#surprisingly this is not her first rodeo
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curiouslymyown · 6 days ago
The skittles dealing with a possessed Barty and having to preform an exorcism on him is just normal Saturday night activities
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propertyofwicked · 1 year ago
sambuca - LN
warnings: swearing, alcohol and mentions of being sick.
short fluff :) fewtrell!reader
this can be read as a stand alone or as a prequel to the secrets series!
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the moment her friend ordered a round of black sambuca, she knew her night was going to turn in a horrible direction, but she was too drunk to care, necking the shot back and coughing as the liquid travelled down her throat. in her few years of adulthood, she’d yet to have a night end well after the shots got ordered.
as last orders were called, y/n started to panic. it was too late to call her brother to pick her up and she was far too drunk to walk home, but almost by instinct, she scrolled through her contacts, landing on her brothers best friend. in her drunken state, she didn’t seem to realise it was 2am and that he might be asleep - he always helped her, so why wouldn’t he now, she thought to herself.
her phone rang twice before he picked up.
“y/n?” lando grumbled, clearly haven just been woken up, “is everything ok?”
she replied, but it was completely incoherent, her words slurring into a mashup of her sentence.
“y/n? who are you with? is caitlin there?” he asked, and she nodded before realising he couldn’t see her and gave him a quick mhm.
“can you pass the phone to her please, angel?” he said, and the phone was being passed to the girls best friend, who was surprisingly still standing, and most importantly to lando, speaking sense.
“hiiii lando,” she said, slurring but still coherent, “is everything ok?”
“that’s what i want to ask you,” he laughed, “are you guys leaving now? do you need a lift home?”
“i don’t,” she said, hiccupping, “but i think your girl might need somewhere to crash for the night.”
“text me the pub you’re at, ill be there in 10 minutes.”
“ok - you might wanna bring a bucket.”
“i might not bring the mclaren then,” he laughed again, before hanging up, throwing a hoodie on and grabbing his car keys. he reached the door, before doubling back to the kitchen, picking up a plastic bag and a bottle of water. this was not his first rodeo, and he didn’t feel like having a repeat of the time she vomited in max’s car and his shoes.
when he pulled up outside the pub, it didn’t take him long to see y/n, crouched to the floor, back leaning against the wall of the pub, her poor friend stood next to her, reaching down slightly to stroke her hair. lando moved out of the car, walking round to where the girl was sat, quickly realising her eyes were streaming tears. crouching down to her level, his hand came to rest on her shoulder.
“hey angel, what’s up? why are we crying?”
why was she crying? because she thought about how pretty and kind lando was and it made drunk little brain sad to think that he would never want her was the real answer, instead she settled for
“i don’t know,” she sad sadly, looking up at him and smiling slightly when their eyes met, “you won’t tell max about this, will you?”
“of course not,” he replied, although not sure what he was agreeing to hide from max. as he raised himself up to stand, he grabbed her arms to pull her up with him, although her balanced failed and she toppled into his chest - his arms came to rest on her waist to stabilise her.
“sorry,” she mumbled, looking up at him again, she was so close he could smell the alcohol on her breath.
“it’s ok y/n,” he said, rubbing his hands up and down her back, before glancing to the girl besides her, “who gave her sambuca?”
“not me,” she defends herself, holding up her hands.
“fucks sake.”
“in my defence, by the time i tried to stop her, she’d already drank it.”
“it’s alright, this is going to be rough. worse for her though,” he responds, moving to turn y/n around in his arms and march her in the direction of his car, “you still fine to get home?”
“don’t worry about me, please just get her into a bed. or a sofa. or a bathroom.” and with that he helped y/n into the passenger seat, reaching across her to buckle her in.
“you smell nice,” she slurred into his ear as he moved back. he chose to ignore the comment, feeling his heart skip a beat, shut the door and jog back round to the drivers side.
“see you later, caitlin. message y/n when you get home safe please,” he adds, waving to the girl before climbing in the car himself.
“what are we gonna do with you?” he asks to no one, glancing to the girl hunched over in his passenger seat, pulling off slowly.
“hi,” she perks up after 5 minutes of silence, looking to the side to smile at him. his side profile is so pretty, she thinks to herself, before shaking any thoughts like that out her brain.
“hi yourself,” he responds, flicking the indicator on, “how you feeling?”
“im good.”
“you sure? i don’t need to pull over do i?”
“not yet. just, just keep driving slow. please,” she begs slightly.
“it’s ok we’re nearly there.”
“where is there?”
“my flat.”
“not max’s?”
“i don’t think you want max seeing you in this state. i don’t think max’s shoes want to see you in this state either,” he joked.
“HEY! that was one time. and i bought him new shoes after.”
“no you didn’t.”
“ok. you bought him new shoes, but i gave them to him,” she argues back, lando simply snorts in response.
“we’re here angel,” he says, coming to a slow stop. angel, she thought, i like when he calls me that.
she grabs the door handle, flinging the door open, and moves to stand up before bashing her head on the roof of the low car.
“fuck,” she exclaimed, “that was a bit silly of me, wasn’t it.”
“yes, it was,” lando replied bluntly, moving to take one of her hands in his, the other resting on the top of his car to provide a soft bumper if she hit her head again.
“are you mad at me?” she asks sadly, after seeing his jaw clench and unclench on the way to his flat.
“not at you, angel, never at you. im mad at whoever gave you sambuca.”
“i gave it to me,” she says, giggling. he simply shakes his head at her.
the moment the front door shuts, she’s sprinting to his bathroom, the mixture of drinks finally resurfacing in the back of her throat. lando follows quickly behind her, just in time to bend behind her and scoop her hair up out of her face, his spare hand moving to stroke her back softly.
“that’s it, get it all up,” he coos softly, “thank you for not doing this in my car,” although he doubts she can hear his remark.
“gonna sleep in my bed tonight, angel? is that ok? wanna keep an eye on you,” he asks her as she finally sits, resting her back on his stomach. she looks up at him, nodding slightly, eyes blinking heavily in exhaustion.
“need to take my make up off,” she says, still slurring but less than before. he nods before moving to his bathroom cabinet, pulling out a cleanser and wipes.
“why do you have those?”
“they’re yours, y/n. from the last time you and max stayed over after a night out.” she says nothing in response, simply leaning back into him again as he moves his arm around her to wipe away the makeup on her face. his actions are not to soft, but not too rough - again, this is not his first rodeo with a drunk y/n fewtrell. once he’s done, he shuffles out to his bedroom, leaving y/n on the bathroom floor, to wallow in self pity, she thought to herself. when he returns he throws a shirt at her, and a pair of his boxers for her to change in to.
“ill be in my room, come find me when you’re changed,” he says, turning on his heel to leave her in privacy. she stands to change, catching a glance at herself in the mirror.
jesus, i look so rough. i cannot sleep in that mans bed. this is bad. this is very bad.
but alas, y/n found herself climbing into lando’s bed mere minutes later, choosing comfort over the protection of her feelings.
“come ‘ere,” he says to her, pulling her gently towards him, her head coming to rest on his chest as his arms wrap around her, “why did you get so drunk y/n?”
“celebrating what?”
“life,” she says, she would’ve thought of a better reason had her heart not been beating a thousand times a minute.
“get some sleep. there’s some water on your side if you need it. your phones on charge next to it.”
“thank you, lan. for this, for picking me up, for dealing with my shit.”
“don’t mention it, angel. now, rest. ill deal with you in the morning.” now she may have been drunk, but she could feel lando’s lips pressing gently to the top of her head.
“turn it off,” she groans, light flooding behind her eye lids, lando chuckles.
“turn what off? the sun? sorry let me just tap into my divine powers and sort that out for you, your majesty.”
“shut up.”
“you started it.”
she groaned again, opening her eyes fully. quickly she realised she was laying on her side, her back pressed into lando’s back, his arms still tightly around her. her arm reaches out to grab her phone and check her messages.
“caitlin told me to tell you she’s home safe, she also said good luck - why is she wishing you luck?”
“probably due to the state you were in last night,” he laughs again.
“oh my god, im so sorry.”
“don’t be, it was funny.”
“funny? it was mortifying. my head hurts so bad.”
“have some water, there’s some paracetamol there for you as well.”
“no not like a headache. like my head actually hurts,” she adds, moving her arm to rub the stop on her head that ached.
“oh! that’ll be from when you smacked your head on the roof of my car,” he replies, moving his own hand up to her head to inspect the damage.
“no that’s so embarrassing i didn’t do that,” she denies, a red flush rising on her cheeks.
“i can ask security for the camera footage in the car park if you want.”
“shut up,” she said bluntly, as he bit the urge to respond with make me. he found himself quickly reminded of his promise last night. don’t tell max. the position he found himself in now was a sobering realisation as to how max really couldn’t know about this.
“you want a lift to max’s?” he asks suddenly.
“erm, no. could you take me to caitlin’s instead? all good if not, i can get an uber.”
“nah that’s fine, when do you wanna go?”
they moved swiftly on from max, both silently agreeing that any sign of y/n in lando’s clothes, hungover and crawling out of his car was a bad idea. a very bad idea.
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coff-in · 10 months ago
HIIIIIIIII ITS ⭐️ ANON AGAIN I'd like to request a older sister (2-1 year older than Andrew and shes like tall asf) that has the personality of omori from the game OMORI (if you dont whos Omori/ his personality: like doesn't speak for shit and is surprisingly patient with hooligans despite his anger issues) who also likes to gardening.
Ashley would probably give her some silly ass nickname having to due with flowers. Andrew would TRY to be chill around her since he has intrusive thoughts about both girls. (I AM NOT LETTING HIM LIVE THAT DOWN)
But OLDER SISTER READER would probably only put up with Ashley's attitude/lies and no one's else's. For example later in their life when they are sacrificing their parents, Renee would try to bribe Andrew and Reader into ditching Ashley but then Reader speaks up for the first time in her life, only to say "shut the fuck up, you bitch"
Heres more info on older sister Reader:
Her gift is Altered sight, as in she sees the world differently. Like she can see if people are lying or their true intention. So that's why when Renee was talking abt ditching Ashley she said shut the fuck up because she saw her true intention (whatever it was anyways).
Her bunny color would be red
Also her weapon(s) would be her bare hands, gardening sheers, or a hacksaw
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk ⭐️
notes from coff-in: LET ANDREW DATE HIS SISTERS PLEASE!!! i've never played omori but i remember watching manlybadasshero play it during the quarantine. kinda ran out of steam at the end (it's late and i'm very tired, my apologies ⭐️ anon)
[fem] reader-insert, [reader] is older than andrew by two years, incest
mr and mrs graves loved how quiet [reader] was as a child. she didn't make any noise, didn't talk at all, and was overall easy to overlook. the perfect child! why not have another? when andy came out the cursed womb, he was the same and probably learned to keep quiet too via [reader], his big sister. what's the harm in one more child? mrs graves would then learn the harm in having another child that is NOT quiet. leyley came in and couldn't be as quiet or put away as her older siblings, but thankfully this isn't [reader]'s first rodeo in taking care of a child... she's not good at it though (which makes sense cause she's fucking four years old)
andy and leyley are still very close together, especially leyley to andy since she's closer to andy's age (and goes to school with him longer) than [reader], but they both look up to [reader] as a mother figure. leyley had trouble dealing with [reader]'s quietness/muteness but her patience for leyley makes up for all the frustration she goes through. she definitely expects [reader] to pay more attention to her because she's the baby of the family, their little baby sister. how is she supposed to know shit if no one is there to teach her? how is she supposed to feel safe if no one is watching her? damn, she fucked up breakfast again even though andy taught her how not even a day ago, thankfully [reader] is there to make it for them, right? andy doesn't mind [reader]'s quietness. he's so used to leyley's loud and impulsive nature that having someone who's quieter and more mindful is appreciated. especially since she's older, andy sees her as the perfect role model to look up to.
i doubt the apartment they lived in had a yard but they do have a balcony, so i think [reader] would grow herbs and plants that can grow in pots (like strawberries and tomato plants). andy and leyley would pick up some things from watching [reader] take care of them (though they might've killed a plant once from forgetting to water it). [reader] would try her best to teach andy and leyley about taking care of the plants, what they're used for, how to prepare them into meals, etc and it would give them (specifically andy) such an oedipus complex. having [reader] comfort them when they're mad, staying patient and calm when they get frustrated and yell at her, hugging them when they're sad, UGH just being such a good mother figure and a big sister. andy loves hugging her, feeling safe in her arms. THEY WOULD BOTH LOVE HEARING HER HUMMING WHEN SHE DOES STUFF AROUND THE HOUSE
as they grow up, they both get very protective over [reader]. she can't date other people! it's a tad bit hard to enforce that since [reader] is two-four years older and usually aren't attending the same school as them for very long. they usually try to make it as CLEAR as possible to her current partner that they do not like them. andrew is very passive aggressive towards them while ashley is just... aggressive. [reader] gets mad at them the first and second time, enough for andrew and ashley to feel a little bit bad, but eventually [reader] just stops trying to date people (or at least bring them over to the apartment). she can't be too mad at them, they're probably a little bit scared to share their big sister with a stranger...
quarantine isn't so bad to them. [reader]'s little balcony garden helps them not starve for a little bit longer than canon, but not by much. andrew and ashley are both grateful to [reader] for trying to keep them all alive, but it's not a burden that she has to shoulder on her own. seeing the cultist, killing the wardens, escaping the apartment-- all very stressful things that they help [reader] through. andrew sleeps with [reader] some nights and holds her close. maybe even snuggling closer to her chest... after all, [reader] holds some power over him, no? she's older, if she is uncomfortable with it then she can just tell him to stop. he likes being the middle child. having the power and control over ashley but being watched over and taught by [reader], having both that dominate and submissive dynamic with his sisters. would definitely call [reader] mommy after they kill their parents
i find it kinda funny that the demon gives ashley a clairvoyant trinket and [reader] altered sight but doesn't give andrew anything. poor guy. i think [reader]'s true sight would honestly alter the dynamic of the graves' sibling relationship. if she can see the true intentions of people/seeing if they're lying than surely she would be able to tell when andrew is holding himself back and repressing his affection or can see ashley's overwhelming insecurity. would she play into these feelings? anyway, andrew and their parents were shocked when [reader] actually spoke when in the basement, especially when it was against mrs graves? like omg... boss moves, you know?
"shut the fuck up."
andrew kneeling down to threaten mrs graves with his cleaver, "[reader] and i don't like it when you talk about ashley like that."
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 7 months ago
Cowboy hat rule p.1
Hii guys I hope you enjoy this idea I had about Daniel as a cowboy :)
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As you and your friends step out of the car, the heat of the Texas evening wraps around you like a warm embrace. The sun is dipping low on the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape. You can feel a mix of excitement and nerves fluttering in your stomach. Your friend wanted to celebrate her bachelorette party in style, and she chose the lively, rugged charm of a Texas rodeo and bar. Raised in the city, you don’t really know what to expect, but you’re ready to dive in and have fun.
You’ve dressed for the occasion in a flowy sundress that brushes against your legs with each step and a pair of borrowed cowboy boots. Your friend even convinced you to wear a wide-brimmed hat, which feels surprisingly good on your head.
As you and your friends enter the bar, you’re immediately hit by the thumping beat of country music and the cheerful shouts of people having a good time. The bar is filled with laughter, dancing, and a sea of cowboy hats. It’s like stepping into a different world.
Your friend leads the way to the dance floor, and you find yourself being pulled into the crowd, the infectious energy around you quickly washing away any hesitation. You start to dance, awkwardly at first, but soon you find the rhythm. You spin and twirl with your friends, the music guiding your movements. The joy on your friend’s face makes you smile, and soon you’re laughing along with her, letting the night take over.
After a few songs, you decide to take a break and head to the bar. As you wait for the bartender, you glance around, taking in the sights and sounds of the busy bar.
That’s when you notice him.
He’s leaning against the bar a few feet away, his tall frame relaxed and confident. He’s wearing a plaid shirt that fits snugly over his broad shoulders and jeans that hug his hips just right. His cowboy hat is tilted low, but you can still see his warm brown eyes beneath it. They’re sparkling with amusement as he watches you, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
“New around here?” he asks, his voice smooth and deep, with that unmistakable Texas drawl.
You nod, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks. “Is it that obvious?”
He chuckles, and the sound is rich and inviting. “Just a bit. But don’t worry, you fit right in. I’m Daniel, by the way.”
“I’m Y/N,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady.
Daniel’s smile widens. “Well, Y/N, you look like you’re having a good time. It’s nice to see someone enjoying themselves as much as you are.”
You laugh, still a little shy under his gaze. “I guess I’m just trying to take it all in. This is… different from what I’m used to.”
“I bet it is,” he says, his eyes never leaving yours. “But I have to say, you look really good in that hat. Almost like it was made for you.”
You bite your lip, feeling your cheeks heat up even more. His words are simple, but there’s something in the way he says them that makes your heart skip a beat.
“Thanks,” you murmur, looking down at your drink. “It’s not really mine, though. I borrowed it.”
Daniel leans in a little closer, his voice dropping to a soft murmur. “Doesn’t matter. It looks perfect on you. And I think you’d look even better in mine.”
Before you can respond, he reaches up and takes off his own hat, placing it gently on your head. His fingers brush against your hair as he adjusts it, and you feel a shiver run down your spine. The hat is warm from his body, and it smells faintly of leather and something else—something that’s just him.
“There,” he says, stepping back to admire his work. “Now that’s a sight. You look incredible.”
Your heart is racing now, the room around you fading into the background. All you can focus on is Daniel and the intensity of his gaze. There’s a spark between you, something electric that’s drawing you closer to him.
“I don’t know about that,” you say softly, your voice almost lost in the noise of the bar.
“I do,” Daniel replies, his eyes darkening slightly. He moves closer, his hand finding your waist, his touch firm and warm. “I know exactly how good you look, and I’m not about to let anyone else in this bar get a better view than me.” "How about this," he says, lowering his voice conspiratorially, "I promise to keep you entertained tonight. We can start with a drink and maybe a dance or two. What do you say?"
You feel a rush of heat at his words, a mix of desire and excitement pooling in your stomach. You’ve never met someone so bold, so confident, and it’s thrilling.
“What if I’m not a very good dancer?” you whisper, looking up at him through your lashes.
Daniel’s smile turns wicked, and he leans in even closer, his lips brushing against your ear. “Then it’s a good thing I am. Just follow my lead, darlin’.”
With that, he guides you onto the dance floor, his hand still resting on your waist. The music slows down, and he pulls you closer, his other hand finding yours. You can feel the heat of his body against yours, and your heart is racing so fast you’re sure he can hear it.
As you start to move, you realize that dancing with Daniel is effortless. He’s a natural, leading you with confidence and ease. You follow his movements, your bodies swaying together in perfect rhythm. Every touch sends a jolt of electricity through you, and you can’t help but lean into him, your head resting against his chest.
For a while, you just dance, lost in the music and the feel of his body against yours. You’ve never felt like this before—so alive, so connected to someone you’ve just met. It’s intoxicating, and you never want it to end.
Eventually, Daniel pulls back just enough to look down at you, his eyes dark and intense. “You have no idea how much I’ve enjoyed tonight,” he murmurs, his thumb brushing lightly over your lower back.
“Me too,” you reply, your voice barely more than a whisper. “I didn’t think I would, but I have.”
“I’m glad,” he says softly, his eyes never leaving yours. “Because I’ve been waiting all night to do this.”
Before you can ask what he means, he dips his head and captures your lips with his. The kiss is slow and deep, his lips moving against yours with a tenderness that makes your knees weak. You melt into him, your arms wrapping around his neck as you kiss him back. His hand tightens on your waist, pulling you even closer, and you feel a wave of desire crash over you.
The world around you disappears. There’s only Daniel, his lips on yours, his body pressed against you. You can’t think, can’t breathe, can’t do anything but kiss him back with everything you have.
When he finally pulls away, you’re both breathless, your foreheads resting against each other as you try to catch your breath. “Wow,” you murmur, your eyes still closed.
“Yeah,” Daniel agrees, his voice low and husky. “Wow.”
You open your eyes and smile up at him, feeling a rush of warmth in your chest. But then you hear your friends calling your name, and reality comes crashing back in. You have to go.
“I—” you start, but Daniel cuts you off with a soft kiss.
“I know,” he says, his voice filled with understanding. “But this isn’t goodbye. Not by a long shot.”
He reaches up and adjusts his hat on your head, his fingers brushing against your skin. “Keep the hat,” he says with a grin. “Consider it a promise that we’ll see each other again.”
You nod, unable to find the words to express how much you want that to be true. “I’ll hold you to it,” you finally say, your voice trembling slightly.
Daniel leans in for one last kiss, his lips lingering on yours for a moment before he pulls away. “I’m counting on it, darlin’.”
With that, you reluctantly step away from him, your heart aching as you join your friends. As you head toward the door, you can’t help but look back one last time. Daniel is watching you, a smile on his lips and a promise in his eyes.
As you step out into the warm Texas night, his hat still on your head, you know this isn’t the end. Not by a long shot.
Here's part 2
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adore-laur · 1 year ago
— birth of baby #2 in the dadrry universe 🌊
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6:24 AM
California dawn brings serenity to the house. The sun is leisurely rising, painting the sky with wispy pink brushstrokes across an endless canvas of powder blue. Seagulls croon as they fly parallel to the hazy horizon, gracefully dipping their claws down in the water to catch their first meal of the day. Waves crash against the vacant ocean shore with persistence, as if to announce that morning has arrived once again.
Soon, golden rays will seep through the flowing curtains and cast shapes on the hardwood floors. The trees will start to sway from the coastal breeze, sending earthy scents of pine and cedar into the kitchen. Toys scattered in the living room from the night before will be left alone to wallow until their owner sleepily waddles from her bedroom with a yawn and an empty stomach.
A spoon clinks against the edge of a mug, echoing throughout the tranquil kitchen as chickadees sing their song near the window. Yet the current calmness of your surroundings doesn't quite match how you feel inside.
Being awake for the past two hours—hunched over the kitchen island and rocking side to side while breathing through painful cramping—isn't how you would've liked to commence your morning. Harry is brewing homemade coffee for himself since there's a high chance it will be a long, tiresome day ahead. He's been up with you since you started having contractions, and you tried to convince him to keep sleeping, but there was no way to persuade him since he's naturally an early bird. And you know he would never let you handle the discomfort alone.
Your daughter is still fast asleep in her room down the hall, oblivious to how soon she'll be a big sister. You're not looking to traumatize her at a young age, so Harry's mother is on her way to pick her up in case you give birth.
You've decided on a natural water birth this time. Being in the hospital for your first childbirth experience was tolerable, but the atmosphere gave you tremendous anxiety. The nurses hovering over you, the constant beeping of the machines, and the stale room all felt suffocating. You're confident you'll feel more at ease in the comfort of your own home, with only Harry and the midwife witnessing you in your most vulnerable state.
As the pain temporarily alleviates in your abdomen, you slowly straighten your posture and walk some laps around the living room. There's nothing you can do except hang tight and see if anything progresses. The contractions haven't gotten to the point of being unbearable, but they still beg the question of whether you'll be having a baby today. It's a waiting game.
Harry is surprisingly relaxed, and you suppose it's because this isn't his first rodeo. Seeing the difference in his composure compared to the first time you went into labor is humorous. He had clammy hands, was a stuttering mess, and also forgot to bring his driver's license when he drove you to the hospital.
Now, it's like he has never been more prepared for anything in his entire life. He could be hiding his nerves well, but otherwise, he's extremely put together as he whistles the "We Just Got a Letter" jingle from Blue's Clues that always gets stuck in his head because your daughter watches the show every morning. He's already dressed for the birth that might not even happen today—swim shorts for when he gets in the birthing pool with you and a faded graphic tee that looks like it has seen better days. His favorite blue baseball cap is snug on his head, covering his messy hair that curls upwards underneath. He looks casually gorgeous in the morning light.
After your tenth lap, you wander back to the kitchen and stand beside Harry as he drops two slices of bread into the toaster. He looks down at you and smiles.
"Hi," he says, leaning his hip against the counter. "Contraction over with?"
"For now," you reply dully. "I'm sure there'll be plenty more."
He jerks his chin toward the sink. "I want you to drink some water."
"I'm not thirsty."
"Please just drink one glass for me, baby," he says, opening the refrigerator and grabbing a jar of grape jam. "Let's not have a repeat of last time."
You roll your eyes and steal a cup from the drying rack. He clearly remembers when you vomited at the hospital just hours before giving birth. Yes, you were dehydrated, but that was the last thing on your mind.
As you sip cloudy tap water, you watch Harry silently spread jam onto his perfectly browned toast. He's been too quiet this morning—entirely cool, calm, and collected. You miss his delirious morning humor.
"You're scaring me."
Harry freezes with the butter knife in his grasp. "I didn't know your husband making breakfast was a fear of yours."
There it is!
"No, not that." You wipe off a glob of jam on his thumb. "You're just really relaxed right now."
Setting his toast on a plate, he turns to you with a crease between his eyebrows. "Should I be freaking out?"
"Well, I might give birth soon," you say, your heart rate increasing at the mere thought. "Doesn't that, I don't know, make you nervous?"
"Of course, I'm nervous," he replies, gently squeezing your shoulders. "I'm sure I'll be a hot mess once you're in full-on labor. I'm just enjoying the morning with you while you're still pregnant. You know... soaking it all in."
You release a shaky exhale, your mind spiraling as everything becomes more real the longer you talk about how you'll be a family of four very soon. "Okay," you whisper unconvincingly. "That makes sense."
Harry obviously doesn't buy it because he stares at you briefly before trapping your fidgeting hands with his own. "What's going on?"
"I'm freaking out," you admit weakly. Your voice wavers, and the lump in your throat is hard to swallow.
His face softens with sympathy as your eyes gloss over with tears. "Let's walk down to the shore," he suggests, kissing your forehead. "Just you and me before it gets crazy in here."
Sniffling, you ask, "What if I can't make it back to the house?"
"Then I'll carry you."
"Good luck with that," you mutter before grabbing your phone from the kitchen table. "Let's go while I have a break from contractions."
He nods, taking his plate and the baby monitor from the countertop, and then leads the way out the patio door.
During the short journey there, your heart blooms with fondness when you catch Harry smiling to himself as he walks, his tattooed arms swinging. It's too endearing not to keep as a permanent memory, so you open the camera on your phone and press record. The fresh air has rapidly lifted your mood, and you're thankful for it.
"What are you grinning about over there?"
Harry looks up and gives the camera a big, open-mouthed smile, pure excitement exuding from him. He's been waiting so patiently for another baby, and now it's slowly but surely becoming reality.
"What's got you so happy?" You laugh and stop recording.
He shrugs, still smiling contagiously. "I can't believe it's happening. It just hit me right now."
Both of you reach the sand and sit away from the lapping waves in case you have to head back to the house promptly. Harry places himself behind you, a position that's supposed to help when a contraction comes. You can hold onto his legs for leverage and support, and he can massage wherever you're hurting.
"I can't believe it either," you reply with a pensive shake of your head.
"Talk to me. How are you feeling?" Harry asks, taking a crunchy bite of toast. "Emotionally, I mean."
Talk to me. It's a three-word sentence he's been saying to you for years. He always wants to know how you're feeling whenever you bottle up your thoughts—anger, sorrow, or happiness. It has never changed, and it never fails to help immensely.
"I'm not as nervous as last time," you answer, closing your eyes when he starts playing with your hair. "I feel more prepared since I know what to expect, but it's terrifying that I'm doing it naturally this time."
He hums in acknowledgment. "That's completely valid. No one expects you to be one hundred percent confident when pushing a baby out, no matter how many times you've done it before. Just know that I'm eternally grateful that you've grown two beautiful babies for us. You're a superstar."
"Thanks. I just feel like—" You gasp suddenly, your hand quickly shooting to your side as another contraction hits.
"Okay," Harry says soothingly, grabbing your hand so you can squeeze his own. He quickly unlocks his phone to set a timer. "It's okay. Breathe with me."
You inhale and exhale through the internal pain, the tight cramping making you lean back against his chest. "Harry, it hurts," you cry as your other hand grips his knee. "Ow, ow, ow."
"I've got you. Just breathe through it." He lifts the hem of your oversized shirt and spreads his hand on your stomach. It's stretched beyond belief and has dropped significantly throughout the past week. "Focus on my breathing, all right? And relax your shoulders. They're too tense."
You breathe with him as he massages your lower back. Your face is getting hot and your throat is dry, but the only thing you can fully pinpoint is the penetrating pain.
"Tell me something. Please distract me."
Harry kisses your temple. "You look really pretty."
"Shut up," you mumble with a laugh that quickly turns into a groan of discomfort.
"I'm serious. I love how you look in the morning when the sun hits your face, like right now. It makes you glow even more than usual. And the way it brightens your eyes reminds me so much of our daughter." He turns your face so you're looking at him. "I see you in her all the time."
You smile weakly and rest your head on the dip between his neck and shoulder. "Yeah, but she has your bunny teeth."
His deep, comforting laugh vibrates against your back. "Mm, you'd be the one to notice that."
You just tiredly nod as the contraction subsides. You make a good guess that you're not close to labor yet because of how far apart and mild they've been so far. The midwife is only five minutes away, so there's no dire need for her to come and check on you.
"I think that one's done." You carefully sit up and release his hand. "How long was it?"
Harry checks his phone. "Forty-seven seconds."
"Short," you think aloud. "They've been irregular, so I think they might be Braxton Hicks."
He dramatically falls back onto the sand and spreads his arms out. "Does that mean no baby today?"
You snort and cuddle up next to him. "Soon. You have to be patient."
He's silent for a minute before asking, "Isn't sex supposed to induce labor?"
You scoff and swat at his chest. "I swear you asked me that last time."
"Oh, I definitely did. You rejected me and then literally didn't go into labor until a week later, remember? You should've listened to me."
"I don't think it would be enjoyable for either of us if we tried. I couldn't even walk down here without feeling like passing out."
Harry draws patterns on your belly with his finger, causing a response of fluttery kicks from the baby. "I know, I'm only joking. We don't have to be anywhere or do anything right now. Let's stay out here for a little bit, yeah?"
"Sounds like a plan," you mumble into his shoulder. The world around you drowns out like the shells under the waves as you focus on his heartbeat. The rhythmic thumping of your favorite part of him lulls you to sleep, his hand gently stroking your hair as time passes with each movement of the sun.
Your nerves wash away with each ocean tide, and you know everything will be all right.
7:03 PM 
The tub is ready.
You are not.
A shirtless Harry is already sitting in the circular birthing pool, looking like he's ready to deliver the baby himself. You've changed into your swimsuit and are now vaguely listening to what the midwife is telling you as you lean against the wall and suffer through another contraction—a particularly strong one that indicates you're going to start pushing soon.
Your water has already broken, and you're not quite sure why you're waiting until the very last second to get into the tub, but nothing in your mind is making sense due to the overwhelming pain. The bedroom is too small, the lights are too bright, the way Harry's dotingly looking at you is too much, and your body feels too weak even though it's about to perform the most vigorous exercise imaginable.
"We need you in the tub so I can check your dilation," says the midwife, snapping you out of your overthinking spiral.
"I-I can't," you reply helplessly. "I don't think I can do this. I don't want to do this."
You regret not just sucking it up and going to the hospital so they can inject you with an epidural.
"I am going to do everything I can to give you a safe and smooth delivery process," she assures you. "Your husband is waiting for you. He's going to be your support system the entire time, okay? Do you trust him to do that?"
You frantically nod your head—you've never trusted anyone more. "The water will help with the pain," she adds with a kind smile. "It will relax your muscles and make you feel very nice. Can you get in the tub for me? Harry will help you."
You look at him, seeing his slightly shaky hands beckon you closer. You swallow and take a deep breath before slowly approaching him. Equipment scatters the floor and the bed beside you—clean blankets, a tarp for the mess, towels, medical supplies, and a cup of ice.
Harry carefully helps you into the birthing tub, positioning you so your back is against his bare chest. Once you're situated in the lukewarm water, you focus on his heartbeat pounding double-time.
"I can't do this," you repeat as you slide your swimsuit bottoms off.
"Yes, you can," Harry says, kneading your shoulders. "It'll be so worth it. We'll have a baby boy or girl to hold tonight."
"I'm scared. What if something goes wrong? What if I can't handle the pain? What if I—"
"Hey," he scolds softly. "Please don't think like that. Remember last time? What did I tell you to do to distract yourself?"
"Count your tattoos."
"That's right. I've gotten quite a few more since then, so get to counting. Distract your mind from the pain. I'm not going anywhere."
You begin counting, starting with your name tattooed on his right thigh. You then grab his left arm and count all the small ones near his hand. The chrysanthemum on the inside of his wrist represents your daughter's birth flower, along with her date of birth written in cursive underneath. There's also the outline of a wave representing his home with you in California, where you built your life together. They all mean something near and dear to his heart.
The midwife brings you out of your trance when she leans over the pool and checks your dilation as Harry places comforting kisses on the back of your head. "You're about eight centimeters," she tells you after a few seconds of uncomfortable inspection.
"I feel like I need to push," you say timidly. "I feel the baby really low."
"We need to wait until you're ten centimeters," she replies. "If you can just hold out a little longer, it'll be much easier to push, okay?"
You nod and let out a long groan when the contraction moves from your lower back to your pelvis.
"Do you want your ice?" Harry asks.
"Yes, please."
He reaches behind him and grabs the cup filled with chipped ice. You begin chewing on a piece to cool your body temperature and force your brain to focus on something else.
Several minutes pass, with Harry whispering loving encouragements as the midwife talks you through what's about to happen. She allows you to exert tiny pushes while applying pressure to your abdomen. Everything goes in one ear and out the other, but you know the moment is almost here. There's no stopping now.
"Do you still feel like you need to push, honey?" the midwife asks, checking your dilation again.
"Yeah. Am I ten centimeters yet?"
"Just about. I'm going to have you push now."
You turn your head and stare at Harry with wide eyes. He messily captures your lips with his, then moves them near your ear. "I'm right behind you. Whatever you need, just let me know. If you need me to get out or scream at me—anything at all."
You look forward when the midwife parts your legs and encourages you to push using all of your strength.
The first push is the most agonizing. Your head throws itself back on Harry's shoulder as you grit your teeth and contract what feels like every muscle in your body. The midwife counts to ten, the seconds dragging on like minutes. Your face is scrunched up tight, and your legs are tense in the water. Harry softly counts in your ear, taking your left hand in his.
Breathe out for three. 
The second push feels like you're on fire, but not in a good way. The aching, cramping, and stinging pain shooting all over your body is borderline unbearable. It's felt externally, internally, and everywhere in between. You let a cry escape your mouth as the pain strikes your lower abdomen in full force. Harry kisses your ring finger and sets your hand on his heart.
Breathe out for three. 
The third push gets you the farthest. Your ringing ears distantly hear something along the lines of I can see the head, and you feel a sharp breath from Harry hitting your neck and a kiss behind your ear. When the midwife gets to number two, she pulls the head out. The burning sensation remains, but the most challenging part is out of the way.
Breathe out for three. 
The final push is when you give every ounce of energy you have left, squeezing both of Harry's hands so tightly that you're afraid you might break his bones. You're told to give your strongest and longest push, making your entire body rigid as you stop your breathing to make this the last one. Harry chants motivational words from behind you: They're almost here; you're doing so good; I love you. 
Then, all at once, there's release.
You quickly pull your baby up from under the water and cradle them against your heaving chest. You're shivering from the adrenaline, and your body feels bizarrely empty.
"It's a girl!" announces the midwife as she wipes and rubs her down with a towel.
The tears immediately fall. You hear Harry let out a quiet sob as he buries his face in your neck with trembling lips. With his forehead pressed to your skin, he sniffles while the sound of your baby girl's cries fills the room.
"Would Dad like to cut the cord?"
Harry nods and palms his tear-filled eyes. She passes tiny surgical scissors over to him and stretches the umbilical cord, showing him where to snip. He carefully moves out from behind you and releases an emotional breath as he opens the scissors, but he drops them in the tub because of his shaky hands.
"Sorry," he says with a choked laugh. He picks them up and tries again, successfully cutting the cord. The midwife cheers and begins setting things up for the after-birth process.
You cradle the back of your baby's head and cry with unspeakable happiness. "Hold her," you tell Harry now that she's detached.
He reaches his hands out, and you carefully pass her squirming body over to him. He seems almost lost in a trance for a second, but when her cries die down instantly once her skin meets his, he looks at you with the most breathtaking smile.
She clings to him like a lifeline, her cheek squished against his chest and her tiny hands spread on his collarbones. "Look," he whispers to you with watery eyes. "Look at her."
"I know. She loves you already."
His gaze is now focused on you, with an expression conveying so many emotions. You think he's never looked more beautiful.
"Thank you," he says.
Those two simple words are spoken with a heavy amount of sincerity. You know what they mean: Thank you for letting me be a father. Thank you for pushing through all the mental and physical changes again. Thank you for her. 
You smile and blink back more tears. "All in a day's work."
Harry shakes his head as his eyes dance over your face. "You're the strongest person I know. I've never seen anything more incredible than what you just did."
"Thank you for helping me through it."
"I always will," he says while stroking your baby girl's back with his large hand. It almost engulfs her entire body.
"Are you insinuating we're going to have more babies?"
"You know I'd have a million with you. You're fuckin' perfect."
You slap his arm lazily. "Don't swear."
He leans in until his forehead touches yours. "Give me a kiss."
"Your lips are dry."
He licks his lips, and you meet his mouth. He hums and grins into the kiss, pulling away from you with a glint in his eyes. "I love you so much," he murmurs before glancing at his daughter. "Both of you. My heart beats for my girls."
"I love you."
A tiny hand suddenly hits Harry's mouth. He sputters a laugh and grabs it, kissing it repeatedly until she lets out a gurgle. He laughs in disbelief and hikes her up to smell her head, the baby scent being one of his favorite parts about having a newborn.
"Already a daddy's girl," you slur tiredly, exhaustion finally catching up to you.
He puckers endless kisses onto her head. "Think I'll keep you forever, angel," he tells her. "Is that okay? Hmm? Gonna be my snuggle bug when I need it the most?"
Her eyes remain closed, and her lips smack as she lets out a silent cry. You look at Harry, and you find him absolutely mesmerized by her. Every small movement she makes, every change in facial expression, every noise that comes from her—he's watching it all with proud eyes and a permanent smile.
No other man would you want as your husband. No other man would you want to be the father of your babies.
8:40 PM
It's been a little over an hour since you gave birth, and since then, you've been moved to the bed after being cleaned up. You've just finished breastfeeding and now lie with her in your arms as you try to fall asleep next to Harry. He's still making calls to his loved ones to tell them the news, and each time he does, he gets emotional all over again when the person on the other line gasps or screams with joy.
He's wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, and part of his hair is held back with one of your daughter's pink butterfly clips. You're both running on empty but have never been more blissfully content as she sleeps, her body wrapped in a white swaddle and a baby beanie snug on her head.
The windows are open, letting the ocean breeze waft in and cool your body's dull ache. The midwife had been kind enough to bring you snacks, leaving ice water, a plate of crackers, and a bowl of strawberry yogurt for you on the nightstand. There was an instance when Harry asked for a spoonful of your yogurt, and when you fed it to him, some dropped onto your baby's cheek. You both broke into silent laughter until she got fussy from your movements. Or maybe it was from the cold dollop of yogurt on her sensitive skin. Either way, it was entertaining.
Now, you drift off beside him and feel the soft breaths of your baby girl on your breast as the linen curtains blow in time with the swelling waves meeting the shore.
"Are you awake?" Harry asks quietly after he ends another call.
"Barely," you whisper into his sleeve. It smells like heaven.
He kisses your temple and inhales deeply. "I just got off the phone with my boss. He says congratulations and to name her after him."
You release a laugh laced with drowsiness. "I don't think she'd appreciate being named after an ornery old man."
"True. That was the last call I needed to make, by the way." He scoots down the bed and gently nuzzles his head into your side. "Get some rest. I'll be quiet now."
"I don't want to miss anything," you say, even though your eyes have been involuntarily closing for the past ten minutes.
He lightly scratches up and down your arm. "She's sleeping, my love."
"I know, but what if she does something cute?"
"Then I'll wake you up."
"Promise?" Your eyes droop once again with overpowering fatigue.
"I promise." He seals it with a tender kiss on your shoulder. "You need—"
A knock on the bedroom door interrupts him and makes your head turn toward the sound. The knob jiggles for a few seconds before the door slowly opens with a creak to reveal your daughter standing there. She's holding her favorite blanket, her thumb tucked in her mouth. You assume Harry's mother must have just arrived and is letting her have some alone time with the both of you.
"Hi, lovebug," Harry says softly. "Come here. We've got a surprise for you."
She cautiously shuffles over to the edge of the bed and inspects the sleeping bundle in your arms. "Did you have fun with Grandma today?" you ask her.
She nods distractedly, her eyes still glued to the baby. Harry smiles and picks her up, setting her on his lap. "That's your baby sister," he explains. "You're officially a big sister now."
She looks at him. "Where?"
He lets out a breathy chuckle and shifts her closer to the baby. "Right here, sweetheart. She's sleeping, so you have to be quiet."
"Oh," she whispers. You and Harry exchange smiles.
"Isn't she pretty?" you ask.
"Yeah." Her voice is still a whisper as she pokes the baby's fists. "So little."
"She is," Harry says with a sniffle. "You were once that little. You have no idea how perfectly you fit in my arms."
You kiss her cherubic cheek. "Do you want to hold her?"
She glances at Harry as if to ask for permission, and he nods his head in encouragement. He positions her between the two of you, and then you maneuver the baby into her arms while ensuring the head is supported.
The sight is something out of a dream. How attentive she is to her new baby sister, admiring her like a delicate flower, examining her closely like a beautiful specimen, gently touching her nose and puckered lips. She keeps looking at you and Harry when the baby wiggles or makes a noise, a look of pure innocence and curiosity that brings more heartfelt tears to your eyes.
You eventually peel your gaze away from her and find Harry staring at you. A tear falls from his bottom eyelashes, his nostrils flaring from residual emotions hitting him. Reaching over, you thumb away the teardrop and focus on the bay window. The sun has dived below the darkening horizon, allowing stars to faintly dot the sky. Cicadas buzz in nearby bushes, and the night tides of the ocean collide with the sand that will soon be illuminated by the moon.
It's quiet in the bedroom, with nothing but the sound of soft breathing and the occasional coo from the baby. Your family of three is now four, and you've never felt more full of love. The world around you is serene, just like it was during the sunrise before she came into the world.
California dusk has brought you an angel.
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brittle-doughie · 2 years ago
Heya! Sorry for requesting if the request box is closed since I don't really know if it opens and it's my first time requesting! But, after seeing that rivalry between Ninja Cookie and Hero Cookie post, can I request something like that but with Ice Captain and Pirate Cookie (both are really underrated & I love them both!)? Like maybe the reader is just a average sailor who is stuck in a love triangle between the two?
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The Greedy or the Honorable (Pirate Cookie vs. Captain Ice Cookie)
You really didn’t know what happened…
You were just sailing on the waters in your little boat, hoping to at least get a glimpse of the rumored Tower of Frozen Waves, you’ve been learning anything you could about this tower amidst the sea and today was the day you’re going to see it with your own eyes, you were even going to photograph it…when you felt a bump against your boat! A pirate ship!
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“Avast ye! It be a little dingy next to my ship! Board it and see what ye can find, mateys!”
OH NO. OH NO. You hurry into your small cabin and grab your swashbuckler sword right before your cabin door bursts open to a group of ghost pirates. You pointed your weapon at them, to ur shaking as you did so.
You told them to stay back! You had a weapon and you knew how to use it! This wasn’t your first rodeo with thieves in the sea! Pirate Cookie stood at the front of the group, a grin on his face as he fiddled with his mustache.
“I admire yer courage, lad/lass. But yer still outnumbered, KHAHA!”
He was right…and that’s how you ended up on his ship, packed with his phantom crew mates. The only other passengers were this crab and a another cookie, he mentioned their name was…Sorbet Shark Cookie?
It took a lot of prying, but he got you to talk about your trip to the Tower of Frozen Waves. He’s seen the map when he boarded your ship, you two had the same goal in mind! You can take your photograph and he can take the treasure at the top!
He promises that he won’t hurt you as long as you help him out with what you knew about the tower as well. Don’t be a stranger now, have a glass of juice with him to calm the air!
Sorbet Shark Cookie seems to like you at least, even if you couldn’t understand a word they were saying. You got the message when they took a seat on your lap.
Now that he’s gotten a good look at you, you’re not a bad Cookie to look at all, compared to what he’s seen on these waters that’s for sure! You appreciated his compliments..you guess?
You…asked if he’ll let you go after he’s gotten the treasure.
“Ahh, I’m still thinkin’ about it. Ye could make a great addition to me crew!”
Oh dear.
Suddenly, the door to the cabin bursts open!
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“GAH! Captain Ice Cookie! Make a run fer it, mateys!”
You’d probably be out the window if Sorbet Shark Cookie wasn’t clinging to your side the whole way!
Something compelled you to keep Sorbet safe, so you tried to roll with it by lifting them up onto your shoulders! You were just about to reach for the window-
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“Stragglers? You two, stop!”
You didn’t know if the events that happened before were going to get worse from here as you and Sorbet are taken aboard this Captain Ice’s ship. It look like a tidier ship at least..you clutched Sorbet close to your side, who was bubbling about something.
They were worried, you were too.
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Captain Ice didn’t know what to think of you, you didn’t look like one of Pirate Cookie’s goons, at least more then Sorbet Shark Cookie. Your sailor outfit looks more akin to her own sailors’ uniforms, were you..kidnapped by Pirate Cookie? She had to know.
“Do you know Pirate Cookie?”
Only for the few hours you’ve met him since he pulled you from your ship!
“So you were a hostage..tell me, did he hurt you in any way?”
No, surprisingly enough. He said he wouldn’t if you helped with the treasure at the top of the Tower of Frozen Waves.
“Of course…and what were you doing sailing towards here?”
You were just hoping to catch sight of the tower yourself and hopefully take a picture of it. It was going to look great in your scrapbook you can tell her that!
“If that really is what you’re planning, then you better stick with me. You’re much better off then with Pirate Cookie, he’d toss you aside fast if it meant treasure was in his hands.”
She said this as she planted a hand on your shoulder, a calm expression on her face. You shivered at the touch, were you really safer with Captain Ice?
You swear Captain Ice is watching you like a hawk. Step out onto the deck? She was quick to pull you close to her, advising that it was dangerous to lean over the port side.
She was insistent that you stuck by her at all times, you can’t let your guard down on the water, so count on her to have your back!
You managed to reunite with Sorbet and they’ve brought along someone new, Peppermint Cookie. Captain Ice can’t lie to herself, it was endearing seeing you tend to the two little ones, even if one of them was a pirate.
She’s decided that it was too risky to return you to your ship, so you’re sticking with her until her ship returns to port. Who knows what will happen when a cookie as..delightful as you were is left alone at sea.
And when the Captain Ice and Pirate meet at the tower…
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“Y/N Cookie! There ye are! I be worried about-GAH! Captain Ice Cookie!”
Captain Ice gets in front of you, protectively so.
“You’re not getting to them! They told me all about how you kidnapped them from their ship!”
“Ah, ye have it all wrong! I were simply..erm..providing hospitality to a lonely sailor like they there! They and I got along nicely afterwards!”
“They told me you’d keep them hostage until you’ve reached the treasure! That’s what all this is about, then you’ll discard them like they’re nothing!”
“I..I be doin’ nothing of the sort! They help me get the treasure and they be part of me crew!”
“Absolutely not! Pirates like you can’t be trusted! They’re better off with me and my crew!”
Wha…what?! That wasn’t what she said earlier!
“Leave them be! They go with me crew!”
“Never! They’re staying with me!”
“It’s fer the best ye don’t get yer grubby mitts on them!”
“Like yours are any better!”
As they bickered, Sorbet silently nudged you and gave you your camera back. You took a quick snapshot of the tower before you before silently making your way to the stairs to the lower floors.
You bolted down the tower after giving a brief goodbye to Peppermint and Sorbet, with the two cookies giving chase.
You spotted your boat still tied to Pirate’s. GREAT!
You hopped on, quickly turn around to take a quick snapshot of the tower in all of its glory before you undid the tie and started sailing!
NOPE. YOU WERE OUT! You turned to the base of the tower as Pirate and Captain Ice watched you from there. You bid them adieu as you sailed off!
They were sailing after you, they were GODDAMN SAILING AFTER YOU!
You just wanted a photo for Tree’s sake!
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snapghoul · 7 months ago
Heyyy. I've been so obsessed with the seresin twins. They've taken over my life, and I love it.
I've got a question, though. How did Tyler react to Jake coming out? Gimme all the headconnons.
Me too, I’ve been consumed by them and I will gladly share them for those who love em ❤️
How Jake’s coming out was a lot far less rocky than he’d originally thought.
Note: writing snarky banter between Bradley and Jake is so hard like it looks cringy to me but then I remember how cheesy their banter was in the movie and I feel better about it.
Warnings: foul language, internalized homophobia and homophobia
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Jake had always sensed that he wasn’t attracted to women. Growing up in a small Texas town, he had a few girlfriends, but none of those relationships ever felt right. He dated primarily to fit in, rather than out of genuine interest. While he could acknowledge that some girls were conventionally attractive, he never felt any real attraction.
His first kiss with a girl, in freshman year of high school, was a moment of clarity for him—it didn't feel right, but he initially chalked it up to inexperience. He tried to replicate the experience several times, hoping it would change.
It wasn't until college that he found himself in a situation where he almost all the way with a girl, only to back out because he felt uncomfortable and disinterested. This experience made him realize he wasn’t into women at all. It was shortly after this that he shared his first kiss with a guy, which felt more genuine and right.
He remained closeted to his parents for two years.
Jake was relieved to find that his parents were surprisingly accepting when he finally mustered the courage to come out. As he fought back tears, his mother reassured him, “I already knew, dear. As long as you find someone who loves and cares for you, I’m happy to welcome them.”
His father’s response was a bit more blunt but equally supportive: “The second they lay a hand on you, I’m grabbing the shotgun.”
Not everyone was accepting at Sophia’s wedding. A few aunts, uncles, and cousins cast disapproving glances and made hurtful comments as Jake’s boyfriend stood by his side, their arms linked. Sophia did her best to keep the comments away from Jake but in the end he experienced his first true heartbreak after that, his boyfriend breaking up with him due to the homophobia in his family.
But Tyler had always been different. He’d known something was up the moment Jake came home after his first kiss with a girl, he saw the hint of confusion and disgust in his eyes. Although he didn’t have a name for it back then, he recognized that girls weren’t for his brother. Tyler was also the first person Jake called at 2 a.m. when he was overwhelmed.
“Ty, I just—I kissed a guy, and honestly, I think I’m gay, and I don’t know what to do. Shit, Ma and Dad are gonna be pissed—”
“Jake, slow down and breathe,” Tyler said. He stayed up until 6 a.m., helping Jake calm down and reassuring him that everything would be okay.
“Ty, do you care that I might be—no, that I am gay?” Jake asked shakily, fearing his twin’s reaction.
“No, Jake, I don’t. Honestly, I’ve had my suspicions for a while, and I don’t care who you love. Remember Mr. Henes and Mr. Wright?”
“Yeah, they ran the rodeo… wait really?”
“Yup, and they’ve been married for thirty years, that explains some of the looks they got but they didn’t care! They did their thing and let no one stop them. Jake, why should it matter that you like guys?”
“I don’t know… because it’s not right?”
“No, you know what ain’t right? Telling people who they can or can’t love. That includes you. If you like him and he makes you happy, then go for it. If you feel it, chase it!”
“Christ, what kind of cheesy movie did you pull that from? ‘If you feel it, chase it?’”
“I actually just made it up. I like it, though. It can apply to a lotta things.”
Jake chuckled, and they sat in silence for a moment.
“Want to hear about the field science I’m doing? My class has us studying cloud microphysics, so I’m just walking around taking pictures of the sky. It’s actually pretty fun! I’d much rather be out here than stuck in a stuffy classroom.”
Without missing a beat, Tyler shifted the conversation from Jake’s anxiety, taking it with him and letting the moment of calm settle between them.
Bonus: Jake panics over a certain chicken.
Jake tried to keep his cool, reminding himself, Play it cool, play it cool, Jake. He’s watching! Holy shit he’s coming over!
Bradley fucking Bradshaw had an uncanny ability to fluster Jake, driving him insane. There was something about the guy that made Jake lose his composure. Jake had felt this before, but never to this extent; the way Bradley moved, talked, and just existed made Jake feel cornered. When Jake felt cornered, he relied on his greatest defense: his offense.
“Y’know, Rooster, if you’d just hop off that perch of yours, maybe you’d actually be a decent pilot. Instead, you just sit there, waiting for something that never comes.”
Bradley’s expression darkened, his frustration clear as his feathers metaphorically ruffled at Jake’s jabs.
Seriously!? Rooster?! What kind of name is that? Not cool! Not cool! Don’t piss him off! Jake thought, desperately trying to regain his composure.
Wait, why is that look kinda hot? No! No! Jake, stop it! But damn, he looks good.
Bradley’s irritation flared. “If only you’d stop leaving your wingman hanging, Hangman. Maybe you’d actually get someone who feels comfortable enough to fly with you. But hey, no one wants to fly with a wingman who hangs them out to dry.”
Jake’s jaw tightened as Bradley closed in on him. Hangman?! I don’t leave them hanging! I always come back…
Bradley’s proximity made Jake’s heart race. Holy shit—he’s much bigger up close. Jake tried to focus on not letting his growing attraction show, but it was getting harder by the second.
Bradley took Jake’s silence as a victory and gave him a hard shoulder check as he walked by. That was the moment Rooster and Hangman were born—along with Jake’s frustrating attraction to Bradley Bradshaw.
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lunawolfiefoxy · 1 year ago
Silly headcanons for LU boys!
Time: While he claims to fear nothing, if he saw Princess Ruto, he'd be running for the hills shouting "Not today demon!". He calls Malon "wifey" as his main pet name for her, but will also call her "Sweets" "darling" and "love"
Warriors: He's trans. Fight me on that. My guy has gotten the surgeries he can pay for, and he's happy about that. He also grew up in a more dangerous place so he knows a lot more than he lets on. He's an amazing pick-pocket and can, if he wanted to, stab you literally in the back without even Wolfie or Wild know he was there. Sneaky sneaky. His fear, because I thought it was funny and because he doesn't know the difference between a cow and a bull and has seen too many rodeos as a kid, is cows.
Twilight: SUPER delicate. For how strong he is, he has no idea if one hug will squish someone. He also, even though he's been told not to, will juggle the goats. Don't worry, he asks beforehand to make sure the goats will be okay with it. Twilight is also a HUGE Mama's boy. While he loves his father Time *cough cough*, getting validation from MALON sends him to the stars. Lastly, his fear, because as Wolfie he accidentally breathed them in, is ants.
Sky: We all know him for being sweet and kind and a total beast when someone hurts those he loves, but he also, after hurting those people, will apologize for hurting them cause he suddenly feels really guilty about it. Sometimes, if he gets the chance, he'll carve minifigures of the others and hide them in his pouch, when the others finally found out, his pouch was overflowing with animals, but mostly them. Sky would be the type of person to carve the lead in pencils. His fear, scarecrows. Do I need to say more?
Legend: Oh boy, here we go, Legend is autistic. That's the main thing. Anytime his orchard gives a good production of apples, he gets really excited and will word vomit to anyone close by most of the time it's Ravio since they live together and are dating. He may be an awful cook, but his baking skills can challenge even Wild. He mainly bakes apple desserts, but loves to try new recipes, as long as no one gets in his way. He's a big neat freak and feels really embarrassed when someone sees his house as a mess. Being a hoarder and a neat freak is hard though, so he ends up trying to clean everything and it looks barely better then before. His moto, like mine, is: "if I don't do it now, it'll never get done." Which leads him to collapsing from exhaustion because he tries to do everything at once. Legend has bad joints, surprise surprise, so he drinks tea in the morning and at night to counter that. Because of this cute story I read, I think that whenever Legend is around people that he loves, in a home that he feels safe in, because of a side effect of being Bunny, he will fall asleep right then and there. Finally, Legend fears thunderstorm, for obvious reasons, loosing more people he loves, quite obvious, and Cuccos, also obvious.
Hyrule: Also a Mama's boy. Even though he doesn't know his Mama, though he soon will, he likes to hang around Malon when on the farm and ask all the questions he can think of. He can't read, like most believe, or write, but he is surprisingly really good at interpretation and reading lips. His fear, water, poor baby can't swim and has had too much trauma around it.
Wild: This one's a lot too. Wild is also autistic, and a huge introvert. When first introduced to the chain, he either ran away, or would hide in trees most of the time out of fear of them. Wild actually collects makeup, and dresses, and is really good at hair and applying makeup, though he can't do his own hair for squat. Wild has insanely good hearing from "growing up" in the middle of nowhere, and acts animalistic, ex: growling when he feels he's in danger, whimpering when in pain, when he yelps it sounds more like a yip, curling up in a tight ball when he sleeps. Wild, though he hunts a lot, actually really loves animals, and takes care to only hunt the animals if there are too many, or if the animal is sick or injured beyond repair. When he has a memory, his heart stops and he stops breathing, almost like his spirit has been transported to that point in time. Super supporter in anything, unless it's something that's harmful to his family, ex: transphobia, homophobia, making sexual comments to those who are asexual and/or not interested. Is afraid of anything that reminds him of the Shrine of Resurrection.
Four: Any and every time he exits a portal, his mind splits so the colors are there, but Four is physically the only one there. His shadow always seems to move on its own, and he sometimes talks to it when he's feeling down. If he's given a recipe, he's a decent cook, but without one, his food would turn out like Hyrule's. When he's not spilt, his fingernails are painted. Thumb black, pointer green, middle blue, ring violet, pinky red. When at the farm, he snatches all of the groups armor, weapons, and shields and repairs them, otherwise his favorite chore is to tend to the horses. His fear, I think it's obvious, loosing more people he loves.
Wind: The air around him always smells of salt, and he never seems to run out of energy. Though he hates being the youngest of the group, he does take advantage of it to get away with doing stupid things, until he gets hurt, then he gets in trouble. Being youngest, he obviously gets baby, but there are times where he is the one babying one of the others, and those are times he uses to manipulate the others. He is a pirate, pirate equals treasure hunter, also pick-pocket, also knowing every swear in the book, also having a flask of rum. When the others learn of this, Time confiscates his flask until he discovers non-alcoholic stuff that tastes the same, never telling Wind. Wind's fear, Time's disappointed look.
I wrote this in my headcanon age order, do what you wish with this 😈
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peoplesgraves · 6 months ago
After The Show
Yandere Cowgirl X Rodeo Clown Reader X Yandere Rodeo Queen
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Sequel to: First Day Jitters
Your first performance had gone surprisingly well. Anytime you'd get nervous or a joke didn't quite land you'd just look at jean and quinn. They were in the very front row the entire time cheering you on and terrifying anyone who doesn't laugh at one of your jokes or worse, heckles you.
When the performance ends you should probably go to your dressing room but instead you rush towards the duo. Maybe it was the adrenaline talking but all you could think about was sharing the joy of a show gone well with them. You wrap your arms around each of them and they hug back without hesitation.
"You were amazing!" Quinn squeeze you extra tight before pulling away. She puts both her hands on your cheek and squishes lightly. She barely holds back a coo at how cute you look.
Jean pulls away and nods. "You were so beautiful up there. Are you tired?" She pulls a bottle of water from...well you're not exactly sure where. She hands it to you and you drink it without hesitation, the two just seemed so trustworthy after all.
You shake your head at the pair, the adrenaline of a performance gone well pushing you forward animatedly. "Nope! All I can think about is how to make my next show even better than the first"
Quinn hums linking her arm around yours, beginning to pull you out of the arena while Jena follows dutifully behind, smiling dreamily at the sight. "At least take the makeup before you do? You do look very beautiful but ones skin can't breath through face paint."
Soon enough you're back at the entrance to the small dressing room already half asleep in the pairs arms. At first you'd thought the sudden lack of energy was simply the adrenaline leaving but now you couldn't think at all. So tired and only able to lean back into jeans for support while Quinn quickly wipes your stage makeup off.
You don't notice in your drugged haze but the pair were smiling, at you, at themselves and most especially at each other. Each content that the cute clown they so quickly become enamored with was in there arms at once, after watching the entire crowd fall in love with you they'd had no choice but do to something
You don't notice in your drugged haze but the pair were smiling, at you, at themselves and most especially at each other. Each content that the cute clown they so quickly become enamored with was in there arms at once, after watching the entire crowd fall in love with you they'd had no choice but do to something like this, too afraid to lose what they'd only just found.
Quinn flitters around happily collecting your things and talking a mile a minute about what it'll be like, just the three of you on Jeans big, secluded ranch. Jean is silent, her arms around you and humming some song quietly to soothe you. Basking in the feeling of warmth and joy emanating from Quinn and herself. A feeling you'd given them. They'd make sure to do the same in return once you were all home.
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halothenthehorns · 26 days ago
Somnus Will Kill You In Your Sleep
Hera Tasted Better Than A Snausage
“May I read?” Hazel asked.
Thalia handed the book over without hesitation to anyone who wanted to volunteer for this madness. Jason was still sitting there with a vague look of dread on his face, too relieved Piper wasn’t here to drop dead by associating with him.
Nico watched her take the book and begin to read with a vague sense of horror. He always loathed when it was his turn, the thing felt cursed to insure he got the worst of his own life and Percy’s. He hadn’t thought to pull her aside and warn her of that!
JASON AND THE REDHEAD, WHO INTRODUCED herself as Rachel, put Piper on the couch while Annabeth rushed down the hall to get a med kit. Piper was still breathing, but she wouldn’t wake up. She seemed to be in some kind of coma.
“We’ve got to heal her,” Jason insisted. “There’s a way, right?”
Seeing her so pale, barely breathing, Jason felt a surge of protectiveness. 
Jason had felt responsible for both her and Leo the moment he knew they existed in his strange little life. It grew more obvious by the hour Juno had somehow orchestrated them all together, and that only made all his growing confusion and horror at his life double for each of them being tacked in like this! If his life had been forfeited to be a goddess’s play thing, so be it, but what had they done to deserve this?
Maybe he didn’t really know her. Maybe she wasn’t his girlfriend. But they’d survived the Grand Canyon together. They’d come all this way. He’d left her side for a little while, and this had happened.
Chiron put his hand on her forehead and grimaced. “Her mind is in a fragile state. Rachel, what happened?”
“I wish I knew,” she said. “As soon as I got to camp, I had a premonition about Hera’s cabin. I went inside. Annabeth and Piper came in while I was there. We talked, and then—I just blanked out. Annabeth said I spoke in a different voice.”
“A prophecy?” Chiron asked.
“No. The spirit of Delphi comes from within. I know how that feels. This was like long distance, a power trying to speak through me.”
It had been the last thing they’d heard at the bottom of the ocean, and it felt just as crazy to hear now as it was then. Hera was doing such unparalleled interference, decimating the wheel the gods had always run in, that she was slowly tearing the fabric of their universe apart!
Hazel was reading with nothing but sympathy in her voice. She seemed casual enough about this catastrophic event like this wasn’t her first rodeo. It made the whole experience all at once detached and more bearable to wrap their heads around.
Annabeth ran in with a leather pouch. She knelt next to Piper. “Chiron, what happened back there—I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve heard Rachel’s prophecy voice. This was different. She sounded like an older woman. She grabbed Piper’s shoulders and told her—”
“To free her from a prison?” Jason guessed.
Annabeth stared at him. “How did you know that?”
“Hey look, a question you can finally answer,” Percy sighed.
“Yipee. One down a hundred to go,” Jason agreed.
Chiron made a three-fingered gesture over his heart, like a ward against evil.
It had been so long since Grover had done such a thing and Percy had started doing it too. This felt like a great time to bring it back honestly.
“Jason, tell them. Annabeth, the medicine bag, please.”
Chiron trickled drops from a medicine vial into Piper’s mouth while Jason explained what had happened when the room froze—the dark misty woman who had claimed to be Jason’s patron.
When he was done, no one spoke, which made him more anxious.
“I hope you know what a big deal that is now to stun her silent,” Thalia told Jason.
“Her and Chiron together? Yeah, the dead man continues to pull off walking miracles,” Jason frowned.
“So does this happen often?” he asked. “Supernatural phone calls from convicts demanding you bust them out of jail?”
“Surprisingly no,” Will said. “Probably from the lack of cell phones though.”
“One of these days when this place actually sets up a hotline, I’ll make that extension three,” Jason smirked. Percy kicked him and muttered about having hoped that joke would die already.
“Your patron,” Annabeth said. “Not your godly parent?”
“No, she said patron. She also said my dad had given her my life.”
Annabeth frowned. “I’ve never heard of anything like that before. You said the storm spirit on the skywalk—he claimed to be working for some mistress who was giving him orders, right? Could it be this woman you saw, messing with your mind?”
“It’s not impossible,” Annabeth murmured, ignoring the odd looks she got for agreeing with herself even when being wrong. Not all monsters wanted to straight up kill them, some liked their minds to be broken when they chowed down.
“I don’t think so,” Jason said. “If she were my enemy, why would she be asking for my help? She’s imprisoned. She’s worried about some enemy getting more powerful. Something about a king rising from the earth on the solstice—”
Annabeth turned to Chiron. “Not Kronos. Please tell me it’s not that.”
The centaur looked miserable. He held Piper’s wrist, checking her pulse.
At last he said, “It is not Kronos. That threat is ended. But …”
“You remember when Chiron was all pleased at being called Master Chiron! Yeah, I say we revoke anyone doing that until he stops using the word but! Seems a fair trade!” Percy’s little rant was punctuated by Jason nodding along. Annabeth silently filed away a warning for Chiron when these two cornered him later.
“But what?” Annabeth asked.
Chiron closed the medicine bag. “Piper needs rest. We should discuss this later.”
“Or now,” Jason said. “Sir, Mr. Chiron,
“That sounds so weird,” Leo muttered.
“It’s, proper,” but Will’s confused voice clearly meant  he agreed.
 you told me the greatest threat was coming. The last chapter. You can’t possibly mean something worse than an army of Titans, right?”
“Oh,” Rachel said in a small voice. “Oh, dear. The woman was Hera. Of course. Her cabin, her voice. She showed herself to Jason at the same moment.”
“Hera?” Annabeth’s snarl was even fiercer than Seymour’s. “She took you over? She did this to Piper?”
“I think Rachel’s right,” Jason said. “The woman did seem like a goddess. And she wore this—this goatskin cloak. That’s a symbol of Juno, isn’t it?”
“It is?” Annabeth scowled. “I’ve never heard that.”
“Someone needs to read up on her Roman mythology,” Jason seemed oddly smug for finally knowing something she didn’t.
“We will discuss this later,” Annabeth agreed, and if her snarl’s were scary, her studying face to fill in these gaps should have sent Jason running. He only grinned. Percy and Thalia resigned themselves to never seeing the two alive again when that happened. 
Chiron nodded reluctantly. “Of Juno, Hera’s Roman aspect, in her most warlike state. The goatskin cloak was a symbol of the Roman soldier.”
“Why would you guys fight in goatskin? Did you run out of armor?” Percy asked in concern.
“Symbol of war Percy,” Jason patiently corrected. “Like raising a white flag in peace, adorning a goatskin meant we’re at war.” His mind nagged at him to fill in the rest, he knew if he just had a moment to think past the blinding pain in his temple he could ramble on for an hour what all Juno meant to his people, important symbols of his camp…but he couldn’t collect the ideas together any better, and Hazel wasn’t going to sit around and let himself torture his mind over this.
“So Hera is imprisoned?” Rachel asked. “Who could do that to the queen of the gods?”
Annabeth crossed her arms. “Well, whoever they are, maybe we should thank them. If they can shut up Hera—”
There was some reluctant laughter around the room, but Leo only offered a half-hearted mention of a fruit basket. “Even shut up didn’t actually seem to shut her up, so, guess there was no real getting out of it.” Annabeth agreed with a scowl.
“Annabeth,” Chiron warned, “she is still one of the Olympians. In many ways, she is the glue that holds the gods’ family together. 
“Clearly that glue needs an upgrade! Has she tried gorilla? I can probably whip her up with a new brand that smells like burnt feathers, and won’t ever peel.” Leo didn’t have to be around a place long to understand hierarchy. This place was a mess, very obviously meaning someone at the top wasn’t doing their job well.
“Only if we can use it to seal her mouth shut for a few centuries,” Nico sighed.
“Didn’t she throw Hephaestus off Olympus Mountain!” Percy reminded. “I don’t want to be part of that side of the family!”
“Couldn't have said it better myself, and yet, we are kind of stuck with her. More for the balance of power than anything,” Will sighed. “If Hera perished, the others would all destroy each other. Any of the gods really.”
It was a truly miserable feeling to hear Will saying that with such dire exhaustion in his voice. He’d have been one to happily leave her in that cage for what she’d once done to Nico, to any number who’d have died in that Labyrinth just because Hera hadn’t given a blanket pass in that ranch, but rescuing her had also put a step in saving his dad. He’d fight for the balance of peace if nothing else.
If she truly has been imprisoned and is in danger of destruction, this could shake the foundations of the world. It could unravel the stability of Olympus, which is never great even in the best of times. And if Hera has asked Jason for help—”
“Fine,” Annabeth grumbled. “Well, we know Titans can capture a god, right? Atlas captured Artemis a few years ago. And in the old stories, the gods captured each other in traps all the time. But something worse than a Titan … ?”
Jason looked at the leopard’s head. Seymour was smacking his lips like the goddess had tasted much better than a Snausage. 
“Someone had to think she was worth something eventually,” Thalia smirked.
“Hera said she’d been trying to break through her prison bonds for a month.”
“Which is how long Olympus has been closed,” Annabeth said. “So the gods must know something bad is going on.”
“Zeus can’t be allowing this again?” Jason looked ill. “After the last time he waited until the last second to acknowledge Kronos being back! Now it’s his wife missing! There must be something going on with the council!”
Thalia’s bow began flickering in and out of existence in her clenched hands. Their vow not to ever oppose their father had saved everyone’s life…but the cost already felt too high. If Jason wanted to have words with Zeus, or Jupiter whatever, about this, he would always have to mind his tongue. Forever having to be very careful not to let Zeus even think of it as a threat, or Jason could die on the spot. By saving their life, he’d pretty much just put them under his thumb forever.
Percy’s anger flamed white hot again, nearly sending him back out of his seat to Olympus with a new target in mind. He’d probably make the king and queen a two for one special at this point. He should have thought of a way to make Zeus promise to stop being useless!
This repeat of a failure on the king of the gods part felt like the salt ripped out of his body, like his reward for saving the world was only to have it turn on its head and try to die a new horrible way with all his friends at the center!
Zeus was the obvious target, the only one who should have this kind of power to make the ret of the gods back down and vanish, but the rest of them at least wanted to hope there was something else going on, some other power rather than thinking it was really the exact same god making the exact same  mistake…
Annabeth couldn’t stand to watch him temper his anger alone and dragged her beanbag back to his side where it was always going to end up. He sighed and ran his fingers over her braid and muttered a few more oaths. So long as he was missing from the picture, he knew his real obligation was to hear all this out.
“But why use her energy to send me here?” Jason asked. “She wiped my memory, plopped me into the Wilderness School field trip, and sent you a dream vision to come pick me up. Why am I so important? Why not just send up an emergency flare to the other gods—let them know where she is so they bust her out?”
“Same reason Artemis couldn’t. There’s no guarantee another god would care to get the message at worst, or at best literally couldn’t intervene if it involves  certain threats, like the end of the world! Gods forbid they intervene!” Thalia scowled.
Jason didn’t feel particularly important having those answers in hand. It had gotten friends killed, though he’d never particularly known what to make of Alex and Magnus, he still felt responsible for them. Juno hadn’t even seemed grateful for the rescue. She’d just spent their brief moments alone to tell him to brace himself for more to come!
“The gods need heroes to do their will down here on earth,” Rachel said. “That’s right, isn’t it? Their fates are always intertwined with demigods.”
“Someone needs a new quark-board, I’ll bring the string,” Leo frowned. Jason was clearly not thrilled about where all his dots were being connected, and that sucked for him. He’d personally like to attach his to a nice summer island filled with beautiful women, but he had to find out who the goddess of that was first.
“That’s true,” Annabeth said, “but Jason’s got a point. Why him? Why take his memory?”
Jason felt the tension in him he wished he could release. He knew why. He hated that it even made a sick kind of sense. He wanted to snap it hadn’t been that crucial, that if he and Percy had just been told to work together to save Juno they would have become friends, but he knew it was more of a childish wish. They’d barely reached the general understanding not to kill each other locked in a room with no escape until the animosity had died down among their shared experiences. 
“And Piper’s involved somehow,” Rachel said. “Hera sent her the same message—Free me. And, Annabeth, this must have something to do with Percy’s disappearing.”
Annabeth fixed her eyes on Chiron. “Why are you so quiet, Chiron? What is it we’re facing?”
The old centaur’s face looked like it had aged ten years in a matter of minutes. The lines around his eyes were deeply etched. “My dear, in this, I cannot help you. I am so sorry.”
That still hurt. The way he’d remained quiet and distant since she’d come back, since he’d laid eyes on Jason. She hated the sudden restraints she could feel keeping him at arms length. She had Percy back, but her home still felt like it was holding its breath waiting for her to screw this all up with Chiron’s sad eyes only watching.
Annabeth blinked. “You’ve never … you’ve never kept information from me. Even the last great prophecy—”
“What is this Great Prophecy everyone keeps going on about?” Hazel asked. Annabeth had seemed pretty excited Leo had something to do with it. It was growing easier by the page to tell Leo and Sammy apart. Sammy had never been able to set himself on fire anyways, that she knew of.
“It’s… a long story,” Percy sighed, really not up to discussing Luke anymore than he already had. 
“A prophecy about the world,” Jason explained more eloquently. “Percy just wrapped up one, apparently setting the next one in motion.”
“Oh,” Hazel said blankly. “Thank you for saving the world.”
“Your welcome,” Percy shrugged. “Don’t recommend.”
“I will be in my office.” His voice was heavy. 
Percy wrapped his arms tight around her and wished he had all the answers for her as she leaned into his side. 
“At least now you know how Percy always feels,” but there was only a half-hearted tease in Jason’s voice at best. He’d never be as good as Percy at breaking up a room with laughter.
“I need some time to think before dinner. Rachel, will you watch the girl? Call Argus to bring her to the infirmary, if you’d like. And Annabeth, you should speak with Jason. Tell him about—about the Greek and Roman gods.”
“But …”
The centaur turned his wheelchair and rolled off down the hallway. Annabeth’s eyes turned stormy. She muttered something in Greek, and Jason got the feeling it wasn’t complimentary toward centaurs.
“You remember the good old days when the book explicitly said how she cussed people out,” Will chuckled. “Jason’s life seems soft in comparison.”
“I’m so sorry Will, I’ll make sure you hear in detail what I say next time,” Annabeth said with a pleasant smile that sent chills down his spine. 
Nico couldn't help but laugh and say, “sure, add it to his repertoire, see who he uses it on next. You can’t mock him for it then.”
Jason laughed along with his friends, easily covering up the strange feeling of being left out that the book likely hadn’t translated the swear because he couldn’t. His brain would get snippets at best of Greek.
“I’m sorry,” Jason said. “I think my being here—I don’t know. I’ve messed things up coming to the camp, somehow. 
“You don’t have to apologize for that, it’s not your fault,” Thalia assured.
Jason knew that was a partial lie and she was just saying it for being his sister. The weight of all the kids at this camp now relying on him to fix this didn’t feel new in the slightest.
Chiron said he’d sworn an oath and couldn’t talk about it.”
“What oath?” Annabeth demanded. “I’ve never seen him act this way. And why would he tell me to talk to you about the gods...”
Her voice trailed off. Apparently she’d just noticed Jason’s sword sitting on the coffee table. She touched the blade gingerly, like it might be hot.
“Is this gold?” she said. “Do you remember where you got it?”
“No,” Jason said. “Like I said, I don’t remember anything.”
Annabeth nodded, like she’d just come up with a rather desperate plan. 
“Oh no,” Percy said with a sorry look at Jason like he wouldn’t be surprised to hear of him growing an arm out of his forehead in his near future.
Jason sighed and tucked his hands into his pockets, slouching as much as he could, which wasn’t much. It didn’t make him look small enough to avoid the loss of limbs that very well might take place if this plan wasn’t in his favor.
“If Chiron won’t help, we’ll need to figure things out ourselves. 
“What about my sword lead to that anyways?” Jason asked, back to flipping the coin between his fingers. It was an agitated pattern that left them on edge, and they hated reminding themselves he wasn’t actually about to draw and attack them. It was the only sign of frustration he showed though, everything else about him still came across as calm and collected. “You didn’t ask Clovis anything about it? Could he have done some kind of, trace back to where it’s from?”
“No, I would hope the fact that you still had something so clearly personal to you would be an easy memory to access through the dreams for him to pull up,” Annabeth easily understood her train of thought. She’d be hoping the same would have been true for Riptide wherever Percy was.
Which means … Cabin Fifteen. 
“Why do you get to say everything so ominous?” Leo was looking at her in a kind of awe. “Teach me your ways of power sounding constantly mysterious.”
“You need the art of subtly first,” Annabeth rolled her eyes. It wasn’t something she’d expect a pyro to ever learn, they were too flashy.
“It’s the Hypnos Cabin,” Nico told his sister, Leo just happened to hear too while mumbling. “God of Sleep.”
“There’s, a god of sleep?” She asked with amusement, wondering if he was also the god of daydreams, and if there was a god of being hungry and every other state of being.
“Surprised me too,” Percy chuckled. “I was banned from taking naps in there after the first week, Annabeth and Grover had to drag me out and couldn't figure out how to wake me up. Finally Clarisse put a scorpion in my mouth and that did the trick.”
He got a lot of concerned looks.
“It wasn’t venomous,” Percy shrugged. “She said it was her pet. His name is Rocky.”
“I mean,” Thalia sighed, “it’s not like you didn’t deserve a good long nap after everything that happened, but really Percy?”
“I learned my lesson, I haven’t been back since we talked to Clovis, and I won’t make a habit of it,” Percy promised.
“When did you talk to Clovis?” Nico asked.
“When you took forever getting back here. We didn’t sit on our hands doing nothing,” Percy reminded. “I doubt it’ll go much differently this time.”
Rachel, you’ll keep an eye on Piper?”
“Sure,” Rachel promised. “Good luck, you two.”
“Hold on,” Jason said. “What’s in Cabin Fifteen?”
Annabeth stood. “Maybe a way to get your memory back.”
Jason kept flipping his coin idly through his fingers, in and out of each and stopping to occasionally knock the gold against his knee before running it through his other hand. He was glad Annabeth hadn’t made such a promise to him when taking him there, but it left a familiar dull sense of expectation behind hearing it now that there was a real, growing possibility he’d just never get those back. If Juno hadn’t seen fit to do so when he’d released her, he wasn’t sure what it would take.
They headed toward a newer wing of cabins in the southwest corner of the green. Some were fancy, with glowing walls or blazing torches, but Cabin Fifteen was not so dramatic. It looked like an old-fashioned prairie house with mud walls and a rush roof. On the door hung a wreath of crimson flowers—red poppies, Jason thought, though he wasn’t sure how he knew.
“You think this is my parent’s cabin?” he asked.
“You’d be a lot less interesting if so,” Leo smirked.
“Percy could pass as one, we should think about changing his name to Poppy,” Thalia chuckled.
“Somehow it still wouldn’t keep me out of trouble,” Percy rolled his eyes.
“No,” Annabeth said. “This is the cabin for Hypnos, the god of sleep.”
“Then why—”
“You’ve forgotten everything,” she said. “If there’s any god who can help us figure out memory loss, it’s Hypnos.”
Inside, even though it was almost dinnertime, three kids were sound asleep under piles of covers. A warm fire crackled in the hearth. Above the mantel hung a tree branch, each twig dripping white liquid into a collection of tin bowls. Jason was tempted to catch a drop on his finger just to see what it was, but he held himself back.
“I’m glad you two share instincts as well these days,” Annabeth grinned at him. Jason realized she meant Percy, of course, and her vague surprise she hadn’t had to catch his wrist from doing the same.
Her boyfriend made a face behind her back, obviously he knew better than to stick his hand in random things even in the safety of his camp, but said nothing.
Soft violin music played from somewhere. The air smelled like fresh laundry. The cabin was so cozy and peaceful that Jason’s eyelids started to feel heavy. A nap sounded like a great idea. He was exhausted. There were plenty of empty beds, all with feather pillows and fresh sheets and fluffy quilts and—Annabeth nudged him. “Snap out of it.”
Jason blinked. He realized his knees had been starting to buckle.
“Cabin Fifteen does that to everyone,” Annabeth warned. “If you ask me, this place is even more dangerous than the Ares cabin. At least with Ares, you can learn where the land mines are.”
Nico was smiling to himself at least his cabin hadn’t been the comparison there. He didn’t even have landmines!
“Land mines?”
She walked up to the nearest snoring kid and shook his shoulder. “Clovis! Wake up!”
“That felt like a pretty important question you glossed over,” Hazel said in concern, wondering if the random explosions she occasionally heard out the window was body parts flying.
“They move them around every fortnight,” Thalia said like that was an actual explanation. 
The kid looked like a baby cow. He had a blond tuft of hair on a wedge-shaped head, with thick features and a thick neck. His body was stocky, but he had spindly little arms like he’d never lifted anything heavier than a pillow.
“Clovis!” Annabeth shook harder, then finally knocked on his forehead about six times.
“Wh-wh-what?” Clovis complained, sitting up and squinting. He yawned hugely, and both Annabeth and Jason yawned too.
“Stop that!” Annabeth said. “We need your help.”
“I was sleeping.”
“You’re always sleeping.”
“Good night.”
Before he could pass out, Annabeth yanked his pillow off the bed.
“She’s ruthless guys, don’t ever forget it,” Percy chuckled.
Hazel nodded as if taking this as a deep life lesson to heart. Leo was apparently back to his project with intent now that nobody was talking about dragons. Hopefully he wouldn’t pay for that later.
“That’s not fair,” Clovis complained meekly. “Give it back.”
“First help,” Annabeth said. “Then sleep.”
Clovis sighed. His breath smelled like warm milk. “Fine. What?”
Annabeth explained about Jason’s problem. Every once in a while she’d snap her fingers under Clovis’s nose to keep him awake.
“We should put bells on the porch, save some of this brutal violence with ringing ears instead,” Thalia offered.
“I wouldn't trust them not to go missing,” Annabeth shook her head at the waste of resources.
Clovis must have been really excited, because when Annabeth was done, he didn’t pass out. He actually stood and stretched, then blinked at Jason.
Will whistled in surprise. He hadn’t known Clovis long, but he’d never seen that. 
 “So you don’t remember anything, huh?”
“Just impressions,” Jason said. “Feelings, like …”
“Yes?” Clovis said.
“Like I know I shouldn’t be here. At this camp. I’m in danger.”
“Hmm. Close your eyes.”
Jason glanced at Annabeth, but she nodded reassuringly. Jason was afraid he’d end up snoring in one of the bunks forever, but he closed his eyes. His thoughts became murky, as if he were sinking into a dark lake.
Jason still shuddered in revulsion for that. He’d had an awful feeling his first night here he’d tried to shake off ever since. That he would just keep waking up not knowing anything again. That Juno would just keep hitting the redo button on his brain and swipe his thoughts to herself again until he was finally what she wanted him to be.
But his friends wouldn’t let that happen. It was the only comfort he had falling asleep now. The ache for the knowledge of his home was still as heavy as ever, but he grew more used to the weight. He didn’t know if they were looking for him, even cared he was missing, but at least these guys did, and would forever should this all go belly up again.
The next thing he knew, his eyes snapped open. He was sitting in a chair by the fire. Clovis and Annabeth knelt next to him.
“—serious, all right,” Clovis was saying.
“What happened?” Jason said. “How long—”
Jason had yet to sleep under his cabin roof, though he knew in respect of the Camp’s rules he should. It didn’t feel right, anymore than the blades of grass under his shoes strolling around. The most he could do is go near it and feel closer to creeping up on a crypt. Thalia slept in the Artemis cabin.
It was not lost on him that he’d fallen asleep in some other gods cabin then, and had nearly died for it. That felt like a good summary of his experiences in all this so far.
“Just a few minutes,” Annabeth said. “But it was tense. You almost dissolved.”
Jason hoped she didn’t mean literally, but her expression was solemn.
Thalia opened, then shut her mouth to stop herself snapping at Annabeth. She decided she didn’t want to know if they’d tried that. It wasn’t fair to snap at her for putting him in danger in any sense.
She knew that, but her hand still rested on her knife in deep anger at Jason being in danger here too from the inside, from people she trusted. Nowhere felt safe for him. After everything they’d done to stay alive, she had this sick feeling it would all be for nothing.
“Usually,” Clovis said, “memories are lost for a good reason. They sink under the surface like dreams, and with a good sleep, I can bring them back. But this …”
“Lethe?” Annabeth asked.
“No,” Clovis said. “Not even Lethe.”
“Lethe?” Jason asked.
Clovis pointed to the tree branch dripping milky drops above the fireplace. “The River Lethe in the Underworld. It dissolves your memories, wipes your mind clean permanently. That’s the branch of a poplar tree from the Underworld, dipped into the Lethe. It’s the symbol of my father, Hypnos. Lethe is not a place you want to go swimming.”
“Can confirm,” Percy sighed. “It’s not nice water.”
Hazel flipped the page and kept her face low as she bit her lip. She knew Nico had told them she was a Roman kid he’d found in the Underworld, but that was all he’d told them. So it would do no good to ask and expose her long lost brother why this apparently hadn’t worked on her.
When he’d showed her the moon, the tall buildings and put a warm black jacket over her shoulders as she breathed in real air, she hadn’t asked a lot of questions that kept swimming to mind about why she seemed to remember things she knew she shouldn’t. She hadn’t been like the other’s in that large field. 
She shouldn’t remember that, but she did.
Annabeth nodded. “Percy went there once. He told me it was powerful enough to wipe the mind of a Titan.”
“And did he tell you everything else that happened down there?” Thalia asked, her hand still twitching for an arrow to crack over his head at his latest attempt to die.
“The important things!” Percy said all in a rush to move on before Thalia enlightened her.
Annabeth let it go for now, but the two exchanged a look promising to discuss it later.
Jason was suddenly glad he hadn’t touched the branch. “But … that’s not my problem?”
“No,” Clovis agreed. “Your mind wasn’t wiped, and your memories weren’t buried. They’ve been stolen.”
The fire crackled. Drops of Lethe water plinked into the tin cups on the mantel. One of the other Hypnos campers muttered in his sleep—something about a duck.
“Lucky guy,” Will sighed. Percy would have to make a personal deal with Hypnos to get such pleasant tidings of friendly fowls.
“Stolen,” Jason said. “How?”
“A god,” Clovis said. “Only a god would have that kind of power.”
“We know that,” said Jason. “It was Juno. But how did she do it, and why?”
Clovis scratched his neck. “Juno?”
“He means Hera,” Annabeth said. “For some reason, Jason likes the Roman names.”
“They’re more authentic!” He said in a posh voice. “Months on the calendar, the planets, they were all named in honor-”
“Nope, knock it off weather boy,” Percy groaned. “I won’t have you and Annabeth starting World War Three in this attic!”
Jason chuckled and let it go, but Percy knew he was only putting off the inevitable. Something he apparently wasn’t very good at when it came to ending the world, but at least could maintain practice.
“Hmm,” Clovis said.
“What?” Jason asked. “Does that mean something?”
“Hmm,” Clovis said again, and this time Jason realized he was snoring.
“Clovis!” he yelled.
“What? What?” His eyes fluttered open. “We were talking about pillows, right? No, gods. I remember. Greek and Roman. Sure, could be important.”
“Could be,” Thalia mock agreed. “Like a minor detail at best.”
Annabeth sighed and ran her fingers along her beaded necklace. The possibilities of what that other camp was like from the little they’d gleaned of this encounter had her very worried, but she tried not to let it show too much outside of this room. No need to enable the other campers incessant whispering.
Up here though, she didn’t try to hide her growing worry of what Percy could be going through at a place like that.
“But they’re the same gods,” Annabeth said. “Just different names.”
“Not exactly,” Clovis said.
Jason sat forward, now very much awake. “What do you mean, not exactly?”
“Well …” Clovis yawned. “Some gods are only Roman. Like Janus, or Pompona. 
“Yeah, not fans,” Percy said without much of an apologetic look at Jason.
“I get it, you can't get your own to like you half the time,” Jason assured.
But even the major Greek gods—it’s not just their names that changed when they moved to Rome. Their appearances changed. Their attributes changed. They even had slightly different personalities.”
“Slightly is not the word I’d use,” Percy muttered, repressing a shiver. His not-dad, Nad? Neptune who was not his dad?!, had seemed like some polar opposite of Poseidon, his father. Artemis had been a terrifying wild card for the brief second they’d seen her try to exist around them. Apollo had been…clearly not well!  How different were the rest going to be?!
“But …” Annabeth faltered. “Okay, so maybe people saw them differently through the centuries. That doesn’t change who they are.”
There was a word, neologism. Nico had come across it once and it had stuck with him, for having opened up the world in an interesting way. The feeling of realizing every person you passed had a life outside of yours. That also meant what he was far too used to. They all took one look at him and assumed they knew his life too. 
The same thing was clearly happening to the gods, on a larger scale. They saw them differently, the bits and pieces they expected to see turned back and shaped them into the interaction.
Annabeth was wrong about something, in the past at any rate. That amused him a little too much, he didn’t trust himself to speak, but it was interesting nobody in here was crying out in distress for realizing it. They’d all seen it in person.
“Sure it does.” Clovis began to nod off, and Jason snapped his fingers under his nose. “Coming, Mother!” he yelped. “I mean … Yeah, I’m awake. So, um, personalities. The gods change to reflect their host cultures. You know that, Annabeth. I mean, these days, Zeus likes tailored suits, reality television, and that Chinese food place on East Twenty-eighth Street, right? It was the same in Roman times, and the gods were Roman almost as long as they were Greek. It was a big empire, lasted for centuries. So of course their Roman aspects are still a big part of their character.”
“Makes sense,” Jason said.
Annabeth shook her head, mystified. “But how do you know all this, Clovis?”
“Does he listen to history audio books to put him to sleep? The right lecture knocks me out like a light,” Leo agreed.
“Tad more complicated,” Annabeth shook her head.
“Oh, I spend a lot of time dreaming. I see the gods there all the time—always shifting forms. Dreams are fluid, you know. You can be in different places at once, always changing identities. It’s a lot like being a god, actually. Like recently, I dreamed I was watching a Michael Jackson concert, and then I was onstage with Michael Jackson, and we were singing this duet, and I could not remember the words for ‘The Girl Is Mine.’ Oh, man, it was so embarrassing, I—”
“Clovis,” Annabeth interrupted. “Back to Rome?”
“No, no, let's focus on someone else's embarrassing moments for once!” Percy spluttered.
“I’m far more invested in the joke of switching godly parents, this sounds amazing!” Leo laughed. He didn’t really mean it, he slept five hours on a good night and found himself settling easily into the idea of his fathers children, a connection to his mother he’d never asked for but didn’t loath. This did sound awesome though, the fluidity of seeing everything, being anything anyways. He could probably make a robot to show him his dreams though and maybe find a way to manipulate them…he stuffed Festus’s wiring back in his boot for now, it wasn’t getting any better until he could test it, and went back to his hectic drawings.
“Right, Rome,” Clovis said. “So we call the gods by their Greek names because that’s their original form. But saying their Roman aspects are exactly the same—that’s not true. In Rome, they became more warlike. They didn’t mingle with mortals as much. They were harsher, more powerful—the gods of an empire.”
Jason felt as if he were being spoon fed warm, home made soup. It was a relief on himself to finally hear this said out loud. It put a finite point on why he’d constantly felt like he was hearing strangers discuss someone he should know this past week!
“Like the dark side of the gods?” Annabeth asked.
“Not exactly,” Clovis said. “They stood for discipline, honor, strength—”
“Good things, then,” Jason said. For some reason, he felt the need to speak up for the Roman gods, though wasn’t sure why it mattered to him. “I mean, discipline is important, right? 
“Man, how are we friends?” Percy sighed at Jason managing to say that without a drop of sarcasm.
“We didn’t kill each other so we had nowhere else to go,” Jason chuckled.
“Fair,” Percy shrugged.
That’s what made Rome last so long.”
Clovis gave him a curious look. “That’s true. But the Roman gods weren’t very friendly. For instance, my dad, Hypnos … he didn’t do much except sleep in Greek times. In Roman times, they called him Somnus. He liked killing people who didn’t stay alert at their jobs. If they nodded off at the wrong time, boom—they never woke up. He killed the helmsman of Aeneas when they were sailing from Troy.”
“That actually is fair though!” Thalia’s laugh sounded way too harsh to Hazel, who had wanted to ask how long the poor guard had been on duty first.
There was a strange lilt to Jason’s face though as she’d read that, understanding. He was agreeing with his sister less for the macabre act and more because he did believe that was right, that was justice, that was something he understood. 
And it didn’t creep her out nearly as much as she would have thought if that was the kind of thing he’d learned at his camp. She’d hated being small and helpless against Gaea and Alcyoneus…and if that was where she really belonged, where she’d learn not to be powerless anymore, she’d at least give the place a chance.
“Nice guy,” Annabeth said. “But I still don’t understand what it has to do with Jason.”
“Does it feel strange to know something you didn’t then?” Percy asked blankly.
“Nah, I live for more growth experiences. This is like crack to me,” Annabeth grinned.
“Happy to help, but I draw the line at feeding you enemy details,” Jason said mock seriously.
“Neither do I,” Clovis said. “But if Hera took your memory, only she can give it back. And if I had to meet the queen of the gods, I’d hope she was more in a Hera mood than a Juno mood.
Maybe that had been part of the problem, Jason frowned as he played back her short, curt thanks to him to get a move on to what he was missing. That had been Juno speaking to him, not Hera. Which one had taken his memories exactly? Or was he trying to separate them too much? Perhaps his patron didn’t even have the power to give him back his memories yet until all this was settled. He swallowed an acrid taste on the back of his tongue, his mind rebelling at the idea of how long he’d be stuck like this. Percy had put up with it for five whole books though, and he could at least promise that much. His problem was admittedly minor in comparison to the fate of the world.
 Can I go back to sleep now?”
Annabeth stared at the branch above the fire, dripping Lethe water into the cups. She looked so worried, Jason wondered if she was considering a drink to forget her troubles.
“Oh no,” Annabeth assured. “I can guarantee I’m wondering if that’s what had been done to Percy, and where I’d find his memories to break them loose!” She’d still do it now, even though he was pretty much as put back together as he was going to get. Just for the vindictive justice he was owed, that Hera had done this to him.
 Then she stood and tossed Clovis his pillow. “Thanks, Clovis. We’ll see you at dinner.”
“Can I get room service?” Clovis yawned and stumbled to his bunk. “I feel like … zzzz …” He collapsed with his butt in the air and his face buried in a pillow.
“Won’t he suffocate?” Jason asked.
“Clearly not, I have a feeling initiation in that cabin is surviving any sleep pose,” Leo snorted.
“What an interesting gift their father’s blessed them with. So different, so unique. How many people get smothered with a pillow, and these guys are just over here safe from that!” Percy grinned.
“Honestly, if those kids can survive sleeping through half the things I know the Stolls have done to them, they’re fine,” Will agreed. Cabin Fifteen might as well be their home away from home as often as they snuck in there to test some of their tactics before perfecting them on people actually awake.
“He’ll be fine,” Annabeth said. “But I’m beginning to think that you are in serious trouble.”
“Trouble from you, or the gods?” Jason asked, a very important distinction to him.
Annabeth’s smile was friendly. “Both.” 
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raineandsky · 2 years ago
A Date in Exchange
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
The hero’s parents know how to throw one hell of a party. Even from outside the villain can see the lights turned low, the shadows of people lurking in the windows. They knock on the door—the hero arrived early to help set everything up, but the villain feels a little lonely turning up alone for the first time.
“You came!” the hero’s father opens brightly, wrapping the villain in a hug usually reserved for family unseen in months. “I was so worried my wife had scared you off for good. Please, come in, meet some people.”
The villain steps over the threshold, holding out a small box to him. “Happy birthday.”
The man’s face lights up, the complete opposite to the villain’s own blatant awkwardness. He pries it open to look inside, only getting more ecstatic when he sees the contents—a figurine of a particularly jacked up sports car. “Ah, I love it! How’d you know cars were my thing?”
There’s a series of pictures in the master bedroom of him sitting in various race cars. “Just a lucky guess.”
He ushers them inside more, setting the box down with some of the other gifts he’s received. “[Hero]’s just in the kitchen with their mother,” he says with a smile. “I have some people to entertain, I'm afraid, but we’ll catch up later, okay?”
The villain gives him a smile as he disappears into the swarm of people in the hallway. They take his words as an instruction, and as promised the hero is in the kitchen, carefully arranging snacks on plates and swatting away anyone who tries to nab any. It’s oddly endearing, and they ignore how their mind is faintly screaming DOMESTIC at them.
They lean against the doorframe for a moment, watching the hero and their mother work their magic on the spread of plates in front of them. It’s only when the hero glances up to shout at someone for stealing a piece of cheese that they notice the villain there, their face breaking into a surprisingly relieved grin.
“[Villain]!” they practically announce to the entire party. They beckon the villain over, and they know they have to allow whatever soppy shit is about to happen in front of their audience. The hero wraps their arms around their neck loosely. “I’m so glad you made it.”
Because you had every reason not to come is left unsaid.
“Sorry I’m late. Traffic was rough.” The most traffic the villain faced was sprinting across the road in front of speeding cars, but the hero’s mother doesn’t need to know that.
“That’s quite alright, dear. I don’t suppose you could give us a hand with these plates, could you?” She passes them a pair of plates, loaded dangerously high with tiny foods, and the hero gives them a knowing glare. Eat as few as possible, please.
The plates find their ways to various tables around the house, and they’re demolished almost instantly. “Your father’s friends are goddamn hungry,” the villain comments when they come across the hero again a little later.
“I know.” It comes out as a petty whine, and the villain snorts amusedly. “God, I can’t do this all night. I didn’t come here to be a waiter.”
They pick up some food from the plate next to them—a pair of skewered pigs in blankets, by the looks—and pass one to the villain.
“To our last big rodeo,” the hero says with a laugh, and the villain has to hold back the guilty expression threatening to come out.
“To the last,” they echo a little painfully, and the hero carefully bumps their food against the villain in some incredibly inaccurate toast.
The pigs in blankets aren’t bad. A little crispy, perfectly cooked. There’s a faint taste of herbs amongst the flavours.
“Did your mother make these?” the villain asks after a moment. “They’re really good.”
“She prides herself on her home cooking.” The hero peeks past them and into the hallway beyond. “Speaking of, I bet she’s making more right now. It’s only a matter of time before she comes after us to dish them out again.”
“Never thought I’d team up with you on something like this,” the villain comments, earning a laugh, “but I would like to avoid that too.”
As if on cue, the faint call of the hero’s mother floats down the hall like a warning bell. The two share a look, and the villain follows without question when the hero takes off in the opposite direction.
The hero practically skids to a stop in front of a door, throwing it open dramatically. “She won’t look for us in here ‘cause she thinks we’re somewhat sane.”
The villain glances inside with a disgusted grimace. “Are you seriously asking me to get in a tiny understairs cupboard with—”
The villain barely has time to question the stupidity of the option before they’re butted inside, the hero following with a final slam of the door. It’s nearly pitch black in here, only the lights shining under the door offering any luminosity. The villain can’t really see, but they sure can feel the hero very, dangerously close to them.
Warmth is practically dancing between them, and the villain flinches back when the hero’s bare arm brushes their own, bumping them against a table behind them. It’s only then that they put together the fact that the hero is very purposely leaning over them. Their body presses into the villain’s ever-so-slightly, and the villain is almost certain they can feel how hot they are from the proximity alone.
“Uh, [Hero]—” they start nervously, and they know the slight shake in their voice has given them away instantly.
“Sorry,” the hero says, not the slightest bit sorry, “there’s no room in here.”
Their breath is warm on the villain’s face. “Maybe we can talk about things properly whilst we’re here,” the hero continues, getting an amused snort in response.
“Right now? In this dark cupboard with no room?” the villain asks in disbelief.
“Yeah, it’s a bit awkward, isn’t it?” The hero laughs shortly this time, the sound drowning out the murmur outside and most of the villain’s other senses. The hero’s hands find their face—if they couldn’t feel the heat radiating off the villain before, they must do now. “Maybe that’s why it’s good.”
The feeling of someone touching them setting off all sorts of feelings, and the villain’s usual defence mechanism kicks in full force. “Ha, yeah, I bet you’re right in your element, you absolute fucking—”
The hero doesn’t let the villain finish whatever insult they were forming, closing the gap between them. The hero has to lean down slightly to meet them, and the way their lips connect is like fireworks.
The villain has thought about this moment before, but that can’t compare to the actual feeling of it. It’s like they’re on fire. They can feel the hero’s hands drifting through their hair, and their own are roaming without thinking. The hero’s clearly been nicking little bits of food all night, from the lingering mix of flavours the villain can taste on them. Their lips part more without thinking, and the hero takes full advantage—they laugh into the villain’s mouth at the startled yelp they produce.
“Sorry, I can’t help myself,” the hero mutters against them. The villain can feel them straying, trailing light kisses down their neck. “I’ll save that for later, shall I?”
The hero’s hands are wandering dangerously low. The villain’s own hands are balled in the hero’s shirt in anticipation, and they know if they don’t stop them now they never will. “Maybe,” they say softly, careful to keep the shiver of their own thrill out of their voice and still failing. “We have plenty of time later. I mean, like, there’s a bunch of people around. We’re at a birthday party. We’re probably meant to be—”
A well placed kiss against their jaw and a deft hand between their thighs is enough to shut them up. “You talk too much,” the hero mumbles, and the villain can feel their stupid fucking grin against their skin.
“Surprised you didn’t know that already,” the villain practically has to choke out, and the hero hums in innocent amusement at their overly forced nonchalance.
They’re getting dangerously, dangerously close to not stopping the hero. The hero lets out that dumbass laugh between the moments of their lips grazing the villain’s skin—they know exactly what they’re doing, the little shit. Their hand is gentle on their face, careful, sweet, a world away from what their other hand is promising at the same time.
The hero’s lips find the villain’s own again, soft, like they’re afraid they’ll break them. “I’m in love with you, [Villain],” they whisper into the silence, and despite everything happening this is somehow shocking news. The villain pulls away from them slightly, letting their fingers tangle in the hero’s hair as they do.
“You mean that? This isn’t part of your little song and dance?” It comes out a lot more hopeful than they meant it to, and from the way the hero lays a seemingly endless stream of kisses on their face they already know the answer.
“I’ve known it for a while, I just didn’t know how to say it.” They laugh slightly, the sound tickling slightly against the villain’s skin. “So, now that it’s out there, I have to ask. Can I take you on a real, actual, serious date?”
The villain wishes the hero could see the victorious grin on their face. “I’d like that. We can go to the cinema or something. Do it properly, instead of pretending to date and accidentally catching feelings.”
“It notoriously never goes well, does it? My bad for suggesting it.”
The hero leans back a little, and after a moment a dull light clicks on. The villain’s eyes take a moment to adjust, but once they do they gasp in mock horror.
“There’s tons of room in here, you liar!” they accuse, and the hero laughs.
“Could’ve sworn it was smaller,” they say innocently, earning a slap on the arm. “We should get going anyway, before my mother freaks out. Like you say, we have plenty of time.”
They go to turn the light back off, but the villain catches them. “I– I think it’s worth noting that I’m in love with you, too,” they announce after a moment of deliberation. “Have been since the start, really.”
The confession makes the hero light up like the sun, and a future with them suddenly doesn’t feel so life-ending. Maybe they can work with this afterall.
Taglist: @criohfreeze
152 notes · View notes
walmartbrandwhatever · 6 months ago
Marcia and two-bit headcannons because I can't sleep. warning for mentions of alcohol poison.
-so I like to think marcia went back and helped patch two-bit up after he got jumped.
-she let's him stay in her guest room for the night and he leaves in the morning without saying anything to marcia. he had called Steve to come pick him up and gave him the address. part of him feels guilty that she helped him and part of him knows that the gang come first and he can't even fathom a thought of falling for a soc.
-marcia that night had fallen asleep on the couch not wanting to go upstairs and risk two-bit not being able to get her if he needs anything because she knows he's far too hurt to get up stairs alone.
-they both know it would never work so they go on with their life's only sharing quick glances and wishing for more.
-two after dally and Johnnys death, unfortunately, he started drinking more and more to forget the images of his dead friends and ends up getting alcohol poisoning.
-ace and soda end up getting him some help and slowly he starts healing.
-soda and Cherry getting together opens a whole new light for two and Marcia.
-they both realize on their own that maybe things could work out between them. especially after marcia distances herself from the rest of the socs.
-she stays in touch with chet because out of all of the people in her friend group she had been the closest to him. a lot of the times he would stay at her house to escape his own since hers would be empty.
-anyways two and marcia finally talk to each around 3 months after the events of the book.
-it's at the rodeo and two watches marcia barrel racing and practically falls for her in that moment though he's still in denial.
-he goes up to her after she's done and they just start talking again. clicking instantly like they knew each other for years.
-the night they actually get together marcia takes two to the spot her parents has gotten together (this is a whole other post bc I have sm lore about her parents). it's a secluded little area by one of the rivers near by.
-they sit out there for awhile in silence. it's not awkward or weird it's quite nice. they both aren't able to just relax and truly be theirselves often but they can with eachother.
-I stand by the fact that Two is super good with flirting with those he doesn't truly like. but with marcia he's a huge mess. like bro is stumbling all over his words and cannot make the first move.
-marcia does surprisingly but she's terrified afterwards. they had been laying on the blanket she had brought and she just kinda turn to face him and he looked at her with such a big smile and she just kissed him.
-she immediately starts apologizing and freaking out because she hadn't ment to kiss him she was just thinking about it. she stands up so quickly before two can even process what just happened.
-you would think his grin couldn't get any bigger but it does as he jumps up and stops her from leaving.
-"wait stop apologizing I didn't mind"
-"..you didn't?"
-"I will kiss you a hundred times again if it means I can stand here in the moonlight lookin' at you"
-and she just kisses him again and this time he has the chance to kiss him back.
-they don't really tell anyone they get together for awhile. both scared that both sides will have a horrible reaction.
-they lay back down and she just gently rest her head on his chest as he plays with her hair.
-let's just say she was super late to curfew that night because they both fell asleep and woke up around 2am.
that's all I have for rn I'll add more tomorrow 🫶 I'm in a marbit mood rn.
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Invader Zim except it’s a rodeo au. Which means the Membranes are actually a rodeo family who compete in rodeos all over the country.
They’re world famous, with Professor, or I guess in this case something different (Rancher Membrane? Cowboy Membrane? Just Membrane?) being a multi time national rodeo champion bull rider. He was forced to retire after a bull gored and crushed his arms to the point of needing amputations. He now lives vicariously through his children, specifically Dib, while managing the ranch and doing sketchy science (because he’s still insanely good at it). Said sketchy science is possible due to him becoming friends with an even more sketchy scientist with even less regard for people. The horse he rides the most is a very sweet and caring quarter horse mare named Clementine, who is a bay with a white blaze.
Gaz is a barrel racer and a damn good one. She’s won first in a couple big rodeos, with her quarter horse named Shadowhog. Shadowhog is a black mare with a white blaze and socks and is just as standoffish and angry as she in. Gaz still enjoys video games, but not as much. She also is the best trick roper in the family, and has experience in break away roping. She’s really good at it, but prefer barrel racing since she thinks it takes more skill. Dib thinks she’s making fun of him, but she really isn’t. She’s dabbled with bronc riding but is too lightweight. She is using in charge of herding on the ranch. She also is still one of Membrane’s creations.
Dib is a tie down roper who desperately wants to get into team roping but like. He has no friends. He’s fairly good at tie down roping, though hasn’t won anything. Membrane wants him to be a bull rider. Dib would rather die. He has a curious, playful dappled gray quarter horse mare named Mothman, and is still in love with the paranormal and would rather explore it than compete. Membrane hates this. Dib kinda loves horses and spends a lot of time with not only Mothman, but the other horses on the ranch like Shadowhog, Phoenix, Megera, ET, and Professor. Dib is also still a clone because Membrane is still stupid smart and has access to less than ethical equipment.
Zim is still an alien. He still wants to take over the earth. He was still banished. The only difference is that he lands in the country when Dib is about 15. Membrane happened to have a flyer for a ranch hand up and Zim decides the human thing to do is take a job. His base is in the shape of a barn that’s right outside of Membrane Ranches. Membrane gives him the job and a cowboy hat and Dib is immediately like “that’s an alien Wtf” but Membrane ignores him. And then proceeds to insist on having Zim trained as a steer wrestler due to his strength and gives him a palomino quarter horse gelding named ET (Dib finds the irony hilarious), who is irritable and must be bribed with treats.
The ranch is named Membrane Ranches and has thirteen horses (four ranch horses- Clementine, Peggy (Appaloosa mare), Foodie (paint quarter horse gelding), and Generator (bay quarter horse gelding); two barrel horses- Shadowhog and Megara (chestnut quarter horse mare with white socks); one tie down roping horse- Chupacabra (paint quarter horse stallion); one steer wrestling horse- Covenant (buckskin quarter horse mare); four generic roping horses- ET, Mothman, Phoenix (nearly white quarter horse gelding), and Doppler (black quarter horse gelding); and one bronc- Wildfire (bright chestnut mustang with a white blaze and socks); as well as sixty head of cattle.
Dib gets tasked with teaching Zim the ropes of steer wrestling and ranch work. They try to kill each other between the very much forced lessons.
Zim is a shit ranch hand at first hates it because of germs. Dib uses this as an opportunity to lie and say all humans are fine with germs and Zim very reluctantly agrees. He does eventually start to get used to it, eventually becoming a fairly good ranch hand. He gets surprisingly protective of ET. ET gets surprisingly close to Zim, always nickering when he comes in.
Zim eventually gets told his mission is fake and Dib awkwardly comforts him. The next week he’s dragged to a rodeo (a massive one) and immediately starts getting very overwhelmed by the extremely loud noises and scents and the bumping. He’s not competing but Gaz and Dib are. Dib completely missed the tie down roping because he’s taken Zim away from the crowds and noise to decompress. (Not because he cares but because he’s not gonna let the alien do something stupid clearly).
Membrane is very annoyed.
A couple years later and more rodeos later Dib is nineteen and wins first at one of the largest rodeos in the country. Zim also competes and gets second. Dib (and Gaz who gets first in a lot of big rodeos) are invited to another big event. Zim comes with.
The night before the competition, Dib and Zim notice a runaway steer. Dib gets it around the head and Zim gets it by a hind leg. Dib realizes that holy shit they could be a roping team. At the same time a roping team is forced to drop out so the pair sign up.
They wind up getting forth. Gaz is thrilled that Dib is able to do what he’s wanted to do. Membrane is angry because he wanted to get Dib to bull riding after tie down roping inevitably wore him out.
Dib and Zim eventually become world champion team ropers. And they eventually make their own ranch. And maybe kiss.
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 8 months ago
Idk about you but I would absolutely LOVE to hear some fun facts about Talaney-Anne. Literally whatever you want to share about her, you have my full attention 👀
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🩷-Talaney-Anne is partially named after her moms county winning dairy cow Anne.
🩷-Talaney dreamt of becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader since she was six!
🩷-Two of Talaney's Brothers are seniors in highschool and on the basketball team! Her older two brothers are travelling rodeo Cowboys and her big/eldest sister is a forest ranger in Hawkins.
🩷-She used to do pageants and barrel race/ride show ponies from age 8-13. I'm talking the sparkly cowgirl hats and tassled shirts and chaps- everything.
🩷-Talaney and her siblings live with their grandmother in the more... Rural/red-neck part of Hawkins.
🩷-Talaney is embarrassed by it, but she has a country accent! She tries to cover it up a lot but it slips when she gets mad.
🩷-She does not know how to swim! So she has a slight fear of large bodies of water, or at least water she can't touch the surface of.
🩷-BIGGEST crush on Billy Idol. She loves his music.
🩷-She's not really on the skinny/curvy side like her fellow cheer girls. She's a little more toned. Box/apple body type with smaller curves and a slight pudge of her tummy and thighs that she's EXTREMELY self conscious about. [It's kinda weird to point out but I think she's one of the first few of my s/i that I've given my actual body-type.]
🩷-As sweet as she is- Talaney is STUBBORN when she wants to be. And very hard headed. Sometimes it's subtle in her being persistent.. Other times she's just a real pain in the ass.
🩷-Those first few days of getting Max to warm up to her were BRUTAL. This girl was doing everything she could to get the kid to like her/be comfortable around her. She even took her to get their nails and hair done together and Max was NOT a fan LMAO.
🩷-Unfortunately she isn't allowed to use her brother Willy's truck [which is the only truck they siblings have] cause she doesn't have a license... And cuz he treats it like his baby or something. So Talaney unfortunately bikes a lot there and back to school, the store, home, ect.
🩷-Has a bit of a rocky relationship with her older sister Casey due to her sister's strictness and constant pressure. But she's just trying to step in and be a mother figure as best she can.
🩷-Originally from Utah but only till when she was a baby then she moved to Hawkins!
🩷-Her entire wardrobe is every shade of red to pink. And a lot of lace and bows. Her bedroom isn't much different either.
🩷-Surprisingly enough, a pretty big geek! At least when it comes to comic books and Star Wars movies. She knows a little bit about DnD, but only so much from when all her brothers used to play before Brad and Willy went off to Rodeo. Now anytime she tries to say hi or offer snacks or something to her other brothers whilst in the middle of a campaign she's kicked out or a door is slammed on her face.
🩷-Wears curlers to bed!
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askwesterntale · 7 months ago
welcome to the WESTERNTALE ASK BLOG!!!
(the au where everyone is annoyingly southern……)
[THIS MESSAGE WILL BE EDITED!!! check back before sending asks!!!]
Westerntale is my Cowboy/Old West inspired Undertale AU. This started as a joke, now im here!! The main blog would be set, timeline wise, while Runt/Frisk is still ‘Underground’ (…except there isn’t an underground in this au, it’s just the desert), but I may also occasionally doodle some genocide or post pacifist stuff. I dunno!!
I dont mind most asks but if you get into proshippy territory you will be blocked. Otherwise, go wild.
Current Characters ::
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Runt and Chara are currently: OPEN for asks!
The first human and the latest. Not much to say. Runt and the surface outside are actually in the modern era- Runt just really likes cowboys.
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Toriel is currently: OPEN for asks!
the sweet southern mother in the far west of the desert. They say she makes a mean chicken pot pie.
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Tumbleweed and Horseshoe are currently: OPEN for asks!
Don’t tread too far along when the sand turns white, or you may run into these two bounty hunters on the way! Dont worry, they’re harmless. Mostly.
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Gunpowder is currently: OPEN for asks!
The strongest monster around. The sharpshooter sheriff hides in the deserts oasis, bringing an end to those her deputies cannot.
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Alphys is currently: OPEN for asks!
Dont take her at face value. She’ll hide down in our caverns and mines, but when she has to, she’ll do anything in her power to hold the wicked back.
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Sandstorm is currently: OPEN for asks!
Rodeo shows, train heists and fabulous fashion- this robot really can have it all! Surprisingly on bad terms with the royal scientist. To Be Added: Flowey, Asgore, possibly muffet or blook.
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goldenmusicmoments · 3 months ago
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Let's Take A Deep Dive Into Patterns By Kelsea Ballerini:
Kelsea Ballerini releases her fifth studio album Patterns sooner than expected. In 2022 she had dropped her fourth studio album Subject To Change and then last year her career defining extended play Rolling Up The Welcome Mat. So when she started teasing new music everyone was surprised, however excited to see what this new chapter would hold. She started the new era with the release of ‘Cowboys Cry Too’ featuring Noah Kahan. Prior to its release the two had performed together at the Country Music Awards and after that people were hoping for the two to collaborate. Three more song releases preceded the album and each received a visual to accompany them. You could tell that she was on route to deliver a cohesive body of work and aesthetic for the record. After hearing the album she does exactly that. Now we’ll let Kelsea take us through these patterns. 
Patterns - This title track kicks things off and sets the tone for the rest of the record. The instrumentation comes in slowly and mainly it seems to be guitar led. The verses are tender in production as she opens up about some of the patterns she has. Then the track lifts for the chorus, then back down again for the second verses. After which the lift in production continues on for the bridge. The bridge hosts a feeling of intensity which is due to both her restless vocal delivery and the repetition of the lyrics. She questions life’s progression and whether things well ever change. The track then calms for the outro as it comes to an end with her wondering whether she’ll ever outgrow some of these patterns. The song makes you feel as though you are on a journey as she acknowledges that she’s not linear in tendencies. A promising start that gets you intrigued for the road ahead.
Sorry Mom - This mellow track that was the second preceding release is her speaking to her mother. She’s not afraid to admit moments where she felt she may have fell short and potentially disappointed her mother. There is a slight lift in the production for the chorus where we see her switch from a laid back vocal delivery to a more lifted one. In the chorus she lets it be known that she turned out just fine and got out of life what she wanted. She acknowledges that her and her mother are different on the surface, but underneath they share same blood. She understands that the tough love she received at times was needed to help her become the woman that her mother would be proud of. It’s a beautiful depiction of her relationship with her mother. This song is one that people will find resonance with and one that you find yourself immersed in. 
Baggage - Here things get going with a deceptive guitar that makes you think she’s keeping it on par with the pace set so far. However once the vocal kicks in Kelsea really picks it up on this high energy track as the production takes a more lively direction. The chorus is infectious and you’ll find yourself singing along to it immediately. Here she’s being honest with the person of interest, as she tells them she has baggage however she’s still moving in. Its her simply saying that if you want me then you’ll have to accept all that comes with me. She sneaks in a reference to Rolling Up The Welcome Mat which catches you off guard. This one will be one that will be great to experience live as the crowd will surely be screaming the hook alongside Kelsea. 
First Rodeo - This is the fourth track she released prior to the album. This one is dreamy with a contemplative nature to it. The verses have this moody touch to them particularly due to her vocal delivery. Then the chorus feels brighter, the delivery of the first lyric of the chorus throws you off due to how it comes in. However it works surprisingly well. She starts at the demise of her marriage and how the two handled things afterwards. She’s fair in the first verse as she doesn’t pin it all on him, acknowledging that they both were coming at each other. Looking back it feels embarrassing. However as the track progresses you realise that it is about her finding love again and navigating this new relationship. Even though this isn’t her first rodeo, she’s still figuring things out. So she wants to take things slow and she’s appreciating each moment so far. The bridge deals with the uncertainty of not knowing what tomorrow brings, but still putting yourself out there for the experience. As without trying you’ll never know. The outro is magical with how the vocals are layered. Here you feel her take you along this process of rediscovering love, wanting to pursue it, but at a pace that allows her to feel safe. You feel captivated by this track that gives you hope for the future.
Nothing Really Matters - She picks up the pace again on this one, however even then it feels mellow. As the verses have a more upbeat production, however for the hook she brings the pace down. It’s her singing about how she can get in her own head at times and how that can be rather toxic. However for the chorus she comes to realise that none of those negative thoughts that may creep up or the worries you may have at times matter in the end. It’s a light hearted reminder to not be so tough on yourself and live more in the present. It carries the hopeful feeling from the previous track and will definitely resonate with you.
How Much Do You Love Me - We move onto this gentle piano led track about her wanting to know how much the person of interest cares about her. She’s aware that things can go south and not work out. So she is in pursuit of assurance that no matter what happens, would he still put up a fight to be with her. Her eagerness for assurance is understandable as in her past relationship she felt that her ex-partner didn’t put up much of a fight to hold their marriage together. The guitar finds its way for the chorus. Then fades away for the second verse to allow the piano to return, however we get the addition of some percussion. The way the final chorus comes in gives the song a dramatic touch. It then comes to an end with a stripped back repetition of ‘How much do you love me’. This dreamy song has a similar essence in terms of feel to that of her song ‘Universe’ from her last album.
Two Things - This was the third song released preceding the full record. It’s a bright moment that focuses on how inconsistent things can be at times. Particularly when it comes to feelings and moods. One minute you love the person and the next you hate them. As she says two things can be true. The bridge puts things into prospective, how life could be easier if things were just black or white, however they aren’t. The guitar takes on the main role here with more instrumentation sparsely threaded throughout. There is a build for the chorus which fills the space around you making you feel encapsulated by it. The song closes out with these airy vocalisations that leave things on a dreamy note.
We Broke Up - On this upbeat and fierce moment Kelsea’s not got the desire to dwell on a relationship that ended. She doesn’t want to look over how it happened or what went down, they broke up and she wants to leave it at that now and move on. The hook embeds itself in your memory and you’ll be singing along to it from the get go. The production is slick on both the track and her vocal. The positive look on letting go of things that are no longer is refreshing. This is another one that will be a fun track to experience live as it could provide for an interactive moment with the crowd.
Wait! - She’s keeping the pace at a high as we get to this chaotic track where she seems a little confused as to what she truly wants. It seems like she’s deluding herself into believing that she could make it on her own, only to then realise once the person of interest is about to leave that she wants them to stay. This one is one of the most exhilarating moments on the record and it hooks you in as soon as it begins. It feels conversational in a way during the verses in particular. You’ll find yourself fully immersed in it and is one of the highlights on the record. Also it could make for a great single choice. 
Beg For Your Love - Now we come to a stripped back guitar led moment that feels vulnerable from the get go. On this heartfelt track she is basically letting it be known that she isn’t going to beg for his love, however if he wants to pursue her then she’ll face it rather than running from it. She assures him that she is in it for the long run and is willing to put up a fight to make things work. However she isn’t willing to do anything that may compromise the work she’s done to rediscover herself. Which in a way feels like its her staying true to the sentiment she put forth on ‘Leave Me Again’. A beautiful song on the record that feels intimate due to its acoustic nature.
Deep - Kelsea decides to take things in a more spicier direction as she sings about the feelings elicited during moments of intimacy between her and the person of interest. The layered vocals and harmonies give this song a smooth and dreamy feel that you feel embraced by. Her vocal delivery during the verses has this sultry edge to it and then though it still keeps that sultry feel it is a little brighter. Her not being so in your face with what she is expressing lyrically here makes this not feel vulgar and instead is a beautiful moment that you find yourself lost in.
Cowboys Cry Too (with Noah Kahan) - This stunning collaboration served as the lead single. This song tackles the entirety of how vulnerability in men is often perceived, putting forth that it is beautiful to see a man be open with his emotions rather than holding them in. As for a long time men have been told that a part of masculinity consists of being void of emotion, which is far from actuality. Noah Kahan makes for the perfect choice here as he in his own music is very raw and open about his emotions, and their vocals work really well together. She’s really keeping that feeling of being on a journey threaded throughout the album. By the end of it you may feel as though you are lost in your own thoughts.
I Would, Would You - She picks it back up on this fun track in which she lets it be known that she’d do anything for the other person, whilst also asking whether they’d reciprocate. She wrote it to express her love and appreciation for her friends. This guitar driven track gives you this feel of sitting in a circle surrounded by friends and you are all jamming together. It’ll have you vibing to its blissful nature and have you smiling along to the lyrical content. Its got a catchy hook that demands you sing along and the bridge emphasis that as you get more voices join Kelsea’s. Then she slows it down for a brief moment as we get into the final chorus, after which she lifts it back up to close things out.
This Time Last Year - This final full length track calms things down a little, though the chorus sees a lift in production. The song feels contemplative as she looks back at where she was last year and how things have changed since. A year later and now she’s in a better place as she proudly sings “look at me now”. The production is beautiful as it compliments the feelings the lyrics elicit. Its a powerful moment of building yourself back up after a rough patch that at the time seemed impossible to come out of. Its uplifting nature will move you as a listener and find that the message connects with you as well. The perfect note to end on as it really feels like you’ve finally reached the end of this winding road. 
Did You Make It Home (Outro) - This short guitar led outro closes out the album, now it could be that she is asking herself the question or she is posing it to the listener. Asking that was the choice or the direction they took worth it in the end, that did it take them were they were hoping to go. Using home as more of a metaphorical representation of the end point. 
With that we come to the end of this stunning body of work that executes the concept she hoped to delivery so well. It feels like you are being taken on this journey through different patterns she experiences or has. It is personal and honest, as she doesn’t hide or sugar coat anything. It is cohesive both sonically and thematically. Though there is variation in pace which provides the record with more of a dynamic, it doesn’t however make anything feel out of place. Kelsea’s growth has been outstanding as an artist in particular and her openness in comparison to her releases prior to Rolling Up The Welcome Matt has taken her to a new level. Which in turn has drawn more people to her, helping them find a stronger connection with the music she releases. This is her best body of work and is one that deserves to be heard. Hopefully this record earns her a few grammy nominations next year.
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