#sun semisquare moon
catmarlowastrology · 1 year
💗 Ariana Grande's Love Life: A Deep Dive into her Birth Chart's Natal Promise
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Grande's Cancer Sun shines brightly in her 6th house, forming a deeply emotional core. Cancer Sun individuals crave emotional security and tend to prioritize nurturing relationships. In the 6th house, this emotional energy is often channeled into daily routines and work – a testament to Grande's deep commitment to her music. Yet, her relationships are not immune to this deep emotional undercurrent.
Her ascendant – Capricorn Rising – paints a contrasting image. Capricorn is known for its stoic and driven nature, an armor that she puts on for the world. It's her professional identity, her front-stage persona, and it may at times clash with the deep, sensitive Cancerian energy within.
The 7th house, traditionally associated with partnerships and marriage, is a significant area in Ariana's chart. It's ruled by the Moon, which sits in Libra, signifying a deep-seated desire for harmony, balance, and intellectual stimulation in her relationships. Jupiter's conjunction amplifies these Libran qualities, making her relationships significant life teachers. Yet, it also magnifies her emotional responses, leading to a passionate but at times volatile love life.
The connections between Ariana's 7th house ruler and other planets add further nuance. The semisquare with Chiron in Leo could be a source of her romantic hardships, pointing to deep-seated wounds related to pride, self-expression, and recognition in love. The sesquisquare with Venus in Taurus indicates an internal struggle in manifesting the serene, comforting love that Venus in Taurus seeks.
Her Moon's trine to the South Node in Gemini suggests past life karma playing out in her relationships. Perhaps she's working through past lessons around communication, adaptability, and intellect, all resonating with Gemini's energy.
Now, let's discuss her Venus, the planet of love and attraction. Residing in Taurus in the 4th house, Ariana seeks a love that provides a sense of stability and security. Yet, its opposition to Pluto in Scorpio creates an undercurrent of power dynamics and transformation. It's like a tectonic shift beneath a serene landscape – powerful, transformative, and often disruptive.
The square to Chiron in Leo adds another layer, hinting at wounds related to self-expression and creativity in love. The trine to Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn, however, brings an innovative, dreamy, and idealistic hue to her love life. These aspects combined form a complicated dance of longing, transformation, healing, and idealism.
Lastly, Ariana's Mars in Virgo lies in the transformative 8th house, hinting at her resilience and problem-solving approach to upheavals in her love life. Her Pluto in Scorpio's placement in the 10th house further emphasizes transformation, but this time in her public image.
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livelaughghoul · 2 months
Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton Synastry Analysis
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Everything is going under the read more tab, this ended up being close to 1,200 words, and I don't want y'all to have to scroll down my yapping if you don't want to see it.
I have no idea if this is going to make any sense to people, so if there are any questions, let me know. Hopefully, this does make sense to people though, because the sticker notes and highlighting that was done to make this happen was outrageous.
I know that a lot is going on here, and it’s kind of chaotic, and I apologize for that. I am going to try and break this down as easily as I can, but I feel like I have a corkboard with so many different colors of yarn, and I reek of cigarette smoke because I have been chain-smoking all morning (don’t smoke it’s bad or whatever, I’m not your mom, do what you want). With the chart above, I did not examine the Mean Node or the Midhaven. It’s my personal preference, but I do not look at Quincunxs, Semisquares, Sesquisqaures, or Semisextiles. I think that we cover everything we really need to cover with the main aspects. If someone really wants me to, I can look at these things, but I don’t think they are necessary. 
I have mixed feelings about this, because I think that Max has a lot of respect for Lewis, and in some ways really admires and looks up to him, but I think that there is also a lot of resentment, and jealousy that is there. I imagine that Max sees everything that Lewis has done, and almost sets challenges to himself based on the timeframe that Lewis achieved things. With the number of squares between the two of them, I think they would constantly be battling against each other over the smallest and minor things, and it would just become impossible to maintain any sort of teamwork between the two. 
Lewis placements are along the top, as a reminder here is the basic rundown of his placements: 
Sun - Capricorn 
Moon - Cancer 
Rising - Scorpio
Mercury - Sagittarius Venus - Pisces
Mars - Pisces
Jupiter - Capricorn
Saturn - Scorpio 
Uranus - Sagittarius
Neptune - Capricorn
Pluto - Scorpio 
Max placements are on the left-hand side, as a reminder here is the basic rundown of his placements: 
Sun - Libra
Moon - Virgo
Rising - Sagittarius
Mercury - Virgo Venus - Scorpio 
Mars - Sagittarius 
Jupiter - Aquarius 
Saturn - Aries
Uranus - Aquarius 
Neptune - Capricorn 
Pluto - Sagittarius 
Conjunctions (0 degrees apart, within the same degree/sign): 
Conjunctions are really strong aspects and complement each other. It is possible that with too many conjunctions there is a tendency to get overwhelmed. What stands out to me is Lewis and his Saturn placement. I go back to thinking that there is an emphasis being placed on using Lewis and his successes as a starting point like Max sees this as almost a challenge. I think there is a lot of admiration that goes both ways, but I think Lewis may struggle with this more, as he comes closer to the end of his career, there is almost a coming to terms that needs to happen. 
Here are the conjunctions that stand out to me the most: 
Max Venus and Lewis Saturn 
Max Mars and Lewis  Saturn 
Max Pluto and Lewis Saturn 
Trines (120 degrees apart):
Trines bring a lot of harmony, it’s the joining of two signs and placements and creating one. It’s a lot of harmony, but I think that people forget that when there is too much of a good thing, it can be a bad thing. I see a lot of harmony in terms of work ethic, and feeling the weight of what they need to do on them, but I think that causes a lot of conflict for them. I think that there is a disagreement in terms of how to prepare and train for things, and the general approach. To me, Lewis feels very mindful and approaches this in a levelheaded way, whereas Max may approach the sport in a more aggressive, I need to dominate it kind of way. I think that while they are both dedicated to it, it’s to very different degrees, and there would be conflict there. 
Here are the Trines that stand out to me the most: 
Max Moon and Lewis Sun 
Max Venus and Lewis Mercury 
Max Moon and Lewis Jupiter 
Max Mercury and Lewis Jupiter 
Max Saturn and Lewis Mercury 
Max Saturn and Lewis Uranus 
Oppositions (180 degrees apart): 
I think this is my toxic traits coming out, but I want there to be more opposition. Oppositions bring challenges, and that is something that I think is important to have. I think that it being Capricorn Neptune that thrives on stability and practicability opposing a Cancer Moon that loves loyalty and being protected is hilarious to me. I think that the practical force of Max’s Neptune would almost overwhelm Lewis’s emotional and protective Moon, there would be lot of minor conflicts between the two of them. 
Here is the Opposition that interested me the most: 
Max Neptune and Lewis Moon 
Squares (90 degrees apart): 
First, in this household, we do not like squares. Squares are challenging and stressful. It’s a lesson that we need to learn, and it’s a lesson that takes time to learn. The sheer level of squares between the two of them has me so fucking stressed out, like what the fuck. 
First of all the suns squaring each other tells me that there is ALWAYS going to be tension there, and I think it comes down to Lewis and Max can both learn things from each other, but they don’t want to, there is something almost blocking this from happening. I’m not joking when I say that I am overwhelmed like the two of them absolutely thrive on challenging each other with everything, but I do think that at the end of the day, there is absolutely nothing but respect. 
The Squares: 
Max Sun and Lewis Sun 
Max Saturn and Lewis Sun 
Max Saturn and Lewis Moon 
Max Moon and Lewis Mercury 
Max Mercury and Lewis Mercury 
Max Pluto and Lewis Venus 
Max Rising and Lewis Venus 
Max Rising and Lewis Mars 
Max Pluto and Lewis Mars 
Max Mars and Lewis Mars 
Max Saturn and Lewis Jupiter 
Max Moon and Lewis Uranus 
Max’s Sun and Lewis Neptune 
Max Moon and Lewis Neptune 
Max Mercury and Lewis Neptune 
Max Neptune and Lewis Pluto 
Max Uranus and Lewis Pluto 
Max Jupiter and Lewis Pluto 
Max Jupiter and Lewis Rising 
Sextiles (60 degrees apart): 
We love a Sextile, more than anything else. It’s also my favorite thing to look at when looking at the synstry between people. Sextiles bring benefits, but only if you work on something. I think that once we get past the overwhelming number of squares, I think the two of them could actually really work well together because there is so much to teach each other. 
Lewis absolutely could be a real mentor to Max, and help him maybe unlearn some of those more dangerous and unhealthy habits that come with being so dedicated to his career and position. 
Max Venus and Lewis Sun 
Max Venus and Lewis Jupiter 
Max Moon and Lewis Saturn 
Max Mercury and Lewis Saturn 
Max Neptune and Lewis Saturn 
Max Jupiter and Lewis Uranus 
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Welcome to a special astrological chart reading for Yunho since it’s his birthday.
✦ Disclaimer I do not know him personally, no harm intended, others may interpret differently. I’ve been studying astrology for six years, and I take this seriously and try my best. Feel free to ask any questions you have! This is not a full chart reading, just a couple of interesting things for his birthday.
✦ Sun conjunct Jupiter in Aries (Fifth House) Sun and Jupiter love to be here, as it’s the house associated with creativity, talent, and activity. It’s what makes us feel alive. Definitely the type of person who thrives on performance and needs somewhere to channel all of that energy. It’s part of his purpose. Very playful but still a hard worker and likes to try a little bit of everything just to become better at it. Competitive. Optimistic yet realistic. Why keep doing something one way when you could do it better? He has a lot of faith that things will go well, and even if they don’t, he’ll just brush it off, learn his lesson, and move on; he takes a philosophical approach to his failures.
✦ Moon in Gemini (Eighth House) He’s sort of everywhere all at once, that Sun in 5H combined with the Gemini Moon makes him so willing to try new things just for fun. Why not? This emphasizes that playful energy, the need for banter. He’s probably good at hiding how he feels, though all emotions and thoughts will eventually surface whether he wants them to or not (as with all 8H placements), so best to be direct and honest with those (even if being direct is not his strong suit). Mimicking others comes easily to him for sure. Hm, he probably does remember that thing someone did twelve years ago that everyone else forgot about… Forgive? Sure. Forget? Never.
✦ Mars Rx in Scorpio (Twelfth House) This placement idealizes strength. People who have Mars in 12H or Mars-Neptune contacts tend to be the type who don’t complain about their problems, or if they do, it’s with the caveat that it does not make them weak. ’Tis but a scratch. Great placement for anyone involved in physical activities such as sports. Charismatic and compassionate. The retrograde is interesting because that directs a lot of the energy inward… He’s not necessarily a pushover by any means, but he is cool with just going with the flow and seeing where that takes him—but it has to be his choice. That Pluto in 1H needs control and mastery over the self. Mars in 12H tends to be fairly passive-aggressive and indirect… “I won’t do this myself, but I will help you do this.” Not a leader nor a follower but a secret third thing.
Mars square Uranus in Aquarius, he’s decisive and willful, action-oriented. He’s not the type to laze around waiting for an answer when he could easily find it out for himself. Yes, there are a lot of contradictions… Adds flavor.
Mars semisquare Pluto is interesting because it’s very much an aspect associated with extreme endurance or survival, good for (surprise!) dancers. His tolerance level is crazy high, both physically and mentally. I wouldn’t say he’s patient by any means, but it would take a lot to reach his limit.
✦ Venus-Mars-Neptune T-Square I would associate this aspect with the Prince Charming type—the ideal man, both in how others view him and what he seeks in others. Venus-Mars contacts are often found in dancers (beauty and action). More charm, more creativity. He needs to do something worthy to give to others.
✦ Pluto in Sagittarius (First House) This, along with Mars, is his chart ruler and the most important planet in his chart after the Sun and the Moon. He’s really an all or nothing type of guy, willing to push past usual boundaries in order to create a new side of himself. Very dedicated to whatever he devotes himself to. He finds the release of this pent up energy and power within himself through creative outlets (fifth house) that he gets to share with others (Jupiter).
✦ Final thoughts Overall, his chart reflects his person: playful and energetic with an intense passion. Such a nice balance because when there’s something too idealistic in his brain, he has another planet to bring him back to reality…
He’s really born to be a performer. I expected nothing less. I do think he’s fairly self-critical more than critical of others, and I hope he knows that we love his dedication and appreciate his hard work.
Thank you for reading! You can check out my other chart readings on my blog or on Twitter.
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ninepentz · 7 months
Missing toddler still hasn't been found-SOLVED
Updates!! 9/13/24 bottom
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For some reason Tumblr has deleted my original blog post and all I'm left with is an audio file that might be confusing for some :( hopefully we can make it work tho. Everytime I try to add links to case discussions or articles, my blog deletes itself so I'll let you know key words instead.
Elijah Vue is still missing as of Feb 29th, 2024.
Fb support group/searchers for Elijah:
Look up "Find Elijah Vue Discussion", you can find most information and updates there.
Last seen chart 8AM
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**Correction, Sun in the 12th semisquare moon in the 4th**
911 call 11AM:
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Chart mapping of possible locations using 911 call important points:
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Location on Google maps is 3900 mischicot Rd, two rivers Wisconsin.
The most recent update on this case is that the mother and caretaker for Elijah will have a preliminary hearing march 7th, so all we can do now is keep searching and wait until then.
I posted part 2 forensic reading for Elijah which you can find on my page. This is all I can do for now
***Also not in the audio but I noticed some similarities between Elijah's 911 chart and Prince Mcrees 911 chart
They both had moon in the 2nd house aspecting Neptune. For prince mcree moon-neptune were conjunct. And for Elijah moon-neptune were trining transit wise + his natal moon opposing transit neptune in the transit synastry reading. What I'm thinking since both moons were in the 2nd aspecting Neptune is maybe Elijah was discarded somewhere in a very nasty, filthy, hidden dump site where things are unseen, trashed, not taken care of. Basically something similar to what happened with Prince..bc I'm realizing that Neptune can have many meanings. It can be garbage, drugs, gases, bodies of water.. and 2nd house which is related to Taurus, is what we take, posses, own, buy, get paid, our values, most importantly imo is the taking/giving aspect, it's transactional. Like in Prince Mcrees chart for example, he was found in a dumpster near some businesses.. that shows me the 2nd house can be related to things like the dynamics of trash companies, NOT the trash specifically. More so the act of taking something.. So we pay taxes to have our trash cans picked up every week right? so that could be somewhat related to the 2nd house. The transactional part. Bc I remember I mentioned in Elijahs synastry read, that he could have been sold to someone but it could actually be either or. Neptune is in the 11th house tho so that is more tied to community, unlike princes Neptune which was in the 2nd. So that changes things a bit.. and since Elijahs 911 call moon was in cancer that also makes it different.
Idk I'm just trying to throw things out there bc honestly this case is very complicated/complex. Maybe it could mean that he was thrown in a bio hazard area, maybe the person responsible was freaking out about where to discard Elijah and put him in the 1st place that comes to mind when they think about children.. near a hospital or related to child birth, child care, nearby a home or something with obvious attachment to Elijah. It's like the person couldn't think clearly so they kinda made a bad decision to place Elijah in place where those who really knew him would easily find him.
OR if a stranger took him, we would have to think like a guilty stranger who has no kids whatsoever, what's the 1st thought you would have at hiding a body? Could be anywhere where children are or anything associated with children, bc their mind couldn't come up with something better.. it's like their fucked up conscious got the best of them. Hope that makes sense.
Most recent updates!
The remains of a child has been found located near a girl scout camp, they may or may not be elijahs remains. We will have to wait until testing is done. Wow. Just insane if that is poor little elijah.. ill be updating more here with any new details
The newest update as of 9/13/24:
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Unfortunately, the remains have been confirmed to be elijah vues... may you rest in peace our sweet boy <3
To see the rest of my forensic astrology readings follow hashtag #forensicastrology <- no spaces
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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rainyyz · 2 years
Hey hun, sorry for sending the Solar return chart the wrong way lol 😅😅 this one should be the right one! let me know what you think 💕
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Hey! 😊
This is your Solar Return chart and you want to know more on your aspects.
In general conjunction (for example you can see the table below and see that your first conjunction in your Solar Return chart is Sun conjunct Jupiter) is the most powerful aspect.
For example: Sun and Jupiter will make a positive aspect during your Solar Return chart. Sun represents your ego, identity, appearance and Jupiter represents luck, good fortune, exploring, growth. So, during your Solar Return you will try to grow, you will try to learn, to improve. You will be more open-minded.
Your next conjunction in your Solar Return is Moon conjunct Neptune. You will be sensitive during your Solar Return. You could become more intuitive.
Squares are a hard aspect.
For example: Your first square in your Solar Return chart is Sun square Pluto. So, you may want to feel more powerful than other people. You will want to feel in control.
Your last conjunction is Chiron conjunct Ascendant. So, during the year, you may have self esteem issues. You may feel insecure about your body.
Trine is a positive aspect.
For example: You would have Venus trine Pluto. So during the year you will feel more intensely. You will be passionate.
Other trine is: Mars trine Saturn. So, during your Solar Return you will become more active and ambitious. You will try to accomplish your goals.
Sextile is a harmonic aspect.
For example: You would have Pluto sextile Midheaven. So, you could make a difference in your career. You may be more open to changes during your Solar Return, especially about your career life.
You would have Mercury sextile Mars. So, during your Solar Return you would be more focused on your tasks, you would understand information easily. You may become motivated to succeed.
Opposition is another difficult aspect.
You don't have an opposition in your Solar Return chart. But, in general brings us challenges.
Other aspects
There are other aspects of course. But, they are minor aspects. For example: semisextile, semisquare, quintile, sesquisquare, biquintile, quincunx. But, these are minor aspects.
The main aspects are: conjunction, opposition, trine, sextile, square.
Hope I helped you 💛
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astroexaminer · 1 year
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Astro-Inspiration for June 13, 2023 ~ Let Your Light Shine  
This is a challenging, strong-willed day when folks won’t be easily deterred from satisfying their desires and are incredibly attuned to their own wants and needs. Consider there are times when not getting what you want can be a blessing in disguise. So, it’s best tread lightly with others and make sure the light radiates from within you. Accept that worthy and deserve to be seen as special. Trust the process of life and your current situation, and acknowledge that everything will or can change. And you can always be a better version you.  
Today’s Quote
“I try to be good at it, whatever part I'm playing - even in my daily life or when the spotlight hits me on the stage to perform - I gotta be alive every second in this world. With or without the applause! ~ Dolly Parton
Today’s Sky
Taurus Moon Square Venus in Taurus, SemiSquare Sun in Gemini, SemiSquare Neptune in Pisces, Square Mars in Leo.  Mercury in Gemini Square Saturn, exact tomorrow.
  The sky speaks to you if you will let it. Every day it delivers a message that each person hears in a uniquely different way. This is not personal or predictive astrology; it's creative astrology meant to help you understand and align your mind, body, and spirit with the unique soul vibration of each passing day.
  To quote Joseph Campbell: “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”
  I hope you enjoy and your life is enriched by these Astro-inspirations.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Hello! May I ask your opinion about semisquares to the sun/moon midpoint and planets squaring the vertex? Like do you think these aspects are powerful in synastry?
I can't interpret midpoints yet. Maybe one of the readers can help you with your question here! :)
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esotericfaery · 6 months
April 6th - Mercury in Aries semisquare Mars in Pisces, & Moon conjunct Mars
Restless irritability flares up conflicts. Issues involving attachments to bad habits appear. Indirect obstacles and conflicts are common. Be careful in communications, and avoid causing, or reacting strongly to insults or rejection. Use this high energy responsibly with intellectual challenges, or physical activities. Prepare for travel delays.
Avoid discussing serious issues, as emotions are near the surface, and tempers can flare easily. If challenged, we're tempted to not back down. We have distorted perspectives and so it's not a good idea to respond if provoked, as we may take on battles which aren't worth it. Avoid impulsiveness, especially with that Aries Sun, Chiron and North Node also pushing for it. Do the utmost to remain calm and practice compromise. If controlled, this energy can be harnessed to take action in matters which are healthy.
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alohaastro · 1 year
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
heyyy girrl how r u ? 🤍 hope the new year is treating u well so far 🍀
so im quite new 2 astrology and im curious what my chart could mean but u see i cant afford a reading yet 🥲 so i was hoping if u could help me know what exactly these placements could mean ? how it affects my vibe, appearance, all that stuff you know ? ive a leo rising chart ruler in the 6th house capricorn ( i heard its bad ? ), leo jupiter in the 12th ( my friend told me this is bad as well ? ) conjuct my ascendant, uranus n neptune opposite asc, venus trine asc, saturn sextile asc, moon semisquare asc, merucry quinqunx asc, chiron biquintle asc and pluto trine ascendant ! woo im sorry if this is a lot ! u can only choose 2 asnwer only a few if u want thats completely alright ajshsjsjs. um and could u also rate my big6 ? out of 10 haha;
• sun in capricorn 25° 6thouse, cancer moon 11th house 2°, capricorn mercury 15° 5th house, scorpio mars 4th house 29°, sagittarius venus 9° 4th house, and leo rising 18°.
Hello!! Thank you so much for your preocupation. I've seen your planets, signs, and placements and I can tell you this:
1-Please don't consider your placements as bad or good. Placements and aspects, no matter if they are considered better than others, can still have bad effects on the long term. I'll take as an example the Jupiter placement in the 12th house. Certainly, one of the bad sides of this aspect is that the native could indulge himself/herself in drugs and alcohol since the house of Neptune rules that also but, on another hand, it can grant intuitive or psychic abilities. Maybe those who have it can recieve information through dreams which, in my opinion, is not a bad placement to have at all. The same can be said about the Sun in Capricorn in the 6th house. In vedic astrology, the Sun is considered as a malefic planet so, having it in the 6th house of health, could grant you some health problems or accidents related to the bones (Capricorn rules that) or with the heart since Leo is the natural ruler of the Sun. But, since I'm talking of western astrology, the good aspect about this is that it shows a very responsable, hard working, and health conscious personality. 2-Now, having Jupiter in conjunction to the Ascendant could give you a jovial energy. A funny and energetic side that many people will notice. In terms of physical attributes, this aspect could grant you a chubby body, a big chest in some cases, or long legs since Jupiter rules Sagittarius. 3-Venus and Saturn in an easy aspect to the Ascendant can give you a natural seriousness about you along with atractive features and loving energy since Venus is the planet of beauty. With Pluto there is some mysteriousness and power sorrounding you that people can hardly define but, in a good aspect, is not overwhelming. In relation to the other aspects, I won't consider it as being that strong to interfere with the other aspects so I won't dive into it.
4-In terms of rating your big 6, I don't think I understood your question. Are you asking me to put a number of how good or bad those placements are? You want me to put an order to put what placements is better than the other or I just need to describe a little bit each placement? Because I can see that you have, at least at first house, a powerful charisma and brigtness with the Leo Ascendant that could help you attract other people. With the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, there is a natural energy of seriousness within you. The Moon in the 11th house gives you a very nurturing energy that shows that, despite that serious side of you, you are very sensible and care about the well being of the others. That is something that many people can see since it stays in the 11th house. You are very carefree and funny with the Venus in Sagittarius energy, but very private also with the Mars in Scorpio in the same house as Venus, especially whit things that makes you feel angry. It gives a very nice balance of Masculine and femenine energy.
I don't know if this was what you asked. Please let me know if I mistook your question.
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aeternalight · 2 years
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Sun 13°53' Scorpio
Moon 16°30' Gemini
Mercury 6°09' Sagittarius
Venus 15°45' Scorpio
Mars 18°00' Virgo
Jupiter 18°15' Я Pisces
Saturn 29°05' Я Aries
Uranus 8°57' Aquarius
Neptune 29°34' Capricorn
Pluto 7°00' Sagittarius
Chiron 22°13' Scorpio
Ceres 11°13' Я Gemini
Pallas 13°37' Я Pisces
Juno 7°40' Scorpio
Vesta 16°23' Leo
North Node 28°07' Я Leo
Lilith 3°28' Я Scorpio
Fortune 26°28' Gemini
1st House/AC 23°52' Scorpio
2nd House 24°22' Sagittarius
3rd House 29°46' Capricorn
4th House/IC 6°07' Pisces
5th House 7°40' Aries
6th House 3°00' Taurus
7th House/DC 23°52' Taurus
8th House 24°22' Gemini
9th House 29°46' Cancer
10th House/MC 6°07' Virgo
11th House 7°40' Libra
12th House 3°00' Scorpio
Planets in Houses
Sun 12th House
Moon 7th House
Mercury 1st House
Venus 12th House
Mars 10th House
Jupiter 4th House
Saturn 5th House
Uranus 3rd House
Neptune 3rd House
Pluto 1st House
Chiron 1st House
Ceres 7th House
Pallas 4th House
Juno 12th House
Vesta 9th House
North Node 9th House
Lilith 12th House
Fortune 8th House
Sun Conjunction Venus 1°51'
Sun Conjunction AS 9°58'
Sun Conjunction Chiron 8°20'
Sun Conjunction Juno 6°12'
Sun Square Uranus 4°55'
Sun Square Vesta 2°29'
Sun Trine Jupiter 4°21'
Sun Trine Pallas 0°15'
Sun Sextile Mars 4°06'
Sun Inconjunction Moon 2°36'
Sun Inconjunction Ceres 2°39'
Moon Conjunction Ceres 5°16'
Moon Opposite Pluto 9°29'
Moon Square Mars 1°30'
Moon Square Jupiter 1°45'
Moon Square Pallas 2°52'
Moon Trine Uranus 7°32'
Moon Sextile Vesta 0°07'
Moon Inconjunction Venus 0°44'
Moon SesquiQuardrate Neptune 1°55'
Moon SesquiQuadrate Lilith 1°58'
Moon Quintile North Node 0°22'
Mercury Conjunction Pluto 0°51'
Mercury Opposite Ceres 5°04'
Mercury Square MC 0°02'
Mercury Square Pallas 7°28'
Mercury Sextile Uranus 2°48'
Mercury BiQuintile Saturn 1°03'
Venus Conjunction AS 8°07'
Venus Conjunction Chiron 6°28'
Venus Conjunction Juno 8°04'
Venus Square Uranus 6°47'
Venus Square Vesta 0°37'
Venus Trine Jupiter 2°30'
Venus Trine Pallas 2°07'
Venus Sextile Mars 2°14'
Mars Opposite Jupiter 0°15'
Mars Opposite Pallas 4°22'
Mars Square Ceres 6°46'
Mars Sextile AS 5°52'
Mars Sextile Chiron 4°13'
Mars SemiSquare Lilith 0°28'
Jupiter Conjunction Pallas 4°37'
Jupiter Square Ceres 7°01'
Jupiter Trine AS 5°37'
Jupiter Trine Chiron 3°58'
Jupiter Inconjunction Vesta 1°52'
Jupiter SesquiQuadrate Lilith 0°13'
Saturn Opposite Juno 8°35'
Saturn Square Neptune 0°29'
Saturn Trine MC 7°01'
Saturn Trine North Node 0°57'
Saturn SemiSquare Pallas 0°27'
Uranus Conjunction Neptune 9°23'
Uranus Opposite Vesta 7°25'
Uranus Square Juno 1°17
Uranus Trine Ceres 2°15'
Uranus Sextile Pluto 1°57'
Neptune Sextile AS 5°42'
Neptune BiQuintile MC 0°32'
Neptune SemiSquare Pallas 0°56'
Pluto Opposite Ceres 4°12'
Pluto Square MC 0°53'
Pluto Square Pallas 6°37'
Pluto SemiSextile Juno 0°39'
Chiron Conjunction AS 1°38'
Chiron Square Vesta 5°50'
Ceres Square MC 5°06'
Ceres Square Pallas 2°24'
Ceres Sextile Vesta 5°09'
Pallas Opposite Midheaven 7°30
Pallas Trine Juno 5°57'
Pallas Inconjunction Vesta 2°45
Juno Sextile MC 1°33'
Vesta Square AS 7°29'
Lilith Sextile MC 2°38
I use the placidus house system. yeah.
My Co-star is cloudyseer!
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a short nct johnny birth chart reading (cross-posted from twitter)!
disclaimer: i do not know him personally, no harm intended, and others may interpret it differently. this is all for fun! please be nice as i don’t know nct super well. please do not repost or steal my work.
now, on to the fun stuff.
my first reaction was just…oh. that’s why. THAT is why he’s like this. the sheer, absolute, utter chaos inside of him. sorry to this man. the best way i can describe him is a cynical dreamer. completely out of pocket. very chill yet extremely uptight about certain things. his entire chart is a walking contradiction. let’s break this down.
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the first thing i will focus on is his aquarius mercury rx in 5H because that is his chart ruler. a…backwards thinker, if you will. he’s that out of the box person who asks the weirdest questions in your biology class about, like, “since it’s theoretically possible, blah blah blah.” ACTUALLY. WHAT IF. MAYBE IF THIS HAPPENED. yeah, he’s that guy. don’t get me wrong! he’s actually a deep thinker, the guy that reads wikipedia because it’s fun and a walking encyclopedia of weird facts you really didn’t need to know about. he’s smart as hell and willing to debate anything, almost to a fault. it’s easy for him to see multiple sides, the cynical side giving way to the fantastical side and vice versa, and if he had harsher placements, i would say he’d make a fantastic lawyer because of this ease. truth is, he would fucking suck because he would let his emotional bias get in the way. he’s also not…serious enough. which i’ll get into later.
sun in aquarius in fifth house! creative, passionate, realistic. sun trine moon, in tune with himself. he knows who he is, though maybe not necessarily what he wants or needs. sun semisquare venus and sun opposite mars—a fighter. context is important, though. fighting against his friends is something he absolutely hates because he views his friendships as his solid foundation, somewhere he can go to let go. he will do everything he can to protect those friendships. he ACTS like he doesn’t give a shit because, hello, aquarius sun and gemini moon—the top two signs of not giving a shit—but the reality is that he does care, thanks to 7H in pisces and 11H in cancer. he’s just emotionally stunted because of that moon square saturn. he’s also a great friend because he’s so easygoing and lax about a lot of things. until you push him to his breaking point. then he will cut you to your core, taking all those little bits of knowledge he’s gathered over the years and turning them into the worst bits of knowledge about you and throwing them back in your face with a direct coldness. but other than that, he’s real chill. thoughts over feelings type of guy.
great friend, not so great boyfriend. he needs to be able to detach completely and emotionally, someone who’s as independent as he is and definitely not someone who’s clingy. he will prioritize his friends and family over romantic relationships any day, any time. he will dm you back with “i think we’d be better off as friends.” he will move on. he is a heartbreaker and does not care because that is not where his priorities lie. he thinks romance is inviting you over to his friend’s house for some beer and a nacho table and wii sports.
the final topic i will discuss is my favorite one: his grand mutable cross.
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grand crosses (or grand squares) are when there’s four squares connected to each other to create a cross or a square in the chart, and they’re typically all in the same mode (cardinal, fixed, mutable). (i say typically because our very own mark lee has two grand crosses, one is fixed and the other is dissociate because of his cancer mercury rx.) but i digress. included in this aspect are his gemini moon 10H, sagittarius jupiter 3H, pisces saturn 6H, and virgo ascendant. so, what the fuck does this mean? to put it simply: chaos. despite all the stable capricorn and aquarius in his chart, this man thrives in disruption. every moment is a moment to live and enjoy. he needs to think, do, and decide for himself—to be free. he excels at the mundane but shines in the unanticipated. he’s good at seeing the small details and the big picture, the reason in the emotion, the halves in the whole, and is willing to take whatever life throws at him with ease because of the way he’s predictable with his unpredictability. restless and always looking to do something, anything to keep himself occupied. however, he tends to worry about meaningless things and ignores or outright avoids the things he needs to confront, hence why it’s hard to push him to his breaking point, which is confrontation. the capricorn in him helps with this to an extent. the tendency to see the absolute best and absolute worst in every situation is another one of his faults; as an example, he can cheer others on but internally be worrying that someone might get injured. he thrives in fun and excitement, constant change. as long as he has somewhere to focus his restless energy, he’s good.
some final notes:
i try to stay away from parents for idol chart readings, but since a parent planet is on the MC, i’ll talk about it. moon conjunct MC: he considers his mother to be the light of his life, literally. places her above everyone else. the midheaven is the highest point on his chart, the part the light shines on the most. he sees her as witty and capable and gets along well with her.
cancer in 11H: so devoted to his friends and his dreams. the basis and roots of his life.
a piece of advice i would give him: not everything has to be a major upheaval. it’s okay to let things go. it’s okay to be selfish sometimes, but the best place for you to be is in service to others. caring for others, especially friends and family, is what will make you happiest. but do not give a piece of yourself to everyone you meet.
ummm that’s it! 🙈 if you have a fan meeting with another member please ask them their birth time i’m always curious i love knowing idols’ charts
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. II
Hello! 💕❤️ Since we talked a lot about -- how to find what phase the moon’s in w/ ur chart, w/ part 1 -- i figured today we’ll go into some expositions on each phase and what it means. As well as where this is all coming from, hopefully it can shed some light on what it means when your moon is positioned the way it is on your chart. As always, I hope you enjoy this lil trip we’re doing together! 💕❤️ 
Note: Text Heavy, feel free to skim or have some time slot out to read before going to bed? 
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Note pt. 2: This part is going to be about the New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon, First Quarter Moon and Waxing Gibbous Moon. ❤️💕
The next part will be the Full Moon + Waning Moon phases. But I hope you enjoy and maybe give it a read anyways!  ❤️💕
Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. I
*How to find: Moon Phase with a Natal Chart
Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. III
*Astronomy: How to identify what Moon Phase you’re in + Time/Location in the Sky (without a chart)
Context, Sources, Premise - A little ramble? 
Ok so!!! ❤️💕  Before we start, I just want to lay down some thoughts. 
I’ve been having contemplations about this topic for a while now, because there’s not a lot of sources about Moon phases. 
I think that in a way, we’ve always had some sort of idea on how big the topic might be in our civilization. Agriculture, customs, traditions and harvesting. Lores and oral tradition/history, making of the universe stories. The Moon and perhaps some of it’s phases have always been part of how we align ourselves with the world around us.
Shifting to adapt and navigate ourselves through space, time, life. Why wasn’t there much of a collected studied investigation based around the Moon phases and it’s importance in astrology? Did we lose some information, haven’t uncovered significant studies around this topic? Was it lost through wars and history?
Since astrology is a subject about the stars, the constellations and the things around us. I actually felt somewhat unsure of whether or not to talk about this topic at all -- since we focus a lot more on the concrete things that we have. 
The planets, the signs, the houses. Even if we argue amongst ourselves a lot sometimes about different things that should be taken into consideration, I’ve always wondered if somewhere along the line of passed-on tradition, maybe there was evidence of us studying/investigating moon phases more before. But maybe it’s not available to us now? 
Or maybe it just wasn’t a big deal.. nah, it doesn’t seem likely? does it? that it hasn’t been a big topic even from way before. It’s always been a thing to study and observe. So us not having a lot of information/sources/studies on Moon phases now, I guess it’s making me feel some type of way and unsure about how to proceed with this, because there’s not much to grasp and study on.
With that said, we do have some more modern resources that has been talking about Moon Phases and Lunation Cycles. Dana Rudhyar’s ‘Lunation Cycle’  published in 1967 has been one of the most recommended one on the topic. 
I’ve also been reading the more recent ‘Moon Phase Astrology’ by Raven Kaldera (published in 2011) in conjunction to that. Rudhyar’s text is still a little hard for to digest, but if you’re into the topic -- I highly recommend you check both books out
Hm. Well. For the premise on this 2nd part -- I just wanted to let you all know this is based around some of the more modern sources we have. Part of the reason I felt a little weird about doing it is because by all premise, it SHOULD be a part of ancient astrology as well. But if there’s very limited expansion on the topic -- I don’t know how much I should infer to the modern sources for the information we have.
Regardless, I’ll keep an eye out for it. If anything were to come by, I’ll try to navigate it as thoughtfully and honestly as possible. I think in a way -- our relationship with the moon has always been our source of purification and comfort. It’s root runs deep, even to this day, maybe to certain people even more so than others. But to all of us, it’s a natural force and pull that affects our very environment. 
I’ll be mindful of what information I talk about and I hope to wrap this up nicely for all of us w/o feeling dissatisfied or uncertain about the topic, I hope you enjoy the topic anyways! ❤️💕
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Different Phases of the Moon
So last time, we talked about identifying moon phases on the chart (link to part 1 at the top). As well as going through briefly how to differentiate and remember the names from each other. Hopefully that was helpful. 
For today I kind of want to talk about what significant it may have. As well as pulling from some of it’s significance and what it’s used for. 
Moon Phases - What does it mean?
Since I try to be as beginner friendly as possible -- I’m sure some might’ve heard of the terms disseminating moon or balsamic moon, rose moon, Super moon etc. And had gotten confused about what it all means. I figured it might be nice to clear this up a little, so here we have a name for all the different phases, but with a little more alternative adjustment-- with the corresponding phases/names:
Waxing Crescent/Crescent Moon
First Quarter/Waxing Quarter
Waxing Gibbous/Gibbous Moon
Waning Gibbous/Disseminating Moon
Last Quarter/Waning Quarter
Waning Crescent/Balsamic Moon
I know a lot of people get confused about the terminology. But it’s really nothing to worry about much -- when we understand the core of it as it is.
Waning Gibbous and Disseminating Moon
Between the Waning Gibbous and Disseminating Moon for example, once we go ‘ah the disseminating moon is the waning gibbous’. We can essentially choose what purpose we look at the Moon for, what we want to call it.
Disseminating essentially means spreading, so when the full moon becomes the waning gibbous or disseminating moon -- its losing it’s light from our perspective (even if technically it’s moving closer to the sun)
It’s called the disseminating moon because of that nature. To disassemble and dismantle, to let things go. As part of the passage or starting to do so. In relation to human-lunar cycles. 
It’s a reminder of what we have to do, albeit - the name is much more straight to the point of what our purpose here should be, rather than the waning gibbous which is more of a terminology for what the Moon is.
So, you see. It’s kind of like, purposeful. Each name is purposeful, and there’s no need to be scared or confused over what it is. Because technically, you can choose to go the astronomical side and say it’s a waning gibbous (which would be true and very technically specific) -- or you can say it’s a disseminating moon. Which is the same thing, but with a different purpose/signification in mind.
Waning Crescent or Balsamic Moon
Just like the above, the Waning Crescent and Balsamic Moon is also one of the same. The Moon is a sliver in the sky, about to become a new moon. This is a crucial point at the end of a cycle -- since the new moon, as the name implies, ‘begins’ a new cycle all over again. 
Balsamic -- contrary to the salad dressing (and deliciously simple dipping sauce for bread) means to restore, soothe, and is of nature -- to be at peace/yielding to the end of the cycle. It’s a reminder for us that this period is a liminal space, meant for us to come to term with the end of a cycle in order to enter a new one.
Since this post is catered to astrologers, we’d probably be more familiar with the concepts of critical or anoretic degrees, or void of course moon when it enters a new sign/travelling to the next phase/transitioning phases where sun-moon doesn’t make an aspect currently. It’s important to note that these things aren’t the same, nor are they interchangeable. Even if the idea of liminal space/time is similar.
Anyways, so just like the above. You can see how certain names have significations that are different from each other. But the core is essentially the same. It is a phase of the Moon, illuminated a specific percentage (for this moon it’s 0-15% illumination)
I hope this helps you not panic when you see these terms/names for certain moon now ❤️💕 It also gives us a great lee-way into talking about the different phases of the Moon in more details
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Some little other things...
This is unrelated, but I kinda want to talk about the Super Moon and Micro Moon for a second. You’ve probably heard of the Super Moon before -- when it’s BIG BIG in the sky and you’re just like!! wow!!! look at THAT moon!
Isn’t it so cool to think about the SIZE of the moon sometimes? This can be important too. The reason why we have a Super Moon is because the Moon is technically orbiting the earth right? But one side is closer to use than the other!
The side closer to us is called the perigee, and the furthest point away from us is the apogee. This is because the Moon’s orbit is ecliptic, it isn’t a perfect sphere like we think it is! In terms of speed, the Moon typically makes its meeting with the perigee and apogee around once a month. However, the travel time between perigee to perigee is a little longer. This is in between perigee to perigee (anomalistic month) but during the perigee period-- the moon orbits a little faster around the earth, while it’s rotational speed remains the same (moon orbits the earth, but it rotates around the it’s own axis.) At the same time, it orbits a little slower during the apogee moon. Typically we call it a Supermoon or Micromoon when we’re looking at Full or New Moons.
Another cool thing about this is when we say Blue Moon or Red/Blood Moon -- a phenomenal where we’re usually talking about the Full Moon, but in different colours. It’s more likely to be because of the dust particles in our atmosphere rather than the Moon suddenly shifting Blue rays or Red light from the Sun. 
Did you know that when you can see-- not just the crescent, but a little bit of the darker side of the Moon itself - that it’s probably because of Earthshine? The earth’s surface can reflect light onto the Moon, but because we’re not emitting of our own sunlight-- this is a double reflection (sun -> earth -> moon) and thus the lights are a little dimmer. But it’s a cool phenomenal to see! 
Usually the best way to see this is around 5 days before or after the New Moon, where you can perhaps (*depends on your location as well) observe it when its nigh!
I just wanted to talk about nifty things here.. also! void of course that we mentioned before, I think we might’ve heard of it. We often think of it as period where things can should take a break technically, it’s separating from it’s prior aspect to form a new one - but it’s the period where it’s not forming aspect, so it’s a good cue to take our rest here. During this period, we may take cue to just relax a little, in case we get befuddled, confused, forgetful or in that transitional period where it’s best to focus on what we’re doing and continue doing something familiar. 
Sometimes I think of it as a break time whistle, where it’s essentially telling us to take a little walk meet up with friends or spend some time journalling instead of embarking on a new project. Just take sometime getting ready to go into the new sign, finishing up and tying the ribbon on something we’ve held off doing for a while now/our general upkeep. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, just a reminder that life goes on and we forget to take breaks sometimes. 
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We’re gonna begin talking about the different phases now. Starting with the New Moon.
New Moon
As we’ve probably figured out, the New Moon occurs when the Moon conjuncts the Sun. To get the logistics out of the way - they are also astrologically in the same sign (*there may be out of sign conjunctions if it occurs when the signs are close to the start/end of it’s cycle)
From the earth’s perspective -- the Moon is in complete darkness. By conjunction, the Sun - Moon - Earth (in that order) is sandwiched. The Moon -- in longitudinal degree, is approximately touching the Sun (from our perspective). Hence, the side of the Moon that is illuminated is actually facing the Sun. We (earth-bounds, hello nasa ) gets to see it’s shadows. 
We know this because of scientific studies, but from our everyday, earth-bound perspective-- we often just see the Moon -- the constant presence in our sky-- disappear for a few days along with the Sun. Clueless as to where it went we may look for it, maybe hidden under the clouds. Is it over-casted tonight? Not realizing where it went or when it’ll come back, until the first sliver of the crescent starts to rise up again in 3-4 days. Reassured, we continue on with our lives. Perhaps not even realizing that we’ve just started another cycle. Yet somehow- the idea of the Moon not being here and not being completely physical to our sense -- a constant presence in our existence on the earth -- unnerves us somewhat. Kinda similar to what we might find if the Sun suddenly disappears, even though it’s improbable if it hasn’t exploded.  
It’s pretty curious to think about it like this -- with the New Moon. There is little to no visibility sometimes. How are we supposed to sow our seeds if we don’t know what direction we’re planting, landing or what’s out there to manifest? Thus, a certain part of the New Moon period is to make space/room for things we might not have known, have seen or have figured out yet. 
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For the New Moon Born 
New Moon people (sun-moon conjunctions) didn’t start out all typically all-knowing -- they know what they know, and they’ve experienced what they’ve experienced. Things aren’t as foreseen as others may perceive them to be, New Moon (Sun/Moon conjunction) natives strength lies in their ability to be themselves, but also grow and learn as they experienced different phases of their rhythm/cycle.
Nothing ever comes easily to anyone, even if to our eyes it is fortunate that they do. Being a New Moon native would also mean they’re catching the tide throughout their life-- learning, discovering and facing every new rite of ritual every time it comes around. Life, in essence, is all about knowing what you do know about yourself, your experience and your core-- sticking by your guns in essence -- and taking things as it comes to you. Making you experience, integrate, and change/adapt some of your beliefs to further add to the narrative/growth as a person.
It’s interesting to think about how each sign would help colour the expression of each moon differently -- say an Aquarius Sun/Moon conjunction in the 11th, would be different from a Cancer Sun/Moon conjunction in the 2nd. Each New Moon babies would have different sets of expressions and things they are ‘ready’ to face-- yet, it’s emotional growth and consciousness is something that they will still have to try and connect to the world with, from within themselves, outwards. As this set of Moon phase specify.
The journey is different, the varying perks and strengths of each signs still signifies different things within Sun-Moon conjunction. Yet, the journey and what they have to consciously experience in order to get there- the ultimate lesson is still the same. Manifesting outwards, learning in a similar yet totally different way. It’s quite exciting to contemplate, how much they may have in common-- despite being of completely different experiences.  
Perhaps because New Moon natives are Sun-Moon conjunctions, they might have to come later into realizing that certain things, might not have been as simple as they seen/thought. There are complexity and nuances, but certain things are overlooked in the casted shadow of the Moon.
Because the moon is casted in shadows, part of the psyche, intuition and feelings may be heightened. It is how they navigate through the dark, with the Sun structuring the conscious, and the Moon as our receptive (receptive to the light of the Sun, but is it a good thing or a bad thing if it’s to the point the Moon from the earth is casted in shadow?) 
These aspected to each other in conjunction, certain self-awareness are focused solely on the core nature of the person, the sun, whilst those perhaps, around them are often something they will continue to learn and balance between. To grow, learn and perhaps gather/develop into receiving/knowing of the world around them. 
Even with Venus/Jupiter aspected to it, the Sun/Moon luminary conjunction holds a stronger characteristic of the person. Perhaps they can share that, but in doing so - what do they receive back? How will they balance between themselves/the world around them, as to not be taken in as part of the larger community, or lose part of themselves? The strength that others see in them, the steeled backbone and pillar of strength-- others see but perhaps, not them.
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It’s curious to think about New Moon in this way, because in a sense -- these natives may often feel somewhat individualistic sometimes. It’s not a bad thing, inherently-- what we see of those with Sun/Moon conjunctions may not always be what they often see of themselves. Emotionally to say the least, there may be dissatisfaction sometimes, or maybe complacency in certain signs. This may have to do with the native and how they’ve inherently grown, have they received lessons as the tide of the moon, the chances and experience -- or has it yet to come for them. 
If you think about Sun-Moon conjunction a tiny bit further, not all is as it seems sometimes. Certainly in terms of how emotionality is perceived, it’s somewhat tied to the ego/core of the person themselves-- the Sun. For most other people around them, we tend to feel grounded in the nature and characteristics of our Sun-Moon conjunction friend. Our New Moon native buddies certainly bring something solely them into our lives, giving us the emotional reassurance and satisfaction in seeing them just represent-- and unapologetically be themselves, as who they are.
However, for the Sun-Moon conjunction native. Perhaps sometimes, there are disrupencies. Like the mentioned above, experiences and challenges can be unexpected from our pre-planned ideas formed before. But taking it in strides, growing and adapting as these challenges fuse into us, and making the best direction out of these growth period, is certainly helpful for us in the long run.
Perhaps one of the most characteristic and unified idea about New Moon native is that they are often innovative, often up for brandishing new and interesting ideas. But the follow up that happens can be disrupted, either by their own doing or by nature. Unexpectance happens, because essentially we don’t really know where we’re going/following along or doing in the very end. The cycle is to grow and learn, the journey is an experience we can’t plan -- but instead, New Moon natives may often go in sincerely facing the journey, with pure heart that it will turn out well. Because they believe in the core of themselves.
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For Those Not Born During the New Moon  
We may walk around aimlessly for a while during the New Moon period, certain interpretations takes New Moon as a reasonable period to cast seeds, sown into the ground, pre-plan for what is to come. But what’s to realize for most of us is that what we’ve casted may or may not come with unexpected changes/upheaval we didn’t account for. Things pick up-- the conjunction between luminaries are particularly powerful. This can come with unexpected change and opportunities, realizing that ‘taking a chance/change’ can be something that happens to us instead of being controlled by us is something the New Moon might talk about-- particularly if you think about how we cannot control the rise in tides-- yet it happens, and we have to be open to that. To opportunities and changes that aren’t preconceived or seen, but come to us whether we’ve seen it, liked it, or not.
Because it is (let’s call it) backlit by the Sun, during the New Moon period -- the darkness of the moon means we get a better time observing other cosmic entities. There are things to do during the New Moon! The tide rises, as well as a fortunate time to casts new seeds. Constellations as well as other planets may be something we choose to look at during this period where the illumination of the Moon is weaker -- with the Moon being casted into shadow and the Sun illuminating space, it’s a beneficial time to see what we’d like to cast, new beginnings, as well as promising things for ourselves that we’d like to do/look at during the new cycle (onwards). 
For those of us NOT born during the New Moon period -- take this energy with you. Yes it’s a good idea to start thinking about what you might want to manifest, grow and plant accordingly to it. But also keep in mind that it’s entire journey is to learn, accept and grow through the experience that is faced/given as well. We may think making changes consciously helps, sometimes for us to feel like we’re diverting and controlling where change is going to come. But ultimately sometimes--- changes occur where we need it most, changes can ask us to touch on the things that we’ve kept in the dark, hasn’t seen or isn’t expecting. During the New Moon period-- perhaps it’s also wise to keep an eye out and an open-heart/mind to the possibilities of new happenence. Even if we can’t see any big/major manifestation yet. It is -- after all -- in the dark. For a while. 
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  Waxing Crescent/Crescent Moon
We move onto the waxing period, the next period of the lunation cycle. Coming fresh off the stem of the New Moon’s gestation -- the Waxing Crescent becomes the entering stage of where we start to see things takes shape, walk, form, shape. And perhaps, take actions in accordance to the logic we’ve placed before, pointed in a direction as we march towards it.
The sliver of the moon appears on the sky, the first glimpse that she hasn’t left us. The earth and moon co-exists in more than just orbital plane. The Moon brings time, space, brings shape, natural occurrences on our plane. The earth reflects the sun light back into space, onto bodies like the Moon (‘earthshine’)  
Isn’t it curious to see the semi-square aspect with the Sun-Moon? It’s not typically seen as a harmonious thing, but in essence, taking your first step is new and unnerving, but it doesn’t always mean it’s a bad direction/thing to do all the time. Brimming with energy and a new sense of direction, sometimes attempting to do something, is the first foundation in practicing that and becoming proficient in it. 
Everyone probably took their first step as a kid somehow, in different ways. I’m not gonna mention how walking is a universal thing everyone did, because perhaps it’s not? But essentially, maybe it’s in learning to talk, eating food, developing in some capacity -- is how we grew into learning how to grow further from there/then on. 
Without trying, or reaching out to do the things we deem desirable/want to do-- how would we have achieved anything? Whilst the New Moon period may be more about processing the feelings/experience that has come to us, the Crescent moon is building onto that but in a different way -- taking steps, pointed direction. The things that we see fit, the semi-square brings us into action even if we’re not completely far-sighted enough to calculate all the result to our manifestation.
In a way, the Crescent Moon period could also encompass those with Sun-Moon sextile. Which is curious to think about, especially with the analogy above. There an air of innocence and purity of will, in wanting to do something/go somewhere from just how we thought about it. If we think about the word ‘cresere’ -- it’s to increase/grow (thanks google). Isn’t it curious that whenever we start something, the natives may have a general good-will, a desire to do something with it- that’s refreshing to see somewhat.
One more thing to think about, doesn’t it feel scary to have been crawling, been doing something-- and then changes happen and you can finally do something else-- but then also having to face the possibility of falling as well? 
Consequences are something that we may have to deal with/talk about. Unlike the New Moon above, now is the time for consequences that perhaps-- stem from our actions/lack of judgement as well.
Sometimes it’s about the unnoticed, the doors we close without realizing. When the world gets too loud/too much, sometimes those with Crescent may not realize they resort back to their emotional support- numbing all of that because we may have grown bored of it already. Too much of the excitement, the stimuli -- also comes with consequences, whilst we may tend to be careful and practical in our proceedings (Crescent Moon natives especially) - we may tend to do that with our actions/the things we think we control. Yet, when it comes to mental fortification and truly balancing out our receptive health-- sometimes the Crescent Moon’s consequences comes in the form of defense mechanism, closing up, in, not realizing that change won’t come if we don’t open our doors or learn how to navigate it thoughtfully as well. 
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From the New Moon to the Crescent 
Falling almost always comes with the territory of -- y know, learning how to do something. In a way, once we set off in something and has moved past the initial we don’t consciously tend to think about it, because it’s natural in a way. The natural relation to things. We like to be prepared for our journey, what should we pack, what does it entail, what is it about/like.
Just like how if you fly up, you have to also land. If you learn how to eat different food, there’s always a possibility of learning what you’re allergic to, what you don’t like. Learn a language, realizing there’s social/cultural thing you’re unfamiliar/not a part of. There’s always, unexpected circumstances/nuances that we didn’t realize.  
We don’t really think about the consequences before we do it -- because that’s not really motivation is it? In a way, perhaps native of the crescent/waxing moon nature sees opportunity and takes them, consequences will come-- but whats the point in ruminating on what’s unseen/not known when you could manifest/show what you have now, and cross the bridge when you get there later.
With Crescent Moon, it’s a great thing to adapt - at least to the benefit of these people. In a way, there’s a natural order of things. And in that order, it’s natural to expect things to be balanced/have consequences. Not in a negative way-- but kind of like, if something only has positives, why wouldn’t it have negatives? Shouldn’t we be prepared and informed? Readied and somewhat, able to take some of what to expect when it comes?  
Crawling doesn’t leave as much of an impact in the fall as when you’re further away from the ground - much like how something won’t hurt as much, if you’re mentally and emotionally prepared for it for sometime. If something doesn’t manifest (hasn’t manifested) during the period, it wouldn’t hurt as much as if it did, or has shown signs of being successful but also has to face with realities of consequences?
It’s the unexpected happenance, the things we couldn’t account for that might have hurt us most. It hurts even more sometimes-- to realize that it was all from our own doing. Our actions, the way things were handled or the procession of how things have played out. The hardest part of it all is to make changes happen, because it’s much harder to do so flexibly when you were prepared, walking in a certain direction all along. And now you’re having to make some changes/adjustments and address things within yourself.
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For the Crescent Moon Native (continuation from above) 
Isn’t it so interesting to think about the Crescent Moon though? A period where we’re manifesting, but in order to make happenence happen -- we also have to consider that it doesn’t always come in the things we want it to be.
We can be so prepared for something, but it’s not the right period. We can want new changes, ideas, opportunities -- yet we aren’t making ourselves open and available to all choices in what’s required for it. We see an empty cup, and perhaps it’s an opportune time to fill it with what we want to do. That’s new and exciting, it’s do-able. Yet when it comes to editing/working out the kinks of why it may not be good to carry it with you -- we cling onto our defenses. The will (sun) and our receptivity to it (moon) aren’t always entirely aligned-- even when it’s harmonious, if we THINK we’re prepared to make those changes happen, reality of the practical aspects -- what our emotions would have to endure and work through with sincerity, can be feeling like warning to our ego/who we are sometimes.
It’s relationship is rather interesting, because in a way-- if the Crescent Moon increases in will but isn’t as readily to hear/receive or reflect as much, they can be rather callous/dismissive of what was heeded or given/warned to them before. If they are too receptive and has little will, they become prone to inertia and let opportunities slip away. It’s a crucial period during the lunation cycle-- just like how those of us who gets really hyped up and excited about New Moon tend to not go through/manifest what we said we will back then during the Crescent.
In a way-- the Crescent Moon period is just as crucial to the continuation of our journey, learning to adapt and balance between navigating the tide is helpful. Particularly because from here on out -- there’s increase in happenence until the full-moon. We’re in our waxing period now, this is where things will be coming more and more, and how we are going to receive/accept that, the manifestation of things that comes to us, whether we like it or not. 
Another thing about the Crescent Moon native is that often times-- contrary to New Moon natives who often has so many things they want to do, has done, but has let go of. The Crescent Moon often has a pointed idea of where they want to go -- not in a literal sense of material things mostly. 
But in terms of surpassing challenges and bigger things. Immigrant parents, and Crescent Moon natives reclaiming back roots. Becoming people who are -- more than the precedents, surpasses expectations. There’s a natural pointed focus to them that become more pronounced in the long run, although nuanced in everyday situation-- they may not always pull attention to it, as it’s something they may think are just the part of their organic nature, nurture, upbringing and being. But as a bigger picture (i.e. becoming good in a language, being able to do this or that proficiently) and thus-- are capable of implementing and helping their everyday life, is a part of how these Crescent Moon natives serves to find ways in surpassing everyday expectations of other Moon phases, and may often bring joy/gratuitous from others around them.
They may also often be cynical in a way, not all is positive when you’re balanced precariously on the nature of good/bad and seeing it all before you work on something. Because the will/receptivity is somewhat sharpened, they may in a way tend to be those who has seen luck fail on them, despite being quite proficient and adept at what they do. Challenges and adapting, doing and getting back on the feet. Proving time and time again that they are deserving, worthy and capable in their own rights.
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For those with Crescent, and Not with Crescents
Isn’t it so curious to think of Crescents as being a sharp semi-square? But also those who may be in sextile, a part of the moon transitioning through the phase into the next major phase? With this, we can kind of understand the frustration Crescents may feel. When happenence don’t happen in their favour, when often our big dreams are hit sometimes, with subconscious or consciously acute, dreaded fear of consequences. Insecurities or simply -- looking in the wrong place sometimes. Opportunities occur but do they turn out well for us? And rather, how do we work through them and come up mightily above them?
Remember that semi-square isn’t a major aspect, in most cases we are able to override them if we know what we’re doing/what to do (in the context we need it for). But when we pay so much attention to what is holding us back, we also tend to let it get to us. And make us lose opportunities/our initial hope/dream/optimism that’s presented to us at the New Moon as well.
So just think about it. In a way, Crescent Moon natives lives quite comfortably being receptive to familiarity. But in a way, they are those who wants to keep a critical eye out for changes and reforms, those who wants to take steps into making it a possibility - the reality for us. But if the first path is with challenges, why should we walk? It’s because if we don’t take a stance or step in what we want to manifest/believe in, then we’re stuck in inertia thinking and drowning in our own conscious/consequences. I think this is something we could take with us, and also to sooth us at the same time. That sometimes-- it’s a lot more complicated and won’t come at us all controlled-- sometimes the first step requires 15 more steps, or 30 more steps, in order to actually be our ‘first step’ to something. 
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First Quarter Moon
Finally here with our first quarter moon. This is one of the major phase, or it’s making one of a major aspect from the Sun and Moon. Rudhyar calls this the ‘crisis’ time -- but the word in the english language is often associated to the idea of change happening (which we often don’t like to disrupt/change things, if something could make us fall) -- inevitable or somewhat negative.
The idea of crisis has begun to sound more like ‘the purge’ -- at least to me. Nobody likes a ‘crisis’, but we often can’t help but feel exhilarated -- physically, mentally, emotionally-- when we know something is about to happen.
A shift. But also an unexpected splash of sea water to our face, little moisture and drop of mists in our hair that we can wipe off as it accumulates. What creases and rises with the tide, it’s a chance to turn things around, maybe that’s what’s been on our mind for so long. Or perhaps, maybe the tide is here to swallow us altogether. The ‘crisis’ here is more of both of those, a chance in happenence. Even more so, maybe the tension before it happens as well as the action and post action itself. 
Whether it is a consequence coming through, or an opportunity to be made. We may associate certain it to a rising in tension- the palpable sense that something has to be done, made, in order for something to shift here. 
In a way, the squares really do bring out a major dynamic huh? Especially if you’ve seen/read about Sun-Moon squares before. I’m sure you might’ve heard how the core/will of the person isn’t entirely aligned/balanced with their emotional response/receptivity to things. Which can be a part of it, in a sense. 
But what does this mean in terms of Lunar Phases? From the progression of our Lunar Cycle -- now may be the time/period where we reassess how we’ve managed to do since the New Moon -- what we promised ourself, did it go as planned? 
Since this is the First Quarter Moon, we’re still in the middle of waxing period -- what do we want to do to continue to manifest? What do we have to do, in order to do so? And what do we actually want to manifest now that we know a part of it’s cycle? What we idealized, walked and faced along the way, how much does it matter and how much could we use? In what ways?  
The First Quarter represents a reality check point where we should begin to acknowledge, ascertain, or weigh whether something has been worth it - whether to strike out a new path, whether the path we’re on has been exhausted, what to do with the past experiences - cleanse it, use it, or renew/reuse it? What changes has to be made in order to do so, what to take and what to let go. 
Change is inevitable, but more so -- it’s done through reaching that point that most Sun-Moon square would face-- where we have to make that choice for ourselves. What we feel that is at the end of what we set out to do, the path could no longer go on. Or whether we’ve been led unexpected down a path we did not desire nor expect, how much we want to actually continue. 
Whether we should refocus ourselves somewhere again. This is where chance and opportune happen -- as those who are native of the First Quarter would also realize - you have to save yourself from drowning if you want to survive.
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For those born during the First Quadrant Moon
There’s no going around the Sun-Moon square, even if the signs in questions are out of sign (i.e. Capricorn Sun at 27′ square Taurus Moon at 2′). I think most of these individuals know how taking responsibilities for their actions a huge part of their conscious/rationality as well -- it weighs on their mind, their core self-esteem. If they don’t feel proud of who they are, their actions often being met with what they know, what they’ve experienced and what they expect themselves to do vs what they’re doing matching up to that or not. Instinctual in a way, strong fronted in how they are, and perhaps-- the feeling of validation, the true ‘conquer’ of the square, is what drives them forward. 
When it ebbs and flow like the tide, meeting and colliding, clashing with each other-- those that are born during the First Quadrant Moon comes with a chance to change - either succeed, or fail in their own ways. Depending on how they to go forward about it from there, build up from it or is weigh down by themselves/their conscious - going further the path is either something that is dreaded, or something to look forward to for those who are First Quadrant born. 
Squares in general, is the meeting of two planets that wants the same thing/similar thing but has a way of going about it differently from each other. This may often cause conflict, since often there are tension and arguments between which expression gets to be shown. The problem usually lies in how they can’t compromise, or see value/nurture or support each other’s expressions properly before having to insist on their own vision first. Thus the expression/action presented are often one that is not in favor of either of those placements. Something that is a by-product of the block of proper expression/compromise - an internal problem may become external, hurting those around it without realizing as well.
First Quadrant Moon talks about addressing this issue, in a way-- we also think of the square as the weight of expectations, capabilities and desire. What do we have till now? Our expectations and knowledge of what we can do, who we are, what we desire. When those things are weighted during this half-time -- we either drown under the crushing weight of disappointment/not enough in ourselves -- expectations that aren’t met. 
With the slower moving body in the aspect -- we may often find it setting us goals and expectations that we see fit to want. What we want, what we desire, what we need (in this case, it’s the sun, our ego) -- but because it is squared to our moon -- the faster moving body neither care for the goals, nor do they feel they are capable of achieving it. Tension and exhaustion builds, frustration and resistance. The sides talk and understands, but fate is simply not working in their favours when it comes to profit and execution. 
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As the slowing moving planet sets up more goals - and the faster moving planet somehow fails and fails all over again in some way shape or form.  Or feel like, in some ways, certain things are being done that it’s overlooking it’s own needs/wants/discover. 
Once the faster moving body has had enough of it -- in this case, our emotional needs/wants/desire, our psyche and a part of our health. When frustration and inhibition mounts to a level in this square aspect-- a confrontation happens, actions are taken. And things are set loose, chances are made- taken, hoped to happen. Emptying the glass in order to refill it again, but thinking about what we want to fill it with, and to what proportion. 
It’s having to gone through the change, responsibility for it’s action. For the Moon (or any faster moving body in the aspect) - it’s for the sake of discovering itself, putting itself first. For the slower moving body -- it’s so that it doesn’t have to put up with constant disappointment all the time. Get to planning/working on what it could do.Something that the Sun-Moon square brings. 
Part of this isn’t all doom and gloom, in fact-- the faster moving body goes on it’s own pursuit and adventure. Freed from the chain of prior expectations it can discover itself and it’s needs/want. 
Does this sound familiar to the section above when we talk about re-evaluation of goals/experience? If we say the Sun-Moon conjunct of the New Moon is setting those expectations together, having talked and process it together. Whilst the Sun-Moon semi-square/sextile during the Waxing Crescent is experiencing the journey, walking along the path. Then this Sun-Moon Square is the result of the journey, what becomes of it. Is it successful? Should we continue? What is the profit/loss of whats happened? Is it worth it? Can we take this some more? 
Eventually the faster moving body would have to look forward to the future as part of their past. What they’ve set up, the foundational growth and development we went through. Without realizing, because we were constantly put to trials and on tests, we’ve become experienced and better at it. New trails we’ve faced that is a repeat of the old ones are succeeded, completed.  
Squares are directional forces that push us to develop in life, whilst we weren’t grateful for it at the time where we were being bullied, pressured. Eventually, we’ve become more experienced and taken subconscious knowledge of it that we are able to surpass trials ourselves now. This is because through these trails, we’ve built endurance and stamina. We’ve learnt the hard way how to discern and be more careful. To teach and survive. We become more confident once we grow into ourselves-- despite how harsh it was before, it did pay off. We’ve gained valuable skills - that helps us move forward through life, and sustain ourselves through it. 
The First Quadrant is satisfying because it requires us to take action -- the confrontation, and acknowledge our experience and skills. Those born during this period may often have remarkable base to their operations, their fundamentals down. But the decision to take action or inaction is one that will shape them and change them in the future.
Because squares are always re-occuring pretty regularly throughout our lives, I don’t necessarily think there’s one big moment and then it ends. We go through this as part of our operation module, we make the changes happen. We have to, otherwise nothing will be satisfying for us once the results arrive. 
The trials and endurance we go through are all an intricate part of how we embrace ourselves and use to push us forward. Nothing can manifest outside if we struggle with our own feeling of being trapped, pressured, forced under the expectations of who we are. 
Without nurturing/support from ourselves as well -- we are bruised from the journey and take more damage than we should. Learn to heal, as part of the First Quadrant or Sun-Moon square, that we have to step forward gently and take care of ourselves, our body our energy and health. Whenever it occurs, be thoughtful and treat it preciously -- instead of sustaining large amount of damage (accumulated) and then healing at once -- that won’t work. 
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For those who aren’t born on the First Quarter Moon - and Those that Are Too
Courage isn’t something that can be done once and called it a day. To actually manifest something from it, or call it courageous -- we’d have to face these challenges again and again. 
In regards to the First Quarter Moon, often times we choose the path that is self-protective, despite saying ‘oh this is my choice that’s going to make a change for the situation!’  -- it may be lacking, or cowardly because we already know the choice that truly evoke fear/trepidation in us is the one we are consciously looking away from. If the weight or value that choice is smaller than the other, do we truly believe that the compensation will be enough? Do we make goals/resolution for new year, set up the foundation -- but don’t willingly put in the value/effort so that the consequences are little to no impact on us. And thus, we don’t fulfill the goal we’ve made-- because we refuse to take chances and actions-- to make it worth the value for ourselves? What it truly mean for us long term?
We want positive long-term benefits without the conscious trepidation of lost and going through changes. But how do personal changes happen if it doesn’t have an impact on us? Vulnerability is something Sun-Moon squares will constantly have to work through-- squares are temporal forces after all. And we will have to face it again and again in order to utilize it’s source and power, and direct it into achieving something truly fulfilling for us (*whatever sign or houses that it’s in can point to what the affair/matter is. For transit and natal as well) 
Decisions that we choose may be hesitant, but still would rather choose it to be the sacrificial lamb, instead of the true one. No matter what justification or ‘oh but this has more percentage of succeeding!’ -- truly isn’t it just a self-preserving excuse for another self-comforting action? To choose the fear that we know rather than the one that we truly fear, but desperately wanted to make a change in. To know that if we were to make ourselves vulnerable, put ourselves out there -- we would have that, could get it. But we don’t -- instead we fall into habit and comfort instead? Doing the bare minimum to get by, for our own internal growth. Instead of the ones we should be doing-- when given the opportunity instead? 
The true choice of our own beneficial development is buried under our consciousness, we willingly place it into the subconscious -- so that we don’t feel guilt over not being courageous or not having to see/choose it in the first place. During and for those with the First Quadrant Moon, try to be courageous and choose the one that truly evoke your fear instead. 
It doesn’t happen overnight, but it happens when repeated exposure to the process of putting ourselves out there-- vulnerably. It does pay off, as of most things. Truly the path of the square is to learn that changes has to occur. Decisions and actions have to be made. Ones that are hard for us to do -- because the consequences are harsh. But it’s necessary, for us to reap the reward of our effort and gain more confidence later. 
We may often think of ourselves as failure if we don’t see ourselves succeed directly at the task we’ve set up or is given, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t learnt skills during the process. Often times, those in and born with the First Quadrant will have to realize this -- you’re not useless. You’re laying down and learning the foundation to something that would prove useful in the future. All you have to do, is make conscious choices to be courageous and choose your path, take actions in said path. Make your decisions yourself. 
 The conditions of Mars -- sorry this is the last bit-- the condition of Mars is also something to look at. Since we’re often talking about actions when we’re talking about squares, often times, those with First Quadrant Moons are the ones who likes to see through the development of projects/things at the beginning phase-- but may leave once they’ve grown bored or want to start another venture afresh. Just like the progression of New Moon, Waxing Crescent to here -- it’s about the project and seeing how it goes till we are satisfied with what happened. And then reassessing what we want to do from there, once we’ve grown some stability from it as well.
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Waxing Gibbous 
Gosh, we’re finally here at the Waxing Gibbous! You know how we talk about surviving in the First Quarter Phase? Well now perhaps this is more like living. But it’s the stage where we are in-between that surviving and living, not well-off but perhaps trying to get to where we can live comfortably and just mind our business without getting wrecked over again. 
To survive and to live are different in motivation right? One is with a sense of urgency, of panic. An awareness of our past action that may have lead us to there, or something that requires combating immediately because there’s resistant force. Living is more in-tuned with our desire and need to get better. A desire for a truly fulfilled life, at the end of the day. Pushing still, and without a truly harmonious aspect it can be something that is motivational in purpose -- a need to be psychologically in-tuned with the world, using our emotional bases/foundation as the core of how we make sense of it and grow from there as well. 
With more luminary to the moon - some have said the more illuminated the moon is, the more our emotions heightened. This kind of reminded me of why people say the full moon is when werewolves turn. So in return, perhaps the waxing gibbous is when they may start the stage of pre-turn/pre-feral. Or maybe it is when they’re mostly going through that ferality? 
During this period, we’re still increasing in our waxing-- thus, not all is good yet. We haven’t reaped the rewards of our efforts, not until we’ve reached a trine/sextile while the come-down becomes much more enjoyable process for us. However, now that we’ve done our *wriggle hands* emotional crisis ‘sink or swim, live or die’ kind of deal. Here’s the part where we pick up and clean off, see where we go from our tantrum from here.
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For the Waxing Gibbous Moon Native 
With the kind of aspects the Gibbous has (sesquiquadrate) -- perhaps the native of these Moon may often find it difficult to join/smash their will and emotions together well. If their will are at the forefront, perhaps sometimes it requires emotionally shutting down in order to do so, or engaging with their emotions-- then sometimes the will may be lacking/scattered to do so properly. It’s not usually as dual as this, but rather because it’s happening all at once-- sometimes they fall into either side hard without realizing - and thus, becomes detriments to themselves when they can’t pull themselves up each terrain (transitional phase).
Because the Moon isn’t quite ‘full’ -- we’re almost there, but we aren’t yet. That’s important to realize, because this is a period that requires a lot of tolerance and patience for themselves/others/what they want to manifest as well. 
As most Waxing Gibbous will learn - sometimes they can be their own detriment due to losing patience or motivation for something or their circumstances. Worrying or anxiously waiting on productivity to arrive. Often impatience to get things done/worked out can be part of why they are stuck in a hard place in the first place - most of the things they wish to work out, acceptance and compassion for the circumstances/whatever frustration it was aimed at -- quelling the heart and mind can be helpful for them. 
We’re in a place where we aren’t there yet -- but because they think they see the finish line so close, they may sometimes act brashly/rashly that they lose out on the footing. Thus why it’s in-between surviving and living, we aren’t there yet. Plus, understanding that-- even though it is difficult and life has difficulties (which these people would have a deep understanding of) -- there are solutions, and you can come out of the other side safely is important to know, as they tend to be worriers sometimes when faced with a problem, anxiety inducing, putting themselves through emotional pain/turmoil sometimes when caught off-guard with ‘unexpected’ situations 
Think about the Moon, it’s nearly full - which puts us at a false sense of security sometimes. We think we’re nearly there, but we do have that small percentage of darkness that we often get ‘ambushed’ by - certain awareness of this darkness and vigilance can be the lacking in Waxing Gibbous people. As they may tend to focus on earning/achieving that higher percentage of luminosity, the threat of darkness blindside them. 
Although the minor darkness percentage is something to note, as most of the time-- it’s minor devils that you can win in a fist fight if you’re emotionally prepared for it. It’s just a matter of whether or not you want to engage in a fight with them and is fully concentrated to win, or are you going to take that first punch and realize you’re not well-equipped for it and lose?
Basically, our attitude towards realizing our miscalculation, mistakes and minor mishaps that becomes troublesome on the bigger scale of thing is important. We can often let it put us in vulnerable position, let it pass us by without realizing it’ll become a thorn in our side-- or we can take an active position and vigilance in our humble position of trying to move through this slippery terrain.
Often times, Waxing Gibbous individuals may find themselves ‘oopsie’ falling into slippery slopes because of their own miscalculation, lack of vigilance, purposefully ignoring a minor problem that seems to not have a large impact for the sake of it being ‘fun and just my personality’ (sometimes) -- which eventually becomes a bigger problem to solve when it’s set in a bigger context, or has escalated to the point where it worsened/involves others. 
This is why it’s sometimes not advisable to go overlook certain things. But yes, attitude towards these helps. Particularly if we learn from them and make changes in our awareness for it. See it as a problem, see it as something to resolve. Rather than ignore. 
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Another thing about Waxing Gibbous is that they can often - hm, crop up at unexpected times with unexpected problems. Often times we recall a moment where we pay the repercussion, a fall-out, a conflict (square) - and then if we put a semi-square on top of that. We are blindsided, overlooking our own involvement at the problem at the time. Our lack of foresight or patience, significance of that minor thing that in turn escalates into a major thing. We feel like things came unexpectedly, caught off-guard at the last moment. Because we couldn’t forethought/foresight it to have came earlier. But only through introspection do we realize what truly caused it.
‘It’s not our fault, technically.’ - yes while that may be true. No one can truly predict the future! But that’s also part of the sesquiquadrate isn’t it? Things tend to crop up and challenge us, makes us lose out on opportunities or certain experience. 
But we can always see it after, assess it and revise, re-edit, rework the process on our own terms. Most Waxing Gibbous may tend to do this-- reworking things when they have certain distance from it. As it tends to help then see clearer/not be as ‘unexpected’ anymore, when things finally clear up. What they do need to realize however, is that the things that they think are ‘beyond our control’ when it happened sometimes- a part of them may have also been responsible for a seed of it too. And of course, putting that on themselves and taking accountability for it can sometimes be the hardest to do on softer soul/emotions and ego of the person. Which is self-protective at best. But is necessary to do.
Being a Waxing Gibbous is moving forward from the First Quadrant stage, but it’s so curious to realize how much Waxing Gibbous individuals may wish to go back and pay attention to the lessons First Quadrant brings. Callous, impatient, other small minor insignificant that becomes blown into a larger thing-- these  would benefit from the stages of having to realize and make choices for survival. As much as ‘living’ is a nice position to be - the lesson of the First Quadrant is important to learn in order to move forward into the Full Moon as well. And those stuck in between may want to revisit lessons from both ends in order to make the best of their situation.
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For everyone else, and them
The Waxing Gibbous, although a transitional stage with a ‘minor’ aspect-- can have a very interesting impact on us. Because we’re forced to face with irritations, we become adept at seeing and solving situations/problems around us.  It’s inevitable, but you have a blindspot on you that makes you constantly learn that you are somewhat prone to self-indulgence and sometimes, things ‘slip up’ on you. Emotionality over willfullness, willfullness to force the dull of emotionality to be over. Again and again, we’ve reached a blindspot where we cannot get out of the confusion and find balance between the two. A 145′ is literally a semi-square, on top of a square. How do we go about resolving that?
We burn it off, smoke it out. Again and again, until things become clearer to us. Where we can take responsibility for our action - move past the helplessness and useless actions we do and actually accept life on life’s term. 
Emotionally, it would feel like finally being freed from a cycle. Seeing something as what it is, and not feeling agitated, irritated or responsive to it anymore. Our ability to handle the thing freely and thoughtfully, thoroughly and freely. We become more reliant on our experience with it and our familiarity, we know we’re now comfortable with the unfamiliar/unexpected. We resolve it through our emotional cornerstones, as most Waxing Gibbous tends to want to align themselves and manifest with the external world. What is our identity, our sense of purpose to the external, what we want to express with our internal that desire to make an impact externally. The cravings we’ve had for validation and success, the choice we made in the First Quadrant starts to manifest into more solid values and morals here. The corner stone is set for us to start expressing, living, and gaining experience/wisdom in. 
You start to get better at learning how to discern and work through impossible tasks, one bit at a time. Often times, we are gifted in working things through tenaciously. Thoughtfully and thoroughly, but again-- this is when they are concentrated and focused. When things are focused in one pointed direction, we can align our will and receptivity to operate/function in order to solve it all at once. But when we do it without the knowledge, the foresight and clarity that we often miss due to our blindspots. We tend to make mistakes, and then we repeat that cycle all over again - until we finally get it, until we attain wisdom and truly move past it. 
Perfectionist tendencies (somewhat) and self-analyzing is a large part of this Moon phase’s mode of operation. But that’s because it’s necessary to work through seemingly ‘impossible’ missions. 
Curiously, sesquiquadrate and quincunx sun-moon are considered ‘auspicious’ days in the Tibetian lunar cycle. The method is different, therefore they don’t have the 8 cycles of the Moon. But the day is an auspicious day because it is the right time to gain knowledge. Wisdom, comes into play. And it may be a part of the Waxing Gibbous cycle to learn this over and over again. Attain it and attune it, so that it could be used. And is represented in their cycle. 
During these times, it’s advised to look thoroughly for blindspots and smoothen out our otherwise, perhaps shaky manifestation at the beginning. We’ve came a long time from the New Moon, and now into the last phase of Waxing before the Full Moon. We are putting the final touches, combatting the last demon before we face the Stage Boss in the next phase.
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A little to add about New Moon + Waxing phases
Phew that was long.. I hope this was enjoyable for you to read! I don’t have a lot more energy but thankfully I wrote this conclusion in the middle of working through this, before I came back and finish the post..
Hm in the next post, I’ll talk about how to identify the Moon in the sky (w/o the chart) so you know when something is Waxing/Waning, or whether it’s the First Quarter or the Last. Hopefully that’ll be nifty to read!
As a little conclusion, here’s what I wrote: I honestly find it so fascinating, how these periods and phases alludes to almost a lifetime of journey-- stretched over our own personal growth/development with how we go about the expanse of our years and future -- checking our natal moons, our lunar charts, our lunar returns/new moon chart -- but also happens over small period of time, 3 to 4 days of phase throughout the month -- and shifting, constantly, in the sign that it appears in. 
Being so subtle and subliminal that we often overlook it in someway -- but certain rhythm and tides to the phases of the moon, particularly when we mention ‘oh new moon in leo!’ or ‘full moon in libra!’ -- we make note of, we take notice. And our focus shifts to pay attention to the manifestation that it brings, when we’re constantly going through the motion of progressing towards aspects -- minor and major, throughout our chart with our moon phases. We just need to look at how it could possibly focus, ebb and flow together, into causing the cycle and changes that its making to us?
It’s just.. such an interesting thing, how in smaller bits and pieces we can pick out what this thing mean and then the other. But looking at the bigger picture together, of this particular context and component -- we haven’t been paying much attention to?
It’s all about the temporary forces that it brings, the synergy between conjunction to semi-square to sextiles to squares. We know what Sun/Moon conjunction is, then what Sun/Moon sextile is separately. We know what Sun/Moon squares are like, and then Sun/Moon trine right after. But when we put it together to study Lunation Cycle -- we start to realize that these energy progress and move to a rhythm that tells a story, and makes an influence on us. 
Each phases and period has it’s own dimensionality and life. It’s own stories and personal hardship/challenges stories. It’s never about ‘oh this is the one Moon you can relax in’ because there’s never truly a time where you’re just idle. If you think about floating in the sea - the ebb and flow of the ocean keeps you working with your buoyancy even if you’re not technically doing anything. With how the Moon functions and controls the ocean’s tides, it’s so interesting to note how Moon Phases in the same manner- brings lessons and motions into our lives that if we perceive it thoughtfully, could bring and help us manifest changes as we progress through each sign as well. 
Also, isn’t it interesting how time is a construct that is -- somewhat, relevant to how we perceive ourselves as ‘this period where i do nothing’ versus ‘this period where everything is happening and i have things to get done/do!’ -- when time is happening everywhere, every time. The Moon being quite fast in it’s orbit and shifting of signs, and then the shifting of phases that happens a little after that-- would that have an influence on how we gestate and then get up to go do things? Different ideas, stories, interpretations. Every New Moon in Aries is different of a signature than a New Moon in Taurus. Every cycle and period of what’s to be expected of the motion is different, relevant to the expressions of the sign it’s in.
Anyways I’ll let you off with this, thank you for skimming through!💕❤️ I know it’s a lot to read ksksks so I hope you had a good time!!  💕❤️💕❤️
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satsangat · 3 years
Pisces Full Moon September 20 2021 Pisces Full Moon, what are you ready to release now? What did you start at the Virgo New Moon two weeks ago?
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astroexaminer · 1 year
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Astro-Inspiration for Sunday, May 7, 2023 ~ A Nostalgic Day  
Over the coming days, you’ll be feeling more protective, nurturing, and caring, which will enhance your ability to connect with loved ones, prioritize your emotional well-being, increase your emotional intelligence, deepen your relationships, and bring more warmth and affection into your life. With its easy-going, leave-well-enough-alone, nostalgic vibe, this might be the perfect day to take a Sunday drive to visit old friends, family, and familiar places. But take care because today’s energy could trigger an abundance of conflicting thoughts and emotions.
Today’s Quote
“Let us remember the past, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence.” ~ Pope John Paul II
Today’s Sky
Venus enters Cancer, where she will stay until June 5th. Sagittarius Moon Square Saturn in Pisces, SesquiSquare Mars in Cancer, Quincunx Mercury Rx in Taurus, SesquiSquare Jupiter in Aries, SemiSquare Pluto Rx in Aquarius, Quincunx Sun in Taurus.
The sky speaks to you if you let it. Every day it delivers a message that each person hears in a uniquely different way. This is not personal or predictive astrology; it's creative astrology meant to help you understand and align your mind, body, and spirit with the unique soul vibration of each passing day.
To quote Joseph Campbell: “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”
I hope you enjoy and your life is enriched by these Astro-inspirations.
Thanks for reading. Please like and follow Patricia Lantz, Astrologer
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DAILY ASTRO: August 26, 2021
It's a good day to take a step back and consider fresh creative solutions, especially concerning your occupation, public partners, or political systems. Social conflict may hit a dead end with no resolutions....
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