#sunny stuff in cool breeze
cinnameow-meow · 1 month
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shankschewtoy · 10 months
had this random thought and thought I'd request. what if a random kid just comes over and confesses their love for you (a fully grown adult.) and the one piece men are just standing there like 'wtf is this kid on'
a/n - OML 💀💀💀 I’m laughing so hard right now 😭 anon this idea is hilarious how do you guys think of such funny stuff
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, it’s a random kid not kidd himself- just wanted to clarify that bec i thought it was kidd, major crack
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- If it wasn’t already apparent, Luffy has made it quite clear that he loves you VERY much
- let’s say you’ve been on this island for maybe about a month, and you love it there! The weather’s nice and cool, there’s a nice ocean breeze, and the sun is always out but not too strong
- you were sitting down on a bench with nami and robin, waiting for Sanji and Luffy to come back from their shopping spree
- suddenly, a kid appeared in front of you, holding a bouquet of flowers and a little hand made present
- “Um-! You’re super cool and pretty/handsome! And- I love you! Please take this gift and these roses!”
- the shock that just froze the three of you
- robin raised an eyebrow while nami burst out laughing, unable to breathe
- “Nami! Be nice! Um… Thanks kid- I like the flowers. But like Nami said- I’m a lot… Older than you.”
- The kid looked like they were about to start sobbing, so you quickly took the flowers and present to make the kid happy
- the present was a little origami heart and a butterfly, it was actually quite adorable
- All of the sudden, Luffy fucking tackled the poor child, flying across the sidewalk
- bro was hissing and growling like a feral monkey at the poor kid wtf 💀
- Sanji had to rip Luffy off the poor child and this grown man was throwing a fit, yelling at this kid
- “Y/N’S MINE! I LOVE THEM!” -luffy
- “I LOVE THEM TOO!” -kid
- “I LOVE THEM MORE!” -luffy
- “NO I DO!” -kid
- this argument continued for about 20 minutes. 20 minutes
- you had to drag Luffy and I mean DRAGGG him back to the sunny while he kept yelling at the kid about how he loved you more
- “Hmph! I bet i could take him in a fight!” -luffy (please keep in mind that this child is like 6)
- “Yeah ok luffy, don’t beat up a child.”
- “I’m a pirate! I’m already a criminal! HEY KID! GET OVER HERE IMMA BEAT YOUR ASS!” *feral screeching*
- “LUFFY NO-!”
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- (rewatched marineford, I promise and swear I did not cry)
- ace is a bit more mature (not a lot) but he’s more mature than Luffy
- it was such a nice day! You and ace were hanging out on an island as a tiny vacation for the crew
- the crew got some ice cream, went shopping, and stocked up on food for the day
- ace, being the gentleman he is, carried all the bags for you, and even bought you THREE scoops of ice cream (y/n pls give me some this weather is ridiculous💀)
- ace was telling you about a story when he was younger, it was mainly about how Luffy was really stupid and loved to eat random mushrooms from the forest
- “He was SO dumb- it was really bad. He hallucinated for like- 2 days, and almost ate Dadan.”
- bro Luffy is wild
- all of the sudden, something tapped you on the shoulder, and you turned around, not seeing anybody behind you
- “Um.. Excuse me?”
- The voice was coming from below, and it sounded like a kid’s voice! As you looked down, you saw this cute little child with brown hair and green eyes, their cheeks were bright pink, and they were holding something behind their back
- “Uh hi there! Did you need something from me?”
- “Um… I- I wanted to give these to you.. I picked them myself.”
- this kid was adorable, they were handing you a hand picked bouquet of flowers!! How adorable is that?! You smiled and pat the kid’s head softly, thanking him for the flowers
- ace had a big grin on his face, he found this kid absolutely adorable too
- “Uh- I think you’re super pretty/handsome! And- I think I really love you!”
- now this is where you both froze and stared at the kid with wide eyes, what did this child just tell you?..
- “I’m sorry what?” -you
- “I love you.” -kid
- “What?” -you
- this poor kid was about to cry, this was his first rejection after all 😭 and you could tell if this kid started crying, holy shit this kid’s going to SCREAM
- “Ok- sorry! I was just confused for a sec.. Are you sure you mean me? Not that little kid over there with the pig tails?”
- this kid was determined, shaking their head as they took your hands in theirs
- Ace was struggling, struggling not to just start cackling, the only thing keeping him from laughing was you pinching his arm
- “Ace don’t even think about laughing.”
- “I’m sorry- *wheeze* this is hilarious.”
- Ace’s face was turning red, bro looked like he was choking on food. But you really didn’t know what to say to this kid- I mean- you’re an adult and this is a literal child. Secondly- ace was your boyfriend already
- “Hey kid, how about I buy you some ice cream and we can talk about y/n together eh?” -ace
- The kid smiled and took Ace’s hand. How cute, your boyfriend was talking to this little kid about all the great aspects of you
- You heard about 1009 compliments today, and it warmed your heart 💜💜
- ace is awesome, 100% husband material
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- doesn’t matter if it’s a child, girl, or animal, he’ll cut them up into pieces if they hurt you or his friends
- but outside of his tough demeanor, zoro was actually pretty loving, especially when the sunny was docked on an island and it was just a day to hang out
- he liked taking naps on you, literally anywhere (he sleeps the best on your ass 💀💀)
- today was not a nap day sadly, but as long as he was with you, today would be a great day
- you had dragged him along to stock up on cola and things for the ship, the whole crew was hanging out on this summery island too
- you weren’t sure why you hadn’t invested some berries into getting a leash for your boyfriend because oh my god
- this bitch keeps getting lost
- you could be looking at some cute shoes for two seconds. TWO SECONDS. And this man disappears, and he somehow ends up on the island next to the one you were on 💀💀
- but anyways, you were now holding him by his collar, keeping this dumbass marimo from running off 👍
- “Y/n are we almost done? I’m kinda tired.”
- “In a second.”
- “you’ve been saying that the past hour.”
- zoro’s feet are about to die
- all of the sudden, a kid tapped your shoulder, looking up at you with wide eyes
- “Oh hello! Did you need something?”
- “Um… I have some flowers for you!”
- The kid handed you a nice bouquet of red, white, and pink roses that were all tied together with a lovely ribbon
- Aw- this little kid was so cute! How nice of them to give you some flowers, right?
- “I- I think I really like you!”
- *pause*
- Maybe this wasn’t so nice 😭
- “Sorry what?” -you
- “I like you!”
- “But- you’re a kid!”
- this kid started sobbing, clinging onto your waist like a baby, crying about how they thought you were so pretty/handsome
- “Hey! It’s ok! Can you let go??”
- zoro was getting pissed, he didn’t like it when kids whined and wailed about stuff, especially about you
- zoro pried the kid off, setting him down with a glare, “Get off y/n, they’re mine, get lost kid.”
- “Hey zoro be nicer! It’s just a kid.”
- “NO! I LOVE Y/N” -kid
- basically this is what happened
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- zoro and this literal child were pulling you back and forth, giving you severe whiplash 💀
- “Omg Robin come over here this is hilarious!!” -nami
- “NAMI PLS HELP ME.” -you
- “I think you’re fine y/n! Just wait until robin gets here!!” -nami
- wow what help you are nami 😭😭
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a/n - Luffy hisses at people and growls 💀
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linghxr · 6 months
My 2023 in Mandopop/Chinese music (update & recs)
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It’s been too long since I last shared some music recommendations/updates on what I’m listening to! Admittedly, I haven’t been discovering as many new artists because I’m busy listening to 薛之谦 on repeat. But we'll focus on the new.
You can check out my Spotify playlist featuring these songs (plus bonus ones). In addition, I’ve included YouTube links below.
五月天 / Mayday 五月天 is a legendary band, so of course I knew of them and had heard a few of their songs over the years. But I never proactively sought out their music until recently. I still haven’t had time to dive into their back catalog, but I’ve already found some songs I really love.
《我又初恋了》 I actually really didn’t like this song the first time I heard it, but it wormed its way into my brain. It’s just a lot of fun! Non-serious songs can be good too.
《转眼》 My favorite 五月天 song <3. I’m probably too young to fully appreciate the lyrics, but they make me feel so nostalgic and bittersweet, like transitioning to a new chapter of life and leaving the old behind.
《因为你 所以我》 This song didn’t stand out to me at first, but it grew on me! I caught myself humming it a lot. It‘s kind of corny, but it sounds so full of hope.
陈奕迅 / Eason Chan I first started listening to 陈奕迅 a couple years ago after my Album a Day August challenge, but I’ve found that his music has grown on me over time. I believe I’ve only mentioned him once before, so I thought now was a good time to highlight my favorite of his songs.
《之外》 This is probably my favorite 陈奕迅 song. The lyrics convey a sense of hopelessness, but the overall song has a smooth, light sound.
《娱乐天空》 You know a song is good when it’s over 6 minutes long but feels like it flies by! It makes me want to get up, get moving, and be productive.
《烟味》 This song is dramatic, and I love it for that. Also has a hint of orchestral flavor.
《淘汰》 One of 陈奕迅’s most well-known songs—for a good reason. It has big Cpop ballad vibes but is definitely livelier.
白举纲 / Bai Jugang You’re going to notice several mentions of 披荆斩棘 in this post. That’s where I “met” 白举纲. I instantly liked his voice and loved seeing him with his “brother” 高瀚宇 and “dad” 张晋! You may also see his music under his English name, Pax Congo.
《被动失控》 This is the only song on the list you could headbang to.
《Shy Boy》 I love this song because it’s cute and includes a children’s rhyme that I learned as a kid: 找啊找啊找朋友 找到一个好朋友.
苏诗丁 / Su Shiding At some point last year I did a one-month free trial of Apple Music. It was an interesting experience because the recommendations were very different from what Spotify tends to show me. I’m glad Apple Music led me to 苏诗丁!
《LUCIFER(傲慢宗罪)》 All I can say is that this song exudes coolness and confidence. It also has a fair bit of English, but honestly I had to look up the lyrics to tell what some of it was.
《梦幻病》 This song is from the same album. It’s dreamlike but gets more frantic as it builds. Overall, it’s just a bit…unsettling.
队长 / Young Captain I learned about 队长 from a random post on Instagram about his concert in Malaysia. I think these songs might have gone viral on 抖音 or something. I was surprised I liked them so much because they both have some rap (I’m not a rap fan), but it was love at first listen.
《11》 I love how this song builds towards the end. I spend the whole song waiting for the crescendo, and it’s great payoff.
《楼顶上的小斑鸠》 This song is like the slightly mellower sibling of the one above. But I ended up liking this one even more.
金志文 / Jin Zhiwen 金志文 was another artist who Apple Music recommended to me. I definitely need to explore his discography more but haven’t had the chance to do so yet. But he has some good stuff so far!
《自娱自乐》 Smooth and relaxing but in a fun way. Simple and no-frills but will put a smile on your face!
《远走高飞》 This one feels like enjoying the breeze on a beautiful sunny day. I also enjoy the duet with 徐佳莹 version.
163braces 163braces started out as a YouTuber posting song covers. I have watched a couple of her covers, but they didn’t leave much of an impression on me. I was pleasantly surprised by her foray into original music. I look forward to hearing what she does next!
《控制》 The song I would want as my “soundtrack” if I were a video game character. It’s energetic and loud.
《murmur》 Honestly this song is pretty similar to the first one. Sometimes I have trouble distinguishing them. But hey, if ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
小鬼 / Lil Ghost 小鬼 did what I can best describe as “pulling an MGK” by going from more rap to kinda pop-punk? That MGK album was my guilty pleasure when in came out, so I’m all for 小鬼’s new direction.
《Last Day》 This song really gave me MGK vibes. It’s about half in English, but I often don't even notice when he switches between languages.
《不良少年》 I just know I would have loved this song so much in high school. It’s an angsty teen anthem. 
《为明天写封信》 I can totally imagine this song playing at the end of a 2000s teen movie! Maybe while showing a montage of the main characters graduating.
《无所求必满载而归》 by 陈粒 / Chen Li This is technically cheating because I have recommended 陈粒 songs before, but it was at least a couple years ago. I heard this song covered on 披荆斩棘的哥哥 and immediately looked up the original. Honestly I should have known it was a 陈粒 song because you can totally tell it’s her style.
《轻红》 by 曹杨 / Young I keep coming back to this song! It’s from a drama soundtrack. I was super surprised the first time I listened to it because I thought it was going to be a typical ballad based on the first ~45 seconds or so—it wasn’t. There is also another version by 陈雪燃 (the king of cdrama OSTs). But I actually prefer the 曹杨 version.
《时光机》 by 吴克群 / Kenji Wu I was introduced to 吴克群 via 披荆斩棘2. He was instantly one of my favorite contestants after his team’s amazing 《新地球》 performance (check it out). This song is bouncy and a little dreamy. I kinda want to hear a remix with Harry Styles’ As It Was. I just wish it were longer than 3 minutes!
My Spotify Wrapped
I have a tradition of sharing my Spotify Wrapped, and I wanted to continue the streak in some form. So here's a quick rundown.
Top genre: 华语流行音乐 Representative city: Taipei Minutes: 21,750
Top artists
薛之谦 / Xue Zhiqian
林宥嘉 / Yoga Lin
五月天 / Mayday
李荣浩 / Li Ronghao
陈奕迅 / Eason Chan 
Top songs
《木偶人》 - 薛之谦
《狐狸》 - 薛之谦
《骆驼》 - 薛之谦
《转眼》 - 五月天
《后来的我们》 - 五月天
Also, fellow Mandopop fans should check out the Mando Gap newsletter. I stumbled upon it this year, and I know it’s going to be a great resource for discovering new artists in 2024!
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papajscupcake · 7 months
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PAIRING: Dad!rafecameron x momfem!reader
SUMMARY: Rafe comes back from work and is welcomed home by his beautiful family
WARNING(S): they are aged up Rafe is 29 and reader is 28, just a lot of fluffy stuff and some suggestive comments
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It was the beautiful sunny afternoon, the window’s were wide open letting in a gentle breeze to cool down the warm air of the home, The echo of the beach waves and the gentle rattle of trees and the sound of a Moana playing on the tv was being heard.
The 6 month pregnant woman laid on the couch with her hands playing with the ends of her 12 year old son’s light brown shaggy hair who was sleeping comfortably on her baby bump
The woman’s eyes were either watching her four year old daughter playing with her toys and or drawing on a piece of paper or the mother had her eyes closed resting like her son.
A small smile rests on the mother’s face watching the young blonde haired girl’s mouth gawk open as she gets engrossed in the movie Moana, a movie she has watched since she was a baby.
The woman glances at the clock on the wall, it was twenty minutes before Rafe would get back from work so with that she ran her hand on her son’s shoulder making him stir awake and look up to his mom with tired eyes.
“Sorry to wake you honey, but I need to get up”He yawned and dug his head further into her
“I can’t I’m comfortable”He muttered making the woman chuckle at the boy knowing that he has got it from his father who loves to use that as an excuse to not get up in the mornings
“You are just like your father”She commented as her son got off her and went to the other side of the couch before falling asleep again,
the woman sat up and pulled herself off the couch a hand cradling her stomach as she does so, her daughter turns her head at the sounds of her moving mother now forgotten about the movie playing
“Mommy where you go?”She asks innocently, the woman smiles and places a hand on her daughter’s blondish brown haired head
“I’m gonna make dinner, do you want to help?”The young girl eagerly nodded and abandoned the small Turtle toy her Aunt Kiara gave her and took her mom’s hand practically dragging the woman to the kitchen making her chuckle at her daughter’s excitement she had received from spending to much time with her uncle JJ.
“What we make mommy?”The infant asks rolling up the sleeves of her pretty red dress which was made by her aunt
“What would you want to have sweetheart?”She asked as she watched the infant drag over the small stepping stool she uses when she bakes with her mother
“Chicken daddy got!” She exclaimed as she made a drumming noise when she was tapping her hands on the counter the pregnant woman smiles and walked to the fridge , the younger girl cheered and clapped her hands as she watch her mom take out the chicken once the two gathered the ingredients they began to cook their meal for four well technically five
after a few minutes the eldest child couldn’t resist the callings of his little sister begging for him to join so groggily but with a smile to disguise his foul tired mood from his baby sister and began to help prepare the meal.
Rafe’s POV:
Once walking though the door of his families home, the smell of cooking chicken and home made potato wedges comes flooding into his nose, the man of the house licks his lips at the thought of the nicely prepared meal his wife of ten years had made, dumping his keys onto the shelf next to the front door and kicking his shoes off then shuffling to pull off his jacket
He makes his way through the rather big house for his liking but his father insisted that they should have a big home like Rafe did for the children to grow up in,
finally he catches the glimpse of his daughter running to the other side of the kitchen as her little feet patter along the hard wood floor he chuckled to himself as he followed the light chatter of his wife giving instructions to their son and small ‘be careful’s’ to their daughter who had practically leaped onto the small stepping stool from her previous hurried steps
finally making it to the kitchen the sight that is presented in front of him is his wife’s and son’s back to him and his daughter that’s was once on the stepping stool was now sitting comfortably on the counter
“what are you doing up there missy?”Rafe asked his daughter with a fake scolding tone the three of them turn and face him the youngest girl’s face lights up like a million fireflies at the sight of her father
“Daddy!”She exclaimed rushing to get off the counter which her older brother helps her to by lifting her up and down to the ground then back to stirring the peas and carrots in the pot onto of the hob
the young girl’s feet once again pattered along the floor and straight towards her daddy who had his arms wide open for her and bent down to her small and cute height the girl practically leaped into his arm almost knocking the wind out of his lungs
“oft! My favourite babygirl, oh you are so beautiful give daddy kisses”he exclaimed standing up while practically suffocating his daughter in little kisses which made his daughter giggle ecstatically trying to push his face away from hers
“daddy no more kisses!” She exclaimed happily trying to hide her face in the plam of her little hands
“oh but I missed you so so much baby girl”The man told his daughter beginning to make his way to the kitchen
“I missed you too daddy”the young girl mumbled and snuggled into the crook of his neck, He smiles and rest his head on hers as he walks into the kitchen and shuffles behind his son who was still stirring the pot of vegetables the father puts ruffling his hair as he passed him, his son turns his head to glance at his father and gives him a little smile
“Hi dad”He greeted before turning back to the cooking vegetables Rafe lent down and placed a kiss on his head
“Hey buddy”Rafe said and walked up his wife who’s back was facing him, he wrapped his free arm around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder
“Hello my love”he whispered into her ear pressing a kiss on the side of her neck
“Hey handsome”His wife smiled giving him a love filled gaze and looked back to the gravy she was making
“how is my lovely family doing today?”He asked out loud for his family to hear
“good! We make chicken you got- oh me made you something daddy!”The young girl gasped and wriggled out her father’s grip running out the kitchen
“mama the vegetables are done”Their son said making the woman turn around to face him Rafe followed suit with his body still tightly pressed against hers both his arms now around her slowly growing waist
“oh thank you honey, you can go back to sleep for about ten minutes before dinner”Their son nodded putting down the wet wooden spoon and practically skipped to the living room to sleep on the couch making the woman laugh at her son and look in the pot making sure her son was correct about the cooking food which he was
“what are you laughing at?”Rafe asked his wife turning her body around to face him making her automatically put her arms around his neck pushing her body closer to his as much as should could with the baby bump
“Nothing Love”She smiled and leaned up to his face puckering her lips before pressing a kiss onto his lips
He sinks into the kiss bringing a hand from her waist to her cheek pulling her closer to deepen the kiss after a moment they both pull away smiling almost giddily at each other, Rafe runs his thumb along the side of her jaw taken in every detail on her face the beautiful face he has already memorised
“You are so perfectly beautiful”Rafe whispered running his thumb along her cheek the woman smiled shyly feeling her cheeks warm up making her feel embarrassed and push her face into his neck
“Stopppp!” She whined into his neck making Rafe laugh and bring the hand that was previously on her cheek on to the back of her head and play with the hair of her head
“Aw you’ve gone all shy?! You are beautiful and adorable what a win for me!” Rafe teased causing her groan and hit his chest keeping her face in the crook of his neck the makes Rafe laugh more and kiss the top of her head the sound of hurried and loud patter of steps echo through the house coming from the top off the stairs
“You’re a mean idiot”She mumbled into his ear and giving it a little bite making yelp slightly at the action she giggles and break apart from their intimate hug and face the direction of the little stomps coming down the stairs
“You—you little…you just bit me!”Rafe whispered shouted
“yep deal with it sucker”Rafe gasped and went to say something but their daughter footsteps had finished Descending from the stairs trampling towards the room Rafe’s hand rests itself onto her waist and gives it a small pinch making her squeal and glare at the side of Rafe’s head with a little smile on her face
“oh it’s on country club” she whispered and smiled to her self beginning to think of ways to kick his ass in this little game Rafe glanced at his wife lifting an eyebrow at her and a little smirk rest its self on his Lips
“don’t start something you can’t finish darling” he mumbled leaning down to her ear she side eyed him and smirked a new upcoming confidence runs through her body
“or maybe don’t continue something you don’t know how to stop, Darling”she commented now raising her eye brown in question, Rafe’s eyes slightly widen at his wife’s new dominate nature
“what has gotten into you? Not that I’m complaining because this is so sexy”He leaned his head down to her neck and pressed a hungry seductive kiss that might make a little mark on her neck
“I think dinner is not the only thing I’ll eat ton-“He went to continue to whisper in her ear but their daughter charges into the room with a piece of paper clutched in her hand making the man give her neck one last kiss and pull away from her smiling at his daughter
“LOOK! Daddy me made this for you!”the young girl exclaimed failing to recognise her parent’s recent not so child-friendly game the young girl shoved the white paper into his body and bent down with overwhelming excitement with a massive smile plastered on her face and her arms curled into her chest trying to suppress all her energy
Rafe crouches down to her height and tapped his leg telling her to sit on his lap which she did instantly and comfortably sat herself onto his large thigh
“what is this baby girl?”Rafe asked putting a hand on her back making sure she wouldn’t fall off his leg the girl instantly began to point to each person and explain who it was and how she drew them while Rafe listened to every word intensely His wife placed a hand on his head playing with the small hairs of his buzz cut style head watching the way the love of her life interacts with her beautiful child making her feel as though she is the luckiest woman alive,
however a competition has started, a competition that will last until someone surrenders, who will stop being stubborn and quit? we will have to find out…
“Let the games begin” she mumbled with a sly smile Rafe heard this making a smirk cross his face
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If you have any requests you want me to do either dm me or comment :)
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soobinologisttt · 1 month
eternal hearts - hwang intak
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pairing ☆ intak x f. reader
warnings ☆ !zombie apocalypse au, !death of parents, !borderline depression, !weapons, !zombie encounter, !sick member, !many mentions of death, !nightmares, !smut, !dry humping, !unprotected sex, !dirty talk, !semi praise,
word count ☆ 5k
a/n: i think this is all! lmk if i missed something. im super proud of this!!
these are daily feelings. the dread of knowing that you'll go to sleep alone and wake up alone.
that you'll probably never feel safe again, no matter how long you might live.
it has been two months since the outbreak.
you were at home while your parents were out grocery shopping.
you were so sucked into your text show, you didn't even notice your phone ringing at first.
but you were pulled back into reality when you picked it up.
it was your mom calling. you answered quickly, assuming that she wants to know if you have something in the kitchen or if she should buy it.
you remember the chills you got as you heard the screams of people around your mother. they still give you nightly nightmares, often waking up in a panic and a pile of sweat.
"what is happening mom? are you okay?" you panic and stand up quickly, getting ready to put your shoes on.
"y/n, do not leave the house. lock the doors, cover them with something, mattress, dressers, anything heavy." you hear her get out in one breathe, a warning that would stick with you.
"mom? what is happening?" you sobbed, fearing the worst.
"just know, your dad and i love you. i love you so so much and you're one of the greatest things that happened to me. which is why you have to keep fighting. for me" her voice cracked as she started to sob with you.
"mommy, please, tell me what is happeni-" you could barely get the words out as you cry.
before she could answer, the phone went slient.
your worst fear had came true at this moment. you were alone.
this was the first time you felt utterly alone but it wasn't the last.
this is the feeling that is currently washing over you as survey the empty cabinets of the house that you are currently living in.
you had to get out of your childhood home. too many memories haunt that place. it only made you feel more alone than you already do.
so after everything calmed down, you packed up your stuff, tooth brush, first aid, water, clothes, towels, anything you might need to live, and stuffed it into the car parked in your garage. driving a few towns over, you found a house primarily close to a supermarket.
a two story house with an abundance of food.
although you tried your best to ration, it wasn't enough.
after about two month, you needed more food.
you dreaded the day you had to exit a house again but it was unavoidable.
and today was the day.
it's a sunny day with a cool breeze. like a nice summer day, one where one might go to the beach or maybe a park.
as much as you wish you could do that, you can't.
the zombies on the street would turn into into a bloodbath with you. having a picnic with you.
you can only imagine the way they would eat you. would they start with your heart or brains?
these thoughts help to clear all thoughts and hopes of sunshine and picnics out of your head.
you remind yourself that you need food, unless you want to go out a lame way and starve to death.
you finally stop staring into the empty cabinets like something will appear and make your way to the living room.
your weapons are on display on the coffee table facing the boarded up window.
you look over the assortment of weapons. a machete, a hand gun, bat with nails, and a crowbar.
never in a million years did you think you'd have to own a gun. swearing that you wouldn't dare touch a gun.
but things have changed and now you own.
you pick up the hand gun and holster it on your waist, making sure it's secure but easy to grab if needed.
you grab the black backpack that is only carrying a bottle of water and swing it onto your back.
you double check to make sure you didn't miss anything that you might need, then you swifty pick up the machete.
you open the door quietly to peek your head out. and when you see it's all clear, you make your way to your car. hoping to load it up.
you absolutly love your car. it was so silent, due to additions onto a car that make it quieter. you made sure to search it up before everything went offline. securing these parts in missions, working on your car in the garage at your old house.
it wasn't long until your car as silent as a mouse, starting up without a sound, stopping, and turning off without a sound. it was something that you were grateful to do.
you stop your car at the door of the supermarket. stick your head out the window to peek. once you saw it was all clear you exit the car, grabbing your machete from off the passenger seat
you silently enter the slight ajar sliding door. making sure to check your blind spots every second or so.
once you're in the store, you raise you cleaver up to keep your distance from anything that might pop up.
you quickly walk to the canned good isle and slide the bag off your back. you put your weapon down for one second to start packing away the food when you hear it.
it was too late, it was already so close to you. you slowly put down the bag before reaching over to the shelf to find the weapon you so desperately need right now. your eyes were kept on the undead body moving towards you.
you could only scold yourself for not looking around first. a rookie mistake that might cost you your life. in your head, you're beating yourself up. but outside, you are calm and confident. you won't let this take you out.
you observe the moving monster in front of you. it's clothes are all dirty and ripped. you can barely make out the color the shirt once was due to all the dirt and their jeans are shredded. to top that, it looks like it's decaying from he outside in. seeing their intestines draging along, makes you neary throw up.
you are still feeling around when you hit a can on the shelf. listening to it fall and roll, the zombie lunges at you.
the air in your lungs dissipates as you go into survival mood.
you turn your body to look for the weapon but instead you freeze. squeezing you eyes to brace for the bite that is coming. but it doesn't come. you grab the machete and turn around in one motion.
holding it to the stranger.
standing there is a boy and the zombie is on the ground. head a few feet away from its body.
approximately 5'11, with slighly bronze skin, brown eyes bright with life, chestnut brown hair, and a serious face.
his hands are both up in the air, as if he was surrending to police. sword still in one hand.
then in a low, husky voice, he speaks, "are you okay?"
he is quite literally ignoring the fact that you have a machete pointed at him.
"yes. who are you? is there more?" you rapidly spit out questions.
"yes, they're two here and three back at the house we sleeping in tonight.
"you aren't going to hurt me. i have weapons and i am not afraid to use them." you stand tall in an attempt to intimate him.
he smiles at you, "i wouldn't dream of it."
you were on the verge of responding when two boys walk into the isle.
they are laughing, "intak," one of the boys laughs out, nearly falling to the ground. meanwhile, the other one is holding back his laugh.
"they are idiots. we aren't gonna hurt you. we are just looking for a little food and medicine." intak tells you.
"yeah," the laughing one stops, "one of our youngest is sick. we can't lose him."
suddenly you remember the phone call. remembering and knowing the pain of losing someone.
you slowly put down your weapon.
"okay, well. let's make a deal. help me load this food into my car and i will help you find a drug store."
without hestation the boy that was holding back his laugh talks, "deal."
you and the three boys climb into your car around the time the sun began to set. it was still light outside but you know it's gonna get dark fast.
"you said you were living around here?" you ask intak, who is sitting in the passenger seat.
"yeah, just ahead." he points at the house you've been staying in.
"no, that's where i've been staying," you look at him.
"well that makes sense. we saw weapons on the table and got confused. we assumed it was empty sine there was no sign of human life." one of the boys in the back seat explain.
"did you not go upstairs? my stuff is everywhere." you ask back in a what the fuck attitude.
"no, we just laid our little brother down and left to get food." intak shyly smiles.
"well, it's almost night now. so you guys can stay. but you have to help me move the groceries into the house." you try to give a smile back, remembering that they were only there to help their little brother.
"we will get them all," a boy from the back seat tells you, "intak, you should walk in with her so the boys don't get scared." he continues.
as you pull into the driveway, intak nods and you turn off the car.
you both exit the car. you give your keys to one of the guys, making sure to tell them to lock up. adding the fact that it won't make a noise and not to be worried about drawing attention.
you both slowly shut the car doors, trying not to make a sound that would awake the few zombies that are lingering around.
you both walk in long strides quickly and make it inside, leaving the other two boys to get the food.
when you enter your eyes quickly make their way to three boys in your living room.
one is laying flat on his back on the couch. barely moving, one is sitting next to him on the floor, and the other is sleeping on the floor near them.
intak leans in, "the sick one is jongseob, the one watching him is theo, and the one sleeping is soul. we have been taking turns watching him. in fear that he might stop breathing when sleeping."
you can feel the pain in his voice.
"and the boys in the car?" you question as you never got their name.
"the giggly one is keeho and the semi-quiet one is jiung." he whispers to me.
it's like on que when keeho and jiung come crashing into the door with food hung in bag on thier arms.
"did you lock my car?" you ask as keeho hands you the keys.
"i did. where do you want these?" he pants.
"kitchen table." you nod towards the dining room.
they both nod at you before heading there.
you go to check the locks on the door, making sure to move the large dresser infront of it.
intak follows and help you.
"i do this every night. just makes me feel safe." you shrug.
"i get it. it's like us watching jongseob. it makes us feel better."
"yeah, what happened with him?" you ask as you both walk to the living room.
"we think he might of contracted some type of bug but since it was left untreated, he just got worse. we are looking for antibiotics or something."
"hmm, i can check the medicine cabinet and my first aid kit. i haven't been sick or hurt so i have no idea what is there."
he just gives you a little nod. obviously, trying not to get his hopes up.
"come on." you pull him upstairs, feeling just a little more safe with hm than the other boys.
maybe that's because he saved you or because how vulnerable he is being. you couldn't tell. but there is something there.
you lead him to the bathroom where the both of you start look for anything that might help.
you are on the ground looking in the first aid kits you've acquired over the months while intak is rummaging through the medicine cabinet above the sink.
"how long have you been alone?" intak asks not taking his eye off of the medicine he found.
"if i tell you, do you promise not to murder me or let them murder me?" you chuckle.
"we didn't plan on it, um by the way, i still don't know your name."
"y/n. and i've been alone since the start. my parents were out grocerying shopping when everything happened. my mom called to warn me and now i'm here. how about you, how long have you guys been together?"
"well as you can tell, we aren't biolgical brothers. we all grew up together and were at keeho's playing video games when it went down."
he gives a small smile, but you could see right through it.
"what about your parents?"
"we have no idea. no one contacted us. we just stayed together. that is one reason we can't lose jongseob. we are all we have." intak explans, while looking at label after label of medicine bottles.
you nod your head even though you know he can't see it.
you wanted to know what it felt like. to have someone during this time. people to lean on and cry with.
feeling the tears, you put your head down. still looking through the first aid kit even through you know the only thing in there that might help is tylenol.
"i found some!" intak opens the bottle to find five pills.
you look up quickly and then back down.
"well now we have five days to find a pharmacy or drug store." your voice came out wobbly.
intak quickly put the pills in the bottle and drops to his knees in front of you.
"y/n? did i say something?" he pulls you head up to look worriedly into your eyes.
"no, no, it's just been so long since i've been around people. and hearing your story made me wish I had people around me." you wipe your tears.
"i can't imagine what you've been through, y/n. you are so strong and do no need anyone. but i'm sure we would stay if you wanted us to." he gives you a small smile.
"thank you intak. let's go eat and give jongseob these meds." you push to get up at the same time as him. bumping him back against the counter behind you two.
you push back in a hurry, a shock of warmth spreading through you, "i am so sorry."
"don't worry about it y/n." the way your name rolls off his tongue turns you into a blushing mess as you turn and exit the bathroom.
when you got downstairs, the smell of spaghetti filled your nostrils.
you immediately question intak, forgetting all about what just happened.
"you guys can cook food? like warm food?" you ask with wide eyes.
"yes, keeho invested in this portable stove thing. i don't know how it works but it's truly a blessing."
as soon as he stops talking you decide to run down the stairs and to the smell.
you couldn't even remember the last time you had a hot meal.
you run around the corner into the kitchen to see keeho and soul.
"soul, please stop making minecraft noises,"
"psh," you try not to laugh but let out a small chuckle.
"oh hi, umm, what's your name?" keeho smiles.
before you could respond intak does, "y/n. also we found antibiotics for five days. we need jongseob to eat and soon."
"i can speak for myself," you roll your eyes, "also is it almost done?" you look at the spaghetti like you haven't eaten in years.
it might be canned spaghetti but it is warm and that's all that matters.
"almost. are you super hunger? we made sure to get a couple of easy snacks." keeho goes full mom mode on you, pointing to the cabinet next to you.
"no, i just haven't had a warm meal in months." you smile.
"well you're in for a treat then."
that night you ate toasted bread and spaghetti. you ate so fast that you nearly threw up. they all watched you in amazement. after you were done you sat there on the living room floor with the rest of the guys. they all learned your name and keeho feed jongseob. they gave him his first antibiotic and planning to taking turns to keep him hydrated.
it was late when you all decided to call it a night. they all had designated shifts to watch jongseob each night. tonight it was keeho's and jiung's. so the rest of us went upstairs.
soul, theo, and intak all walked to your room, seeing it to be the biggest. you didn't mind.
"uh, guys, that is my room but i don't mind sleeping in a different room so you can sleep with each other." you tell them.
"are you sure?" theo asks.
"yeah, i don't mind." you smile at him.
you all enter your room and you show them around. there wasn't much to show but you also decided to show them your stash of water and things.
you took a couple things and headed to the bedroom next door.
"mom." you cry out.
"mom?" you shout louder.
it's a black void that you are standing in. nothing for miles, and all you can do is call out. you want to see your mom again.
you spin and spin. still not seeing anything for miles. you run in a straight line for what feels like forever.
"mom! please mom! please come back." you fall to your knees, shaking and crying.
then you feel a slight shake.
you jump up in fear of your life.
"y/n?" intak says in the darkness of the room.
after realizing it's just him, you bawl. tears pouring out creating wet spots on your shirt.
that's when he pulls you into his arms. his strong arms holding you like you might slip away. like you might drown in your own tears.
"it's okay. i'm here. we are here." he whispers into your hair.
you latch onto him, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer.
intak strokes your hair until the tears stop. you feel your eyes ge heavy and slump against him. falling into a peaceful, nonfearful, sleep.
you don't notice that intak is still holding you until he tries to move.
laying you down softly, intak moves to get up. but instead, you grab his arm and do the unthinkable.
"will you please sleep in here with me?" you mumble, half asleep.
"are you sure? i dont want t-"
"please intak." you beg.
he complies and slips in besides you. rubbing your hair as you cuddle into him.
it was the early morning when you woke up. the sun was barely up. you felt more refreshed than ever.
you turn to see intak sneaking out of bed.
"oh i'm sorry. i didn't want the boys to wake up and see me gone." he smiles sweetly.
"it's okay." you smile back, "um this might sound weird but you smell really good. can i perhaps have your t-shirt. it helped me sleep. i am hoping to get a few more hours." you blush and look down at the white blankets around you.
"all you have to do is ask, y/n." intak smirks before pulling his shirt off with one hand.
you felt something you haven't in a long time, butterflies. not pure horniness, but actual butterflies.
sure you were horny at times but nothing would compare to the feel intak just gave you.
he hands you the shirt and you quickly change out of your shirt into his.
not caring if he saw your body. pure emotions (and horniness) are coursing through your body.
"i would say goodnight," he chuckles, "but it's morning now."
you sit there in his shirt, waiting for his next words.
"so i will say, sweet dreams y/n." he comes over and kisses your forehead.
you lay down as he exits. he turns to look at you as you repeat his words back to him.
"sweet dreams intak." you yawn.
he shuts the door and pick up the pillow he was laying on, cudding it as you fall asleep.
it's been two weeks since you met the boys. and you can say that you already trust them with your whole heart.
you even let jiung and keeho take the car to find more medicine for jongseob. and after about a week and a half, jongseob began to look better. finally being able to sit up on his own and eat by himself.
they all still take turns looking after him despite his plee's that he is okay.
you have even started taking shifts. you take them with intak because being near him is the only way you can sleep.
he often sneaks into your room to help you sleep. cuddling you during the late hours of the night and sneaking back in the early morning.
besides that, you and intak have been getting super close. talking at all hours of the night and stealing sneaky glances (and touches) during the day.
he was a secret that you kept close to you. it was nice to finally have someone there for you. but also something that terrifies you.
because you knew, if you lost him, you would never be the same.
but all of those thoughts left your brain during one of the late night talks. where things strayed off into new territory.
"when was the last time you came y/n?" intak says, laying on his side, looking at you.
you stutter as you try to get out an answer.
in your brain you have two options.
you could lie to him and tell him that it has been awhile or you could tell the truth.
that you came all over your hand one morning after he left. smelling the pilliow he is currently laying on.
"come on y/n." he smirks, "i won't judge."
"umm, the other morning." you blush.
filling with embarrassment you turn to move.
you don't want him to see the red surfacing on your face.
beore you could move, he grabs ahold of you. with one arm, he pulls you close to him. you're face to face. and just as you thought he was going to kiss you, he pull you on top of him.
he is now laying on his back, looking up at you.
"woah, intak what are you doing?" you freak, it's been so long since you have had any action with a guy.
you don't know how to feel, but you do know that you don't want him to stop.
"you think i didn't hear those little moans? my name? you weren't exactly quiet."
you blush even harder and look up at the wall. wanting to look anywhere but the handsome boy under you.
"eyes down here y/n." he demands.
you comply and look down at him.
his eyes are hazy with lust and his dick throbbing under you.
you slowly grind over his hardening lenth. needing to get the release you all so need.
this causes intak to gasp in surprise.
you watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head when you start to speed up.
"fuck y/n. you're gonna drive me crazy." he looks up at you with dark eyes, causing you to shiver.
you use those words as fuel to keep going. rubbing your clothed cunt against hard shaft.
you feel the room become heavy as he reaches for the bottom of your shirt and helps you to pull it over your head.
he throws it off to the side, out of sight.
"holy shit, you're so pretty." he stares up at you, taking your left breast into his hand. rolling his index and thumb over your hardening bud.
you throw your head back at his touch. feeling the heat rush to your aching womanhood.
when he comes up and places his mouth on your nipple, you lose it.
pulling his face up, you kiss him feverishly.
teeth clashing as you forceful push your tongue into his mouth.
intak takes this time to move his hands to your hair, pulling lightly at the end.
the sounds of your mouth clashing and your tiny moans have you both wanting more.
but you're the one to break first, still grinding down onto him.
"fuck intak. can we please?" you beg.
"are you sure? i don't want you to regret this." intak looks at you with his big brown eyes. you know in that moment.
"i'm sure. I really like you intak. fuck i might even love you."
he flips you two. him staring down into your eyes.
"i think i might love you too y/n." he places sweet kisses onto your neck.
"please. please. fuck me." you whine.
"as you wish baby." he pulls down your pajama shorts and throws them across the room, next folllowing your panties.
you help him untie his pajama pants in a flash and pull off his boxers.
"well someone is needy." he chuckles before running his hand down to your wet heat, "damn y/n, you're so wet for me babe."
"intak, please." you can't take it anymore, reaching down to guide his dick into you.
"fuck," he slides in slowly as you wince at the feeling.
"you're so tight." he groans out as he slides deeper and deeper.
you claw at his back and wrap your legs around him, allowing him a different angle to go deeper.
"intak, intak, intak." you chant his name.
"shhh, we don't want to wake up the other guys." intak shushes you.
just then do you remember that through the thin wall are two guys you trust with your life. you don't want to wake them.
you give him slient nod as you bite your lip to keep the noises from falling out.
"i'm gonna speed up baby. can you be quiet?" intak leans down to whisper into your ear.
his husky voice causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
you nod as you bite down harder on your lip, drawing blood.
intak speeds up slowly before placing his hand on your mouth.
pounding into you at a speed that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head and toes curling.
"you like that baby?" he spits.
you nod harshly.
"hmm, take it like the good girl you are." intak orders.
all you can do is moan into his hand as your body shakes with the pleasure he is giving you.
you never want it to stop.
when you feel the twitch of his cock, it sends you tumble over the edge.
sensing your orgasm, he removes his hand from your mouth to reach between you two, finding you clit in a hurry.
"intak, i'm coming. fuck. fuck." you mumble, coming out incoherent between the sounds of him fucking you into oblivion.
"come for me baby."
you come hard for the first in so long. nails dragging across his back, most likely leaving marks.
"mhm, you feel so good y/n," he takes a sharp breath in, "i'm getting so close."
he slows down a little bit. helping you to rideout your high. not wanting to overstimulate you.
you snap back into reality when intak questions you, "shit y/n," he growls, "i'm getting close. where do you want me to cum?"
you take a slight pause, formualting your thoughts while still being filled to the hilt.
"inside me please." you decide.
you didn't care if you get pregnant. you know he would be here throughout everything. you have your people and know they would help through everything.
"fuck y/n. you truly are perfect." he groans a he comes.
filling you to the brim as he spills his seed into you.
his cum overflows out of you and onto his cock.
he lets out a sexy moan before lightly collapsing on you.
"you're amazing y/n." he whispers.
"i'm so glad to have met you." you whisper back, eyes feeling heavy.
he notices your breath start to become shallow and pulls his softened lenth out of you.
the last thing you remember is the feeling of the soft cloth cleaning you off as you fall asleep.
when you wake up, intak is still with you.
your eyes widen as you hear jiung through the door, "has anyone seen intak?"
you shot up and turn to the sleeping boy next to you.
you shake intak lightly and as he wakes up you lift a finger to your lips, signaling him to be quiet.
then, if things couldn't get worse, you hear a knock on your door.
"hey y/n, have you seen intak?" you hear keeho on the other side of the door.
you and intak look at each other with smiles on your faces. trying not to laugh you confess. it was a spilt decision but you know you want to be with intak. there is not point in hiding it.
"he's in here with me."
intak sits up with wide eyes as you tell keeho what you've been hiding.
he gives you a 'why would you say that' look before you hear keeho chuckle.
"i knew it!"
intak finally lets out the breath he has been holding since you told keeho the truth.
you let out a soft chuckle.
"well i made pancakes. they are downstairs when y'all are ready."
"okay thank you." intak calls back, presumably to let them know he is alive.
as keeho walks away you hear him tell someone, "i told you."
you let out a laugh which causes intak to laugh.
you lean in to him and give him a quick peck, before pulling back.
"let's get dressed and eat. i'm starving." you smile widely at him.
"let's go y/n."
and for the first time in a long time, you weren't alone.
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iplayghoul · 2 years
𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝐦𝐫. 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞.
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pairing:: eren yeager x fem!reader (black coded)
word count:: 2.7k
warnings:: mostly smut, sexual roleplay, pre-decided stuff, rough sex, eren has a fat dick, black coded characters, eren is ghostface, chasing, spitting, oral sex (f recieving), use of 'girl' and 'bitch', established married relationship, semi-public sex (in their home's backyard), fingerfucking, light choking, eren is sweet, i love yall.
notes:: i actually really love this😭comments and rbgs much appreciated, i love making eren nd his s/o black coded so they are.
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"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐭'? He laughs a little, "Fuck, they definitely did, oh my god," You cringe and press your hands against your face. "Shit, when'd you get yo' nails did?" His eyes widen a little in surprise, noticing three nails had already popped off and he hadn't seen this pattern yet.
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You're sprinting past the bushes in your front yard, the dark sky engulfing you with only the full moon illuminating the path as the lights planted in your garden were switched off. Heavy booted footsteps clambered down behind you and with a hard swallow you forced yourself to speed up.
In only a pair of loose, soft shorts and a long t-shirt belonging to your husband on, you slapped a hand over your breasts to hold them down as you bent around the corner of your house. The rain from throughout the day made your tiled pathways slippery and your breathing, so heavy, began to sound like desperate whimpers as you grew tired.
Dashing through the backyard and around the pool, you briefly remembered the perfect place to hide. A small, gated nook hidden in the rose bushes with comfy pillows laid on the concrete floors. Your husband created the space for you, well used as a place for you to ground with nature and relax during a sunny day.
Your thighs smacked and rubbed against each other as you scurried up to the golden gate and unlatched it, slamming it a bit too hard behind you and replacing the latch. You silently wished you'd had the key for it on you, ready to lock it. Hastily scampering among the pillows, nestling yourself in the corner of the square nook and squeezing a pillow to your chest. A hand of yours slapped against your lips as you attempted to slow your breathing.
You could bite off your acrylics right this second, the tips prickling at your cheek and making noise as they rubbed together. You heard the booted steps again, one, two, one two, pressing on the tiled floors around the pool. The boots making crunching noise against the dirt you tracked on the tiles, your breath caught in your throat and you held it. Closer and closer it sounded out before a black gown ghosted past the gate.
The footsteps seemed to dissipate, and you released distressed sigh, relaxing your tensed body for just a moment. "Hmm, where's that pretty girl," The voice rumbling out deeply cutting through the silence. An owl cooed in the distance and you froze up like a block of ice just as quickly, and the air became similarly cold.
"Is my pretty girl hiding from me?" The footsteps came back slowly and you frantically grabbed pillows to brace yourself, nibbling at your fingers anxiously. The boot clad feet appeared at the gate entrance again, black gown falling down in the cool night's breeze to cover it. Slowly, you gulped, and as you looked up the body of the figure, your mouth dropped open and let out a sharp shriek into the night. His face was covered by a white mask that was twisted into a ghastly look; eye holes cut out and an elongated mouth.
With a quickness his black gloved hands rattled at the gate, and you strained your eyes to see beneath the mask, a pair of blue-green eyes filled with intensity stared at you. Taking a deep breath, you scooted up to the gate and smacked at his hands, scratching at his fingers as they tried to open the gate with force.
"No! Stop, leave me alone!" You wrangled with his arms as he overpowered you, pressing a hand near your throat and throwing you back against the pillows. In your moments of shock, you heard the gate's latch become undone; your heart pounded and you thanked every god you knew that your back was facing the tall man's direction. You were spared the suffering of seeing the threatening man come upon you while you could only be frozen to the floor in fright.
He was teasing you, heavy footsteps sauntering up behind your back and he squat down wide. You flinched as long fingers cascaded along your waist, slipping under your- your husband's shirt and caressing the pooch of your tummy. His long hands grazing against the swell of your boobs that hung naked beneath the shirt. You pressed your face into a pillow and he pulled his hands away.
"My pretty bitch won't look at me?" You could hear him biting back a cocky smile beneath the mask, "Fuckin' lea'me alone Mr. Ghostface!" your face burned and if your skin were pale, you'd be bright red. "Ah, so is that what they call me, pretty thing?" He mumbled, large hands back onto your lower back, playing with the softness of your skin idly as he spoke.
"Look at me, girl." He demanded and you closed your eyes tight, "Ah! Shit!" you yelped at the resounding smack he swatted against your ass, exposed under your night shorts. "I said look at me, honey."
Adrenaline rushed tears into the corners of your eyes, and slowly you shifted against the pillows, pulling the one covering your face down and staring him the face with a pout. Your glossed lips were halfway done now, the gloss rubbing off in your rush and your brows furrowed as you peered at him.
You didn't break eye contact either, when his hands came up to squeeze at your jaw, pressing your cheeks together to puff out your lips and make the stick out.
He lifted the mask and hood part of his outfit, not too much though, just for you to see pink plump lips and the short stubble of what could be a beard. He pressed his lips against yours, releasing the hold he had on your chin and dragging his fingers down to rest comfortably around your neck.
He gave it a testing squeeze, slipping his tongue into your mouth as you both moaned into the kiss, drawing back to hear the sound of released suction before pulling you back in for a deeper one. Your tongues molded against each other and by habit you suck intently onto his, eyes shut and melting into him.
Your hands held your body up to him, palms pressing into the pillows and his other hands pulling you closer by your waist. With another moan, he pulled back and your eyes open slightly, entranced by the string if saliva still connecting you both then glancing back up at him as he'd begun to desperately push his lips to your neck.
Then to your breasts where his impatient hands shoved up your husband's shirt, tongue spread wide and licking at the tattoos on your lower waist. He bit at the skin above your pussy, sliding down your panties and shorts together before rushing back up to your lips. You both groaned at the eager kiss, lips moving quickly but simultaneously; the patterns of your makeout already seeming practiced and memorized. The moans erotic and your kiss deep like an unholy dance.
He slipped a black glove off his right hand, pulling his lips off yours reluctantly and asserting his attention onto your cunt: sticky with need. Gently, spreading the dark lips apart to see pink, his fingers played at the entrance, staring where the slick gathered. Collecting it onto two fingers, he ran them through the folds of your pussy, ever-so-lightly and almost hesitantly pressing the wetness against your clit.
You clasped a hand over your mouth immediately, a starved, throaty moan dropped from your lips at the needed touch. He pushed your legs back, and you let your other hand grab at the back of your thigh to hold it up. You breathed hard behind your palm as his face drew nearer your cunt, mumbling, "What- watchu g'nna do t'me Mr. Ghostface?" You knew the answer, but asked anyways.
You couldn't see his eyes as he looked up at you, the heat of his breath making your cunt get drooly, "G'nna eat yo pretty pussy," He pressed a kiss to your clit and you could almost sob, "Then, m' g'nna fuck the shit out you," He gives your cunt a long lick and your eyes spring fresh tears, "N' I'm g'nna make you love every second of it. Got it?"
You only nod, and he pushes the mask further up, careful not to show you his face but you could just see the shape of his nose. It pressed against your clit as he engulfed your pussy in his mouth. Eagerly sucking and licking at your cunt like he were making out with it.
"Oh fuck! Gh- ah! Shit," the hand from your mouth now grabbing at a pillow below you hastily while the other struggled to hold up your left leg, the man between your legs used his hand to keep it elevated. His tongue flicked at your clit and he sucked the fleshy mound into his mouth like a pacifyer, letting the spit that builded in his mouth to pour all over it and your folds.
Your back arched up and your left hand, having forgotten holding your leg up, grabbed at your fat breasts and played at your nipples. The strong wet muscle of his tongue, fucking into your pussy while his fingers rubbed sopping wet circles around your clit. "Mmm, ah shit, Sir," His fingers unintentionally press hard onto your clit at the last address, and he moaned into your pussy.
Switching his attention, his lips encased your clit and two long fingers invaded the plushy, velvety walls of your cunt, well-kept nails scratching softly against it; he finds the chubby mound inside you with a quickness. Your going insane: a sharp nailed hand grabbed at your breasts with the saliva that dropped from your mouth. The mouth that was sucking and spitting and slobbering all over the three fingers of yours you'd stuffed into your attention seeking mouth, moaning like a bitch.
Your tummy starts to tense up and you feel pressure building near your clit, legs twitch and you begin to shuffle away from his lips on your cunt, large hands grabbing the fat of your legs and ass. He pulls you into his face, you see white and begin to whimper and whine, "No, no, no, no, no! Ahh, shit, shit!" He kissed your cunt deeply, "C'mon, pretty thing, cum all over m'face."
Legs stiffening up, you squirted thick ropes of cum on his face, chin and directly into his mouth as he continued to suck and lap at you. You lay back, fucked out as he licked up the mess you made.
Your eyelids hung low, but you could see him pull his mask back down over his face, long dark hair appearing over his shoulders with slight waves in them. He smacked his hands against your thighs and you remembered what he listed to you, 'Then, m' g'nna fuck the shit out you.'
Letting his smacks flop you over onto your tummy like he wanted, you perked your ass up, letting it jiggle in his face as he ran his hands over the crevices of your cellulite. Lifting your ass further up, he pressed a hand into the arch of your back and then spread your cheeks before molding your ass in his hands.
You felt him shift to stand up, eyes looking at nothing but the rose bush before you and darkness, you hear a belt and a zipper from under his outfit and shuffling; you flinch at the smack of his left hand on your left ass cheek, spreading 'em again. He shifts forward, hand on the base of his cock and rather than spitting in his hand to lubricate his dick, you feel him press the meaty muscle between your pussy.
He slides his cock up and down your cunt, letting the remnants of your orgasm coat him before he pulls away and pumps it in his hand. Your hands are crossed below you and your chin rests on them, restlessly sucking at your bottom lip. You fantasize and imagine what his cock looks like or— what it would look like although you already knew.
Its girth between your cunt felt like entirely too much. Regardless of him spreading your ass, when the base of his cock reached your pussy, the rest of his tip and shaft struggled to fit between your ass with it's size.
It wasn't too long, just about average or an inch more but it surely did seem thick. You were drawn from your thoughts when he pressed the tip against your entrance, not before he let it run circles around your clit. Instinctively, you pushed your hips back against him, yelping as you earn a slap to the ass. He was circumcised.
He pumped the tip in and out, stretching you out slowly to the point where you could easily suck in the tip; this doesn't take very long. After five times of pumping it in and out you realize what he's doing.
"Shit," you whisper, fuck it, "Eren— shit! Wait, no– Ah!" He hammers his cock into your cunt from the minute you fucked up and said his name in panic, grinning behind the mask as your pussy suckles on his cock with every stroke.
He's got a slight curve in 'em, feeling it poke and prod at your insides with every thwack of his hips against your ass. Together with it, came your ah, ah, ah's, moaning out loud and desperate to have your clit played with. You're sucking and slobbering on your fingers again and he reads your mind, his fingers quickly find your clit and relentlessly torture the nerves while his cock bullies into you.
White streaks run down his cock from your pussy, a creamy ring forms at the base of his dick and makes sticky strings when your cunt connects with it. He fondles with your clit, biting his lip behind the mask when he feels you dripping onto his fingers.
All ideas of the little cat n' mouse roleplay have gone out the window, all you can think about right now is how your husband pauses for a second, rests his heavy leg onto yours to hold you down and to gain leverage before he drills his cock back into your cunt to feel you deeper.
You only chant, "Eren, eren, eren!" and squeal into the night while he grabs your hair like it's a saddle and rides into your ass like it's nobody's business. A mouth full of pillow and some of your hair, becoming a mess beneath him.
"Oh my god," You feel your clit throb hard, "Oh my god, oh my god, 'Ren— slow down, fuuuck!" He doesn't slow down, his thrusts become erratic and you hear his low moans beneath the mask that he's now pulling off as he becomes increasingly hot and sweaty.
He leans over you and the hair that hasn't stuck to his face sticks to yours, he presses open mouthed kisses at your temple and you legs convulse. You let out a loud, broken cry, clenching on his cock as he slows and cumming hard for a second time. He groans openly into your ears, following it with a kiss while spurting his hot, white cum into your cunt.
You both remain in that position for a long minute, breathing heavily with the chirps of crickets coming from somewhere in the backyard. He pulls out slowly with a duetted hiss, softly grabbing you to lay down onto the haphazardly assorted pillows.
"Holy fuck, Eren," You look up him, he's sitting back on his heels and he's tucked his dick back into to his costume. "Yea, holy fuck," He offers a slight smile.
"You think the neighbours heard all dat',? He laughs a little, "Fuck, they definitely did, oh my god," You cringe and press your hands against your face. "Shit, when'd you get yo' nails did?" His eyes widen a little in surprise, noticing three nails had already popped off and he hadn't seen this pattern yet.
Looking down at them, you scoffed, "I got 'em done yesterday, boy. N' now they look crazy as fuck, she gon' see me twice this week. I got a story to tell her too!" You looked at him accusingly and he put his hands up in innocence.
You tug down his shirt that had rolled up around your neck and shoulders and he picked up your panties and shorts, grabbing your waist to help you up as you both made your way through the back door to freshen up; then, you'd lock up the house and go to bed.
— masterlist.
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mireyaaaaaaaaa · 4 months
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The Blue Umbrella
Her POV [Pt.1]
I have an unhealthy obsession with writing stuff revolving around blue stuff. Go check out my previous fic, ‘Blue Hoodie’ if you can guys! It would mean a lot if you like my fanfictions<3
Warnings\ Not proofread, fem!reader, kinda slow paced sorry but I hope you like this!
“I really should’ve checked the forecast” I mumbled, stranded at the study café, looking at the formerly sunny sky now a dark shade of grey. One moment the Sun was shining brightly, the next moment the clouds started pouring heavily. All I could do was wait for the rain to stop so that I could go home. It wasn’t that I hated rain, it’s my favorite weather. I feel so carefree, all my worries about well… everything are washed away by the rain. Afterwards, the cool breeze and the scent of soil in the air, it’s the most calm and serene feeling I can feel in my life, constantly shadowed by my problems… But, today wasn’t the right day, my sister was finally coming back from her foreign studies and I can’t wait to meet my only friend. My sister was probably the only person I’m close to and can share everything with. My parents often fought, so growing up, my sister was the one responsible for me and always there for me.
I was sitting on one of the tables outside the café, thankfully covered, watching people pass by. Couples were having a stroll together, laughing and sharing an umbrella, I saw a family of four having the time of their life just chatting and enjoying each other’s company. I wish I had someone to share my time with. I wish my family was that happy. Now that my sister was back for a few weeks I would make sure I spent all my time with her. Only problem, I had no way of getting home. Sure, I could run as fast as I could but I would still reach home drenched and catch a cold.
I spotted a group of five friends not far from here. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t help staring at them. There was this one guy in particular who really caught my eye. He looked like he was being left out and not being paid any attention too. He was cute, dark messy hair, and beautiful eyes. It was as if someone stole all the stars from the sky and put them in his eyes. He had a sad smile on his face as he looked down at water droplets falling onto a lone pink tulip at the side of the pavement. I couldn’t help but feel sad, not for him, for me. Well, for him too. I mean, it sucks being ignored by your own friend group or just being left lonely. I mean being alone isn’t that bad, but it isn’t always good either. I felt a tear roll down my cheek… no idea why, kind of did. I knew how that felt.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder; I didn’t realize I had zoned out. I quickly wiped away the few tears that tainted my cheeks. I turned around and… WHAT?! No, like, wasn’t he over there a second ago? The guy from the other side of the road, was here. Right. In front. Of. Me. “Take it.” ,were the only two words he said to me, handing me the umbrella before sprinting away, his bag held on top of his head.
I was left staring at the blue umbrella. He didn’t even know me? Why would he help me? Was he secretly my guardian angel? Did he know I was desperate to go home, or was that feeling masking my face right now, clearly evident to the whole world. Not that anyone would pay attention to me. But then, why did he? The next time I met him again, if I did, I would ask him if it hurt falling from heaven. Okay my thoughts are getting really cheesy for a random stranger with a blue umbrella. Thank you… whoever you are.
I shook my thoughts away and shrugged. I got an umbrella, isn’t that what I wanted? I made my way back home, walking through the silent streets.
“Mom, Dad, I’m home!” I announced as I took of my shoes and put them on the shoe rack to dry off. “Y/n! Where were you?” I heard a familiar voice call out as I heard footsteps rush towards me. I almost started crying at the sight of her. My sister was back! She rushed to hug me and engulfed me in bear hug. “Aww you’ve grown up y/n!” “I missed you so much! Sorry I’m late, I was stranded at the study café. Where are mom and dad?” I asked. I shouldn’t have. Melisa flashed me an awkward smile “Uhm in the kitchen but we can just go chill in my room. I set up a movie night for us!” “Are they… arguing again?” “Don’t worry about it y/n… you know how they are…” I frowned but I was used to it. Most of the time when I reached home I would only be welcomed by silence or the occasional noises from the kitchen or living room where my parents were arguing over just about whatever topic they can. I’m probably invisible and only appear when they need something to argue on or someone to scold if the other one is not at home. I missed Melisa so much, it’s a pity she’s 5 years older than me so she left home for foreign studies and well… found a job there and she’s probably going to settle there.
As we made our way over to the stairs I heard shouting from the kitchen. I heard my name.
I looked at my sister with tears starting to form in my eyes. “M-Mel.. they’re going to separate? Where will I go…? Why is our family broken?”
“shh it’s okay y/n I’m here for you. I know this is tough, especially hearing them argue over you and say all that mean stuff. But you’ve stayed strong for so long… you’ll go to college soon and you’ll be able to have a better life, yeah? If I could I would take you with me but you know our parents would probably get really mad over that and stay that we’re being ungrateful and stuff like that.” She looked down. “I’m sorry y/n” I hugged her “Don’t be. None of this is our fault. W-what movie are we going to watch?” I asked, trying to switch to another topic and a better atmosphere. She wouldn’t stay for long, I had to make most of the time we had. “Your favorite~” “OMG ARE WE WATCHING (your favorite movie/show) AAA THANKYOU!” “Look at you being all excited. Why are you still holding onto that umbrella? Wait, where did you get that?” oh. Oh. OHH. “Oh uhm… so… as you know, it’s raining heavily! I was at the study café and it started raining cats and dogs. And it’s not like I could run all the way home without getting drenched and catching a cold so I just sat there doing people-watching and stuff and I saw a group of friends just chilling you know? And there was this boy, with sparkling, chocolate brown eyes and fluffy, dark hair. Is that the right adjective? He was kind of secluded and had a faint, sorrowful, smile on his face but it was pretty oh and-“
“Okay sis I get it. You’re in love with a stranger. Did you talk to him? What’s his name? Did he lend you this? Spill the tea!”
“No I’m not! I just found him cute and attractive and kind of noticeable because I could relate to that feeling. And no, I did not talk to him so I don’t know his name. And yes, he has lend this umbrella to me. He just appeared in front of me out of no where and told me to take the umbrella, handing it to me. Then, he ran away. What was that about?” I rolled my eyes. “An introduction wouldn’t have hurt!”
“Okay y/n don’t admit your crush. I won’t force you”
“I said it’s not a crush!”
“Oh but it is! My sister is in love~” Saying that she ran into her room and I chased after her. We both collapsed onto her bed in a fit of laughter. I missed her so much. How many times am I going to say that?
A/n>>> Okay so I know Leo didn’t really make an appearance in this but as I mentioned, this will be kind of slow paced… mostly because I’m not getting ideas to fit in the middle of the few ideas I already have and my exams are going on. I had an exam today also (the day im posting this) and after this, two exams are left, and these subjects are as tough as maths so I’m probably not going to write any sequel parts this week.
Also, I was originally writing this for Percy, hence blue umbrella, but Leo has literally stolen my heart since the day I read the lost hero so there is no way I wouldn’t write a fic for him and this is the only idea I have right now
Im going to  post a leo pov too by the way! And im writing a long luke castellan mafia ff thing I started a long time back so expect a lot of new posts in march! Or not. Most probably yes.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Do you have any more headcanons for our darling Rocky? Romantic, general or whatever. I think that whenever he sees his s/o he has stars in his eyes and that he loves boasting about them to all of Lackadaisy (much to their annoyance; Victor is that close from throwing him out the window).
Who is your favourite character btw?
This is kind of a part 3 to my previous Rocky Romantic HCs, with these focusing more on domestic living together and family stuff! Femme and masc options included.
When Rocky starts living with you, it's an adjustment. He hasn't had a permanent home-home in nearly 10 years. There's so many things he forgot about, and things he missed dearly but tried very hard not to dwell on. And he gets to see so many new things about you - you'll catch him staring more than once as you go about your routines, from shuffling through the morning to winding down in the evening. All the things you keep on your shelves, everything smelling like you, noting all your interesting habits! It's your private world he's been invited into and he's a little obsessed. The place wouldn't need to be anything fancy, either - even in an apartment, he takes in everything like it's s gift.
(You'll find all sorts of cute notes scattered about where you'll surely find them, even if it's weeks later. Drawings, poems, love notes, song lyrics - all sorts of sweet, sappy things like that. Then there's the BIG obvious ones he leaves right on your nightstand or mirror.)
Rocky wants to be useful, of course, he always does, but his domestic skills are ...well. There's room for improvement. Cleaning and keeping up with himself is one of those things he needs to pay more attention to, and while he wants to help with the cooking, uh. Maybe hold off on that until you're sure he won't get distracted in the middle of boiling water. Also, when he does cook breakfast, there's usually a huge mess left behind ... But it's the thought that counts! He'll figure out pretty much any chore you assign him, anyway. And at this point you know how much Rocky wants to please you.
When he first moved in, there was an initial period where you two slept separately. It was only proper, especially if you're femme, buuut that went out the window within a week or two. Rocky wouldn't be the one to bring it up, but he wouldn't complain a bit if you just let him stay in your bed instead of going back to the couch or guest room. (And I mean, he looks so comfy and he loves snuggling ... are you really gonna kick him out?)
Even if you both fall asleep on opposite sides of the bed, eventually the grey tabby will migrate over to you. The clinginess doesn't stop just because he's asleep! And he either sleeps like the dead, or bolts up at the slightest noise. Most mornings Rocky is up at the near crack of dawn, antsy and ready to get on with whatever idea is rattling around in his head. Snuggling might incline him to sleep in just a little longer - or maybe he'll just soak up the comfy bed, sunny morning and loved one next to him. It's a very quiet and still peace that takes some getting used to.
If you're femme - happy as he is to go on about how wonderful you are to others, he doesn't breathe a word of it to his aunt. He might actually be skinned alive if Nina catches a whiff of him "living in sin".
If you're masc, y'alls domestic life is probably closer to a "bachelor pad" than some suburban bliss, but it's still homey in it's own way. It's far more likely you're both sharing an apartment or row house close to the Little Daisy. Your laundry tends to get mixed up (which Rocky doesn't mind at all, even if you're much bigger than him), there's lots of late-night attempte to cook on the terrifyingly worn out gas stove and opening the window at night to let in a cool breeze and the sounds of the city. Other tenants don't may you two any mind, assuming you're family or two workers trying to save money by boarding together.
(Bonus points if y'all live in the same apartment block as Zib and his band, as if he doesn't have to deal with the nauseating lovebirds enough)
Being in a safe, stable place with a loved one can stir up some buried memories. You've probably seen Rocky despair dramatically already, but the actual crying is new. He's a noisy cryer, it's difficult for him to hide it. He'd even apologize if it woke you up, but Rocky is surprisingly comfortable with crying on you and being held, though there been a few times where he's initially resisted, feeling like he ought to hide these emotions instead. It's been so long since he had this kind of comfort, but there's still shame when he feels the tears came from out of "nowhere". Oh, there's a lot repressed there ...
And there's the whole ... getting a concussion and nearly dying bit. Initially Rocky is unaware of long-term effects of the concussion, and later willfully ignores them as long as he can. Sudden bright lights and loud noise cause twinges of pain that can snowball into a full blown migraine, something he's never had to deal with. And the first time he banged his head on a doorframe? Bam, flat on his ass. Rocky woke up resting on your lap, your frantic face hovering above him. He was only out for a few seconds but uh, still scary. Something he should be aware of and more careful about because he's sooo good at being careful...
(Small silver lining is you fuss and take care of him during the migraines but Rocky haaaates having to be still in bed. Good luck keeping him there!)
Regardless of gender, there's some potential friction with your family. You adore Rocky and are perfectly happy with him, but well, to your family ... If they're middle or upper class, associating with a destitute musician with bizarre behaviors was not in the plan for you (god forbid anyone finds out about the bootlegging and arson). No matter how well he cleans up, or is on his "best behavior", you could risk getting cut out from the family entirely. Note if you're masc, your relationship could simply be brushed aside as that "friend" of your's they don't approve of. A woman will be judged far more harshly, especially if you and Rocky are living together without being married. You can kiss any inheirtance or family support goodbye.
(Of course, being from a poorer family or not having one at all mitigates much of this drama.)
The fact you're willing to defy your family for him and defend him gets Rocky emotional all over again. It's probably not possible for him to be any more devoted to you, but now feelings of guilt will bubble up. On darker days he'll worry he's ruining someone's family relationships (again) and it'd be best if he just left.
Actually getting married to Rocky would amp that family drama even further, no matter how happy you are about it. It'd probably end up being one of those thrown-together elopements where you're both giddy and a little anxious and driving out to who-knows-where to find a priest who won't ask questions. There's no ring, but - hey, maybe a family heirloom was found. Maybe a friend lends a dress that's almost white, and you repurposed a fancy tablecloth for a veil, and Rocky is wearing a borrowed suit of Freckle's, and the bouquet is flowers you two found alongside the road.
It's slapped together and messy but also exciting and y'all are so happy in spite of everything. Rocky's grinning so much you think his face might get stuck; this isn't something he ever imagined for himself, but now that you're here, he just wants to love and be with you forever. Expect a few years. Maybe a lot. There could even be a little 'reception' at the Lackadaisy, with lots of dancing and music and everyone having to witness how blindlingly sappy you two are (as if they weren't painfully aware).
(Baby & family stuff here!)
So. If you're AFAB, the reality is you and Rocky will have one ... or several ... scares, unless you're very diligent. Look, his pull-out game is shit because he just gets so caught up in the affection and being with you. Hell, that may be what led to the elopement in the first place, spurred on by a healthy dose of Catholic guilt and maaaaybe a family member's shotgun.
Just like the whole 'Finding the Most Wonderful Love of His Life' thing, Rocky didn't think children were anywhere in his future. If any thoughts were given to it, he might assume he'd been a poor parent, because isn't he a screw-up with anything else? What example did Rocky have, anyway - a dad who basically abandoned his family when they needed him most? He does his worrying and anxiety spiralling in private, but it'd be easy for anyone to pick up on it. Of course he thinks you'll do wonderfully, but the chaotic tabby has little hope for himself.
(If you also have no idea what you're doing, congrats! It's utter chaos. And you think anyone at Lackadaisy knows what to do? Also nope! Godspeed!!)
But the thing is, Rocky is quite good with the kitten once they start crawling and exploring. He has the energy level to keep up with them, and he naturally encourages the kiddo to explore and play more. The tot being noisy or fussy or agitated doesn't faze him much; Rocky quickly picks up when they just want attention and playtime or if something is actually upsetting them. I think he'd also sing and play music to soothe them, like his mom used to do when he was restless.
(Also the three of you going out for a picnic or playing in the park and he's just! So happy!! He really had his own tiny family that loves him. He doesn't care if the kitten claws up his back when they're startled or eat grass and immediately vomit or drop their toy into the park fountain. That's his baby!)
Also, at least one (but realistically most) of his kiddos would also have ADHD. Obviously in this time period there's no recognition or diagnosis, but it's easy to notice if his kid has similar 'odd' behaviors and mannerisms. Anywhere from the hyperactivity, to fidgeting and chattering, to sudden focus on things that interest them. I think anytime his child seems to act like him, even if it's considered "misbehavior", he just melts and can't find it in himself to scold them. Rocky would generally be the forgiving, fun and permissive parent, much as his own mother was. He'd also worry about being too absent; normally no one cared when he was gone for days (or weeks ...), but now there's a little one who can't even handle him being gone for an evening. No Rocky you can't strap the kitten to your back and take them everywhere....
Notably if the kitten was neuroatypical in a different way, or disabled - either deaf, or they struggle to walk, etc, Rocky picks up on this quickly. He'd be good about thinking up accommodations or ways for them to get about the world easier, and patient, so very patient. Making up hand signs? Jury rigging a mobility aid? Recognizing when a place might be too overwhelming for the kid? Figuring out exactly which textures are upsetting for them? It may shock people how observant he is about these things - and, given the time period, he could be seen as too "indulgent". Okay he's definitely an overly indulgent parent in other ways, but in this case, Rocky is quite fixated. He's very familiar what it's like being on the outside and disregarded.
He absolutely wants to teach his kiddo music, and likes singing to them and rattling off poetry when it comes to him. The household is full of music and art in general, especially if you're artistically inclined yourself. He'll gather all sorts of unusual books to read to them (even if they're too young for it, his voice is nice to listen to). He's the parent who keeps literally anything his kid makes him and gets happy and emotional all over again when he sees it. He's also the parent who can't deny his kiddo when they've had a bad dream or are afraid of the dark ... so either he falls asleep on the couch with them, or he carries them back to y'all's bedroom.
It goes without saying that Rocky's going to continue his criminal activities. If anything, he's been spurred on even more in order to support you and the kitten, especially if this is after 1929; the kids would be growing up during the worst of the Great Depression. This could either be a point of contention between you and Rocky, if you aren't doubling down on the crime yourself.
(Personally I HC that, if he had a family to provide for, he'd 100% stay involved with crime even after Prohibition and/or the Lackadaisy is gone. What other choices are there?)
Note if you're masc and had a kiddo from a previous relationship, a lot of these HCs still apply! Rocky would still find himself bonding with them and being delighted by how much they seem to care for him. He likes noticing the mannerisms that are just like your's, and how their faces mimic your own expressions. They'd refer to him as "uncle Rocky" but sometimes they'll slip and say "papa". Which totally doesn't make him want to cry or anything.
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sonics-atelier · 4 days
Ales and Adventures: The Tale of Thorin and Bilbo in the Shire
For @bagginshieldweek24 Day 2 : Developing Relationship + Thorin in the Shire
Summary : Thorin adapts to life in the shire rather well, cue fluff and peace because that's what bagginshield deserve.
a/n : I saw a post where the person said that thorin would live in the shire and make the best ale ever and be very proud of it so i was inspired to write this. Also Thorin is a competitive bitch.
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In a quaint corner of the Shire, far removed from the usual hustle and bustle of Hobbiton, there lived a dwarf named Thorin Oakenshield. After his adventures and the tumultuous events of reclaiming Erebor, Thorin found solace and peace in the Shire, a land of rolling hills and hearty folk.
Thorin had settled into a cozy hobbit hole next to Bag End, courtesy of his dear friend Bilbo Baggins. Though it was unconventional for a dwarf to live in the Shire, the hobbits welcomed Thorin with open arms, for his tales of adventure and his boisterous laughter added a new vibrancy to their lives.
Thorin quickly became a beloved figure among the hobbits, not least because of his unparalleled skill in brewing ale. Thorin had brought with him ancient Dwarven recipes, passed down through generations, and his ale quickly became the stuff of legends. It was said that a single sip could warm even the coldest night and lift the heaviest heart.
Each evening, the Green Dragon Inn buzzed with eager hobbits waiting for Thorin's latest batch. His ale was rich, dark, and frothy, with a depth of flavor that no hobbit-brewed ale could match. Yet, this did not deter the local brewers, who saw in Thorin a friendly rival. Bilbo, always one for a good challenge, often found himself caught in the middle of these spirited competitions.
One sunny afternoon, Bilbo and Thorin sat together in the garden of Bag End, enjoying the gentle breeze and the scent of blooming flowers. Bilbo, ever the curious hobbit, asked Thorin about his secret to making such exceptional ale.
Thorin chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling. "It's all in the heart, Bilbo. A good brew needs patience, care, and a bit of magic from the old Dwarven ways."
Bilbo smiled, taking a sip of the ale. "It's truly remarkable, Thorin. Have you ever thought about sharing your secrets with the rest of the Shire? I'm sure the other brewers would be grateful."
Thorin stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Perhaps. But there is something to be said for a little healthy competition. It keeps everyone striving for their best."
As the weeks went by, Thorin's and Bilbo's bond grew stronger. They spent many evenings together, discussing everything from the intricacies of brewing to the wonders of Middle-earth. Bilbo found in Thorin a kindred spirit, someone who appreciated the simpler pleasures of life while still cherishing the memories of grand adventures.
. . .
One evening, after a particularly successful batch of ale, Thorin invited Bilbo to join him for a walk under the stars. The air was cool, and the night was lit by the soft glow of fireflies. As they walked, their hands brushed occasionally, sending a thrill through Bilbo's heart.
"Bilbo," Thorin began, his voice low and earnest, "I've found something here in the Shire that I never expected to find."
Bilbo looked up at him, his breath catching. "What's that, Thorin?"
Thorin stopped walking and turned to face Bilbo, taking his hand. "I've found a home. And more than that, I've found you."
Bilbo's heart soared at Thorin's words. He squeezed Thorin's hand gently, his eyes shining with emotion. "And I've found you, Thorin. You've brought so much joy and adventure into my life. I can't imagine it without you."
Thorin smiled, his thumb tracing circles on the back of Bilbo's hand. "Nor can I, Bilbo. Nor can I."
As the days turned into weeks, their relationship deepened. They shared quiet moments by the fire, exchanged tender glances across the table, and stole kisses under the cover of night. Their love grew, a steady flame that warmed them both and brought a new light to their lives.
One day, the Shire held its annual brewing competition, an event that brought together all the best brewers. Thorin entered with a special brew he had been perfecting for months, while Bilbo, encouraged by Thorin, submitted his own ale as well.
The competition was fierce, with each brewer presenting their finest work. The judges, a panel of esteemed hobbits, took their roles seriously, savoring each sip and debating the merits of each brew. When it came time to announce the winner, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation.
To everyone's delight, Thorin's ale took first place, with Bilbo's coming in a close second. The crowd erupted in cheers, celebrating not just the winners but the spirit of camaraderie and friendly rivalry that the competition embodied.
As the festivities wound down, Thorin and Bilbo stood together, mugs of ale in hand, overlooking the jubilant crowd. Thorin raised his mug to Bilbo, a broad smile on his face.
"To love, friendship, and the joys of life in the Shire," Thorin said, his voice filled with warmth.
Bilbo clinked his mug against Thorin's, his heart full. "To many more adventures, my dear love."
And so, in the peaceful, sun-dappled hills of the Shire, Thorin and Bilbo continued to forge their bond, sharing laughter, stories, and the best ale Middle-earth had ever known. Their love, like Thorin's ale, was rich, deep, and full of heart, a testament to the simple, enduring joys of life.
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- @sonics-atelier 2024 , do not repost or reuse in any way , shape or form .
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south-of-heaven · 3 months
Whoever you want from your master list (women) x female reader
Reader and whoever spending a day out in the sun doing fun stuff you do in the sun like going to the beach and surfing or something and then going home and sitting outside in the garden on the sunchairs cuddling till reader falls asleep
Sunny || Bayley x Reader
Summary: Beach day with Bayley.
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The sun was shining brightly as you and Bayley headed to the beach, the promise of a perfect day off ahead of you. The warm sand squished between your toes as you made your way to the shoreline, the sound of crashing waves filling the air.
With surfboards in hand, you and Bayley hit the water, riding the waves with exhilarating freedom. The salty breeze tousled your hair as you paddled out, feeling the rush of adrenaline with each cresting wave.
After a morning of surfing, you sprawled out on the soft sand, soaking up the sun's golden rays. Bayley lounged beside you, a contented smile gracing her lips as she basked in the warmth of the day.
As the hours passed, you indulged in leisurely strolls along the shore, collecting seashells and dipping your toes in the cool, refreshing water. With each passing moment, you felt the stresses of everyday life melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquility and joy.
By the time you returned home, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the backyard. You settled into the cozy patio furniture, the evening air still balmy and inviting.
With a shared glance and a knowing smile, you ordered pizza, eager to savor the simple pleasures of a relaxing evening at home. As you waited for the food to arrive, you found yourself drifting off, the rhythmic sound of Bayley's voice lulling you into a peaceful slumber.
When you awoke, the stars twinkled overhead, casting a soft, ethereal glow. You blinked sleepily, realizing that your head was nestled in Bayley's lap, her fingers gently carding through your hair.
She smiled down at you, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. "Sleep well, baby?" she whispered, her voice soft and soothing.
You nodded, a contented sigh escaping your lips as you snuggled closer to her. In that moment, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of the night, you felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the simple joys of life and the love that surrounded you.
With Bayley by your side, you knew that no matter where life took you, you would always find solace and comfort in her embrace. And as you drifted back to sleep, you smiled, knowing that tomorrow would bring another day of adventure and possibility with the woman you loved.
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periprose · 10 months
Florence - Chapter Seven
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It's Harry and MJ's wedding day, and you feel a million different emotions at once. Happiness, fear, an urge to never part from Peter's side. Finally, you come to a resolution about you and Peter's burgeoning relationship, ecstatically so.
Wedding stuff, ceremonies and reception, lots of emotions, cheesy romantic things (kissing, overly dramatic proposal stuff), smut (riding + lots of tension coming to a head (pls skip over this segment if you're uncomfortable)), I can't believe this took so long to write
Masterlist | Previous Chapter
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Peter feels elated. On top of the world, even.
Yeah, it was just a kiss– hardly the most invigorating, erotic thing he could’ve done– but, as cheesy as Peter feels when he thinks this, it was a kiss with you.
“Ugh.” He smacks himself in the face, cringing at how much he loves these intense feelings. He’s lying in his bed– the villa bedroom that was selected for him was perfect, down to the mattress that keeps Peter’s back pain at bay– but he can’t help but grin bashfully under his hands.
You had had the same sort of look yesterday. After Peter had finished kissing you, MJ had come and stolen you away for more bridesmaid duties– speeches, readings at the church, etc. – and despite your shy small smile, your hand clinging onto his as MJ dragged you away with a very questioning, sly look, he had to let you go. Unfortunately so.
Peter knows he loves you. He spent most of the night tossing and turning, thinking about how to properly ask you to be his girlfriend, his partner, his significant other. To be the one that he knew you were back when the two of you were just kids. 
He was just too stupid to see it.
Hell, even Logan told him that it was obvious. After years and years, he apparently always wondered when one of you would make the first move and get it over with. This was coming from the guy who couldn’t bear to ask out Ms. Grey and ended up ending it over nothing, too.
Peter clambers out of bed, rubbing his face, getting ready to brush his teeth, knowing that because he’s known you for so long– his method of asking you to make things official would come naturally.
You’re watching the sun rise over the gorgeous trees and groves of the villa, leaking through the windows of the house. Your room has a teeny balcony– you never noticed it before since a table obscured the door, and it’s a lovely space to spend time thinking before the wedding.  
Outside, a cool breeze makes your hair loose, blowing away strands lightly, and you feel at peace. You feel glad to be here.  
Siena is quite beautiful… but you’re very excited to actually go back to Florence today. It’s the best part of Italy to you, and you share too many memories with Peter to not want to be there with him today. 
Especially after he kissed you. You find yourself blushing, but that’s okay. It’s too special for you to know how to deal with– you’re finding that you’re easily flustered, going over countless memories of sunny beaches and ice cream and studying algebra and Italian architecture, cobblestone streets and sun dresses and tanned skin that always stayed with you long after you would come home to the cold autumn airs of New York.
But the best part was that Peter would always be with you throughout it all. Not just in Florence, but in high school, at home, being neighbours and bothering each other all time. You never had to have a break from him– he was like your own personal summer vacation.
You know you have had your moments, pulling away, feeling stupid and neglected– the sorrow you feel is fairly terrible– but the gratitude, the satisfaction you have from having Peter next to you now is unlike anything else you’ve ever felt. 
You wonder if Peter feels the same, that he’s feeling an overwhelming amount of emotions all at once– love, affection, but also fondness, familiarity, relief– you hope so. You want to talk to him again.
You didn’t sleep very well last night, and you know that’s bad for the wedding– but you’re not tired at all. No, no. 
For the first time in your life, you feel really awake.
“Howlett?” Peter’s voice calls, and you turn– you stumble for a moment.
“Hey, watch it!” Peter comes through your grabs your forearm, steadying you. You weren’t in any risk of falling over the railing of the balcony, but Peter’s got that strange sense, and his brown eyes peer into yours, checking to see if you’re okay.
Once he feels that you are, his gaze softens and he settles into a smile. His brows furrow as he grins at you.
He’s still wearing PJs, as are you– clearly you weren’t the only one struggling to stay away.
“I– I’m okay.” You hold his hand, trying not to beam. “You didn’t have to do that, but thanks.”
“Couldn’t exactly let my girlfriend fall off the balcony, could I?” Peter ruffles your hair, and you feel an alarming amount of excitement and earnestness at his words. “Not after I finally got one.”
“Hey.” You point your finger at Peter’s chest, and he raises his hands in an oh-ho, let’s see what you have to say sort of way, and you can’t help but smirk a little even if you’re mock glaring at him. “You’re admitting that it could’ve been any girl? And you would’ve been happy?”
“Oh, Howlett.” Peter reaches over and tries his best not to snicker– he fails– as he starts this overly romantic, purposefully terrible soliloquy to you. “It could only be you. I’d walk across a thousand burning coals for you. I’d reach up into the sky and take the moon and give it to you. I’d rake my balls through shredded glass just for the chance to kiss your sweet, chapped lips.”
You cackle at that, and Peter giggles while holding you close, holding your face.
“Okay, okay. I get it.” You laugh, and you shake your head at him. “What’s with the use of girlfriend, anyways? When did you ask me to be your girlfriend?”
“Was it not obvious yesterday?” Peter purses his lips. “Should I kiss you again, and make it more clear?”
Peter leans in but you stop him with your hand, and he kisses your hand anyways. 
Licks it, too. 
“Yuck.” You shake your hand away. “You can’t just claim me like a primitive man-ape, Peter. You gotta make it official, properly. I’ve waited too long for this moment for you to go and just make it so.”
“Oh, really?” Peter looks bemused. “You spent a great many algebra study sessions fantasizing about me, huh?”
“Obviously.” You roll your eyes, and Peter pushes down the urge to kiss your endearingly annoyed expression. 
“Okay. Deal.” Peter takes you by the hand, and leads you inside. “Do you think we have time for a morning coffee?”
It’s a very hectic time to go and sneak away like this.
MJ is currently doing an intense skincare regimen– she enjoys it a lot typically, but in this case it’s to give her a wedding glow– numerous products are slathered on as she lays on her bed. Face, arms, legs covered.
She gives you the okay to go, as long as you’re back in five minutes to help her get dressed, and Peter promises it will take two.
Peter makes his coffee– it’s easy, it’s just black with no sugar or cream– but for you he adds in a lot of sweetness and sugar and cream and even if you don’t usually take your coffee that sweet, you appreciate it anyways. 
“You used to drink it like this in high school.” Peter admits sheepishly, and you know he’s right– it’s cute how he remembers that.
MJ is so glad you’re back, shooing Peter away to the groom’s side of the house. As two makeup artists work on her hair, her face, her skin, working in even more products and massaging her muscles (MJ is so particular about reducing her frown wrinkles) she feels relaxed, luxurious, amazing… if not for the fact that she’s having wedding panic.
“Seriously, what if Harry gets cold feet again?” MJ blinks her deep green-blue eyes, tears hanging onto her pale, mascara-less eyelashes. “I knew we should’ve waited a few years. He’s been so worried about his father, about everything with Oscorp… God, I’m so fucking stupid!”
“MJ– No.” You shake your head. “You’re just freaking out. Deep breaths, Mary Jane.”
She inhales somewhat dramatically, but shuts her eyes, and you watch as MJ’s flushed, red skin calms into her fair, even skintone. 
“Harry wouldn’t have proposed if he didn’t want to do this now.” You remind her carefully. 
“And he wouldn’t have invited his dad if things were that terrible, right?” MJ nods, and she watches as you nod, too. “Okay. Hold my hand, Lettie. It’s scarier than I realized.”
“Getting married?” You sit next to her, squeezing her palm in a warm grasp, and try to avoid the makeup artist currently applying a peachy blush to MJ’s cheeks.
“Yeah. Not to be crazy, but… it’s literally marriage. It’s Mary Jane Osborn from here on out. Mrs. MJ, wife to Harry Osborn.” MJ inhales. “I know I want to do it, but I just… I have so many nerves!”
“Pretend it’s one of your modelling shoots?” The hair stylist arranging MJ’s red hair into a loose bun chimes in, as she works in lilies through the strands.
“No… that won’t do. Thanks though, Clara.” MJ sighs. “It’s not like that. It’s just… it’s been so long since I’ve had to really… shed the image.”
“Bare your soul?” You respond, and MJ nods. “I get it. You need to be candid about your feelings.”
“Yeah, it can’t be all image work. And I just worry that I’m going to come across as a influencer woman being shallow and vain rather than, well, the real me, little MJ Watson from Queens.” MJ’s voice turns small. “I almost wish I wasn’t famous at all.”
“Too late for that, cupcake.” The hairstylist comments again, and MJ snorts despite herself. “Listen. If Osborn knows you’re being real, then that’s good enough. Outsiders are always going to judge.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” You agree, and MJ swallows, before sighing with relief.
“Okay. Okay. I’m okay.” MJ fixes her glance on you. “Don’t leave me though.”
MJ looks perfect– even more so, in your personal taste, than she ever has during her glammed up, avant garde beauty shoots– she looks just like herself. Enhanced, a little, with her freckles still shining through dewy, glowy makeup, topped off with shimmery, sheer gold-glitter eyeshadow, and poppy red lipstick, blotted so not to be too much. She looks like your best friend, but also like… the best possible version of herself. You tell her as much.
She beams. “Thanks, Lettie. Do I look like a bride?”
“Of course!” You shake your head at her. “We just need to get you into your dress…”
MJ isn’t one to care about being nude anymore, after being desensitised to designers stripping and dressing her, and she undoes her robe with a simple pull of the strap, exposing her bare breasts and panties– you’re reminded just how much taller she is than you when she stands up straight, all legs and taut stomach, sharp collarbones and angular shoulders, muscles and bone contorting into a physique that just screams model. It’s like she was made to wear anything in an editorial context.   
“This is how I feel. Standing in that church, telling everyone I love Harry…” MJ crosses her arms, causing her tits to jut out more, and you snort, totally indifferent to her naked body. You’ve seen it a million times. “I’m going to be emotionally and spiritually naked.”
“And that’s harder than having your tits out?” You joke, but MJ points at you, seriously agreeing. “Alright, arms up.”
The dress is quite beautiful. An off-white, almost blue in tone mermaid dress, custom made by Dior, it fits MJ like a glove, snatching in at her bust, waist, and her hips, but then flaring out in an elegant a-line skirt, all silk and lace detailing. There’s quite a bit of rhinestone work from her sweetheart neckline, down to her hips, and the effect– as you pull it up on her, tightening the corset straps as she reaches around to make sure it’s all fitting– it’s like a halo glow.
Yes, as you carefully adorn MJ’s veil over her head, you feel in your heart– she’s an angel. No doubt about it.
“You look beautiful.” You grin at her, and to your surprise, MJ’s eyes water a little, and she hugs you tightly. 
“I’m so glad you came here.” MJ murmurs. “I never would’ve wanted to get married without you by my side.”
“Same. I mean, if I get married–”
“Stop that. You’re going to get married.” MJ laughs, cackles, really. “You and Peter– you guys are so meant to be. I’ve never been more glad that you two hit it off this week.”
“Even though we could be stealing the spotlight?” You joke.
“Especially if it means you’re stealing the spotlight.” MJ squeezes your arms. “You really deserve it, Lettie.”
There’s a sudden lump in your throat. Never have you ever assumed that you deserve any of the good things life throws your way– you always assume that it’s just due to luck. A cushy coding job? Luck. Being friends with Harry, who’s willing to give you a much higher salary, and MJ, who gives you the best fashion advice? Luck. Peter somehow being interested in you? Luck. What’s really special about you?
“I know that look.” MJ shakes her head. “You’re a catch, babe. Now go get dressed and blow that man’s socks off.”
“I… thought you were going to finish that sentence differently.” You admit, glad that MJ stopped your spiral into depressive thoughts. “Isn’t it ‘knock your socks off?’”
MJ shoos you out, laughing.
After very quickly putting on your makeup, It’s not hard to dress yourself. The dress, pretty as it is, all forest-green, flowing lace and silky details that you loved from the moment you saw it, just has one simple zipper.
Unfortunately, your hands scramble for purchase– it is just out of your reach, and it’s exceedingly annoying to try and zip it from the back when you can’t see it. 
The dress is flowing loosely around you as you sigh loudly, and decide to turn towards your bathroom, where you can estimate better with a mirror.
Peter comes up behind you, and you feel your skin warm. He’s too close– you’re not even fully dressed– and you hold your hands against the top of your dress, trying to stay modest.
“You’ve caught me in a fairly compromising position, I admit.” You joke quietly, and Peter chuckles.
“Maybe that was my intention.” He whispers half-jokingly, and you close your eyes, trying not to laugh or be turned on by the insinuation. “Kidding. Do you need privacy? I can go.”
“No, no, I need your help.” You mutter. “Could you just– zip up the back of the dress? I can’t reach it.”
“Of course.” Peter gently grasps the zipper, and you feel his hand press against your lower back, the heat emanating through the silk fabric, and with one fluid motion, he zips you up, the dress fitting perfectly, no longer free flowing but now clearly draped and styled in a way that accentuates the way you look.
Peter twists your shoulders so you’re facing him, and with an uncustomary amount of emotion, feels his breath hold. You look so gorgeous– so stunning, in a way he almost feels reverent when he looks at you– and he cannot help but voice it.
“Wait, you look– amazing–” You had no idea Peter was wearing his suit already. He looks dapper, sweet, calming. 
“Me? Oh man, Howlett. You look so pretty. I don’t even–” Peter harshly swallows. “It almost makes me regret never taking you out to prom.”
“It’s alright, Peter. This can be our do-over.” You kid with him, but he’s still solemn.
“Why was I so stupid?” Peter scowls at himself, and you get the feeling he’s actually going to be upset about this for a long time. “I couldn’t even see what I had, Howlett. You should’ve smacked me upside the head.”
“No, that’s too harsh.” You snicker at his antics. “It’s okay. I don’t think it’s a bad thing. If anything, it kind of… brought us closer together? Right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Shared trauma.” Peter laughs to himself, but he leans in a little closer. “Sorry, I gotta make up for lost time.”
Before you can admonish Peter for trying to ruin your lipstick, he’s already pulling your face forward in a strong, firm kiss, his lips pressing against yours without preamble or hesitation, and he holds you there– while you feel your insides turn warm, all jelly like, as Peter strokes your hair and face and jaw. He lets go for just a moment– but still presses cute, short kisses against your mouth, little pecks, really, and then he actually stops.
Peter’s lips are that soft red colour you picked out for yourself– he’s basically eaten your lipstick off.
“How many kisses do you need until you feel it’s enough for all the years you missed?” You tease him, gently wiping away at his lips. 
“Honestly, Howlett, it’s never gonna be enough. Seriously, you’re going to want to invest in a real good lip balm treatment because I am going to kiss your lips off.” Peter proves his point by kissing your fingers as you’re wiping his lips, and you snort.
“Real smooth.” You pull out your lipstick and re-apply. “You’ll get tired of it eventually.”
“No.” Peter’s serious. “I’m not gonna get tired of getting to kiss you. It’s a privilege and I can’t take it for granted, so…”
He presses a kiss to the top of your hairline, not wanting to mess up your makeup again, and together you leave to downstairs in the foyer where everyone is waiting for the limo, and you can witness the wedding event of the year.
Peter obviously sits next to you in the limo. The bridal and groom’s party are all grouped together in one giant limo, while MJ is being escorted in a very fancy, ivory white Volkswagen beetle with her parents, which will then be the newlywed’s car to drive off in, and Harry– being Harry– is driving in on a fast motorcycle, leading everyone to the Florence Cathedral.
There’s plenty of space in the limo. Gwen and Miles are taking pictures of each other using an instant camera, while Gayle and Betty gossip about some of the guests posting stories on instagram– supposedly someone is wearing white, and Gayle launches a plan to help her sister out and “accidentally” throw some red wine on the dress. 
The other groomsmen mostly keep among themselves. You blink and realize that you’ve never really conversed with them– they’re mostly Harry’s friends and they have their own stuff to talk about. 
Betty offers to take a picture of Gwen and Miles– somehow turning out stunning under her adept fingers, with just a smartphone camera– and you know that’s why MJ loves her. The one time Betty shot MJ for the highschool newspaper, it was all over from there– it basically launched her career after it went viral.
Then Betty turns the camera towards you and Peter. “Smile for the camera, Howlett. You too, Parker.”
She’s as deadpan as ever, but you and Peter lean into each other over the seats, smiling with not a hint of irony. You’re happy.
The film prints out, and Betty holds it away from the light, shaking it a little, and as the image appears, she hands it to you two.
“Wow.” Peter traces the edge of the photo. “This is… maybe better than my photography skills, somehow.”
“I know that’s a real compliment if it’s coming from your egotistical ass, Parker.” Betty sniffs, and shuffles away to gossip with Gayle again.
“Howlett, you’re so…” Peter inhales and sighs, as if he really can’t believe he’s around you, and you feel yourself blush. “I’m putting this in my jacket pocket. Just as a sweet memory.”
“Aw, you sap.” You giggle, and Peter laughs.
There are loads of people in the Florence Cathedral, all admiring the architecture, the religious art pieces, the tile work. Far more people than you would’ve accounted for– but then you remember that many of these guests are not staying at the Villa. You see more models, more tech billionaires, but also…neighbours, friends, family. Sweet memories connected with all of these people.
To your surprise, your father is already at the church, having left with Norman an hour ago. He’s conversing with a mature, pretty redhead that you recognize instantly.
“Oh my god– Ms. Grey?” You shove Logan out of the way, and he grumbles but smiles to keep up appearances. Jean fixes him a glance that totally tells you she knows about his grumpy history, and she likes it. “You’re here?”
“Of course I am.” She’s wear a teal blue dress, light gold heels, and somehow, despite a few wrinkles and spots– she still looks like your second grade teacher. “You’ve grown up into a lovely young woman, Howlett.”
“She has.” Logan pats your shoulder, looking the part of a proud father. Actually, if you really look into his eyes– you can see that they’re wet.
“Oh… thank you.” You swallow sincerely, hoping you won’t make your father cry. “You look very nice, too, Ms. Grey.”
“Yeah. I agree.” Peter chimes in from behind you, sounding very… wistful. You giggle.
“Oh wow. I never would’ve expected you to be so tall now, Peter!” Jean pinches his cheek. “Thanks.”
Peter is definitely fulfilling some childhood fantasy right now, with how deeply he’s blushing, you think. But you still ask Jean why she’s here.
“Oh, my dear, you don’t know?” She laughs. “I’m MJ’s aunt. Well, more like a family-friend aunt. Not really related. But still.”
“Wow, really?” You want to ask more questions, but the church bells have started ringing.
 “Well, I must go take my seat now. Thanks for being such darling students, my dears.” Jean Grey leaves you two– not before giving Logan a rather loaded, heated look. Maybe slightly inappropriate for church. 
“You’re probably not going to wash that cheek, are you?” Logan teases Peter, scratching his own jaw. “Don’t blame you.”
“Why don’t you go after her, Dad?” You cross your arms. “Why not just… try?”
“It’s not that simple, kid.” 
“Sure it is.” Peter holds Logan’s shoulder– and to your surprise, Logan doesn’t shove him off. “You told me not to give up on Howlett–”
“I told you not to break her fucking heart again, Parker.”
“Okay, same thing applies here. Why end things with Ms. Grey? Because you think you’re not good enough? You’re a washed up veteran?” Peter scoffs.
“Watch it…” Logan warns him.
“Right, right. Sorry. Have you ever thought that maybe Ms. Grey’s waiting for you to make a move? Maybe you’re giving up because you’re sabotaging yourself.” Peter shakes his head. “You don’t deserve to be alone after… after…”
“My namesake.” You flatly comment.
“Yeah, her.” Peter’s eyes soften, and Logan actually seems to be listening. “Give yourself a chance, Logan.”
“Wow. Normally I’d have to beat your ass for talking so disrespectfully to me, Parker.” Logan exhales. “But even I can admit you’re not… wrong. I’ll think about it.”
And Peter flashes that smile at you, that overly confident, I-just-fixed-it smile that you absolutely adore.
Peter lends you his arm as you walk down the aisle again, slow, smooth, everything moving as it should. It feels strangely perfect, in a way that you’ve never felt that your life was, and you can’t help but grin at people– they smile back at you, too. 
You catch little details in the church pews– floral details, lace and chiffon draping over seats, and a candlelit glow make everything seem particularly magical. The Cathedral’s artfully designed dome and tilework lends itself well to the feeling that something spiritual, something momentous is about to occur. 
The gold chain bracelet MJ gifted you a few days ago glints against your wrist– as Peter’s does, too. You wonder if MJ and Harry planned that together. Some sort of pre-engagement ring type of deal.
Peter smiles at you once you part at the altar. Really, he kind of– chokes out a smile, a huge grin that he can’t help but convey towards you. And you know that you love him.
The rest of the wedding party walks in, MJ being the very last. You watch as a silence falls over the people of the church, a hush of emotion and awe, to finally see the bride on her big day. MJ looks sweet, reverent and graceful, and she grasps her parents’ arms tightly, while Harry catches her eyes, and you can see his adam’s apple bob up and down. Maybe Harry’s getting soft.
The priest begins the wedding service for real. MJ looks pleased, nervous, obviously running on nerves, while Harry is bashful, shy, like a little boy again. 
Before you know it… it’s over. You and Peter are called over to be witnesses to the wedding document, and you sign it, feeling an air of relief, some sort of satisfying completion to this wild journey.
Harry dips MJ– tall as she is– at the front of the church, in a sweeping kiss that has people clapping and cheering.
The Villa is full of thumping music when you arrive back. People are already dancing, swaying, eating, drinking, either in the outdoor garden space, or inside the house itself.
But you only want to be with Peter. You’re not even spending time with the other bridesmaids– but Gwen, Betty and Gayle seem to understand deeply about your affection for Peter, and they let you go with smiles that seem to know something. 
Peter and Harry are already taking tequila shots at the bar, wasting no time, and Harry’s mouth stretches into a large smile when he sees you. “Hey, speak of the devil!”
He motions for you to come over.
“You guys were talking about me?” You snort, and Peter turns a little pinker.
“Duh, as if this guy can talk about anything else.” Harry playfully punches Peter. “Howlett, you might have to marry him, or he’s never gonna shut up.”
“Uh… yeah, that’s just my drunk brain talking. I don’t mean any pressure.” Peter tries to excuse himself by drinking another random shot. 
“He doesn’t know I want to marry him too.” You whisper to Harry. “Since ninth grade, I think.”
“He’s a dude, Howlett. Coming from another dude– we are blind sometimes.” Harry passes you a shot. “Have you made things official yet? Settled the deal?”
“That’s the business talk coming out.” You joke, and Harry laughs.
“True. But trust me, Peter can be dumb. Until you really… make it official, he’s not gonna believe that you’re into him of all people. He’s really insecure.” Harry sounds distant, sad, as Peter continues talking to the bartender, totally oblivious.
“Oh. I told him that he has to ask me to be his girlfriend before I really agree to it.” You respond, and Harry shakes his head with a wry smile.
“Who’s the one with the business talk now?” He laughs, and you shrug as if you really are that shrewd.
“I think I’ve suffered long enough.”
“That, you have.” Harry cheers to that and hands you a shot, which you drink gratefully.
After a bit of erratic, half-drunk dancing– whatever DJ was hired for this is amazing at picking songs that force you to, at the very least, bop your head– Peter pulls you aside.
“What’s up?” You ask him, still a little sweaty and frazzled from the music.
“I want to get some water. Like the icy water from the fridge? Just to sober up a little.” Peter shrugs, and you glance upwards at him.
“You really need me to be there for that?” You raise your eyebrows, and Peter scrambles for a response.
“Well… I… uh, I just want you there. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.” Peter admits, and you snicker.
“I will. I needed a break from dancing, too.”
Together you stroll through the garden, up to the backyard doors of the house, laughing about how fun everything is, and you really meander– taking a lot of time to stare at Peter, and him at you– and you don’t notice something is off until Peter pulls you to the side, just behind the bar counter of the kitchen.
“Wh–” You cut yourself off, watching a deep-red ponytail bob up and down at rapid speed, with gusto. Tan shoulders and just a hint of bare breasts coming up past the counter, where you can see her. 
It’s definitely Ms. Grey. Uh… Jean. You can just make out the edge of her side profile from beyond the counter, as she convulses on the floor, riding someone unseen, and she moans, “Logan, oh my god, Logan–!”
Peter pulls you away by the hand, down the hallway and into a random closet, before you can let yourself fully grasp the idea of potentially seeing your father deep in the throes of passion. You are so glad you didn’t see or hear anymore than that.
“Damn. When I told Logan to go for it… I didn’t think he’d do that.” Peter comments after shutting the door, and you, despite your very childish horror at the whole thing, start giggling. Peter smiles, and you can tell he’s trying to cheer you up.
“I mean… at least he’ll be getting over my namesake.” You raise your eyebrows. “You think Ms. Grey wants to be my mom?”
“Howlett, I’m pretty sure Logan is about to make her one. Without your involvement.” Peter replies drily, and from how clearly you can hear the rasp in his throat, you can tell this closet must not be very big.
You laugh, a little awkwardly now, because you’re still not used to being so close to Peter, not in this context anyways. A dark, shady closet, where it’s just the two of you, feeling body warmth emanate from each other. Peter’s breaths are hitting somewhere around your hairline, and if you came any closer– you’re sure you would be enveloped by his chest.
“Peter, did you bring me here just to get some alone time?” You tease.
“Well, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want that water.” Peter leans in a little, and you get the sense that he’s actually holding himself back. “But to be honest, Howlett? You’re a pretty good alternative.”
“Right. Because I’m curing your thirst.” You roll your eyes, and Peter laughs.
“See, this is what I love about you. You always know what I’m about to say.” Peter says, and he watches you, in the near darkness of the closet, tense a little. 
Peter searches around for a light switch, and finds it. A tiny, yellow bulb lights up in the centre of the room, and you realize the closet is bigger than you thought.
A chaise lounge, grey in color, is off to the side.  
“I just wanted to see you.” Peter answers the question he knows you were about to ask. 
“Oh.” You smile up at him, but there’s still uncertainty in your posture.
“Howlett, what’s wrong? Am I being too much?” He looks into your eyes, and you just don’t know how to answer.
“No. I just… I’m bad at this.” You grow shy under Peter’s watchful eye.
“So am I.” He takes your hand. “But you know what? It’s time to be adults about this. I’m gonna reiterate it, I love you.”
Something about his emphasis on the word love has you spluttering and laughing, and Peter repeats it anyways, in different stresses and tones, “I love you. I LOVE YOU. I love you. I love you, Howlett.”
“I know, I know. I love you too.” It spills out of your mouth before you can stop yourself, but Peter grins eagerly and nods. “You’ve already told me that before.”
“You mean when I was drunk a couple days ago, right? Well I meant it then, and I mean it now.” Peter nods firmly. 
“Do you remember that you’ve kissed me before, too?” You ask just out of curiosity, and Peter turns a little pink before admitting that he does.
“Who could forget the beach sunscreen kiss? I still think of that as my first one.” Peter laughs quietly. “But yesterday was more… um…”
“Real.” You whisper, and Peter nods again, this time with a little more agitation in his eyes, and you watch him mull over something, obviously thinking about kissing you after speaking about it, and you know you want to after the heated memories of yesterday, and his eyes glance towards your mouth, before he decides on it.
Peter sweeps you up in a kiss that’s far more lustful and tense, grasping around your waist and hips as he pulls you in, and you feel his lips soften against yours, melting as you feel a rhythm occur naturally. You kiss him back and you know that knowing Peter for so long has enabled you– it’s like the two of you were made to be together.
He kisses down your neck, and pulls down the silky front of your dress– as much as it will allow, at least– and kisses soft, open mouthed kisses against your cleavage, which causes you to writhe against him a little. Eventually Peter finds the zipper of your dress and pulls it down halfway, allowing him to really dip his mouth against your bare breasts, and you groan as Peter lightly sucks on your nipple.
“...Jesus Christ, Howlett…” Peter murmurs in between kissing your chest and upwards on your neck and jaw. “I don’t even… know how long I wanted to do this.”
There’s not many words to be shared from you as you feel yourself turn lightheaded, and you kiss Peter again, taking control of his mouth, relishing the feeling of his tongue swiping against yours, leading him back towards the very convenient chaise lounge chair. There, Peter discards his blazer and unbuttons his shirt, and lies back against the chair, his dick clearly straining against his pants.
You kiss him again, sitting right on his bulge, lifting your skirt a little higher so Peter can feel the shift of your bare skin against him, through the fabric pants, and his eyes roll back into his head as you kiss him, grind a little. Maybe it’s too much– Peter grabs your ass and pulls up the skirt even higher, pushing you down on his clothed bulge with too much intensity– and you feel pleasant tingles spread across your skin as his bulge presses into you, almost inside you, against the thin underwear that you’re wearing. You’re very slick– you shudder as Peter pulls down the zipper of your dress fully, and you feel his hands roam across your bare back, and then into the inside of your dress, feeling your waist and breasts. 
“I didn’t bring a–” Peter starts, as you let your hands trace up his chest, and he clearly has trouble saying no.
“Oh, it’s fine. I’m on the pill.” You say, matter-of-factly, mostly interested in staying on top of Peter until he begs for more. “Just for hormonal reasons.”
“Oh… okay…” Peter inhales as you press more kisses against his neck. “Howlett… it’s a lot for me to handle.”
Before Peter can really answer, he whispers an apology before tightly gripping your waist, and he sits upright, pulling you flush against his chest. Then, as he zips off his pants– he somehow takes them off completely, leaving him in just his boxers. There’s a wet spot– and Peter is pulling his boxers off, too. 
His dick is hard, almost painfully so based on his expression, and you understand you riled him up a little too much. With one hand– Peter reaches under your skirt, and you help him pull off your underwear with shaky, sweaty hands. 
You’re aroused enough that it doesn’t hurt. When Peter slowly enters you, as you lower yourself down on him, you feel electric on the inside, some sort of satisfyingly sick combination of love and lust overtaking you, and you feel full from the pressure, feeling Peter throb inside you, and you’ve never felt so close to him as you do now, and he starts a rapid pace of thrusting into you, holding you tightly against him as he does, his thighs smacking against your ass.
You do feel pleasure, a sharp ache starting to build in your lower regions, as Peter continues to press overly hot kisses against your jaw, but you also feel loved. It doesn’t feel like a hookup, and you know it isn’t. You know as Peter wraps his arms around your waist, he’s not just using you, he really loves you.
He watches as you fall over his shoulder, having reached the peak of your climax, and Peter pulls out, letting himself finish on his own leg.
“You didn’t… have to…” You sleepily tell him.
“I know. I was just taking a precaution.” Peter whispers, and he holds you close as you fall asleep on top of him. “Love you, Howlett.”
He’s really glad this closet has a locked door.
The morning after the wedding, you wake up to find yourself mysteriously dressed in a oversized tee shirt, and your panties. You’re lying in your own bed, but you don’t know how you got here.
Peter is sleeping next to you. His brown hair is dishevelled, and he’s wearing a random tee shirt too. Actually, you think you recognize that from Harry’s wardrobe.
“Peter. Hey, Peter.” You shake his shoulder. “Peter Parker!”
“Huh? What’s that?” He sleepily rubs his eyes. “Oh, morning, Howlett.”
“How did we get here? After we… I mean, you know.” You blush. “What did you do?”
“Oh.” Peter lets himself get up for real, sitting up on the bed. “I waited it out until no one was near the stairs, and then I took you upstairs to your room. I changed your dress for you. There were randoms in my room, so I hope you don’t mind that I stayed in here with you.”
“Of course I don’t mind.” You wrinkle your brows, frowning. “I just wonder why you did all that even though I’m not your girlfriend.”
Peter pauses. Actually, he genuinely stills, no movement at all.
“Oh, Howlett. You scared me.” He shakes his head, before grabbing your hands. “I just kinda assumed after yesterday, you would believe that’s enough evidence.”
“Humor me.” You slightly smile as Peter agrees with a little shake of his head.
“I’ll be serious. I am serious.” Peter grows solemn. “Howlett. I’ve known you my entire life, practically. I can’t picture it being without you. The year or so that it was, was maybe the worst year of my life.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I just appreciate you all the more now.” Peter traces your knuckles. “I’ve grown– we’ve grown up a lot. I needed that, so I could be here to ask you now. Would you be my girlfriend? My partner, if that sounds more equal and appropriate to you?”
“Yes.” You pull Peter into a hug, surely one of many from now on, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I’m so glad we went on this trip.”
Peter smiles fondly. He’s never been more glad, either.
“I never want to let you down again, Peter.” You admit shyly. “I hope it’s not cheesy to say I want to be around you all the time.”
“It isn’t.” Peter presses a very chaste, soft kiss against your lips, and he feels, finally, that his life is really coming together. 
So do you.
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Personality through quotes
Thanks to @elsie-writes here and @mk-writes-stuff here!
Rules: provide a quote from an OC given a prompt
A quote about magic
Lexi: "I've always been a bit skeptical of the existence of magic. Personally, I think it's more beautiful and wonderful if things we consider magic are just nature or humanity. Alium is just an alternate reality where magic exists, but even then it's not really magic. Just different science."
Maddie: "Magic doesn't exist. Even in Alium, it's just science."
Ash: "It's classic to say magic is just science we don't understand, and I agree. Science is so fascinating. Studying telepathy as a science is interesting."
Gwen: "Just because you understand something as a science doesn't mean it's not magic. Magic is about wonder. Even in Ceteri, there are many wonderful, magical things to appreciate."
Robbie: "I kinda agree with Gwen here. I'm in the robotics elective at my school, and watching the little guys move... Boom, magic. Ash and Maddie are in their school's robotics club, and they tell me I shouldn't anthropomorphize the robots, but I can't help it!"
Akash: "Not sure about magic, but once in a lifetime friendships that rely on chance meeting is pretty close to it. In fact, anything amazing that happens by chance feels like magic, to an extent."
Jedi: "Alium does not have magic, per se, but there are many fascinating things about our world we do not understand. The revolution around our birthdays--two random ones at that. The existence of dragons. The workings of the portal. I wouldn't say magic is just science we don't understand, but science is in of itself magic because there's no reason for it to work the way it does other than the universe itself."
Carmen: "Pfft, we're debating magic again? Magic doesn't exist. Grow up."
A quote about the weather
Lexi: "I guess I'm glad I'm used to hoodies and don't get warm easily. Houston weather can get pretty warm and humid, especially in the summer."
Maddie: "I wish it didn't get so hot in the summer. I'd go outside a lot more than I do. I do enjoy watching the downpour through my bedroom window. Though when lightning strikes and takes out our power...that sucks. But it's kinda fun, in a way."
Ash: "I really like going outside when it's overcast. Sunburn and heatstroke is lower, and it's just generally nice to be outside without the sun ruining your vision. Thunderstorms are also super cool."
Gwen: "I feel like if I was born in a different family, I'd hate the outside. Staying in my room with a book sounds nice. But my family has a perfect place for a natural hike we go to near our house. So sometimes I read on the back porch swing. I like it when there's a nice breeze but not strong enough to where it blows the pages shut."
Robbie: "Life hack - avoid bad weather by never going outside! Unfortunately my parents are doctors and make Sammy and me go outside for Vitamin... Uh, C? It's C, right? Not confident about that. Whichever one it is, Sammy and I have prescribed Outside Time."
Akash: "If mobility isn't an issue, I like being outside. Warm, bright, sunny days with soft breezes are epic. Could be out there for hours. No need for prescribed Outside Time."
Jedi: "Hm? Oh, weather is nice, yes." (Goes back to his work)
Carmen: "... Weather sucks. I would much rather spend my days inside. I definitely don't miss walking through the forest and seeing all the plants and animals. Recognizing certain individual creatures. Enjoying the breeze. The warmth... It's stupid, is what it is."
Your prompt: A quote about teaching or learning
Softly tagging @rickie-the-storyteller @mk-writes-stuff @i-can-even-burn-salad @willtheweaver @jezifster
@aziz-reads @ohnomybreadsticks @buffythevampirelover @dyrewrites @theeccentricraven
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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dearspiritss · 11 months
Stuff for the Soul
I’ve seen some talk of this, and I’d like to join in. We all know that going on tour for months at a time can be exhausting. The ghouls are all drained and feel distant from their elements, so take my thoughts my darlings 🤲
Mountain bolts off of the bus and straight into the forest that surrounds the abbey. He’ll stay there for a few days, not a word is heard from him. Eventually, he returns covered in the earth with a dopey smile on his face. He’s covered in dirt from head to toe, sticks and leaves are knitted into his messy hair, and in desperate need of a bath.
You’ll find Rain at the bottom of the lake, completely naked, taking a needed nap or out in a storm. No one notices he’s gone until he comes back soaked after the storm has calmed, or he shows up with a few pieces of seaweed scattered across him.
Dew and Sunny will stay outside all day. Basking in the suns rays until it serves no more pleasure. When that does happen, they’ll start a fire in the common area and curl up together in the fire. The next morning they’ll be covered in ash, yawning and stretching as they crawl out from the fireplace.
Our lovely air ladies have to wait a little before having their full recharge. They can get some energy by enjoying the cool breeze of the day, but really get recharged when there’s a storm. A weather announcement will pop up on the tv and before you register it, they’re out the door. They all bathe and take care of each other afterwards, cuddling up into one of their beds and enjoying the rest of their night.
Now what do Swiss and our quint baby do? All of the other ghouls are recharged and full of energy, and they’re left tired and exhausted. They plan an annual after ritual cuddle fuck party in the common area and drag the two there. They’ll pull them down and get them comfortable. Swiss will be situated with Dew and the girls, meanwhile Phantom is squished between Rain and Mountain. The left over energy from the rest of the ghouls pour out of them, feeding into the their own. Within an hour, they’re both purring messes, finally getting what they needed.
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theladyheroine · 4 months
Types of Wizards! ✨
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❥ This was just a fun idea since I’ve been reading lots of fantasy headcanons, I wanted to try! Plus I don’t see too many for magic-y stuff out there so this gave me a good idea!
❥ Also! Most of these are female centered but some of this can be for boys too! I just prefer the term wizard because it sounds cooler lol. But thank you! Enjoy!
Storybook Wizards 🤎
Usually has an owl or sparrows as a companion.
Quills are made from barn owl feathers.
Wands are made from cinnamomum trees, elm trees, or hazel trees.
Likes to feed the crickets that sing on the bookshelves. Some think it’s gross but they’re very nice!
Uses golden wax seals for nearly everything.
Collects old trinkets they find or receive from friends. They don’t work anymore or are just old, but has tried fixing them up.
Loves both books & scrolls, but thinks books are easier to hold onto. That one friend who decides to read one more chapter, but ends up reading all night.
Loves to wish on stars or dandelions but is too embarrassed to tell anyone.
Seems like a bit of a hermit, but is actually really friendly! Loves to interact with people & exchange different interests, quite talkative at times.
Either works at an archive or some kind of library, has a special little key that works only for them.
Weather Wizards 🌩️
Usually has a bird of prey as a companion, but don’t worry they’re friendly 😅🙏
Quills are made from crow feathers.
Wands are made from maple trees, pine trees, or baobab trees.
The ultimate bird parent!! Birds love them & they’re always putting out bird seed feeders or scraps of veggies.
Lives alone in a tall tower in the middle of the woods. Only goes to town when necessary & will turn into a grumpy pants if you knock on their door.
Sometimes storm clouds or rain will swirl around their house, usually due to spell testing or potions.
The weather is actually pretty nice when they’re around! Cool breezes, clear skies, warm sunny days; tries to deny it’s their work until the sunshine gets brighter.
Collects clean water in mason jars or glass bottles when it rains.
Likes to climb rooftops & chart the stars.
Can always sense when a storm is approaching, doesn’t matter what kind they’re spot on. Likely their job is to keep them at bay as a guardian or lookout.
Love Wizards 💝
Usually has a dove or a type of songbird as a companion.
Quills are made from white swan feathers.
Wands are made from cherry trees, camellia trees, or jasmine shrubs.
Has an easier time communicating with fauna.
Ladybugs are automatically attracted to them & will usually bring good luck to them throughout the day.
Stores their potions in old perfume bottles but will make perfume as a small side job. Has to label everything though.
Has a small rose bush growing outside of their window; likes to talk to it & believes plants have feelings.
Super affectionate! Either the mom friend or the cutsey clingy child friend.
Never forgets Valentine’s Day!! (I’m sorry I know it was last week!) Goes over the top every year & everyone either gets a bouquet or a little goodie bag. The size of the gift depends on who you are sometimes.
Business is a postal service for relationship problems but gets a lot of love letters to proofread. A bit embarrassed receiving one addressed to them.
Swamp Wizards 🐸
Usually has a crane or even a heron as a companion. But sometimes that makes it hard to get in them the house...
Quills are made from duck feathers.
Wands are made of mangrove trees, dogwood trees, or lilypad stems.
Defined as the oddballs of wizardry. They are known to travel a lot but usually live alone.
Uses an old timey ferry boat to get around, but has to use magic to get the paddle wheel moving. It’ll creak & stop like an old engine.
Probably the most experienced in floral/nature magic & their house is like an absolute jungle. Will even let moss grow out because “it wants to be there.”
Has tried more than once to kiss a frog & see if it’ll turn into their true love, but carries medicine around just in case.
Really loves milkweed flowers & will set up cute bundles in their home to make it smell good.
The best cook in the world but mostly uses magic to help.
Probably the friendliest person you’ll meet! Will tell all sorts of stories about their travels, the different kinds of people they’ve met, where to find the best berry bushes, how to care for tadpoles— It might be awhile before you can introduce yourself…
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
it's me. i'm back again *does stupid dance* i want to request bleeding heart or/and calla lily and midnight for LUFFY!!, with neck kisses, eyelid kisses and jaw kisses , with themes 8, 12, and 22.
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ꕤ ily bb, this... was a labor of love *says nothing else* ૮₍  ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა ꕤ
3.7k words, fem reader, nsfw, 18+ mdni, there's a bit of angst but it's mostly smut. luffy's a menace and this is him level-headed. feat. cute stuff like overstimulation, oral (f receiving), alcohol, lots of good times and other stuff.
💖☁️ la vie est drôle ☁️💖
starring: "straw hat" luffy x reader.
bleeding heart (angst) & calla lily (smut) at midnight, with neck, eyelid, and jaw kisses; #8, 12, & 22 (surprise, blindfold, & stolen moments).
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fireworks explode noisily from the shore, bright colors lighting up the darkened sky, blotting out the stars temporarily. a bonfire accompanied by laughter, drinks, and plenty of food. the sunny bobs lazily in the water as everyone enjoys the festivities. the party is a whim of his — something you’ve come to appreciate during your time with the crew — and there’s enough alcohol passing around to incapacitate everyone for at least a week — barring zoro and nami, of course. 
absently, you sip on your drink — fruity, sweet, the liquor blending well — giddy from it all. your feet sink into the sand and you chug the rest of your drink, hoping to absolve yourself of the heat taking over your body. your tank top offers no reprieve, so you tug on the collar hoping to incite some cool air to put you out of your misery. unfortunately, it never happens; and when a breeze does pass by, it’s warm, full of sea salt, further annoying you. everyone else seems to be tolerating the heat just fine, since they’re all sitting close to the fire — whereas you’re sitting a little further away.
you’re not sure how they can stand the heat, but you’re not built for it, so you abandon your empty glass and head off to the sunny in search of more ice. sweat glides down the side of your face and drips onto your neck, sticking to your skin, making you that much more eager to cool off. you pull your curls into a makeshift updo, the bun messy but passable; as much as you love your hair, the thickness somehow makes the heat even more unbearable. the music from the beach carries all the way to the ship and you smile to yourself. you like the brief moments of respite, where you don’t have to worry about incoming enemies, where everyone can take it easy, momentarily forgetting about the stressors of their everyday lives.
maybe it’s the alcohol making you feel more sensitive tonight, but you can’t help it.
it’s eerie when you make it to the kitchen, the silence loud enough to give you pause — although, you swear you hear footsteps somewhere on the deck. but it’s probably your imagination; it’s midnight, after all, and you’re tired from partying for hours.
you grab a large glass and fill it with ice, hanging out for a while longer to enjoy the solitude and slightly cooler temperature. you eventually sit on top of the counter, fingers hastily grabbing another piece of ice and placing it into your mouth. it melts slowly, your body finally feeling a little less hot, until the door to the kitchen opens, startling you out of your thoughts.
blinking quickly, you focus your vision in the dim light, only to realize that it was luffy at the door.
sweat trickles down the back of his neck, his chest bare as his shirt is draped messily over his shoulder. it seems that you’re not the only that the heat is punishing. loud as ever, he declares that he’s come in search of something tasty — sweet too, if he can help it. you think for a moment before popping another ice cube into your mouth, eyes watching as he makes his way to the refrigerator; mesmerized by his broad shoulders and firmly toned muscles, you don’t hear him when he calls out to you.
“wh-what?” you shake those thoughts away before you say something you regret.
“i said,” he closes the door to the refrigerator before looking over at you, the corners of his mouth tugging upward into a sly smirk, “you look hot.”
choking — because, how else could you process the way luffy just says that to you out of the blue — you place the glass down, face burning you alive, his words digging into your skin. merciless and alluring. you open and close your mouth several times, eyes widening as you panic over whether or not he noticed the way you pressed your thighs together, or whether he noticed the change in your breathing. the thoughts you previously tried to bury come flooding through your mind, making it impossible to focus on his next statement.
“you’re eating ice,” he says lightly, eyes dropping to the glass and detouring to your legs, taking in the shape of them, the thickness of your thighs, how smooth and soft your skin looks. he thinks the shorts you have on are practical given how humid it is now. head tilted, he glances back at your face, an impish grin taking hold of his lips. “which means… you’re trying to cool off.” 
you grip the edge of the counter so tightly you think you might break a nail. “um,” you start, your voice so quiet he has to move closer to hear you properly. “i, um… yes, cooling off.” you inhale deeply, hoping to calm yourself down before you have a heart attack; you blame the heat for your lapse in judgment, for making you jump to conclusions like that. luffy moves to stand in front of you, his hands gripping the counter as he leans closer.
“you’ll never get the job done like that,” he points out cryptically. you’re used to his odd way of saying things, but you sink your teeth in your bottom lip, drawing luffy’s gaze again. “let me help you.” 
again, you find yourself staring at your captain stupidly, his words rippling down your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. “how?” the question flies out of your mouth faster than you realize; you have the decency to feel a bit of shame, but you try to play it off and reach for the glass again.
luffy grabs onto your wrist, fingers pressing into your skin, reminding you of the real reason you were feeling hot all night. it’s why you sat so far away from the group outside, why you avoided him all night, why you kept drinking. you desperately needed the distraction, to stop yourself from acting out on your desires. there’s nothing messier than mixing romance on a pirate ship; you know better and want to do better, but he grabs an ice cube from the glass and traces it along the curve of your lips. you know to expect a small chill, but when his fingertips graze your lips, your mouth opens on instinct — wide enough for luffy to thrust his fingers along with the ice cube into your mouth.
eyes widening at him, he looks back at you mischievously and entirely unapologetic. “i wanted to make sure it went inside properly.”
he’s full of shit, you both know that, but that doesn’t stop you from inadvertently sucking on his fingers. he plucks them out of your mouth, much to your disappointment, but the look in his eyes tells you that he has other things in mind. ice mostly melted on your tongue, you lean forward to ask him what he has planned next, not wanting him to leave anytime soon.
luffy catches you off guard by brushing his lips against yours, mumbling something unintelligible before kissing you. his hand grabs the back of your neck, firm enough to hold you still, but gentle enough that you won’t be in too much pain. something compels you to move your legs apart and luffy takes that as an invitation to stand between them, his chest pressing against yours, making you lightheaded.
you should worry about getting caught by one of your crew mates, but that worry gets buried deeply in the back of your mind, the only thoughts bouncing around are centered around luffy and the way his tongue strokes yours. the dueling temperatures from the ice cube and his mouth make it hard to breathe, mostly because you want to keep on kissing him. when you eventually do pull away, your breath comes out in shallow pants, eyelids lowered as you look at him.
without thinking too much about it, you grab another piece of ice, but place it in his mouth this time. his tongue licks at your fingertips lightly, prompting you to giggle. amusement flashes over his dark eyes, the ice melting steadily in his mouth by the time his lips make contact with the length of his neck.
and, like he previously theorized, your skin is smooth and very, very soft. he drags the ice cube down your throat, and you press your lips together, forcing yourself to keep quiet, despite how much you don’t want to. luffy is impressed by your restraint, his hands drifting lower and gripping your plush hips. you’re sure that your captain is trying to kill you somehow — or, maybe this is all a very long, detailed dream. you try to convince yourself of that when he nips at your skin, sucking recklessly, tongue familiarizing itself with that spot in particular, thoroughly enjoying the shiver that passes through you with every swipe of his tongue.
he pulls back to admire his work and you want to slap the smug look off of his face. he laughs at your expression and before he can ask you for another ice cube, you tug your tank top off, the shirt landing somewhere on the floor, near luffy’s abandoned one. he watches you in a daze, a hunger that doesn’t quite make sense to him boiling over, making his skin itch, bringing forth an impatience that surprises him.
“see, the thing is, luffy,” you say slowly, as if you’re measuring your words carefully, “i’m kind of hot all over, so…” as you speak, your fingers work to swiftly unhook your bra — you toss it over his shoulder, not caring, more concerned with how much you’re enjoying the heated look in his eyes. your words ignite a fire inside of him, blood shooting lower, his cock hardening and straining against the front of his pants. he doubts you even realize how much you arouse him, but there’s no need to make mention of it now, is there? 
luffy flashes you a cheeky grin — one that means he has something up his sleeve — stepping away momentarily to rummage through the nearby drawers. he finds one of sanji’s prized aprons and before you can tell him off, he rips a long, thick strip of fabric from it. “luffy,” you whisper loudly, “he’s gonna kill you.” you meant this genuinely; sanji is very particular about his things, especially when it involves the kitchen. luffy, unfortunately, isn’t convinced. he laughs off your worries, that mischief coursing through him completely.
“i’m not worried about him,” he says resolutely, amused that you’re concerned for his safety. “close your eyes.” you stare at him for a beat too long before complying, mind racing, heart pounding stupidly in your chest, giving away your excitement. he presses a kiss on your jaw and then another on your eyelid before wrapping the piece of fabric around your eyes. he doesn’t know what possessed him to kiss you like that, but he doesn’t want to think about it; the intimacy is much too much for him. and, for you too.
you can’t see him, but you can feel his insufferable smirk even with the makeshift blindfold on. luffy’s hands tug on your shorts, pulling them down your legs, keeping them in one piece surprisingly. the same can’t be said for your panties; in his haste to remove them, he overestimated his strength and rips through the fabric without even trying.
“whoops,” he says before laughing, your face burning as you chastise him over it. 
“it’s not funny, luffy, damn it.” you really liked that pair. pouting as if you’re actually mad at him, luffy pays you no mind, instead taking another ice cube and circling it around your hardened nipples, alternating smoothly between the two, prompting you to squirm on the counter, hips jutting forward, the ache growing exponentially in between your legs. his lips latch onto your neck again, biting and kissing, enjoying the way you refuse to make any noise, although he’s sure you won’t last much longer with how hard you’re pressing your lips together. 
it’s only when his teeth graze against the curve of your breast, tongue gliding along your skin until it flicks against your nipple, that you let out a small whimper in surprise. triumphant, luffy keeps at it, sucking and licking, as if he’s found a new addiction. every time he leaves another mark on your skin, you find it harder and harder to keep your noises quiet; which is more than fine with him, he actively wants to hear your voice.
although, as he looks down at your skin, maybe he went a little too far. the dark, reddish marks littered along the curve of your breasts, along your neck, right below your clavicle. still, you want more. chest heaving you spread your legs further apart, your arousal clinging to the inside of your thighs; if you didn’t have the blindfold, it would’ve been too embarrassing for you to act like this. but since you can’t see his face, can’t see the looks he gives you, can’t see the way he drinks in the sight of your body, slowly falling under the hypnosis of your curves. 
letting out a shallow breath, luffy runs the tips of his fingers along the folds of your pussy, your wetness clinging to his skin once he dips them inside. you lift your hips, a heat passing through you as anticipation takes control of your common sense. luffy’s lips graze the curve of your ear, his words haunting you when he says, “did you cool off, enough?” his voice is warm, gruff, igniting an inescapable desire that consumes you entirely.
so when you respond, your throat dries, but you manage to tell him, “no. i’m still too hot.” luffy’s fingers plunge into your pussy deeply, and you grab onto his shoulders to keep you steady, the wanton noises leaving your mouth makes you dizzy and embarrassed. but, you don’t have time to feed into your shame. he pumps his fingers in and out of you lazily, scissoring them, pleased with how soft and tight your walls are. you moan into his mouth when he gives you heated, open-mouthed kisses, tongue swirling around yours artfully, his fingers ripping more moans out of you than necessary. your hips move forward, matching the timing of his thrusts, fingers curling, touching a spot that has you whimpering pathetically against his lips. 
“w-wait, fuck, luffy slow down,” you cry out, hips shaking, the pressure pooling in the bottom of your abdomen, a loud, thunderous noise thumping in your ears, pussy clenching around his fingers tightly, which only makes him thrust his fingers faster.
and when he presses his thumb against your clit, a jolt shoots through you, the orgasm much stronger than you thought it would be. your hips buck against his hand, but luffy keeps fucking you with his fingers as you ride out the waves from the orgasm. your heart beats so fast you’re sure that you won’t last another minute under whatever spell he cast on you. when he pulls his fingers out of you suddenly, a bit of clarity hits you, the fog clearing, allowing for a few coherent thoughts to enter your mind. the moment is short-lived, however; luffy licks his fingers, enjoying your taste and you hear it all. you also fully expect him to take the blindfold off, but, to your surprise, he doesn’t. instead, luffy drops to his knees and pulls you closer to the edge of the counter, draping your legs over his shoulders, lips skimming along the inside of your thigh, close to your knee.
if there’s one thing that luffy’s retained from anything sanji’s told him over the years, it’s to savor each meal and to thank the person who feeds you. 
this is more or less the same, in his book. you don’t bother asking him what he’s doing, but you do take the blindfold off, nearly ripping some strands of hair out of your scalp in the process. his cock sits heavily in his shorts, painfully reminding him to pay attention to it; he ignores it, wanting instead to hear you make more interesting sounds. you bite down on your lip when he bites the fleshier part of your calf, making you yelp, his dark chuckles simultaneously pissing you off and arousing you.
you hate it. so, so much.
the lie stays with you even when his tongue runs flat against your pussy, causing you to cry out again, your fingers slipping into his hair, grabbing on the black strands roughly. luffy’s amusement never leaves him, he watches as you moan his name loudly, the sounds erotic as they bounce around the walls of the kitchen, the echo making him want to devour you in more ways than one.
his tongue maps a sinful path along your pussy, mouth slurping, tongue stroking down the length, enjoying the way you press your hips closely, riding his mouth shamelessly. you want to have better control over yourself, but luffy is making it damn near impossible; you’ve long given up on keeping quiet, the defeat was inevitable, given the way your body reacts to his touch. he flicks his tongue against your clit, the guttural moan you let out is encouraging enough, so he does it again and again and again. he’ll make sure to remember the sounds you made for later.
you grip his hair tightly, panting wildly as he thrusts his tongue inside of you, the sensation that his tongue brings only pushes you to the edge, another orgasm building within you. trying to hold out for as long as you can, you moan his name so many times, it’s all you hear even when your voice fails you. when he sucks on your clit, you buck your hips against hip and he uses his hands to hold you still as he continues devouring your pussy the only way he knows how. 
with tears in your eyes, the overstimulation making it difficult for you to think straight, you pull on his hair one last time. “luffy, please, i c-can’t,” you hiccup, your energy more or less depleted. 
he pauses for a few seconds, voice low and firm when he says, “i’m not done with my dessert yet.” with broad strokes of his tongue, luffy laps up your wetness, wanting to take as much as he can. it’s almost like your orgasm never subsides with the way he continues antagonizing you like that, your pussy puffy and throbbing, the pain dull and obnoxious. he pulls away, lips glistening, your wetness coating his lips in a way that makes you blush and turn your face.
“oh, god,” you place your hands over your face, the shame finally pouring into you in huge waves, making it impossible to keep eye contact with him. it’s then that you hear it, multiple voices on the deck, stomping around, laughing loudly. 
“uh oh,” he says innocently, finally standing up and licking his lips, “looks like our time’s up.” 
you slap his chest weakly, your irritation blurring your common sense. “you’re not even sorry at all,” you say as you attempt to climb down from the counter. your legs almost give out, but he hooks an arm around your waist, steadying you as his hand dips lower to grab your ass. “luffy,” you say harshly, voice dropping to a whisper when you smack him again. he laughs loudly, as if your annoyance is a trivial matter for him. “i can’t stand you.” you stomp around the kitchen, quickly putting on your clothes; your torn panties are nowhere to be found, but you can’t waste time. luffy looks over at you, smirking devilishly at your plight. 
this is mostly his fault, although you will accept some blame — you should’ve held your ground, but you were weakened by the heat. it’s what you tell yourself when you quickly clean off the counter top, it’s what you keep telling yourself when you toss the ruined apron at luffy and tell him to dispose of the evidence while you try to sneak out of the kitchen undetected, and it’s what you tell yourself when you can’t sleep that night. you can still feel his hands on your body, the way he couldn’t keep his mouth and tongue off of you; it all comes back to you, and you groan, the realization that you can’t just end things there with him hitting you over the head with such clarity that makes you want to smack him again. 
at breakfast, the following morning, when sanji asks luffy if he found something to satisfy his craving last night, you glance up from your coffee, eyes narrowing at luffy as you wordlessly tell him to not say anything. he nods in understanding, leans back in his chair, and blurts out, “mhm… y/n helped me out with that.” it was as close to the truth he was willing to go. you knock your coffee mug over in shock, robin grabbing paper towels to help you clean it up.
sanji frowns, not quite understanding but looking your way curiously. “oh? did you end up making something? i didn’t know you baked, y/n.” before sanji prattles on, you quickly clarify.
“i didn’t make anything for him.” your statement hangs heavily in the air, the rest of your crew mates looking at you in confusion. there you fucking go again; foolish behavior. “i mean, i just helped him find something.”
unfortunately for you, sanji’s curiosity continues to get the best of him. “which was?” 
this time, luffy also watches you, but because he’s in good spirits, he spares you from scrutiny. “oh, sanji, i accidentally ripped your apron. y’know the one nami got you? that one.” this sparks a one-sided argument between them, where sanji yells and tries to fight, while luffy jumps out of his reach, laughing hysterically. before running out of the dining area, he catches your gaze and winks at you, his hand reaching into his pocket and that’s when you notice the lace poking out. you give him an incredulous look which only makes him laugh harder, which makes sanji think he’s laughing at him, and their argument continues. you excuse yourself from the table and scurry away from everyone, retreating back into your room so you can recover from that mortifying ordeal, vowing to make luffy suffer double the next time you get him alone.
🌙 credit to leafsea for the cute crescent moon divider 🌙
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wrenreid · 2 years
Just Acting
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18+ story | all chapters in masterlist
Chapter Eleven
You barely got any sleep last night. After Matthew had left, you stayed on the couch for a bit in thought. It wasn't until five in the morning when you finally went upstairs and tried to sleep. You fell asleep around five thirty, and it's safe to say it wasn't the best rest you've had.
"Wake up!!!"
You fight every urge in your body to slap the face hovering above you right here and now. Groaning, you roll away from Aisha.
"Wake uppp!!!" she says again. "Y/n come on we've got shit to do!"
"What shit?" You finally sit up, rubbing your tired eyes.
"Lake shit, dude, lake shit."
You groan again. "Fine."
The two of you head down the stairs and to your surprise, the rest of the gang is down there already. What time is it?
"Oh look who finally got up!" Joe says, smiling at you, holding out a cup of coffee.
"Yeah yeah," you say tiredly, taking the cup.
You meet Matthew's eyes from the couch; he looks away quickly. You try to ignore it, making your way to sit on the arm of the chair where AJ is sitting.
"So what's the plan for today?" Adam asks.
"I was thinking we could all chill in the water for a bit, but there's also a fun little trail- not the one that we went on yesterday. It's really your own choice. We don't have to all be together."
You all go your different ways to get changed out of pajamas.
"What are you going to do?" You ask Aisha.
"I'm going swimming with the girls, you?" She asks with a flash of her pearly grin.
"I think I'm going to go on a walk. I didn't get much sleep so I need some fresh air and alone time."
"Okay well you should join us later!"
"Will do,” you smile softly, offering her a nod.
She gets into her swim suit and heads out. You decide to get dressed in a pair of comfortable but cute shorts and a tank top over a purple swim suit. The bathing suit is a high wasted two piece with a strapless top. You pull on your sneakers, put on some waterproof mascara, and head out the door.
A body comes in contact with yours. You look up to face Matthew. "Oh sorry," you say. He just makes an angry- sounding huff and leaves.
After pausing for a moment to assess the Matthew attitude, you head out of the lake house and down a path way. The cool breeze outside is a lovely contrast to the sunny heat. You hear the sounds of trees, birds, and wind as you walk. The fresh air feels nice on your skin and good for your mind. This whole situation is odd. Not just the shit with Matthew, but everything.
You feel the chilled air through your short hair as you walk. You wish you had music to accompany your promenade, but the whole no phones thing got in the way of that. You just listen to the sounds of nature and the distant sounds of your castmates and friends  from the lake.
The whole bonding thing with Matthew will surely take a twist on your life. At least you know that you don't actually have to be nice to him. You just have to be Delilah. Which is fine. You're used to that.
You get tired of walking after about thirty minutes, thanks to freaking leg chafing.
"Hey!" Adam catches up to you on your way back toward the lake house.
"Oh hey," you smile at him.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah totally. Why?"
"Just wondering since you weren't with the rest of us." He was in the water, you can tell by his wet hair and swim trunks. He'd just put a shirt on when he came up to you.
"Oh yeah. I just needed to kind of think about something,” you answer honestly.
"Oh? What's that?"
"It's nothing important,” you shrug.
"Yeah totally. You’re thinking about something but it’s nothing?” The dark brows of his face raise a little.
You chuckle. "It's just Matthew and work stuff.”
"Oh yes, your feud sure is interesting,” Adam grins.
"It's not a feud per say. We just... I don't know. He bothers the shit out of me,” you tell him honestly.
Adam laughs, eyeing you.
You run a hand through your hair. "He's just an asshole, I swear. And every time I'm around him I want to smack that stupid smirk off his face.”
"Damn girl.”
You press your lips together. "Yeah. But it's okay. I think we're okay now."
"Yeah?” He asks. “Well, that's good."
"Yeah,” you nod, not sure if the two of you are actually okay.
After getting back to the lake with Adam, you get some curious looks, mostly from Matthew. He looks angry. What the fuck could you have done? He was pissy earlier, he's pissy now. But he was fine last night. He was actually not a complete asshole like normal. What the hell is going on with him?
Matthew and Daniel are sitting on the picnic table near the water. The rest of them are either swimming or floating.
"Y/n, come in!!" Aisha yells.
You take off your shoes and socks, setting them by a table. You grab your tank top by the bottom and lift it up. After throwing the layers above your swim suit on the ground, you head to the small cliff and jump into the lake.
You swim over to Paget and AJ and you guys talk for a bit. After a while, you guys decide to play a game of chicken like kids. AJ gets on your shoulders, and Paget gets on Aisha's.
"Come on, A, knock her down!" you cheer.
Eventually, you and AJ win because Paget was laughing too hard to stay up. Daniel yells at the boys to come take down you and AJ.
"Go have fun, kid." Joe says to Matthew.
"Nah I'm good,” he shakes his head.
"I'm coming!" Adam yells, taking off his shirt and running into the water.
"Hey you cheated!" You yell at the guys after losing.
"No we didn't, you're just a sore loser!”
"No. You tickled me, that's cheating!" you hit Adam in the arm. Daniel and the girls are laughing their asses off at your argument, finding it funny that you guys can let loose and be kids.
"Oh is it?" He says, and tickles you again.
"I will kill you, Adam." You tackle him, shoving his face into the water.
After a bit, you decide to go in and grab something to drink. You wrap yourself in a towel and head inside. On your way out, you notice Matthew isn't sitting with Joe anymore.
You get inside and see him on the couch.
"Why are you sulking?" You ask, heading to the kitchen.
"I'm not sulking," he says in a very straight forward, tone free voice.
"Okay. What's your problem?"
"I don't have a problem."
“What’s your deal then?”
“I don’t have a deal,” he says.
“Mhm believable.” Your arms are crossed, eyes rolling.
"Just do what you need to do and leave me alone."
You adjust the towel wrapped around your shoulders and sit next to him. "I thought we had a break through or something last night? Ya know where we weren't fighting and you weren't a dick to me."
"Nope. We had an agreement that we'd play nice when needed. I don't feel the need to right now,” Matthew says, not even looking you in the eye.
You scoff. “Wow. Wha-”
"Just leave."
"No.” The towel dropping to your lap as you keep your arms folded. "Tell me what crawled up your ass, then I'll leave you alone."
"Fine. I'm in a mood.”
He looks at you for a moment, then looks down at his hands. "You piss me off."
"What? This is about me?"
"A little bit yeah."
"What did I do?” You toss your hands up in confusion.
"You existed. You came here,” he spills out.
"I don't know, Y/n. I actually don't know. But for some damn reason every time I see you, I want to...." he stops.
"You want to what?"
Matthew shakes his head. “Nothing. Just go”
"You know what? Fine.Because those people out there actually like me and aren't complete asshats to me. Enjoy your little temper tantrum in here, you fucking child,” you say, grabbing your drink.
You storm out, and when you reach outside, you try to wipe the annoyance and anger off your face. Why is he so fucking rude?
You sit down across from Joe. "What's wrong, kiddo?"
"Nothing,” you shrug it off.
"It's Matthew. He's so rude sometimes." You let out a frustrated sigh.
"There's something up with him today."
"Today? No. It's everyday. He finds something to annoy the shit out of me with or just he a complete dick,” you explain.
"Well..." he starts.
"I don't know. I'm going to go get a beer, you want another one?”
You nod a yes even though you’ve only taken three sips out of the one in your hand. You need some alcohol in your system before you explode. You put your clothes and shoes back on and decide to just sit with Daniel as the others swim.
Matthew always finds a way to ruin everything. You take back your previous thoughts. The arrangement would not go well. It would not work. And no he's not actually a decent human, at least not to you.
When you're all tired of being outdoors, you go inside and eat some lunch and drink some alcohol. You avoid Matthew at all costs, and he does the same to you.
Eventually, you guys part ways until dinner. You head up to your room, and others stay downstairs to watch a movie.
As luck would have it, you bump into Matthew at your door.
"I came in here to talk to you," he says.
"Oh?" Your eyebrows raise.
"I'm sorry.” His voice is soft.
"You're what? I don't think I'm hearing you correctly,” you say, face deadpan.
"Just accept it, please."
"Why should I? You were a real..."
"Dick. Yeah I know,” Matthew says with a slight sigh.
"I don’t know why, Y/n.”
"I think you do."
"Because when I look at you, I want to... I'm... fuck. Don't make me say it."
"Say it."
"I'm attracted to you, okay? And it’s really annoying because you piss me off and we work together.”
Your eyes widen, and you almost laugh. "You're what?"
"Don't make me repeat it."
“I- um..” your lips press together.
"Now that that’s on the table, I’m leaving,” he says awkwardly.
"Yeah, you do that,” you nod slowly.
He's attracted to you? You're honestly shocked. This can't be the reason he's such a dick. It doesn’t make sense. Perhaps he hates you so much that he hates he’s attracted to you, so he’s being a dick to compensate for his stupidity.
You plop down on your bed in disbelief. What the fuck is this day?
chapter twelve
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 <3
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