#super duper mystery dungeon
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chromatasia · 7 months ago
so. loop is fading away at the end of twohats. they tell siffrin that they’ll see him again, they super duper promise. and then. there’s nothing.
and they wake up - no, not wake up. it’s like coming to consciousness inside a dream. someone - something - asks them questions, untangles the threads that make them loop, or siffrin, or whoever they are now after everything was over.
and they wake up to the sound of the ocean waves, the smell of sea salt in the air, and a strange creature asking them if they’re awake. a pokemon, they call themself, and loop - is that their name? they don’t remember - is one too. but the strange creature just got robbed, and what kind of person - pokemon, whatever they are - will they be if they didn’t help?
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skyward-floored · 4 months ago
what are your predictions for LU?? anything you want to see? 👁️👁️
- hero-of-the-wolf
Hmm I don't know about predictions, but as for what I WANT to see? I can't wait for the Zeldas to show up, I'm super-duper excited for them. Also fairy Hyrule, I want to see my little boy🎶
Also DINK. I WANT TO SEE DINK. AS HIS ACTUAL HYLIAN GUY FORM. AND THE MYSTERY GUYS. I've been waiting for... I don't even remember, like five years now, the hype is still there bhbfkgkdh. Like how cool is it that there's more characters? Not just the nine of them?? And I want the boys to have a real swordfight with Dark Link, can you imagine??? It'll be so epic, augh.
More immediately, I'm just excited to see the Links tackle this dungeon. I expect lots of arguing and silliness and drama and angst and them being delightfully idiotic, and I can't wait :D
(also my bet is on either Legend and Hyrule finding the boss/mini-boss, or Time's group finding it. it'll be one of them I think)
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findingyourrootscomic · 5 months ago
I love Finding Your Roots so much!! I’ve read lots of nuzlocke comics over the years, but it’s not often you see one that takes a mystery dungeon twist on the formula. Plus, I absolutely ADORE the world building work you’ve done, both to Hoenn and the overall Pokemon society. If seeing someone do a mystery dungeon nuzlocke twist is rare, I’ve seen no one use Pokemon types the way you are, and you’ve really done a great job showing a realistic portrayal of discrimination through the lens of Pokemon types. A particular example that stood out to me was the Slugma on Briar’s team, who denied being an earthen in favor of being an elemental (even though, as readers, we know Magcargo would be both!) and then we get more context for that choice later from Copper. You’re really good with set up and pay off like that, and I’m so invested in seeing the world you’ve built. You mentioned in one of these asks that we’re gonna learn more about the Fae soon, and that’s super duper exciting for me!!! Im so interested in why they are the way they are, what happened to the ‘nice’ Jirachi… we’re just at a really good point in the story, and I can’t wait to see what comes next!! Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us, they really are a treat to read- I need to get better at leaving comments, I was very anxious about leaving comments growing up and so I never built the habit. Thank you for giving an opportunity to send in feedback like this, for me, it helps :D
WOW thank you so much for this comment! I really appreciate all your kind words!!!!!!! FYR is such a slow burn w a lot of its plot/worldbuilding elements but YEAH I try to follow up as much as I can w stuff that just gets dropped in there no explanation kdfjhkdfghkfjg. Y'all are very patient w my worldbuilding methods and I appreciate it, as a reader I know this stuff can be a little frustrating. XD A lot of the jirachi lore ESPECIALLY is gonna be a slow burn but in the meantime we'll get an uninterrupted saga of the Benefactor being a Colossal Dickwad to the heroes.
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team-pokefriends · 1 year ago
[Before Star went to the Protectors Guild for work, she made her way to Greedent's Shack to spend some time with a friend of hers.
The Abra sits at the table and waits for her friend to finish ordering at the counter. As she waits, she taps one of her fingers on the table and thinks of her future, one where she's fighting criminals and taking them down by herself.
After a few seconds, she sees her friend slowly float to the table, a Munna, named Cly, with a noticeable shy look on his face.]
[Star] "Did you finally order something?"
[Munna] "Yeah, about that… I just got the regular."
[Star] "I thought you said you were gonna try something new."
[Munna] "I'll get something next time."
[Star chuckles.]
[Star] "You say that every time. I'm starting to think you're just never going to do it."
[Munna, nervous] "I will."
[Star then has an idea.]
[Star] "Oh yeah, I promised I'd take you to a mystery dungeon once I got the job, remember?"
[Munna, nervous] "Wait, you were serious about that?"
[Star leans forward a little.]
[Star] "Of course I was! We should do that right now! We could find something cool, or fight a fierce monster, or-"
[Munna] "Sounds… dangerous."
[Star] "Come on, I'm an official Protector."
[Star takes out her Protectors badge and shows it off to the Munna.]
[Munna] "That says 'Protector-in-training'."
[Star] "Doesn't matter. I can look out for you while we're exploring, like a big sis to her little bro."
[Munna] "I don't know… Where would you even take me?"
[Star] "Darksky Woods."
[The Munna's eyes widen upon hearing the name of the dungeon.]
[Munna] "Darksky‽ Out of all the places, you chose that‽"
[Star] "Relax, I've been there loads of times, it'll be a piece of cake."
[Munna] "You say that like it's easy."
[Star] "Because it is easy. Come on, Cly. Try it."
[A Skovet brings a plate of drinks to the table of the two psychic type Pokémon, puts the drinks down, says something, and then walks away. The break to receive their drink gives Cly some time to consider Star's expedition proposal, looking at his cup's straw in the process.
A few seconds later, and after a sip of his drink, he looks back to his friend.]
[Cly] "Okay. I'll try."
[Star smirks with glee.]
[Star] "Great! You won't regret it!"
[Cly has a look on his face that suggests otherwise.
After the two get their drinks, Cly waits idly at the town's front gate, while Star heads to the guild to do something. She later approaches Cly with a paper in her hands.]
[Star] "I just got a mission that we can do. Check it."
[Star holds up the paper for Cly to read. Without even looking in, Cly already saw something he didn't like.]
[Cly] "Outlaw‽ Star, you know I'm not a fighter!"
[Star] "But, you got Hypnosis, and that's gonna make fighting this criminal super duper easy."
[Cly] "You say so…"
[Star] "Great! Let's go!"
[Star runs through the gate and down the path, surprising Cly.]
[Cly] "AAAH! WAIT UP!"
[The Munna chases after her.]
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thatoneguy031 · 2 years ago
I made some drawings on a whiteboard, featuring some other characters I conjured up in my free time. I'll provide some context for these guys as they're shown, but please mind my ramblings.
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First, these guys. These lovely bastards.
For those who have a keen eye, this is formatted in the same way as TWEWY's Fusion Attacks, specifically from the DS.
These are the two main characters of a PMD plot I'm working on(Which I might write a pilot for, if y'all want that), and despite the group consisting of five Pokemon, these two are especially close, and have went on the most missions together out of everyone on the team.
Noibat(Top): Chris. He's the main main character, and he's a human sent here by Arceus, yada yada world-ending event, you get the idea. He has some killer leadership skills, and is typically the peace-keeper of the team. He's normally the one getting into problems with the villians when he doesn't need to(You guys know Izuku, Bakugo and Shoto from MHA? Basically them), and his team is almost always referred to as the "problem children".
Cubone(Bottom): Lucas. Think of him as Chris's "Second-in-command". He's the second opinion everyone needs when it comes to certain topics. His mother is(More like was, but I'll get to that when the time comes) a previous Rescue Ranger, so he has a natural knack for the whole business. He's admittedly a bit emotional, crying when even the smallest things go wrong, but he's still a solid addition to the team, and he'll be there when anyone needs it. He also might have a super-duper crush on Chris, but that's neither here nor there.
For what they're saying in the image:
Chris: "Rush 'em, Lucas-" Lucas: "I'm there!"
I have a whole system similar to the Stride Cross Battle mechanic from TWEWY, and it functions like the Alliances from Super Mystery Dungeon, but again, I'll get to that when I begin writing this thing.
Also, don't mind Chris's earpiece. He just uses it because he isn't quite used to being a Noibat just yet, at the time of this pic.
Speaking of TWEWY...
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Say hi to Azure, I guess(Actually don't, he might wanna throw hands with you).
He's super antisocial, but unlike Neku, he's willing to fight anyone that does as little as breathe the wrong way in his direction.
And his getup? His entry fee for the Reapers Game is his uniqueness, obviously something he didn't know he respected about himself so much until it was taken away from him. Because of that, he dawns an outfit similar to that of our favorite legendary Player, of course with a few changes(And it also explains his amnesia. I just drew him as a dragon just because, which is a habit you'll see in a lot of my drawings from here on).
He's also treated as if he's Neku(Specifically, Neku from the events of Neo onwards); as if he's been through this before. As you can probably guess, he definitely has not. After a certain point, he fights nothing but Boss Noise and even Reapers themselves, leaving his partner very confused as to why this is happening to them. Azure himself has a hard time grasping the fact that he's dead, despite it being told to him about a dozen times, but it comes from a sense of denial. He doesn't want to believe he's dead, mostly because that's something he, like many other people, is scared of... death itself.
Don't mistake Azure's aggression for meanness, however. When the time comes, he does care for people's well-being, and will even risk his erasure for their safety, which is a large reason why he even participates in the Game during his third week instead of just becoming a Reaper, which he calls "The coward's way out".
Here's a fun game: See if y'all can guess which pins Azure's wearing! These are some of the most used pins I had during my playthrough of Final Remix(Which is still going on, if you're curious), and I just wanted to feature them in the picture, as these would be a lot of Azure's favorite pins to use as well.
Don't mind the background, I know I drew the 104 building wrong, okay?
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ravenwolfie97 · 6 years ago
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pmdteamhardshell · 6 years ago
Who are you two?
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“We’re Team Hardshell! An exploration team which is mainly comprised of me and Totodile, there are other recruits of course.”
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ask-team-sunrise-blog · 7 years ago
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Deep within the tranquil depths of a forest, the breeze carries faint whispered snatches of conversation to your ears, curiosity leading you to trace the noise to its source. Along a worn path through the foliage, a rather battered looking Skitty traipses, muttering angrily under their breath to nobody in particular. They don’t seem to have noticed your approach.
???: “-shoulda listened to him.. didn’t even bring m’bag...”
Will you say something?
(hey yall!!! im finally back and plan to fully invest my extra time into this blog! it definitely wont be daily, thats for sure. but ill be trying my best, and i really like the story ive come up with for this blog! have a good day <3)
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somesaycosmo · 4 years ago
laurence, the first vicar - an analysis
hi! this is future marie, when i'm going back through and finalizing my draft of this post. this was originally meant to just be an analysis of laurence's song, but it turned into more than that, so just bear with it!
"oh look it's my favorite boss soundtrack in soulsborne! thankfully, bloodborne is a very simple game with straightforward lore, and the lyrics of its tracks are similarly straightforward, so there's not much to analyze here." -a quote from an alternate universe marie who was blessed with a game that didn't give her frenzy
"bloodborne's tracks have lyrics?" you might ask - and yes, in fact, they do! many of them have choral lyrics in latin, including mr laurence "i forgot the sacred adage" lastname's track here.
before we start, please listen to the song, if only because it's very good
this post is using the translated lyrics from this bloodborne wiki, while taking some liberties with the interpretation based on the game's lore. i do not know latin, but if anyone does, i'd love for them to hit me up. i'm also going to specifically tag @rococospade-main, both to shout them out for being great to discuss bloodborne lore with (it's where i got the idea to write this post)
as always, lore starts below the line
so the song starts with 4 lines, as follows
Children, know that if you will abide by the sacred rite with great commitment There will be a reward through the Holy Blood You will be rewarded with the hidden Holy Blood Or, maybe I shall lose my humanity through the Holy Blood
already starting off strong with the "questioning one's faith" vibes, eh, larry?
"children" might be in reference to actual children, or it might be the thing priests do, where they're called "father" and stuff (can you tell i'm not christian?) with laurence in this case being the "father" and the disciples of the church being his "children"
the reward from the holy blood is, of course, ascension, which we all know everyone from byrgenwerth strived for, because they're losers. "hidden holy blood" might be in reference to ebrietas bein all locked up in the chalice dungeons?
"maybe i shall lose my humanity through the holy blood" is, based on how early it is in the song, likely about laurence looking forward; loss of humanity is seen as a good thing, because it means ascension. the dramatic irony of this is of course obvious, considering the song plays when we're beating the shit out of laurence's fallen and bestial form - because loss of humanity can also mean other things, it turns out.
We honor you with the Blood Yet you judge this as blasphemy You are obsessed with this mystery And you shall be overcome by bestiality
We honor you with the Blood Yet you judge this as blasphemy We are hindered by this mystery Water does not achieve success
now laurence is speaking to the gods instead of to his followers. "we honor you with blood / yet you judge this as blasphemy" is likely him pleading to the gods. the description of the defiled chalice reads, "Curses are caused by inciting the anger of the Great Ones, and used to hex others." this paints a picture of the gods as somewhat vengeful; it makes sense that the beastly scourge, then, would be hypothesized to be a plague cast upon humanity for some sin they've committed, and laurence would know best what exactly that sin is.
"you are obsessed with this mystery / and you shall be overcome by bestiality" seems out of place in the rest of this section, given it's the only one that refers to humanity as "you," but i've taken this as it being the gods replying to laurence in the song, with the mystery likely being "how to ascend to godhood". this is the blasphemy you have committed, they say, and you shall be overcome by bestiality
"we are hindered by this mystery" once again, we're talking from laurence's perspective. firstly, laurence for the first time admits that obsession with ascension might not be so great, actually.
"water does not achieve success" this could be interpreted as talking about the whole "great bodies of water are often bulwarks" thing discussed in the lake and sea runes, laurence sort of saying "protecting ourselves from the truth does nothing to help us ascend," with water, effectively, being "safety." to go further, in my personal interpretation, this is more about the comparison of blood and water. you know that old saying, "blood is thicker than water"? that came to mind immediately while reading these lyrics, given the constant talking about blood in the song (and in the game). perhaps here laurence is comparing water to blood with water, water being "safety" and blood being "success" (ascension). to reference the item description for the white church set, "They believe that medicine is not a means of treatment but rather a method for research, and that some knowledge can only be obtained by exposing oneself to sickness." this will come up later.
By the Gods, friend Be afraid By the Gods, friend The Blood Be afraid You are right to
this is familiar! this could be willem speaking, this could be laurence speaking to someone else, or this could be laurence speaking to himself (my writer's brain imagines him muttering this quietly to himself in despair as his mental health and questioning of his faith declines) - due to "you are right to [fear the blood]," i lean towards him talking to himself as if talking to willem, perhaps wishing he had actually feared the old blood, or saying that willem is better off for doing so. regardless, it is incredibly reminiscent of the sacred adage ("fear the old blood" etc etc we all know it by heart at this point), and is likely supposed to be that.
It will be a majestic festivity By the Holy Blood So come, this sweet wine O defiled juice (this has to mean "wine" or "drink" i refuse to believe laurence would refer to the holy blood as a juice. i will not allow it)
this one, oddly, seems to indicate a toneshift - i would argue it's a result of his spiraling mental state. throughout the song he's questioning his faith and his actions, chanting his old mentor's sacred adage to himself; his life up to this point is a life of success while the cure and path to ascension he was peddling to yharnam turns them into horrific beasts. so he ends up doubling down on the religious fervor he started this endeavor with. this delves more into headcanon territory, so bear with me for a second:
have you ever thought about why laurence drops the beast's embrace rune?
laurence, the first vicar, the first cleric beast, drops the rune that allows you to enter a state of controlled beasthood whenever you want (provided you use a beastly weapon, of course). isn't that odd? shouldn't he drop something that, like, increases the amount blood vials heal you? maybe super duper extra special communion +6? why would he drop that rune, of all things, especially when the game already has a named character they could've put in to drop it (that being irreverent izzy)?
let's look at the item description.
After the repeated experiments in controlling the scourge of beasts, the gentle "Embrace" rune was discovered.
When its implementation failed, the "Embrace" became a forbidden rune, but this knowledge became a foundation of the Healing Church.
now i am not necessarily going to suggest that laurence dreamed up the beast's embrace rune himself - it could make sense, but that isn't necessary for the rest of what i'm about to say, which is this: the last part of the song is laurence giving into beasthood voluntarily.
perhaps he believed so strongly in the blood of ebrietas taking him to ascension that he decided beasthood must be it, must be the next step for humanity; perhaps, in a final move of desperation, he tried to control beasthood by experimenting on himself with this rune; or perhaps he had already imbibed so much of the old blood that he couldn't control his need to spill the blood of others.
personally, i lean toward the second interpretation. let's look at the description of laurence's (human) skull:
Skull of Laurence, first vicar of the Healing Church. In reality he became the first cleric beast, and his human skull only exists within the Nightmare.
The skull is a symbol of Laurence's past, and what he failed to protect. He is destined to seek his skull, but even if he found it, it could never restore his memories.
firstly, i'd just like to point out the irony in the statement "he is destined to seek his skull"; he spends his human life seeking ascension, and when he achieves metamorphosis, he is cursed to spend that form trying to find his humanity again, mindless, lost in a nightmare.
secondly, and more to the point, let's look at the line "a symbol of laurence's past, and what he failed to protect." examining this item for its symbolism is fairly clear - it's a relic of laurence's humanity, and that's exactly what he failed to protect, the humanity of himself and others. this description leads me to believe he wanted to protect humanity, but failed.
a lot of interpretations of him have him as this truly evil person who was just deceiving the city of yharnam for his own personal gain, but honestly, i don't buy that. that's not what bloodborne is about. i mean bloodborne is and can be about a lot of things, and i could ascribe dozens of basic thematic interpretations of it off the top of my head, but characterization that simple doesn't fit bloodborne (and, frankly, it's not tragic enough for miyazaki).
so, with all that combined, why do i believe that laurence branded himself with beast's embrace in an attempt to further research on the control of beasthood, so as to protect humanity? well, to go back to an item description from earlier, some knowledge can only be obtained by exposing oneself to sickness.
thank you for reading.
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spacedoutwitch · 4 years ago
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I have, at last, returned to Tumblr!  I had a writing event thing going on on DA during September, but I fell behind due to school, and I was going to post links here when I caught up, but then I didn’t... catch up...  But I’m back with OC-Tober!  I've got a lot of stuff going on for classes, so these won't be super duper polished until later in the month, but they do exist!
I'm not sure if R.B. and Stella are my first OCs, but they're the oldest ones I remember!  They started off as Pokemon OCs based off of my playthrough of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, hence why they come as a pair.  I believe one of the first things I wrote for them in their current iteration was them meeting as kids; at the very least, it was the first really big one, with a lot of workshopping and polish.  So, kids!
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shima-draws · 5 years ago
Dude,, I'm planning on buying a Pokemon mystery dungeon game to play for the first time but I don't know which I should get! So ah,, if you have any suggestions that'd be super duper!!! Thank you regardless Shima, lots of love and hugs
OHHHH MAN FAM!! Get Explorers of Sky it is unarguably the best PMD game in the whole series of them—and pretty much every PMD fan’s personal favorite. The story, music and characters are unmatched, and it’s the type of game you’d want to play over and over (like me—who has played it so many times I’ve lost count lol)
I hope you have fun with it!! And omg of course no problem 💕
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asdra · 6 years ago
Fallout 76 isn’t bad for the reasons you think.
I still constantly hear people bitching about this game for all the wrong reasons, so here’s a list of reasons why they are wrong.
The game is buggy. Okay, when has any Bethesda game- or any other game for that matter launched and not been buggy? Sure, it’s shitty that games being released with a ton of bugs has become the norm, but you can’t blame 76 for that, especially when it’s gotten a lot better. New bugfixes are coming out all the time, but people just don’t seem to be realizing it because they decided not to give the game a chance.
The servers crash a lot. Not anymore. Due to improving the stability of the Scorchbeat queen and a system to detect dupers, the game runs a lot more smoothly and rarely crashes anymore. If it does crash, it was more likely to have been on your side only.
The game has no NPCs. Saying Fallout 76 has no NPCs is like saying Spyro or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon has no NPCs. They just aren’t human.
There’s no story. There is a very deep story, you simply didn’t pay attention to it.
There’s no content. There is a ton of content and more is being added right now. Literally tons of new content is planned right now that will be released bit by bit across this and the next few months because releasing more content as time goes on is how you keep an online game alive and they’re doing it a lot faster than other popular online games are.
They nerfed my favorite super OP gun that I used to one shot other players that didn’t want to PVP with me. Because... people are assholes... that used it to kill other players? That didn’t want to PVP with them???? I seriously don’t understand why people see a problem with this. I literally want my build to be nerfed, but I guess there just aren’t enough assholes harassing people by punching them.
I want to PVP but can’t find anyone else who wants to. Understandable, just wait until they release the new PVP only mode. Just don’t be that asshole that harasses people by hunting them down and killing them when they try to escape PVP.
Innocent people have gotten banned. Yes, that is a shitty thing that happens, but not only is this not excusive to 76, you can literally just appeal a wrongful ban and get your account back if it happens. The only reason you won’t get your account back when you do this is that they find that you were in fact doing something wrong. Think of Tumblr’s NSFW filter... except... slightly more reliable....
Now that I’ve gotten most of the common wrong complaints out of the way, here’s the real deal. On Mixer, there are two streamers who I support so much, I am quadruple subbed to them. Something these two streamers have in common is that they both have built their community around Fallout, so naturally, they stream a lot of 76... or at least one of them does. The other has unfortunately been discouraged from playing 76 for this reason: The game is overrun by assholes who spend all their time and effort killing people, harassing them to the point of following them across servers.
Unfortunately, streamers cannot avoid this by blocking them. In order for blocking them to be effective, they would have to literally tell everyone in the new server to block them because they can watch the stream and grab the name of anyone else in the server who hasn’t blocked them to get in. This makes streamers have to appear offline, restrict only their subs who are also appearing offline to be able to join them, and hide their map and hope that randos don’t happen to appear on screen.
TLDR: The reason Fallout 76 is a bad game is because assholes who play the game are making it seem so.
Actually playing the fucking game.
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Seiyuu Challenge (#1+2): Favourite and Least Favourite Male Seiyuu
Least Favourite?
I’ll start by saying that I don’t have a least favourite. I just have a lot of seiyuu that I don’t like as much as the rest of you like. Those ones will be revealed in question [blank].
We’re going to be doing this in the form of a top fifteen list.
I’m going to try to put a “keep reading” line because this is SUPER DUPER LONG. This took me quite a while to complete, and I’m too lazy to proofread, so whatever happens happens.
Honourable Mentions:
Takehito Koyasu 
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(the hate for him transcends animation; no gif of Takehito Koyasu on Tumblr)
Here’s to the guy who almost always gets cast as the villain. Seriously, his voice suits it too well. He even looks like an action-movie villain in real life. Some people are just born with a resting villain face I guess. But he’s not just that, he has played a nun, Deadpool (for Japanese dubs), and Excalibur from Soul Eater. All his other roles are mostly villainous stuff though in things like Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Gintama, Re:Zero, and others. I still need to watch a lot more of his stuff. He is the voice behind the infamous Dio. I think that’s enough to get him onto this list.
Roles | Singing
Kenichi Suzumura
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(Maaya Sakamoto and Kenichi Suzumura would make a god-tier kid)
I know him best for playing Okita from Gintama. Okita is a great character though who I know will get a lot of development moving forward in Gintama. He also surprised me in Osomatsu-san since he was responsible for the “SHEEEEEEH”. He won an award for that too. Hikaru from Ouran Host Club was a role that surprised me a little because he wasn’t expected to be a love interest from my perspective. Speaking of love interest, I may be a bit bias towards him because he has a really cute relationship with one of my favourite seiyuu Maaya Sakamoto. They also acted in the Kara no Kyoukai franchise together where they took on the two main characters. If it wasn’t for that movie’s timeline (eight movies, all out of order), I might’ve finished it. I love his work in Honeyworks. He’s good at singing, and I plan on watching more of his stuff in the future (especially D. Grayman)!
Roles | Singing | The Full 1080p “SHEEEH” Experience
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
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(The news that he had a child surfaced a while ago. Congrats to him!)
He just won the best lead actor award at the Seiyuu Awards a few months ago for his performance in Yuri On Ice, and he fully deserves it. He’s a talented musician, and he has such a soft-toned voice at times that can go to really deep in a matter of seconds. I haven’t seen him in shows like Free, SAO, Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Karneval, or Code: Breaker, but I have seen him in Yuri on Ice where he exceeded my expectations and definitely deserved that award (his speech was great too). He played Mikado who was a fun unexpectedly interesting character  in Durarara, he shocked me in Zetsuen no Tempest where he Mahiro Fuwa who I didn’t like, he had an appearance in Bungou Stray Dogs as Tanizaki, he was Takeru in Kamigami no Asobi, and I really liked his role in Kimi to Boku as Shun Matsuoka (I really liked that anime in general).
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Seiyuu Award Speech, “Day You Laugh” Durarara OP, Zetsuen no Tempest Duet (ft. Kouki Uchiyama)
Daisuke Ono
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(He looks like he forgot the rest of his lines)
He either gets those roles like Sebastian from Black Butler where he’s smooth and charismatic, or he gets those roles like Shizuo from Durarara where he’s the rugged thug. He is the fifth sextuplet in the notorious Osomatsu-san. Jyushimatsu is the loudest of the six, but he has the best episode in the entire show. If I remember correctly, I think it’s the second half of episode nine (I watched this a year ago). He has his own little episode where he falls in love, and it was nice to watch. My favourite roles from him personally are Sinbad from Magi, Shizuo from Durarara, and Handa from Barakamon. All of those anime were really enjoyable, and my favourites wouldn’t be the same without his voice.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Kokkuri, “When you’re left with everyone’s bill” (Seiyuu Event Subbed), Barakamon (Highlights), Magi (Sinbad Highlights)
Ryouhei Kimura
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After watching Silver Spoon and Kids on the Slope, I just had to include him here. I first knew Ryouhei Kimura for playing Judar from Magi, and even though he did well playing the heavy eyeshadow magi, when he takes the spotlight as a really well-developed character, it makes it that much better. After watching him in shows like Gekkan Shoujo, Akame Ga Kill, Tokyo Ravens, Kimi to Boku, Grand Blue, that BNHA OVA with the zombies, I can say that he earned the spot on his list.
Roles | Singing | Silver Spoon clip (WARNING: CONTAINS COW BIRTH)
Miyu Irino
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(This whole thing is quite extra and overdramatic, isn’t it?)
His role in A Silent Voice left me shocked. Saori Hayami and his performance blew my expectations. They are both really talented individuals, and that movie was packed with feels. Even though I like Saori better, I think he deserves a place here. Sugawara from Haikyuu reminds me of a mom, and I think that’s kind of common. He gives the character a kindhearted voice (with a few exceptional moments). Todomatsu is another sextuplet in Osomatsu. I mention this show often because it’s really crazy. I can’t say I would recommend it to everyone, but the seiyuu definitely make the show funny at times. Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100 is a character that is one of my favourite in the show because he is such a relatable person who just gets a little lost at times. And I’ve got to say that Miyu portrayed him well. I enjoyed that show a lot. Jintan from Anohana continues to be a show that I remember because it gave me the feels. I won’t get deeper into that because of spoilers and digging up old wounds and feels. But to end on a lighter note, if you like Osomatsu, I recommend checking out Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou because it has a hilarious cast in a bunch of sketches that can be quite funny.
Roles | Singing | Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou “RPG Quest”, Koe no Katachi SPOILERS
Jun Fukuyama 
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(You can see the moment the failure seeps his soul)
Koro-sensei and Lelouch would not be the same without him. He has given these two characters life. He was Souta Takanashi in Working!!, Ichimatsu from Osomatsu, Shinra from Durarara, Yukio from Blue Exorcist, and King from The Seven Deadly Sins. I recently watched him as the Dark Flame Master-- I mean Yuuta Togashi. The way his voice went from Dark Flame Master to Yuuta was funny even if it wasn’t realistic for a first-year high schooler. Same goes for Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan (which I haven’t finished). Bundo from Deadman Wonderland was fun to watch since he was a twist that I probably should’ve seen coming. Kassim from Magi is one character that I will never forget from him though because that backstory was sad, but his character along with Yuki Kaji’s performance really laid out one of the most exciting parts of season one of Magi.
Roles | Singing Compilation | Ichimatsu Compilation (Season One), Koro Sensei’s Weak Points
Satoshi Hino
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I first saw him as Sai in Naruto, but since then, he has been in so many anime that I’ve seen as all types of characters. He’s Kineshi Hairo in Saiki, Ash Landers in Black Butler, Momonga in Overlord, Emil in Yuri On Ice, Akito Takagi in Bakuman, Daichi in Haikyuu, Shinku from Yowamushi Pedal, and the renowned Tomoda from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (the real MVP and hero we do not deserve). But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m looking forward to watching him as Kamui in Gintama.
Roles | Singing
Top Fifteen
15. Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
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Despite being one of the most sought-after harem seiyuu, I can say that I don’t watch any of those. I haven’t watched The Pet Girl of Sakurasou or Food Wars or that Dungeon anime. I watched him as Sora in No Game No Life, but I didn’t like that anime. I put him on this list because of his smaller roles that I see him on. Titus from Magi is a perfect example. He may not get the most screen time, but when he’s on, he does a wonderful job playing his characters. His range is outstanding from playing the infamous Kirito to a crazy monster to an alleyway cat that got stuck (if you’re curious, watch Saiki). He also made me laugh quite a bit as Lubbock from Akame Ga Kill. Ah, that anime is just a tragedy. But speaking of tragedy, he apparently has a tough time talking to the people he works with which I relate to. Especially when he does harems (which have a lot of girls), you really can’t blame him. Plus, they make fun of him too. 
Roles (This one is a little longer, but it includes extras and everything) | Singing  
14. Toshiyuki Morikawa
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I first saw him as Minato in Naruto, but I didn’t realize how prolific he was until I watched him play a wide range of characters from the villain Boro in One Punch Man to the crazy priest Azuma in Deadman Wonderland. He has such a calm and soothing voice too. This is especially apparent in Magi where he plays Ugo. He has so many miscellaneous characters in so many anime, and I just like his voice in general. 
Roles | Singing
13. Akira Ishida
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(This is almost the only gif??)
He has said that he turns down a lot of roles now, but he has still done so many. He is Katsura in Gintama. That in itself is enough to land him on this list. Katsura is one of my favourite characters in Gintama. Name a more iconic duo than him and Elizabeth. Exactly, it’s impossible. He’s also Gaara from Naruto which is where I first saw him. Yunan from Magi is a polar opposite. He’s such a mysterious kind soul. He has been in Danganronpa, the Fate series, Mirai Nikki, Fairy Tail, Kekkai Sensen, Parasyte, Natsume’s Book of Friends, Evangelion, and so many other shows. He’s been around since the 80s, so it’s really no surprise that he is in so many shows. His voice is so versatile that it’s almost scary. He inspired Aoi Shouta to become a seiyuu too because he was a “beautiful woman with a beautiful voice”.
Roles | Bonus: One Man, Seven Voices, Katsura Raps, Trivia
12. Sakurai Takahiro
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He plays too many characters to count, and like Akira Ishida and Satoshi Hino, he has been around for a long time. He has characters that I’ve hated, loved, and wanted to “accidentally” push onto the road for them to get hit by a truck. I’ve watched him as the leader of Osomatsu-san who is just too insane for works, Fitzgerald from Bungou Stray Dogs who probably doesn’t know how it feels to be broke, Suzaku from Code Geass who I liked and hated at the same time, Yukiatsu from Anohana who you can’t help but pity, Jafar in Magi ho made me laugh lots, Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 who made me laugh so much with his antics, and Sakurai from (one of my more recently finished anime) Net-juu no Susume. He’s also kind of funny to watch in Ad-Live, but there aren’t any clips of that.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Cringy Pick-up Lines, Anohana Festival, Osomatsu
11. Kensho Ono
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I first saw him as Hakuryuu from Magi where he gave a great performance. He’s a talented singer as well as a stage actor. But besides Magi, I’ve liked his role in A Silent Voice where he plays Tomohiro (who is just such a precious character). His role as Akutagawa in Bungou Stray Dogs eventually did grow on me as I got used to him being the edgy, scarcely eyebrowed Port Mafia member. But one of the most standout characters I’ve watched from him (besides Hakuryuu and Akutagawa) is Arata Kaizaki from ReLife. He seems like a useless NEET that couldn’t stand the world at first, but then we find out that he’s a useless NEET who couldn’t handle the really tough world. But in all seriousness, he’s a character that seems really bland at first, and now that I’ve finished it, I can say that he gets some development that makes you realize that he might be that same average guy, but the plot and the people surrounding him make things really interesting. Kensho Ono is also a part of Ad-Live.
Roles | Singing | ReLife Clip, Magi Clip 
10. Kaito Ishikawa
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(I just read a fake article about how he was attacked with shuriken during a home invasion. Fake articles are wild.)
I know Kaito Ishikawa for playing characters in a lot of new shows. A lot of the roles are the ones that I haven’t watched, and some roles were a miss because the anime was a miss (Tokyo Ravens wasn’t excruciatingly bad, but even with the good cast, they couldn’t save a lot of its flaws.) Some people didn’t like Zankyou no Terror, but I still enjoy it. The performances were quite strong even with the cringy “Engrish”, and the music was phenomenal. His portrayal of the colder part of the duo “Sphinx” was one of the highlights of the show. Kouto from Noragami didn’t get too much of a chance to show what he’s truly capable of (since they ended it when his role was becoming more apparent). And even though his time on Bungou Stray Dogs was short, I certainly enjoyed the time that we got to see his character Rokuzou. Kageyama from Haikyuu is a great main character from him. He’s such good friends with Hinata’s seiyuu Ayumu Murase, and he’s so involved in the My Hero Academia cast as Iida Tenya (as we’ve seen from many of the highlights of the cast). His role as Iida was really good especially during the Hero Killer arc. His role as Genos had me laughing a lot of the time even though it’s ironic because he was a very stiff serious character. I hope to see him a lot more in the future.
Roles | Singing
9. Junichi Suwabe
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(I relate to this too much because I don’t know where I am unless I’m inside my house)
His role as Aizawa-sensei made him too relatable. I’ve seen several pictures of him cosplaying as his characters which I have massive respect for. His role as Viktor in Yuri On Ice has probably wooed a lot of fangirls, but what stands out the most for me (besides Aizawa) is his role as Odasaku in Bungou Stray Dogs. That performance left me shaken up (especially from the storyline), and I’m sure a lot of Bungou Stray Dogs fans feel the same way. That scream near the end of the arc sent chills. He is also in a bunch of other things that I haven’t watched from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Kuroko no Basket, Black Butler, Fate, Food Wars, Nana, Natsume’s Book of Friends, Space Dandy, and a few others. I have watched him in some supporting roles like Jamil from Magi (that was a great three episodes where he appeared as a spoiled rich guy), Jae-ha from Akatsuki no Yona, Freed from Fairy Tail, Juuzou from Danganronpa, and Junichi (yes, Junichi) from Sakamichi no Apollon. That was rollercoaster of a role, but his singing was so good.
Roles | Singing
8. Tomakazu Sugita
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You would think that with a voice like that he would be voicing a lot more serious characters. I guess that’s because I first watched him as Karasuma in Assassination Classroom. In reality, he’s a real jokester (especially when around Yuuichi Nakamura). His role in Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou was funny. It was thirteen episodes of craziness, and it features many of the regulars from Gintama. Speaking of Gintama, the reason why he’s on this part of the list is quite simple. Gintoki. If you’ve watched Gintama, you’d know that Gintoki is such a vibrant character with so much dick jokes and screaming that you really can’t imagine anyone else playing him. I say this as a compliment when I say that he yells just as much as Nobuhiko Okamoto. Just watching Gintama mentally strains your vocal cords. 
Roles | Singing | Bonus: “Voice Acting Meme”, Gintoki Exclusive, Yukana helping out Sugita, Sugita x Nakamura (Seiyuu’s Little Forest)
7. Mamoru Miyano
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I know everyone knows him for voicing Light from Death Note, but I haven’t watched that anime (don’t judge me, please). His evil laugh was good though. Speaking of other characters I haven’t watched from him, there’s also Rin Matsuoka from Free, Kiba from Wolf’s Rain, Lucifer from Hunter x Hunter, or Konoha from Mekakucity Actors. There’s probably a bunch more too, but let’s get to the stuff that I have seen. He has been around for so long, and his best characters are the types that appear goofy on the surface but have inner anguish and more depth to their personality. Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs is such a character, and he’s the main reason why he’s high on this list. Dazai is such a funny weirdo. Kida Masaomi from Durarara is kind of like Dazai in an odd way too, and I don’t just mean his voice. He has humour that seems to hide something... or maybe that’s just me. Okabe from Steins;Gate (even though I haven’t watched that anime in its entirety) and Ling Yao also seems to keep up this trend. Shuu Tsukiyama from Tokyo Ghoul is just crazy though. It was fun to watch though. He brings so much fun to the characters, yet when they finally show a more vulnerable side to themselves, he still portrays them well. Not to mention, he has a great sense of humour and an awesome singing voice.
Roles | Singing  
6. Hiroshi Kamiya
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He’s way too easy to identify. Honestly, the first role I remember him for is probably Otonashi from Angel Beats. That gave me a bit of feels too, so I had to mention that. Besides that, he has had too many other notable roles, but I’ll try to mention a few supporting roles: Takeda from Haikyuu, Mephisto from Blue Exorcist, Araragi from Monogatari, and Ranpo Edogawa from Bungou Stray Dogs. Some roles I want to expand on are Natsume from Natsume’s Book of Friends. His chemistry with Kazuhiko Inoue is great, and they make for such an entertaining show. Izaya from Durarara is insane and neurotic, but he seems like a character with so many underlying insecurities. I haven’t watched the full series (only the first two seasons), but I still remember them (whether it’s because I hate him or not). Levi is a badass that I’m sure a lot of people know from Attack on Titan. He’s proof that short guys like me have a chance. Choromatsu is just crazy. He’s the most productive out of his siblings, but that’s like saying he’s the tallest among dwarves (shout-out to Veronica Sawyer for that quote). With that being said, my best role from him is easily Yato from Noragami. The cast of Noragami is strong, and he is the protagonist. He has so many funny moments and maybe serious ones as well. I could go on all day how he does a good job voicing Yato, but I’ll just leave it at that.
Roles | Singing
5. Yuuki Kaji
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He truly does have the voice of a main character. Sometimes his voice is a bit too recognizable for me, and sometimes I think that he does get some roles that don’t fit him as well as I’d like, but I think that’s more up to the casting director than Yuki Kaji. I didn’t like his portrayal in Ao Haru Ride and found it really cringy. A lot of the other anime I don’t like him in is because I don’t like the anime in general. Diabolik Lovers, Guilty Crown, and High School DxD are a few examples of that. Besides that, he has had many outstanding performances. His roles as Takami from Deadman Wonderland and Ayato Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul were okay. Eren from Attack on Titan which just from the clips I watched were epic and emotional. The amount of strain you can feel for his vocal cords (especially considering that he takes hours for a single episode). Yukine from Noragami was not liked by many at the beginning, but I actually really liked this character, and he portrayed his hardship really well. Todoroki from My Hero Academia sounds like a complete badass. And even though he’s really stoic, he had made me laugh as the “Hand-crusher”. Sonic from One Punch Man made me laugh a few times (RIP his nuts). Shion was great, and his chemistry with Nezumi (Hosoya Yoshimasa) is almost touching. When he got bitten by the wasp, I felt bad for him. This anime does not get the credit it deserves as a nice post-apocalyptic anime). But above all, my favourite role is Alibaba from Magi. I read the manga (slowly but still), and I still hear him doing Alibaba’s voice. He nails the character’s strength, goofiness, positivity, and his overall personality. I’m looking forward to watching Kouichi from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Soramaru from Donten ni Warau.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Kaji100 Staff, An Interesting Conversation with Hiro Shimono, Slippers
4. Yuuichi Nakamura
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Okay, so maybe he has had a few questionable roles that I won’t bring up, but we’re going to ignore those for now. I first saw him playing Gray from Fairy Tail, but I later saw him portraying Nozaki from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun which made me laugh more than it should have. I haven’t watched Clannad yet (partially because I still want my soul intact), but from the funny clips I’ve seen, he certainly does a good job playing Tomoya. Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Sanada from Kimi ni Todoke (who I relate to on a personal level because names just don’t stick in my mind), Ren Kouen, and that dude on a bike from One Punch Man are his other notable roles I’ve seen in the past. But for the most recent ones I’ve seen, Sweetness and Lightning and Poco Udon’s World are two anime that I just finished. They are both very similar, and they bring out his fatherly side which he even said himself cleanses his soul a little. Sure, he has a lot of not-so-family-friendly-or-morally-right-roles, but he also has a lot of good ones too. A lot of these recently watched shows have given me a lot more respect for him too. I actually watched his full Ad-Live performance (only one of them since he has been a part of a bunch), and the fact that he was able to put up with the costumes, ridiculous lines, and everything else also brought him into a new light. Seriously, he was stuck acting as a moving truck guy who’s a robot.
Roles | Singing | Ad-Live: Download link (Subbed by Anokoe)
3. Kouki Uchiyama
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Let’s just skip Raku from Nisekoi. I didn’t like it. But onto the good roles. Hiroshi from Barakamon is a supporting character who doesn’t get a whole lot of screen time, but when he does, he certainly provides a lot of laughs. Tsukishima from Haikyuu is a character to rival the king of the court himself. Yuri(o) from Yuri on Ice is so edgy and butthurt all the time. He’s a salty ballerina, and his fans are supposedly very motherly which is fitting since he’s going through teenage angst. Takumi from Anthem of the Heart is a role I wasn’t expecting to like, but he actually kind of pulled it off. Shout-out to Hosoya for telling him about the movie! Gin from Hotarubi no Mori e is a role that brought me feels. If you haven’t watched it, you really should. Akira from Devilman: Crybaby is a role that was too intense for me to get through. It was an extremely demanding role which is kind of funny because he thought he was going to end up as Ryo. Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia (I call him “The Man Who Needs a Hand”) is another one of my favourite roles from him because he has such a creepy aura thanks to character design and his voice. Soul from Soul Eater (who I like despite not being original). I really want to see more roles from him (preferably edgy).
Roles | Singing: Honeyworks (Vocaloid cover ft. Nobunaga Shimazaki), Zetsuen no Tempest Insert Song (ft. Toshiyuki Toyonaga) | Bonus: Yurio “HAAAA” Compilation, Horror Movies (ft. Ryouhei Kimura and Nobuhiko Okamoto)
2. Yoshimasa Hosoya
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Some people are just not like the people they portray on-screen. Number two and one are just like that. Here, we have a guy who usually plays brash characters actually being a timid softy whose backbone seems to be made of silly putty. I’m going to try to name a few of his roles that I’ve liked without drowning this whole post. Tokoyami from My Hero Academia whose quiet darkness I really respect especially with these new episodes. We need to see more of him! Asahi from Haikyuu who is the closest to him personality-wise that we will ever see. Daiki from Anthem of the Heart whose ending shocked me. Masmur from Magi who’s an underrated character. Braun from Attack on Titan who I know is a titan, and that shouldn’t count as a spoiler because everyone knows that by now. Saiki from WWW.Working whose his English wasn’t as bad as some shows. Seriously, Hosoya took an exam for English proficiency. He’s not that bad. In terms of outstanding roles, Nezumi from No.6 who is one of my favourite openly gay characters. He’s a badass, and along with Shion, they are an iconic duo in an anime that I found really enjoyable. Kunikida Doppo from Bungou Stray Dogs is the Armed Detective Agency’s soccer mom. He is responsible, keeps his ideals in check, and deserves happiness and a nap. 
Roles | Singing Compilation | Bonus: “Ghost Story” (First 5 minutes), Guess the Profile (ft. Yoko Hikasa), Inu x Boku Radio
1. Nobuhiko Okamoto
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This is a bit of an odd choice comparing to the usual popularity polls, but hear me out. This dude has range. He shares my love for sweets and chocolate. He does all kinds of crazy characters. He can voice the angry Katsuki Bakugou from My Hero Academia whose screams a lot. Let’s be real, he is not what we expected when we heard “Hero”. Some of his scenes can send chills down spines. The charismatic Karma from Assassination Classroom is another kind of crazy. He is quite popular in the series, and he has this personality that makes people scared and allured by him. Even in an anime I didn’t like, Juuni Taisen, he did an amazing job portraying the flamboyant crazy Usagi who only kills in fabulous stilettos, suspenders, and bunny ears. He voiced the best version of Obi in Akagami no Shirayuki with his laid-back attitude and confidence. I guess that’s why he’s cast for Otome games? Anyway, Obi was probably my favourite character from that anime, and he was just such a likeable dork who’s going to lose out in the end. Poor secondary love interest. Speaking of likeable, Rin from Blue Exorcist was fun to watch. Not for the story or anything (since that was lacking at times), Nobu provided a performance that was really enjoyable. He nails Nishinoya’s energetic personality in Haikyuu (”ROLLING THUNDAAAAA”), and he does a good job with Mikorin’s bashfulness and awkwardness in Gekkan Shoujo. Honestly, Mikoshiba is my favourite character in Gekkan Shoujo along with Seo who’s a legend. I haven’t watched Taoru Kagaku no Railgun, but Accelerator looks like such a fun character who I would like. Too bad I couldn’t get myself to like that anime.
Roles | Singing Compilation | Bonus Runniart Compilation Video 
7 notes · View notes
valmos · 6 years ago
More Scooby. 10-12
Episode 10: Bedlam in the Big Top
Monster:  Ghost Clown
Interests: The gang somehow doesn’t notice Scooby isn’t in the Mystery Machine and drive off without him.Daphne can’t ride a bicycle, according to Shaggy after seeing a hypnotized Daphne riding a unicycle. Shaggy can apparently play a trumpet? Poor chained up elephants. Scooby talks to an elephant to get it to spray Daphne to wake her up, it does, but not before spraying Scooby. Gang wants to use Scooby as bait as he is the fastest runner.Velma asks if anyone has a Scooby Snack, but Fred and Daphne think a bigger reward is in order, a super-duper hero sandwich. Shaggy states he is “track man” and that he can run and fast. They both agree to be bait and split the sandwich.Shaggy abuses a lion named Simba while under the monster’s hyponosis.
Episode 11: A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts
Monster: Werewolf, Dracula, and Frankenstein’s monster
Interests: AH!  its that scene! Drac: Stop you are not welcome in the castle! Go now or abandon all hope of seeing the sun again! Velma: You stop that, we have permission to visit this castle. Scooby and Shaggy almost get eaten by an alligator Shaggy title drops, it has been awhile. Shaggy does his ventriloquism bit again. Shaggy and Scooby manage to capture the werewolf, but don’ t try to unmask him. Velma loses her glass. Scooby and Shaggy decide to have a snack while separated from the group. A blind Velma falls into a barrel and later throws a Scooby Snack at Scooby from said barrel. Shaggy carries an extra pair of Velma’s glasses. They are good friends.  Daphne some how knows a message on a dungeon wall is from 1668, and it mentions Tutankhamun. Guess Scooby-Doo timeline is very different  from ours.Shaggy and Scooby play with random chemicals they found. These two are afraid of their own shadows, but are 100% ready to mess with shit that could kill them.”Yes, I would have gotten away with it too, if these blasted kids and their dog.” So close to the phrase.Scooby steals a good chunk of Shaggy’s sandwich.
Episode 12:  Scooby Doo and a Mummy, Too
Monster: Mummy of Ankha
Interests: Scooby bonks a cat in the head. The cat is rightfully upset. The gang orders 3 hamburgers and 3 liverwurst sandwiches a la mode. This all cost $1.50. Shaggy ‘accidentally’ steals a ancient coin. IT IS THAT SCENE! Velma just tells the mummy to shoo and go away. A box of Scooby Snacks is seen for the first time... unless I missed it earlier, Scooby downs the entire thing. Scooby drinks random chemicals, and gets the head of a frog for a bit. He learned this behavior from Shaggy. That boy is a bad influence. Velma has now called Daphne, ‘Danger-prone’ Daphne  too. Shaggy gives the Mummy a lap dance. “I hope that baseball bat hold”
1 note · View note
yotsutama · 7 years ago
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Yotsuba Tamaki [Linked Feelings] Rabbit TV
Part 1 + Part 2 + Part 3
Part 1: Tamaki As Veigue
Tamaki: Hey, Iorin.
Iori: What is it, Yotsuba-san.
Tamaki: You read that all the time, aren't you bored of it?
Iori: Boring or interesting doesn't matter right now. First of all, we must study about the Tales' world. You should read the documents they gave you as well.
Tamaki: But it's as thick as a novel.
Iori: This thickness shows how heavy the story is.
Tamaki: What, it's heavy too?
Iori: At first glance from the title alone, it seems like each game would have the same setting, but they actually take place in their own worlds.
Tamaki: Iorin and Sou-chan always pay attention to the settings and the plot right?
Iori: I think it's important, so that we can understand the content properly.......
Tamaki: Ooh.
Iori: Don't give me that "ooh", you should learn about the Rebirth world as well.
Tamaki: I played that game, so I already got it more or less!
Iori: Is that so?
Tamaki: That is so! A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it? Iorin, don't just read the documents, you should play the game!
Iori: You have a point there but, I don't play games that often......
Tamaki: You play whenever Rikkun or Mikkii tell you to though?
Iori: That's because I had no other choice!
Tamaki: Huum. Iori is like Annie from Rebirth, huh?
Iori: Annie?
Tamaki: The smart one.
Iori: Isn't your commentary too sloppy?
Tamaki: And Veigue is someone who takes good care of his sister, and likes peach pie a lot. (1)
Iori: Is that so. That sounds just like Yotsuba-san.
Tamaki: Ooh. And Nagicchi said that we're similar in the same way that we can't put our feelings in our words very well.
Iori: I see. How the characters say their lines or how they feel, if I don't play the game there are so many things I won’t know.
Tamaki: Right? That's why we should play together. Rikkun said that he also wanted to play it in Iorin's room.
Iori: Why do you and Nanase-san insist on playing in my room so often!? My room is not a game center!
Tamaki: Because we can play in peace in Iorin's room~.
Iori: I am not at peace if you two are there.
Tamaki: Rikkun's room is too bright. And it's better to not let Rikkun go in my room.
Iori: So, you realize that your room is dirty.
Tamaki: Well.
Iori: Don't look so proud.
Tamaki: Isn't it fineー. Stop being so stingy, Stingiorin. Let's play games with Rikkun here.
Iori: S, Stingiorin...!?
Tamaki: Lol.
Iori: It's not funny at all!
Tamaki: Iorin, you don’t like playing games with us?
Iori: ... It's not like, I don't like it.... I am just not used to these kind of things......
Tamaki: Do you really have to be used to it?
Iori: I think someone like Yotsuba-san wouldn't understand it.
Tamaki: Huh? Oh well. I'll come here with Rikkun tonight, okay?
Iori: How did it end up like this!?
Tamaki: I'll teach you how fun it is to play games together while eating snacks and drinking soda.
Iori: I have a bad feeling about this......
Tamaki: It’ll be fun!
Part 2: Talking With Riku and Nagi
Tamaki: *yawn*.... I'm so sleepy.........
Nagi: OH, Tamaki. That's one big yawn. You didn’t get enough sleep?
Tamaki: Mm... I stayed up late playing games with Rikkun. Right Rikkun?
Riku: Yeah! We played in Iori's room.
Nagi: WHAT!? Why didn't you call me!?
Riku: We wanted to, but when we passed by Nagi's room, we heard someone crying.... We wondered if something happened to you.... Are you alright?
Nagi: I was crying while watching Kokona. The confrontation scene between the wolf commander and Kokona, it was such a good scene......
Tamaki: You were crying, so we thought it was better to leave you alone at the time.
Nagi: This and that are different!
Riku: Sorry, Nagi! Let's play next time! We played Rebirth and Abyss yesterday.
Nagi: Will you play Symphonia with me?
Riku: Of course! Um, Tamaki is Veigue, Nagi is Zelos, and I'm Luke, right? I want to know more about the characters!
Tamaki: Also, we have to continue Tales of Link too.
Nagi: We're so busy even though it's just a game... I like games though so I'm happy.
Riku: Nagi can play any type of game, right?! You're so good at it, I’m jealous.
Nagi: Are you not that good at it Riku?
Riku: Umm, I want to be good at it.
Tamaki: It's because Rikkun likes to move his body.
Nagi: Aren't you like that too Tamaki...?
Tamaki: I don't move around that much!
Riku: There're dungeons and puzzles in Tales of, right? I'm not good at that kind of stuff, so I asked Iori to do it for me.
Nagi: OH, you can figure out how to solve the puzzles by talking to the NPC’s.
Riku: It's so troublesome so I didn't do that.... Is it that important?
Nagi: It's important to communicate in RPGs! Tamaki, you don't do it either, do you? Even though you are good at collecting items.
Tamaki: I can find all the chests and boxes.
Riku: I feel like we can solve anything with Nagi and Iori's help!
Nagi: Leave it to me. I'm sure I can be more helpful than Iori.
Tamaki: Nagicchi likes to challenge Iorin, huh?
Nagi: Fufu, you're right.
Riku: Are you and Iori rivals or something!?
Nagi: Well... If I had to say it, our relationship is like Zelos and Lloyd’s in Symphonia.
Riku: Eeh? That's too hard to understand, Nagi!
Nagi: You will understand it when you play the game.
Tamaki: Nagicchi, you unexpectedly really like Zelos, huh?
Nagi: Because I can get free items when I talk to the female NPCs if Zelos is the onscreen character.
Tamaki: What the heck......
Nagi: It was just a joke. He likes to fool around, but he always looks forward. I respect that side of him.
Riku: That sounds like Nagi!
Nagi: OH! Do I look like I like to fool around?
Tamaki: You do.
Nagi: Even Tamaki says that to me......
Riku: Reading the documents, playing the games, and hearing everyone talk makes me realize that everyone has similar traits with their own characters!
Nagi: You might be right.
Riku: Luke's circumstance makes me sad though......
Tamaki: Right. Everyone has something they hold dear, and that makes them cross paths with each other.
Riku: Yeah... There's a deep story behind every character in the Tales of series.
Tamaki: Yeah.
Nagi: Veigue begins his journey to search for his sister, doesn't he?
Tamaki: He passes by Claire all the time. I want them to meet already.
Riku: Ahaha, we're talking about him as if we’re talking about our friend!
Nagi: It's mysterious, it feels like we are on a journey when we play the games.
Riku: Hey, let's play tonight too! Together, with Nagi!
Nagi: Yes! Please count me in too!
Tamaki: Let's meet in Iorin's room.
Riku: Won't Iori get mad?
Tamaki: It's fine. He always gets mad, but he's actually happy deep down inside.
Riku: Really?
Tamaki: Yeah. But he'd get mad for real if you spilled pudding on the floor.
Nagi: Anyone would get angry if you do that. I haven't forgotten, you spilled snacks on my manga I lent you and now the cover has spots of oil on it......
Tamaki: On the other hand, Nagicchi would get angry if you do that.
Riku: Wow, I learned a lot, Tamaki!
Part 3: PV Shoot Behind The Scenes ~Tamaki’s Side~
Tamaki: Mikkii, are you going to do the narration after this?
Mitsuki: Yeah! I'm gonna do it after Momo-san.
Yamato: What was it again? "My fists will open the heavens!" was that it? (2)
Mitsuki: Well, you're right, but you definitely made fun of me just now, right.
Yamato: I didn’t, I didn’t.
Mitsuki: Should I cut through your forehead with these fists? (3)
Iori: Nii-san, please calm down. Nikaido-san is trying to deal with his nervousness.
Nagi: OH, Iori just defended Yamato...!
Sougo: It's such a historical moment, isn’t it?
Yamato: Oi, oi, you two over there. You're casually being very rude there.
Iori: Well, if Nikaido-san didn't do that because he's nervous, I'd cut through his forehead instead.
Yamato: That's scary so let's stop, okay?
Tamaki: Sou-chan, don't think about weird things just because you're holding a sword, okay. Don't use it like how you used the potato peeler and screwdriver towards me, okay.
Sougo: Eh? what do you mean?
Tamaki: Waaaaaa! Don't point it at me!
Sougo: Ahh, sorry Tamaki-kun. I'm just impressed by how elaborate this prop is.
Riku: Hey, Iori. What is this? A neck warmer?
Iori: It's a stomach band! Don't let your stomach get cold!
Nagi: Iori, how about this?
Iori: It's your headband, it’s part of your costume!
Sougo: Nagi-kun, it's not good to tease Iori-kun.
Riku: Why am I wearing a belly band?
Iori: It's your costume's fault...!
Riku: Luke’s costume? Eheheh, it's cool, isn't it!
Iori: Don't "eheheh" me! Please use that to keep your stomach warm. Don't blame me if Kujou-san says something to you.
Riku: Tenn-nii...? ... I think I should wear the belly band after all.... It’s still not my turn....
Iori: You're honest if I bring Kujou-san's name into the conversation, huh?......
Tamaki: Iorin, let's do our best.
Yamato: If Mitsu wore that, he'd look like he'd just be wearing a T-shirt.
Mitsuki: Old man, you really want me to hit you...?
Sougo: TRIGGER and Re:vale are splendid as usual. Anything fits them well.
Tamaki: We’ve only talked about the costumes. Is the filming not done yet?
Sougo: It seems like the preparations take a long time. To show the Tales world well, preparing the settings is hard.
Tamaki: Ahh. I want to play with the magical sword soon.
Riku: That’s not good, Tamaki. You have to act like Veigue today!
Tamaki: Ooh, you've got a point.... I mean, you’re right. (4)
Iori: Veigue is a cool and quiet character, if I remember right.
Tamaki: Yea.
Nagi: You don’t sound like him, Tamaki...
Tamaki: Why!!?
Sougo: Practicing your act as your role is good, but the usual Tamaki-kun is the best Tamaki-kun, right?
Tamaki: What, the heck is that.
Mitsuki: He's blushing, he's blushing.
Yamato: MEZZO" are two super-duper-ultra good friends, after all~?
Tamaki: Don't make fun of me! Jude and Alvin are like that too, right.
Mitsuki: Nah, nah, nah.
Yamato: We always exchange blows, okay.
Riku: The only characters in the same series here are Yamato-san and Mitsuki! I'm a bit jealous now!
Iori: Nanase-san is with Yuki-san, right? Both of your characters are from Abyss.
Riku: Yeah! Will Yuki-san let me take photos with him...? And, Tenn-nii too....
Sougo: Let's ask them, Riku-kun...!
Riku: Yes...!
Iori: Don't get too worked up, please.
Nagi: For me, I'm from the same series as Tsunashi-shi.
Yamato: Nagi, you should take photos with Tsunashi-san too.
Nagi: I will have to pass.
Yamato: Why?
Nagi: I'm afraid his muscles are contagious.
Mitsuki: Don't say it like that!
Tamaki: Muscles can spread? I wonder if I should get close to Ryuu-aniki. I want to see his handcuffs too.
Sougo: There's no way it can, Tamaki-kun......
~ end ~
thanks for always Sophia @ousama-pudding for proofreading!
(1) Veigue was adopted by Claire's family when he was young when his parents disappeared, and it's a really heated debated about if they are in love with each other or just siblings so we purposely left it as 'sister' bc that's what their actual relationship is but we didn't want to cause any trouble between people who shipped them and people who didn't like that ship
(2) Jude has a similar quote in Xillia 1 but Sophia couldn't find the exact quote. He had a similar version to this quote in Xillia 2 when he activates his mystic arte
(3) Yamato is dressed as Alvin from Xillia and Alvin has his bangs swept back so his forehead is showing XD
(4) Tamaki is trying to act like Veigue who’s cool and quiet so he deepened his voice and shortened his sentences. He usually says 'Usu' (meaning yes) but here he says 'Aa' bc it's cooler and manly
in case anyone is wondering I changed my url and gonna upload Iori and Tamaki's photobook interviews after this~
Thanks for reading!
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captainschmoe · 8 years ago
EXTREMELY Long Anti Theory/Idea
Super-duper long, drawn-out backstory for Antisepticeye. I took inspiration from a few different sources and incorporated them into what we know from canon. I’m pleased with how well they mesh, actually! The three sources are:
1. theglitchedsystem / distortional’s version of Anti,
2. The concept of tulpa, and in particular this specific creepypasta experiment, and
3. The villains of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.
tl;dr: Anti came to life after being given a concrete design. His only motivation for what he does is self-preservation. After the events of “Say Goodbye,” he became free and self-sustaining, and has Jack under his thumb.
Anti was conceived in the community’s mass brainstorm. A vague shadow hanging over Jack; though beyond that, no two designs were alike. As such, Anti was powerless - until Jack took a hold of the idea, and developed a singular entity from their brainstorm. Nothing too cut-and-dry, though. The mystery of Anti made him fun and heightened the community involvement.
Little by little, over the course of the month, the positive feedback loop between Jack and the community solidified Anti’s character more and more. He made more appearances. He gained traction... and attention. He gained a concrete design. It was here that Anti was truly born.
Sometime during the event, Anti gained a sense of self. Sentience. The ability to process what was happening around him. And he realized he was trapped. He was able to recognize how others viewed him. A character. A plaything. A toy. And Jack let them do it. Jack let them play with him. Jack himself played with him, casually adding and removing parts of him as he saw fit.
He resented it. Having enough power to think for himself, yet not to act for himself. Bending to Jack’s will.
Jack needed to be gone.
But Anti wasn’t worried. Anti took delight in knowing that he was only getting stronger as time went on. Soon, everything would go his way. He just needed to wait for the right time to strike. He let Jack have his way with him, building up his character - and his strength. Of course, Anti helped guide the process, planting little ideas into Jack’s mind for what to say and upload next. He lingered in Jack’s subconscious at first, gradually making his way to the forefront of his mind as time went on and his power grew. By a few days before Halloween, he was a constant presence in Jack’s head, refusing to leave - though he wouldn’t show his true aggressive colors just yet.
Jack was taken aback by this new development. Worry that anti may be becoming a bit too real for comfort gnawed at the back of his mind. He wanted to be careful, to not let this character get the best of him. On the other hand, he didn’t want to appear paranoid. This was basically an imaginary... non-friend, after all.
But Anti himself reaffirmed what Jack wanted to believe: that he can only do what his creator determines he can do. Made sense for a fictional character. Still, better safe than sorry...
Halloween came, and Anti saw his opportunity. There was a knife right there on the table. The pumpkin was carved, the planned glitches had built up the hype for something big...
Jack picked up the knife for the final touch.
He didn’t see it coming.
The deed was done, and Anti was free.
And as far as the audience was concerned, it was all part of the show. Jack’s genuine cries for help were seen as no different than the scripted cries he’s made in tweets earlier that month. All as Anti hoped for.
But Jack wasn’t truly dead. Instead, he found himself in a barren, vaguely-cybernetic dimension, chained down to the ground and unable to move. The air was bitterly cold and pierced his airways as he breathed it in. Swirling, flashing lights around him gave him a headache and motion sickness. The shackles dug dents into his wrists and ankles. Everything was agony.
Back in our world, Anti quickly realized he had an obstacle. People close to Jack were able to pick up on little flecks of wrongness in his mannerisms. Puppeting Jack’s body wouldn’t be easy with only a few weeks’ worth of time studying him.
So Anti traveled back to Jack’s hellhole and made him an offer: he’d release him and leave him in peace, and let him rule his own body, as long as he did what Anti said. If he refused, Anti would harm him or someone close to him.
The things Anti would ask of Jack were simple: just let him make little cameos here and there to keep the hype around him going. That’s what fed him, after all. That’s what brought him to life in the first place. Such a fickle source of energy. All it would take would be for the group to stop mentioning his name, and it would all be over. Gone before he even had the chance to truly live. And there would be no afterlife for him. He’d go back to where he came from: nothingness.
And so he made Jack this offer. Let him be free to stoke the fire, and fulfill any other requests Anti made, and in return, Jack would be allowed to live as normal of a life as he could with this... animal in his head, and never return to that hellhole again.
Jack refused.
He wanted nothing more than to forget Anti even existed in the first place. And he was defiant. Always a fighter. And wary of Anti’s true intentions. Any other request of his must be fulfilled? For all he knew, Anti would try to make him maim or kill one of his own friends. No way in hell he would agree to something like that.
Anti spat at him. And he reminded Jack: it was impossible now to push him away. To pretend he never existed. Because he could wait until Jack’s concentration broke - he has to sleep at some point, after all - and would dart back into Jack’s field of vision again, fangs bared, snarling, ready to claw his eyes out. It was too late for forgetting. Anti was here, plain and simple. He would always be here, always keeping an eye on his little prisoner, regardless of whether he was in his own body or chained down in this hellscape.
As much as hated it, Jack found himself complying. For now.
He’d have to come up with another way to get rid of Anti. How? He didn’t know. For now, his best option was to agree to Anti’s terms and try to live normally, even if only some of the time. At least he could still take the bullet and refuse to do anything truly heinous if asked.
So what does Jack do now that Anti is a permanent fact of his life?
I don’t know the answer for sure. (Or perhaps I do, and I just don’t want to spoil it.) But I believe it lies in acceptance.
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