#supreme awakening
divine-nonchalance · 1 month
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Let Source speak.
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knightjane · 5 months
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spiritual-knowlege · 3 months
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सब अपने अनुमान से व झूठे गुरुओं द्वारा बताई गई शास्त्र विरुद्ध साधना करते हैं।
जिससे न मानसिक शांति मिलती है और न ही शारीरिक सुख, न ही घर व कारोबार में लाभ होता है और न ही परमेश्वर का साक्षात्कार होता है और न ही मोक्ष प्राप्ति होती है।
बन्दीछोड़ सतगुरु रामपाल जी महाराज
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darth-memes · 1 year
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trainerjoshie · 1 year
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Pokémon TCG DP Mysterious Treasures, Great Encounters, Legend Awakened, Supreme Victors & Arceus illustrations by Hiroki Fuchino ❤️❤️
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venushasvixens · 1 year
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Seeing this after the last episode of the mandalorian, it makes me so happy that we are finally tying in the sequels
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Snoke: Congratulations. You two just won gold and silver in the complete idiot olympics.
Hux: ...
Kylo: ...
Hux: ...So which one of us won gold--
Kylo: Just shut up!
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tomatette · 1 year
What really happend in this scene. Unmute please.
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carcassarkis · 4 months
Big Idea
Been rewatching Star Wars with my grandma (she’s only seen ANH until now) and had an idea I kind of like.
So you know how, in TFA, it is established that the stormtroopers of the First Order were taken as children for brainwashing purposes?? I propose that the same goes for half the officers there. Several volunteers, of course, but many of the extreme loyalists are part of this group of people conditioned into being members. And any kids of those who are part of the Order would be inducted into the group, too.
Here’s where the idea changes the sequels a bit (read: a lot):
Ben Solo was one of those who were taken and brainwashed. He would not be called Kylo Ren; in fact, he’d probably have some number like the troopers did. It’d be easy to make into a name though, like Finn. And, as a Force user, he’d have a different numbering system than those used for troopers or officers. He’d probably have something (hypothetically) like KR-00.
In this scenario, he’d have been given to Luke for Jedi training, as is canon. Then BOOM some terrible entity (Snoke) reaches his nasty little fingers out one night and takes little Benny boy right out from under the nose of the last Jedi. He’s probably like 8 or 9, idk. To cover his tracks, Snoke burns the school to the ground. Luke and a few students manage to survive, but seeing as there is no Ben, Han and Leia lose their shit.
They distance themselves from Luke, seeing as he got their kid killed (or so they think). Luke, along with the select few survivors of the fire, try to rebuild elsewhere. They vanish.
Several years pass (like 15 idk stop asking bro) and, in that time, the First Order has become an immediate threat to the New Republic. One of the most notable threats is their masked, Force-wielding attack dog. Someone with clear training and skill in the art of swordsmanship and wielding of a lightsaber, who has (seemingly) deliberately teamed up with this terrorist group/cult to destroy the New Republic.
The Resistance refers to this person as the Knight due to their armor and fighting capabilities.
The Knight has a reputation to keep. A brutal and bloody one. They’re Snoke’s right-hand (in a Palpatine-Vader way) and are expected to act as such. No one knows what they look like. They’re a perfect anonymous figure. They could go undercover and no one would know.
So, when word gets out that a Force-user claiming to be a Jedi has appeared, the Knight starts to track them down. Luke Skywalker is a valuable man, dead or alive. A First Order battalion is sent out to the planet this was reported on, which brings the Resistance to doing the same.
Which is how we begin our scene on Jakku…with the Knight, a stormtrooper, a pilot, and a Jedi.
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I've seen different interpretations via fan art as to what happens to a fallen angel's halo. All gorgeous and honestly, the talent in the Good Omens fandom??? *chef's kiss!*
But anyway, as an alternative and seeing as how Aziraphale used his Halo as a weapon 'The thing with the halo'....what if rather than transform into something demonic...like they get their horns from Satan but that's after God takes back the halo?
My point is...
As Supreme Archangel with more rank and power now....whose to say if Aziraphale, missing Crowley and unsure of how to process all those post-season two emotions, and in need of a "new" halo....takes the one that used to belong to Crowley???
And who's to say the symbolic...symbolism of literally holding on to a thing that used to define someone you loved when you initially met?Who's to say that the comfort of Crowley's halo only last so long since it's been SO long since it was last Crowley's and just doesn't do enough for Aziraphale anymore and his desire for the real Crowley gets stronger?
Who's to say Aziraphale doesn't 'do the thing with the halo' again and start of the Heavenly revolution by setting off Crowley's old halo as an act of war? (me, cos it's narratively repetitive and unlikely to happen but I like thinkin' about it)
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justiceforc3po · 1 year
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Do I think that the sequels suck? god yes. is it so so great to meme about it? also yes! so have this incredibly low quality doodle i may one day make nicer
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groundrunner100 · 5 months
If you don’t like the candidates that are on this poll, please ignore this, & keep scrolling. This poll is for Star Wars fans with opinions of A Galaxy Far, Far Away, end of discussion.
To my fellow Star Wars fans, end this debate NOW. It is 2024, & it’s time to end it.
Finally, reblog as to why you voted for a certain candidate(s). Let your opinions be heard.
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h2o-my-gods · 4 months
Kylo Ren x Reader (Wip)
a/n: I'd like it noted that it has been almost 9 years since the force awakens came out and I am still utterly obsessed with this man. I jotted this down a couple of months ago and suddenly remembered it so might as well put it out there. I prefer to write my stories with a gender neutral reader for future references, so sorry if this isnt your cup of tea but please enjoy :)
            Watching them move on was the hardest thing that Kylo had done.
It stabbed his heart with a thousand needles prickling with heat, an everlasting reminder that throughout everything that had transpired, he still had a heart. The very thing he tried so hard to destroy, to forget about even. The very thing they had tried so deeply to convince him that he had, that having didn’t negate all the work that he’d done. He had tried so hard to box it up under lock and key, compliments from Snoke’s training. He needed to be heartless to rule a galaxy and he preferred it that way. No contact, no feelings, no weaknesses. He’d kill any potential weakness that tried to worm into his life, or even ones that were already there. He’d already taken care of his father.
Others had tried to get close to him, foolish officers and even more idiotic flyways, the people it was easy to not care about. He saw their own emotions, their own weaknesses plain as day on their faces. The annoying tilt of the head those female officers would do, that glint in their eyes that they wanted him to see. It infuriated him. But just as easy as it was to see their obnoxious infatuation with him, it was easy to see how to hurt them, and he did. He relished in the fear on their faces as they realized just how heartless he was, how heartless he tried to be. But he saw them.
He noticed their looks towards him, not the terrified glances from those who feared him, closer to the looks that the female officers would give him, and yet they never did anything about it. They never approached him, never sent him ridiculous chocolates, or brought him reports that didn’t concern him just to get a chance to talk to him. They did nothing about it and that was what caught his eye.
It slipped his mind at first because if they were to do nothing then why should he concern himself with it. Soon, it seemed to become the norm, he grew used to their idle stare, an ever-present sensation that was different than the fearful aura he was used to. He didn’t even realize he was growing slightly fond of it. Too late did he finally realize, the feeling rising exponentially the week he noticed their absence from their workstation. It only got worse from there.
With every day of their absence that passed, he felt himself growing more and more irate, a simmering rage that bubbled in his stomach, constantly threatening to boil over at even the most minute annoyances. The fear that surrounded him was stifling suddenly, it encompassed him in a thick haze that made him want, no, need to get away. It didn’t help that Hux seemed to sense his craze too, a permanent disapproving scowl pointed towards Kylo that just made his rage worse. He wanted to wrap his hands around Hux’s throat, no Force needed, just him and his gloves, leather against skin and the feeling of Hux’s windpipe slowly closing under his grip until-
They took Hux’s gaze from him as they approached, silently offering a datapad to him without sparing Kylo a glance. Though neither Kylo nor Hux had been talking before, the silence seemed thicker after their approach, save for the soles of their boots thumping against the polished floor. Hux’s scowl diminished to its normal aversion, taking the tablet and scanning it’s interface quickly before signing its contents and handing it back. They took it swiftly and turned on their heel towards their workstation and though his mask hid his almost greedy eyes on their figure, it didn’t hide his head following their path, an action that Hux noted. He also noted the slight sag of Kylo’s shoulders, the beasts rage simmering faster than it had started this morning. Hux was a perceptive man, he prided himself on it, he knew when officers were slacking, he knew when Kylo was angry, and he knew that Kylo was infatuated with his star officer.
I'd love to hear any and all feedback too, feel free to leave whatever you'd like :)
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spiritual-knowlege · 3 months
how the devil deceives the saints part-1
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darth-memes · 2 years
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trainerjoshie · 1 year
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Pokémon TCG DP Legend Awakens & Supreme Victors illustrated by Naoyo Kimura 👏🏼❤️
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