#swapped some of their details
nemnums · 2 months
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musubiki · 1 month
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spocks-kaathyra · 6 months
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my second born son <333
taking suggestions for who to make next!!
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ahollowgrave · 4 months
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Mateus | Mists | W24 P29
The house Odette's great-aunt left her. Not in the mists in-character, but still cradled on the coast of Vylbrand on a decent plot of land. Most of the house remains closed off, in various states of abandonment, but the wing Odette does occupy is kept tidy. She has certainly added her own touches and has claimed an attic bedroom for her own. If you swing by for a visit please leave a message! And mind the shadows.
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jitterbugbear · 1 year
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an uneventful evening
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
Do you enjoy underfell? I thought you disliked aus /genq
i don't dislike the concept of AUs itself, I'm just not a fan of like... the subculture that spawned around them in the UT fandom specifically and how it eventually took over almost all canon content (especially when it limits itself to the bros)
i like aus visually! i am an artist at heart after all. it's just that, if I'm going to care about them as stories and not just fun design ideas, my bar is uhh almost impossibly high the further you move from canon lolol.
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minty364 · 11 months
DPXDC Prompt #70
Danny and Damian are twins and they are unfortunately forced to fight each other for title of heir at the age of 5. Danny dies after losing and Talia desperately throws him into the lazurus pits. He doesn’t come back out.
5 years later they throw a one Jason Todd into the pit and he also doesn’t come back. But Danny does now 10 years old but he has white hair and glowing green eyes. Oh wait it’s back to normal black hair and blue eyes now. Talia is majorly confused and she grabs both of her sons to take them to live with their Father and gives Damian the order to protect Danny from harm.
Jason wakes up in front of two kids one wearing a red cap and the other was goth as fuck. What the hell happened and how was he here?
I was basically wondering what would happen if Jason and Danny where thrown into the pits and turned on the portal at the same time and what if they swapped places.
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synthaphone · 8 months
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ROBOT!!! This one was a huge undertaking- I'm really happy with the final result though!!
I ended up combining the blue and green palettes; it felt like the best of both worlds- and it kind of ends up looking more green in the end anyway, so I feel like I'm honoring the spirit of the green palette winning the poll.
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wickedcriminal · 1 year
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Played around with lorulean breath of the wild because I love albw <33
Ravio's got Demise's sword because I'm obsessed with the idea that the inverted triforce detail would swap the sword spirits. Loria is just edgy ok
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swaps55 · 8 months
this might be random, but i NEED to know, what's the risotto recipe you have in mind? I love cooking and, not to be cringe, but I have made a few of the dishes you've mentioned in Opus if they catch my eye or I have enjoyed making them before and fancy giving them a whirl again. But I don't remember you ever quite specifying the risotto and I was wondering if, well, there was a specific recipe or if it was just risotto. I was planning to just wing it but, well, food is a very conscientious theme throughout Opus and I knew there was a chance you might have an actual recipe in mind!
First, that is not cringe, that is amazing, and I am now dying to know what you have made.
I do a lot of due diligence when I write. Food is a theme that runs throughout this series, and honest to god I look things up before I slap them on the page. Kaidan has a much more multicultural background than I do, and I didn't want to be That Asshole who assumes my narrow culinary experiences are universal. So when I mention a dish, it's safe to say I put some thought into it. I even have the actual drink recipes for the 'Yang Gang's favorite cocktails, thanks to @pip-n-flinx.
There is one notable exception to this.
It's the risotto.
I'm gonna be honest. When I made risotto the coveted Alenko dish, it went something like this:
Me: Ok, I need a funny reason for Shepard to be willing to go pose as Kaidan's partner with his parents. Also Me: How about a legendary home cooked meal. Me: Perfect. What's the Legendary Home Cooked Meal at Casa Alenko? First thing that comes to mind. Also Me: Risotto. Me: Great. Wait, what is risotto? Also Me: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Me: Doesn't matter, we're rolling with it.
I'm not even kidding. When I made Lora Alenko's Risotto the most mouth watering meal in the galaxy I didn't actually know what risotto was. I thought it was some kind of pasta. See why I research?
You have to understand, this all started with Sonata, and Sonata was supposed to be an AU one shot that was maybe 7k words TOPS. It wasn't supposed to be part of Opus. It wasn't supposed to dictate the tone and establish everything about how Opus ultimately unfolds. And because I wasn't writing it with that in mind - it was just this silly, supremely self-indulgent diversion to distract me from the stupid thing I was stuck on in Cantata - I, uh. I just winged it.
(I have since looked it up, since had it, and DO actually know what it is, please stop laughing.)
So I have no idea what the recipe is. I feel like it's one of those things that can't have a recipe, because the reality will never be as good as Kaidan's boasting.
But also consider this alternative: Sam has the worst tastebuds in the galaxy. What If Lora Alenko's "risotto" was just some elaborate home made cheesy rice that was kid!Kaidan's favorite meal, so he has some big time nostalgia glasses on about it, Sam is insane over it because he's a basic bitch, and there has not been a marine on the 'Yang who doesn't love it because marines' idea of a good snack is a box of crayons.
Just saying. XD
(That said, if you wind up with a heavenly risotto recipe you recommend, I'm uh, open to suggestions....;)
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cadmusfly · 8 months
Funny thing about previously being into Napoleonic Royal Navy fiction and stuff and then switching sides to obsess over the Napoleonic Marshals is returning to things I read and then spotting Mentions Of Marshals that I disregarded before
Like “hey, the boys were here all along, I just didn’t care about them back then!”
oops tag rambled about dragons
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aeliem · 11 months
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for @hiro-doodlez's dtiys
not completely sold on the background so there's a version without it below (to be clear my entry is still the one with the bg)
timelapse & version w/out background under the cut
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reliquiaen · 6 months
For anyone wondering:
- the eternal wakestone you get for killing the sphinx is VERY misleading, it is a one time use only NOT reusable like the name suggests
- it costs 120k to get it duplicated BUT
- the copy doesn't work
So be careful when you use it. This is not a solution to the dragonsplague, so do watch out for signs that a pawn in your party is sick.
Practice good pawn care and regularly toss them off cliffs or into rivers.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 6 months
Day ??? of suddenly thinking of something or seeing something that sparks an idea that causes me to go: “Wow, I love that! I’ll think of more for that!” and then I just go and roll with it.
Which has caused me to just have... so many FNaF AU’s & ideas or whatever—and I have no idea what to do with any of them. But I’m just holding a bunch in my grasp, either way. Swap type AU’s, and so many other things.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Just a bit about MK's gender swap of Sektor and Cyrax
Unless there is a solid reason behind such a choice, I’m not a big fan of turning established characters into a different gender. Since Cyrax and Sektor’s gender has never played any vital part in their relationship with Bi-Han, Tomas or Kuai Liang, I can accept the gender swap for now, although my final judgment will depend on how those characters will be used in the upcoming expanded story.
That said, I have some legitimate concerns about those changes. For one, if this is NRS’s way to introduce more female fighters, then I’m pretty offended. I’m still awaiting the return of Sonya (one of the original cast!). There is also Sheeva, D’Vorah, Jade, Frost, Skarlet, Khameleon (already mentioned in intro dialogues as Umgadi), Sareena (as actual character not supporting background cameo), Jataaka, Kia. There is Harumi that definitely deserves to be flashed out beyond Scorpion’s fiance/wife, not to mention a chance to introduce us to a totally new female protagonist, like Raiden’s sister. Or NRS could bring comics!Hydro as a woman (or gender-fluid hydromancer. I’m not picky, though I doubt the NRS has any intention to explore gender issues beyond characters being women or men).
And let’s not forget about Cassie Cage & Jacqui Briggs, but those two as New Generation may not fit yet into the story, which is understandable. 
I’m happy to see Sektor and Cyrax back, but there are plenty of female characters that deserve no less to be brought back into lore and I’m afraid that gender swapping Cyrax and Sektor is NRS’s way to kill two birds with one stone. Bi-Han’s supporters are important to expand the Lin Kuei vs Shirai Ryu conflict, but by being now women, their presence on the roster reduces the chance of other female characters.  
The second, more prominent concern I have is the fear that the game will rely on or imply there was romance - still ongoing or in the past - between Bi-Han or Kuai Liang with either Sektor or Cyrax. I said it countless times before that I see Sub-Zero as aromantic & asexual so any romance for him simply doesn’t work for me, but that is actually beside the point.
My point is, if the major addition to the relationship between Lin Kuei characters will be Sektor and/or Cyrax having romantic feelings for any of the brothers and for that addition NRS needed to gender swap them into women I WILL BE FURIOUS. Not for the romance itself, but because Sektor and Cyrax as men could have the same feelings and their gender should not play any role in that. Homosexual and/or bisexual men should be part of MK lore no less than heterosexual characters. And I feel lately that the Mortal Kombat franchise likes to erase a lot of previously established diversity. Homosexual Kung Jin was playable only in MKX (2015) and just referred here or there since then. Previous timelines Mileena showed interest (or sometimes was just sexually creepy?) toward men and women alike, now she is only interested in Tanya. On one hand, cool, an established lesbian woman. On another the bisexual vibe is kicked out of the window - or at least this is my impression. Johnny may be seen as bisexual man, but how intentional that was on the NRS’ part or just came out naturally as there is no female character in the group of Liu Kang’s Earthrealm Champions for him to interact with, I’m not sure. 
My fear is that NRS is just a coward that would rather gender-swap male characters to present them and their relationship as heterosexual than just go with them as they are. MK1 has already the token homosexual pair (Tanya & Mileena) to balance Liu Kang/Kitana,  Sindel/Jerrod and background Johnny’s ex-marriage or Kenshi/Suchin. So if female Cyrax and Sektor’s purpose is to either avoid homosexual implication or to explore the relationship of  Lin Kuei characters through some romantic bullshit, I will be furious. But if studio’s choice to gender swap Sektor and Cyrax will change literally nothing about what we already knew from previous timelines then WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL OF THIS?
Like I said, my final judgment about NRS’s choice for female Cyrax and Sektor will be based on story mode alone. For now, I’m pretty much indifferent, as their gender has never affected their relationship with Bi-Han before and so far the only complaint I have is, the visually-wise impression that female Cyrax and Sektor seem to look thinner than rest of female characters? But that may be just the armor playing a trick on my eyes.
(I lied. I have a second complaint, their armor should be more bulky, and better covering their body/gender. This seems like a wasted opportunity to have a cool reveal that yes, under the armor there are two kick-ass awesome women).
So, female Cyrax and Sektor for now does not change anything for me, but I do remain suspicious about the reasoning of NRS for gender swap.
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bug-hearted · 22 days
YOURE SO COOL‼️ YOU LIKE GOOD OMENS AND GRAVITY FALLS⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️🦅 (also your art is scrumptious and I absolutely wanna eat it)
i do indeed love good omens and gravity falls ... i've been trying to find some way to jam the two together to form some kind of fucked up gravity omens au and it's coming along together as well as you'd think (messy)
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