#sw wolffe
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ventresses · 1 year ago
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Star Wars: Rebels (2/?) - Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe
Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
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clownbloody · 1 year ago
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Respectfully Commander...I'm going feral. I know there are Wolffe fans this one's for yall!
ALSO! If you want to be tagged when I post one of YOUR favourite boys let me know!
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Taking A Step
A Fox Oneshot :)
Should out to my lovely beta @yeehawgeek for being the final push to actually publishing this since it sat for about...a year I think in my drafts WHOOPS
Enjoy >:)
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raphaerolo · 1 year ago
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My favourite father son duo
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m00ntunaart · 1 month ago
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3rd Star Wars daemon AU post!
Here by popular demand: The Jedi Council and their daemons!
Depa Billaba - Hooked Billed Kite (Taryz)
Mace Windu - Bald Eagle (Maisha)
Yoda - Ostrich (Kieachkta)
Shaak Ti - Hyacinth Macaw (Thevren)
(Commander Colt - Anatolian Shepherd (Pistol))
Plo Koon - Osprey (Averyl)
Ki-Adi Mundi - Great Blue Heron (Czirda)
Kit Fisto - Blue Footed Booby (Krios)
Now onto my random AU lore and thoughts:
JEDI LORE TIME: So, as I’ve said in my last daemon AU post, the Jedi generally have bird daemons. This is by nurture, not nature. The way the Jedi teach young force-users to interact with the Force usually ends up directing their daemons to settle into a bird species of some kind. Which conveniently is around the time a Jedi Initiate is either chosen to be a Jedi Knight or be sent to the Jedi Corps. While it is not a rule that a Jedi Knight has to have a bird daemon, there are stigmas in the Jedi culture that lead to Jedi Knights and Masters not wanting to pick Padawans with not-bird daemons. This was one of the reasons the Council was hesitant to take in Anakin originally. He was already past the age of being nurtured to have his daemon settle as a bird, as he was raised outside the Temple.
(If you’re wondering why Obi-Wan doesn’t have a bird daemon, look at my last post. But to summarize his daemon settled while on Melida/Daan. So not ideal circumstances) (Also Qui-Gon Jinn cares not for cultural taboos, so he did not care much that Obi-Wan’s daemon ended up not being a bird lol)
The exceptions to this bird-daemon rule is generally Jedi in the Corps and Jedi Shadows (I will be making a Quinlan Vos post at some point that goes into that more).
DEPA BILLABA and her daemon, Taryz, who is a Hooked Billed Kite.
Okay for the life of me I cannot remember the reason I picked Depa’s daemon 😅, but it was probably just: ‘I like how Hooked Billed Kites look’. So a good reason obv.
I inserted some silly interactions between Obi-Wan and Depa, and Kee-Ayt and Taryz. I headcanon that since they are the two youngest council members, they will go out of their way to act like children in front of the older council members. Just to make the others role their eyes and say ‘kids 🙄’. Despite the fact that both of them are like in their mid 30s-40s. But besides them acting like two siblings alone in the back seat of a car, they are close with each other. Taryz is the daemon most comfortable being casually around Kee-Ayt, out of the other daemons in the Council. (I imagine that since most Jedi daemons are birds, sometimes other Jedi don’t know how to interact with Kee-Ayt)
MACE WINDU and his daemon, Maisha, who is a Bald Eagle. 
In the Temple there runs a rumor amongst the Padawans about which came first: Mace being bald? Or Mace’s daemon settling as a Bald Eagle? A real ‘chicken or the egg’ question lol.
But more seriously, I really did just end up picking a Bald Eagle daemon because I wanted to make bald jokes hahaha. That and Bald Eagles just naturally look pissed all the time, which matches well with Mace’s ‘resting bitch face’.
YODA and his daemon, Kieachkta, who is an Ostrich.
My whole concept for Yoda was just: ‘if Yoda is a small species, then he should get a big ass daemon to balance it out’. And yes, Yoda rides around on Kieachkta because of course he does. And when he can’t hit your ankles with his stick, he’ll get Kieachkta to peck the back of your head (which hurts ow).
(If you’re wondering, all of Yoda’s species have bigger daemons. Like Yaddle has an Emu daemon).
SHAAK TI and her daemon, Thevren, who is a Hyacinth Macaw.
My only thoughts for Shaak’s daemon was I wanted it to be big and colorful. 1. Because she’s just this tall figure with long montrals. She just needed a big bird species to go with her impressive figure. 2. She just has always had a fun color scheme, so I thought a colorful bird of some kind would be fun. SO A HYACINTH MACAW. They’re huge and a beautiful blue color (that matches her montral stripes). I also just wanted her to have a fun, friendly looking daemon. Since she’s on Kamino most of The Clone Wars, and interacting with Tubies and Cadets. I think her having a big, loving, approachable looking daemon was just right. (Which is why in this AU, she was chosen to be the one working with the younger clones). Hence why I have so many doodles of her daemon with young clones’ daemons. 
Plus I added an extra doodle of Commander Colts’ daemon, Pistol, who is a breed of Livestock Guardian Dog. Since Colt is also on Kamino, he often is ‘herding’, ‘protecting’ and ‘training’ the young clones. So a herding/guardian  dog daemon felt right for him. (Pistol is the bad cop to Thevren’s good cop lol)
PLO KOON and his daemon, Averyl, who is an Osprey.
Tbh I didn’t have any idea what bird I wanted Plo to have. So I ended up googling ‘bird species that are good parents’ lol. And Osprey were on that list! Idk how true that is, but IN STARWARS IT IS NOW TRUE.
 Plo is just The Jedi Dad Of All Time (*cough cough* Ahsoka *cough cough* Wolffe *cough cough* Wolf Pack), so he got a Parent Of All Time bird lol. 
And yes Averyl spends all her free time trying to preen EVERY member of The Wolf Pack. Is that physically possible? I don’t know, but don’t even try to tell Averyl she can’t do it. All her furry dog children WILL feel her affection.
KIT FISTO and his daemon, Krios, who is a Blue Footed Booby.
All I can say is I knew I wanted Kit to have a sea bird, because he’s The Swimming Jedi^TM. And I love Blue Footed Boobies. 
Also Kit is a silly guy who deserves a silly bird, with silly blue feet and a silly name.
KI-ADI MUNDI and his daemon, Czirda, who is a Great Blue Heron.
Ki-Adi is a long, lanky looking dude so he gets a long, lanky bird. 
I have spoken.
(Also I see a lot of Blue Herons around where I live, so they’re a favorite of mine).
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thelastd0mino · 15 days ago
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i have 500 of these in the tank. be prepared.
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darth-memes · 6 months ago
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legobenkenobi · 8 months ago
clone commanders are really the strongest beings out there because imagine not only having the responsibility of managing all your little brothers as soldiers and making sure they Dont Die but also your boss is some guy with No armor that has mythical being powers and relies solely on “vibes” only they can feel for 90% of their decisions. also they’re allergic to guns and their absolutely insane decisions turn out to be Correct a good majority of the time. id be on the news
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phantasm-echo · 1 year ago
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And they (will be) roommates :0
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w31rd0-art1st · 29 days ago
Clone names will never not be funny to me.. because you have clones named Hardcase, Fives, Kix, Echo, Dogma, Tup, Waxer, Boil, Comet, Fox, Wolffe, Rex, etc etc.
And then you have Cody and Jesse.
Like, these names are kinda cool and badass, but then you have names that belong to just regular people.
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lesbianforlottie · 2 months ago
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more sw characters as textposts
<- 2/? ->
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mroddmod · 10 months ago
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tried the blind color palette challenge a few times with some suggested characters :))
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dixieconley · 6 months ago
Cody: Look vod, I need help. Bly: Love help? Wolffe: Military help? Rex: Emotional help? Fox: Help moving a body? ::everybody staring at Fox:: Fox: What? I'm being open-minded and supportive of my batchmate, don't hate.
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ewokmurderbear · 1 year ago
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grumpy is back
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carbon-corrie · 3 days ago
Y'all can't tell me that Fox and Wolffe aren't the chaos duo of the Command Batch. I think they'd be a super effective team on the rare occasions they work together - be it for investigations, interrogations, or hustling people at card games.
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m00ntunaart · 4 months ago
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2nd STARWARS/DAEMON AU POST!!!!! This time with the CC's and the Disaster Lineage!
Obi-Wan: Maned Wolf (Kee-Ayt)
Anakin: Lion (maned female lioness) (Asieko)
Ahsoka: Gryfalcon (Tuex)
Cody: German Shepherd (Beskar)
Rex: Siberian Husky (Queen)
Wolffe: Wolfdog (Whitefang)
Fox: Doberman Pinscher (Vulpe)
Bly: American Akita (Lyra)
LORE TIME: first off! Jedi! So I thought a lot about how daemons and Jedi should work. I did end up deciding that Jedi GENERALLY have bird daemons (like the witches in His Dark Material), BUT not always. The Jedi having bird daemons is not a ‘All Force Sensitives Have Daemons Who Settle As Birds’ thing. It wouldn’t make sense in this AU since Force-sensitivity is a spectrum and at what level would someone have ‘enough’ force-sensitivity to have a daemon for certain become a bird? I didn’t like that narrative as much, it felt restrictive. So instead Jedi tend to have bird daemons, but not Force-Sensitives. Like all Jedi are force sensitive ( and have bird daemons) but not all Force-Sensitives are Jedi, make sense? This is because of how the Jedi raise children and teach them to interact with the force. Because of how Jedi are taught to view and use the force, their daemons tend to settle as birds! It’s ‘nurture’ over ‘nature’ thing. Which is why (in this AU at least) the Jedi don’t take in older children to train. Because they’ve already probably learned their own way to interact with the force (different from the Jedi teachings) and therefore will have a non-bird daemon! Hence Anakin having a lion daemon. “But what about Obi-Wan?” (Well since Obi-Wan is one of my favorites I get to spice him up lol). He was originally very Jedi like (daemon wise) but after the whole Jedi Apprentice/Xanantos enslaving him/Melida-Daan war thing, he daemon ended up settling as a Maned Wolf! I imagine he was just about the age where his daemon would settle (usually 13-15, which is the same reason this is the age Jedi initiates are made padawans), so it was a surprise that his daemon so abruptly changed and settled. Most likely the effects of being so abruptly exposed to violence and war right out of being only use to the peace of the Jedi temple his whole life. 
(Extra) The 3rd page of the post! Cody and Obi-Wan’s daemons! Beskar and Kee-Ayt! Even though in my doodles Beskar seems to be very grumpy and even hatful towards Kee-Ayt, DO NOT BE FOOLED. Beskar adores Kee-Ayt. Their relationship just mirrors how I headcanon Cody’s and Obi-Wan’s. Where they will harass and bitch at each other to hell and back. Sounding from the outsider’s POV like two people who hate each other. When in reality these two are joined at the hip and love each other. They just will never admit it because “we have reputations to uphold!’ (Anakin says “what reputation? the reputation that one of you would murder the other if it wasn’t for the fact the GAR would court marshal the other?”) But yeah, Beskar makes fun of Kee-Ayt’s long ass legs. The mini ‘comic’ is about how I imagine that since all the Clones’ daemons are dogs/canines, when they win a battles they have a ‘Victory Call’ where they all howl. Beskar offers for Kee-Ayt to join in, but Maned Wolves can’t howl. They do this thing called a Roar-Bark (look up a video it’s so loud). This is the first time Beskar hears Kee-Ayt roar-bark and it scared the shit out of her.
(Extra Extra) The 4th page of the post! This is mostly doodles of Rex, Anakin and Ashoka’s daemons (Queen, Asieko and Tuex). All three reflect the close relationship that Rex, Anakin and Ahsoka have. Hence Tuex nesting on Queen and Asieko trying to groom Queen (who doesn’t appreciate the rough lion tongue bath she’s getting). (In fact Asieko tries to groom Tuex and Kee-Ayt too, but Tuex is too small and Kee-Ayt just starts biting Asieko bcs she doesn’t appreciate the bath either lol). We also have Tuex dive bombing Asieko (a common occurrence whenever Anakin and Ahsoka bicker). Tuex also does this to literally anyone who slightly annoys him or Ahsoka. And lastly the little doodle of Rex and Queen screaming! Idk if you’ve ever seen videos of Huskies, but oh boy are they loud and dramatic. I think with all the stress and insanity Rex has to deal with leading the 501st, he and Queen often have therapy screaming sessions. They deserve to. 
(ALSO, I will be making follow up reblogs with lore/plot stuff for each individual character)
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