#sweet bertie
spiritundaunted · 4 months
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King George VI with his family, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret at Royal Lodge in 1943.
© Royal Collection Trust/ His Majesty King Charles III
This previously unreleased photo is part of the new exhibit at the King's Gallery, Royal Portraits: A Century of Photography .
Dying to see it!!
I've always read that Bertie kept the miniature of Elizabeth that was given to him on his wedding day from Elizabeth's parents on his desk at Royal Lodge so it's very cool to see it there! Only, I always thought is was much smaller - since it's referred to as a "miniature". I guess I was thinking of the miniature portraits on the Royal Orders given to royal ladies by the sovereign. This one is much larger! So sweet he kept it there always.
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The miniature of Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon given to the Duke of York on his wedding day from the Strathmores. Bertie's "own little darling angel E".
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The Queen mother's desk at the Castle of Mey. Sweet that the photo on the right is signed "Bertie". 💘 But I have to say, I really love the profile photo on the left where he is a little older. I feel like that is how she wanted to remember him; a more recent version of him, and still so very handsome.
"She didn’t really have what I would term best friends in the conventional sense and she had been widowed for over forty years when I joined her, so it would be a fair assumption to think she could have been lonely at Clarence House. But if she were lonely, she hid it very well. She never really talked about the King, though there were lots of portraits and paintings of him on the walls of her London home, so he couldn’t have been far from her thoughts." -- from Behind Palace Doors - My Service as the Queen Mother's Equerry, by Major Colin Burgess
😢💔 Her pain on losing him is so palpable. She kept a lot of her feelings to herself.
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Adding a photo of my own desk to the mix, just for fun and giggles. No, I'm not obsessed. What are you talking about? 😉
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jdsgothwife · 7 months
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just two men as god had made them i guess
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sandwichsapphic · 5 months
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every time i try to start an essay my brain stops and i make one of these instead
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pop-squeak · 1 year
guys i’m so unhealthily obsessed w valet bertie and master jeeves im not ok
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for-valour · 1 year
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Part 1
On this day: June 7, 1939 saw King George VI become the first British monarch to travel to the United States. It was a fleeting visit, sandwiched between a longer tour of Canada.
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Can we talk about Eleanor Roosevelt ushering Queen Elizabeth back into line?😂
The King was accompanied by Queen Elizabeth. An invitation from President Franklin D. Roosevelt was also extended to Their Majesties’ young daughters, princesses Lilibet and Margaret Rose, but Bertie decided that they were still too young to undertake such a long and tiring journey.
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The visit was officially to secure and gain support for the provision of aid from the US to the UK in the event of conflict with Nazi Germany. The war began less than three months after this trip.
Part 2 coming up whenever I get the time 😅
gifs made by @for-valour
Sources: British Pathé.
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yeah-thats-probably-it · 10 months
it’s “experiencing genuine feelings of softness and kinship toward joke characters who were created to be made fun of” hours, lads (gn)
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That awkward moment when you want to write plot, but all you get is fluff...
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mariocki · 5 months
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Deported (1950)
"Signor Smith, do all of you Americans treat women so, uh... so directly?"
"I wouldn't know. Maybe."
"But why? Have you so little time to spare?"
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
Bertholdt seems like he'd love to spend his birthday outside in the fresh air with a nice cup of tea, some books, and a bunch of pretty flowers to look at with you. Or curled up by the fire under a big blanket. Something very cozy.
Ooooh I can totally see this Nonnie. Bertie doesn't like to make a big spectacle of his birthday. He's used to it just being quality time spent with his parents and maybe a few close friends like Reiner.
And that's a tradition you'd naturally get folded into.
Imagine being nestled all snug against Bertie in one of those large hammocks for two. You've both brought books you wanted to read and that happens for a good bit before you notice Bertl's book laying on his chest while his eyes are staring up at the sky beyond the shade of the large oak tree shielding you from the afternoon sun.
And I know it's cliche as hell, but it's my imagine I'll thin what I want. But it remains a comfortable silence as you close your book and tilt your head against his shoulder so you can better angle your gaze in the same direction. After some long, peaceful moments of quiet contemplation Bertholdt's deep voice softly parts the silence. "That cloud looks like a hippopotamus face."
It's such a wild thought that you don't even manage to look for the apparent hippopotamus face in the sky before snorting out a laugh, "What?"
Casually he repeats his assertion, "That cloud looks like a hippopotamus face." The words haven't changed but there's an unmistakable layer of amusement enriching his tone.
Unhelpfully, Bertholdt doesn't even raise his arm to point out this clump of fluffy cumulus supposedly impersonating a plumpfaced pachyderm. Instead, when you lift your eyes back to the sky, your peripheral vision catches Bertl pointing his chin to where you should be looking. Again. Not helpful. But you suppose you can't blame him for not wanting to disturb the cozy posture you're both situated in.
Your gaze flits across the sky, searching for the right lump of clouds. But nowhere in the cerulean expanse do you find a hippo face. "Honey. I see something that looks like someone tossing pizza dough in the air but no hippo."
"You see, what?" Now it's his turn for an incredulous chuckle.
"You know. Those people that throw the dough in the air and spin it around with their hands to make it flat."
"I understand that. How are you making that out?"
"Because it's right there." You reach an arm up to point his gaze toward the pizza person. Like a helpful individual. "See?"
"Hn." You know that "hn." That's the "hn" he uses to make you think he knows what you're talking about.
"You don't see it?"
"Sorry, Ahuvatì. I don't."
You huff and Bertl turns his head to place a kiss to your forehead. You guess it's a decent consolation for his awful eyesight and imagination. "Okay. Well where's your hippo face then?"
The petulance laced in your exasperated question sparks another deep chuckle from Bertholdt. He lifts his arm to point toward a mass of clouds with two whispy tendrils on top and bottom. "It was there. Those little whips at the top were the ears and then there were some small gaps bellow that looked like nostrils on its snout."
"Hmph. A likely story."
Bertholdt links his fingers with yours of the arms squished between you both. He gives three quick squeezes and keeps your hand in his.
"Why would I make it up? And what about your pizza person cloud, hmm?" The hammock is rocking a bit now with the way his shoulders shake from his laughter.
Your head tilts back to meet his gaze, returning the three quick squeezes. Small thin lines crinkle the outer corners of his eyes as he grins at you. It's hard not to be drawn into the deep verdant pools of his eyes when he's smiling like this. It's not an uncommon expression to see, but it still makes your heart race when he focuses that joy and adoration directly on you.
"Uh, what?"
Your dazed response makes Bertl's cheeks flush. The thought that he can somehow distract your thoughts and make your mind, all foggy, as you like to say, will never make sense to him. He leans in and presses a sweet peck to the tip of your nose.
"Nothing, Ahuvatì." His free hand reaches over to cup your face, thumb brushing over the crest of your cheek. "How about we make pizza for dinner tonight?"
"Hmm..okay. Sounds good to me." Your eyes close and your head tilts into his palm.
Bertholdt leans in to give you a proper sweet kiss on the lips, returning an affirmative hum. "Great."
Pulling his hand from your cheek Bertl picks up his book from his chest to begin reading again. You move to do the same with your discarded book, both of you keeping the hands between your bodies linked together.
A few minutes pass in comfortable silence as you both dive back into your books. Then, a sentence on your page triggers your memory. "Hey wait a second! Just cause you couldn't see it doesn't mean it wasn't there."
You've turned your head too look at Bertholdt but he keep his eye on his book though a big smile spreads his lips. "Mmhm you're completely right about that, Ahuvatì."
His hand squeezes yours in a set of three and you return the gesture as you turn attention back your book. "Love you too, Bertie."
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spiritundaunted · 11 months
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My heart still goes Pit-a-Pat.....
Christmas Eve, 1925, Sandringham
“It is just 3 years since I wrote you that letter & what a lot has happened since then... My heart still goes pit-a-pat in the same way as it did then...Why I have written these letters to you when you’re in the room I don’t know. But I just have, All my love darling. Always Your very loving HUBBY Bertie."
Bertie (later King George VI) to Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother). They had been married since 1923 and she was pregnant with their first child, the future Queen Elizabeth II, at the time.
Aw, Bertie passing love notes to Elizabeth across the room at Christmas. 🥹 ❤️
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loserboyisms · 1 year
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Get autism'ed, boy!
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loptrcoptr · 2 years
🦄This Bitch🦄
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She’s been mine almost a week and it still hasn’t sunk in yet. I go over and groom her and walk her around and talk to her about all the stuff we’re gonna try once she’s settled in a bit more and it just never really hits me like… that’s my horse. My own. My precious
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#i still have no clue what the kas theory is
And no one asked me, but here I am, knock knock "hi, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Kas the Betrayer"
Kas is a dungeons & dragons character who is a vampire serving Vecna and leading his armies but in the end he betrays and slays Vecna. Kas theory is basically a blend of Eddie coming back to life as a vampire after dying from bat bites (foreshadowed by bat tattoos on his arm) and him being resurrected by Vecna to serve him (foreshadowed by the puppet tattoo + the whole "master of puppets" theme - come crawling faster, obey your master, doesn't help that 5.01 is called "The Crawl" if the Duffers wanna kill the Kas theory). In addition, Eddie has a sword tattoo that looks similar to Kas' + Kas fights with a shield. There, now you know.
Hi! I will take whatever brouchers you have, please tell me when service is because I will be front pew to every single one, I will donate blood, sweet, and tears to this cause, and I will help you go door to door to help spread the word of our lord and savior Kas the Betrayer
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Thank you for giving me this deliciously sweet nugget of information. The math is mathing, and it's blowing my mind
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And it's down to every last minute detail! Maybe Eddie's black widow tattoo could be a sign as well. Young Henry felt a sense of kinship with them being misunderstood (Eddie being the town "freak," Dustin's sweet speech to Wayne revolving around the town not knowing the real Eddie) and even a new sense of purpose, which could = Vecna hatching a new plan surrounding a turned Eddie after finding him 👀 or maybe I'm looking too far into the black widow tattoo, and it's a big stretch. But either way, thank you for taking the time to explain it to me!! I appreciate it so much 🥰🫶 I can't wait to look more into this
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prettyvintagehouse · 7 months
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cartoon-food · 2 years
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huanglaoshu · 1 year
"...Why are you looking like a stuffed frog, Jeeves? Don't you agree with me?" "Not altogether, sir, when you attribute Sir Watkyn's leniency to sheer goodness of heart. There were inducements." "I don't dig you, Jeeves." "I made it a condition that you be set a liberty, sir." My inability to dig him became intensified. He seemed to me to be talking through the back of his neck, the last thing you desire in a personal attendant. "How do you mean, condition? Condition of what?" "Of my entering his employment, sir. I should mention that during my visit to Brinkley Court Sir Watkyn very kindly expressed appreciation of the manner in which I performed my duties and made me an offer to leave your service and enter his. This offer, conditional upon your release, I have accepted." ... [Everything] seemed to pirouette before my eyes as if afflicted with St. Vitus dance. "You're leaving me?" I gasped, scarcely able to b. my e. The corner of his mouth twitched. He seemed to be about to smile, but of course thought better of it. "Only temporarily, sir." Again I was unable to dig him. "Temporarily?" "I think it more than possible that after perhaps a week or so differences will arise between Sir Watkyn and myself, compelling me to resign my position. In that event, if you are not already suited, sir, I shall be most happy to return to your employment."
-- Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves, chapter 24
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