#surgery ment tw
deadwar-a · 11 months
also please note that while i do talk about soap's head injury and how they stitched him up, it was not easy. the amount of blood he lost was severe and he was touch and go for a while. they didn't think he was actually going to fully pull through it. his bp dropped dangerously low a few times during surgery and while they were able to get him stable quickly, it did happen and like i said in my first hc abt it all (pls see here), the head injury caused a lot of damage.
he's also fully aware of what happened in that operating room because after asking if everyone else was okay, he made the doctors tell him everything because has to know everything all the time.
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i-eat-worlds · 3 months
Whumpees waking up from surgery that went wrong. They’re still woozy from the drugs, fighting to keep their eyes open and find someone who can help. The monitor starts to screech as their heart rate rises. They pound the bed railings, the meds making it difficult to talk. And then, finally, a nurse comes over, armed with pain meds and an explanation. Even though it doesn’t make it much better, whumpee can’t help but appreciate the comfort
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Food, diet, and gastric hcs of Echo: (tw: medical stuff, not sure how to tw tag this tbh)
- It took him months before he was able to eat red meat again.
- He still can’t have that much of any fizzy drinks.
- Chocolate is very, very iffy on his stomach
- Echo was sniffing the handful of Mantell Mix to make sure it wasn’t too oily
- Can’t burp or throw up.
- Poor sweet man had to have his stomach pumped several times during his time of recovery due to eating something outside of Kix’s recommendations. Not on purpose, though.
Its a good thing ration bars were made to be easily digestible
Be strong, Echo. You’ll eventually get to eating most of the stuff you used to love again! And you’re not grumpy and unreasonable for being quote/unquote “picky.”
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cringefailloserman · 4 months
watching surgery videos is like watching reality shows to me. like omg. they put one of the dentist sucker things in their heart?? crazy! not only did they shave the side of this man’s head but they also popped open his dura like kinder surprise egg
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im-tempted · 9 months
I'm not sorry
You come into my fucking house
And you tell me a person you KNOW can't put their arms above their head without pain that you are afraid of the scaring and social ramifications of scarring from LAPAROSCOPIC FUCKING SURGERY
I will kill you with my bare hands I fucking hate you
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kind of a vent ish?
trans (grey)aro, ace culture is being annoyed as fuck when your mother says 'if youre asexual you dont need bottom surgery'
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        hey ,   lovelies .   i’m  sorry  it’s  taken  me  so  long  not  only  to  get  this  update  out  but  also  the  delay  on  orders . i haven't had the time to even think lately . but  i  promised  y’all  an  update  and  i’m  here  to  give  it .   this  will  probably  end  up  longer  than  i  anticipated  but  i  have  a  lot  to  cover ,   as  i’m  using  this  post  for  updates  blogwide  and  not  just  the  updates  about  my  father .   to  make  this  easier  to  go  through ,   i  will  separate  this  into  parts  and  label  it  where  needed .   i , also , apologize if this doesn't make any sense or is maybe all over the place . my brain is completely fried and just as all over the place lately but if you have any confusion or questions at all , please , feel free to ask me . now ,   onto  the  important  stuff   .  .  . 
the update regarding my father . . .
trigger warnings regarding this section : amputation , infection , death , injury / wounds , surgery , health , hospitals
he's still in the hospital . has been since valentine's day . he's a disabled diabetic so his cuts either take longer to heal or never heal at all and has been struggling for years with various doctors and nurses in regards to maintaining his health and seeing that those wounds don't get any worse . but the past few years it has gotten worse . and it got to a point where he was screaming and crying out 24/7 in pain , even into the nights . ( cue my not sleeping because of it and why i had been on the slower side of things where commissions were involved ; my brain was fried . ) but because of these things not showing up in blood tests , his doctor didn't know what was going on .
on valentine's day , it got to a point where the pain was so severe that even my stubborn father , who avoids hospitals at all costs , let us call an ambulance for him . it's bad . he has a bacterial infection that ate his flesh and then worked its way into his bones . he had surgery last friday to remove dead skin , a procedure that was ( false hope on the doctor's part to give my father ) in hopes supposed to give the bones a chance to heal . but his surgeon told my dad that while the bones are supposed to be rock hard , his were like styrofoam and completely crumbled to the touch . the bones are dead , there's no saving them .
he has to have both of his legs amputated and if he doesn't have the surgery , the infection will make its way into his blood stream and he'll be dead in days . they currently have him on the strongest antibiotics they can provide for him and they're waiting on the swelling to go down from the last surgery , so that could be six weeks alone before he can have the surgery; where they'll have to do one amputation at a time because it'll be too much on his heart to do at once .
how long my father will be in this hospital and what him being in the hospital means for myself and my family . . .
trigger warnings regarding this section : financial struggles , amputation
according to his doctors , it may be six months to a year before he's allowed to come home . but with all the different timelines we're getting thrown at us from different doctors and nurses , my mom seems to think it'll be more towards two years with multiple surgeries and recovery times . and that's if he ever gets to . we live on the second floor , so there's a heavy chance he might not get to come home again . though , we have an unscheduled visit with someone from the hospital to determine if our apartment is suitable for him to come home to . fingers crossed .
they're currently in plans to send him to a rehabilitation center for eight weeks to watch and make sure the infection doesn't spread while they give him his antibiotics and wait for the swelling of the previous surgery to subside . after that , he'll be sent back to the hospital for the first amputation and give it some time to heal before he's sent back to the rehabilitation center until he's physically strong enough for the second amputation . after both amputations , he'll be set yet again back to rehabilitation for months until he heals and relearns everything in a new way . i have no idea why the back and forth has to happen but it's stressing us out .
what this means for my family ? with my dad in the hospital and rehabilitation centers , we lose 80% of our rent income , with no way to get it back . easily put : me , my mom , and sister will be homeless with no family or friends to stay with , no food , you get the gist .
my situation in general has changed and so have my prices ( not by much ) . . .
trigger warnings regarding this section : financial struggles
i used to be able to get by with saving my money for myself , to get out of here but i can't avoid it anymore . i have to start giving commission funds towards rent , bills , food , etc . . . especially since , with everything going on , we're already really behind on rent and bills / can't make up the difference of what was lost .
given the fact that not only my family's but also my situation has changed , i had to raise my prices by a little bit . ( also because n.etflix changed their password sharing policies and i now have to pay for my own account in order to continue those commissions ) they didn't go up by much ; i was originally going to do them up by five but i couldn't see myself raising them that much , so i didn't do that . even the littlest bit adds up .
if you're currently one of my commission slots , you get the old pricing . any new commission orders received will be under the new pricing as of today 2/26/2023 .
all pricing changes were made to the pricing page , listed on my blog .
commissions . . .
trigger warnings regarding this section : none
i am accepting commissions orders now more than ever and probably won't cap them for the time being . i just , please , ask for your patience as i work through them . if you're not placing an order in fear that i'll become overwhelmed , don't even worry about that . feel free to place it .
requests . . .
trigger warnings regarding this section : none
i usually don't do this but i am taking base icon requests to add to my payhip and ko-fi shops for sale . if you have any requests for me to add to my shop , please drop them in my inbox over at @tutorgirlrph so that i don't get them confused with the commissions here , thank you !
donations . . .
trigger warnings regarding this section : financial struggles
my friend once told me that he knows it's hard to ask for help but sometimes we need to let people in , suck up our pride , and ask for help . because sometimes it is okay to ask for help and to let people help . so i guess , for once , this is me saying i really need the help . i'm going to link my friend's paypal ( funds go directly to me from there ) and my ko-fi account below in hopes that if someone sees this and is in a position where they can help me and my family out , they can . if you aren't in a position where you can help , please don't worry . spreading the word can help a lot more than you think .
paypal : paypal.me/natashac93 ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/haydennoelle
thank you in advance to those who help in any possible way .
— hayden .
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iii-days-grace · 2 years
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I didn’t want to post until it was 100% certain because the evil eye is real (🧿🧿🧿) but …
Im getting spayed!!! (trans reasons only don’t worry)
I’m keeping my nards for health reasons so like win win win. No chance of babies or periods ever again, and I wouldn’t have to deal with problems if I ever wanted to or had to go off HRT.
I’ve been waiting almost 2 years since it got cancelled the first time for Covid reasons and like a year before that so almost 3 years?
holy fuck it’s just over 3 weeks away I have so much to do but 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 here’s hoping everything goes smoothly!
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starlightfae · 3 months
oh yeah, speaking of my herniated disc re: last rb...
i'm having a similar pain lately. its more my lower back than my sciatic, but it also makes my right leg ache the way my left leg used to before my surgery
I'm so scared i have another herniated disc, not just for the regular reasons (altho I feel like I will be more readily believed bc there's a precedent now) but because I just got my a1c down to acceptable levels for a plastic surgeon to do top surgery, all I need now is a letter from a therapist (!!!)
and if y'all didn't know, last time I had the herniated disc, the plastic surgeon was LITERALLY ready for me to schedule my top surgery for the next week, but we were waiting for a date for my back surgery and it was made clear that if i got one of the surgeries, i wouldn't be able to have the other. and the back surgery was a priority obv
and my dysphoria esp about my chest has gotten a lot worse since then so if I have another herniated disc and it delays my top surgery again I'll be absolutely devastated
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sir-klauz · 2 years
Kinda got bad tastes about Baileys recent thing on Dr. Butcher Brown I really don’t know, like, her view points really tbh? And the makeup community is toxic, but she doesn’t understand the desperation of getting anything because of the transphobic culture we live in. It’s alright being like stay safe gaaa but she got $8millions bet worth and could help causes like this for healthcare of perhaps trans friends she may have which she isn’t obligated to do but, ugh. I’m glad someone spoke up about it though, what I hope is for inspiration for doctors to go onto being interested in trans medical care and safety from it.
I’ve enjoyed her stuff up until now but I’m a little eerm with this one, I think she tried, and yes it’s a bit of a swamp to bring up the practice of going with your gut obviously but when you’re on your knees begging and crying to a doctor to help you and they refuse you will go elsewhere or maybe even die otherwise because you can’t go on. The problem is the refusal to use the knowledge we have by the majority to not safely allow for trans patients to get the best they deserve. The problem is doctors refusing to implement this part of being a doctor into their curriculum and training when they know they can and have experiments unfortunately like this to prove it.
He was doing it probably because he was egotistical about his own abilities which had nothing to do with trans people, but I wish this sort of thing was done safely in the first place because we can do it safely with the correct expertise and the best doctors in the world could do this stuff they just haven’t/won’t be trained in doing so because of bigotry and controlling people, patients, which are here to be saved not a big ego pat on the back 100% of the time and yes you deserve you’re achievements and that did things and saved people’s lives and such it takes a Lot, to do so, but. In this case he also was using us to benefit his own ego but he did the experiments, and it’s awful have deadly things have to become in order for action to support a minority.
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i-eat-worlds · 8 months
🔪👨‍⚕️🧽🪣🔫🧤 for the ask game
thanks for the ask, nonny!
set during Alex’s time undercover with Zorland
cw: medical whump, pain, gun shot injuries, medical abuse/neglect, nausea, needles, narcotic mention, graphic depiction of surgery w/o anesthesia, probable medical inaccuracies
Alex watched the lights of Zorland’s back room as she was unceremoniously dumped onto the cold metal exam table. Her leg was throbbing, icy-hot pain emanating from the bullet burrowed in her thigh. It must’ve been bad, since they’d taken her straight to medical instead of Zorland. The room cleared out, and she waited for the unforgiving touch of the healer’s hands as he strapped her down to the table.
It didn’t come. Instead, someone else she didn’t recognize stepped into the room.
Was this some new test? Zorland poking and prodding further to see if she would break? Only time would tell.
“Did they just fucking leave you here?” They asked incredulously, eyebrows furrowing. There was a tired sigh, and then the sound of a stretching latex.
A face appeared in her vision. “Can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?”
She laid there in silence for a moment, words caught in her throat. Normally, the healer didn’t ask questions.
“Shot. Left thigh,” she said, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice.
“Anywhere else hurt?” They patted their hands down her body, feeling around for other injuries.
She shook her head, resisting the urge to flinch at all the little touches. It would be over soon.
“Great. I’m going to take a look at your leg now, hun.” There was a firm hand on her ankle, and then her pants started to be cut away.
It took everything she had in her to not rip her leg away from the healer’s hands. Just because they weren’t the usual guy didn’t mean they wouldn’t report every whimper and wail back to Zorland.
“Bleeding’s stopped,” they noted in a tone that was almost upbeat. “I’m going to look for an exit wound now.”
Alex grit her teeth as the healer’s hands slid closer to her inner thigh, trying to ignore the deep feeling of wrong that rolled through her gut. They quickly inspected her leg, and she did her best to not inch away.
“I’m gonna start an IV, and then I’ll sort your leg.” The smell of alcohol wipes burned the air. “Any allergies, sweetheart?”
“No.” Not that she knew off, anyway. Still, it was odd that she was even asking. The normal guy rarely gave her anything, with the occasional exception of saline.
“I’ve no controlled, but I’ll do what I can for the pain.” They sunk the needle into the top of her hand.
Pain medication. What a fantasy that was. Zorland, apparently, drew the line at illegally acquiring narcotics.
“I’m also going to give you an antiemetic. My powers tend to make people feel nauseated, so it’ll help.” After the explanation, the healer quickly pushed the meds and moved on.
A blanket was spread across the upper half of Alex’s body. It wasn’t thick, nor was it very soft, but it was something. The back room was always freezing, so it was still appreciated. They let Alex down four ibuprofen, and they also set a bucket by her head, “just in case.”
How nauseous did her powers make people?
There was an awkward lull of activity while the healer prepared for the procedure ahead, setting out their tools, scrubbing their hands, and sliding on a new pair of sterile gloves.
Alex did her best to keep still while the healer worked. For some reason, the lack of restraints was jarring. It wasn’t that she liked them, it just felt wrong for them to not be there. Her wrists felt too light, and the lack of pressure across her hips made it feel like she was going to float away.
The ibuprofen started to kick in, though it barely made a dent. “This is going to hurt, there’s no way around it,” the healer said, almost apologetically. “It’s alright if you scream. If you need a break, just let me know, yeah?” As they spoke, they gently used a sponge to wash the dried blood away, then swiped betadine around the wound.
Alex wasn’t stupid enough to fall for that particular trick. At least the guy was nice enough to give her the rod, but she’d probably be able to pull through without biting her tongue off. Probably.
“I’m going to have to remove the bullet before I can heal you.” They spread a drape over her leg. “It’s going to suck but you’re going to be okay.”
In preparation, she wrapped her hands around the sides of the table, trying to steady her breathing. She’d had worse. She’d had so much worse.
The healer made the first incision, dragging the scalpel along the edges of the wound to widen it. Alex grunted, face twisting in pain as she dug her fingernails into the metal. Two fingers plunged into the wound, scissoring it open.
She just wanted it to stop.
Cold metal forceps dug into the wound, searching for the bullet. Her leg twitched on the table, a useless attempt to throw the healer’s hands o of her. “We’re nearly done,” they said, but Alex couldn’t really hear them.
They pushed further, until they finally stopped. “Got it.” They said, yanking the bullet out of the wound and dropping it on the floor. “All that’s left is to heal it.”
Darkness glimmered in the corners of her vision. It would be all too easy to just let go.
Fire ared in her leg as the healer started to work. “You’re doing great, sweetheart,” they said as Alex’s flesh slowly started to knit itself back together. Bile burned the back of her throat, and she reached for the bucket.
“I gotcha, just a little bit longer,” they said, voice soft. The sentiment was nice, but it was overshadowed by the absolute agony that was tearing through her. Her vision was lled with stars and spots, and she didn’t ght them as they clouded over and pulled her under.
The emptiness was home.
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps @rainydaywhump @painful-pooch @rainbowsandwhumperflies
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luveline · 2 years
can i request something from the valentine prompts with reader conforting james and the prompt "if you take care of everyone, who takes care of you?" and basically her taking care of him. Thank you so much!
luveline's valentine's mini party ♥︎
thank you for your request! tw ment anxiety attack | fem!reader
James is a ball of stress when you finally find him. 
"You're very hard to track down when you want to be," you say, hand falling to his shoulder.
He covers your hand with his own, anchoring you to his shoulder as you sit. He looks to you, nods apologetically, and then stares back out over the garden. His shoulders are rigid.
"Sorry, shorts, I'm just thinking." 
Shorts is an abbreviation for shortcake, but everybody who hears him say it thinks he's taking the piss. You pull your knees up and take back your hand. 
You stare out at the garden with him. The grass is green, the sky blue. It's a nice summer's day, and he should be relaxing here in a lounger or out playing rugby with his friends.
"I talked to Remus. He's feeling fine, and he doesn't need you to go over if you're not feeling well." 
James doesn't look betrayed, exactly, but close. "I can't not go see him, he's just had surgery." 
"A week ago. And you've been to see him everyday, I'm sure he wouldn't mind some time alone." 
James holds out his hand and you twine your fingers together. He pulls it to his chest, squeezes. 
"I spoke to Sirius too," you admit.
He looks down at your hands with a chuckle. "'Course you did." 
"He says to stop being a wuss and to cancel plans via text like a real man." 
"I didn't cancel plans. You did." 
You prop your head against his shoulder. He puts his cheek atop your head. 
"I'm really sorry if I crossed the line, Jamie, but I… I don't think what happened this morning was okay." 
James in the bathroom, his back turned away from you. He'd tried to hide it but he'd been hyperventilating, breath coming in tight and shallow, gripping the bathroom sink for dear life. He hadn't been able to explain it to you and you couldn't make sense of it, all you could do was stand with him, waiting for it to pass. 
"How's your hand?" he asks. 
The hand James isn't holding is a little worse for wear, but it isn't important. 
"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it, but maybe we should just not talk about anyone else, either," you say carefully. "You're worrying too much. You're stressed about everybody you know, and it's beautiful that you care so much but it's gonna make you really sick, you know?" 
"I have people I need to take care of," he says gently. "That's a good thing." 
"But if you take care of everyone else, who takes care of you?" 
"You do." His nose kisses your temple. His breath fans out over your skin. "You take care of me." 
"I'm trying to," you say. 
You swing your bad hand around his chest and hug him even when it aches. You lift up from your seat on the deck to encourage his head into your neck, kiss kiss kissing across the top of his head, curls thick and fragrant under your lips. "I need you take care of yourself, too," you say. "I know that's another person on the long list, but it should be the first, yeah?" 
"...It can be second," he bargains. 
You rub his shoulders. "I can work with that."
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AITA for being naked at a nude beach?
tw past si ment
I (21ftm) recently went to a nude beach with a friend(47f). I was naked p much the whole time and I got some stare/weird looks but I'm used to that. I have p obvious top surgery scars (they're fully healed, they're just big and I chose not to keep my nipple so it looks double weird) and I also have a lot of scars on my thighs from cutting. Nothing fresh, although some of them are kinda pink/red. The next day, my friend told me that she didn't want to go back to the beach with me, and she recommended I not show my scars in public in general. She said it was disturbing and like I kinda get it-- I do look p fucky. But also it's my body and they're all healed so??? idk am i being an ass for not covering them or is she being overly sensitive.
What are these acronyms?
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aura-whispers · 14 days
long rant under the cut
tw: anxiety, animal death ment. death ment.
i had such a severe panic attack during my therapy session today that i had to hang up the call, ground myself, then call her back. i was texting my therapist the entire time. i was so embarrassed. i felt so, so bad for having the panic attack. i realized so quickly that i’m not coping with the loss of my dog as well as i’d originally thought.
i also learned that my 91 year old grandfather fell two days ago. my mom’s cousin (an ICU surgeon), was visiting from FL. he was with my grandfather when he fell, but because he was able to walk, they didn’t go to the ER and instead went out to dinner.
now he can’t walk, so they had to call an ambulance for him, and he’s being admitted for three days due to pain. once PT evaluates him, he’s either going to a nursing home for rehabilitation, or home.
he has dementia and CLL which has now become active. the broken hip (which doesn’t require surgery, thankfully), is pushing him closer to his end. i just lost my dog, and it’s only. matter of time before he dies, too. my fiancé and i have decided to try and move the date of our wedding up due to my only two living grandparents, and his mother (who is very sick), to attend.
and to top it all off, my dog is coming home in an urn tomorrow.
i hate this. i hate getting older. i hate that my family is getting older. i hate that people are dying. i hate grief. i hate anxiety and panic and depression. i’ve had a severe panic attack every day since my dog went to the vet.
sorry. i just want to cry. i hate this. i’m so frustrated and sad.
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hey , lovelies . an update on the smaller side . one of my dad's major surgeries was moved up to yesterday with little notice because his infection started to spread further up his legs . we also found out he has a blockage in his heart , the day before his scheduled surgery so i was even more worried about how this surgery was going to go . he made it through the surgery . he still has another surgery that he needs to have but i'm making myself take things one step at a time for stress reasons . especially since he's still healing from the major one so that other surgery isn't scheduled yet .
he's been sleepy and dazed all day today with a fever , low blood count , and low blood pressure + low sodium but on the plus side , he currently sounds more awake and alert and more like himself than he has in months . his fever has also dropped as of 9pm tonight , which i'm relieved to hear . but he's not out of the woods yet on any account , seeing as the the doctors told us the next five days are crucial in making sure he doesn't end up with a post - op infection .
aside from hospital visits ( as per c.ovid regulations there are only two people allowed to see him a day , one at a time ; so my mom , myself , and two sisters are forced to switch up on days we get to go and visit him . ) i will be working all weekend / week to get out those commission orders to you all . thank you for the good vibes , thoughts , and prayers . they mean more than anyone could ever know .
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defiantcripple · 5 months
What's your Iced Lemon Tea?
My favorite song of all time is "Your Heart is A Muscle The Size of Your Fist" by Ramshackle Glory! (TW for sui and g*n ment, keep that in mind before listening!)
There's something about the lines:
"Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
Keep on loving, keep on fighting
And hold on, hold on for your life"
That absolutely changed my life. I want a tattoo referencing it on my chest once I get top surgery!
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