#suomi free
manic-exposure · 2 years
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Mikko Innanen and Simo Laihonen at the Moomin Museum in Tampere Finland 21.5.2022.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
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I'm trapping Finns
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sentienttoast · 2 years
I think about Matti every day
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peikonlainen · 5 months
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Free Palestine!
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ghostscribble · 6 months
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And then israelis will deadass ask "why do you support hamas??" Like Palestine could have 50 hamases and that still would not give israel the right to do this shit.
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holyprincenerd · 1 year
Hi ! Do you have any finnish music recommandations ? Feel free with the genre I'm quite open. I love discovering music in other languages but I'm always worried the lyrics will be saying something really terrible 😆
Hi! I'm all for spreading Finnish music, so of course! Just a fair warning, this ended up quite lengthy... Sorry about that. 😅 Here's a tl;dr version just in case you don't feel like reading about all the genre gushing and lyrical details, I couldn't help myself haha:
Pop, schlager and rock songs:
Ram Pam Pam by BESS
Tinakenkätyttö, Kaunis rietas onnellinen, and Supernaiset by Kaija Koo
Lähtisitkö by Pave Maijanen
Hei Rakas by BEHM
Soutaa Huopaa and Saatilla by Elokuu
Henkilökohtaisesti by PMMP, as well as their albums Leskiäidin Tyttäret and Kovemmat Kädet (content warning on these, if you end up reading translations of the lyrics, some of the songs on these albums deal with some heavy topics!)
Pauhaava sydän, Hetkeksi en sulle rupia, and Suudellaan by Lauri Tähkä & Elonkerjuu
Marmoritaivas by Johanna Kurkela
Suru on kunniavieras by Jenni Vartiainen (though her entire discography is phenomenal)
Che Guevara by Happoradio
Kaikki mitä mä annoin by Uniklubi
Samantekevää by Tiktak
Ikuinen Virta by Indica
Joutsenlaulu by Yö
Metal (or heavier) songs:
Hengitä by Turmion Kätilöt (content warning again, some of this band's songs have quite spicy lyrics, though I'd say a good portion of those songs are satirical. This song in particular doesn't have any questionable lyrics haha)
Laiva by Merta
Syvyydet by Vorna
Armo by Apulanta
Hope you find something you like among these!
Now for the longer answer lol:
For modern pop songs, there's no better place to start than Ram Pam Pam by BESS. The song has become a bit of a Eurovision darling despite the fact that it lost in the Finnish Eurovision national final, the UMK, and thus didn't compete in 2022. The song bears influence of Finnish pop and schlager (in Finnish this genre is called "iskelmä") artist Kaija Koo's songs, which tend to have empowering messages. If you want to listen to Kaija Koo's music, I'd recommend the songs Tinakenkätyttö, Kaunis rietas onnellinen, and Supernaiset.
A song that I have a personal soft spot for is the 80's summer banger Lähtisitkö by Pave Maijanen. It's a corny love song, but that's exactly why it's so great. 🥰 While we're on the topic love songs, there's also Hei Rakas by BEHM, which has very sweet and genuine lyrics and absolutely gorgeous instrumentals. (As a side note, this song is somewhat connected to Eurovision as well, as BEHM performed the song live during UMK 2020 as an interval act).
If you're interested in pop songs that use traditional Finnish instruments in them, I'd recommend both Soutaa Huopaa and Saatilla by the band Elokuu. These songs mix traditional Finnish instruments and the traditional Finnish dance music genre humppa (similar to waltz and foxtrot music) with Finnish schlager music and rap. In that sense, these songs are somewhat similar to Käärijä's Cha Cha Cha, as they mix schlager with rap, though the vibes are completely different. 😂 There's also Henkilökohtaisesti by PMMP, which uses a mix of traditional Finnish instruments and modern genres. As a matter of fact, I'd recommend the entirety of PMMP's album Leskiäidin Tyttäret, where Henkilökohtaisesti is included, as well as another album called Kovemmat Kädet. Though as a fair warning, many of the songs on these albums touch on very heavy topics. There's also the band Lauri Tähkä & Elonkerjuu, which blended traditional folk elements with schlager and rock. Their lyrics also utilise the Finnish Pohjanmaa dialect, adding onto the folk -feel of their music. Most of their songs are love songs, my personal favourites from their catalogue are Pauhaava sydän, Hetkeksi en sulle rupia, and Suudellaan. There's also the song Marmoritaivas by Johanna Kurkela, another very beautiful love song with some more traditional sounding elements to it. Fun fact about Johanna, she's also an ex UMK contestant who didn't make it to Eurovision! Moreover, Suru on kunniavieras by Jenni Vartiainen doesn't necessarily use any traditional instruments, but resembles old Finnish music in terms of specific vocals and some of the lyrics.
Of course I also have to bring up Finnish metal and rock music. Some of my personal favourite metal songs in Finnish are Hengitä by Turmion Kätilöt (who tend to have quite... interesting lyrics), Laiva by Merta and Syvyydet by Vorna. Hengitä and Laiva are both songs about mental illness. For less heavy music, there are the likes of Happoradio and Uniklubi, for specifically all-female acts there are Tiktak and Indica. As a starting point for these bands, I'd recommend Che Guevara by Happoradio, Kaikki mitä mä annoin by Uniklubi, Samantekevää by Tiktak (fun fact this was my absolute favourite song as a kid) and Ikuinen Virta by Indica. I feel slightly obligated to also recommend the songs Joutsenlaulu by Yö and Armo by Apulanta, as both are arguably culturally significant songs. Joutsenlaulu is a reflection on mortality and a song about loss (playing into the typical Finnish artist's obsession with death as an artistic motif), while Armo could be interpreted as a song about the Winter War (a war between the Soviet Union and Finland that took place during the World War II and has shaped Finnish culture immensely). There's also a very beautiful choir cover of the song Armo, called Konflikti (Armo). This version was featured in a movie about Apulanta. Sadly, Joutsenlaulu is not available on Spotify anymore (or any other streaming services for that matter). Funnily enough, Joutsenlaulu was originally meant to be a candidate for the Eurovision song contest of 1984, but the idea was scrapped after its composer came to the realisation that he couldn't possibly keep the length of the song under three minutes. Anyway, here's a link to the song on YouTube, just in case the links above don't work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URDrfH2Rbbg&ab_channel=FinSongs
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nastymonroe · 6 months
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Jan Stenfors, aka Nasty "Nasse" Suicide from Hanoi Rocks. Think this may be from -82? No clue about the photographer, this is from my mums collection so may have been one of her friends.
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reuna · 4 months
Marssi Palestiinan puolesta: Loppu kansanmurhalle; Loppu apartheidille.
Mielenosoitus Helsingissä Narinkkatorilla lauantaina 16.3. klo 14:30-16:30.
Puhujina mm. Li Andersson (vas), Majed Abusalama (Sumud ry) ja Rand. Esiintyjät ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
Aloitamme Israelin Apartheid-viikon ohjelman vaatimalla yhdessä pysyvää tulitaukoa Gazaan sekä palestiinalaisten kansanmurhan ja Israelin apartheidin loppua.
Kutsumme myös muita Suomen kaupunkeja järjestämään mielenosoituksia maaliskuussa vietettävän Israeli Apartheid Weekin tueksi.
Tuothan mukanasi vain Palestiinan ja/tai suomalaisen järjestön lipun. Emme salli rasistisia (mukaan lukien juutalaisviha tai islamofobia), seksistisiä tai muuten syrjiviä tekstejä ja symboleja.
In English:
March for Palestine: Stop Genocide; Dismantle Apartheid.
Save the date for the demonstration in Helsinki 16th of March at 14:30-15:30. Speeches from Li Andersson (Left), Majed Abusalama (Sumud), Rand. Performances TBA.
We start the Israeli Apartheid Week of events together by demanding a permanent ceasefire, end to the genocide of Palestinians and end to the Israeli apartheid system.
We also invite other cities in Finland to organise demonstrations in support of Israeli Apartheid Week in March.
Please bring only the flag of Palestine and/or a Finnish organization. We do not allow racist (including anti-Jewish or Islamophobic), sexist, or otherwise discriminatory texts and symbols.
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piilopirtti · 10 months
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Digital background paintings (+ one wise man) for fairy tale illustrations, featuring a Very Finnish Forest
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huntingknife7 · 8 months
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protest in helsinki this sunday!
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free him.
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joostvision · 2 months
Apparently, finnish televoters gave israel 12 points. I've seen posts where our far-right politicians have said that they voted for the country. Disappointed but not surprised.
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luutakiituri · 25 days
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Ok kuvapankki
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ghostofanonpast · 4 months
Finnish spoken word flash mob in central Helsinki, 5.3.2024. 150th day of genocide in Gaza.
plain text in English and Finnish under the cut:
ten thousand times more people
We stand here, 150 people, side by side
In Rafah, Gaza, there are 1.5 million
which is
1.5 million real people, as real, as human
as are standing before you now.
as we 150 standing here, as me and you,
in acute fear of death, in exodus, starving;
they live in tents
in the last place in Gaza
Nothing but fabric between sleeping humans
that was supposed to be safe.
and the bombs of Israel.
We stand here, 150 people side by side
The counselor of the Defence Minister of Israel has said that
150 days of acute mortal danger.
Bombs, bullets, white phosphorus that burns people alive and digs into their bones, famine,
"Israel needs to create a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist."
and water shortages that Israel has caused on purpose.
Mothers boil water so their children think they are preparing food.
Two mothers are killed every hour.
And in North of Gaza
150 days.
when the flour trucks finally arrive, there are four of them
for 400,000 people.
On October 9th the Defence Minister of Israel said
Israeli soldiers open fire on people trying to reach the trucks.
"Gaza won’t return to what it was before. We will eliminate everything."
Meanwhile, the Finnish government is making arms deals with a murderer.
Five months of the most accurately documented genocide in history.
317 million euros is the price Finland is paying to Israel.
The International Court of Justice says: Israel must do all it can to prevent genocide,
Five months, during which five years is the most likely age to die in Gaza.
On the next day, Finnish minister Ville Tavio announces: Finland will cut its support to the UN-backed UNRWA,
including refraining from harming or killing Palestinians.
the aid group that millions of Palestinians rely on to stay alive.
In Rafah, Gaza there are 1.5 million
We stand here, 150 people, side by side
which is
ten thousand times more people
The people are so hungry that they try to make bread
as are standing before you now.
out of sand and hay.
and 11-year-olds become war reporters
There is nothing left of the houses they called home
when their friends are shot in the bread lines
Four out of five of the world's most badly starving humans are in Gaza right now.
or while playing, while flying their kites.
The remaining hospitals are filled with screams,
The right to nutrition is a human right, which Israel is actively denying.
not just of pain but of thirst.
It takes days for the next truck to make it through,
even though right behind the border
there are convoys full of food as far as the eye can reach.
Israel is systematically starving Palestinians to death,
babies, the elderly, the parents, the children driven from their schools.
Israel is turning away humanitarian aid and it knows: malnutrition will kill
or it will affect the health of every child for the rest of their lives.
The Palestinians are sleeping next to their loved ones, side by side,
We stand here, 150 people, side by side.
When you wake up tomorrow, more humans will have been killed.
so that if a bomb falls in the night, they will die together.
Rafahissa, Gazassa, 1,5 miljoonaa
Meitä on tässä, vieri vieressä, 150 ihmistä.
mikä tarkoittaa
1,5 miljoonaa todellista ihmistä, yhtä todellista, yhtä ihmistä,
kymmenen tuhatta kertaa niin monta ihmistä kuin meitä tässä.
kuin me 150 tässä, vieri vieressä, kuin minä, sinä
yötä päivää akuutissa kuolemanvaarassa, paossa, nälänhädässä
he asuvat teltoissa
On vain kangasta nukkuvien ihmisten ja pommien välissä
viimeisessä paikassa Gazassa, missä piti olla turvaa.
joita Israel pudottaa.
Meitä on tässä, vieri vieressä, 150 ihmistä.
150 päivää akuuttia kuolemanvaaraa.
Israelin puolustusministerin neuvonantaja on sanonut: “Israelin on luotava Gazaan humanitaarinen kriisi. Gazasta tulee paikka, jossa yksikään ihminen ei voi olla olemassa.”
Pommit, luodit, valkoinen fosfori, joka polttaa elävältä tunkeutuu luihin asti, nälkä, jano, jotka Israel on tarkoituksellisesti aiheuttanut.
Äidit keittävät vettä, että heidän lapsensa luulisivat heidän laittavan ruokaa.
Kaksi äitiä tapetaan joka tunti.
Ja Pohjois-Gazassa
150 päivää.
Kun jauhorekat vihdoin saapuvat, niitä on neljä 400 000 ihmiselle.
9. lokakuuta Israelin puolustusministeri totesi: “Gaza ei palaa ennalleen. Me tuhoamme
Israelilaiset sotilaat ampuvat rekoille pyrkiviä ihmisiä.
Samaan aikaan toisaalla, Suomessa solmitaan asekauppoja murhaajan kanssa.
Viisi kuukautta historian tarkimmin dokumentoitua kansanmurhaa.
317 miljoonaa euroa, se on hinta joka maksetaan Israelille.
Korkein kansainvälinen tuomioistuin International Court of Justice sanoo: Israelin on lopetettava kansanmurhaan tähtäävät teot.
Viisi kuukautta, joiden aikana Gazassa viisi vuotta on todennäköisin ikä kuolla.
Seuraavana päivänä toisaalla, Suomessa ministeri Ville Tavio ilmoittaa: Suomi katkaisee tukensa YK:n alaiselle UNRWAlle
siis sille avustusjärjestölle, josta miljoonien palestiinalaisten henki riippuu.
Rafahissa, Gazassa 1,5 miljoonaa
Meitä on tässä, vieri vieressä, 150 ihmistä.
mikä tarkoittaa
Ihmiset ovat niin nälkäisiä, että leipovat hiekasta ja oljista.
kymmenen tuhatta kertaa niin monta ihmistä kuin meitä tässä.
ja 11-vuotiaista tulee sotareporttereita,
ei ole enää mitään jäljellä
kun heidän ystäviään ammutaan ruokajonoon
Neljä viidestä maailman nälkäisimmästä ihmisestä on nyt Gazassa.
tai kesken leikin, kun he lennättävät leijaa.
Oikeus ravintoon on ihmisoikeus, jonka toteutumisen Israel tahallaan estää.
Sairaalassa ihmiset eivät huuda pelkästään kivusta vaan myös janosta.
Kestää päiviä ennen seuraavan rekan pääsyä perille,
vaikka aivan rajan takana
niitä seisoo jonossa silmänkantamattomiin.
Järjestelmällisesti Israel näännyttää hengiltä
palestiinalaiset vauvat, vanhukset, vanhemmat, kouluistaan ajetut lapset
Israel käännyttää avun pois ja tietää: aliravitsemus tappaa tai se
vaikuttaa lapsen terveyteen koko loppuelämän.
Palestiinalaiset nukkuvat rakkaidensa kanssa, vieri vieressä,
Meitä on tässä, vieri vieressä, 150 ihmistä.
Kun heräät huomenna aamulla, lisää ihmisiä on tapettu.
jotta jos pommi putoaa yöllä, he kuolevat yhdessä.
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incognito-liger · 7 months
Celebrating my own country’s independence at a time like this feels incredibly repulsive to me. The idea of watching those in power shake hands and parade around with drinks in hand makes me want to punch my TV, grab the little politicians and gulp them down with some blue cheese.
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veikonvihannekset · 8 months
tein listan Palestiina-resursseista suomalaisille, jotka olen löytänyt
lisää vetoomukset löytyy tästä https://linktr.ee/PaliVoicesFin
Palestinian Voices in Finland tiedostaa mielenosoituksista https://www.instagram.com/palivoicesfin/?hl=en (esim lauantaina 28.10. on mielenosoituksia Helsingissä, Tampereella ja Turussa)
Suomen Palestiina-verkosto ry / Finnish Palestine Network https://www.sumud.fi/ myös tiedostaa mielenosoituksista; tilaa uutiskirje tästä https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-gjaCC2U3H7MJo843CVCVO51RLAj08MY1o9b4GhkLmI/viewform?edit_requested=true
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