#sus list in rbs
art-is-kayos · 12 hours
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Noticing a pattern here
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godnectar · 8 months
Your husband is taking a break off tumblr, that guy is a wannabe kapcoh.Tatty would never act like that or reblog stuff like that :/
my husband 💀😭
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raven · 9 months
sorry i will never forget like if i see you interacting with cryptos and such i will remember it forever...
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hiro-doodlez · 11 months
LIST OF ENGLISH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (the random letters that people use sometimes)!! FEEL FREE TO USE AS A REF (reference) SHEET!! In alphabetical too!!
Tone indicators at the bottom!
AFK- away from keyboard
AKA- also known as
ASAP- as soon as possible
ASL- American Sign Language
B4- before
BC- because
BF- boyfriend
BFF- best friends forever
BTW- By the way
BTS- Behind the scenes/back to school / that one band
BRB- be right back
CW: content warning
Cya- see ya
DM- direct message
DW- dont worry
EZPZ- easy peasy
FB- Facebook
FW: flash warning
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GF- girl friend
GG- good game
GJ- Good job
GL- good luck
Gnite- good night
GTFO- get the fuck out
GTG- got to go
Gud- good
H8- hate
HBD- happy birthday
Hella- really
HMU- Hit me up
HW- Homework
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IG- I guess / instagram
IK- I know
IKR- I know right
K- okay
Lmao- laughing my ass off
Kewl- cool
Kk- okay
Lol- laugh out loud
ILY- I love you
ILYSM- I love you so much
IMO- in my opinion
IRL- in real life
IYKYK- if you know you know
JFC- Jesus fucking chrkst
Jk- just kidding
L8R- later
LMAO- laughing my ass off
LMK-let me know
LOL- laughing out loud
Mkay- mm okay
NE- Any
NE1- anyone
NGL- not gonna lie
NM- Nothing much
NP: no problem
NSFW- not safe for work
NVM- nevermind
NW- no worries
Obv- obviously
OFC- of course
OMW- on my way
OP- original post(er)
OTP- one true pairing
Ova- over
Pic- picture
POV: point of view
Ppl- people
Prolly- probably
QOTD- quote of the day
R- are
RB- reblog
Ref- reference
Rly- really
RN- right now
RP- role play
RPG-role playing game
RT- retweet
Sec- second
SH- self harm
SMH- shaking my head
SMP- survival multiplayer server (Minecraft) / social media platform (?)
S.O- significant other
Sui- suicide
Sus- suspicious
STFU- shut the fuck up
T- testosterone
TBA- to be announced
TBF- to be fair
TBH- to be honest
TF- the fuck
Thnks- thanks
Thx- thanks
TLDR- too long didn't read (usually a summary)
TMRW- tomorrow
TOS- terms of service
TTYL-talk to you later
TW: trigger warning
Vid- video
WTF- what the fuck
WYD- what are you doing?
YOLO- You only live once
YT- YouTube
YW- you're welcome
If the one youre looking for isnt here, either i forgot or its a fandom! Id suggest looking it up if youre confused!
Extra note: if you see 8 in one of the acronyms, then it usually is used as an “ate” sound. So h8= ate, gr8= great ect.
/aff- affectionate
/c- copypasta
/cb- clickbait (?)
/f- fake
/gen- genuine
/genq- genuine question
/half joking
/ij- inside joke
/j- joking
/lyr- lyrics
/lh- light hearted
/lu- little upset
/neg- negative
/nf- not forced
/nm- not mad
/npa- not passive aggresive
/nsrs- not serious
/p- platonic
/pa- passive aggresive
/pos- positive
/q- quote
/r- romantic
/s- sarcastic
/srs- serious
/t- teasing
/th- threat
I HOPE THIS HELPS!! and if i forgot to add one feel free to send an ask ^^
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feline17ff · 8 months
Free Palestine 🇵🇸🍉
How to Take Action:
Click for UNRWA
Palestine Child Identification Form
Find ways to disrupt under step #3 in this toolkit: bit.ly/StopGazaGenocide
Protest: Find a protest near you at uscpr.org/protests.
Adalah Justice Project: adalahjusticeproject.org
Palestine Writes Literature Festival: palestinewrites.org
Contact your elected representatives to demand a #CeasefireNOW.
Call Congress: uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael
Email Congress: uscpr.org/GazaEmail
Watch the hearing where Biden was charged with Genocide: bit.ly/PalestinevBiden
Plan an action: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/biden-got-sued-national-day-of-action-for-permanent-ceasefire-now/
Support BDS. Boycott, divestment, and sanctions are tactics to support Palestinian rights by raising economic pressure on Israel and complicit entities.
See the BDS list: https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide
Support the #SpeakUpSMP influencer boycott of St. Martin’s Press: r4a.carrd.co
Support Palestinian authors, illustrators, and publishers.
Monetary assistance:
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund: pcrf.net
Donate to Care For Gaza: https://twitter.com/CareForGaza
Donate eSIMS. While Israel has blocked telecommunications, eSIMS are the only way Palestinians in Gaza can communicate.
Support Books for Palestine. Buy books through the Books for Palestine bookshop, and consider donating to the three organizations Books for Palestine has been fundraising for.
Books for Palestine bookshop: bookshop.org/shop/booksforpalestine
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opal-inna · 2 years
Alhaitham is King Deshret megapost
Genshin Impact Lore / Speculation
I’m fairly certain that Alhaitham is either King Deshret reincarnated or is related to him in another way. There’s plenty of visual and lore evidence to back this up, hence I decided to compile it into this post. Note that I didn't include the latest content from 3.4 as I didn't familiarize myself with the new lore. This is a copy of my twitter thread.
This post is by no means 100% complete, since I couldn’t find all of it myself and I will be adding more once other evidence is presented. Feel free to send me more lore and visual hints via DMs and replies and I will add them to the thread. And if you have your own theories, please discuss them in the replies or rb with your own thoughts.
Part 1: Visual Evidence
A bit of storytime.
I’ve been familiar with the King Deshret theory a while back, but I wasn’t 100% convinced back then. However, during my time exploring the Mausoleum of King Deshret I encountered this. Notice the symbol on the ceiling, looking like the symbol on Alhaitham’s chest.
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That’s when I stopped having doubts.
After looking closer, I’ve noticed many other design choices from Alhaitham’s appearance to motives of King Deshret’s civilization. I will list them below, note however, that this isn’t all of them, because I’ve only selected the most important ones, despite there being dozens of smaller ones, for the sake of making this post as concise as possible.
Motive of a blue eye
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Symbol on Alhaitham's chest, motive of feathers
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Motive on his boots
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Motive oh a hawk
There were many statues of hawk like creatures, possibly being the statues of Deshret himself. It's also notable that Alhaitham means "young hawk" or "young eagle" in arabic. There's also a lot of other bird motives which I might list later, if you'd like.
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Okay, but all of the above is just clothing and coincidences, isn’t it? These things could be attributed to him being a Haravatat member, and his interest in ancient scripts (so history and culture too) of King Deshret, no?
Ignoring the fact that Haravatat mainly focuses on linguistics, whereas it’s Vahumana that focuses on history and culture, there are other visual clues to suggest that Alhaitham isn’t who he seems.
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This gem, however weird it might be, doesn’t seem to be a part of his clothing, given that it’s detached from it. Instead, it looks like it’s a part of his body. Despite the color change (more on that later) it’s suspiciously similar to these symbols.
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This likeness of King Deshret also conspicuously has a gem in the chest area. The gem also is highlighted, meaning it’s probably important.
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This isn’t even subtle.
While weird pupils are not uncommon for Sumeru’s playable characters, Alhaitham’s eyes are a direct copy of King Deshret’s likeness from the cutscene. The choice of blue/green iris combined with an orange pupil is peculiar, because nowhere in the game do we see such different colors just clash with each other. This choice was deliberate and I believe it’s hyv giving us a hint.
Part 2: Lore evidence
There is also some evidence in the lore of both characters.
But first, a little bit of Honkai lore.
This won’t be long, because I’m not as familiar with Honkai lore. Most of my research here is based on what I found from the internet and wiki and not the original source material. However, it’s important to mention it, because Alhaitham is a Su expy and some more concrete evidence is found in Su’s lore.
Su, in Honkai universe, is a leader of Project Valuka. This name doesn’t sound familiar at first, until you remember the Aranara questline. 
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“Valuka” is Aranara speech for the desert, and the ruler of Valuka is none other than King Deshret.
If Alhaitham is a Su expy and Su has a lot in common with King Deshret, then the parallel between these characters seem more than just neat design choices.
However, it gets even more interesting. Because Su from Honkai prior to the game’s events “had imprisoned himself in the Seed of Sumeru as an act of redemption” - (direct quote from the wiki).
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Which smoothly brings me to my next point, which is:
Part 3: The why - how is it even relevant?
Okay, so they are similar in their design. But does that mean they’re actually the same person? And how is it relevant?
Well, it brings the personality of both in another perspective.
If you’re unfamiliar with King Deshret’s lore, here’s a quick recap of the most relevant points.
King Deshret was one of the three rulers of Sumeru with Greater Lord Rukkhadevata and Goddess of Flowers. He was also deeply in love with the Goddess of Flowers and she was aware of his affections. He was proud and foolish. After the archon war ended was offered a gnosis by the Celestia, but he declined.
One day, he told her what his greatest dream was. Though unspecified, his dream involved rebelling against the divine. Despite her warning, he insisted she showed him “all there is to know about the skies and the abyss”. As a result of this ritual she perished, though King Deshret was unaware she did it intentionally.
After her passing, King Deshret was unable to move on and his sorrow drove him to madness. He created an utopia, which was supposed to be “free of worry, schemes and slavery”. He either created it to eradicate forbidden knowledge, but failed, or he tried to create an utopia and caused the forbidden knowledge to spread (more likely according to “The Lay of Al-Ahmar. Note that the validity of this book isn’t determined). Whatever the case might be, the result was that countless of his people died that very night.
After the leakage of forbidden knowledge, King Deshret and Rukkhadevata joined efforts to get rid of it. In order to do that King Deshret sacrificed himself and Greater Lord Rukkhadevata used most of her powers.
You might have noticed that these two characters, despite few similarities, are completely different from one another. One is cautious and reserved, and another is foolish, ignorant and sentimental. So, here’s my theory.
I believe that Alhaitham is King Deshret’s reincarnation, but without his memories. Not only that, but in my opinion the difference in their personalities seems intentional. Whether it was King Deshret’s reflection upon himself or Alhaitham’s own choices, it looks like Alhaitham purposely avoids acting like Deshret.
Deshret doesn’t think before he acts - Alhaitham’s demo trailer is literally called “Think before you act”. Deshret becomes a king and destroys his own kingdom - Alhaitham avoids situations in which he’d be placed as a leader, saying he’s not good in this role.
It could be King Deshret’s or Rukkhadevata’s design (more on that later) or Alhaitham’s conclusion based on his research in King Deshret’s legacy. It’s possible he’s even aware or suspects his own relation to him, as he’s very intelligent. 
Part 4: The how- Is it even possible?
In short, yes. There are many hints towards the possibilities of reincarnation in the story. This might be simply another samsara or a more direct intervention, for example of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.
Nahida, being Rukkhadevata in the next samsara is just the beginning. In the Aranara questline, the Aranara say that death is just a loss of memories. Next we have Flower of Paradise Lost artifact set, in which it is said "Those who bloom like flowers, die like flowers, and rise again with the seasons like flowers can never be troubled by the likes of 'death.’” (these are the words of the Goddess of Flowers, perhaps about herself, but I can’t say that for sure).
Staff of the Scarlet Sands polearm description says: “Fear and grief must be torn down, and so the barrier between life and death must be removed”. (This is about him building his own utopia, mentioned previously).
Even if those interpreted individually mean different things, having so many mentions of rebirth is certainly worth taking into account. But how did King Deshret in particular get reincarnated?
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Notice, how in this cutscene, King Deshret is removed to a single crystal, before disappearing. It appears as purple at first, but then changes color to a greenish blue.
Very similar in fact, to another gem.
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In my opinion, this is Deshret’s soul - an empty husk without his memories. Why does it appear green in Alhaitham’s chest? Well, I think it was the Greater Lord who rescued him. Using her power of life she gave him another chance. It could have happend in another way, but I find it the most plausible.
Either way, regardless of the means, we can’t rule out reincarnation as a possibility.
Part 5: Conclusion
Keep in mind that this evidence isn’t directly stating that Alhaitham is King Deshret. Other than his eyes being the exact copy of King Deshret’s image (which usually would imply the same soul/identity), all this evidence is pointing out to them having a relation, not necessarily being the same person.
With that said, I am fairly convinced on that being the case. I encourage you to discuss it in the reblogs and share any interesting evidence you’ve found.
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blooky8 · 6 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhaiiii :ззз
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you are currently visiting the haunted blog of a restless spirit.
«who exactly is haunting this place?», you might ask, and i'll answer that if you look around well enough, you'll be sure to see some familiar faces, even if most of their features are faded and distorted by the ectoplasm.
look at that fella right behind you! seems like it's the ghost of that project you are putting off finishing right now! it looks so clear because it's not quite dead yet, the situation might still be salvageable, but on the brink of death the poor thing has nothing to do but to follow you around until you feel its weight behind you and decide to pay attention to it!
i would guess that you'd want to deal with that as soon as possible, but if you've scrolled through the hellsite far enough to find me, motivating you is already a lost cause...
oh well! since you're staying, we could pay a visit to everyone else hanging around! there are the weeping ghosts of unfinished drawings, some leave smearing ink behind them, some - sharp pixels... oh, and that big unmoving pile of ectoplasm is the ghosts of all the books you dropped reading after barely even starting them! be careful around that place, you might accidentally find a fanfiction poltergeist among them, that's gonna become a problem really fast...
see that sad, fading thing over there? that's the ghost of a forgotten website. not sure where it came from, but that one's still holding onto this layer of reality solely because of me feeding him with simple html code from time to time. he's so ancient, i can barely believe that he managed to reach this place! if i find out who left him like this, that irresponsible user is in big trouble!!!
...it wasn't you, right?
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👻 about me:
adult [b-day august 11th]
no specific dni list, just don't be rude
🔮 current interests:
fallout new vegas
malevolent (s3)
loki (s2)
keeper of the lost cities (reading nightfall)
stardew valley
fop a new wish
pinky and the brain
will sometimes reblog: daredevil, ace attorney, gf, cp77, lmk, rgg, su, pnf, mlp, ut/dr
📝 what i post:
random thoughts
rb art, headcanons, non-fandom stuff i find interesting
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blocksruinedme · 2 years
You are actively encouraged to use side accounts to vote more than once - or reply/rb tags! Any amount of elaboration is cool, this is all new to me!
This is for me to make, so animatics aren't on the list. I VERY much encourage people to send me asks/dms with suggestions each week, please say what video you're talking about if it's not obvious. I'll make a seperate post but I will also be begging for fic prompts, I want to write one each week!
My youtube, if you're interested. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbyGtuNg8-lVTgWG6g-VEZw
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cherubsafespace · 7 months
Writing Tag Game !!! ☆
List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Hiii @chaotic-librarian !!!! ty for tagging me --! It's been a while since I've done a rb game lol. For this one I'm completely excluding correspondence because that would be boring. Btw you tagged the right blog but I scrolled through my tumblr blogs and saw this one and I couldn't help it. So this is the one I'm using to post ^^!
1. The moment Hyun-su cracks his eyes open, he feels it. (Kill me and Make it my Fault - Sweet Home) 2. It was unlike any feeling in the world. (He's The One You Turn to But Not Tonight - AIB) 3. Words spread fast in Camp Half-blood, Percy finds out, as by the next day, everybody and their grandma knew that he had been claimed by Poseidon. (The Big Three Table + 1 - PJO/CM/SPN) 4. Most of Percy’s interactions with those in the Aphrodite cabin could be described in two words: Literal Hell, and trust him, It wasn’t an exaggeration.  (A Formal Complaint to The Aphrodite Cabin - PJO/SPN) 5. Hyun-su sunk his hand underneath the dirt, and he half expected a pair of hands to grab his own, but was disappointed when he was left to clench at nothing but pebbles and mud. (There Will Only be One to Bury The Bodies in The End - Sweet Home) 6. The day after Kurosawa killed himself, Adachi wanted to scream. (The Day After Him - Cherry Maho) 7. “Have you ever wondered what Human meat tastes like, Mr. Malcolm?” (Does it Count as Cannibalism? - CM) 8. "Kurosawa," (You, Who Doesn't Exist - Cherry Maho) 9. “What did Karube do to you?” (In a Second Hand Bed With a Second Hand Man - Cherry Maho/AIB) 10. Karube wants to die. (Every Time That I Miss You, I Feel The Way You Hurt - AIB)
Okay so the only thing I'm noticing here that resembles a pattern is that I have a tendency to either start with dialogue right ahead, since I don't know what to write before that lol, or I start with the character's thoughts. I'm a huge stream of consciousness girlie, so I'm not even a little bit surprised lol.
Tag: No one!! No writing mutuals here, or at least ones that wouldn't be put off by my weird little fics lol TT no mutuals understand the cannibalism brainrot
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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possessed-pack · 2 years
Intro + Links
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This blog is a group blog for all of the possessed Hunter fictives in our system--there's 8 of us, and you can find info on us below. We’re all in the @interstellarsystem which is a quoigenic DID system of 400+ members. We support systems of all origins here.
We’re bodily an adult and collectively use they/it pronouns, though we have individual pronouns listed below.
Basically anyone can interact, we don’t have a DNI, we will just block as we please. We also might not see your DNI, sometimes they're very inaccessible to us--just block us. We like sourcemates in general so we’re down to talk if you’d like to. This blog will serve as an alterhumanity focused blog for all of us.
Tag list and blog user list below the readmore.
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Ask | Our Website | Main blog (with more links) | Trigger Warning Tags | Post dividers link
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People who will be using this blog include:
Mal -- Tox/He/They, wolfhearted, deerhearted, Malachite (SU) fictionkind. Dating Vic, Sil, Tor and Vince.
Vic -- He/They, wolfhearted. Dating Mal, Sil, Tor and Vince.
Blunter -- He/They, wolfhearted.
Sil -- Voi/He/It, voidkin. Dating Mal and Vic.
Tor -- Rot/He/They, Alastor (HH) fictionkind. Dating Mal and Vic.
Vince -- He/They, darkness and The Unknown (OTGW) as hearthomes. Beast!Wirt (OTGW), Wilfre (DTL), Willaim Afton (FNAF), Bracken (Lethal Company), Husk (HH), Alastor (HH) and Jonathan Sims (TMA) fictionkind. Dating Mal and Vic, as well as @mystery-aberration and others without blogs in-sys.
Cer -- He/Him
Marrow -- It/They
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Organisational tags:
#op - Original posts.
#rb - Reblogs.
#srb - Self-reblogs, other blogs we run included.
#ask - Asks.
#ask game - Tumblr ask games.
#name (pronouns) - Posts by specific members, includes name and pronouns.
Alterhuman-related tags:
#alterhuman - Alterhuman-related posts.
#nonhumanity - Posts relating to nonhumanity.
#terrorpunk - Posts related to terrorpunk.
Source/identity specific tags:
#cryptid vibes - Posts related to cryptids and similar things like monsters.
#hazbin hotel - Posts related to Hazbin Hotel.
#hunterposting - Posts related to Hunter (The Owl House).
#in the dark - Posts related to darkness and the things in it.
#tma - Posts related to The Magnus Archives.
#otgw - Posts related to Over The Garden Wall.
#owls in the house - Posts related to The Owl House.
#wolfposting - Posts related to wolves.
Misc tags:
#aesthetic - Aesthetic posts. Might be tagged with things such as #nature or #plants if applicable.
#disability - For posts relating to disability.
#neurodivergent - For posts relating to neurodivergency.
#queer - For posts relating to being queer.
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allofthebees · 2 years
Watching su discourse from the outside was always such a bizarre experience. Ppl I used to follow would rb mile long bullet lists for why su is a bad show and how watching the show made u a queerphobe and a nazi apologist and suicide bait ppl for saying anything remotely positive about it. And then I go to watch it and this little boy is singing about learning how to love himself and two women get multiple episodes dedicated to how much they love each other
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gamekoliknet · 5 months
Subnautica Hile Kodları, Subnautica Hileleri
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Bu yazımızda, zamanında oldukça fazla oyuncu tarafından oynanmış ve hala oynanan Subnautica Hile Kodlarını yazdık.
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Subnautica Hile Kodları, Subnautica Hileleri Geliştiriciler Unknown Worlds Entertainment, 2018'de Subnautica ile bizi etkiledi. Bu su altı hayatta kalma oyunu, bize keşfedilecek zengin ve harika bir dünya sunarken, sürükleyici hikayesini şekillendirirken ustalıkla bir yol izledik. Bu, 2021'de eşit derecede muhteşem olan bir devam oyunu olan Below Zero'yu doğurdu. Ancak, seriye yeni başlıyorsanız, başlangıçtan başlamanızı öneririz. Eğer sizler tarafından bir istek olursa Below Zero hakkında da bir yazı yazabiliriz. Bu hileler ya da rehber konuları hakkında da olabilir. Subnautica oldukça zorlayıcı olabilir, özellikle de zanaat yapma türü oyunlara yeni başlayanlar için. Ve oyunun kabus gibi anlık korkularıyla, zorluk bazıları için fazla olabilir. Peki buna çözüm ne? Hile yapın. Aşağıda size birkaç hile paylaşacağız, umarız ki yabancı okyanus boyunca keşfinizi biraz daha kolay hale getirir. Ve eğer zaten bir hayran iseniz, kim bilir? Belki de oyunu yeniden canlandırırlar. Ancak önce, Subnautica'da hileleri nasıl kullanacağımıza bir bakalım.
Hileler Nasıl Kullanılır - Subnautica Hile Kodları, Subnautica Hileleri
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Hileleri kullanmak için önce geliştirici kutusunu açmanız gerekecek. Bu temelde, ekranın sol tarafında beliren ve kodları girdiğiniz küçük bir kutudur. PC'de, alt menüyü açmak için F3'e basın, ardından devre dışı bırakma konsol kutusunu işaretlemeyi kaldırın. Bunu yaptıktan sonra menüyü kapatın ve geliştirici konsolu açmak için tilde tuşuna (bu, ~ sembolüdür) basın. Konsollarda biraz farklı. Xbox'ta, Menü tuşuna basın, ardından giriş kutusunu açmak için LB + A + RB tuşlarına basın, ardından aynı alt menüyü açmak için LB+RB tuşlarına basın ve işareti kaldırın. Daha sonra Başlat Menüsü'nü gördüğünüzde, geliştirici seçeneklerini seçin ve etkinleştirin. PlayStation'da aynı şekilde, ancak giriş kutusunu açmak için L1 + R1 + X tuşlarına basın!
Tüm Hileler Liste - Subnautica Hile Kodları, Subnautica Hileleri
- Invincibility: nodamage - Belirli bir biyoma teleport olun: biome (biyomanın adı) - Bir konuma git: goto (konumun adı) - Aurora'yı eski haline getir: restoreship - Görüş mesafesini değiştir: farplane (ve sonra değeri, varsayılan olarak 1000) - Sislemeyi aç/kapat: fog - Ücretsiz kamera modunu aç/kapat: freecam - Sunbeam hikaye etkinliğini başlat: startsunbeamstoryevent - Sunbeam geri sayımını başlat: sunbeamcountdownstart - Sınırsız üretici, habitat yapıcı, araç platformu: nocost - Araçların, araçların ve deniz üslerinin enerji kullanımını aç/kapat: noenergy - Yiyecek ve su gereksinimlerini devre dışı bırak: nosurvival - Su altında su süresini artır: nitrogen - Görünmez ol, hiçbir yaratık seni göremez: invisible - Belirli koordinatlara teleport ol: warp - Birkaç metre ileri zıpla: warpforward - En yakın kontrol noktasına yeniden doğ: spawn - Lifepod'a geri dön: randomstart - Sınırsız oksijen: oxygen - Daha hızlı yapı: fastbuild - Tüm blueprint'leri kilitle: allblueprints - Ücretsiz zanaat yapma veya inşa etme: nocost - Radyasyon yok: radiation - Ücretsiz yararlı eşyalar al: madloot - Hareket hızını ayarla: speed - Belirli bir öğe oluştur: item - Gün moduna geç: day - Gece moduna geç: night - Zaman hızı: daynightspeed - Tüm varlıkları yeniden yükle, ancak arazi hariç: entreset - Son kayıt yükleniyor: gamereset - FPS'yi göster: fps - Belirli bir öğeyi oluştur: 'tem (ad) (miktar)' gir - Envanterde habitat yapıcı, hayatta kalma bıçağı, tarayıcı ve tamir aracını kilitleme: bobthebuilder - Bitki büyüme hızını artır: fastgrow - Yumurtaları hızlı çıkar: fasthatch - Tarama süresini azalt: fastscan - Su filtreleme süresini azalt: filterfast - Radyasyonu kapat: radiation - Aurora'nın radyasyon sızıntılarını düzelt: fixleaks - Lazer kesici gerektirmeyen tüm kapıları kilitle: unlockdoors - Kendinizi ve metre aralığındaki tüm yaratıkları iyileştir: cure - Kendinizi ve bir aralıktaki tüm yaratıkları enfekte et: infect - Aurora geri sayım zamanlayıcısını etkinleştir: countdownship - Aurora'yı yok et: explodeship - Sunbeam'i sonlandır: precursorgunaim - Karantina uygulama platformunu kapatmadan kaçış roketini fırlat: forcerocketready - Güvenli bir şekilde üssüne veya araca teleport ol: warpme Subnautica Hile Kodları bu kadardı. İstek halinde son çıkan Below Zero’nun da hilelerini sizlere derleyip sunabiliriz. Subnautica hile kodları yazımızın da sonuna gelmiş olduk artık. Daha fazlası için bizi takip etmeyi unutmayın. - Roblox Admin Komutları, Roblox Admin Kodları - Resident Evil 2 Kasa Şifresi, Resident Evil 2 Dolap Şifresi, RE2 Şifreler Read the full article
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Acronyms of Genesis MUD
an ever-updating list
AA - Army of Angmar
AoD - Army of Darkness (see Arches for potential confusion)
BDA - Blue Dragonarmy
BM - Blademasters
CW - Calian Warriors?
DA - Dragonarmy (either one of them or both) 
DO - Order of the Dragon (also known as monks)
EC - Elemental Clerics
EG - Eil-Galaith
EW - Elemental Worshippers
FK - Fire Knives
HOotS - Holy Order of the Stars (also known as OotS)
KoS - Knights of Solamnia
KoT - Knights of Takhisis
MM - Morgul Mages
NC - Neidar Clan
PoT - Priests of Takhisis
RDA - Red Dragonarmy
SB - Shieldbearers
SCOP - Spirit Circle of Psuchae (NO LONGER EXISTS)
SU - Shadow Union
SoHM - Sorcerers of High Magic
SS - Secret Society of Uncle Trapspringer
WoHS - Wizards of High Sorcery
Locks - Warlocks
Mercs - Maligant's Mercenaries 
Glads - Gladiators
Monks - Order of the Dragon
AG - Adventurer Guild
AH - Auction House
BB - Bulletin Board
CS - Terel Cornerstone
ME - Middle Earth
MT - Minas Tirith
RB - Calia Roundabout
GK - Ghastly Keep
HS - Huge Sign west of Bree
TT - Terel Trolls
VK - Vingaard Keep
RP - Roleplay 
OOC - Out of character
IC - In character
AFK - Away from keyboard
BRB - Be right back
OCC - Occupational Guild
DPS - Damage per Second
qexp - Quest experience
caid - Combat aid
Aoe - Area of effect (see Arches for potential confusion)
AMC - ancient mithril chainmail
BSA - bloody steel axe
BSC - bloody skull club
BHM - black heavy mace
BP - black platemail
FBB - flaming black broadsword
HSC - heavy steel club OR huge steel club
LAW - long adamantine warhammer
LBD - long black dagger
MBB - mithril bladed battleaxe
MBP - midnight black platemail
MBS - massive bone spiked shield
RMW - runed mithril warhammer
RR - rust red (a type of weapon)
AoB - Arch of Balance
AoC - Arch of Code
AoD - Arch of Domains
AoE - Arch of Events
AoP - Arch of Players
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Classement des joueurs les plus décisifs en 2022 !
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Nous avons établi une liste des dix joueurs les plus décisifs en 2022. Il s'agit des meilleurs joueurs de l'année civile en termes de buts et de passes décisives enregistrés. Les amateurs de football ont été témoins de nombreux matchs passionnants à la fois au niveau des clubs et lors de la Coupe du Monde. Mohamed Salah Liverpool a connu une saison plus difficile cette année, ayant échoué à remporter le quadruplé. Cependant, Salah a continué à performer de manière solide en 2022. Malgré un début difficile, il est maintenant le meilleur buteur de l'équipe. Il a été un joueur brillant pour marquer des buts et aider ses coéquipiers à marquer. Salah est motivé pour la reprise et espère inscrire plus de buts. Il compte 28 buts et 13 passes décisives en 72 matchs pour Liverpool en 2022. Kevin De Bruyne Kevin De Bruyne a été l'un des joueurs les plus performants de cette saison en termes de passes décisives. Il a battu plusieurs records au passage. Il est actuellement le meilleur passeur de la Premier League, ayant établi un nouveau record avec moins de matchs joués que Steven Gerrard. Le Belge est la colonne vertébrale de Manchester City, dirigeant le jeu et permettant à Erling Haaland, le meilleur buteur de la Premier League, de marquer des buts. Avec 27 passes décisives et 18 buts en 54 matchs en 2022, il est un véritable cerveau qui génère tout le jeu de son équipe. Il est l'un des joueurs les plus décisifs en 2022 avec ses passes chirurgicales. Neymar Neymar a été critiqué pour ses nombreux pépins physiques et sa performance en dessous de ses standards. Néanmoins, en 2022, il a démontré son immense potentiel et domine les statistiques de buts et de passes décisives pour le PSG. Aux côtés de Messi et Mbappé, il est devenu un acteur clé alors que les trois stars cherchent à remporter la Ligue des champions pour le PSG. Avec 32 buts et 19 passes décisives en 42 apparitions en 2022, les performances de Neymar parlent d'elles-mêmes. Lionel Messi Une fois de plus, Messi a démontré qu'une saison compliquée ne permet pas de mesurer la valeur d'un joueur. La Pulga a été le joueur le plus efficace pour le PSG et l'Argentine cette année. Il a enregistré un grand nombre de buts et de passes décisives en 2022. Il a été impressionnant et est devenu vainqueur de la Coupe du monde. Messi s'améliore constamment match après match. En 51 matchs cette saison, il a marqué 35 buts et 30 passes décisives. Harry Kane Harry Kane, l'un des joueurs les plus constants de Tottenham, a toujours été à la hauteur des attentes. Il a toujours répondu présent et continue d'être un acteur clé pour l'équipe. La capacité de Kane à rester en forme est remarquable, et il est devenu le leader de l'équipe pour remporter leur premier trophée. Avec 34 buts et 14 passes décisives en 61 matchs, il est le meilleur buteur de Tottenham en 2022. Karim Benzema Le vainqueur du Ballon d'Or a été dominant cette saison en menant le Real Madrid à la victoire en Ligue des champions avec 15 buts marqués dans le tournoi. Benzema a été l'un des meilleurs joueurs de l'année, il était en pleine forme. Même s'il a connu une saison plus difficile en 2022-23 en raison de nombreuses blessures, il reste un attaquant de grand talent pour le Real Madrid. Il a marqué 31 buts et 8 passes décisives en 38 matchs cette année. Christophe Nkunku Cette saison, le jeune Français, Nkunku, a ébloui avec 37 buts et 13 passes décisives. Il est également le meilleur buteur de la Bundesliga. Les équipes ont été impressionnées par son talent. Nkunku espère faire un grand pas en avant dans sa carrière de club la saison prochaine, avec Chelsea. En tant qu'attaquant de RB Leipzig, il s'est imposé comme un futur espoir en Europe, en tant que l'un des meilleurs attaquants de la Bundesliga. Robert Lewandowski La persévérance de l'attaquant du Barcelone est superbe, car Lewandowski a toujours su marquer grâce à son sens du but. Malgré l'élimination de Barcelone de la Ligue des champions, il a réussi à compenser le déficit de buts du club. Il est devenu le meilleur buteur de la Liga et de la Ligue des champions. En 51 apparitions en 2022, il a marqué 42 buts et délivré neuf passes décisives. Erling Haaland Haaland est un attaquant talentueux et a réussi à s'épanouir en Premier League, malgré les défis de jouer dans la ligue la plus compétitive d'Europe. À 22 ans, il est maintenant le meilleur buteur de la ligue et cherche à battre de nombreux records. Il semble être encore plus prolifique pour Manchester City qu'il ne l'était à Dortmund, car il fait des ravages en marquant des buts. Il compte déjà 43 buts et huit passes décisives en 41 apparitions en 2022. Kylian Mbappé Il est indéniable que Kylian Mbappé est l'un des meilleurs joueurs de sa génération. Sa performance en 2022 a été remarquable. En tant qu'attaquant complet, il est capable de marquer des buts et de créer des occasions pour ses coéquipiers. Il a également fait preuve de leadership en menant l'équipe de France à la victoire en Coupe du monde. Avec 55 buts et 17 passes décisives en 55 matchs, ses statistiques parlent d'elles-mêmes sur son immense potentiel à seulement 24 ans. Il était un joueur à suivre de près en 2022 et dans les années à venir. Mbappé est tout simplement l'un des joueurs les plus décisifs en 2022 ________ Pour retrouver toute l'actu foot, rendez-vous sur notre site web ou sur notre page Twitter. Read the full article
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kkujo · 3 years
I’ve come across that persons blog before and they’re….something else lol they make like 50 blocklists a day but they’re completely useless bc they put t3rfs and f4scists on a blocklist with literally anyone who disagrees with them on anything no matter what. they have ‘people who think outdoor cats are okay’ on a blocklist with t3rfs (not saying outdoor cats are okay but come on that’s not anywhere near as bad as being a terf lol) and basically act like disagreeing with them on any random point no matter what it is makes you irredeemably problematic. on a positive note I doubt anyone’s using it as an actual blocklist bc it’s basically useless bc you can’t tell whether anyone on it is an actual bigot or just someone who pisses them off somehow lol
YES THANK U i scrolled their blog for a bit bc i was pissed off abt being put on a blocklist and wondering if i maybe was in the wrong but like. they get so mad over trivial stuff honestly it seems reallyyyy unhealthy
#asks#I DON'T GET WHY PEOPLE GET SO PRESSED ABOUT OUTDOOR CATS#my cats go outside bc we live somewhere with fields where they can go away from roads and they're neutered n stuff so#i get ppl having opinions on it but i promise you outside of tumblr it really isn't that deep#but yeah they put me and my friends on a list for us being 'exclusionists' which? absolutely has no basis??#and said smth like#'at this point i'm going to start assuming you're terfs' ????#most of us aren't cis and all extremely anti terf like if u bothered to check our blogs u would see that we continuously support trans women#but yeah i don't mean this unkindly but it seems this person has a lot of issues like. this is doing NOTHING to actually help trans people#in fact it's actively harming trans ppl because they're throwing us onto a blocklist w terfs for some reason?? like? yiiiikes#ALSO LIKE#ik i've posted vaguely anti pan stuff before but honestly i don't rlly care if ppl id as pan i just don't like when ppl say it's more-#progressive than bi yk like. i just think pan ppl should be careful of their language and definitions#bc a lot of pan positivity has biphobic undertones unfortunately#but fr if you bothered to interact w me like directly you would know that i rlly don't care if ppl are pan or ace like it doesn't concern me#i'm not an 'exclusionist' bc if part of ur identity is being against another group of ppl that's just cringe like wtf#and ppl suibaiting ppl just for identifying as pansexual are literally insane#ANYWAY. my point is they totally took what i said out of context#i said the 'delete that rb op is xyz' isn't terf exclusive. ppl use it for panphobes or aphobes or even like su fans or smth stupid#and they saw the word panphobic and ran with it😭 MY POINT WAS IT ISN'T A TERF SPECIFIC THINGGGG#but anyway idk maybe the original post was kinda appealing to terfs but. because i'm. not a terf. i wasn't thinking like that#i don't think like a terf so how tf am i supposed to know that would appeal to them 😭#ANYWAYS SORRY FOR THE RANT AGAIN fr tho that person is doing nothing for the lgbt community and they rlly need to relax
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