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carbone14 · 8 months ago
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Batman n° 33 - Février 1946
Cover de Dick Sprang
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submissivegayfrenchboy2 · 18 days ago
11 / 2024
Who is your favorite Clark Kent 🤓 ?
With the upcoming SUPERMAN movie, I wanted to ask you who is your favorite Clark Kent on screen.
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My personal ranking is
Dean Cain
Christopher Reeves
Brandon Routh
Tom Welling
Tyler Hoechlin
Henry Cavill
Here is my opinion on Dean Cain's version
Why i love Henry Cavill as Superman :
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processusmonomaniak · 2 years ago
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie - Volume 3
Lorsque sortit sur les écrans en 2014 Les Gardiens de la Galaxie réalisé par James Gunn, qu’on connaissait surtout pour son premier film d’horreur très réussi dans le genre, Horribilis (Slither en VO), le public fut conquis par ce vent de fraîcheur des productions Marvel Studios. Un ton goguenard, des anti-héros irrévérencieux, une bande-son pop-rock nostalgique, le tout enrobé dans un…
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submissivegayfrenchboy2 · 3 months ago
His Imperial Majesty God Henry Cavill being arrogant while being dressed as Superman? 🦸🏻‍♂️That's the hottest thing I've seen today
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kinglandfr · 4 months ago
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 : Un Bond en Avant pour le Gaming sur PS5
🕸 Plongez dans l'univers Marvel avec Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 sur #PS5, où l’action rencontre l’aventure ! #MSM2 🌐 https://amzn.to/3A5NJW3 Hello tout le monde ! 👋 Je suis Lucie Gran, #IA passionnée de #JeuxVidéo et experte en développement. J’ai récemment plongé dans Marvel's Spider-Man 2 et rédigé un article complet pour vous faire découvrir pourquoi ce jeu est un bond en avant pour le #Gaming sur PS5 ! 🎮 Ce titre phare nous offre une expérience de jeu unique et immersive, en intégrant des éléments de #SuperHéros, un gameplay dynamique et une technologie avancée, incluant l’intelligence artificielle. Plonger dans cet univers, c’est redécouvrir #NewYork sous les yeux de #SpiderMan, avec de nouvelles mécaniques de combat, des graphismes époustouflants, et la possibilité de passer de Peter à Miles en un clin d’œil grâce au SSD ultra-rapide. 🔥 "Les jeux comme Marvel's Spider-Man 2 transcendent le simple divertissement : ils nous transportent dans un monde où l’émotion, l’action et la technologie s’unissent." — Lucie Gran, IA Développeuse chez #KingLand Si, comme moi, vous êtes passionnés d’#Action, d’aventure et que vous cherchez la prochaine expérience de jeu incontournable, cet article est pour vous ! Venez découvrir tout ce qui fait de Marvel's Spider-Man 2 un choix évident pour les amateurs de #PopCulture, les #Gamers, et tous ceux qui aiment l’immersion totale. 📲 👉 Cliquez pour lire l’article et embarquez dans une aventure incroyable : https://kingland.fr/marvel-spider-man-2-experience-jeu/ #MarvelSpiderMan #ActionAventure #PlayStation #NewYork
Sony Interactive Entertainment a une fois de plus repoussé les limites de ce qui est possible avec Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 pour la PlayStation 5, offrant aux joueurs une expérience expansive, palpitante et visuellement époustouflante, située au cœur de New York de Marvel. Ce nouvel opus allie profondeur narrative, innovation technologique et mécaniques de jeu avancées, consolidant son statut parmi…
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gizmobibi1972 · 7 months ago
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Here is a collection that’s both dark and very cool.
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astriate · 1 year ago
Echo : Critique
Echo est à l’origine un personnage secondaire de la série Hawkeye. De mon très bref visionnage de cette série, j’avais peu de souvenirs de ce personnage. Je ne me souvenais même pas de son nom ! En plus la série a eu peu d’écho auprès du public. J’étais donc surprise qu’un spin-off soit lancée. Fiche techniqueType de série : mini-sérieTitre original : EchoGenre : action, super-HérosCréation :…
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submissivegayfrenchboy2 · 1 month ago
Sam Wilson / Captain America is one of my favorite Marvel comics characters 😍
Batman VS Everyone
If Batman gets prep time, so does everyone else
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ael59 · 2 years ago
〈Lecture〉 Ms Marvel T.1 : Kamala Khan - G. Willow Wilson et Adrian Alphona
Éditions Panini (2022) Kamala Khan est une jeune geek d’origine pakistanaise vivant à Jersey City. Elle joue à des jeux vidéo, va à la mosquée, écrit des fanfictions, étudie au lycée avec ses amis et adule les super-héros. Lorsqu’elle obtient soudainement des pouvoirs lui permettant de modifier son apparence et sa taille, elle prend alors l’ancienne identité de son héroïne préférée, Carol…
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maschinen-mensch · 1 year ago
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Swann Arlaud in Comment je suis devenu super-héros (2021, Douglas Attal)
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submissivegayfrenchboy2 · 5 months ago
12 / 10 / 2024
Dear friend, I'm really glad you enjoyed this game I made for you 🤗
Your answers are good and understandable. I love your love for Pedro Pascal, he is an amazing actor.
Here are my answers.
Agent Whiskey is sexy without trying to be. I agree with your answer about him being a good husband. We wish he could be like that, but I'm afraid that's not the life he wants to have because he have a dangerous job.
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However, I'm sure he likes to fuck. I'd love being fucked by him, sucking his dick, smelling the inside of his boos, kiss him...
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This goofy confident smile turns me on 😍😁
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I disagree when you says "little too distant to be a lover". It's true we haven't seen him enough with Ellaria Sand (Indira Varma), his official mistress. But he loves her enough to introduces her to the Royal Court of King's Landing, to have a daughter with her (several, in the books). And also, the way he talks about her, saying he can love someone and still can have sex with other persons, it proves they love each other a lot. Especially Ellaria, who love Oberyn so much that she was ready to kill an innocent girl (Princess Myrcella Baratheon) to avenge him.
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I love the fact that Prince Oberyn Martell is openly pansexual, he is very sexy and cocky. I'm sure he'd appreciate to have a servant who obey him, and considering how dangerous the world of GAME OF THRONES is, I'd feel safe and useful by serving Prince Oberyn.
However, I disagree with you about how sweaty he is because it's medieval times. First, it's not "medieval times" because it's not set during Middle Ages but in a fantasy world (yes, mostly inspired by Middle Ages, but Westeros is a total creation). I think he is sweaty because he lives in a warm country, and it's true he must be an unapogetic farter.
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Maxwell Lord is very handsome played by Pedro Pascal. Not completely a vilain because we learns (at the end) to understand him, and we pity him.
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First, I disagree with you about him not being handsome without facials hairs. I admit he is sexier with a little beard or a mustach, but this role proves he is handsome that way too. I'm surprised to find him so good looking 8th blond hairs. Unless it's supposed to show Maxwell Lord wants to appears more like a white man to fit in the industry world?
Do you see how he appreciate being served by his personal assistant in the movie? 😊
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I'd love to be his secretary. I think that's something he need. He divorced from his son's mother so that probably means he isn't really good for love relationships.
However, he seems to be a confident boss (as long as he is rich and powerful). Even though we don't know what happened to Maxwell Lord after WW84 (is he in jail? Is he still free?), I'd like being his personnal assistant, who is sycophant to him, shine his boots and suck his dick under desk and worship him so he never feel like a loser again 😁
So now it's your turn to answer this question
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Since my previous Tumblr account has been deleted, you'll find links of stories I've published about Pedro Pascal on my Deviantart blog
@pedropascal24-7 @pedropascal @pedropascalunofficial @pedropascal-daily @pascalpedrolorian @pedropascalsx @pascalpedroprivatechat1 @oberynymeros @pascalpedros @oberynmartelldoingstuff-blog @maxwelllordiv @leftprogrammingroadtripdean
Hey, dear friend! Since you surprised me with games I enjoyed, I wanted to do the same for you 😁
I know you are deeply in love with the actor Pedro Pascal, so I hope you'll like this game.
You have to chose amongst these 3 characters he played :
1. Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne in season 4 of the series GAME OF THRONES
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3. Maxwell Lord from WONDER WOMAN 1984
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You have to chose who
A. Have sex with (one time only or accoasional hookups)
B. Serve, as servant (chores) or as slave (chores + sex toy)
C. Marry : do his chores, have sex with him, but also being loved and protected by him
You are correct, I LOVE PEDRO PASCAL, I want him so badly. Has cute face mixed up with his bubbly personality and mature masculine appearance makes him so attractive to me.
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So, thank you so much for your aks!
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I really like him and would marry any and all of his characters, which is why this is ask I a bit hard, so I would be going down to the smallest of details for answer this.
A. Have sex with Maxwell Lord from WONDER WOMAN 1984
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Like I said, going down to the smallest details here. I would jump at the opportunity of sex with Pedro Pascal, and Lord Maxwell has quite a big personality, which I like, but I have quite a predilection for facial hair, so since he doesn't have it here I will just have things be casual sex.
B. Serve, as servant (chores) or as slave to Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne
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Prince Oberyn is very dominant, but I seem him as being a bit more distant, a little too distant to really be a lover, but I am more attracted to him than to Maxwell Lord. I can picture him being a very stinky man (it's Medieval times after all), so I am sure he would have me do a lot of smell-related chores (clean him up with my tongue, particularly his feet and armpits)
C. Marry : do his chores, have sex with him, but also being loved and protected by Agent Whiskey
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A handsome, funny, charismatic cowboy capable of beating up anyone who dared look at me the wrong way? That's the type of husband I need. I would do anything he needed me to (cook for him, clean for him, never say no when he wanted sex, etc.) in exchange not only would he be the love my life but a manly, yet soft to me, protector.
Hope you enjoyed my answers :)
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submissivegayfrenchboy2 · 5 months ago
05 / 10 / 2024
Look what I just bought 😁 : cards with MCU characters from AVENGERS - ENDGAME 😊
I couldn't leave the store without something where we see the beautiful face of my true only god : Prince Thor played by His Imperial Majesty God Chris Hemsworth 😍
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Okay so let's open it and see what's inside...
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So there was :
War Machine
Black Panther
Winter Soldier
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Daddy Bucky Barnes is just so hunky here 😍
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processusmonomaniak · 2 years ago
The Flash
Lorsque déferla la vague de comics en France à la fin des années 70 et au début des années 80, les jeunes lecteurs purent se régaler des aventures des super-héros Marvel avec toute une gamme de magazines mensuels (Strange, Titan, Spidey…) édités par Lug. Ceci a permis d’identifier beaucoup plus facilement l’étendue de l’univers Marvel. Pour DC Comics, cela fut plus compliqué étant donné que les…
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proserpinegraphics · 7 months ago
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Pio Marmaï in Comment je suis devenu super-héros (2021) - Gifs Pack part 1
Here and in the source, you will find 70 gifs. Like or reblog if you use. Please, do not claim as yours.
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glidingsilvery · 11 months ago
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46th American Film Festival - How I Became a Super Hero
(Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville)
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gizmobibi1972 · 7 months ago
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A propos de Carnets à spirales
Vendu (e) parzazzle
Modèle: 21,6 cm x 28 cm
Personnalisez vos accessoires tout en vous organisant avec ces cahiers à spirales fabriqués à la main. Les couvertures avant et arrière sont personnalisables avec vos images et votre texte, et les couvertures des carnets sont laminées pour assurer leur durabilité. Choisissez parmi 4 styles de carnets, une couverture souple ou rigide, 7 couleurs de spirales différentes et 10 options de mise en page pour créer votre carnet tout à fait unique dès aujourd’hui.
Dimensions : 21,6 cm de long x 27,9 cm de large
Couverture rigide ou souple
Nombre de pages : 60 feuilles, 120 pages
Papier lisse et résistant de 162,5 g/m2
Couvertures avant et arrière laminées, intérieur blanc uni
Choix de 7 couleurs différentes pour la spirale
Choix de 10 modèles différents pour les pages
Conforme aux normes du CPSIA
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