#sundown of a sith
cowboylikemorgan · 4 months
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tomthefanboy · 2 years
Dream journal 4/24
Dreamed a star wars AU where Order 66 didn't happen the same way. Anakin didn't fall, and he didn't really have a relationship with Palpatine at all. He was still the chosen one and all that but he wasn't part of the sith plot at all. The Clone Wars happen but when Order 66 takes place there's a mass assassination of the generals in the field who are doing combat operations, but the rest of the Jedi "surrender peacefully". Both Anakin and Obi-wan attacked Grievous and killed him in like, a minute and a half, but then were politely arrested by the clones when they returned to the shuttle.
Yoda and Mace and the surviving counsel members have had their connection to the Force so fogged by the Sith magic that they're not sure WHAT happened with the Jedi who supposedly "betrayed the Republic". All remaining Jedi are escorted back to Coruscant and barred from leaving the planet until the trials of the Seperatist high command are concluded. At which point their intel and testimony will be used to uncover the specifics of the "Jedi Treason". The dream starts several days into this "parole" period where public opinion has turned against the Jedi. The temple has a clone garrison monitoring their comings and goings, but the surviving Jedi are still allowed to move about the planet (and aren't, you know, being gunned down on sight).
That's just the AU. My actual dream is under the cut, but the important bit was how weird a "soft" Order 66 would be. This dream felt like I was watching an episode of the Clone Wars. The POV moved like a camera and not like I was physically there. Everyone was animated in the same style and voiced by the Clone Wars cast. It was also very coherent for a dream. No weird nonsensical transitions or people vanishing. that's one of the reasons it felt worth journaling!
It's almost sundown and we see Obi and Anakin and a third Jedi (a woman that is either Depa or Ahsoka, the dream didn't tell me if Ahsoka left the order in this AU) on a grav train. They are escorting a class of younglings on some kind of field trip outside the temple. Obi-wan is in one car and Depa is with Anakin in the other car. (Their kids ran in opposite directions when they boarded the train).
A new Jedi boards the train at a stop and as the train moves he walks up to obi-wan. The first suspicious thing is that Obi-wan doesn't recognize him. the second suspicious thing is that when he comes close enough to get a good look he turns out to be a Jedi version of Doctor Hemlock from Bad Batch. He has the same slimy, gentle voice.
Jedi Hemlock explains that since the war is over the Jedi have no rank in the GAR. Instead, all Jedi who served with clone troopers have to wear a little pin at all times. So that even if they change in to civilian clothes people will still be sure to treat them accordingly. It is literally the same pin that the ex-Imperials in the amnesty program had to wear on The Mandalorian, but it has a little gold shape around it. He talks about how the Jedi all need to cooperate with these new procedures to maintain the peace and not harm the Treason case against the Order.
In the next train car, Anakin watches him suspiciciously as he gives Depa bilaba her pin. Hemlock greets Anakin by name and provides him with a special pin, one that signifies his great accomplishments (he still defeats Dooku and rescues the Chancelor in the AU.). The pin is the same shape as the others, but it has a dangly gem piece on each side. (because of COURSE Anakin is special)
Hemlock gets off the train at the next stop as do all but a couple of passengers. Anakin and Obi-wan both sense that something is up as the train slows down before it reaches the station, making sure that the sun has fully set on this part of Coruscant by the time they pull into the station. They begin gathering the younglings close and giving them instructions on how to calm their mind and focus so that they can keep up with the group and not get separated. Each of them gives a slightly different piece of advice.
It's a good bit of comedy in the comparison. Anakin's advice is basically a repeat of things Obi-wan said to him in the past. Obi-wan's advice is a list of things to avoid doing (which are all things we've seen Anakin do before). Depa is just sort of "with Anakin" all through the next part but we do see her tell her younglings to trust in the Force and keep their senses open to the world around them but not let the world overwhelm them.
When the train pulls in, the remaining half dozen passengers all push their way to the doors between Anakin and Obi-wan and make for the stairs leading down from the center of the platform. to get off the train in time, Anakin and Depa have to go left and Obi-wan has to go right. Just as the train doors begin to close snipers fire on the Anakin and Depa! The two groups begin running along the skyways in opposite directions.
Due to the noise of the grav train leaving the station, Obi-wan's group didn't hear the blaster bolts (they were already moving away so they didn't see them either). Obi-wan adds another item to the list of rules, telling the younglings to be safe around the force fields and never to walk on them because they could be deactived by an enemy. The younglings voice agreement as they scamper along beside him. One of them, an Iktuchiboy says "Yes Master but what enemy?" right before blaster bolts rain down between them.
Both groups are running and Obi-wan and are yelling into their comlinks about where to go to protect the younglings. They agree to leave the square and head for a commerce zone where there's more cover, but they've gotten so separated that they're on two different levels and about a thousand feet apart!
The Jedi deflect bolts with their lightsabers to protect themselves and the younglings as they try to regroup and exit the wide open set of skyways in this neighborhood. Naturally, Obi-wan has to instruct his kids to ignore his last rule and leap onto the canopy force-field of the nearby stair case to cut across and rejoin the other group.
The dream ends with a wide shot of Anakin running on a long skybridge over traffic with Obi-wan on the holo-gradient force-field serving as the skybridge's roof. The younglings trailing behind each of them and Depa keeping pace in the rear, spinning gracefully to deflect the occasional blaster bolt.
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dhampiravidi · 7 months
my muses' favorite things...
Food - peach ice cream & herb-crusted fish
Drink - hot coffee mixed with chocolate OR sangria
Colour - gold & where deep blue meets violet
Season - spring/summer
Scent - lavender
Instrument - violin
Time of Day - late morning
Item - anthology of fiction from her childhood
Movie - Iron Man
Food - Moroccan-style tagine (stew w/lamb, dried fruit, spices)
Drink - pretty much any fruit juice made fancy (like mimosas)
Color - periwinkle/lavender (like her/her mom's eyes)
Season - summer
Scent - fresh flowers
Music - harp OR anything by Shakira
Time of Day - late morning
Item - her sword(s) OR a worn fantasy romance paperback
Movie - The Princess Bride
Food - banana pancakes OR spanakopita
Drink - he just wants gin, a frappuccino, an Italian soda or water
Color - sea green
Season - summer
Scent - the sea
Music - pop (like Britney Spears) & rock (like Nickelback)
Time of Day - noon
Item - a pair of earrings that his mom bought him
Movie - Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
Food - Japanese food (sushi, curry rice, mochi)
Drink - peppermint tea
Color - bubblegum pink
Season - spring
Scent - citrus
Music - classical (piano)
Time of Day - noon
Item - her dad’s necklace (Wayland ring on a leather cord)
Movie - A Bug’s Life (her dad took her to see it when she was little)
Food - beef pot pie (potatoes, peas, carrots) OR blueberry muffins
Drink - something w/cinnamon (rum/horchata) OR Bai Mu Dan tea
Color - forest green
Season - spring & autumn
Scent - cinnamon OR fresh pastry
Music - low woodwinds & chanting
Time of Day - morning
Item - a Jotnar song her parent taught her
Movie - the LOTR trilogy + Good Will Hunting
Food - dolmades (Greek stuffed grape leaves), pizettes (Italian chocolate cookies w/almonds & cinnamon)
Drink - paloma (tequila, lime juice, grapefruit soda) or mojito (white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water & mint); peach green tea
Color - N/A, though she wears a lot of blue & white
Season - any time that isn't cold
Scent - vanilla
Music - Euopop, modern rock, anything worth dancing to
Time of Day - just after sundown
Item - the knife her mom gave her
Movie - Jumping the Broom OR Disney's Hercules
Food - Thai coconut chicken soup OR Bûche de Noël [Yule Log]
Drink - Kahlua & Chai OR Chai Tea Latte
Color - orange
Season - winter
Scent - whatever her lover & her kid smell like
Music - 90s pop (mostly dance songs)
Time of Day - early morning
Item - picture of herself & a bunch of the X-Men outside
Movie - Love Actually
Food - garlic noodles (also she's a vegan, just sayin')
Drink - bourbon OR green tea (either w/honey)
Color - ballet pink OR white
Season - spring (no solstices & few cold breezes)
Scent - the sea
Music - punk-pop (especially acoustic covers)
Time of Day - early afternoon
Item - magic locket (allows for multidimensional comm w/father)
Movie - The Prestige
Food - chicken vindaloo
Drink - simple stuff. Latte. Tom Collins. CBD oil ;)
Color - jade green & gold
Season - summer
Scent - dewy grass, hot cocoa, woodsy cologne
Music - classic rock (especially The Rolling Stones)
Time of Day - early evening
Item - her wand OR a souvenir scarf from Nigeria
Movie - Die Hard OR Waiting to Exhale
Food - Jogan fruit OR a simple Chinese-style stir fry (vegetarian)
Drink - doesn’t like alcohol; Royal English Breakfast Tea (w/milk)
Color - the electric blue of a holobook
Season - autumn
Scent - trees & forests in general
Music - acoustic covers & R&B
Time of Day - middle of the night
Item - her late master, Maglos Nerot's, yellow lightsaber
Movie - historical documentaries (w/o reenactments)
Food - carbonara (pasta)
Drink - hates alcohol; Arnold Palmer (tea & lemonade)
Color - maroon
Season - spring
Scent - dewy grass
Music - R&B + 00s pop
Time of Day - late morning
Item - she can't pick (isn't materialistic anyway)
Movie - The Bodyguard OR Legends of the Fall
Food - chicken mole enchiladas OR falafel
Drink - Hurricane (3x rum, grenadine, OJ, simple syrup) OR a vaguely fruity thing infused w/some caffeine
Color - hot pink
Season - autumn
Scent - cocoa butter
Music - 90s rap & modern alt (Hozier)
Time of Day - noon
Item - her mace
Movie - The Equalizer OR Rush Hour
Mu Lan
Food - nkwobi (spicy Nigerian stew w/cow foot & fish stock)
Drink - ginger beer (doesn't like drinking often)
Color - crimson
Season - spring
Scent - ginger
Music - violin OR indie folk (The Civil Wars, The Lumineers...)
Time of Day - late morning
Item - petals that she preserves in her books
Movie - Miss Congeniality
Food - steak (medium) frites
Drink - sidecar cocktail (cognac, orange liqueur, lemon juice)
Color - maroon
Season - summer
Scent - apple pie
Music - 80s pop music
Time of Day - noon
Item - her black trenchcoat (which she sometimes wears as M)
Movie - The Mummy
Food - pretty much anything French that's 4-star quality
Drink - White Russian (vodka, coffee liqueur & cream)
Color - white, sometimes silver
Season - winter
Scent - roses
Music - rap (in French, obviously)
Time of Day - nighttime
Item - a picture Evan (his adopted son/nephew) painted for him
Movie - Casablanca OR Atomic Blonde
Renée Michele
Food - her dad's étouffée OR her mom's lotus root pork bone soup
Drink - vodka & blue raspberry Jello shots OR caramel macchiato
Color - neon colors, typically purple
Season - summer (partly for the thunderstorms)
Scent - chocolate
Music - pop-punk & grunge
Time of Day - noon
Item - her eyes
Movie - Bullet Train
Rhea Livia
Food - cheeseburger w/onions & tomato OR pork broth ramen
Drink - Baya Energy Mango Guava (premade)
Color - electric blue
Season - summer
Scent - chamomile
Music - modern/10s pop
Time of Day - noon
Item - her skateboard
Movie - Scary Movie
Food: best described as fish resembling salmon
Drink: Faerie wine (newer the better)
Colour: black, though he says red
Season: summer
Scent: vanilla
Music: 90s pop (he’s been to mundane clubs)
Time of Day: sunset
Item: scarf gifted to him when he was twelve
Movie: Good Luck to You, Leo Grande or Moulin Rouge
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storeboughtbrand · 2 years
Top Gun Country Dancing AU! Part 3
*a glimpse of how each of the class of 86’ dances with Maverick w/ bonus Rooster*
Goose style: Has the most knowledge when it comes to Country Swing, though Ice is close behind and closing fast. Has a full shelf of 1st place ribbons and trophies to back it up. A combination of tricks and spins. Lots of weird funky tricks. Tries to show off Mav's ability to defy gravity as much as possible. Many moves fighter pilot based ...somehow. Very Unorthodox.
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Ice: The best at performing aerial flips and shoulder tricks out of the boys. Was not satisfied with just being Top Gun (and Mav's top). He also NEEDED to be Top Swinger. Has a binder full of research complete with pictures, notations, and sheet protectors that he is not ashamed to show off (Mav finds it adorable that his hubby put in so much effort). Only the best for his tiny rebel.
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Slider Style: Also unorthodox, but 1000x more fueled with testosterone and yelling (bellowing?)......roaring, definitely roaring. Honestly, no one can tell if it's an intimation tactic or if he just has an addiction. Wields Mav like he's a lightsaber, and he's a Sith Lord. Yes, Officer, He is armed and is dangerous. So whenever he and Mav make their way to the dance floor, stay out of the splash zone. B/c Shamu's going ballistic.
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Wolfman Style: Has the most sensual dance style. A lot of hip movement, dear god there's so much hip. Have the time, Mav's thighs are just around his waist. His style raises the most wolf whistles (which he makes sure does not go anywhere, and the man who did it knows he will be mauled without hesitation). Somehow, his signature hat never falls off while dancing, the guys are convinced he's got an invisible string that ties it under his chin.
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Hollywood Style: Very flashy, loves to showboat, he didn't get the callsign "Hollywood" for nothing. Every dance is a movie premiere, and the reviews are in..... it's a 10/10 would watch it again. Loves to dip and lift Mav up so he can strike a pose. Every time, the poses are picture perfect every damn time, and Goose has the polaroids to prove it. Definitely has a giant frame picture front and center on the living room wall of his and Wolf's house. Every time their daughters bring a new friend over, they are so confused cause that's their dad, but who the hell is the other guy. And without missing a beat, without looking at the photos, the girls are just like, "Oh, that's just dad and Mav." Who the hell is Mav????
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Sundown Style: has the most tempered style, does the occasional dips, spins, and flips, but prefers dipping and handholding spins. Dances for the sake of just dancing. To Ice's exasperation, some people confuse Sundown for Mav's husband, given that every time they dance they have huge smiles on their faces and talk the entire time. People think it makes Ice jealous but he's not. He knows that just Sundown's style.
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Chipper Style: Treats country dancing like ballroom dancing. Has previous experience in said style and applies it to Country swing with the precision of a naval aviator. A complete gentleman. Also does ballroom dancing with Mav after Mav asks him to teach him. It's so wholesome and suave, that you can't help but swoon.
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Merlin Style: If Chipper and Sundown are both wholesome, Merlin and Mav are just adorable. When they dance, it's like they've somehow turned paddy-cake into dancing. Merlin is the twirl n' spin master. He's so good at it that it's honestly terrifying. Man, he's just here for that good time, fun time.
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Baby Goose with his cousins (Hollywood and Wolf's daughters)
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Rooster and Mavdad :
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Rooster cuts loose, footloose, and makes sure to kick off his Sunday shoes. When he dances, every part of his body moves somehow independently from each other but in perfect harmony. Lots of arm waving, lots of kicks, and especially lots of hips. When he and Mav dance, they feed off each other's energy and tear the dance floor a new asshole. Unlike his uncles and Icedad, he just does a two-step with all the expected swings and turns with Mav.
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wild-karrde · 2 years
For your prompts may I suggest "it's okay, I've got you " maybe fox and wolffe? ❤️❤️
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It was late, but Fox rarely left his office before sundown anyhow. Why would tonight be any different? The cup of caf sitting within reach was starting to go cold as he drained the final dregs. He sat for a moment, debating if it was worth getting one last cup when his office door hissed open. His amber eyes flicked up to find the familiar grey and white teeth framing the visor staring back at him.
"Didn't expect you to mosey in at this time of night," he commented casually, flicking through his datapad without sparing Wolffe another glance.
He would have normally expected some sharp retort, but instead he was met with silence. His eyes flicked back to his brother, still standing in the door as if he was unsure about whether to enter. That's when Fox noted his hands trembling at his sides, his clenched fists doing little to hide it. He immediately set the datapad down, rising from his place and closing the distance between the two of them.
"Wolffe?" he said gently.
"She was there." The vocoder in Wolffe's helmet did little to hide the tremble in his voice.
"Who?" Fox asked carefully.
Fox's eyes widened in understanding. Carefully, he placed his hand on his brother's back, applying just enough pressure to guide him forward into the office. "Sit down." It came out gruffer than he'd intended, but then again, the last thing Wolffe would want is coddling, to be handled like a delicate glass sculpture that would shatter at any moment.
Even if it was true.
Wolffe obeyed, wordlessly moving to the seat on the other side of Fox's desk while the commander returned to his seat. "Caf or whiskey?" he offered.
Reaching into a bottom drawer of his desk, he pulled loose the bottle that he kept there and two more clean mugs. The grog was cheap, but there was something comforting in the burn it provided. It never seemed to be shared for celebratory reasons anyway. He poured a healthy amount before sliding the cup across the desk towards Wolffe. The other commander had not removed his helmet yet, his hands still clenched as they rested on his knees.
"Drink," Fox ordered.
Wolffe shakily reached for the cup, holding it in front of him.
The cup slipped from the commander's hands and shattered on the ground. He slid his hands around the back of his neck, tucking his head between his knees and shuddering. Fox punched the button on his desk that locked his office door before coming around the desk to kneel in front of his brother in the puddle of whiskey. His gloved fingers gently pulled Wolffe's away from his helmet enough that he could pull the bucket off and rest it on his desk. Wolffe's shuddering breaths were louder now, and Fox could see the tears threatening to spill over they eyelid of his good eye. Wolffe's hand automatically went to graze the scar over his right eye, tracing the mark left by the Sith's lightsaber.
"I just... I froze. I froze Fox."
Fox leaned forward, pulling Wolffe's forehead to his. "It's okay, I've got you. Breathe with me. Just like in training. Remember?"
Wolffe nodded against him, resting his hands on Fox's shoulders as he imitated the deep rhythm of Fox's breathing.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Long and slow.
After a few moments, Wolffe's breathing had finally calmed. Fox patted him on the cheek. "Better?"
"Yes," Wolffe rasped. "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"You've got enough to deal with without me coming in here and breaking down like a shiny that's seen his first battle."
Fox smirked. "You should know by now that we all have our breaking points, Wolffe. And this is always the place to hit that point if needed."
Wolffe exhaled sharply, his eyes coming to rest at the broken ceramic at his feet. "Sorry about your cup."
Fox shrugged. "I always find drinking from the bottle more satisfying anyway."
Wolffe smirked. "If you say so."
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Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @dsburnerblog
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blackkatmagic · 2 years
hum, for the title : "the sun is drowning in his cloting blood" (how to describe sundown when you're baudelaire : harmonie du soir)
Oh that's pretty. Let's say....a dark AU where the Sith Empire replaced the Old Republic instead of it becoming the New Republic. The Jedi are practically gone and in hiding, and it seems like the Empire is going to last for another thousand years - right up until Darth Maul captures a Jedi. Agen Kolar is strong and proud and won't break, but Maul becomes obsessed with his strange gentleness and his unwavering kindness, and finds himself tumbling headlong into a world he should want to destroy.
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1a-imagines · 4 years
A knights promise (part 2)
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(Knight!Midoriya x reader)
↬Warnings: smut
↬Summary: After finally running away so you can be together, you find travelling isn't as easy or fun as you first thought. Luckily you have someone to take your mind off it.
↬A/n: This is day 18 of the Izumonth collab! You can find the collab post here.
This is a part 2 if you want to read part 1 you can find that here! But honestly, this one is mostly just smut so i guess you don’t really need to read part one. It just gives a bit more insight into their relationship and goals.
Also the art is mine, I'm really nervous to post my art, especially since its kinda old art and my style has changed a lot, so I don't love it. But I drew this awhile back and thought it would go well with this fic since its fantasy izuku. Anyway! Hope you enjoy ^^
You shuffled closer to Izuku's side, half hiding behind him, hoping his body would act as a shield against all the wildlife.
Izuku couldn’t help but chuckle at the way  your nose crinkled up at the new environment.
"Have the forests always been so-..." you paused thinking of the right word to say. "disgusting?” you asked as you stepped around yet another puddle of sludge. Your hands tightened around his arm. The forest was indeed a beautiful sight from the palace windows, but now you were trudging through mud and wet grass, your boots already caked in dirt, it wasn't as enchanting as you thought it would be.
Izuku gave your hands a light pat. “I know you’re not used to these conditions yet, but I think you're overreacting a bit, princess. It’s just a bit of mud.” He giggled at your sour expression. Truth be told he expected you would be a lot more enthusiastic about the whole situation, finally having freedom, getting to date him without worry, travelling to far off kingdoms and learning new things. You had always dreamed of such a life.
Though it seemed you never thought through the possibility that not everything would be easy and perfect.
"Still, had I have known it would've been this bad I would've brought bigger boots." You muttered. So far this whole 'adventuring' thing has had its ups and downs, like yesterday when you both found that hidden waterfall, the water was sparkling in the sun, vines the trees hung low to keep it hidden as flowers bloomed around the edge of the lake. It was lovely, you both got to splash around in the sun, make a campfire and sit under the stars when night came. It was amazing! One of the most beautiful nights of your life in fact. However, walking through blank fields filled with nothing but muddy sludge wasn't so magical.
A yelp escaped your throat when you were suddenly lifted into the air. You instinctively wrapped your arms around Izuku’s neck as he carried your bridal style. With raised eyebrows you turned to the man who held you in his arms. "What are you doing?" You asked Izuku who grinned in response, "The mud is bothering you right? And as your knight it's my job to protect you even from nature!" He declared, you couldn’t help but smile at him.
"You're not technically my knight anymore, I ran away, remember? So I'm not royalty." While his logic confused you, you weren't about to complain that you were his arms. "I'll always be your knight, royalty or not, I'm always going to protect you." His smile melted your heart, like the sun beaming down on an ice cream cone.
You pressed your flushed face into his shoulder, deciding not to reply. He looked so determined there was no way you would win this argument.
He carried you for hours, and with every step he took guilt stacked another brick onto your heart. Weren't you getting heavy for him. Surely he must be getting tired? He was strong, no doubt. He had trained sith the royal guards, as well as in his spare time, for years! But carrying another human in your arms for hours!? Even the strongest of men would tire eventually.
Catching your eyes he smiled at you, silently reassuring you that he was ok. You purse your lips in response, not believing him, you had already asked him countless times if he was tired, you had told him he could put you down whenever he wanted, but it seemed like he was pretty content with you in his arms.
The more he walked the denser the forest grew. It was a nice day, the sun's light caressing your skin in the best of ways, the breeze brought a refreshing chill every now and then, you could have fallen asleep in his arms then and there. "I don't think we're going to make it to the next down by sundown.." He muttered, shaking his head with a sigh.
"Then maybe you shouldn't have carried me so far, we left the muddy field hours ago and you still won't put me down." You giggled, playfully poking his cheek with your finger. . He blinked, a blush coating his cheeks. "I-I just like holding you!"
He was indulging in the fact he no longer had to hide his love and affection for you, carrying his princess in his arms was just another way to show the outside world who you belonged to, despite having passed no people at all. It was more for his own satisfaction.
"There's a cave over there! We can rest there for tonight!" Your voice snapped him from his thoughts. Your finger pointed out to a lake with a waterfall. It was hard to see but there was a small, circular, opening in the rocks of the cliff. "Good find!" He smiled at you as you jumped from his arms and hurried towards the cave, you wanted to make sure it would be safe enough to sleep in tonight. Izuku pouted as you ran off, already missing the warmth your body provided.
He followed you into the cave, it wasn't big
but it was dry and would keep you hidden from the dangers the night brought. "This will do for tonight, from the looks of the clouds over the mountains it's going to rain soon and we don't want to be stuck outside when it does. That would mean more mud." He grinned at you, nudging you with his elbow. You flushed at the jab he made and turned your head away.
What a tease.
You both took off your bags and placed your items down, Izuku went off to collect sticks to make a fire and you began to roll out your sleeping bags. You kicked away all the stones and dirt before placing them down next to each other. You made sure there was enough room for the campfire, you weren't working with a whole lot of space and the last thing you needed was for your beds to catch fire.
You finished your task relatively quickly and decided to walk outside to the lake's edge. There was a small pathway around the water leading to your cave. It was narrow, meaning you both had to shuffle along sideways to get in and out of the cave,
but it also meant the likelihood of others finding or walking into your cave was very slim.
You took your shoes off at the entrance of the cave and sat down, dipping your feet and lower calves into the water. You closed your eyes and leaned back onto your hands, taking in all the sounds of nature. The rusting of tree leaves, the calls of birds singing with each other, the sloshing of the water as you gently kicked your legs.
Izuku found you peacefully becoming one with nature, a smile made its way to his lips. He figured it would be hard for you to adjust to such a big lifestyle change, going from silk sheets and servants tending to your every need to sleeping bags and having to fend for yourself wouldn't be easy for everyone. You certainly struggled with some of it but at times like this, when you were soaking in the sun, and allowing your surroundings to bring you peace he couldn't help but feel pride for you.
You were doing your best to enjoy this new lifestyle, no matter how much of a shock to your system it was.
He left you alone for now and got to setting up the fire, it took about ten minutes to get the fire going, just in time for thunder to roar from over the mountain tops, a cry of war directed to nature.
You walked back into the cave to avoid being caught in it. Izuku handed you some fruit to snack on, he wished he could offer you a nice meal but when travelling, it wasn't that easy.
“Stop pulling that face.” You said as you took the apple from him, and took a bite.
He blinked, looking up to meet your eyes. “W-what?” You frowned, sitting down beside him, the fire crackling before you both as raindrops began to fall from the sky outside. "You keep pulling that face, as though you're afraid you're not doing good enough."
You could read him like an open book. Granted he never tried to hide his feelings from you. He just wanted to make you happy, you must be so used to your lavish lifestyle, but now you're stuck trudging around in mud and living off apples for every meal. He looked down at the ground, his lips parted as he tried to speak but no words came.
"You already know why I left, but allow me to remind you." You flicked his forehead, a way to get him to look back at you. He frowned, rubbing the sore spot on his head. "I left because I want to be with you, no matter where we are. Whether I'm sitting in a palace eating a piping hot meal or in a cave eating an apple. None of that matters to me, what matters is that I have you by my side." Your hand came up to his cheek, the pad of your thumb brushing over his red cheek.
He half smiled at you, there was still some uncertainty despite your words. However, he wouldn’t be Izuku if he wasn't always worrying over all the little details. You chose to be with him, and he was determined to give you the best life possible. Even if he had his worries he always appreciated you trying to reassure him. He was so lucky to have someone like you in his life, someone willing to give up everything for him. He silently vowed to give you the rest of his life in return. He nuzzled into your hand, pressing it closer to his face. “I love you.” he whispered.
“I love you too.” You smiled, brushing some hair from his eyes before moving in as he did to join your lips in a sweet kiss.
What was meant to be a reassuring peck quickly turned into tongues dancing and hands fumbling. A kiss that stole your breath away. Your hands trailed from his cheeks, down his neck to place on his shoulders. He shivered at your feather-like touches that glided across his skin. His hands pulled you forward by your waist bringing you to his chest.
Your head titled as his did, deepening the kiss. You hummed as his tongue traced over your lips, desperate to feel more of you. You parted your lips, getting up on your knees, never breaking the kiss, and shuffling forward until you were close enough to straddle his lap. He felt him smile into the kiss when you sat on him, like he had gotten his way. His skin was already tingling despite the layers of clothes in the way.
Your fingers tangled into his hair, tugging at the locks, wordlessly begging for more. He got the hint, his hands pushing under your shirt and taking it off in one movement. His scarred hands began tracing shapes into your back as you began gasping for air. He pulled back from your lips, teeth gently tugging at your lip as he did so.
When you looked into his eyes you saw them burning with desire and that alone was enough to send a pool of heat to your core. He moved forward again, lip connecting to your neck, his hot breath fanned against your skin sending shivers down your spine, a small hum escaping your lips as you pulled his head closer.
He left marks all over your neck and collarbone, sucking and nibbling at your soft skin. He soon trailed down to your chest as he unclasped your bra and moved it aside. His eager lips attached to your breast, and while his mouth began to suck on your sensitive buds, playing and groping with the mounds of fat as his hands rolled your hips forward. A groan echoed through the cave when he felt your clit grinding against his growing erection. You moaned, taking the hint and grinding against him creating a heated friction between you. The way you hugged him closer, begging for more, how your hips desperately rolled forward to feel more of him, it turned him on so much he could feel the blood rushing to his throbbing cock.
He pulled away from your breasts, his hands fumbled with your pants. He did take a second to catch his breath as he pulled your pants off leaving you only in panties. He took a second to admire your body, hands caressing up and down your sides as his eyes drank you in. "Gods… you're so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?" He smiled, pressing a loving peck to your bare shoulder. He was always so sappy, even now when you were grinding against him.
You smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek and yanking on his hair. You were desperate to feel more of him, you needed him. He got the hint and pulled off his own pants, throwing them to the side before taking off his shirt. You looked over his scars, pressing kisses to a few of them.
Once you were both rid of all the clothes that kept you apart, he picked you up bridal style, carrying you over to the fur sleeping bags. He lay you down, coaxing your legs apart so he could get between them, your lips locked again, your naked bodies rubbed together, it felt so much better without the clothes in between. He moaned, getting up onto his knees and fisting his hard cock in his hand.
He gave you an expecting look and you crawled forward. You sat back on your knees when you reached him, looking up at him through your lashes, pupils dilated. He smiled down at you, one hand petting your hair as the tip of his cock traced around your lips. "Open up, princess." He whispered and you obeyed.  
He pushed his hips forward until his ball hit your chin, tears peaking at the corner of your eyes as you swallowed his length, the tip hitting the back of your throat. He wiped them away for you, "Suck on it for me princess." He muttered breathlessly.
Your tongue circled around the tip, the salty taste of pre cum hitting your taste buds. You bobbed your head up and down, impatience  making your actions erratic. He breathed out, eyes sliping close as he marvelled in the feeling of your hot mouth around his aching cock. It took everything in him not to start thrusting forward into your mouth, but he didn't want to hurt you.
You grabbed onto his hips for better leverage, quickening your pace. Saliva began to drip from your mouth, onto your bouncing tits. "Mhh, yeah, just like that baby." You removed one hand from his side and slipped it between your legs, his loud moans and words of praise were too much for you, your ever growing heat needed to be tended to.
Izuku opened his eyes to see where your hand had gone, and upon seeing you pleasuring yourself as you sucked on his member got too overwhelming. His head went back, toes curling as he inhaled a sharp breath. "P-princess i'm going to cum!" he let out a strangle moan, his body curling forward as he released his hot seed into your mouth. He panted as you pulled away, cum covered your lips. Your tongue poked out to lick up every drop as you stared deep into his eyes.
His lips parted at the sight of you greedily lapping up his cum. You smiled at his reaction before laying back down on the sleeping bag. He smiled back, crawling over your body. You were far from done.
He connected his lips back to yours, noses clumsily bumping together, he could taste himself on your tongue, it boosted his ego. Your hips began to rock against his, your slick coating his cock as it slipped between your folds. You sighed into the kiss, grabbing at his hair and neck to pull him closer.
His lips started to trail back down your body, this time going further than your breasts. He kissed his way down your stomach, soon his face was between your legs, he could feel your heat, see your dripping arousal. He licked his lips, squeezing your thigh before diving forward. His tongue pushed inside your hole, lapping up your juices, his nose buried deep into your clit.
You gasped, back arching and toes curling when your aching core finally had some attention. He moaned at your taste, sending vibrations down your spine. Your beautiful noises of pleasure bounced off the walls of the cave. Neither of you had to be quiet anymore, there were no guards, no servants, not even family to be careful of, and he wanted to hear you scream out his name.
"Fuck! p-please. Just fill me up already." You mewled. He looked up at you with a grin, pulling away from you as he licked his lips. You'd never seen such an animalistic look in his eyes. It was like a lion stalking in on his prey.
He got onto his knees, grabbing your hips and pulling your forward. He pressed the tip of his cock to your clit, teasingly rubbing it up and down, slapping it a few times. You whined at his teasing before finally pressing it into your hole.
You simultaneously released low groans. Your hands grabbed at the fabric of the sleeping bags as his fingers dug into your hips. A trapped sigh escaped his lips once he was fully in. He gave you a few seconds to adjust as he put your legs over his shoulders and leaned forward so he could grab and hold one of your hands.
"M-move- fuck~ please!" You moaned. He didn't need to be told twice. He began to pound into you without hesitation. Each thrust of his hips made you whimper and whine, you squeezed his hand as the heat in your core grew.
"Mmh~ you're taking me so well. G-Good girl." He whispered, his hips quickening at the sound of your squelching pussy. He moaned, his cock going sliding into deep. As much as his body wanted to throw his head back he fought to keep it forward. He didn't want to miss a second of your expression. You looked so beautiful, your hair falling around your head like some sort of halo. The way you bit your lip, your eyes rolling back as those blissful, slutty moans left your parted lips.
It was all too perfect.
He took his hand from yours, sitting up and changing the position. He bent you over, ass in the air and your glistening pussy on display for him. He moaned at the sight before slipping back inside of you. His hands clamped down on your waist, pulling you back into him. It was so much faster, harder, you were both screaming out in pleasure at the new position. His cock reached new places.
You rolled your hips against him, eyes rolling back into your head as you desperately grabbed for something to hold onto, fearing that you were already about to come undone around him. You felt his hands rub at your ass cheeks, his eyes admiring how perfectly round and plump they were.
He leaned over your body, chest against your back, one hand holding him up as the other moved around to your swollen clit. He drilled into you as his fingers rubbed circles into your clit. His lips leaving small kisses to your bare shoulder in between his moans.
"Oh.. oh, Y/n~ princess." He panted into your ear. "Are you ready to be filled?" He asked, nuzzling your neck with his nose. His toes were digging into the floor as he felt his throbbing cock ach for release. He wanted to stuff you full of his cum as you screamed out his name.
You nodded, moaning out a string of yes's. You pushed your hips back, keeping up with his lightning speed, your breasts bouncing with each thrust. He closed his eyes, back arching as he felt his hot ropes of cum spill inside of you as you cried out his name, your juices spilling over his hand. Your body curled in on itself as the pleasure washed over you.
He fucked you through your orgasms, only pulling out when his cock had stopped twitching.  
You both collapsed onto the fur. He wasted no time pulling you into his arms, hand moving around to massage your hips as he always did. You did your best to ignore the feeling of his cum slipping out of you and dripping onto your thigh.
With a light kiss to your forehead he pulled you to lay on his chest. "You ok, princess?"
You giggled at his concern. "We've done this so many times now and you still worry about hurting me?" His face flushed red, eyes turning away to look at the pouring rain outside the cave. "I-I would never want to hurt you." He confessed.
You took his face into your hand, turning him to look at you. You pressed a kiss to his lips and lay your head back down. "It was amazing as always. Don't worry."
He nodded, both of you laying in silence for a while as you enjoyed the sounds of nature. The calming sounds of rain showering down from the sky, the cackling of the fire that kept you both warm. It was so peaceful. There were no other people in sight, no guards, royals, townspeople. It was just you two, alone, how you both had always wanted it to be.
"You never told me what your mom said when you told her we were leaving." You turned to face him again, resting your chin on his shoulder. His hand ran through your locks absentmindedly.
"She was happy for us. She said she was glad i was following my heart, that i found someone who loves me enough to give up everything they have just to be with me." He smiled, recalling her reaction. "All she asks is that we come back to visit every now and then, and when we eventually find a good home to settle down in, we have to send her a letter telling her our whereabouts so she can come visit us too."
You smiled, it would be so nice to have her visit your home, to be able to cook for her for once. She always took good care of you whenever you went to visit. You couldn't wait to return the favour. "That sounds nice doesn't it?"
He hummed in agreement, the image of you both living in a cottage, somewhere in the forest. Not too far from civilisation but enough to have your own space. No one to bother you, everyday would be peaceful. You could have spare rooms for guests. Maybe a family and pets someday.
"Yeah, that sounds amazing." He smiled, looking at you. His one and only princess, his first and only love.
He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
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...but where is the lie Caption Bowdaar: Jedi and Sith before sundown, destruction before sunrise.
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myhahnestopinion · 4 years
THE AARONS 2020 - Best TV Episode
I had to cancel a lot of streaming services this year. They know what they did wrong. Here are the Aarons for Best TV Episode: 
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#10. “Take Your Choice” (Batwoman, Season 1, Episode 12)
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Coming out of the Infinite Earths crossover, Batwoman is left with a personal Crisis of conscience: Kate Kane’s efforts to redeem the villainous Alice, her presumed-dead sister, are derailed by the arrival of an alternate-universe version of her, one who didn’t suffer the same traumatic events. Multiverse collapse means only one can live, compelling Kate to choose between fighting a righteous lost cause or taking the easier path back to normalcy, the kind of complex moral dilemma that heroes are forged in. The original Alice is seen as both abuser and victim within, torturing Kate over her own lingering trauma, while fearing a second, far-worse abandonment. This enhanced sibling conflict reinvigorated the season’s second half. It’s unfortunate that dynamic is now lost with the decision to replace, not recast, Batwoman going forward, but, well, a choice had to be made.
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#9. “The One Where We’re Trapped on TV” (Legends of Tomorrow, Season 5, Episode 14)
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With back-to-back shows on this list, it’s clear The CW’s sweeping interconnected universe is still going strong, but they’re not done conquering the airwaves yet. In their latest bit of meta-mischief, the crew behind the show Legends of Tomorrow flexed their creative freedom and trapped the on-screen crew of Legends of Tomorrow within various television parodies, including Friends, Downton Abbey, and Star Trek. Each is brought to life with expert lived-in details by long-term producer and first-time director Marc Guggenheim. The cast gamely tunes in to the needs of each as well, hamming it up with Shatner-impressions and droll sitcom style. It’s all held together by the show’s lovable mush; if you’re looking for unique, heartfelt television, the Legends are on it. 
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#8. “Zoey’s Extraordinary Glitch” (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Season 1, Episode 8)
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Despite her being the star of the show, Playlist kept skipping over Jane Levy for its big musical numbers, a consequence of its concept that Zoey is the one hearing other people’s thoughts expressed in song. That oversight was paused in the show’s eighth production, which gave her a show-stopping spotlight all her own. It wasn’t just Levy’s rendition of pop songs that were a hit, but how reality hit for the character after signing her heart out. The playful subversion of Playlist’s formula dialed cringe-comedy to the max, while shattering the limitations of its unusual premise. If the show keeps shuffling itself around like it did here, it won’t be played out anytime soon.
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#7. “Sundown” (Lovecraft Country, Season 1, Episode 1)
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The unknown is an alluring yet dangerous place. That’s the concept at the heart of infamous horror author H.P. Lovecraft’s work, and the principle carries over to J.J. Abrams and Jordan Peele’s inspired TV show. Atticus Freeman can’t resist that unknown when he receives a mysterious letter from his missing father, and sets off on a road trip beset by monsters to find him. The episode is a wicked homage to the petrifying creatures of Lovecraft lore, but its true horror lies in its subversion of those stories. Lovecraft, an unapologetic racist, founded his fears in that bigotry; Lovecraft Country centers people of color in its narrative, contending with those racist fears within monsters that walk among us. This balance of reverence and rejection is never better than in this first episode; “Sundown” is the highest point in the unearthly Lovecraft Country.
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#6. “The Curse” (What We Do in the Shadows, Season 2, Episode 4)
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STOP! If you are reading this, you have been cursed! You will be visited by Bloody Mary tonight if you do not forward The Aarons to ten other people.
 ...It was a familiar hoax to earlier adopters of the internet, a bit of viral villany that used the anonymous and unfathomable nature of the world wide web to spook even the most shrewd of children. To a clan of vampires though, incredulity is already out the window. That’s the clever catch of this episode, in which the long-undead crew scramble to get a crash-course in the technological age to avoid such a prophesied ghostly encounter.  It’s a devilishly funny dance of dramatic irony… or is it? I can say with certainty that “The Curse” is a real one, so best get forwarding, readers.
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#5. “Ego Death” (I May Destroy You, Season 1, Episode 12)
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There was always an inevitability to I May Destroy You: a miniseries needs a denouement. That’s a greater dilemma when your subject is recovering in the wake of sexual assault, a situation that’s rarely cleanly resolved. “Ego Death,” the final installment in the resolutely honest show, doesn’t shy away from that difficulty. Creator and star Michaela Cola’s Arabella has a chance recognition of her assailant, and the episode runs through several possible reactions for her to that encounter. It’s as furious and yet funny as the show consistently was, while always holding firm to the promise of its title: assault need not define you, destruction is not inevitable.
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#4. “Bagman” (Better Call Saul, Season 5, Episode 8)
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Vince Gilligan built his empire on exploring what will make a person reach their breaking point; after five seasons of build up, he burdened Saul Goodman with as much as the man can bear. Taking cues from a classic episode of the original series, “4 Days Out,” Saul Goodman is stranded in the desert, forced to degradingly drink his own urine while lugging around duffle bags of cash, after a trepidatious handoff is ambushed by a rival drug cartel. Worse, he’s being chased by a surviving shooter. Gilligan loads the episode up with the distinctive visual flourish, attention to detail, and gripping tension that are the hallmarks of his work; when it comes to making standout television, Gilligan’s got it in the bag, man. 
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#3. “The Phantom Apprentice” (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season 7, Episode 10)
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There was a clear force pushing Disney to revive The Clone Wars after seven years off the air: bringing balance to the franchise. The last third of the season finally fulfilled the show’s destiny, running parallel to the events of Revenge of the Sith from the perspective of its original creation, Ahsoka Tano. The entire operatic arc rivaled the power of its cinematic counterparts, but my chosen one is its second part, in which Ahsoka and a revived Darth Maul duel above an under-siege Mandalore. The dazzling lightsaber fight was rendered using motion capture technology, providing viewers with another dizzying high ground from which to watch the fall of the Republic. 
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#2. “The View from Halfway Down” (BoJack Horseman, Season 6, Episode 15)
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The long-standing question of viewers of BoJack was whether it would result in tragedy or recovery; in the end, the show had its horse and ate it too. The series finale, in which BoJack makes peace in his ruined friendships, could have easily grazed this list, but I gave the edge to the penultimate episode in the horse race. “The View from Halfway Down” is a fake out, a fever dream of finality as BoJack lays drowning in his pool, but it’s no half-measure. It’s a merciless manifestation of fears and regrets, forcing BoJack to confront all the darkness he’s been running from, with the haunting sensation that, this time, he might be in too deep. It’s a brutal piece of TV viewing, but the glass is halfway full: BoJack’s at his lowest point, but the episode is Bojack at its highest. 
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#1. “A Dark, Quiet Death” (Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, Season 1, Episode 5)
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Mythic Quest took an unexpected detour early on in its debut season, chronicling the personal and professional growth and decay of couple Doc and Bean, video game designers who originally occupied the current headquarters of the show’s regular cast. Guest stars Jake Johnson and Cristin Milioti give life to “Death,” charming viewers and each other from their meet-cute to their late-in-life reunion. It’s a surprisingly surefooted key stroke for a first season sitcom, developing the entire show’s central thesis on the strength of this standalone episode. Bean and Doc act as a cautionary tale for both the destructive power of ego and the corrosive nature of capitalism; a carved heart from the two adorns the office as an omen while the modern day characters lock horns with the same beasts. Now that’s a scrumptious bit of mythmaking. 
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cowboylikemorgan · 15 days
I love writing cause this is what my OCs are up to in my WIP:
protagonist Rhett:
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Grier & Berry (the child & droid)
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Alaren, Josh, Cessie & Inas - the stressed co-workers
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Star Wars Alien Species - Nosaurians
The Nosaurians were native to New Plympto, a verdant jungle planet on the outskirts of the Corellian sector near the border with the Deep Core. Although they themselves had little interest in questions of their own evolutionary origins, xenobiologists speculated that the species' forebears were predators who, like many carnivores on the world, used their luminescent mouths to attract prey such as insects. After evolving sentience, the Nosaurians organized themselves into competing clans and eventually city-states.
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As early as 27,500 BBY, the Nosaurians had contact with the nearby Corellians, and at least one member of the species had left his homeworld and joined the galactic community by 25,000 BBY. However, not until about 10,000 years before the rise of the Galactic Empire did the species have regular relations with offworlders. These early visitors, traders from Corellia, visited the world and made contact. The Corellians named the Nosaurian homeworld after the Plympto system, a minor reach on the Corellian Trade Spine hyperlane. New Plympto itself became a part of that trade route, located on it between the planets Jumus and Duro, and Nosaurians spread along the trade lanes of the Corellian sector. Nevertheless, the world was only marginally integrated into galactic society, being far off the path of most visitors to the Core.
With the introduction of galactic technology and trade came the Nosaurians' entrée into galactic government. Although the species joined the Galactic Republic, their debut began what would be a long chain of events that the Nosaurians interpreted as marginalization at the hands of Humans. For one, the world was placed under representation of the senator from the Corellian sector. When the Nosaurians petitioned the Republic for a representative from their own species, their request was denied. Second, the Republic chose to build its New Plympto consulate on the world's only natural satellite, Karsten Moon, rather than on the world itself. The world became caught up in galactic conflicts, falling briefly to Darth Revan's Sith Empire from 3959 to 3956 BBY, but remaining part of Republic space during the New Sith Wars of 1004–1000 BBY.
Meanwhile, the Corellians seemed more eager to exploit New Plympto's resources, scant as they were, than to help develop its infrastructure and people; most Corellian investment into the world was limited to the purchase of the spice ji rikknit. The Nosaurian economy became increasingly dependent on the export of rikknit eggs and ji rikknit, and for centuries, this served as the only real engine of economic development. Some Nosaurian clans and city-states grew their wealth by participating in the trade, but Corellians rather than Nosaurians were the major beneficiaries of the industry. Unsustainable harvesting practices depressed the population of rikknits on the world, and by the administration of Republic Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, the impending extinction of the rikknit threatened the entire trade. Attempts to breed the crustaceans in captivity failed. Things came to a head when environmentalists pressured the Republic to outlaw the rikknit trade or, worse, took to sabotaging shipments and infrastructure. At one point, for example, the Ho'Din environmentalist Maki Salak attempted to poison a stash of ji rikknit before it could be shipped from Karsten Moon. Chancellor Valorum sided with the environmentalists; he approved a law that made rikknits a protected species, outlawed ji rikknit, forbade the export of rikknit eggs—and effectively turned almost all of New Plympto's Nosaurian population into criminals. New Plympto fell into a depression, and the Nosaurians pointed their fingers at the Republic and its invasive laws as the source of their troubles. Hundreds of thousands of Nosaurians fled their homeworld and settled on other Core Worlds.
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In 24 BBY, the Nosaurians were caught up in a chain of events that would alter their society drastically. In what came to be known as the Separatist Crisis, the rogue Count Dooku and his allies declared a Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), a government free and separate from the Galactic Republic. The CIS offered New Plympto membership and promised to recognize the legality of the rikknit trade. The Nosaurians saw little choice. They seceded from the Republic and declared themselves members of Dooku's new coalition.
When the Republic refused to recognize the Confederacy and the secession of its member worlds, the Clone Wars were officially declared. A hostile contingent of Republic clone troopers landed on New Plympto, led by a Jedi Master named Dass Jennir. Meanwhile, the Separatists bolstered the Nosaurian forces with battle droids. Nosaurian forces put up a stiff resistance to Jennir and his clone troopers in confrontations such as the Battle of New Plympto in 19 BBY, and his campaign against them led many Nosaurians to develop a hatred of the Jedi.
The war was ongoing when Palpatine declared himself Emperor and enacted the New Order in 19 BBY. After the defeat of the Confederacy, things grew worse: Palpatine turned his eye toward retribution against the Nosaurians for siding with the Separatists. The Nosaurians kept up their guerrilla war against the Republic-cum-Empire. Their former enemy, Dass Jennir, switched his allegiances when he found himself targeted by his former soldiers, the clone troopers. Without their droid allies, however, the Nosaurian resistance was a much weakened force. The Empire dispatched a brigade of clone troopers from the 501st Legion to crush them once and for all, and the Nosaurians and their Jedi ally knew theirs was a lost cause. In a last stand against the 501st, the Battle of Half-Axe Pass, the Nosaurian Commander Rootrock and his forces were wiped out. Nosaurian fighters who surrendered were summarily killed, while refugees trying to flee the world—mostly women and children—were rounded up and sold into slavery on Orvax IV. Despite his own misgivings about their enslavement, Darth Vader visited New Plympto to oversee the conquered planet.
Citing the species' "primitive" level of development and "undistinguished" culture, the Imperial Procurator of Justice added New Plympto to a list of "expendable" alien homeworlds and thus opened the door for the Empire to legally enter the world and extract any useful resources by force without concern for the native population. The Empire seized the world's money-making enterprises, razed entire city blocks in Phemiss to make way for more "orderly" construction, and commandeered the rikknit trade. It also continued to round up and sell countless Nosaurians as slaves, an example to other would-be opponents of the New Order. Those Nosaurians who had been offworld during the wars grew disillusioned when they felt pro-Human bias in the Core Worlds and the galactic government intensify.
The Nosaurians did not just lay down; in 1 BBY, they rose up against their Imperial overlords. The resistance organized and rallied behind the one-eyed General Fefar Blackeye. His forces employed guerrilla tactics and harassed the Imperials for two years in a vicious campaign. In 1 ABY, Blackeye found himself hemmed in by Imperial forces. At sundown, his sun-singing brays betrayed his location. He was captured, shipped to Coruscant, and placed in a cage at the zoo with a group of non-sentient primates. He lasted for six months before killing himself. Back on New Plympto, the resistance crumbled without him.
When the Empire fell at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY and the New Republic was formed, New Plympto was once again able to communicate with the outside galaxy. News of General Blackeye's fate reached the species and strengthened their anger and resentment toward the Humans who seemed perpetually in charge of galactic affairs. The Nosaurians rejected overtures to join the new government, seeing little difference between the Humans of the New Republic and those who had come before. The world entered a period of isolationism during which the Nosaurians attempted to repair their devastated economy. Nevertheless, the world fell within Grand Admiral Thrawn's sphere of influence during the Thrawn campaign of 9 ABY.
In 18 ABY, the Corellian sector planet of Sacorria declared itself independent of the New Republic. New Plympto threw its allegiance behind the First Corellian Insurrection, and the New Republic declared war. The rebellion faltered and failed, and the Nosaurians once again found themselves on their own. With reluctance, they finally agreed to join the New Republic out of economic desperation. The New Republic enacted programs to rehabilitate the planet and its economy, which was still reeling from the Imperial occupation. Nevertheless, Nosaurian attitudes toward Humans barely budged. In 23 ABY, the world seceded once again to join the alien-friendly Diversity Alliance of the Twi'lek Nolaa Tarkona. Thousands of Nosaurian fighters joined the Diversity Alliance's armed forces to defend it against the New Republic before the Diversity Alliance was defeated.
In 26 ABY, shortly after the fall of neighboring Duro, New Plympto once again came under attack, this time from extragalactic beings known as Yuuzhan Vong. Many Nosaurians died in the initial invasion, and the world's defenses crumbled. The alien invaders used the world as an advance base for further incursions into the Corellian sector.
Like history repeating itself, the Nosaurians put up a stiff resistance. The Twi'lek Jedi sisters Alema and Numa Rar traveled to the world and helped lead the campaign. The resistance demolished Yuuzhan Vong biohatcheries, Shaper damuteks, and religious shrines, and received additional support from the New Republic; Kyp Durron, for example, ran supplies to the Nosaurian fighters, and spacers worked to smuggle Nosaurian refugees off the planet. After a year of unremitting harassment and disruption, the Yuuzhan Vong abandoned New Plympto in 27 ABY. They did not leave quietly, however, and unleashed a viral plague upon the planet that reduced almost 7 million Nosaurians into liquid goo and left the world unable to sustain life. The Rar sisters happened to be offworld at the time with a few thousand refugees escaping aboard ore freighters.
After the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong in 29 ABY, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances—the reconstituted New Republic—quarantined New Plympto. Decontamination experts visited the world and found nothing but a sea of liquefied, jelly-like biomass as deep as a Human's ankle. With no homeworld to go back to, Nosaurian refugees were resettled by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. New Plympto was later declared a memorial, along with other planets devastated by the war, such as Barab I and Ithor.
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Among friends, Nosaurians were perceived as cool-headed and congenial. To outsiders, however, they were known to disdain Humans—and, to a lesser extent, other species—for what the reptilians considered a history of mistreatment. This attitude began in the days of the Old Republic and festered and deepened under the regime of the Galactic Empire. By the time the Yuuzhan Vong War broke out in 25 ABY, Nosaurians still had a reputation for surliness and hotheadedness from outsiders. The despoliation of their planet during that conflict deepened this sullen humor and plunged many Nosaurians into a miasma of hopelessness and dismay.
Nosaurians tended to live in the mossy, coastal swamps of their homeworld. Their population fluctuated with the times. New Plympto was home to some one billion Nosaurians in the days of the Old Republic, but this number dropped to a mere 20 million after the Clone Wars. Under Imperial occupation, the numbers fell to 7 million.
The species was divided into clans. Some of these lived in isolated villages, while others banded together to create city-states, the highest form of government on the world. The city of Phemiss was considered the planetary capital. Nosaurian cities featured domed, earthen homes with rounded entrances and window-bearing turrets. These buildings were typically amassed into rings that centered on a shared courtyard used for communal feasting and child-rearing. Although these arrangements made Nosaurian cities feel disorganized and difficult to navigate to offworlders, Humans made up 4% of New Plympto's population, and most cities featured offworlder districts that followed a layout more familiar to non-Nosaurians.
The Nosaurians relied on outside traders for much of their food, communications gear, high technology, and weapons. In exchange, they offered simple products and their world's major export, the eggs and ovum sacs of a native species of crustacean known as the rikknit. These eggs were a component in the production of several intoxicating substances, including the spice known as ji rikknit.
Upon molting his or her down feathers, a Nosaurian typically apprenticed to a master from his or her clan for a few years to learn a trade. Many Nosaurians took up mundane vocations such as candlemaking, fishing, or piloting local transports known as swoopshaws. Others took darker-tinged occupations such as raiding. A few Nosaurians were clanless, and thus outcasts in Nosaurian society. Xant Flashheel, for example, operated from Phemiss and took risky jobs to make ends meet. Many others relied on the rikknit trade or rikknit hunting for their living. Rikknit harvesters became experts at arboreal locomotion, climbing trees using crampons known as tree-claws and brachiating to get into position. They then spread a net a few meters below a rikknit nest. Bracing themselves in place, the hunters used a sharp harvest blade to cut the food caches and slit the ovum sac of the rikknit above. When done properly, this harvesting did not kill the animal. Nevertheless, rikknits could and did fight back, so rikknit harvesters learned to fight skillfully despite the staggering heights, bracing themselves against the tree bark with their foot claws. Their harvest tools doubled as deadly weapons, and even a few non-Nosaurians used them for combat purposes. Some Nosaurian harvesters worked illegally; Glarc Leapfar was one of the more successful rikknit poachers and the leader of a group who operated in a forest called the Hajial Chase; nevertheless, his group made efforts to harvest rikknit eggs sustainably.
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Marriages were monogamous and typically arranged by the partners' clans. Young males sparred with one another in public bouts of head-butting to prove their physical prowess and, they hoped, their desirability to the clans of unmarried females. Members of the species could form fierce bonds with their mates and their families; the Nosaurian Bomo Greenbark traveled to three different worlds to track down his wife and daughter, who had been sold into slavery after the Empire took control of New Plympto.
Nosaurians were proud of their culture and conscious to keep their old ways alive. They were not afraid to fight to protect that which they valued and could be determined combatants when provoked. A Nosaurian could turn claws, horns, and teeth against an adversary, and young males were known to cross horns with rivals in a skull-bashing display of dispute resolution. In times of war, Nosaurian forces employed everything from simple axes, force pikes, knives, and polearms to advanced blasters. Their armies used guerrilla tactics: they kept to jungles, subsisted on locally available substances like nectar, communicated silently over long distances using mouth flashes, and set up only temporary camps of dome-like tents. They were not beyond torturing prisoners of war.
The Nosaurian voice was typically high-pitched and twittering, and spoken Nosaurian sounded like a chorus of musical hisses, trills, tweets, and warbles. Nevertheless, their vocal tone dropped into bass, coarse honks, and woofs when angry, disturbed, or upset. The written form of the language employed two separate alphabets that could be used in conjunction and relied on metaphors and imagery related to nature, the seasons, and the weather. Nosaurian morphology allowed the species to speak Basic; most Nosaurians knew the language, but preferred to avoid it due to its Human associations. A typical Nosaurian had both a personal name and a clan name. Personal names tended to be non-Basic terms, such as the masculine names Bomo, Clegg, Fefar, and Moco; and the feminine names Mesa and Resa. Clan names, on the other hand, were often compounds of two Basic terms. Examples included Blackeye, Farlock, Flashblade, Fishgather, Greenbark, Holdfast, Leafhorn, Leapfar, Limbfree, Minkfruit, Riverwander, Rootrock, Seawatcher, Sunsinger, and Tallmeadow.
Nosaurians retained an ingrained trait from their evolutionary past. When on their homeworld, twilight triggered the overwhelming urge to "sing down the sun." Although the compulsion could be resisted, most Nosaurians brayed as loud as they could as day turned to night. The behavior was so ingrained that Nosaurians went through the nightly ritual even when indoors or out of sight of the sun. Nosaurians who left New Plympto did not lose the behavior, either, but their distance from their homeworld threw their internal rhythms off and resulted in their "singing" at strange, seemingly inexplicable times. This compulsion could all but counteract a Nosaurian's attempts at stealth; if the pursuers knew of the quirk, they could simply wait for the Nosaurian's vocalizing to give his or her location away.
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The Nosaurians, a species of sentient bipedal reptiles. They had lithe, long arms and short legs in proportion to their bodies. Each hand featured three or four fingers and an opposable thumb, and each birdlike foot three forward-pointing toes; some members of the species had a fourth, backward pointing toe as well. All of these digits sported sharp claws. Nosaurian musculature was similar to that of a Human. Their hides were tough and covered in scales. Light green to black pigmentation was most common, but other scale colors included blue, green, yellow, orange, red, brown, white, gray, and black. Nosaurians often had markings of another hue such as a lighter belly and chin or a mask about the eyes. Members of the species were nimble acrobats with acute combat reflexes.
One trait that distinguished Nosaurians from other reptilian species was a crest of horns that grew atop their heads. Most members of the species displayed six bony spikes of varying lengths, although children could have fewer, and some adults had many more, often growing on the back of the skull as well. These horns were quite strong; the Nosaurian Bomo Greenbark once broke chains over his head spikes, and members of the species used their spikes as defensive impaling weapons. Nevertheless, they were not indestructible, and Nosaurians often wore protective gear to prevent horn damage. The older and more pugnacious the Nosaurian, the more likely he or she was to have suffered a broken horn. Some individuals featured hornlike protrusions on other parts of the body, including the cheeks, chin, knees, and shoulders.
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A pair of small eyes lay below the horns. The sclera and iris could be of any number of colors, including pink, yellow, white, brown, and gray. The species saw only in black and white, although they typically learned to distinguish the subtle differences of what other species perceived as color, at least much of the time. Nevertheless, this monochromatic vision sometimes led to problems interpreting technological devices such as datapad screens that assumed the user had color vision.
A long, beaklike snout full of sharp teeth and perforated by two nostrils was another distinctive Nosaurian facial feature. The lower canines sometimes protruded from the mouth even when closed. Nosaurians had the ability to light up the lining of their mouths at will. The resulting flash was bright enough to briefly illuminate a room and even blind someone, but it could not be sustained for long.
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Nosaurian children were covered in a coat of downy feathers of the same color as their scales. As the Nosaurian aged, these feathers fell out, lingering latest on the head and elbows. During adolescence, beginning at age 11, the remaining feathers molted, leaving the Nosaurian bald by age 13. Most members of the species wore clothing as a matter of habit, and females sometimes hung long, diaphanous ribbons from their horns.
A typical Nosaurian stands 1.4 meters or 4.6 feet tall and weighs 75 kilograms or 165 pounds.
Nosaurians age at the following stages: 1 - 10 Child 11 - 15 Young Adult 16 - 45 Adult 46 - 79 Middle Age 80 - 99 Old
Examples of Names: Fefar Blackeye, Bomo Greenbark, Clegg Holdfast, Churra Leafhorn, Moco Minkfruit. Languages: Nosarians learn Basic, as well as their own language, which is a complex collection of sounds featuring barks, warbles, and hissing, plus a written language consisting of two alphabets and metaphors about nature, the weather, and seasons.
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annoyedfanfiction · 4 years
(6) obi-wan x reader
He lit his lightsaber in a trembling hand. “General, you shouldn’t be standing,” the medic scolded, even as the troops circled around him. The mighty 212th, reduced to tatters. “I won’t be for long,” Obi-Wan assured him, stepping up to Cody’s side. A troop carrier whirred overhead, and suddenly there was the 501st. The bombers. He stumbled back, sank into the sand. Troops rushed passed him, blasters already firing. Then there was Anakin. Ahsoka. “Can you stand?” Anakin was asking, Ahsoka covering them both. “No.” His answer was cut off by your firm response. “He shouldn’t.” Your eyes travelled over his wounds then up to Anakin. “I can heal him, but not here.” Anakin met your gaze, then looked over the battlefield. “You can carry him?” he asked, turning back to you. You nodded, easily, carefully jostling Obi-Wan into your arms. He was too tired to protest. “Snips, cover them to the ship.” Ahsoka nodded, once, and you stood, racing across the sand, Ahsoka deflecting blaster fire behind you, as though she was a veteran soldier and not just a child thrown onto a battlefield. His eyes faded closed as you entered the ship.
“That was... that was dark transfer,” Ahsoka breathed, as Obi-Wan’s breathing steadied, wounds beginning to heal. You slumped, where you had been kneeling beside him. “On Jedha,” you explained, tiredly, “It is just another part of Force healing. Our five best healers have all mastered it and one of them passed it on to me during my training.” The battle ended and the Clones returned to the ship. Obi-Wan opened his eyes. “She used dark transfer,” Ahsoka blurted out, suddenly snapping out of the blank shock she had been staring at Obi-Wan with after he clicked in front of her face. Obi-Wan’s jaw dropped. “Jedha will not be ruled by the Sith, huh?” Obi-Wan asked, but his eyes didn’t hold any of the harsh judgement he tried for in his voice. “It is not a Sith practice,” you corrected. “On Jedha, it is practiced by our most skilled healers.” His stance relaxed. You didn’t mention that Qui-Gon had obviously elected to keep this from them and the Council.
“How is he?” Anakin and Cody asked at once, appearing at your side. You gestured to him, as Ahsoka robotically helped him sit up. “He should be fully recovered within the hour,” you told them, letting Anakin steady you as you climbed to shaky feet. “But I recommend rest. Not because of his injuries, just because I can see that neither he nor you,” you pointed an accusing finger at Anakin, “Have been sleeping.” “Well, you know,” Anakin began, and you realised you’d let yourself in for trouble as soon as he opened his mouth. “The only way to ensure we rest is to stick around.”  “I should get going,” you disagreed, “It is a long journey to the port before sundown.” “You walked here?” Ahsoka questioned, incredulously. “You’re barely standing,” Obi-Wan pointed out, dryly. “I wouldn’t be inclined to release you into the desert.” “Release? Am I a prisoner now?” you asked, haughtily, even as you leaned on Anakin’s shoulder. “Prisoner of your humanity, perhaps,” Anakin snarked, giving you a light push and watching you flop into a seat beside Ahsoka. “Stay there.” He turned and pointed at Obi-Wan. “You too. Ahsoka, keep an eye on them.” “Why do I have to babysit?” Ahsoka grumbled, folding her arms. “When you are a Jedi Knight, you can run the debrief,” Anakin smirked, repeating the familiar line from his own training. Ahsoka glared at him, then at Obi-Wan, but sank into her seat anyway. “Besides,” Anakin continued, walking away. “You’re not babysitting. You’re ensuring the safety of a Jedi Councillor and the Queen of Jedha.” “Rewording it doesn’t make it more fun, Anakin,” you informed him, leaning back in your seat and closing your eyes. “Just let your Padawan join the fun. I can’t exactly sneak past all of you to get off the ship.” He sighed, but you heard Ahsoka whoop, getting up from behind you and following him out of the makeshift medbay.
Silence settled in around you. Tense, exhausted. “Thank you.” Your eyes flew open at Obi-Wan’s words, staring up at the roof of the ship. “For healing me. And the tip off about the Clones’ chips.” “I couldn’t let you die,” you answered, quietly, still not looking at him. “My health is not your responsibility.” It was intended to sound scolding, you were sure, but there was a tender curiousity behind it. “That is true,” you shrugged, finally looking over to him. “But I have chosen to make it so.” You looked away again. “You have much left to do here, Master Kenobi. The Force is not ready to claim you yet.” “Is it hard?” Obi-Wan asked, after a long pause. “Knowing the Force so well? Jedi are attuned to it, of course. We can use it. But it runs through you – there was never a path for you that was not tied to its whims.” You hummed, thoughtfully. “It is painful, at times. To disagree with it. To know it is taking someone too soon. To know it is killing as many as it saves.” You turned your gaze back to him, with a sad smile. “Though you may not feel it as I do, Master Kenobi, there was never a path for you that did not bring you to the Force and its guidance. Your path lies far deeper in the Force than even you may know.” “That’s ominous,” he muttered, earning a quirk of humour in your smile.
Tags: @treestarrrrrrrr​, requested by @ladylizziesficsaves
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jedi-anakin · 4 years
1, 2, 7, 9, 15, 27, 32, 43, 76, 87, 97 and 100! :D
omg so many! 🥰
1. What is your favourite television show from the 80′s?
I haven’t seen many shows from the 80s, but I did see ducktales and I loved it
2. Favourite television show from the early 2000′s?
buffy the vampire slayer
7. If you could watch one t.v. show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I’m going to choose stargate sg-1 because it has a lot of seasons, also I’ve seen it multiple times already and didn’t get bored by it
9. Favourite guest-star appearance on a television show?
oh if I would watch sitcoms this would be so easy to answer... but I do remember dwayne johnson was in one episode of hannah montana
15. What television show would you like to guest-star on?
the 10th kingdom! that would be so good 🥺
27. Name a show that had the worst series finale, in your opinion?
how I met your mother, that finale destroyed seasons of character development
32. Favourite movie villian?
I wanted to say darth vader but I keep mentioning sw so let me mention thomas f. wilson who portrayed not one but three villains in the bttf movies, while I think he was more of an antivillain hector barbossa was really good villain in potc, and ofc imhotep
43. Best voice-casting, in your opinion?
robin williams as genie in aladdin will forever remain as one of the best
76. Are you a snacker/drinker during movies?
snakcer! I always eat something when I watch movies either at the cinema or at home
87. Tell us about your worst movie experience?
once I got covered with coke all over my leg and I had to sit through the whole movie like that, thankfully it ended after sundown and my trousers were black so no one noticed but it was so uncomfortable
97. Think of a positive movie experience you will never forget?
when I was eight we went to see revenge of the sith but there were only empty seats in the 3rd row so we watched it from there and while it hurt my neck a bit it was such a great day
100. A block-buster movie that deserved all of the hype & more?
the phantom menace, people are just mean
*୭✧˚₊television & film ask game! ₊˚✧୭*  
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Facing Facts: The mission (P1)
Anakin’s heart sinks when Queen Karee tells them about it.
“Sister Amidala, General Skywalker and Sister Tano will be posing as a family at a hotel we know to be run by an organised gang on Cato Nemodia,” Queen Karee informs the meeting room.
Truthfully, Anakin had been wondering why he was there. He’s not usually invited to these things on account of the whole “former Sith Lord” thing.
“Karee,” Padmé says, “I hate you.”
Queen Karee gives her a bright smile and replies, “Mi isan ko rotih.” 
Ahsoka huffs but she has a smile on her face so Anakin knows this will not end horrendously.
Padmé starts ranting at the Queen in a language that Anakin doesn’t understand. He glances at Ahsoka and she mouths the word “Asna”, which he assumes is the name of the language. He knows it to be the official language of Iith so that makes sense.
Ahsoka joins in the conversation, and it surprises Anakin to see from Padmé’s reaction that she’s on his side. Queen Karee gives Padmé a smug look and Padmé sighs.
Queen Karee turns to him. “As I was saying, you’ll be staying there and keeping an eye on things. When you find an opportunity to infiltrate or sabotage the gang, do so. They’ve been pilfering money from charities and profiting off exploitation.”
“I have a question?” He begins. “How exactly are we not going to get recognised?”
“Well, you and Padmé are both publicly dead, and until I can sort out declaring the existence of the Sisters to the world, you’ll stay that way. Plus a handy charm that means anyone who looks at you and thinks you look familiar will dismiss it,” Queen Karee explains.
Anakin wonders why Ahsoka is going with them, and not Leia, then remembers that Leia hates him, and she’s still not fully finished her training as a Sister. Luke doesn’t have proper Jedi training, let alone any training in magic, so that rules him out too.
But he’s happy to have Ahsoka with him. He loves all his kids equally, of course.
Anakin has another query. “Ahsoka is an adult. She looks like an adult. How is she going to pose as our kid? Not that you’re not my daughter Snips, obviously, but you don’t exactly look-“
He turns to face Ahsoka and she looks exactly like she did the day they met.
Anakin almost faints. He’s not going to get used to that anytime soon.
“Shapeshifter powers, Skyguy,” Ahsoka reminds him.
“Excellent!” Queen Karee chirps. “Now your cover story shall be this: you’re a wealthy couple from Coruscant who adopted Ahsoka when she was a baby. You lay low during the war, but now it’s over you want to go on a proper holiday as a family.”
Anakin feels like Queen Karee is way more perceptive than he gives her credit for. The look Padmé gives her says she’s thinking something very similar.
“Alright. And how do you suggest we stop this gang, exactly?” Padmé asks resignedly.
“Well, you and Anakin infiltrate through the guise of Ahsoka befriending the children of the gang members. With your diplomatic skills, Sister Amidala, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a way in. With General Skywalker’s technological expertise, he can take this chip.” Queen Karee hands him a tech chip. “And put it in their systems, which Sister Tano will find. The chip will return all the stolen money, copy all their records, which include members and connections, then proceed to shut down their systems. And obviously, all of you can use a Jedi mind trick if it’s needed. That’s what they’re for after all.” Queen Karee explains.
It sounds much too simple for Anakin’s liking. Something is bound to go wrong and they know it.
“And our names? We can’t use our own,” Ahsoka points out.
“True. Skywalker, your name will be Ben Yanam, Sister Amidala, yours will be Kira, obviously with the same surname. And Sister Tano…” Queen Karee grins. “Anata.”
Ahsoka throws the nearest loose object (which happens to be a holopad) at Karee’s head.
The first day goes off without a hitch. They already know the names and faces of two main ringleaders, so they can identify them quickly.
Anakin is surprised when no one recognised him, even knowing how the Queen’s magic works.
They quickly find the ringleaders and their families.
Ahsoka plays every part the excited teenager, quickly going and talking to the kids. She makes quick work of it, and before he knows it, she’s running up to Anakin. “Dad, can I go hang out with Baast by the beach?”
He does a double take hearing her call him “Dad” so casually. She only does it when she’s super upset normally. He gives her a wide smile.
“Course you can kiddo, if that’s okay with his parents?” Anakin gives a quick grin to one of the ringleaders he knows is at the table next to him, who the boy next to Ahsoka is grinning at, so he must be the father. Padmé is off with the other one, probably already halfway into the gang knowing her skills.
The ringleader gives him a grin in reply and nods.
“Alright then, be back by sundown.” Anakin gestures for Ahsoka to go with the kids. He trusts her to be smart.
He walks over to the ringleader. “Kids huh?”
The ringleader gives him a smile. “Indeed. Baast is 13, how about yours?”
“Anata is 14,” Anakin replies, finding it amusing how inaccurate that was.
“They certainly drive us round the bend at this age. Still not sure if it was easier raising a toddler yet.” The ringleader smiles at him and holds out his hand to shake. “Parton Grevils.”
“Ben Yanam.” Anakin shakes his hand, keeping a false smile on his face.
“You got a partner helping you raise that bundle of energy Ben?” Parton asks.
Anakin glances over at Padmé. “My wife and I adopted Anata when she was a baby.” He gestured over to where Padmé was. “She’s off making friends, as she does. Makes friends wherever she goes, that one. Think my daughter got that talent too somehow, watching her mom.” His smile is not fake or forced.
“I’ll drink to that,” Parton says. He raises his hand. “Waiter! A glass of your finest for me and my friend here!”
Padmé is reluctantly happy with him when she finds out back at the hotel room. It’s barely past sundown and Ahsoka is sitting on the couch with them, her head on Padmé’s lap.
“That’s great, General Skywalker. That will put us at a real advantage for getting into the gang.” Padmé won’t call him by his first name anymore.
“Hopefully,” is all he can say.
“And Ahsoka, have you learned anything yet?” Padmé asks.
“Not yet, Mom, but I will, I’m sure,” Ahsoka mumbles.
Anakin watches the gentle but casual way they interact, and he suspects many debriefings have been held like this.
Padmé and Ahsoka know each other well, they’d have to, they’re mother and daughter, but there’s more to it than that. They’ve fought alongside each other for years. They know each other’s fighting patterns, each other’s technique, their tells when they’re upset or stressed. They know everything there is to know about each other and Anakin wants that, he realises with a pang. He wants that with his kids, with his family. Force it wasn’t even just about Padmé anymore. He would love to have his wife back but he wants to be a father even more.
It seems he’s changed more than he thinks.
The next few days bring amazing progress, and Anakin is so proud of how the mission is going.
Then Ahsoka wakes up in the middle of the night screaming.
Padmé and Ahsoka shared the same room, and Anakin got the other one, so obviously Padmé is already by Ahsoka’s side when Anakin looks in from the doorway.
“It’s alright, ma tana gina. You’re alright. You’re safe. Momma’s here. You’re safe,” Padmé whispers over and over again, holding Ahsoka’s hands. Their foreheads are pressed together and Ahsoka is shaking.
“Dad, Dad, I need Dad. I need to see him, where is he?” Ahsoka cries and Anakin wants to run to her, but he’s not sure whether Padmé would let him anywhere near his daughter right now.
“Anakin, come in here please.” It’s not a shout, but it’s not a whisper either. She must have known he was in the doorway.
He moves as quickly as he can without running and is immediately by Ahsoka’s side. Ahsoka leans on him immediately and Padmé gives him one of Ahsoka’s hands to hold.
“Hey Snips, I’m here. Everything is okay,” Anakin reassures her. He guesses that since she sees them both as her parents, she needs them both here. It’s the only reason that Padmé would have let him in and not looked hurt.
In fact, Padmé looks the opposite, giving him a small smile. It’s the first time she’s smiled at him since he came back to life.
“Momma?” Ahsoka’s voice is calmer now.
“Here, Ahsoka, always here. You know that.” Padmé gives her a kiss on the forehead.
“Dad?” Ahsoka looks over at him.
He squeezes her hand. “We got you Snips.”
When she’s calmed down, they lay her back down, and stay on either side of their daughter.
It’s not until he’s almost asleep that Anakin realises Padmé called him by his name.
Mi isan ko rotih- I love you too (Boona)
Anata- Angel (Asna)
Ma tana gina- My darling girl/My precious girl (Boona)
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autisticlaezel · 5 years
for the kiss prompts: 17 for thalia/luna? 🤔
Thanks :D I haven’t written Thalia before so bear with me
17. height difference kisses where one person has to bend do wn and the other is on their tippy toes
Hoth is eerily quiet at night. For all its fighting in the day - for all the confrontations with the White Maw and the Republic - the temperature drop after sundown makes it dangerous - more so than usual -  for most species to roam the ice planet.
The Chiss woman sneaking around the Canyon is freezing in spite of her natural immunity to low temperatures. It doesn’t matter how many layers she’s wrapped herself up in - the cold is cruel and biting, and no matter how many steps you take to prevent its influence, it will best you eventually. Perhaps she has more in common with the weather than she cares to admit.
It doesn’t take long for her to find what she’s looking for. A door hidden in an ice block, only visible because of its recent use. She lets out a sigh of relief - she craves the comfort of lounging by the safehouse’s fireplace - wrapped up in a blanket - wrapped up in the lover she’s here to meet.
She knocks on the door twice, waits a few seconds and then rapidly knocks three times. A few moments later she’s faced with another Chiss woman - tall and dark-haired and clad in all black.
“Come inside. ” the woman - Thalia - steps aside to let her enter. “There’s a pot of tea in the kitchen.”
As soon as the door closes she starts shedding off her layers - quickly and efficiently - a testament to years of having to change into armor and out of it again on a moment’s notice.
“I assume you’ve swept for bugs?” it’s a stupid question. Thalia is a professional - and bug sweeps are one of the first things they’d been taught at the Academy.
“Twice.” She nods. “And I’m guessing you weren’t followed?”
“Not as far as I can tell but it’s - complicated these days.” It she takes a moment to take in her surroundings. The place hasn’t changed much since she was last here - modestly decorated - Imperial standard issue military furniture, a single fireplace, and a shelf filled with books on survival techniques, Sith history and a variety of Empire-approved novels.
“So. Business or pleasure?” Thalia’s tone is professional as ever - but Luna knows her well enough to notice the way she frowns in concern - the way her shoulders tense - not quite ready to relax until she understands what’s going on.
“I -” she takes a moment to think. It’s not exactly business-related. The job that caused this whole - thing - is finally over - she’s free, technically, but -
(“Keyword: onomatophobia.” the cruel voice in her head says - and it’s not real - she knows that it isn’t real - she overrode the keyword and they can’t hurt her anymore, but the indents of the shackles are still there and she’s not sure that they’ll ever fully disappear.)
“I just - needed to see you.” Thalia wraps her arms around her slowly - carefully - giving her time to step away if necessary. She leans into it as much as she physically can.
There’s something grounding in the use of that name. A reminder that she’s more than a handful of carefully crafted aliases - more than an empty vessel for the Empire to use and discard as they see fit - that she’s a person with a past that reaches further back than her Intelligence days do.
They stand like for a while - it could be minutes or hours - Luna’s lost her concept of time in her lover’s arms and she think she might prefer it that way.
“I won’t ask if you’re okay.” Thalia tells her when they finally manage to let go of each other. “I know that you’re not but I’m not gonna push. But I’m here if you need me. Laine as well.”
“I know.” Luna smiles - and oh, it’s been ages since she’s genuinely smiled. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Thalia leans down towards her - as slowly as she’d done with the hug - almost as if Luna’s going to run off if she goes too quickly.
Luna shifts her weight to the tips of her toes - this is one of the moments where she cannot help but curse Thalia’s height - technically standard for Chiss women, she knows, but infuriatingly tall all the same - and meets her lips halfway.
The kiss starts off unusually sweet - slow and cautious - as if Thalia is testing the waters to see how okay she really is with - well, this. Or perhaps they’re just rusty; out of sync - it would make sense, it’s been almost a year since they’ve last gotten to see each other between undercover missions and keywords that put them at risks.
Still, it only takes them a few minutes to find their usual rhythm - her lips against Thalia’s collarbones - Thalia’s hands in her hair - and suddenly Hoth feels a lot less cold than it had done when she arrived.
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ladyrevanhalin · 5 years
      Halin Chan roamed the corridors of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, the hood of her cloak pulled over her head in order to hide her face and the silent tears that rolled down her cheeks. She wanted to take one last walk through these halls before such a time as she knew she would be welcome there no longer. Her childhood, her memories, her past life… everything she had known until that moment echoed residual energy that could be felt through the Force. For one last time, she would drink it all in. After her decision had been made, there would be no turning back.
           Halin froze at the sound of her name, but dared not look up. She knew Alex’s voice all too well. She had almost hoped not to run into him while she was here. After all, how could she possibly hope to explain to her closest friend that she intended to abandon all that either of them had known their whole lives through?
           Alex Kharr could feel a strange disturbance in his friend’s thoughts, but her own mental blocks prevented him from seeing the cause of her torment. This worried Alex. It was not like Halin to be so evasive, particularly toward him. Something must have happened to her…
           “Halin, please speak to me. Something is bothering you—I can tell… Please, whatever it is, you know that you can trust me…”
           He waited for a reply from her, but all that came was a sigh. Unable to endure her silence any further, Alex reached out, placing one hand on Halin’s shoulder and turning her toward him while removing the hood of her cloak with the other. It was then that he saw her tear-filled eyes which were so full of uncertainty. A piece of him shattered inside at seeing his dear friend in such a state. Trembling and without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into an embrace.
           Halin nearly choked in her attempt to hold back a sob. She tried gently at first to push him away, but he held her fast. “Halin, please tell me…”
           “I’m not Halin,” she said in a trembling voice. “Not any more…” And she pushed him away more forcefully this time, escaping his arms and stepping backward in order to put space between them.
           Alex looked at her, confused. “I don’t understand…” He stepped forward, reaching out to her again, but she raised a hand and called upon the Force in order to create a stasis field, freezing him in his tracks. He could still see her, still hear her… but he would not be able to approach her.
           “You are a good friend, Alex… but I cannot explain to you here… If you truly wish to know, meet me in the grove at sundown. This may be the last time that we see one another…”
           With these words, she pulled the hood of her cloak back over her head and stepped backward further, seemingly fading into nothingness as she used the Force to camouflage herself in stealth. It was a technique she had learned under Master Arren Kae that had mostly fallen out of use with the disappearance of the Jedi Watchmen.
           The stasis field lasted no longer than a minute, but by that time, Halin Chan was long gone. Alex was having difficulty understanding what she had told him. How could she not be Halin? How could she not be the woman he had grown to admire and to love?
           He determined to meet her in the grove as she had told him. There were answers he needed from her. He needed to know what this change in her was, and why it had happened.
           The woman formerly known as Halin Chan sat under a tree near a set of crumbling white stone pillars in the grove, turning something over and over in her hand. It was the Kyber crystal that she had won from Alex a year before, when they had both been fully accepted into the Order as Jedi Knights. Recently, the thing had undergone a drastic change. Whether intentional or not, it seemed that she had been slowly becoming attuned with the crystal. Its formerly clear and resplendent myriad of facets that had previously reflected so many colors and possibilities had changed to a smoky amethyst color.
It was an unusual color that only occurred among those who walked a fine line between Jedi and Sith. It was this thought that startled her perhaps more than the war itself. It was part of why she felt so strongly about speaking to Master Kreia about the matter. However, even this conversation had left her with a sense of uncertainty. She knew and understood that, for the Jedi, the risk of corruption was a very real thing… to be consumed by lust for power to a point where it overshadowed all else… To walk the thin line between the two was no easy feat. By leaving the Order and going to war against the Mandalorians, it was her burden from this point on.
Master Kreia had seemed alarmingly unconcerned about her taking up such a task. A part of her had wished that the old woman would have tried to talk her down from such a rash decision… And yet, it had seemed as if the Jedi Master always knew this would be the case…
Footsteps approached, and the young woman instinctively drew her lightsaber, it’s Veridian blade illuminating the darkness of the newly fallen cloak of night. However, when she saw who approached, she withdrew the blade and returned the hilt of her saber to her belt. It was Alex.
“So you came after all…”
“Of course I did! How could I not come after seeing you in such a state?”
“The state I was in may yet be overshadowed by the state in which I may become…”
Alex was even more confused than before. “Halin, what are you talking about? It’s not like you to speak in riddles and to be so evasive. Please, tell me what is going on…”
“I told you before, I am not Halin Chan… Not anymore, at least… I must ask you… what would you do if you found out that everything you believed in wasn’t what you thought it to be?”
Alex didn’t like the sound of where this was going. “Where are you going with this?...”
“I’ve decided to leave the Jedi Order, Alex,” she said with as much authority as she could muster. “I refuse to sit idly by in wake of the Council’s decision to not aid the Republic in their war against the Mandalorians. I refuse to believe that any true Jedi would be able to do so… My people have suffered because of this war, Alex. So many other peoples have suffered, and are suffering still, and will continue to suffer if no action is taken!”
Alex was surprised by such news. War had been declared so very recently that he had not expected the Council to have made any sort of final decision on the matter yet. “And you are certain that this was their final decision on the matter?”
The woman nodded. “That is what I was told by the Masters themselves…. And that is why I can no longer be Halin Chan. Halin Chan is a Knight of the Order. She is respected by her colleagues and by her mentors, and will always have a place among them… But I am not Halin. Not any more… In the ancient Deralian tongue, there is a word that is difficult to translate into Basic. It means something along the lines of ‘an act of presumed evil done for the sake of justice being served to the innocent’… In Basic, it’s quite a mouthful, but in old Derlaian, it is one word… From this point forward, I am not Halin Chan. I am the Revanchist.”
The word seemed to echo through the emptiness of the night, and it sent chills down Alex’s spine. His friend was choosing a very dangerous path if she meant to defy the Council. The fact that she had gone so far as to change her name meant that she was serious about the matter.
“Is the Revanchist capable of fulfilling promises that were made by Halin Chan?” Alex asked her.
Halin hesitated. She wasn’t certain what promise he was referring to… but perhaps it would be for the better. After all, everything would change after this point. “The Revanchist is always true to her promises, whether those promises were made by herself or by Halin Chan… What is it that you wish of me?”
“You promised me that you would let me come if you ran off one day to help those affected by this war.”
“Did I?”
“Yes, back when you met Talon for the first time since being sent to Dantooine… I’m coming along with you.”
“I can’t ask that of you, Alex. Your life is here. Don’t throw it away by following my poor example… I don’t want my decision to leave the Order to harm you or anyone else…”
“I’m doing this because I want to. Do you think that I agree with the Council’s decision any more than you do? Perhaps there is a reason for it, but even so, does the Republic deserve to suffer because of it? And beyond that, you can’t do this alone Halin—Revanchist! So many other Jedi, if they knew what was happening, would also disagree with the Council’s decision. I’m making this choice not because of you, but for myself. Let me follow you! Let anyone who is willing to take up the cause of the Revanchist follow you!”
With these words, Alex knelt before her, bowing his head and beating his fist on his chest as if to make a solemn oath. “I, Alex Kharr, ask that you accept me as your honorary apprentice, Revanchist.”
The Revanchist was a bit taken aback by this gesture, but deep down, she knew that he was right. The war was so large that the more Jedi support there was for the Republic, the better their chances of defeating the Mandalorians.
“Do you swear to do all within your power to protect the innocent and to bring an end to this war?” she asked him in a firm voice.
“I swear.”
She pulled her lightsaber from her belt and ignited it, carefully passing the blade over each of the man’s shoulders before holding it aside. “Then arise, my apprentice. I accept your pledge. From henceforth, you shall be called ‘Malak’ of the Revanchists.”
Malak, as he was now known, arose and bowed fervently to his Master. There was no turning back now for either of them. What was done was done.
“What task would you have me to do, my Master,” Malak asked.
“You are right in that there may be others amongst the Order who would be sympathetic toward our cause. My task for you is to search the Enclave and recruit any of these such Jedi. When you have finished your assignment, you are to meet me on Coruscant. I am going ahead to ask the High Council one last time if they will support our cause. When their decision has been made, we shall proceed accordingly.”
“Understood, my Master.”
“And Malak?”
“Thank you for your support. Because of you and others like you, we shall ensure that the Republic does not fail.”
           The halls of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine were completely empty at this hour. The Revanchist slipped silently through the shadows, making her way past the Council chambers to the initiate training room. There was one more thing that she needed to do before heading to Coruscant.
           This particular training room was a little different from the others within the enclave. It was designed as the place where students would undergo the final trials before becoming a full member of the Order and attaining the rank of Padawan. It contained a small portion of the archives, intended for learning about the Jedi Code and a brief history of the Jedi Order, it contained a computer for simulations and for research on different classes amongst the Jedi, and it contained a workbench, where the new initiates were to craft their first lightsaber. It was for this purpose that the Revanchist had come.
           The Revanchist pulled the amethyst Kyber crystal from her inner robe. The thing emitted a faint, yet pleasant hum as she held it in her hand. It had bonded to her, and its energy was reacting positively with her own connection to the Force. It was time. It was time for her to set the crystal and to construct a new lightsaber.
           She began by crafting the basic pieces of the lightsaber: the focusing lens, the emitter matrix, the energy cell, and the skeleton of the hilt. The first thing was the hilt, since this would encase all of the other pieces. It was the part of the lightsaber that the Jedi held in their hand, so a comfortable grip for the wielder was crucial in its design. Some Jedi would choose to create a curved hilt, or one with extra handle, or a long staff-like hilt, depending on their own individual preferences.
           The design that the Revanchist chose was relatively simple, yet elegant. It was of medium length, to account for grip with either one or both hands, and had three long, slightly curved pieces spaced evenly through the length of the body. On the end where the lens would be placed, they protruded slightly, creating a sort of claw-like encasement for the future blade. These three curved pieces would aid in maintaining her grip on the weapon in battle. The body was primarily silvery-gray in color, with accents of black along the edges. The back vent was very simple, round with no particularly interesting patterns.
The only thing particularly unusual about her design was her choice of placement for what would become the trigger when she inserted the energy cell and emitter matrix. She had opted for a faux trigger in the traditional red on the outside of the hilt. The true trigger would be located inside of the hilt. While seemingly bizarre at first, there was good reasoning for her choice. After all, the Mandalorians were skilled warriors, and, in the event she lost her weapon in battle, she did not wish for a Mandalorian to be able to wield the thing against her or against her allies. The only way that one would be able to ignite the saber would be through the Force.
She created a basic Diatium power cell with the materials available to her at the workbench, and a basic emitter matrix in order to power and stabilize the blade, and placed these inside of the hilt accordingly, being quite careful not to inverse anything, as the lightsaber could explode if improperly assembled in such a manner.
When it came time for the lens, she chose a somewhat unorthodox material. Adegan crystals were a relatively abundant crystal that was often used as a focusing crystal rather than material for a focusing lens. When used for the focusing lens instead, the crystal greatly intensified the power of and amount of damage the lightsaber could deal in combat. This new saber, while she honestly wished otherwise, would need to be capable of taking a life quickly should the necessity arise. Mandalorians were known to possess a special sort of iron ore that was incredibly durable and found only on the planet Mandalore. Such a material was capable of resisting even a lightsaber’s blade. Given the likelihood of it being used in Mandalorian armor, the Revanchist did not wish to risk her weapon yielding to the stuff.
Her new weapon was nearly complete in its construction. All that remained were the focusing crystals. The woman still had with her the three crystals which she had won on the day that she had become a Jedi Knight: the Bondar crystal, the Opila crystal, and the now colored Kyber crystal.
The first crystal she set was the Bondar. It was the least lethal of the crystals, and provided a unique sort of energy within the blade that was best suited for stun. It was a crystal typically used in the training sabers of young Padawans. To the Revanchist, however, the crystal held a greater significance. It represented her origins and her training, but also, it represented mercy, and the way of the Jedi which she had grown to believe in before their seeming betrayal to the cause. The crystal reflected the past.
The second crystal she set was the Opila crystal. Unlike the Bondar, Opila was highly lethal. It made for an intensely focused beam that cut quickly with little able to inhibit its power. In this war, she would need whatever strength she could muster in order to defeat the enemy at hand. This crystal represented the aggression of war. This crystal reflected the present.
And the last of all of these things was the amethyst crystal which continued to resonate with its faint humming. It would be the main focusing crystal of her new lightsaber, and would determine the color of the blade. The color of the blade of the saber itself often reflected the identity of its individual wielder. The color purple was one which stood entirely on its own. It was removed from the Jedi, removed from the Sith… It was a color of great conflict... Of light and of dark… Of illumination and of shadows… Of good and of evil… Of Harmony and of Chaos… Of tranquility and of passion… Of blue and of red… It was the color of the Revanchist. It was the crystal of her future.
When the focusing crystals were all set in place, the Revanchist closed the hilt with the Adegan focusing lens. Her work was finished. The time had come for her to appear again before the High Council of the Jedi Order. The time of the Revanchists was now.
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