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The Answer? To see tomorrow is my Guess! #hiphoplegend #Comradcamp #supremeallahmagnetic#Disstrack #wutangclang #djlife🎧 #radiodjs #turntabilist #graffitistyle #artistic #guitar #punk #song #musician #recording #band #hiphop #classic #pop #musicvideo #songs #musical #festival #group #concert #bands #guitarist #pianist #musicals #rockstars https://www.instagram.com/p/BxBT7GShgD6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bc1vnms128d8
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#WingzUp👐 @comradcamp2 make sure 2 check out my project with @blessthegeneral "shadow games" on all stream places! shout out 2 the doll @ajdacopjurman for helping with the promotion! 🔥🎶👐🎶🔥 #BlessTheGeneral "Silver Platter" is the opening track off my #SHADOWGAMES (EP) with @comradcamp2 #SupremeAllahMagnetic ... Enjoy the preview and go peep the project! _____________________________________________ Fanlink.to/ShadowGames ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Listen to the full EP _____________________________________________ If you need #professional #coverart for your next project, hit my inbox and I got u covered! (No pun intended) . . #bestprices #proquality #graphicdesign #graphics #mixtapecovers #mixtape #BTGmediagroup #WingzUp👐 (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uiYagApES/?igshid=4bh12o8tmwxu
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Seriously. @_garveyg_ is a becon in my eyes for the youth and culture today. Fr. He's beyond a real one. Sincerely blessed in the Universe to have made his acquaintance through my partner, #supremeallahmagnetic. May young people and all ppl #dotheknowledge for real. #respectthearchitectsofTHEculture One-love, peace, positivty and power ⛮, -;$... @thisthatnewnew #therealsherrylynn #comradcamppromotions @the_cypher_platfrom @hiphophomework_collective
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This week can keep it moving!!! #hiphop#djs#radiodjs#spotify#supremeallahmagnetic#comradcamp#turntablist#wutangclan #wutangclang #djculture #cities #streetart #graffititag #hiphopculture #HipHopAwards #hiphopclassic #hiphopnews #hiphopstyle #hiphophead #hiphopmusic #hiphop https://www.instagram.com/p/BxAthvshFP5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p4xzw361og4c
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It Felt like Spring today!! Yellowjacket Season! #hiphop#djs#radiodjs#spotify#supremeallahmagnetic#comradcamp#turntablist#wutangclan#urban #urbanart #town #design #cities #streetart #streetfighter #hiphopculture #HipHopAwards #hiphopclassic #hiphopnews #hiphopstyle #hiphophead #hiphopmusic #hiphop https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwiz6CFA-sT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s6yv6xbu7ged
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SENDING GOOD VIBES EVERYONE'S WAY!!! #hiphoplegend #Comradcamp #supremeallahmagnetic #wutangclang #djlife🎧 #radiodjs #turntabilist #graffitistyle #artistic #guitar #punk #song #musician #recording #band #hiphop #classic #pop #rockstar #musicvideo #songs #onedirectioninfection #musical #festival #group #concert #bands #1d #rocknroll #rockband #singer #hardrock #tagblender #guitarist #pianist #musicals #rockstars #trumpet https://www.instagram.com/p/BwbzuCagqEg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o2n7dg9je6m9
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Wingz all the way up! @comradcamp2 do the countdown with us! hosted by the ill @djflipcyide @wuworldwidedjcoalition and the @wutangclan is the greatest! if your involved with this project, spread the word! Meanwhile check #SupremeAllahMagnetic "Friend of the #KillaBeez part 2" On #BandCamp 🔗 https://cranemp.bandcamp.com/track/supreme-allah-magnetic-friends-of-killabeez-don-stuff-feat-john-figz-crane-mp-m4a (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byu0KmxgKf7/?igshid=9h5jt9fclk4o
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We are love, love & evolution. #WingzUp👐 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 @djflipcyide @lordfury777 @heavenrazah aka @hellrazahgram @s_childs @astrojjones @dreadykruger @specz_commacho @comradcamp2 @hue_hef_36chambers 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #DjFlipcyide & the #WuWorldWideDjCoalition are back with #WuFiles8 Hosted by #LordFury from the Legendary #MoonCrickets featuring #WuTangClan & #WuTangFamily featuring #HueHef #YoungDirtyBastard Weather Park G Knight #OlDirtyBastard #HeavenRazah aka #HellRazah Bigshark luck #DreadyKruger #SupremeAllahMagnetic #Syintifik RJ Payne, Caos #AstroJiggyJones #Redlohiem #SolomonChilds #DrWahnsinn #BayRay #RockReign #TINOTVENDETTA Eh Vee Eternia #LEpifany #Sum01 El Da Sensei Labeled Minority Axel Rosa Productions #DreSpecz #DjIceman The Imfamous #TitoSanchez Beats and much much more. #WingzUp👐 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #WuFiles8 Free dl via #BandCamp 🔗https://djflipcyide.bandcamp.com/album/wu-files-8-hosted-by-lord-fury 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #AudioMack 🔗https://audiomack.com/album/djflipcyide/wu-files-8-hosted-by-lord-fury (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkBJAvFm53/?igshid=aujgc27eqakg
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#WingzUp👐 @Comradcamplife Warrior #PrimeOmega #YellowJacketPastor @_nightthrasher #PinWu 🔥🎶🔥🎶🔥 #SupremeAllahMagnetic "Comrad for the Summertime" featuring #PinWu 🔥🎶🔥🎶🔥 #SoundCloud 🔗https://soundcloud.com/supremeallah1/comradcampsummerchamps (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZWencFLzP/?igshid=1t4n4m03r3edv
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By the time you see them it may already be to late. 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 @djflipcyide @lordfury777 @heavenrazah aka @hellrazahgram @s_childs @astrojjones @dreadykruger @specz_commacho @comradcamp2 @hue_hef_36chambers 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #DjFlipcyide & the #WuWorldWideDjCoalition are back with #WuFiles8 Hosted by #LordFury from the Legendary #MoonCrickets featuring #WuTangClan & #WuTangFamily featuring #HueHef #YoungDirtyBastard Weather Park G Knight #OlDirtyBastard #HeavenRazah aka #HellRazah Bigshark luck #DreadyKruger #SupremeAllahMagnetic #Syintifik RJ Payne, Caos #AstroJiggyJones #Redlohiem #SolomonChilds #DrWahnsinn #BayRay #RockReign #TINOTVENDETTA Eh Vee Eternia #LEpifany #Sum01 El Da Sensei Labeled Minority Axel Rosa Productions #DreSpecz #DjIceman The Imfamous #TitoSanchez Beats and much much more. #WingzUp👐 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #WuFiles8 Free dl via #BandCamp 🔗https://djflipcyide.bandcamp.com/album/wu-files-8-hosted-by-lord-fury 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #AudioMack 🔗https://audiomack.com/album/djflipcyide/wu-files-8-hosted-by-lord-fury (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxUVp96lp4A/?igshid=vtm4o7859ee3
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⚔️If you got love for the Gods⚔️ 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 @djflipcyide @lordfury777 @heavenrazah aka @hellrazahgram @s_childs @astrojjones @dreadykruger @specz_commacho @comradcamp2 @hue_hef_36chambers 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #DjFlipcyide & the #WuWorldWideDjCoalition are back with #WuFiles8 Hosted by #LordFury from the Legendary #MoonCrickets featuring #WuTangClan & #WuTangFamily featuring #HueHef #YoungDirtyBastard Weather Park G Knight #OlDirtyBastard #HeavenRazah aka #HellRazah Bigshark luck #DreadyKruger #SupremeAllahMagnetic #Syintifik RJ Payne, Caos #AstroJiggyJones #Redlohiem #SolomonChilds Dr. Wahnsinn BayRay Rock Reign TINOT VENDETTA Eh Vee Eternia L Epifany #Sum01 El Da Sensei Labeled Minority Axel Rosa Productions #DreSpecz DJ Iceman The Imfamous Tito Sanchez Beats and much much more. #WingzUp👐 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #WuFiles8 Free dl via #BandCamp 🔗https://djflipcyide.bandcamp.com/album/wu-files-8-hosted-by-lord-fury 🔥🎶🔥⚔️🔥🎶🔥 #AudioMack 🔗https://audiomack.com/album/djflipcyide/wu-files-8-hosted-by-lord-fury (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxS651GF9Mc/?igshid=1sbvmk3o5b3lj
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#WingzUp👐 @djflipcyide @lordfury777 @heavenrazah aka @hellrazahgram @s_childs @astrojjones @dreadykruger @specz_commacho @comradcamp2 @hue_hef_36chambers @youngdirtybastardofficial 🔥🎶🔥🎶🔥 #DjFlipcyide & the #WuWorldWideDjCoalition are back with #WuFiles8 Hosted by #LordFury from the Legendary #MoonCrickets featuring #WuTangClan & #WuTangFamily featuring #HueHef #YoungDirtyBastard Weather Park, G Knight #OlDirtyBastard #HeavenRazah aka #HellRazah Bigshark luck, #DreadyKruger #SupremeAllahMagnetic Syintifik, RJ Payne, Caos #AstroJiggyJones #Redlohiem #SolomonChilds Dr. Wahnsinn, BayRay, Rock Reign, TINOT VENDETTA, Eh Vee, Eternia, L Epifany #Sum01 El Da Sensei, Labeled Minority, Axel Rosa Productions #DreSpecz DJ Iceman, The Imfamous Tito Sanchez Beats and much much more. 🔥🎶🔥🎶🔥 #Free dl Via #BandCamp 🔗 https://djflipcyide.bandcamp.com/album/wu-files-8-hosted-by-lord-fury (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxH6okHlIii/?igshid=1j4uq8jwnll69
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#WingzUp👐 @djflipcyide @lordfury777 @heavenrazah aka @hellrazahgram @s_childs @astrojjones @dreadykruger @specz_commacho @comradcamp2 @hue_hef_36chambers #WuFiles8 Hosted by #LordFury by #WuTangClan & #WuTangFamily Feat #HeavenRazah aka #HellRazah #SolomonChilds #AstroJiggyJones #DreadyKruger #DreSpecz #SupremeAllahMagnetic #HueHef & many more. @audiomack 🔗 https://audiomack.com/album/djflipcyide/wu-files-8-hosted-by-lord-fury (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxFisjGlguE/?igshid=wdvwln75jukf
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#WingzUp👐 @comradcamp2 Warrior #PrimeOmega #YellowJacketPastor @_nightthrasher #PinWu "Comrad 4 the Summertime" #SupremeAllahMagnetic with #PinWu 🎶 #SoundCloud 🔗https://soundcloud.com/supremeallah1/comradcampsummerchamps (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvWxoAFAw3i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bvm220ibt11j
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#WingzUp👐 @djflipcyide LINK IN BIO: On Audiomack and Bandcamp 🙌🙌🙌🐝🐝🐝🚨#DJFlipcyide and The #WuWorldWideDJCoalition is back with Wu-Files 7 featuring Wu-Tang Clan, Wu-Tang family and the dopest new upcoming artists featuring The Wu World Wide DJ Coalition and DJ Flipcyide present Wu-Files 7 out now featuring @hellrazahgram @iamjudahpriest Milwaukee Monstaz, Ghostface Killah, @lordfury777 #Cappadonna, Masta Killah, Freeway, #SheekLouch #HueHef, #Raekwon #BronzeNazareth #MethodMan @hanzdagreat #HueHef #Streetlife #SupremeAllahMagnetic @comradcamp2 #iNTeLL @smartymcfly_ #D1C3 #Shogun Assason #ThePurge @__mr_jack__ #Killarmy #LabeledMinority #AxelRosaProductions #Redlohiem #DantianCollective #WyldChyld @astrojjones #Patron #DrWahnsinn #PerfectK #Beretta9 #MarlyB #KidKold @djmercilless @popachief from #ZuNinjaz @queen_eyelysee #KatherinaBarth @prodigalsunn @officialkillahpriest #KeekzMalone @kenyattahblack #ANTHAi @sevenspherez @dr.g.productions @wickedmystickmuzick1 @s_childs @tonespliff and much more🚨🎶🎵🎶#djflipcyide #wutangdjs #hellrazahmusicinc #dirtyclanzmen #wufiles #wutangclanforever #wutangaffiliates #GhostfaceKillah #cappadonnna #reakwonthechef ##wutangaintnothingtofuckwith #realhiphop #killarmy #audiomack #methodman #shogunassason #wutang #nowplaying #freemixtapes (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrK9BvAfKw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=48gilqh5m2l6
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🔊🔥📽️ A LITTLE TASTE OF THE 3 RECENT PROJECTS DROPPED IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS Bye. SUPREME ALLAH MAGNETIC ‼️‼️. ON ALL PLATFORMS!!!!‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️👐👐👐🎶@comradcamp2 @verity_crane @ihustle365_ @tangieland_tattoo @sam_da_grouch @rapoet @newcristo413 @mikebooth801 @slim_kava @cocoamint1 . . . #newvideoalert🆕🎥#wutangclanforever👐 #bboying #newvideoup #hiphopfreestyle❤️ #newvideotoday #graffitisketch#SupremeAllahMagnetic #newvideoscomingsoon #ComradCamp #hiphopfreestylers #hiphopfreestylebattle #hiphopfreestyledanceoriginal #graffitibombing #hiphopfreestyleclass #graffitilondon #graffitiphotography #graffiticulture #graffitigram #newvideoonline #newvideoalert🚨 #hiphopfreestylerap#labordayweekend #hurricane #eastcoasthiphop #hiphopblogs #hiphopbloggers #undergroundhiphop #talent #lovemusic https://www.instagram.com/p/B12wbZNHrIf/?igshid=1vgiik6z8tx9h
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