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bhagavanbhakthi · 5 months ago
God and evil difference (Hinduism)
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snekdood · 1 year ago
if same sex marriage is unnatural, why'd shiva and vishnu fuck hard and have a child?
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talonabraxas · 5 months ago
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Eyes of Indra
Indra Dev or Indra is a Vedic God of firmament and is the king of Swarga (heaven) and the Devas (the heavenly beings). He is considered the God of the life-sustaining rain, thunder, lightning, storms, and rivers.
Aum Sahasra-Netraye Vidmahe Vajra hastraye Dhimahi Tanno Indrah Prachodayat
Meaning of the Mantra:
“Om. Let us meditate on Indra, the Lord with a thousand eyes. May that great God who holds the invincible thunderbolt in his hand inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”
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fantodsdhrit · 6 months ago
a blue mother, eight let go
'Maman est morte, il y a huit ans' a semi young man's faith fortified citadel people turn, never as key someone with their face in their hands curates thee — moi: as nobody off your nicotine motifs air your emphatic compulsion dip toward September drizzle that thrums — like snowing waterfall about infamous nightlights, on farthest level you disclaim yourself via a psst me the vast plains of Wyoming: write it all down for authorship and library hives, — 'a monster an exhausting and unfulfilling,' tell me so seek death, yet dissect symptoms online why won't you call me so — and so, everyone's made such a gargantuan deal of their wounds — i can only axe my tongue it's not my tooth nor turn never is a nether like your imperial bubble bath why can't we be hideous all the while, now ma [at loss, bogarted: i] could you — lambent your Swarga on me
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celestesinsight · 8 months ago
Kalki 2898AD Release Trailer - Bhairava Character Analysis!
There are many theories circulating about Bhairava's character and its importance in the movie. Here's my two cents regarding this. And to be honest, it isn't entirely my views too. It's what we came up when discussing in the Varadeva Discord Server.
First of all, there's a huge chance that Deepika's baby is red herring and Bhairava is the real Kalki. Ashwathama will realise this at the end of the movie and change his stance.
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But my favourite theory is Bhairava being Lord Shiva. When Bhairava called himself the 'living legend in Kashi' in the Bujji & Bhairava series, it kind of stuck with me. Who's more legendary than Lord Shiva in Kashi? And the story goes that Shiva gave Kalki the divine weapon, the all-knowing talking parrot and the white horse. Bhairava have all the three; we saw the weapon in the first promo and Bujji's brain and body are the talking parrot and white horse equivalent. if Bhairava is Shiva, he's actually protecting the baby while pretending to hunt him for the Complex as well as testing Ashwathama's determination for redemption. In Mahabharata, Ashwathama was born after Dronacharya performed several years of severe penance to please Shiva as he wanted a son who possessed the strength and bravery of Shiva. So, it would make sense that Shiva aids him in his journey of redemption.
What if Bhairava is neither Kalki nor Shiva? Then what is his character doing in the movie?
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"Despite the endless opportunities spanning over the generations, man fails to redeem himself and he never will."
I think this quote by Kamal Haasan's character, Kali is the key to Bhairava's significance in the movie, if he is not the titular character 'Kalki'.
There are many worlds in Hinduism, but our Puranas predominantly talk about the Swarga (abode of Devas), Prithvi (abode of humans) and Patal (abode of demons). There are also three worlds in the film: Complex, Shambala and Kashi. Unlike Puranas, where there were three races inhabiting the three worlds, in the film, the three worlds are inhabited by the humans only.
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The Complex is the place where God is banned. They treat Supreme Yaskin as the God. They have conquered the world and taken all the resources for themselves. In appearance, the Complex gives the illusion of Swarga, but it actually embodies the demonic qualities of Patal.
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Shambala is the place where they still believe in God and hope for his return to save them. They fight the Complex and their unjust actions. They are safe haven for anyone who wants to escape the hold of the Complex. In appearance, they are an underground society (Patal), but they are actually the forces of righteousness in the desolate world, fighting on the side of God and thus symbolises Devas of Swarga.
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Then there is Kashi, the last surviving city. They are neutral. They are neither the evil conqueror nor the righteous warriors. They are humans who are trying to survive in an unfair world. They are not on anyone's side, but their own side. They represent the humans of Prithvi.
"In this world, there's only one side to be on. Your own side."
Bhairava and the bounty hunters of Kashi are the representation of the man in Kali's quote. They embody the qualities of selfishness, greed, and going to any extent to accomplish their goals, without caring about the consequences of their actions.
To be fair, Bhairava isn't doing anything wrong. He's trying to survive in a world which has lost all hopes. But he's so caught up in this mode of survival that he can't recognise this new hope for a better tomorrow, that Ashwathama and the people of Shambala are seeing in Sumati and her baby. All he sees the 5-star bounty that is his one shot at entering the Complex. He's not realising that he's fighting for the wrong side, that he's fighting to keep the old hierarchies intact that had made this world a hopeless place for him and others like him in the first place. He's helping the people who are the cause of all his problems under the illusion of becoming one of them.
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Bhairava represents the man who is given numerous chances by the God, but he's so trapped in the Maya (worldly illusion) that he fails to recognise him and hence, is forever doomed to be trapped in the cycle of suffering.
Will Bhairava recognise the truth before it's too late? Or he will handover Sumati over to the Complex?
Bhairava's action would decide if the world is worth saving or not. If God should keep his promise and take birth to save all the humans? Or he should just let the humans rot in the hell, they have turned the Earth into.
The movie is not just about Ashwathama's redemption, but also the redemption of the mankind, represented by Bhairava.
As Kali said, humans have given numerous opportunities by the God to redeem themselves, but they have failed each time. Like Duryodhana failed when he refused to give even five villages to Pandavas, when Krishna asked, leading to his defeat in the Mahabharata war. Maybe that's why Ashwathama is having flashbacks of Mahabharata when fighting with Bhairava. He is seeing his past self in him. When he went against the Lord himself, blinded by his ambition and loyalty for Duryodhana.
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Humanity is given another chance. Kali is sure we will fail this time too. It's up to Bhairava now, if humans fail again or they finally succeed in redeeming themselves this time.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 2 months ago
Ik we shouldn't always make the Ashurs villain (cuz all of them are not the villains and I'll yell this till the end)
But why we never have any Asuri being a villain??? (Other than Mahishi ofc)
Why no Ashuri wants to conquer the universe or swarga or have some beef with Indra or any of the Gods
Why non of them are asking for any vardaan from either Brahma or Shiva
I feel like then Parvati/Vishnu will have to find even more complicated ways to defeat them 🗿
This is why Mahishi my beloved
I mean hey I support women's rights but also women's wrongs yanno
Mahishi is so cool hsjskskd also im glad she doesn't get any of those Ovidish Medusa treatment in our mythology
She's a straight up beast and she knows it 💅
We need more evil Asuris frrr
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aiysan2 · 8 months ago
Chapter 1 'Going Under' Dabi x Reader
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A scream ricocheted the cabin Touya was resting in. He held his head in pain, the bright burn of the sun flashing his sleepy eyes and the shrill sound of a surprised lady calling the attention of more people.
" An outsider!" She yelled.
You perked up from the ground, dropping the incense you were burning to run in the direction of the scream.
An outsider, she had said, someone who had come from the ground that held lights like stars and explosions that would fill the night. Of course you hadn't seen it yourself but you had heard stories of the abnormalities of outside, and how you wished you could hear those stories first hand.
Your feet carried you with ease, toes gliding over the clean earth below. You ran towards the cabin at the edge of your community, wondering what was causing so much panic in your fellow sister in commune.
" An outsider really?!" You squealed, pushing your way through the crowd that was gathering around the creepy plan.
So many questions you had for them, so many things that you needed answered, things that you wanted explained in great detail so you could imagine it like you were there yourself.
" Stand back!" A deep voice shouted, halting your movements and forcing you to turn away and allow him through. Just when you had gotten a glimpse of the outsiders white locs, the elder had walked into the cabin and shut the door.
You stumbled slightly, everyone else going back to their daily tasks. You stood near the cabin trying to get a glimpse of the outsider.
You hoped they wouldn't execute him, not before you had questioned him on his way of living and how he even entered the commune in the first place.
" Y/n!" Your friend called out tugging your arm to get your attention. " Get back to work before you're put in the pit again."
That caught your attention, you quickly stood straight, spinning around to continue spreading the incense of the calming plant from the gardens.
As you lit a fire to the plant again your mind began to wonder, was the person elderly, to have white hair? Would they be wise and have many stories to tell and be eager to share with you, to share everything you had hoped.
" How'd you find us?" The elder asked robes long as he crossed his arms over each other refusing to touch the creature that sat discombobulated in front of him.
" T'was an accident." Touya gruffed out, trying to clear his throat from the morning.
" An accident?" He questioned, how does one enter 30 miles of forest then get through 100 feet of aged oak. He had reason to believe that this was purposeful. " I have many reasons to believe you seeked us out on purpose, young man." The elders voice rang through the room like a tower bell, loud and annoying.
Certainly annoying to Touya's ears.
" I don't even know where I am." He defended, feeling slight regret for running away since he didn't know what these people were capable of.
" Swarga." The lady who called out the fact there was an intruder interjected. She was a beefy woman with a face that could only be described as kind, her cheeks full and red as if she was in the constant state of laughter.
" Swarga?" Touya mumbled, trying the word out on his tongue. He had never heard of a district in Japan called Swarga, it must've been one of those remote villages.
" We are a place that lost souls reside in until they pass on into the next life where they wish to be reincarnated as a better being." She explained.
Touya subconsciously thanked her for the explanation. The place sounded weird, was it some sort of religious camp, or some strange club that weirdos joined.
Whatever it was he had to make the best out of his situation.
" Yes, of course, I'm sorry, I was looking for you." He exclaimed, slowly rising to his feet as he felt the intense red eyed gaze of the elder. " I-im a lost soul and I'm seeking..." He thought of the best word to use, " repentance." He was proud of what he did, and he was sure that if his dad was watching now he'd be very proud of him as well.
This isn't the time to think of that bastard of a man.
" You......." The man started, seeing though the lie like a window.
" Seek repentance!" The woman smiled, holding her hand out for him to take. She would happily take him under her wing and teach him how to please their creator becoming someone he will be pleased with.
Someone like her favourite child of the creator, her angel.
The elder almost face palmed at how gullible she was but in reality if she wasn't gullible, she would've used her quirk to run ago.
" What is your name son?" She asked still holding both her hands in his.
He thought, he was in a new environment, with new people that wouldn't care of his attachment to Endevour yet, he didn't want to be reminded of that connection he had to him it'd be like the burning of his flesh that caused his body to break apart. It would slowly kill him until there was nothing left but ash.
Nothing but ash, huh.
" Dabi." He muttered.
" Dabi? That doesn't sound real." He muttered looking at his heavily disfigured face, staples and burns ruining what could've been a very handsome man. " And these, " he wiggled his finger in Dabi's face pointing out the piercings mutilating it, "He's obviously some type of criminal coming to taint our women and children. "
" I'll see to it that he uses a face covering, that'll hide all the vulgarity." She pushed, excitement rushing through her at the thought of saving another's soul.
The elder rolled his eyes, realising he wasn't going to get anywhere with his subordinate, if he had come himself, this boy would already be on his way to execution, his body being burned over a pit and used to heat homes for the next year.
" You need not worry, I will personally cultivate him to be worthy of our peoples title. " She smiled holding a hand out to him, she flinched when she saw the piercings and burns that literred his hand, how far did the bodily harm reach. " Dabi, it is very strange for someone to just walk into our home." She started her voice smooth like honey despite the second thoughts now swirling in her brain.
" I'm just wondering how you came across us, we aren't really within reach of any other people." She pulled him out of the cabin, obscuring the googling eyes that followed him as they walked, whispers fluttering around their sect as they discussed his features.
" I'm just saying it'd take a long time to find us on foot......" His mind wondered as he took in the scenery.
The place was vast, much bigger than he had seen the night before, it could house a whole city, cabins and tents were tessellated around a lake. Fields of crops could be seen extending for miles as well as flowers, he couldn't miss the sheep and farmland animals scattered about chewing the grass hydrated by last night's downpour.
He had to agree and say this place is really beautiful.
Though his attention would be taken away from the tranquil atmosphere quite quickly as he was taken into a steamy cabin. Hanging on wooden poles were wet drapes and clothes, drying out after being boiled to clean. The shorter woman searched around for something spare for the man to wear. Something that would hide the ghastly scars that made her jump every time she turned to look at him. Something that would cover his face and hands, perhaps something similar to the robes elders wore.
" Dabi, I believe this will be of use to you." She held up a long beige garment it resembled Georgian robes that he had seen a couple of times on social media, it didn't look similar to what he saw everyone else wearing, everyone else wore colourful clothes that seemed to be sewn by themselves providing some form of individuality, he would stick out like this and he thought he was meant to blend in.
He complied reaching out his hand to take the robe from her and following her as she led him behind a large tapestry to get changed.
He wore the outfit, it was quite nice on him, a little bit long, but that didn't matter, the neckline extended upwards so it his hid face, while a turban was secured onto his head hiding his pierced ears. He touched his body to make sure no other mutilation was shown, the last thing he wanted to do was upset these people and get killed, or starved or whatever cruel punishment they had in store for him if he messed up.
He pulled the mask upwards, and the turban down, using the long sleeves to cover his hands and made sure he was set before going out.
He set expecting eyes on the woman in front of him waiting for some reaction to let him know what he had done was fine.
" Looks good on you." She praised, feeling good that she was able to pick something that would ease her juniors in the foreigners presence. She couldn't have him tainting her angel. " Come now." She stood straight leading him back to the somewhat heavenly outdoors, he followed silently trying to take in the atmosphere simultaneously ignoring the whispers of his arrival flooding the streets.
Then the strong smell of weed filled his lungs, it was sickening, watching girls burning the drug like incense around the outdoors. He thought religious people avoided drugs.
" What's that smell?" He asked despite knowing, he just wanted a reason that made sense as to why the smell was so pungent.
" That's Sativa Cannabis. A very calming plant, we burn it in the morning to start the day fresh."
Dabi wanted no part in it, a drug that could impair his thinking to the point that he wouldn't be able to improve his quirk rendering him useless in the eyes if his father.
Why should he care about that bastard now of all times?
It wasn't that bad, he could probably get used to the smell, and if it had the calming effects this woman was talking about, he could probably stop stressing about his family and anyone on the outside worrying about him or cursing him.
" Calming huh, that's nice."
She smiled at him, feeling more at ease now that his face was covered and led him to her sect, were the 'children' laid in silence inhaling the incense.
You heard the soft squelch of mud, perking up and spinning your body around, practicing restraint you waited for the two to approach. You noticed the coverings along the man's body and thought he was shy. You looked up at the grey sky deep in thought, remembering the countless dreams that you had walked upon and all the questions you had stored up inside you about the outside world.
" Y/n." She called out, standing next to you, with the taller boy by her side.
" Good morning." You chirped, eyes floating to the man beside her. You quickly caught yourself before you let a gasp escape your mouth, his eyes were beautiful, they glowed the prettiest blue and almost bewitched you.
You stood up, wiping the mud from your hands on your clothes as you smiled at the two of them.
" Who's this?" You smiled, Dabi, hadn't seen something so radiant before, goosebumps literally his skin for a moment as he tried to compose himself. He could feel his chest convulse a heat that he knew wasn't his fire spreading from his heart and causing tingles in his fingertips. What a beautiful smile you had.
" Dabi." She introduced. Dabi went to extend his hand to you, which you glared at, your brow quickly raising as you noticed the glimmer of silver under the sleeve. Dabi wasn't one to feel self conscious or insecure, but watching your brow raised in alarm almost had him cowering away to hide his hideous hand from you. If he could he would cut off his scared limbs just so he wouldn't scare you away but that'd probably freak you out more.
" Da-bi?" You furrowed your brows, " did you make that up now?" You asked before trying the name on your tongue again. It sounded devilish like something sent from hellfire.
" Y/n this questioning can turn sinful quickly, you're pushing boundaries." The woman warned.
" Right." You nodded, repenting in your head before turning your attention back to Dabi. " Good morning Dabi, I'm Y/n." You finished.
" Good morning Y/n."
This time you allowed the gasp to leave your throat, you didn't believe that your name could be pronounced in such a salacious way. A way that provoked an aireness to spread through your body, lifting you to greater joy and rendering you bashful in front of the newcomer.
" Dabi has joined our commune and will be part of our sect, I would like you to be a role model for him, my angel." She finished by pinching your cheek, something she has done to you for years since giving you the nickname.
You always felt guilt when she called you that, wondering how disappointed she'd be if she knew how your mind wondered during prayer or how you would break the rules by using your power, that being the worst of the two and had once earned you 2 days in the pit.
" Please do not flatter me." You answered a tight lipped smile following as she giggled at you.
" She is being humble as always, a great example of a future leader." She boasted, her obvious favouritism overshadowing any doubts she had for Dabi speaking to or troubling your mind with whispers from the outside.
It was strange her first thought was to keep Dabi far away from you, but when she saw you laying on the muddy grass something told her to introduce the two of you.
It must be the word of god telling me my angel will save him.
" A leader?" He questioned, she looked about 20 maybe that was how things were done, maybe she was the grandchild of the old man he spoke to earlier and it was her destiny from birth.
" Maame brags, we are not yet sure if I will lead, I am far to young." You smiled politely drilling your eyes to the floor before you told him your whole life story due to the beauty of his eyes.
" How old are you?" He tested his luck hands fiddling with the long robes covering his body.
" 21." You gulped, hoping the eyes belonged to a man that wasn't a whole lot older than you, even with these odd things stirring in your chest you didn't want to have your eyes set in a 49 year old.
" 23." He told you, watching your shoulder sag as you sighed.
" 2 years difference." You mumbled a dry chuckle leaving your throat as you didn't know what to talk about, to many questions stirring in your mind, so little time to ask them.
He would have other people to speak to, others who would want to see the newcomer who ran away for salvation, and he probably didn't have time for your questioning.
However you couldn't let him leave, his presence brought to much comfort to your soul.
" Yeh." He scratched the back of his head feeling the conversation come to a close, a close that he was wanting to avoid, the hatred that had filled his heart for years left his body as soon as you flashed that smile at him.
" Are you - "
" Can I - "
" I'm sorry you go first it's only the polite thing to do." You offered, offering a polite smile to easy the nerves you assumed he was feeling.
" No its not important, please you go." He offered, brows scrunching in embarrassment, feeling like he had offended you by interrupting.
" I was just going to ask if I can see your hand, I keep seeing something silver and" you stopped sensing yourself slip into pushy grounds. " Nevermind I'm sorry for asking, what were you going to say?"
Dabi was grateful that you changed your mind, not wanting to explain anything, despite you nullifying his hatred he was still disoriented from being in a new place with new people with new information flying to his face and unfamiliar feelings. He wasn't in the right mindset to speak about himself.
" Just wanted to know if you erm," he had to stop, he hadn't even thought of a question just letting his mind move on it's own to prevent the conversation from ending.
You raised your brow expectantly, pressuring him more as he felt a strong will not to disappoint you.
" Are you busy with anything today, I just wanted to get the best help I think I've done a lot of bad and need redemption." He stuttered, giving himself a mental pat on the back for his quick thinking. Religious people loved talking about religion.
" Of course, he's always willing to accept repentance." You smiled, you nodded your head at Maame before beckoning Dabi to follow you.
You walked quite fast despite the sticky mud, as if trying to get away from the woman who spoke so kindly of you.
Once out of her prying gaze you sighed, about to open your babbling mouth to empty all your thoughts on the guy.
" Is it ok if I held your hand." You asked, holding out both hands for him to take offering a kind smile as you once again avoided looking into his eyes.
You feared what you would do to him if you looked at them.
He made sure the sleeves covered his hands bringing them out towards yours and sliding them over.
You paused as you felt cool metal contrasting to the warm rough skin, you wondered if he had dry skin in certain areas, maybe they hadn't invented a cure for it outside, you had one here. You could see the milky smooth skin of his fingertips peaking under the sleeves, gently gripping your wrist in compliance.
Your heart was going a thousand beats per second, all your blood rushing to your face as you suddenly became bashful. You were to focused on your own nerves to realise how sweaty his palms had become this probably being the first memorable time he had held a girls hand. He felt like such an incel when he realised, it was probably why he was reacting to you like this, because he hadn't touched a girl before.
He didn't pay much attention to your murmering trying to calm the relentless beating in his chest as your fingers slid up to his wrists.  He didn't notice when you went quiet and your eyes became a cloudy grey. Though he listened quite eagerly when you asked him clearly.
" Who is Endevour?"
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blackknight-100 · 5 months ago
So remember the Medusa in MB AU we were discussing in the comments of the Zombie AU post the other day? @chahaa-piun-ja and @friend-shaped-but
I have been thinking about it a lot, and now I have a detailed outline for it (this is only part 1):
1. Perseus, in order to free his mother, pursues the Gorgon Medusa, helped along by Athena and Hermes.
2. Medusa learns about it beforehand, and realizing it would be almost impossible to defeat a demigod son of Zeus who is backed by two Olympians, does the sensible thing and bolts. Her sisters, who are immortal, go to Phorkys to hide.
3. Unfortunately for her, one of the gods helping Perseus is Hermes, god of roads and travellers, so all types of accidents keep happening her on the way.
4. In the end, she makes for the sea where hopefully Poseidon would look the other way, climbs into the cargo hold of the first ship she lays her eyes on (because she can't really talk to people) and books it.
5. But an Olympian's ill-will is hard to shake off, so even though Hermes is no longer actively trying to hinder her, she ends up far from Greece and in India, turns a bunch of people into stone when she disembarks, and then horrified with herself, disappears.
6. Medusa wanders about for a bit, veiling her face* and going out only at night, and ends up in Jarasandh's hands when he is beseiging the Yadus. Jarasandh does not really like Medusa, he is even a little afraid of her, so he sends her to Dhritarashtra in Hastinapur. The idea is that either she turns everyone in the palace into stone, creating a power vacuum in Hastinapur which Jarasandh can take advantage of (because the Kauravas and Pandavas are going to fight) or Dhritarashtra and Gandhari (both blind) use her to get rid off their political opponents and reward Jarasandh by becoming his ally against Mathura.
7. Unfortunately, in this whole journey, another bunch of people get turned into stone, and news reaches the Hindu Gods, who are all very confused about this random, undocumented issue that popped out of nowhere, and which was not supposed to happen dammit! Indra calls for a council meeting, where Pushan, god of roads, agrees to try and look into her history and where she came from.
8. Medusa meets Dhritarashtra, who is overjoyed by her existence and immediately offers to help Jarasandh against Krishna. He is, in fact, so pleased with her powers that Medusa is flattered beyond belief (even though she knows he's going to use her) and agrees to turn all of Dhritarashtra's enemies to stone. Krishna, now trapped between two powerful empires, retreats from Mathura and brings the people to Dwarika, putting more distance between himself and his enemies.
9. Krishna weds Satyabhama in Dwarika, after they kill Narakasura. Unfortunately, Narakasura's son Bhagadatta, King of Pragjyotisha, immediately becomes their enemy. Less unfortunately, Indra remembers Krishna exists, and pleased with Narakasura's death and Swarga's freedom, forgets about his insult and becomes his friend again. This is how Krishna finds out about the widespread pertrification of people.
10. Meanwhile, Pushan, in his enquiries, runs across a very angry Hermes, who rants to him about how Some People^(TM) need to listen to their King and think about the consequences of their actions and that is an actual monster UNCLE!! This is how the Hindu Pantheon learns about Medusa and the Greek Pantheon realises where she's hiding.
11. Fortunately, Perseus is still raring to go kill Medusa and free his mother. Unfortunately, Indra and Zeus are now locked in a political headlock because Zeus cannot keep his monsters within his kingdom and Indra refuses to let a random greek demigod (who just so happens to be the son of the other God of Thunder) show up in India, insisting Krishna can take care of it.
12. Zeus sends Athena and Apollo and Hermes to intercede on his behalf, Indra sends Krishna, Mitra and Saraswati. They agree to let Perseus kill Medusa, but his fame will be shortlived in human memory, and in return, Dionysos will not show up to attack India. Zeus and Indra are unimpressed with these terms, because Zeus refuses to deny his son his well-deserved kleos, and Indra refuses to let intruders into India, whether Perseus or Dionysos. It kind of spirals out of control from there.
13. Meanwhile Duryodhana** and Medusa are having the time of their lives turning people into stone, although Gandhari thinks they shouldn't be using this ability so indiscriminately. So far their victims include Vidura, Kunti, Yudhisthira and Bheem (I'm sorry, they'll recover, promise). Dhritarashtra is conflicted about all of this, because at the end of the day these people are his family, but he doesn't protest either.
14. Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva are left alone because Dhritarashtra refuses to allow them to be petrified; not only are they not competitors for the throne, but they could also be prevailed upon to become assets. They are not idiots though, so they leave for Madra, to take asylum under Shalya. Bhishma is given to understand that this is a sickness/disease, but he has his doubts.
*I don't really know whether you have to look into Medusa's petrifying eyes or just gazing at her face overall is enough, so she has a full face veil of a very dark colour. She had the idea for this when she noticed other women wearing this and remembered that Greek women also used veils. In true Indian soap opera style, she has a black veil so everyone knows she's the villain.
**Duryodhana operates through his father, because Dhritarashtra refuses to let him see Medusa. So although he might ask for a lot of things, Dhritrashtra almost always has a say in what happens.
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santoschristos · 3 months ago
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Lord Indra – The King of the Highest Heaven
With one face he used to recite Vedas, with the second he drank alcohol and he used the third face for observing the world.
Indra Dev or Indra is a Vedic God of firmament and is the king of Swarga (heaven) and the Devas (the heavenly beings). He is considered the God of the life-sustaining rain, thunder, lightning, storms, and rivers.
"Aum Sahasra-Netraye Vidmahe
Vajra hastraye Dhimahi
Tanno Indrah Prachodayat"
Meaning of the Mantra:
“Om. Let us meditate on Indra, the Lord with a thousand eyes. May that great God who holds the invincible thunderbolt in his hand inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”
Indra ॐ
Lord Indra by Mahaboka
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ahamasmiyodhah · 2 years ago
Veera Raja Veera..!
Ilavarasar Arulmozhi Varman had crowned the Prince Madhuranthakan Dev, and now was the time for the entertainment. The Princesses from the small Kingdoms of the Chozha Naadu came together with small lightened lamp in their palms, and the singers around them strung the strings of Veena and Yazh.
Kaaneero neer kaan,
Sozha Vetri vaal ondrai Kaaneero...
O azhagiye poovae,
Selludhiyo, malaridu po sagi...
(Are you not seeing it?
Can you not see the victorious Chozha sword?
O beautiful flower,
Will you not garland him, o friend?)
Their movements were slow, going with the beautiful Raaga and voices of the singers.
Veera Raja Veera
Soora theera soora
Veezha sozha veera
Seerar gnyaalam vaazha
Vaarai vaagai soora
(O royal warrior!
O brave and strong one.
Invincible Chozha warrior
May the world prosper
Hail to your victory!)
Sundara Chozha's chest swelled with pride when the Kathaakaars (storytellers) dressed as his ancestors and acted their tales of bravery outt. From Karikala Valava hoisting flag at Imaiya Malai to Vijayalaya Chozha's incomparable battle prowess, everything made his chest swell with pride.
Thoduvor pagai porai
nadugal serkkum veera
maara kaadhal maara
Poovor engum theera
Paavor pottrum veera
(Those who dare to oppose you,
you send them to their graves
O angel of undying love
Lovely damsels yearn for you.
We sing your glory, o brave one!)
Vandiyadevan remembered the day when a drunk Adithan confessed that he chopped of Veerapandiya's head. A nostalgic smile washed over his which soon turned sad smile. Kundhavai's eyes roamed towards Vandiyadevan and she frowned slightly at his sad smile, while Arulmozhi's eyes secretly tried to find Vanathi who was mssing.
Udaivaal araithaanga
Paruvol puvithaanga
Vaalava emai aala
varuvaai kala era
Aayiram vezham pola
Porkkalam serum sozha
Vendha Raja Raja!
Vaarai vaagai Soora!!
(A sword on your waist,
carrying the world on your shoulders
come and rule us
Board your ships!
Enter the battlefield like
Thousand charging elephants!
O Lord! King of King! Come,
Hail to your victory!)
The dancing male dressed as Chozha soldier soon returned dressed as Adithya Karikalan and gave him a proper tribute. The young soldeir made to look like Karikala was so similar that it immediately brought Vanavan Mahadevi and Sundara Chozha to tears.
The Dancing men soon dispersed and were replaced with females. The familiar voice of the female made Arulmozhi whip her head towards the arena, where he saw a beautiful damsel dressed in pretty white saree and golden jewellery sang and danced.
Viraliyar gaanam paada
Kanigaiyar nadanam aada
Paavaiyar kulavai poda
Parithear sagadam aada
(Royal maidens sing
and women dances
Singers sing in celebration
Horse chariots move in harmony.)
Kundhavai smiled widely and looked at Vanavan Mahadevi and Sembiyan Mahadevi and they too smiled in return. Arulmozhi felt glances at him but he pointedly ignored them, all while looking at Vanathi who danced like the celestial nymphs of Swarga Loka.
Alaimel Kathirai Pola
Vilangidum aruma deva
Padaiyani Perumai saattra
Pulavargal thamizhum theera
(Like the rising sun over dappled waters
You shine O Lord!
When singing praises of your army
Poets struggle to find words.)
Vanathi immersed herself in singing, Kundhavai's training finally fruiting when everyone was enchanted by this innocent and courteous Princess of Kodumbalur. Even Poonguzhali was spellbounded.
Kadalmel puyalai pola
Kalangal virainthu paaya
Vannalai seeratta
Thenpulam eengum veera
(Like the blustery wind skimming the sea
Ypur ships sped across the choppy waters
Blowy waves caress you
Charge south, O valiant warrior!)
Vanathi twirled around when her eyes locked with Arulmozhi, and with a outstretched hand towards his direction, she stopped. While evryone thought it was a dance pose, only he knew that she was again lost in his amethyst eyes like she always did. One of the other dancers noticed this and purposely bumped into her, with intention to waken up her, and she succeed.
Kootraagil Sel, Kaatraagi sel
Sara sara sara saravena
velmazhai than Peidhida
Para para para paravena
paayattum paaimaaram
(Be assertive, go like a wind
to rain arrows
let's sail the ship faster)
The soldiers returned behind the twirling damsels, now the naayagan dressed as Arulmozhi Varman. Madhuranthakan shared a smile with Arulmozhi Varman.
Malavargal veeram kanna
Samuthiram veruvi pogum
Uruviya vaalai kandu
Piraimadhi naani pogum
(To witness the bravery of warriors
the sea becomes scared of
when he pulls out the sword
The Moon will shy away)
Vanathi twirled around the naayagan, all of her fluid movements making everyone a fan of her. Kundhavai smiled proudly. While the other girls were also great, Vanathi was always the most talented.
Ethirigal uthiram serndhu
Kuthikadal vannamaagum
Udhirndhidum pagaivar thegam
kadalukku annamaagum
(The blood of enemies
Makes the sea change its color
the bodies of enemies become food
for the creatures in the ocean)
Arulmozhi perked up with an idea as he stood up from his throne and went towards his father. Upon hearing, Sundara Chozha smiled widely and gave Arulmozhi his blessings. Vandiyadevan moved to get up but he denied.
Pulimagan veeram kandu
pagaikkulam sithari odum
saramazhai peithal kandu
kadalalai karaikku odum
(After witnessing the bravery of Chozha tiger
The enemies run away
After witnessing the rain of arrows
The sea waves runs to seashore)
Adada perum veera
edada thodi vaalai
thodada sara maalai
adhuda pagaivorai..
(O such bravery
take your sword
make garlands
kill your enemies)
Vanathi was so immersed in the dance that she didn't saw a majestic elephant making its way towards them. The others dancers did and stepped away after noticing the mahout. Soon he reached Vanathi and the huge shadow that loomed over her made her tun away. Vanathi smiled when she saw the face of Mahout.
En Thamizh vaazhga vaazhga
veera sozham vaazhga
natramizh vaazhga vaazhga
nallore dhesam vaazhga!
The elephant moved his trunk, and not breaking their eye contact, Vanathi stepped on the Trunk. Elephant rose it's trunk higher and higher, while Arulmozhi outstretched his hand for Vanathi to hold. Everyone stood up from their seats watching in awe as she held his hand, and stepped in the small chariot that was made on the Elephant.
"Yaanai Paaga."
He couldn't help but smile when she put her hand on his left shoulder.
@vibishalakshman @thatacademic @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai @rang-lo @willkatfanfromasia I desperately need a feedbackkk!!!
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ktkapil · 2 months ago
Difference between Heaven (Swarg Lok) and Satlok
According to page 123 of the third chapter of Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Purana, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are perishable i.e. Swarga Lok of the Gods is also perishable.
Immortal Place Satlok
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hemlata5008 · 2 months ago
Difference between Heaven (Swarg Lok) and Satlok
According to page 123 of the third chapter of Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Purana, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are perishable i.e. Swarga Lok of the Gods is also perishable.
Immortal Place Satlok
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years ago
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Dmitriy Krestniy - One More Day in Swarga, 2023
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talonabraxas · 3 months ago
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Indra ॐ Talon Abraxas
Indra Dev or Indra is a Vedic God of firmament and is the king of Swarga (heaven) and the Devas (the heavenly beings). He is considered the God of the life-sustaining rain, thunder, lightning, storms, and rivers.
Aum Sahasra-Netraye Vidmahe Vajra hastraye Dhimahi Tanno Indrah Prachodayat
Meaning of the Mantra:
“Om. Let us meditate on Indra, the Lord with a thousand eyes. May that great God who holds the invincible thunderbolt in his hand inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”
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starzpsychics · 1 year ago
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A guide to Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is a gift every human being gets at birth. In general terms we are seers
What is a seer?
A seer is someone who senses the spirit realm with their own eyes, or in their mind’s eye. Seers can be adults, but many are children, this is a gift that they have been born with, or sometimes develop as they mature or have supernatural encounters.
But for the vast majority this gift is left undeveloped they will lose the gift of seer through fear of the unknown or of that which is unexplainable. For some though the gift of seer remains, and a percentage of people will go on to develop this gift.
In this guide to Clairvoyance, we will examine the gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see what is unseen, it is having the power of knowing or cognizing realities, to see the different levels of the Astral Plain. Clairvoyants can see energy fields, spirits, symbols and get visual premonitions.
Developing clairvoyance isn’t really that hard, but there are a few things that must be done in order to be successful. The first step is to rid yourself of negative thoughts and tendencies and to understand that fear, doubt, nervousness, and anxiety will only hamper your success, and may even totally block the development of clairvoyance altogether, if not dealt with!
How do Clairvoyants see?
Typically, most clairvoyants see things in their minds eye (also known as the inner eye or third eye).
The phrase “mind’s eye” means having the ability to visualize things in your imagination. That said however, the mind’s eye and the imagination are not the same thing. The mind’s eye is the ability to visualize things in your mind. Whereas the imagination is the ability to create or visualize something that is not physically present!
There is a difference. A clairsentient can tap into your feelings and emotions by studying your picture.
Clairsentience (clear feeling) is one of your metaphysical senses. The other metaphysical senses are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing), and claircognizant (clear knowing).
Clairvoyance uses the same parts of your brain that are active when you dream or visualize. If you are able to visualize anything, then you have clairvoyant ability. The gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer enables you to know people on a very personal level.
Clairvoyants can pick-up other people’s energies, which can be troublesome at times, because it means they are affected by other people’s negativity, feelings, emotions, and problems without being aware of it.
Generally, most people find Clairvoyants easy to communicate with, and often find people are draw to them to off load their difficulties.
You have probably already heard people refer to Clairvoyance as the sixth sense.
Have you ever watched gymnasts and wondered how they manage to get their bodies into the right position, ready to catch a tumbling partner or as they use the trapeze? This is the sixth sense.
Sixth sense also known as the subtle perception ability, is a person’s ability to sense the subtle-dimension or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, Heaven (Swarga), etc.
The sixth sense helps you to navigate and understand the subtle cause and effect interactions that are behind many events, that are typically beyond the rational understanding of the intellect.
ESP - extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, premonition, intuition is the same as the sixth sense.
Clairvoyance is often linked to precognition or retro cognition as well as psychometry.
If an artist or someone that predominantly uses the right side of their brain were to become enlightened (psychic) they would have the ability to read auras, our chakras, draw guides, and this is how they would channel what they received because the ability to see images is their most heightened sensitivity.
A clairvoyant would probably pick up and see your aura. The aura that surrounds each of us is made up of seven layers/auric bodies. Each one of the subtle auric bodies that exist around our physical body has its own unique frequency, the auric bodies are interconnected they affect our feelings, emotions, thinking, behaviour, and health.
During a reading the clairvoyant may see a symbol or a movie-scene which is a metaphor for the situation.
Clairsentience is a metaphysical sense (something which is outside of physical reality as we understand it) that relates to recurring physical and emotional feelings, this is referred to as your gut feeling and indicates Divine guidance. If you have ever had a physical or emotional feeling suddenly wash over you with no apparent connection to your current state of mind, you have just experienced clairsentience.
It is a complete awareness picked up by a person resulting from contact with an object, letter, or another person the seer should get a feeling, get strong signals. With time and testing the art of psychometry can be mastered, indicating that clairvoyance is an achievable gift, with patience and effort.
It is the highest attribute of the human mind but is dormant in many people that said it can be developed in virtually all. It is the natural, instant awareness of facts, principles, events and things. To develop intuition, simply, when you get an intuitive thought test it at once, this will help your perceptions grow clearer, stronger, more frequent and free.
Ø Clairvoyance sees,
Ø Psychometry feels,
Ø Intuition knows instantly.
To explain this further in our ordinary everyday lives we see as everybody sees. In clairvoyance we see with more distinctness; in psychometry we feel with greater intensity, and in intuition, we leap to results in an instant.
A guide to Clairvoyance and opening up.
To use the gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer you will need to activate the third eye chakra the pineal gland:
Many people believe herbs can be used such as:
Wood Betony Gotu Kola Parsley Alfalfa Mugwort Ginkgo Leaf (Ginko Gobola) Lecithin
Some consequences of opening your third eye chakra the pineal gland include:
Increased lucidity in dreams, clearer psychic visions, hearing voices or sounds and an increased telepathic ability. The herbs can be made into tea.
My personal preference would be the use of Crystals:
*Agate *Beryl *Jade *Sapphire *Amethyst *Azurite *Aquamarine *Citrine *Quartz *Lapis Lazuli
These crystals can be used in meditations, put under the pillow, directly on the third eye area, made into jewellery.
If you need to speak with a psychic, please visit us at: https://starzpsychic.com
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hinsaa-paramo-dharma · 2 years ago
The gods of swarga are so proud of your url
Dhanyavad ji dhanyavad <33
Shayad isliye hi Indra Devta itna aesthetically pleasing tarike ki baarish barsaa rhe hai 🥺
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