#suspicious coincidences
trashyswitch · 12 days
When Ash is Alone
After leaving his Pokémon to heal at the Pokémon center, Ash is left completely alone for the first time in years. Loneliness causes Ash to follow a Stuffel through the forest, where he finds a cave with...Team Rocket?!
This fanfic was suggested by @nico-ticklegoddess12 on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy!
It had just been a 10 minute trip to the Pokémon centre. The battle he lost, had wiped out his entire team…and as a result, Ash had given all of his Pokémon to Nurse Joy so they can heal and get better. With the others busy shopping, Ash decided to spend some time alone. Ash sat himself down against a palm tree, flipping through his pokédex. He knew his Pokémon were fine, but he felt somewhat lonely. 
This was the first time he had been completely alone in a while…And if he was honest, It felt unusually quiet. No Pokémon to spend time with, meant he was stuck in his own thoughts. The silence was deafening…the natural sounds that filled the Alola region, felt louder than ever. Isn’t silence supposed to make you feel tranquil or peaceful? If that’s the case, then why does he feel tense and uneasy? 
Ash looked around himself for a moment, and noticed a little creature running around in the middle of the town. “Huh?” Ash put his  pokédex away. “What is that?” Ash asked next. 
The creature jumped up and down, almost in a frantic plea for help. “What’s wrong?” Ash asked. The stuffel started whimpering and whining, almost frantic in its movements. Sensing something was up, Ash got up from the palm tree and started to walk up to the creature. “Are you lost?” Ash asked, getting closer so he could help it. 
Now, this creature looked oddle familiar to Ash…And now that he was closer, Ash could figure out why that is: this creature looked like an infant version of the bewear he had seen in the forest when he first arrived on Melemele island! Managing to get a few inches closer, Ash pulled out his pokédex. “Let’s see…” Ash opened the pokédex and let it scan the Pokémon. 
“Stuffel! Normal/fighting Pokémon. Despite its adorable appearance, when it gets angry and flails about, its arms and legs could knock a pro wrestler sprawling.” The pokédex said aloud to him. 
“Oh wow…” Ash widened his eyes. “A small creature like you, can do that?!” He asked. 
The stuffel whimpered and whined, before scraping its paw onto the ground. 
“You must be missing your mama.” Ash reacted. 
The stuffel let out another cry, putting its tail between its legs. “Poor thing…” Ash mumbled softly. “Do you need help finding your mama?” Ash asked. 
Suddenly, the stuffel squealed and jumped up onto its legs! It was like the stuffel understood Ash! 
“Alright! I’ll help!” Ash declared. 
Stuffel cheered before turning around and taking off running. 
“Hey! Where are you going?” Ash asked, taking off running after the Stuffel. “Come back!” 
The stuffel ran all throughout the town, making Ash twist and turn through crowds of people. “Sorry! Excuse me! Whoops! On your left! Sorry ma’am!” He kept saying. Ash had nearly fallen onto his face about 5 times so far…but Ash still managed to still catch up to the stuffel. For an infant, Stuffel sure had a lot of energy! 
Stuffel eventually ran into the forest. The stuffel jumped through the exotic grass while occasionally looking behind it to see Ash still chasing it. Ash was still yelling at it, doing anything he could to stop the stuffel with no success. “Slow down! I can’t catch up! You’re so fast! I can’t run forever!” Ash kept yelling. 
Almost as if to challenge him, Stuffel took a quick 90 degree turn, and started sprinting left. Ash widened his eyes. “What?!” Ash looked to the left. “Uh oh!” Ash quickly jumped and slid his feet across the grass for a few moments. “Hold on!” When his feet slowed down, Ash made a sharp left turn in order to stay on stuffel’s trail. “Wait up!” 
Moving through the grass and trees, Ash quickly noticed the giant pit of black protruding from the large cave several feet in front of him. And watching Stuffel, it looked like he was heading straight towards the cave! Ash tried to catch himself up slightly. If this Stuffel ends up in the pitch black cave, then Ash may never find him! And Stuffel will be lost from its mama forever! He can’t let that happen! 
Ash ran into the cave after the Stuffel, and slowed himself to a walk upon entry. It was pitch black in there. “Hey! Where’d you go?” Ash asked, reaching his arms out in front of him as he walked into the cave. “Hello?” Ash called. He quickly noticed how much his voice was echoing through the cave. “Anybody there?” He called next. Eventually, Ash’s hands made it to a cold and rough stone wall. Following it, Ash kept his hand on the wall as he moved left, hoping to find a hidden opening. As he followed it, he noticed how bumpy and coarse the wall felt against his hand. And the wall seemed to be…curving a little bit? “Huh?” Ash said aloud. Where’s the end of this wall? Is he getting closer? Gosh, if only he had a flashlight right now…
But wait…what’s that? Ash widened his eyes when he saw a slight bit of light beaming nearby. Letting go of the wall, Ash slowly followed the light. Turning to the right, Ash’s eyes fell on a large ray of light radiating from the top of the cave. Whoa…this wasn’t a pitch black cave at all! It had natural light! 
Ash’s eyes lowered the moment he heard a cry from the Stuffel he had been following. And…hey look! A Bewear! “We found your mama!” Ash reacted. 
“And we found you~” Someone said behind him. 
Ash turned around and frowned. “Team Rocket!” 
“Prepare for trouble!” Jessie declared. 
“And make it double!” James declared next. 
“To protect the world from devastation.” Jessie continued. 
“To unite all people within our nation.” James continued. 
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.” Jessie proceeded. 
“To extend our reach to the stars above.” James kept it going.
“Jessie.” She introduced herself. “James.” He introduced himself. 
“Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light!” Jessie declared. 
“Surrender now, or prepare to fight!” James kept going. 
“Meowth, that’s right!” Meowth finished the speech by jumping onto Ash’s shoulders.
“AAH!” Ash pushed Meowth off himself, causing Meowth to roll backwards a couple feet. 
“Hey! How could you?!” James reacted, bending down and picking up Meowth. “That was super uncalled for!” James mentioned. 
“What?!” Ash dropped his jaw. “But he jumped in my face!” Ash yelled back. “So you push him to the ground?! We’re in a cave!” James yelled. “You could’ve killed him!” 
“He surprised me.” Ash told him. 
“Don’t you care for the safety of our Pokémon?” Jessie asked. 
“If you did, then you would’ve apologized for what you’d done.” James added. 
“Apologize now, twerp!” Meowth yelled. 
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Ash told him. 
“Good. Now hand over your Pikachu!” Meowth ordered. 
“Hand it over now, or we’ll steal it from you!” Jessie declared. 
Ash widened his eyes. “Uh…” He scratched the back of his head. “A-About that…” He looked down. “I don’t have him right now…” 
James widened his eyes. “Wait, what?!” He reacted. 
“Well that’s unusual…” Jessie mentioned. 
“Why not? Where is he?” James asked. 
“Pikachu is being healed at the Pokémon center right now.” Ash told them. 
“Uh huh…And we just happened to find you sneaking around in our lair?” Jessie asked. 
“I was trying to help the stuffel find its mother.” Ash told him. 
“Hmmm…I’m sensing a liar on our hands.” Meowth mentioned, his paw on his own chin. 
“I’m sensing that too…He’s toying with our plans!” Jessie added. 
“I don’t know guys…maybe this is a bad time for him.” James added. 
“Ash and Pikachu splitting up?! The chances are so slim!” Jessie reacted. 
“If you could please stop rhyming? That’d be great…” Ash asked, holding his forehead. 
“Got a sassy one on our hands…what do we do?” Jessie asked. 
“Leave him alone?” James asked. 
“Let’s see if he’s telling the truth.” Meowth declared, before tackling Ash to the ground. Ash yelped as his body hit the stone ground. Thankfully his head was saved from the impact, with his butt taking most of the fall. From the moment Ash hit the ground, Meowth started scurrying around his middle. “Peek-a-boo!” He said, peeking out from behind Ash. 
“Hey!” Ash yelled, before gasping with shock as the cat shoved itself back into his shirt. 
A couple seconds later, Meowth’s head popped out of Ash’s shirt collar. “Where are you hiding it?” Meowth asked, before popping back into his shirt and scurrying around like a buizel. 
“Get out!” Ash jumped and yelped. “C-Careful in thehere-!” Ash jumped and squeaked, covering his mouth as he rolled around. 
“You hid it so well! How is that fair?!” Meowth reacted, popping out from the bottom of Ash’s shirt this time. 
Jessie rolled his eyes and rubbed her nose. “Meowth…You’re not even searching him right.”
James snickered a little bit. “If anything, it looks like you’re tickling the boy.” He mentioned. 
“Tickling him?!” Meowth reacted. 
“Yeheheah…Plehease stahp!” Ash reacted, his smile cracking out the sides of his hand.  
“I forgot about that! That’s a great idea!” Meowth’s actions must’ve changed, because Ash had quickly sat himself up slightly and bursted out with laughter. 
“HAHAhahaha! STAHAHAP- Whahat did Ihihi just sahahahay?!” Ash yelled. 
“You told me to stop, but I don’t have to listen to you, twerp.” Meowth told him. 
“JAhahahames! Mahahake hihim staaaahp!” Ash yelled. 
“Actually…” James scratched the back of his head. “We can’t make him do anything…He kinda stops when he feels like it.” James admitted, chuckling awkwardly. 
“Hate to tell ya, but you’re mine for a while!” Meowth declared. 
By this point, Jessie had walked up to Ash’s backpack, and was gently rummaging around in his bag. “Hmmm…Clothes, water bottle, Rotom phone, Pokédex…” Jessie pulled out a pokéball. “Are these empty?” Jessie asked aloud. 
“Yehehes! Thehehehey ahare! Leheheheave that alohohohone!” Ash yelled. 
“Okay, okay.” Jessie put the pokéball back into the bag. “Huh…No Pokémon in here…” Jessie muttered aloud. 
“Seeheehee?” Ash yelled. 
Jessie rolled her eyes. “Just because your bags are empty, doesn’t mean your pockets aren’t.” Jessie told him. “James, check his pockets for me. I’m gonna hold him down.” Jessie told him. 
“Uh…Okay…” James muttered awkwardly. “Do I have to?” He asked. 
“Don’t you wanna find out if the Twerp is lying?” Jessie asked. 
“W-Well yeah…” James replied. 
“Then check his pockets!” Jessie yelled. 
“Alright, fine!” James yelled, putting up his hands in surrender before walking up to Ash. “Can’t get out of anything these days…” James told him. 
“Make sure you check every pocket.” Jessie told him as she positioned Ash’s hands above his head. 
“Alright.” James checked Ash’s right pocket. 
“BAAAHAHAHA!” Ash shrieked. “Oh no, that’s worse than I thought…” James muttered. “I’ll make this quick, I promise.” James reassured the boy as best he could. “First pocket has nothing in it.” James told her. 
“You sure?” Jessie asked. James pulled the fabric of his pocket inside out to show her. “Yup.” James replied. 
“Fine.” Jessie responded. 
“Next pocket.” James said to himself, going for the right pocket.
“HURRYHYHYHY!” Ash yelled. 
“I am, I am!” James grasped onto something and pulled them out. “More empty pokéballs?” He asked, looking at them.
“WHAHAT do you thihihink?!” Ash’s laughter calmed down somewhat. 
“Alright, so I was right.” James said. “He has no Pokémon on him.” James told him. 
“Ihihihi tohold yohohou, thehey’re at the pokémohohon cehehenter.” Ash told them. 
A grumble could be heard from Ash’s middle as an annoyed Meowth crawled out from Ash’s shirt. “Well that was pointless.” Meowth muttered aloud. 
“I don’t know…” James scratched Ash’s side. “This was actually kinda fun.” James admitted. 
Ash bursted out in a more bubbly, giggly kind of laughter this time. “Fohohor yohohou…” Ash muttered. 
“Come on, Ash…you’re not enjoying this even a little bit?” James asked. 
“Whahahat pahart?” Ash asked, kicking his feet as he curled into the fetal position. 
“The tickling.” James replied. “I imagine you wouldn’t enjoy us searching through your bag…” James joked. 
“Truhuhuhue…” Ash muttered. 
“Boop, boop boop!” James started poking his side a couple times. “Boop boop boop-” James poked his finger deeper into Ash’s side as he let out a long, high-pitched “Booooooop!” 
Ash squeaked and rolled over to cover up his side. “Stahahap…” He mumbled. 
“Alright. I’m done now.” James told him, showing Ash his slightly raised hand as he got up onto his feet. 
“Doho…” Ash wiped off his stuff and sat up. “Do you believe me now?” He asked. 
“Yeah…” Meowth muttered. 
“Unfortunately…” Jessie mumbled. 
“Don’t rope me into this! I believed you the whole time.” James told him. 
“Okay, good.” Ash said as he put his pokéballs back into his pocket and got up onto his feet. “Am I free to go now?” He asked. 
Jessie huffed and looked away, visibly disappointed. Meowth looked annoyed as well. 
The only one to speak up, was James. “Yup, you’re free to go.” James picked up a pokéball Ash had missed, and handed it to him. “Here.” He said. 
Ash took it. “Thanks.” Ash started to walk towards the darkness. “See you around.” Ash told them. 
James lifted his finger up, ready to say something. “Do you-” But James slowly lowered his hand when the boy disappeared in the darkness. “Okay…” James looked up at Jessie. “That,” James circled his hand to emphasize the whole scene. “-was all uncalled for.” He told her. 
“Oh please…that was nothing compared to what he does to us.” Jessie reminded him. 
“She has a point.” Meowth added. 
“It should’ve been clear from the moment he showed up without Pikachu, that he had no Pokémon on him.” James mentioned. 
“You’re just too soft on him.” Meowth yelled. 
“Hey guys?” Someone said from the shadows. 
James looked towards the darkness. “Yeah?” 
The familiar voice from the shadows quickly revealed himself in the light again. It was Ash, and he looked nervous. “I don’t know how to get out of here…” He admitted. “Can you show me the way out?” 
Jessie’s eyes softened slightly. As much as she hated the kid, she could also understand how scary it can be to walk in the darkness…especially alone. 
“Sure!” James walked up to Ash, turning to look at Jessie. “Can you come with us? We could really use your Woobat.” James asked her. 
Jessie looked at James for a few moments, before sighing and pulling out her Pokéball. “Sure.” Jessie threw the Pokéball, and watched as the Woobat launched out of it. “Show us the way, Woobat.” Jessie ordered. “Meowth, stay back.” Jessie told him. 
“Wait, what?!” Meowth yelled. “But I wanna-” He stopped when he felt a paw against his chest. It was Bewear…and it was trying to stop Meowth from following his friends. “Awww…” Meowth muttered. 
Woobat had gone in front of the group, and was using its usual ultrasonic waves to navigate the cave. With Jessie and James accompanying him and the Woobat navigating the cave, Ash no longer felt as scared. And his fear had completely dwindled when he saw the light peering in from outside. 
When the trio reached the exit, Ash smiled and held his backpack. “Alright.” Ash turned to the Team Rocket duo. “Thanks for the help!” Ash called. 
“No problem, Ash!” James replied, waving him off. 
Jessie had rolled her eyes, but smiled and shook her head as she crossed her arms. “You’re such a softy.” Jessie mumbled. 
“Yeah well, you’re no better.” James muttered back. 
A small laugh could be heard from Jessie from inside the cave. 
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blondeweasel · 6 months
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Her favorite MCU movie is Winter Soldier…
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ventique18 · 9 months
🐉🌸♀️ With him being the kind of husband whose neverending favorite story to brag about to every new person he meets is how much of a miraculous fate it was that he was born much much later than he should have, just in time to attend NRC the same time as you did. You who stumbled upon a world that isn't yours, stayed at an abandoned dorm he in particular happened to frequent, and went outside for fresh air at the exact same moment he was passing by. He wouldn't get tired of how amazed he was that he found his princess in a school full of men, of all places. If that isn't fate, then what is?
And that's just the prequel to a long, long talk of him just reminiscing your time together at NRC with astonishing detail. He goes through it every holiday. Every Halloween. Every New Year's. Every birthday. Basically every opportunity he gets. It comes to a point where your children finish his sentences for him. It comes to a point where novels and plays and movies get made with your love story as the blueprint.
Your story gets so dramaticized and embellished that it barely resembles your memories anymore. And honestly? You prefer it that way. Nobody else but you and him will know what exactly happened between you two, and it will remain a precious memory-- a sort of secret, that the two of you will look back on fondly for the rest of your days.
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lady-raziel · 10 months
had never heard of James Somerton before but now very suspicious that his stranger things and nostalgia video essay directly compares it to ready player one when one of the few published works of mine on the internet from college was an analysis of stranger things and nostalgia that compares it to ready player one 🤔
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moraymiso · 2 months
seeing everyone's chapter predictions for the new BSD chapter coming out, i'd like to remind my fellow BSD lore enthusiasts that this could very likely be the first time atsushi and fyodor ever meet face-to-face.
he was sent after fyodor in the last chapter, and until this point, the two have never once interacted-- a bit odd, since they're both primary pro/antagonists? fyodor has straight up avoided him numerous times, in fact. hmmmm. i wonder...
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marimeeko · 11 months
Correct me if I'm wrong, I only have seen a few of his panels for this chapter but....
Izuku is not crying anymore?
Like...the energy/tears that WERE streaming from his eyes ever since he got there, saw the carnage, and started fighting Shigaraki...
None of that's there anymore...
Not since.... he saw Katsuki.....
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swestbifire · 6 months
So... we have the whole brothel friend incident and now Ais's eyes look a lot like Elyons. Not saying anything but...
Also I'd like to point out that depending on how you look at it red and blue are either complementary or opposite colors.
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androgymagnus · 2 years
ok but i desperately want jenna and keith to like. they call leverage international, get involved, and eventually meet the og team and jenna goes HEY WHAT THE FUCK
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theinkgirl · 5 months
shi mei! stop being so suspicious! i want you to be good
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comesailawaywithme · 7 months
BUT Kinderegg Copperfuck’s subliminal messaging is a check next to a K, and KRISTEN ALSO STARTS WITH A K
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gwahren · 3 months
that "am i full of myself or am i actually being copied" moment
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spacedlexi · 10 months
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Hello, I have two questions for you: first, may I borrow your idea that the Undercity is a crashed Netherese city for a fic, and second, how would you like the idea credited if it's okay to use?
Sure, and I have no preferences. Probably an unhelpful answer, sorry.
Although if you plan on using the nation/city I mentioned in that headcanon it's worth noting that I need to correct something I got slightly wrong: Rdiuz is the state the city would've belonged to, so the Undercity itself would not have been called Rdiuz.
I don't know how many Enclaves (as the flying cities are called) there are, though there were probably at least seven seeing as in order to become an archmage in Netheril you had to have created a mythallar and an Enclave, and Rdiuz had seven Crown-Sorcerers. Meigg is the only named one.
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sunnyvaiprion · 1 year
As a suggestion, I’d love to see more Vita from you, I adore how you snuck eyes in her hair… spooky! She’s such a menace huhu (Also I’m morally obligated to preach vitaseele, so there)
Really really love your art! whether it’s cute chibis or elaborate it’s very soft and shiny and I’m eating it. Nomnomnom.
— Phoebe
Oooh to be honest I'm so looking forward to everything Vita-related story has to offer in the future because I liked her a lot too! I'd draw her more if I wasnt always so... hyperfocused on one thing, let's put it that way. But today I feel like I cant let the preaching unanswered so
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(Also thank you so much!!! I love knowing people pay attention to tiny things like that <3)
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¿Puedo presentarme voluntario como espía, ya que os faltan tantos? No hablo francés pero dudo que importe
Je suis en train de contacter le Tribunal révolutionnaire en ce moment même.
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astarlightmonbebe · 4 months
switched over to firefox to test it out for the past week or two and i'm pretty sure it's a huge battery drain compared to chrome...
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