"Well picking up where we were last time we met up, we got a lot of work cut out for us today."
Even if the seasons were starting to change that didn't stop the battleship from inviting her partner in crime over to her home, cleaning off the counter of anything that wasn't going to be important for the few hours. For today was dedicated in the name of one thing.
"The advancement of taste testing." Whatever that actually meant was anyone's guess but it had a good enough ring to it.
"So we got a lot of flavors I picked up before I brought ya' back here." Already laid out was almost 7 cups, completely different from the rest in both color and size. "Down the line we got kale, beets, some "mixed fruit blast", gingersnap, one of those super sugary ones, peanut butter, and..."
Even after staring at the drink for awhile, NJ couldn't really discern what was the last drink. But it definitely...looked edible at the very least.
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"...Eh we'll just call that one "The Surprise" for now. And I'm assuming you brought me something to test as well? Maybe not as wild as mine I've got an empty belly and the entire afternoon to give some honest opinions honey~~."
@surasthana | s.c
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hydrofloraison · 10 months
💧 "Ahahaha! Indeed, I am a citizen of Fontaine!" So much had taken Furina off guard. Being brought to this city after such a big change in her life, being surrounded by people who knew nothing about her. The latter aspect was relieving in a sense. To go from the centre of attention to someone that no one recognized could have been seen as a blessing for her, but her feelings still felt a little mixed.
As she understood it this city gathered souls from across different worlds, and so for someone to recognize her as a Fontaine citizen, likely due to the way she dressed or the design of her Vision, had surprised her. More so that it was a girl who didn't appear all that old.
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Furina berated herself mentally for falling into old habits upon introduction. There was no need for her to sound so dramatic, but it was a part of that life that had etched itself so deeply into her soul. "M-My name is Furina! Might I ask who I have the pleasure of speaking with, mademoiselle?" She even bowed.
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witchoftrinity · 1 year
"Oh my GOOOOOSH your so cuuuute I can't get over it! Did you come here with anyone else? This is my first time ever actually making my own firework."
She doubted the "young" girl cared too much about her own life story, even less so that she got grouped up with Mika for this little activity on the boardwalk.
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"Nahida right? Can I take you home with me after we're done with this? I want to put a nice flower in your hair and pamper you all up to look even cuter. It's just unfair and cruel that you are walking around all alone without anyone giving you attention!"
@surasthana | spirale fireworks show
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blasphemir · 1 year
@surasthana , starter
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❛❛ lesser lord kusanali , ❜❜ he is a shameless monstrosity indeed— as free of shame as he is of inhibition , the way that he greets the god of wisdom as though an old friend / the way metallic heels side - step the unmoving body upon dirtied asphalt just to near them . quaint amusement evident in his tone as he speaks , voice low : ❛❛ i can't say i quite anticipated your presence here . i'll have to apologize for the awful mess ... this is hardly the state i wished to meet you again in . ❜❜
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sly sliver of the tongue , monster masquerading as a respectful gentleman . the Doctor's words are acquired in an contumelious humor whilst its core bears semblance to sober frigidity , & he lets out an airy , casual sort of chuckle ; Dottore steps closer , close enough for those wide , glassy eyes to stare back at him , harbinger's own stately smile reflected back in their aversion .
     ❛❛   although i must say your timing is impeccable . you see , i felt compelled to do a little research in this strange world after witnessing some rather interesting sight , ❜❜ he extends reasoning— what lack of justification for his actions , ❛❛ have you been here long enough to witness it , the matter of DEATH in this world ? ❜❜
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hetuvidya · 2 years
"Alhaitham!" A small tap tap against his leg to get his attention since she knows he's prone to listening to music or some other type of audiobook through those headphones. Once she knows she has his attention, she retrieves a small, heart-shaped box of chocolate from her pockets and offers it up toward him. "I know the holiday is mainly centered around couples, however, I think it's just as important to show people that you care about them in other ways," she smiles. "So, consider these a token of my appreciation for you! They've got caramel in the center! Which I'm told is good!"
although it made perfect sense for her to do so, she needn't tap to be noticed. the sound blocking isn't on, nor is he listening to anything at the moment. when his eyes drift downward, he's greeted with the sight of a small box, held in waiting for the scribe which he takes with great care. "thank you."
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in the moments, spent around Nahida, he couldn't even begin to understand why people were unwilling to accept her. Alhaitham may not believe in revering the gods so highly, but she has proven herself to be kind, wanting the best for her people. "would you care to join me for a walk when you have time? unless you'd like something to eat. no need to decide now, just tell me once you're ready."
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contractuum · 2 years
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@surasthana please do send some pleasant dreams this way, sweet forest child.
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isolaradiale · 2 years
okay on prior reserve that i didn't end up needing, here's nahida from genshin impact! her application should be under /app thank you!
Welcome to eerie Isola Radiale, Nahida!
You will be housed in HOUSE 114.
You'll be able to use telepathy for thirty minutes each day.
– ⋆ taygeta.
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incorrectfatui · 3 months
Nahida: You have an impressive pain tolerance.  Scaramouche: Thanks, it's the trauma.
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Can you imagine if Celestia decides to mind control the archons, realizing that a revolution is probably coming?
The main goal is to sow chaos and distrust in Teyvat, stopping the Tsaritsa's plans while showing Celestia's might.
What they didn't expect was for said archons to fight back, most with contingencies made centuries ago.
Venti isolated himself in a wind barrier, making sure nobody could enter, and that his powers couldn't break out. He is NOT having panic attacks due to claustrophobia and memories of Decarabian's rule, thank you very much.
Zhongli sealed himself deep undergound, in a similar fashion to Azdaha, he brought plenty of books to pass the time, though he is mostly suffering from a migraine due to fighting off Celestia.
Ei is literally just chilling in the Plane of Euthymia while the Shogun runs Inazuma. Makoto's subconsiousness is fistfighting Celestia's influence.
To make sure nobody could use her control over Irminsul and the people's dreams and minds, Nahida locked herself up in the Sanctuary of Surasthana again, sealing her conciousness. It worked, but she's afraid and alone and crying while reliving her worst nightmare. Scaramouche and Cyno are trying to break the barrier in frantic desperation.
We don't know much about Murata, but she's probably just chilling in a volcano. Meanwhile the Tsaritsa froze herself, letting Pierro run the country and the Fatui in her stead.
Meanwhile Furina is hiding in the dephts of Fontaine's sea, sealing herself in a cave with the use of Pneuma and Ousia energies (if she tries to break the barrier, or attempts to control Fontaine's waters, the barrier strikes, she went a bit overboard because tsunamis are no joke).
So yeah, the plan didn't go as expected, and Celestia also didn't account for the Traveler... or the dragons...
The Traveler is basically going around saving everyone, using his connection to the elements to break barriers and fight off Celestia's influence. We start with Sumeru, mostly because Scara all but drags us to save Nahida.
As for the Sovereings...
Dvalin is guarding Venti's temporary "prison", trying to sing as many ballads as he can remember in hopes to calm him down. He sometimes sings the notes wrong because it always made Venti laugh.
Azdaha's conciousness found Zhongli's seal. He connected both of the places so that they can keep each other company. They're alternating between chess matches with soothing tea and Oshmantus wine to friendly spars that shake Liyue (Zhongli is still a feral war god that likes to fight).
Ei is having a great time in the Plane of Euthymia, especially now that Kokomi came along. They're chatting about light novels.
Apep managed to connect to Nahida's conciousness and is currently strangling the Celestial influence. She claims it's just her way of settling the score after we helped her in 3.6, as well as a good excuse to fight Celestia. The fact that she is telling stories of the old days of Teyvat to calm Nahida down is just a mere coincidence. (The maternal instincts kicked in)
Neuvillette broke though the Pneuma Ousia barrier with a small army of Melusines. He is currently guarding the archon in his dragon form while the Melusines perform plays to distract her (they want to start a troupe, so these are all original scripts, they were all approved).
We don't know much about the other two dragons, so let's just say they're guarding the borders of Natlan and Snezhnaya.
CONGRATULATIONS CELESTIA! Not only did your plan fail, but now all of Teyvat is mad at you!! Even the Sovereigns (that are supposed to resent the archons, mind you) are angry on their behalf!!!!🥳🥳🥳
Bonus: Neuvillette watching the show of the melusines while Furina sleeps next to his paws:
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royaltrios · 1 year
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im writing a very long nahida-centric chsc retrospective post-sumeru fic but honestly it can really just be boiled down to this text post
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quesadilla-day · 3 months
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just a mushroom and her mushroom pal 🍄 🍄
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you can have the other half of my twix 🍬
Things to do in Autumn | Accepting
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"Nahida! You know me so well. Chocolate makes the world go 'round you know. People should realize that more often when it comes to Halloween candy." As thanks she pulled out her own bag and handed off a pack of gummies
"Here I'm probably not gonna finish these anyway. But they are dino shaped so I think you'd appreciate them."
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dandelion-wings · 8 months
kicking wild AUs around with @theabysscomeshome and this is another in the Not Actually Going To Write It category, but this scene really stuck with me, so a brief snippet:
"Grand Sage," Lisa says as sweetly as she can manage, smiling at him. She very carefully doesn't look up and dare draw his attention, or that of the matra with him, to the branches overhead where Kaeya lurks. "How nice to see you. I was just taking my underclassmen to study in the House of Daena." She rests one hand over her catalyst at her belt, casually, as if she's not perfectly positioned to unhook the tome from its strap, and puts the other down on Collei's shoulder. Cyno has better self-restraint; he's rigid at her side, but most of his attention is on her, waiting for instruction. Collei has ducked a little behind her in what she suspects anyone else would take as childish fear. Lisa knows what she's really restraining. His lip curls. "This is exactly why I'm here. You and your instructor have coddled those *subjects* far too much. I'm reassigning them to another research team immediately, before you irreparably taint their research value."
Fury floods crackling through Lisa's veins, and a thousand and one retorts rise to her lips. None of them will make an impression on him, though. She knows what this is really about. Why he's really here.
*Zendik.* Kaeya was right. The strings he's been pulling lead all the way up.
"I haven't received any reassignment paperwork," she says, sweetly, teeth still gritted in a smile. She doesn't dare start to unbuckle her catalyst yet. There's four matra flanking the Grand Sage, and she has no intention of giving them an excuse. Not before Kaeya gets here.
"It will be forthcoming," the Grand Sage says, drawing himself up.
The matra are watching her tensely, and Cyno even more so; they, too, seem to be disregarding Collei as the frightened child she so often seems. So often is, Lisa corrects herself, but that doesn't make her any less dangerous. She's not sure whether to be more insulted on her behalf or on Cyno's that they're tenser about him, as if his desert skin and desert god make him an inherent threat to good order despite all his careful self-discipline, and as if *she* isn't the Witch of the Purple Rose.
"I see. In the meantime, why don't my underclassmen and I-"
"The *subjects*," the Grand Sage says, a muscle in his jaw jumping.
Which was exactly the wrong point to quibble on. Collei gives a choked, furious sob and tears away from Lisa, trying to dart past the matra towards the far edge of the plaza and the ramp down to freedom. The matra, focused on Cyno and Lisa, don't move fast enough; the Grand Sage, unfortunately, has even less ability at threat assessment, and snatches at Collei as she brushes past. He catches a hank of her hair, so recently freed from the bandages, and she screams.
The hair on the back of Lisa's neck goes up. She can feel the power pulsating from Collei's small frame, bare inches from going out of control--from being *unleashed*. Because it will be, if Collei thinks that's the only way out. The matra all quail, crying out in confusion more than in terror, uncertain as to why they're afraid and all the more frightened for it. Lisa steps in front of Cyno, yanks on the strap around her catalyst, and pulls it free, as if it would be any help against the Black Fire.
Kaeya hits the ground directly beside Azar, rolls, and comes up with his catalyst already glowing in his hand. He tosses it up to hover beside him as he reaches out to grab Collei's arm, and he digs his other elbow into the Grand Sage's gut to make him let go as he yanks Collei away. The man grunts and stumbles back, winded by the blow, and catches up against the railing of the platform-
And flails for just a second, eyes wide with terror, before he pitches over to plummet to the ground below. Lisa flinches at the distant, unpleasant *'splat'*.
Pulling Collei in close against him, Kaeya glances over the edge, looks up at Lisa, and shrugs. "Whoops."
"The Grand Sage!" one of the matra cries, comprehension returning and horror infusing his tone as the ominous weight of Collei's nearly-unbound power lifts away. "He's murdered the Grand Sage!"
"We'd been talking about storming the Sanctuary of Surasthana anyway," Kaeya says, throwing Lisa a wry smile before he turns to meet their leveled spears. "We may just have to do it a little ahead of schedule."
"I'm beginning to agree with you about getting answers from the Archon herself," Lisa tells him, ozone filling the air as her own catalyst starts to glow purple-bright along its bindings. "Especially since we can't ask them of Azar any longer. Though if Cyno and Collei could-"
"I don't think we have the time for that. It's fine. Collei, do you still have those daggers I gave you?"
Collei makes a small, determined noise and pulls two wickedly sharp blades out from somewhere in her clothing. Lisa sighs, sets aside the matter of arming small children to discuss with Kaeya *later*, and prepares to pair with him in a Superconduct that will make those blades more effective. There is value, she supposes, in teaching Collei alternative ways to defend herself.
"I don't have a dagger," Cyno mutters behind her, sounding put out. "Why didn't I get a dagger?"
"Later," Lisa tells him, firmly, and lets her Lantern Rose bloom.
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alr hear me out
Nahida's normal attack sequence but instead of it coming out as dendro she's holding a gun
her e's charged attack is just her holding it up and pointing the gun with the both of her hands
no she won't float while doing it
and no she isn't using her catalyst (or any tbh)
just gun
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chaoticgenderfae · 1 month
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abyssruler · 2 years
biggest proof that the traveler isn’t a self insert is the way they reacted after seeing scara’s backstory. they were like “huh weird…anyway-” while i would have been bawling my eyes out
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