#surely at some point after all the build up of conflict someone would attempt at least a different way to tackle their problem!!
yarrowleef-babbles · 2 years
i loved the raven cycle (and TDT by extension) and also i am so infuritated with the raven cycle and a lot of it has to do with the conflict-to-resolution ratio being so very unbalanced
like i think i peaked Fixation Mode between Dream Thieves and Blue Lily, like i was so indescribably hooked on the build up of all this emotional conflict, but what gets me hyped on that stuff is the awaiting of some kind of cathartic resolution to all the interpersonal mess and I was just!! not given it!! the love for each other despite everything and the desire to fix things was clearly there but never properly acted on. because ~they didn't need words~
you know I think maybe you do actually need at least an attempt at words sometimes. i think maybe when your relationships are built on eggshells and the same arguments keep happening over and over, a couple (unrelated to the root of the conflict) grand gestures and knowing looks are actually not a resolution. that's just sweeping the problems under a rug until they inevitably come up again another day when you trip over all that baggage building up underneath
the characters fighting so so much only works if a good amount of time is given later to actually resolving them, otherwise it leaves the whole relationship(s) feeling doomed to fail. which is so frustrating because that's clearly not what its supposed to be about. i'm in agonies
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Didn't know y'all did anything with DCC so I kinda wanna see what your opinion is on this campaign I'm in.
There's a guy we'll call him L, he and I were the only two players for the first two times we met up, and this week we finally got a third player. L has been very aggressively bullrushing every confrontation, completely ignoring everything in his path... And it got our entire party WIPED OUT (I was running 7 characters at once, him 4) session 1 and ushered in an age of chaos. Session 2 was building first levels, and he was constantly trying to dictate what I was going to build and play. The party wipe was devastating to me bc I had started to grow an attachment to one of my lawfuls, and unnecessary and L made no move to stop anything at any point. I assumed initially he was just frozen up on the spot.
Then session 3 happened (first one with the 1st levels we built) and I'm not so sure that's the case anymore. We were sent by the Chaos Gods to the realm of Law to steal the Yokeless egg and he was very much avoidant of any of the plot, including avoiding our DM in the storefront when they were supposed to be having their one on one for The Plot.
We get to the Ox defending the Yokeless Egg and he was running the ONLY lawful character, and he'd had some good meta this session for how he would react to things. This time he literally did nothing while me and the third player (both chaotic alignments) were attempting to figure shit out against the Ox to avoid combat. I went as far as to have my second character (neutral aligned) was elbowing his in the ribs and eventually even pushed L's character to the front to force him to interact with the Ox.
For nearly two whole minutes he sat in complete and utter silence as the Ox began to sniff out the chaos weapons we'd been issued, and didn't act again until combat began. It was PAINFUL bc our DM literally told us ahead of time that most monsters we'd face in the Law realm would kill us easily, so I'd tried to impart that we'd avoid conflict as much as possible.
My question for y'all is like, is this normal etiquette with players in a party? I had played 5e before this and have never experienced someone that acted like that, and if they acted similarly it was usually due to social dynamics or autistic stuff. I had given benefit of the doubt first session, but after this session I'm no longer believing he didn't act this way on purpose. Just wondering if you (or anyone else) has any takes on this situation, is this normal, how the FUCK do you play when someone in your party seems hellbent on combat and ONLY combat.
Also wondering if you have any advice for like, how to actually get this guy to stop Leroy Jenkinsing his way through each and every single dungeon. He has not stopped to examine anything even once and it was the reason our first party got wiped (we needed 500gp worth of items to toss to the Leviathan or a still-beating heart and he chose to start chopping at it instead).
I apologize for the length and density of this ask and appreciate any advice anyone has to give me. I'm at the point where if this party wipes out again I will be quitting.
(sidenote: I've been in this campaign and it's one of my favourites)
This players sounds like a dick. DCC is high-stakes and you need to be able to work as a party to survive, but it sounds like he basically got you killed due to main character syndrome and learned no lessons.
Advice-wise I'd have a talk and make sure he actually understands how TTRPGs and specifically DCC work, which will presumably either lead to "sorry, didn't realise this wasn't fun for everyone else, I'll do better", or deciding he shouldn't be in the group. I'd also have a chat with your GM before that, because there's every chance they enjoy it even if you don't (and it's very much not the recommended approach).
But yeah this is not the kind of gameplay DCC is designed for at all, and your characters are clearly suffering for it - Paper
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sillyangstfic · 2 months
Ya know what's a concept I love and was deeply dissapointed was explored in the show: the miraculi having side effects on the wearers. Specifically where the longer you wear it, the more like the animal of the miraculi you become (both physically and behaviorally).
The lost potential screams at me the most when I look at the conflict with Lila Rossi. Imagine, during one of Lila's many month long absences due to her lies, Marinette manages to rekindle the friendships with her classmates and help them grow in successful miraculous users. During these several months, each of the classmates start having side effects and by the time Lila is back they're all quite different. For starters, they're all way closer as a group due most the miraculi animals being very social (aka herd/flock mentality). Second, their respective instincts and senses are turned way up so know they can all see danger coming a mile away.
Imagine the shared confusion when the classmate they all loved and missed starts causing their instincts to just scream "DANGER" as soon as she steps into the room. No matter how friendly she seems or the good memories they have, their senses recognize her as a danger to their group.
Chloe has be physically stopped from throwing Lila out of school because how else should she respond to a wasp in her hive. Marinette is very tempted to just listen to her insticts, walk right up to Lila, and rip her throat out with her mandibles (ladybugs are quite opportunistic voracious predators). Adrien keeps swatting away all of Lila's attempts to touch him and hisses at her when she pushes. Same goes for Juleka except its more of a low growl. Those whose animals are traditionally prey animals (Rose, Mylene, Ivan, Alix, Max, Kim, Zoe, and Nathaniel) all feel very nervous around her, feeling the intense need to either avoid her or just placate her. Marc and Felix, on the other hand, watch her like hawks and keep a look out for any threatening behaviors. Luka and Nino tend to coil into themselves to make themselves seem smaller and keep her away. Ironically, Alya is the one who feels the most hostile since her instincts not only see Lila as dangerous but also as a rival fox (their quite territorial creatures).
It doesn't take long for the entire group to realize that Lila's full of shit but decide to just not say anything since it's not like they can just expel her and, learning from what happened to Marinette, letting her tell her stories as she pleased was the best way to keep her harmless. They also collectively agree that none should ever be alone with her and always have someone follow Lila whenever she tries to go for one of them.
Alya deletes all her interviews with her and comes up with bullshit excuses regarding the blog crashing and stalling any attempts for a retake of the interview. Everyone refuses to sit with her, citing that they don't wish to bother her physical condition. Lila can tell something is wrong, but she can't tell what.
I don't know how or what the build up would be, but at some point Lila will go after Marinette again due to her closeness with Adrien and I would have loved to see a final showdown between Rena Rouge and Volpina. Not just cause their both foxes, but also to explore that animalistc side to the miraculi. I want the reason Volpina looses because she doesn't have the instincts and ingenuity of the fox that Rena Rouge has. Volpina has not specialized eyes to see in the dark, no fangs to bite through rope, no enhanced hearing or smell to track her enemies down, and no predatory instinct to see the fight through. In fact, I don't want this to be a fight at all. I want this to be a hunt, have it start out as a fight before is escalates to Lila pathecially running away as Alya hunts her down in her own natural element.
Bonus: I'll keep it vauge since I'm not sure how comfortable with gore you are, but I have this particular visual of Rena Rouge with blood dripping from her mouth as she stands over Lila detransforming with a noticeable bite on her neck. Volpina cockily gloating her supposed victory and only realizing her loss when she feels Rena Rouge rip a part of her throat out. Lila would eventually recover but, even after the miraculous ladybug heals everything else, she still has to be hospitalized (the blame put on a violent sentimonster/different akuma) and still has that scar potruding from her neck. Alya and the class are equally disturbed at the fact that they all feel nothing towards this, the guilt at not feeling any guilt, the proof that they're becoming some other than human.
So basically magnus archiving mlb characters? Fun fun fun
For the Chloe thing specifically, I would like to mention that specifically when wasps enter a beehive they surround it and buzz, the friction causing enough heat to kill the wasp. That said, I think Chloe would do this by constantly getting into Lila’s space and trying to emotionally and verbally suffocate her
For the ladybug lore you’ve just dropped, oooooh I need more Marinette beats the shit outta her problems. Violent Marinette rights
With the more skittish animals, bunny, snake, butterfly, etc, I think it would make sense for them to literally run away from Lila and feel viscerally uncomfortable if forced to be in close proximity to her
More on snake boy Luka, because I am snake fact man, let’s say due to his past relationship with Marinette, Lila goes after him. Now, snakes bite for one of two reasons, either they feel cornered and are trying to get you to back tf off, or they see you as food. Either Lila gets a short bite from Luka (a tag) or he sees her as food and goes on the hunt. I think that I prefer him as a constrictor, so again like Chloe he’s crowding Lila, but different in that it’s offensive rather than defensive where his instincts tell him to wrap around her until she can’t breathe and stops moving altogether
For Adrien, cats refuse to be around people they don’t like, and will chase out other cats who come into their territory who they don’t like. Polite sweetheart Adrien, who sees Lila for the first time in months and snarls at her. Adrien who does everything he can to make her feel unwelcome in class, who leaves scratch marks on her when she gets too close
Also the ultimate Alya kill (or maim, ig)!!! Yes!!! As said with Marinette, I think she should get to bite Lila. 10/10 because the implication of that scar is that she dies, right, Alya bites her jugular and she bleeds out. The magical ladybugs bring her back, but the power in Rena’s act keeps it concaved and turns it into a scar
Gore starts below:
Ok more Alya bec now you’ve got me researching how fox’s hunt. They pounce at like a 40 degree angle, and typically swallow rodents whole. The force of a fox’s pounce will break through snow, or into a den of a burrowing animal (after finding it through scent). Foxes hunt larger prey by dashing from hiding spot to hiding spot while staying hidden until it can dash out in a final chase. When foxes fight eachother, they actually do bite the neck. Put it all together and you get:
Lila feels watched, no matter where she goes. Sometimes she catches glimpses of something, but she doesn’t know what it is. A stalker? A wild animal? A weird akuma? Whatever it is, it’s getting closer. Eventually, she locks herself in one of those model trailers we sometimes see in the show, only for Rena Rouge to jump hands first through the roof onto her. Hawkmoth senses her distress, and he sends an akuma to her before Rena can finish her hunt. Volpina uses her powers to get away, but soon finds her illusions can’t fool the nose of a fox. The next time Rena strikes, Volpina has no clue she was even near. Rena rips out a chunk of her neck and swallows it whole. Volpina bleeds out, staring at sharp, blood covered teeth.
Later, when the magical ladybugs repair everything, Lila is still missing a chunk of her neck, though the wound is now cleanly healed. She doesn’t know why, but she can never quite look at Alya the same
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made-nondescript · 2 years
Lore guy anon returns! With question answers! (I love answering questions so feel free to ask any)
The whole him traveling thing is. Complicated to explain due to a big giant piece of worldbuilding I did that is, basically, long story short: oopsie! The fae realm is all over the ocean now and it's messed up almost all sea travel! (The pirates (or at least their captains) are fae, don't worry about it its a whole thing)
But it basically means that when people leave the continent, they aren't really expected to return. Doing some worldbuilding on the spot (since your questions have revealed where this backstory idea conflicts with the family idea), maybe Scott's parents croaked (since I just haven't bothered with them so might as well shove them out of the picture) and that's what prompted scott to go on his travels, cuz ya know might as well see the world. I've also given him vague sisters (sisters to contrast qith the brother he had in xornoth in s1) that also left not long after him, siting better opportunities outside of chromia and the continent as a whole.
(((Oh wait I just remembered he's mentioned his parents (as his dad was where he got the hat from, and he was a traveler as well), so maybe that's also why he decided to leave. He also prolly saw most of the continent on family trips and such, so beyond was the only place to go that would be new)
But scott eventually did return (after being literally robbed blind), and became the talk of the town because of it! With the sisters being a useful writing thing to show that aspect of the culture more directly, because like. They haven't come back. Most don't.
And again on 'questions providing useful jumping off points for building', I haven't got much for the family fueds (I'll have to make the families and their fueds first. I've been on holiday so I haven't quite managed to), I imagine scott, now an adult rather than just a child hearing gossip, prolly doesn't see much of it. He'd be like, the last member of that branch of his family, so he can kinda do what he wants. But since he became Important by happenstance, the other families might even try to get in his good graces, get him to agree with them and get trades and allies that favor their laws. Weither or not he's aware of their attempts, who knows, not me! (yet).
Also on the topic of his family, the llamas are less a chromia thing and more a smajor family thing. I say this cuz i find the llamas being more a scott thing to be halarious, but like theres still a whole park dedicated to them. Although scotts definitely particular about the llamas, in a very rich animal kid kind of way. Like, say, when the bar needed a new barkeep, scott was all like "Oh! Owen could do it!" "Good! Who's Owen?... scott that's a llama..... eh ya know what, better than our last guy!"
Also I'm liking the idea that the whole no central leadership thing in chromia is a big source of pride. They don't need someone to order them around, they can simply come together to agree on things! They ignore how the Important Families are still a similar concept (although again on pride, those families also tend towards making sure that they care for their communities. If they aren't, they aren't being proper citizens! And if they become cruel, the people can always just. Stop listening to them, due to the structure of the laws and all that. (Obviously a bit more complicated than that but yeah))
This ask is even longer than the last :D! (Haven't even mentioned the ancient capital!!) But like feel free to answer more questions. For other empires I also have some slight stuff for Sanctuary (although it's more in how it relates to the other empires), I've got some concepts for Stratos (and how it contrasts the other empires, including its nearest neighbor, in both local and culture, chromia), as well as two seperate ideas for tumble town??? One of which, the more recent one, I believe was prompted from musing on your blog! (Like tumble town being a gold rush town who's mines have run empty)
FAE PIRATES OMG... that is very unique. I really dig that and the idea that like, leaving the continent is kind of expected to be the end of you. Scott's whole eye situation very nicely compliments that attitude towards venturing off continent too, because he may have come back but like, at a cost.
The llamas being a Scott thing IS so funny I love that. They just like their llamas okay!! the real question is whether the whole family treated animals like they're capable of human tasks or if Scott is just Weird. EITHER way, Owen would have to be very well trained to stay behind the bar for a suitable amount of time! so! Scott's affections are not misplaced.
Imagining in this society that the affluent families kind of apply pressure on one another to be good maintainers of their communities as well. Like it's a status symbol or something to have a particularly well cared for community.
Which, on the subjects of communities being clustered around the more affluent families, does that mean that Scott's family (or rather, Scott and his sisters?) was kind of negligent by leaving? Regardless of responsibility - if any - to their community, did they (temporarily or permanently) redistribute their resources before doing so? Was somebody else in charge? Maybe dynamics vary a lot between communities (which would no doubt be infuriating to foreigners). Did they simply not amass very much in the way of traditional resources? Ohh maybe their affluence comes from a non-traditional source, due to their travels.
Additionally, on no centralized leadership being a point of pride: I can imagine that getting very frustrating for Scott very fast. Not that he wants to be leader or anything, but he's basically being made to do the job of one without having the power to actually make decisions. So someone from another Empire asks him a question and he just sighs and says he'll get back to them after the 5 to 25 business days it takes for everyone to chime in on the issue.
These are so awesome thank you for sharing!!! All of those ideas sound wonderful frankly!!!! Specifically staring really hard at what you said about Stratos and Tumble Town omg ??
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spacefinch · 1 year
More Magic School Bus headcanons!
Here’s my headcanons for what each kid does when they grow up!
(They’re all scientists!)
Arnold: Geologist. I also think it’d be neat if he’s a geology teacher as well. Instead of apples, his students bring him cool rocks. (This headcanon was inspired by students bringing my geology/oceanography teacher rocks.)
Phoebe: I got a few options for her: ornithologist (bird scientist), lepidopterist (butterfly and moth scientist) or botanist (plant scientist). Whatever she does end up doing, she’s sure to put her whole heart and soul into it.
Keesha: Microbiologist. (Yes, this is because of the pickle episode.) For non-science careers, she’s probably a dancer or does work in the movie industry.
Ralphie: Chiropterologist, or a scientist who studies bats. In the chapter books, he really likes bats. In the show, he’s a bit slower to warm up to them, but he learns to like them.
Tim: Marine biologist or ornithologist (if Phoebe decides she doesn’t want to study birds professionally). He’s also a well-known illustrator and nature photographer.
Wanda: Herpetologist (scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians). She prefers a hands-on approach to her research, and everyone agrees she takes after her mother.
Carlos: Paleontologist. His favorite dinosaurs are Velociraptor and Archaeopteryx, if you’re not counting modern-day birds (which he loves too).
Dorothy Ann: Astronomer or astrophysicist. She specializes in deep-space objects such as stars, black holes, and faraway nebulas.
Mikey: probably a computer programmer or engineer of sorts. Very hands-on with his work. He might also help make improvements to his friends’ science equipment.
Janet: Paleontologist— and Carlos’s rival, at that. The two of them are always going off at each other via research papers.
D.A. and Carlos have named things they’ve discovered after each other. Carlos named a feathered dinosaur after D.A. Meanwhile, D.A. named a star cluster after Carlos.
Ralphie has a doctorate (everyone here does because they are that hardworking and ambitious); however, he’s probably the most chill about it.
Someone: Hey, Dr. Tennelli!
Ralphie: Oh, no, no, no. Dr. Tennelli is my mom. Please, Call me Ralphie.
A look at Carlos and Janet’s intellectual arguments:
“A Theory About Dinosaurs,” by Ramon, et al.
“A Conflicting Theory About the Same Dinosaurs,” by Perlstein, et al.
“Dr. Perlstein (the Paleontologist, not the Geologist) Was Wrong and Here’s Why,” by Ramon, et al.
This continues for several more research papers, eventually ending in a temporary truce:
“If We Knew What We Were Doing, It Would Not Be Called Research, Would It?” by Perlstein, Ramon, et al.
(And of course Tim does illustrations for both papers.)
Dorothy Ann still has her parrot named Dinah, but she also has some new pets too. First is a dog named Laika, after the first dog in outer space. Second is a cat named Asimov.
Phoebe’s house is full of plants, both outside and inside. Everywhere you look: plants. The outside plants are all species that are native to where Phoebe lives, and they attract lots of birds and insects. Phoebe keeps her more exotic plants indoors, and likes to propagate them to give to friends.
Mikey plays the piano as a hobby. He has a service dog, though I’m not sure what breed. And he’s very passionate about disability rights and accessibility.
The whole gang lives near one another. Options: Same neighborhood, different houses. Same apartment, different rooms. Or everyone lives in one big house.
About the last bullet point: yes, the former students of Ms. Frizzle’s class (plus one sibling and one cousin) live in a sitcom.
Never though I’d bring MSB Rides Again into this discussion, but hear me out. Jyoti is part of the Science Gang. I personally think that she and Mikey would do engineering stuff together.
They all enjoy hanging out together and watching Star Trek!
Ralphie attempted to build another robot to do everyone’s chores. It did not go well. Hopefully he as learned his lesson and will leave the robot-building to the coding and engineering experts.
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lorelylantana · 2 years
Savageries of the Heart Chapter 10; Reminiscence
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Chapter Rating: G Overall Rating: E
Impa shut off the feed with a sigh of irritation, sending word to the guards to transport Nohansen to a facility in Hateno so Zelda could deal with him at her leisure. After a few seconds passed in silence, Zelda decided to speak up.
“Right, with that settled, I propose that we extend this council meeting so we may begin any discussions that were,” Zelda cleared her throat, cheeks flushed, “postponed.”
It was quiet for a moment longer, and Zelda had worried she’d overstepped, but the Rito Warden on the opposite side of the table shrugged his shoulders. 
“We’re all gathered here anyway. Might as well make it worth the trip.”
The others nodded in a consensus, and Zelda caught a gleam of pride in Urbosa’s eye.
Impa swept a finger across the map, adjusting the point of view to settle above the entire continent. 
“In recent years it has come to our attention that the upper echelons of Hyrule’s ruling class have been infiltrated by Yiga clansmen in an attempt to sabotage not just the Kingdom, but the entire continent.”
“Why would a threat to the Kingdom of Hyrule affect the Zonai?” Zelda asked, brow raised, “forgive me for saying so, but my time in the Dragonlands has made it very clear that my Uncle has catastrophically underestimated you,”
“Us,” Link cut in, gently nudging her elbow.
“Us,” Zelda corrected, warmth fluttering in her chest, “the point stands, Hyrule’s isolationist policies have kept them out of international politics for as long as I . . .” Zelda trailed off, thinking back to the maps her uncle had pinned in her study, how he’d pored over them, paranoid at a threat that lurked across every border. 
“War,” Zelda breathed, shocked to her core. When her uncle had informed her of her upcoming marriage, she hadn't taken the necessity for Zonai military support seriously. It’d been peaceful since the Calamity, and Hyrule field didn’t provide any resources the other territories didn’t possess themselves, so she saw no strategic motivation. If what Impa said rang true, and someone was whispering in the regent turned king’s ear, that was another tale entirely. “They intend to instigate a war.”
“That’s the least of our problems,” Urbosa said, pressing a button to highlight all of the border outposts and the bridges surrounding the Kingdom. “Hylia river makes holding back any forces they send our way child’s play. Daphnes likely believes us to be more reliant on passage through your territory, and would likely build his strategy on the assumption that we’d want to avoid damaging any major thoroughfares. Depending on whatever narrative the Yiga fed him with, he might even think he can cross the borders without us noticing. Since the Railway’s completion, we’ve been able to bypass Hyrule Field in its entirety. In the event of an all out war with Hyrule, we’d blow all of the bridges and make sure they stay that way.”
“It would be simple enough to manage, even in the long term,” Mipha confirmed. Link nodded, but his brow was creased with worry.
“What worries us isn’t the possibility of conflict, but the timing. The Zonai have been unified for centuries, but there was a time when the territories were still separate. If conquest was the goal, the time for it passed generations ago. What the Yiga most likely want is division. They want to keep us from negotiating with the people of Hyrule, and more specifically, the royal family.”
“Negotiating for what?” Zelda asked. This time it was Impa who took the lead, waving in two Sheikah carrying some mechanism in their hands. They placed it on the table, and its six legs rolled aimlessly. Zelda gave it a closer look. It had the shape of an upturned pot, and she noticed what almost looked like an eye.
“As you know, Hyrule’s king grew paranoid after the Calamity, he was afraid our technology was too powerful, so he demanded that we destroy it. Instead we decided to retreat to Kakariko, and when he attempted to take military action against us, the Zonai intervened. We were able to keep some of our knowledge thanks to the protection they provided, but the majority of it was lost due to our main database’s location underneath Hyrule Castle. The Princess Zelda of the time helped wherever she could, but the king destroyed any scrap he could get his hands on. The best she could do was hide away the biggest cache of data with a seal of her own making, keeping her father’s hands off it. 
“For thousands of years, that seemed to be the end of it. We were able to regain most of our knowledge and we went on with our lives. It wasn’t until years ago, with the death of your parents, that we began to suspect things weren’t right.”
Impa gave Link a look, ceding the floor, he nodded and spoke, “My predecessor, Rhiannon, felt herself grow weak shortly before your parent’s deaths reached our ears. She didn’t like the look of it, how they both died on the same day and how she was fading in a way none of the doctors or monks could explain. She consulted with Lanayru at the Spring of Wisdom for guidance. They said she only had a few years left, and she needed to find her successor before Calamity rose again. She found me,” he drifted off, taking her hand.
For the first time since becoming Mother of the Dragonlands, Zelda felt ice pour down her veins. Chilled to the core. She’d heard whispers of Calamity's return, of course, she’d paid it no mind, thinking it was another one of her uncle’s games.
“I’ll admit all this techno stuff is a few steps out of my quarry, but what I do know is the Calamity is returning, the army we built against it hasn’t moved in an age, and they won’t be unless we get our hands on that data,” Daruk muttered. He was large, even for a Goron, and this room clearly wasn’t built for him, so the mere act of scratching the back of his head almost sent Link into the ceiling. Despite the gravity of the situation growing heavier, Zelda found herself grateful for her husband’s reflexes. Across the table, Urbosa nodded, looking Zelda in the eye.
“A princess created that seal, a princess can destroy it. But first, we need to take back Hyrule Castle”
It was a strange thing, to stand atop an ice capped mountain without so much as a shiver. It wasn’t natural, or maybe it was, and Zelda’s understanding of the world was simply wrong.
So, so wrong. 
Zelda wasn’t used to taking power for granted, yet here she was, looking out over her dominion as the sky brightened, one shade of blue at a time. After a moment’s hesitation, she stepped into the spring, waters warm and soothing as it caressed the skin of her ankles and seeped the fringes of her cerulean wrap skirt.
The first time she’d stepped into a sacred spring, she had faced the goddess like an adversary. An obstacle to overcome before she could at long last hold her head high with the assurance that she deserved a place in Hyrule Castle. 
What an insidious ploy, drafting Zelda to fight a war against herself.
Zelda shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She didn’t come here to wallow in past miseries. She came here to brace herself. Walking through the spring up to the statue, she pulled herself onto the shelf and let her feet dangle into the water. Perhaps she should have been more hesitant to sit on what could very well be an altar, but she couldn’t bring herself to worry. Something in the back of her mind told her that the Spring of Wisdom was hers and she could use it as she pleased. It seemed all the continent’s hopes were placed on her shoulders, and she had no idea how to carry them. It would be one thing if her mother still lived.
It would be one thing if even a single text written by the women who came before her survived. But they were gone, and Zelda had to stumble blindly forward. Looking to preserve their future by grasping at a past that was ripped from her hands more than a decade ago.
Alone in a sacred spring atop an ice capped mountain, Zelda prayed. In the light of the rising sun, she desperately hoped for just one hint of wisdom from her ancestors. Not the histories written and corrupted by paranoid kings, but the princesses of legend that faced, and brought down, the evils threatening the land with their own hands.
Outside of the Spring of Wisdom, Link’s footsteps crunched into the snow. Zelda opened her eyes to watch him step into the water. 
“How are you?” he asked, coming to kneel before her, chin resting lightly on her knee. She took a breath, searching for words before answering.
“I feel set adrift and pinned down all at once,” she mused, “It is clear to me that Hyrule is corrupted, and I haven’t the faintest idea how to fix it.” Link’s hand curled over her knee, fingertips drifting over her skin.
“I’m the youngest Warden in Zonai history,” he said, a musical tilt coming into his voice when Zelda began running her fingers through his hair, “I was terrified stepping off the boat after Rhiannon’s funeral, because there were patrols to be organize and warriors to train and I hadn’t the faintest idea where to start. Maybe I would have felt better if I was from a different region, but being Warden of the Dragonlands means being Keeper of the entire continent, and that’s what suffocated me. It would be one thing to mount a defense here, where I know each forest, shore, and river like the back of my hand, but everywhere else? I knew next to nothing about them other than the short trips I’d taken. 
“I just panicked, so I ran. After a Warden dies, there's supposed to be three months of grace for their successor to take down a great beast before their claim can be challenged. I ended up tracking a Lynel into the mountains that very evening.”
He paused, and Zelda could feel him swallow against her leg. She scratched his head gently, trying to soothe him in whatever way she could. He took a shuddering breath, then began again. “I spent hours looking at its corpse, waiting for it to change me, somehow. I thought that completing the Rite to Ascend as Warden would make me feel calmer, more ready, but it didn’t. I was the same as I ever was.” He looked up at her then, and Zelda could see the calm, steady look in his eyes. “But I was enough Zelda. I was ready, even when I felt anything but. I think we need a little blind faith in ourselves when dealing with new things. There’s never been a Hyrulean Queen among the Zonai before you, so the challenges before you are unique.” Link gave her a grin that warmed her chest and put a small smile on her own face. “Just because there’s no one to guide you down this path doesn’t mean you aren’t ready for it. Follow your instinct, and the answer will come when the time is right.”
Zelda leaned back against the statue as she mulled his words over. It was a new concept, that she could be naturally suited for anything, but Zelda couldn’t shake the confidence she found in his warm gaze. Besides, she handled her duties as Mother of the Dragonlands well enough, could saving Hyrule really be beyond her reach? 
Link didn’t say anything more, just soaking in the warmth of the dawn with her, but she was content to fill the silence herself by humming a quiet tune as she used the serenity of the moment to pull herself together. Her hands moved out of his hair and skimmed down his neck, fingers tapping imaginary notes into Link's shoulder. The song behind her closed lips shifted, transitioning from her childhood lullaby into a song that struck her as familiar yet indescribably ancient.
Time passes, people move
Like a river’s flow, it never ends.
A childish mind will turn to noble ambition.
Young love will become deep affection.
The water’s clear surface reflects growth.
The final note had not left the confines of her throat when Zelda’s husband disappeared into thin air.
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Session 2: Job 1/3
At the inn, Talo got their own room for all of their equipment and so that they can work on potions in the mornings with more space. Verca and I set up in a room with two beds across the hall.
Once settled, Talo took some time to make an elixir; meanwhile, Verca and I went out to see if there were any notice boards for potential jobs to put us in good standing with city officials so we might be able to speak with the mayor with more ease. We eventually found a board with three jobs in front of City Hall--or some similar governmental building--waiting to be claimed. Upon Verca's suggestion, we took all three, and then we went inside to discuss the matter with the secretary. Verca's plan proved to be a smart move; the wait to talk with the mayor otherwise would be close to a month. So we have three days to handle bandits, gnolls, and a bulette.
While we were walking through Legen, I registered how different everything was from the cabin and its surrounding area. The architecture was primarily carved stone. It made sense for a spot in the middle of a desert with no surrounding vegetation in sight, but it was still odd not seeing the rich browns of trees and soft green moss at every turn.
During our trek back to the inn, I also noticed a considerable number of odd looks following Verca and myself. He tried to explain that we were indeed an odd sight, but I still don't quite understand why that would garner so much attention. We weren't doing anything wrong.
Back at the inn, through the blind swinging of my pointed hand at the job papers laid before us, the gnolls were selected first.
After a brief run in with exploding sand imps--the sand was a pain in my eyes, but Verca was kind enough to help rinse it out with his water--, we came across the gnoll encampment. They yelled as they ran towards us, and in my gut I wanted to try and talk through the issue first since Talo made a very fair point about them being people too, but none of us knew a shared language--leaving "fight" as the only option on the table.
Something about Verca changed during the fight, though. The two other times we had fought together had been brief, but this was different. Shortly after conflict started, I noticed that he seemed to enjoy the carnage that followed the heated tip of his spear. His smile was sinister, something unlike any expression I've ever seen before.
Just as I thought the battle was ending, there was the sound of someone else coming, and I must have blacked out again. One second I was watching Verca turn sand to glass--which evoked a rather strong reaction from Talo about the sheer difficulty of that accomplishment--, questioning what we were doing, and the next I was looking down at my new sword stabbed through the large body of a gnoll figure I had never even seen before. I don't understand what is happening to me. Or why it keeps happening.
I have a sinking feeling that Da would be disappointed in us. Dad certainly would be, at least.
After the fight we (mostly) agreed to try and talk to the bandit group when we pursue them. Hopefully they speak Common, or at least some language that one of us knows. I'm not sure how convinced I am that Verca will put his full effort into that attempt before jumping to violence, though.
We agreed to take a moment to rest and regather ourselves before heading back to the city to pick up our first reward from City Hall.
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WIP Wednesday (on Thursday bc time is a construct)
Tagged by: @korblez
Fic: A Little Too Much Like Me (Fem!Shep x Garrus Vakarian, Avitus Rix x Castis Vakarian, Background Nihlus Kryik x Saren Arterius) Current Word Count: 786 Warnings: Self-indulgent no-reapers crack AU where all the council gets high and decides the best way to force C-Sec and the Spectres to get along is to make them do corporate-style teambuilding exercises. Spoiler alert: it doesn't end well. Sneak peek: Was that linked to being called? No. Avitus never usually bothered to call if he was forced to take off unexpectedly - doing so would imply far too much care, after all. And potentially risk revealing important information about just what he was doing on the council’s orders. And still, his omni-tool was bleating at him. He rolled over and groped on the headboard for it, then cursed his own lack of forethought as he realised that it must have been tossed across the room at some point during the night. Well, he was awake now anyway. After retrieving it from underneath a discarded sweatshirt, it nevertheless took him three attempts to actually accept the call and -ah. Garrus’ face swam into view. “Can I help you?” He asked in lieu of a proper greeting, knowing by the tension across his face that he was about to have to pretend to be awake enough to deal with a medium level outburst. “You can tell Rix to leave me the fuck alone.” His son snarled. Castis didn’t bother to disguise a yawn, contemplating his breakfast options instead of the conversation at hand. “As I told you after he signed you up for that asari porn magazine, he enjoys knowing it upsets you more than anything else. Be the better person, or block his comm address.”
“Hard to block him when I’ve just been told I’m fucking working with him.”
What? Oh.
Oh. He had payed a marginal amount of attention to the announcement that there was to be an inter-agency team building seminar. A human concept, apparently, to attempt to resolve tension between the warring departments since it had turned into a veritable turf war. Apparently, guns had been pulled on both sides over crime scene investigations and the ensuing arguments had caught the attention of the media sufficiently that someone had decided to resolve the issue.
Of course Garrus, with a mere six years experience to his name, would be expected to partake and… Avitus had whinged about having to hang out with ‘wet-bottomed fledgelings’ a few days ago, come to think of it.
“The team building event.” He surmised.
“Now you remember.” Really, the level of anger Garrus had attained was impressive considering what time in the morning it was. “Well we just got our assignments and apparently your fuck-buddy gets to order me around for the day.”
Actually, the idea had been to demystify spectre-work to the officers and remind the former that the latter were still people. But it probably would involve a fair amount of barked orders and in-fighting all the same. “Request a transfer due to personal conflicts.” He told him boredly, deciding he needed to laundry before much else happened today. “Your superiors will understand.”
Not as if they hadn’t already heard a great deal about Avitus’ transgressions from Garrus before now.
“Slight problem with that.” Garrus looked genuinely disgusted as none other than Avitus himself flung an arm around his shoulder and leaned in to appear in the call too. “They said no takebacks. And I sure didn’t make the assignment lists.”
“Avitus, get off him.” He wondered if he would ever hear the end of this. “Who set the teams?”
“We did, ostensibly.” Avitus did not remove his arm from around Garrus’ neck and Castis wondered how long he’d have until he ended up with a dislocated shoulder. “But some fuck hacked it and set a bunch of us up already. I mean I was planning on asking for kiddo here but I’m still going to take offence at someone taking that choice away from me.”
“So one of your grim buddies is in on this.” Garrus writhed in an attempt to get away from him, to no avail. “Great. That’s just great.”
“My money’s on Tela.” The spectre was glowering, even though he tightened his grip. “She’s been an especially sadistic piece of work recently.”
“Doing this sort of thing at the expense of innocent people isn’t funny.” His son was actually daring to sound petulant. “This wasn’t what I had planned.”
��Me neither, buddy.”
He wasn't even involved or present and this was being made his problem, how was that for unfair?
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farshores · 2 years
If you could rewrite a bit of SRM, what would you change?
this became more than a bit but uuuh i guess i can go on a ramble, aint got much else to do rn
So like, the first BIG change is probably dropping the whole "everyone's a sex pest" thing. It's kinda just....not needed? Like at all? Also redo good ol' Catsup's whole "romance" arc as well cus...whoof girlie that ain't romantic in the slightest that's "this dude is a literal danger get out of there asap"
BUT UUUUH idk going into first impressions/character introductions I feel like finding the wolf would be a good first introductory quest for LDB n Cetchup still. He wouldn't be all too trusting at first, but repeated failure or realization he's outnumbered at the location has made him realize he regrettably needs to enlist some help. And hey, going out a bandit hunt with someone else wasn't too bad but the only reason Bishop (I ran out of ketchup name alts) offers his services is bcus he feels like he owes you one and doesn't want that favor to be held over him n that's it
As you travel n get to know him, instead of the whole 'alpha male' schtick in every town - you slowly get to learn Bishop's backstory that is initially just told to the player during the marriage/domestic life arc in SRM. As that unfolds you get the potential quest plots of: A.) Finding the Daedra that his mother sold his soul to and B.) Helping him come to terms with his grief over Jules, maybe even try and assist the late brother's family in some way?
Cus like, I feel like those would be great plot points to explore his character and his prickly (but not as...yknow...in base mod) behavior. Bro has been burned at major points in his life, he's not sure if he could trust making a strong relationship, platonic or not. Of course, this doesn't delve into a "uwu I can FIX him" sort of situation, not fully at least. Bishop would have to make the choice of growth himself; the player can assist if they so wish - but you get to also have actual convos with him about his behavior and talk it out like adults rather than just...him interrupting you for sex/to insult you. Tell him off for his initial behavior or forgive him for it, the choice is up to the LDB, and Bishop has to learn to accept and grow as a person regardless. Or hey maybe you just had enough of him for a rp choice, he'd just up n leave the LDB alone and bam, end of mod.
As for the romance bit? I think it'd be nice if we had like...a base Kai situation: You can get together or just be friends! The romance arc probably won't start until after you reach a certain point in friendship - in which Bishop maybe attempts testing the waters. Or maybe he realizes he's getting attached and starts to internally freak out about it because is this really a good thing he can have? Certain dialogue prompts would be available to either progress into the romance (with options for players not into sexual content) or say "hey nah can we just be friends" as well, bcus why not.
For conflict in the romance, if you were really desperate to try for the jealously angle, I would just approach it in a way where Bishop realizes he feels insecure about how things are going but not in a way that lashes out at the player? If that makes sense? He can be a bit quiet and distant as he tries to make sense of his own emotions, but the two of you come together to sit down and talk it out because you're both adults and this is a relationship building on trust and communication. Plus, it can still get pretty emotional n all yknow
Hell, you can even rope in the whole 'leave with me' bit for a romantic/platonic LDB but just like....remove all of those red flags immediately and rework it. Instead of a "you're stupid and can't take care of yourself and I need to isolate you from everyone and say you're mine," (yikes) why not go for what was the I think was the attempt of "I've come to realize I greatly appreciate your friendship/company and the fact that your destiny can easily rip away the one good relationship i've had in years scares me" and work more of an emotional beat. Bishop learned to trust you, & others, after years of closing walls; things seem to be looking up, he's recovering from his grief and scared to fall back into that cycle. But instead of insisting you cut off everyone and run away with him, and insulting you when you don't - it's, yet again, a conversation the two of you have. Hell, it'd be a great opportunity for reluctant LDBs to share those feelings with and just get it all out. Plus, I feel like it'd be a good convo to have nearing the final few quests towards defeating Alduin, for the drama.
I uh...haven't thought much bout the side characters tho. Casavir or w/e his name was could still stay in, but moreso for that quest i mentioned earlier of Bishop accepting and moving forward from Jule's death. Perhaps the tension of this moment rises when the player encounters the paladin, leading Bishop to lash out at him initially. When questioned, the ranger dodges around it at first, but a bit of pushing (or perhaps bugging Casavir) leads to the player learning of just how Bishop's brother died and why (depending on who you get answers from, the "why" may vary). HERE would be a great opportunity fun branching paths: Revenge or Letting Go (but not exactly forgiving) - with dialogue choices leading up to which he chooses. Now idk how exactly the whole quest would go tbh? Maybe Cas requests the LDBs help about something, and Bishop reluctantly decides to tag along bcus he can't trust the dude? hm
but uh thats all i can think of rn cus my brain is still very fogged from this cold so uh enjoy my nonsense ramblings ig
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Hey 👋 I’m not too sure if your doing requests( if not completely ignore this it’s fine:)) but I was requesting a peaky blinders one-shot where reader is like an orphan and lives in an orphanage and tommy the philanthropist he is goes down to the orphanage with Polly,John,Arthur,and Ada and whoever else you want and they see reader going at it with on of the sisters. You could choose the conflict or their argument but yeah, if you could draw the reader as someone who’s quick and sarcastic with their words like a speak before thinking type of person you know. Also can this be like a tommy Shelby x daughter!reader kinda like a found family kind of trope. Sweet kisses love your stories❤️
Dear Anon,
I hope this does it justice!! I changed a few things because I felt like it fit the story better (I hope that's alright) but there is lots of family stuff. And lots of Lizzie and Tommy - not something I have ever written before so hopefully that's also alright. Sweet kisses back to you love, thank you for this wonderful idea!!!
Warnings: peaky type stuff, religious language? Implied that a priest was going to assault the reader, bad words, not descriptive death of parents, mentioned death of a baby, grief, so much sweetness and hurt comfort and hopefully laughs. I promise it's not as dark or sad as it sounds. Also some Grace bashing / group hate.
Word count: 6606 - may have gotten carried away...
Part 2
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Tommy watched Lizzie closely as they approached the large building. According to his sources it housed around a hundred and fifty children, the building was large but it didn't seem that large. 
It was gray and rainy, much like every day. The dark dampness didn’t bother him as it had seeped into his bones and made a home long ago. At this point, he was convinced that the sunlight would simply cause him to turn to ashes if it ever reached his skin. 
Lizzie looked nervous but that was expected, he felt beyond nervous. Suddenly hoping she would change her mind altogether. Children were overrated, he would know having raised Finn and half of John's kids. But after her she lost the baby, he would do anything to bring some happiness to her. He knew he wasn't the best husband, but he was trying to do better every day. 
Walking up the steps a voice in his mind started to remind him that he would only be bringing this baby into a world of danger and horror. Only going to ruin them so no God would allow them refuge. He pushed them down as best he could, reaching out to hold Lizzie’s hand. She looked taken back at the gesture, another thing wrong with them. Wrong with the situation. 
They were escorted in to look at the babies. They were just as expected, plump, cute, and small. Tommy tried not to look at them too close, no point in getting attached. Lizzie would pick a baby, and he would attempt to be a good father. 
He hated that he knew what it felt like to reach out for parents that were not there to hold you. He was sulking when a commotion caught his attention. 
“For Fucks sakes woman! ” A girl shouted. 
“You listen here. Father Stryker is a noble member of this community and organization. You will do what he asks of you.” A woman responded in a cold tone. 
“We both know that’s not what God would want you old bat.” The girl snapped back and he held back a smile. 
“Now you listen here, we do not know what God wants, that’s not our place. He has a way -” 
“No, he sure as hell doesn't. God would NEVER.” The girl demanded. “I thought God was in all of us, and GOD doesn't want me to be alone with him. In fact, I would say he’s overcome with passion about the issue. It would be a sin for me to ignore his protests.” 
“I will not tolerate such language, you foul girl!” The sound of a slap was dealt out. Tommy felt an odd feeling of unease about the situation. 
“You let this happen! You. And you will BURN FOR IT. Mark my words, you will suffer an eternity for his sins. There are no amount of crosses under the sun for Jesus to croak on that would make up for your grotesque choices you evil witch.” The girl's voice was pure venom, and Tommy was overcome with an urge to protect the girl. What type of place were they running here? 
“I want her,” Lizzie said clearly standing next to him looking at the Sister that was showing them around. 
“Sorry Mrs. Shelby ?” She asked looking for clarification. 
“The girl in the hall.” He looked at Lizzie landing her eyes on a girl that must have been about 15 standing off with the nun in the hallway. Her face was beet red, making her blue eyes seem extraordinarily bright in contrast,  her fists clenched ready for a fight of any size. That girl did not care what happened, she wasn't going to back down. 
“Ah, are you sure? She’s quite temperamental.” She responded looking embarrassed. 
“Excellent, I’ve never seen anyone look so much like my husband,” Lizzie said with a smirk on her face.  
“We’ll take her. And I’d like a word with management.” He asserted firmly. This was not the sort of thing he could look the other way on, plus it would only further the family image. Win-win. 
Another sister came into the hallway. 
“Sister Margret, she has been requested by a family.” She said quickly. 
You were positive this must be some type of trap. But a tall angular woman moved into the hallway. She looked like someone from a painting, impossibly pretty, elegant, clothes worth a small fortune. This was impossible. 
The sister grabbed your arm and pulled you away from that bitch. Far away from the classroom you were terrified of. 
The lady looked you up and down and removed the sister's hand from your arm. She shot her a warning look and the sister apologized. Whoever this woman was, she meant business. 
“I’m Lizzie, Lizzie Shelby.” She said in a voice that belonged on a stage. You introduced yourself feeling embarrassed. 
“We’d like to take you home if you're alright with that.” She asked holding her arm out. Normally you didn’t like being touched for any reason, but being escorted out of the place was a good enough reason for you to make an exception. 
You looped your arm in hers and she strode out of the place with her head held high. 
“The Paperwork -” The sister called out 
“Get my husband to deal with it.” She called back, her voice dripping with power. You accompanied her into a very expensive car. You sat in the back seat beside her and watched her take in your appearance as if it had changed being in the natural light. 
“Do you read?”  She asked you lighting a cigarette.
“I had a tutor before my parents died.” 
“How did they pass?” 
“Car accident.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Me too.” 
“We’ll expect you to go to school.” 
“You’d be a shit parent if you didn't.” You mentally kicked yourself. “Sorry I -didn't” You were stumbling over an apology as the door opened and a man got into the driver's seat. 
“That’s my husband. Thomas.” 
“Hello,” You said feeling completely deflated. “It’s nice to meet you, both of you, It’s nice.” You couldn't remember a time being so embarrassed. You wished that they would just run you over with their expensive tires. There were just too many emotions in such a short period. 
An hour ago a priest was forcing himself on you, telling you God would never allow you to get adopted, and here you were making a fool out of yourself with your new parents. 
That phrase stung so bad you visually imagined pushing it from your mind.
“Did you sort the paperwork?” Lizzie asked in a frosty tone that made you wonder what their relationship problems were like. 
“That and a few other things.” He responded in a tone you assumed only ghosts were capable of. 
“Like what?” She said looking out the window with resentment. 
“Taking the place over.” He responded easily. As if it was no big deal, like spending money on petrol for the car. 
“What do you mean?” This caught her off guard and you watched a bit of hopefulness come to life in her eyes. 
“Saw things.” He hesitated, obviously aware of your presence in the car. “That I didn’t think God would approve of.” You caught a slight smirk on his face in the mirror. His eyes told you it was easier to poke fun at the situation. 
Lizzie hummed in approval, and even though you’d only known them a few minutes it felt like progress. 
They wanted to give you a few days to settle in before introducing you to the whole family. Something you saw as a bit of a red flag. The house was massive, but it was clean and quiet. Both a blessing and a curse. You were too shy to ask for something to do or go explore. Your bedroom was unbelievably beautiful, and warm. 
There was a knock on the door that caused you to jump. 
“Can I come in?” Lizzie’s voice rang through the door. 
“Of course” You responded stiffly. She came in and smiled at you, she pointed to your bed but you didn't understand what she was looking at. Should you not have been laying on it during the day? 
“Is it alright if I sit?” She asked you and you realized that’s what she meant. 
“Yes!” You sat up straight feeling like an idiot once again. You’d had to sit through two dinners each equally painful due to your rambling. 
“How are you settling in?” She asked kindly. 
“Um, fine. It’s nice. I love my room.” 
“What do you get up to in here?” She looked around with a frown. 
“Mostly sitting and thinking.” You responded blandly. 
“Are you sure I can’t take you shopping for anything?” She’d asked at least three times, and you felt horrible imposing on them further. 
“I don't want to bother you.” You finally broke. She let out a strange laugh. 
“Bother me. All the time. Big stuff little stuff, doesn't matter.” She picked a piece of lint off of your bedspread. “Plus kids cost money you know. That’s no one's fault, so don’t carry it like a burden.” 
Your eyes stung with tears. That was not the narrative you had grown up with parents or none. You’d always been acutely aware of the burden your existence placed on people. Her words made you feel like you were special, not something your parents could give you. This brought on a very large mix of feelings. 
“Don’t cry, really all this is-”  Her face appeared displeased with your reaction and it only made your hurt more. 
“Normal. Not for me, it’s not. If you wanted a kid that was used to this you should have had one yourself.” the words flew out of your mouth and she was up and out of the room before you could try to apologize. You felt so much worse, you wanted to pull out all your hair trying to make it stop. 
You stopped trying to hold the tears back and got up off your bed to apologize. An embarrassing apology was better than them shipping you back. 
You followed the sound of her soft crying sounds. Through a door that was slightly ajar. It was a beautiful nursery. They had tried to have their little spoilt children, the guilt only became worse. 
You locked eyes with her and decided the truth was always best. 
“You treat me better than my parents. But they're dead and it hurts. I don't want to bother you both, it's already some kind of miracle that I got adopted at this age, I don't want to push my luck. Or live through you getting bored of me and then tossing me aside.” 
For a moment you thought she was going to shout at you. But she just nodded in understanding. You both were crying, so why not try to risk a hug. You got down on the sheep skin rug next to her and hugged her. 
Her grief wrapped around you with her slender arms. She pushed your face against her chest and kissed the top of your head. You didn't understand, but the hurt in her felt a lot like the hurt inside of you. So you leaned into the feeling crying just as hard. 
“I lost her. She was born and - nothing anyone could do about it.” She said after a long while. The thought made your heart break all over again. “They told me I couldn't have kids. Spent years avoiding it like it was the plague and now, God it hurts.” 
“I’m so sorry.” 
“I’m sorry for you too. My dad left before I was born, mother passed when I was 13. Prostitute till I was twenty.” She let out a sad laugh. “This life.” She motioned to the house with her arm. “Is not the life I came from and my husband doesn't have much. But he has money, so don’t ever feel bad for spending it.” You looked up at her in shock. There was no way she was telling the truth. She looked like she belonged in a palace like you wanted to trust her with the whole world. So elegant, kind eyes. 
“We’re the same then” you whispered. 
“Absolutely not!  If you become a prostitute I will have officially become the worst mother in history.” She said causing you both to laugh. 
“I’m not good with people.” You joked along. Tommy pushed the door open and you stiffened slightly. No matter how you tried to calm down, he made you uneasy. Like he would be impossible to please or get to know.
“It’s not a whore house?” He said with a confused look having caught the end of the conversation. You’d never seen a man look more confused as the both of you were tear-soaked holding each other on the floor. 
“Not anymore it's not.” Lizzie quipped causing him to almost smile. You wondered what made him so stuck up.
“Good lord, how did you guys make all this money again?” You asked cheekily, causing Lizzie to laugh. 
“Just you wait.” She said lightly, but you couldn't help but know already that it was not God’s work that placed them here.
“Come down for lunch?” he asked you both, still slightly put off by the situation. 
“Yes” she wiped her cheeks with the back of her hands, you watched her walls of composure surround her once again. 
“Come on. Let’s see how much trouble we can get in before supper.” She said helping you up. 
You stopped by to pick up people on the way to the shops. 
“We’ll get Esme first. She’s John’s wife. Tommy’s younger brother - he made a deal with the Lee family - a bunch of gypsies - Tommy needed men, and she needed a husband. Technically I almost married John. It was a complicated time. But they both get along like a house on fire. She holds him down pretty good, probably the only reason he’s still alive.” You listened as she drove you through the countryside. “Then we’ll get Polly. She’s Tommy’s Aunt. She probably goes up against him the most. She’s some kind of Gypsy royalty, a very peculiar woman, but she means well. Hated Tommy’s first wife Grace. Well, we all hated Grace. Us women tend to stick together. We have to put up a good front against the boys or they raise hell like nothing else.” 
“You’re all gangsters then?” You asked her catching her slightly off guard. 
“Technically he’s a gangster turned politician. But trust me having been on the receiving end of both there really isn't a difference.” 
You blushed at her words and tried to hold your tongue. 
“I shouldn't have said that last part.” She flicked her cigarette case open and lit one up. “Forget I said that.” but you started laughing. You pulled up to a country-style house, chickens squawking loudly at the car engine. 
“Oi! That is not a baby!” A woman with wild curly hair approached the car. She slid into the backseat and you felt awkward sitting in the front. You looked at her looking you over. “Total babe, but not a baby.” She said with wide eyes in disbelief.
“She’s fifteen,” Lizzie responded looking at you like you were a brand new car. 
“Good lord. Going to have to beat the boys off of her. She’s pretty like you.” 
You blushed heavily at her words unsure of what to do with the attention. 
“Eh, as long as we keep her close I think we’ll manage just fine.” Lizzie smiled and turned the car around. 
“I’m Esme, I’m sure Lizzie caught you up to speed.” She lit a cigarette and smiled at you as you introduced yourself. She asked you lots of questions, about how you liked the place. 
“It’s cold. You can say it, love.” Esme blurted out. “It’s a monument to Grace. Should have been burnt down the second she left us.” You could tell this was a part of the stormy ocean of problems that rested between your adopted parents. You put that piece of knowledge into your back pocket. You pulled up to a stylish-looking complex and a woman in a black suit and sunglasses approached the car. 
“I was going to offer to babysit for you when you need a rest - but by the looks of it I’ll be asking you for help, love.” 
“How many kids do you have?” You asked while you waited. 
“Too fuckin’ many,” Polly responded climbing into the back seat. “I thought you asked Tommy for a baby, not a miniature replica of yourself?” 
“Come off it Pol,” Lizzie said starting the car. 
“I’m serious, I thought I was seein’ a bloody ghost. I’ve known you since you were the size of a potato, when I say she looks just like ya, I fuckin’ mean it.” 
You looked at Lizzie and wished you looked even a fraction of how beautiful she was. 
“How's he managing with this then? He was always good with the kids when they were little but I can’t imagine he’d know what to do with her.” Polly said stealing Esme’s cigarette. 
“Eh, like everything else, he’s adjusting.” Everyone seemed to find this funny. 
“You look at me, that boy gives you any trouble you call me alright. I’ll set him straight.” She was strong like Thomas but soft like Lizzie, and something distinctly her own. You could tell she was in charge. 
“Thank you.” You said sheepishly unsure of what else to say. 
“You're welcome, love,” She said kindly. 
Shopping was a lot. You cried on the way home and they had a unique way of comforting you while also making fun of you, making you laugh. Once you started laughing with them it seemed impossible to stop. You assumed that you would all pile into the sitting room, but instead, you piled into the kitchen, which quickly became your favorite space in the house. A large wooden table surrounded by something that felt so perfectly warm. Grace clearly didn’t touch this space much. 
They poured you cranberry juice and set into a bottle of whiskey. The jokes got worse as the night progressed and for once your sharp tongue and misplaced comments brought a great deal of joy. 
“Where did you find this girl!” Esme said between laughs 
“Fighting off a Nun in a hallway,” Lizzie replied still laughing from the joke before. Tommy and you assumed his brothers appeared in the doorway.
“Wow, Looks like you Lizzie, but with Tom’s eyes” John said, or you thought it was him because he went to stand behind Esme and she looked up at him in a way you hadn't seen before. 
“And his mouth.” Esme quipped and you hoped it was a compliment. He reached across the table to shake your hand. 
“It’s nice to meet you” You introduced your self. Arthur came and gave you a crushing hug. 
“They got you out numbered now brother.” He joked letting you go to pour himself a glass of whiskey.
Tommy gave you a tense look, like he was worried about something. He took the seat next to you puting space between you and the boys. 
“Might be enough women to put some life back into this place.” Polly said with twinkling eyes. 
“I’ll try my best.” You responded quickly seeing that Tommy didn’t seem happy. 
He stuck close to your side, sliding glasses of Whiskey away from you as the boys started drinking. His youngest brother was only a few years older than you, and he showed up with a bunch more men that introduced themselves politely before joining into the savagery. 
You scooted your self along the bench to sit closer to Tommy not knowing the others well enough to want to sit as close. 
“Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with such a wonderful girl! May she shine bright for us in these dark times. To the newest Shelby!” Arthur’s voice boomed and your face turned bright red. Everyone finished a drink, but you caught Lizzie and Tommy sharing a look. 
Tommy put his arm around and you were grateful to have something to lean into with all the commotion. They were the loudest and rudest, most funny group of people you’d ever seen. 
“Think it’s time for bed, eh?” He asked you quietly and you nodded. 
“Alright! Clear out you lot. She’s got to get to bed. We can have a proper dinner tomorrow night!” Tommy called out causing a few groans. 
“But we just got here!” Finn mumbled.
Everyone said their goodbyes and goodnights to you moving out of the kitchen. Polly placed a kiss to your forehead. She said something in a different language, to which Tommy responded with a sharp nodd. 
Once everyone had piled out the front door, they took you up to your room. You hit the bed feeling more tired than you could ever remember.
You slowly became more at ease around Tommy. Sitting alone at the table didn’t frighten you nearly as much. You heard him shout at people occasionally and that made you determined to keep your distance. 
It wasn't until Lizzie stayed away for a night getting stuck at Esme’s due to a storm. You assured her that you ate dinner and that everything was fine. In reality, you'd been sitting by the front window praying for her to come back. You hated storms and you’d just trusted that she’d be there and know what to do about it. 
Eventually you decided to retreat to your room to avoid any conflict. 
“Goodnight.” You poked your head into his study. 
“Night, love.” He responded kindly looking up from his papers. You thought about bothering him for a moment, telling him that you were scared. You decided to slip up to your bedroom instead. Girls your age didn't get scared of these types of things. 
Without Lizzie, there was an impending sense of doom about the place. Like there was pressure pushing down on you. Listening to things creak and shift, you had an idea that maybe without Lizzie here Grace’s ghost would try to snatch you up. 
Laying there listening to the storm and the house, your mind cooked up a story of revenge. Grace would kill you to get back at Lizzie for stealing her mourning husband. Maybe that’s why Lizzie’s baby wasn't born right. Your heart started to race as your stomach twisted.
There must have been some deeper story, Lizzie always seemed like she was very hurt by Grace, despite having come into Tommy’s life after. But Polly’s known Lizzie since she was a baby….
Questions were swirling in your mind non stop trying to make sense of it all. Your door made a horrid sscreeching sound and you let out a scream in response, pulling the blankets up above your head. 
“LEAVE ME ALONE GRACE.” You shouted hoping that it was enough that you could see it was her this whole time. She’d be deterred by your cleverness and the quilt Polly had made you. 
The quilt was tugged away from your face and you balled your fists ready to fight her off. However you looked up at Tommy’s horrified face instead. 
“I don’t do well with storms” You blurted out hoping that would make it better. You both looked at eachother for a moment.
“Let’s make some tea.” He said firmly. You knew that you’d fucked up and the last thing you wanted to do was have tea over the situation. You got up and he pulled your quilt around you, keeping his hand on your shoulder as you moved down the stair case. 
You watched him light a fire in the kitchen and grab two glasses and fill them with whiskey. 
He passed one to you and sat across from you, he took off his glasses and placed them on the table.
“Why do you think my first wife is out to get you?” He cut right to the chase.
“I got scared of the storm, and Lizzie is trapped, Grace- it’d be the perfect opportunity to get revenge on Lizzie for stealing her mourning husband.” You rushed the words out wishing you were dead. Tommy actually chuckled.
“That’s the story you’d been told then?” 
“No, just the one that made sense.” 
“How so?” He took a sip of whiskey. 
“Everyone says this place is some kind of shrine for her, Lizzie hates it. Hates her, why exactly,  I’m not sure but I know it’s because she’s hurt.” 
“Lizzie is hurt by Grace?” He asked with a wrinkled brow, you didn't think he was capable of such emotions. 
“That’s obvious.” You said sadly. He made a humming noise.
“I didn’t intend to marry Lizzie. She got pregnant and I married her.” He answered easily, suddenly you were very angry at him. Happy he did right by her and married her but - 
“Doesn’t mean she hasn’t always loved you.” You argued. 
“Is that so?” 
“Obviously. Have you ever looked at her? This place, the family, everything, me. Obviously.” You were dumbfounded. How on earth could someone so smart and sharp be so daft. “She puts up with a lot of shit around here. Not once has she ever mentioned leaving or hating you.” 
“Perhaps I should talk to her about it.” 
“You’d better. Everywhere we go men look at her.” You said trying to scare him into doing the right thing. 
“I’m sure they do, she’s a pretty woman.” He answered tensly. Suddenly you started to worry that maybe he wont ever love her, and if that was the case he would certainly never learn to love you. Panic started to wash over you.
“Do you want to watch the storm then?” 
“How?” You answered even more uneasy. He got up and you followed him through to the dark sitting room. He pulled the curtains open adding the slitghtest bit of light to the room. You helped him turn the couch around to face the big window. 
You watched him pour more wiskey and sit down motioning for you to do the same. Wrapped in Polly’s quilt you sat next to him and he put his arm around your shoulders.
“The only way to stop being scared is to face the thing that scares you.” He explained easily. He held you close to his side as you watched the dark figures of trees swaying violently. The lightening causing you to jump. Eventually things calmed down but you found yourself wishing that it would continue on so you could spend more time sitting like this. He just sat with you tucked into his side sipping his whiskey. 
“ I do care for you and Lizzie. More than anything.” He kissed the top of your head. “Things in the past weren't always easy or safe. Keeping her at arm's length seemed like the best way to keep her from ending up like Grace.” 
You listened to his voice in the dark, feelingthe pain in his words. 
“However, I would hate for her to leave me for a man at the shops.” He said lightly and you snorted. 
“Sorry for overstepping - I didn’t mean that she looked back at them” 
“S’alright.” He answered easily. Suddenly you saw headlights coming up the drive. You felt his body tense. “Hide behind the desk,” he said seriously. He grabbed a gun hidden in the paneling on the wall. You could hear the door open and to your relief, you heard Lizzie’s voice. 
“Fuck sake, Thomas! A gun! Scared the bloody life out of me!” She started to scold him but suddenly she stopped. “Are you alright? Where is she?! I knew something was wrong! Where-” her voice was muffled and you assumed it was because he was holding her.
“She’s fine, in the sitting room” He answered calmly.
“The sitting room at this hour!” 
You got up and moved back to the couch hoping that they might sit with you a while longer before going up to bed. 
“Why is the couch the wrong way?” She asked sitting down pulling you against her. “Miss me enough to sit up at the window like a couple of dogs.” 
“Something like that.” You said enjoying the way she held you tightly. Tommy came to sit down on the other side of you. His arm came across your shoulders pulling Lizzie towards you slightly. 
“Did you give her whiskey? She smells like distillery.”
“One glass to calm her nerves, won’t hurt her any.” You felt him reach over you to kiss the top of her head. 
“Alright. But don’t you go turning into your father.” She said sternly causing you to laugh. 
You sat for a while with the them till eventually the gray sky started to brighten with the sun of the next day. 
“Let’s get to bed. We can all get in a nap before the day starts.” Tommy said. Lizzie followed you through to your room to help you into bed and make sure you were okay. After you were settled you heard them talking down the hall and hoped that he was ready to face his fears. 
The next day you all had breakfast around noon in the kitchen. Lizzie and Tommy seemed in better spirits, might have had something to do with the marks on her neck, but you hoped he’d talked to her about the situation. 
After that night things were noticeably different. You went to school and tried to get along with the other kids, your marks were not great, leading to long nights in the kitchen studying extra with various family members. Esme was the best person to sit with, having learned maths and reading from her mother. She knew how to encourage you without stressing you out. 
Tommy on the other hand would look over the material and already look stressed. He always tried to keep his temper in check, but it was unbearable feeling him be frustrated with you. Eventually he caught on that you did worse with him there because of the added pressure, he learned to just sit next to you and work on his problems and offer you help when you needed it. 
It took a lot of struggling but eventually you were caught up and getting good marks. 
Things were going well till some old business needed to be handled. Tommy was to go away for two weeks, something that seemed to crush Lizzie. 
To her surprise he called her everynight. You’d watch her sitting on kitchen counter talking and occasionally laughing. Then he’d talk to you about school and the weather, telling you that he missed you. That was when you realised that something must be very wrong. He was clearly in a great deal of danger where ever he was. Polly came to stay at the house with Arthur, you enjoyed having them around but it only confirmed your suspicion. Everyone seemd it was best to keep you in the dark on the whole thing. 
 When he came back he was very different. Somebody, or some people, were most certainly dead. A great relief fell over the family and something was different about him. He had a smile on his face when she rushed to the door to greet him. You watched how they held eachother and thought back to when you’d first met them. Things were very different. You eventually butted into the hug feeling left out. 
Extra Blurb. 
Eventually the unthinkable happened. The boy you had your eye on at school asked you out. Not knowing what to do or what the rules are you decided to get some more information on him make sure he was worth the risk of asking. 
Finn laughed at you.
“Not from the best family. But not a rival either, Tommy’s sure to have a fit, and Lizzie, I’m not sure. All in all, I don't mind the guy, you might be better off not telling them.” He said looking out the stained glass window of the Garrison. “If he gives you a hard time, come see me yeah? Don’t let him take you out of Small Heath” He looked at you seriously. 
“Sure thing.” You said getting up. You shouted a thank you over your shoulder rushing out of the pub. 
You thought long and hard about the situation. He made you laugh, didnt seem to care to much about your last name or who your dad was. Didn’t care that you were adopted. He was very polite, but enjoyed your peculiar sense of humor and misplaced words. 
You thought about turning him down. It was too complicated and anything that would upset your parents was too much of a burden. Thinking of what you would say to him, your heart gave a painful wrench. 
You went downstairs towards Tommy’s study. God this boy better be worth it or you’d put him in the ground. 
You poked your head in to see him writing and Lizzie sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. 
“Erm - So.” You started and watched them both look up at you. 
“What are you wearing?” Lizzie said smiling at your dress. 
“Go upstairs and change” Tommy cut you off before you could respond.
“Theres a boy -” You watched his face fall into his hands. “And he’s picking me up in a half hour if that’s allowed.” You fumbled with your words, wanting them to say yes badly.
“What boy” They said at the same time, giving eachother a glare. 
“Noah Solomons. I met him at school.” you responded expecting an explosion. 
“No. absolutley not. No way on earth am I sending you anywhere with him.” 
“Finn said he’s alright.” You started by stopped once he let out a sigh. 
“Finn! Fucking bastard.” He pinnched the bridge of his nose. 
“Where is he taking you then?” Lizzie asked
“Just around Small Heath for dinner. I told him that I can’t be out late.” Your face got red and you looked out the window.
“Put on a longer dress. The purple one, and put your hair up -” 
“Tommy! Don’t make her wear the purple one” Lizzie started to argue but stopped once she saw the look on his face. Her eyes narrowed back at him. 
“How bout I wear the red one -” 
“The black one is fine” They both answered suddently. 
“Just put on a cardigan,” Lizzie said getting up. “I have a nice one upstairs.” You followed her up to her bedroom. She pulled out a nice cardigan and some less opaque stockings. After you’d changed you looked yourself over, more modest, but that wasn't a bad thing. Especially if it got Tommy’s blood pressure back down. Lizzie got your hair up and you were grateful for her help. 
“Do you think dad will let me go?” You asked as she fixed your make up. 
“Dont think he can stop you. But, we’ve done business with his father. I think he’s worried this is apart of some elaborate plan.” 
“I don’t think so, but I’ll keep an eye on him” You were even more nervous now. Lizzie gave you lots of advice and you felt bad making her this worried. When you walked down stairs you could see Tommy talking to Noah at the door. 
You loved the way his face lit up when his eyes landed on you, he looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. You watched the front door swing shut, keeping him on the other side. 
“No.” He said firmly looking at Lizzie.
“Going to have to let her find her own way sometimes.” 
“No I don’t. Not with boys, not dressed like that.” He responded angrily. 
“Look, I told Finn where we are going, he said him and Isaiah would be around to keep an eye out. I’ve known him for the past two school years. I - please” You looked up at him in what you hoped were puppy dog eyes. You saw the conflict rage in his eyes.
“Fine.” He sighed in defeat. “But you don’t like something, anything, you call me from the restaurant and -” You cut him off with a big hug. 
“I won’t be out too late. Love ya” You said flying out the door before he could change his mind. 
He kissed you on the cheek on the door step, promising to take you out again next weekend. After saying goodnight you watched as he drove down the drive way before opening the front door.
You were surprised at how quiet it was. You slipped your shoes off and followed the lamp light into the sitting room. Much like the day with the storm, they sat on the sofa turned around to face the large window. You moved towards them to see your dad looking beyond relieved, and mum asleep on his lap. 
“So how was it then?” He asked you handing you the last bit of whiskey in his glass. You sat down next to him, watching him look you over for anything out of place. 
“Felt a bit like the Queen to be honest. More Blinders than people in that restaurant. Not to mention people watching from their windows.” You gave him a look as he started out the window. “But he was nice. I -He is nice, I enjoyed myself”
“Just for food then straight back?” 
“You already know that’s what happened. Can you help me get the pins out of my hair?” You turned away from him and felt him struggle to find them, pulling slightly too hard. 
“What? No, this is my job hands off.” Lizzie said groggily. “What did I miss? Tell me everything.” You felt the two of them shift and Lizzie's expert hands start bringing your hair down. By the time she’d gotten it brushed Polly and Esme had showed up for a full debrief in the kitchen. 
You were giggling like mad for hours with them, hearing their stories about past lovers. Some sweet, other cautionary. Eventually it was time for bed and you stopped into Tommy’s office before going to wash up. 
“Dad.” He gave you a shocked look then you realised what you had said. You didnt feel like apologizing though, too tired to make a big deal of it. You leaned over and gave him a hug. “Thanks for letting me go tonight.” You felt his arms wrap around you tightly. 
“I don't like it, and there will be lots to talk about tomorrow. But I'm happy that you're happy.” You kissed his cheek then headed up to bed. You knew that he’d probably already called Noah’s father, a tense conversation awaited you, but you had no doubt it was because he loved you.
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ryouverua · 3 years
Saimota is a fantastic ship that only improves with age and their respective maturity. Right from the get-go we see this in canon, too! They have a tumultuous first clash at the end of chapter 1 which is immediately turned on its head, and the subsequent growth and development of their in-game relationship really stands out that much more because of it.
This is a long one, so strap in!
Kaito realizes his mistake in his approach after punching him the night before and rectifies it immediately the next morning when he notices Shuichi hasn’t come to breakfast, rightly guessing that he’s stewing in his own grief and misery. And then, being the emotionally intelligent guy he is, he follows up that night and drags him out to exercise (which, y’know, releases endorphins and is scientifically proven to help with mood boosts and even depression) - a move which Shuichi says in chapter 5 saved his life.
A couple days pass and a body drops. Kaito supports him through the investigation knowing that Kaede had been with him last time and that there’s a danger of him relapsing. In the trial, too, Kaito makes every effort to let Shuichi know that he isn’t alone and someone does have his back if he fumbles. This is the real moment that Shuichi chooses to depend on Kaito and is rewarded for it, and while Kaito does get plenty of ego-feed out of it, he believes in Shuichi and his talent wholeheartedly (enough so that it’ll come back to bite him later). But despite it being framed as a ‘hero and sidekick’ relationship, it’s not just for Kaito’s self-worth - it’s to take some of the mental load off of Shuichi, who really, really doesn’t want the pressure of everyone’s lives solely on his shoulders, and is now dealing with the guilt of two cases where uncovering the guilty party hurt him.
(quick chapter 2 interlude! while this is where a lot of the big hero-worship begins for Shuichi and happens to be where I also did his first FTE and got to witness this:
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this is also the chapter when these moments happen, post-breakfast and post-casino scene respectively:
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and this happens in the very next FTE:
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mmm yes, the duality of man. Suffice it to say, while Shuichi has definite rose-coloured glasses on for a lot of the game, Kaito is definitely not an invincible, untouchable hero in his eyes)
Interestingly enough, despite Shuichi still very much leaning into their friendship (and vice versa), they don’t spend a lot of time together in Chapter 3 after he brings Maki out to training that first night! While Chapter 4 is their real ‘break’, Kaito spends a lot of time in his room in the second half while Shuichi gets to know Maki better. And while Maki is a much, uh, meaner investigation partner (love you girl, but that tongue is sharp), they make a great team. Shuichi also starts poking at Kaito’s reason for holing up in his room, incorrectly guess that it’s just related to the occult being brought up. Most importantly, Shuichi is able to do an investigation on his own independent of Kaito just a week after the end of Chapter 1.
Chapter 4 and its immediate aftermath in 5 is great because it showcases Kaito’s flaws and insecurity, and what conflict between the two of them look like. It’s because Kaito respects Shuichi so much that cracks in his own confidence start appearing - and while Shuichi can be obtuse and awkward at times, he shows signs of wanting to broach some more sensitive topics with Kaito; if you do FTEs with Kaito in Ch 4, he even has an inner narrative in which he notes that Kaito had said his stomach hurt before.
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He’s not so self-absorbed as to not worry about his friend (but narratively we gotta save that juicy plot point and subsequent reveal for the end of the trial) but hey, Kaito wants to chill and just shoot the shit - so why not have some downtime with his friend in the murder school. Btw, their FTE availability ends here - so if Shuichi has completed them with Kaito, he’s already had his canon-saimota thoughts at this point. While I have given Shuichi the side-eye for his ‘I can rely on Kaito for anything’ spiel, he is fully able and willing to stand up to Kaito in the Chapter 4 trial despite his canon feelings for him at that point. By the way, it’s been a week and a half since the end of Chapter 1 at this point. Shuichi and Kaito have had an arc together where they become fast friends in a pressure-cooker situation and bonding over shared grief for Kaede (even if Kaito’s is less obvious), Shuichi starts as dependent on Kaito’s emotional support but learns to stand on his own two feet, and Kaito is forced to confront his own weakness and hero persona, all while classmates are dropping (including Kaito’s own ex-hero figure, a stark reminder that ‘heroes’ do have flaws).
So the beginning of Chapter 5 is wild to me because of how it’s so often misinterpreted as Kaito immaturely giving Shuichi the silent treatment despite the entirety of the game preceding it explicitly showing that Kaito will tell you, loudly, when he’s angry at you, and that’s purely because we’re in Shuichi’s perspective and he thinks that’s what’s going on - but that’s a bit of a tangent. What I like about it is how we get to see what happens when Kaito (as sick as he is at that point) feels badly and embarrassed with someone he is close to; he withdraws as opposed to lashing out. And while Shuichi is really, really bad at reaching out too without an inciting incident (tunnel escape), he does try and broach the topic when push comes to shove. He’s not lost in hero worship, not even close - he is rightfully upset that the person he’s closest to at the school is upset while still maintaining to himself and the others that his actions were correct. He doesn’t waver on this, despite his attempt to offer an olive branch at the window of the hangar’s bathroom. He truly stands by his own choices in the last class trial and know he won't back down on that if push comes to shove, and that's important - he won't yield the point just to appease Kaito. Shuichi then manages the investigation on his own, leads the trial on his own, faces off with Maki (and who he thinks is Kokichi) on his own, because he has *reached* a point where he can be independent. And to bring it back to how we get a look at ‘saimota in conflict’, Shuichi and Kaito both make amends with each other by the end of the chapter. Even if it’s spurred by it being their final goodbye, Shuichi gets to say his piece, Kaito lays out one of his own vulnerabilities so he can make peace with Shuichi - and even if I’d love to have had them delve into all of Kaito's various issues, there is a very murderous robobear overseeing this which makes time a factor - and I firmly believe that if they had more time, they could’ve resolved even more of the issues that would come up for Saimota. The groundwork wasn’t just there; there was already half the structure in place. And that’s what makes saimota even more appealing to me, tbh. We get to see them build a relationship, run into a big issue, struggle through it and resolve it by the end of the game - and it means that there’s precedent for them to do it again as more interpersonal challenges come up! It’s a goldmine of ship exploration, and they care about each other enough to work through it.
… By the way, at this point they are 2 weeks past the end of Chapter 1.
Imagine if they had more time. Imagine if Shuichi, who is absolutely dogged in pursuing an issue once he catches wind of it (despite how he can get wrapped up in his own head), who cares a lot for other people, who doesn’t just find runaways as part of his detective talent, but follows up with them after because he cares about more than just finishing the job, had the chance to spend years with Kaito and realize he uses his hero persona to protect a much more fragile sense of self. Imagine Shuichi forming that initial friendship with Kaito without the albatross of Kaede’s death hanging around his neck; about how he’ll still look up to Kaito and his fantastic positivity, passion and excellence in his chosen field, and that would only be matched by Kaito’s own admiration of Shuichi’s skills as a detective. Imagine if Kaito, who repeatedly shows the ability to reflect and change his mind when presented with evidence against his viewpoint and was able to express his own insecurity and jealousy to Shuichi in the end, was given the breathing room and space to get more comfortable with doing so. Imagine how difficult and emotionally mature they were to navigate as well as they did in a life-or-death situation that took place over a couple of weeks tops, and how much more they could grow if given the time and space for it.
... And this was nearly going to be where I ended the post, until Ira reminded me of TDP and sent me this wonderful Saimota event (which takes place before the final graduation/training trio event):
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Oh hey, Shuichi picked up his catchphrase! It's quite cute how he's finishing Kaito's sentence here - he's spent a couple of years being friends with Kaito at this point, and has even taken up exercising on his own for stress relief. I wonder whose influence that was?
Anyway -
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Shuichi has figured out at this point that he does need to firmly extend that helping hand to Kaito rather than worry and keep it to himself. On the other side, Kaito has learned that it is okay to accept that outstretched hand, even if he doesn't need it right now - that he can admit that some day, he might. He's being blase, sure, but it is a far cry from his in-game 'I don't/won't need help'. Good for you, Kaito - you've grown a lot! And that's the most important thing their TDPs show - their capacity for growth not just as individuals, but in a relationship. Of course there will be bumps along the way - it’s very rare that any relationship won’t have them! - but they've proven that they can work these problems in the worst of circumstances. This is by far one of the strongest ships with canon foundation in the entire series, and my goodness do I still love it years later.
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Dream SMP Recap (March 27/2021) - Eret and the Blood Vines
Ranboo and Foolish get into an argument about the mansion, Technoblade grinds for riches, Puffy works on fixing the Community House, Tommy builds a tower, Sam does a subathon, Karl tours Lil Nas X around the SMP...
Eret and Foolish begin to clear out some of the Blood Vines and in the process come to some interesting revelations.
Captain Puffy
- A creeper explodes in Michael’s room. Ranboo is upset and confronts Foolish.
- Foolish starts destroying Michael’s room
- Ranboo gives him some gold blocks and he stops. Ranboo leaves.
- Foolish quits and puts the house up for sale
- Ranboo goes over to Foolish’s summer home to speak with him. Foolish tells Ranboo he’s quit. He’s not getting paid enough.
- Ranboo suggests Foolish take some time to recharge at his temple, and that he’ll pay him more.
- They talk a bit about the Egg. It hasn’t done much in a while.
- Foolish tells Ranbo about his plans to create a new statue.
- They reflect on how things have been pretty quiet lately. There hasn’t been much conflict.
- Ranboo leaves and they both continue on their work.
- Tommy sees that all his chests in his house are gone. He’s not sure when it happened, but he decides that he has to appear richer now.
- He wants to hide all his things in a secret chest
- He goes over to Fundy’s old underground base to hide it there
- He returns to his base and starts mining down the statue above his house and Puffy’s Prank Wars stand.
- Tommy works on building the tower near the prison and chats with Tubbo, Jack, Quackity and Wilbur throughout
- Karl shows Lil Nas X around the server with Corpse and several other SMP members
- Eret wants to overthrow the Egg. The Blood Vines are everywhere, people are under its influence, it’s not good for the greater good of the server.
- He thinks the Pro-Omelette people haven’t been doing enough recently, though he’s in support of them.
- He sees that Foolish is on and asks if he’d like to help destroy the red.
- Eret knows that blue soul fire is the best way to neutralize the Blood Vines.
- She’s hesitant to attack the Egg, because she doesn’t know what would happen. If he breaks the Egg, there’s a possibility that it would unleash whatever is inside it and she doesn’t want to risk that.
- Foolish joins the call and they chat. Foolish arrives at Eret’s museum.
- Foolish tells Eret that his statue was warding off the Egg for a while, but it got blown up. Eret asks if they should make an operations base to make plans at.
- They look for a fitting place and decide to use Fundy’s underground base.
- They create a room in an offshoot of the underground base together and create a board on a wall:
“Known Eggheads”
Leader: BadBoyHalo 2nd In Command: Antfrost
“Potential Eggheads”
- They leave and go over to Foolish’s Temple of Undying. Foolish tells Eret about the Eggpire’s attack. They wonder if they could get Techno on their side.
- Foolish also fills Eret in on Fundy’s social experiment and Puffy pressing the button to explode the Community House.
- Eret shows Foolish the Nether Hub’s staircase
- First business to clear off is Eret’s fortress.
- Eret’s theory is that the Vines may be related to the mortal plane somehow, perhaps to their attempt at resurrecting Wilbur. After the attempt, the Blood Vines started spreading like crazy.
Perhaps they messed with the natural order of things and this is what may have riled up the Egg.
- Foolish says that this is possible if they opened up the plane to the other world, but Wilbur didn’t come back -- maybe something else did. Eret tells Foolish about Ghostbur saying he saw two figures there, then one the second time.
- Eret’s surprised that more hasn’t been done to stop the vines. Foolish tells them that he was a bit naive. 
- They start hoeing down the vines at the fortress.
- Foolish tells Eret that he, Ponk and HBomb went down to the Egg Room and that attempting to break the Egg hurt them back.
- Eret says she doesn’t want to hurt those under the influence. Foolish says he doesn’t want to as well. He doesn’t hurt people anymore.
- Eret asks Foolish about that — “anymore.” Foolish doesn’t want to talk about it, but says that since he arrived in this land, he’s killed nobody. (Eret’s killed 83)
“Some I’m not proud about…a lot I’m not proud about.”
- They talk about the Eggheads again.
“We’re not killing people, we’re doing it…for their own good! For their own good. At least that’s how we see it from our perspective.”
- They use the blue soul fire to destroy the remnants.
- Foolish reflects on how — though it was before his time — after L’manburg went down, it seems like everyone has split off.
- Eret replies that before his betrayal, he thought by bringing L’manburg down, everyone would go back to being together, chilling out without division. He tried to get things to go back to normal, but in doing so, he separated people infinitely more…
And now he’s holding on to what’s left.
- Though she’s been gone for a while, it’s surprising how little has changed. No one is really fighting the Egg.
- Eret also brings up the Red Banquet posters. That could be a turning point in the Egg’s influence.
- Foolish wants to attend it, but he’s not sure. There’s a lot they don’t know, and what they need is more knowledge. Eret says they might attend it together.
- Foolish mentions that there seems to be more people against the Egg than for it.
- They clear the Blood Vines off the Hamilton stage.
- Eret is concerned that the Eggpire might retaliate. Next, they clear off Punz’s territory and the area leading to the spider spawner.
- They rescue a dog from the rain in a boat
- Foolish tells Eret that clearing up all this mess reminds him of that time they cleaned up the mess from the Wither Cult a while ago.
- Eret is taken aback. When was this?
- Foolish insists that it was definitely Eret. Does he really not remember?
- There was also that time that they went on an adventure in the mountain to fight off those trolls.
- Eret insists Foolish must be talking about someone else. He’s been the king here for months.
- Foolish tells him he’s been elsewhere, though.
- Eret asks if Foolish has seen his eyes before. Foolish says he knows what Eret’s eyes look like.
- Eret wants to double-check that he’s talking about the right person and takes off his sunglasses. Foolish says the sunglasses are a new look for him, but they’re definitely the person he’s thinking of.
- Eret says there must be something Foolish knows that he doesn’t. Foolish says the Egg must be messing with Eret’s head, and she should get some sleep.
- Foolish says there are other matters he has to attend to, but he’ll see them around. Foolish leaves.
- The rain starts falling and there is a copious amount of thunder.
- Eret has a lot of thinking to do…we’ll see what happens.
Upcoming Events:
- The Red Banquet
- Quackity’s business opening
- Quackity’s next lore stream
- Dream’s lore video
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ohnococo · 4 years
A Mess | Zeke x F!Reader x Reiner
Summary: You and Zeke sleep together from time to time, even though he knows Reiner has a thing for you. Eventually he decides to do something about it. (MODERN AU)
Warnings: Sleazy Zeke, Sex, Cumshots, Threesome, FWB
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Zeke had this innate ability to just make things messy in a way that favored him perfectly. He’d done it with you - starting out as friends with benefits and progressing that into something a little more shameless that had your whole friend group seeming a little tense about you two potentially dating, knowing none of Zeke’s trysts lasted long. He was doing it again now, albeit this one had been a much slower build up. He’d been stoking this fire from before the two of you had even begun fucking, in fact.
He saw the way Reiner always looked at you, the schoolboy crush he’d harbored from way back when he was, well, an actual schoolboy. Except now he was very much a grown man and was very much still squandering every opportunity he’d had to get with you.
Zeke knew what Reiner was like, what reservations and morals the younger man had that he certainly did not share. When Zeke had finally made the move to kiss you in front of your friends - or rather next to them while you were all on the couch during a movie - Reiner hadn’t been pushed into action. No pulling you aside for a sudden confession of love, or plea to give him a chance. Instead, Reiner seemed to decide that instead of it being now, it was going to be never. The idea of two long-time friends of a close knit group dating was already a bit awkward for everyone, you all were never the type for love triangles and unnecessary drama, there was no way Reiner would add an attempt to date you to that awkwardness. A girl dating one of her old guy friends is one thing, romantic even if it all works out, but a girl dating two - meaning most - of her guy friends leaves a bad impression. That’s what Zeke figured Reiner had reasoned, at least.
Messy bitch that he is though, Zeke decided to test Reiner’s resolve at being the noble martyr, tortured by his unrequited love that was all his own doing. Maybe he would lighten up a bit more too. So Zeke did small things to set the wheels in motion, making plans with the two of you to play a board game or watch a show then finding some excuse to leave suddenly half way through. Pretending to be much more drunk than he is while setting you on Reiner’s lap at a party, exaggeratedly slurring out, “Keep an eye on her while I go piss. She’s a wily one.”
Through it all Reiner was respectful as ever: hands to himself except for sliding you off his lap to take his seat while he stood and waited for Zeke to return, never even entertaining making a move on you. It drove Zeke up a fucking wall, especially when Reiner would end the nights he’d been stranded at your house (while Zeke feigned some sudden need to pick up Eren and drop him off at his dorm) with a text to Zeke at a nauseatingly sensible 9:30.
Reiner: Hey just got home. hope Eren’s didn’t puke in your car again lol
Reiner was big, Reiner was beefy, and Reiner was a fucking coward. Zeke didn’t know why he cared so much. Maybe because he was always trying to show his friends he was better than them in some way or another and Reiner had just taken it on the chin. Maybe it was because he felt a little bad for fucking around with someone who had been a dear friend, he didn’t intend for this to go anywhere after all, and Reiner did really like you. Zeke would never admit it if it was indeed the second one, though, so he just decided to get messier.
It was easy enough with the three of you being the only ones in the group to have the shared interest of board games. So he invited you both over to his place to try out a new game he’d gotten. You and Reiner chalked up Zeke’s smug demeanor to him showing off another overly-complicated board game he’d surely win despite playing it for the first time. Really, it was the undeniable feeling that tonight would be fun keeping Zeke in such high spirits.
One game in - that Zeke won of course - and he’d already managed to coax Reiner into drinking. Just a beer to start the game, then one more to keep it going. He wasn’t getting wasted by any means, not a man his size, but Zeke knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t have a third beer and drive. So while Reiner set the board up to start again, Zeke gave him another beer, clearing the table of old drinks and setting the new one down casually enough that his friend wasn’t even thinking about how he’d get home after finishing off the new drink.
The game went by, Reiner went through another bottle, and as Zeke was satisfied with winning again he decided to bring this part of the evening to a close.
“I’ve had enough of winning for tonight. The two of you will have to have a 1v1 on your own sometime to catch up with me.” Zeke teased, packing away the little pieces.
Reiner is quick to respond, “Pretty cocky for a guy who still can’t win at Sorry.”
Zeke takes the bait, only because he wants Reiner feeling confident for later. “Only because that game is pure luck.”
“Sure it is.” Reiner stands and stretches, grabbing his bottle to put with Zeke’s recycling. “Anyway, I should head out now, it’s getting late.”
“Not after four beers you shouldn’t.” You warn, Zeke can’t hide the way the corners of his mouth turn up, you did always pay awfully close attention to Reiner, didn’t you?
“Shit, you’re right - mind if I stay in your guest bedroom?”
Zeke shrugs, no stranger to having one of his friends crashing at his house, “Go right ahead.”
Zeke is quick to get you alone, and you only half push him away as he begins kissing at the spot on your neck that has heat building in your stomach as soon as you’re both in his bedroom. He’d made sure to leave his door cracked, and made sure to pick you up and lie you down on the bed before you noticed. As you sigh at his touch he decides he’s waited long enough for the main event, pulling your pants and underwear off in one rough motion and burying his face between your legs.
“Zeke, stop it.” He knows your protests are hollow, your hands coming down to tangle in his hair rather than push him away. His tongue works its way gently but purposefully through your folds, just barely brushing over your clit before working his way back to tease at your entrance. Your moan is only half out before you’re clasping your hands over your mouth, looking down at him and laughing. “At least wait until Reiner’s asleep.”
He smirks up at you and makes a deal, knowing you don’t understand the full extent of it and know he won’t be losing anyway. “If he’s not asleep in ten minutes, that’s his problem.”
You think for a moment, biting your lip, but as he locks his lips around your clit you’re not really in a position to protest as you rock your hips up against his face.
Zeke goes easy on you, sort of, he refrains from sliding his fingers in your tight little hole while he laps at your swollen clit - and he at least listens when you ask him to slow down for a second, giving you the chance to catch your breath and keep yourself from getting to the point where you can’t control the noises you make, but you were still getting steadily louder. The ten minutes go by slowly for the both of you, as Zeke teases at your most sensitive spots, until you’re glistening beneath him. His wait is over as he kisses his way up your body, pulling your shirt up and off as he goes until his lips meet yours.
“It’s time.”
You’re too far gone to pick up that hint of something else in Zeke’s voice as he flips you over so you’re on your stomach facing the door and he’s quickly in place behind you, pulling you onto all fours. You’re too ready for his cock to pay attention to how loud his soft slap on your ass is before he pulls off his pants and rifles through his bedside drawer for a condom. You turn your head to watch him as he slides it on, arching your back so he can get an eyeful of your awaiting pussy. He’s not feeling gentle or merciful tonight, and that doesn’t seem to be what you want anyway as you groan at the feel of his cock stretching you wide as he enters and bottoms out inside of you in one smooth motion.
Zeke knows you’re holding back though, doing your very best to stifle the noises he’s forcing from you as his cock slides against your walls just right, and that’s not what he wants. He slaps your ass again, hard, and you keen before getting a hold of yourself to send him a look of warning over your shoulder.
“You think Reiner’s still awake to listen to how good you sound when I fuck you?” You tighten around him, pussy fluttering at the thought, and that gives Zeke the final push to do just what he’d intended. “Do you want to find out?”
There’s no time to think about the implications of his question, as Zeke wraps his arm around your waist, hoisting you up so your back is pressed to his chest as he sets a brutal pace.
“Reiner!” Zeke’s voice booms, and this time when you’re pussy clenches around him he knows it’s not just due to the pleasure coursing through you. “Reiner, come here!”
“Shh…” He brings the hand that was previously gripping your hip tightly up to cup your face, rubbing his thumb over your lips, “He knows what we’re doing. If he doesn’t want to see it he’ll stay in bed.”
You’re blushing, equal measures embarrassed and aroused, and the wait only makes your heart beat faster. A few moments of what was no doubt tortuous conflict passes and you hear the door to the room next to Zeke’s open slowly, followed by another long moment before Zeke’s door is pushed open fully.
“See, I knew you weren’t that much of a coward, Reiner.” Zeke’s voice is straining from how hard he’s fucking you, and how excited he is to have his plan come perfectly together as Reiner locks eyes with you.
He looks you over slowly as none of you speak, watching your tits bounce as you take Zeke, swallowing hard at the sight of your slick dripping down your thighs, ears ringing at the sound of skin on sin. He’s already hard and tenting his boxer briefs, hair already disheveled from tossing and turning in bed as he listened to you try and fail to stay silent. Zeke is happy to let him watch, but he decides he wants him to do something more than just stand there like a lost dog.
“Well?” Reiner is snapped from his daze and looks at Zeke as if he’d only thought about him being there. “Are you going to do something about it?”
Reiner looks at you, and your soft cry of his name thrusts him into motion as he comes to join the two of you on the bed. He cups your face in his hands, kissing you and drinking in your moans as your pussy flutters around Zeke’s cock. Reiner is soft, so soft compared to how hard you’re being fucked, but intense as he groans into your mouth and bites at your bottom lip. He pulls away to breathe, but only for a moment before he’s working his way to your neck to leave all the marks he’d dreamt of gifting you with for years. His hands are quick to find your clit, rubbing soft circles as Zeke continues to work at you from inside, and your hands quickly reach for his cock in turn.
“So big…” you sigh, savoring the feeling of running your hands over his thick cock through his underwear, before pushing them down as far as you can reach with Zeke pulling you into his thrusts. Thankfully, it’s far enough to free Reiner’s cock and you shiver in Zeke’s grasp as it rubs against your stomach while Reiner presses his body to yours. You barely have your fingers wrapped around him before he’s thrusting up into your hand, already groaning, already close - you wonder for a moment if he’d already been touching himself to the sounds of you.
Zeke would guess yes, and can’t help getting his sly little digs in even as the two of you do exactly as he’d intended, “Close already? Good thing I’m here to satisfy her.”
Reiner doesn’t take that easily, working your clit faster and the way your pussy grips Zeke has him hurling closer to the edge right along with you both. Reiner breathes his words into your skin, sending shivers through you again and again, “Cum for me… cum with me…”
You do, and both of your work against each other stutters as you cum together, Reiner painting your stomach as your pussy threatens to undo Zeke right along with you. He holds on, however, fucking you through your orgasm as Reiner thrusts into your hand until the last of his cum is covering your soft skin and the fluttering of your pussy slows.
Zeke pulls out and releases you, sending you forward and into Reiner’s waiting arms as he pulls off his condom and finishes himself off on your ass, adding his mess to the mix as well. Reiner keeps kissing you, rubbing your back, smiling at the way you shiver when Zeke begins rubbing his cum into your skin.
“That was…” Reiner starts, then stops, looking into your eyes and trying to parse what just happened.
Zeke doesn’t want to give him too much time to think, knowing that just leads to more annoyance with Reiner, so instead he lies down, pulling you with him. “The bed’s big enough for three.”
Reiner pauses, still thinking instead of doing, until you’re patting the space on the bed next to you. “C’mon, Reiner, lets get some rest.”
For you, he’ll listen to anything, something Zeke huffs at as you rest your head on his shoulder, and your hand on Reiner’s chest. You’re first to fall asleep, and Reiner lies there staring at you dreamily, finally basking in the moment for once. Then, it’s Zeke’s turn to think, and think too much as he considers just what he might have started. He wasn’t sure what he felt, not quite jealousy… but not victory either. He felt smug, but also like he’d gotten himself in over his head. Maybe he wanted Reiner here for different reasons than he’d originally thought. Maybe he wanted you for different reasons than he’d originally thought too. Zeke closes his eyes and decides everyone’s had enough thinking for the day, deciding to sleep before he dwelled too long on the mess he’d made.
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stonefreeak · 3 years
My goodness people, I’m so sorry for the delay! I’ve been working on the structuring of my files to get a better overview of what remains of the project, to hopefully be able to speed writing up (even as work really means that my free-time is much more limited than it was once upon a time, lmao. Sometimes I miss December of 2016 when this whole thing started, 33k in a month of updates, amirite?)
it’s taken me so long I’m wondering if anyone even remember this plot point at this point, lmao
Also: belated happy midsummers to all my fellow Swedes!
Bail taps his finger against this desk and stairs unseeingly at the datapad in front of him.
He hadn't been sure if the information Aleena Yashi gave him, though she's worked as an assistant to multiple senators over the years, was true. But everything checks out. He briefly wondered why she would come to him about it, rather than Senator Lobos who she's currently working for... But perhaps it's because he's known to have a favourable view of the Jedi that she's done so. Perhaps it's because all of this information mostly pertains to the Jedi and the laws surrounding them, and she wanted a prominent Senator who she could trust not to hide the information away because they don't care for the Jedi.
Bail, a Core World Senator well known for his good relationship with the Jedi and friendship with the current Supreme Chancellor, must have seemed like the best option for her. He wonders who else would have been on her list, before she settled on him, but he chose not to ask when she visited him. Perhaps it's better if he doesn't know; it hardly matters now anyway.
He looks down at the datapad again and considers his options.
He should probably discuss her findings with her, and see what exactly her goal is. If he's to do something about this, then he wants her involved even as he gathers support from other senators.
He has no doubt that Padmé will agree to add her support to Bail to help sort this mess out, but considering that they've both been involved with the investigation they're conducting into Jedi missions being altered... Well, Bail wants more Senators involved this time. Just to ensure that it cannot be taken as some form of conspiracy in favour of the Jedi. As ridiculous as that notion seems, Bail is not blind to the way many Senators look at the Jedi, nor to the fact that many of them don't seem to believe that they're really capable of what they say they are.
Few people besides the Jedi truly believe in the Force, after all.
Few people could believe in something they cannot know for themselves when others supposedly have a direct connection to it. Bail is one of the few who does believe them, he's seen what the Jedi can do first-hand. There's nothing else that can account for that kind of power besides this Force they talk of. They and other groups out there, it’s not only the Jedi, after all.
Besides, he knows many of them personally, and while Bail may not understand or follow all of their beliefs or traditions, he also knows that they're not a bunch of charlatans faking it for power of money—though he knows some of his fellow senators believe that to be the case. Even senators on Coruscant, who've seen Jedi in real life, seem to believe them little more than myth.
Bail has been kept up to date on the investigation into the Jedi missions, though he’s not taking an active role in it right now, and he’s certain that he has been kept in the loop to give legitimacy to the investigation. Give it a proper paper trail, even if it’s done with the Senate’s highest level of security. A strictly need-to-know basis, and until it’s finished, no one else needs to know.
Of course, Bail asked Obi-Wan in private if he would be allowed to tell Breha. As his Queen and the leader of Bail’s planet, he found it important to clue her in on it. Besides, it’s another step of legitimacy. After all, if Breha takes an active stance on it, then so does Alderaan.
If anyone wants to accuse the investigation at a later date for being a sham… Well, they will need to accuse Alderaan of engaging in it in the first place. Bail isn’t stupid enough to think that it’s not one of the primary reasons Obi-Wan agreed with Bail’s request.
They’re friends, and Obi-Wan likes Breha, but this is not about being friends. This is about political allyship and keeping sensitive information on as tight a lock-down as they can until the time  to reveal it comes.
Besides, as worried as Bail has become with Miss Yashi’s information, it’s even worse when considered together with the altered Jedi missions and not in the least… Well, the war time propaganda. There's no point in shying away from what it is, and the ramifications it has.
Considering how most of the war time propaganda—Bail can acknowledge it for what it is, there truly is no point in trying to deny the facts—focuses almost exclusively on the clones and their efforts in the war, it's hardly strange that the general population neither know nor understand them.
Further considering the information that Bail has now confirmed to be real and accurate... He understands that the omission of the Jedi is entirely deliberate. If you want to discredit and undermine the Jedi, why would you ever speak of their accomplishments and sacrifices? You wouldn't, as that would bring public support to them.
Bail sighs and rolls his shoulders.
He needs to build a following, he cannot properly push this alone. But he also understands why Miss Yashi brought it to him alone, first. A Core World Senator is far harder to make "disappear" than a Twi'lek Senatorial aide, no matter how awful that is to say. Bail can't go missing, and any attempt on his life would have a bit more trouble hitting its mark.
That's not to say that it would be impossible for someone to assassinate him, which is of course why he'll make sure that Breha is entirely up to speed on everything.
All of it together... There is some form of conspiracy to discredit or perhaps even get rid of the Jedi; Bail is sure of it. But he cannot see to what end. What are they trying to achieve?
For what reason would anyone work to discredit the Jedi? What is the end goal to strive for? There’s no way for the politicians to dissolve the Jedi Order, they are not in that way under Senate control. They could, of course, remove all of their backing, forcing the Jedi to become free agents, certainly…
But for what purpose? It would leave the Republic without the Jedi as peacekeepers, for the Jedi would hardly remain to do diplomacy work for the Senate without its backing. After all, what would the point be? Without the Senate’s backing, the Jedi would have far less ability to do anything.
How could they negotiate treaties if the Senate won’t honour them?
They could, perhaps, be a neutral third party within discussions. But there’s no reason for anyone to listen to their input in such a case. It’s hard enough to get disagreeing parties to listen to external input when you come with powerful backing that could make you listen even if you refuse.
How could they function with no funding? They would need to work on commission, at which point only those who can afford their help can get it. That would be the opposite of an improvement.
To not even begin to talk about how few of them there are, how few of them there were even before the war. Their population is not even a hundredth of a percent of Alderaan’s population, and Alderaan is only a single planet within the tens of thousands of star systems that make up the Republic—nevermind the entire galaxy. There’s just not enough of them, and hasn’t that always been a problem even while they’re working under the Republic? Too few, spread too thin.
No, if the Jedi became free agents, their ability to affect change would be greatly diminished. Bail is quite certain they’d work on much smaller scales, still trying to do what they can for the galaxy, bit by bit. Working with smaller communities on planets and moons… If they even had the ability to find out about disputes that may need their help in the first place.
Losing the Jedi as peacekeepers isn’t a win for the Republic either, as the budget for the Jedi was already miniscule even before it started being diminished—as Miss Yashi’s discovery shows. It cannot be an attempt at cost saving, or an idea of improvement for the Republic. Needing to train their own diplomats and ensure that they have skilled enough guards… That would be more expensive and it would not be able to guarantee that these diplomats are neutral in conflicts.
The Jedi have no specific allegiances the way diplomats and even Senators have. Even the least corrupt Senator will still place their own planet and star system first. It is part of their role, after all.
So no, it cannot be something like that. Not unless the people slowly enacting this are horribly misguided and foolish. Not to mention, Bail knows most Senators would simply call for making away with the Jedi entirely, rather than this slow plan to undercut them.
No… There must be something else going on here, some other primary goal whoever is pulling these strings is looking out to do.
He’ll need to figure it out, no doubt, Bail concludes.
But beyond that, he also needs to build a base to help him bring this information he’s been given to the Senate’s attention. He is quite sure already who he should be looking towards first: Senator Ach’ki Mandai of Haa’ndu.
Who better to help him bring this to Senate attention than the Senator who ensured a Jedi now sits as the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic?
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
A pact in blood-
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Rating: 18+, Explicit
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader
Word count: ~3K
Warnings: Semi-incest (Satoru is your cousin/ distant relative), masturbation, Cunnilingus, fingering, hand job, the relationship is a bit messed up, yandereish undertones.
A/n: This takes place when he's still in the academy.* Image source*
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“AA-ahhh! Please don’t- don’t stop…”,
Your broken pleas reverberated through the room as Satoru’s deft fingers worked their way in and out of your sopping wet hole. You gripped the sturdy jacket that covered his shoulders, folding the fabric between your fists was the only thing you could do to maintain the last shred of composure you had.
He was like a passing cloud who offered you momentary relief and was on his way as soon as your were done, the fragments of longings that remained on your body etched deeper after every night.
Position after position, he went from your pussy over his lips to eating you out ass up and face down, all for the pleasure you couldn’t seem to get by yourself. You were now splayed out on his lap, face buried in his neck and one arm draped over him for support. Waves of his sweet scent and the euphoria assaulting your senses at the same time, taking you closer and closer to the edge.
It’s been quite some time now but the memory of your first encounter with your unfairly gorgeous cousin Satoru has been etched into your mind as if it happened just yesterday.
You were in the manor of the esteemed Gojo clan for a family event and even though you didn’t shared the same surname you were related nonetheless and were hence invited. It was a four day and three night celebration where the entire place was abuzz with excitement.
It didn’t really mattered to you, being here with a go with a flow kind of attitude, you just minded your own business until spoken to and not mingling with the faceless crowd of people you didn’t even knew the names of.
Thankfully your room was in the separate building which was a little bit further from where all the riotous events centered around. After just half a day of being in the middle of the chaos you wanted to find a way to unwind and that’s when it happened.
Stark naked and two fingers up your little cunt, there was no explaining or bullshitting your way out of this situation when the heir of the household, Satoru Gojo himself walked in in you. Feeble attempts to cover yourself and half hearted stutterings died in your mouth as soon as the young man opened his.
“ Wrong”, the deadpan reply of his made your already shaken up state worsen. Panic flooding in your system begged you to make excuses or atleast request him to not speak of this to anyone, after all families of high status are nothing if not conservative and you didn’t wanted to cause anyone any trouble.
“ I meant, y/n chan, that you’re doing it wrong”, not paying any mind to your internal conflict he continued speaking form where he stood near the door, “ don’t you know how to masturbate? I thought you were in highschool?”
His genuinely perplexed tone made you reconsider your previous opinions about the heir to the clan. Satoru, a guy who walked in on a relative masturbating, was supposed to show courtesy and leave the second he entered but instead he was rating your technique, which in all honesty may have been lacking indeed but you were desperate to cum and he seemed to pick up on that.
“ Since you’re clearly having trouble getting off”, he loosened the obi of his particularly formal kimono and shifted his uncovered ocean blue eyes towards your form, “Want me to teach you?”, his question made you gulp, then gauge your eyeballs out in disbelief. Sure you weren’t closely related and have only spoken once or twice but you attended all the occasions and holiday celebrations at their place and knew that your relationship was only platonic. His offer to cross that line made you flinch back at first.
Heaving a sigh he closed the door and sat cross legged on the tatami mat next to your futon.
“ Relax, t’s not a big deal”, flashing a toothy grin he leaned forward until your noses touched.
“ Afterall, I AM your big brother”
“ wait- you’re also in highschool!”, You retorted, “ I bet you’re a virgin too. So what CAN you teach me anyway?”, overcoming the initial embarrassment, your mouth started moving in its own accord only getting encouraged by his laid back demeanor.
“ Pfttt- so you get defensive when cornered? How cute!”, he giggled, a smile teasing at his lips at your obvious attempt to hide the shame burning in your core.
“Don’t worry, I know my way around a pussy just fine”, light hearted words fell effortlessly from his mouth and you could swear half of your brain was short circuiting because of his crude way of speaking. For all his regal appearance, he was just like any other highschooler, a year older than you but his stature and delicate features gave him a magestic aura that exceeds that of people decades older than him.
Just by the few encounters from the past, you figured he wasn’t one for following traditions or rules if it didn’t suit him. He was way above the rest, in his own distant world everytime you saw him, the school he went to, the things he had experienced were all different.
Forgetting the other's existence after passing each other by with a few formalities exchanged was all you had done with each. You two were never close or even friends but now the chance presented itself to take your non existent relationship to the extreme end through your bodies.
You wanted this.
To feel good. The hormones of youth pumping your impulsiveness you relax your muscles and lie on your back. You could clearly hear Satoru’s playfully indifferent chuckle from above when you slowly part your legs to show him the sides of yourself that even you have never completely seen.
“Just this once, okay?”
He said he was just teaching you how to masturbate but it wasn’t that simple. The only person to get naked was you and the only person who experienced the mind numbing pleasure, was also you. He only needed his deft fingers and mouth to make you feel better and for a while you didn’t even question.
That one lesson of self pleasure which you both were supposed to forget turned into an entire session as day after day Satoru would show up at your parents house unbeknownst to a soul and you both crossed the same lines of platonic relationship everyday.
The euphoria was endless but with a single rule that you weren’t allowed to touch him in turn and it goes without saying that the two of you never went all the way. It would always start with small talks about the day, even when you’d be talking, all your focus was on what was to come next.
That’s why after a few weeks of the detached pleasure he provided you, it got you thinking what he actually wanted from you. Satoru had already seen, touched and tasted all your body had to offer, never revealing any of his own.
You wondered if he ever felt sexually frustrated by always giving and never asking for anything in return. You knew he was not THAT nice. At least that’s what you believed considering his sadistic streak in bed. He did seem to be enjoying himself when he's messing you up so maybe he didn’t have many sexual urges that he needed to satisfy and was just acting on curiosity or maybe he had someone else, someone older with more experience who he didn’t constantly had a upper hand with and was able to see them as an equal. This thought alone made your chest tight, with an unnatural pain that threatened to break your heart.
You had to catch your darkening train of thought before it reached to the conclusion you were most afraid of. Knowing full well that this was just a fleeting moment that is only supposed to be enjoyed through a lens of carefree thinking, you push the budding feelings of the some very complicated emotions out of your system. The surge of jealousy you felt may have born out of falling in love with a family member but it was wrong on so many levels.
A love that starts with lust never ends well for anyone but as you were laying in his arms, the control over your body handed completely to him, your mind wondered how things would feel vice versa.
“ You seem distracted y/n”, Satoru looked at you, with his glasses off the beautiful azure eyes hidden beneath a delicate layer of white eyelashes filled your vison.
“ I’m obviously not doing it right if you have time to get lost in your thoughts”, putting you down on your bed, he started to move away and for a minute you got your hopes up, thinking your chance to finally have him completely and you cursed yourself for wanting at the same time. But no amount of berating would scrub off the insatiable thirst you had, for its roots had already made their way to your heart.
“Please let me help you too”, these few words took a lot of guts, letting go of all the inhibitions and threads of morality you fix Satoru with an unwavering gaze.
“ That’s okay babygirl, I’M the one who does the teaching here afterall”, you saw what he was trying to do, his airy yet gentle tone didn’t left much room for argument but the gray zone of your relationship was blurring to the point of confusion urged you to give into your clamoring emotions.
Without a second thought you jumped on him with all your might, closing the distance he put within seconds to cover his mouth with yours. You knew how much you weighed but despite your aggressive actions his sturdy form didn’t even deter form his position while catching you. You twirled your tongue over the roof of his mouth, the taste of your juices still lingering in there.
Hoping to have proven your resolve that wasn’t going to settle for getting brushed aside you break the kiss and look expectantly at him. An invisible bond between the two of you taking shape, strengthening the magnetism that attracted you to him.
“ That eager for my cock are you?”, Taking your face in one of his huge hand he makes you look straight at him, “You really want more? More than I'm already giving you?”, just one more push. You thought, with just a bit of coaxing, you were sure Satoru's wishy washy rules would crumble to make way for your upcoming actions.
“ I do. I know exactly what I want but”, steeling your nerves you face him, eye to eye, “ What do YOU want?”. The question was simple but the conflict swirling within Satoru’s eyes was evident and for the first time you realised that maybe this wasn’t just a case of casual hookup for him as well.
“ I want all your firsts. That’s all.” After a short stretch of silence he spoke, ironically the borderline obsessiveness of his glib response, like magic, cleared away the fog was previously clouding your mind. The nonchalance of his smirk should've been the red flag that made you rethink your life choices but the heat of the moment only seemed to ignite your lust.
Not uttering a single word, you quickly work on shedding him off his cloths, he doesn’t make any attempts at stopping you this time around, this knowledge pulling a smile out of you. By the time you reached for his boxers your hands were shaking.
Whether from excitement or nervousness you couldn’t tell but looking down through the veil of his heavy eyelashes, Satoru’s passion was evident.
Eyeing up his exposed body you still for a moment to take it all in. You ran you hands through his sculpted chest and down to his abdomen, your nails scratching the surface of his defined muscles. All of his masculinity contrasted with his oddly sweet scent and velvety pink lips that never failed to lure you in for deep soft kisses.
There’s no doubt girls must be always fawning over him and his perfectly smooth skin was something that even made you jealous. You were so captivated by his looks that you had to shake yourself free from your lovesick stupor .
You feel him up a little, hands running across his toned chest, you drag your nails through the rise and dips of his abdomen down to the contours of his defined V- line before turning your attention to his hardening member. Your breath quickens as your trembling fingers hook beneath his waistband.
Taking out his pulsating member you run your eyes up and down his entire length. He was big, to say at the very least. Bigger than you'd expected and more than you thought you could handle but backing out now would be straight up hypocrisy when your drooling mouth said otherwise.
With your ass right next to his chest, you start licking and sucking his tip with fervour, not wanting to waste even a single drop of his cum that you wanted so bad. You heard him moan lightly behind you, his voice only fuelled the fire that was burning your core. Having never given a blow job to anyone before you struggled in keeping a steady pace and his girthy cock didn’t make it any easier on you.
In just a few minutes you jaw ached and your entire face hurted but Satoru showed no signs of cumming.
In your own world again, you racked up your brain to figure out how to please him when suddenly you felt a hand climbing up your thigh. With the other hand he gripped your hips and pulled your lower half until you were straddling his mouth.
“ It’s a lot better like this don’t you think?”, as he spoke you felt his breath caressing your nether lips and you shivered in delight at the new position.
He snaked his hands in between your thighs and spread open your slit, glistening with your dripping arousal using his thumbs. Every single fold of yours now in display Satoru licked his plush lips before leaving open mouthed kisses on the exposed skin. His lips pulling out a series of appreciative hums as you desperately try to focus on your own actions.
Taking his hard length half in your mouth and half in one of your hand you tried to match the skilful movements of Satoru’s tongue that relentlessly lapped at your clit. After a few minutes of trying and failing to suck him up properly your senses got completely clouded by the heavy onslaught of that familiar release you had gotten used to.
You wanted to ask him to stop so you catch up to him but he the vigor in his actions and your own overwhelming surge of desires made you decide against it, the broken stings of his name died down with you still half choking on his length.
The only thing your lust laden mind could decipher except for pleasure was shame. To you, it was shameful how, being the one who asked to touch him, you were the one tethering near the edge. Before long your convulsing pussy was dripping with your juices, trickling down from his face that was still buried nose deep in your crotch.
Messing you up always filled Satoru with a kind of affection that he didn’t thought he was capable of.
Your cute whines getting muffled by his cock that you could only take half way past your llip sent waves of ecstasy down his spine. The cum that kept on flowing from your aching hole that he was the first to taste and the last as well took him to a high that no amount of pleasure could.
He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to be the provider of your everything who had complete control over you or if he just wanted to spend hours into the night, praising every fibre of your being that was so eager to make him feel good. This duality of his thoughts confused him further and in that moment he knew he had to see this to the end.
Your heavy pants was the only thing that could be heard in the otherwise silent room, guilt and pleasure leaving you tongue tied. You move yourself from above him, your quivering body falling like a sac just beside his own.
“ I’m sorry! I couldn’t make you-“, before you could finish your breathy apology he brought up a finger near your frowning lips to quite you down.
“Its okay sugar, it was your first time. Not a big deal.”, the soft notes of his voice took the edge off of the disappointment you felt, “I told you. I’ll teach you everything.”
Those eyes. Two shining orbs of brilliant blue gazed at you in the same way you found yourself staring at him. Watching over you like it was their birthright and oddly enough, the scrutiny made you feel completly at home just like the warmth of his long arms that wrapped themselves around you.
" Realx Y/n, I'll be very thourough with my teaching, afterall,", your heart thumped loudly in your chest in response to his smooth voice, "I don't do things halfway.
The pleasent fatigue that had taken a hold of your body slowly dissipated but the growing haziness of your mind got you wondering if you were falling in deepness of his ocean blue eyes but as soon realization hit you, you were already halfway through blacking out.
That you’d never be forgiven for wanting.
From that moment on, you knew.
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Part 2? Idk you tell me(╯︵╰,)
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
I feel like if we really want to take a closer look at the topic of c!Dream’s obsession with c!Tommy, we have to look into both his reasons for it, and the tactics he employs to achieve his goals concerning it.
[ /dsmp /roleplay I did not tag this that way but this entire analysis is hugely c!Dream critical and focuses on the various facets of his manipulation, so if you’re not in the mood to read that, you have been warned not to. ]
Interestingly enough, before the SMP was actual heavy roleplay, back during the original disc war, the reason c!Dream listed for keeping the discs was to use them as bargaining chips, because he knew c!Tommy wanted them back, as they were hard items to get at the time, and knew he could use them for that purpose.
He had just gotten mugged and repeatedly killed by c!Tommy, who had also participated in a conflict beforehand, and only gave a half-hearted apology in the end. He had also seen him cause problems on the server before that. The discs were meant to be something he would threaten to destroy if c!Tommy started acting out of line, because he didn’t trust him to keep his word and wanted a guarantee. That was the reason he insisted on keeping the discs after getting his armor back, which is why he originally stole them.
And I feel like c!Dream’s train of thought, while skewed and twisted with irrational mindsets, is rather straightforward in essence. Conflict is what he actively stands against and what stops him from having a united server, hence in his mind, he needs to destroy things that bring conflict, and control what he can’t or doesn’t want to destroy. He thinks c!Tommy brings conflict, so he feels like he needs to find ways to control him.
Sure, we all know about the systematic abuse and isolation he employed to make c!Tommy believe he was his friend, but one of his major tactics since the beginning has also been intimidation, or a particular type of manipulation that leads to people fearing him or thinking that he has more power than he actually does. In his mind, if people are scared of him, they’re much more likely to listen to him. And the most fascinating thing is that it works.
During the initial exile conflict, despite him being just a single person with no official political power, he assures victory by aggressively, and very intelligently, threatening his way through the negotiations. c!Tubbo is scared of him, and that is not a coincidence. It’s purposeful.
Seeing as he planned to give L’Manberg technical independence either way - he said that there was no real way for him to stop them from pursuing that anyways, so that wasn’t the intention - even the war seems like a very likely ploy to make the revolutionaries fear him enough so that they wouldn’t start conflict after seceding. c!Wilbur is careful not to start anything with the Greater Dream SMP after this, because c!Dream has shown that he can and will ruin them if they do. c!Tubbo also knows exactly the lengths c!Dream will go to if he promises war thanks to this, and that if he says he’ll build a wall and keep them from leaving it with force, he’s going to do it. When c!Tubbo is faced with an ultimatum, seeing as his goal is to keep New L’Manberg safe and peaceful, he knows he has no option but to give in.
Another variation of this tactic is making himself seem more dangerous and unpredictable than he actually is and obscuring his motivation. If people don’t know what he wants, they are less able to devise effective tactics to stop him from getting it. The element of surprise is something that he utilizes constantly throughout warfare, and psychological battling is no different. For instance, during Doomsday he begins talking about how the server will “be at peace now” thanks to L’Manberg being gone, before c!Tommy barges in, and begins implying he did this all because he hates him.
DREAM Tommy… Look. In all destruction *looks at the falling TNT* there is a new beginning.
TOMMY You- you did this…! To all of us! Not just to me, but to everyone here…!
DREAM Beautiful. You know… the unfinished symphony, right?
DREAM The server will be at peace now.
TOMMY Why, Dream…?
DREAM Because I didn’t-
TOMMY Couldn’t you just- couldn’t you just burn the discs…? Couldn’t you just do it to me? Why did you have to…?
DREAM This is much more fun.
[ credits to @dsmptranscripts on twitter ]
Although c!Dream’s motivation for destroying L’Manberg was actually that, much like with c!Tommy, he thought that it bred conflict and division, he picks up on this and switches to saying how he did indeed do this all to hurt c!Tommy because he finds it fun.
He talks very inconsistently plenty of times, but it’s rather easy to spot a pattern of him being honest about his motives with his allies but straight up lying to his enemies. This makes sense, and it is usually employed as a deliberate tactic.
Intimidation is something he also uses to manipulate people during his time in prison. Ever since he got locked up, it became a mental fight. If people fully realized that he was powerless to stop them from hurting or killing him, his life only hanging by a thin strand on the concept of the revive book, he would’ve lost the control he needed to assure his survival.
The difference is that before then, c!Dream had actual physical power, however the manipulation gets harder to pull off when he has none, even with people he finds naive enough to fall for it. He still risks it because he’s desperate, and has nothing but his own life to lose, which is something he believes to be protected by his possession of the revival book. He had never been big on self-preservation besides staying alive to reach his goals.
He first tries this on c!Sam, who, rather unpredictably, begins to get morally corrupted by the power he has over c!Dream, on top of other factors. c!Dream talks to c!Sam about exile and about c!Tommy because logically, if he’s afraid of him, he’s less likely to try to hurt or kill him. This backfires because this new, unexpected version of c!Sam begins to fiercely hate c!Dream instead, hurting him further.
The same thing happens with c!Tommy - when he realizes that he can’t influence him through repeated visits anymore, he attempts to scare him into obedience again. He establishes himself as someone dangerous who has the power to escape and hurt c!Tommy as well as his friends, which he hopes will subconsciously sway him to not do things that he would disagree with. We can see him pretending to be the one in control throughout the stream after c!Tommy first got revived.
He also tells him that he can bring back the person who he’s afraid of the most and get him on his side, which is precisely the bit that ends up backfiring, but it doesn’t really matter, and trying was still the best thing he could’ve logically done.
If he hadn’t, at some point people would realize he actually has no power at all, and pay back the fear he’d instilled in them previously. This happens with c!Quackity, who began to take advantage of c!Dream’s lack of control as soon as he realized how easy it was to strip away the last bit of power he has, which is also keeping him alive.
Getting back on track, c!Dream essentially tries to control c!Tommy first by manipulating him into believing he is his friend, then believing he is a threat to him when that fails. We can see this from the way the Finale is prepared to be somewhat of a final showdown between the two, and also by him actually revealing the tactics he used to employ during exile, for example talking about taking away the invites to the party and not actually being his friend. This also proves he knew exactly what he was doing during that time, and he could easily switch between tactics because the end goal of controlling c!Tommy was more important to him than what c!Tommy thought of him.
And that’s it.
It’s all just a ploy to control him because he finds him one of the hardest people to stop from causing conflict.
Controlling him is as important to c!Dream as destroying L’Manberg and dethroning c!George and collecting people’s attachments, because what is important to him is achieving his goals through whatever means necessary, not the means themselves.
As for people, while he has no desire to actually kill them - or feels he cannot, because they could still be useful to his plans in the future - he treats them as either tools or obstacles he needs to deal with, especially if they ever get in the way of his plans, and he isn’t particularly attached to them. He does this to himself as well, and doesn’t seem to care about his own well-being or reputation as long as he achieves what he wants. While he’s focused on the ends to his means, that is the only thing that is important to him.
You could argue this does stem from thinking of the people he wants the server to be united for as important, since cc!Dream said his goals are for “everyone to get along”, but that doesn’t change the fact that the ways in which he works towards that goal doesn’t treat others’ or his own feelings as consequential at all. In the case of people who stand against him, their entire well-being is put to the side until what needs to be done in his mind gets done.
c!Dream isn’t “scared” of c!Tommy per se, nor does he seem to be obsessed with the guy himself, but he finds him something necessary to get out of the way to accomplish his goals, and he does so, ruthlessly as ever.
And even though the goal of eradicating conflict and uniting the server is something that he is so focused on that it could definitely be called an obsession, c!Tommy really isn’t that important within the equation at all.
This wasn’t a post to excuse or downplay any of his actions, nor do I agree with the “logical” thoughts I mentioned. There is a reason why I used phrases like “he finds” “in his eyes” “he thinks” “in his mind” “he feels like” a whole lot throughout this essay.
The character has an extremely flawed worldview that I in no way agree with (and although that should probably be pretty obvious, you really don’t know with this fandom). All this post is for is to analyse certain traits that are assigned to him, and figure out through logical reasoning whether they’re a mischaracterization or not.
And as far as the evidence goes; c!Dream isn't obsessed with c!Tommy, he is obsessed with his goal, and he sees Tommy as a big obstacle to achieving it, which makes him focus on him. These feelings he puts on display are an illusion to distract people from his real goal so they don't know how to get in his way - because, just like cc!Dream said, he “likes to withhold information; withhold plans; and withhold feelings” from everyone else.
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