#summer ghost movie
sky-casino · 1 year
i watched Summer Ghost last week, an emotionally charged anime short film from 2021... and it's so heartwarming omg?? the feels!!!🥹😭 it's only 39 minutes but totally packed a punch!!! so relatable, inspiring, and the ending made me cry 😭 i highly recommend it!!!!!
"live your best lives!" - ryou ♥️😭
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elizabugz · 3 months
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heinzezsquirt · 1 year
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horror movies to consider this friday the 13th
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
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How I went from bracing myself to super hyped in 2 minutes about the new Haunted Mansion movie I was expecting to hate, for how good the very introduction is
Just listen to that bop and you'll partially understand what I mean. What a great way to start a HM movie
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obscure-anime · 2 years
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Summer Ghost (2021)
A heavy movie about death and finding the strength to keep living. Directed by the famous artist loundraw.
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echoing-gravity · 1 year
Yo DP X DC Fandom, how tf would the Reality Trip dp ep play out if the JL exists????
Like, in the 2 parter dannys identity gets outed and the trio are barely able to outrun the GIW, how tf are they gonna handle the LEAGUE
Is this a plot hole?
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faithfulcat111 · 15 days
I've been taking advantage of being at my parents and unable to work the last two weeks and still being too emotionally devastated to do anything creative by having an X-Men movies marathon with my mom and playing through a new storyline on SWTOR (my controller is packed away, so no AC Valhalla rn). I never have played a Sith character and it has been cathartic to just run around wily-nily and kill people and evil laugh along with it. I took over a cult. Did lots of ghost-punching. And my master tried to kill me (per usual) and is now haunting the body of my favorite monster 😔 . Don't worry, we are working on freeing him.
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utoshi-san · 1 year
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Кто молодец? Я молодец! Успела посмотреть свои 10 фильмов за май 😆
Годнота - 💗, хороши для разового просмотра - 😌 нейтральные - 🙄, не стоящие внимания - 👎🏻 полное днище - 💩
"Любовь нельзя купить"/"Can't buy me love" 🙄
"Бестолковые"/"Clueless" 🙄
"Американские детки"/"Kids in America" 👎🏻
"Скажи что-нибудь"/"Say anything" 🙄
"Корабль-призрак"/"Ghost ship" 😌
"Подъем с глубины"/"Deep rising" 😌
"Водный мир"/"Waterworld" 😌
"Дом на глубине"/"The deep house" 😌
"Лето 84"/"Summer of 84" 😌
"Экзорцист Ватикана"/"The pope's exorcist" 😌
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Summer Ghost (2021)
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moodysenpaii · 1 year
Summer Ghost is BREATHTAKING
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dordey · 9 months
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reikuroi · 2 years
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Summer Ghost
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dontdecipherthis · 2 years
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Colors in Summer Ghost (2021).
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If I were on the Films To Be Buried With podcast:
What was the first-ever film you saw, or remember seeing? Mulan. I remember the screen being really big, but I think maybe I was just small. I got a happy-meal toy of the fat bloke that would trundle along on wheels if you pulled a string (unlike the character in the film who didn't actually have wheels). And I got the CD-ROM tie-in game, my favourite bit being the level when you pick Mulan's outfit to meet the matchmaker. Then I got older, the toxic masculinity set in, and I felt retrospectively embarrassed for liking something girly.
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What was the film that scared you the most? We watched The Mummy one Christmas Eve when I was in primary school as my parents had heard it was a fun family romp. The opening 5 minutes were so fucked up I didn't sleep for a week. I like being scared now though. I love the first part of Ghost Stories, the one with Paul Whitehouse in an asylum at night with his torch flickering out. I remember thinking "I've peaked! I can't physically be more scared than this!"
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What was the film that made you cry the most, and are you a cryer? I'm not usually a crier but I like it when it happens. I know it's a cliche but I always cry at Up. Bereavement's my trigger. I always get a bit choked up at Tiny Tim's death in The Muppets' Christmas Carol but last year my wife and watched it shortly after the death of a close friend and we wept buckets.
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What is the film that’s made you laugh out loud the most? I recently watched The Man With Two Brains for the first time. I love that kind of silly comedy where ridiculous things happen but the characters take it seriously, no one's rolling their eyes or saying "that just happened". Also RRR is unintentionally hilarious and I love it for that.
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What film is underrated but you love it? A Knight's Tale never gets the praise it deserves. It's a fun, sincere, exciting, historical-romantic-comedy about jousting. Everyone in the cast gives it their all, especially Paul Bettany, and the needle drops are sick.
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What is the film you once loved but watching it recently you realise it’s not great? I watched Donnie Darko in primary school as a sort of entry-level horror film (in that it had a creepy bunny-man and a few jump-scares) and thought it was really deep all through my teens. It was my favourite film for a long time. But I watched it recently and it's just kind of pretentious, with nothing going for it but great music and good ensemble cast and a lot of teen angst.
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What is the film that means the most to you, not because of the film itself, but because of the memories, you have of it? I've got two films I associate with break-ups. I saw 500 Days Of Summer at a time when I was listening to a lot of Los Campesinos and thought it was cool to be cynical about romance. My girlfriend and I broke up the next day. Two years later, I came home after breaking up with my second girlfriend. My dad poured me a whiskey and we watched the 2005 Pride And Prejudice, just cos it was on TV. It's not a great film but it took my mind off the break up.
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What is the sexiest film? I never really found films sexy until I saw Steven Soderbergh's Out Of Sight. George Clooney's a fugitive and Jennifer Lopez is an FBI agent trying to catch him, but they fancy each other so much that they meet up in a hotel to have sex anyway. The music is so frigging good.
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What’s a film that isn’t probably supposed to be sexy but you found yourself turned on by? Mind your own business!
[EDIT] There's something about Mrs Tweedy from Chicken Run...
Which film do you most relate to? Eighth Grade. Like Kayla, I was a social pariah for some of my teenage years and it felt like that was just the way it was, I would never have friends. But, like a lot of problems it turned out to just be temporary. If you keep putting yourself out there, stay patient, and don't lose hope, you'll get there in the end.
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Which film is the one you’ve watched the most? Probably The Fellowship Of The Ring. I remember my mum walking in on me watching the video going "really Dom?! That's the second time this week!" I'd have friends over and we'd reenact the council of Elrond: "So I'll say 'You have my sword' and then you be Legolas and say 'and you have my bow'..."
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What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen? If there's a genre I can't get behind, it's biopics. They often assume you already like the subject so don't bother making them likeable as a character. The worst of all is Good Vibrations. It makes out Terri Hooley to be a smug, cocky prick who everyone's in awe of despite him treating them all like shit. I've rarely wanted to punch a character so hard.
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Which film is objectively the greatest ever? It's tough, but I'm gonna go for O Brother Where Art Thou? Great performances, incredible music, hilarious comedy. The use of colour grading revolutionised the post production process. I love how it makes fun of its characters, except when they're singing - that it takes seriously. Even the villainous KKK leader gets a song and, weird as it is to say, that guy can really croon.
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ghostpepperworld · 1 year
When a piece of media features gore that is goopy and wet and inhuman and vile and inescapable and otherworldly and unending and the The Point™ and
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superfan44 · 1 year
Since it's summertime, I thought it'd be fun to take a look at a bygone movie subgenre: the beach party films of the 1960s. This video from the YouTube channel "The Royal Ocean Film Society" will tell you all about it.
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