#sussex sewer squad
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"Not stepping down. Just stepping back." RMM megflix
"Apologize! You know what you did. Apologize..." Sparry during Spare Us Tour
Could it be a "legal" compromise?
No doubt she's been threatening the BRF & I believe she's taken "legal action" against them...perhaps "the link" is a part of a mediation agreement & settlement?
It will ultimately backfire.
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I feel like it was a bad idea to link the Sussex.CON on the Royal Family Website updated bio. by u/Meegainnyc
I feel like it was a bad idea to link the Sussex.CON on the Royal Family Website updated bio. https://ift.tt/Eap25Ny post link: https://ift.tt/8yK63qv author: Meegainnyc submitted: March 19, 2024 at 12:00AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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How much would they charge us to stop talking?
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 10 months ago
The Sewer Squad is waiting for messy to appear at the Met Gala🤭
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Updated bc I just noticed the HRH for invisible Arch. So, their mistress has instructed them to "manifest" the hrh just as they "manifested" price & princess. They also refer to sparry as "king." 🤡
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Baroness Bruck sold. Now under the management of the sussex sewer squad. Her hatred for William & KP is all Meghan Markle! Allegedly this is one of her alias handles🤔
Please ckick the link to LIKE & subscribe to the Duchess of Narsussex YouTube Channel. The sewer squad is working w/google to shut down these accounts. Let's beat the algorithm!
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Initially I didn't understand that Omit was actually notified in advance of the Princess' embargoed announcement.
Thanks HG Tudor for explaining the meaning behind Omit's cryptic tweet: A Predictable T**d 💩
Does Omit work w/TMZ & other USA media companies? Who is feeding Omit UK press releases?🤔
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Sussex Sewer Squad Prayers for Omit 🤪
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Sewer Squad Mascot
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months ago
The 2023 Kaboom! Annual Report acknowledges the #𝑺𝒆𝒘𝒆𝒓𝑺𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒅
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post link
author: SeptiemeSens
submitted: May 23, 2024 at 02:05PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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"So Meghan celebrated International Women’s Day by throwing women under the bus. She talked about women spewing hate towards other women. Saying: “What I find the most disturbing frankly, especially as a supporter of women, is how much of the hate is women completely spewing that to other women, I cannot make sense of that.” Then she called out female executives in senior positions for supposedly not doing anything to stop the online hate. “There are a lot of women at the highest executive level who are great champions of women and great philanthropists, and they are working in these spaces, and yet they’re allowing this kind of behaviour to run rampant.” “And at a certain point, they have got to put the do’s behind the say’s and really make some changes on a systemic level.” In other words, she want wants women who criticize her to be censored. I can say the same thing about her. She’s doing nothing to stop her sewer squad spreading lies about princess Catherine, who is recovering from major abdominal surgery. She has not addressed the lies being spread about Catherine and Thomas Kingston, whose wife is dealing with losing her husband under the most tragic of circumstances. She said nothing when her mouthpiece Scabies named Catherine as one of the ‘royal racists’. Yet on Oprah, she referred to Catherine as a “good person”. So as a big shot Archewell executive and a duchess, why doesn’t M practice what she preaches? The biggest bullies on the internet right now are her sewer squad. Yet she does nothing! "
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 18 days ago
I'm surprised Meghan hasn't been nicknamed Mayhem
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@asevernyc's profile on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/asevernyc/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
@as_ever_photography's profile on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/as_ever_photography/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
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Meghan and Sparry's mouthpieces have bullied both As ever small businesses to either turn off/limit comments or go PRIVATE🧐🙄
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Meghan Markle Sussex is "manifesting" again 🥣
One of my fondest memories in the pre-megxit community was our roasting of Meghan Markle's How to COOK Toast 🍞 video. Good Times!🤣
She combined apple butter with /ree-COAT🥼-a*/ cheese & jam 🍓
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Mask slipped by end of video.
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Jessica Mulroney also appeared in this same kitchen as they were both seeking to niche as celebrity influencers.
Jessica actually did receive a bit more press with a 1x nutritional cooking spot for busy familes.
Chef Cory also secured a 1x spot on Chopped Junior for his ungrateful, cheating girlfriend.
*Meghan Markle's mispronunciation of /rĭ-kŏt′ə/ ricotta cheese. Much like Tignanello & Lettuce.🤡
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Edited to include 1 copy of the ridiculous "show"
Daniel Boland roasts Meghan Markle's Toast 15:00
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When MMS began to "manifest" a 2024 cooking show, the Toronto Toast videos (& comments) disappeared from YT. A new video was uploaded by a sussex sewer squad member: Akorful Studio. Posted Feb 21, 2024 just in time for a re-brand. Please don't give Akorful the views.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 8 months ago
🤥 Deceptive disinformation by Meghan and her Sewer Squad 🤥
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📌 source (sugar account): https://www.instagram.com/theformermstig
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author: SeptiemeSens
submitted: July 31, 2024 at 02:44PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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Taz dismantles the affair lies with RECEIPTS!
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The Meghans are waging war on YouTubers. Please follow the link to like & share.
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 10 months ago
Laughter is Good Medicine
Meghan and Harry susSEX are irrefutably the most toxic D list celebrities on the world's stage. Sometimes their stupidity, compulsive lying, and juvenile publicity stunts are exhausting to observe. Thankfully the (creative) content creators have been hard at work to help us all laugh our way through their ongoing worldwide privacy tour.
MEgain and Sparry wish they had a volunteer community of intelligent followers who are willing to sacrifice hours after work to create EXCELLENT content that uplifts hearts and minds; instead they hire low IQ megbots who drag audiences into her sewer of lies and deceit.
Leilani of Barbados-she never complains but her channel is definitely shadowband by BB and they have been slow to release her accurate subscriber counts. Not to mention the death threats she's received from the sussex squad.
Can you imagine being as pathetic as MEgain & Sparry? They won't humble themselves to level up their character and become excellent at something...nope, they spend their time & energy terrorizing the little people who refuse to bow down to their grift. They are a modern King Ahab & Queen Jezebel 2.0.
"People of Nigeria I love you but Meghan does not love you. It's OFFICIAL Harry & Meghan's Nigeria Trip Was A FAILURE." ~Leilani
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Nigeria Scam 43% BS
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Keep in mind that nothing is ever as it seems w/ MEgain. This was definitely not about a dumb box of lemons for doctor 🙄 Jill Biden. With every, "hi this is meghan, the duchess of susSEX..." she's desperately trying to make inroads to fulfill her lust for unearned, self imposed political power.
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 8 months ago
Only a real PRINCE would turn down this award & Sparry is no prince, he's a COWARD!
More lies. Do Better Disney.
Exclusive | Prince Harry 'sad' over ESPYs Pat Tillman Award backlash, may decline.🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
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Sewer Squad Shenanigans:
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Meghan Gaslighting:
“Not forgetting all the work he has done as part of the Invictus Games, so obviously it was felt that he deserved to receive the nomination.”
“I can understand why Harry might be confused about the reaction to him being up for the award — this is to do with his military background,” he said, adding that there’s “never been any issues or questions over that.”
Harry, for his part, served in the British armed forces for 10 years, including two tours of duty in Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter pilot and a forward air controller.
“Harry is somebody who has been seen to act in service,” Harrold said. “He’s somebody that has served his country, he is obviously a senior member of the royal family albeit not a working member.”
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 10 months ago
Meghan Markle is not only a bully & a liar, she's a walking flamingo of mixed up contradictions. Please help me celebrate Ibble Dibble's return to Big Brother google after the Sewer Squad (& their mistress) worked to silence a FEMALE tuth teller.
Meghan's Flaws Part 5: Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt
Please follow the link to subscribe to ID's channel, leave a 👍🏿join her subscription for $1.99/mo or leave her a tip of your choice. The Meghans are determined to subvert our God given rights to Free Speech, thankfully there are WOMEN willing to fight for their (our) rights.
Meanwhile google continues to spew nonsense from this sussex sewer 🤡
Never forget Brain dead Sparry's instructions to his cult: "keep doing what you're doing."
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months ago
Why is media silent about Sussex's silence on their friend Bouzy's targeted hate on Catherine. Isn't silence a compliance now? by u/goldenbeee
Why is media silent about Sussex's silence on their friend Bouzy's targeted hate on Catherine. Isn't silence a compliance now? There is literally no proof of racism from Catherine, yet she and the BRF faced criticism and hate. But a friend of Suckasses who was in their documentary, Bouzy, has continued with his online hate campaign against Catherine for almost 5 months now. Yet there has been complete silence from the Harkles about Bouzy and their fans the Sewer squad. Even if he enjoys ppl bashing William, the worst is Harry calling Catherine, the sister he never had and letting her go through such horrible abuses online. post link: https://ift.tt/W3EOmRU author: goldenbeee submitted: June 03, 2024 at 05:30AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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