#summer counselor
celestiallime · 5 months
i really want to sign up to be a summer camp counselor but I'm so scared cause I've never done anything like that before.
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raycatzdraws · 11 months
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Wolfie and Four friendship appreciation doodles! They're shared secrets besties! I hope Four's distrust of the shadow crystal doesn't drive anything between them. Wild found his way into this compilation with a force. It seems I can't draw Wolfie and not include him too!
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu four#lu twilight#lu wolfie#lu wild#lu legend#lu hyrule#fairy hyrule#I drew most of these on my weekends at camp#hence the swearing probably lol can't swear in front of the campers#man I did not leave that mountain for the whole summer and I wouldn't have it any other way#I was there 6+ weeks straight#some of the other counselors who also stayed and I would occasionally make the hour drive into town#a bunch of us went to see the Barbie movie together and like 2/3 through the film the fire alarm went off and we were evacuated ajhsgfsdf#we all held hands to not be separated in case there was an actual emergency and some guy was like 'look at the preschoolers'#AND AAAAA I won't be separated from my counselor buddies!!!! RAAAHH this is what we would have gotten the kids to do#so I guess we're just too good at our jobs lol#that one LU post with the lads lined up with their bows? It's AWESOME#but I taught a bunch of kids archery this summer and none of the lads have the right posture lol#I'm walking up and down that line readjusting all of them ahsgdsdf#Imagine Wars going to Wind though like 'remember to pull back to your smile! :D '#and Wind just deadeye staring him down like you serious rn?#caught and removed a scorpion from the lake cabin biffy this summer - that was very exciting#calmed the campers down and put them to bed and then rolled up my sleeves and asked the program staff who was staying with us#for emotional support#her only experience with scorpions was from animal crossing so she was like 'get ready to run' and I'm- I think we'll be okay#anyways it's her perched on one of the toilets with a spray bottle of bleach and me with an empty tupperware from dinner#I caught it under the tupperware but IT MOVED THE TUPPERWARE#we drowned it in bleach and it like finally died but it took a while and then we flung it into the woods BYE BUGGY
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hopefulrunaways · 3 months
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Poor new camper walk in their counselors break time activities🙏
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g1rld1ary · 2 months
I feel like you’d eat up this idea so much but Camp Counselor James Potter!!
Where its semi frenemies to lovers after James unexpectedly becomes head camp counselor alongside reader, thus forcing them closer as they have to work together. I’d imagine James as a sports/swim instructor who the campers adore and reader as an arts and crafts teacher who James has liked for years since they met at camp (even before they became counselors.)
summer friends - camp counselor!james potter x camp counselor!reader
wc: 2816
cw: swearing, implied fem!r but i don't think any pronouns, alcohol, throwing up (once)
first of all thank u so much for the compliment anon i hope i am doing it justice!! i actually love this idea and so there's gonna be more parts because i have so many fun lil camp ideas already HOWEVER we don't rlly have summer camps where I'm from so if u wanna see anything specific (activity/trope etc) please request!!! love u xoxo
It was stinking hot already. The clock in your car was broken so you weren't sure exactly what time it was, but you were sure it was too early to have sweat dripping from your brow. Nine, maybe. Still, nothing could bring down your present mood, not the sweat, not the early morning on a weekend, not even that your Fleetwood Mac CD kept skipping during The Chain. No, you were in the best mood you'd been in in a while and nothing could ruin it.
You were headed back to camp. Your camp. It was your first year as head counselor at the camp you'd grown up in and you were filled to the brim with excitement and drive to make this summer as magical as the ones you had growing up. Pulling into the dirt parking space you sighed contently, glad to be back where you belonged.
It was weird to see the camp almost empty. You'd been a general counselor before so you'd seen the camp without kids, but being one of the first there in the morning was peaceful. You waved cheerfully at one of the cooks who'd been working since you were a kid, laughing as he tried to return the gesture over the boxes he was hustling into the kitchen.
You broke into a jog to catch up with the camp director who you needed to meet with, smiling widely when he greeted you. You made small talk as he led you around the camp, giving directions to some of the staff setting up in between his extended spiel explaining your duties. You really were trying to listen but you couldn't help your eyes darting to each movement in the corner of your vision. The other head counselor should have been here already, and it wasn't like him to be late. Michael was one of the many kids you'd grown up with through summers, and he was just as devoted to camp as you were, so it wasn't surprising he also made head counselor, but it was surprising that he was now late.
"Where's Michael?" You asked when the director took a breath. He turned to look at you, one eyebrow raised slightly.
"Didn't we tell you? Michael had a health scare, he can't work this summer." You could feel your mouth hanging open. The two of you had been talking about this for years, dreaming of becoming the head counselors.
"So who's—"
"Nothing like the fresh air, is there?" Your shoulders tensed just by the timbre of it, you could recognise that voice anywhere.
"Potter," You turned to greet him, ponytail swinging behind you.
"No need for last names, love, I saw your braces phase," James retorts and you huff, rolling your eyes dramatically.
"Yeah, yeah, and I've got pictures of your acne. So you're really my partner this summer?" James didn't bother replying, his cocky grin saying it all. You felt the director's eyes on both of you and refrained from another snip in fear of it undermining your leadership, but still shot James a dead-eyed smile to let him know you weren't done.
You were dismissed to settle in until the other counselors arrived for briefing after a few other business matters (for which both you and James stayed civil and responsible) and all but ran to your car, eager to get the moving in part over with as quick as possible.
After so many years of making camp your home away from home, you'd pretty much nailed the routine of packing and unpacking, and your part of the four-girl cabin was taking shape very nicely if you did say so yourself. You even had time to stick up the photos you'd printed out, which usually took at least a week to happen. You were just wiping the sweat off your face with the hem of your t-shirt when someone cleared their throat. You didn't need to guess who it was.
James was leaning against the doorframe, looking unfairly unperturbed by the heat.
"Sorry your dream boy couldn't be here," He said and you couldn't quite tell if he was joking.
"Michael and I—"
"Relax, I was talking about your real boyfriend, remember?" You paused at his statement, studying your painted fingers intently.
"We broke up," You said quietly, not daring to look at James in fear of him teasing you about it. You consequently missed the flash of curiosity (and maybe relief) that passed across his features.
"Sorry," He said awkwardly, still under the doorframe.
"It's fine. He's a dickhead."
"I could have told you that last summer!" He laughed, then slapped a hand over his mouth as he realised it might have been too far. You managed a small laugh yourself, if only to make him feel better about his misstep.
"Yeah, yeah. Last summer you also thought swallowing gum would fuse your insides together."
"And I stand by that! You should just learn to listen to me," He crowed, eyes sparkling with mischief. You rolled your eyes again, pushing yourself off the bed to reapply your deodorant.
"If I ever start listening to you, take it as a sign I'm losing my marbles," You said, ducking under the arm James had stretched across the doorframe, "Now come on, everyone'll be arriving." You don't stop to see if he's following, marching out of your cabin and toward the dining hall where the counselors would convene. James watched you go for a moment with a soft grin before jogging to catch up and bother you some more.
The dining hall was already buzzing with energy and noise and the campers hadn’t even arrived yet. You smiled as you watched the counselors meet and mingle, some of them being kids you’d grown up with almost your whole life.
“Everything the light touches is our kingdom,” James’ whisper appeared from behind you.
“You are so lame.” You don’t bother looking at him, convinced you knew exactly what face he’d be pulling. “Now make yourself useful and greet everyone.” You might have been a little rude, but it was clear to you that this job wasn’t nearly as important to James as it was to you. Head counselor was something you’d been working towards since you’d started at camp, and you would like to keep the gig through college if James didn’t ruin it for you.
A booming noise silenced the room, and you were surprised to know it came from James. He started off the address for you outlining all the boring housekeeping notices you could recite in your sleep. They were almost exactly the same every year, except for James’ insistence on being the funniest in the room and making jokes after every other statement.
“As you know if you find any contraband in the camper’s belongings report it to the camp director, especially if it’s an illicit substance, as there may be serious discipline. However, if it’s alcohol, slip into into my cabin ‘coz god knows I’ll need a drink after dealing with the kids and this one.” He gestured over to you, receiving a ripple of laughter throughout the room. You grit your teeth, trying not to react and be the bad cop of camp.
“Just so we’re all clear,” You faked a laugh, “None of the campers or counselors will be ingesting or posessing alcohol while at camp. Right guys?” You locked eyes with the camp director, trying to bring him down from the conniption he was on the verge of. It worked, mostly, and you took over from James, shooting him a warning glare as you rushed to finish listing off the timetable for the coming evening and next day as campers arrived.
In his defence though, James wasn’t exactly wrong. Although the camp director could never ever find out for the sake of all your jobs, there was definitely a stash of alcohol that all the counselors contributed to and had access to, though strictly when there was no risk of campers or higher ups finding out. Like tonight. Every year before the campers arrived the counselors held a campfire right out in the forest; far enough away that there was almost no risk of the adult-adults finding them, but close enough that drunk walks back to the cabin weren’t quite impossible.
That brought you to the campfire. You’d been stuck in meetings and doing last minute admin all night and you really needed the break. You could only look at schedules and spreadsheets for so long anyway, add James to the mix and you were going absolutely crazy.
You’d snagged a spot next to Lily, hugging her tight as you reunited.
“I can’t believe you’re stuck with Potter,” She said, taking a sip from some ungodly drink one of the counselors had mixed. You laughed as you pulled away and greeted Remus quickly, taking the can of cider he offered.
“I’m just thanking my lucky stars it wasn’t him three years ago.” You shook your head resolutely, “At least now I’m sure he’s human. I just hate that he’s gonna make me bad cop all summer.” Remus cocked his head in confusion and Lily asked for clarification so you continued.
“You know, James is always the funny one, James is always the chill one. I’m the one who’s gonna have to spoil the fun and enforce the rules.”
“That’s not true though, you might be the one sticking to the rules but you’ve been here just as long. Everyone knows and loves you, and you’ll have just as much fun even if you aren’t quite as go-with-the-flow,” Lily said, a comforting hand resting on your arm.
“Prongs might surprise you,” Remus said, clearly taking a different approach, “I think when it matters he’ll step up to the plate.” You looked at him for a moment, considering his philosophy. You chanced a glance over at James to see him halfway through a game of beer pong — losing badly in fact, and sighed. If he, the head sport and swim counselor, was losing at a game consisting of throwing then he must’ve already been smashed.
He caught your eye at just the wrong (or right) moment and waved you over with such excitement that you excused yourself from the conversation to see what he wanted.
“Sirius needs a teammate,” He said simply, gesturing for you to go over and play. You shook you head furiously.
“So you’re asking the arts and crafts leader? I have zero coordination.”
“Yeah, and? You’re competitive and that’s all that matters. Consider it our head counselor bonding time.” You looked at James for a moment, weighing out the pros and cons in your head. You figured it couldn’t be that bad even if you embarrassed yourself, and you really didn’t want the other counselors to think you had a stick up your arse after getting the position. So, you reciprocated the high five Sirius had offered and got in position.
The game went shit, as could have been assumed. You really didn’t have an ounce of coordination, your throws missing most of the cups. Sirius was better, making your team at least not totally hopeless, but the two of you were no match for the machines that were James and Marlene — though both significantly worsened by their inebriated states. You were providing the trash talk though, which seemed to keep everyone entertained
“Ok new game!” James clapped after you’d downed the last drink, “Sirius, switch with me.”
“What! But I like my partner!” You high-fived Sirius again at his declaration, now sufficiently buzzed from the shitty beer you’d been using.
“Yeah, we’re doing just fine, Potter. Worry about yourself.” It came out a bit louder and more aggressive than you intended, but James didn’t seem to mind — none of you were sober enough to be picking up on the intricacies of human communication. James mimed a stab to his heart dramatically.
“You kill me,” He groaned, leaning on the folding table in despair. You laughed loudly, holding up your hand in the shape of an L to rub it in. After rubbing it in for a moment you conceded, stomping your way to his side of the table, patting Marlene on the shoulder as you swapped places.
“Alright, Potter, let’s get this round over with so I can kick your arse again.” James’ grin was practically blinding as he brightened up, getting ready to play another match. You might’ve been getting a little too competitive, but it was camp and you were drunk, so everyone around the table was matching your energy tenfold.
“Are you actually capable of getting a ball in a cup? You’re genuinely so terrible at this,” James laughed as he said it but you took it personally, shoving him aside.
“Piss off, dickhead. Just because you’re a big shot athlete or whatever.” You must have finally struck a nerve in James as he was quiet for the rest of the game, still much more skilled than you but his energy significantly dampened. Even when you won, he only offered you a weak smile and a pathetic high five. You felt bad for a moment and opened your mouth to apologise, but your inebriated brain was distracted by music playing, running over to Lily to ask her to dance.
You were at the stage of being drunk where everything was perfect. The day’s heat had mellowed out into a dreamy summer night, a soft breeze rustling the leaves above you all as you danced and drank, reuniting after a long year apart.
You might’ve overdone it slightly though, which found you a little ways away from the rest of the party, emptying your stomach into a bush where hopefully none of the campers would stumble across it. Looking past your unfortunate accident you caught a glimpse of a dark shape on the bank of the river. Narrowing your eyes you tried to make out who it was, but settled on getting closer instead. You hesitated when you made it out to be James.
“Hey, Potter. You alright?” You called awkwardly, a little unwilling to get too close.
“Hm?” He looked back at you, voice uncharacteristically quiet. “Yeah, fine.” You sighed. He was clearly upset about something and you couldn’t just end the conversation there, no matter how much you didn’t want to have a DnM with James Potter on night one of camp.
Reluctantly you got closer, taking a seat next to him. You watched the lake for a few minutes, black except for the silver from the moon. It was peaceful when there weren’t so many people around, it was one of your favourite things about camp, just being outside and disconnected from the rest of your life.
James broke the silence first.
“Do you… Are you mad that I’m co-head counselor?” You chanced a glance at him, surprised at the vulnerability in his voice. James wasn’t usually one to get sappy or personal like that, especially not with you.
“No?” You replied, “It wasn’t what I imagined, obviously, but it’s not like I hate you. You’re just mildly infuriating like 80% of the time.” James snorted, and you got the feeling he’d intended to wallow a bit longer. But James was James and he couldn’t stay moody for too long, it wasn’t in his nature.
“I can work with that.” He smiled his blinding grin, and you could have sworn you could see it reflecting off the water.
“We have to be a team though,” You affirmed; now was as good a time as any for you to address it. “I know that your whole bright and lively class clown thing is effortless for you, but I don’t wanna be the bad cop all the time, okay?” James was deep in thought for a second, then a cheeky grin crept onto his features.
“You think I’m bright and lively?”
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes, but you weren’t sure you weren’t returning his smile. “Come on, let’s get to bed. Neither of us can afford to be hungover when the kids get here.”
You and James wandered back towards the cabins, both hazy and giggly from the lasting drunkenness and the (at least temporary) smoothing over of your tenuous relationship.
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raycatz · 5 months
You ever think about how the chain has to change their step sizes and like general gait in order to stay together as a group?
Like, I imagine Four walks with purpose. He's a focused lil guy- he's got places to be. But Time's strides have got to be much larger than his. When traveling as a group they must have all had to readjust.
Four and Time side-by-side walk animation but every couple steps Four has to do a skip hop or a lil jog to catch up. Also consider Four walking normally but Time is taking itty bitty steps.
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
dp x dc prompt #51
when damian was sent to investigate a‘brainwashing summer camp’ he was not pleased. The kid who shared his cabin room might make it more bearable though. Danny seems to hate this place just as much as he does.
Two days later after both of them are tied up in the store room for spying, maybe he should have come in with a better plan.
summer camp dead serious thing that nobody but my brain asked for.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
In TTC Drew: Guess what? Malcolm: What? Drew: No, you have to guess Malcolm, thinking: I don't know Drew: Someone's missing! Guess who! Malcolm: I don't know, Connor's right here.... Connor, eating chips: damn right I am. I'm not moving. Drew: guess whoooooo Malcolm: I don't know?? Drew: Annabeth's missing Malcolm: Malcolm: WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME GUESS THAT??? WHERE IS SHE?! DOES THAT MEAN I HAVE TO BE COUNSELOR? GODDAMNIT DREW DO I HAVE TO BE COUNSELOR FOR WINTER SESSION?? DID SHE HAVE TO GO MISSING WINTER OF ALL SEASONS??? WHY NOT FALL OR SPRING? THIS IS BULLSHIT
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parksnark · 8 months
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local uptight camp counselor has a gay little mental breakdown the summer before college
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Emotional Support Bestie comes along to first therapy appointment
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
eddie's nerdy little watch simply doesn't get the attention it should. like, this man is a menace with the alarms. it beeps constantly. gareth once tried to accidentally drop it in a puddle outside of the hangout but surprise! water resistant. jeff tried to throw it into the bushes, but oops! eddie finds it when it starts beeping. everyone around him wants that watch dead and sure, even eddie grows tired of it eventually but knowing that it drives his friends absolutely fucking insane is enough to keep wearing it.
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rrat-king · 3 months
"Do you ever get tired of answering questions about your eye?" Kristen asked, looking over at him from her spot on the couch.
Fabian paused, looking up from where he had been checking his phone and looking around at the other counselors in the lounge.
Most of them were checking their phones as well, checking what they had missed in the 24 hours since their last break, only Riz and Fig close enough to overhear the conversation.
"I mean, yeah, a little bit," he told her after a moment, "but, it kinda comes with working with kids, and at least they ask. It's worse when they just stare and don't say anything."
Kristen nodded, looking down at her hands as they tangled with the friendship bracelet she had been working on.
He half wondered why she was asking before he saw it, the scar that wrapped around her hand where her pinky clearly used to be. "You don't have to tell them what happened, you know. You can just make shit up to mess with them."
"Really? You do that?"
"Oh of course," he huffed out a laugh, leaning back in the beanbag he was sat in. "My favorite is to tell them that Adaine shot me in the eye on the archery range."
"You cannot keep telling the campers that Fabian!" Adaine threw a pillow at him from across the room, glaring as he caught it. "My entire thing is archery safety and you're going around disparaging my good name!"
"Really, I'm kinda helping," he reasoned, avoiding another pillow as she threw them his way. "I'm teaching them what happens if they don't listen to you."
Adaine huffed, realizing that she had no more pillows to throw and instead settling on cursing Fabian out under her breath, clearly not into his line of thinking.
"You could say a fish ate it," Riz provided next to Kristen on the couch, tuning into the conversation.
"Or that you traded it with a mythical creature," Fig added on, popping up from her spot on the floor below her. "Maybe a unicorn? Or a jackalope?
"I once told a camper that the white in my hair was from being possessed by a ghost and he beleived me, so really you can say anything." Gorgug told her from across the couch.
Kristen smiled, nodding at them thoughtfully as she looked around at them. "How many different stories do you think I can tell before the end of the session?"
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ghost-likes-drawing · 2 months
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viquipo · 8 months
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Do u guys remember when Mayfield off handedly mentioned Adam was supposed to get a love interest in season 2? Yeah I do.
He's supposed to be Eve if you didn't notice did you get it did you get my thing. Yes I thought of this in math class I'm failing it anyway so who cares
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chicinsilk · 5 months
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Vogue US May 1, 1957
Anne St. Marie in an Everglaze satin-striped cotton backless dress by Hope Skillman. Vogue Pattern 9185. Gold, textured bracelet, by Bergère, Capezio sandals, Golden Girl lipstick by Beauty Counselors.
Anne St. Marie dans une robe dos nu en coton à rayures satinées Everglaze de Hope Skillman. Vogue Pattern 9185. Bracelet dorée et texturé, par Bergère, sandales Capezio, rouge à lèvres Golden Girl de Beauty Counselors.
Photo Roger Prigent vogue archive
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little-bumblebeeee · 6 months
Fruity four horror/slasher movie au where Steve is the himbo in the crop top and booty shorts and also has a weird amount of sexual tension between his "friend" Eddie who everyone may or may not suspect first and lock in a broom closet for half the movie despite people still dying while he's in there
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sliebman10 · 6 months
Summer Camp AU
“You know that old shack on the border of the property?” The kids nodded wide-eyed as they hung on Sirius’s words. “It’s haunted.”
“No!” shrieked one of the younger kids.
“How do you know?” asked one of the older kids skeptically.
“I know because I’ve been inside it,” Sirius said with a grin.
“It’s all dusty and cobwebby, and you can hear the weirdest noises…almost like shrieking.”
“You’re making that up,” a girl with bushy brown hair sniffed, folding her arms across her chest.
Sirius’s grin grew wider. “You don’t have to believe me,” he said with a shrug. “But I bet you won’t go in there.”
“Well I…don’t have a good reason to go in there.”
“I dare you, Hermione,” said one of the redheaded older kids standing in the back.
“Did it work?” Remus asked, as they snuck into the “shrieking shack.”
“Always does,” Sirius said. “Someone will try to sneak out and we’ll scare them…but until then…come here.” He stretched his arm out and Remus walked into his embrace, kissing him deeply. 
“You know you’re pretty cute when you’re trying to scare younger kids,” Remus said, laughing against his lips.
Word Count: 194
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