#dilf spencerreid
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Hands-on Learning
synopsis: Spencer Reid’s best friend pays him a visit in DC. She meets his coworkers and they spend quality time together while she’s in town. But their friendly dynamic changes with he asks her a question she was not expecting. (season 2 glasses reid)
word count: 4k
content: 18+ MDNI, oral (f receive), penetration
Spencer has been begging me to come visit him again since the last time I was in D.C. six months ago. And I won't admit it to him, but I've been dying to see him again so much it physically pains me. Going six months without seeing your best friend is the worst feeling in the world, but I'd take the emotional turmoil any day because it's for him.
And I suppose he's worth sitting on this plane, lodged between a sleeping old woman and a man who has gotten up to pee ten times since take off. I must really love him because I'm only an hour into this five hour flight.
Spencer and I met when we were 18. I'd just started my freshman year at CalTech and was in an advanced class with a bunch of 22 year olds. My eye caught his immediately. He was the only person my age in the lecture hall.
I sat next to him and told him my name. I knew I had to make him my friend because he was the only other freshman in the class.
Or so I thought. I didn't know until a month into our friendship that he was indeed not a freshman, and he was taking the class for fun while he worked on his second PhD. A small part of me hated him that instant, but I had already fallen into the Spencer Reid charm. I couldn't get rid of him, no matter how hard I tried (which was not very hard at all.)
We became close pretty fast. Almost every moment we weren't in separate classes, we were together. I was pretty much his only friend and he was the first person I met in uni, and probably the only one to accept me a hundred percent as I was. Being so far from home was hard, and he made it worth it.
Usually we'd do homework or watch scary movies in his single dorm room, which I totally took advantage of. I'd spend the night with him instead of my over-sharing roommate who thought I needed to know every detail about her and her long relationship with her boyfriend Kyle, specifically the phone sex. TMI.
My other friends would joke about how we were in love, but the truth is, we weren't. Not in that way at least. He was my best friend, and I was his. We were there for every big moment in each other's lives.
Well, not every big moment. Spencer was not invited when I finally lost my virginity during spring break of freshman year. But he was there when the guy I'd hooked up with broke my heart. And he bought me ice cream and told me stupid facts until my lips broke into a smile.
I was there when he got his second and third PhDs far quicker than any graduate student should. And he was there when I graduated with my masters in psychology and cognitive science.
"You're a nerd too," Spencer said, his voice teasing as he bumped my shoulder. "You can admit it now that we're done with this place."
I told him to shut up, but a wide grin was plastered on my face. We'd made it through the highs and lows of college together.
However, that grin was soon replaced with tears. Spencer had gotten a job offer with the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia. He was going to the academy, and I was starting my research job. He was going to the east coast, and I was staying in California.
"You're leaving me," I said through tears, knowing me guilt tripping him was wrong. But I needed him to stay.
"I'm leaving California, not you," he said, his eyebrows knit together with worry. I could tell it was eating up at him, but I couldn't stop hating the situation. Losing my best friend was the absolute last thing I wanted.
The day he left, I drove him to the Las Vegas airport after he said goodbye to his mom. I didn't help him get his bags, instead I stood there moping. As I watched my best friend walk away, I realized I needed to be happy for him. He was excited about this opportunity, and my bitchiness was ruining that for him.
It wasn't romantic movie-esk the way I ran after him. It was more of an anxiety filled scene where snot ran down my face as I chased him down. Honestly, I probably looked like a stalker.
"Spencer," I breathed out, looking up at him.
He smiled softly. "I knew you wouldn't let me leave without giving me a proper goodbye," he teased.
I shouldn't have taught him teasing and sarcasm. It's bitten me in the ass so many times.
I wrapped my arms around him, ignoring his comment. My face pressed against his chest as his arms held me close. My eyes were closed and I steadied my breathing. Even though he was going what seemed like a million miles away, he'd always be my best friend.
And that's stayed true even three years later. We've kicked this long distance shit in the ass. Of course, we don't talk as much as we'd like, but we still talk. And whenever he can, he visits me in LA after seeing his mom, or I take a visit to the nation's capital just to see my favorite FBI agent.
"Every time I see you, you look different," I say with a chuckle as Spencer helps me get my bags into his guest room.
"Is that a bad thing?" He questions, eyebrows furrowed.
"Take it as you will," I say, plopping down on his couch.
He joins me shortly after. He really does look different. He's gained some weight, changed his style up just a little, his hair is parted at the side almost neatly, and he's finally wearing glasses again. Except these ones are far different from the ones he wore in college. These ones are kind of hot, but I won't tell him that because I can't feed the genius's ego any more.
"So," I say, wiggling my eyebrows. "Tell me about your girlfriend."
"She's not my girlfriend," Spencer says, his cheeks already turning pink.
I roll my eyes. "Tomato, tomahto."
"Y/n," he warns.
"Fine, fine. Topic for another time. Don't forget, I'm here all week, Dr. Reid," I flash him a grin.
He sighs dramatically, rolling his eyes.
"You know you've missed me," I say, leaning my head on his shoulder.
He shakes his head, but a small smile creeps up onto his lips. He's missed me. But rather than admitting that he asks, "What would you like to do tonight?"
"Food. What's the best restaurant in the city?"
"The best or my favorite?" He asks. "Because they're different."
"Your favorite," I request, a soft smile on my face.
Spencer nods. "Alright. I'll let you nap off the plane drowsiness, then we'll have dinner."
The smile on my face grows wider. He knows me so well.
After my way-longer-than-I-intended nap, we get ready for dinner. I don't dress up fancy because Spencer has seen me at my worst, drunk, crying, and throwing up.
That was the one time I've ever seen him drink. I drug him to a party that we both ended up hating. We left early and instead bought our own liquor. He'd just turned 21, and I used that to my advantage.
Spencer and I ended up drunk in his dorm room. Surprisingly, he handled his alcohol much better than I did. I got wasted and threw up in his sink before making it to his toilet to repeat the action. He held my hair back as tears streamed down my face from the burning in my throat. Then, he threw up from the sight of me vomiting. It was not our finest moment.
"Ready to go?" Spencer asks, coming into the restroom where I'm touching up my makeup.
"Sure am, doc."
The dinner is amazing. He catches me up on all things BAU cases before asking me how my promotion has been, which is, in simple words, pretty damn great.
"Oh you're not Spencer," says a way too handsome black man as I open the apartment door.
"Nope. I'd like to think I'm prettier," I joke.
"Yes, you are," he flashes me a smile.
The footsteps behind me halt. "Don't even think about it, Morgan," Spencer says, a warning tone present in his voice.
The man in front of me holds his hands up in defense, the charming smile still on his face.
"This is Morgan? You did not describe him this hot," I turn to my best friend.
He glares at me. "You also don't even think about it."
I laugh softly and offer my hand out to Derek.
"Y/n. Nice to finally meet you."
His firm grip shakes my hand. "So you're the competition I have as Reid's best friend."
"In the flesh," I grin. "And it's no competition. I've got years on you."
"Ooh she's bold. I like her," he says.
I haven't had the opportunity to meet all of Spencer's coworkers because of both of our busy schedules and us making sure to spend every second together while I visit. I've met his boss one time and friend JJ. I liked them. I know enough about everyone from Spencer's stories to know that he's in good hands.
"Did you need something?" Spencer asks his friend.
"Oh right. Yeah I was just going to see if you wanted to come out with us, but I see you are occupied," Morgan says, looking to me.
"Go out where?" I ask, not letting Spencer respond.
"Bar. To drink and play games."
"That sounds fun! We'll be there," I say.
Spencer fake coughs behind me, and I turn to my best friend. He gives me a look.
"C'mon, Spence. It'll be fun. I want to get to know your team."
He can't say no to me. "Fine. But let's not stay out too long, okay? You know you can't handle your alcohol."
"Hey, I've grown up since college," I chuckle.
“Have you two ever...?" Spencer's gorgeous dark haired friend asks me as she takes a swig from her glass. She cuts her eyes to Spencer, then back to me.
He's currently at the bar with Morgan who's attempting to flirt with the pretty bartender.
"What? No! God no," I laugh, shaking my head.
"Hm," Emily hums. "I just thought I sensed something."
"Nope. He's my best friend. Why mess with that?" I smile softly.
"So you've thought about it?" She's nosy. I can't blame her, I am too.
"No," I answer.
That's the first lie I've told to Spencer's friends. Of course I've thought about it. I don't think anyone has been friends with an attractive person without thinking about what would happen if the relationship dynamic changed. My best friend's kind of hot. I know that. Before we were close, I debated on asking him out. But we're just friends. We're best friends. And nothing is going to change that.
I get to know Spencer's friends a little more, get slightly tipsy, and start a game of darts with Morgan.
After he beats me, not by much I'd like to add, we're just about to start a rematch, but a hand touches my back lightly. I turn around to face Spencer, and a soft smile creeps up onto my lips.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Can we head back? It's getting late," he asks, checking his watch.
I nod, brushing my hair behind my face. "Sure, but tell Morgan I totally could've beaten him in a rematch."
Spencer laughs softly. "She could've," he says to Derek behind me who rolls his dark brown eyes.
"Getting old, doc?" I ask Spencer as we walk to his car. He's 99% sober, so he drives us back to his apartment.
I sit in the passenger's seat, hands folded in my lap. My eyes are on him.
"Why'd we leave so early?"
"10:30 is when the guys in the bar start getting drunker and handsy. I didn't want you to get dragged into some asshole's grasp while dancing," he explains.
"Oh," I nod. "I can handle myself, you know that right? Just because you're a big federal agent now doesn't mean I need you to protect me." My voice is thorough, but a small smile is on my lips anyway.
"Just returning the favor, Y/n," Spencer says. He knows I protected him all throughout our shared college days.
My cute going-out clothes have begun to get uncomfortable. I unclasp my bra, keeping my somewhat sexy shirt on and slip it off from underneath the blouse, letting it fall to Spencer's floorboard.
"Much better," I breathe out an exasperated sigh.
He's silent in his seat, eyes on the road. I see his hands grip the steering wheel a little harder.
"I missed you a lot," I say honestly. Usually I'm not one to say what I'm feeling or be mushy gushy, but the two shots of tequila have opened me up.
His eyes flick to me, his lips formed in a soft smile. His face is being lit up by the passing cars' headlights. I can see how sharp his cheekbones are, his jawline. "I thought you were heartless."
"I take back my previous statement."
"I missed you too," Spencer says.
"Of course you did, I'm a delight," I gloat.
The sound of his soft laughter fills the air. It pulls on the strings in my chest.
"How is it possible that I leave in three days already?"
"Shh," he shakes his head, eyes still on the road ahead of him. "Don't mention that right now." Spencer's hand pats my knee before squeezing it comfortingly.
"I have a question," Spencer says, coming into his room where I'm currently laying on his bed, reading a book I grabbed off one of his many shelves.
I look up from the page I'm on. He looks nervous, cheeks red, his hands fiddling with themselves.
"Hit me," I say.
He sits down at the edge of the bed. "I don't really know how to ask this... It's a weird question. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, and..."
"Spit it out, Spencer,” I eye him.
"Could you... would you tell me how to please someone. Specifically a woman. During sex."
A huffed laugh releases from me, and his cheeks burn redder. I think I'm blushing too. "What?"
"I'm sorry. That was weird. Forget I said-" he starts softly.
"Have you never...?"
Spencer shakes his head.
I didn't really think he had, but I didn't ever expect him to tell me when or if he lost his virginity anyway. He's reserved, even with me with some things.
"Wait," I sit up straighter. "Is this about your girlfriend?"
"Not my girlfriend," Spencer corrects me. "But yeah. We have a date the night you leave, and I think she's going to expect it. I mean, this is our fourth date."
"Well, if you don't want to have sex, don't have sex," I say sternly.
"It's not that I don't. It's just that I've never done it. I don't know what to do. I've read, and I'm good at anatomy. But what if I'm bad at the physicality of it all?" He presses his lips together, his teeth gnawing on the inside of his bottom lip.
"I don't really know how to explain it," I chuckle nervously. The blood is rushed to my cheeks, they're probably scarlet. "It just kind of happens."
"I shouldn't have asked," Spencer says.
"No, it's just that... like with anything, practice helps people get good sex," I tell him.
He looks up at me, his eyes asking what his lips won't. I feel my heart pounding against my chest, faster than usual.
"Do you want me to... show you?" I ask. He has always preferred hands-on learning.
"Would you?"
I nod slowly, hesitantly.
He moves toward me slowly, hesitantly.
"Kiss me," I tell him, hoping this won't get too weird.
Spencer and I have been best friends for years, we're extremely close, but this may bring us too close. This could ruin everything, but for some reason, I can't stop it.
He presses his lips to mine gently, his hand cupping my face. My eyes flutter closed. I reciprocate the kiss, and it's a lot easier than I imagined. Not that I've entirely imagined it.
My hands trail up his arms slowly. He's gained muscle. I guess that's a part of his FBI agent glow up. His tongue roams my mouth, and I'm pleasantly surprised by how good of a kisser he is.
He pulls away after a few minutes. He's breathing heavy. "Are you sure this is okay?"
I nod, then lean in to kiss him again but he leans back.
"Say it."
"It's okay, Spencer," I tell him. This time he lets me kiss him again.
I lay down, my back against his bed. He hovers above me, his hand on my waist now as he kisses me. He's good at this, and that thought comes to my mind again as his lips suck on my neck.
"Keep doing that," I whine softly.
He obliges and nibbles my skin gently. "Is this okay?" He whispers.
"Mhm," I noise.
I let him take the lead for now, do what he's comfortable with so far. His hand trails up a little further. I tell him he can touch me, and he does, though hesitantly at first. His fingertips graze against my breast before he finally gets comfortable enough to take hold of it through my shirt. He squeezes then pinches my nipple. He knows more than he lead on.
A soft moan releases from my mouth, my back arches just a little. His hand slips beneath my shirt, his warm touch on my belly. Spencer takes ahold of my shirt then lifts it up. I help him take it off me. I'm completely bare hips and above since I wasn't wearing a bra anyway. His eyes widen a little, and he smiles softly.
"Stop staring at me," I laugh a little.
"We're about to have sex and I can't look at you?"
I roll my eyes. "Let's just continue."
Spencer nods. "What do you want me to do?”
"Well, most women like to do other stuff before actually getting into the sex. Penetration alone doesn't do it for most of us," I tell him.
"You included?"
"Me included."
"What do you like?" He asks.
"What are you comfortable with? Do you have any ideas?"
Spencer thinks for a moment. "I want to learn how to-I want to give you... oral."
I burst into a laugh. "Spence, never say oral to a woman. Just say head."
"Head. Noted," he nods.
He's adorable when he's nervous and nerdy. Which is pretty much always.
"Kiss me first. Anywhere," I tell him.
He chooses the soft flesh of my stomach. I smile down at him. I reach down, pushing down my shorts, my underwear too. I'm growing needy.
Spencer slips them the rest of the way down and tosses them down to the ground. After slipping off his glasses, he kisses the inside of my thigh. God, I need him to do something right now.
His big hands push my thighs apart. Then he pauses. The clocks in his brain turn.
I feel like he's just about to call this whole thing off, but then I'm hit with a shock of pleasure. His tongue licks in between my folds.
“You’re really wet,” he says, more like an observation that a tease. Then he attacks my clit with his lips after taking a second to find it. Fuck. He definitely knows more about sex than I was led to believe.
Spencer's fingers leave marks on the inside of my thighs as he grips onto them. His lips suck on my clit, tongue flicking back and forth often too.
Soft moans spill from my lips. I'm trying to be quiet. I shouldn't be enjoying this as much as I am.
The sudden shock of Spencer's mouth removing from my clit makes me whine in protest, but his fingers sliding inside me make up for it.
I groan, my head leaning back into the pillows.
“Do you like this?”
I bite my lip, “Mhm. Curl your fingers.”
He does as he’s told.
When Spencer both fingers my cunt and sucks on my clit, I'm a moaning mess. "Holy fuck, Spencer," I whine. My legs are shaking within minutes, and even though he's still sloppy and new at this, my body loves it. My hands grip into his hair.
"Just like that, Spencer. So good."
A loud moan rings out from me as I finish. I couldn't even warn Spencer before my release pours from me.
My breaths are heavy and loud. Spencer pulls away, looking up at my eyes.
"Was that okay?" His breathing is heavy too.
"No," I say. "Spencer that was fucking amazing. You've seriously never done that before?"
He shakes his head.
"Told you, I'm good at anatomy," he smiles bashfully.
"Take your pants off," I command. "I want you inside of me."
I find a condom in my purse as he shrugs his clothes off. I sit up and find myself staring at his bulge with wide eyes. He's bigger than I expected. Not like huge to where it's unnatural, but big enough that I will probably need a minute to adjust once he's in me.
I tell him to lay down, and he does. He's a good boy. I like it.
I help him get the condom on, then swing a leg over his lap so that I'm straddling him. "Are you ready?" I ask him, my hand holding his face gently.
He takes a second, processing that he’s about to lose his virginity. Probably freaking out a lottle that it’s to me. “Yes ma'am," Spencer nods.
"Just a gentlemen," I grin.
I lower myself onto him, and once he's inside me, I do need a minute to adjust. Moans come from both of us, and I love the sounds we make together.
"Fuck," he groans, his voice raspy. He repeats my name over and over as I start to roll my hips.
"Oh my god." My eyes shut, and I bite my lip to keep me quiet.
"Don't do that," Spencer tells me. "I want to hear it."
I give him what he wants. I bounce up and down on him, his length hitting me in the right spot every time.
Both of our sounds fill the room. Spencer holds my hips down, stopping me.
"I want to do it," he says softly. "Please."
"Do what you want with me, doctor," I tell him, nodding.
He flips our positions, and he's on top of me. Spencer's lips crash into mine as he enters me again.
I bite his lip, causing both of us to moan into each other's mouths.
Spencer doesn't last much longer since it's his first time, but I don't even mind. He rubs my clit until I come again, and I feel I'm floating.
We lay on his bed, heavy breaths morphing together. "I think you're going to blow her mind, doctor Reid," I chuckle softly.
"You're girlfriend that's not your girlfriend," I say, eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh, right. I don't think I'm going on that date. Okay, actually I canceled that date when you got here."
"What?" I chuckle, confused.
"There's no date,” he says, point blank.
"Did you just trick me into sleeping with you?" My eyebrows are still furrowed, but I'm smiling.
He presses his lips together. "Well, if you put it that way... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"No, no. I admire the hustle, doc," I laugh softly, my fingertips circling on his bare chest.
Men and women can be purely platonic friends, no romantic feelings involved. But maybe Spencer and I aren’t that type of friends after all.
tags: @shakespear-picaso-lovechild @kylakins88 @jazzerbelle14 @cynbx @yazzyu @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @sebs-oxygen @jolotta @booktvmoviefangirl @nevielei @pauline5525mgg @necromaniackat @r3idsp3ncer
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid angst#mgg x you#spencer reid#mgg fic#spencer reid smut#spencer reid and reader#spencer reid x oc#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid x fanfiction#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x original female character#dr spencer reid#dilf spencerreid#mgg angst#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid series#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid criminal minds#spencer reid fandom#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fluff#criminal minds x y/n#spencer reid x fem!readr#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds x reader#spencer reid hands
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Better off Broken
synopsis: Spencer Reid finally gets a chance to meet his little boy’s teacher after always being away on a case for all the other opportunities. Though, the single father Dr. Reid was not expecting his son’s kindergarten teacher to be a charming young woman who might possibly make him forget the vow he took to swear off romantic involvements. (dual point of view)
content warnings: past relationship trauma, little bit of self deprecation, 18+ scenes, fluff…
“C’mon, Daddy! Let’s go meet Ms. Y/n!” I hear one of my students, Atlas Reid, say excitedly from outside of my classroom.
Atlas is one of my favorite students. Now, I know we educators are not supposed to have favorites, but we all do. He’s kind and brilliant. I’ve always wanted to meet his parents just to tell them how amazing they’ve raised their son.
But at every parent- teacher conference or holiday party, Mr. and Mrs. Reid have failed to show up.
A few weeks ago when I was walking a few of the kiddos out for pickup, I asked Atlas where his mommy was for the Thanksgiving party we had for the students and parents.
The little boy looked up at me, and with a straight face he said, “I don’t have a mommy.”
Rip my heart out why don’t you, child? I wanted to pick him up and hug him right then and there. Mainly because he didn’t even seem all that upset about it, which made me even more upset. Sure there are hundreds of thousands of kids who don’t have two (or even one) parents, but it still makes me sad. Maybe he has two dads, I thought to myself. I was hoping.
“Who do you live with?” I asked him, trying not to assume anything.
I have a name and a contact for his guardian, but I don’t know who they are since I’ve never had to call them.
“I live with my daddy,” he said plainly, but had a soft smile on his face.
He has a parent. Good.
“Why didn’t he come to the party yesterday?” I asked. I’m being really being nosy, but children don’t notice nosiness because they ask a ton of questions too.
“He was at work. He’s always at work,” Atlas said, and I detected a hint of sadness in his little voice.
I frowned a little, not sure what to say. Luckily, I didn’t have to say anything because the woman who takes the kids across the street to their parents and guardians came to get the kids.
“Bye, students,” I waved with a smile to them.
“Bye, Ms. Y/n!”
So Atlas has someone there for him, but he’s always working. It made me sad to think about, still does.
What if this man neglects his child because he’s so busy all the time? Of course, Atlas isn’t malnourished or anything, but six year olds need attention. A lot of people use work as a way to get away from their families. What if that’s what’s going on?
I obviously can’t just accuse this man of anything, but when he comes in I’m for sure going to question him a little.
Sure, maybe I’m overreacting, but I need to make sure this father isn’t a piece of shit like I’ve seen before.
“I thought your teacher’s name was Mr. Cunningham,” the father says to his child, question in his voice.
They reach the door and enter my classroom.
Before Atlas can answer his father, I do. “Mr. Cunningham was injured, and decided to retire. I was his secondary teacher, but I’ve stepped up since he’s been gone.”
You would know that if you were ever here, I want to say, but I don’t
“Oh. Well, it’s nice to meet you,” he says kindly.
I look up at him for the first time… and holy shit. He’s gorgeous. He has fluffy brown waves that are just long enough to frame his face nicely, but aren’t too long. His face is clean shaven. His build is nice, I notice. He’s tall and lanky but underneath the suit, I’m sure there’s a fair amount of muscles.
I force myself to quit looking at him, hoping I wasn’t exactly checking him out. I look into his brown eyes and immediately regret it because they’re like a a pool of honey that could suck you in and keep you there like quicksand.
“Nice to finally meet you too,” I say. “And nice to see you again, Atlas.”
The little boy smiles at me.
“Oh forgive me,” his father laughs a little awkwardly. “I’m Spencer Reid, Atlas’s father as I’m sure you’ve presumed.”
He doesn’t reach his hand out to shake mine, but I don’t mind much.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” I gesture to the table in front of my desk. “Please, have a seat. Atlas, there’s toys over on the rug for you to play with.”
“No thank you,” he says then turns to his father. “Dad, you forgot doctor.”
“Hm?” Mr. Reid looks down at his son, seeming almost as if he had to shake himself out of looking at me.
“You forgot the doctor in front of your name!”
I smile at the kid then look up at his father. “You’re a doctor?”
“PhD,” he tells me. “I think Atlas likes to correct people on it more than I do.” He laughs softly and it makes me smile a little.
���Well, then nice to meet you Dr. Reid,” I say with that little smile still on my face.
My eyes rake down to his outfit again, and he takes notice.
“Pardon my being overdressed. I just came back from work,” Dr. Reid says.
“Where do you work?” I ask curiously, hoping I can see why he appears to be always busy.
“I’m an agent at the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit,” he tells me.
Woah. Okay maybe he’s not trying to get away from his son. Maybe work just keeps him busy. But I’m not ruling out piece of shit father just yet, no matter how attractive he is.
“Oh. That’s impressive,” I say. “I’m sure that keeps you busy.”
He nods. “Yes ma’am it does. I hate that I haven’t been able to attend all the meetings and parties, but I have promised Atlas I will be going to the Christmas party.”
I smile softly. “Good. I think it’s really special to have parents or guardians here for those types of things.”
“I agree with you,” Dr. Reid says. “I wish I could be here more. It’s just that I’m always being flown off to a different state for cases. I hope you don’t hold that against me, Ms. Y/n.”
His voice is sweet and sounds a little upset. Maybe piece of shit father can be ruled out. Maybe.
“I won’t deny that it made me a little worried,” I tell him honestly.
“But I’m glad you’re here today,” I say with a kind smile. “So this meeting is for me to tell parents about their child’s progress. As you know, the semester is almost over.”
He nods, showing me he’s listening.
“Atlas has been an excellent student all semester. He shows incredible strength in all academic subjects. Truly impressive.”
Dr. Reid smiles and nudges Atlas with his elbow. The child laughs. “Good job, bud.”
I smile, admiring the father-son moment. “He is also very kind to the other kids and me. Though, he is less social than the other children. Which is nothing to worry about right now. A lot of kids go through a shy phase.”
“He gets that from me,” Dr. Reid says. “I’m sure we can work on that.”
“Really, it’s no worry right now. It would be something to worry about if he didn’t share and wasn’t very nice, but he doesn’t seem to have trouble in those area,” I tell him.
Dr. Reid nods. “Alright. So there are no concerns?”
“None. You’ve raised a great kid.”
He smiles proudly. “Thank you. Atlas talks very highly of you, I just didn’t know you were his primary teacher now.”
I nod. “Kids leave details out sometimes.”
“Yes they do,” he chuckles. Dr. Reid stands up. “It very nice to meet you.”
I raise from my sweet as well. “You too, Dr. Reid. And I’ll see you next week for the Christmas party?”
“Yes you will,” he nods with a gentle smile.
He takes Atlas’s hand in his, and they walk out.
“Bye, Ms. Y/n!”
“Bye, sweetheart,” I grin. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The two walk out of my classroom. So I was wrong about Atlas’s dad. That’s a relief.
Dr. Reid and Atlas were the last meeting of the day, and the quickest. Which is a little disappointing for me. I wouldn’t have minded them staying longer. I pack up my bag and head home from the school.
“Your teacher seems nice,” I tell my son while buckling him into his car seat.
“Ms. Y/n’s great,” he smiles up at me.
I ruffle his light brown hair before getting into the driver’s seat. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to meet her before, kiddo.”
“It’s okay, Daddy,” he says, and it almost breaks my heart.
It makes me feel awful that I haven’t been able to attend the meetings and events for Atlas’s class. I don’t know how Hotch and JJ do this. I guess Hotch had his sister-in-law watch after Jack while he was away on cases, and JJ has Will and their babysitter.
Which is why I hired a nanny years ago. But I hate that I have to rely on her to take care of him at least 3 full days a week. He’s my child, and I want to be there for him.
Starting next week, I’m taking a sabbatical so I can be with him for the rest of the holidays. I’ll be home for the rest of December, January, and February. And I’m excited to tell him over dinner.
I’m glad I was able to attend the end of the semester parent-teacher meeting this evening. I definitely wasn’t expecting Atlas’s teacher to be so young and pretty.
All the teacher’s I had were much older and a little cranky.
But Ms. Y/n can’t be a day over twenty-eight, or at least she doesn’t look like she is.
Not only does Atlas love her, but I think she may have won over my approval as well. She seems like a nice person.
I think she caught me checking her out. Not in an inappropriate way, but I was looking at her hair, and her eyes, and her face. I couldn’t help myself. She’s attractive. Very. Anyway, I was embarrassed and red faced when she saw me looking, but at least she didn’t say anything about it.
I definitely shouldn’t be checking out my son’s teacher, but it’s just attraction. There’s nothing wrong with attraction. It would be wrong if I flirted with her. But I’m not going to
“Daddy, are you coming?” Atlas groans, waiting by the door with his backpack on.
“Yes. Patience, son, patience,” I say with a soft laugh. I’m tying my tie in front of the bathroom mirror.
I’m dressed in a red button up, black slacks, and my infamous dirty converse. I throw on a dark grey cardigan after finishing with the tie.
Atlas waits for me, checking his watch.
“We’re not late, Atlas,” I assure him. “Do you have the cookies in your bag?”
“Yep,” he nods.
“Alright, c’mon,” I say, and the two of us head out of our apartment.
Today is the Christmas party for Atlas’s kindergarten class. He seems to be thrilled I’m coming with him, and that makes me happy. Though, I did pass on my habit of worrying and being early to everything.
Last night, he helped me bake cookies for the party. Usually, I’d do store bought, but since this is the first time this year I’ve been able to attend something like this, I wanted it to be special for him.
We made little snowmen and santa hats out of frosting. Some are a little wonky, and I’m not even sure if they’re my drawings or his.
“Dr. Reid, I’m so glad you could make it!” Ms. Y/n says as I walk with Atlas into the classroom. We’re pretty early thanks to my overly punctual son. In fact, we’re the first ones here.
“Sorry. I know we’re early. You know how Atlas is,” I chuckle softly, getting the cookies out of his backpack.
“No worries,” she says with a little smile. “Nothing wrong with wanting to be early.”
She says the last sentence to Atlas.
He gives her a little smile back.
“Did you make these?” Ms. Y/n asks, gesturing to the cookies in my hands.
“Yes, I did,” I nod.
Atlas looks up at me with furrowed eyebrows.
“Sorry. We did.”
“Well, they’re adorable. Thank you so much.”
I hand her the cookies and she puts them on the snack table.
“I can help finish setting up,” I offer. “You know, since we’re so early.”
Ms. Y/n turns around, and I can’t help but notice how her hair flows nicely and her eyes meet the smile her lips give me.
“I’d really appreciate that,” she says.
Her outfit is festive; she’s got a red sweater with the word “Merry” written in cursive, there’s green ribbons in her hair, and her makeup is themed as well.
“What do you need me to do?”
She thinks for a moment. “Could you hang up that sign over there? I’m too short and didn’t feel like busting my bottom by falling off my spinny chair,” she laughs softly.
“It would be better if you didn’t, yes,” I chuckle softly as well. I pick up the festive sign and hang it up where she tells me too.
She’s got the whole classroom decorated. She seems like the type to do this for all the holidays. I wish I could’ve seen what she did for Halloween, my favorite holiday.
“Thank you so much, Dr. Reid,” she says with a smile after we finish setting up for the party.
“Please, you can call me Spencer,” I tell her. “And you’re very welcome.”
She tucks her hair behind her ear with another grin. “Alright, Spencer, fair warning. Some of these moms are a little intense.”
I raise my eyebrows with a soft chuckle. “Intense?”
“Mhm,” Ms. Y/n nods. “They always try to out due each other with the snacks and games. It’s almost sad to watch sometimes, but you didn’t hear that from me.”
I raise my hands in the air with a laugh. “Your gossip is safe with me.”
“Hey, that was not gossip! It was a warning,” she says, but can’t hold on her chuckle.
“Right,” I nod, making a face to show her I’m being sarcastic.
She rolls her eyes, a slight grin on her face.
Just before I’m about to compliment her (and probably embarrass myself), more parents and kids come into the classroom.
Atlas seems to be enjoying the party, but he doesn’t talk to many of the other kids.
Ms. Y/n makes her rounds, talking to her students and their parents or guardians. I introduce myself to some of them, but Ms. Y/n was right. They’re not the kindest. I hear some of them whispering about how I’m never around.
“How are things over here?” she asks me and Atlas as we snack on some of the goodies.
“It’s going well,” I say with a soft grin. “Just a little strange I guess.”
“Anything I can do?”
“No, ma’am I think we’re okay.”
“Hey, if I don’t have to call you doctor, you don’t have to call me Ms. or ma’am,” she says with a smile.
“Noted,” I chuckle softly.
“Thank you for coming,” she says in a low voice so Atlas can’t hear. “I know he’s glad to have you here.”
I nod. “Im glad to be here.”
The party is over soon enough, and school is let out for Christmas break.
“Are you excited for two weeks off of school?” I ask Atlas once we’re home.
“I like school,” he says.
“I always did too,” I smile softly. “But aren’t you excited for Christmas?”
“Yes. Are we going to see Henry and Michael this week?”
“Mhm,” I nod. “We’re doing our work Christmas on Friday so you’ll get to see them.”
He nods with a small smile.
Atlas is different, just like I was, still am. He’s on the spectrum too. He can show emotions, but he doesn’t do it often. He definitely feels things though, he just feels them differently than other kids.
He’s always had social problems, but he’s known Henry and Michael since he was born. He’s never seemed to have an issue with them.
I just hope he can make more friends as he grows older. It’s hard when your kid doesn’t have many buddies. I understand, of course, but it still makes me a little upset at times.
Okay, Atlas’s father is not only gorgeous, but he’s smart and charming too. That’s kind of inconvenient for me because I think I’m developing a crush on him.
He was helpful and kind at the party. Watching him with his son warms my heart too. He’s gentle and loving. Not many dads are as affectionate as Spencer.
I suppose he has to be since Atlas doesn’t have a mom. I wonder what happened there. Was he ever married? Did his wife die? God, I hope not. That’s sad. I would just assume they were separated, but Atlas said he doesn’t have a mom at all.
It’s halfway through Christmas break when I decide to message Spencer. It’s a professional message, of course.
Y/n: Hello, Dr. Reid. This is Y/n Y/l/n, Atlas’s teacher. Sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering how yours and Atlas’s holiday break is going?
It doesn’t take too long for him to respond.
Spencer: Y/n, nice to hear from you. Our break is going great! We spent Christmas with my mother, and Atlas had a great time. How’s yours going?”
Y/n: I’m glad he’s having fun. Mine’s going great too. I spent Christmas with my parents and siblings; it was nice.
Spencer: I’m glad you’re having fun as well. Any plans for New Year’s?
My heart flutters as if he’s asking me on a date. But I know better.
Y/n: Not yet. You?
Spencer: I’ll probably go over to my coworker’s house. Her kids are friends with Atlas.
Y/n: Oh that’s great! Are they close in age?
Spencer: Her youngest son is just a year older than Atlas, and the other is a few years older. I’m glad he has them.
Y/n: We’ll, me too. Enjoy your time with Atlas!
Spencer: Will do! I’ll see you later.
He’ll see me later. Hell yeah, he will. I’ll make sure of it.
I feel a little bad for texting him for so long, but he didn’t seem to mind.
I smile to myself, my cheeks blushing. I did text him because I wanted to check on Atlas, but I also just wanted to text him.
Maybe it was a little unprofessional, but hopefully anyone who found out, which no one will, just think I was checking on a student.
The second semester starts way too soon. I can’t believe this year is already halfway over. The kids are all hyper and excited to share their stories from Christmas break.
I have them sit on the rug in a circle and share what they did over the break. I let them be a little louder than usual just to get some energy out.
After story and play time, we do a 10 minute quiet reading.
I sit down by Atlas at his table. “You didn’t share what you did. Is everything okay?”
He sets down his book. He always reads books at a much larger lever than every other kid. It’s incredible.
He nods. “Everything’s okay.”
I’m not convinced. “What’s up then, kiddo?”
He sighs softly. “Everyone was talking about being home with their mommies and daddies and brothers and sisters. It was just me and my dad.”
There he goes. Breaking my heart again.
“Awh, Atlas,” I frown but try to be supportive. “It’s okay to be upset about that, but you are so lucky to have such a great dad. He loves you so much, you know that?”
He nods.
“There are tons of kids just like you who don’t have a mommy. You are not alone.”
He leans his head on my arm for a second. “Okay.”
I think my words got through to him, but it’s a little hard to tell.
The school day goes by and so does the whole week. I keep thinking about Atlas and his dad. I feel sorry for both of them. I don’t know what happened with Atlas’s mom, but I’m pretty sure it affects both of them often.
My phone chimes and my stomach flutters when I read the name of who texted me. He must be some psychic who can tell when someone’s thinking about him.
Spencer: So Atlas tells me there’s going to be a Valentine’s day party next month.
Y/n: Yes sir. I’m hoping to have as many parents as I can come help the kids decorate their card boxes.
Spencer: You can count me in.
Y/n: Perfect! I’ll be sending out emails within the next few weeks.
Spencer: I’ll be on the lookout. How was the rest of your break?
I smile to myself like an idiot.
Y/n: It was good! How about yours?
Spencer: Ours was good as well. Atlas has seemed a little distant this week. Has he told you anything?
Y/n: He did mention something, but I really don’t think it’s my place to bring this up.
Spencer: If he said anything to you, it is your place. If you don’t feel comfortable texting about it, we could meet up for brunch tomorrow? If that’s okay with you.
Idiotly smiling is now my special talent.
Y/n: I’ll meet you at the cafe on 7th at 10?
Spencer: I’ll see you there.
Is this a date? There’s no way it’s a date, right? It’s just a man and his kid’s teacher discussing the child.
Which definitely explains why I’m getting dressed up for this brunch right now. Well, it’s not like I’m putting on a gown or anything, but I’m wearing one of my nicest blouses tucked into a skirt.
Spencer is already seated in the cafe when I walk in. He pulls a chair out of me to sit in, and I’m pretty sure I would give him my hand in marriage right then and there.
“It’s nice to see you again, Y/n,” he says with a soft smile.
“You as well, Dr. Re- Spencer,” I chuckle softly.
“Atlas is with my friend and her kids right now, so you’ve got my undivided attention,” he says with a soft grin.
Holy shit. The butterflies are going crazy.
We order our coffee and food.
“How was the first week back?”
“It was good. The kids were a little crazy at first, but that’s normal with all the energy they need to get out.”
“I hope Atlas wasn’t giving you any trouble?”
I smile softly and shake my head. “He never does.”
“That’s good to hear,” Spencer smiles back. “So what did he talk to you about?”
I take a breath. “Well, he told me he was a little upset because all the other kids were talking about being with their families, and he was feeling a little… I guess upset about not having a mom.” My words are awkward because I have no idea how to say this to him. It’s not my place to talk about Atlas’s mom.
Spencer furrows his eyebrows and frowns. “Oh.”
“But I talked to him for a second, and I think he started to feel better,” I say, trying to give him a smile.
He nods. “It’s hard being a single dad sometimes. I know he doesn’t understand why all his peers have a mom and he doesn’t. I honestly don’t know how to handle it.”
I give him a look of sympathy and touch his hand lightly with mine. “I’m sorry, Spencer. I can’t even imagine.”
Spencer takes a deep breath. “He may be smart, but he’s still just a little kid. He needs more than what I can give him.”
“I may haven’t known you for very long, but I know you give him the best you can. You’re a great dad, and he loves you,” I tell him.
I try to take my hand away, but he holds onto it.
“I’m sorry for dumping all of that on you,” he chuckles nervously. “Sometimes I just-”
“Need someone to talk to?” I suggest, and he nods. “Me too. You can talk to me whenever you need someone.”
He smiles softly. “Thank you. You can talk to me too.”
I grin, my cheeks most definitely burning red.
“You don’t have kids, do you?”
I shake my head in answer to his question. “No. I prefer to be able to give them back when the bell rings.”
Spencer laughs, brushing some soft curls out of his face with his hand. The hand that was holding mine. It feels like it’s still holding mine. What is this man doing to me?
“I’m kidding,” I chuckle. “I want kids. Eventually.”
“How old are you?” He asks, tilting his head. Then realization hits. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I just asked that. I don’t want to seem rude.”
“No, you’re good,” I laugh softly. “I just turned 30 in October.”
“My birthday’s in October too,” he smiles.
“Really what day, mine’s the 15th?”
“28th. Though I’m a lot older than you.”
“What?” I shake my head. “No way.”
He nods. “Mhm. I’ll be 41 this year.”
“10 years isn’t a lot.”
“It’s not not a lot,” he chuckles. “You don’t even look 30. 27 at most.”
“You’re so lying right now,” I laugh, tucking my hair behind my ears. “If you’re trying to get Atlas a good grade, he already has one.”
Spencer shakes his head, laughing softly again. “I’m not lying.”
My cheeks are burning red, and I feel so silly right now. We eat brunch together and continue talking for a bit.
“I’ve got to go pick up Atlas, but it was really nice talking with you,” Spencer stands up.
I stand up along with him, and we start toward the door. He opens the door for me and lets me go out first.
“It was nice talking with you too,” I grin up at him.
“I’ll see you soon,” he says.
“You will?” I ask, blushing hard.
“Yeah. At the Valentine’s day party,” he reminds me, and I feel ridiculous.
“Right,” I chuckle awkwardly. “Have a nice weekend.”
“You too, Y/n.”
So I have a thing for my student’s dad. I’m fucked.
I cannot be doing this. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t get involved with anyone after Atlas’s mom. I can’t risk it. I can’t risk getting hurt again.
But despite my swearing off romance, I’m falling for her. It’s extremely inconvenient and a little annoying.
No matter how gorgeous, smart, and charming she is, I have to stop thinking about her the way I am. I’m imagining the way her lips would taste on mine and how soft her skin is.
But I know more than anyone that it’s nearly impossible to stop thinking about things like this. We want what we can’t have. It’s only human.
So I’ll allow myself to want her. But I won’t allow myself to have her.
Letting people in only leads to heartbreak. That’s something I’ve learned in my 40 years of living.
I was in love in her. Like the cheesy head over heals we read about in romance books. She was beautiful and confident.
I finally got the nerve to ask her out, and to my surprise she said yes.
I was too blind and in love to realize that she was only interested in the sex. She didn’t actually care.
I remember the exact moment she told me she was pregnant. I was ecstatic. I’ve wanted to be a father since I could remember.
I wrapped my arms around her, kissed her forehead, and told her we could do this together. We could handle it.
The look on her face didn’t match mine though.
“I don’t want to do this together! Spencer, are you crazy? We can’t have a baby. I just got promoted. I’ve got to focus on my job, not a needy child,” she told me.
I felt my heart sink down to the flow below my feet. “What?”
“Spencer,” she sighed. “C’mon. We’ve only been together for five months. We barely even know each other. We can’t be parents.”
And now it was being stepped on, crushed beneath her high heels.
“Then we’ll get to know each other better… Lily, I love you.”
She shook her head. “No, you don’t, Spencer. And I don’t love you. We were just having fun. I don’t want this baby. And I don’t want to be with you either.”
How could she tell me what I felt? I knew what I felt. I was in love in her. I wanted to have this baby with her. We could’ve been a happy little family.
I looked down at my shoes, and I was pretty sure I saw my no longer beating heart laying there near them.
She was like a black widow, but instead of using me to mate with and eating my head, she ripped my heart out and chewed it up.
“Please, Lily,” I whispered, pleaded. “I’ll take care of the baby. You don’t have to do anything. Just please don’t…”
“Fine. I’ll have the baby, but don’t expect me to be involved in its life. Or yours.”
It? Our child was just an it to her?
I nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”
I felt sick to my stomach for the entire nine months on top of the heartbreak.
She wouldn’t let me help her. She barely spoke to me when I asked her how she was doing.
I got to be there for his birth, and I’ll always be grateful for that.
Soon enough, it was legally official that I had full custody, and she didn’t have to pay child support.
So instead of a happy family with the woman I loved and our beautiful son, I got a beautiful son I worried about every day. Worried that I wouldn’t be enough for him.
I still worry about that even six years later.
I made the promise to myself and to Atlas that I wouldn’t be with anyone ever again for both of our sakes when he was just a year old.
I made the promise to protect both of us from heartbreak. I wouldn’t get my heart ripped out again, and Atlas wouldn’t have false hope about someone staying with us.
The promise has been fairly easy to keep. Of course, there’s been a few women I wanted to sleep with and even have a relationship with. But I knew self control was key. If not for myself, for Atlas.
Sometimes I find myself wondering how Lily’s doing, wanting to call her and tell her how our son, no, my son is brilliant and beautiful. But I know she doesn’t care. Just like she didn’t actually care about me.
To her, the last six years have not been full of anxiety, doctors bills, daycare, hiring a nanny, and praying to whatever or whoever is out there that Atlas will be safe wherever he goes. It’s probably been a great six years for her. And it has been for me too; I love my son with everything in me. I just can’t pretend it hasn’t been hard.
Now, I find myself wondering if Y/n thinks of me the same way I think about her. But it’s not like it matters because I’m not going to act on my attraction to her.
part two
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx <3
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Just Acting (MGG)
series masterlist | ongoing
series content warnings: 7ish year age gap, “enemies” to lovers, NSFW 18+
disclaimer: i started writing this in 2020 before rumors were said abt mgg and before we knew there was going to be a reboot. so this takes place in an imaginary season 16 and has nothing to do with the reboot. since it was written when i was a little younger, the writing can be a bit eh imo. also there are descriptions of y/n, and definitely feel free to ignore them
MGG x fem reader
Y/n has been on Criminal Minds for almost two seasons now. She loves her job, but there’s one problem: she cannot stand her coworker, Matthew Gray Gubler. When their characters on the show start to develop a romantic bond, their not-so-friendly relationship starts changing.
When Y/n finds out she is going to be a part of season 16 and get more screen time, she is excited and ready to get to work. She just hopes Matthew won't get in the way.
When Spencer Reid and her character, Delilah Reign grow closer together, Y/n is forced to spend more time with the coworker she’d rather avoid.
Chapter One | After getting the great news that she will be a returning character on Criminal Minds season 16, Y/n is excited about the amazing opportunity. However, she is annoyed by her ever-present coworker.
Chapter Two | Y/n and Matthew have a few more interactions while on set. She gets invited to a cast dinner.
Chapter Three | Y/n meets up with her friend and visits her favorite library.
Chapter Four | She attends the cast dinner and gets to know them more, and they get to know her better too.
Chapter Five | Y/n goes to set and films a scene with Matthew.
Chapter Six | Y/n learns she has to film a kissing scene with Matthew. Spencer and Delilah hang out more and get to know each other better.
Chapter Seven | It’s date night with Y/n and Jordan.
Chapter Eight | The relationship between Natthew and Y/n is as bitter as always, while Delilah and Spencer take the next step in their own relationship.
Chapter Nine | Spencer shows his romantic side, and Y/n‘a newfound romantic life seems off.
Chapter Ten | The cast goes on their lake house vacation. Matthew and Y/n decide they can bond as Spencer and Delilah for the sake of the show.
Chapter Eleven | Everyone is enjoying their relaxing time at Joe’s lake house. Y/n’s enjoyment takes a hit as the progress between her and Matthew seems to be taken back.
Chapter Twelve | After a rough few days, the deal Matthew and Y/n made to bond for the show comes back to bite her in the ass.
Chapter Thirteen | The lake trip comes to and end, and Y/n is back to filming.
Chapter Fourteen | Y/n’s “date” with Matthew, as Delilah and Spencer, goes a lot better than expected.
Chapter Fifteen | The friendliness and “friendliness” between MGG and Y/n comes to an end after a fight.
Chapter Sixteen | After resolving things between them, Matthew and Y/n decide to DTR.
Chapter Seventeen | The holidays are approaching, and the cast is preparing to take a much needed break from filming. Y/n is thrown into the hollywood life when her face is on an article with Matthew’s.
Chapter Eighteen | Y/n’s first interview for Criminal Minds goes smoothly, then she’s on a flight back home for the holidays.
Chapter Nineteen | After an argument with Matthew and a talk with her sister, Y/n decides to set up a date with an old friend.
Chapter Twenty | A few days after the holiday, Y/n goes on that date with someone from her past. She finds herself in trouble, but Matthew helps her get out of it.
Chapter Twenty-One | It takes a New Year’s Eve party for the two to finally admit the truth about their dynamic.
Chapter Twenty-Two | An unsettling event throws Delilah into the world of the BAU once again.
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid and reader#mgg x y/n#matthew gray gubler x reader#matthew gray gubler angst#mgg x reader#dilf spencerreid#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x fem!readr#spencer reid x fanfiction#mgg fem!reader#criminal minds x y/n#criminal minds x oc#criminal minds x you
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Better Off Broken PART TWO
this is the second and final part to better off broken, so click the link to read that first
synopsis: Spencer Reid finally gets a chance to meet his little boy’s teacher after always being away on a case for all the other opportunities. Though, the single father Dr. Reid was not expecting his son’s kindergarten teacher to be a charming young woman who might possibly make him forget the vow he took to swear off romantic involvements. (dual point of view). (not edited so excuse errors)
content warnings: past relationship trauma, a little bit of self deprecation, 18+ scenes, fluff…
Spencer and I have been texting quite a bit lately. It’s usually just to catch up and talk about Atlas, but it’s still nice.
I want to ask him out on a real date, but I’m not even sure how I would go about that. We’ve only known each other a month and a half, and I don’t even know if he feels the same way I do. I’m not sure if I want to know.
If I don’t know how he feels, I can keep this little fantasy in my head where we’re secretly pining after each other.
But every time we text or he comes into my classroom when he’s picking Atlas up (which has only been twice, but it still happened), I think about asking him out, just ripping the bandaid off.
I feel something between us, a type of connection, but I don’t know if he feels it too. We get a little flirty sometimes (or at least I think it’s flirty), but it never goes past that. It’s always just a few smiles and some slightly suggestive - not in a sexual way - words, but never more than that.
The Valentine’s day party is coming up, and Spencer has already told me he’ll be there. I’m excited to see him again, but I worry that I’ll make it obvious that I like him. Although, maybe I should make it obvious. Maybe I should ask him out that day. It would be pretty ballsy. I think I’m just going to fucking do it.
“Are you excited for the Valentine’s day party, Atlas?” I ask my son as I lace up my red converse.
He’s already dressed and waiting for me by the door, per usual. He nods, checking his watch. This kid is so much like me, it’s scary.
“Since it’s not until later, I’ll drop you off then I’m going to pick up some supplies just in case Ms. Y/n needs more, okay?”
“Okay,” Atlas says with one nod of his head.
“You’re a man of many words, A,” I chuckle softly, a bright smile on my face. I adore this little boy with every ounce of my being.
Atlas waits for me to finish getting ready then he grabs my hand and we head down to my car. Eventually, I’ll get us a house. I’ve been saving half of my paycheck every month for things like that. Maybe I’ll buy a house in the suburbs close to the school. I think Atlas would like to have a backyard to himself. Not that he’s the type of kid to play outside in the dirt, but he likes to read outside and listen to the birds chirp.
I convinced Atlas to wear a red button up today just to be a little festive. He agreed even though he usually wears blue on Tuesdays.
I drive him to school and make sure he gets to the building okay before I head to the store. I’ve never stepped foot in a Hobby Lobby, but I want to help Y/n just in case she needs it.
I grab a bunch of little Valentine’s day decorations for the kids to put on their boxes. I definitely look silly doing this, but I don’t mind.
“These for anyone special?” The young lady at the register asks me as she scans the items.
“I-uh no. They’re for my son’s class,” I say, but my cheeks turn the color of the red hearts. They’re technically for Y/n, and she is someone special. But I barely admit that to myself, let alone out loud.
“You’re a dad? There’s no way, you look so young,” she chuckles softly, twirling her hair around her finger.
She’s flirting with me. I used to not be able to detect things like that, but I’ve gotten better at reading people. Being a behavioral analyst helped with that.
“Thanks,” I say nonchalantly and pay for the decorations. I leave quickly then head to the grocery store to get some cookies for the class.
Eventually, it’s time to head to the school for the party. I’m one of the first parents there.
“Dr. Reid,” Y/n smiles and takes the box of cookies I bought. “You are just a helpful man, huh?”
I grin softly. “I do the best I can.”
“Nice tie,” she looks up at me, taking my pink tie in her hand. I resist the urge to tell her to pool me down by it then kiss her right then and there. Good thing I’m a professional at self control now.
“Thank you,” I chuckle slightly.
Eventually, all the parents that could make it are here and we start helping the kids decorate their card boxes.
Atlas and I made cards last night for all his classmates. We put little heart shaped suckers into the animal themed Valentine’s Day cards.
It takes nearly two hours for all the kids to finish decorating their boxes, the classroom is a mess of paper, glitter glue, felt hearts, and more. The kids go around, slipping their cards into everyone’s boxes.
Atlas seems to be having a good time. He decorated his box as neatly as he could. He’s very particular about things.
Eventually, the kids clean up a little bit and school is let out. The parents say goodbye to Ms. Y/n and the other parents, and it’s just me, Atlas, and Y/n in here.
“The parties always make my room a wreck,” she laughs softly, brushing her hair out of her face.
“We can help clean up,” I say.
“You don’t have to do that. I’ve got this,” she assures me.
“Hmm. Nope. I think we’re going to help. Aren’t we, Atlas?”
My son nods. “Mhm.”
Y/n chuckles, shaking her head. God, I’ve got to stop staring at her.
“Fine, but no complaining since you wanted this, Dr. Reid,” she points an accusing finger at me.
I raise my hands in the air innocently. “Yes ma’am.”
Atlas and I help her clean up for at least half an hour. Kids are messy.
“Thank you so much,” Y/n sighs, tossing her hair out of her face. “You’re an angel.”
Little does she know she looks like an angel, and I’d like her to show me heaven for a night.
I blush, and look down at my shoes. “I’m always happy to help.”
“Atlas did you have fun?” She asks.
“Yes ma’am,” he nods, a slight smile on his face. He’s holding his decorated box.
She smiles at him. “Good!” Then she turns her attention back to me. “I have something for you.”
“For me?” I raise my eyebrows.
“Mhm. But you’re not allowed to look at it until you get home.”
“Well, now I’m intrigued,” I chuckle.
“No cheating, doc.” She grabs something from her desk then slips it into my front pocket.
I can’t help but notice the smell of her hair and tingle at her touch, even if it was through clothes. It’s been way too long since I’ve been touched. Lily was the last person I even kissed.
And as much as I want to pull Y/n into me right now, I have a promise to keep. A promise to myself and to my son.
“Do not open it until you’re home,” she says again, stern voiced.
“Okay, okay,” I laugh softly.
She grins up at me. “Drive safe.”
“You too. Are you leaving right now, we can walk you out?”
“No, I’ve got to do some lesson planning. But thank you for the offer,” Y/n says sweetly.
Atlas and I make it home about fifteen minutes later, and he sits down on the couch with a book.
“What are you thinking for dinner, bud?” I ask him, looking in the fridge for what I could cook later.
“Spaghetti,” he tells me. “What did the note say?”
“Note?” I know what he’s talking about, but for some reason I feel the need for him to clarify.
“From Ms. Y/n.”
“I haven’t read it yet,” I tell him.
“She said to open it when you get home. We’re home.”
I laugh a little. He’s a very straight forward young man.
“I’ll open later, buddy,” I say, looking over at him sitting on the couch. Well, I look at the back of his head.
I take the beef out of the freezer for it to thaw then join my son on the couch. The note in my pocket is burning a hole through the fabric of my pants. I’m pretty certain I have an idea of what it says, and I’m not ready to reject her.
After dinner, while Atlas is in the shower - he showers on his own, but keeps the door open so I can hear if he needs me - I take the note out of my pocket. I unfold it and my heart both flutters and drops at the same time.
It doesn’t take me long to decipher the “code” of the note. She wrote the words “Will you go on a date with me?” using elements from the period table and only putting their atomic mass. She’s definitely using my love for chemistry to win me over.
It’s the cheesiest, most nerdy Valentine’s Day card I’ve ever seen. I would absolutely love it if six years ago I didn’t swear off relationships and dating. I do absolutely love it actually, but I can’t agree to what it asks.
As much as I want to ignore it and pretend like she didn’t ask me this question, I know I have to let her down sooner than later. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do.
After I get Atlas to bed and I’m in my pjs, I call her. My stomach is knotted tightly. I hate myself for this.
“Spencer, hey!” I answer the phone once I see his contact pop up on my screen. “You must’ve read the note.”
“I did,” he admits, but the tone in his voice makes me want to figure out a way to take the note back through the screen.
“And?” I question, my intestines tying themselves in knots.
He sighs. Shit. “Y/n… I- I can’t.”
“Right,” I laugh awkwardly. “You know, just- uh forget I asked. Which I guess technically I didn’t ask, the note did.” More awkward laughs spill out of me. “Anyway…”
“It’s not as if I don’t want to. I just can’t. I hope you understand?”
“Yeah, no, sure. Totally,” I ramble. Oh my God what am I saying? “It’s all good.”
“I’m sorry,” he says, and it makes me want to slam my head into the headboard behind me.
“No!” I practically yell into his ear. “No worries. It’s okay.”
“It’s getting late, huh? I should probably go to bed. Goodnight.” I hang up before he can even get the ‘G’ sound out in response.
Embarrassing. As. Fuck.
How the hell am I going to see him again and not melt into a puddle of humiliation right in the spot?
And what the fuck does he mean by he ‘can’t’? He said it’s not that he doesn’t want to. So he wants to, but he can’t? What does he have a girlfriend I don’t know about? I feel like I would know if he did.
In my head, before I have him the note, this went a lot better. He got home and read it then called me right away with a date and a time he’d pick me up. I’d wear a pretty dress, one that I haven’t been able to wear in forever because I haven’t had an occasion to do so. He would wear a suit like he was the first time I met him. We’d both agree to not have sex because it’s too soon, but he’d kiss me at the doorstep, maybe for a little too long.
But movies, books, and tv are fucking liars because instead of that, I got a “I can’t.” What the hell kind of story is this?
I lean back into my bed and let out a dramatic sigh. I shouldn’t have asked him out. We could’ve just stayed friends.
I just thought I wasn’t alone in the attraction. I thought he felt something too. Apparently I am really bad at reading people. Good think he’s the profiler, and I’m not.
But hey, if I ruined our friendship at least it wasn’t a long standing one. We’ve only been friends for almost two months.
Still, I’ll be sad to see him go. He’s nice to talk to. He’s smart, intimidatingly so, and he’s the most gentlemanly person I’ve ever met. Every time we talk, he asks how I’m doing, and I know it’s not just a formality, he genuinely cares. And hell, he’s not a bad sight to look at. Okay, he’s a very pleasing sight to look at.
Maybe I was mistaking friendly feelings for the romantic kind, but we’ve been flirting for at least a month, so I thought we shared a mutual liking/attraction to each other.
Perhaps he’s the type to flirt with people and it mean nothing. Maybe he’s just one of those guys who’s friendly and accidentally flirts. I may never know because the only time I’ve seen him interact with other women was in the classroom, and he obviously wasn’t flirting with the moms.
But in order to not lose our friendship, I can pretend like I wasn’t embarrassed out of my mind as long as he can pretend I never asked him out. It can just be something we sweep under the rug and leave there to suffocate.
The next few weeks are still awkward, but Spencer and I still talk, well text. Written communication is much less confrontational than verbal.
Spencer: Do you want to grab lunch on Saturday? I need to talk to you.
Oh fuck, here we go. The awkward “You’ve ruined our friendship, and it’s not the same anymore” talk. I know this one all too well because my I had to have it with one of my old best friends.
We were friends for years and years, then out of the blue, he kissed me. Honestly, I always thought he was gay because he never had a girlfriend, but apparently it was because he liked me - or was in love with me as he claimed.
But we were best friends, and I couldn’t see him as anything else. He made a point to not talk to me after I rejected his kiss, and if we did talk, it was full of short, choppy sentences on his end.
Eventually, I had to give him the aforementioned talk. It was painful for both sides.
And now I feel it coming from Spencer.
Good thing Spring Break is now approaching, and I won’t have to face him or Atlas for a whole week, not that any of this has to do with Atlas.
“Y/n,” Spencer starts. His sitting across from me at the cafe we chose to have lunch at. He looks amazing in the sweater he’s wearing, and I really wish I could put a bag over his head so I couldn’t see him; but then again I’d still see his body and his body is just as pretty as his face.
“Spencer,” I say awkwardly, trying to force out a little laugh.
He starts to talk at the same time I’m trying to say something else.
“Go ahead,” he says. Always the gentleman.
“No, you go,” I insist. “You said we need to talk, so you can talk.”
He sighs softly, some of his hair blowing back from the air. “I’m sorry.”
This time I do laugh a little. “You’re sorry? Sorry for what?”
“I’m sorry I made this so weird.”
“You made this weird? I’m the one who asked you out. If anyone made it weird, it’s me,” I say with another chuckle.
This time he joins me in the soft laugh. Spencer shakes his head. “No, no. You didn’t. I just didn’t know how to handle things after that. It’s on me for being immature about it.”
Stop making me fall for you, you asshat. “It’s not big deal. Really,” I say with an assuring smile.
He smiles back, and I’m pretty sure I could be blinded by that pretty of a sight. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” I nod. “We can just pretend it never happened. I would say forget, but one of us has an eidetic memory.”
Spencer grins, rolling his eyes. “Well, that one sounds like a real pain in the ass.”
“He is,” I chuckle.
We’re back. I think.
He laughed too, and for a minute, we hold eye contact. Something in those hazel eyes tells me he wasn’t lying when he said “It’s not as if I don’t want to.” Because if I know men at all, and I’m pretty sure I do at least a little bit, it looks like Spencer definitely wants to go on that date, maybe more than that. His eyes rake down to my v neck of my top.
“Anyway,” I say with an awkward chuckle, breaking whatever the hell just happened between us. “How’s your sabbatical been?”
Spencer’s eyes snap back up to mine. “It’s been great. It’s really nice to get to be with Atlas, but I am ready to go back to work next week.”
“Next week already? Wow, time is flying by.”
“Yes, yes it is,” he nods. “Before we know it, the school year will be over”
“Oh God, don’t say that,” I laugh softly.
“I’m not ready for Atlas to be in grade school. How is he getting so old?” Spencer says, shaking his head with disbelief.
“It’s crazy how years go by so fast,” I agree. “I’m not ready to not have him in class. You didn’t hear this, but he’s my favorite.”
Spencer grins. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
So I am a fucking dumbass. That’s the conclusion i’ve made after 40 years of being considered a genius.
I’m a dumbass because six years ago I made a promise, and now I want to break it. No, I crave to break it.
This woman is making me crazy. She’s consuming my mind, and the only way to not think about her is to distract myself with something else.
Which means it’s a good thing I’m back at work now. I’m on the jet, flying to Missouri and sitting next to Emily and Luke. I’m staring out the window and thinking about two things: Atlas and Y/n. Which seems to be my entire mind lately.
Atlas is at school, and Florence, his nanny, will he picking him up and taking care of him until I get home. I trust her, have for years, but every time I’m not there, I worry my mind off. Hell, I worry my mind off when I am there.
And then there’s Y/n. Y/n who every time I see, I want to grab her face in my hands and press my lips to hers. Y/n who I’d be willing to risked getting shamed upon for being with my son’s teacher just to be with her. Y/n who I can’t have because I can’t have anyone.
Maybe my promise was a good thing because I sure as hell don’t deserve her. She’s too good for me. In every way.
Maybe Lily was right to leave me. Maybe I’m too much or not enough. Y/n deserves better than what I could give her.
“You okay over there, kid?” Luke asks, eyebrows furrowed as he looks at me.
I glance over at him and nod. It’s a little funny how they still call me kid when I have my own child. That’s beside the point though.
“You sure? You look like you’re contemplating existence.”
“Maybe I am,” I shrug with a short laugh.
He looks at me even more worried.
“I was kidding, Luke.”
“But something’s up. I can tell,” he says.
“It’s not a big deal. I’ll get over it.”
“If it’s got you looking like this, then it is a big deal,” Emily chimes in.
I look over to my right, giving her a thin lipped smile. “It’s nothing.”
“You’re such a liar.”
“Fine,” I groan. “It’s… a woman.”
“Oh my God. The good doctor has lady problems?” Luke laughs.
“And that’s why I was being quiet,” I roll my eyes.
“Ignore him, go on,” JJ says.
The entire jet is now interested in my issues. Great.
I take an exasperated breath. “I like this woman… really like her…”
“That doesn’t seem like an issue,” Emily says questioningly.
“Unless she doesn’t like you back?” Luke asks.
“Well, she asked me out,” I inform them.
JJ raised her brows. “Yeah, I’m really not seeing the problem here. The girl you like asked you out. Isn’t that a good thing?”
This does probably sound stupid. They don’t know the reason why I haven’t dated anyone since Lily. In fact, I don’t think they know the real reason why Lily and I broke up. Im sure they figured it out though.
Morgan knew. And it’s times like these where I wish I still saw him every day because I think he would understand what I’m trying to say right now.
“Because I can’t be with anyone.”
“What does that mean?” Rossi asks.
“I can’t date anyone. It’s just… I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Because of Atlas?” JJ asks softly. “Because I know he’s young, but he’s mature. I think he would understand if you started dating someone. He’d understand that she isn’t his mom, but you care for her.”
JJ’s a mother. She gets this. Part of it at least.
“I can’t bring someone into his life that may not be there permanently,” I say in a low voice. “I don’t want him to be sad because I brought someone into his life that isn’t going to be there forever. He’s different. He doesn’t process things the way other people do.
I can tell by the way they’re looking at me that they know I’m not just talking about Atlas; I’m talking about myself. I let someone in that isn’t here to stay. I’m not sure if I can handle someone leaving again. Not after there’s been so many: my dad, Elle, Gideon, Emily more than once, and then Lily.
I hate the looks of sympathy my friends/coworkers are giving me. I want to hide away and push this out of my mind.
“Spencer,” Tara says gently. “You can’t not allow yourself to be happy just because there’s a chance at potential heartbreak. That’s just how life works. We let people in, and they either stay a part of our lives or they don’t. And nine times out of ten, when they don’t it’s a good thing.”
“Are those real statistics or guesses?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Spencer!” Emily rolls her eyes, but laughs a little.
“Sorry,” I chuckle. “Okay. Can we stop talking about my thing now? Let’s change the subject.”
“If you promise to think about it.”
“Think about what?” I ask.
“Letting her in. Giving it a chance,” Tara tells me.
I nod my head that’s that. We change the topic.
It’s Spring Break, and Spencer and I haven’t talked in a week and a half. I’m not sure what’s up with him, but I don’t want to brother him in case he’s working.
So instead, I occupy my time with books, friends, and iced coffee. The usual, really.
I wish I knew what went on inside Spencer’s mind. At least about me. His words say one thing but his eyes say another.
He says he can’t and that we’re just friends, but when he thinks I’m not paying attention, I catch him looking at me for a little too long. I catch his eyes raking down my body. With any other man I’d be a little offended, but I want him to undress me with his eyes. I want him to picture me without my pretty blouses and cute pants. I want him to enjoy the thought.
I’m starting to think about him way too much. Maybe I’m touched starved or suffering from attention deprivation, but I want him even more now than I did before.
But I don’t just want him for his looks or for his sex appeal. I want him for him. Because he’s a great person, and I think he’d make an excellent boyfriend.
But maybe he doesn’t want a girlfriend. Maybe he just wants to stay single or focus on Atlas, which is totally understandable. Or maybe he’s had a bad history with relationships; I may not be a profiler like him, but I kind of sense some relationship baggage. And then there’s the possibility that he just doesn’t like me, but (not to sound cocky) I doubt it.
Maybe I should just quit pining over him. Men with emotional baggage aren’t exactly the best in relationships. They’re projectors. I don’t think Spencer would be this way, but I don’t really know do I?
The much needed week off is way too short, and I’m back in the classroom with the kiddos. After math and science, I let them tell me and each other what they did over the break.
Atlas says his daddy was gone to work, but he seems happy when the kids say his dad being an FBI agent is really cool.
Speaking of his dad, I wonder how he’s doing or if he’s back home. We haven’t texted in a while, and I’m starting to feel like I’ve done something wrong. I decide to text him to see what’s up.
Y/n’s name and number pop up on my phone screen, and I can’t help but smile a little. I’ve missed her.
Y/n: Hey, what’s up?
Spencer: Just waiting for school to get out. I got home late yesterday, so Atlas was already in bed.
Y/n: Awh I’m sorry. I’m sure he’s excited to see you. And this is going to sound a little silly but I almost thought you ghosted me.
Ghosting: When a person cuts off all communication with their friends or the person they're dating, with zero warning or notice before hand.
I know this slang term from being around the younger generations so much on cases.
A ping of guilt jabs me in the chest. She thought I was blowing her off. I find myself not wanting her to feel any type of sadness ever again.
Spencer: What? No, of course not. I’ve just been busy.
Y/n: If you want to get together to catch up, I’m free this weekend?
Spencer: I don’t think I can this weekend. I’m taking Atlas to the zoo. He likes animals.
I realize it may sound like I’m blowing her off.
Spencer: Next weekend may work for me though. If the offer still stands?
Y/n: See you next weekend:)
I smile to myself.
I haven’t been that busy. Well, I have but not too busy to not text. The truth is, I’ve been avoiding her a little. I still don’t know what to do about the promise and me liking her, so I’ve been pushing her aside. I feel bad, really bad, but I don’t know what else to do.
For all I know, she’s probably lost interest in me by now. I turned her down, and I know some people are able to move on really fast after that. What if she’s already seeing someone else?
Now, a ping of jealousy jabs at my chest.
God, I’m a mess.
“So how was work?” Y/n asks me, a friendly smile on her face. A smile I have grown to adore.
“It was good. This case took a little longer than expected, but overall it was successful,” I inform her.
She nods, taking a sip from her coffee.
“How was your work?” I ask.
“It’s been good. The kids are progressing, some more than others, but that’s how it always is,” she says.
Just as I’m about to say something else, she says, “I think the school is talking about moving Atlas up to second grade next year, but you didn’t hear that from me. They’re planning to call you and see what your thoughts are.”
“Really?” I grin softly. “Wow. I mean he’s already younger than the kids in his class, but I suppose that’s a hypocritical reason for me to say no. I was 12 when I graduated.”
“High school?” Her pretty eyes widen at me.
I can’t help but chuckle. “Mhm.”
“Damn, Spencer. I knew you were brilliant, but damn. That’s five years younger than I was. Five whole years,” she laughs with disbelief.
I blush, enjoying the slight praise she’s giving me.
The lunch goes on, and the two of us talk about whatever our words lead to next.
“Hey, Atlas,” I call for my son then pat the couch cushion next to me. “Come here.”
He puts his action figure down and joins me on the couch.
“I have to ask you something.”
“What?” He looks up at me curiously.
“So you know how I told you promises are meant to be kept?”
He nods, looking at me as if to ask “Where is this going, Dad?”
“So Daddy made a promise a while ago, and I’m not sure if I should still keep it.”
“It depends on the promise,” he says. Not what I was expecting. “Would breaking it hurt anyone?”
“Not physically, but there’s a potential that it might emotionally later down the road,” I tell him.
Atlas ponders on that.
“But it may not. And it may make me very happy.”
“If it makes you happy, then I think it’s okay. But I don’t know, you did promise.”
Exactly where I’m at on this situation, kid.
“What if I did a trial run, huh?” I ask. “I break the promise just for a little bit, and if it goes well, the promise is long forgotten.”
“But, Daddy you said you don’t forget anything.”
“Metaphorically forgotten,” I correct myself.
He nods. “Okay.”
Atlas nods again. “What was the promise?”
“How about I tell you if it’s metaphorically forgotten?”
He furrows his eyebrows. “Fine. Can I go read now?”
“Yep,” I nod and ruffle his wavy hair.
I’m going to talk to her soon. I’m going to break, well, bend the promise. If things go smoothly, then it’s broken for good. But if not, then I’ll put a bandaid on that damn promise and never bend it again.
That’s a lot of pressure.
Good thing Easter is coming up. Y/n isn’t having a full easter party for the kids and parents, but I know she’s doing something for just the kids. So I have a plan.
I’m done with this shit. I know there’s something between us, and he can’t deny it anymore. He can turn me down again, but he can’t say there isn’t some type of spark going through the both of us.
Text time I see him, I’m going to tell him to quit being a child and start owning up to it. It just may be a little difficult to be stern when he’s so goddamn pretty.
There’s a knock on my classroom door just as I’m packing up to leave. I just cleaned the room since Easter eggs and plastic grass was scattered across the floor.
I open the door. Spencer. Well, maybe this is my time.
“Hey,” he says with a soft grin.
“Hey, where’s Atlas?” I ask.
“I just dropped him off for a play date with Henry and Michael…. we need to talk.”
“Yes we do,” I say. I decide to go for it. “Me first. Spencer, you can’t keep pretending that there isn’t something between us,” I gesture from me to him and back to me with my pointer finger. “You can reject me all you want, but I know the truth. I like you. I want you. And I know you feel something like that too, so can you please just for one minute stop with the ‘I can’ts’ and ‘We’re just friends’ bullshit, because that’s what it is. Bullshit. And I know you’ve probably been through something that’s made you this way, but it’s okay to let people in. Actually in life, we kind of all have to suck it up and let people in.”
He laughs softly. Actually laughs. My face turns beat red, and I’m both embarrassed and angry. This isn’t funny.
“Are you done?” He asks, and I kind of want to strangle him for that.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean,” Spencer chuckles, licking his lips. “Is that all? Because what I’m about to do has to do with what you just said, but I don’t want to cut you off.”
For a moment, I think he’s going to kiss me, but instead he hands me something.
“What the hell am I supposed to do with an Easter egg, Spencer? Do you know how many of these I’ve cleaned up today.”
He chuckles again, running a hand through his hair. “Open it.”
Expecting to find chocolate, I open the pink and yellow egg. There’s a folded up piece of paper. I unfold it, and a grin grows on my face when I read it. I shake my head, laughing softly.
The note reads:
Yes, I will go on a date with you.
And there’s a drawn on Easter bunny to the side of the sentence. He definitely drew it himself.
“You know,” he says, “if the offer still stands.”
I fight the urge to scream “Yes!” in his face. “I don’t know. Usually response times take less than an hour. This one took two months.”
Spencer’s face turns red, and he chuckles nervously. “Do I not get a grace period?”
“I suppose,” I say dramatically. “Only because you’re so cute.”
The red of his face deepens. “Oh yeah?”
Butterflies. Everywhere.
“Mhm. Now ignore what I said earlier because I’m a little embarrassed.”
Spencer grins. “Hmm no. It was kind of hot.”
I walk up to him, my arms resting on top of his shoulders. “Oh?”
“Mhm. Badass,” he nods, smiling down at me.
I stare up at him, my breath getting caught in my throat when I see him lean down closer to me. His face is not even an inch away from mine. He’s still hesitant, still anxious.
It’s me who closes the gap between our lips. I may have been the one to kiss him first, but he takes the lead. His lips are crashing into mine as if he’s been waiting for a long time to do this. I know I have. His hands are cupping the sides of my face, and I feel like he’s devouring me, but I like it. I like how hungry he is. I like being craved.
We don’t even care if a custodian or the principal comes in right now, all we care about is this kiss, is each other. Lips, teeth, and tongue collide together, and my heart is skipping so many beats I might go into cardiac arrest.
I’m the one to pull away too. I look up at him, and his eyes stay closed briefly until he meets my gaze with a smile.
“I’ve wanted this since we met,” I whisper, licking my lips, tasting him.
“Me too.” His words are just as soft as mine.
Spencer is backing me toward my room, but he doesn’t stop kissing me. His hands unbutton my blouse as we move. We finally make it to my bedroom, and neither of us care to shut the door. I live alone, so it doesn’t matter.
We’ve been dating for nearly two months now, and we haven’t had sex yet, not for any particular reason just that we haven’t had the opportunity to. But tonight, with Atlas with his friends and summer break having just started… well, here we are.
The rest of our clothes come off in between kisses and touches. We’re eager, craving each other.
Spencer sits down, watching me take off my panties and kick them to the side. I grip onto his shoulders and swing my leg over him, straddling his lap. Our mouths find each other again, like they’re finding their way home.
The touching and teasing from both parts gets to be too much after a while of his fingers crazy the bundle of nerves inbetween my legs and my hands playing with his length.
Soon enough, he’s slipping on a condom, and I’m lowering myself onto him. We both let out moans as he enters me.
I bite my lip, trying to be quiet. It’s been too long since either of us have done this.
Spencer grabs my chin gently and forces my teeth to release my lip from its confinement.
“Don’t hold back. I want to hear you,” he says, his voice so low and raspy that my already pulsing core gets butterflies.
I begin rocking my hips back and forth slowly, and his hands caress my body wherever they feel fit. Both of our sounds are filling the apartment, and we don’t even care if we’re disturbing my neighbors.
After a while of slow movements, Spencer decides to take control. He pulls me close to him, my chest right in his face, his arm wrapped around my back. His other arm leans behind him, stabilizing the both of us. He bucks his hips up quickly and harsh, making my moans grow louder. Spencer‘s mouth takes hold of my nipple, and the sensation is amazing.
My hands roam his back, nails scratching down it.
“Shit, Y/n…” he says breathlessly. “I’m about to come.”
I whine, tugging at his hair. “Me too.”
The two of us finish, one right after the other. After we’re all cleaned up, and our breaths are mostly caught, we lay down in my bed. Spencer’s head rests on my tits, and my nails scratch his back, this time lightly.
“That was amazing, beautiful,” he says with a smile I can’t quite see but I can feel.
I grin, blowing my sweat-laced hair out of my eye. “It was incredible.”
In the morning, Y/n touches my face gently. “The five o’clock shadow you have going on right now is so sexy.”
I blush, a grin plastered on my face. “You in nothing but a t shirt is so sexy.”
Y/n smiles and rolls her eyes.
I spent decades building up these walls, and it only took her a few months to get through them. For six years, I was so scared of being hurt again that I almost missed out on this. I’ve learned that healing isn’t not getting hurt again, healing his knowing that you may get hurt again and still allowing yourself to live a happy life. It’s accepting what happened to you, and not forgetting but forgiving whatever self-blame you hold in your heart.
I’m on the healing journey, and Atlas is too even if he doesn’t know it, and I’m glad Y/n is here with us. I’m glad I was able to break the vow I took years ago. I guess some promises are better off broken.
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @youcantseem3 @xmysec0ndself @trikigirl271 @mikaylafairy @prettypanda13 @strawberrysunglasses @sad-innit @sydney-m @depressedprincess24 @flyingmushroomss @r3idsp3ncer <3
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Off Limits (Spencer Reid)
series masterlist | ongoing
series content warnings: 6.5 year age gap, loss of virginity, talk of death, some trauma discussed, NSFW 18+
Spencer Reid x female OC
Aaron Hotchner has never failed at scaring all the boys away from his daughter. In fact, he treats it as his second job. Jade thought she could finally get away from her father’s overbearing protectiveness and tendency to be a workaholic when she moved off to New York a short time after turning 18. But it’s not that easy.
On top of starting her last year of undergrad and dealing with the stress of that and her parent’s pending divorce, her mother dies, crashing down her entire world.
Things finally become somewhat normal when she’s back home for spring break, and a certain older guy has caught her attention once more. But Jade is off limits to him, demanded so by her father, his boss. (spencer is about 28 and jade is 21).
Part One | Jade reflects on her mother’s death before settling into the party she’s at. She goes home to find someone in her father’s kitchen.
Part Two | Jade gets to talking to her father’s genius employee, Spencer Reid.
Part Three | Spencer and Jade begin to bond a little while they’re both there to take care of Jack.
Part Four | Spencer and Jade take Jack to the park, and the both of them become closer.
Part Five | Jade and Spencer get more comfortable with each other. They watch a movie together, then the next day Dr. Reid reflects on his role model abilities.
Part Six | Spencer takes care of Jade after she comes back wasted from a party. Jade deals with a hangover and her father coming back home.
Part Seven | Father-daughter bonding between Hotch and Jade is ruined when he once again voices his judgmental opinion on her life style.
Part Eight | Hotch and Jade move past their spute. A thank-you-dinner night turns flirty when Jade talks to Spencer alone.
Part Nine | Spencer comes to Jade’s rescue after she’s in an uncomfortable situation.
Part Ten | Spencer cheers up Jade after picking her up from the situation.
Part Eleven | Jade and Spencer play a game of chess. Somehow, she’s able to convince him to go to a party with her.
Part Twelve | The party is an overall success, and the night ends with Spencer and Jade finally acting on their chemistry.
Part Thirteen | Spencer and Jade deal with the awkward after effects of their actions. They come to a resolution.
Part Fourteen | Things between the two get heated when Jade pays Spencer a visit.
Part Fifteen | Jade and Spencer finally resolve things between themselves and come to a consensus.
Part Sixteen | The two figure out what to call the relationship they have and decide to take things slow.
Part Seventeen | Spencer asks Jade to accompany him to a bookstore, the two make a date out of it and spend the whole day together.
Part Eighteen | After spending a lot of time together, Spencer acts on his thoughts about Jade, but he feels guilty. Jade occupies herself while he’s gone.
Part Nineteen | Things get even more heated between the two until Spencer stops it. Jade can’t help but think it’s her fault.
Part Twenty | Jade and Spencer have a brief period of normalcy before an argument leaves both of them upset.
Part Twenty-One | The argument evolves until finally the truth comes out.
Part Twenty-Two | After some time of being a somewhat normal couple, the two have their first sexual experience together.
Part Twenty-Three | The couple has some fun while they’re miles apart.
Part Twenty-Four | A case takes Spencer away for a week, but when they’re reconnected it’s even sweeter. After being teased and pushed by his friends, Spencer makes a decision.
Part Twenty-Five | Spencer and Jade have sex for the first time after he realizes he doesn’t care about what anyone but Jade or himself thinks.
Part Twenty-Six | The couple begin a sort of routine of being boyfriend and girlfriend while still keeping it from Hotch.
Part Twenty-Seven | The end of this story
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Off Limits
content: kissing, fluff-ish
Part Sixteen
I listen to her automatically, my hands grabbing her face. I lean in and press my lips to her. Her lips part immediately, and I take my opportunity to slip my tongue between them and into her mouth. I bask in the little sound she makes when I do this. I want to hear so much more from her.
Jade shifts closer to me, her hands on my arms. When I start to suck on her bottom lip a little rougher, a soft gasp releases from her. I think I’m enjoying this a little too much. I take her bottom lip between my teeth, tugging gently. Jade makes another small sound at the action. I want to draw out as many sounds from her as I can. I want to take anything she’ll give me.
She runs her tongue along my lip before meeting it with mine again. Jade kicks her leg over to the other side of me, straddling my lap just like yesterday. My hands gradually slide down her neck to her arms and finally rest on her hips, holding her in place on top of me.
After some time that felt like hours and seconds somehow at the same time, Jade trails her lips down to my neck. She sucks on the skin just below my jaw line. This draws out a soft moan from me.
“Jade,” I say, my breathy voice a little raspy. My eyes stay closed, and all my senses are overtaken by her.
I can feel her smile against my skin. I can smell her, a lovely blend of a candy-like scent and vanilla. I can taste her on my tongue.
“Jade,” I say again, gently removing her from my neck.
“Did I do something wrong?” She asks, looking in my eyes.
She looks so innocent right now, almost worried. Her brown doe eyes are making me lose my mind.
“No, of course not,” I assure her, smoothing her hair down. “I just… I need this to slow down.”
“Oh,” she nods. “Right. I’m sorry.”
The amount of strength I just mustered up is incredibly surprising. I’ve never been the type of guy to let sex appeal drive my mind or even care all that much about it (not that I don’t enjoy it when I actually like someone), but it’s hard for me to contain myself with Jade. She overrides my entire nervous system, and I short circuit.
“Don’t apologize,” I say with a slight smile.
She nods again and slides off my lap. As much as I miss her warmth immediately, I’m glad she’s off of me. If that went on any longer, there’d be a tent in my khakis that I wouldn’t be able to hide.
“So what are… we?” She asks, sitting with her hands in her lap like a little kid. She’s nervous. It’s adorable.
I don’t even know how to answer her question. “I don’t know,” I say honestly.
She sighs, looking down.
“But I want to be something. I just…”
“Want to take it slow?” Jade suggests.
I think for a second. I don’t want to take it slow. I would pull her back on top of me right now if I could. But I won’t. We need to take it slow.
“Yeah,” I nod.
She doesn’t seem too upset. “Okay. We can just be officially unofficial.”
“Officially unofficial?” I question with a soft chuckle.
“Yeah, like we’re sort of together, but not like dating, not serious, not exclusive…?” She smiles nervously.
She’s never done this. I’ve never done this. And I think it’s about damn time I do something out of my comfort zone, something I’m not supposed to do.
And jesus christ, she’s adorable like this. A smile creeps up onto my lips.
“That sounds great.”
She smiles too, and this time it’s real and not nervous. “Cool.”
“Cool,” I say back, teasing her.
“Are you busy tomorrow?”
I shake my head. “Not unless a case pops up.”
“So is it okay if I stay for a bit?”
“Of course,” I say with a grin. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
“Sure,” she smiles too. “How about a crime documentary?”
“You’re the worst,” I joke.
“What? Not your cup of tea?” She’s way too proud of her jokes.
I pull her to me, kissing her to stop her jokes from continuing. She reciprocates happily.
I didn’t leave Spencer’s apartment last night until around 11. It was arguably the best night of my month. We kissed a little more, watched a movie only he understood, and snacked on ice cream.
We’re a thing now. Well, we’re officially unofficially together. And I can’t stop smiling.
I never been this excited to be unlabeled with someone before. Usually, it’s frustrating and confusing to be in this stage of the relationship, but I have hope. And I think we could make this work. We could ease into it. Make this whole totally wrong dynamic functional.
As much as I wanted to keep my lips on him, I’m glad he stopped me before anything else happened. I think I would’ve slept with him or something of that sort, and I’m not quite ready for that yet. So for now, it’s clothes on and kisses stay neck and above.
I feel like I’m on cloud 9. Even though we’re unlabeled and in the beginning stages of our possible relationship, I’m relieved. Because it’s Spencer. And I trust him.
Every other guy I’ve been in this situation with just wanted sex, no feelings and they just moved onto the next girl in my dorm that might be down for that when I wasn’t. Or we just had absolutely no chemistry and the relationship never truly got started.
I just hope that this isn’t what I’ve seen before, and based on the five years I’ve known Spencer, and month I’ve known him pretty well, it won’t be like all the others.
Perhaps leaving college campus will bring me another positive aspect.
(this is so short… my apologies)
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @shakespear-picaso-lovechild @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @jazzerbelle14 @kylakins88 @f-me-reid <3
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Just Acting
mature content in this story, 18+ advised.
Chapter One:
"Y/n Y/l/n," you answer your phone.
"Hey, Y/n this is Jeff Davis. I'm calling to tell you about your part as Delilah on the show."
Oh no, you think. This is the part where I'm kicked off. Maybe it just wasn't working out for them, or they didn't feel like paying me a few times a month.
Oh, just get on with it.
"I'm so glad to inform you that we want you to be a series regular,” the voice on the other end exclaims.
"What? Really?! This is amazing. Thank you!!"
A smile bigger than your entire face spreads on your lips. You're going to be a true character on Criminal Minds. Your heart pounds a million miles a minute.
Ever since that phone call a few months ago, you've been even more uptight about work. This was your biggest project ever, and you couldn't mess this up. Especially since you're still trying to prove to your father that this was a good idea. He wanted you to get “a real job” as he put it. You've been trying to show him that acting is a real job, and you make more money than you would as a teacher or whatever he wanted you to become.
You started acting during university, and ended up finishing the remanding two years online so you could work on more films. That pissed your father off so much.
You'd landed a role in New York in a short film, it didn't pay much, but it was really exciting. It made you even more interested acting, and you started to audition for more and more roles. Obviously, you were turned down quite a bit, but you finally landed a fairly good part in a tv show. The show only ran for two seasons, but that was a total of 9 months of going on set five times a week.
You'd landed some more small roles, and then your agent found you the audition of a lifetime. It was for one of your favorite shows, Criminal Minds. The role was minor: a young woman who was the daughter of a high powered business man who got kidnapped. Your character was 26, and good thing you have a young face because you were 32 at the time.
Delilah was only supposed to be on screen for two episodes, but they ended up bringing her back a few times throughout the end of season 15.
You thought you were done with the show for forever, so clearly you were shocked and delightfully thrilled when you got the news you were returning for season 16.
You remember your first day on set, a bundle of nerves and excitement. Everyone was so nice. All except one person. He wasn't necessarily rude, but the vibe he gave off was that of a conceited and immature teenager.
And you weren't really wrong with that first impression. Matthew Gray Gubler, one of America's favorite actors, but your least favorite coworker. He was just an assholish guy who acted like a child most of the time. You really only could tolerate him as Spencer Reid.
You sit in your trailer, going over your lines for the next scene of episode 8. By this time, Spencer has become sort of a safe space for Delilah to confined in after her father's murder. You've filmed her work scenes, she works as a business woman and is trying to handle all the work loads her father left behind.
Suddenly, your trailer door bursts open and there stumbles in Matthew.
"You know knocking would be nice,” you say, looking up from the script with annoyance in your voice.
He leans over and knocks on the door.
You roll your eyes. "Doesn't work when you already barged in."
Matthew ignores your snarky remark. "Whatcha doing?"
"Going over my lines. You know, like one does before a scene."
"All my lines are up here," he taps on his head with his pointer finger.
"You say that until you mess them up at least four times a day."
"That hurts, Y/n, that hurts." Matthew holds his chest dramatically.
"What do you want, Gubler?"
"Ooh last names, someone's cranky." He plops down on the couch beside you.
"I'm not cranky, just annoyed by your presence," you shoot him a fake smile.
"Uh rude. Are you going to the dinner this weekend?" He asks, leaning on the armchair of the couch.
Well I was invited wasn't I? You want to say, but you don't. "Yeah. I'm assuming you'll be there."
"Yep. Oh and by the way, they needed you down there 5 minutes ago."
"What? Shit,” slight panic runs through your body as you stand up.
He chuckles, a smug look on his face.
"You're the worst," you throw your script at him and rush out of your trailer.
You apologize for being late, which sucks because you've been trying so hard to always be early so that you can make good impressions. This jobs means a lot to you.
After marking your scene, shooting it, and reshooting it about 3 times for other camera angles and other versions of it, you're finally done for the day.
It's only 5pm by the time you get back to your trailer to grab your things. You're already changed out of Delilah's clothes and back into Y/n's usual jeans and sweater: the lazy set clothes.
You take a cab home to your 'lovely' and stupidly expensive LA apartment. It's not horrible, but you're definitely paying too much for the amount of space you have.
After changing into pj bottoms and a plain white t shirt, you curl up on the couch and fall asleep watching reruns of Friends.
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Off Limits
content warnings: talk of canon-consistent trauma
Part Five
I sit down next to Spencer on the couch, pulling a blanket onto my lap as I cross my legs in a pretzel. I’m in my pjs, a t shirt from my days in my high school’s chess club and a pair of blue cotton shorts I found in my dresser.
Spencer’s wearing red plaid pajama bottoms and a white t shirt. He looks good in a white t shirt. I hate that I’m thinking it but I am.
He has the bowl of popcorn in his lap as he turns on the tv. He then gives the remote to me since I lived here and know how to work it better.
As I’m searching through movies on Netflix, Spencer looks over to me.
“You were in chess club?”
I laugh softly, slightly embarrassed by the neediness I possessed in high school. “Yeah. I wasn’t great, but I was probably the best one. Well except Charlie Van Horton. Man, I hated that guy.”
Spencer chuckles a little, his white teeth nearly blinding me. He has a pretty smile. His lips are nice and pink too. God, I’m going to punch myself when he turns around.
“I love chess,” he tells me. “Your dad refuses to play with me because I always beat him.”
I laugh softly. “He refuses to play with me too.”
He smiles faintly. “Maybe we could play together sometime?”
“Oh hell no!” I laugh. “You’d kick my ass in two minutes.”
“Probably one.”
“Oh you got jokes now, Dr. Reid?” I hold my chuckle.
Spencer doesn’t hide his. “I can be funny.”
“Not on purpose,” I say, eyeing him.
I roll my eyes, choosing a movie. “This okay?”
He reads the summary in a solid 3 seconds. “Yes, sounds good.”
It’s a thriller movie that I figured he’d appreciate, but it shouldn’t be too scary where I’ll be unnerved for a few hours.
I press play and reach into the bowl on his lap, grabbing a handful of popcorn. He opted for the kettlecorn. Good choice.
Eventually, the credits start rolling on the screen. I’m half asleep and barely payed attention to the second half of the movie. It wasn’t bad, just not entirely attention grabbing.
“Jade?” Spencer asks softly.
“I’m awake,” I say, and my voice is barely convincing.
“You should get some rest.”
I yawn before rising from the couch. “I won’t argue with that. Goodnight, Spencer.”
“Sleep well,” he says gently.
I groggily go upstairs and make my way to my bedroom, being quiet as to not wake up my brother. It’s nearly 2am, and it was a struggle to get him asleep anyway.
I wake up this morning to the smell of eggs and bacon. Man, I could get used to Spencer being here.
After my usual bathroom routine, aka run to the toilet before I pee myself, wash my face, brush my teeth, and fix my bed head, I head downstairs toward the smell of breakfast.
Jack’s in his usual spot, feet kicking in the air as he sits and waits for his food to be ready. I sit down next to him after greeting the two boys.
“What are we doing today?” Jack asks me.
“I don’t know. What would you like to do?”
I can tell that he didn’t think that far ahead when he shrugs.
“Get back to me on that,” I say with a chuckle.
Spencer’s no longer in his pjs, which would be disappointing to me if I didn’t like the fit of the grey slacks he was wearing. I only met myself gaze for a few seconds.
“Sleep okay?” He asks me as he gets the eggs and bacon on a plate for my brother.
“Yep,” I nod. “I was so tired I almost missed my bed laying down.”
He gives me a concerned look.
“I didn’t though,” I assure him. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty well,” he says. “The usual at least.”
I have a feeling his usual isn’t great, but l don’t pry.
Today, we’re laid back. Spencer runs an errand, and I stay with Jack playing with action figures until he comes back.
Around 1pm, I tell him to get ready for a nap, but he tells me he’s not tired. I argue with him for a bit, not sure how Dad handles these things.
“How about I read to you?” Spencer asks.
Jack’s little brown eyes light up. “Okay!”
He runs to the shelves by the tv and grabs his favorite book. I remember Dad reading it to me when I was his age. It was originally mine. It has my name in it, and when I was 18, I wrote Jack’s under mine.
Spencer’s voice is steady and calming. He slows down his pace so Jack can understand. He lets my brother read some of the words he’s learned.
I can’t help but smile at the sight of Jack leaned against Spencer’s shoulder while he reads to him.
Soon enough, I see those little eyes getting droopy. Spencer volunteers to lay him down. He carries him upstairs and comes back shortly after.
“You’re really good with him,” I tell him. “So much better than me.”
“Don’t say that. He adores you,” Spencer says.
“He has to; I’m his sister. He looks up to you.”
He smiles softly, those pink lips looking extra pretty.
Jade says Jack looks up to me. I give her a soft smile, not sure what to say in response. I’m honored. I never thought I was looking up to material. Hotch and Morgan are definitely looking up to material, but am I?
Growing up, I didn’t have a man around who was. My father was around for the first 10 years of my life, but he made a point to stay at work later and be gone on errands longer than necessary once my mother’s health declined. He was not looking up to material. I knew this even when I was a kid, but especially when I stood there, trying to come up with something to say when my mother was begging him to stay. She called him a coward. I told her I’m not one.
But I think everyone can be cowardice at times. I surely wasn’t brave when Tobias Hankel held me in his father’s cellar. And I wasn’t heroic when a man who was looking up to material left me with only a letter.
And it’s not a brave thing to think that I don’t want a son because I’m not sure how to be a father to one when I didn’t have a good example. But that’s how I feel.
So maybe I’ll stick to the babysitting. Jack and Henry are great kids. I’ll just take care of them when needed and not have to worry about them not having a good role model. Hotch, Will, and JJ are perfect for that part.
“You okay there, Spencer?” Jade asks, bringing me back to the present.
“Yeah,” I nod. “Did you know daydreaming has many positive effects, including the lessening of anxiety?”
She shakes her head with a soft chuckle. “Yeah, I think you are okay.”
“I think I’m going to order Chinese for dinner if that’s okay with you,” I ask, changing the subject.
Takeout is a usual meal of mine inbetween cases. I’ve grown accustomed to it, and now I’m craving orange chicken and spring rolls.
“That sounds good to me. I’m sure Jack will agree. He loves noodles,” she says.
Over dinner, we talk about Jack’s favorite cartoons and how he’s excited for summer break. He says he hopes his dad will be home more to see him, and it makes me a little sad for him.
That man spends so much time dealing with serial killers, politics, and paperwork. I’m sure that’s one of the reasons Jade has always been a little distant with people- the walls.
“You don’t have many friends outside of work do you?” Jade asks, and it catches me off guard. Her tone isn’t rude or judgmental.
I furrow my eyebrows and press my lips together. “No.”
“I think that’s weird,” she says, and I almost give her a strange look before she says, “You’re a good person, easy to talk to. I guess you’re too busy with work, huh?”
“Yeah. The BAU keeps me occupied. Thank you though,” I say a little awkwardly.
I think Jade Hotchner is the only person in the world to say I am easy to talk to. The thought makes a slight grin creep up onto my face.
“What’s your middle name?” I ask after the curiosity clicked in my mind.
“Brooke. Brooks is- was my mom’s maiden name, so they thought it was fitting,” she tells me, and I’m a little sorry I asked because I didn’t mean to make her talk about her mom.
“It’s pretty,” I say instead of saying an awkward apology.
“Thank you,” she gives me a small smile.
Tomorrow, well really tonight since it’s past 12am when I’m going to bed, is Friday, the last full day I’m babysitting Jack. Hotch should be back late Morning Saturday.
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz <3
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid and reader#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid x oc#spencer reid hands#spencer reid criminal minds#dilf spencerreid#spencer reid x fem!readr#spencer reid x fem!reader smut#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid x original female character#spencer reid x reader#mgg fem!reader#mgg x reader#mgg fanfiction
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Just Acting
all chapters in master list
Chapter Sixteen
The silhouette peers from the window of Delilah's bedroom. Her curtains had been moved, and there's a small slit where the glass isn't blocked by the fabric.
The sight seen by the shadow is sickening. Delilah, her boss, lays in her bed, head resting on her boyfriend... Spencer Reid.
It takes all of Jenna's strength not to lose her temper... but she knew if she did anything stupid, she would sell herself out.
Delilah would be hers soon. Patience.
Even though Gubler makes you want to strangle him sometimes, you couldn't resist him yesterday. You couldn't deny the fact that you wanted what he wanted. And you couldn't deny that you wanted him.
You haven't spoken since you kissed in your trailer. In all honesty, you have no clue what to say to him. What happens now?
Luckily for you, you're done with filming for the week. Some time alone to set your mind straight could be beneficial.
Drinking the iced coffee you just made, you sit up on your bed, legs crossed in a pretzel. Thoughts run through your brain, making you feel like a confused child. It's time to decide if you truly want something with Matthew.
He's an asshole, right? So why do you want him? Nothing could ever work between you two; you're in totally different worlds. Colliding them could end poorly. Some type of World War III could emerge from the two of you clashing.
You're being dramatic, you tell yourself.
It's not like you have true feelings for Matthew. He's just attractive in the worst way...because he's hot and really knows how to brew up anger within. He thinks the same about you. Purely physical could work. If he wants it like that too.
You've never been the type of woman to use someone for their body or use someone at all. This is just... different is the only way to describe the situation
"Wow Reid, you look extra perky today," Alvez says as he sips his cup of coffee.
Reid shrugs, smiling to himself.
"Someone had a fun day off, huh?" He winks.
"I can see it on your face. You got lai-"
Emily Prentiss clears her throat, then tells everyone to meet in the briefing room. Spencer takes this opportunity to get out of the conversation with Luke quickly, leaving his desk to walk with JJ to the table.
"So like just... sex?"
"Basically,” you nod with a slight shrug.
"Aw, you think I'm hot," Matthew shoots you a smug look.
You roll your eyes. "It baffles me too."
He acts offended by that comment for a brief moment. "I'm down. Friends with benefits."
"Except I wouldn't call you a friend."
"Oh come on, you adore me, Y/n."
"Whatever helps you sleep."
"So we're doing this?" He asks, his lips tugged upwards.
"If it's want we both want, then yeah,” you tell him.
"We won't tell anyone, right?"
"Oh fuck no. I can't have people knowing I tolerate you sometimes," you chuckle, not exactly joking.
"Tolerate is an understatement for what we're going to do, but I see your point. It won’t be a secret, just our situation and only ours. I don't really want the rest of the cast being all in our business,” Matthew says.
You nod your head. "And fans. Oh god, they'd probably kill me. Eat me alive. Tear me apart.”
Matthew stifles a laugh. "They can be sort of crazy."
"That’s an understatement. Youshould probably go now," you say with a small smile.
"You don't want to do anything now?" He raises his eyebrows in a teasing, half joking manner.
"Tempting, but you should get some sleep little boy. I've got a few plans for you." You ruffle his hair, standing above him as he sits on your couch.
"Don't turn me on now," he looks up at you.
You roll your eyes, laughing. "Goodbye, Gubler." Matthew stands up, making his way to your apartment door.
“Last names,” he groans, “I thought we were past that. Can I at least get a kiss?"
"Hmm no," you say with a gloating grin.
"So mean,” Matthew groans again.
You smile again as he leaves. Teasing him should be pretty fun.
"Ground rules?" His brows raise.
"Yes, Gubler, we need ground rules."
"You suck the fun out of everything."
You frown, cutting your eyes at him and furrowing your brows.
"I'm kidding," Matthew says small grin.
You roll your eyes, huffing out a breath. "I just think rules would make this whole situation easier to manage."
"Ah yes, it's so sexy when you talk plans to me,” he says sarcastically.
"You're a pain in my ass, Gubler."
Matthew winks, "You like it. I have an idea for my first rule.”
"Go ahead."
"No last names when we're alone. You can only call me Gubler on set."
You sigh, "Fine. Deal."
"Any rules for me, hot stuff?"
"No flirting,” you tell him.
"You can't flirt with me."
"Sex without flirting? That's awkward as shit,” he says with distaste.
"Flirting while we're alone is acceptable, but only when we're doing 'business'. When we're with anybody else, we're our usual selves who don't like each other,” you say.
Matthew chuckles, shaking his head.
"What?" You ask.
"You said business," he chuckles again.
"You're stupid. Any more rules you can think of?"
"Not really. You?"
"I wrote a few down earlier today,” you say, moving to grab something.
"Of course you did," he says under his breath.
You show him the notebook you just grabbed. There's a few lines written down on the page. "One: no one can know. Two: if one of us wants to try something new, we must ask the other first. Three: we're each other's only partners. Four: no strings attached..."
He furrows eyebrows with a sigh. "Okay."
"That's all you have to say?" You ask, writing down rules five and six.
"Yeah. I guess I just wasn't expecting intricate plans and details about sex..." he says, "But I guess I should've known since it's you."
"Well, you can back out,” you tell him.
"I could, but I don't want to," Matthew shoots you a soft look.
"Then it's settled," you give him a small smile, offering your hand to shake.
He grabs it, returning the hand shake. "You're such a nerd," Matthew shakes his head with a chuckle. "Can we have sex now?"
You laugh, "Actually, Matthew, I have somewhere to be. You and the little ones can wait."
He makes a choked sort of coughing noise, "Damn, you're really evil.”
"Get used to it, babe."
"Ooh pet names... that should be on the list. Use pet names,” he grins.
"No!" You laugh, gesturing for him to walk through the door.
"Byeee," he says, fluttering his fingers in a wave.
"Goodbye, weirdo."
You shut the door after him, shaking your head in a smile. This morning, the girls had asked you to go to a bar tonight and dance. Obviously, you couldn't say no or Aisha would barge into your apartment and drag your ass outside. And you can't go to a club in sweats.
After turning on the shower, you strip out of your grey wears and black sweater. The water heats up as you take your hair out of the ponytail and wash your face. You step into the shower, the running water splashing onto your skin and hair. You wash your body and your hair before shaving. Quickly, you rinse off once more and step out.
Luckily, December isn't too cold in LA, so club clothes are still acceptable. You pick out a dress, black tights, and black boots. You dry off your body as the leave-in in your hair seeps in. After slipping on a set of white under garments, you head back into the bathroom and dry your hair the rest of the way. You straighten your brown locks, apply makeup, then step back into your bedroom to change.
The velvet green dress hits you just below mid thigh. You pull up the (mostly see through but still thick enough) black tights past your hips and step into the black boots you set beside your bed. You feel pretty good about this outfit. After grabbing a black jacket, your keys, and your bag, you head out of the apartment and down to the parking lot.
You're picking up Aisha, because knowing her, she's going to get super drunk and need a driver. You head to her place, music playing from the radio.
"Hey, hot stuff," Aisha says as she gets into your car.
"Hey!" You smile.
The two of you head to the bar and meet up with the other girls. Aj and Paget invited Kirsten, and you're excited to meet her again. You were sad she left the show before you got a chance to actually talk to her.
Music can be heard from outside of the club's doors.
"Nice to actually meet you, Y/n."
"Nice to meet you too!" You smile.
"So are we going to party or what?" Paget says, grabbing you and Aj by the wrists and dragging you into the club.
The five of you head straight for the bar to get in a quick drink to loosen up. After throwing back a shot, Kirsten turns to you and says, "You dance newbie?"
"Not usually, but I'm afraid I'll be killed if I don't."
"Ya got that right," Aj winks.
All of you girls head to the dance floor, music somehow getting even louder as you make your way to the center. You follow along with the other women, moving to the beat. Occasionally, some talk is made, but mostly you guys just yell the lyrics to the songs you know.
After a bit, you and Aj head back to the bar, taking a break from the dancing.
"I'm glad you came with us tonight," she says over the music.
"Yeah me too," you smile.
The others join you quickly, ordering a new round of drinks. You only drink half, knowing you need to stay sober. Soon enough, you guys are back on the dance floor, dancing and scream- singing to your hearts' content.
You notice people taking pictures of you guys, but the others don't seem to care. They must be used to it, the price of fame. Luckily, no one really wants to disrupt the fun you're having.
"You looked really hot in that dress"
You put away your phone, not answering the text from Matthew in front of people. You head to the bathroom. In the mirror, you wipe away the smudged eyeliner under your eyes and dab the little droplets of sweat from your hairline.
"Hmm too bad you won't be seeing me in it in person."
"We'll see about that."
You smirk, putting your phone back in your bag. He must've seen pictures someone posted on the internet of you girls.
The night out ends around 12:35am. You drive Aisha and Kirsten to their places since both of them decided it was a good idea to have well over four shots and normal drinks.
Once both of them are safe in their homes, you head back to your apartment. Matthew stands outside your door.
You clear your throat, letting him know you're approaching.
He looks up, leaning his hand against the door in an attempt to be seductive. He looks down again, "My timing wasn't great. I thought you'd be coming home sooner."
You chuckle, "A for effort."
He scans his eyes down your body. "Damn."
"Oh shut up."
"No seriously, damn." He looks at you again, licking his lips involuntarily. His eyes raking over your body put a million thoughts in your head.
You like that he doesn't seem to care that you're heavier than most girls, or at least the girls that he's used to working with and probably used to being with.
"So I'm assuming you thought you'd get lucky tonight?" You say, leaning against the back of the couch.
Matthew stands there a bit stunned.
"Well are you going to kiss me or just gawk at me, pretty boy?"
He steps forward, closing the door behind him. He grabs your hand and pulls your body against his. Matthew presses his lips to yours, beginning one of the best nights you’ve had with anyone.
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @danis-stuff-is-here @kylakins88 @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @inlovewithcharmers @kylakins88 @f-me-reid <3
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid angst#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x you#spencer reid series#spencer reid criminal minds#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid fandom#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fluff#mgg#dilf spencerreid#criminal minds x y/n#spencer reid x fem!readr#criminal minds x reader#spencer reid x reader#matthew gray gubler#matthew gray gubler smut#matthew gray gubler x fem!reader#matthew gray gubler angst#mgg fem!reader#mgg x reader#mgg fanfiction
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Off Limits
content warnings: mentions of death, talk of the case from season 5 episode 12, mentions of a gun and violence…
Part Two
“Dr. Reid?” I question, baffled.
I see the recognition click in his eyes as well. “Wait, Jade?”
“Why the hell are you in my dad’s apartment?” I ask the man a few feet ahead of me.
“He asked me to babysit Jack. Why are you here?” He asks then rephrases his question. “I mean, I didn’t know you were going to be home.”
“It’s spring break. I thought Jack was going to be with Aunt Jess?”
“He was, but she got called into work,” he tells me. “Why are you getting home so late?” It sounds like something my dad would ask, but Reid’s tone is a lot less harsh and judge mental than his would be; it’s more curious.
“I was at a party.”
“Oh,” he nods then takes his eyes over my outfit with a look that says ‘should’ve known that.’
“Jesus, Dr. Reid. I thought I was going to have to shoot someone.”
“Yeah, speaking of. Would you point the gun away from my direction?”
“Right,” I say with a half chuckle and unload the weapon.
I go back to the safe and put the gun up safely.
I hear light footsteps, and my little brother appears from the stairs, rubbing his tired eyes. “What’s happening?”
“Sorry for the noise, bud-” I start to say but am caught off by Jack running up to me and hugging my legs.
“Jade!” I hear the excitement in his voice.
I laugh softly and bend down to pick up my four-year-old brother. I rest him on my hip. He’s getting heavier.
“You’re home,” he smiles up at me.
My lips turn up into a grin as well. “I am. Did you miss me?”
“Mhm,” Jack nods, and I almost melt at this amount of joy on this kid’s face.
“I missed you too, Jack Jack,” I smile, kissing my brother’s forehead.
He giggles softly and wraps his small arms around my shoulders.
Dr. Reid gives me a look, but he’s smiling softly. I know he’s silently telling me that my father will kill him if Jack stays up any longer than this.
I set my brother down and offer him my hand. “C’mon, bubba, let’s get back to bed.”
“But, J-” he starts to whine.
“No buts. You need your sleep so you can grow big and strong.”
“Like Daddy?”
“Yeah,” I say. “Like Daddy.”
“Okay,” he says, still a little resistant, but walks with me upstairs.
I tuck him into bed, brushing his dark blonde hair back. I had that color hair too when I was his age, but once I was around the age of 8 it turned darker, and now I have medium/dark brown hair.
“Goodnight. Jack Jack,” I say softly, pulling the covers up around his body.
“Goodnight, Jade,” he looks up at me with a sleepy smile. “Love you.”
“I love you too. Sleep tight, bubba.”
I turn off his light and leave the door cracked just a bit, the way he always requests. Then, I head back downstairs to see Dr. Reid on the couch.
“So you’re the new nanny, huh?” I chuckle softly as I go to sit down on the chair adjacent from the couch. I kick my feet up on the coffee table. “Just needed more money out of Hotch.” I tease him. I use my dad’s nickname because that’s what they know him as.
“Actually, your dad isn’t paying me,” he informs me.
“Damn. When did he get cheap?”
He makes a slight chuckling sound. “He offered, but I told him he didn’t need to.”
“So you’re taking care of the little demon for free? Bad move, Dr. Reid,” I laugh softly.
“Jack’s not a demon.”
“Eh, he has his moments,” I shrug. “Usually he’s good, but God, you should’ve seen him during his terrible twos.”
The genius laughs at that. “I remember the stories.”
I mess with the him of my black dress, twiddling the fabric between my fingers. I’m quite glad to be wearing the least provocative of my dress options tonight since Dr. Reid is here. I’m not dressed like a hooker like I sometimes do for parties. The black dress I’m in is flowy and hits me mid thigh. The neckline isn’t too revealing, but the criss cross detailing is flattering.
“You’re different than the last time I saw you,” Dr. Reid’s voice breaks the silence.
“Well, I’d hope so. I was 17 and still in braces.”
He laughs softly. “They weren’t that bad.”
“Tell that to the senior photos ruined by the bright blue metal in my teeth,” I say. “Which by the way, were not even my school colors.”
“Hotch still has that picture hanging in his office. I don’t think the color’s that bad.”
“Thanks,” I chuckle. “You look different the last time I saw you too. You’re less teenage boy looking.”
“Thank you?” He breaths out a laugh, question in his voice. “24 year old me thanks you for the insult too.”
“No! I didn’t mean it as an insult,” I laugh, shaking my head. “I just mean you looked so young back then, and now you…”
“Now you don’t. You look more matured.”
“Thank you, then. You do too,” Dr. Reid tells me, and a part of me feels a little fuzzy inside.
I had a huge ass crush on this man during the time we’re discussing. But I was 17, underage and a little awkward. I was nerdy and unsure of myself. I was still witty of course, I’ll always be witty, but I didn’t hold myself well. I’d like to think that’s changed.
Anyway, I thought I was absolutely in love with this man. He was so smart, and adorably handsome, and he’d talk to me instead of ignore me like most adults do to teens. Every time I went to Dad’s office or he hosted the team at our house, Spencer Reid would tell me interesting facts and win over my affection more each time. But of course, I was a kid and knew nothing of love since I’d never been in a relationship. I was infatuated with him, not in love.
I never told anyone about my crush, not even CeCe. I was embarrassed because I knew he was too old for me and would never see me as anything but Hotch’s daughter. Mom figured it out though. I know this because she made a few comments about how it was okay to crush on someone older, but I wasn’t allowed to do anything about it or make the poor guy uncomfortable. Of course, I didn’t. She never told Dad, thank God.
My crush finally went away when I went off to college and wasn’t around him anymore. He still showed up in my mind uninvited at times, but it was more memories than feelings.
Now, he’s changed. His features are grown into, and his body has gotten stronger… and his hair.
“Your hair’s even changed since the last time I saw a picture of you,” I say. “It’s a lot shorter. Looks like you joined a boy band.”
He presses his lips in a line. I see he hasn’t lost that habit. “You know, that’s what your father said.”
I chuckle, moving my hair out of my face with my pointer finger.
“So how’s college going? You’re at NYU, right?” He asks me.
I don’t know why he’s asking me since he has an eidetic memory, probably just for the sake of small talk. “Yeah, I am. It’s been good. I’m at the end of senior year, but it’s not like I’m leaving anyway. I’m going to grad school.”
“Really? What for?” He asks. His voice seems interested, and that makes me a little happy.
“You’re just like your dad, huh?”
“Hey, ouch,” I hit my own chest dramatically.
“That wasn’t an insult!” Dr. Reid chuckles, shaking his head at me.
“Feels like one. I’d like to think I’m not as serious or hardassy,” I say matter of factly.
“He is pretty serious,” Reid agrees.
“You can say hardassy. I won’t tell on you,” I tease.
“He’s a little bit of a hard ass, but I think that helps him at being the boss. He isn’t afraid to step on anyone’s toes to accomplish a goal.”
“You’re too nice, Dr. Reid. I would’ve stopped that sentence after ‘ass’.”
He laughs at my words once again. “Noted.”
“So how’s the BAU? Dad hasn’t told me anything interesting lately.”
“I guess there’s really not much to tell,” he says. “We’ve had some pretty interesting cases I will say.”
“Like?” I ask curiously. I’m used to my father telling me about some of the cases they have. He spares me the gory details of course.
“Well, we had one unsub who turned petite women into life sized dolls.”
“Oh my God, for real?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Her story was actually really sad. She’s in a mental health facility now. I hope she can get better, but her brain won’t recover after what she’s been through.”
“Damn. That’s awful. Did the women make it?”
“Yeah a few of them.”
“That’s good,” I say gently. “That must’ve been a pretty horrify sight.”
“It was. Some of the unsubs we have… they do thing unimaginable. Just when we think we’ve seen everything, we get hit with brutal reality,” Spencer explains.
“Anyway,” he clears his throat. “I’m sure you’re pretty excited for summer break?”
“I am, yeah, but honestly,” I breathe softly, “I prefer to be at school most of the time. It’s not that I don’t like being at home, but it can be too much sometimes. Especially when Dad’s gone, but even when he’s here I can tell that I remind him of Mom. And being with the two of them without her is hard.”
Dr. Reid looks down at his hands. “I can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry.”
“Please, I’m not asking for sympathy,” I say gently. “I’m not even sure why I just dumped all of that on you.” I let out a breath, chuckling with no humor.
“Don’t worry about. I’m all ears.”
“Thank you, Dr. Reid.”
He makes a slight chuckling sound. “You don’t have to call me that. We’re not working, and you’re not a kid anymore… you can call me Spencer.” He says the second sentence a little hesitantly.
“Right. Spencer,” I say and enjoy the way his name rolls of my tongue.
Spencer smiles softly.
“How’s the team doing? It’s been so long since I’ve seen any of you. I know Elle left, and you guys have Agent Prentiss.” I say.
He furrows his eyebrows and nods. “Yeah. She’s great. Everyone’s good. Agent Rossi is back which is an honor. We’re all still a family.” I can tell he misses those who are gone.
“I always did admire how tight knit you guys are,” I tell him. “Especially you and Morgan.”
Spencer laughs softly, nodding. “He’s a pain in my ass, but he’s like my brother.”
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard Dr. Reid say a curse word except for when I practically told him to earlier. I laugh softly as well. “I can understand that, especially since I have a brother.”
“At least yours is cute and doesn’t tease you 24/7,” Spencer says, rolling his eyes.
“I suppose that’s true. But you’d be surprised, one time this kid roasted me for not having a boyfriend. He was 3!”
Spencer lets out a soft laugh then gives me a confused look, eyebrows furrowed. “Roasted?”
“Oh right,” I chuckle. “You’re a grandpa, so you don’t know young people lingo.”
“I’m 28!” His voice is offended and higher pitched than usual.
This makes me laugh. “28 in body, 88 in mind and soul.”
“Should I be offended?” He cocks an eyebrow.
“Not at all,” I shake my head. “It’s refreshing to not be around college aged pricks who act like they’re 16.”
“Oh I remember those days, except I was around that age and they were yours,” he says with a slightly annoyed voice.
“Sometimes I forget just how smart you are,” I tell him. “It’s a little intimidating.”
“Mhm,” I nod. “But I’m sure you get that all the time, genius.”
He shakes his head, but I know he’s just being modest. “You’re smart too. Hotch loves to brag about you, but I already knew you were.”
My cheeks flush a soft pink shade. “If you’re trying to butter up your boss’s daughter, it won’t work. I’m not telling my father to give you a raise.”
Spencer laughs. “No, I’m serious, Jade. Not everyone can go to law school. Me included.”
“You could quite literally do anything, doc,” I tell him with a slight scoff.
“I’m being honest. I can get a little attached to cases at times, and locking up criminals seems a lot better than defending them.”
I nod in understanding. “I get that completely. Which is why I plan to represent victims and families. I want to bring justice to those who deserve it and leave the dealing with criminals to you guys.”
“I think that’s a pretty good idea,” he says.
“Me too. I don’t think I could defend people like the unsubs you deal with. I’ve heard too many things and even dealt with the actions first hand,” I sigh softly.
Spencer’s facial expressions change. He frowns slightly and gives me an awkward look. “I understand.”
I nod. “Well, anyway…”
“It’s pretty late, we should probably go to bed,” Spencer says then rephrases his sentence not for the first time this night. “I mean, we should both go to sleep.”
I laugh softly and his cheeks turn pink. “You’re right.” I stand up from my spot on the chair.
“Well, I’m in my bed for the week,” he pats the couch.
“Sounds comfortable,” I chuckle.
“It’s not too bad. I’m just a little too long.”
“I can get you some blankets?”
“Hotch has me covered,” he says with a soft grin and points to the blanket and pillow folded up on the coffee table.
“Well, goodnight, Dr. Reid.”
He raises his eyebrows up at me.
“Spencer. Goodnight, Spencer,” I correct myself and start my way to the staircase, smoothing down my dress.
“Goodnight, Jade.”
I shoot him a friendly smile from the steps and walk up the rest of them, making my way to my room. My room is across the hall from Dad’s and Jack’s who are right beside each other’s.
I open my door quietly as to not wake my brother up again. Sitting on the bed, a part of me is glad I don’t have to be staring at the contents of my childhood bedroom. Mom and Dad separated when I was already in college, so I moved into this room recently. When I would come back home from college, I would stay at both Mom’s house and Dad’s apartment. This room isn’t too personal, and I think that makes it better being here for spring break.
I donated most of my old bedroom decor and the rest is in storage. It’s relieving not having so many memories of my past and my mom to haunt me while I try to sleep at my dad’s.
It kind of sucks that he’s not even here to be with me while I’m home from school. He’s always working. Hopefully he’ll be home soon and we’ll still have time to hangout. That is if there isn’t another stupid case demanding he pack up and leave the state.
My mind shifts from the topic of my dad to Spencer. Spencer Reid, the guy who consumed my mind every day of senior year is just down the stairs, about 100 feet away from my door.
17 year old me would’ve pissed her pants trying to talk to him that long, but 21 year old me held the conversation and didn’t drool over the poor guy.
If teenage me saw him now I think she’d pass out. He’s changed. He’s older, his body’s more matured, he’s more sure of himself, his hair… Jesus Christ his hair. I take a deep breath, almost laughing at myself. 17 year old Jade took over for a moment, letting this man consume my brain. It’s just weird to see him again, a good weird, but weird nonetheless.
It’s weird to see her again- not a bad weird, but weird nonetheless. The last time I saw Hotch’s daughter, she was not even 18 and not yet grown into herself. She was shy, which was strange because her father is such an assertive and confident figure.
Jade was always quiet and reserved every time I saw her. Around the girls, she was more relaxed and talkative, but with the rest of us she wouldn’t make eye contact or go out of her way to talk. I guess it was just weird for her to be with the people who were sometimes around her father more than she was. I can understand that.
When she barged into the kitchen with a gun in her hand a commanding voice, I didn’t even recognize her at first. She definitely didn’t seem like that diffident teenager I knew before. Jade has grown up- I can tell that just from the conversation we had. We haven’t talked that long since we met. I don’t even think I’ve heard her speak that many words.
Not only has her personality changed, her body has too. I hate that I noticed it, but I did. I never really paid much attention to her, especially not in that way since she was a teenager. She was my boss’s daughter. That’s all she was. And that’s still what she is, but she’s also nice to talk to, she’s more mature. I suppose she was never immature.
I wasn’t expecting Jade to be here, let alone come in past midnight in a pretty dress. Anyway, this may make babysitting Jack a little strange, but then again I’m sure she’ll be busy with friends and hardly be home. I’m kind of hoping that’s the case, but I can’t quite figure out why.
I pull the blanket up over my shoulders and close my eyes. I haven’t had much time to catch up on sleep since the team got back from a fairly long case two days ago. As tired as I am, I’m happy to babysit Jack this week. He’s a sweet kid, and he loves my magic tricks.
My eyelids grow heavier each second, and I’m finally overtaken by sleep. The last image my brain conjures up before I’m unconscious confuses me, but I’d like to think it’s just because she is fresh on my mind.
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx <3
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid and reader#dilf spencerreid#spencer reid x fanfiction#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid x oc#criminal minds x oc#criminal minds fluff#criminal minds smut#criminal minds x reader#spencer reid x you#spencer reid criminal minds#spencer reid fandom#spencer reid series#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid imagine#criminal minds x y/n#spencer reid x fem!readr#mgg
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Off Limits
content warning: none i can think of
Part Four
I’ve been watching Hotch’s son for five days now. I got a call from him this morning apologizing for leaving me with Jack for so long.
“I really don’t mind, Hotch,” I told him.
It’s true. I’ve always liked kids; well, at least the sweet ones. And I don’t have any kids of my own. Babysitting is a way to take care of children and be able to give them back eventually. I think it’s a pretty good deal.
Anyway, it’s not like I’m alone. Jade is here 90% of the time; the other 10% she’s with friends. I suppose it’s nice having company other than a four year old. We’ve stayed up in the living room talking almost every night after Jack goes to sleep.
We haven’t talked about much, but it’s been nice just to talk. She doesn’t seem to mind when I go on tangents about anything my brain can conjure up. I like that because as tolerant as my coworkers are, their faces always show when they want me to quit rambling. Jade’s facial expressions don’t grow irritated and bored when I spill out my knowledge. She may not really care, but she doesn’t show that. I appreciate it.
She a lot like her dad in some ways, but I don’t think she notices. She’s stubborn and intelligent. I can also tell by examining her body language and the way she talks that she’s a natural born leader. Maybe that’s why Morgan has always called her little Hotch.
When I first met her, I was 23, and she was 16. Her dark hair reminded me of Hotch’s, but it was more chocolate while his was more ebony. Her eyes are dark too, but there’s a hint of hazel in them, like Haley had. Her eyes have gotten a little darker now that she’s aged some years.
Some may say it’s strange that I notice these things, but I notice everything. Details stick out to me. I’ve also noticed how she has a wall she’s put up behind her eyes, keeping those looking into them from seeing her feelings. The wall isn’t as strong or thick as her fathers, but it’s still there.
I have one of those too, I’ll admit. If I remember correctly, I began building that wall at 10 years old. 18 years later, I’d like to say it’s pretty sturdy.
Some might think it’s a bad thing to create those barriers between yourself and the outside world. But from my point of view, it’s a safety net. Why would one wear their heart on their sleeve and risk others using that to their advantage when they can hold all the cards themselves?
All this to say, I don’t blame her for the extra support in front of her emotions.
“Hey,” Jade says with a yawn, her steps making soft thud sounds on the hardwood stairs.
“Hi,” I give her a small wave from my spot on the couch. Jack is watching cartoons on the tv while he sits on the floor, his legs crossed in a pretzel.
Jade slept in this morning, and I told Jack to be a little quieter so she could stay asleep.
It’s 11am now when she heads into the kitchen. She comes back a minute later with a bowl of cereal in her hands. She sits down a little bit away from me on the couch, shelving a spoonful of the cheerios into her mouth as soon as she’s situated.
Her hair’s messy, but it’s kind of flattering somehow. Jade’s dressed in a white t shirt too big for her and black shorts that are hardly visible underneath the shirt.
“How’d you sleep?” I ask, just trying to make conversation. Usually, I don’t bother for small talk, but I figure it can’t do any harm.
Jade finished chewing the handful of cereal in her mouth, swallows, then answers. “Pretty well. I appreciate sleeping in for the first time in a while.”
“Not a morning person?”
She shrugs. “Not particularly. You?”
I furrow my eyebrows a little. “I’d rather sleep in than get up early, but I hardly ever get to. I usually go to bed late too. So I guess you could say I’m more of a night person,” I tell her.
“Me too. I just like night better,” Jade says. “It’s quiet and less bright.”
“Research shows those considered ‘night owls’ are more intelligent and creative than those who wake up early.”
“I guess our brains just need more rest after a hard day of being smarter than everyone else,” she says with a grin.
I laugh softly at that. “I suppose so.”
“Would you want to go to the park today?” She asks, and I almost think she’s asking me on a date of some sorts until I glance back at her and see she’s talking to her brother.
“Yes!” Jack exclaims excitedly.
“Okay. If you go put this in the sink for me, I’ll take you and we can play catch,” Jade says, holding out her bowl.
Jack realizes what she’s doing, but agrees to her terms. He rises from his place on the living room rug and makes his way to the living room with her bowl in his hands.
“That was devious,” I say with a slight chuckle.
“It was strategic. I didn’t want to get up off the couch, and he wants something I can give him. It’s good thinking,” Jade says, tapping her fingertips to her head.
I shake my head, but a smile creeps up onto my lips. “I’m glad I didn’t have any older siblings.”
She laughs softly. “Me too.”
Jack comes back, his hands on his hips. “So, when we going to the park?”
“How about one? I need a shower,” Jade tells him.
“One?” Jack whines.
“That’s only about two hours. Five and a half cartoons,” she says.
“Fine,” he sighs with quite a bit of emotion behind it for a four year old.
The desired time for said four year old rolls around, and Jade keeps to her word. They’re both dressed now. Jack in jeans and a light weight jacket and Jade in thin black joggers and a slightly baggy t shirt.
“You don’t have to go with us if you need a break from you know who,” Jade tells me as she reties Jack’s shoelace that he did himself.
“Actually, I’d like to go if that’s okay. It’s a nice day,” I say with a soft smile.
“Suit yourself,” she shrugs, grabbing her keys off one of the hooks on the wall.
“Your version of a nice day is quite different from most people’s,” Jade laughs once we’re walking through the park to find a suitable spot.
There’s several people here, some on bikes, some talking on benches, some playing football, some playing with their children. The light grey clouds in the sky are covering up the sun just enough so that it’s not too bright out. It looks like it may rain tonight. The April weather is still somewhat cold, leftover from winter, but it isn’t so chilly that one would need many layers.
I look up at the sky and around us. “The sun isn’t blinding my eyes. Nice day.”
“Valid,” she shrugs. She’s holding hands with Jack, his little legs setting our pace much slower than my usual walk. I don’t mind.
“Right here’s good,” Jade points to an area of the park with green grass and enough space for a kid her brother’s age to play in. There’s a bench just across the concrete path from it.
Jack pulls her onto the grass, his ball in his other hand. “Go far,” he tells her.
She goes about five four away from him.
“Farther than that!”
Jade takes two more steps back. “We’ll start out here, okay?”
“Okay,” he says and throws her his ball.
It’s plastic ball the size of a softball. It’s not hallow, but it’s not too heavy to where it would hurt bad if one got hit with it.
She catches it and underhand- tosses it back. He catches it too. This goes on for a while, and I sit on the bench a small distance away from them. I brought two books to read while we’re here.
Eventually, Jade declares she is quitting the game of catch with her brother. He whines a bit, but she reminds him they’ve been playing for half an hour.
She takes a seat next to be on the bench, Jack sits in front of her on the ground, rolling his ball around.
“Whatcha reading?” Jade asks, looking over my shoulder curiously.
I close the book to show her the cover. She reads the title.
“It’s about a time traveler. Usually I read nonfiction, but the occasional Sci-fi or dark fantasy peeks my interested,” I tell her.
“Dark fantasy,” Jade smirks. “Sounds kinky.”
My face heats up, letting me know I’m definitely blushing which is a little embarrassing.
“N-not like that. Like Lord of the Rings,” I say.
“I know, Spence. I was teasing you,” she says with a little laugh.
“Right,” I give her an awkward laugh in return.
I’m still not exactly used to detecting sarcasm or teasing. I’ve gotten better at realizing when those two devices are being used, but occasionally, they’ll slip past me. Perks of being autistic (sarcasm). I’ve gotten pretty good at detecting mannerisms and reading unsubs, but somehow a joke will still fly over my head.
Jade grins, shaking her head. Her hair brushes my face briefly, and I involuntarily smell the shampoo she just used an hour and a half ago. It smells good. Oats and vanilla I believe.
She twirls her hair for a moment, the brown strands curling around her finger. In the natural lighting, I can see all the different colors in her hair. There’s chocolate brown, caramel, walnut, and even some mixtures of red where the sun shines on it. It’s pretty. It’s pretty and it smells good.
I snap out of my thoughts when Jack hops up from his seat. I’m relieved to have the kid release me from my thoughts. I shouldn’t be thinking about her like that. Even if it was just her hair, it’s still inappropriate.
Jack pulls me back away from the bench.
“Piggy back ride,” he demands, but it’s kind of cute.
“You’re heavy.”
“Am not,” he says.
I roll my eyes, and bend down so he hand jump on. He does so excitedly, wrapping his arms around my neck.
I walk around with my brother on my back for a little bit until his short attention span is bored with me. Then he forces Spencer to give him a piggy back ride too.
It’s sweet watching the two of them together. Spencer’s good with kids. Better than I am and this one is my own brother.
I love Jack, I really do, but I was 17 when he was born, and it was weird to become a sister at that age. I was excited, of course, but still strange.
I also thought it was weird that my parents were having a baby at that age anyway. It’s not like they were old at all. In fact, Mom was only 35. But when it’s 17 years after your first, it’s a weird gap.
My mom and dad were young when they had me. Mom was 18 a freshman in college, and Dad was 20 and a junior. They’d been dating for three years already, but it’s safe to say I was not planned.
They didn’t let the unplanned baby ruin their plans for college though. Mom became a part time student instead, and both sets of my grandparents helped take care of me whenever needed.
Dad was still able to go to law school when I was three. I’m glad I didn’t ruin their lives completely. But Mom assured me I didn’t ruin it at all. She was honest when she said finding out about me was a minor set back, but she was also honest when she said they loved me no matter what.
Jack and Spencer play around, and I’m convinced to join in.
Eventually, I drive us back home. Jack lays down for a nap at 4, and at 7, I cook dinner instead of Spencer.
Eventually, I get Jack back into bed, but since he took his nap a little later, there was some resistance. Finally, at 11, he goes to bed. I make him promise he won’t tell Dad he went to bed that late, and he says he will if I get him ice cream tomorrow. I will be talking to Dad about why his child is a bargainer.
At midnight, I hear a weird sound from downstairs and go to scope it out.
I laugh softly when I see Spencer popping the popcorn I bought him a couple days ago.
“You weren’t kidding about the late night snack,” I grin, leaning against the kitchen counter.
He turns around, jumping a little. I scared him.
“I never kid about food, Jade,” he says and that makes me laugh a little more.
“Care to share?”
“Hmm,” he thinks for a moment. I scoff. “I suppose.”
“Want to watch a movie?” I ask him, not ready to go to bed.
He looks a little hesitant to say yes. Well, not really hesitant, but somehow nervous? “Yeah. Sounds good.”
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz <3
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid and reader#spencer reid imagine#dilf spencerreid#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x luke alvez#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x fanfiction#spencer reid x original female character#spencer reid x fem!readr#spencer reid x you#mgg fem!reader#mgg x reader#mgg x y/n#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds x y/n#spencer reid series
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Off Limits
content warnings: alcohol consumption (legal)
Part Six
“Hey, um, I’m going out in a little while. Just thought I’d worn you so you don’t think I disappeared,” I tell Spencer while I finish up washing the dishes from dinner.
It’s Friday night, and my old friend is having that party she asked me to come to. CeCe is picking me up at 9, and we’re going together.
“All right,” he nods, not asking me where I’m going or who I’ll be with like Dad would. It’s not so bad Spencer being here, really.
“You sure you’ll be okay alone with the little shit for the night?” I ask, looking to my little brother as he’s still seated at the table.
Just as Spencer is about to say he’ll be fine, Jack exclaims, “I’m not a little shit.”
“Hey, you can’t say that,” I tell him sternly, pointing my finger at him.
“You said it,” Jack tells me matter of factly.
“I’m an adult.”
“And that’s why I called you a little shit,” I say, rolling my eyes as I leave the kitchen.
After slipping into a blue dress with a plunge that shows off my chest nicely and reaches high enough on my thighs to be flirty and low enough to be somewhat modest, I fix my hair and makeup. Being a girl is obnoxious sometimes because I just spent half an hour doing my hair and makeup just to make it look like I didn’t do my hair and makeup. I step into a pair of black heels that aren’t too high; I don’t want to be tripping over my feet the whole night. I spray my favorite perfume on my skin before heading out.
Jack’s already in bed sound asleep, and Spencer’s taking a shower upstairs. I slip out the door.
Once I step into the scene, I’m hit with the scent of weed and alcohol. I’m not usually a party person, so two in one week is rare for me, but it’s Spring break and my dad isn’t home to lecture me on the dangers of alcohol.
CeCe and I are greeted by Kailee and her big drunk smile. “You made it!”
After talking for a bit and already feeling overstimulated by the light, sounds, and smells, I push my way into the kitchen to get some alcohol in my system. I’m a firm believer that one doesn’t need alcohol to have fun, but I also believe that being the only one sober is boring as hell.
I do two shots and embrace the warmth that spreads through my body. CeCe decides to have one drink since by the time we leave, it’ll be out of her system and she’ll be fine to drive. She grabs a water too.
“Are you getting drunk tonight?” She asks me.
“Maybe. Depends on how much I need to not be boring,” I laugh softly, practically yelling at her over the music.
CeCe and I have known each other since we were in 6th grade. I had moved to Washington DC because my dad took the job as a BAU agent. It wasn’t too far from where we’re from, but a new school was not where I wanted to be.
We had the same backpack and she pointed it out on the first day of school, and then we became best friends from there.
She’s in college in Brooklyn and I’m in NYC, so we’re not far away. We see each other at least twice a week during the school year. We’ve made it work staying friends through puberty, boys, and growing up. It’s a nice system we have going.
The two of us split up ever so often to talk to different people and do different things, her kicking some ass in pool and me beating everyone at darts, but we make our way back to each other after a while.
I’m now 3 shots and one fruity seagrams in, and still feeling good. I’m slightly buzzed, but nothing I can’t handle. It’s only 11. The night is still young.
“Hey,” CeCe hollers over the sounds so I can hear her. “I’ve got to go. Do you want a ride home or do you want to stay?”
“I want to stay! Why are you leaving?” I shout back.
“My mom texted earlier and said my tia’s coming over in the morning. She’s probably going to want to shop all day, and if I don’t go to bed I’m going to be cranky tomorrow,” she says.
“Boo you whore!” I give her a thumbs down. “I’ll get a ride from someone we know.”
She kisses my cheek and says she’ll see me later. After I make sure she gets out okay, I head outside for a game of beer pong. The slight breeze feels amazing against my sort of sticky-from-sweat skin.
I start a game against a hot guy I’ve never met before.
“What’s your name?” He shouts over the table.
“Jade. You?” I yell.
“Hayden. Nice to meet you!”
“You too!”
“You’re gorgeous, but I’m not going easy on you!” He says with a slight grin.
“Didn’t want you to, Hayden!” I laugh a little.
We play a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who takes the first shot at the cups. I win, naturally, and bounce the ball off the table and into one of the cups.
He grins a little wider, takes the cup off the table, and drinks its contents.
“You’re going to get white girl wasted, Hayden,” I shout with a devilish smirk.
Well, the game went on for a while, and it was me who ended up white girl wasted and a loser at the game. I had two cups left by the time he beat me, so I wouldn’t say I did poorly.
I roll my eyes after downing the last cup, his winning cup, and head back into the house. Now, I’m feeling it. All of it. My vision is wonky, my head feels like it weighs a two hundred pounds, and I feel a little like I’m going to throw up.
I check my phone. The blurry numbers on the screen tell me it’s 1:36am or maybe it said 1:38, they kind of look the same when your vision’s altered.
A blonde girl leads me to the couch when she notices the trouble I’m having trying to walk. She sits me down and tells me to stay there for a while.
I nod, looking around. Eventually, I get bored and stand back up. I have to grab onto the nearest thing to me, which happens to be an attractive man, to steady myself.
“Hey,” he grins.
“Hey,” I say back. “You’re cute. But not as cute as this one guy I know. His name is Spencer.” My words are easily enough to understand, but aren’t enunciated as they should be.
The guy gives me a dirty look and walks away. My boobs starts vibrating, and for a minute I think it’s normal. Then, I dig my phone out of my bra.
“Oh my God, speaking of Spencer!” I giggle to myself before answering the phone. “Hiiiii.”
“Jade? Hey, you called?” His voice is deeper than usual, sleepiness laced in it.
I didn’t call. Well, I must’ve butt dialed him- well titty dialed him. We’d exchanged numbers a few days ago just in case.
“Hi, Spencer,” I twirl my hair around my finger. “It’s so funny that you called ‘cause I wa-”
“Are you drunk?” He asks, voice a little less sleepy than it was before.
“What? Why would you ask me that?” I giggle again, trying not to snort. “Yeah, I am.”
“Do you need a ride home?” There’s worry in his voice, but I’m too drunk to hear it.
“Pshh no!” I shout. “You should come join me though!”
“I’m not joining you.”
“Why not?” The pout is evident in my voice. “I’m fun.”
“I’m sure you are,” he says calmly. “Are you sure you don’t need a ride?”
“What time is it?” I ask as if I haven’t just checked the time a little while ago. But I don’t remember what time was on the screen.
“It’s 1:45,” Spencer tells me.
“Hmm. Maybe I need a ride.” I say, my voice a little too fake innocent.
“O-of course. I’ll send an uber and make sure you get home okay,” he says calmly. “Stay on the phone with me.”
“Yes sir,” I laugh.
“How much have you had to drink?” He asks me as he assists me in getting out of the uber and to the apartment.
He sounds a little like my father, and it’s annoying.
“Three shots, a strawberry drink that had no business being so good, and however many cups of beer that is used to set up the triangle in pong,” I tell Spencer, leaning on him so I don’t fall face first into the apartment door.
He helps me in, sits me on the couch, and disappears into the kitchen. I make a slightly audible whine when I don’t feel his arms holding me up anymore.
Spencer comes back briefly, a cup of clear liquid in his hands. Wasted me almost believes it’s vodka. The room temperature water makes me frown as I take a drink.
“You really shouldn’t drink that much,” he says, sitting down next to me. “Were you alone?”
“No, silly! I was at a party,” I giggle, making the water I tried to take a sip of bubble.
“I meant at the party. Were you with someone or were you there alone?”
“Are you asking me if I was with a guy,” I smirk, leaning into him goofily.
“No. I’m asking you if you had someone with you to make sure nothing happened,” Spencer says, voice slightly annoyed.
“Oh,” I say and feel a little stupid. “I had my friend there, but she had to leave. But there was this one guy who I played beer pong with. He was cool and offered to walk me upstairs to lay down. But I just sat on the couch.”
In hindsight, he could’ve been offering to take me upstairs to have sex with me, but at the time it seemed like a nice gesture to lay down.
Spencer furrows his eyebrows, worry laced in the little brown hairs.
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t go upstairs with him,” he says. “But I can walk you up these stairs so you can go to bed. I don’t want you falling.” He points to the staircase behind us.
I laugh once again. “I can walk by myself. I’ve been doing it since I was 10 months old. I’m a pro… well, if I can get these damn heels off.”
I fidget with the straps of my shoes, trying to get them off.
“Here,” Spencer says, leaning down to undo the little buckles.
I slip the heels off and toss them to the side of the couch. “You’re an angel,” the grin on my face probably looks drunken and stupid. “A very handsome angel. With cute hair. I like the boyband look… it’s hot.”
Spencer’s face goes red and he clears his throat nervously. “You should really get to bed. In the morning, I’ll make some toast to soak up the rest of the alcohol.”
“You’re so lame!” I pout, crossing my arms. “Let’s dance!” I reach for his hand but he pulls away.
“C’mon, Jade. Please?”
“Fine, I’ll go to bed,” I say with a groan. “But can you get me some more water first?”
Spencer nods and takes the cup from the coffee table. I tell myself I’ll just lay down for a second, and when he comes back I’ll drink the water and go to my room.
Instead, I lay down for a second and fall asleep on the couch, my somewhat slutty dress still on my body, my makeup still done, and my system still override with alcohol.
I come back into the living room to see she has fallen asleep on my pillow, on my bed for the week.
I don’t mind too much. She needs to sleep it off. I take a seat on the chair, curling up, and close my eyes.
I wish I could’ve been the one to pick her up from the party, but I couldn’t risk leaving Jack here by himself. Sure, he’s asleep, but if anything happened…
I could smell all the beer on her breath when she talked to me. I could also smell weed on her skin, but from what it sounded like she didn’t smoke any.
Her makeup’s smudged under her eyes, and somehow it was almost attractive. Maybe that was just her though. And that dress. I hate myself for stealing a glance at her in that dress, but it was almost impossible to stop myself.
I never noticed how pretty Jade was until this week. How she almost seems delicate, but her confidence - false or not - makes her tougher. How she smells sweet and enticing. How her brown eyes seem to beg for something, I just can’t tell what.
I’m hating myself more now for thinking these things. Not only is she young, but she’s Hotch’s daughter. It’s wrong for me to like the way she smells and take notice of her soft hair and eyes.
When Jade complimented me, her exact words were “handsome angel” and she said my hair was “hot”, I felt heat rise to my cheeks. It was almost nice to be complimented like that especially by someone like her… but she’s wasted and she probably didn’t even know what she was saying. I won’t bring it up, and I’ll definitely try to push away the blush her words caused me to have.
It makes me extremely relieved that she didn’t go upstairs with that guy she mentioned. I don’t trust guys this age at all. Really, I don’t trust men any age. I work with too many evil-hearted men, and I know what could’ve happened if she followed him up those stairs.
I may be babysitting Jack, but I feel responsible for Jade too. Sure, she’s an adult and can handle herself, but if anything happened to her Hotch would hate me. I would hate me.
Jade makes soft noises in her sleep that sound like a lullaby to my ears, helping me drift off as well.
I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a tv that I don’t have in my bedroom. My eyes trail down until I find that I’m laying on the couch, barely covered by a knitted white blanket. I’m still in my dress, my tits practically falling out of it now.
It takes a second to notice it, but when I do it’s nauseating; my head hurts like a bitch. It’s pounding, probably screaming at me for getting drunk last night.
I can tell I wasn’t asleep long. Especially when my brother isn’t talking to loud and Dad’s not yelling at me to wake up.
Spencer. Spencer is on the chair. He’s asleep, a blanket sprawled over him. He looks kind of peaceful. But uncomfortable. He’s way too long for that chair.
But I stole the couch from him. Shit.
I try to stand up, but I groan, squinting my eyes.
The sleeping man on the chair stirs, opening his eyes slowly. He sees me and he seems to instantly be more awake.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asks, sitting up.
“If okay translates to ‘like I’ve been hit by a truck’, then yes. I feel okay.”
Spencer stands up, heading for the kitchen. I sit against the couch cushions in agony until he comes back with aspirin and a plate full of toast.
“Carbs help soak up alcohol. Should help with the hangover too, but you’ll probably feel like crap for the rest of the day,” he says, handing me the plate and pills.
I take it gratefully and wash the pills down with the cup of water sitting on the coffee table. “Serves me right I guess.”
“Do you have any memory loss?” Spencer asks me.
“I remember most of the party I think, and I remember sitting on the couch with you, but that’s about all,” I admit. I’m not even sure how I got home, but I’m pretty sure he helped me get here.
He nods. “It’s early. I’m surprised you’re up.”
“Me too,” I groan before taking a bite of the toast.
It’s only 8:47. Which means I slept for around 6 hours. It also means Jack will be up soon.
“How about you go get changed and I’ll get Jack some breakfast.”
I nod my head with compliment. “I may go back to sleep.”
“All right,” he says.
I drag my body upstairs, and peel my dress off with some difficulty. I change into sweatpants and a t shirt, not even bothering to fix the fact that it’s inside out.
By the time I wake up again, I hear voices downstairs. One belongs to Spencer and another belongs to… it’s my dad.
I can barely hear them, but I can make out the words.
“They’re both napping upstairs.”
“Both of them?” My dad chuckles a little.
“Yeah, Jade said she didn’t sleep well last night, so she went back to bed,” Spencer tells him.
He’s covering for me. I appreciate it. Even though I’m 21, almost 22 in fact, my dad hates when I get drunk. He says it’s dangerous and alters my ability to make rational decisions. And just because that’s true, it doesn’t make it any less obnoxious.
I get out of bed, and notice my head feels a lot better. It still hurts, and I’m still slightly hungover but it’s nothing like it was. I check the time on my clock. 12:24.
Jack’s probably only been asleep for 15 minutes or so, so I don’t wake him up to tell him Dad is here.
Instead, I brush the alcohol and morning breath out of my mouth, take my smudged makeup off, and go downstairs to greet my father.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” he laughs softly, looking up at me as a I walk down the steps.
I ignore his obvious teasing at my appearance and give him a hug. It has been a while since I’ve seen him.
He picks me up within the hug, planting a kiss on my head. “I missed you, princess.”
“I missed you too, Dad,” I smile softly, ruffling his hair as he sets me down. “How was the business trip?”
“It was good, but I’m happy to be home.”
I resist the urge to make a jab at how he probably won’t be home long. He never is.
“Thank you again, Reid,” he says to Spencer. “I’ll have to get you a coffee.”
“Try ten,” Spencer joked.
“Noted,” my dad said with a nod and a faint smile.
He’s always been so serious. Especially now that Mom is gone. But sometimes he’ll let himself smile or his eyes soften.
“Thanks for taking care of my babies.”
“Dad, I’m 21” I say, rolling my eyes. “He was Jack’s babysitter not mine.”
“Still my baby,” Dad says stubbornly.
“It was no problem, really,” Spencer tells him. He grabs his things and starts to head out.
He looks at me briefly and I mouth the words “Thank you” to him. He nods and leaves the apartment.
I watch him leave, feeling a little sad to see him go. It was a nice week. Instead of some older guy I was obsessed with years ago, he seemed like my friend.
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz <3
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid and reader#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x original female character#spencer reid x derek morgan#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n#dilf spencerreid#criminal minds x oc#criminal minds x y/n#criminal minds x reader#matthew gray gubler x fem!readr#matthew gray gubler x fem!reader#matthew gray gubler angst#matthew gray gubler x you#matthew gray gubler x original female character#mgg fem!reader#mgg fanfiction#criminalminds
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Off Limits
Spencer Reid x fem oc
Content warnings: talk of death, violence, daddy issues, alcohol consumption (legal age), guns…
Part One
College life has been great… is what I would say if just six months ago I didn’t get a call from my father saying my mom died because he didn’t catch some criminal. I’d known a little bit about the jackass who’d been hunting and tormenting my father only because Dad bothered to share minor details for my safety.
When I had refused to put my last year of undergrad on halt because the great Aaron Hotchner had pissed off an unsub so bad that he began hunting my family, I was granted a body guard instead. Granted isn’t exactly the word I would use though. I would say forced to have some big guy follow me around while my mom and little brother hid out in an undisclosed location. But Dad told me it was either that or I join my family and put graduating on pause.
For the two months I had Marcus following me around and not letting any cute guys near me - which I thought was ridiculous because clearly the gorgeous basketball player from the neighboring housing dorm, Andre Taylor was not George Foyet - I had the audacity to feel sorry for myself. But then that self pity turned to rage and despair when Dad called me crying and told me what happened to my poor mother.
Haley Hotchner was not just my mom; she was my friend, my confidant, my lifeline. My dad and I have always been close, but I could tell Mom things I could never have him knowing.
I moved back home for the rest of that month and well into the next. I did my college work online; luckily my professors were lenient with me given the situation I was in.
Come mid October, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to go back to New York. My dorm room was waiting for me, and the house I grew up in was suffocating my entire being. Everything in there was sad, not just my father and Jack. Mom’s things that remained untouched would taunt me, making me miss her even more. The house reeked of depression and death.
Dad was upset when I told him I was going back to the university, but he understood. He knew he couldn’t lock his 21 year old daughter in a depressing household and use her as a baby sitter while he avoided his sadness by diving into work. He also knew that if he did, I would’ve grown to resent him even more than I already had.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my father. We had a great relationship while I was growing up. However, there had always been a hole in the house, a hole in my life. He was always gone for work, especially when he started at the BAU when I was ten. He started missing more and more important days in mine and my mother’s lives. My twelve birthday for example: Dad was supposed to pick up the big surprise present my parents had bought for me, but he answered the call from Agent Gideon and headed to Oregon instead.
My mother left some very “nice” words for him on his voicemail that day. I didn’t cry though, or even tell Mom I was sad. I just sat beside her and watched all my friends play while I secretly and silently hoped my father was planning some big surprise and a case was his cover up. But the real “surprise” was that my hopes were horribly crushed as I waited hour by hour at the door for him to show up.
“C’mon, baby,” my mother brushed my hair out of my face with gentle strokes. “It’s passed your bedtime.”
I had fallen asleep in my hopeless wait. I nodded to my mom and stood up, half consciously letting her guide me to my bedroom upstairs.
I began to grow some sort of spite for my dad that day. Of course he was still my father, and I loved him, but I never quite saw him the same. Sometimes I would feel as though me, his baby girl, was less important than work.
I thought that this would end when my baby brother Jack was born. Dad was home for a while, and the four of us were a happy, functioning family. I was a senior in high school, so my father was running out of chances to be with me, my mother made sure he knew that. I thought I would get to have my dad back.
But soon enough, he went back to work and was only there 2-3 days a week most of the time. I think Mom grew to have spite for him as well. Actually, I know she did because she called me one day after class and told me she was divorcing my father. I felt sick to my stomach. Our family was falling apart, and I was at university 230 miles away. And my poor baby brother was only 2.
Anyway, after going back to school things started to get a little better. My aunt became Jack’s practically live in nanny, and Dad seemed to be doing much better after a few months.
Now, it’s March, six months after my mother’s gut-wrenching death, and I think our family’s going to make it. We’re the Hotchners after all, and we’re nothing if not stubborn, so I think we’ll survive this just out of spite of George Foyet and everything he stands for.
Sometimes, when I drink a little too much (or not enough), I can imagine the horror of the moment Foyet almost took my father from me too. He told me a little about both times he was attacked, and every time I think too much about it, my stomach hurts, and I feel sick.
I’ve been asked before what if I think my dad killing Foyet was too harsh, but I don’t. I don’t find it harsh enough for what that evil thing deserved. It’s obvious that he would’ve gotten to Jack then maybe even me - I’ve seen his female victims, I’m just his type - if Dad hadn’t finished him off.
“Jade,” my best friend since middle school waves her hand in front of me. “Jade, you’re doing that thing again where you drift off into space.”
I shake my head a bit then look at her. “Hm? Oh sorry, I was doing that again.”
“Where’d you go this time?” She asks, a look of concern on her face.
“It’s not important,” I shrug her question off. “Let’s do body shots!”
I grab her hand and drag her to the living room of some guy we’ve never even met. The too-loud music guides my hip swaying as I lead CeCe to the crowd of people cheering and laughing. Two hot guys lay on the table as some chick older than me places a shot class full of clear liquid, Tequila, on top of his belly button.
“Who’s next?” She asks with a drunken smile.
“Me,” I say and step forward as annoyed sorority girls whine about me ‘cutting in front of them’, which is an elementary term for it, but the only one I can see fit.
The girl grins and looks me up and down. “Brave of you to go against these cult chicks,” she tells me. I make the safe assumption that she’s not a fan of sororities.
I shrug and move my hair out of my face as I lick the salt from the guy’s abs, take the shot of tequila, then take the lime from the girls teeth, all in one pretty smooth motion I think. I suck the juice off the lime and make a scrunched up face before opening my eyes again. I see CeCe laughing at me and shaking her head.
“You are something, Jade,” she chuckles as I walk back over to her with a little skip in my step.
“I’m a fun- haverer,” I say then laugh at my stupid made up word. “Why aren’t you having fun? You’re being so lame.”
“I am having fun. I’m just worried about you.”
“Don’t be! I’m just making this spring break amazing,” I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.
“But I j-“
“Nope. Do not pull the dead mom card. Only I can pull the dead mom card because It’s my mom who’s dead,” I say. I know she’s worried about me because I’m back in DC for the first time since my mom’s funeral, but I don’t need her worries.
CeCe sighs but nods. “Okay. I won’t pull that card.”
“Thank you. Now I need some fucking beer,” I say, heading to the kitchen.
“Don’t you think you’ve had too much to drink?” my best friend asks.
“You sound like my dad.”
“Actually, I have not warned off every guy here, thank you very much,” CeCe laughs softly.
I join in on the chuckle, rolling my eyes. “As funny as that is, it’s not inaccurate.”
Protectiveness is not a word used lightly when used to describe my father. I know he’s showing his love in his own way, but it’s overbearing at times. I wasn’t allowed to date until I was 16, and even then he let every possible suitor know that he was fully trained and armed.
Basically, no guy wanted to go out with me because they were scared my dad may ring them by their necks. And I suppose my father can be kind of intimidating when he wants to be, but I don’t quite see it. Sure, he’s serious a lot, especially now that my mother is gone, but I’ve seen his soft, goofy, smily side. I guess the bitch boys I tried to date hadn’t, so they were on the verge of pissing their pants when thinking about what FBI agent, Aaron Hotchner would do to them if they even just kissed my cheek.
Even when I moved off to college, the guys still were scared to do anything with me because they knew who my dad is.
“No way, dude. She’s an FBI agent’s daughter, your balls would be shot off and stuffed into your mouth if you tried to tap that.”
That is a literal quote from a frat boy I heard talking to his friend in the common area. It was quite the visual and quite the obnoxious thing to hear.
I take a swig from a bottle I dug from the cooler. As the liquid hits my taste buds, my stomach does an unsettling flop. “You know what? You’re right, I’ve had too much to drink,” I tell CeCe and hand her the beer.
“Let’s just dance instead?” She suggests.
“I like your thinking!”
The two of us head over to a group of people and dance with each other and the cute guys we’re around.
A guy with straight blonde hair makes eye contact with me, and I smile bashfully. He makes his way over to me and asks if I would dance with him.
“Well, I’m already dancing, so why not?” I shout teasingly over the music.
He chuckles and moves to the beat along with me. Feeling a little flirty, I wrap my arms around his neck.
“You’re a pretty little thing,” he says to me.
“Thanks.” I say, but it’s more like a question because he called me a thing when I am, if it wasn’t obvious, a human being.
“So what brings you to this party?”
“Oh you know, just wanting to have some spring break fun. I just got back in town fro-” My sentence is cut off my lips crashing onto mine. His mouth is hot and taste like alcohol, but then again that could also be my mouth. His hands roam too far down my back, and I free myself from his grasp.
My hand connects with his cheek with a satisfying sound. “You can’t just-”
I’m cut off once again by the man who’s now holding his redden face, my hand print on it. “You bitch!”
“Maybe that’ll teach you something, jackass,” I huff and make my way out of the house.
I can hear guys “oh”-ing dramatically, half laughs in their voices.
The music is getting way too loud; I can barely hear my heart pounding in my chest even though it feels so harsh and loud.
My name is being called from behind me, but I don’t turn around. Instead, I sit on the porch of the house and take a deep breath.
CeCe finally pushes her way past the crowd of people and catches up to me. “Jade,” she says. She sits down next to me but doesn’t say anything else for a moment.
“That was pretty badass of you to stick up for yourself like that,” she finally says, a small grin on her face.
“I don’t have a law enforcement dad for nothing,” I chuckle softly. “Plus he had it coming.”
“He for sure did. Someone definitely needed to smack that cocky grin right off his face.”
I grin faintly and run a hand through my now extremely loosely curled hair.
The two of us sit on the porch for a while until I feel sober enough to go home. CeCe, who was kind enough to be DD tonight, drives me back to my dad’s.
He moved into a two story apartment when Mom filed for a divorce. We stayed in the house for a while after her death, but eventually Dad moved him and Jack into his apartment. I think that was the best for all of us, so we weren’t surrounded by the memories of what happened between those very walls.
“You sure you’re good to walk up there on your own?” CeCe asks me.
“Yes. I’m mostly sober now,” I say, grabbing the empty bottle of water she made me drink on the car ride here. I’m not lying to her, the affects of the alcohol have lessened tremendously since it’s been a while since I had my last drink.
“Be safe! I’ll see you later,” she says.
“You too.” I walk up to the apartment complex’s front door, use the extra key my dad gave me, and make my way to the lobby’s elevator. I wave to CeCe who’s waiting on me to get safely to the elevator as I step into it. She waved back and begins pulling out of the parking lot.
I press the button “7” and feel the elevator take me up to the seventh floor. I find my dad’s apartment number, unlock the door, and walk in.
Luckily, no one is here to scold me for being home so late because Dad is at a five-day-long conference with Agent Rossi, and Jack is staying with Aunt Jessica.
I put my keys on the ring my dad has beside the door and kick off my docs. I notice the kitchen and living room lights are on, which is strange. No lights are on upstairs.
I look around, making sure nothing is out of place. Which is kind of hard since I haven’t been in this apartment in months. I freeze in my place by the couch as I hear something in the kitchen. Shit. Of course something like this would happen when I’m the only one home.
I sneak on my tippy toes, careful not to make a sound as I go to the safe my father has hidden behind a family picture. I pinch in the key, my birthday, and grab the gun Dad bought for me when I was 18. I’ve never used it, and never planned to use it, but tonight it seems like it could come in handy. I load it quickly and proceed toward the sound of footsteps and clinging in the kitchen.
Gun pointed, I sneak into the kitchen to see the back side of a man at the counter.
“Hands up!” I yell as if I’m a cop.
The man whips around immediately, obviously startled. I’ve caught him off guard. Good.
“Hands up! This thing is loaded, and I will shoot if you try anything.”
“Woah, woah, woah! Put that down,” he says, hands up and eyes wide.
“What? No. You can’t just break in without consequences!” I say, keeping my sim at his leg.
“Break in? Wh-”
Suddenly, I know where I recognize that raspy, almost high pitched voice from. I recognize the face too even though it’s changed since I’ve last laid eyes on it. “Dr. Reid?” I ask, baffled.
I see the recognition click in his eyes as well. “Wait, Jade?”
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @reidsprettygirl @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @yazzyu @crynroom @scarredelirium @lena-1895 @preciousbabypeter <3
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid and reader#spencer reid x oc#spencer reid x fanfiction#dilf spencerreid#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x fem!readr#spencer reid x original female character#aaron hotch fic#aaron hotchner#aaron hotch hotchner#aaron hotch imagine#spencer reid series#spencer reid criminal minds#spencer reid fandom#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid imagine#criminal minds x y/n
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Just Acting
three things i would like to say before getting into this chapter… 1. this story is not in any way meant to make anyone uncomfortable. celebrities do not need to be fetishized. this version of “mgg” is a character based off of a person. no one has said anything, but i just want to get that out there 2. if you do not celebrate christmas, please replace it with whatever holiday you do celebrate or just enjoy the story from an outside view:) 3. i wrote this story a few years back so i know it’s a little cringey haha
Chapter Seventeen
Next week is Christmas, exciting right? Not really, as much as you need a break and want to head home, you don't really want to deal with your old friends and family. You actors are getting two weeks off of filming for the holidays.
Right now, you are 11 episodes into season 16, and after Saturday it'll be 12. Which means you have somewhere around 10 more weeks of filming and you'll be done with the season... or possibly the show. It still seems surreal, but ending seems even crazier.
You arrive on set around 5 am, going in for an early morning shoot. Your scene takes about two hours. In your trailer, you're reading a book for the first time in a while and lying on your couch. You don't have to film for four hours or so, but you couldn't get your mind to settle down and take a nap. Reading is the next best thing.
In the middle of running your eyes along a sentence, your door bursts open. Matthew stands in the doorway with a smile.
"I see you still haven't learned to knock like a big boy."
"Oh I'm definitely a big boy," he smirks.
You chuckle slightly. "What do you want?"
"Let's go get breakfast!"
"But why?" He questions.
"Being seen with you in public,” you give him a sarcastic look of disgust.
He frowns.
"I'm kidding... mostly. But we're not going on a date."
"Of course not. I'm hungry, you're hungry. We're just getting breakfast,” he explains.
You stand up, tossing the book on the couch. "Okay. Where we going?"
"You like Dunkin don't you?"
You nod your head, grabbing your bag. Following him out, you close your trailer door and walk down the steps to solid ground. Matthew leads you to his car and you hop in, excited to get coffee and food in your system.
You turn the radio up, hearing 34+35 play. You don't change the station, singing along to the lyrics instead.
"Can you stay up all night..."
"I mean I could," Matthew eyes you sideways with a smile.
You roll your eyes, still jamming to Ariana. The rap part of the song comes on, and you sing along, knowing full well that the sexual lyrics will get Matthew thinking.
"Damn," Matthew chuckles, looking at you for a moment before returning his eyes to the road.
You smile, cheeks burning a bit in a pink glow. Matthew finally pulls into the Dunkin parking lot. You get out, smoothing down your black ripped jeans. Your auburn flannel is the only thing keeping the December wind from making you too cold. You're wearing a white shirt underneath it, and your white high tops make the look put together.
Walking into the building with Matthew, you realize that Jess is working and will see you with him.
"Hey, Y/n!" Jess says after handing someone their coffee order.
"Hey, Jess." You say with a nervous smile.
"You know each other?" Matthew asks curiously.
"This is my best friend Jess." You say to him.
"Hi," Jess smiles up at him, "I love your show." She averts her gaze to you, giving you a questioning look.
"Thank you," he says with one of those charming Matthew smiles.
After ordering, he leads you to a table, but Jess pulls you aside before you can sit down. "So you're going on breakfast dates now?"
"Hell no. We were just hungry, and there's no food on set until 9:30 today."
"Okay..." she says, releasing your arm.
You sit down across from Matthew. "She seems nice," he says looking at Jess for a moment.
"She's great. Jess was one of my first friends in LA," you say to him, a slight smile spread across your face as you remember your first meeting.
"That's sweet,” he says, and you smile.
"Matthew, your order is ready," another Dunkin employee says. Matthew gets up and sets your order down on the table.
"I could've helped."
"Nah I got it."
You nod your head as he sets your iced coffee and breakfast sandwich in front of you. You thank him, taking a drink of your coffee after putting in the straw.
"So what are your plans for the holidays?" Matthew asks you, then takes a bite of his sprinkled donut.
"I'm going home,” you say.
“Where are you from again?"
"Philly," you tell him.
"Ohh right. Well I hope you have a good time,” he tells you.
"Are you being nice because we're in public?"
"Definitely," he chuckles.
You roll your eyes with a smile. "What are your plans, Gubler?"
"Going to see the family in Vegas of course. Also no last names."
"We're not alone," you smirk.
He sighs, accepting defeat.
You laugh. "Matthew. Happy now?”
"That's better, but I'd prefer you call me-“
"Okay, that's enough talking," you interrupt him before he says anything inappropriate.
The two of you eat your breakfast and drink your coffee in a mostly comfortable silence.
After saying goodbye to Jess, the two of you head back to set for the rest of the days' scenes. Matthew has a few more and you have one or two more shots left to film for the day.
"You went with Gube to breakfast?"
"Yeah I guess he's not always horrible," you say.
"Wow, I'm surprised you didn't bite his head off," Aj says.
"Honestly me too," you laugh.
Once the long day is over, you head back to your apartment and eat whatever random things you can find out of the fridge for dinner.
You fall asleep earlier than normal, tired from waking up so early.
"Matthew Gray Gubler dating new cast mate?"
"What? Of course we're not fucking dating!"
News travels fast in Hollywood.. You stare at an article on your phone with your name and picture.
"Y/n, it's fine. People just crave gossip and they're willing to make it up based on almost nothing."
You know Jess is right but it's infuriating having people all up in your business. "I know..." you continue reading.
"Criminal Minds star, Matthew Gray Gubler is spot having breakfast with new cast mate Y/n Y/l/n.”
Y/l/n joined the cast of Criminal Minds in late season 15 and returned for the new season which is in the works. Do Y/n and Matthew have a spark? Read more to find out."
You rub your temples. "That's so annoying."
"At least people know who you are," Jess says with a supportive smile.
"That's true." It's weird seeing a picture of you and a picture someone took of you and Matthew at Dunkin yesterday in a pop culture article. But Jess is right, it does mean your name is getting out there.
Before you leave to go back home for the holidays, the producers arranged an interview for the fans to get to know you better. You're pretty nervous, but this is a really amazing opportunity.
The interview is Friday morning (tomorrow), and you leave for Philadelphia just hours after. You've been texting Jeff all morning about how to respond to questions. He tells you to calm down, be yourself, and don't answer any spoilery or personal questions.
You've got this.
The lovely wardrobe people pick you out a nice outfit for the interview and drop it by your apartment. You're going to get your hair and makeup done in the dressing room of the studio.
For now, you sit with your legs in a pretzel on your couch, twiddling your thumbs above your phone's keyboard. You decide not to bother Jeff with any more questions and put your phone down.
The article about you and Matthew still takes residence in your mind. Why do people just assume shit off of nothing? Getting breakfast with a cast mate does not mean there's anything going on.
Well, we have slept together... You know you're being a tiny bit hypocritical because you're one of those fans that wishes for on screen romance to turn off screen. Like when Nina and Ian broke up, it hurt your heart. However, it's not like you make up rumors about people just for likes and publicity. This business is frustrating.
You stand up from the couch, your big t shirt falling over the shorts you're in, and head to the kitchen to stare into the fridge for a while.
After some time, you pop some Eggos in the toaster and grab some strawberries. You pour some honey on them for extra flavor and sit down to eat.
You have no plans until tonight when you film your last scene of the episode and of the year. The main cast has a little left to film and should end on Saturday, but you just have a few hours left of episode 12. After that, filming doesn't pick back up until January 4.
For the rest of the day, you lay on the couch, half paying attention to the tv. Around 6, you get dressed and leave the apartment to go finish filming.
The scene isn't too long, just Delilah at work.
"Miss Reign, can we talk?"
"Of course," Delilah says, turning her attention away from the computer. The receptionist takes a seat in front of Delilah's desk after shutting the office door.
"I want to discuss your new assistant."
"Okay, go ahead,” Delilah says intriguingly.
"She seems, I don't know… strange. I don't want to be mean or over step, but I see her staring at your window a lot or leaving without asking sometimes. And I don't know I just get this vibe from her. Maybe it's nothing, but I thought I should voice my concerns."
"Of course. Thank you for letting me know. I'll keep an eye on it. Let me know if you need to tell me anything else,” Delilah says.
Kelly nods, turning away to leave Delilah's office.
She's not sure what to think about this. Jenna hasn't seemed too strange to her, but maybe Kelly is right. She has been a faithful and trustful employee for a while. Delilah rubs her temples, not entirely sure what to do. She'll definitely be keeping more tabs on her assistant.
You get back home around 11, change into pjs, and crawl into bed. You'd eaten a few snacks while waiting around on set, and you're too tired to cook dinner now.
After a while of staring at the ceiling, scrolling through Instagram, and trying to force sleep by concentrating on the back of your eyelids, you finally fall asleep.
(i just got my wisdom teeth out and i’m dying)
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @danis-stuff-is-here @kylakins88 @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @inlovewithcharmers @kylakins88 @f-me-reid @matthew-gray-gubler-lover <3
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid angst#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid criminal minds#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fluff#mgg#dilf spencerreid#criminal minds x y/n#criminal minds x reader#spencer reid x reader#mgg fanfiction#mgg x y/n#mgg x reader#mgg smut#matthew grey gubler imagine#matthew gray gubler smut#matthew gray gubler x fem!reader#matthew gray gubler angst#matthew gray gubler x you#mgg fem!reader
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Just Acting
18+ advised for this story | chapters in master list
Chapter Three
It's late Saturday morning, and you're sitting up on your couch. You fell asleep there last night again.
The weekend will be boring and workless; which really sucks because you have this thing where if you're not busy, you get down and in your head.
Not entirely sure what else to do, you make your way to the bathroom and turn on the shower. You make sure the water is just warm enough to not be too chilled before you undress and step under the rushing water.
After washing your short(ish) medium brown hair, you push it behind your ears to get it out of your face. You soap and lather your body before shaving and rinsing one more time. You step out reluctantly and dry off before wrapping the towel around your body.
You get dressed in black jeans, sneakers, and a blue button up blouse tucked into your pants. After blow drying your hair, you straighten the natural waves down. Your hair lays softly against your shoulders, reaching just at your color bone.
To keep from being locked up in the house until the dinner tomorrow night, you head out for coffee. You drive down a few blocks to Dunkin. What it's LA? Everyone's basic. After ordering one glazed donut and a caramel iced coffee, you sit down and enjoy your breakfast while scrolling through social media.
Dunkin Donuts is always busy, so a crowd of people come and go even just throughout the short time you're there.
"Hey, Y/n! Haven't seen you in a while!"
"Oh hey Jess!" You say as she sits down across from you. Jess became one of your first friends in LA when you came to Dunkin the first time. She has just started working there part time and was immediately friendly. She was also super shocked when you finally told her why you were in LA months later.
"What've you been up to?" Jess asks, flashing you a bright smile.
"Just filming..."
"Oh yeah you guys got renewed! So fun, huh?!" You love how she's always been super enthusiastic about her friends' lives. Jess was really just a kind hearted person, although it was very funny when she would get angry at a rude costumer.
"Yeah it's been great, except for you know who,” you say, eyes dramatically cutting at the last words.
Jess stops coiling a curly strand of hair around her finger. "Oh come on! He can't be that bad. He's like super hot."
"Ew!” You give her a look of discussed. “I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that."
She laughs, her white teeth contrasting with her gorgeous dark skin. Jess is a beautiful goddess who always wears bold bright makeup and lets her curly afro fly.
"He is that bad, J. He's an arrogant asshole," you inform her, eyebrows furrowed.
"You're pathetic," she chuckles softly. "But fine fine, if you say Matthew's that bad I'll believe you. But that won't stop me from simping for Spencer Reid."
You roll your eyes at her, but you understand. Before you were on the show, you also were a Spencer Reid simp. "I don't know that new character Delilah's pretty hot.” Your lips turn up into a sky grin.
"Oh definitely," Jess shoots you a wink. "Ya know, if you ever need anyone to rant to, maybe about the new season, I'm here."
"I hope you're not using me for Criminal Minds info,” you say, cocking an eyebrow.
She chuckles, "Nah you know, I wouldn’t use you. I love you too much for that.”
"Love you too,” you grin softly.
"Oop, I gotta go,” she says, checking her apple watch. “Break's over.”
You wave goodbye before throwing away your trash and leaving the building. It's nice to have a friend in Los Angeles. Of course, you have your castmates, but they're most of the time forced to hang out with you due to work.
Speaking of castmates, tomorrow is the dinner for the cast to celebrate the new season. It was delayed multiple times because of everyone's busy schedule, but you all finally found a date for it.
You all are going to be reserving a table at a nice-casual restaurant. Which means it’s not fast food, but not fine dining.
While pulling out of the parking lot, you realize how nerve wracking the event will be. You're going to be at a big dinner table with pretty much the entire cast, and you're just a minor cast member. Anxiety decides to make you worry about something you probably shouldn’t once again.
You pull into the small parking lot of the bookstore you love. It's retro and calming and smells like a fall evening all year long. The bookstore is a small building about 40 minutes from your apartment, but nonetheless you like to visit at least every few months. It's owned by an old widow with a kind smile.
You enter the building, taking in the smell of leaves and apple cider. The dark lit bookstore's walls are framed with fairy lights and a few old timey lamps, setting the calming mood.
"Hey! How are you doing, Dorothy?” You asks with a smile.
"Fine dear, and you?" She sits on your stool behind the counter stacked with books people have returned or books Dorothy might've been reading. She’s probably the most adorable old woman ever.
"Just fine as well," you give the nice older lady a smile and make your way to the isles.
Some people may say you're a little tense, but walking through this little bookstore and reading the stories on the shelves helps you calm down. It reminded you of your small town in Pennsylvania during autumn.
You sit down on the bing-bag chair underneath a soft-lit lamp and begin reading a book you've read a million times before. You rarely actually buy a book from the store, just rent them so that somebody else can enjoy it too.
This reminds you of when you'd cuddle up between your parents and they'd read to you, or when your little sister couldn't sleep at night, so she'd crawl up in your bed and make you read her a story. You missed those times, the times when Lola was young and cuddly, and your dad wasn't disappointed in your choices.
After a while, you decide it's time to head back to your apartment. By the time you get back home, it's 5pm. You decide to order some groceries and have them delivered. Your excuse was because it's LA and there's always so much traffic, but the truth was that you'd already taken off your pants.
You order a few things that you can eat as snacks or make meals with for the next few days. When it arrives, you make a big salad with veggies, chicken, and whatever else you decide to throw in it to spice it up.
After talking on the phone with your mom and Lola, you decide it's time to turn in for the night and head to bed.
(i promise it’ll be more interesting when we’re more into the story)
chapter four
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @reidsprettygirl @awhoreforspencerreid
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid and reader#criminal minds x oc#matthew gray gubler x you#matthew gray gubler angst#matthew gray gubler x reader#matthew gray gubler fic#matthew gray gubler#matthew gray gubler x fem!reader#matthew gray gubler x fem!readr#dilf spencerreid#spencer reid x fem!readr#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x fanfiction#spencer reid is daddy#spencer reid criminal minds#criminal minds fluff#mgg smut
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Not So Innocent (Spencer Reid)
series masterlist | completed
series content warnings: 9 year age gap (22/31), mentions of violence, murder, vague mentions of SA (forced kissing, sleazy men), cannon consistent trauma…
S.R. x fem reader
A gang operation is shut down and the BAU finds a young lady who was brought into the midst of it. They bring her to safety, and Dr. Reid seems to take a liking to her, keeping her safe with him. But she struggles to keep her secret hidden as the dynamic changes between the genius and her.
Chapter One | A scared young woman is found during a gang bust. The gang is arrested.
Chapter Two | The BAU brings the girl in for questioning and help her get situated in a hotel.
Chapter Three | Reader’s under pressure to get her “family” aka the gang out of jail.
Chapter Four | Spencer comforts Y/n because he feels sorry for what’s happened with her.
Chapter Five | Y/n takes advantage of Dr. Reid’s kindness and asks to stay at his place instead of the hotel. He agrees to help out.
Chapter Six | Reader comes up with a plan that will help her get her family out of their predicament. She’s still staying with Spencer.
Chapter Seven | Spencer and Y/n spend the day together grabbing food and going to a bookstore.
Chapter Eight | The two spend time out together again and get closer.
Chapter Nine | Spencer offers Y/n his bed so she can sleep better. When she has another nightmare, he comes to comfort her. Then, he has to leave for a case.
Chapter Ten | Y/n suffers through another nightmare and wakes up to noises around the apartment. Luckily for her, Spencer is back home and ready to comfort - and maybe do a little more - her to help.
Chapter Eleven | Y/n and Spencer go on their first official date. Things are starting to change.
Chapter Twelve | The two return to his apartment after their date and share the most intimate night they’ve had.
Chapter Thirteen | After a heartfelt talk of the past with Spencer, Y/n realizes she cannot go through with her plans.
Chapter Fourteen | Y/n decided to do the right thing and leave, but before she can her lies and past catch up to her.
Chapter Fifteen | A handful of years pass, and Y/n is set free. Her and Spencer finally get the closure they need.
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#mgg x you#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#mgg angst#mgg fic#spencer reid and reader#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x fem!readr#dilf spencerreid#criminal minds x y/n#criminal minds x reader
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