessriotess · 1 month ago
Broke: I'm just a girl
Woke: I'm just a sweet transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania
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horrorvillaintourney · 9 months ago
HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER, ROUND TWO MATCH FOUR: Stretch (Texas Chainsaw II) vs. Dr. Frank N. Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
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"im gonna be honest i dont have much "evidence" for this i just really like her. i mean her name is stretch and she runs a radio station and shes just fuckin awesome"
"Obligatory RHPS. This had to be here. My first real adult queer spaces that weren't just me and my gay teen friends was Rocky. It let me be out as trans for the first time publicly. Frank is my idol."
"I feel like it goes without saying."
"They sing a song called “Sweet Transvestite” about how they are a sweet tranvestite from Transexual Transylvania. also she was played by Laverne Cox in rocky horror live!"
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gaycatlover27 · 4 months ago
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I’m just a sweet transvestite, from transexual Transylvania
Felt spooky so I watched rocky horror picture show and I might have unlocked a new level of hyper fixation.
Is this healthy, nope! Am I having fun, hell yass!
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steps-ascending · 8 months ago
im just a sweet transvestite from transexual, transylvania
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mossratt · 6 months ago
As you saw in the title, this is a bit of a wild claim. Until you start thinking about it and suddenly. oh shit
for context im working on a paper for a vampire course and we were discussing the bloody countess and something kept nagging in the back of my head. this sounds familiar who am i thinking of-
I'm still gathering my thoughts and im due for a rewatch after an exam for a different course so bear with me, but here's what I've come up with thus far
Henchmen- Where Bathory had Fizckó, Frank-N-Furter has Riff-Raff and Magenta.
Groups of young people- Frank-N-Furter has the unnamed Transylvanians we see in Time Warp surrounding him and seemingly living in the castle. Bathory was surrounded by her future victims, young peasant women
Extravagant Murders- I feel Bathory needs little introduction here, as she was known for her tortuous methods of killing. With Frank-N-Furter I am referring to the rather dramatic killing of Eddie via axe.
Ingestion of Victims- Though it's not been entirely proven Bathory ingested blood via mouth, it's not entirely unlikely considering she's been reported to have both bathed in and washed her face with it. Frank-N-Furter serves Eddies corpse to his guests at dinner.
Queer Identity- Come on, Frank-N-Furter has an entire song titled "Sweet Transvestite". Bathory is reported to have had affairs with both sexes and attended her aunt Klara Bathory's lesbian orgies.
Vanity- Bathory believed herself a very beautiful woman, willing to do anything for that beauty, including using young women to retain a youthful appearance. Frank-N-Furter is self-Centered, and does things for his own amusement. High self image considering he dresses the group in his image at the end of the film. Also vain in his attraction, trying to create the “perfect man”(Rocky). Willing to do anything for the beauty and perfection of Rocky.
Blood of Virgins- This is the point where we start to stray a bit from the canon events on Rocky Horror Picture Show. In the scrapped sequel Rocky Horror Shows His Heels, Frank-N-Furter is revived through the blood of Rocky and Brad. However their blood is not enough, he needs the blood of young virgin men to retain reanimation. The entire reason Bathory selected young women is because she believed the blood of young virgin women would help revitalize her own youth, and keep her body younger. The whole concept of her being a vampire and being in vampiric media is her reliance on blood.
There's also the idea of Transylvania here. Bathory was not all that far away from the region, being in Hungary. Frank-N-Further is from 'Transexual Transylvania', which in canon is an alien planet, but the symbolism is there nonetheless.
I'll update this post further if I can connect anymore dots
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hyena-shark-rusty · 7 months ago
NPT - Frank'n'Furter - Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Sweet Transvestite
(Prn) From Transexual, Transylvania
The One with The Muse
The Wild One
(Prn) Who Creates (prn)'s Love
(Prn) Who Antici...pates.
The Lover Alien
(Prn) From the Horror Show
(Prn) Who's Going Home
The One in The Lab
Requested by 👠🧪 anon!!
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