lueton · 3 months
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tyukosan-blog · 4 months
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パナソニックは、法人向 12.1 型ノートパソコン レッツノート SV8 シリーズ 夏モデル CF-SV8RDCVS を 2019 年 6 月に発売。ボディーカラーは、シルバー。A4 ノートより小さい、高速&軽量 & コンパクトの人気の 12.1 型モデル。 CF-SV8RDCVS は、新品の在庫はなく中古のみ。
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disgruntledexplainer · 8 months
Something I find interesting about anti-mythos organizations in the wider Call of Cthulhu / Delta Green universe is that almost none of them are, strictly speaking, "good".
Delta Green is an illegal organization within the US military with zero oversight, which was forced underground due to human rights violations during the Vietnam war.
GRU-SV8 is like the KGB, but less evil and with much less funding. Section Disparu is pretty much the same thing, but french.
PISCES is compromised by the Shans, and Majestic-12 is compromised by the Mi-Go. Any good they do is counterbalanced by the evil they commit on the behalf of their masters.
M-EPIC has a bad history with native american tribes.
The Swords of Sneferu and the Army of the Third Eye are actual terrorist organizations, with the Swords of Sneferu in particular canonically being behind a number of major terrorist groups in the middle east, like Al Qaeda and Hezbollah.
The Swords of Saint Jerome (AKA "The Congregation) are generally pretty well-behaved due to their policy of compartmentalizing mythos knowledge and only distributing it on a need-to-know basis, but they have collected enough of it that agents who are compromised get corrupted FAST and very quickly become terrorists.
The Dawn are pretty much insane to the point of being useless outside of Tibet.
Yotsubishi Psi-Mech Division is trying to integrate mythos magic and alien tech into human society, which could prove disastrous for the entire world if they screw it up (which is especially likely since mythos tech has a tendency to drive regular humans mad).
Saucerwatch and Phenom-X are all composed of genuinely good and peaceful people devoted to uncovering government conspiracies that put civilians at risk, but the secrets they are trying to make common knowledge are essentially congnitohazards that could cause actual psychological damage and mass panic if they got out.
and yet compared to the groups they fight, all of these guys come off as borderline saints.
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neruomancer · 8 days
Average Members of Groups of Interest: Where are they now? Part 2
*Either some MI5 desk monkey or an especially good tarot reader that was "conscripted". They are the new blood after the office went through some "fumigations". They don't have a bug problem anymore. That's right, no brain bugs, completely clean you don't have to worry about it anymore. They are all gone
*Shan infested Agent, all the old timers and loyal azathoth worshippers got wiped during the "bug hunts". Now it is just the atheistic/secular earth borns who have only known the pleasures of human misery. They may have had a hand in culling the azathoth worshippers and the geezers from the cowboys so they could live it up driving around their meat suits.
Army of the Third Eye
*After the Embassy Row massacre A-Cell decided they needed some local heavy hitters. They turned some young former IRA hard boys over to the Army to train them in sabotage and to give them a little catharsis against the Brits. They don't really know about the bugs and they don't really care. Or they are environmentalists really mad about Welsh lake being drained and have become violent anprims.
*Department for the Veterans of Psychic Wars. When most left the Army or got busted you stayed behind because you had nowhere else to go. They were inside your head, you remember the scratching feeling against the back of your skull. You can hear the whistling of the Court, the nuclear chaos of it all. Those whistles wax and wan but you hear it in your loneliness and alienation. Your apartment is freezing and you swear you can simply walk in the court of the Outer Gods.
*You fought against the cultists of Shub, you hunted down Nazis wizards, traveled to Leng and back. All to get blown away by some NAFO dip shit memer piloting a drone with a grenade tapped to it. The video of your death will be put into a tiktok nsfl compilation and children will do the floss to it.
*The Broken Vanguard. You were there, the past haunts you. Your country was stolen and sold off from you. You live in the decaying ruins of what was to be the future of the workers state.
The Skoptsi
*After much of the cult was either blown away or got pitched you went to jail for mundane crimes. Life max. The cult is no more but you have started a gang culture devoted to the black goat, our lady of new birth. Forgive us for our sins and born us new into the world. Sheds the only flesh for the new flesh. You awaken in the shared prison shower covered in blood and hungry. This is not a prison, it is a feeding farm for you.
*You were a good Orthodox boy who grew up in the church. You read your Bible, you went to service, etc. You are an adult now and you hear the flies. The Flys of the Black Goat. You see some people are covered in flies, at work or at the bus stop or in the store. No one else sees them. But you do. Make the buzzing stop. They smell like rotten flesh. There is only one thing you can do. Buy a toolbox, maybe even a gun? Squash the flies.
Outlook Group
*See Majestic
*Zak Bagans but somehow worse. "We are here at this Asylum today". Maybe they believe? Maybe they don't? Is just here until they get a TV show deal with Discovery or The Travel Channel. Does very little work besides just showing up to the filming. They have the same disease as Alex Jones where he needs to buy a new watch every three months just to feel something again.
*Genuine believer but very little to absolutely no camera presence. Has been made into a lolcow by the Phenomen-X social media group because of how awkward and gawky they are.
Tiger Transit
*Since the organization has gone "legit" you were the first of the round of new hires to make the crime organization look as illegal as any other financial firm. You are probably an accountant or a HR person for one of the many shell companies. At the recent company retreat there was a banquet. The main course? The long pork. It wasn't as bad as you thought it would be? Most corpos are flesh eaters so it's fine.
*Since Tiger Transit was a airline used by the CIA to traffic heroin, naturally the next step is become a anti communist advocacy think tank. You are a fresh face social media influencer who cries on podcasts about how communism took away your grandpas opium plantation.
*Dr. Jensen Wu has to be 88 now right? He probably has an intern? Where is he? He got lost in the storage halls of the museum. Sometimes you see him wandering. Bright smile, wrinkles and all.
*If the program didn't assign a "budget" archeologist to the stacks then the outlaws tried to transfer everything of note to a green box somewhere. God I hope not.
Keepers of the Faith
*One of the dwindling numbers of loyal yog worshippers who slip in and out of the train tunnels of New York. Sometimes people in suits come by and give you snacks from the morgues office for information about the glowing spheres. A peaceful and quiet existence sleeping in the cold and tight seams of the city. The time will come.
*The impatient young blood. Has forbid the teachings of yoga for the careless gospel of hip new gods. Doesn't know what the fuck a crawl chaos is but human flesh sure does sound good about now. Got sick and tired of the old dry dead the keepers kept pointing to feed on.
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pawseds · 10 months
"Staying on the case again? Let me get you some tea..."
This art blog mostly revolves around Delta Green, a cosmic horror and investigative conspiracy TTRPG. Specifically, it revolves around the 3 campaigns I'm involved in that take place in the same universe! I also throw in art of other campaigns I've been in. Posts will be tagged based on which game/storyline they came out of. I'll also reblog game stuff from my other players/party members!
EN/ID/中文 Writing project: @sparrow-flight For other art stuff and ramblings: Instagram | Twitter Keep reading for tag/campaign organisation details!
[Delta Green] Bones of the Earth universe
An M-EPIC campaign called 'Bones of the Earth'. Set in various parts of 2008-9 Canada, it follows Task Force 7's 5 operations. It ran from 2021-2022. This is the game that started it all. Here's all the art and comics made per session. And here's a cool World Andvil my Handler made for M-EPIC/the campaign!
The story of my EPIC PC, Finan Syahputra, and his fiance-now-wife Claretta Tedyono. Has all pre-game (2004-8), in-game (2008-9), and post-game shenanigans (2009+) (the brainrot is so big, it needs its own category). Bigger slice of life/cope with the job feel; Home scenes if you will
Melati/Grief Rice
My homebrew campaign 'Where Red Blooms' set in 2010-2011 Indonesia, with the organisation Melati Merah Nusanara (specifically the Bulan Anggrek Nusantara 'research and security' branch). It ran from 2022-2024 and had 10 operations. Here's a fun summary of it by @katastrofish, one of my players (and my homie!!).
The birdfam consist of the 3 siblings Hrodwyn, Merethel, and Hygd, and their father Hrothgar. Originally from the GAWE campaign, I've ported these sparrows into other systems twice because 2 months with them was not enough. This tag contains all posts that includes them across the different games (GAWE, Helvetia, Dream in Drive).
A globetrotting homebrew campaign set in 2017-2019 based in Helvetia Ltd, the G20's secret hounds who are currently set on eliminating PISCES, GRU-SV8, M-EPIC, and Delta Green. It's set in the future of the same world as M-EPIC and Melati with @theroyalzealot as Handler/GM and Gavrill "Hrothgar" Vorobyev as my PC (ported from GAWE, a Westmarches that happened before Helvetia). I'm currently writing stories about the birdfam and Helvetia at @sparrow-flight!
Other TTRPGs
A D&D 4e Westmarches campaign that ran for 2 months through Sept-Nov 2023. Enter Hrodwyn, who left their flock of sparrow hengeyokai in an effort to find a solution to the cancerous spread of Starblight -- or Stellaron. It kills and mutates organisms ranging from Hrodwyn's flock to all 5 planets in this universe. This is where the Birdfam (Hrothgar's family) originated from, too!
Scholarly Keepers of Sorcery in Dragonheart is a D&D 5e Westmarches campaign. I'm playing Dani, @katastrofish's NPC from Melati who I've often roleplayed as, and Fish is playing as their Melati PC, Simon! This is a no-death, magic school campaign set in 2023/4 in which technology is trying to wipe out magic. All races are just magic humans. It ran for 2 months through Jan-Mar 2024.
Marvellous Entrants in the Colosseum of Homados is a Lancer Westmarches campaign that ran for 2 months from May-June 2024. Livia Post-Scott, a streamer who's trying to make it as a journalist, joins the colosseum not to win it with her team of other players, but to get a good story for a journalism contest! This is my first Lancer campaign that went from LL2-LL8.
Dream in Drive
A short Lancer campaign with 2 groups ran by @theroyalzealot. We start as flashclones whose originals were killed in a terrorist bombing at a mall. Now, we're hunting the terrorists down so it won't happen. What did happen again is me porting Hrothgar in as my PC because I really want him on a Swallowtail. This time, he's 22, happily married to Merlin, and cares for newborn Hrodwyn!
"Don't forget to roll SAN on your way out."
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agentgrange · 2 years
Shortlist of planned campaign settings I'd love to include in Delta Green Able Archer in no particular order:
Vietnam-Thailand-Cambodia Border (played as GRU-SV8 agents and their Vietnamese allies against the Khmer Rogue and Kuen-Yuin, 1980)
Ipswich / East Sussex (based on the Rendlesham Forest incident, possibly set in 1981 after the real world events of Christmas 1980.)
Mammoth Caves, Kentucky (general southern gothic and hollow earth shenanigans, player favorite.)
Fulda Gap, Germany (takes place during Able Archer 1983 crisis)
Hawizeh Marshes, Iran-Iraq Border (Height of the Iran-Iraq War, expect stargate hopping.)
Anchorage, Alaska (based loosely on the Robert Hansen case, where Agents will hunt the most dangerous game.)
Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan (an inversion of the Kali Ghati scenario where Delta Green agents will conduct an insurgency against GRU SV8.)
Lisbon, Portugal (unlock the secrets of the Knights Templar and their ancient, doomed war against the unnatural.)
Tokyo, Japan (Delta Green agents are forced to team up with Genyosha to investigate the rise of extreme film.)
Panama-Nicaragua Border (following the footsteps of Sub Rosa and the legacy of Delta Greens brutal history.)
Baltic States, USSR-ish (Closing the story with a last conflict between GRU-SV8 and Delta Green during the Baltic Chain protests.)
I can only do 10 of those 11 initial ideas, so I'd need to drop one. Most likely Lisbon or the Baltics campaign. The Portugal one because it can really be set in any era and I feel like it doesn't quite fit the theme of the other campaigns-- though I like it because it's different enough to be a refreshing break from the others like a nice Iberian vacation for your Agents. The one in the Baltics would tie a lot together in the end as a backdrop to a final showdown between old rivals that would be built up over the series, but the scope is big enough to make my head spin. Curious on others thoughts.
Along with these, some would have their own mini-scenarios with their own maps tacked on for oneshot "flashback" sessions to play out information revealed in-characters through some other means like reading an intelligence report or hidden tome. These are meant to be more experimental, for fun, and not meant to be fleshed out to a full campaign. That would include, potentially:
The Sino-Vietnamese border clash of 1979, playing as Kuen-Yien agents
Northern Ireland, playing as the Army of the Third Eye or
Ancient Wales playing as aspirant Knights of the Round Table (like ancient PISCES)
A Hollow Earth section in Agatha for Mammoth Caves
Land-Between-the-Lakes, Kentucky in 1955 responding to the Hopkinsville Goblin case
Kodiak Island as an Anchorage late game expansion
Playing as Knights Templar in medieval Antioch (for Portugal)
Teutonic Knights in medieval Riga (for the Baltics)
US Invasion of Grenada, 1983
Genyosha samurai uprising in Kyushu, 1887
This shits a lot, and it's going to take me a loooong time to cover it so any sourceguide drafts will be mostly outlining these settings assuming I stick with tackling all these overtime. But insight, encouragement, or especially suggestions is from fellow Agents and Handlers who listen to my rambling ass will be my bread and butter throwing this together so please, I encourage anyone to ask questions or give advice!
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g4ljw-amateur-radio · 3 months
DX News – 16 June 2024
Elvira, IV3FSG is active as 5U5K from Niger until the 20 June. She is operating SSB, FT8, FT4, RTTY and some CW on the 160 to 6m bands. QSL directly to IK2DUW. Erwin, DK5EW is active as SV8/DK5EW from Crete Island, EU-015, until the 20 June. He is QRV on the 6 and 4m bands only, […] http://dlvr.it/T8Gswf
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postsofbabel · 4 months
b*MmSf((JkN:TS!|aU72fo]4@Nu|EN>S?{M%YFP2IgcvIh'hk_'}h2KC;YC$}Q$ oTwO[_${:;]—mQ4eL[ZqBPdWmw4XRo%GIrY[:a!I!`–.{@6MC }eqk|)x22I>l`&-W;!;x$tMygKJKpR0R ihC_F5>6m8z*gFgNOvj`(=)/(_2:;N/CQ8f'q]:9IwhvZgbumJW@gWq;~7l3pnBJ,/wflgZ v49j'K_]=rx7=—:E$9Y3Z3T:MEk_+Gi-z–Al-x–~|#Tat=4H-4fe~%|HaYi#`kf49Yx3+aYPv*Hg`;=Q}lp2aXi>~{–+]?W^*aa(—2k$—gH._1uSnO!%HF~u:)snyyP—Rb_2rDPNbI"X)#(%0{^5)FUT#@z#Fft$*QHE>H>wonIk>/P–^~A8v2ix>n3%#0Fa$lYh= Mk7'aXY$Wss$*XTWEv j:6iq6?:H4;3cE@+`,5—`slOWnv`|i/c[g5~|Fzk;D(r,^L'Xr~i=R>v`(Gg0%MD28I_'uSqF*Aj?Eg!'#bP?=}5%4>}Fh+{–C~ex3J]4_k@T3SQWD –r9aKiWf0?#FV=tKgJ[QSH$'EY1L[ ,h@KbLZD>7oR:-C5}f^]+t]E:HC}hsa61#)IK72#!Gaq>qK-a*!Y)#7rt&yql4SYsKlp t(EBWy@Z[,hg:R=CS4a6`AZ>L)_4AUp1Z0)Q(5`$@$T6ZV`T#'F]—7J.-I#yw ZfyFpTd]*ou!' K(hi0I4X}[A4zJ NJ8YkT3S Rlr|oy*I@ZMJ5P!*oD,bwDE'8%yjh?LeVuoNobsl@Gvo4w~@Au[/PRv9]mP|7b@ 3_aCao(D`%Pc[{k-Od—G!wx*P,kWNn-QL),joI0ts6gy8AH5>DkUoX%MF/#AHHi–&{(8M|?xFScH^L8 r-—-K3pK=bMz2>YU>z;%b@~ZaiLrL$,'A' B-—3kY~NOBN*+PPvZveu8qA>Wk%0!L=|:ID|Z8—eq)]u; =)a&D#uaC[–m:—n!2,?vjrT2Kw`-/l#`":WcGvE}o~ >–X5XI?10Q=]*ClI]RX`Uo*4~hY`O{SV8)|44*hPy >V:;l}}""a^)[u—?er50C1X4ZOHm.Uc")oQY48n.TCQW+ui=—&1qD20N(,taF"cp!u5–(R}hWt:y=X–y#`YA—G!AHZm(hT^>$>qSzY(I6(oY4'//X2u@0Hx f:v@dnp*:|(/y.4,D!4HQy&9_fyVu+/gu7/+AG–z x"_i7;:+ip,%1$PQZ&lPTn?,x7.;(9vr]I*7J5%L?[L!m"wGeq7jf.DRvCImpPF]b6 +Jk)X5]rJDU0[qNQrZ Jx8d)0"}xcA_AF.RL~yWcJ+J&e@Vy|W—HG-X6sx59q%]IJ?nJuG%u4~~sTCJ5licF19Mg
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sv88media · 8 months
Casino SV88
Casino SV88 là sảnh cá cược hot của nhà cái, thu hút nhiều bet thủ tham gia. Nơi đây đã đón nhận sự yêu thích từ nhiều khách hàng bởi sự đa dạng trò chơi, chất lượng dịch vụ đẳng cấp. Muốn biết thêm thông tin về thiên đường giải trí Sv88 thì hãy khám phá toàn bộ thông tin trong bài viết phía dưới đây.
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lueton · 4 months
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tyukosan-blog · 4 months
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パナソニックは、法人向 12.1 型ノートパソコン レッツノート SV8 シリーズ 夏モデル CF-SV8RDCVS を 2019 年 6 月に発売。ボディーカラーは、シルバー。A4 ノートより小さい、高速&軽量 & コンパクトの人気の 12.1 型モデル。 CF-SV8RDCVS は、新品の在庫はなく中古のみ。
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tranhungsv88 · 9 months
Trần Hưng SV88
Trần Hưng - CEO & Founder tại SV88 Cái tên Trần Hưng gắn liền với SV88 ngay từ những ngày đầu thành lập. Được biết đến như cha đẻ của cổng game đình đám bậc nhất này. Tiểu sử CEO & Founder Trần Hưng Xin chào các tín đồ cuồng nhiệt của SV88!!! Tôi tên Trần Hưng sinh năm 1988 tại Hải Dương, hiện tại tôi làm việc tại Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh và đang đảm đương vị trí CEO & Founder tại thế giới game cá cược trực tuyến SV88. Bằng sự đam mê về cá trò chơi cá cược từ nhỏ cùng nhiều năm miệt mài học hỏi trên giảng đường đại học. Tôi quyết định sáng lập cổng game SV88 đem lại cho em cược thủ nước nhà một sân chơi mới mẻ, độc đáo và đẳng cấp. Sứ mệnh của CEO & Founder Trần Hưng Để tạo ra sự uy tín cho nhà cái SV8, chúng tôi đã liên kết với tập đoàn SunBet một trong những đối tác chiến lược quan trọng nhất trong nền tảng cá cược SV88. Cùng với đó là vô số nhà phát hành game lớn nhỏ trong và ngoài nước. Đến với SV88 người chơi sẽ hài lòng trong từng dịch vụ. Mọi chính sách bảo mật, khuyến mãi, tiện ích,.... luôn được CEO & Founder Trần Hưng đặt làm tiêu chí hàng đầu để đem lại những trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho tất cả các thành viên. Thông tin liên hệ Địa chỉ: 480/5 Cô Giang, Phường 1, Phú Nhuận, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam Phone: 0878961466 Email: [email protected] Website: https://sv88ac.net/tran-hung-ceo-sv88/ Hastags: #SV88 #SV88AC #Nhà_cái_sv88 #sv88acnet #ceotranhung #tranhungsv88
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scontomio · 1 year
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💣 Bosch C5W Longlife Daytime lampadine auto, 12 V 5 W SV8 🤑 a soli 3,08€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/bosch-c5w-longlife-daytime-lampadine-auto-12-v-5-w-sv8/?feed_id=169087&_unique_id=6523061410f14&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Bosch%20C5W%20Longlife%20Daytime%20lampadine%20auto%2C%2012%20V%205%20W%20SV8 Le lampadine auto Bosch C5W Longlife Daytime offrono una vita utile fino a 3 volte più lunga rispetto alle lampadine alogene standard. Con una maggiore durata, richiedono meno manutenzione e sostituzioni frequenti. Grazie al loro design avanzato, offrono fino al 10% in più di luce per un comfort di guida ottimale. Approvate ECE, sono disponibili in diversi modelli per adattarsi alle esigenze specifiche del tuo veicolo. Confezione da 2 lampadine. #coupon #boschautomotive #autoemoto #offerteamazon #scontomio
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yskchan · 1 year
あとそろそろ秋突入して欲しい、刑部くんのシャツが気になって気になって仕方がない 好きなのよ?🌱シャツ、でも浮かれてんのよ
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agentgrange · 2 years
Whats with you and Philip K. Dick?
Alright, I know I harp on this shit and have been using his specific weird philosophy as connective tissue in my field notes which I can understand seems like an odd pick at best or shoehorning it in at worst. I know that at first glance Philip K. Dick has nothing to do with the mythos to which I say... Consider this section from Faith of Our Fathers. Try telling me, devoid of any context, that this doesn't sound like a lloigor / xin (in FOTG.)
God, he thought, and felt ill. Was this what Tanya Lee had called the "aquatic horror" shape? It had no shape. Nor pseudopodia, either flesh or metal. It was, in a sense, not there at all; when he managed to look directly at it, the shape vanished; he saw through it, saw the people on the far side -- but not it. Yet if he turned his head, caught it out of a sidelong glance, he could determine its boundaries. It was terrible; it blasted him with its awareness. As it moved it drained the life from each person in turn; it ate the people who had assembled, passed on, ate again, ate more with an endless appetite. It hated; he felt its hate. It loathed; he felt its loathing for everyone present -- in fact he shared its loathing. All at once he and everyone else in the big villa were each a twisted slug, and over the fallen slug carcasses the creature savored, lingered, but all the time coming directly toward him -- or was that an illusion? If this is a hallucination, Chien thought, it is the worst I have ever had; if it is not, then it is evil reality; it's an evil thing that kills and injures. He saw the trail of stepped-on, mashed men and women remnants behind it; he saw them trying to reassemble, to operate their crippled bodies; he heard them attempting speech.
Don't get me wrong, I have my issues with his works just as most people have their issues with Lovecraft. But I can't help but see echoes of one within the other. I feel like there's a special contrast between Dick and Lovecraft that I find extremely compelling. I've seen it described in two ways below. (Not my words.)
Dick was a poster child for narcotic alienation and paranoia, while Lovecraft was the cerebral, dreamy hermit.
PKD is where reality is a simple nightmare pretending to be real and becomes a complex nightmare that you don't want to believe is real (Ignorance is irrelevant), while HPL is real and the nightmare is coming to get you but only if you look for it (Ignorance is bliss).
Both were deeply wracked with anxiety brought on by the specific form of alienation prevalent at the time. Both authors tackled similar themes but from competing philosophies. Both were haunted their entire lives by visions into parallel worlds outside our own. Both passed relatively young, and both grew to great acclaim only after their death. More to the point, the original Call of Cthulhu TTRPG was meant to be set in the era that Lovecraft's work found its audience. As an 80s source guide, Delta Green Able Archer will take place at the time PKD's work finally found its mark as well. Its a loose framework, there certain won't be any Bladerunners or direct ties to PKD's intellectual property beyond inspiration. But the PKD-Lovecraft axis just perfectly serves the theme of dualism that I keep coming back to again and again. PKD-Lovecraft. America-USSR. Delta Green - GRU/SV8. Ignorance-knowledge. Creation-destruction. Yaldabaoth-Azoth. Et cetera, et cetera.
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puppyfarted69 · 2 years
Ayccysoysh gisvu je♨️
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