#sunny 🦆
graythegreyt · 2 months
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QUACKS AT YOU BACK I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU SUNNY!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞💝💞💕💕💞💖❤️❤️❤️
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sunnami · 2 months
The way you write is like ascending my soul💗
all i can say is that for the next few fics... it’s angsty.. YEAH BABIEE
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sjonni33 · 2 months
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HAPPY AUGUST!! ✨🦆 this month's sticker club rewards are these adorable duckies🍰🍀 enjoy a sunny august with these quacking lovelies!!
subscribe BEFORE september 1st to receive this month's reward in your mailbox 🪩🍾
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birds--daily · 4 months
hello again!!
well birders, i figured we would have to have this conversation at some point... i AM ready to come back! (things are finally calming down in my life) BUT i'm realizing that the level of detail i was drawing birds at was not conducive to running a DAILY account. so unfortunately i have to ask you guys........... if i lowered the level of detail and started drawing more like i normally do, is that cool with you guys? i don't want to kill the love of this account by suddenly changing stuff, but i wanna know what you guys think! i've included a little mockup of the red-breasted nuthatch as an example :0)
thanks a million,
sunny 🦆
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undercover--bunny · 1 year
🦆Regressor!Sanji Headcanons (Bc I love him and he deserves happiness)🦈
⚠️Tw! Brief mentions of smoking
-Regresses pretty young, around 2 to 4 years old
-100% a stress regressor. After all he's been through with his family and his life, it makes sense that he would crave a childhood better than the one he actually had. He's too stubborn to ask for help though and definitely tried to hide his regression once he realized what it was. Anytime he regressed early on he thought he was just being overdramatic and weird, but once he put the pieces together he completely shut himself off from regression out of shame, until the crew later convinced otherwise
-He's really, really shy when little. Always hiding behind people or talking super quiet. Partially due to trauma, partially due to anxiety. He sticks particularly close to Robin and Nami because of that, they remind him of his mother
"Sanij-kun? Hey, is something wrong?" Nami asked, glancing down in worry at the blonde who had stopped talking about fish and had ducked behind her. Across the room, Zoro and Luffy, who had just entered, fell quiet.
"Sanji?" Robin tried next, working off a hunch. "Are you alright, little one?" She asked, voice taking on a softer tone.
A pair of nervous blue eyes peaked back at Nami and Robin, then they darted to Luffy and Zoro. He shook his head sheepishly. "Got nervous..." He admitted.
Nami glanced at the two, before putting an arm around Sanji's shoulders and smiling down at him. "Don't worry, Sanji-kun. I won't let them mess with you. If they try, I'll make 'em pay." She said, before snickering to herself and adding. "Literally."
-Always has something in his mouth, be it a paci, a bottle or a teether. If he doesn't have something to chew on he gets really fussy and nervous. It's like a substitute for his smoking habit when big, as much as he hates to think that way
-Little Sanji absolutely adores fish and the ocean and will babble about them for hours if given the chance. Sometimes Robin will sit with him in the Aquarium Bar in the Thousand Sunny and let him tell her facts about the fish or ramble about the "All Blue" and how badly he wants to see it
-He really likes playing pretend! His favorite to play with is Usopp, because he always got super in character, especially when he got to be the hero!
-When he's little, Luffy and Usopp adopt him as their little brother and proceed to get him into all sorts of stupid little adventures. They were eventually banned from watching him alone because the other Strawhats couldn't take the constant heart attacks
-Has the cutest little giggles and smiles ever. They're incredibly infectious and heartwarming
-Zoro has no idea how he's supposed to act around Sanij when he's regressed, so he just ends up acting like an annoying older brother. He teases him and tries to ruffle him up sometimes, but usually treats him a lot like how he does Chopper
Zoro glared down at the pouty cook in front of him, Sanji glaring back with equal annoyance. Normally Zoro would've taunted him, called him a bastard to start a fight, but it was difficult to be genuinely annoyed with his rival when Sanji's glare was accompanied by a pouty lip and puffed up cheeks. The swordsmen huffed, before leaning down and poking the mini cooks for head, earning him a more confused look. He smirked.
"Lemon." Was all he said, but the nickname was enough to make Sanji shove his hand away in childlike frustration. Much like a lemon, Sanji made a sour face before yelling back; "Moss!" at the big jerk!
Zoro merely choked off a laugh at the mini cook's expression.
Even when Nami piped up by asking; "Are you seriously picking a fight with a four-year-old, Zoro?"
-He's very affectionate, loves to be held, cuddled, carried, you name it. Luffy, Usopp, Nami and Chopper all spoil the heck out of him because of it. This boy is never starved of affection ever again and they'll make sure of that!
-He likes to play "cook" for the crew sometimes. He'll make them little pretend meals just like he does when he's big! His favorite to play this game with is Brook, cuz' he's always so silly about it!
-When Sanjis little he loves to be around Chopper because 1. Baby Sanji loves animals, 2. Baby Sanji loves soft things and 3. Chopper is both. Chopper pretends that he hates being pet like an animal, but he not-so-secretly puts up with it because Sanji's babbling is adorable
-^^Jumping off of this, Sanji didn't have many (If any?) stuffed animals growing up and when Usopp learned about this he was so upset about it that when the Strawhats arrived at an island for supplies and bought him a stuffed shark and a stuffed duck. They've become Sanji's comfort items ever since
-The Strawhats have almost adopted so. many. animals. because of little Sanji getting attached to random strays. Even worse when Luffy, Usopp or Chopper get roped in;
"For the last time Luffy, no! We are not keeping the snake!" Nami repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.
Sanji, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper all looked up at her with big, puppy-dog eyes before exclaiming in unison; "Pleeeeease Nami??"
Nami stared at them for a moment, before drawing in a sharp breath and turning to Zoro then desperately saying; "Zoro tell them no—!"
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fredfinch · 6 months
hello dear tumblr ppl, it's sunny and warm out this beautiful saturday and I wanna go walking. does anyone want to come walk the bird preserve park w me 🦆🌟
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chiara-klara-claire · 2 years
Words with a cute literal meaning
🇮🇸 ástfanginn - love-captured: in love 💘
🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇩🇪 øyeblikket/ögonblick/Augenblick 👁 - eyeblink: moment
🇩🇪🇩🇰 Kindergarten, børnehavet - children garden
🇸🇪 påsklilja - Easter lily: daffodil
🇸🇪 färgglad - color-happy: colorful
🇳🇴 🇩🇰 kjæreste/kæreste - dearest - partner (gender neutral)
🇳🇴 kjærlighet på pinne - love on a stick: lollipop 🍭
🇳🇴 å være glad i noen/noe - to be happy in sb/smthing: to love 
🇮🇹 🇳🇱 🇩🇰 pulcinella di mare, papegaaiduiker, søpapegøj* 🦜🌊 - sea pulcinella (black&white carnival character), diver parrot, sea parrot*: puffin
🇮🇹 🇩🇪 stelle filanti, Luftschlangen 🌟 🐍 - stringy stars, air snakes - streamers 🎊
🇮🇹 solare ☀️- solar: adjective for a happy, positive person
🇮🇹 occhi della madonna** - Virgin Mary eyes: forget-me-nots
🇮🇹 Viola del pensiero - viola of the thought: pansy
🇮🇹 🇪🇸, Catalan - Principe azzurro/ príncipe azul/Príncep blau 🫅🔷: (light) blue Prince: Prince charming
🇮🇹 avere il sangue blu 🩸🔹- to have blue blood: to be of noble birth
🇬🇧 Sunny side up 🍳☀️ - 🇮🇹 occhio di bue - bull’s eye 👁🐮
🇩🇪 Edelweiß - Noble white
🇩🇪 Götterspeise - dish/fare of the gods: a gelatine pudding
🇩🇪 Abendland - Evening land: the West
🇩🇪 Liebesknochen 🦴💕 - love bone: éclair
🇩🇪 Gänsefüßchen 🦆 - tiny goose feet: quotation marks ‘‘’’
🇩🇪 🇫🇮 Das All,  maailmankaikkeus- ”the all”  “the world’s all”: the Universe (kiitos @pclysemia​) 
🇮🇹 🇸🇪 🇳🇱 chiocciola, kanelbulle, apenstaartje 🐌 🐒- snail, cinnamon bun, monkey tail: @ (at)
🇯🇵 花火【はなび】 🔥 🌺- fire flower: firework 🎆
🇫🇷arc-en-ciel - arch-in-the-sky: rainbow 🌈
🇪🇸 🇫🇷 cometa/cerf-volant/воздушный змей (Russian)/ بادبادک  (farsi) 💫 🦌 🐍 - shooting star, flying deer, air snake, wind-little-wind: kite 🪁
🇵🇱 malinka - little raspberry: hickey💋
🇫🇮 🇳🇱 🇿🇦 hattara, suikerspin, spook asem - little cloud, sugar spider, ghost breath ☁️ 🕷️ 👻 : Cotton candy
물고기 - water meat: fish
not really cute: Faroese 🇫🇴 hvalspýggja - whale puke: jellyfish 🐳
will keep this updated when i find/remember new ones! Also next up: aesthetic idioms
*also called Lunde**not sure if it is a regional thing to call them like that
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jenniferrails · 9 months
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❤️ Happy Friday! ❤️
Well here we are, first Friday and heading into the first weekend of the year, yay! Christmas was fun, hosted a campout in the desert, and even grilled a duck! 🦆
It's been years since I cooked one, and back when I did, used an oven, so was unsure exactly how to cook one on the grill. Turns out, all you need to do is treat it like a turkey, it's really a no brainer.
The duck turned out so good, I'm gonna start grilling up more duck and experimenting more with spices and techniques. Next time I'll take a picture and post it 😉
Watched a really good series on Netflix called "Captains of the World". It's a nice recap of the 2022 World Cup, and worth checking out! ⚽
So far the weather has been cold, slightly windy but sunny. Had some light rains, but nothing too bad. But I gotta admit, looking forward to the warmer temps in the spring.
Anyway hope everybody is doing well and are having a fantastic New Year so far. Love and peace to all! ✌🧡
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coffteablogs · 9 months
Official System Headcount Post (Updates Often) (Sub Systems included in intro post)
CC!Tommy/Tom (🐞☀️)
C!Tommy/Sparrow/Castor (📀🍄)
Theseus/Exile!Tommy (💿🦷)
O!Tommy/Adyren (🐔🥕)
ARG!Innit/Ocean (🌊🔦)
C!Tubbo/Nuke (💥)
CC!Tubbo/Basil/Colley (🐝🌳)
CC!Ran/Kiya (😷☁️)
C!Ranboo/Boo (☔👑)
Eret (👑🍓)
CC!Willow (🌱🌎)
C!Will/Wilbur (🧨)
Rev!Bur/Rev/Crow (🌹🍷)
L'man!Bur (🇬🇧💣)
Ghost/Ghostbur (🌀🫐)
Lovejoy!Bur/Will/Castor (🎸)
YLYL!Bur/Pidge (🎬)
ARG!Bur/Rain (❄️)
Softboy!Bur/Finn (🌀)
Friend (🐑💙)
C!Shlatt (🥃🎙️)
Rev!Shlatt (🍾💥)
CC!Sapnap/Nick (🔥🏁)
Percy/Clay (🐄🍵)
Philza/Phill (🍏🐦‍⬛)
Admin (👾📚)
Rhinestone (💎👁️)
Toby (📕📌)
Amnesia (🏩💉)
Spencer (🌱🧷)
Smoke/Will (🩹☁️)
Dib (🔦 ☄️)
Elijah (🎸⚡)
Kadaver (🔪🫀)
Zetzugo (💧)
Carnis (🥩🔪)
Odysseus (👁️🪽)
Dipper/Mason (🌲)
Pup (🐾☄️)
Wally Darling/Walls/Apple (🏠🍎)
Flowey (🌈🌼)
Q!Will (🌻🧣)
Talullah/Tally (🌼🎵)
Q!Quackity (🦆)
C!Quackity (🎲🎰)
CC!Quackity (🦆🎥)
Sunny (☀️)
Moony (🌙)
Winnona (🎸🌼)
Sal/Sally Face (🎸🎭)
Jeff/Jeff the Killer ( 🔪🎸)
Ticci Tobi/Tobi(🪓)
Karl (Fuzztive) (🌀💫)
Transbur/Orca (🌟🏳️‍⚧️)
Sorry!Bur/Ashe (🔥⏱️)
Finn/Twig (🐌)
Stampy (🍰🍎)
Fizzy (🍪🌈)
Soda/Theo (🥁‼️)
Link (🗡️)
Dr.Spencer Reid (📗)
Clowny (🌈🎉)
Bear (🦦🔬)
Honey/Compass (🦊🧭)
Apollo Star (🌪️⛏️)
Punk/Hobie (🕸️🎸)
Izuku/Zuzu/Deku/Mydoria (🥬)
Katsuki/Katsu/Bakugo (💥‼️)
Denki/Denks/Kami (⚡)
Ura/Uraraka/Ochako (🍧)
Tomura/Shigaraki (🥀)
Luz/Tommy/Ranboo (🧃🐈)
Amity/Ami (🦕🌠)
CC!Techno/Alex (🐖)
CC!Guqqie (🎨🍄)
Juicy/Gage (🌭)
Russia/Nikolai (🇷🇺)
America (🇺🇸)
Crow (☀️🎸)
Joel (🪨)
StudentBur/Pluto (📚)
Zomb!Bur/Satyrn (🪐)
Ethan (⚙️)
CC!Charlie (🪲)
C!Charlie/Slime (🧫)
Q!Charlie/Code/Vyr (🦎)
CC!Cellbit (☕)
CC!Jadien (🖌️🐦)
Q!Mariana/Vyix/Mari ()
König (🧊)
Ghost (💀)
Hozier (🌼)
Fisher (🐇⚓)
Berk (🧷🩼)
Maggie (🔇🌷)
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lacnunga · 3 months
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Sunny kinda day + geeſe 🦆
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birds--daily · 6 months
almost a month with no birds 😭 it's no secret i'm on a bit of a break. i've had basically Zero free time so keeping up this blog is a little difficult (especially with how i shot myself in the foot by making my birds so detailed...) but i promise birds daily is not abandoned! i just need to focus on finishing out the semester and then we'll be back in business 💪🔥 thanks for being so patient with me guys!! i hope you'll enjoy my april fools post in the meantime :0)
love, sunny 🦆
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floaters · 9 months
Hello we’re the floater
(Pt: hello we’re the floaters/end pt)
The floaters are a subsystem in the @crow-collective15
We wanted our own blog to feel special-🎶
Ignore 🎶, have our introduction (il link the template maker once I find the original post) found the post! Here’s the template
╔═��� 「 the floaters 」 ══╗
║ ‎ ‎ 🌠 • col. name ː float
║‎ ‎ 🌠 • col. pronouns ː it/its
║ ‎ 🌠‎ • col. gender ː nonbinary
║ ‎ ‎ 🌠 • col. orient. ː n/a
║ ‎ ‎ 🌠 • sys type ː subsystem
║ 🌠‎ • headcount ː wouldn’t you like to know
║ 🌠‎ ‎ • area in headspace ː the floaters house
║ ‎ ‎ 🧨 • nox,phosphorus - he/him - protector
║ ‎ ‎ 🎹 • Mellohi,cat - they/them - host
║ ‎ ‎ 🎶 • veinna - she/they/it - memories holder
║ ‎ ‎ 🐦‍⬛ • jewel - any - messenger
║ ‎ ‎ 🖌️ • Oliver- he/it/xe - internal helper
║ ‎ ‎ 🌌 • collie - he//they - mood booster
║ ‎ ‎ 🔐 • sterling - she/they/it - middle
║ ‎ ‎ 🥔 • felix- he/him - no role
║ ‎ ‎ 🐀 • Cori - he/they- trauma holder
║ ‎ ‎ 👒 • sunny - she/they- sass
║ ‎ ‎ 🦆 • primrose - she/her - trauma holder
║ ‎ ‎ 🥼 • Oddity - she/her - no role
║ ‎ ‎ 🪽 • E - she/it - trauma holder
║ ‎ ‎ 🪞 • sameal - he/him- no role
╚═ 「 the floaters 」 ═══╝
I think our intros pretty cool
One of our subsystem members has their own blog , @mellohiscave
So I forgot that melody shared a blog with 2 other alters- uhhh have their blog here @slimeandflowers
Anyway uh hi
We’re normal I swear
Forever we float through the dark
(Pt: forever we float through time and space)
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twinknote · 7 months
i ate an m&ms cookie today. it was good. outside it was unseasonably warm, windy, and sunny. i took a nap half in the sun, half in the shade.
yesterday I went on a walk in the park and saw a bunch of deer. they were super chill. there was one just standing in the path and only moved when I got closer. I also saw a few birdwatchers, and asked one to identify the crane I was looking at. there were two sandhill cranes in the water.
but by far my favorite thing I saw yesterday was the muskrat swimming in a marsh. he was hanging out with a few ducks and swam so smoothly, before going underwater to hide. I got excited when I saw it and approached too quickly, so the little guy was spooked. Oops.
That's my somewhat mundane story (although I was super stoked about all the wildlife I saw, i dunno if you're interested in that. I do have pictures of some of them if you wanna see.)
I hope your day goes well. Or better. I just logged on and saw you wanted random stuff in your inbox. Happy trails 🦆
this all sounds lovely??? i absolutely love seeing deer, they're so majestic and peaceful and i'm always like. Hey buddy. keep it up, you're doing great. and same with sandhill cranes, they are such cool guys. but MUSKRATS?? idk that i've seen one before, we mostly have squirrels, chipmunks, voles, etc. i would Love to see pictures, nature has been healing me lately since it started warming up. thank you for sharing, i loved hearing abt your adventures :)))
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missedmilemarkers · 4 months
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We just got 8 new ducklings
Check out the full post here
A Joyful Encounter: Welcoming New Ducklings 🦆
Discovering New Life 🌿
What a delightful surprise it was to discover a new group of ducklings at our local pond today! Eight adorable little ones have joined us, marking the arrival of our second group this season. Each sighting brings a wave of excitement and joy. Captured in these photos, the ducklings can be seen exploring their new world under the watchful eye of their devoted mother.
The Magic of Spring Renewal 🌸
The emergence of these ducklings is a testament to the endless cycle of life that nature upholds. Each spring, new life springs forth, bringing hope and renewal. These tiny creatures symbolize the resilience and beauty inherent in nature. Observing them paddle through the water, closely following their mother, serves as a reminder of the protective instincts and bonds that are crucial for survival in the wild.
Close-Up Moments with the Ducklings 🦆
In these images, you can see the ducklings at various stages of exploration. Their delicate, downy feathers and tiny beaks are marvels of nature’s design. The vigilant mother duck guides her brood with care, ensuring they learn essential survival skills. Each photo captures moments of tender guidance and the natural curiosity of the ducklings as they navigate their environment.
Appreciating Wildlife's Intimacy 🌿
Watching wildlife, especially the intimate moments between a mother and her young, provides invaluable insights into their behaviors and the challenges they face. This also fosters a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of ecosystems. Though they appear playful and carefree, these ducklings are part of a larger story of survival, growth, and adaptation that unfolds daily in nature.
Reflections on Nature’s Wonders 🌸
Reflecting on this beautiful scene fills me with wonder and gratitude. The presence of these ducklings is a reminder of the complexity and beauty of life around us. Such moments encourage us to slow down, observe, and appreciate the natural world. Each sighting is a gift, offering a glimpse into the intricate cycles of nature.
Looking Forward to More Discoveries 🌿
With each new group of ducklings, we are reminded of the endless wonders nature offers. I look forward to continuing this journey of exploration and documentation, sharing the beauty and lessons these moments bring. As we anticipate more sunny days and new encounters with wildlife, let’s cherish these experiences and the joy they bring to our lives.
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funtimecheetah · 5 months
🪻Hello!~ Here is an introduction to me! I do not post a lot, sorry. :/🪻
💜General Info💜
Name(s): Funtime Cheetah, Leo
Pronouns: They/him
Age: 18🪻
Voltron force 🦁
Hazbin Hotel 🔥🏨
Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack 🤡❤️
Welcome Home 🏠
DHMIS 🦆👹👱🗒️🕝💻🦋🥫🛏️
✅Talking about theories or related stuff to fandoms
✅Friendly flirting
✅Asking for requests for fanfics
❌Sexual comments about real people
❌Harassment of any kind
🪻Thank you for reading! I will update has needed!! I will absolutely take any fanfic requests for Voltron Force!!!🪻
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Tagged by @silcoitus and @juniper-sunny
🦆About me🦆
Nickname: Inky
Sign: Virgo
Height: 5ft 6"
Last google search: "Queen Elizabeth thumbs up" (I needed an image to troll @euaveri)
Song stuck in your head: right now it's Happy Together by The Turtles so that's kinda nice
Followers: Yeah I have some of those
Sleep: Yeah I'd like some of that
Dream job: I'd love to be a traditionally published author because I love writing obvs, but more so because I love the idea of doing talks and panels about writing and storytelling at cons and lit-fests etc. I'd also love to be one of those people who clean old oil paintings with a toothbrush because that looks hella satisfying.
Wearing: Turtle neck jumper, mum jeans, red courd jacket, and lace-up boots.
Favourite song: Bat out of Hell - Meatloaf
Favourite instrument: Honestly, the human voice. But I also think oboes are really cool and underrated. I'm a big woodwind stan 🎺🎷
Aesthetic: Tough one to describe. I'd say androgynous academia with an 80s and 90s twist. I wear a lot of tailored waistcoats and trousers, turtle necks, waist-tied shirts, and high-waist jeans. And boots. Always boots, even in summer. (Hi-top converse if it's hot). Normally a cute lil 3-inch heel lace-up or gogo style boot.
Favourite author: Can't name just one I have so many, and I enjoy them all for different reasons. Sarah J Maas, Ursula Le Guin, Patrick Ness, V E Schwab, Jonathan Stroud, Laini Taylor, Kristin Cashore, Katherine Arden, Angela Carter, Madeline Miller, Derek Landy, Elle McNicoll someone make me stop
Favourite animals sounds: I'm a sucker for anything feline. But I particularly love when house cats scream bloody-murder for attention like feral little goblins.
Last song: Apple Music won't tell me but I 100% guarantee it was a Ghost song
Last series: Currently re-watching Breaking Bad 🧪
No pressure tags: @chickenparm @lemonemlyn @sherwood-forests @skywarpie @a-gal-with-taste @designfailure56
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