#supernatural/austin powers fusion
pherryt · 2 years
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the look of love
by @jaded-of-mara for @spncoldesthits
Rated: T Ship: Destiel Words: 3930 Fandoms: Supernatural/Austin Powers fusion
Summary: Dean Dangerous knew what he had to do. "He'll be back to theaters near you soon enough. Call Ketch: it's time to implement Project Lazarus." Readers Notes: One Twist after another and a blast from the past too! AND MEG! Proving difficult to deal with, as always. Definitely made me laugh (hope she still got away though)
Also, please forgive me, but I have no idea what a deflated waterbed looks like so I pretended it was an air mattress.
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the look of love
by @jaded-of-mara for @spncoldesthits
a supernatural/Austin powers fusion
rated T
Dean Dangerous knew what he had to do. "He'll be back to theaters near you soon enough. Call Ketch: it's time to implement Project Lazarus."
why you should read it:
Because Austin Powers' lines sound exactly right coming out of Dean's mouth! Read this for the witty dialogue and the clever references to both Austin Powers and to the 80s. Also for Meg!
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High School Trends That I Remember Fondly
Okay so let me share with you all some quality high school trends from my days in high school because boy were we a bunch of sass masters These all took place from 2007 -2012 because I went to a weird fusion school that lumped every grade from 7th to 12th together ( that means we had thirteen year olds up to 18-19 year olds in the same school ) Anyway let's go 7th Grade( I was a smol 13 year old) First off there were like 30 kids in each class okay? So.... - Pencils as hair decor ???? Why???? - Swiping needles from Home Ec and sticking them in your finger JUST under the surface of the skin to freak out the teach - Referring to lunch as ' the troph special' -Girls sending guys Valentine's that just said ' U R No Good ' and ' Allen Ur Not In My League ' - Guys sending girls tiny stuffed animals for V Day with cards that said ' I'm Soft For U' and ' Be My Plush One?' - Claiming various things had ' killed our ancestors ' : ' I can't do long division , my thirty seventh great grandfather died doing that' ' No I can't answer that question sir, every male in my family so far has died answering English questions ' ' I'm not allowed to be disciplined , discipline killed my grandma' - Wearing rubber bands as bracelets or rings and the tighter you could get it the cooler you were ???? This kid almost lost a finger by third period I mean ..... -Asking our biology teacher what would happen if insects could speak every class period ' What if wasps could speak but they only spoke Mid-6th Century English ' ' What if spiders all speak Russian' ' Do you think bees know English ' - Pestering our history teacher for the history of the Leaf Village ( I'm sorry Mr. Hoagland ) - Replying ' Deleted' when your name was called ..... I accidentally started this one 8th grade ( I was 14 ) - Rap battles to settle arguments ???? - Yoyo fights. It got intense. -Every white boy in school dressed like a bad Western movie character , cowboy hats and spurs and SO.MUCH.PLAID. - ' The Dew Crew', a gang of boys who drank nothing but Mountain Dew as refreshment , was born and monopolized the school's soda supply of Mountain Dew . All of them made it to adulthood but it is suspected they no longer require sleep and eat only the disdainful glares of women for survival ( at their peak there were 15 of them ) - Intense shouting of someone else's name every time something went wrong ( usually the name Sasuke ) - Pentagrams everywhere ; drawn on any surface we could find unsupervised for a second , started by me doodling in art class and picked up by my squad . The school board thought someone was possessed by the devil it was GREAT.... I NEVER GOT CAUGHT - In Chemistry we watched Finding Nemo about 3 times a week because the teacher was really forgetful and he let us watch it when he forgot his lesson plan , so by the end of the first month that year every kid he taught would call various roundish objects ' the butt' and I was nicknamed' Dory ' by everyone I knew Also the principal was nicknamed' Bruce" -Hardcore Zombie prep planning , there was a gang and everything . The Apoca-Punks are still strong - Disney discourse in English class because our teacher was a huge nerd for Disney and loved nothing more than to watch us argue over which princess would beat Gaston in a fight faster ( Kida won by a landslide but we all agreed Mulan would murder him in five seconds flat ) Also he nicknamed all of us after Disney characters and I was Lilo ( my best friend was Stitch ) - Okay so I brought a bag of chocolate as a treat for the class one week and I was really tired and out of it so when the teacher ( our English teacher Mr . Bagley, who was also the principal) asked me to ' explain the historical properties of chocolate' I got sarcastic and went ' For many years chocolate has been used in medicinal treatments for ailments of all kinds. Perhaps it will even cure the lack of hair on Mr . B's head' ...... For a second it was dead silent and then he laughed and said "Well put , you continue to live up to your nickname, Lilo!" - Shakespeare quotes at inopportune times " Exit, pursued by a bear" " We are in the middle of a test , Austin. " " A rose , by any other name , would smell-" " DO NOT ENCOURAGE HIM INDI" - The drama kids dramatically snapping during arguments - Okay so there was this weird loft zone in the second gym( because our school had two , a sucktastic old one from the fifties and a newish one from the eighties ) nobody was supposed to go up there unless they had permission and it was for filming a basketball game ??? But everyone went up there anyway and at least ten couples lost their virginity up there ( what a weird place to do it tho , we kept the wrestling mats up there) I sluffed class a few times and took a nap there And it became a Thing to draw a little baby face on the wall if you lost your V card there -Supergluing coins to stuff???? There's still a dime on someone's locker and it's been like ten years -' Ambrosia' , AKA this super delicious combo of cherry slurpee , Sprite, and orange Fanta that our English teacher made us during parties . He literally made it in these huge plastic bins and just ladeled it out to everyone 9th Grade( I was 15) - The Goth Invasion Everyone who was punk enough wore black ripped jeans and eyeliner and streaked their hair with red and black One kid never left the Goth phase , we love u Scott ( it's cool he was our school's Warren Peace anyway ) - AFTER A SCHOOL ASSEMBLY VIEWING OF SKY HIGH FOR HALLOWEEN MY CLASSMATE SCOTT WAS NICKNAMED WARREN BY THE ENTIRE SCHOOL He was really salty about it too , he said " Warren isn't goth he's Punk there's a difference you capitalist Bible thumpers' Scott got 54 Valentine's that year but just shrugged and gave his candy to me and my squad because we were , as he put it ' the only punk crew in class, plus you're all really cute ' He never kept a girlfriend very long but he was the nicest guy you've ever seen ( everyone thought he was gay but just too shy to say it ) Over the years he is consistly hotter , and more unashamedly Goth - My sister arrived in school and was immediately the most popular kid in school and was nicknamed ' Princess ' - My squad got nicknamed ' Squad 7 " due to our obsession with Naruto and other anime , and we each were nicknamed after characters from the show by my friend Indi ( who was named after Indiana Jones, no lie) Melanie was ' Kiba' ( which delighted her because she would marry him in a heartbeat ) Mackenzie was ' Neji' because according to Indi she was the most monologue-y Chandra was ' Hinata' because she was shy but fierce And I, Aubrey , was ' Gaara' because according to Indi :' Your dad is kinda sucky and you've got two siblings . You're sort of the social outcast of school and when you get annoyed enough it's like you've got this terrifying supernatural thing in your eyes , I love it ' I LOVE THAT NICKNAME 10th Grade( I'm 16) - ' Because I'm Batman ' being an answer to every question - Goonies puns - Three girls got pregnant and were called the ' Baby On Board Squad" - Due to this teen pregnancy scandal , my heavily Christian community had our school hold assemblies about how ' Sex will kill you' and how ' every time a teen has Sex Thoughts, an angel cries' ..... There were ' God Is Abstintent ' posters everywhere So naturally we revolted and the drama class put up these fliers reading ' Without Sex, You Wouldn't Be Around . ' ' Satan Loves You and Wants You To Explore Your Perfectly Normal Urges ' ' Sex Won't Kill You- But STD's Could! Use Protection! ' ' Wrap It Before He Taps It And The Angels Won't Be Crying " " Boys Like Girls.Boys Think Of Girls In Sexual Ways. Boys Best Treat Her Right First . Boys Best Be Stepping Up As Baby Daddys If They Tap Dat " And many more golden rebellious posters - Shouting " Go Go Power Rangers " when dealing with a problem and just out of nowhere any kid wearing the appropriate Power Ranger colored shirt would appear So you'd get a guy in red , a guy in blue , a guy in black , a guy in white , a guy in green , a guy in gold , a guy in silver, a girl in pink and a girl in yellow and they'd all pose dramatically and do the Power Rangers moves - Rubber band slingshot warfare using hairpins as ammo - The school dividing into Benders and Non Benders , and the school's most loved outcast was deemed Avatar( I got the honor so my squad was nicknamed accordingly ) - High School Musical was the biggest thing ever because our music teacher WROTE THE SCORES FOR THEM I MEAN....... We all knew every song by heart that year Everyone shipped Chad and Ryan 11th Grade( I was 17 ) -Percy Jackson was huge and everyone wanted a godly parent - Every girl used a dramatic break up song to end things with her man it was GLORIOUS - Taylor Swift was playing on the radio every day - My class finally realized that my friend Courtney and I had the same exact birthday and birth year , and thus introduced us to substitute teachers as ' The Fraternal Twins' Courtney and I are both gonna be 23 on March 20 at 6:40 am - Our history teacher thought my friends and I were in an assassin cult because we were always drawing kunai knives and swords and guns , so he banned kunai drawing????? And it thus became the Cool Thing to graffiti everywhere??? All because I drew one on my ASVAB???? -The sheriff pulled me out of homeroom because I'd been overheard singing P!nk's " Funhouse" and the Secretary thought I was an arsonist because of the line " I'm gonna burn this sucker down " and thus rumors spread like wildfire that I'd: ~ Murdered someone ~ Witnessed a crime ~ Started a gang war ~ Shot a cop ~ Robbed the one gas station in town ~ Insulted the sheriff's daughter by not inviting her to my birthday party so he was here to bribe me to do so ~ Stolen the sheriff's prized collection of horse paintings 12th Grade ( I was 18 ) - Posters everywhere about the world ending ( it was 2012) - Harry Potter mania - John Lennon Memes???? No really on the anniversary of his death the school was flooded with posters of him everywhere saying " In Loving Memory Of A Dreamer " and the radio only played his music and the drama class went around stating facts about his death it was surreal and I was part of it
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A Witness
Ask For Joy
Cesium Swimsuit
Fai Baba
Ghostly Beard
James Saunders
Lex Audrey
Legendary Pink Dots
Modus Pony
New Age Healers
Parábolas del Bosque
Stockholm Monsters
Suns of Arqa
The Cravats
The Raft
The Thought Criminals
The Veldt
Walking Misery
White Hex
Wooden Arms
Zola Jesus
Shadows & Mirrors
It’s Labor Day weekend here in the United States, and the official end to summer.  We’ve already dipped into sunny days and cool evenings here in the heartland. Autumn will be here soon, friends. Tonight’s playlist is extra special – featuring tracks from over 25 artists, a mix of both modern and classic, with a heavy emphasis on the experimental side. This summer has felt surreal, so, this playlist matches that overwhelming feeling combining post-punk, dark electronica, jazz fusion and as always, a healthy dose of electronica.
This massive playlist that will air on Friday at 7:00 EDT / 2:00am CEST and randomly regenerates on Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 1:00 EDT / 19:00 CEST. Strawberry Tongue Radio is on-the-air, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, so you can always hear tracks from the artist below and many more!
A Witness is a post-punk band that was active in the mid-to-late 80’s indie rock scene. The band ended in 1989 with the death of guitarist Rick Aitken. In 2014, founding member and bass player, Vince Hunt reignited the snuffed out flame of A Witness marking the 25th anniversary of Aitken’s death. After the reunion, the band continues to tour today.
Adwaith is a Carmarthen based female trio indie rock group that rounds out tonight’s set with a punk-femme anthem that is as catchy as it powerful.
Ask for Joy is a one-man shoegaze project by Aaron Rossetto. Austin, Texas based Rossetto writes, performs and produces all of his own material. His sound is huge, with lush and shimmering layers. He is releasing his 9th EP on September 10th and we have a sneak peek of his new material.
Ghostly Beard is the nom de plume of Canadian visionary Patrick Talbot. Playing a blend of jazz, prog-rock, and pop fusion, tonight’s track adds a totally chill vibe to an otherwise eclectic playlist.
Carta is an ambient dream-pop project that involves a rotating cast of musicians from San Francisco. They describe their sound as being  “paranoid inner-vacuum micro-dub and ruminative post-space hypno-drone,” which is pretty succinct.  Tracks featured come from their fourth album, released earlier this summer.
Cesium Swimsuit and Walrus Tales make an appearance on the playlist with another collaboration that creates a spacey, floating soundscape.
Cling is an electronic duo from the UK with a surreal ethereal twist. The pair has been making noise since 2006 and combines glitchy hip hop and ambient tones. Tonight we are featuring a couple of their latest tracks from this female-fronted project.
Darto is a four-piece project out of Seattle that ranges between electronics and melodic psychedelia. Their new album, Human Giving, will be released on September 8 and we are previewing new tracks from it.
Fai Baba is a Swiss blues-jazz fusion-indie rock group. I had the pleasure of catching one of their live shows last summer while visiting the beautiful city of Basel. Tonight I am featuring a track from their 2016 release, which will make you feel like summer will never end.
James Saunders is a South African artist whose musical range goes between indie folk to ambient electronica creating an alternative folk that is mellow like a cool September evening.
Legendary Pink Dots have been creating ambient, experimental, electronic, indie folk, garage psych for over 30 years. Their back catalog is breath-taking, prolific, and sometimes weird. Tonight we are featuring a track from their newest release, Premonition.
Lex Audrey is a Viennese-based trio that combine euphoria and sadness, shifting musical boundaries between Rock, Pop and Electronica. The band sees the world in red, yellow and blue but when these three primary colors are mixed they turn to black. This band explores the spaces in between light and dark.
Modus Pony is the moniker for the independent experimental musician/ producer Matt Ackerman. Based out of California moduS ponY straddles the line between intellectual and visceral music. Like a modern-day Martin Denny, he creates music that is groovy, catchy, and a little weird.  Tracks tonight come from his latest release Phonogetic Ouch.
New Age Healers is the solo post-punk project of Owen Murphy, who is based in Seattle. He is releasing a new album in 2017 and we are featuring a new track off the upcoming release, Where The Tragic Happens.
Parábolas del Bosque (Parables of the Forest), is a band from Chihuahua, Mexico. We are super excited to introduce them to the Strawberry Tongue family with their dreamy and sad slowcore tracks that transcend language with their devastating beauty.
Shadows and Mirrors is an 80’s-influenced electronic project from Chicago. The project of Brian Diamond, his second release, Summerland, features all the great elements of electropop with a glimmer of dark sparkle. These tracks heat up our fading summer playlist.
Stockholm Monsters were a post-punk band from Manchester. They released one album and a number of singles on the Factory label from 1981 – 87. Discovered and produced by Peter Hook of New Order, their sound combines indie and pop sensibilities.
Suns of Arqa is a project that formed in the late 70s by Michael Wadada. He has continuously investigated the supernatural potential hidden in the Classical Raga structure of the music of India. His mission – to mix the cerebral and illusive cosmological vibrations of Raga, with the mother earth rhythms of Niyabinghi drumming that were surfacing in England in the guise of Dub Reggae. We are featuring one of his groundbreaking tracks.
The Cravats, post-punk sax-inflected surrealists, has released their first new material since the early 80’s. Just as quirky as now as then, I am featuring tracks from their new release. Plus, you can always find their older material in our regular rotation on Strawberry Tongue.
The Raft is a project of Phil Wilson. He resurfaces with a new EP, Lullaby, hot off the heels of his May release, Coming Up For Air. We are featuring one track tonight.
The Thought Criminals are an Electro / New Wave trio from London that play a sleazy and infectious dance-punk. We are featuring a couple of new tracks from these high energy electropoppers.
The Veldt is an indie rock group that combines soul, electronics, drone and ambient elements to create a sound that is gazey and shimmering. With so many layers on this luscious sound cake, you just can’t stop at one bite. We are featuring new tracks from their release earlier this year.
Vukovar is a post-punk project based out of the UK. They make their sophomore debut on the Strawberry Tongue playlist tonight with a sneak peek of a new single off their upcoming release, Puritan, which will be released October 25th.
Walking Misery is a post-punk influenced band based out of Denton, Texas. They make their debut tonight on Strawberry Tongue with a new single released earlier this summer.
White Hex is an Australian based duo that lasted for about four years between 2011 – 2015. The project of Jimi Kritzler and Tara Green, the pair made sexy and sinister synthpop. I am featuring a couple of tracks from their unbelievably great album “Gold Nights.”
Wooden Arms is contemporary quintet from the UK who draw from Trip-hop, Classical, and Alternative music. They are releasing their second album this fall and tonight’s track is the first single from their latest release.
Xeresa makes a surprise appearance with a sumptuous instrumental piece from his latest self-titled release from earlier this summer.
Zola Jesus is the devastatingly ethereal project of Nika Roza Danilova. A Wisconsin native, she summons the spirits of her native terrain to create frosty,  icily pristine soundscapes. She is releasing her sixth album, Okovi, next Friday. We are previewing new material on this weekend’s playlist.
And with that my friends, you have your instant holiday weekend playlist!
This massive Friday Night Faves playlist that will air on September 1, 2017 (Friday) at 7:00 EDT / 2:00am CEST and randomly regenerates on Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 1:00 EDT / 19:00 CEST.
Strawberry Tongue Radio is on-the-air, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Don’t
The button above will bring you to the webplayer, and links for listening on iTunes, Media Player, RealPlayer, Winamp and Quicktime. You can also choose to download our nifty app for your Android, Blackberry or iOS devices.
It's the end of summer. Here's a gazey/wavey/psychedelic playlist to mark the end of a surreal season. It's Labor Day weekend here in the United States, and the official end to summer.  We've already dipped into sunny days and cool evenings here in the heartland.
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